City Police Offers Residents Free Mail-In Drug Kits •

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City Police Offers Residents Free Mail-In Drug Kits • I ~~d_--_IillIIi!5lilliiiiiiiiiiiiiil~_.IIli~a"'"i/l!ileI!IliliO!t.I,,",~r'liI-Wlilllll'_liIIiiI_ .. __ mil'ia''''t'.......ra.....WliIillI' _iIlWllSllillli!llllllllliCflil:!tfflllllWNIiiill~::rr:I2tl1_il!i!JfI~IflWII'«£UliIIIIIllll:iflQ' rG'WS!IlIill.... lllitf..... IISIllllllZOilllll IIIM•• 1!I ros~ ~ws I i Grosse Pointe Florist smelling sweet I •• ~, •• ~ • ~ I I CJl_U~~~_SI ~ULl:~~~ Wlrn dWdrU-WIIlnlIlg U1"l:111U I U LLI~ By Andreou Miller p~tl1A,r...rlt PH' e\ enl , but tne~ "bo ay, arded i't Special Wriler 11 0PP1Ec- T~"Dhle" ar" th" J udgeb ch01c-e to AND SRVEI .l.. l \ mt,ld1l..m (,,,I at n \\ t Gel '1(' IIp'lle - ,Lit,<, that the, felt the l;r0S"" POInte flonst's grov.. n ,d.nd t~- dt...d for ~t;"\ f'11 "" (tr.., ~j\ Gr{/ .......,r. orchId wa" lIterall" the definJtlOn of what a INSIDE THIS Pl,mte Florl.,t (",lIt I ,hn tolUllb,H ,Jr me, pt,""feet C) n.bldlUm Orch,d ~h' uld b!. I t0US!r J(,nr Dd\I .." dnd pctrt.umt E-ml'l(i\'ee .spet!iiLall~ Farquhar Ds\ Ie" ano F <iltage WEEHI Ar.gtlo F dlcagt. - .,\\ epl the 3\\ cird' ApI 1 4 \\ on Be"t of Sho\\ Be"t of Class and Best of at the blg-~e~t ::lnd mu~t pr('stIQ()u", 0rchld CldS" Sp"clIn~n Ifor tht' Cywbldlum category I FOllr .'easons sho\' ,I' UJP "tatp 0; \11cmgaf' ),) "IIl Lhe Bbt of Shay, award they beat Sunrooms In hd ln, ):ldgt'~ at the :\1Hhlg,m Onhld out appro>..Imau l~ 800 other orchIds of all Soclet\ Palm Sunda, Shov. held - L'v')""pa 1\ pes Cumpc tltors represent£'d MIchIgan, City police offers inside YOllrHome \\ tort' . so Impre""",o \, lth Gro~ ...f' POllJte I111,101S OhIO and IndIana Most \\ ere exctu. this week. f lon",t s entr: mto the competltwn that they sively orcmd grov.ers, whereas Grosse Pomte those to a\\ ard not onh bluE. nnbons to ae~. See ORCHID. page 2A residents free 19T'2tt' tbat thE. orchid b~at out the oth<er toll'- mail-in drug kits By Brad Undberg can help them" Sunday, April 19 Staff Wnter sald pOSItIve results . Coloratura soprano He I Mall-In drug test kIts ar .. I:l'.6doe1h Parcells performs meanmg dr~gs were detected. • bemg glven upon request to a concert of a.,as and songs are routed to a enSlS mterven. reSIdents of the CIty of Grosse bj BellIn! DOnlZettI and bon reprf:'sentatlVe v.ho V>"l1l Pornte. Mozart at a special perror v.ork wlth the faIIllly and refpr them to one of more than mance m Gro"",e Pomte In a program geared more to Mel'1onal Church 26,000 coun5ehng centers deter drug abuse by teenagers natlOn ....Ide The concert bep~' at 4 than catch offeLlders, confiden- pm Tickets are $15 for tial Drug Sensor kIts are bemg Results are kept confidentIal adults and $10 for students d1stnbuted free of charge by and not reported to la~ and semors Call IS13) 086. the department of pubhc safe- enforcement authontJcs. the 4210 for more mformatlOn ty, sald chIef Al Fmcham company satd • Detectlve DaVld Fox, who The klt mcludes a sealable Monday, April 20 coordmated the program. saId, plashc cup to hold a unne sam- The Memmogram mobIlE' "Just haYmg the kIt around the ple, a tamper-proof bag and a the breast cancer rnohtle house acts as a deterrent ~ shlppmg box ...."lth prepald postage whlch the manufactur detectIOn umt of the Barbara "Drug Sensor klts act as a er saId can be dropped ill the Karrnano~ Cancer 1n"tltute dally remmder that a famIly maIlbox fo" testmg at a lab m IS at the Grosse POinte War polley eXISts agamst drug u&e,~ Nev. Orleans Memonal from ~ 20 <I m to saId LIsa Smola, VIce preSIdent 420pm Phow b) Am\ And".," ~hll"r , of Sensor TechnologIes LOrp of The analYS1S costs $2995 \\omen bE't\\et!rI tho> ages Cousins Jim Farquhar. Jr. and John Davies. (left to right) owner aDd grotver.l St Charles. llJ , the Itlt's man- and dete:-cts manJuana of 40 and 4g "ho"ld be a respectively. at Grosse Pointe Florist m Grosse Pl)inte Farms are proud of the ufacturer It also glVt''> )oung- rocame PCP and opIates. physlclan's prescnptlOr1 award-wi»ning orchid they grew in the greenhouse of their family business. sterS an excuse to fight peer among other dIUgS nard pirh msurancf' plans pressure and say "r.o~ ....hen are In!led at il e'1"t t.i $115 sohclted drugs, she "aId Speeml:'ns ar~ tracked by a Cnmsured patrons wI11 be specIal IdentIfication number btlled at a rate of ~73 To The elt) IS one of onl) three Results are offered w1thm fi\ e leam mnrE' can 13UI 881- commumtles m metro DetrOIt v,orkmg days 7511 offenng the klt S8ld Fox "Jt's not the l'nh er bullet to The program comes m the put an end to the drug prob- wake of a report f1 ')Ip the lem but lit least It gl\ es some Partnershlp for a Drug-Free ammumtlOn In the fight • Amenca that 58 percent of agamst drugs. ~srod Yunker The Grosse Pomte V. oods Amencan teens sald man Juana City Councll meet" at 7 30 !S easy to obtam, and only 18 Detectnc Fox saId candI- P m m Wood~ Clt:> hall percent thol.<ght the dIUg was dates for the drv.g k.Jt are fami- 20025 Mack Plaza harmful hes ""'1th klds msplaymg the follo\\'1ng charactenstlcs "The test gl\'es pareDts a tool to use If they suspect their lod • A ~1ange for the ~ orse In lS on dIUgS," saId Fox mends, grades and attitude, The Clt) of Grosse Pomt.e The test wasn't deSlgned to • • SecretI\'e. wlthdra~n, CounCIl m~ets at 7 30 p m III "get" anybody, "''''Id Damel ovelsensltlve behaVIOr, clt) hall 1i14~ ~1a.ume? Yunker, semor Vlce presldent of Sensor Rather, -,t can help • Reduce:d sleep and open a d1scusslOn about drugs appetite, v.e'ght loss and bet~een parents and theIr chil- hyperactlv1ty, I dren ." The Gro5<;e Pomte Farm" I Deoo.lnLng the belIef of CIty Counul meet-. at .. 30 In the Partner;:hlp report, 94 man\ parents that thelr Chlld percent of parents saId they p m In Farm Clty hall, 90 I could never have a drug prob. Kerb\ talked wlth thel'" cJuldren lem, Yunker sald -Dental I- I about usmg drugs w,thm the OUf product s bIggest compen I ' last year, but onll> 67 percent of Ulr.~ the Iuds pald enough attentIOn I to rt'roemoer the wn\,ersa. Cll:> r.eSlaents "'antmg a ilons Drug Senso\ kIt should call the T1w G"osse PomtE' Sch001 II d.epartment of pub!:c safety Hrd meets at 8 pm In the All result;, are reported to lckmg L1brar::- In Gros"e ..... c::: .... t. 'U.,.,.."h .:: ....1-."''''' .. chents b) a member of Sensor's T:'le kit can also he ordered "He '-'''~,a H.,.,.. ~-, v. I j w ...t.n5c::11.n~ cf€rraJ team. sa.ld Like the traveling cbau- Yunker "E\ en If the results $795 by cal1Ing 1 8SB-Sr- I tauqna.s of the turn of the corne l-ack 00SIt1\ e, parents 7367 or o\'er the mteTI'd at 'Illght h2,e questIOns w~l1ch \'oe INSIDE i century, Guy Louis roams I wwwdrugtestmfo corn the state perfnrming the I ll1wn .6A I I Chautauqua Expre!Os for I 'os 9A school groups and other non-profit organizations. II tuanes. lOA II Last week, Louis. above. 'or" 11A performed his culturally entertaining and educa. I 1 , JOtS 13A tiona! music program for n,ss 14A students at the Grosse II ,Home: Lny of Grosse Pomte ortaznmcnt 8B Pointe Academy, He's I orts lC also performed in Grosse i Family: WIfe. \lrgJma, ~ -J _ J, .r' Pointe pubhc elementary I dall6"hter CJalre, t"'o cats U ...,.'"'!l/l l,t uu" ""' .... schools. LeU. Academy student Alana Barden ~ I Snuggles and Smlloges p!ays the "kBora " is off~:e~u::~~,::- " I Occupation: vice presl- E;P~:SS dent the Ohl(l C0ll'pam profit groups WIth grant .. through the Michigan I Council for Arts and Cul- I I Quote: "Ll:c. IS a Crl'atl\(' I tural Affairs Rod the h t Michigan Humanities l lroc(>ss \\ e hE'r) m...are I c.eahng ....lth art or Council in partnership I I I with the Michigan Tour fi,aTJCe - mg Arts Program I I I &- l' stone. page 4A L .__. - ~1 L _ DonaJa ~nrom --_ """ " _ ,--- • 2A News Apn! 16. 1998 Grosse Pointe News ! 10 years ago this week I I I ~ ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years a~o this week ~lan;:, e]"el'.here In th,o Tne choir v,as dIrected D) • An -ep:dem.c oj thefts" Clt) Ben V.a,lo....r v.ere rcpor.."d in Grosse Pomt(- • Th!' G!"dsse POinte Park \\'oods, as tv. u b,l"mb"es v. ere 10 years ago this week FCI.'1d::;.t,on dondted $175000 ro:.!:l€'<iand one c"-: \I a:, ;:,(olen • Tne schoul tloard ag"e"Q fur 'ilc fblorallon of the old In on" \-Ieel. V':tule lll\bt.g",t- \'- lth the Open Cw"ed Campl." \\ IPc.m,ll POll'te Park bath - 109 the lncld~nt<; il, oods pollce C"mr.Jltte" ..1IlO "::l d there "a~ nO.1"e mto a ) e::lr-round attl, 1 puLed uHr a car dn\ en D\ t ....o - nu ~lgnHICant €\"1def'u .
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    reakfastALL DAY 9780 Walnut Street 7 AM - 12 PM Sun-Thurs Dallas, TX 75243 7 AM - 2 AM Fri -Sat 214-575-9885 $ 99 600. SHAKEN TOFU, 601. SCRAMBLE EGG, 6 EGG & BACON $599 BACON & SAUSAGE $ 99 $ 99 4 602. EGG, SAUSAGE & HAM 603. EGG, SAUSAGE & BACON 5 398 $ 99 394 462 9 604. EGG, SHAKEN BEEF & FRIES ORDER ONLINE FREE DELIVERY 20 25 3 17 18 7 15 Spring Rolls Rice Paper Roll with Cilantro, Cucumber, Carrot, Bean Sprout 1. NEM NƯỚNG CUỐN (4) Grilled Pork Sausage Spring Rolls ...............$6.49 2. CHẠO TÔM NƯỚNG CUỐN (4) 31 Grilled Shrimp Sausage Rolls ......................$8.49 3. NEM & CHAO 2 LOẠI CUỐN (4) Mix Grilled Pork & Shrimp Sausage Rolls ....$7.49 4. GỎI CUỐN CHAY (2) Vegetarian Spring Rolls - Tofu & Vermicelli ....$3.99 5. CÁ THĂNG LONG CUỐN (2) Fish Fillet Rolls - Wrap With Crunchy Ram... $3.99 6. BÒ BÍA (2) Winter Rolls (Egg, Chinese Sausage, 24 Dry Shrimp, Peanuts, Shallot) ......................$3.99 16 7. GỎI CUỐN (2) Spring Rolls (Shrimp, Pork, Vermicelli) ..........$3.99 8. GỎI CUỐN XOÀI TÔM THỊT (2) Tropical Rolls - Mango, Apple, Pineapple, Shrimp Chicken, Asian Green ..................................$3.99 9. GÀ NƯỚNG CUỐN (2) Grilled Chicken Rolls w/Ram & Peanuts .......$3.99 10. THỊT NƯỚNG CUỐN (2) 19 Grilled Pork Rolls w/Ram & Peanuts .............$3.99 11. BÒ NƯỚNG CUỐN (2) Grilled Beef Rolls w/Ram & Peanuts .............$3.99 12. VỊT QUAY CUỐN (2) Roasted Duck Rolls w/Ram & Peanuts ........$3.99 14. CHEF SPECIAL CUỐN Chicken, Pork, Egg, Roll w/Ram, Peanuts ....$4.49 * Food photo may different from actual dishes 2 Appetizers 23 15.
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    ! CATERING MENU 2018 To order, please email us at [email protected] Or Contact Jim Clement at 504-373-6471/504-948-9309 [email protected] Appetizers 50 Pieces 100 Pieces Veggie Rolls $65.00 $115.00 Fresh Rolls $70.00 $125.00 Minty Chicken Lettuce Cups $70.00 $125.00 Shrimp, Crab & Pork Dumplings $85.00 $155.00 Chicken Satay $75.00 $140.00 Pineapple Pork Wedges $70.00 $125.00 Chiang Mai Chili Dip over Veggies $70.00 $125.00 Shrimp Satay $100.00 $190.00 Ahi Katsu Rolls $95.00 $180.00 Shrimp-in-a-Pouch $95.00 $180.00 Butter Scallion Seared Scallops $100.00 $190.00 Soup ½ Gallon 1 Gallon (8 Cups) (16 Cups) Tom Kha Coconut Chicken $40.00 $75.00 Royal Shrimp Tom Yum $50.00 $90.00 Broken Net Seafood Basil Soup $50.00 $90.00 2200 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA 70117 Tel. 504-948-9309 4519 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115 Tel. 504-373-6471 Salad Small Pan Large Pan (Serves 8-10) (Serves 16-20) Grilled Beef Salad $55.00 $95.00 Dancing Shrimp $65.00 $120.00 Seafood Glass Noodle Salad $75.00 $135.00 Main Course Small Pan Large Pan (Serves 8-10) (Serves 16-20) Noodles (Chicken or Beef) $70.00 $135.00 Phad Thai, Drunken Noodles, Dirty Noodles Noodles (Shrimp) $80.00 $155.00 Phad Thai, Drunken Noodles, Dirty Noodles Fried Rice (Chicken or Beef) $70.00 $135.00 Thai Fried Rice, Drunken Fried Rice, Sausage Fried Rice Fried Rice (Shrimp & Crab) $85.00 $165.00 Seafood Fried Rice, Drunken Fried Rice, Pineapple Fried Rice Curries (Chicken or Beef) $70.00 $125.00 Red, Green, Kaffir Lime, Yellow Curries (Shrimp or Scallop) $80.00 $150.00 Red, Green, Kaffir Lime, Yellow Curries (Specialty) $90.00 $170.00 Pineapple Seafood, Panang Duck Wok Dishes (Chicken or Beef) $75.00 $135.00 Hot Basil, Cashew, Pepper Garlic, Rama, Eggplant Lover Wok Dishes (Shrimp or Scallops) $90.00 $170.00 Hot Basil, Cashew, Pepper Garlic, Rama, Eggplant Lover Vegetarian Dishes $75.00 $135.00 Spicy Tofu, Garlic Tofu, Noodles, Curries, Ginger Tofu Jasmine White Rice $25.00 $40.00 Rice not included with other dishes.
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