Flefy Years Mand That
, " __ ••"~ ___~ __ .... _ 1 I "'~". ' , '. .. , . , \ . ' , . , . -_ .. .-, • ,- .' .~ .. , • PAGE 16 '. THE JEWISH POST LAWS OF PURIM CALL TO MONTEFIORE theil' . ballots on the amalgamation TIlE LEADING CITIZEN TENNIS MEMBERS questIOn please do so not later thim Purim (the feast of lots) is ob Suturday night. "Very public spirited he n'ot?" served either on the 14th or 15th d L. E, Tapper has asked The Jewish "01 ,,'is of Ad ' ay . , The' annual meeting of the Monte • I, yes. He is continually in a , " '" 'I . fir, 1n commemoration of the Post to make the following announce- flore Tennis Club will be held on Sun , ' .. hIgh fever because somebody else mlrn~ulous escape of the Jews from ment: . TIt d~y, April 3. Further notice will be do.es not do something about 80m _. ",". ' .. ~ertaIn . destruction when they were Will those who have not yet sent in , ", :' h gIven later. thmg i e ' .. In Persia. As the Book of Esther re ~ .. E. lat.es the story, Haman, the wicked , '.' ,',' " ~ ',.' .',,:: .' . PrIme Minister, planned to destroy " .-,," ~_,' ,<._ -'_ ,I ' __ , ,.nll the Jews, but his plans were frus '. trated and the Jews were saved. 11i===================~=====================~onsl.\==========================~==~~==============l!INo. 12 .. " -r . 1l1quL. ',v.,(,, . ; , . VOL. III. ...... MARCH 25,1927 ~;'~1:' : .. ' ' The ~ews of that day living in the • ~ ~INNIPEG, _~NITOB~~~Otal~i~DAY' I ,I~;" , deer( '}' _ ...,J;; ,ro~.============================'='='== 1'':-' " ,~~;::;~~' ; t'} . provIncIal open cities (those which el' b, " .' I had no walls), revenged themselves J' .~~ ___,_, ___ ._"_. __-,..:tIr\,-.-.r.-'-" ___-·;1 ad ~,,~"--------,----------- ." i;'!'~'.'~:, urI ;-: ",j'),'1 t upon their enemies on the 13th day , ,,':' of Adnr and hence celebrated Purim I - - THIS WEEK - -~ f .
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