AZERBAIJAN STATE OIL AND INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY BA PROGRAMS/ ZU SYLLABUS FOR CALCULUS 1 FALL 2017 Course unit title CALCULUS 1 Course unit code IPF-B01 Type of course unit Compulsory Level of course unit First cycle Bachelor Year of study Fall 2017 Semester when the course 1st Semester unit is delivered No of ECTS credits 6 credits 3 hours allocated Name of lecturer Mammadova K.Q. Class information Location: Room 2, every other week Room 5 Time: Thursday, 08:30-10:05 Every other week Friday, 10:20-11:55 Office hours: 10 minutes after class. Contact:
[email protected] Learning outcomes of the On successful completion of this course, students will: course unit Be able to find inverse of functions, tangent and limit of functions, Analyze trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic , Find definite and indefinite integrals using some rules. Mode of delivery Face-to-face Prerequisites and co- None requisites Recommended optional NA programme components Required reading Students must have the following textbook: Calculus, E A R LY T R A N S C E N D E N TA L S, six edition James Stewart, McMaster University, Thomson e. 2008 Planned learning activities Teaching will be based on active class participation. Students will be and teaching methods explained each chapter using examples from the book. They will work on the projects in the team with application of the course materials Language of instruction English Work placement(s) NA Course contents: 1. Function and models. Four ways to represent a function. Mathematical models. New functions from old functions. Exponential functions 2.