IL TURISMO GEOLOGICO: AREE PROTETTE E GEOPARCHI CAPITOLO 2 IL TURISMO GEOLOGICO: AREE PROTETTE E GEoparcHI Convener: Anna Paganoni Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali, Bergamo; Associazione Italiana Geologia & Turismo,
[email protected] Maurizio Burlando Presidente Geoparks Network Italia, Direttore Beigua Geopark,
[email protected] Furio Finocchiaro Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, Università di Trieste, Trieste; Associazione Italiana Geologia & Turismo,
[email protected] GEOLOGICAL TOURISM: PROTECTED AREAS AND GEOPARKS Geological tourism holds in Geosites, in protected natural areas, in Geological museums and in Geoparks, privileged places aimed at the conservation and promotion of geological processes, from those that are unique and rare to more common ones (but often clearly evident). Discovering, through promotional events dedicated to geo-tourism, where, when and why phenomena and places are expressions of the Geological Heritage, is the focus of this second session of our Conference. These phenomena are with full rights in the Cultural Heritage of our country not only due to regulatory law but also to the included participation of the geological heritage into our collective and individual identity. Such an heritage must be protected, preserved and known in its excellence spots, but especially loved as it is loaded with an immaterial and symbolic responsibility, an heritage to respect like our own home for the benefit of future generations. Damage and/or loss of each of the elements that form the “Geological heritage” alters forever the possibility of understanding and interpretation. Geology, memory of natural processes, must find ways to convey the complex four-dimensional perspective, where time and space are witnessing climates, environments and different phenomena.