Dictionarium English

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Dictionarium English Dictionarium English - Interlingue de Kemp e Pope A punctu de accordingly ergo, dunc, pro to above (prep.) súper; (adv.) supra, ad- accordion acordeon (-ist) A supra; (more than) plu quam. ~ accost adparlar ALL: precipue, ante omnicos accoucheur acuehera a, an un above-board franc, apert, sinceri account (bill) calcul, factura; (banking) abrasion abrasion conto; (importance) aback (taken aback) consternat, abreast flanc a flanc, paralelmen importantie; (story) raconta, perplex, surprisat abridge acurtar, reducter raporte. ON ~ OF: pro. ON abaft a, vers li sterne abroad (outside) extern; (out of NO ~: pro nequel (null) cause, abandon abandonar, ceder; n. licentie. country) in extrania certmen ne. TO ~ FOR: WITH ~: sin gena abrogate abrogar (-ation, -ator) responsar, rendir conto pri ABANDONED: abandonat; abrupt abrupt; (sudden) subit. accountable responsabil (morally) ínmoral, depravat ABRUPTNESS: abruptitá accountant contator de libres abase abassar, degradar, humilar abscess abscesse accoutre equipar, provider per abash confuser, pudentar. TO BE abscond fugir, escapar secretmen, accredit acreditar, atestar ABASHED: hontar, esser forcurrer accrue acrescer, augmentar se, confuset, embarassat absent a. ~ (-ie). ~MINDED: resultar abate diminuer; (price) rabattar, obliviaci, distractet; v. accumulate acumular (-ation, -ator), redacter; (pain etc.) quietar, absentar se amassar, augmentar se mitigar, moderar (se) absinthe absinte, vermute accuracy precision, corectitá, acuratesse abattoir bucheria, abattuore absolute absolut, soveran, ínlimitat accurate acurat, exact, corect, precisi, abbey abatia absolutely ínfallibilmen, absolutmen sin erras abbot abate (-essa, -ia, -iatu) absolve absoluer (-tion) accursed maledit abbreviate acurtar, abreviar absorb absorpter (-ion), insucar accuse acusar (-ation, -ator, -ativ, abdicate abdicar; (office) demisser, abstain abstener se (-entie); (from -ative) demissionar, resignar, alcohol) abstiner (-ente) accustom acustomar, aclimatar (se a) renunciar abstemious abstenent, frugal, moderat accustomed usual abdomen ventre, abdómine (-al) abstract a. abstra(c)t; v. abstraer (-tion). ace ass abduct rapter (-or, -ion), forducter TO MAKE AN ~: resumar; n. acerbity acerbitá, aspritá aberration deviation, vagantie; (astr.) resumate acetate acetate aberration; (mental) desórdine abstruse obscur, profund, ocult, celat acetylene acetilen mental absurd absurd (-itá), stult, idiotic ache v. doler (-ore) abet incitar, instigar; suportar; (aid) abundance abundantie achieve acompleer, atinger, efectuar auxiliar abuse v. insultar, invectivar; misusar. achromatic acromatic abettor complice, incitator n. insulte(s), invective; misusa acid acid; n. acide abeyance, in dormient, jacent; statu abut adjacer acknowledge aconosser (-ement), confesser, procrastinat abyss abisse, precipitie admisser abhor abominar, detestar (-ation) acacia acacie; (false) robinia acme cúlmine, sómmite; (disease) abide sejornar, habitar; (remain) academy academie (-ic) crise permaner, restar; (- by) tener, acanthus acante aconite aconte observar; (endure) tolerar, accede acceder; (to a request) acorn glande suffrer; (abiding place) conceder, consentir acoustic acustic. (~S) acustica domicilie accelerate accelerar (-ation, -ator) acquaint conossentar, informar, avisar ability capabilitá, habilitá, facultate accent accentu (-al, -ar, -ation); (of acquaintance conossentie; (person) abject abject, bass, vil, miserabil, speech) parla-maniere conossete (-o, -a) indigni accept acceptar (-ation) acquiesce submisser se a, consentir a abjure abjurar, renunciar (a), resignar acceptable acceptabil, agreabil acquire aquisir, obtener, ganiar ablative ablative access accesse (-ibil, -ion) acquisition aquisition ablaze flammant accessory a. accessori; n.pl. accessories acquit absoluer, aquittar; (oneself) able habil, capabil, talentat. TO BE accidence flexion, morfologie conduir se ~: posser. ~BODIED: robust, accident accidente (-al), chance, acre acre fort hasarde acrid acri, picant, acerb ablution lavation. TO PERFORM acclaim aclamar (-ation, -atori) acrimonious amari (-tá) ONE'S ~S: lavar se acclimatise aclimatisar (-ation) acrobat acrobate (-ic) abnegate abnegar (-ation), renunciar acclivity coline, declive across trans. TO COME ~; trovar abnormal abnormal, ne normal, anormal accommodate acomodar, adaptar; (oblige) acrostic acrosticon aboard a bord. TO GO ~: inbarcar compleser; (put up) albergar act v. acter (-ion, -or, -iv, -ivitá); abode logí, habitation, domicilie accompany acompaniar (-ament) (as an actor) luder, acter; n. abolish abolir (-ition); (annul) abrogar, accomplice complice, conculpon acte; statute, actu (-ario) anullar accomplish acompleer, efectuar, executer, actinic actinic abominate detestar, abominar (-abil, atinger action (lawsuit) processu; (of -ation) accomplishmen (aquisit) habilitá machine) functionada aboriginal primitiv, original t actual factic, real, efectiv aborígines primitives, aborigines accomplished talentat actuate instigar, motivar, far abort aborter (-ion) accord n. acorde; v. acordar, functionar, impulser abortion aborte, misparturition concordar; (grant) conceder, acumen sagacitá, perception abound abundar (-ant, -antie), pulular dar. OF ONE'S OWN ~: de acute acut, sagaci about concernent, pri; (approx.) propri volentie ad libitum ad libitum circa; (around) circum. TO BE accordance acordantie. IN ~ WITH: ad nauseam a nausea ~ SOMETHING: ocupar se conform a, secun adage proverbie pri. TO BE ~ TO: esser sur li according to secun adamant adamant 3 A adapt adaptar (-ation), adjustar advocate n. avocate; v. recomandar; ago ante. TW0 MONTHS ~: ante add adjunter; (arith.) addir, (law) pledar du mensus summar adze curvi hacca agonize tormentar, agonisar addendum addendum aegis egide agony torment(es), agonie adder vípere aerate aerar agrarian a. agrari addict sclave. v. TO ~ ONESELF aerial antenne agree consentir, concordar, acordar. TO: habituar se a aero- aero-dinamic, -nautica, -plane agreement consentiment, acorde, addle confuser, putrir. ~BRAINED: etc. concordie, convention stult, stupid aesthete estete (-ic, -ica) agreeable complesent, agreabil. I AM ~: address adresse (-ate, -arium); afar lontan, distant, for yo consenti, yo concorda (speech) discurse, parlation; v. affable afabil (-itá) agriculture agricultura (-al) (letters) directer, adressar; (a affair afere agrophobia agrofobie person) adparlar affect afecter; (the feelings) emoer, aground ye funde. TO RUN ~: strandar addressee destinatario emotionar; (pretend) afectar (- ague febre (intermittent) adduce citar, alegar ation), ficter ahead TO BE ~ OF: esser in avan de, adept adept, habil; n. adepte affection amore, afection esser in facie de. STRAIGHT adequate adequat, suficent affiance sponder ~: rect adavan adhere adherer (-ente,-Sion, -Siv) affidavit jurat atestation aid n. apoy, auxilie (-ar), sucurse adhesive adhesive, colle affiliate afiliar (-ation) (-er), assistentie adieu adío, til revide affinity afinitá, parentitá aide-de-camp adjutante adipose corpulent, obesi affirm afirmar (-ation, -ativ), asserter ail haver maladie, esser malad adjacent adjacent, vicin affix v. apender, adjunter; n. afixe aim n. scope, intention; v. visar; adjective adjective (-al, -ic) afflatus inspiration (gun) apuntar adjoin adjacer, vicinar afflict aflicter (-ion), vexar, tormentar air aere; (mus.) arie, melodie; adjourn ajornar; (Parl.) prorogar affluence richesse, abundantie, opulentie (appearance) aspecte, adjudge adjudicar (-ation) afford haver li medies; (yield) dar, aparentie; (manner) geste, adjunct suplement, anexe, adjuntete liverar, producter; HE CAN ~ maniere. ~TIGHT: hermetic, adjure adjurar, suplicar IT: su medies permisse to, il /ínpenetrabil; v. aerar, ventilar adjust adjustar, ordinar, corecter, dispone lì moné. MUSIC airy bon ventilat; spaciosi rectificar AFFORDS ME PLEASURE: aisle ale adjustable adjustabil, variabil li musica aporta me piesura ajar mi-apert adjutant adjutante afforest aforestar (-ation) akimbo, with con li manus sur coxe administer administrar (-ation, -ativ, affray rixe, lucte arms -ator); gerer affright aterrer, timentar akin parent; afini admiral amirale affront insultar, ofender, afrontar alabaster alabastre admire admirar (-abil, -ation, -ator) afield, far ~ in lontanie alack o ve! admissible admissibil (-itá) afloat flott, flottant alacrity promptitá, alegritá, aviditá admit admisser (-ion); confesser; afoot in eada. WHAT'S ~: quo eveni alarm v. alarmar; (frighten) aterrer. conceder, aconosser afore- pre-, antey TO BE ALARMED: anxiar se; admixture admixtion afraid timorosi. TO BE ~: timer n. timore. ~CLOCK: admonish monir, admonir, exhortar afresh denov alarmhorloge ado desfacilitá, tumultu, bruida apt detra; in li stern alas ve adolescent a. ~ (-e, -ie} after (prep.) pos; (conj.) posque. ~ albatross albatroz adopt adopter (-ion, -iv) ALL: in fine, pos omno, in albeit malgré que, etsi, benque adore adorar (-abil, -ation, -ator) summa. ~BIRTH: placenta. album album adorn ornar (-ament), decorar ~NOON: posmidí albumen albumine, blanc ovin adrift, to be ~ drivar, esser flott afterwards poy, plu tard, pos to alchemy alchimie adroit habil, astut, capabil again denov. ONCE ~: ancor un vez alcohol alcohol, sprite adulate adular (-ation, -ator), flattar against contra; (towards) vers; (close alcove alcove, niche adult adult, plen-crescet; n. adulte to) apu alder alne. BLACK ~: frangul adulterate falsar, corupter agate agate alderman chef consiliero adultery adultérie. TO COMMIT ~: age etá; (period) era, epoca, ale bir adulterar témpor.
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