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The Publisher Will Re-Type the Main Title, Author Advances in Biological Sciences Research, volume 9 Joint proceedings of the 2nd and the 3rd International Conference on Food Security Innovation (ICFSI 2018-2019) The Evaluation of Has-23000 Implementation in Sate Bandeng Industry Certified of Halal Mirajiani1*, Wahyu Susihono *Correspondence: [email protected] 1Agribusiness Department, Agriculture Faculty, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten, Indonesia 2Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten, Indonesia that certifies halal products has the obligation to Abstract - The requirement for HAS-23000 is an implement a Halal Assurance System (SJH) obligation for all companies that have obtained halal according to HAS 23000 Standards from LPPOM product certification by LPPOM MUI. The purpose MUI. This system is intended to maintain the of this application is to ensure that work procedures are maintained as part of completing the criteria and consistency of halal products produced. SJH procedures for handling halal products. Milkfish implementation is carried out through an internal satay is generally produced on a home industry scale. halal management team whose daily responsibility It was found in the field that there is no industry on a is in accordance with their respective fields of duty. large scale that uses fish into satay milkfish, so based The team consists of various parts involved in on the database in LPPOM MUI Banten Province critical activities and has the required competencies there are 9 halal certified Small and Medium in carrying out their duties to maintain the halal of Industries (SMI). This study aims to determine the materials, production processes, and facilities used level of application of HAS-23000 in halal certified so that the final product is halal as the company milkfish satay industry in Banten Province, so that in the end this data is used for basic policy making to claims to be known by consumers. Halal help local governments to intervene in the program. certification plays an important role in conveying This research method is in the form of exploration product information to consumers, that the product design. Observations were made directly and in-depth has a halal guarantee (Raymond, 2000). Halal interviews were conducted with company certification aims to ensure that the product is management or employee representatives who worked marketed in a good way so that it is well received for at least 6 months. The results showed that the by the consumer or another issue is not misleading implementation of HAS-23000 had been carried out the consumer (David and John, 1997). by producers in the form of a) training and education, Consumers from various halal-labeled b) product names and c) the use of production facilities. While the HAS-23000 criteria that have not products have been very widespread found on the been carried out by the company are a) halal policies, market, not only Indonesian Muslims, but residents b) the establishment of halal management teams, c) in several other countries also take part in halal written procedures for critical activities, d) attention, as evidenced in several restaurants in traceability, e) SOPs for critical criteria products, f) Malaysia that are halal certified, because in internal audits and g) management review. The addition to being safe for Muslim consumption also company needs to increase the 11 criteria contained in participating in improving business competition, the HAS-23000 so that the guarantee of halal products because food is a basic need for humans and is is maintained and the SJH manual can be prepared in always needed every time Rezai et al (2012) and accordance with the provisions. Rahim et al (2013). In each company or IKM that has obtained halal certification, it should have Keywords: HAS-23000, Sate Bandeng, Halal implemented a Halal Assurance System (Sistem Jaminan Halal-SJH), however, many are found in 1. INTRODUCTION the field when making SJH is not yet standard in accordance with HAS 23000. This condition The current trading system has caused provides an opportunity for non-certified products changes, both in terms of global competition and in to be maintained so that various performance changes in behavior and paradigms in producers evaluations of the implementation of the Halal and consumers. Demands for high product quality Assurance System (SJH) to IKM Sate Bandeng. standards that guarantee the safety and origins of In general, the SJH manual is created and products are of high concern to the international reported by Halal auditors during a visit in the field, community at this time. Including the Muslim so that the role of the auditor in addition to seeing community who are increasingly critical and ask for products (product matrix) in halal conditions or high guarantees of halalness and the quality of the status, also contributes to making a halal manual products that they will consume. Every company form in the form of SJH. This condition shows that Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 94 Advances in Biological Sciences Research, volume 9 the halal knowledge transfer from SH auditors with 2. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH IKM is very important. At the time of the initial submission to obtain SH from IKM, it was felt This research method is in the form of easy, but at the time of submission of the SH exploratory design. Observations are carried out extension from the IKM, it became a separate directly and deep interviews are conducted with problem, because the obligation of IKM was to company management or employee representatives make the SJH manual. The SJH manual is a must in who work for at least 6 months in a row. The submitting new and extended halal product research location was 9 valid halal certified Sate certification. Without a performance evaluation Bandeng industry from Banten Province LPPOM related to the technical implementation of the SJH MUI. The Research aims to make a description of a manual, the IKM is possible to experience social or natural phenomenon systematically, difficulties in maintaining consistency in factually, and accurately (Wardiyanta, 2006), maintaining the matrix of material and matrix research by obtaining data in the form of numbers products by the company. When the Law No. 33 of or qualitative data (Sugiyono, 2003). 2014 has been enacted, the SJH audit will become mandatory before the company is scheduled to 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION audit the product. LPPOM MUI is an institution established The complexity of products and materials by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on is an inseparable part of the SJH manual. There are January 6, 1989 in Jakarta which has a role to carry 11 criteria in the halal guarantee system that must out the function of protecting Muslim consumers in be prepared in addition to other supporting data Indonesia in consuming halal food, beverages, which is an integral part. medicines and cosmetics which aims to provide Food is the main thing that has high value inner peace for Muslims, especially in the effort to for human life especially Sate Bandeng which is consume food, medicines and the use of cosmetics processed by Banten Province Products. Humans as (Bungin and Burhan, 2007). The formation of consumers have an instant attitude, especially in LPPOM MUI was initially triggered by the spread their consumption of food especially in the of the issue of lard which was very troubling to development of the Bandneg Satay. A well-known some Indonesian people, causing sentimental brand makes various producers need to apply markets, especially some types of food production. sustainable competition, along with the addition of product (LPPOM MUI. 2009; 2011) raw materials and other materials must be known The rapid development of information for the consistency and absence of non-halal or technology has an impact on increasing consumer subhat ingredients. Syubhat is an unclear halal awareness of the use of halal products (Lada, status or still in the dubious category (Apriyantono 2009). The SJH Manual is structured to guide the et al, 2001). implementation of SJH in companies, in order to This research has high relevance and maintain the continuity of halal production importance, due to the issuance of the Halal processes in accordance with the requirements of Product Guarantee Act (Undang-Undang Jaminan LPPOM MUI. The SJH Manual is an SJH Produk Halal-UUJPH). The JPH Act was issued on implementation document in the Company that is October 17, 2014, meaning that in this law in 2019 based on HAS 23000 Halal Certification the UUJPH will be effective after the Government Requirements and HAS 23301 SJH Manual Regulation (PP) is issued, at this time it is the right Preparation Guidelines in the Processing Industry. time to conduct an evaluation related to the The SJH manual applies to all Company units implementation of the company's halal internal related to halal production processes, including auditor performance so that there is a wider maklon and rental warehouses. The application of difference between the implementation in the SJH applies to all of the Company's products industry with the HAS-23000 standard issued by circulating in Indonesia, both products LPPOM MUI. manufactured by the factories themselves and those produced by the maklon factory. 95 Advances in Biological Sciences Research, volume 9 Table 1. Product
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