(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,091,161 B2 Oldiges, Jr

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,091,161 B2 Oldiges, Jr US007091161 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,091,161 B2 Oldiges, Jr. et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 15, 2006 (54) NON-METALLIC THREAD SEALANT AND (56) References Cited ANTI-SEZE COMPOUND HAVING IMPROVED ANT-GALLING PROPERTIES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS FOR METAL ALLOYS 3.652,414 A * 3/1972 Bergeron .................... 508,119 (75)75 Inventors: Donald A. OdiOldigsr. Cypress, TX 5,093,0155,015.401 A * 3/19925/1991 OldigesLandry et............ al. ...... 508,124508,169 (US); Herschel McDonald, Red Oak, 5,154,840k - I A * 10, 1992 Drake et al. ...... ... 508,122 TX (US); Tom Blake, Spring, TX (US); 5,286.393 A * 2/1994 Oldiges et al. ............. 508/139 Keyin Stroup, Spring, TX (US); Don 5,348,668 A * 9/1994 Oldiges et al. ............. 508/139 A. Oldiges, III, Crypress, TX (US) 5.498.351 A * 3/1996 Hefling ............. ... 508,111 5,536,422 A * 7/1996 Oldiges et al. ............. 508,121 (73) Assignee: Jet-Lube, Inc., Houston, TX (US) 5,547.503 A * 8/1996 Oldiges et al. ........ 106,287.18 5,891,830 A * 4/1999 Koltermann et al. ........ 508,136 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,620,460 B1* 9/2003 Oldiges et al. ............. 427/409 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,960,555 B1* 11/2005 Anthony et al. ............ 508,136 U.S.C. 154(b) by 481 days. * cited by examiner (21) Appl. No.: 10/438,301 Primary Examiner Ellen M. McAvoy (22) Filed: May 14, 2003 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Robert W. Strozier (65) Prior Publication Data US 2004/0229760 A1 Nov. 18, 2004 (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl. An anti-seize compound is disclosed for use on Surfaces of CIOM 69/06 (2006.01) threaded connections made of speciality alloys such as high CIOM 125/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl 508/154: 508/113. 508/116 nickel or chrome ferrous alloys or other speciality alloys 508/129; 508/130: 508/156; 508/165; 508/175: prone to galling under high stress conditions. The compound s 508/181,508/219,508/390 using a metal fluoride as the anti-seize film forming agent at (58) Field of Classification Search ................ sos, 154, least above about 5 wt %. 508/165, 175, 156,390 See application file for complete search history. 25 Claims, No Drawings US 7,091,161 B2 1. 2 NON-METALLC THREAD SEALANT AND lithium fluoride (LiF), sodium fluoride (NaF), potassium ANTI-SEZE COMPOUND HAVING fluoride (KF), rubidium fluoride (RbF), cesium fluoride IMPROVED ANT-GALLING PROPERTIES (CSF), magnesium fluoride (MgF2), calcium fluoride (CaF2). FOR METAL ALLOYS strontium fluoride (SrF), yttrium fluoride (YF), lanthanum fluoride (LaF), cerium fluoride (CeF), neodymium fluoride BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION (NdF), europium fluoride (EuF), dysprosium fluoride (DyF), or mixtures or combinations thereof. Preferred 1. Field of the Invention non-corrosive metal fluorides include sodium fluoride The present invention relates to a non-metallic thread (NaF), potassium fluoride (KF), rubidium fluoride (Rbf), sealant and anti-seize compound for use on high nickel or 10 cesium fluoride (CSF), magnesium fluoride (MgF2), calcium chrome containing ferrous alloys or other metal alloys prone fluoride (CaF), cerium fluoride (CeF) or mixtures or to galling under high contact stress. combinations thereof. More particularly, the present invention relates to a non The present invention also provides a sealant/anti-seize metallic thread Sealant and anti-seize compound for use on thread composition including one or more thixotropic base high nickel or chrome containing ferrous alloys or other 15 materials, one or more boundary lubricants, one or more metal alloys prone to galling under high contact stress anti-seize, particulate, metal fluorides, an anti-wear additive including one or more thixotropic or rheopectic base mate system and an anti-degradant additive system, where the rials, one or more anti-seize agents, and one or more metal fluorides are selected from the group consisting of boundary lubricant. lithium fluoride (LiF), sodium fluoride (NaF), potassium 2. Description of the Related Art fluoride (KF), rubidium fluoride (RbF), cesium fluoride High chrome and/or high nickel alloy threaded connec (CSF), magnesium fluoride (MgF2), calcium fluoride (CaF). tions for applications incurring high contact stress such as strontium fluoride (SrF), yttrium fluoride (YF), lanthanum oilfield premium tubing and casing and MWD (monitor fluoride (LaF), cerium fluoride (CeF), neodymium fluoride while drilling) tools have been found to adversely perform (NdF), europium fluoride (EuF), dysprosium fluoride in the presence of a high concentration of graphite fillers and 25 (DyF), or mixtures or combinations thereof. Preferred PTFE. Natural, synthetic and even fiber graphite materials non-corrosive metal fluorides include sodium fluoride result in a greater propensity for galling under high rota (NaF), potassium fluoride (KF), rubidium fluoride (Rbf), tional loading Such as in threaded connections, unless a large cesium fluoride (CSF), magnesium fluoride (MgF2), calcium weight percent of Soft metal additives are present such as fluoride (CaF), cerium fluoride (CeF) and mixtures or lead, zinc and copper (API 5A3 reference compound). Prior 30 combinations thereof and where the boundary lubricants are art anti-seize compounds are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos.: selected from the group consisting of metal borates, metal 5,093,015; 5,536,422; 3,652,414; and 3,652,415. molybdates, metal carbonates, metal acetates, and mixture Thus, there is a need for a sealant and/or anti-seize or combinations thereof. compound with improved sealant and anti-seize properties The present invention also provides a sealant/anti-seize for threaded connections made of alloys prone to galling 35 thread composition including one or more thixotropic base under high contact stress having less than about 10% by materials, one or more boundary lubricants, one or more Volume percentages of graphitic types materials or other anti-seize, particulate, metal fluorides, an anti-wear additive fibrous organic materials such as PTFE. system and an anti-degradant additive system, where the thixotropic base material comprises a fluid thickened by a SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 40 Suspending agent and where the metal fluorides are selected from the group consisting of lithium fluoride (LiF), sodium The present invention provides an anti-seize thread com fluoride (NaF), potassium fluoride (KF), rubidium fluoride position including one or more thixotropic base material, (RbF), cesium fluoride (CsF), magnesium fluoride (MgF), one or more boundary lubricants, and one or more anti-seize calcium fluoride (CaF), strontium fluoride (SrF), yttrium agents. The anti-seize compound of the present invention 45 fluoride (YF), lanthanum fluoride (LaF), cerium fluoride preferably further includes an anti-wear additive and/or (CeF), neodymium fluoride (NdF), europium fluoride other additive systems. The anti-seize agents form an anti (EuF), dysprosium fluoride (DyF), or mixtures or combi seize film on the surfaces of threaded connections made of nations thereof. Preferred non-corrosive metal fluorides specialty alloys having sufficient film strength to protect the include sodium fluoride (NaF), potassium fluoride (KF), Surfaces from galling under high stress. 50 rubidium fluoride (RbF), cesium fluoride (CsF), magnesium The present invention also provides a sealant/anti-seize fluoride (MgF), calcium fluoride (CaF), cerium fluoride thread composition including one or more thixotropic base (CeF) and mixtures or combinations thereof and where the materials, one or more boundary lubricants, and one or more boundary lubricants are selected from the group consisting anti-seize, particulate, metal fluorides. The anti-seize com of graphitic materials, fluorine-containing polymers, natural pound of the present invention preferably further includes an 55 or synthetic fibers, MoS, and mixture or combinations anti-wear additive and/or other additive systems. thereof and where the thixotropic base material selected The present invention also provides a sealant/anti-seize from the group consisting of a lithium complex grease, an thread composition including one or more thixotropic base aluminum complex grease, a calcium complex grease and materials, one or more boundary lubricants, one or more mixtures or combinations thereof, and other additives anti-seize, particulate, metal fluorides, an anti-wear additive 60 selected from the group consisting of graphite, PTFE, fibers, system and an anti-degradant additive system. MoS, and mixture or combinations thereof. The present invention also provides a sealant/anti-seize The present invention also provides a method for prepar thread compound including one or more thixotropic base ing the anti-seize thread composition including the steps of materials, one or more boundary lubricants, one or more dispersing in a thixotropic base material an anti-seize sys anti-seize, particulate, metal fluorides, an anti-wear additive 65 tem, a boundary lubricant system, optionally a friction system and an anti-degradant additive system, where the adjustment system, optionally an anti-wear system and metal fluorides are selected from the group consisting of optionally an anti-degradant system. US 7,091,161 B2 3 4 The present invention also provides a method for using an the meaning of non-metallic is directed at the fact that the anti-seize thread composition of this invention including the anti-seize composition contains no Zero Valent metals, i.e., steps of applying an a mount of an anti-seize composition of metals in their
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