INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory 'fables which l•re• ent a summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British India., the British Colanies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan, and various other matters, as well as Additions and Con-ections ; nor will reference to such topics as Gold, Wheat, &c., be found otherwise than under the producing countries. AAC AFG ACHEN (Prussia), 829 Achaia, 920 A Aalborg (Denmark), 725 Achole (Uganda), 174 Au.len (Wurtemberg}, 915 Acklin's Island (Baha.mas), 264 Aalesund (Norwu.y), 1064 Aconcagua (Chili), 676 Aargu.u (cu.nton), 1249, 1251 Acre Ter. (Brazil), 659 Aarhus (Denmu.rk), 725 Adana (vilayet), 1266, 1275 Abaca Islu.nd (Baham&l!}, 264 Adelaide, 281, 312 ; University, Abu.ngarez mines (Costa Rica), 714 313 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1287 Aden, 99. 119 ; boundary, 99, 12 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 230 Adis Ababa, 563 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 192 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 807 Aberdeen, 19; University, 28, 29 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 863 Aberystwith College, 29 Adolf Friedrich (Grand-duke, Meck- Abeshr (Wadai), 797 lenburg-Strelitz), 888 Abo (Finlu.nd), 1163, 1164, 1186 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1229 Abomey, 808 Adriu.nople (town), 1267 Abrnzzi e M.olise, 946 - (vilayet), 1266 Abuua. (Coptic), 664 Adua (Abyssinia), 564 Abyssinia, area, 663 lEgean Islands, 924 -army, 663 Afghanistan, area, 567, 568 - books of reference, 666-6 : - army, 568-9 - commerce, 664-6 - books of reference, 570 - education, 664 - commerce, 569-70 -gold, 564 - currency, 570 - minerals, 664 :-government, 667-8 -money, 665 -justice, 568 - populu.tion, 663-4 - land cultivation, 569 - reigning king, 663 - manufactures, 569 - religion, 664 - minerals, 569 - roads, ru.ilways, 565 - origin of the Afghans, 567 - tillage, 564 - population, 568 -towns, 564 -- in Baluchistan, 153 - weights and measures, 565 - products, 569-70 Acajutla (Salvador), 1195 - reigning sovereign, 567 Acarnania., 920 - revenue, 568 Accra (Gold Coast), 231 - trade routes, 570 4 Q 13!3U '!'HE i:>TA'l'Ei:ll\L\N'S Y.KUHlOOK, HilU AFR ALG Africa, Central, Protectorate, '"c Alabama, agriculture, 401 Nyassaland Protectorate - area awl pop., 359, 399-400 - East (British), 170 et seq. -constitution aud government, 3VfJ --(German), 858, 861-<l - cotton crop, 377, 401 ---(Italian), 175, 960, 970-1 - defence, 401 --(Portuguese), 1117, 1120- -finance, 400-1 - South (British), troops in, 95 -justice and charity, 400 --Union of, 195-7 - instruction, 400 -South-West (German), 858, 860-1 - production and industry, 401 -(Turkish), 1265-6, 1279 - religion, 400 - West (British), 95, 227 ct seq. - representation, 355, 399 --(French), 782, 783 - rice crop, 401 --(German), 858 Alafi Island (Pacific), 818 --(Portugese), 1118-20 Alagoas (Brazil), 658, 659 --(Spanish), 1229 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 712 - colonies in, British, 170 Alaska, area and population, 359, 546 - - French, 782, 783, 803-9 - finance, 547 - - German, 858 - tisheries, 54 7 -- Italian, 970-1 -gold, 381, 547 --Portuguese, llli-21 -government, 357, 546 --Spanish, 1219, 1229 - itlstruction, 546-7 Agaiia (Guam.), 557 -justice, 547 Agdenes, fort(Norway), 1067 -mining, 381, 547 Agone (Dahomey), 808 - production, &c., 547-8 Agra. (prov.), see United Provinces - publie land, 375 - (town), 124 Alawi College, Tunis, 811 Agntm (Zagrab), 613 Albania, 1266 - University, 615 Albany (N.Y.), 361, 488, 489 .\guacate mines (Costa Rica), 712 Albany (W. Australia), 281,317 Aguaacalientes (Mexico), state, 1004 ; Albert, King (Belgium), 629 town, 1005 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1012 Ahmadabad (India), 124 Alberta (Canada), 240, 241, 242,244, Ahmad Shah, Sultan (Persia), 1085 247, 248 Aimaks (tribe), 568 Albuquerque (N. Mex.), 485, 486 Ain Sefra (Algeria), 790 Albury (N.S.W.), 286 Ainus (Japan), 977 Alcamo (Italy), 950 Aipere Is. (Pacific), 347 Alcoy (Spain), 1220 Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 341 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 185 Aix (France), faculties, 754 Alderuey, government, 89 ; pop., 22 Ajmere-Merwara, agriculture, 134,135 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1108, 1113 - area and population, 119, 123 Aleppo (vilayct), 1266 ; town, 1267 - forests, 135, 136 Alessandria (Italy), 945; town, -government, 118 950 ; fort, 958 - land tenure, 133 Alexandria, 1289 ; town, 1290 ; -religion, 125 shipping, 1299-1300 Ajmer, town (India), 124 - Patriarch of, 564, 1291 Akhmim (Egypt), 1290 Alexandropol, 1153 Akita (Japan), 978 Alexandrovsk Grushevsk, 1153 Akkerman (Russia), 1153 Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1216 Akron, Ohio, 363, 499 Algarve (Portugal), 1108 Aksu, 702 Algeciras, 1223 Aksum (Abyssinia), 564 Algeria, 781, 789 ct seq. Akuse (W. Africa), 231 - agriculture, 792-3 INDEX 1331 ALG ANT Algeria, area and pop., 782, 790-1 Am bans (Tibet), 700 -army, 762-3, 792 Ambato (Ecuador), 737 -bank, 795 Amberg (Bavaria), 875 - births, deaths, marriages, 791 Ambriz (Port. W. Africa), 1119 - books of reference, 795-6 America, British colonies in, 238 - commerce, 783, 793-4 -French colonies in, 782, 814 -crime, 791 Amhara (Abyssinia), 563 -finance, 791-2 Amiens, 749 - government, 789-90 Amirantes (Seychelles), 185 - industry, 792-3 Amoy, 688, 695 - instruction, 754, 791 Amritsar (India), 124 - mining, 793 Amsterdam, 1038; shipping, 1041 ; -money, weights, measures, 795 university, 1031 - posts and telegraphs, 794-5 Amsterdam Island, 803 - raihvays, 794 Amur prov. (Manchuria), 700, 1149 - religion, 791 Anatolian Railway, 1278 - shipping, 794 Anch'ing, 686 Algiers (Alger), 766, 791, 792 Anchorite Island (Pacific), 868 - schools, 754, 791 Ancona (Italy), 946; town, 950 .Alhucemas Islands, 1021, 1219 Andaman Islands, 117, 119, 1:.!5, 186, Ali bin Hamoud, Sultan of Zauziba1·, 156-7 175 Andel'Bon lnl!titution, 29 Alicante (Spain), 1220 Andijan, 1158 Aligarh (India), 124 AndolTa, 781 Allada (Dahomey), 808 Andms Island (W. I.), l!64 Allahabad, 124; Uuivet'Bity, 1:.16 Anocho (Togola.nu), 859 Allegheny (Pa.), 861, 368, 507 Aneityum Is. (Pacifio), 847 Almeria (Spain), 12:.!0 Angdaphorang (Bhutan), 650 Alost (Bqum), 684 Angers, 749 ; faculties, 755 Alphonse [sland (Seychelles), 185 Anglo-Egyptian Sulla.n, 1808-6 Alsace-Lorraine, area and popula.tiou, Angola, 1117, 1120-1 825, 867 Angora (vilayet), 1266 - constitution, 867 Angouleme, 749 - emigration, 828 Angra (Azores), 1109, 1118 - linanee, 868 Angra Pequeil.a (Ger. S. W.AI'rica), 860 - instruction, 831, 868 Anguilla Island (W.l.) 267, 268 - justice and crime, 868 Anhalt, area. and pop., 8:.16-7, 869 -live stock, iSM - constitution, 869 - manufactures, 846, 868 - finance, 869 - matricula.r contribution, 836 - Imperial representation, 828 -occupation& of the people, 826 - instruction, 830 -production md industry, 868 - matt·icular contributions, 886 - railway, 853 - occupations of the people, 826 - religion, 830, 868 1 - reigning duke, 869 -representation (Imperial), 823 Anhui or Ngan-hwei, 686, 692 - Statthalter, 867 Anjonan (Comoro Is.), 802 Altenburg, 903 Ankober (AbyBtlinia), 664 Altona, 829, 862 Ankole (Uganda), 174 Alwar, 120, 133 ; town, 124 Ann Arbour (~Iich. Universityll 46:.1 Amapala (HonduJ.U), 938 Annabon (Span. Aflica.), 1229 Amazonas (Brazil}, 658, 659 Annam, 782, 786 Amazonas (Veuez. ), 1317 Annapolis (Md.), 451, 4.52 Ambado (Somali Coast), 8011 Antalo (Abyssinia), 564 4 Q l! 1332 THE STATESMAN's YEAH-BOOK, 1910 ANT A~tJ Antananarivo, 798 Argentine l:tepublic, justice and Antequera (Spain), 1220 crime, 573 Antigua, 267, 268 - mining, 576 Antioquia (Colombia), 707, 708 - money, weights, and measures, 579 Antipodes Islands (N. Z. ), 341 - navy, 575-6 Antivari (Montenegro), 1014, 1016 -posts and telegraphs, 578 Antofagasta (prov.), 676 - President, 571 -(town), 676; port, 654, 681 -production and industry, 576 An-tung, 687 ; port, 695, 698 - railways, 570 Antwerp, province, 632_ - religion, 573 - town, 634, 896 - shipping and navigation, 578 Anzoategui (Venezuela), 1317 - universities, 573 Apeldoorn, 1030 Argolis, 920 Api Is (Pacific), 347 Arica, 654, 1098 Apia (Samoa), 865 Arikis (of Cook Islands), 341 Apolda, 906 Arish, El (Egypt), 1289 Apolima (Samoa), 865 Arizona (Ter. ), area & pop., 359 Appenzell (cantons), 1249, 1251 - charity, 402-3 Apra (Guam), 557 - defence, 403 Apulia, 947 - finance, 403 Apure (Venezuela), 1317 -government, 402 Aqua-town (Kamerun), 860 - instruction, 402 Aquila uegli Abruzzi, 946; town, 950 - precious stones, 381 Arabia, 1266 -production and industry, 403-4 Arad, 585, 613 - public lands, 375 Aragua (Venezuela), 1317 - representation, 402 Arauco (Chile), 676 Arkansas, area & population, 359, 404 Arcadia, 920 - charity, 405 Archipelago (Turkish), 1266 -constitution & government, 404 Arendal (Norway), 1064 - cotton crop, 378, 405 Arequipa (Peru), 1098; Univ., 1099 -crops, 405 Arezzo (Italy), 946 ; town, 950 - defence, 405 Argao (Philippines), 553 - finance, 405 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 576 -instruction, 404-5 - area and population, 572-3 - production and industry, 405-6 -army, 575 -public land, 375 - banks, 578-9 -representation, 355, 404 - births, deaths, marriages, 572 Arkhangelsk, 1149, 1153 - books of reference, 579-80 Armenia, 1266 - cattle industry, 576 Armenians (in Persia), 1087, 1088 ; -commerce, 577 et seq. (in Turkey) 1267, 1268 - constitution, 571 Annstrong College, 29 - currency and credit, 578-9 Arnhem, 1030 -debt, 574-5 Arnstadt, 913 -defence, 575 Arolsen (Waldeck), 913 - diplomatic representatives, 579 Aro tribe (Nigeria), 231 - emigration and immigration, 572 Arta, 920 - finance, 57 4-5 Artigas (Uruguay), 1309 -gold, 576 Aruba Island (Dutch W. Indies), 1053 - government, 571 Aruwimi (Congo State), 654
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