Tms Index Contains No Reference to the Introductory Tables Which Pre- Sent a Summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United K
INDEX Tms Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables which pre sent a summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British I nrlia, the British Colonies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan. AAC AFR ACHEN, 982 Acre (Bolivia), 778 A Aalborg (Denmark), 861 Acre territory (Brazil), 785, 786 Aalesund (Norway), 1275 Adana (town), 1526 ; trade, 1536 Aargau (canton), 1503, 1506 - (vilayet), 1525 Aarhus (Denmark), 861 Adelttide, 356; University, 357 Abaca Island (Bahamas), 305 Aden, 115, 140; boundary, 1530 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1557 Adis Ababa, 667, 668 Abdul-Hamid II., 1520 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 957 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 487 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 1023 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 245 Adolf, Grand DnkeofLnxembnrg,1200 Aberdeen, 2il; University, 35, 36 Adolf Friedrich (Mecklen bnrg.Stre· Aberystwith College, 36 litz), 1054 Abeshr (Wadai), 945 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1481 Abo (Finland), 1381, 1399, 1427 -(Morocco), 1159. Abomey, 958 Adrianople (town), 1526 Abrnzzi e Molise, 1128 - (vilayet), 1524 Abyssinia, area, 667 Adua (Abyssinia), 624, 668 - books of reference, 670 lEtolia, 1095 - commerce, 668, 669 Afghanistan, area, 671 - education, 668 -army, 672 - minerals, 668 -books of reference, 673 -money, 669 -commerce, 674 - population, 667, 668 -currency, 674 - reigning king, 667 - government, 672 - religion, 668, 1562 -justice, 672j - roads, railways, 669 -land cultivation, 6/3 - tillage, 668 -manufactures, 673 -towns, 668 - mining, 673 - weights and measures, 669 - origin o~ the
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