THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory 'fables which l•re• ent a summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British India., the British Colanies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan, and various other matters, as well as Additions and Con-ections ; nor will reference to such topics as Gold, Wheat, &c., be found otherwise than under the producing countries.

AAC AFG ACHEN (Prussia), 829 Achaia, 920 A Aalborg (Denmark), 725 Achole (Uganda), 174 Au.len (Wurtemberg}, 915 Acklin's Island (Baha.mas), 264 Aalesund (Norwu.y), 1064 Aconcagua (Chili), 676 Aargu.u (cu.nton), 1249, 1251 Acre Ter. (Brazil), 659 Aarhus (Denmu.rk), 725 (), 1266, 1275 Abaca Islu.nd (Baham&l!}, 264 Adelaide, 281, 312 ; University, Abu.ngarez mines (Costa Rica), 714 313 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1287 Aden, 99. 119 ; boundary, 99, 12 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 230 Adis Ababa, 563 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 192 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 807 Aberdeen, 19; University, 28, 29 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 863 Aberystwith College, 29 Adolf Friedrich (Grand-duke, Meck- Abeshr (Wadai), 797 lenburg-Strelitz), 888 Abo (Finlu.nd), 1163, 1164, 1186 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1229 Abomey, 808 Adriu.nople (town), 1267 Abrnzzi e M.olise, 946 - (vilayet), 1266 Abuua. (Coptic), 664 Adua (Abyssinia), 564 Abyssinia, area, 663 lEgean Islands, 924 -army, 663 Afghanistan, area, 567, 568 - books of reference, 666-6 : - army, 568-9 - commerce, 664-6 - books of reference, 570 - education, 664 - commerce, 569-70 -gold, 564 - currency, 570 - minerals, 664 :-government, 667-8 -money, 665 -justice, 568 - populu.tion, 663-4 - land cultivation, 569 - reigning king, 663 - manufactures, 569 - religion, 664 - minerals, 569 - roads, ru.ilways, 565 - origin of the Afghans, 567 - tillage, 564 - population, 568 -towns, 564 -- in Baluchistan, 153 - weights and measures, 565 - products, 569-70 Acajutla (Salvador), 1195 - reigning sovereign, 567 Acarnania., 920 - revenue, 568 Accra (Gold Coast), 231 - trade routes, 570 4 Q 13!3U '!'HE i:>TA'l'Ei:ll\L\N'S Y.KUHlOOK, HilU

AFR ALG Africa, Central, Protectorate, '"c Alabama, agriculture, 401 Nyassaland Protectorate - area awl pop., 359, 399-400 - East (British), 170 et seq. -constitution aud government, 3VfJ --(German), 858, 861-

ALG ANT Algeria, area and pop., 782, 790-1 Am bans (Tibet), 700 -army, 762-3, 792 Ambato (Ecuador), 737 -bank, 795 Amberg (Bavaria), 875 - births, deaths, marriages, 791 Ambriz (Port. W. Africa), 1119 - books of reference, 795-6 America, British colonies in, 238 - commerce, 783, 793-4 -French colonies in, 782, 814 -crime, 791 Amhara (Abyssinia), 563 -finance, 791-2 Amiens, 749 - government, 789-90 Amirantes (Seychelles), 185 - industry, 792-3 Amoy, 688, 695 - instruction, 754, 791 Amritsar (India), 124 - mining, 793 Amsterdam, 1038; shipping, 1041 ; -money, weights, measures, 795 university, 1031 - posts and telegraphs, 794-5 Amsterdam Island, 803 - raihvays, 794 Amur prov. (Manchuria), 700, 1149 - religion, 791 Anatolian Railway, 1278 - shipping, 794 Anch'ing, 686 Algiers (Alger), 766, 791, 792 Anchorite Island (Pacific), 868 - schools, 754, 791 Ancona (Italy), 946; town, 950 .Alhucemas Islands, 1021, 1219 Andaman Islands, 117, 119, 1:.!5, 186, Ali bin Hamoud, Sultan of Zauziba1·, 156-7 175 Andel'Bon lnl!titution, 29 Alicante (Spain), 1220 Andijan, 1158 Aligarh (India), 124 AndolTa, 781 Allada (Dahomey), 808 Andms Island (W. I.), l!64 Allahabad, 124; Uuivet'Bity, 1:.16 Anocho (, 859 Allegheny (Pa.), 861, 368, 507 Aneityum Is. (Pacifio), 847 Almeria (Spain), 12:.!0 Angdaphorang (Bhutan), 650 Alost (Bqum), 684 Angers, 749 ; faculties, 755 Alphonse [sland (Seychelles), 185 Anglo-Egyptian Sulla.n, 1808-6 Alsace-Lorraine, area and popula.tiou, Angola, 1117, 1120-1 825, 867 Angora (vilayet), 1266 - constitution, 867 Angouleme, 749 - emigration, 828 Angra (Azores), 1109, 1118 - linanee, 868 Angra Pequeil.a (Ger. S. W.AI'rica), 860 - instruction, 831, 868 Anguilla Island (W.l.) 267, 268 - justice and crime, 868 Anhalt, area. and pop., 8:.16-7, 869 -live stock, iSM - constitution, 869 - manufactures, 846, 868 - finance, 869 - matricula.r contribution, 836 - Imperial representation, 828 -occupation& of the people, 826 - instruction, 830 -production md industry, 868 - matt·icular contributions, 886 - railway, 853 - occupations of the people, 826 - religion, 830, 868 1 - reigning duke, 869 -representation (Imperial), 823 Anhui or Ngan-hwei, 686, 692 - Statthalter, 867 Anjonan (Comoro Is.), 802 Altenburg, 903 Ankober (AbyBtlinia), 664 Altona, 829, 862 Ankole (Uganda), 174 Alwar, 120, 133 ; town, 124 Ann Arbour (~Iich. Universityll 46:.1 Amapala (HonduJ.U), 938 Annabon (Span. Aflica.), 1229 Amazonas (Brazil}, 658, 659 Annam, 782, 786 Amazonas (Veuez. ), 1317 Annapolis (Md.), 451, 4.52 Ambado (Somali Coast), 8011 Antalo (Abyssinia), 564 4 Q l! 1332 THE STATESMAN's YEAH-BOOK, 1910

ANT A~tJ Antananarivo, 798 Argentine l:tepublic, justice and Antequera (Spain), 1220 crime, 573 Antigua, 267, 268 - mining, 576 Antioquia (Colombia), 707, 708 - money, weights, and measures, 579 Antipodes Islands (N. Z. ), 341 - navy, 575-6 Antivari (Montenegro), 1014, 1016 -posts and telegraphs, 578 Antofagasta (prov.), 676 - President, 571 -(town), 676; port, 654, 681 -production and industry, 576 An-tung, 687 ; port, 695, 698 - railways, 570 Antwerp, province, 632_ - religion, 573 - town, 634, 896 - shipping and navigation, 578 Anzoategui (Venezuela), 1317 - universities, 573 Apeldoorn, 1030 Argolis, 920 Api Is (Pacific), 347 Arica, 654, 1098 Apia (Samoa), 865 Arikis (of Cook Islands), 341 Apolda, 906 Arish, El (Egypt), 1289 Apolima (Samoa), 865 Arizona (Ter. ), area & pop., 359 Appenzell (cantons), 1249, 1251 - charity, 402-3 Apra (Guam), 557 - defence, 403 Apulia, 947 - finance, 403 Apure (Venezuela), 1317 -government, 402 Aqua-town (Kamerun), 860 - instruction, 402 Aquila uegli Abruzzi, 946; town, 950 - precious stones, 381 Arabia, 1266 -production and industry, 403-4 Arad, 585, 613 - public lands, 375 Aragua (Venezuela), 1317 - representation, 402 Arauco (Chile), 676 Arkansas, area & population, 359, 404 Arcadia, 920 - charity, 405 Archipelago (Turkish), 1266 -constitution & government, 404 Arendal (Norway), 1064 - cotton crop, 378, 405 Arequipa (Peru), 1098; Univ., 1099 -crops, 405 Arezzo (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 - defence, 405 Argao (Philippines), 553 - finance, 405 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 576 -instruction, 404-5 - area and population, 572-3 - production and industry, 405-6 -army, 575 -public land, 375 - banks, 578-9 -representation, 355, 404 - births, deaths, marriages, 572 Arkhangelsk, 1149, 1153 - books of reference, 579-80 , 1266 - cattle industry, 576 Armenians (in Persia), 1087, 1088 ; -commerce, 577 et seq. (in ) 1267, 1268 - constitution, 571 Annstrong College, 29 - currency and credit, 578-9 Arnhem, 1030 -debt, 574-5 Arnstadt, 913 -defence, 575 Arolsen (Waldeck), 913 - diplomatic representatives, 579 Aro tribe (Nigeria), 231 - emigration and immigration, 572 Arta, 920 - finance, 57 4-5 Artigas (Uruguay), 1309 -gold, 576 Aruba Island (Dutch W. Indies), 1053 - government, 571 Aruwimi (Congo State), 654 - - local, 571 Ascension Island, 170 - instruction, 573 Aschaffenburg (Bav.) 875 -Jewish Colony, 576 Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 946; town, 950 fNDF.X

ASH AUR AAhanti (W. Africa), 231-2; !(ol

AUS BAN Anstria-Hnngary, 581, see rtl.

BAN Bangal:t (Congo), 64!\ Flautzen, 909 Hangalore, 124 Bavaria, agriculture, 877 Bangkok (Siam), 1210, 1211, 1214 - area and population, 824, 87 4-5 Bangor College, 29 -army, 876 Bangwakatse tribe, 188 - beer brewing, 846, 87 7 Banjaluka, 624 - births, marriages, deaths, 827, 875 Bantu race, Iii, 860 - books of ref6rence, 877 Bara race (Madagascar), 798 - constitution, 873-4 Barbados, 264, 265 -debt, 876 Barbuda, 267, 268 - emigration, 828 Barcelona(Spain), 1220; univ., 1221 - finance, 876 Bardcra (I tal. Af. ), 971 -instruction, 830, 876 Bareilli (India), 124 -justice and crime, 833, 876 Bihfurush (Persia), 1087 -king, 873 Bari (Italy), 947; town, 950 - live stock, 844 Bari (Uganda), 174 , - manufactures, 846, 877 Barili (Philippines), 553 ' - matricular contribution, 836 Baringo (B. E. Africa), 171 - occupations of the people, 826 Bt\rkMn tahsil, 151, 153 -pauperism, 834, 876 • Barmen (Prussia), 829 - posts and telegraphs, 854 Baroda, area, &c., 120 -railways, 853 - religion, 12!\ -regent, 873 -- revenue, 120 -religion, 830, S7fi -town, 124 -representation (lmpel·ial), 823 Barotseland, 189 -royal family, 873 Barranquilla (Colombia), 707, 709 -towns, 875 Barrow-in-Furness, population, 15 -Upper and Lower, 874, 871\ Barsak (Cambodia), 1210 Baxa (Bhutan), 650 l:hrwani (India), 121 Bay bay (Philippines), 553 Basa (Liheria), 998 Bayreuth (Bavaria), 875 Basel, cantons, 1249, 1251 Beaconsfield (Cape Colony), 200 - city, 1252; university, 1254 Bechuanaland (Colony), 1!18, 199 Basidu (Persian Gulf}, 1075 Bechuanaland Protectorate (British), Basque race, 1219 188-9 ; area and population, 188 lla.;sa Prov. (Nigeria), 227 Bedford College, London, 29, 30 Bassac State (Indo-China), 788 Behar (India), 119 Baasari (Togoland), 859 Behera (Egypt), 1289 Basseterre (St. Kitts), 268 Beira (Portugal), 1108 Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe), 814 -(E. Africa), 1120; railway, 1121 Bassora or Busra (vilayet), 1266 Beirut, town, 1267 ; vilayet, 1266 Bastar (lndia), 121 Beja (Portugal), 1108 Basutoland, 187-8 Bekescsaba, 613 Battambang (Cambodia), 1210 Belem (Brazil), 659 Batangas (Philippines), 553 Belf~st, 11, 21; Queen's University, Batavia (Java), 1047 28, 29 Batawana tribe, 188 Belfort, fort., 761; trade, 774 Bath, population, 15 Belgian Congo, area and pop., 645 Bathurst (Gambia), 233 ·- books of reference, 648-9 Bathurst (N.S. W.), 286 - boundaries, 645 Baton Rouge, La., 446, 447 -commerce, 646-7 Batum, 1153, 1161, 1164 -constitution & government, 644-5 Ba.uan (Philippbles), 553 -currency, 648 Ba.uchi (Nigeria), 227 -debt, 645 1336 THE STATESMAN's YEAU-BOOK, 1910

BEL BER Belgian Congo, defence, 645 Belgrade, 1202; University, 1203 - finance, 644-5 Belize (HonduraR), 260 - instruction, 645 Bellary (India), 124 - posts and telegraphs, 648 Bell Island (Newfoundland), 263 - production, 646-7 Bell-town (Kamerun), 860 - railways, 648 Belluno (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 - religion, 645 Benadir (Somaliland), 175, 971 -river navigation, 647-8 Benares, 124 - shipping, 64 7 Bender-i-Gez (Persi:.L), 1091 Belgium, agriculture, 638 Bender Ziade, 971 - area and pop., 632-4 Bendery, 1153 -army, 637-8 Bendigo (Victoria), 298 -banks, 643 Benevento(ltaly), 947; town, 950 - births, deaths, & marriages, 633 Bengal ( !ee also Eastern Bengal and - books of reference, 644 Assam), agriculture, 134, 135 - canals, 642 -area and po:r.ulation, 119 -Chamber of Representatives,680-1 - births and eaths, 123 - · coal output, 689 - finance, 180-2 - commerce, 639 et seq. - forests, 135, 136 - constitution, 629-30 - ~ovemment, 117, 118 - currency and credit, 643 -JUStice, 127 - customs valuation, 640 -land revenue, 131 -debt, 636 --tenure, 134 -defence, 637-8 ' - religion, 125 - diplomatic representatives, 643 -roads, 144 - emigration and immigration, 633 -states, 120, 121 - finance, state, 636 - trade, 138, 140, 141 -- local, 687 Bengluud, 1266, 1279 - fisheries, 689 Ben~ella (Port. W. Africa), 1119 - frontier, 637 Bem, El (Bolivia), 651 -government, 629-31 Benin (Nigeria), 281 -- local, 680-1 BeniSuef(Egypt), 1289: town, 1290 - import duties, 640 Benknlen (Dutch East Indies), 1046 - instruction, 634-5 Berar, agticulture, 184 - iron output, 689 - area and population, 119, 128 - ~~tice and crime, 685 -finance, 180-1 -~,629 -forests, 1811, 136 - mimng and metals, 688-9 - land revenue, 180, 181, 134 - ministry, 681 -- tenure, 184 -money, weights, & measures, 643 - religion, 125 - occupations of the people, 633 Berber (Suuan), 1304 - pauperism, 685 Berbera (Somali), 186 - posts and tel~phs, 642 Berbers (Morocco), 1019 - production & mdustry, 638-9 - (Tripoli), 1279 - lailways, 642 Betbice, 257 - religion, 634 Berdicheff, 1153 -roads, 642 Bergamo (Italy), 945 ; town, 9110 - royal family, 629 Bergen (Norway), 1064 ; fort, 1067 ; -Senate, 630-1 shipping, 1070, 1071 -shipping and navigation, 641-2 Berlad (Rumania), 1188 - sugar works, 639 Berlin, area and pop., 829, 895 ; -towns, 634 fort, 837 ; university, 882 - universities, 684 Berlinhafen (Ger. Pacific), 863 INDEX 13:17

BER BOM Bermudas, 238-9 ; troops at, 95 Bloemfontein, 224-5 Bermudez (Venezuela), 1319 Bluefields (Nicaragua), 1056, 1057 Bern (canton), 1249, 1251 Bluff Harbour (N. Z. ), 339 - (city), 1252 ; University, 1254 Blyth, Port, 68, 81 Bernberg (Anhalt), 869 Bo (W. Africa), 229 Besan~on, 749 ; faculties, 754 ; fort, Boaco (Nicaragua), 1056 761 Bobruisk, 1153 Betsileo race (Madagascar), 798 Bocas del Toro (Panama), 1078 Betsimisaraka race, 798 Bochum (Prussia), 829 Beuthen (Prussia), 829 Boden, fort, Sweden, J 240 Beyla (Guinea), 807 Bceotia, 920 Beziers, 749 Bogota (Colombia) prov., 707; town, Bhag (Baluchistan), 153 707 Bh:i.galpur (India), 124 Bohemia, area and population, 596 Bhaonagar, state, 133 - representation in Reichsrath, 593 Bharatpur, state, 120, 133 - - provincial Diet, 594-5 Bhopal, state, 120, 133 ; town, 124 Bohol Island (Philippines), 553 Bhutan, 650 Boise (Io. ), 428 Bhutias (Bhutan), 650 Boke (French Guinea), 807 -(Nepal), 1024 Bokhara, 1188 ; town, 1188 Biaka (Bhutan), 650 Bolama (Port. Guinea), 1119 Bielefeld (Prussia), 829 Bolan Pass district (Baluchistan), 152 Bienne (Switzerland), 1252 Bolan road, 570 Bigha (vilayet), 1266 Bolivar (Colombia), 709 Bijagoz Is. (Port.), 1119 - (Ecuador), 737 Bijoutier Is. (Seychelles), 185 -(Venezuela), 1317 Bikanir State, 120, 133 ; town, 124 Bolivia, area and population, 651-2 Bilbao (Spain), 1220 - banks, 655-6 Billiton (Dutch E. Indies), 1045, - books of reference, 656 104 6 ; mining, 1050 - boundary disputes, 652 Bin-Dinh (Annam), 786 - commerce, 654 Bingerville (Ivory Coast), 807 - constitution and government, 655 Bini tribe (W. Africa), 230 - currency and credit, 656 Bio-Bio (Chile), 676 - defence, 653 Birkenfeld, Principality of, 890 -finance, 652-3 Birkenhead, population, 15 - instruction, 652 Birmal, 567, 569 -justice, 652 Birmingham, 15; Univ., 28, 29 - mines and minerals, 654 Binningham, Ala., 400 -money, weights, measures, 656 Birney Island (Pacific), 346 - posts and telegraphs, 655 Bismark, (N. Dak.), 496 - P1·esident, 651 Bismarck Archipelago, 858, 863 - production and industry, 653-4 Bismarckburg (Togoland), 859 - railways, 655 Bissau (Port. Guinea), 1119 - religion, 652 , vilayet, 1266; town, 1267 - silver output, 654 Bizerta, 766, 792 Bologna, 946; town, 950; Univ., 953 Bjorneborg, 1185 Bolton, population, 15 Blackburn, population, 15, 16 Boma (Congo), 645; port, 647 Black Forest, 915 Bombay, presidency, 117 Blackpool, population, 16 - - agriculture, 134-!\ Blagovyeshchensk, 1153 --area and population, 119 Blantyre (Nyasaland), 182 --births and deaths 123 Elida (Algeria), 791 - - finance, 130-2 1338 THF. RTATRSMAN'S YF.AR-ROOK, 1910

ROM RRE Bombay, forests, 135, 136 Brandenburg, emigration, 81!7 --.government, 117, 118 -town, 829 - -justice and crime, 127 Bmndow, Canada, 243 - -land revenue, 131 Brass (Nigeria), 230, 231 - --tenure, 134 Brasso (Kronstadt), 613 --religion, 125 Brava, 971 - - roads, 144 Brazil, area and population, 659 - -states, 120, 121 -army, 662-3 --town, 124, 142 - banking, 666 --trade, 138, 140, 141, 142 - books of reference, 667 -- University, 126 - boundary treaties, 669 Bonagai (Papua), 328 - cattle industry, 663 Bonaire Island (Dutch W. I.), 1052 - coffee, 663, 665 Bonavista (Newfoundland), 261 - colonies (German and Italian), 664 BOne (Algeria), 766, 791 - commerce, 664-5 Bonin Islands (Japan), 976 - constitution, 657 Bonn, 829 ; University, 832 -- cotton mills, 664 Bonny (Nigeria), 229, 230, 231 - currency and credit, 666 Bootle, population, 15 -debt, 661 Bora-Bora I. (Pacific), 818 - defence, 662-3 Boras (Sweden), 1235 - diamond mining, 664 Bordeaw., 749; faculties, 754; trade, -diplomatic representatives, 666-7 774 -finance, 661-2 Borneo, British North, 101 - gold output, 664 -Dutch, 1045, 1046;coalmiues,1050 -government, 657-8 Hornu (Nigeria), 227, 228 - - local, 658 Bosnia ~ Herzegovina, 624-5, 1266 - immigration, 651\ - books of reference, 628 · - instruction, 660 Bosphorus (fortif.), 1270 -justice and crime, 660 Boston, (Mass.), 361, 365, 455, 456 - mining, 664 -shipping, 372, 390, 391, 460 - money, weights, & measures, 666 Botosani (Rumania), 1133 -navy, 663 Bougainville I. (Pacific), 864 - posts and telegraphs, 665 Bougie (Algeria), 791 -President, 658 Boulder (W. Australia), 317 -production and industry, 663-4 Boulogne, 749; trade, 774 - railways, 665 Boulogne-sur-Seine, 7 49 - religion, 660 Bounty Islands (N.Z.), 341 - shipping and navigation, 665 Bourbon Island, or Reunion, 803 Brazzaville (Congo), 796 Bourgas (Rulgll-l'ia), 673 Brechou, Island, 22 Bourges, 749 Breda, 1030 Bournemouth, population, 15, 16 Bremen, area and population, 823 Bowditch Islands (Pacific), 346 825, 828, 829, 831, 878 Brabant (Belgium), 632 - books of reference, 878 Brabant (Netherlands), 1029, 1031, -commerce and finance, 878 1037 - constitution, 877 Bradford, population, 15 - matricular contribution, 836 Braga (Portugal), 1108, 1109 - occupations of the people, 826 Braganza (Portugal), 1108 - religion, 878 Brahui tribe, 153 -representation (Imperial), 823 Braila (Rumania), 1133, 1138 - schools, elementary, 831 Brakna (rrench W. Africa) 805 - shipping, 850, 852, 878 Brandenburg, area, population, 895 Brescia (Italy), 945 ; town, 950 INDEX 1~39

BRE BUL B1·eslan, 829; University, 831 Rrnnswick (Oe1·many), representation Brest, 749; fort., 761, 766; port, 773 (Imperial), 823 Brest-Litovsk, 1153, 1161 - town, 829, 879 Brian<(On 1 fortress, 761 Brussa, vilayet, 1266 ; town, 1267 Bridgep01·t, Conn., 363, 415 Brussels, 634; University, 634 Bridgetown (Barbados), 265 Bucaramanga (Colombia), 707 Brighton, population, 15 Bucharest, 1133, 1135 ; University, Brisbane (Queensland}, 281, 306 1134 Bristol, 15, 16; College, 29 Buckeburg, 912 -port, 81 Budapest, 613 ; University, 615 British Columbia, area and popula- Buddhism in Ceylon, 103 · tion, 242 ' - in China, 688 -- finance, 247 - in Cochin-China, 787 -- fisheries, 249 - in India, 125 -- instruction, 244 -in Japan, 978 -- manufactures, 249 - in Korea, 995 -- religion, 244 - in Mongolia, 702 --representation, 240, 241 -in Nepal, 1024 British Central Africa Protectorate, - in Siam, 1211 RP.e N yasaland Protectorate - in Tibet, 701 - East Africa, 170 et seq. Budweis, 598 - -- books of reference, 178-9 Buiia (Kamerun), 860 British Empire, see Great Britain, Buenos Ayres (city), 571, li72, 1\73 England, Ireland, Scotland, 1 - (province), 572 &c. - University, 573 - Baluchistan, see Baluchistan Buffalo (N.Y.), 861, 863, 489 - Guiana, 258-60 Bnga (Colombia), 707 - HonclnrBB, 260-1 Bugti tribe (Baluchista.n), 151, 153 -New Guinea, 270, 327 Buka (Solomon Is.), 864 -North Borneo, 101-2 Rukedi (Uganda), 178 -Pacific Island~, 845-7 Bukowina, area and population, 596 - West India Islands, 264 -representation in Reioharath, 593 Brod, 585 -- in provincial Diet, 594-5 Broken Hill (N, S. W, ), 286 Bulawayo (Rhodesia.), 190 Bromberg {Prussia), 829 Bulgaria, a.rea and pop., 669 Brooklyn (N.Y.), 372, 488 - books of reference, 673-4 Bruchsal (Baden), 870 - births, deaths, & marriages, 669 Bruges (Belgium), 634 - commerce, 672 Brunei, 102 . -constitution & gov., 1368-9 Briinn, 598 -currency and credit, 678 Brunswick (Ga.), shipping, 891, 427 -debt, 670 Brunswick (Germany), area and pop., -defence, 671 824, 879 - finance, 670 - births, deaths, &c., 827, 879 -instruction, 670 - books of reference, 879 - posts and telegraphs, 673 - constitution, 879 -production and industry, 671~2 -Council of Regency, 879 - railways, 678 - finance, 879 - reigning sovereign, 668 - instruction, 880 -religion, 669-70 - matricular contribution, 886 - shipping, 678 ·- occupations of the people, 826 - Sobranjtl, 669 - railways, 853 - University, 670 - Regent, 879, 887 Bulhar (Somaliland), 186 1340 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-ROO!\, 1910

BUN CAN Ruutler Abbas, 1091, 109'2 Californin, fisherieR, 411 Bundi State (India), 121 -forest reserves, 879, 410 Burgos (Spain), 1220 - fruit, 378-9, 409 Burlington (Vt. ), 529 -gold and precious stones, 381, 410 Burma, agricultme, 134, 135 - mining and manufactures, 410 -area and population, 119 -- oriental immigrants, 407-8 - births and deaths, 123 -public lands, 375 - finance, 130-2 - railways, 411 -forests, 135, 136 - religion, 408 -government, 117, 118 - representation, 355, 406 -justice, 127 - schools and colleges, 408 -land revenue, 130 - shipping, 411 - - tenure, 134 -universities, 408 - religion, 125 -wheat, 377, 409 -roads, 144 - wine, 379, 409 - trade, 138, 140, 141 Calicut (India), 124 Burnley, population, 15 Callao (Peru), 1098, 1103 Burntisland, port, 68, 81 Caltanisetta (Italy), 947; town, 950 Burton-on Trent, population, 15 Camagiiey (Cuba), 717 ; town, 718 Burutu (Nigeria), 230 Cambodia, 782, 787, 1210 Bury, population, 15 Cambridge University, 28, 29 Bushire, 1091, 1092 Cambridge (U.S.A.), 361, 363, 456 Bushman race, 860 Camden (N. Jersey), 363, 482 Busoga (Uganda), 173 Camerino University, 953 Busra, Basra, or Bassora, 1266 Cameroon, see Kamerun Butte (Montana), 473 Camorta Island. (Nicobars), 157 Byelaya Tserkov, 1153 Campania, 947 Byelostok, 1153 Campeche (Mexico), 1004 Campbell Islands (N.Z.), 341 Campo (Ger. W. Af.), 860 Campobasso (Italy), 945 ; town, 950 ABINDA (Port. W. Africa), 1119 Canada, agriculture, 248 C Catliz, 1219, 1220. 1221, 1223 - area and population, 242- 3 Caen, 74 9 ; faculties, 7 54 - banks, 254-5 Cagliari, 947; town, 950; Univ., 953 -books of reference, 255-7 Caicos Islands, 266, 267 - canals, 253-4 Cairo, 1289 ; city, 1290 -coal, 249 Calabar, 229, 230, 231 - commerce, 249-53 Calabria, 947 - constitution, 239-41 Calais, 7 49 ; trade, 77 4 - currency and. credit, 254-5 Calamada, 920 - customs, 249 Calbayog (Philippines), 552 -debt, 246 Calcutta, 124; trade, 142; Uni- --provincial, 247 versity, 126 - defence, 247 Calgary (Canada), 243 - finance, 245-6 Cali, dept. (Colombitt), 707 --provincial, 247 California, agriculture, 409-10 - fisheries, 24 9 - area and population, 359, 407-8 - forestry, 248 -commerce, 411 -gold, 249 - charity, 408 -government, 239-41 -constitution & gov., 406-7 - - provincial, 241 - defence, 409 - Governor-general, 240 - finance, 408-9 -High Commissioner, 241 INDEX 1341

CAN CAS Canada, House of Commons, 240 Ca]Je of Good Hope, production am! - immigration, 243 industry, 202 -import duties, 249 - railways, 204-5 - instruction, 244 - religion, 200 - justice and crime, 244-5 - shipping and navigation, 204 - manufactures, 249 -towns, 200 - mining, 249 - troops at, 202 -ministry, 240-1 - university, 201 - money, weights, & measures, 255 Cape Haiti, 934 - parliament, 240 Cape Lopez (Fr. Congo), 796 - posts and telegraphs, 254 Cape Mount (Liberia), 998 - Privy Council, 240-1 Cape Pal mas (Liberia), 999 -production and industry, 248-9 Cape San Juan (Africa), 1229 - provinces, 242 Cape Town, 195, 200; port, 204; - railways, 253-4 univ., 201 - religion, 242-3 Cape Verde Islands, 1117, 1118-9 - Senate, 240 Carabobo (Venezuela), 1317 -shipping and navigation, 253 Caracas, 1317 -towns, 243 Carapegua (Paraguay), 1081 ~troops in (militia), 247 Carbonear (Newfoundland), 261 - universities, 244 Carcar (Philippines), 553 - wheat and oats, 248, 252, 253 Carchi (Ecuador), 737 Canar (Ecuador), 737 Cardenas (Cuba), 7l8 Canary Islands, 1219, 1229 Cardiff, 15 ; College, 29 ; Port, 68, Candia (Crete), 1284 81 Canea (Crete}, 1284 Cargados Islands, 181 Canelones (Uruguay}, 1309, 1312 Caribs (Dominica), 269 Canterbury, population, 15 Carinthia, area and population, 596 Canterbury (N. Z.) district, 331 - rep1·esentution in Reichsrath, 593, Canton (China), 686, 688, 689, 693, --in provincial Diet, 594-5 695 Carnegie Trust, 28 Cape Coast Castle (W. Africa), 231 Car Nicobar, 157 Cape of Good Hope ; agriculture, 202 Carniola, area and population, 596 - area and population, 199-200 -representation in Reichsrath, -banks, 205 593 - births, deaths and marriages, 200 - - in provincial Diet, 594-5 - books of reference, 205-6 Carol I. (Rumania), 1131 - commerce, 202-4 Carolina see N. and S. Carolina - communications, 204-5 Caroline Islands (German), 858, -constitution & government, 197-9 864 - cnstoms valuation, 204 Carrara, 946 -debt, 202 Carriacou ( W. I. ) , 27 0 - defence, 202 Carson City (Nevada), 478 - diamonds, 203 Cartagena (Spain), 1220 -finance, 201-2 Cartagena (Colombia), 707 ; town, - Governor, 198 707 ; port, 709 -High Commissioner, 198 Cartago (Costa Rica), 712 - import duties, 203 Casa Blanca, see Dar al Baida -instruction, 200-1 Casale, fortress (Italy), 958 -justice and crime, 201 Caserta (Italy), 947 ; town, 950 -money, weights, and measures, 205 Cashmere, see Kashmir - pauperism, 201 Cassel, 829 - posts and telegraphs, 205 Castello Branco (Port.), 1108 1342 THE H'L'ATESMAN'S YEAR-HOOK, 1910

CAB CHA Castellon (Spain), 1220 Ceylon, books of reference, 108 CastelnU'JVO, 585 -commerce, 107-8 Castlemaine (Victoria), 298 - communications, 107 Castries (S. Lucia), 270 - constitution and government, 1 O:J Catamarca (Arg. Rep.), 572, 576 - customs valuation, 107 Catania, 947 ; town, 950 ; shipping, 1 - defence, 106 967 ; university, 953 -dependency (Maldive Island~), 108 Catanzaro (Italy), 94 7 ; town, 950 -exports and imports, 107 Cataracts (Congo), 645 -finance, 105-6 Cattaro, 585 , - Governor, 103 Cauca (Colombia), 708 -import duties, 107 Caucasus, area and pop., 1149 -instruction, 105 -cattle, 1169 -justice and crime, 105 -forests, 1169 -military expenditure, 95, 106 -government, 1145 -money, weights, and measures,107 -manufactures, 1172 - pauperism, 105 -mining, 1170 - posts and telegraphs, 107 -production, 1167-9 - production, 106 Cantin (Chile), 676 -railways, 108 Cavite (Philippine lslamls), 372 - religion, 105 Cawnpur, 124 -shipping, 108 Cayenne (Guiana), 815 -towns, 104 Caycs, Les (Haiti), 934 -troops in, 95, 106 Cayman Islands, 266, 267 Chaeo (Argentina), 572 Ceara (Bmzil), 658, 659; town, 659 Chad region (Fr. Congo), 796 Cebu Island (Philippines), 553 Chafarinas Islands, 1021, 1219 Ceiba, ht (Honduras), 938 ChUgai (Baluchistan), 152, 154 Celaya (Mexico), 1005 Chagos Isla.nds, 181 Celebes, Island of, 1045, 1046 Chalcis, 920 Central Africa Protectorate (British), Chaman (Baluchistan), 152 see N yasaland Protectorate Chamba {India), 122 Central India, Native States, 120 Champerico, Port (Guatemala), 931 - - religion, 125 Chandernagar (French India), 784 - -roads, 144 Chang-chung (Kirin), 687, 700, ~76 Central Provinces (India), agricul• Ch'ang-sha (China), 686, 687, 695 ture., 134-6 Channel Islands, area and population, --area and population, 119, 120, 11, 12, 21, 22 121 - books of reference, 94 - - births and deaths, 123 - government, 89 - -finance, 130-2 Chantuk mine (Siam), 1213 - -forests, 135, 136 Charjui, 1188 --government, 118, 119 Charkieh (Egypt), 1289 - -justice, 127 Charleroy (Belgium), 634 - - religion, 125 Charles Edward, Duke (Saxe-Coburg --roads, 144 and Gotha), 904 - - states, 120, 121 Charleston (S.C.), 363, 514, 515 Cephalonia, 9~0 - shipping, 372, 3111, 516 Cerro de PaBCB mines, 1101-2 ~ Charleston (W. Va.), 588, 539 Cerro Largo (Uruguay), 1309 Charlestown (Nevis), 268 Cettinje (M0ntenegro), 1014 Charlottenburg, 829 Ceuta, 1021, 1\119 Charters Towers (QueellSland), 306 Ceylon, area and pop., 104 Chatalja (Turkey), 1266 -banks, 107 Chatham Islands, 3!11, .340 INDEX

UHA UHO Uhaux-tle-Fonils (Switzerland), 1252 China, army, 692 Chehkiang, 686, 693 - books of reference, 70;!-5 Ohemnitz (Saxony), 829, 909 - coal, 693, 694 Ohemulpo (Korea), 995, 996 - commerce, 694 ct seq. Ch'eng-tn, 686 - copper, 694 Cherbourg, 749; fort., 761, 766 - cotton, 693, 695, 696 Chernigov, 1158 - customs, maritime, 690-1 Chester, population, 15 - customs valuation, 694 Cheyenne (Wy.)~ 544 -debt, 691 Chiapas (Mexico), 1004 - defence, 692-3 Chicago Ill.), 361, 363, 430 ; Univ., - dependencies, 686, 698 et seq., 700 431 -diplomatic reps., 699-700 Chieti (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 - finance, 690-1 Chifu, 687, 695 -government, 684-5 Chihuahua (Mex.), 1004; town, 1005 - - local, 685 Chile, agriculture, 679 - instruction, 689 -area and population, 676~7 -leases of territory, 112, 168, 687, - army, 678-9 700, 784, 786, 971, 991 - banking, 682 - mines and minerals, 693, 698-9 - books of reference, 683 - money, weights, & measures, 698-9 - births, deaths, and marriages, 676 - navy, 692-8 - commerce, 680-1 - Parlil\ment, 685 - constitution, 67 5 -ports, 687, 695 - cmrency and credit, 682 - post and telegraphs, 698 -debt, 678 - production and industry, 693-4 - defence, 67 8-9 - railways, 697-8 -diplomatic representatives, 682-3 - rei~ning Emperor, 684 -finance, 678 - rehgion, 688-9 - gold, 679, 680 -roads, 697 -government, 675 - shipping and navigation, 696 - -local, 675 - silk, 693, 695, 696 -immigration, 676-7 - tea, 693, 695, 696 -- instruction, 677 -tin, 694 -justice and crime, 677 -towns, 686 -live stock, 679 -university, 689 - mining, 679-80 China, North, British troops in, - money, weights, measures, 682 1117, 1118 -navy, 679 China tPortuf!uese), 1117, 1'118 - nitrate exports, 680 Ch'i·nan (Ch1na), 686 --pauperism, 677 Chinandega (Nicaragua), 1056 -- posts and telegraphs, 682 Chinde, 200, 11:20, 1121 - President, 675 Chinese Turkestan, 701-2 - p1•oduction and industry, 679-80 Uhinkiang, 686, 695 - railways, 681-2 Chinnampo (Korea), 996, 996 - religion, 677 Uhinwangtao (China), 687, 695 - shipping and navigation, 681 Chiromo, 182 -towns, 676 Chishima (Kurile) Islands, 976 -universities, 677 Chita (Siberia), 1153 Chili (China), 686 Chitral, 567 Chillan (Chile), 676 Choiseul I. (W. Pacific), 846, 864 Chiloe (Chile), 676 Cholon (Oochin-China), '187 Chim'borazo (Ecuador), 737 Choluteca (Honduras), 938 China, area and po1mhttion,686 ct seq. Chota Nagpur (India), 119 134-4 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

CHR CON Christchurch, N.Z., 331, 332 I Columbia, President, 706 Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), -production, 708 157, 159 - railways, 709 Christmas Island {Pacific), 347 - religion, 707 Ch.ulalongkom I. (Siam), 1209 - river navigation, 71 0 Chung-jin {Korea), 996 -shipping, 709-10 Chungking, 687, 695 Colombo (Ceylon), 104, 106 Chuquisaca (Bolivia), 651 Colon (Panama), 1077, 1078 Chutta tribes {Baluchistan), 153 Colonia {Uruguay), 1309, 1312 Cienfuegos (Cuba), 718 Colonial territory (Bolivia), 651 Cincinnati {Ohio), 361, 363, 499 Colonies, British, three classes of, 94 Civitavecchia, 960 -- military contributions, 95 Clarence Island {Pacific), 346 -- regimental establishments, 95 Claremont (Cape Colony), 200 Colorado, area and pop., 359, 412 Clermont, faculties, 754 - constitution and govt., 355, 412 ; Clermont-Ferrand, 749 -charity, 412-3 Cleveland (Ohio), 361, 363, 499 - defenr.•e, 413 Clichy, 749 , - finance, 413 Coahuila (Mexico), 1004 - instruction, 412 Coastland {Austria), area & pop., 596 -mining, 881, 413-4 Cohan {Guatemala), 929 -production and industry, 413-4 Coburg, 904 - public lands, 37 5 Cochabamba, 651, 654 ; town, 652 - religion, 412 Cochin {Madras), 121 - representation, 355, 412 Cochin-China{French}, 766, 781, 782, - universities, 412 788, 786-7 Columbia, District of(U.S.A.), 357, Cocos Islands, 157, 159 375, 419-21 Codrington College {Barbados), 265 - area and population, 358, 420 Coetivy {Seychelles), 185 - instruction, 420-1 Coil:>& Is. {Panama)pearl fishery, l 078 Columbia (8. Car.), 514, 515 Coimbra (Portugal}, 1108, 1109; Columbus (Ohio), 361, 363, 498, Univ., 1111 499 Coimbatore (India}, 124 Commerson Island (Pacific) 863 Cojedos (Venezu~la), 1317 Commonwealth of Australia, see Colchagua (Chile), 676 Australia Colima (:Mexico), 1004 Como (Italy), 945; town, 960 Colll!ge de France, 755 Comoro Isles, 802 Col6ane (:Macao), 1118 Conception, prov. {Chile), 676 ; Cologne, 829, 837 town, 676 Colombia, area and population, 706-7 Concepcion {Paraguay), 1080 - books of reference, 711 Concord (N. H.), 480 - boundary disputes, 707 Condamine (:Monaco), 1012 - commerce, 709 Confucianiam, 688, 996 - constitution and government, 706 Congo State, 666 Belgian Congo -currency and credit, 710 - French, 782, 783, 796-7 - defence, 708 - Portuguese, 1119 - diplomatic representatives, 710-11 Connaugl'l.t, province, pop., 20 -finance, 708 -agricUltural holdings, 68 -gold, 708 Connecticut, area & pop., 869, 416 -instruction, 707 - banking, 416 - mines and minerala, ]08-9 - charity, 415-6 -money, weights, and measures, 710 - constitution and govt., 355, 41 4 -posts and telegraphs, 710 -defence, 416 INDEX. 1:345

CON CU(! Connecticut, finance, 416 Costa Hica, diplomatic representa- -instruction, 415 tives, 715 -mining, 381, 416 - finance, 713 -production and industry, 416 - instruction, 713 - representation, 355 -justice, 713 -tobacco, 378 - money, weights, and measures, 715 Constantine (Algeria), 791, 792 -posts and telegraphs, 716 Constantinople, 1266 ; town, 1267 ; - president, 712 shipping and trade, 1277 -production and illllustry, 714 - Patriarch of, 1267 -railways, 714-5 Constanza (Rumania), 1138 - religion, 713 Cook Islands, 330, 331, 340-1 -shipping, 714 Coolgardie ( W. Australia), 317 Cothen (Anhalt), 869 Coorg (India), agriculture, 134-5 Courtrai (Belgium), 634 -area and population, 119, 123 Coventry, population, lfi - forests, 135-6 Covilha (Portugal), 1109 - government, 118 Covington, Ky., 443 -justice, 127 Crab Island (W.I.), 269 -land tenure, 134 Cracow, 585, 598 ; University, GOO - religion, 125 Cradock (Cape Colony), 200 -roads, 144 Cra!ova (Rumania), 1133 Copais, Lake, 923 Crefeld, 829 Copenhagen, population, 725 ; dis• Cremona (Italy), 945 ; town, 950 tilleries, 730 ; finance, 729 ; uni• Crete, 95, 1265, 1284-6 versity, 726 Crimmitschau (Saxony), 9C9 Copts, 564, 1291 Cristobal, port (Panama), 1077 Coquimbo, prov., 676; port, 681 Cristobal Colou (Venez.), 1319 C6rdoba (Arg. Rep.), 572; town, 573 ; Croatia-Sla vonia, area and popultt- university, 573 tion, 611 C6rdoba (Spain), 1220 -local government, 610, 611 Corea, see Korea -justice and crime, 615-6 Corfu (Kercyra), 920 ; town, 920 ; -representation central, 609, 610 wine 924 - - provincial Diet, 611 Corinth ~anal, 926 - schools, 614-5 Corinthia, 920 Cronstadt (Russia), see Kronstadt Corinto (Nicaragua), 1056, 1058 Crooked Island (Bahamas), 264 Corisco (Span. Africa), 1229 Croydon, population, 15 Cork, 11, 21 ; University Col!., 28, 29 Cuba, area and population, 717-8 Coronel, port (Chile), 681 - books of reference, 721 Corral (Chile), port, 681 -commerce, 720 Corrientes (Arg.), 572; town, 573 - constitution and government, 717 Corse (Corsica), 746, 757, 766 -currency, 720 Coruiia (Spain), 1220, 1223 -debts, 719 Coscuez, emerald mines (Colom.), 708 -defence, 372, 719 Cosenza (Italy), 947 ; town, 950 -diplomatic representatives, 720-1 Cosmoledo Is. (Seychelles), 185 - finance, 718-9 Cossack schools, 1155; soldiers,Il62-3 - ins true tion, 718 Costa Rica, area and pop., 71 2-3 - minerals, 720 -books of reference, 716 - production, 719-20 -commerce, 714 - railways, 720 -constitution and gov., 712 - shipping, 720 -debt, 713 -tobacco & sugar, 719 - defence, 713 Cucuta (Colombia), 705 4 R 1:l46 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

CUE Cuenca (Ecuador), 737 Jlarmstaclt (Hesse), 829, 884 Cuddaloro (India), 1~4 Darn (Papua), 328 Cule!Jra (P. Rico), U.S. naval station, Darn (W. Africa), 233 372, 552 Darwin (Falkland Is.), 257 Cuneo (Italy), 945; town, 950 Darzadah race (Baluchistan), 153 Cur~o, 1051, 1053 Damli Chua, Kabaka (Uganda), li4 Cnrico (prov.), 676; town, 676 Dayton (Ohio), 363, 499 Curieuse Is. (Seychelles), 185 Deb Raja (Bhutan), 650 Cutch (India), 121 Debra Tabor (Abyssinia), 564 Cuttack (India), 124 Debreczen, 613 Cuxhaven, 837, 840 Degema (Nigeria), 230, 231 Cuzco (Peru), 1098; Univ., 1099 Dehwar race (.Baluchistan), 153 Cyclades, 926 Delagoa Bay Railway, 1121 Cyprus, 108, 1265 Delawar11, area and pop., 358, 417 - troops at, 95 - chadty, 418 Czegled (Hungary), 613 -constitution, 355, 417 Czenstochowo, 1153 - defence, 418 Czemowitz, 698; University, 600 - finance, 418 -instruction, 417-8 - production and industry, 418-9 -public lands, 375 ABOSSA (Uganda), 174 -representation, 355, 417 D Dacca, 124 Delft, 1080 Dadhar (Baluchistan), 163 Delhi, 124 Dahlak Archipelago, 970 Delta·Amacuro (Venez.), 1317 Dahomey, 782, 783, 804, 808 Demerara, 257 Dairen (Dalny), 695, 991 Denmark, agriculture, 730 Dakahlieh (Egypt), 1289 - area and population, 725-6 Dakar (Senegal), 804, 805, 806 -army, 729 Dakota, see N. and S. Dakota -banks, 783 Dalai Lama (Tibet), 701 - births, deaths, marriages, 725-6 Dallas (Tex.), 363, 623 - books of reference, 734-5 Dalmatia, area and population, 696 -colonies, 734 -representation in Reichsrath, 593 -commerce, 731-2 -- provincial Diet, 696 - constitution, 725-6 Damita (Port. India), 1117 - currency and credit, 738 Damaraland (Ger. S.W. Af.), 860 - customs valuation, 781 Damascus, 1267 ; railway from, 1278 - debt!J, 728-9 Damer, El, 1304 - defence, 729-30 Damietta, 1289 ; city, 1290 - diplomatic representatives, 734 Dampier I. (Pacific}, 863 - distilleries, 730 Da.nakil race, 863 - emigration, 726 Danger Island (Cook Is.), 341 -finance, 727-8 D!'nger Is. (Pacific), 346 -- local, 728-9 Danube (province), 916 - fisheries, 731 Danube navigation, 1138 - Folkething, 723 Danzig, 837 ; port, 840; shipping, - government, 723-4 852 ; town, 829 -- local, 724-5 Dar al Baida (Morocco), 1021 -import duties, 731-2 Darbhangah (India), 124 - instruction, 726 Dardanelles (fortif ), 1270 -justice and crime, 727 Dar·es·Salaam (Ger. E. Africa), 862 - kings of, since 14481 728 Darfur, 1304 - Landsthing, 723 I:MDEX 1347

DEN DUT Denmark, live stock, 730 Dordrecht, 1030 - ministry, 724 Dorpat (Yuriev), 1148, 1153 - money, weights, & measru·es, 733 - university, 1155 -navy, 730 Dortmund, 829 - occupations of the people, 725 Douglas (I. of 11Ian), 88 -old-age pensions, 727 Dover (Del.), 417 - pauperism, 727 Dover, Port, 81 - posts and telegraphs, 732-3 Drammen (Norway), 1064 -production and industry, 730-1 Drenthe Province, 1029, 1031 - railways, 732 Dresden, 829, 909 - rcignin~ King, 722 Duala (Kamerun), 860 - religion, ·726 Dublin, 11, 21; univ., 28, 29 - Rigsdag, 723 Dubreka (Guinea), 807 - royal family, 722 Ducie Island (Pacific), 846 - shipping and navigation, 732 Dudley, population, 16 - University, 726 Dudoza Island (Pacific), 846 D'Entrecasteaux Islands, 327 Dneim (Sudan), 1304 Denver (Colo.), 361, 363, 412, 414 Duff Islands (Pacific), 346 Derby, population, 16, 16 Duisburg, 82~ Derna (N. Africa.), 1279 Duke of Clarence Islands, 34.6 Desirade I. (Guadeloupe), 814 Duke of York Islands, 846 Des Moines (U.S.A.), 363, 437 Duki district (Baluchistan), 161 Dessau (Anhalt), 829, 869 Dulcigno (Montenegro), 1014, 1016 Detmold (Lippe), 886 Duluth (Minn.), 363, 465, 466 Dett·oit (Mich.), 361, 863, 462 Duma, the (Ru!ll:lia), 1142 Deventer, 1030 Diinabnrg (Dv:insk), 1168 Devonport, population, 15 Diinamunde, 1161, 1164 Dhar (India), 121 Dundee, 19 ; College, 29 Dharma Raja (Bhutan), 650 Dunedin, N.Z., 331 ; port, 338, 839 Dhira.j Prithivi Bir Bikram (Nepal), Dunkerque, 749, 766 ; trade, 774. 1024 Durango (Mexico), 1004; town, 1005 Dholpnr (India), 121 Duranis (tribe), 668 Diarbekir(vilayet), 1266; town, 1267 Durazno (Uruguay), 1309, 1312 Diego Garcia Island, 179, 181 Durban, 210 Diego.Suarez, 197, 788, 799 Durham University, 28, 29, 283, 266 Dieppe, trade, 77' (B!Uien}, 870 D~jon, 749 ; faculties, 754 ; fort, 761 Diisseldorf, 829 Dilly, port, 1118 Dutch East Indies, 1045 Dindings (Perak), 157, 158 - agriculture, 1049 Dingri (Tibet), 701 -area and pop., 1046-7 Dinguiray (Guinea.), 807 - banks, 1051 Dire-Da.wa (Abyuinia), 565, 803 - births, deaths, and marriages, 1046 District of Columbia (U.S.), 357, 375, -books of reference, 1064, 1066 419-21 - cacao culture, 1060 - area and pop., 858, 420 -cinchona culture, 1050 -instruction, 420-1 - coffee culture, 1049 Diu (Port. India), 1117 - commerce. 1050 DJibouti!, 664, 665, 808, 804 - constitution and government, 1045 Dtwangiri (Bhutan), 650 -consular representative., 1061 Dobruja, 1132, 1186 - cWTency and credit, 1061 Dolnia Tuzla., 624, 626 - defence, 1049 Dominica (B.W.I.), 267 269 -finance, 1048 DGD&U, Bfll Danube - Governor-General, 1046 4 R 2 1348 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

DUT EGY Dutch E. Indies, instruction, 1047 Ecuador, books of reference, 741 -justice and crime, 1047-8 -cocoa culture, 738 - mining, 1050 - commerce, 738-9 -money, weights, measures, 1051 -constitution and government, 736 -posts and telegraphs, 1051 - currency and credit, 740 - production and industry, 1049-50 -debt, 738 - railways, 1051 - defence, 738 -religion, 1047 -diplomatic representatives, 740 -shipping, 1051 -finance, 737-8 -sugar culture, 1049 -gold, 738 - tea culture, 1050 -instruction, 737 - tobacco culture, 1050 -justice and crime, 737 Dutch Guiana (Surinam), 1051-3 - minerals, 738-9 Dutch West Indies, 1051-3 - money, weights, and measures, 7 40 Dutch Curat)&o, 1051, 1053 -posts and telegraphs, 740 - President, 736 - production, 738-9 -railways, 789-40 - religion, 787 AGLE (Trois Fre1·es) Is., 181 -roads, 739 E East Africa (British), 170 - shipping and navigation, 789 East Africa Protectorate (British), Edinburgh, 19 ; University, 28, 29 170-3 Edmonton (Canada), 243 East Africa (German), 858, 861-2 Efate Is. (Pacific), 347 East Africa (Port.), 1117, ll20 Efik tribes (Nigeria), 231 East Indies, British. Sse India, Egham, Royal Holloway College, 28, British 29, 30 East Indies, Dutch. See Dutch East Egypt, agriculture, 1296-8 Indies - area and population,1265,1289-90 East London (Cape Col.), 200, 204 -army,1296 East London College, 29 - books of reference, 1306-8 Eastern Bengal and ABBam, agricul· -commerce, 1298-1300 ture, 134, 135 - constitution & government,1288-9 -area and population, 120, 121, 134 - cotton, 1297 -births and deaths, 123 - currency and credit, 1302 - finance, 130-2 - customs valuation, 1299 -forests, 135, 136 -

EGY ESS Egypt, Suez Canal, 1300-1 England and Wales, fisheries, 65-6 - towns, 1290 -forestry, 65 - troops in, British, 52, 95, 1296 - illiterates, 31 --native, 1296 -immigration, 24 Eisenach, 906 - imports and exports, 73 et .

EST FUJ EBteli (Nicaragua), 1056 Fiji, 2/3; area and population, ill2-3 Estremadura, 1108 - births aml deaths, 343 Eszek, 585 - books of reference, 344-5 Ethiopia, 563 - commerce, 343-4 Eu boea, 920, 924 -communications, 344 Europe, British colonies in, 94-5 -constitution and gov. 342 Eurytania, 920 -debt, 343 Evansville (U.S.A.), 367, 434 - finance, 343 Evora (Portugal), ll08, ll09 - Governor, 342 Ewe Race (W. Africa), 808 - instruction, 343 Exeter, population, 15 - production and imlusti·y, 343-4 Exuma Island (Bahamas), 264 - religion, 343 - shipping, 344 - sugar mills, 343 Finland, agriculture, 1186 ACATATIV.A: (Colombia), 707 - area, 1148, 1184 F Jj'adaN'Gourma(Fr. W.Af. ),808 -births, deaths, marriages, 1185 Faeroe Islands, 725 - canals, 1187 Faizabad (India), 124 -commerce, 1187 Fakaafa Island (Pacific), 346 - crime, 1185 Falashas (of Abyssinia), 563 -emigration, 1185 Falcon (Venezuela), 1817, 1319 - finance, 1185-6 Falkland Islands, 257-8 -forests, 1169, 1186 Falliercs, A. (President French He· -government, 1147 public), 742 - industry, 1186 Fall River (Mass.), 361, 363, 456 - instl·uction, 1185 Falmouth (Jamaica), 266 -iron, 1186 Falun (Sweden), 1235 -money, weights, and measures, 1188 Famagusta (Cyprus), 109 - pauperism, 1184-5 Fangtsa (China), coal mines, 693 -population, 1148, 1150, 1184 Fanning Island (Pacific), 347 - posts and telegraphs, 1188 Far11:o (N.Dak.), 497 -railways, 1187-8 Faridkot, 133 - religion, 1185 Farmuli, 569 -shipping and navigation, 1187 Faro (Portugal), 1108, 1109 - towns, 1185 Farukhabad (India), 124 - university, 1185 Fayum, 1289 ; town, 1290 Fiume, 613 ; port, 621 Federal District (Brazil), 658, 659 Flanders, 632 Federal District (Mexico), 1003, 1004 Flat Island (Seychelles), 185 Federal District ( Vene~uela), 1317 Flensburg, 829 Felegyhaza, 613 Florence (Fircnze), 946; town, 950 F61icit8 I. (Seychelles), 185 ~'!ores (Uruguay), 1309 Feng-tien prov. (Manchuria), 700 Flol'ida, area and pop., 358, 422 Ferdinand, King (Bulgaria), 668 -charity, 422 Ferencz Canal, 621 - constitution and govt., 358, 421 Fernando Po (Span. Africa), 1229 - defence, 423 Ferrara, 946 ; town, 950 ; univ., 953 - finance,. 423 Ferro! (Spain), 1220, 1223 - instruction, 422 Feuerbach, 915 - production and industry, 423-4 Fez (Morocco), 1019 - public lands, 375 Fezzan, 1279 - religion, 422 ]'ianarantsoa (Madagascar), 798 - representation, 355, 421 Fife (N. Hhodesia), 19~ -l'ice crop, 377, 4~3 INDEX 1351

'FLO FRA Florida (Uruguay), 1309 France, defence, frontier and for- Flushing, 1041 tresses, 761 Focsani (Rumania), 1133, 1135 - deficits, 7 59-60 Foggia (Italy), 94.7 ; town, 950 -departments, 746-7 Fon race (W. Africa), 808 - diplomatic representatives, 778-9 Forcados (Nigeria), 230, 231 -divorces, 749 Forli (Italy), 946; town, 950 - faculties, 7 54-5 Formosa (Island of), 686, 976, 990 - finance, local, 760-1 - area and pop., 990 --state, 758-60 -commerce, 991 - fisheries, 771, 772 - finance, 990 - foreigners residing in, 748 -gold, 991 -- government, central, 7 42 -government, 976, 990 - -local, 745 - products, 991 - illegitimacy, 748 Formosa (Arg. Rep.), 572 - import duties, 77 4 Fort-de· France (Martinique), 815-6 -instruction, 751 et seq. Fort-de-Posse! (Fr. Congo), 796 -internal communications, 776-7 Fort Hall (B. E. Africa), 171 -justice and crime, 756-7 Fort Jameson (Rhouesia), 192 --Latin Monetary Union, 778 Fort Johnston (Nyasaland), 182 -leased territory, 687 Fort Sandeman (Baluchistan), 152 - live stock statistics, 770 Fort Smith (Ark.), 4.04. -- manufactures, 771 Fort Wayne (Ind.), 363, 434 -- mercantile navy, 775 Fourah Bay CoiL (W. Africa), 233 --mining and minerals, 770 France, agriculture, 768 ~t seq. - ministry, 742-3 - area, 745-6 et seq. -money, weights,& measures, 777-8 - army, 761 et seq. - navy, 765 et seq. - associations cult1Mlles, 750 - occupations of the people, 748 -banks, 777 - pauperism, 757 - births, deaths, and marriages, 747, -population, 745-6 et seq. 748-9 --communes, 749 - books of reference, 779-81 --departments, 746-7 - budget, 758 et seq. - - towns, 749 - canals, 776 -posts and telegraphs, 776-7 -Chamber of Deputies, 742, 743-4 -President, 742 - colonies & dependencies, 7 81 et seq. - production and industry, 768 et seq, - - trade of, 783 -railways, 776 - - - Africa, 782, 783, 803-9 - relief of old age, 758 ---America, 814. - religion, 750 - - - Asia, 782 et seq. -Senate, 742, 744 ---Australasia, 817 -shipping and navigation, 775-6 ---Oceania, 818-9 - silk industries, 770, 771 - commerce, 772 et seq. - sovereigns and governments from - -with United Kingdom, 773-5 1589, 743 - Conseil d'Etat, 744 - sugar works, 771 - Conseil Superieur des Colonies, - textile imlustries, 771 782 - torpedo stations, 766 - constitution, 742 -towns, 749 - cotton industries, 771 -tramways, 776 - currency and credit, 777 --Universities, 754-5 - customs valuation, 772 -wheat, 769 -debt, 760 - wine statistics, 769, 770 - defence, 761 et seq. - woollen industries, 771 13.)2 THE STATESMAN'S YEAl~-BOOK, 1910

FRA GllO Franciotown (S. Africa), 188 ABERONES (S. Africa), 188 Franconia, 874, 875 G Gahun or Gabon, 796 Frankfort (Ky.), 443 Gaeta, fort (Italy), 958 Frankfort-on-Main, 829 Giifle (Sweden), 1235 ; local gov., Frankfort-on-Odor, 829 1233 Franklin (Canada), 242 Galapagos Islands, 736, 737, 739 Franz .Toscf I. (Austria-Hungary), Galatz (Rumania), 1133, 1135 581, 582, 583, 609 Galicia (Austria), area and pop., 596 Fray Bentos (Uruguay), 1312 - representation in Reichsrath, 593 Fred erik VIII., King of Denmark, 722 -- provincial Diet, 594, 595 Fredrikshald (Norway), 1064 Gallalan

GEO GLO Georgia (U.S.A.) public lands, 375 German Empire, population, 8~4 - religion, 425 et seq. - representation, 355, 424 - - of states, 824-5 -rice crop, 377, 426 - - of towns, 825, 828-9 Georgios I. (Greece), 918 - postal statistics, 854-5 Gera (Reuss), 902 -production and industry, 843 et seq. German East Africa, 858, 861-2 - railways, 852-3 German Empire, agriculture, 843 - Reichstag, 822-·i - area, 824--5 - religion and religious censuses, 830 - army, 837-40 - royal family, 821 -banks, 855 -schools, elementary, 830-1 -beer brewed, 846-7 - - secondary, 831 - births, deaths, and marriages, 827 --technical, 831-2 - books of reference, 856-8 - secretaries of state, 823-4 - Bundesrath, 822-4 - shipping, 850-2 - canals and navigations, 853-4 - states, 822, 824-5 - colonies and dependencies, 858 - sugar manufacture, 846 ct seq. - towns, 828-9 - commerce, 847 et seq. -Universities, 832 - constitution & government, 822-4 - wheat, 843, 844 - crops, 843-4 German New Gninea, 858 - currency and credit, 855 German S.-W. Africa, 858, 860-1 - customs valuation, 848 German West Africa, see Kame run, &c. -debt, 837 Ghadames (N. Africa), 1279 - defence and fortresses, 837 Gharbieh (Egypt}, 1289 - - frontier, 837 Ghardaia (Algeria), 790 - diplomatic representatives, 856 Ghat (N. Africa), 1279 -emigration, 828 Ghent, 634 ; UniverRity, 634 - Emperor and King, 821 Ghilzais (tribe), 568 -emperors since 800, 821-2 Ghuhim race (Baluchistan), 153 - finance, 835-7 Gibeon (Ger. S. W. Africa), 860 - fisheries, 845 Gibraltar, 96 - foreigners resident in, 827 - troops at, 95 -forestry, 844 Giessen (Hesse), 884; Univ., 832 - fruit trees, 84.4 Gifu (Japan), 978 -gold, 845 Gijon (Spain), 1220 -illegitimacy, 827 Gilan, 1090 - import duties, 847-8 Gilbert Islands (Pacific), 346 -inhabited houses, 825 Gipsies in Spain, 1219 ; in Bulgaria, - instruction, 830-3 669 ; in Servia, 1203 ; in Persia, - insurance, sickness, oltl age, 1087 ; in Rumania, 1133; in 834-5 Turkey, 1267 -justice and crime, 833 Girga (Egypt}, 1289 - leased territory, 687 Girgenti, (Sicily), 947 ; town, 950 - live stock, 844 Girton College, Cambridge, 30 -manufactures, 846-7 Giudimaka (Fr. W. Af.), 805 - Matricular Beitriige, 836 Gizeh (Egypt), 1289 -mining and minerals, 844-5 Glarus (canton), 1249, 1251 -money, weights, and measUI'es,855 Glasgow, 19; University, 28, 29 - navy, 840-3 - port, 68, 81 -occupation census, 1907, 826 Glauchau (Saxony), 909 - olu age pensions, 834-5 Gleiwitz (Prussia), 829 - }Jauperism, 834 Gloucester, Jlopulation, 15 1354 'l'HE l:l'l'ATEtlMAN'::; YEAH-BOOK, 1910

GMU GRE Gmiind, 915 Great Britain, administra:tions since Goa (Portuguese India), 1117-8 1846, 9 Goajira, Ter. (Colombb,), 707 - agriculture, 60 Gobabis (GermanS. W. Africa),860-1 - agricultural holdings, 62-3 Gobi desert, 702 - - education, 65 Gojam (Abyssinia), 563 -area, 11 Gold Coast, 231-2 - - cultivable, 60 Gold Coast Territories, 227, ::!:32 -army, 49 Gomel (Russia), 1153 - - distribution, 52, 95 Gonaives (Haiti), 934 - - estimates, 43 Gondar {Abyssinia), 564 - - in India, 52 Gondokoro (E. Africa), 175 - - organisation, 50-4 Goole, Port, 81 - -regular, 50, 52, 53, 95 Guppingen, 915 - - territorial, 50, 53 Gora race (Liberia), 998 - Bank of England, 85 Gorakhpur (India), 124 -banks, chartered, 85 Gordon College (Khartoum), 1305 - -joint-stock, 86 Goree (Senegal), 805 - - post-office, 86-7 Gorgol (French W. Africa), 805 - - trustee, 87 Gorlitz, 829 -barley produce, 61, 62 Gurz & Gradiska, 593, 594-5, 596 - births, deaths, and marriages, Gospodar of Montenegro, 1013 22, 23 Gi.iteborg (Sweden), 1235 ; fort, 1240 ; - books of reference, 89 et seq. government, 1233; shipping, 1243 - budgets, 39 Guttingen, University, 832 - cabinet, 7-8 Gottland, fort, 1240 -canals, 82 Gotha, 904 - - annual value, 46 Gouda, 1030 -census, 11 Gough's Island, 184 - Civil List, 4 Goulburn (N.S.W.), 286 - Civil Service estimates, 44-5 Goyaz, prov. (Brazil), 658, 659 - coal raised, 67 Gozo Island, 97 - coal exports, 68 Graaff·Reinet, 200 --ports, 68 Gradiska, 585 - colonies and dependencies, 94, 156 Grafton, (N. S. W.), 286 et seq. Graham's Land, 257 - commerce, 72-9 Graham's Town, 200 - Commons, House of, 5 Granada (Spain), 1220; univ., 1221 - consolidated fund services, 4, 42 - (Nicaragua), 1056 - constitution, 4 Grand Basa (Liberia), 998 - corn and green crops, 60-2 Grand Bassam (Ivory Coast), 807 ~ cotton, consumption, 70 Grant! Cestos (Liberia), 998 - - exports, 70 Grand Lahou (Ivory Coast), 807 - - factories, 69 Grand Popo (Dahomey), 808 - - imports, 70 Grand Rapids (Mich.), 363, 462 - Councils, county 9, 10 Grand Turk (W.I. ), 266, 267 - - district, 10 Grande Aldee (French India), 784 - - parish, 10 Grande Comore Island, 802 - Counties, Administrative, Eng· Grande-Terre (Guadeloupe), 814 land and Wales, list of, 13, 14 Grangemouth, Port, 68, 81 -County boroughs, list of, 15-16 Granville (N.S.W.), 286 -credit, 85 Gratz, 598 ; University, 600 - crimP, 34 -7 Graubiinden (Grisons)1 1249, 1251 - crops,

GRE GRE Great Britain, Crown lands revenue, Great Britain, imports, iron, 68, 69 41 - -metals and minerals, 68, 69, - customs, 40 78 - - valuation, 72 - - principal articles, 77-8 - uefence, 49-60 --tea, 77 - education, 28 et seq. --wheat, 76 - - agricultural, 65 - - wool, 69, 71 - - Board of, 31 - income tax, 41, 46 --military, 54 -inhabited houses, 16, 19, 21 - electors, 5, 6 - iron impo:rts, 68 - estate duties, 41 - iron ore, 66, 68 ·- estimates, 39 et 'cq. --works, 68 -emigration & immigration, 23-4 - - - annual valne, 46 - excise, 41, 46-47 -justice and crime, 34-7 - expenditure, 42-5 - King and Emreror, 3, 115-6 - exports, 72 ct seq. - land distributwn, 60 - - average per head, 72 --tax, 41 --coal, &c., 67, 68 -live stock, 61 - - cotton, 70 - local taxation, 48-9 --cottons 71 76 - Lords, Honse of, 5 -- foreign'and colonial, 74-5 -medical schools, 29 - - gold and silver, 7 5 - metropolis, see London - - iron and steel, 68 - metal imports, 68-9 --principal articles, 78 - military commands, 50 - - textiles, 69-73 - milit'lry expenditure, 42, 43 - -wool, 69, 70, 71 --colonial contribution, 95 - - woollens, 70, 71 - minerals, 66-9 - farm holdings, 62, 63 -mines, 46; value, 47 -finance, 39-49 - ministry, 6-8 - fish imports and exports, 66 - money and credit, 85-8 - fisheries, 65 - money, weights and measures, 88 -flax, 70, 71 - municipal corporations, 10 - forestry, 65 -national debt, 42, 47-8 - gas works, annual value, 46 - navigation, 46, 79-81, 82 - golu bullion imp01·ts and exports, - navy, 55 et seq. 75 - - armoured cruisers, 58-9 - government, imperial and cen- - - battle ships, 57-8 tral, 4 --Board of Admiralty, 55 - - executive, 6 -- - destroyers, 60 - - local, 9-11 - - estimates, 43-4 - heir-apparent, 3 ; income of, 4 - - number of seamen and - house-duty revenue, 41 marines, 55-6 -illegitimacy, 22, 23 - - programme for 1908-9, 55 - illiteracy, 31 -- - protected cruisers, 59-60 -imports, 72 et seq. --reserved merchant cruisers, 56 - -average per heau, 72 - - submarines, 60 --cotton, 70, 71, 76 - - summary of fleet, 56 - - flax, 70, 71 - oats produce, 61, 62 --flour, 77 - occupations of the people, 17, 19, - -food, 76-7 21 -- - - per head, 79 - old age pensions, 37 ---foreign and colonial,·74-5 - parliaments : duration, 4, 6 ---gold and Bilver, 75 -pauperism, 37-P THE STATESMAN'S YEAH-BOOK, 1910

GRE GUA Great Britain, population, 11-24 Greece, defence, 922-3 --counties, 13-14, 18, 20 - diplomatic representatives, 927 --county boroughs, 15-16 - finance, 921-2 --divisions of United Kingdom, - instruction, 920-1 11-13 - mining, 924 --towns, 19, 21 -ministry, 919 - postal statistics, 83-5 - money, weights, measures, 926-7 - prime ministers, list of, 9 -navy, 923 -production, 60 et seq. -posts and telegraphs, 926 - property and income tax, 41 - production and industry, 923-4 -quarries, annual value, 46 - railways, 926 -railways, 81 - reigning King, 918 - railways, value, 46 - religion, 920 - registered electors, 5 - shipping, 925 -religion, 24-7 -towns, 920 - revenue and expenditure, 39 et ~eq. - University, 921 - royal family, 3-4, 1060 Greenland, 734 --grants, 4 Greenville (Liberia), 998 -salt, 67 Green and Sea Point (Cape Col.), 200 -schools, elementary, 31-4 Greenock, population, 19 -- secondary, 30, 31 Greifswald University, 832 -scientific (elementary)instruction, Greiz (Reuss), 825, 902 30, 31 Grenada (W.I.), 270 - shipping, 79-81 Grenadines, the, 270 -silver bullion imports and exports Grenoble, 749; faculties, 754; fort, 761 75 Grimsby, 15·; Port, 68, 81 - sovereigns, list of, 4 Griqualand (S. Africa}, 197, 199 -stamps (revenue), 41 Orisons (Switzerland}, 1249, 1253 - taxation, 45 Grodno, 1153 -- local, 48-9 Groningen (province), 1029,1031,1037 - technical education, 30-1 Groningen (town}, 1030; univ., 1031 -telegraphs, 41, 84 Grootfontein (Ger. S, W. Af.}, 860 - telephones, 84 Grosseto (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 - textile industry, 69-71 Guadalajara (1\lexico), 1005 - tramways, 82 Guadalcanar Island (Pacific), 346 - universities, 28-30 Guadeloupe, 781, 782, 783, 814-5 - waterworks, annual value of, 46 Guam (Guahan), (Marianne Islands), - wheat produce, t:il, 62 557-8 -wool, home-grown, 69 Guanacaste (Costa Rica), 712 -- imported and exported, 69, 71 Guanajuato (Mexico), state, 1004 ; Great lnagua Island (W.I. ), 264 town, 1005 Great Nicohar Island (Andamans), 157 Guan tanamo (Cuba), naval station, 3 72 Greece, agriculture, 923-4 Guarda (Portugal), 1108 -area and pop., 919-20 Guarico (Venezuela), 1317 - army, 922-3 Guatemala, area and population, 929 -books of reference, 927-8 -banks, 932 - Bule, 919 - books of reference, 932-3 - commerce, 924-5 - boundary convention, 922 -constitution and government, 919 - commerce, 931 - currant crop, 923-4 - constitution and government, 929 - currency and credit, 926 -crime, 929 - customs duties, 925 - defence, 930 -debt, 922 -diplomatic representatives, 932 INDEX

GUA liAR Guatemala, finance, 930 Haidarabad, religion, 125 -minerals, 931 - revenue, 120 -money, weights, and measures, 932 -town, 124 - pusts and telegraphs, 932 Hainan I., 687, 694 - President, 929 Hainaut, 632 - production and industry, 930 Haiphong (Tonking), 788 -railways, 931-2 Haiti, 934-7 - religion and instruction, 929 Hakim (Afgh. ), 568 - shipping, 931 - (Per~ia), Guatemala Ia Nueva, 929 Hakodate (Japan), 978; port, 987 Guayaquil, 737, 738, 739 Half Cavalla (Liberia), 999 Guayas (Ecuador), 737 Haifa (Sudan), 1304 Guebrts (Persia), 1087 Halifax, population, 15 Guelders, 1029, 1031, 1037 Halifax (Nova Scotia), 243, 252 Guerga ol' Girga (Egypt), 1291 -troops at, 247 Guernsey, government, 89 Hall Island (Pacific), 346 - He1·m, and Jethou, pop., 21, 22 Halle-ou-Saale, 829; univ., 832 Guerrero (Mexico), 1004 Halmstad (Sweden), 1285 Guiana (British), 258-60 Halsingborg (Sweden), 1235 - (Dutch), 1051-3 Hama (Turkey), 1267 -(French), 757, 781-3, 815 Hamadau (Persia), 1087 Guidiruaka (Fr. W. Af. ), 805 Hamanhour (Egypt), 1290 Guinea (French}, 782, 783, 804, 807 Hamburg, area ant.l pop., 825, 826, - (Portuguese), 1117, 1119-20 829, 880 - (Spanish), 1229 - births, deaths, and marriages, 827, Gunther, Prince(Schwarzburg-Rudol- 881 stadt), 912 - books of reference, 882 Gurangs (Nepal), 1024 -commerce and shipping, 881-2 Gurkhas (Nepal), 1024 - constitution, 880 Gustav V. (Sweden), 1281 - emigration, 828, 880 Giistl'Ow (Mecklenbnrg-Schw. ), 888 -finance, 881 Guthl'ie (Okh. ), 502 -instruction, 831, 881 Gwalior, 121, 138 - justice, 881 Gwanua (H.hodesia}, 190 - mntricular contribution, 836 Gwelo (Rhodesia), 190 - occupations of the people, 826 Gyangtze, 701 - religion, 881 Gympie (Queenslantl), 306 -representation (Imperial}, 823 GyulafeMrvar, 585 - shippin~, 850, 852, 881-2 Hamilton (Bermudas), 238 - (Ontario), 243 AAKON VII., King (Norway), Hampstead, colleges, 29, 30 H 3, 722, 1060 Hangchau, 686, 687, 695 Haapai Island (Tonga), 345 Hankau, 686, 687, 693, 695 Haarlem, 1080 Hanley, population, 15, 11} 1-labaua, .•ee Havana Hanoi (Tonkiug), 788 Habilmllah Khan (Afghanistan), 567 Hanover, 829 Habus lands (Tunis), 811 - province, area and pop., 895 Hackney College, London, 29 Hanyang (China), 693 Hagen, 829 Harar or Harrar, 563, 564 Hague, 1030 Harbour Grace (Newfoundland), 261 Hague Tribunal, The, 1323-6 Harbo~tr Island (Bahamas), 264 Haidarabad, area, &c., 120 Harburg, 829 - military contingent, 133 Harrisburg (Pa.), 507 1358 THE STATESUAN's YRAR-BOOK, 1910

HAR liON Hartforu (Conn.), 363, 415 Ht•sse, mah·icnlar contribution, 836 Hartlepool, port, 81 - occupations of the people1 826 Hartley (Rho

liON lLK Hong Kong, commerce, 113, 694, Hungary, government, local, 610-11 695, 696 I --provincial, 610 614-5 - currency and credit, 115 I -instruction, -debt, 113 -justice and crime, 615-6 - defence, 113 , - language, 612 - emigration and immigration, 112 - live stock, 618 - exports and imports, 114 -manufactures, 619 - finance, 112-3 -mining and minerals, 619 - Governor, 111 -ministry, 610 - instruction, 113 - occupations of the people, 612 - ,justice and crime, 113 -parliament, 609-10 - lease of territory, 111, 687 - pauperism, 616 - military expenditure, 95 - post and telegraphs, 622 - money, weights, & me3.llures, 114-5 , -production & industry, 617 et seq. -railways, 114 i - railways, 621 - shipping, 114 - reigning sovereign, 581, 583, 609 - troops at, 52, 95, 113 - religion, 613 Honolulu, 548, 549, 550 - rivers, 621 Horrshiu (Japan), 976 - royal family, 581-2 Harsens (Denma1·k), 725 -shipping and navigation, 620-1 Hottentots, 199, 860 -silk culture, 618-9 Houston (Tex.), 363, 523 -towns, 613 Hova race (Madagascar), 798, 799 - universities, 615 Howrah (India), 124 Hungary Proper, 609, 611, 612 Hsi-an, 686 Huon Islands (Pacific}, 818 Hsin-chiang, prov. (China}, 685, 701 Hupeh, 686, 693 Huahine Island {Pacific}, 818 Huy (Belgium), 637 Huanillos (Peru), 1101 Hyderabad, see H aideniba•l Huanuni district, (Bolivia), 654 Hubli (India}, 124 Huddersfield, population, 15 Hue {Annam), 786 BADAN (W. Africa), 230 Huilla (Angola), 1119 I !hague (Colombia), 707 Hull, 15 ; port, 68, 81 Ibrahim, Sultan of Johore, 166 Hunan, 686, 693, 694 Ibo (Port. E. Africa), 1120, 1121 Hungary, sell also 1mder Austria- Ibo tribes (Nigeria), 230 Hungary Iceland, 724-5, 734 -agriculture, 617-8 !chang, 687, 695 - area and pop., 611 et seq. Idaho, area and population, 359, 428 -banks, 622-3 - charity, 428 -births, deaths, marriages, 612-3 - constitution and govt., 428 -books of reference, 627-8 - defence, 429 -breweries, 619 - finance, 428-9 - canals, 621 - instruction, 428 - commerce, 620 -mining, 381, 429 - constitution, 609 - production and industry, 429 - currency and credit, 622-3 -public lands, 375 - customs valuation, 620 - representation, 355, 428 -debt, 617 Jgara tribes (Nigeria} 231 -emigration, 613 Ijo tribes (Nigeria), 231 -finance, 616-7 Iki Islands (Japan), 976 - forestry, 617, 618 Ilbeggi, chief (Persia), 1087 - government, central, 609 Ilkhani, chief (Persia), 1087 13(i0 THE STATESJ\IAN'R YEAR-ROOK, 1910

ILL IND Illinois, agricultme, 432 In

TND TSM India (British), sea- borne external Ireland, area, 11, 19, 20 trade, 137, 142, 143-4 -banks, 85 - Secretary of State, 116 - -joint-stock, 86 -shipping and navigation, 143--4 - - post-office, 86, 87 -towns, 124 - - trustee savings, 87 -trans-frontier land trade, 142 - l•irths, deaths, and marriages, 23 - Universities, 126 - books of reference, 93-4 -Volunteer force, 133 -canals, 82 India (French), 781, 782-3, 784 - cities and towns, 21 India (Portuguese), 1117-8 - coal produce, 67 lll


Ismid (mutessarifat), 1266 ! Italy, universities, 953 Ispahan, 1087, 1088, 1091 I vangorod, 1161 Istria, 593, 594-5, 596 I vanovo-Voznesensk, 1153 Itala, 971 Ivory Coast (French), 782, 783, 804, Italy, agriculture, 961-2 807-8 - area, 945 et seq. Izmail, 1153 - army, 958-60 Izhevsk, 1153 --African, 175, 960, 970 Izhra, 1164 - banks, 961!-9 - births, deaths, and marriages, 949 -books of reference, 971-3 ABALPUR (India), 124 - Chamber of Deputies, 943 J Jackson (Miss.), 467 - commerce, 964-6 Jacksonville (Fla.), 422 - constitution, 943 Jaffa, 1267 -currency and credit, 967-9 Jaffna (Ceylon), 104 - customs, 965-6 Jagst, 915 - debt, 956-7 Jaipur, 121, 133 ; town, 124 - defence, 958 et seq. Jaisalmir state, 121 - diplomatic representatives, 969 .Jalandhar (India), 124 -- emigration, 949 Jalisco (Mexico), 1004 - finance, 955-7 .Jaluit Island (Pacific), 864 - fisheries, 964 .Jamaica, 264, 266-7 -foreign dependencies, 970-1 - troops at, 95, 266 -foreigners in, 947-8 .Jamestown (St. Helena), l 83 - forestry, 963 Jammu and Kashmir, 120 - frontier, 958 Janina (vilayet), 1266 -gold, 963 Janiuay (Philippines), 553 - government, 942-3 .Japan, agriculture, 985 - - local, 944-5 -area and population, 976 ct .wJ. -illiterates, 952 -Mmy, 981-2 - import duties, 965-6 -banks, 989 - instruction, 952-3 - births, deaths, & marriages, 977 -justice aUtl crime, 954 - books of reference, 992-3 - live-stock, 962 -commerce, 986-7 - mines and minerals, 963 - constitution, 97 4 -ministry, 944 -currency and credit, 988-9 - money, weights, & measures, 969 -debt, 980 -navy, 960-1 -defence, 981 et seq. - occupations of people, 948-9 - depimdency, see l!,ormos11 - pauperism, 954 - diplomatic representatives, 990 - population, 945 et seq. -finance, imperial, 980 - posts and telegraphs, 967 - -local, 980 - prisons, 954 -gold, 958 - production & industry, 961 et seq. -government, 974-6 - provinces, 945-7 --local, 976 -railways, 907 -House of Peers, 974-5 - reigning King, 942 -House of Representatives, 975 - religion, 950-1 - Imperial Di<>t, 974 -royal family, 942-3, 1013 - import duties, 986 - Senate, 943 - instruction; 97S-9 -shipping, 966-7 -Japanese in U.S.A., 368 - silk culture, 962 -justice and crime, 979 - towns, 949-50 - manufactures, 986 INDEX 1363

JAP KAN Japan, Mikado, 97 4 J ohor State, 166 - minerals, 985 Jonkoping (Sweden), 1235 -ministry, 975 Jubaland, 171 - money, weights, & measures, 989 Jujuy (Arg. Rep.), 572 - navy, 983-4 Jumbo, 971 - pauperism, 979-80 Junagarh (India), 133 - posts and telegraphs, 988 Juneau (Alaska), 546 - production and industry, 985-6 Jungholz, 847 - railways, 988 Junk Ceylon Island, 1213 - reigning sovereign, 974 Juticalpa (Honduras), 988 -religion, 978 Jutland, 725 - shipping and navigation, 987 -towns, 978 -Universities, 979 TT ABAKA OF UGANDA, 174 Jarvis Island (Pacific), 34 7 L\.. Kabba Prov. (Nigeria), 227 J ask (Gulf of Oman), I 07 5 Kabul, 568, 569 Jassy (Rumania), 1133; Univ., 1134 Kabyles (Tunis), 811 Jat race (l:laluchistan), 153 KaFa (Abyss . .), 563 Java, administration, 1045 Kafirs (Cape Colony), 199 -area and population, 1046-7 Kafiristan, 567 -cultivation, 1049 ct seq. Kagoshima (Japan), 978 - mining, 1050 Kahoolawe (Hawaii), 548, 549 -religion, 1047 K'ai-teng, 686 J elferson City (Missouri), 469, 470 Kaisarieh, 1267 J ekri tribes (Nigeria), 230 Kaiserslautern (Bavaria), 8~9, 875 .Telebu state (Malay), 164 Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, 840, 854 Jena University, 832 Kaiser Wilhelm's Land, R58, 863-4 Jeres (Spain), 1220 Kalat, 151-4 Jerico, dept. (Colombia), 707 - Khans of, 152-3 Jersey, area and population, 21,22 -town, 153 ; trade, 154 - government, 89 Kalgoorlie (W. Australia), 317 Jersey City (N.J.), 361, 363, 482 Kalisz, 1153 Jerusalem(mntessarifat), 1266 Kalmar (Sweden), 1235 - town, 1267 Kalonbieh (Egypt), 1289 Jesselton (Borneo), 101 Kaluga, 1153 J ethou, Island, 22 Kamenets Podolsk, 1153 Jeumont (France), trade, 774 Kamernn, 858, 860 Jhansi (India), 124 Kamlin (Sudan), 1304 Jiboutil {Somali_coast), 564, 565, 803, Kampot (Cambodia), 787 804 Kanasawa (Japan), 978 Jind (India), 122, 133 Kandahar, 568, 569 Jinja (Uganda), 175 Kandy (Ceylon), 104 Jinotega (Nicaragua), 1056 Kanem, 797 .Jinotepe (Nicaragua), 1056 Kankan (Guinea), 807 Jodhpur, State1 121, 138 ; town, 124 Kano (Nigeria), 227 .Johann Albrecht (Duke of Mecklen- Kanobin (Lebanon), 1267 burg and Regent of Brttnswick), Kansas, agriculture, 442 879, 887 -area and pop., 359, 440-1 Johannesburg, 216, 217 - charity, 441 John II. (Liechtensteiri), 608 -coal, 442 Johns Hopkins Univ. (U.S.A.), 452 -constitution and govt., 440 Johol state (Malay), 164 - defence, 442 Johor Bahrn, 166 -finance, 441-2 4 s 2 13(j4 TJIE STATESMAN's YEATI-ROOK, 1910

KAN KHU Kansas, instruction, 441 Kena (Egypt), 1289; town, 1290 - production and industry, 442-3 Kentucky, agriculture, 444-5 - public lands, 375 , - >~.rea and pop., 359, 443 - religion, 441 - charity, 444 - representation, 355, 440 -coal, 445 -wheat crop, 377, 442 - con~titutiou au,l govt., 443 Kansas City (Ka.), 363, 441, 443 -- defence, 444 -(Mo.). 361, 363 - finance, 444 -(Missouri), 470, 472 - forests, 445 Kansu, 686, 702 - instruction, 44 4 Kapurthala (India), 122, 133 -production and industry, 444-5 Karachi, 124 ; trade, 142 -public lands, 375 Kamfuto Island, 976, 991 - religion, 444 Karagwe (Ger. E. Af.), 862 - representation, 355, 443 Karakul, 1188 -tobacco crops, 378, 445 Karamo,io (Uganda), 173 - wheat crop, 377, 445 Karauli (State), India, 121 Kenya (B. E. Africa), 171 Karikal (French India), 784 -forest, 172 Karl Giinther, Prince (Schwarzburg- Kerbela, 1267 Sondershausen), 912 Kerch, 1146, 1153, 1161, 1164 Karlstad (Sweden), 1235 Kerguelen Island, 803 Karlskrona(Sweden), 1235, 1240, 1242 Kerkyra, see Corfu Karlsruhe (dist. ), 870 ; town, 829, Kermadec Islands, 331, 341 870 Kerman (Persia), 1087, 1091 Karolyvaros, 585 Kermine, 1188 Kars, 1153, 1161 Kesteven, 14 Karshi, 1188 Keta (W. Africa), 231 Kashan (Persia), 108 7 Kete Kratshi (Togoland), 859 KO\shgar, 702 Key West (Fla.), 4.22 ; shipping, 3f:o1 Kashmir, area, &c., 120 4l>t ; naval yard, 372, 423 - military contingent, 133 Khaborovsk, 1153 - religion, 125 Khaibar road (pass), 570 - revenue, 120 Khaipur (Sind), 121 Kassa (Hungary), 613 Khakar Kurassan, 151 Kassala, 1304 Khama, chief (Bechuanaland), 188 Kassel, 829 Kharan (Baluchistan), 153 Kastamouni (vilayet), 1266 Kharbin, 700 Katmandu (Nepal), 1024 Kharkoff, 1153; University, 1155 Kauai (Hawaii), 548, 549 Khartoum, 1304 ; church, 1291 ; Kaulun, see Kowloon college, 1305 Kausagi Island (Pacific), 346 Khelat, see Kalat Kavirondo (B. E. Africa), 171 Kherson, 1153 Kayes (Senegal), 809 Khetrans (Baluchistan), 153 Kazan, 1155 Khiva, 1189 ; town, 1190 Kazis (of Sikkim), 155 Khojent, 1153 Kazvin (Persia), 1087 Khoms (N. Africa), 1282 Kecskemet, 613 Khorassan, 1090 Kedah (Malay State), 166, 167, 1210 Khost (Baluchistan), coal at, 154 Keeling Islands, 157, 159 Khotan, 702 Keetmanshoop (G.S.W. Africa), 860 Khotin, 1153 Keewatin (Canada), 242 Khurdistan, see Kurdistan Kelantan (Malay Pen.), 166-7, 1210 Khuzar, 1188 . Kelung (Formosa), 990 Khuzdar(Baluchistan ),iron& lead, 154 INDEX 1365

KIA KRI Kiakhta, 702 Konakry (French Guinea), 807 Kiangsi, 686, 693 Kong (Ivory Coast), 807 Kiangsu, 686, 693 Kongmun, 688, 695 Kiau-chau, 687, 695, 862-3 Konia, or Konieh, 1266 ; town, 1267 ; Kiel, 829, 837 ; naval station, 840 ; trade, 1277 shipping, 852; Univ., 832 Konigsberg, 829, 837 ; Univ., 832 Kielce, 1153 Konigshiitte (Prussia), 829 Kiev, 1153; University, 1155 Konstantinhafen (Pacific), 863 Kikuyu (B. E. Africa), 171 Konstanz (Baden), 870 ; town, 870 Kilimane (Quilimane), 1120, 1121 Kontagora (Nigeria), 227 Kilindini (B. E. Africa), 181 Kordofan, 1304 Kilmarnock, population, 19 Korea, area and population, 994-5 Kilwa (Germ. E. Africa), 862 - books of reference, 997 Kimberley, (Cape Colony), 200 - commerce, 996 Kiuburn, 1164 - defence, 995 King George's Sound, 276 - diplomatic representatives, see King's College, London, 28, 29 Japan King's Islands (Pacific), 341 -Emperor, 994 Kingston (Canada), 243, 252 -finance, 995 Kingston (Jamaica), 266 - gol

KRI LEC KristilfDSUlltl (Norway), 1064 Lagos Proviuee (H. Nigeria), 2~9-i.lll Kronstadt (Russia}, 1153, 1161, - town, 229, 230 1164 La Gnnira (Yen.), 1322 Kru tribes (Liberia), 998 Lahore, 124 Kmtown (Liberia), 998 La}jr (Bq.dcn), 870 KJ!a}a ~umpor (Selangor), 164 Laibach, 598 Kuch Behar (Inqia), 121 Lake L!iopoltl II. (Congo), 645 Ruching (Sa.raw¥), 102 La Libertad, port (Salvador), 1195 Kuqat (Bonie0), 102 La Linea (Spain), 1220 Kuei-lin, 686 T...amaism, 155, 701, 702 Kulja, 701 · Lampeter College, 29 Kifm&moto (Japan), 978 Lampongs (Is. off Sumatra), 1046 Kumasi (Ashanti}, 231, 232 Lamu Islands, 170 Kumbakonam, 124 -town, 171 Kunar Valley, 567, 569 Lanai (Hawaii), 549 Kungrad, 1190 Lan-chow, 686, 702 Kunsan (Korea), 996 Land.qhut (Bu. varia), 875 Kuopio, 1153, 1185 Laudskrona (Sweden}, 12i.l5 Kurdistan, 1091, 1266 Lango (Uganda}, 174 Kurditsa, 920 Langres, fortress, 761 Kurds (Persia), 1087 Lansing (Mich.), 461, 462 Kure (Japan), 978, 98i.l Lantao l- (Hong Kong), 111 Kuria Mnria Island¥, 99 Laoag (Lauag) (Philippill~s), 553 Kul'ile Islands, 976 Laos (1l'rench)1 782; (Siamese), Knrsk, 1153 1210 Knrume (Japan), 978 La Paz, 651, 654; town, 652 K usai (Caroline Is.), 864 La Pla.ta., 573 Kutais, 1153 Lappa. (China), 695 Kwang-chau-wan Bay (lease}, 687, Lara (VenazneJ~), 1317, 1819 784, 786 Larainhe (Horqcco}, 1021 Kwango Oriental (Congo State), 645 Larisa, 920 ; j;qwn, 920 - J{ wangsi, 686 Larnaca (Cyprps), 109 Kwangtflng, 686, 693, 991 I..a Serena (Chile), 1!77 Kweichau, 686 Larvik (Norway), 1064 Kwei-ya.l!g, 686 Las Bela (Baluchistq.n), 151-4 Kyrcnia (Cyprus), 109 -Jam of, 153 -trade, 154 Lash~ (IJidia), 124 ABRADOR, 261 Lasis {B$lachistan), 153 IJ Lahuan, 158, 159 Las Palmas, 1220 La.hyrinth Islands (4-n•lap.ums), 156 f.asta (Abyssinia), 563 Laccadive Islands, 157 Latacunga (Ecuador), 737 La.cedmmon, 920 Latin Monetary Union, 778 La Ceiba (Honduras), 938 Latuka (Uganda), 174 Laconia., 920 Lauag or Laoa.g (Philippines), ~53 de Matto Grosso, 663 Launceston (Tasma¢a.), 32~ La Digne (Seychelles), 185 Laurium (Greece), 920; lflines 924 Lado ~ve (on Nile), 645, 1305 Lausanne, 1254; Universi~y, 1256 La Esperanza (Hondura.s}, 938 Lawrence (Mass.}, 363 I,&!irPne Js~df, 557-8, 864 League I. (Pa.);-372 Lad_y Margaret H.U, Oxford, 30 Lea.lui (Barotseland), 192 Lt J'4re fQrtr~ 761 Lebanon, 1266, 1~67 I..a.goon iaia.n!h (Pacifu:), &41$ Leece (Italy), 947 ; town, 950 INDEX 1367

LEE LON Leeds, 15 ; University, 28, 29 Lituu I~Jland, 818 Leeward Islands, 264, 267--9, 818 Liguria, 945 Leeuwarde, 1030 Lille, n9 ; faculties, 754, 755 Legeh (Malay), 166 Lima(Peru), 1098; University, 109\l Leghorn (Livorno), 946; towu, Limasol (Cyprus), 109 950 ; shipping, 967 Limburg (Belgium), 632 Le Havre, 749; trade, 773 -(Netherlands), 1029, 1031, 1037; Leicester, population, 15 coal, 1038 Leiden, 1030; University, 1031 Limerick, 11, 21 Leinster province, pop., 20 Limoges, 7 49 - agricultural holdings, 63 Limon (Costa Rica), 712, 713, 714 Leipzig, 829, 909; Univ., 832, 910 Linares (Spain), 1220 Leiria (Portngal), 1108 -(Chile), 676 Leith, ~9 ; Port, 68, 91 Lincoln, population, 15 Leks (Persia), 1087 Lincoln (Nebr.), 475 Le Mans, 749 Linden, 829 Lemberg, 598; university, 600 Lindi (Ger. E. Africa), 862 Leon (Ecuador), 737 Lindsey, 14 Leon (Mexico), 1005 Lingah, port (Persia), 1091, 1092 Leon (Nicaragua), 1056 Linkoping (Sweden), l 236 Leopohl IV. (Regent of Lippe), 885 Linz, 598 Leopoldville (Congo State), 645, Lipa (Philippines), 553 648 Lippe, 823, 825, 831, 885 Lepehas (of Sikkim), 155 - matricular contribution, 836 Les Cayes (Haiti), 934 -occupations of the people, 826 Leskovatz (Servia), 1203 - regent, 885 Les Saintes (French W.I.), 814 -representation (Imperial), 823 Lencas, 920 Lisbon, 1108, 1109, 1113 Levallois Perret, 749 Lithgow (N. S. W. ), 286 Levuka (Fiji), 343 Little Popo (Togoland), 859 Leyte Island (Philippines), 553 Little Rock (Ark.), 404 Lhasa (Tibet), 700 Liukiu (Loochoo) Islands, 976 Liang-kiang (China), prov., 686 J,iu Kung (Wri-hai-Wei), 168 L~ao-tung Peninsula, lease, 687, 700, Liverpool,15, 16; port,81; Univ., 28,29 991 Livingston, port (Guatemala), 931 Libau, 1153, 1161, 1164 Livingstone (Rhodesia), 208 Liberia (Costa Rica), 713 Livorno (L,·ghorn), 946; town, 950; Liberia, area and population, 998-9 shipping, 967 - books of reference, 1001 Llanquihue (Chile), 676 -commerce, 999-1000 Loanda (Angola), 1119 - constitution & government, 998 Loango (Congo), 796 - finance, 999 Lobito, port (Port. W. Africa), 1119 -mining, 1000 Lobor (Uganda), 173 - president, 998 Lobos de Afuera (Peru), 1101 - religion and instruction, 999 Lodz, 1153 -rubber, 1000 Loja (Ecuador), 737 Libreville (Congo), 796, 797 Lokoja (Nigeria), 228 Lick Obse1·vatory, 408 Lombardy, 945, 962 Liechtenstein, 608-9 Lombok (Dutch E. Indies), 1046 Liege, prov., 632 Lome (Togoland), 859 - town and fort, 634, 637 Lomza, 1153 - university, 634 London, population of, 17 Liegnitz, 829 - boroughs, 10 'filE S'l'ATES!IIAN's YEAH-llOOK, 1910

LU:II lllAD Lotlllon, City, area ami population, 17 Liiheck, 823, 825, 827-9, 830, 886--7 - City anrl Guilds Technical Insti- - instruction, 831, 886-7 tute, 29, 30 - matricular contribution, 836 - County Council, 9, 49 - occupations of the people, 826 -government, 10 - representation (Imperial), 823 - Imperial College of Science and ' - shipping, 852 Technology, 29 Liibeck (Principality), 825-6, 890 -King's College, 2!1 Lublin, 1153 - medical schools, 29 Lucca (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 -port, 81 Lucerne (canton), 1249, 1250 -registration area and pop., 17 -town, 1252 - School of Economics, 29 Lucknow, 124 -University, 28, 29 Liideritz Bay (Ger. S. W.Africa),860-1 -University College, 28, 29 Ludwigsburg, 915 London (Ontario), 243 I.udwigshafen (Bavaria), 829, 875 Londonderry, 11, 21 Lu~h (ltal. Af.), 971 Long Island (Bahamas), 264 Lmtpold, Regent (Bavaria), 873 Long Island (Pacific), 863 Lukiko (assembly) (Uganda), 174 Loralai (Baluchistan), 152 Lumbwa (B. E. Africa), 171 Lorca (Spain), 1220 Lund (Sweden), 1235; Univ., 1235 Lord Howe Island, 295 Lunda (Angola), 1119 Lorient, 749; fort., 761; port, 766 Luneville, fort, 761 Lorrach (Baden), 870 Lungchau, 688, 695 Lorraine, mining and minerals, 845, Luque (Paraguay), 1081 868 Lurs (Persia), 1087 Los Andes (Arg. Rep.), 572 Luxembourg (Belgium), 632, 639 Los Andes (Venezuela), 1319 Luxemburg (Gd. Duchy), 845, 1002 Los Angeles (Cal.), 361, 363, 407, Luzon Island, 555 408 Lynn (Mass.), 363, 456 Los Islands (W. Africa), 232, 804 Lyns: Island (Pacific), 346 Lothringen, 867 Lyon, facultiss, 754, 755 Louisiade Islands, 327, 328 - fortress, 761 Louisiana, agriculture, 447 -local government, 745 - area and population, 359, 446 - population, 749 -charity, 447 Lyttelton (N.Z.), po1-t, 338, 339 -constitution and govt., 445-6 -cotton crop, 377, 447 - defence, 447 ACAO, 696, 1117, 1118 - finance, 447 M Macaulay I. (Pacific), 341 -instruction, 446 · 7 Maceio (Brazil), 6!i9 -production and industry, 447-8 Macerata, 946; town, 950; Univ- -public lands, 375 ersity, 953 - religion, 446 .Mach (Kalll.t), 152 - representation, 355, 445 Machakos (B. E. Africa), 171 -rice crop, 377, 447 .Mac.kean I. (Paeific), 346 Louisville (Ky.), 361, 363, 443 Mackenzie (Canada), 242 Louren~.o Marques, 1120, 1121 Macoris (St. Domingo), 1194 Louvain, 634; University, 63i Macquarie Island, 323 Lowell (Mass.), 361, 363, 456 Madagascar, area and pop., 782, 798 Lower California, 1003, 1004 - ba.nks, 801 Loyalty Is. (Pacific), 818 - books of reference, 801-2 Lualaba·Kasai (Congo State), 645 - commerce, 783, 799 _Luang·Prabang (Laos), 788, 1210 - consular representatives, 801 INDEX 13()!)

~lAD MA:-1 Madagascar, currency, 801 Maine, defence, 450 - defence, 799 -finance, 450 - education, 799 - fisheries, 450 - finance, 799 - instruction, 449 -gold, 800 - precious stones, 381 -government, 797-8 - production and industry, 450-1 - justice, 799 - railways, 451 - posts and telegraphs, 801 -representation, 355, 449 -production and industry, 799-800 Mainz (Hesse), 829, 837, 884 - religion, 799 Maitland (Cape Col.), 200 -roads and railways, 801 Maitland, E. anrl W. (N.S. W. ), 286 -shipping, 800-1 Majeru Island (Pacific), 864 Madllalena, I., fortress, 958, 960 Majunga (Madagascar), 798 Madeira, 1108 Makalle (Abyssinia), 564 Madison (Wis.), 541 Makassar, 1048 Mrcdras, agriculture, 134-5 Mak6, 613 - area and population, 119 Makran (Baluchistan), 153, 154 -births and deaths, 123 Malacca (Straits Settlements), 157-8 - finance, 130-2 Malaga (Spain), 1220 -forests, 135, 136 Malaita Island (Pacific), 346 -government, 117, 118 Malay States, Federated, adminis- -justice and crime, 127 tration, 163 et seq. - land tenure, 134 -area and population, 16-i -railways, 144 -commerce, 165-6 - religion, 125 -communications, 166 -roads, 144 -finance, 165 - states, 120, 121 -irrigation, 165 -town, 124, 142 -production, 165-6 -trade, 138, 140, 141 -protected British, 166-7 -university, 126 - Riamese, 1209 Madrid, 1220 ; university, 1221 Malden Island (Pacific), 346 Madura (Dutch East Indies), 1045, Maldive Islands, 108 1046 Maldonado (Uruguay), 1309 Madura (Madras Presidency), 124 Malekite sect (Morocco), 1019 Maastricht, 1030 Maler Kotla, 133 Mafeking, 188 Malindi (E. Africa), 171 Magallanes (Chile), 676 Malleco (Chile), 676 Magars (Nepal), 1024 Mallicollo Is. (Pacific), 347 Magdala (Abyssinia), 564 Malmo (Sweden), 1233, 1235 Magdalena, (Columbia), 708, 709 Malta, 97-8 ; troops at, 95 Magdeburg, 829 Maluprey prov. (Cambodia), 1210 Magnesia, 920 Mamuret-iil-Aziz, 1266 Mahaga Is. (Pacific), 864 Man, see Isle of Man Mahdera-Mariam (Abyssinia), 564 Manabi (Ecuador), 737 Mahe (French India), 784 Managua (Nicaragua), 1056 Mahe Island (Seychelles), 185 Manahiki I. (Cook Is.), 341 Mahomed Rahim Khan ( Khiva), 1189 Manameh (Bahrein), 100 Maikop, 1153 Manaos (Brazil), 659 Maimachin (Mongolia), 702 Mancaonli (China), port, 695 Maine, area and population, 358, Manchester, 15, 16; Port, 81 ; Uni- 449 versity, 28, 29 -charity, 449-50 Manchester Ship Canal, 82 -constitution and govt., 449 Manchester (U.S.A.), 363, 480 l!WO THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

MAN MAT Manchuria, 686, 687, 692, 693, 700, l'.laryborough (Victoria), 298 977 Mary Island (Pacific), 346 Mandalay, 124 Maryland (Liberia), 998 Mandi (India), 122 Maryland, agriculture, 453 lliandingo race (Liberia), 998 - area and population, 358, 452 Manga.ia Island (Cook Is.), 341 - charity, 452-3 Mangareva Isl. (Pacific), 818 -coal, 453-4 Manhattan (N.Y.), 488 - constitution aud government, 451 Manica District (Port. E. Af. ), ll20 - copper, 454 Manila (Philippines), 553, 554 - defence. 452 Manitoba, agriculture, 248 - finance,' 452 - area and population, 242 - fisheries, 453 -finance, 247 - instruction, 452 - fisheries, 249 - production and industry, 453-4 - forestry, 248 - representation, 355, 451 - instruction, 244 -tobacco, 378, 453 - manufacture, 249 -wheat, 877, 453 - religion, 24<1 Masa.iland, 171 - representation, 241, 242 Masampo (Korea), 996 Manizales (Colombia), 707 Masaya. (Nicaragua), 1056 Mannheim (Baden), dist., 870; Maseru, 187 ; town, 187 town, 829, 870, 872 Mascara (Algeria.), 791 Manoelll., King (Portugal), 1106 Mashonaland, 190 Ma.nono (Samoa.), 865 Maskat or Muscat, 175, 1075 Manpur (India), 136, 185 Massa (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 Kansourah, 1290 Massachusetts, tu·ca and pop., :358, Ka.utova (Mantua), 945 ; town, 960 ; 455-6 fort, 968 -charity, 457 Manu& (Samoa), 568, 659 - constitution and govt., 455 Mao (Kanem), 797 - defence, 458 Maoris, 829, 381, 840 - finance, 458 Maranhlo State (Brazil), 658, 659 - fisheries, 459 Marbarg University, 882 -instruction, 457-8 Marches (Italy), 946 - justice, 458 Mare Island (Cal.), navy yard, 872, - manufactures, 459 409 - production and inuustry, 458-60 Mare Island, 818 - religion, 456 Margarita I. (Venezuela), 1317 - representation, 355, 455 Marianne Islands, 557-8, 858, 864 -- shipping, 460 Mariupol, 1153 - tobacco, 378, 459 Mario·Galante (Guadeloupe), 814 Massowah, or Massa wah, 970, 1306 Marlborough (N.Z.) district, 331 Mastung (Baluchistan), 153 Marmagao (Port. India), 1118, 1110 Matabeleland, 190 llbronites (sect), 1267 Matadi (Congo State), 645, 647 Marquesas Is. (Pacific), 818--9 Matagalpa (Nicamgua), 1056 111arri tribe (Baluchistan), llil, 153 Matanzas (Cuba), 717; town, 718 Marsa Matruh (EI(ypt), 1289 Matapa (Nicaragua.}, 1056 Marseille, 7 49 ; faculties, 754, 7 55 ; Ma.tra, 1075 trade, 774 Matsumto (Japan), 978 Marshall Islands, 858, 864 Ma.tsuyama. (Japan), 978 Martigny, fort. (Switz), 1256 Matsuye (Japan), 978 Martinique, 781, 782, 783, 815-6 Ma.tto Grosso State (Brazil), 658 lllaryborough (Queensland), 306 659 INDEX 1371

MAU liiEX Mau forest (B. E. Africa), 172 Meissen, 909 Maubeuge, fortre~s, 761 Melbourne,274, 298, 303; Univ., 296, Maui (Hawaii), 548, 549 298 Manke Island (Parry Is.), 341 Mellawi (Egypt), 1290 Maule (Ohile), 676 Melilla, 1021, 1219 Mauritanie (W. Africa), 782, 804, 805 Melsetter (Riwdesia), 190 Mauritius, area a,nd population, 179 Memphis (Tenn.), 361, 363, 520 - books of reference, 181 Menado (Dutch E. Indies), 1046 - commerce, 180 Mendoza, prov. (Arg.), 572, 576 ; -constitution and government, 179 town, 572 -crime, 180 Menelik II. (Abyssinia), 563 - customs valuation, 180 Mcngo (Uganda), 175 -debt, 180 Mengtsz, 638, 694, 695 - tlefence, 180 Menoufieh (Egypt), 1289 - tlependencies, 181 Monuf (Egypt), 1290 - education, 180 Meql'1inez (Morocco), 1021 -finance, 180 Mereg, 971 - Governor, 179 Merida (Mexico), 1005 - import duties, 180 Merida (Venezuela), 1317 - military expenditure, 95, 180 Merka, 971 - money, weights, and measures, Merowe (Sudan), 1304 181 Merthyr 'l'ydfil, population, 16 -religion, 179 Meru (B. E. Africa), 181 -shipping & communications, 181 Meshed (Persia), 1087, 1001 Mayaguana Island (Bahamas), 264 Mesopotamia, 1266 Mayence, see Mainz Messenia, 920 ; silk, 924 Mayaguez (Porto Rico), 551 Messina, 947; town, 950 ; shippiug, Mayebashi (Japan), 978 966'; Univ., 958 Mayotte Island, 782, 783, 802 Meta, Ter. (Colombia), 707 Mayumbe (Congo State), 648 Methil, Port, 68, 81 Mazagan (Morocco), 1021 Metz, 82Q, 837, 868 Mbabane (Swaziland), 194 Mewar (India), 121 Mecca, 1267 Mexico, agriculture, 1007 Mecklenbtirg-Schwerin, 887 - area and population, 1004.-5 - area and population, 824, 827 - army, 1006-7 - Grand-Duke, 887 - banks, 1009 - instruction, 830 - books of reference, 1010-11 - matricular contribution, 836 - cornmerce,_1008-9 - occupations of the peo)?le, 826 -constitution, 1003 -representation (Impenal), 828 - cunency and credit, 1009 Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 888 -debt, 1006 - area and population, 825, 827 --defence, 1006-7 - instruction, 8SO - diplomatic representatives, 1010 - matricnlar COQtribution, 836 - finance, Federal, 1005-6 - occupations of the people, 826 - -local, 1006 -representation (Imperial), 828 ! -gold production, 1008 Mech1in (Belgium), 634 -government, 1003 Medellin (Colombia), 707 --local, 1003 .Medina, 1267 -instruction, 1005 Meerane (Saxony), 909 -justice, 1005 Meerut, 124 - live stock, 1007 Mehalla al Kobrah (Egypt), 1290 -manufactures, 1008 Meiningen, 905 -- mines and minerals, 1008 1372 THE STATJ£81\L\N'S YEAit-liOOK, 1910

MEX MOJ lllexicu, money, weights, & mca"urcs, Minnesota, wheat crop, 377, 4ti6 1010-11 Minsk, 1153 -navy, 1007 Miquelon Island, 782, 783, 816 -posts and telegraphs, 1009 Miranda (Venezuela), 1317 - President, 1003 Mir Mahmild, Khan of Kalat, 152 -production and industry, 1007-8 Mirzapur, 124 -railways, 1009 Misahohe (Togoland), 859 -religion, 1005 Misiones (Arg. Rep.), 572 - shipping, 1009 Miskolcz, 613 -silver production, 1007 Mississippi, agriculture 468 - towns, 1005 - areaandpop., 359, 467 - state, 1004 ; city, 1005 - charity, 468 Miagao (Philippines), 553 -constitution and government, Michigan, agriculture, 463 467 -area and population, 359, 461-2 - cotton crop, 377, 468 - charity, 462 - defence, 463 - constitution & government, 461 - finance, 468 - defence, 463 -instruction, 467-8 - finance. 463 -production and industry, 468-9 - instruction, 462 -public lands, 375 -mining, 46:3 - religion, 467 - production and industry, 463-4 -representation, 355, 467 -public lands, 375 -rice crop, 377, 468 - religion, 462 Missouri, agriculture, 471 - representation, 355, 461 - area and population, 359, 469-iO -wheat crop, 377, 463 -charity, 470 llf ichoacan (:Mexico), 1 004 -coal, 471 llfiddlesbrough, 15 ; port, 81 - constitution aJHl government, 4 69 llfijertaln Somalis, 971 - defence, 471 Mikindani (Ger. E. Africa), 862 -finance, 471 Milan (Milano), 945 ; town, 950 - instruction, 4i 0 Military Territories, (F. W.Af. ), 809 - mining, 4 71 Milwaukee (Wis.), 363, 541, 543 -production awl industry, 471-2 Minas (Uruguay), 1309 -public lands, 375 Minas Geraes (Brazil), 658, 659 -religion, 470 Mindanao Ishnd, 553 - representation, 355, 469 Mindouli, mine (Fr. Congo), 797 -wheat, 377, 471 Minieh or Minia (Egypt), 1289 Mitau, 1153 Minneapolis, 361, 363 464, 466 Mitchell Islands (Parific), 346 - University, 465 Mitiaro Island (Cook Is.), 341 Minnesota, agriculture, 466 Mito (Japan), 978 - area and population, 359, 464-5 Mittelberg, 847 - charity, 465 Mobile, Ala., 391, 400, 401 - constitution and government, 464 Modena,946; town, 950; Univ., 953 - defence, 466 Mogadischo or Magadisho, 971 - finance, 465-6 Mogador (Morocco), 1019, 1020 -forests, 379 Moghilev-on-Dnieper, 1153 - instruction, 465 Mohammarah, 1091, 1092 - mining, 466 Mohammed V ., Sultan (Turkey), 1263 -production and industry, 466 :Moharek I. (Bahrein), 100 - pllblic lands, 375 :Moheli J sland, 802 - religion, 465 Mois tribes (Annam &c.), 786, 787 - representation, 355, 464 Moji (Japan), 978 ; port, 987 INDEX 1373

MOK MUN Mokpo (Korea), 996 Montreuil, 749 , 1132 ll'lontserrado (Liberitt), 998 Molise, 946 Montserrat (W. I.), 267, 268 Mollendo, 654, 1100 Moorea Island (Pacific), 818 Molokai (Hawaii), 548, 549 Moradabad, 124 Molucca Islands, 1045, 1046 Morant Cays, 266, 267 Mombasa, 171, 172 Moravia, area and population, 596 :Mompos, dept. (Colombia), 707 - representation in Reichsrath, 593 Monaco, state, 1012; town, 1012 - - provincial Diet, 594-5 - casino, 1012 Morelia (Mexico), 1005 Monaga~ (Venezuela), 1317 Morelos (Mexico), 1004 Monastir (vilayet), 1266 Morescoes in Spain, 1219 Mongolia, 686, 702 Morioka (Japan), 978 Monrovia (Liberia), 998, 1000 Morioris ( N. Z. ), 340 :Mons, 634, 637 lVIormagito (l'ort. India), 1117, 1118 :Montana, area and pop., 359, 4 72-3 Morocco, area and pop., 1019 -charity, 47~ -bank, 1019 - constitution and government, 472 - books of reference, 1022-3 -defence, 473 -commerce, 1020-1 -finance, 473 - defence, 1020 - instruction, 473 - diplomatic representatives, 1022 -live-stock, 474 -finance, 1019 - mining, 3Sl, 474 -government, 1018-9 -production and industry, 473-4 -money, weights, measures, 1021-2 -public lands, 375 - posts, 1021 -religion, 473 -religion, 1018 - representation, 355, 472 -Sultan, 1018 -wheat crop, 474 Morocco city, 1019 Monte Argentaro, (fort.), 958 Moscow, 1153; govt., 1146; Univ., Monte Carlo, 1012 1155 Montego Bay (Jamaica), 266 Mosquito Reserve (Nicaragua), 1056 Montenegro, area and pop.,1014 Mossamedes (Angola), 1119 - books of reference, 1017 Mossel Bay (Cape Colony), 204 - commerce, 1016 Mossul (vilayet), 1266; town, 1267 - communications, 1016 Mostagnem (Algeria), 791 -defence, 1015 Mostar, 624 -finance, 1015 Moulmein, 124 -government, 1014 Mowbmy (Cape Col.), 200 -instruction, 1014-5 Mozambique, 1120, 1121 -justice and crime, 1015 Mued tribes (Morocco), 1019 -money, 1016 Muhamr:.h, 1091, 1092 -production and industry, 1016 Mujtahids (Persian 11riests), 1087 -reigning prince, 1013 Mukden, 700 -religion, 1014 Mnlai-Abd-el-Hafid (Morocco), 1018 Monterey (Mexico), 1005 Miilhausen, 829, 868 Montes, 654 Mullas (Persia), 1088 Montevideo, department, 1309, 1312; Multan (India), 124 port, 1313 ; town, 1310; Univer• Mulheim-on·Rhein, 829 sity, 1310 Miilheim-on-Ruhr, 829 Montgomery (Ala.), 400 Munchen-Glaubach, 829 Mont]lellier, 749; facultieB, 754. Munich, 829, 837, S75; Univ., 832 Montpelier (Vt.), 529 Munster province, population, 20 Montreal, 243, 252 - agricultural holdings, 63 1:374 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

MUN NET Miinster, 829; University, 832 Natal, commerce, 211-2 Muong-sing (Laos State), 788 - constitution and government, 207 Murcia (S}Jain), 1220 -customs valuatio11, 212 Mnri (Nigeria), 227, 228 -debt, 209 Milrz1l.k (N. Africa), 1279 -defence, 210 Muscat, 175, 1075 - finance, 209 Mutsuhito, Mikado of Japan, 974 -gold output, 211 Muttra, 124 - Governor, 207 Muzo, emerald mines (Uolomb.), 708 -industry, 210-11 Mwatate (E. Af.), 171 , - instruction, 209 Mysore, area, &c., 120 - live stock, 211 - religion, 125 - military expewliture, 210 - military contingent, 133 - vosts and telegraphs, 213 -town, 124 - railways, 212-3 - shipping, 212 i - troops at, 210 ABA (Japan), 978 National University, Ireland, 28 N Nabha. (India), 122, 133 Nava.nagar (India), 124, 183 Na.caome (Honduras), 938 Navigator or Samoan Is. (Pacific), Nagano (Japan), 978 372, 558-9, 858, 864-5 Nagaoka. (Japan), 978 Nebraska, agriculture, 476-7 Nagasaki, 978, 985 ; (port), 987 -area and population, 359, 475 Nagoya (Japan), 978 -charity, 476 Nagpur, 124 - constitution and govt., 4 75 Nagyvarad (Grosswardein), 613 -defence, 476 Nahud (Ang.-Eg. Sudan), 1304 - finance, 476 Nairobi (E. Africa), 171 -instruction, 475-6 Naivasha (E. Africa), 171 -production and industry, 476 -7 Namaland (Ger. 8. W. A f.), 860 -public lands, 875 Namangan, 1153 - religion, 475 Namur, prov., 632; town, 634 - representation, 855, 47 5 Nana Kru (Liberia), 998 - wheat crop, 877 Nan·ch'ang, 686 Necka.r, 915 Nancowry (Nlcobars), 157 Nedounkadou (French India), 784 Nancy, 749 ; faculties, 754; fort, 761 Nega~tam, 124 Nandi (B. E. Africa), 171 Negr1 Sembilan, 158, 163-5 Nanking (China), 687, 689, 695 N egros Island (Philippines), 553 Nan-ning (China), 688, 695 Negus Negust of Ethiopia, 563 Nantes, 749 Neiva (Colt)mbia), 707 Naples (Napoli), 947; town, 950 ; Nelson district (N. Z. ), 331 shipping, 967 ; University, 953 Nemolassa (Rumania), 1135 Naquib race (Baluchistan), 153 Nepal, 1024-5 Nara (Japan), 978 Nestorians (Persian), 1087; Turkish, Narodna·Skupshtina (Servia), 1201 1267 Nashville (Tenn.), 368, 620 Netherland Island (Pacific), 346 Nasirabad tahsil, 151-3 Netherlands, agriculture, 1036-8 Nassarawa (N. Nigeria), 227 -area and population, 1029-30 Naasa.u (Bahamas), 264 - army, 1035-6 Nassau Islands (Pacific), 346 - banks, 1043 Natal, area and population, 208 -births, deaths, & marriages, 10110 -agricultural products, 210 -books ofreferenct<, 1054.-5 - books of reference, 218-4 -canals, 1041 - coal fields, 211 - colonies, 1044 et seq, INDEX 1375

NET NEW Netherlands, commerce, 1038-40 Nevada, representation, 355, 478 -constitution, 1027 Nevis (Island), 267, 268 -currency and credit, 1042 Newark, N.J., 361, 363, 482 - customs valuation, 1039-40 Newars (Nepal), 1024 -debt, 1034 New Bedford (Mass.), 363, 456 - defence, 1035 et seq. New Brunswick, agriculture, 248 -diplomatic representativeR, 1044 - area and population, 242 - emigration 1030 -finance, 247 -finance, 1033 et seq. - fisheries, 249 -fisheries, 1038 -instruction, 244 -government, central, 1027 - manufactures, 249 ---local, 1028-9 - religion, 244 -import duties, 1040 - representation, 241, 242 -instruction, 1031-2 New Caledonia, 757, 782,783, 817-9 -justice and crime, 1082 Newcastle (Natal), coal.field, 211 - manufactures, 1038 Newcastle (N.S. W.), 286 -mining, 1038 Newoa.stle-on-Tyne, pop., 15, 16 -ministry, 1028 - Collelles. 28, 29 -money, weights, meBSUres, 1043-4 New College, London, 29 -navy, 1036 NewfoundlandL area and pop., 261 - pauperism, 1032-3 - books or retareuce, 263-4 - posts and telegraphs, 10tl-2 -· commerce, 263 - production and industry, 1036-8 - finanoe, 262 - la.ilways, lOU -fishing, 261, 263 - re~ing Queen, 1026 -government and ministry, 261-2 -religion, 1030-1 - import duties, 262-3 - royal family, 1026 - mining, 263 -shipping and navigation, 1040-1 - production, 263 -towns, 1030 New Guinea, British, 270, 327 -tramways, 1041 -Dutch, 1045, 1046 -Universities, 1031 --Gennan, 858,864 (canton), 1249, 1251 New Hampshire, agriculture, 481 -town, 1252 ; University, 12114 -charity, 480-1 N eufahrwasser, shipping, 852 - area and population, 358, 480 Neuilly, 749 - constitution govt., 479-80 Neu Hannover (Pacific), 863 - defence, 481 Neu Lauenburg (Pacific), 863 -- finance, 481 N eu Mecklenburg (Pacific), 868 - instruction, 480 Neu Pommem (Pacific), 863 -production and industi·y, 481-2 Neuquen (Arg. Rep.), 572 - religion, 480 Neustadt, 906 - representation, 355, 480 N eu Strelitz, 889 New Haven (Conn.), 861, 863, 415 Neuva Esparta (Venez.),l817 New Hebrides (Pacific), 347, 818 Nevada, area& POll., 359, 478 New Jersey, agriculture, 484 - charity, 478 -area and population, 368, 482 -constitution and government, 478 - charity, 483 - defence, 479 -constitution and govt., 482 - finance, 478-9 -- defence, 483 -instruction, 478 - finance, 488 - mining, 381 - fisheries, 484 -production and industry, 479 - instruction, 483 -public lands, 375 -production and industry, 484. - religion, 478 - religion, 48.2 1276 TJIE STATESMAN's YEAR-BOOK, 1910

NEW NEW New Jersey, representation, 355, 482 New South ·wales, tramways, 293 New Kowloon, 111 -University, 287 New London (Conn.), 372, 415 - wealth, 289 New Mexico, area & pop., 359, 485-6 - wheat, &c., :J91 - rharity, 48ti - wool production, 29~ - constitution awl govemment, 485 - Sec a78u Australia, Commonwealth - defence 486 of - finance,' 486 New Urgenj, 1190 - instruction, 486 New York l:ltate, agriculture, 491 - minerals, 487 - area and population, 358, 488-9 - precious stones, 381, 487 - charity, 490 -production & industry, 486-7 - colleges, 489-90 - public lands, 375 -constitution and govt., 487-8 - religion, 486 -defence, 491 - representation, 485 -finance, 490-1 - Univer8ity, 486 - instruction, 489-90 Newnham College, Cambridge, 30 - manufactures, 492-3 New Orleans (La.), 361, 363, 446; - mining, 491-2 shipping, 372, 390, 391, 448 - production and industry, 491-3 Newpo1·t (Mon.), 15; yort, 68, 91 -representation, 875, 488 Newport (It!.), nava station, 372, -tobacco, :!78, 491 512 New York(city), area and pop., 363, Newport News (Va.), 891, 532 488 ; births, deaths, &c., 361 ; New Providence (W.I.), 264 finance, 491 ; local govemment, New South Wales, aborigines, 285 488 ; shipping, 390, 391, 493 - agriculture, 290 New Zealand, 270 - area and population, 285-6 - agricultm·e, 335-6 - banks, 294-5 -area and pop., 330-2 - births, deaths, and marriages, 286 -banks, 340 - books of reference, 295 - births, deaths, and marriages, 332 - commerce, 298 -books of reference, 341-2 - constitution and govt., 284-5 -commerce, 837-9 - currency and credit, 294-5 -constitution and govt., 329-30 -debt, 288 -crops, 886 - education, 287 -currency and credit, 340 - emigration and immigration, 286 - customs, 337 - linance, 288 -debt, 335 -- local, 289 - defence, 335 -- forestry, 292 - emigration and immigration, 332 - gold output, 292 - finance, 334 - Governor, 284 -- local, 835 -local government, 285 -gold, 337, 338 - illegitimacy, 286 - Governor, 330 -justice and crime, 287-8 - import duties, 382-3 - live-stock, 292 - instruction, 332-8 - manufactures, 292-3 -justice and crime, 333 - mines and minerals, 292 - land holdings, 336 -ministry, 284 - live stock, 336 - occuvations of people, 28fi-6 -local government, 330 - old age {lensions, 287 - m::mufactUl'es, 336 - lJroduction and industry, 290-3 -Maoris, 329, 331 - religion, 286-7 - mines and minerals, 337 - railwayR, 281 -ministry, 330 INDEX !317

NEW NOR New Zealand, occupations of people, Nimeguen, 1030 331 ' Nimes, 749 - ohl-age pensions, 334 Nimule (Ugan•la), 175 - pau1•erism, 333 Ningpo, 688, 695 - posts and telegtuphs, 340 Nippon, see Japan - production and industry, 335-0 Nisch (Servia}, 1202, 1205 - railways, 339-40 Niuchwang, 687, 695, 700 - religion, 332 Niue I. (Cook Is.), 341 - shipping and navigation, 339 Nizhne-'l'agilsk, 1153 - University, 332 Nizhnii-Novgorot!, 1l!'i::l - wool exports, 336 Nogal ter. (Italian Af.), 971 Nganhwei or An-hut, 686, 692 Nome (Alask.), 546 Ngotshe (Natal), 208, 210 .Nondweni

NOR OGA North. West Territories (Canada), Nova Scotia, religion, 244 241, 242, 244, 249 -representation, 241, 242 Norway, agricultnre, 1068 Novgorod, 1153 -area and population, 1062-4 Novi-Bazar, Sanjak of, 624 -army, 1067 Novocherka,k, 1153 -banks, 1071-2 N ovogeorgievsk, 1161 - births, deaths, and marriages, 1063 Novo Redondo (Augola), 1119 - books of reference, 1073--4 N ovorossiisk, 1153 - commerce, 1069 et seq. Nuble, prov. (Chile), 676 - constitution, 1060-2 Nueva Leon (Mexico), 1004 - Council of state, 1061-2 Nueva San Salvador, 1194 -currency and credit, 1072 Nukahiva Island, 818 -debt, 1066 Nukualofa (Tonga), 345 - defence, 1067 N ukufetau Island (Pacific), 346 - diplomatic representatives, 1072-3 Nukulaelae Islands (Pacific), 346 - emigration, 1064 Nukunono Islands (Pacific), 346 - finance, 1065-6 Nuremberg, 829, 875 - fisheries, 1069 Nushki (Baluchistan), 151 - forestry, 1068 N yanza Prov. (B. E. Africa), 171 - government, central, 1060 Nyasaland Protectorate, 182 - -local, 1062 - administration, 182 - Grundlov, 1060 - cotton cultivation, 182 -import duties, 1069 - defence, 182 - instruction, 1064 -finance, 182 - justice and crime, 1065 -governor, 183 - King of, 3, 722, 1060 - posts and telegraphs, 183 - Lagthing, 1061 -shipping (lake), 182-3 -mines and minerals, 1069 Nyasa Company (Portuguese), 1120 -ministry, 1061-2 Nyeri (E. Africa), 171 - money, weights, & measures, 1072 Nyezhin, 1153 -navy, 1067-8 NyiregyMza (Hungary), 613 - occupations of people, 1063 - Odelsthing, 1061 -pauperism, 1065 AHU (Hawaii), 548, 549 - posts and telegraphs, 1071 O Oakland (Cal.), 363, 407 -production and industry, 1068 Oatafu Islands (Pacific), 346 - railways, 1071 Oaxaca (Mexico), state, 1004 ; town, - religion, 1064 1005 -shipping and navigation, 1070-1 Obbia (Somali Coast), 971 - Storthing, the, 1060-1 Obeid, El, 1304 - towns, 1064 Oberhansen, 829 -University, 1064 Obock (Somali Coast), 803 Norwich, population, 15 Obwalden (canton), 1251 Nossi·Be Island, 798 Oceania (British), 273 Nottingham, 15; College, 29 -French, 782, 783, 817-9 Noumea (N. Caledonia), 817-8 - German, 858, 863 et seq. Novara, 945; town, 950 Ochakoff, 1161, 1164 Nova Scotia, area and uopulation, 242 Ocos, port (Guatemala), 931 -finance, 247 Odense (Denmark), 725 - fisheries, 2·19 Odessa,ll53; govt., 1146; Univ.,ll55 - forestry, 248 Offenbach (Hesse), 829, 884 - instruction, 244 Offenburg (Baden), 870 - manufactmes, 249 Ogasawarajima (Bonin) Islands, 976 INDEX 1!~79

O'HI OHE O'Higgins, prov. (Chile), 676 Oldham, population, 15 Ohio, agriculture, 501 Old Marghelan, 1153 -area and pop., 359, 499 Olongapo, (P.I.), 372 - charity, 500 Olympia (Wash.), 534, 535 - constitution and govt., 498 Omaha (Neur.), 361, 363, 475, 476 - defence, 500 Oman, 1075-6 - finance, 500 - British ports, 107 5 - instruction, 499 Omdnrman, 1304

-manufactures, 501 1 Omoa (Homlnras), 938 - mining, 501 Omotepe I. (Niearagua), 1057 --production and industry, 501-2 Omsk, 1153 - public lands, 375 Onitsha (Nigeria), 230, 231 - representation, 355, 493 Onomitchi (.Japan), 978 - tobacco, 378, 501 Ontario, agriculture, 248 - wheat, 377, 496, 501 - area and population, 244 Okayama (Japan), 978 -finance, 247 Oki Islands (Japan), 976 - fisheries, 249 Oklahoma, city, 502 - forestry, 248 Oklahoma and Indian Territory, - instl'Jlction, 244 agriculture, 503 - manufactures, 249 - area and pop., 359, 502 -religion, 244 - charity, 503 - 1epresentation, 240, 241 - constitution and govt., 502 Opobo (Nigeria), 230 - cotton crop, 378, 498 Oporto, 1109 - defence, 503 Oran (Algeria), 766, 791, 792 - finance, 503 Orange (N. S. W. ), 286 - instruction, 503 Orange River Colony, area and pop., - production, 503 224 - public lands, 375 - banks, 227 - religion, 502 - books of reference, 227 - representation, 355, 502 -coal, 226 -wheat, 377, 503 - commerce, 226 Old-age pensions and relief of old age - communications, 226-7 -Australia, Commonwealth of, 276 - constitution & government, 223-4 - Denmark, 727 - diamonds, 226 - France, 758 - finance, 225 - Germany, 834-5 - Governor, 224 - Great Britain and Ireland, 37 - instruction, 225 -New South Wales, 287 - justice, 225 - New Zealand, 334 - live stock, 226 - Queensland, 307 - production and industry, 225-6 - Victoria, 299 - railways, 226 Oldenburg, grand-duchy, 889-90 - religion, 224 -area and population, 824-5. - telegraphs, 226 - books of reference, 891 Orcha (India), 121 -duchy, 890 Orebro (Sweden), 1235 - Grand-duke, 889 Oregon, agriculture, 505-6 - instruction, 829, 890 - area and population, 359, 504 - matricular contribution, 836 - charity, 505 - occupations of the people, 826 - constitution and govt., 504 - religion, 830, 890 - defence, 505 -representation (Imperial), 823 - finance, 505 -town, 890 - fisheries, 506 4 1' 2 1380 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

ORE PAR Oregon, forest reserves, 379 Pago Pago (Samoa), 558, 559 -instruction, 504·-5 Pahang, 158, 163-4 - mining, 506 Paisley, population, 19 - J•rounction awl inLlnBtry, 505-6 Pakhoi, 688, 695 -public lands, 375 Paknam forts (Siam), 1212 - religion, 504 Palau or Pelew Islands, 858, 864 - representation, 3fi5, 504 Palatinate, 87 4, 87 5 -wheat, 377, 505 Palembang, 1046 Ore!, 1153 Palermo, 947; town, 950; ship· Oren burg, 1153 ping, 967 ; University, 953 Oriente (Ecuador), 737 Palestine, colonization in, 1277 Orissa (India), 119 Palit or Perlis (Malay), 166 Orizaba (Mexico), 1005 Palma (Baleares), 1220 Orkney Isles, area and population, 18 Palmerston Island (Cook Is.), 341 Orleans, 749 Palmerston North (N.Z. ), 331 Ormoc (Philippines), f>fi3 Palmyra Island (Pacific), 34 7 Oro (Ecuador), 737, 738 Pampa (Arg. Rep.), 572 Orono, Univ. (U.S.A.), 449 Panama, 707; area and pop., 1077-8 Orsova, 585 - books of reference, 1079 Oruro (dep. ), 651 ; town, 652 -canal, 369, 10/7, 1078, 1079 Osaka (Japan), 1178; port, 987 -commerce, 1078 Oscarsborg (Norway), fort, 1067 - education, 1078 Osh, 1153 -government, 1077 Osnabrock (Prussia), 829 - President, 1077 Ossovets, 1161 - production, 107 8 Ostend (Belgium), 634 - railway, 1078 Ostkreis (Sttxe-Altenburg), 903 -shipping, 1078 Otago (N.Z.), di,trict, 331 -town, 1077, 1078 Otaru (Japan), 978 Panay Island (Philippines), 553 Otavi (Ger. S. W. Africa), 860-1 Pangani (Ger. E. Afriea), 862 Otjimbingue (Ger. S. W. Africa), 861 Pangkor Is. (Perak), 158 Otsu (Japan), 978 Panjgur (Mekran), 11\2, 154 Ottawa, 241, 243, 252 Panjin (Goa), 1118 Otto, King (Bavaria), 873 Pao'ting-fu, 686 OU

PAR PER Paraguay, Prlll!ideut, 1080 ]'ennsyl vania, instruction, 508 -production and industry, 1082 - iron industries, 510 - railways, 1083 -mining, 509-10 -religion, 1081 -production and industry, 509-10 Parahyba(Brazil), 658, 659; town, 659 - religion, 508 Paramaribo (Rnrinam), 1052 - representation, 355, 507 Parana (!.rg. Rep,), 573; Univ., 573, -tobacco and wheat, 377, 378, - State (Brazil), 658, 659 509 Parchim (Mecklenburg..Schw.) 888 Pelion (Morocco), 1021 l'arg11ona-Manpur State andia) agri- Pelion de la Gomera, 1219 culture, 134, 135 ; forosts, 135 P!l~rhyn lshlnd (Cook h.), 341 Paris, faculties, &c., 754, 755 Pensacola (Fla.), 372, 391, 422, 423 - finance, 761 Penza, 1153 - fortifications, 761 Peoria, (Ill.), 363, 430 -- local government, 745 Pe~k, 158, 11!3 et seq, - population, 749 Perene District (Potll), 1101 -trade, 774 Perim, 99 Parma, 946; town, 950; Univ., 953 Perm, 1153 Paro (Bhutan), 650 Porll&J!lbuco, 658, 669 ; town, 659 Parramatta (N.8. W.), 286 Pernik mines (Bulga~), 672 Parry Is., 341 PerpJgnaq, 71Q Parsis, or Guebres (Per!lian), 1087-8 Persia, area. !md popula.tion, 1087 Pa.sajes, fort (Spain), 1223 - army, 1089-90 Passamaquoddy (Me.), 391 ' - banks, 1093 Paste (Colombia), 707 -books of reference, 10\IG Patagonia, 679 -cities, 1087 Paterson (N.J.), 363, 482 -commerce. 1091-2 Patiala, state, 122, 133 ; town, 124 -constitution, 1085-6 Patna, 124 - •.mlti vation, 1090 Patras, 920 - currency and credit, 10113 Pau, 749 -debt, 1089 J>au-ting-fu (China), 686; arsenal, 689 - defence, 1089-90 Paulpietersburg (Natal), 208, 210 - diplomatic representatives, 1095-·6 Pavia, 945 ; town, 950 - finance, 1089 Pawtucket (R.I.), 512, 513 - foreig:tt loans, 1089 Paysamlu, ~ 309, 131~ -government, 1085 Paz, La, (Bolivia), 661, 664; town, 652 -- local, 1086-7 Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, 54~ -instruction, 1088 J>earl Js. (!.), 1078 -justice, 108!1 Pearl River, lliss., 391 - mmllrals, 1090-1 Pees (Fiinfkircqpq), 613 -money, weights, measures, 1094.-5 Pedro Cays, 266, 267 -National Council, ~085.,.6 Ppking, 687, 689 - navy, 1090 Pelew Is., 858, 864 ' - pearl fishing, 1091 Pemba Island, 175, 176 - posts and telegrap4s, 1094 Penang, 157-63 - production and indl!Btu-, 1090 Penlops (Bhutan chiefs), 660 - 1·ailway, 1093 Pennsylvania, agricultnrll, 1!09 -religion, 1087-8 -area. and population, 31i8, 507-8 - royal family, 1085 - charity, 508-9 - Senate, 1086 - constitution and govt., 507 -Shah, 1085 -· defence, 509 -silk, 1090 - finance, 509 - towns, 1087 l!l82 THE STATE-3MA N'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

PER POL Persian Gulf ports, 1091, 1092, -~ee Philippine Islands, production, also Oman 555-6 Perth (Scotland), pop., 19 - religion, 554 - (W. Australia}, 317 -university, 554 Peru, agriculture, 1101 Philippopolis, 669 -area and population, 1097-8 Phrenix (Ariz.), 402 -banks, 1103-4 Phrenix Islands (Pacific), 346 -books of reference, 1104-5 Phocis, 920 - boundary disputes, 1098 Phthiotis, 920 -commerce, 1102 Piacenza, 946 ; town, 950 ; fort, 958 -constitution and government, 1098 Piauhy State (Brazil), 658, 659 -currency and credit, 1103 Pichincha (Ecuador), 737, 739 -debt, 1100 Piedmont, 945, 962 -defence, 1100-1 Pierre (S. Dak.), 517 - diplomatic representatives, 1104 Pietermaritzburg, 208 -finance, 1099-1100 Pillzhum (Ecuador), 738 -gold, 1101-2 Pilsen, 598 -industry, 1101-2 Pinar del Rio (Cuba), 717 -instruction and justice, 1099 Pines, Isle of (Pacific), 818 -mines, 1101-2 Pi11g Yang (Korea), 995, 996 - money, weights,and moasures,1104 Pio X., Pope, 1124 -posts and telegraphs, 1103 Piotrkov, 1153 -President, 1098 Pirmus, 920, 927 - railways, 1100, 1103 Pirmasens (Bavaria), 875 -religion, 1099 Pirot (Servia), 1202 - shippin~ and navigation, 1103 Pisa, 946; to'l'l'll, 950; Univ., 953 -Universities, 1099 Pisagua., port (Chilo), 681 Perugia, 946 ; town, 950 ; Univ., 953 Pishin (Baluchistan), 152, 154 Peruvian Corporation, 1100 Pitcairn Island" (Pacific), 346 Pesaro, 946 ; town, 950 Pittsburg (Pa.), 861, 363, 507, 510 Pescadores Islands, 976, 991 Plauen (Saxony), 829, 909 Peshawur, 124 Plevna (Bulgaria), 669 Peter I, (King}, Servia, 1201 Plock, 1153 Petervarad, 585 Ploiisti (Rumania), 1133 Petrozavodsk, 1153 Plymouth, pop., 15; port, 81 Pforzheim (Baden), 829, 870 Plymouth (Montserrat), 268 Philadelphia (Pa.), 361, 363, 507; Pnom-Penh (Cambodia), 787 shipping, 390, 391, 610-11 Podgorit;za (Montenegro), 1014, 1016 Philippeville (Algeria), 791 Pointe-a-Pitre (Guadeloupe), 814 Philippine Islands, area and pop., 553 Pointe des Galets (Reunion), 803 -banks, 557 Poitiers, 749 ; faculties, 754 - books of reference, 559-60 Pola, 581, 598 - commerce, 556 Poland (Russian), area and popula- - currency and creuit, 557 tion, 1149, 1153 - euuoation, 1\54 -crops, 1168-9 - finance, 554-5 -forests, 1169 - forests, 555 -government, 1147 -gold, 556 -justice, 1157 -government, 3!17, 553-4 -land ownership, 1167 - immigration, 553 -live stock, 1169 - justice, 554 - manufactures, 1172 - mining, 555-6 - minin~t, 1171, 1172 -naval station, 372 - See also RUSBia INDEX 1383

POL PRI Poltava, 1153 Portugal, debt, 1111-2 Pomerania, area and pop., 895 - defence, 1112-3 Po nape (Caroline Is.), 861 -diplomatic representatives, 1117 Ponce (Porto Rico), 551 - emigration, 1110 Pondichery (French India), 784 - finance, 1111 Pondoland (Cape Col.), 199 ~ fisheries, 1114 Ponta Delgada (Azores), 1109 -forests, 1113, 1114 Poona, 124 ~import duties, 1114-5 Popayan (Colombia), 707 - instruction, 1110-11 Portalegre (Portugal), ll08, 1109 -justice and crime, 1111 Port Alexander (Angola), 1119 -King, 1106 Port Aneon (Panama), 1077 -mines, 1114 Port Arthur, 687, 695, iOO, 976, 991 -ministers, 1107 Port-an-Prince (Haiti), 934 -money, weights, & measures, 1116 Port Blair (Andamans), 156 - occupations of the people, 1109 -Penal Settlement, 156 -posts and telegraphs, 1116 Port Bonet (Ivory Coast), 807 -production and industry, 1113-4 Port Cornwallis (Audamaus), 156 -railways, 1116 Port de Paix (Haiti), 9:34 - religion, 1110 Port Edward (Wei-Hai-Wci), 168 -royal family, 1106 Port Elizabeth, 200, 204 - shipping and navigation, 1116-7 Port Florence (B. E. Africa), 171 -sovereigns since 1097, 1106 Port Herald (Nyasalaud), 182 - towns, 1109 Portland (Me.), 363, 391, 449, 451 - University, 1111 -(Oreg.), 361, 383, 504 -wine exports, 1115 Port Louis (Mauritius), 179, 180 Portuguese Africa, E., 1117, 1120-1 Port Moresby (Papua), 328 -Africa, W., 1118-20 Port N olloth (Cape Colony), 204 -India, 1117-8 Porto (Portugal), ll08 Portugueza (Venezuela), 1317 Porto Alegre (Brazil), 659 Posen, area and population, 895 Port of Spain (Trinidad), 269 - emigration, 897 Porto Maurizio, 945 ; town, 950 -forts, 837 Porto Novo (Dahomey), 808 -town, 829 Porto Rico, 372, 551-2 Potenza, 947 ; town, 950 Port Royal (Jamaica), 266 Poti, 1164 Port Royal (S.C.), 372 Potosi, 651 ; town, 652 Port Said, 1289, 1290 Potsdam, 829 Porto Seguro (Togoland), 859 Pozarevatz (Servia), 1203 Port Sudan, 1304 Pozsony (Pressburg), 613 Port Talbot, 68 Prague, 598; University, 600 Portsmouth, population, 15, 16 Praia (Cape Verde Islands), 1118 Portsmouth (N.H.), 372, 481 Pradera (Colombia), 708 Portsmouth (Va.), 391 Praslin Is. (Seychelles), 185 Portugal, agriculture, 1113 Preston, population, 15 -area and pop., 1108-10 Pretoria, 195, 215, 216 - banks, 1116 Prince Edward Island, area and pop., -births, deaths & marriages,1109-10 242 -books of reference, 1121-3 - - - finance, 24 7 -colonies, 1108, 1110, 1117 et seq. - - - fisheries, 249 -commerce, 1114 et seq. - - - instruction, 244 - constitution & government, 1106 - - -- manufactures, 249 -Cortes, 1106 - - - religion, 244 -currency and credit, 1116 - - - representation, 240, 241 1!)1-),1, 'l'HE STATESl\lAN'::-1 YEAR-BIJUK, 1!11\J

PR! Q!!E Prince's Island (Principe), 1117,1119 Pulmpuka I. (Cook b.), :>H Principe Is. (Port. W. Africa), 1119 Puket (Siam), 1211, U13 Prithvi Bir, M11harajah (Nepal), 1024 Pulo CambiJlg (Timor), 1118 Providence Is. (S~ychelles), 185 Punakha (Bhutan), 650 - (R.I.), 3tH, 363, 511, 512 Punjab, agriculture, 134-5 Province Oriautale (Congo State), 645 - area and population, 119 -Wellesley (Penajlg), 157-63 - uirths and c!eaths, 123 Prussia, Abgeordni)tenhaus, 893 - finance, 130-2 - agriculture, 900 - forests, 135, 136 -area and population, 824-6, 895-6 - govemment, 117, 118 -army, 900 -justice, 127 - births, deaths, marriages, 827, 896 - religion, 125 - books of reference, 901 -roads, 144 - brew~rie~, 846, 900 -states, 120, 122 - eol)lmerce, 901 - university, \26 - constitution, 893 Punta Lobos (Peru), 1101 -debt, 899 Puntarenas (C~ta Rica), 712,713, 714 - emigration, 828, 896 Putol!layo, 'fer. (Cplol!lbia) 705 - finance, 899 P'u-yi (Emperor of C4inlj.), 68~ - foreigners, 896 Pyrgos, 920 ; town, Q20 - government, 8~3-5 - - local, 895 - Herrenhaus, 893 ALIUBIA (Egypt), 1289 - instruction, 830, 897-8 Q Qena (Egnt), 1289; town, 1290 -justice and crime, 898 Qnang-nam (Annam) mines, 786 -King, 891 Quebec, province, area and pop., 242 - kings from 1701, 892 - - finance, 24 7 - Landtag, 893 -- - fisheries, 249 - livo stock, 844, 900 - -- forestry, 248 - m!lnufactures, 846, 900 - - instruction, 244 - matncular contribution, 83ti - - m&nufactnres, 249 - minerals, 844, 900 - - religion, 244 -ministry, 894 - - repres1mta.tion, 241, 242 - occupatiops of the peorle, 826 - town, 243, 252 - railways, 853, 901 Queen's University College, Cor~, 28 - religion, 830, 897 - - - Galway, 28 - repr·esentation (Impcri~tl), 823 Queen's University, Belfast, 28 -royal family, 891-2 Queensland, aborigines, 3Q5 - sugar manufacture, 900 -agriculture, 308-9 -town and rural pop., 896 - area and population, 305-6 - universities, sa2, $97 - artesian wells, 309 Prussia (E. and W.), area, &c., I, -banks, 310 895 - births, deaths, and marriages, '27 5, Przemysl, 598 305 Pskov, 1153 - books of reference, 310 Pqebla (Mexico), 1004; town, 1005 -commerce, 309-10 Pueblo (Colo.), 412 - constitution & government, 304 Puerto Barrios (Guatemala), 931 --crops, 308-9 Puerto Cortes (Honduras), 938 - d.,bt, 307 Puerto Plata (Santo Domingo), 1197 -defence, 276, 307'-8 Puerto Suarez (Bolivia), \)~4 - emigration and im~nigration, 306 Puget Sound (Wl!{lh.), shipping, &c. -finance, 275, 307 372, 391, 536, 537 - forests, an4 timber tradfl, soa. INDEX 13f>5

QUE RHO Queensland, gold, 309 Ravavai Is. (Pacific), 818 - Governor, 304 Ravenna, 946 ; towu, 950 - instruction, 306 Ravensburg, 915 -justice and crime, 30ti Rawalpindi (India), 124 - live-stock, 308 Reading, 15 ; College, 29 - local government, 304 - (Pa.), 363, 507 - mines and minerals, 309 Redonda Island, 267, 268 -ministry, 304 Regent's Park College, 29 - occupations of the people, 305 Reggio di Calabria, 947; town, !)50 -old-age pensions1 307 Reggio Emilia, 946 ; town, 950 - pauporism, 307 Reichenbach (Saxony), 909 -- post~ and telegraphs, 282 Reichenberg (Austria), 598 - production and industry, 308-9 Reims, 749; fort, 761 - railways, 281 Reikjavik, 725, 7 34 - religion, 306 Rembau (Malay State), 164 - representation, 273 Remisemont, fort1·ess, 761 - shipping, 280, 310 Remscheid (Prussia), 829 - wealth, 307 Rennes, 749; faculti61!, 754 -wool, 308 Resht (Persia), 1087 - SeealsoAnstralia, Commonwealth of Rethymo (Crete), 1284 Queretaro (Mexico), 100~; towu,l005 Reunion Island, 781, 782, 783, 803 Quetta, 152, 154 Iteuss (elder branch), 823, 826, 828, Quezaltenango (Guatemala), 929 831, 901 Quibd6 (Colombia), 707 - (younger ln·auch), 823, 826, 828, <.,!Ltilimane(Port. E. Africa), ll20, 1121 831, 902 Qui-Nhon (Annam), 786 Reu~s-Gcra, 901 Quintana Rio, Ter. (Mexico), 1003, Rcuss-Greiz, 902 1004 Reutlingen, 915 Quito, 737 ; University, 737 Reval, 1153, 1166 Rewa (India), 121 ABAI (E. Africa), 171 Rhine, province, area, &c., 8Q5 R Rabat (Morocco), 10:Jl Rhode Island, area and pop., 358, 511-2 Radom, 1153 -banks, 513 Ragusa, 585 -charity, 512 Rahman (Malay), 166 -constitution & goveruntOJJt, 511 Raiatea I. (Pacific), 818 - defence, 513 Rajpuhina, areq., $lc., 120 - finance 512-3 - native states, 120 - instmction, 512 - religion, 125 - manufiwtures, 513 -roads, 144 -railways, 513 Rakaanga Island (Cook Is.), 341 - representation, 355, 511 Raleigh (N. Cflr.), 494 Rhodesia, area, 189 Ralick Islands (Pacific), 864 - books of reference, 193-4 Ram pur (India), 122, 133; town, 124 -North-Eastern, 189, 192 Ramsay (Isle of Man), 88 --area, 192 Randers (Denmark), 725 -North-Western, 189, 192 Rangoon, 124; trado, 142 -Southern, 189, 190-2 Raoul I. (Pacific), 341 - - administration, 189-90 Rapa Island (Pacific), 818 - - area and pupulatiou, 190 Rarotonga Island (Cook Is ), 341 --gold output, 190 Rastatt (Baden), 870 --mining, 190 Ratack Islands (Pacific), 864 --posts and telegraphs, 191-2 Ratisbon (Bavuria), 875 ! --railways a11d roads, 101 1386 THE SfATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

RHO RUS Rhodesia, Southern, townships, 190 Roseau (Dominica), 269 -- trade, 190-1 Rosslau (Anhalt), 869 Riau-Lingga Islands, 1045, 1046 Rostock, 829, 852, 888; univ., 832 -tin mines, 1050 Rostov-on-Don, 1146, 1153 Riberalta (Bolivia), 653 Rotherham, population, 16 Richmond (Va.), 363, 531, 532 Rotterdam, 1030 ; shiwing, 1041 Richmond, Wesleyan College, 29 Rotumah Island (Fiji), 342 Riga, 1148, 1153 Roubaix, 7 49 Rimatara Island (Pacific), 818 Rouen, 749 ; trade, 77 4 Riobamba (Ecuador), 737 Rovigo, 946; town, 950 Rio de Janeiro (state}, 658, 659 Royal Holloway Coli., Egham, 29, 30 -arsenal, 663; town, 659; port, 665 Rudolf Province (Uganda), 173 Rio de Oro, 1219, 1229 Rudolstadt, 912 Rio Grande do Norte, state, 658, 659 Rufaa (Sudan), 1304 Jtio Grande do Sui, state, 658, 659 Rulisque (Senegal), 805 Rioja (Arg. Rep.}, 572, 576 Rumania, agriculture, 1136 Rio Muni (Spanish Africa), 1229 -area and population, 1132-3 Rio Negro, prov. (Arg. Rep.}, 572 - banks, 1138-9 -(Uruguay), 1309, 1312 - births, deaths, & man-iageN, 1133 Rios (Ecuador), 737, 738 - books of reference, 1139-40 Rivera (Uruguay), 1309 -commerce, 1137-8 River Cess (Liberia), 998 -constitution, 1131-2 Rixdorf (Prussia), 8211 -debt, 1135 Roadtown (W.I.), 269 - defence. 1135-6 Roanne, 749 -diplomatic representatives, 1139 Roatan (Honduras), 938 - finance, 1134-5 Rocha (Uruguay), 1309 - forests, 1136 Rochdale, population, 15 - instruction, 1133-4 Rochefort, 749; fort, 761, 766 -justice, 1133-4 Rochester (N.Y.), 361, 363, 489 -government, 1131-2 Rockhampton (Queensland), 306 --local, 1182 Rocky Island (Pacific), 346 -mining, 1136 Rodosto (Tnrkey), 1267 - money, weights, & measures, 1139 Rodrigues, 179, 181 -posts and telegraphs, 1188 Roko Tui (Fiji title), 342 - production and industry, 1136 Rome, 946; pop., 950; defence, 958 - railways, 1188 - See and Church of, 1124 - reigning King, 1181 -- archbishoprics, 1127 - religion, 1183 -- bishoprics, 1127 - shipping, 1138 -- books of reference, 1128-30 -towns, 1133 - -cardinal bishops, 1125 - universities, 1134 ---priests, 1125-6 Rumelia, Eastern, 668, 669 --- deacons, ~126 Rurutu Island (Pacific), 818 -- diplomatic relations, 1128 Rusa.pi (Rhodesia), 190 --Patriarchates, 1127 Russia, agriculture, 1167 et seq. -- Pope, election of, 1124, 1126 -area, 1148 - -Popes from 1676, 1124 -army, 1161-4 --Sacred College, 1125-6 -banks, 1181-3 -- Supreme Pontiff, 1124 -births and deaths, 1151 -University, 953 - books of reference, 1190-8 Rondebosch, 200 - coal output, 1171 Rong (Lepchas), 155 . -commerce, 1172 et IMIJ· Rosario (Argentina), 573 -constitution, 1142 et seq. INDEX

RUS ST.M Russia, Council of the Empire, Rnstchuk, 669 1143 Ryazan, 1153 -crops, 1168-9 -currency and credit, 1181-3 -debt, 1160-1 AADANI (Ger. E. Africa), 862 -defence, 1161 et seq. S Saba Island (Dutch W.l.), 1053 -dependencies in Asia, 1188 et seq. Sacramento (Cal.), 407 -diplomatic representatives, 1184 Sado islands (Japan), 97 6 - distilleries, 1172 Saffi (Morocco), 1021 - Duma, 1142-3 Saga (Japan), 978 -emigration, 1152 Sagallo (Somali Coast), 803 - finance, 1158-61 Sahara, 782, 804 - forests, 1169 -(Algerian), 790 - frontier, 1161 Saharanpur, 124 - gold output, 1170 Saiad tribes (Baluchistan), 153 -government, 1142-5 Saigon (Cochin·China), 787, 788 - - local, 1145-8 St. Andrews University, 28, 29. -- Holy Synod, 1144 St. Barthelem,Y (Guadeloupe), 814 - illiteracy, 1157 St. Benoit (Reunion), 803 - imperial family, 1141 St. Brandon Islands, 181 -- import duties, 1173-4 St. Christopher, see St. Kitts - instruction, 1155-7 St. Croix (Danish W.I.), 734 -iron and steel, 1170-1 St. Cyr, 756 -justice and crime, 1157-8 St. Denis (France), 749; fort, 761; - land ownership, 1168 port, 773 -live stock, 1169 - - Reunion, 803 - manufactures, 1172 St. Etienne (France), 7 49, 7 56 - mines and minerals, 1170 et seq. St. Eustache (Curayao), 105:! - Ministers, Committee of, 1144 St. Francis (Seychelles), 185 --Council of, 1144 St. Gallen (canton), 1249, 1251 -ministry, 1144-5 -town, 1252 - money, weights, & measures, 1183 St. George's (Grenada), 270 -naphtha, 1170, 1171 St. Gothard, fort. (SWitz), 1256 -navy, 1165-7 St. Helena, 183-4 - population, 1148 et seq. St. Helens, population, 15 - - ethnical composition of~ 1150 St. John (New Brunswick), 243, 252 - posts and telegraphs, 1181 - - (Antigua), 268 -prisons and prisoners, 1158 --(Danish W.I.), 734 -production & industry, 1168 et seq. St. John's Hall, London, 29 - railways, 1180-1 St. John's (Newfoundland), 261 - reigning Emperor, 1141 St. Joseph (Mo.), 363, 432, 465 -religion, 1154 --(Missouri), 470 -rivers and canals, 1179-80 St. Kitts, 267, 268 -Ruling Senate, 1144 St. Louis (Missouri), 470, 472 -salt, 1172 - - (Mo.), 361, 363 -shipping and navigation, 1178 - - Reunion, 803 -sugar works, 1172 - - (Senegal), 805 - tobacco, 1169 St. Lucia (W.I.), 270-1 - towns, 1152-3 St. Marie Island (Madagascar), 798 - Tsars and emperors from 1613, St. Martin-de-Re (prison), 757 1142 St. Martin Island (Guadeloupe), 814 - universities, 1155 St. Martin (Curaya.o), 1053 -wheat crops, 1168 St. Mary I. (Gambia), 238 1388 'l'HE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, l!llO

ST. M BAN St. Maurice, fort (SwitzcrlanJ}, 1256 Salzbm·g, rupre~entation, c•·ntral St. Michel (Russia), 1153 593 St. Nazaire, 749 - in provincial Diet, 594-5 St. Nicolas (Belgium), 634 -town, 598 St. Ouen, 749 Samar Island (PhilipJtines), 553 St. Paul (Minn.), 361, 363, 46!, 465 Samara, 1153 - Reunion, 803 Samarai (Papua), 328 St. Paul Island, 803 Sa!llarang(DutchE. Iml.), 1047 St. Petersburg, 1153, 1166 Samarcand, 1153 --government, 1146 Samere (Ahys:;iuia), 564 - - University, 1155 Samoan Is. (Ame1'iean) 558-9 ; naval St. Pierre Island, 782, 783, 816 station, 377, 558, 559 - - (Se,rchelles), 185 - - (Gel'lllan), 858, 864-5 -- (Reunion), 803 Samos, 1265, 1287 St. Quentin (France), 749 Samshui, 688, 695 St. Salvador (Baham11s), 264 San Antonio (Tex.), 363, 523 St. Thomas (D4nish W. I.), 734 San Carlos (PhilippiP,es), 553 St. Thomas I. (Port W • .Africa),l117, Sandakan (Borneo), 1Ql 1119 Sandhurst Royal Military and Staff St. Vincent (W. I.), 270 Colleges, 54. Raipan (Caroline Islands), 864 Sandwich Harbour(Ger.S. W.Atiica), Sakai (J11pan), 978 860 Sakalava l'acH (Madagascar), 798 Sandwich or Ex:ate Is. (Pacific), 347 Sakqalin Island, 971!, 991, 1146 - Islands (Hawaii), 544 Salamanca University (St•ain), 1221 -- (S. Atlantic), 257 Salem (Indm), 124 San Francisco (Cal.), city, 361, 363, - (Mass), 456 407, 409 - (Oreg.), 504 - trade & sllippil1g, 390, 391, 411 Salerno, 947 ; town, 950 - U11iversity, 408 Salford, popul~tion, 15 San Gil (Colombi~), 706 Salisbury (Rhodesia), 190 San J ost! {Cal ), 4Q7 Salonica (vilayet), 1266 ; town, l2fi7 -- (Co11ta Rica), 712; town, 712, Salts (4rg.), 572; town, 67l!, 654 713, 714 Saltillo (Mexico), 10Q5 -- (Guatemala), 931 Salt Lake City (U~h), 363, 526 -- (Uru~y), 1309 Salto (Uruguay), 1l!Q9, 1:!12 San J~ (4\.rg. Rep.), 672, 576 Saltpond (W. Africa), 231 -town, 573 Salvador, area and population, 1194 SanJuan (Porto Rico),551,552; naval - books of referenoe, 1196 a~tioil, 372 -commerce, 1195 San Juan del Sur, 1056 -constitution & gov., 1194 San Luis (Argentiua),li72 ; town, 573 -debt, 1194 San Luis Potosi (Mexico), state, 1004; - diplomatic representatives, 1196 town, 1005 - finance, 1194 San Marino, 970; books of reference, -instruction, justice, 1194 973 - money, weights, me&HUI'es, 1195-6 San Miguel (Salvador), 1194 -posts and telegraphs, 1195 Han Paulo cle Loanda, 1119 - president, 1194 San Pedro (Paraguay), 1081 - produotion, 1195 -- (Guatemala), 929 -railways, 1195 San Pedro Sula (Hou.), 938 - shipping, 1195 San Salvador, 1194 Salzburg (Austria), arep. ~tnll pop., Sansanne-Mangu (Togoland), 859 696 San Sebastian, 1220 INDEX 18H!)

SAN SCH Santa Ana (Sahtador), 1194 Saratov, 1168 Santa Catharina (Brazil), 658, 659 Sarawak (Borneo), 102 Santa Clara (Cuba), 717 Sardinia, 947; defence, 958 Santa Cruz (Arg. Rep.), 572 Bark and Brechou, population, 22 -- (Bolivia), 651 ; town, 652 -government, 89 --(Canaries), 1220 Sasebo (Japan), 978 --Island (Pacific), S

SCH SEY Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, 823, [ Sebastopol, 1153, 1161, 1164 825, 830, 912-3 Sebenico, 585 Schwarzwald, 915 Selangor, 158, 163 et seq. Schwenningen, 915 Selma, Ala., 400 Schwerin, 888 Selukwe (Rhodesia), 190 Schwyz (canton), 1249, 1251 Semipalatinsk, 1153 Scotland, agricultural holdings, 62 Sendai (Japan), 978 - agriculture, 60 et seq. Senegal, 781, 782, 783, 804, 805-6 -area, 11, 17, 18 Senegambia Territories (French), -banks, 85 804 - ---joint-stock, 86 Senussuiyeh sect, 1281 - - post-office, 87 Seoul (Korea), prov., 994, 995; town, - - trustee, 87 995, 996, 997 - births, d~aths, and marriages122-3 Seraing (Belgium), 634 - uooks of reference, 93 Sarajevo, 585 -canals, 82 Serdar, chief (Persia), 1187 -coal produce, 67 Serena (Chile), 676 - commerce, 78 Sergipe (Brazil), 658, 659 - cotton factories, 69 Serowe, 188 -counties, 18 Serpulkhov, 1153 -criminals, 37 Servia, agriculture, 1205-6 ··- education, elementary, 33-4 - area and population, 1202-3 -- secondary, 30, 31 - army, 1204-5 --technical, 31 - banks, 1207 -- - universities, 28, 29 -births, deaths, marriages, 1203 -- electorate, 5 - books of reference, 1208 - emigration, 23-4 - commerce, 1206-7 - fisheries, 65-6 - oonstitution and govt., 1201-2 -- forestry, 65 -currency and credit, 1207 -·- illiterates, 81 -debt, 1204 -imports and exports, 73 - defence, 1204-5 ··-income-tax assessment, 46 -diplomatic representatives, 1208 - justice and Ciime, 85-6, 87 -finance, 1204 - languagd, 12 - forests, 1205 - local government, 10 -instruction, 1203 - local taxation, 48-9 -,justice, crime, pauperism, 1203-4 - occupations of the people, 19 -King, 1201 -old age pensions, 37 - livestock, 1206 - parliamentary representation, 5 - mining, 1206 - pauperism, 38, 89 -money, weights, & measures, 1208 -population, 11-13, 17-19 -posts and telegraphs, 1207 --counties, 18 - production, industry, 1205-6 - posts and telegraphs, 88-4 -railways, 1207 - property assessed, 46 -religion, 1208 - railways, 81, 82 - towns, 1202 - religion, 26-7 -university, 1203 - revenue and expenditure, 44 et seq. Sestros (~iberia), 999 -towns, 19 Setif (Algeria), 791 -trade, 78 et seq. Setubal (Portugal), 1109 - universities, 28, 29 Sevilla (Spain), 1220; Univ., 1221 Scranton (Pa.), 361, 868, 507 Seychelles, 185-6 Scutari (Albania), 1266 Seyid Abdul Ahad (Bokhara), 118S Seattle (U.S.A.), 363, 535, 586, 537 Seyidie (E • .A.fl'ica), 171 INDEX 1391

SEY SIV Seyyid Ali bin Hamoud (Zanzibar), Siam, mines, 1213 175 -money, weights, measures, 1214-5 Seyyid Feysil bin Turki (Oman), I -posts and telegraphs, 1214 1075 - production and inuustry, 1212-3 Sfax: (Tunis), 811 - railways, 1214 Shabatz (Servia), 1203 - religion, Hl11 Shahjahitnpur, 124 -royal family, 1209 Shahr i Sabz, 1188 -serfdom, 1212 Shaik Othman (Aden), 99 -shipping, 1214 Shamanism (Tibet), 701 Siangtan, 687 Shanghai, 687, 689, 693, 695 Siberia, area and pop., 1149 Shansi, 686, 693 -justice, 1157-8 Shan States (India), 119 - mining, 1170 Shantung, 686, 687, 698 - production, 1168 et seq. Sharig (Ha.luchistan), 152 -railway, 1180 Sharkieh or Charkieh, 1289 Sibi ( Haluchistan), 152 Shasi, 687, 695 Sibonga (Philippines), 553 Shebin-el-Kom (Egypt), 1289 Sicily, 947 Sheffield, pop., 15, 16; Univ., 28, 29 Sidi-bel-Abbes (Algeria), 791 Sheikh, chief (Persia), 1087 Sidi Mohamed (Bey of Tunis), 810 Sheik-ul-Islam, the, 1268 Siedlce (Russia), 1153 Shellah Herbers (Morocco), 1019 Siem Reap, 1210 Shen-king prov. (Manchmia), 700 Siena, 94o; town, 950; Univ. 953 Shensi, 686 Sierra Leone, 227, 232-3 Sherbin (Egypt), 1289 -- Protectorate, 233 Sherbro Island ( W. Africa), 232 Siguiry (Guinea), 807 Shetland Isles, area and pop., 18 Sikkim, 120, 155-6 Shiah (sect), 100, 1087 Silesia (Austrian), area and pop., 596 Shidzuoka (Japan), 978 - representation in Reichsrath, 598 Shigatze, 701 -- provincial Diet, 595 Shikoku (Japan), 976 Silesia (Prussian), area, &c., 895 Shimonoseki (Japan), 978; port, 987 Silhouette Is. (Seychelles), 185 Shintoism (Japan), 978 Simbirsk, 1153 Shirltz (Persia), 1087 Simon's Bay (Cape Col.), 202 Shire Highlands, 182 Simpheropol, 1153 Shoa (Abyssinia), 563 Sinai, 1289 Sholapur, 124 Sinaloa (Mexico), 1004 Shumla (Bulgaria), 669 Sinan, or T'sinan, 687 Sialkot (India), 124 Sincelejo (Colombia), 707 Siam, area and population, 1210-11 Sind (India), 119, 127, 184, 135 - banks, 1214 Singapore, 157-63 - books of reference, 1215 Singan, 687 - boundaries, 1210 Sinjerani, Western (Baluchistan), 151, - commerce, 1213-4 153 -debt, 1212 Sin-kiang, :prov. (China), 701-2 -defence, 1212 Sino (Liber1a), 993 - diplomatic representatives, 1215 Sioux Falls (S. Dak.), 517 -finance, 1211-2 Siracusa (Sicily), 947 ; town, 950 - forests, 1213 Sirmur (Nahan) (India), 122, 183 -gold, 1213 Sisophon, 1210 -government, 1209-10 Sis tan, 1091 -instruction, 1211 Sitka (Alas.), 546 -King, 1209 (vilayet), 1268; town, 1269 13!)2 THE STA1'RSMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1!110

SKI sou Skien (Norway), 1064 i South Australia, hanks, 315 Skobelev, 1153 · -births, tleaths, marriages, 275,312 Skupshtina (Montenegro), 1014 -books of reference, 315 Slavouia see Uroatia-Slo.vonia -commerce, 279, 314-5 Slivno or Slivnitza (Bulgaria), 6!l9 - "onstitution ,~government, :no-11 Smethwick, population, 16 -crops, 314 Smolensk, 1153 -debt, 314 Smyrna (vilayet), 1266 ; town, 1267 --emigration allll immigratio11, 312 Sobo tribe (Nigeria), 230 - factories, 314 Society Islands, 818 -finance, 275, 31~ Soderhamn (Sweden), 1235 - Governor, 311 Soerabaya (Java), 104 7 -local government, 311-12 Sofala (Port. E. Africa), 1120 -instruction, 313 Sofia, 669 ; University, 670 -justice and crime, 313 SokOO -mills, 516 Songchiu (Korea), 996 -mining, 516 Sonora (Mexico), 1004 -production anti industry, 516 Sonsonate (Salvador), 1194 - religion, 514 Sophia Island (Pacific), :346 --representation, 355, 514 Sopron (Hungary), 613 -rice and tobacco, 377, 378, 516 Sorbonne (Paris), 7 53 South Dakota, agriculture, 519 Soriano (Uruguay), 1309, 1312 - are:t and pop., 359, 517 Sonsun (Colombia), 707 -charity, 518 South Africa (British), .•ee Basuto• -constitution & government, 517 land, Bechuanaland, Cape Colony, - defence, 518-9 Rhodesia, Swaziland, &e. -finance, 518 - - Unbn of, 195 7 - instruction, 518-9 Southampton, 15 ; coli., 29 ; port, 81 - mining, 519 aborigines, 312 a!ld industry, 519 South Australia, 1 -production - agriculture, 314 - public lallll, 375 - area and population, 312 - religion, 517 INDEX 1393

sou STU South Dakot[\, representation, 355, Speightstown (Barbados), 265 517 Speyer (Bavaria), 875 -wheat crop, an, 519 Spezia, 950, 958, 960 South-Easteni Agricultural College, Spokane (U.S. A.), 535, 536 -· Wye, 29 Springfield (Mass.), 363, 456 South Georgia Island, 25 7 - (Ill.), 430 South Island (N. Z. ), 330~ 1 Sri Menanti (M:tlay State), 164 South Orkneys, 257 Srinagar, 124 8outhport, popult~tiou of, 16 Stanley (Falkland Islands), 257 South Shetlands, 2fi7 Stanley F~lls (Congo State), 648 South Shields, popult~tion, 15, 16 Stanley Pool, 645, 648 South-WP,st Africa (Ger.), 858, 860-1 Stanleyville, 648 spain, agricnlture, 1224 Starbuck Island (Pacifite), 347 - area and populatio!l, 1219-20 Stavanger (Norway), 1064 - arflly, 1222~4 S tavropol, 1153 - banks, 1228 Stawell (Victoria), 298 - birtl~s, deaths and marriages, Steiermark, see Styria 1220. Steppes (l{nssian), \}re11 and J•Op., - books of reference, 1230 1150 ; crops, 1168 · -colonies, &c., 1221, 1229~30 Stettin, 82~ ; shipping, 852 - commerce, 1225-7 Stevenson Road (Rhodesia), 192 - constitntion, 1225-7 Stewart Island (N:z.), 330, 331 -Cortes, 1217 Stewart Sound (Andamaus), 156 - currency all(l credit, 1228 Stockholm, 1235 ; defence, 1240 ; -debt, 1222 local government, 1233 ; sP.iwiug, - defence, 1222-4 1243 - diplomatic representatives, 1229 Stockport, population, 15, 16 -emigration, 1220 Rtoke-upon-Trent, 16 -finance, 1221~2 Straits Settlements, area, 15S - fisher-ies, 1225 -·-books ofreference, 167-8 --government, central, 1217-8 - CO!llmerce, 161-2 --local, 1218 - communications, 162 - imrJOrt duties, 122\3 --constitution and govcmmeut, 1r.7 ·-- instruction, 1221 -currency, 163 -live stocjr, 12'25 -customs valuatio11, 1 G2 - manufactures, 1225 - defence, HJO -- mining and minerals, 1225 -finance, 160 - ministry, 1218 -governor, 158 - money, weights, measures, 1228-9 -import duties, 161 -- navy, 1224 -instruction, 159 -posts and telegraphs, 1228 -justice and crime, 160 -production and industry, 1224-5 - military expenditure, 95 - railways, 1228 -money, weights, measures, 163 - reHgio11, 1220~1 -population, 158-9 · -royal family, 1216 - production ~nd iu!lustry, 160 -shipping and navigation, 1227 -- railways, 162 · - sovereigTh 3, 1216 -shipping, 162 - sovereigns since 1512, 1217 -tin, 162 - town~, 1220 - troops at, !l5, 160 -Universities, 1221 - See al.w Malay States, Feder11te

STY SWI Styria, (Austria), area and pop., 596 Sweden, government, central, 1232 - representation in Reichsrath, 593 - - local, 1233 - -provincial Diet, 594-5 -import duties, 1242 Suabia, 87 4, 875 - industry, 1241 Suakin, 1304 - instruction, 1235-6 Suarez, 654 -justice and crime, 1236 Suchan, 686, 687, 695 -King, 1231 Sucre (Bolivia), 652 -kings and queens since 1521, 1231 -(Venezuela), 1317 - Landsting, 1232-3 Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian), 1303-6 -live stock, 1240 Suez, 1289 --mines and minerals, 1240-1 - Canal, 1300-1 - ministry, 1232-3 Suifen-ho (China), port, 695 -money, weights, and measures, 1245 Sulina, 1138 -navy, 1240 Snlu fslands, 553 - occupations of the people, 1234 Sumatra, 1045, 1046; coal mines, 1050 - pauperism, 1236 Sund:l Islands, 1045 , - posts and telegraphs, 1244 Sunrlay I. (Pacific), 341 , - production, 1240-1 Sunderland, 16 ; port, 68, 81 ' -railways, 1244 Sundsvall (Sweden), 1235 - religion, 1235 Sungei Ujong, 164 -royal family, 1231 Suui or Sunni (sed), 100, 176, 1019, - shipping and navigation, 1243 1087 - towns, 1235 Sur, 1076 - U ni versi ties, 1235 Surat, 124 -See also Norway. Surinam, 1051-3 Switzerland, agriculture, 1258 Sus (Morocco), 1019 -area and population, 1250-2 Suva (Fiji), 342 - army, 1256 et seq. Suwalki, 1153 -banks, 1261 Sveaborg, 1161, 1164, 1185 - book of reference, 1262 Swakopmund (Ger. S. W. Af. ), 860,861 -births, deaths, and marriages, 1252 Swansea, 16; port, 68, 81 - Bundesrath, the, 1249 Swat, 567 - commerce, 1258-60 Swatau, 688, 695 - constitution, 1248-9 Swaziland (S. Africa), 19-1-5, 216 -currency and credit, 1261 Sweden, agriculture, 1240 - customs valuation, 1259 Sweden, area & pop., 1233 et seq. -debt, 1255 - army, 1238-40 - defence, 12ii6 ct seq. -banks, 1244-G -diplomatic representatives, 1261 - births, deaths, and marriages, 1235 - emigration, l:.l52 -books of reference, 1246-7 - Federal Assembly, 1248-50 - canals, 1244 - finance, 1255-6 -commerce, 1241-3 - forestry, 1258 - constitution, 1232 -government, central, 1248-50 - Council of State, 1231 - -local, 1250 - currency and credit, 1244-5 -instruction, 1253-4 - customs valuation, 1242-3 -justice and crime, 1254 -debt, 1238 -live stock, 1258 -defence, 1238-40 - money, weights, measures, 1261 -Diet, 1232 - N ationalrath, 1248-50 -diplomatic representatives, 1246 - occupations of the people, 125b-2 -emigration, 1235 -posts ami telegraphs, 1260 - finance, 1236-8 - President, 1250 INDEX 1395

SWI TAt; Switzerland, production and indus- Talcahuauo (Chile), town, 676; port, try, 1258 681 -railways, 1260 Talien-wan, 687, 700, 976 - religion, 1252-8 Tallahasse (Fla.), 42' - Standerath, 1248 Tamale (Gold Coast), 232 - towns, 1252 Tamatave, 798, 800 --Universities, 1254 Tamaulipas (Mexico), 1004 Sydney (N.S. W.), linance, 289 r Tambov, 1153 - naval station, 276, 289 Tam Chui, mines, 004 - population, 286 Tammerfors, 1153, 1185 -shipping, 281 Tampa (Fla.), 422 --University, 287 Tampico (.Mexico), 1009 Sydney Jslam! (Pacific), :346 Tampin, 164 Syra (Greece), 920 Tamsui (Formosa), 900 Syracuse (~. Y. ), :lil1, 363, 489 Tamworth (N. S. W. ), 286 Syr Darin, 1150 Tanala race ( Yiadagascar), 798 Syria (vilayet), 12tiG Tanaland (B. E. Af. ), 171 Syzran, 1153 Tana River dist. (B. E. Af. ), 171 Szabadka (Hungary}, 613 Tanga (Ger. E. Africa), 862 Szechwan, 686, 6!J;~ Tangier (Morocco), 1019, 1020 Szeged (Hungary), 613 Tanjore, 124 Szekes-l<'ejervar (Hungary), 613 Tanna Is. (Pacific), :i4 7 Szemao, 688, 695 Tantah (Egypt), 1290 Szentes (Hungary), 613 'faoism, 688 Taotais (China), 685 ! Taranaki district (N.Z.), 331 'l'aranto, fort, (Italy), 958 ABA CO (Philippines), 553 Tarapaci, lJrov. (Chile), 676,679,1098 1: Tabasco (Mexico), 1004 T:uifa, 1223 'fabora (Ger. K Africa), 862 Tarija (Bolivia), uril ; town, 652 Tabriz (Persia), 1087, 1091 Tarnol'ol, 598 Tach ira (Venezuela), 1317 'l'ashkend, 1153 'l'acna, prov. (Chile), 676, 1098 Tasichozoug (Bhutan), GiiO Tacoma (Wash.), 363, 5:34, 537 'l'asiko, or A pi Is. (Pad fie), 34 7 'facuarernbo (Uruguay), 1309 Tasmania, agriculture, 326 Tafilet (Morocco), 1019 - area and population, 323-4, 326 'l'aft, W. H., President, U.S.A., 351 --births, deaths, and marriagcH, 275, Tagal tribes (Cochin China), 787 324 'l'agamog, 1153 ' - books of reference, 327 Tahaa I. (Pacific), 818 - commerce, 327 Tahiti, 782, 783, 818-9 -constitution and government, ~23 'l'ai mce (Annam), 786 -debt, 325 Tainan (Formosa), 990 -- defence, 276, 326 'l'aipa (Macao}, 1118 - emigration and immigration, 324 Taiwan, see Formosa - finance, 275, 325-6 Tai-yuan, 686 - fruit culture, 326 Tajurah (Somali coast), 803 -gold, 326 'l'ajiks (tribe), 568 -- Governor, 323 Taka (Bhutan), 650 - instruction, 324-5 Takamatsu (Japan), 978 -justice and crime, 325 Tal

TAS TOU Tasmania, occupations of the people, Texas, production and indn1;try, 324 524-5 - pauperism, 325 -religion, 523 -production and industry, 326 -representation, :351), 523 - religion, 325 -tobacco, wheat & rice, 377, 524 - representation, 273 Thessaly, 924 - shipping, 280, 327 Thorn, fort, 837 ·- University, 325 Thursday lslan

TOU TUR Toul (fortress), 761 Trinidad (Bolivia), 652 Toulon, 749 ; fort, 761, 766 Triphylia, 920 Toulouse, 749; faculties, 754, 756 Tripoli (Afr.), 1266, 1279 Toungso(Ton~)(Bhutan), 650 Tripolitsa. (Greece), 920 Tourane (Annam), 786 Tristan_ da Cunha, 18 4 Tourcoing, 749; trade, 774 Trivandrum, 124 Tournai, 634, 637 Trois Freres Islands, 181 Tours, 749 Trondhjem (Norway), ·1064; ship. Townsville (Queensland), 306 ping, 1070, 1071 Toyama (Japan), 978 Troy (N.S. ), 363, 489 Toyohashi (Japan), 978 Troyes, 749 Transcaspian provinces, 1150 Trujillo (Honduras), 938 Transcaucasia, 1149 -(Peru), University, 1099 Transkei, 199 - (Ycnezuela), 1317 Transvaal, The, area and pOI'·• 216 Tsaritsyn, 1153 -hanks, 222 'l'sinau, 687, 863 - books of reference, 222-3 Tsingtau (China), 863 - Uhinese in, 220, 221 T~itsihar (China), 700 - co~tl output, 220 Tsu (Japan), 978 - comnwrce, 221 Tsushima Islands (Japs.n), 976 -constitution & government, 214-5 Tua-Motu Is. (Pacific), 818-9 -debt, 218 Tuaregs (Moroeco), 1019 - defence, 95, 219 Tiibin~n, 915 ; Univ., 832, 916 - diamonds, 220 Tnbua1 Is. (Pacific), 818 - finance, 218-9 Tucuman (Arg.), 572; town, li73 - gold output, 219-20 Tula, 1153 - Governor, 215 Tnleea (Rumania), 1133 - import duties, 221 Tnli (Rhodesia), 190 -instruction, 216-7 '1'1llll&co (Colombia), 707 -justice, 217-8 'runghi Bay (~anzibar), 171i - legislature, 214-5 Tungurahua (Ecuador), 737 - live-stock, 219 Tunis, 781 - military expen!Iiture, 95 -area and pop., 782, 811 - mining, 219-21 - army, 792, 811 -production and indust1·y, 219-20 -Bey, 810 -railways, 222 -books ofreferencEt, 814 -religion, 216 -city, 811 - telegraphs, 222 - commerce, 783, 812-3 Trapani (Italy), on ; town, 950 - finance, 81~ Tras os Montes, 1108 -government, 810 Travancore.(lndia), 121 - indust~:y, .812 Trarza (Fr. W. Africa), 805 - instrnctiou1 811 Trebizond (vilayet),1266; town, 1267 - mon~y1 . weigh_,, 1: DJ.e"IWIB, 813 Treinta-y-Tre& (Uruguay), 13Q9 -railways qd i411tlgt.tpb;, 813 Trengganu (Malay State), 166, 167, Tunja (Colombia), 707 1210 Turano (Annam), 786 Trenton (N. Jersey), 863, 482 Tur~i, 1153 Treviso (Italy). 946 ; town, 950 Turm (Torino), 945; town, 950; Trichinopoli, 124 Univ •• ~.1!3 Trieste, 593, 595, 596 ; fort, 585 ; Tur) (U~!ia), 17a port, 606 ; town, 598 Turkestan (OhineHii 686, 701-2 Trikkala, 920; town, 920 -(Russ.), 1160 Trinidad (W. Indios), 264, 269 Turkey, agrieulture, 1275-6 13D8 THE STATESMAN's YEAR-HOOK, 1ll10

TUR UNI Turkey, area and population, 1265-7 U ele (Cougo Rtate), 645 - army, 1270-3 Ufa, 1153 - books ofreference, 1280-3 Uganda Protectorate (E. Africa), - commerce, 1276-7 173-5; books of reference, 178-9, - constitution & govt., 1264-5 -Railway, 171, 173, 174 -debt, 1269 Uitenhage (Cape Colony), 200 -defence, 1270 Ujiji (Ger. E. Af.), 862 -diplomatic representatives, 1:J80 Ujiyamada (Japan), 978 -finance, 1268-9 Ujpest (Hungary), 613 - frontiers, 1269-70 Ukamba (E. Africa), 171 -gold, 1275 Uleil.borg, 1153, 1185 - instruction, 1268 Ulema (Persian), 1087; (Turkish), -mining, 1275 1293 -ministry, 1265 Ulm, 829, 915 - money, weights, measureij, 1278-9 Ulster province, population, 20 - navy, 1273-4 - agricultural holdings, 63 - padiament, 1264-5 Ulua (Honduras), 988 -posts and telegraphs, 1278 Uman, 1153 -production ana industry, 1274-5 Umballa (India), 124 - railways, 1277-8 Umbria, 946 - religion, 126 7-8 Umtali (Rhodesia), 190 - royal family, 1263 Ungava (Canada), 242 - shipping and navigation, 1277 Union, or Tokelau Islands, 346 -sovereigns from 1299, 1264 Union of South Africa, 195 -Sultan, 1263 - Constitution & government, 195-7 - towns, 1267 - Governor, 197 -tributary states, 1279-80, 1286 United Provinces (Agra and Oudh), - , 1265, 1266 agriculture, 134, 135 'l'urkistan (Afghanistan), 568 -area and population, 119 Turks Island, 266, 267 - births and deaths, 123 'l'urkwel (Uganda), 173 - finance, 130-2 'l'uscany, 946 -forests, 135, 136 Tushmal, chief (Persia), 1187 -government, 117, 118 . Tu~kegee Institution (Ala.), 400 -Justice, 127 'l'uticorin, trade, 142 - religion, 125 'l'uttlingen, 915 -roads, 144 Tutuila Is. (Samoa), 372, 558, 559, 864 - statPs, 120, 122 •rver, 1153 United States, agriculture, 375 Twillingate (Newfoundland), 261 - area, 857 et seq. Tyne Ports, 68, 91 - army, ~70-1 Tynemouth, population, 16 - banks, 894-5 Tyrol (Austria), area and pop., 596 - births, deaths, and marriages, 360-1 -representation in Reichsrath, 593 -books of reference, 397-9 -- provincial diet, 594-5 - Cabinet, 853-4 -cereal crops, 377 -cities, 361, 362-3 - coal output, 380 - coinage, 394 BANGI (Congo State), 645 -commerce, 386-90 U Ubangi-Sha.ri-Chad Colony (Fr. - Congress, 351-5 Congo), 796 - constitution, 851 Uddevalla. (Sweden), 1285 - copper output, 880, 385 Udine (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 -corn, 877 · INDEX. 139U

UNI UTA United States, cotton, 377, 385 United States, wheat crops, 377 - currency and credit, 394-5 - wine, 379, 386 - customs valuation, 386-7 -wool, 378 - debt, 369-70 University College, London, 28, 29 - defence, 370 et seq. -- Dublin, 28 - diplomatic representatives, 396-7 Upper Senegal and the Niger - finance, Federal, 368-70 (French), 805, 808-9 - - state, 370 Unterwald (cantons), 1249, 1251 - fisheries, 386 Unyoro (Uganda), 174 - forestry, 379 Upolu Island (Pacific), 858, 864, 865 - fruit-growing, 378-9 Upsala, 1235 ; University, 1235 - gold output, 381, 387 Ural, mining, 1170 -government, 351-6 Uralsk, 1153 - -local and state, 356-7 Urbino prov., 946; University, 953 - House of Representatives, 354-5 Urga (Mongolia), 702 - immigration, 362 Urgel, Bishop, 781 - import duties, 386 Urgenj, New (Khiva), 1190 - Indian reservations, 360 Uri (canton), 12411, 1251 -insauction, 364-6 Uruguay, area & population, 1309-10 - iron and steel, 380, 383-4, 385-6 - banks, 1314 - ,iustice and crime, 367 -births, deaths, marriages, 1310 - live stock, 378 - books of reference, 1316 -manufactures, 381 et seq. - commerce, 1313 -mines and, 379-81, 385 - constitution and government, 1309 - money, weights, & meaRlll'es, 396 -currency and credit, 1314 - navy, 372-4 -debt, 1311 - occupations of the people, 360 - defence, 1318 - pauperism, 367-8 - diplomatic representatives, 1316 - petroleum output, 380 -emigration and immigration, 1310 -population, 357 et lllliJ. -finance, 1311 --foreign and foreign-born, 358, - justice, 1311 360 - live stock, 1312 -- movement of, 360-2 -money, weights, & measures, 1314 - precious stones, 381 - posts and telegraphs, 1314 - President, 351 - President, 13011 - P1·esidents since 1789, 352 - production and industry, 1312-3 -production and industry, 375 etlllll] - railways, 1314 ·-public lands, 375-6 - religion and instruction, 1310-11 - railways, 392 - roaiis, 1314 -religion, 363-!l - shipping and navigation, 1313 -rice, 377 Uruml&h (Persia), 1088 - schools, 364 et seq Usbeg, or Uzbeg, tribe, 568, 1189 - Senate, 354 Ust-Dvinsk, 1161, 1164 - shipping and navigation, 390-2 Utah, agriculture, 528 - silver output, 379, 381, 387 - area & population, 359, 526, 527-8 - spirits, production of, 386 - charity, 527 - states and territories, 358-9, 375 - constitution and government, 526 -sugar, 377 - defence, 527 - poste and telegraphs, 392--3 - finance, 527 - telephones, 393 -instruction, 526-7 - tobacco, 378 - irrigation, 528 - universities and colleges, 365 - mining, 381, 6.28 - vice-presjdeJlts since 1789, 352-3 I - prod\lction and industry, 527-8 1400 THE STATESMAN'::; YEAR-BUOK, 1910

U'H VlC Utah, public lands, 37 5, li:J7 Veneznela, religion allt! instruction, - representation, 355, 526 1317 Utica (N.Y.), 363, 489 - shipping, 1320 Utila (Honduras), 938 Venice (Venezia), 946; town, 91\0; Utrecht (Natal), 207, 208, 210, 211 shipping, 967 ; fort, 958 . -(Netherlands), prov., 1031, 1037; Vera Cruz (Mexico), 1004; town,1005 town, 1030; University, 1031 Verdun (fortress), 761 Utsunomiya (Japan), 978 Vermont, agriculture, 630 Uvea Island, 818 -- area and population, 358, 529 - charity, 529-30 - constitution & govt., 529 - defence, 530 - finance, 530 ADO, fortress (Italy), 958 - forests, 530 V Vaduz, 608 - instruction, 529 Vaitupu Island (Pacific), 346 -production and industry, 530-1 Valais (canton), 1249, 1251 - representation, 355, 529 Valdivia, prov. (Chile), 676 Verona, 946 ; town, 950 ; fort, 958 Valencia (Spain), 1220 ; Univ., 1221 Versailles, 749; fort, 761 ValladoliLl, 1220 ; University, 1221 Verviers (Belgium), 634 Valletta (Malta), 97 Vianna do Castillo (Portugal), 1108 Valparaiso, 676; town and port, Viborg, 1153, 1161, 1164, 1185 676, 681 Vicenza, 946 ; town, 950 Van, 1266 Victoria, agriculture, 301-2 Vancouver, 243, 252 - area alld population, 297-8 Vanga (B. E. Africa), 171 - banks, 303 Vanna Levu (Fiji), 342 - births, deaths, marriages, 298 Var-11a, 669, 673 - books of reference, 303 Vasteras (Sweden}, 1235 -coal 302 Vatiu, or Atiu, Island (Cook Is.), 341 - com~erce, 302-3 Vaud (canton), 1249, 1251 -constitution & government, 296-7 Vavau (Tonga}, 345 - cuJTency and credit, 303 Vaxholm, fort. (Sweden), 12·10 -debt, 300 Venezuela, area & population, 1316-7 - tlefence, 27 6 - banks, 1320 - emigration anu immigration, 298 - books of reference, 1321-~ - finance, 27 5, 299-300 - cocoa and coffee, 1318 - forests, 301 -commerce, 1319-20 -gold coined, 303 - constitution and govt., 1316 - - production, 3b2 -debt, 1318 -- Governor, 296 -defence, 1318 - local government, 297 -diplomatic representatives, 1321 - instruction, 298-9 - finance, 1318 - justice and crime, 299 - gold output, 1319 - live-stock, 301 -justice and crime, 1317-8 - manufactures, 302 -mines and minerals, 1319 -i.mining, 302 - money, weights, itnd i:neaSttres, - ministry, 296 1320-1 - occupations of the people, 297 - pearl fishery, 1319 -- old age pensions, 299 -posts and telegtaphs, 1320 - posts and telegr:\.phs; 28~ - President, 1316 -production and industry, 301-2 - pr.qduction a~d inLltistry, 1318-9 - railway~, 281 - railways, 1320 - religion, 298 INDEX 1401

vw WAS Victoria, representatio11, 27q ' Yolo (Greece), 920 - shipping and navigation, ~80 Vologda, 1153 -University, 298 Voradberg, area an4 population, 596 -wealth, 300 - represep~tion ip Reichsrath, 593 -wheat, &c., 301 - - provincial Diet, 594-5 -wine, 277, 301 Voronezh, 1153 - wool production, 301 Vranya (Servia), 1203 See also Australia, Cown:wjlwealth of Vryheid (Natal), 207, 208, 210, 211 Victoria (British Cpllljllbi~), ~43 Vya\ka, 1153 - {Ho11g I}ongl, ·lll Vyernyi, 1153 - (Ka\J!eifln}, 860 - (Labuan), 159 UT ADAI, 797, 804 -- (Rhodesia), 190 H Wadelai (E. AfTica), 175 - (Seychelles), 185 Wa

WAS WIL Washington, instruction, 535 Western Australia, justice and crime, - irrigation, 536 318-9 -mining, 536-7 - live stock, 320 - production and industry, 536-7 - mining, 321 - public land, 375 -ministry, 316-7 - representation, 355, 534 -pauperism, 319 - religion, 535 -production and industry, 320-1 - wheat crop, 377, 536 -religion, 318 Washington Island (Pacific), 34.7 - shipping, 280, 321 Waterbury (Conn.), 363, 415 See also Australia, Commonwealth of. Waterford, 11, 21 Western Province, Uganda, 17 4 Watling's Island (W.I.), 264 Westfield College, Hampstead, 29, 30 Wattana mines (Siam), 1213 West Ham, population, 16 Waziristan, 567 West Hartlepool, population, 16 Wedel, Count v. (Statthalter, Alsace- West Indies, British, 52, 264 ; statiR- Lorraine). 867 tics, 271-2 Weihaiwei, 168-9, 687 , - Danish, 734 Weimar, 906 - Dutch, 1051 Weinheim (Baden), 870 -- French, i82, 783, 814 Welle (Congo Stnte), 645 ! Westland (N.Z.), district, 331 Wellesley Coli. (U.S.A.), 457 , Westphalia, area, population, 895 Wellington (N. Z. ), distrint, 831 ; 1 West Point (lJ.S.A.), military eoll., port, 3£9 ; town, 336 ; trade, 338 490 W enchau, 688, 695 West Virginia, agricultme, 540 Wesleyan College, Richmond, 29 -area and pop., 358, 538-9 West Africa (French), 781, 782 et -banks, 540 .9Cq, - charity, 539 - Portn~uese, 1117, 1118-9 -· constitution and govt., 538 -Spanish, 1229 - defence, 539-40 West African Colonies, British, 227-36 - finance, 539 - books of reference, 236-7 - forests, 540 - customs valuation, 235 - instruction, 539 -debt, 235 - mining, 540 -statistics, 234-6 - production and industry, 540 -- troops in, 95 -· religion, 639 West Bromwich, population, 16 - representation, 355, 538 Western Australia, aborigines, 317 Whang-hai pt·ov. (Korea), 995 - agriculture, 320 Wheeling (W. Va. ), 539 -area and population, 317-8 Whydah (Dahomey), 808 - banks, 32] ... 2 Wiborg, see Viborg - Lirths, deaths, and marriag~s, 275, , Wiene1·-Neustadt, 598 318 Wiesbaden, 829 - books of reference, 32:! Wigan, population, 16 - commerce, 321 Wiju, port (Korea), 996 -constitution & government, 311-2 Wilhelm II., German Emperor, 821; -currency and credit, 321-2 King of Prussia, 891 -debt, 319 Wilhelm II. (Wiirttemberg), 914 - emigration and immigration, 318 Wilhelm, Grand Duke, Luxemburg, -finance, 275, 319 1002 - forestry, ~20 Wilhelm Ernst, Grand Duke (Saxe· -gold, 321 Weimar), 906 -Governor, 316 Wilhelmina, Queen (Netherlands), - iustructiou, 318 1026 INDEX 1403

WIL YEM Wilhelrnshaven, 837 ; naval port, 840 Wiirttemberg, posts and telegraphs, Wilke~~barre (Pa. ), 363, 507 854, 916 Wilmington (Del.), 363, 417 - railways, 853 - (N. Car.), 494, 496 - reigning king, 914 Wilson Islands (Pacillc), 347 -religion, 830, 915-6 Windhoek (Ger. S.W. Africa), 860-1 -representation (Imperial), 823 Windward Islands, 264, 270-1 -towns, 915 Winueba (W. Africa), 231 -University, 916 Winnipeg, 243 Wiirzburg (Hav.), 829, 875; Uni- Winterthur (Switzerland), 1252 versity, 832 Wisconsin, agriculture 54.3 Wye, agricultural college, 29 - area and population, 358, 541 Wyuberg (Cape Col.), 200 - charity, 542 Wyoming, area and pop., 379, 544 - constitution and government, 541 -charity, 545 - defence, 543 -constitution and government, 544 - finance, 542 - defence, 545 -instruction, 541-2 -- finance, 545 -mines, 543 - instruction, 544-5 - production an,l industry, 543 - mining, 545 -public lands, 375 -production and industry, 545-6 - religion, 541 -public lands, 375 - representation, 355, 541 --- religion, 544 -wheat and tobacco, 377, :178 - representation, 355, 544 Wismar (Mecklenburg-Schwerin), 888 - sheep and wool, 545 Witwatersrand, 216, 217 W ol verhampton, population, 16 Wonsan (Korea), 99ti W oodlark I. (P>\pna), 328 XUAN DAY (Annam), 786 Woodstock (Uape Col.), 200 Woolwich, Royal Military Acalemy,54 Worcester, population, 16 Worcester (Cape Col.), 200 AKUTSK, 1153 Worcester (.Mass.), 361, 363, 456 Y Yale Univ. (U.S.A.), 415 Worms (He'>lle), 884 Yamngata (Japan), 978 Wu-chang, 686 Yanaon (French India), 784 Wuchau, 688, 695 Yanina (vilayet), 1266 Wuhu, 687, 695 Yap (Caroline Islands), 864 Wunsan, gold mine (Korea), 996 Yaracuy (Venezuela), 1317 Wl1rttemberg, agricultme, 917 Yarbatenda (Gambia), 804 -area and pop., 824, 915 Yarkand, 702 --- births, deaths, marriages, 827, 915 Yarmouth, Gt., population, 16 - books of reference, 917 Yaroslavl, 1153 -breweries, 846 -7 Yatung (Tibet), 701 -constitution & government, 914--n Yeisk, 1153 -debt, 917 Yekaterinburg, 1153 - emigration, 828 Yekateriuodar, 1153 - finance, 916-7 Y ekaterinoslav, 1153 -industry, 826, 917 Yelets, 1153 -instruction, 830, 916 Yelizabethgrad, 1153 -live stock, 844 Yelizabethpol, 1153 - manufactures, 846 Yellaboi Island (W. Africa), 232 ...:__ matricular contribution, 836 Yemen (Arabia), 1266; boundary, - occupations of the people, 826 1270 1404 THE S'I'ATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1910

YEN zwo Yenikale, 1164 Zanzibar, commerce, 176-7 Yezd (Persia), 1087, 1091 - currency, 177 Yczo (Hokkaido), 976 -finance, 176-7 Yi Chok, Emperor (Korea), 994 -government, 170, 175-6 Ying-tse (Manchuria), 700 -justice, 176 Yochau, 687, 695 - police and tr.,ops, 17 6 Yokkaichi (Japan), 978 - production, 176 Yokohama, 978; port, 987 -Protectorate, 175 Yokost~ka (Japan), 1!78 -religion, 176 Yola (Nigeria), 227 -Sultan, 175 Yong Am Po, port (Kor~a), 996 -town, 176, 177 Yonkers (N.Y.), 363, 489 Zara, 585 Yoncwaza (Japan), 978 Zaragoza, 1220 ; university, l2Zl York, population, 16 Zaria (Nigeria), 227 Yoruba tribes, 230 Zaruma (Ecuador), 738 Youngstown (Ohio), 363, 499 Za.yechar (Servia), 1205 Ypres. 637 Zealand, 1029, 1081, 1037 Ystad (Swollen), 1235 Zeila, (E. Africa), 186, 5Pi, 804 Yucatan (l\lexico), 1004 Y.ela.ya. (Nicaragua), 10511 Yukon (Canaua), 240, 241, 242, 249 Zemstvos (Russia), 1146 Yunnan, 686, 692 Zerbst (AnhrLlt), 869 Ynriev (Dorpat), 1148, 1163; Univ., Zhitomir (Jitomir), 1158 1148, 1155 Zhob Vallpy (Balnchistan), 15~, Hi4 Ymu:ni (Vcnez.), gohl mines, 1319 Zifta barrage, 1297 Zinder-Chad, 8!19 Zipaguif\1! (ColQillhia.), 707, 709 Zittau (Saxony), 909 AANDA:M, 1030 Zomba (Ny~la.nd), 182 Z Zacatecas (Mexico), state, 10!)4 ; tor (vilaypt), 1266 town, 1005 Znffonhai!Sen, Ill!) Zagazig (Egypt), 1290 Zug (eanton), 1249, 1251 Zoi.grab (Agram), 613 ; Unh· , 615 Zulia (Venpzn4!la), 1317 Zaimis, A. '1'. A., High Conunis- Zululand, see 1lf a tal sioner (Orete), 1286 Zungaria, 702 . Zakynthos (Zanthe), 920 Zungeru (Nigeria), 228 Zamora (Venezuela), 1317 Ziil·ich (Canton), 12.11, 121il Zantc, or Zanthe, 920 ; town, 920 -(city) 1252 ; Univeraity, 1254 Zanzibar, qrea and population, 176 Zwickau (Saxony), 829, 909 - books of reference, li8-9 Zwolle, 1030

1 HF. ~:XIl

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