
-- . v-i-

'I Uf! oar Xa3-w-3s,aisj- r' epaca Messartd hi HEMWAIIA3 GAZETTE HonsarMI sype. I w tm llas; JTKJSHTD ET tUnta-UlBtB.- t s 1M KNIHsMU men-- 1 a a ev svs IS Unea 1 S4 w 'in ssw HACDOWELL, Uaea 2 laches 100 4 lie 7S MM Ml T. CRAWFORD 3S Line 3 inches ISO see T KM 14 t0 KM S Lines I Inches (00 MOO 14 e W Ewwy Storalnjj. Quarter of Column 4esea 1000 14 00 is e joe Jt W4eay GAZETTE, os Third or column soo 00 100 3 M HAWAIIAN it CO ste JOT THE 00 44 00 ANNUM Half of Column. 13 00 34 38 LI 1CLLIKS FElt 00 T3 WOO flTE d Column uoe 06 MOO 88 00 fJT XBTXSCE. One Column 1SW 0sl 400 woe" 108 06 MH KniU k. D..I.U. rra hM us isfsr for sms vear. tare .OOtaSlO.OO. A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PEOGEESS. allowed a diseoont from these rates, which sre fcr Usesisnt advertisements, when paid or charjed qurtlj. PAftMknfAU K. B. All fcralgn advertlsemsats mast ha ociomaaalea with ths pay when ordsred In, or no aoUea will ba taken ot them. The rales ofehargesare given la the above scale, a4 - Building remittances Tor Bsstsra Amtricsn adttrtlsesaeass, ot Mrs- PtOSice jeet-ag- VOL. XV. No. 34. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1879. I WHOLE No. 762. may he mads by bank WHs, coin ortea es e SReet,IIBla1n,TL L stamps-- - Tkc Old Xan in xfae X'alace Cur. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. Jb'OttElGN NOTICES. MISCELLAlSiEOUS. ' C. S. BA.RTOW, Anctloncer. I.AIE A CO.. wm, joiihsoiv. Dnston Board of Uiiderwritcrs. WILLIAMS, ULAHCHAED & CO.. "lal.ni iMiil alevroom on Qoeen Street, one door from Eaahomsnn t A liiainii 750 Street. y COMMISSION MERCHANTS !VEoiolXt33.-- GENTS for the Hawaiian Islands, Shipping PIPES! 7B-I- and Commission Merckanls WATER And Isaporters of end Dealers In'IIay, Grain, and General 742 Kaabumann St., opposite Mr. Tailor.O. Rhodes' Store, ly Jl. J C. BKEWEHACO. bIIIc44tttC4K.. M- - aah emblMS rast. K. AIA3IS, Produce, Honolnln. II. I. 742 ly 733 J1S California Street, San Francisco. ly WATEE PIPES ! I. o. siscLXxy. o. xaouso. yvsua I Jc & lusme oat Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Board of Underwriters. II 17 G. & CO., A aKTXStaS TVABD. LXWTS A. UriLV. IJT TVANT OF SAtVAIsTfMrB Queen Ilonoinlo, II. 1. TS7-- A. IV. SIT. SEUELKES GENTS for the Hawaiian Islands, PARTIES on the new aalna,wia oe weit Street. CiL 7S2-l- y aBUEWERACO. AV'ARD Ac lay from GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. TIHSHITHS AHD PITJMBEES, UPHAS, to give the nnderstgned a call. We have '. Issl titf as we bow rlas IE. XV. 71. .. FamllyGrocery and Feed Store, So. 3 Xuonuu Street, Export Commission Merchants. vh&r X ty yocr nARKi:., CALIFORNIA traced ub aPlryisieiivrx zvxxtX 7(5 lyl 50 Fort Street, Hor olnlu. Keep constantly on hand a fall assortment of Tin, Sheet Orders for AmerlcanManufacturea a Specialty. Foreign 60,000 Feet of Galvanize. PSfwr Sursoort Iron, and Copperware, INSUEAKCE COMPANY. Ooods purchased on Commission. TS OFFICE WAILTJKU, MACL IT .11. i sTilii'Ta.,asgTtslie.70Bfcaow. UATinSUN. In t J. Galv'd Iron and Lead Floe. India Bnbber Hose, &e 133 South Thlnl Street, Philadelphia. On bud. Just KecetYodcx.&l9tr"&Bd"GIciriAx, asjaysjs s im hii tstniagn vlich weLsd &. CO., o7i2 Sa TJSDER.SIGXED, AGENTS OP TIIE 7SS And cm dflfer It at II. IIACKFELD Office oser Mr. Wliltney'a Boot Store, formerly occupied THE Company, hare been authorized to insure risks OEKEEAL COZJIIESION AGENTS, by Judge Austin. Uonolnln, II. I. 755 3m on Cargo, Freight and Treasure, from Honolulu W-- H. CEOSSMAN & BEO., jucarlerwewerrwed; Oaeen Street.Uonolnln.il. I. 17ljl A. to all rartt or the world, and Tlce Trsa. THE LOWEST POSSIBLE nSURES! imp. jr. KRAFT & SONS, 739 ly II. IIACKFELD CO. niiwMiaiB,r-hiiriiniA- i ui. vniT?.rv, hi. .s. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, bncij. ysarctieui like avii-lia.-- ii i., ,"! o. Dental Booms on Fort Street,i. By the ' Morro Castle," Just At hand, we have received smrii.Xia-cc- , F. A. SCIIAEFEK. IIS Clinnibcr Street, New Toast. Office in Brewer's Block, corner or Hotel and Fort Streets. a mil Line of TmibiEi isp &s se aide. Attornoy .t OPTICIANS ofBrtmcn Hoard of Underwriters, Castla ij,g iawK.iJ.pli ? Ornca Kaalinmana fetreet, llonolala, ti. Ltuext door 736 9V Entrance, llotel street. 1 AGENT Dresden Board Underwriters, Reference A Cooke, and J. T. Waterhonse. 1C lew eeacti IB wtJcl we ucd to Cecil Brown, Esq. Yip j of of 7JJ ly f SanMM to ly Apent of TIenna Board of Underwriters. HOUSE PLTJMBING KATIRIALS E G. IIIXCHCTOCK. OF ! K. O. IIAU. &. SIV, MANUFACTURERS JEWELRY Claims ajralnst Insurance Companies within the jurisdiction H. W. SEVERANCE, SUCH AS ATTOBNEY AT LAW, HIL0, HAWAII. of the above Boards of Uuderwrlters, willhare to be certi- aeflirvonU cooAeaceDd IKPOBTXSS AND DEALEBS IN HAHDWAEE AND DEALERS IN CONSUL, o7J Bills Promptly Collected. ly fied to by tbe abore agent to make them ralid. 739 ly HAWAIIAN ilO California St., Earth Closets, Cast Iron Sinks, UetniMilo(lonilIbttDl! Dry Goods, Paints, Oils and General liertliindlie. San Fraodsco. Enameled Cast Iron Waahstande, A se sets yeang cheats aglow 718.1 y CornerFortend KlnpSts. .TOIirV II. AND WATCH KWaMdM saint PATV, WATCHES MATERIALS. lEAiumiRGii-itUE-ti- i:: Purchasing and Commission Agent Marble tops and Basins forWashotandwy - TI-- t W1.I IfftsBj N0TABY PUBLIC and C0UHISSI0NEB of DEEDS, UK. V. I.KJSLrE ailKEIE, (WWe business for Corks nd Chains for sasae, ygl. For tbe State of California. OOce at Bank Bishop & mate the ofj2ptllans a Specialty. PI2B INSURANCE COMPANY. j10 with food and clothes tbe of HotI Street, next door to BdTliuiza Saloon tlonolala. and sandwich island and products. eirMbd; 3hMct SURCEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. Co.. Kaabnioann Street, Uonolnln. 0733 ly yew t other it Hoso Bibb Cocks, 221 Broome street, Yorlt. 747 gta UNDERSIGNED having nesin app- Traps, Urinals, "! Omce at Dr. UoiTmanD's Drag Store, Merchant Street, Agents of the Company, are prepared Sewer and Sink & ointed abore COEBITT & MACLEAY, fesaAssf a drrorc; 718 17 uullil-Ings.and- nonololo. ;i:cib. itisoviv. to Insure risks aealnst fire, on Stone and on Kitchen Slop Sinks, Sink Plugs, places high; PARISIAN RESTAURANT, Brick lMkltM . .11. .. ATTOBNEY AND C0DNSELL0B AT LAW. Merchandise stored therein, ol the most Shipping and Commission Merchants, Light Cast iron Soil Pipe, 2, 3 & 4 irafe. MMCeMHS asteamsT ettea sttwi&s a&d stasias ser S. CUai.MIAGN. N0TAIIY PUBLIC. 40 HOTEL STREET. favorable terms. For particulars apply at tbe office of BUEGE0N AND HOMEOPATHIC PHY8ICIAH. 7M Ij F..A. SCItAEFER i. CO. AndAgentfor taking Acknowledgmeuts of Instruments for XitJOIff DEJBAW, : : 3Proprietor, 13 and IS Front'SU 10 and 12 First St., Portland, 0. All In Above Line OOce Corner Fort and Bereuniabu, llonolnlo. 7?5 the Island of Oabu. (Late of San Francisco.) TRANS-AT- I. Work the ANTIC SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE. Mi SACRAMENTO STREET SCSQ. SaLsAX tie eglVa Q735 No. 8 Kaahnmanu Street, Ilonolnln, H. I. ly ItESTAUItAXT WILI, BE SnpplIfHl Will beattended to with dispatch. Also, Jest , r. A. SCIIAEFKK &. CO.. THIS tbe best Meats. Poultry, Fish. Fruit, Sc , 4a, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, sirixTo at hand, anew lot of M ' stevfrta shore to shore. &. Commission which can be obtained. Families aod parties Hill Deserved OF HAMBURG. Bank of British Columbia Portland. Oregon Importers Merchants 3VI t ST XX 1 23. at their residenccswlth French and otherdtsbes, prepared First National Oold Bank SanTrancisco i w ta&n are thr.agh; l7l llonolnlo, Uewallan Ielands ly S. INNVRGB ON BUItDINGS. UNCLE SAM RANGES. wt&se. ZMPORTKR AND JOBBER OF In the most recArrcAe style. Private rooms for families. RISKS and Furnltnre, on liberal terms, br Messrs. II. Hackfeld A Co Ilouolnls gh SsB Messrs. Bishop A Co., rnsSMss I a wee Xw yuug tJLt cla. X. AVAXEIEIIOUSE. STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS, CLOTHING, 711 ly Bankers ..nonolnlu Also, JOIU 37t0 ly H. IIACKFELD & CO., Agents. Messrs. Green, Mscrarlane A Co.... Honolulu Three different Style, of four aires each.. e sto asd towns IHF0EIEE AND DEALES IN GENERAL BOOTS, SHOES, c bm HEECHANDIEE. At Great Eastern Store, c! Fort Street, Honolulu. CHRISTIAN CERTZ, HAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- G OcT" Conslcjinienta or Island Produce solicited, on which 742 ly CASH Opera, May, Quartette and Ting Hoi 719 Qoeen Street, llonolnlo, II. I. ly JJMEA-FC-FsJ- ADVANCES WILL BE MADK. o7M ly J JW SJiitrsaasjSI ; oy ta&a ere. OAKUXTBT FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, txsswaetsraNsy. M4 in tile turns eo good &. PAgTTTTTIOlV nr.es ATsyovxcE oii,i.i;vgiia: co.. HOTEXi, PUBLIC tor Honolulu, that he hastopurchasedthe OF HAMBURG. PACIFIC IEON WOEKS, s stf wttere ILe log 4e stood. HIP0ETEB8 AND DEALEES IN HAHDWABE jajiks noni). pitopitinroR, stoclc and business or WII.'UAM FISCH- Ranges! the CORNER OF FORT AND JIiatCIIANniSE, FCRNI-TUH- C SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Tot-eth- with the Cutlery, Dry GooJi, Fainta and Oils, General Mer- - HOTa STREETS, HONOLULU. ER, Hotel Street, next door to Strehi's Drue Machinery against on i eweetn ywct&fel west and and Insured Fire the rmlHii iif jeire chandlie, o. 95, King Street, Honolulu. 74S BSTTbe best of Ales, Wines and Liquors constanty on 6tore, and that In future the business will be carried on by most favorable terms. Established In 1SJ3. ly band. In Plant, Sunny South, Llrerr Stables stUched tn the Hotel. 720 ly him the same premises. Cotton - C. G. solicits a fair share or tbe public patronage, and A. JAECER, Acrntfor the Hawaiian Islands. " vwveee awes', 'tHUitt bright Xnr Eng- ic CO.. 7C0 fc IlULlXii promises his patrons civility, attention and good quality ly TJANKIN, BKAT'IOIt CO., Magna Charta, Osoeola, Ship Chandlers and Commission Herehants. C. V. IIOUiOIAIV, for their money. 733 ly (Late of Canadian Pacific Hallway Manufacture wTMTa.iiag i n raTiST TjnrrTiTT jnrs fears ewn. IniportersandDealerfla General Mercnandlee,tneen?troet Survey,) UNION INSURANCE COMPANY Demand, Truck's and FsVasstaa fcassfcVrva w the grare alaus. Uonolnln. Hawaiian Islands. 727 ly- - O-l-rl- l THOMAS JLAOK, Engines, Jioilers, and Machinery every DESnsinoox?. OF SAN FRANCISCO. of Oak Stoves. We", train Office : Over Dr. Smncenwald'e, corner of Description. Charter NnW tut fyW ; T. J. ItAKEIE. 3m Fort and Merchant btreets. ,55 IMCuSLODE3:i3JriS T, MUeeelifleulif mot rrtnfcln, Practical Architect and Builder, Xo. 40 Tort Street, 3Vcvzrlxx.o. SUPERIOR FRENCH RANGES, lUgLmM all n& Plans and specification! fcrnUbed at reasonable terms Fnrtlcnlar attention paid to the manufacture of 8UOAR ewKb .SCIIL.AEGEIE & CO., will attend to all orders In tbe MILLS, VACUUM PANS, Address Post Office, Honolulu, II. I. 7S7 ly EI. IIOFf INCOBPOBATED, 1805. 4c. For Frlrale Families, or Uotats. taJtelcija. IUPOBTEBS AND COMMISSION UEBCHANTS, LOCK, GUN & GENERAL REPAIR LINE. Iteference In Honolnlu E. P. Asascs, Ksci. .wlnileli1heifattef A. A. MONTANO, Qabn. CASTLE & COOKE. AGENTS 710 ly. Honolulu, II. I. o3a ly will special cleaning, repairing: Ships' and Schooners' Cabooses, Photographer and Dealer in all kinds of Picture n give attention to 71S and regulating ewln$ Jlaehinei, aod all other kinds of for the Hawaiian Islands. ESTABLISHED, 1803. Laundry Stoves, Kerosene Stoves. Frames, Mats and Velvet Cases. A. IV. IT.IIECE &. CO., LIgbt Machinery and iletal Work of every ileacripUon. YARIETY. 7S0 Corner of Kins and Fort Streets.. Uonolnln. ly SHIP CHANDLEBS & COMMISSION UEBCHANTS Blacksinlthliif, etc. Insurance Notice. IF YOU ABB IX NEED OF a, lasUrxs. dc AGENTS 10B Also, on band and for sale cheap, INDIA RICE MILL, JtIVsJt"Va-- SeutT wiL.ii:it co.. AGENT FOR TIIE BRITISH OF ABOVE LINES o( Qneen Honolulu, Brand's Guns and Bomb Lances, . THE Marine Insurance Company, (Limited), has COItNEll ANYTHING IN THE Corner Fort and Streets Perry Davis' Pain Killer, A Variety of Sewing Machines a. yU; esxcnlrie tricks like a tustructloos to reduce the rates of Insurance GO Lnmber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Tierce's Mngnetic Trus, 41 between Honolulu pre- Mission Sts., OR SESD TO Keeette ee u its. Pistols, Shot, Ammunition. sod Ports in the Pacific, and is now and Fremont San Srancisco, A (7a-- i Materials of every kind. Wbslemeu'aSulpping List, Ac Ac. pared to Issue Policies at tbe lowest rates, with a special 733 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly reduction on per steamers. CALIFORNIA. teJiee than ? Became machine Oil, Needles, &c, &c, &a freight mil tst tsts Drk. F. A; II. THEO. n. DA VIES, II. 1IEIES J. IIE.IHSS. H. E. WniTXEY. W. hewlus Machine Tackers, Binders, and all other extra 727 NOTT'S. saWfiisir ex.ae J. B0BEBTS0K ly Agent Brit. For. Mar. Ins. Co., Limited riHIIE INDIA RICE JIILT., nner 10 years wine. PHYSICIANS AND SUEGEOHS, and duplicate parti of machines supplied on short notice. A. of practical experience and Improevment. is now N. B la ordering Stoves through the mU, nd tear WHITNEY & ROBEKTSON, in the matter of choice to us, please state limit, and the r lawyer. A men whose trade 717 OFFICE, WA1MJKU, MACI. ly JX2 Best Machine Twistv&a the nearest to perfection ot any of the Rice Mills of the iSuccatorttoIl.il. Whltntjl.) NOETH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE world. In thoroughness of number of people yoo wish to cooJc for. mjltjiij;. sesecie Bothiag, Sole Agent in this Kingdom for Honolulu, June 18, 1B79. 758 ud J. O.DICKSOB BOST. LKWKIIS, C. M. COOKE Stationers, Publisher', News Dealers, and Book- INSURANCE CO., ftfCbc&MB The Florence Sewing Machine, frm f40 to $30. Jk UICKSOK, binders. White Sewing Machine, from to 75. OP LONDON' AND EDINBURGH. Cleansing and Polishing 732 Street, Home shuttle feewiiig Machine, $13 yield merchant-abl-e trccUe to write about Merchant Honolulu. ly fiom tof35. It stands unrivalled: and In of cleaned dmienn ii iitate IHPOSTEES & DEALERS IK LUMBElt. U" Including ail extras 757 ly ESTABLISHED 1809. ltlce, from the ruddy. THE RISDON ""waslBarE wkeaun. Bsn't wait to read It AndallklndsoIOnlldingMaterlali.Fortgtreet.Ilonolnln Produce from 5 to 8 ncr cent. More 7W-l- y c. xiiiEum. 1,097,218 xiios. P0ETRAIT AHD LANDSCAPE CAPITAL. than Celebrated MIIU Sfatlonor, News Dealer and Book- Accumulated and Invested Fund. 3,838,118 tbe of Amsterdam. i lUsf spelts of this CIIAS. T. SIJI,ICK. binder. ! TIIE INDIA IHCn MILL IS NOW IN BUN. Uonolnln. PHOTOGRAPHY PERFECT i e Merchant Street, Also Stencil Cutting. UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN AF. NINO ORDER hi 11.1 M. scan tcfk-- d 1b te lie of KTOTJlLjEtrX' ITCT:i3XaIC, rtnilE FOB TIIE Iluk Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts and Copying, promptly executed on JL POINTED AGENTS lor tbe Sandwich Islaudi, and are I fcr nge fex H. ocflit to tare reasonable terms. 7z7ly UNDEKSIG.VED HAVING XOW nil authorised to insure against Fire npon favorable terms. Corner Beale and Howard Sts., AKD THE Bisks taken in any part ol tbe Islands on Stone and Wooden and of Buildings and merchandise stored tbereio. Dwelling Houses nulling Dressing Paddy CENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. DIE. lEODGEIES. 8AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. OSce Id Apparatus and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships In harbor with or with VadalBwfcw a joong poet Makee' Itlods corner Queen and K&ahumanu AND and Conveniences cargoes, AND xsseu isarj Stxeeu, Uonolnln. 710 ly PHYSICIAN STJBGE0H, out or under repair. HBpBabwaMt waUeeC hittlniWrred itocgtu if he Office, M Fort St., Odd fellows' BuildlnE. for Traveling, 7U ly ED. HQFFSCHLAKOEB A CO W.H. TAYIOB, Trn'u JOSEPH MOOSE, Sap't. T. HACPOWELL, Is prepared to Visit any part of the Islands, and do UNCLEAN ED wema,faM)M tinrm :" wiSte-taii-tt earlj In the CEAOED Itesidence as before, 8now Cottace. Hawaiian Hotel. either Portraits or Views to order at short notice. TOTNTTOOXr RICE 1,1: W Special attention given to diseases and affections From tbe Hawaiian Islands, to which It Is specially BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY Zjt"7r, peculiar to women. Flrist-clab- M Work only adapted. AttorneyOffice Post Office Building Tbe Doctor will, In future, prepare and dlspeuse his own will lc done. Fire and Marine Insurance Company Medicines. 719 ly Terms Cash, ordrart on Honolulu, when tbe negatires IN ALL ITS BBANCHES, Iiifteeiilr itei rriot. Lu tooted Special attention paid to the lurcstacnt of monies on are made. Address Consignments Paddy and Bulled Rice good securities. 1ifl OF NEW ZEALAND. of II. I-- CHASE, Honolulu. Vita receive prompt and careful attention. WiiHl TliiTitliiilVMMMceated. 1878. 751 Sm Steamboat, Steamship, Land II I mweaJHerfeey. CASTO.E & HATCH, JnneJtb, CAPITA!. 810,000,000 in It. 31. G1LUIU, ai.i., I).1.S., . WM. M. GREENWOOD, ucrmae, o he deemed SUUUEOX UtSTTlST, ct Xjvt7-- General Commission Merchant and Proprietor or India be asd it Attorneys ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY ut MU1. Ornca Corner of lintel and Furt Ms., up stairs, abore Dr. W. It. CASTLK, Notary Public, attend all OIL BLACKING. HAVING ltlce 739 m ENGINES AND c tbuj "She the lor the Hawaiian Islands, the nnder. BOILERS bu'i etme i 8trehx's Druj; Store. Courts of the Kingdom. signed aj;e prepared to accept risks against fire In dwell m afMnseascc tr other cut biai "27 Office boors from 9 a x toSr k. ly Particular attention paid to tbe negotiation of Loans, fogs, stores, warehouses, and merchandise, on favorable IU0II FRE8SUOE OH COMPOUND. Conveyancing, Collecting, etc C5T Money to loan on terms. Mortgage. Marine Kinks on cargo, freights, bottomary, profits all complete A. S. HAIEXIVULL. Office : Ko.CT Fort street, urer Dllllniham A Co's Store, RUPTURE STEAM TESssEU. of kinds, built with X am tinted after: and commissions. gggfB or Tjtr. iw Honolulu, 732 Halls Wood, Iron or Composite. , a.t Laxv, Hawaiian Islands. ly MANlIPACTtRED Losses promptly adjusted aud payable here. JnecJ: "Good era- - CounsollorOJice over Miehop Co't Bank, t 8. GalCT. T. B0SBST80K. 739 ly WM. O. IRWIN Co. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when sdrls-ab- le. T Ictfcxtlenj to whalT" 767 Honolulu. ly 4 (SRAST &. xnt efle;esr aeeoBsU." IEOnXKTSOiV, CURED II. I KML.HIE.S &. CO.. Swxwort to A. S. CUghom tf. Co.) FIREMAN'S FUND STEAM XATJN CITES. Bar res and Steam Tnfi con- 111 CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS Ill Ull laass badlf ttrt is a railway DEALEES IN DBY GOODS AND 0ENEBAL Dealers lu Fancy nud Staple Dry Goods G, S. PINKHAM & CO., nas igodjtnd to me. tut It entirely cured my structed with reference to the Trade In which they ara lf painful rupture In ii a cae Lbe Cfraapacj for dam MEBCHANDISE, of every description, INSURANCE COMPANY, nine weeks, from which I ha vesufTere to be employed. Speed, toonxie and draft of water ii.l for nve years. look yonr advice wore day fli Fire-pro- Fort St.,aboTe0dd Fellows 71My HUlineri and Making Department Attached. OF BAN PBAJfCISCO, I and It and ieifJB- - TTi1, in, infm ii I're hi J Store. nail. Drtu night-- Tou have conerred a lotting later on me, for vAfcA guaranteed. KOLOA, KAUAI. accept my Vat fur npun." Orders from tbe other Islsuds promptly attended to. gratitude. Mas. 11. K. a. LaTiiior, Ban Jose, Ucolar je 'en If. V.. .TIcIAXVKK &. ItlEOTIIUIt, a.xx3. California. STEAM BOILERS. Par attention rlrfn to the '3 Cor. Fort uml Hotel Kts. ly Firo Marino, qnallty of the material and workmanship, son 'Wwn wt ahe uic," laid a jonoc GEOCEEY. EEED STOEE and BAKEEY, Cash Capital. Gold. 8300,000. and bat ii rtwt ELASTIC flrst-chu-s produced. CALIFORNIA TRUSS work a.ewM. Beidews the ciiorch aiile Corner of King and Fort streets, XV. JMCrAULAAE &, CO.. nnrclliuir RlakH a Speciality. Detached dwellings basaubstnntlally curetl ma of a bad case of atx C and contents injured period of years, two pre- rupture or 30 yearr standing. all or ajtai 731 IMFOUTEKS AHD COMMISSION MEBCHAHTE, lor a three for I have tried kinds AND 8TJCAK-MAKIN- O cue jii a ladj in the HONOLULU. ly miums lu adrance. trusses, both steel and elastic and never received any SUGAR MIIXS "e Robinson's Fire-pro- Uulldlng, permament made after the most approred plans. Tawiay. ajiwc ! ( of taj tram ;" end he BOLLES & Co., Agents, By writing small lines on carelolly selected risks well relief until I tried yours. I feel that I am J ca A. S. CLVGIIOIEA & Co.. Queen Street, penecuy cureu udrke, cblef mallclerk Also all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. Honolulu, II, I. offers ILrniDJ. s. ixrolTiij ago sziuxs is sacMra roa distributed, V. Daily Evening JW. 8end for cataloape. n WATER of BoUer or Sheet Iron, of any sire, Sac Saat sew awsf ii eiSei Kiu Xt, Won't JVCor-cla.o.-- c!1 mo, Tbs Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. INDEMNITY SECOND TO NONE. I'irE, Gonorol John Hay & Co's Liverpool and London Packets. California ElasticTrussCo made In suitable lenclhi for connectlnr together, or - ! Tl-- faa4 bees eatiog onioni Corner Qneen and Kaabumano Streets, m Tbe lValkapn Plantation, Losses Promptly Adjusted. Removed from Sacramento 8treet to Sheets rolled, pnnched and packed for shipment, ready 4 ly Nnnanu St., and corner Fort aod Hotel St. Spencer ?55 ly qr wrest mod aat dowo on the Tbe Plantation, IIIIo, & 720 to riveted on the ground. iinan tfa.vC ht Hakalsu Plsntstion, 11 Ho. ftoV BISHOP CO., Market Street, San Francisco. be fee afraid that tomebody &. 72? Iy Agents for the Hawallsn Islsuds. 7 u nviAiv noi'in:s, Mlrrlees, Talt A Watson, Sngar Machinery. " ly nYDnATJLIO RIVETING. Boner WorkandWslar wfaiSew. MPOBTEBS AND WHOLESALE DEALEES The Puuloa Sheep Ranch Company, 746 "ONDiOvna lit tio THE Pipe made by this establishment, rlrsted by Hydraulic In Faihionable Clothing, Hats. Caps, Boots, boes,and DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S wMSbc aca znta xbcs can t eee anr 8. C. AUXV. KOBEflOX RlTetlug Machinery, quality ot being su- ml aililei erery rariety of Gentlemen's Fnrnlsblug Goods. Snow's V. P. Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. that work far waKsBawae tame Ju&uiifx a. Cbriruaaa preient Building, MerchsntStreet, Honolulu. 7g-l- y AI.LCK 4c KOIUrV.SOIY. perior to band work. At Boblnson's Wharf, DOMESTIC PRODUCE. OP W1NTERTIIUR. OHLOB.ODTKTB asdlNCTiztr itthemMlrei. There IS THE OEIDINAL WORK. Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam C. AFOING. Bealors Lumber all kind, of AND ONLY GENUINE. SIIIa agrBetAeaawf ASereaee. In the nt in and Building UNDERSIGNED are AUTHORIZED Winches, Air and drcnlatlne; Pumps, made after the Importer, Wholesale and Materials, Faints, Oils, Kails, &c, &c.,&e., Mill, cua Eetail Sealer Pioneer Lahaina. TIIE CHLOItODYNE Is admitted by the prolesslon to most approred plans. ja wt. AO!ITS Or SCflOOXESB FItOl-niETOI- l, Crops or Sugar he in General Merchandise HTUKTO.N, the most wouderTui and raluaole V wc gene r married ?" ailed a IIALEAKALA. quality, now coming In and Tor sale lu On Cargo, Freight and Treasure remedy discovered. PCMPS. Direct Acting Pomps, for Irrigation or City And China Goods, In the Fire-Pro- Store, corner of ever VTcH, be KCLAMANU, quantities to suit by From Honolulu to all parts of the world, Is tbe best remedy knuwn for Water Works purposes, built with tbe celebrated Dayy wety tHBan)f Ineci. 70a ire," King and Nun.nn Streets. 712 738 ly H. IIACKFELD A CO. CHIOBODYSE KEKAULCOHI. and upon .Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Valre&fotlon. superior to any pomp V waaslj Jned to win aereral girla Asthma. other IEICIIAIEO F. llICKEiaOS. MARY ELLKN, IMIra kUtI I Sbaaf aese aKestion to one KAUPAjITJEA Counters, ly Special Permission ! CUXORODTM? effectually checks and arrests those oj AND AT LAW PAUAUI, plantation too often ratal diseases: Diphtheria, & lonj to fix ATT0BNEY C0UNSEL0B NOW COMING On the most farorable terms. . ass xbcs didn't taae Will attend the Terms of on tbe other Island UILAUA, gt'UAR IN nud for sale In Fever, Croup, A rue. Mooey Mortcages of Freeholds. No C quantities to suit purchasers oy W. IRWIN A CO , CIILORODTXE acts like a charm In Dtarrhcea, and tolendon LEAHI, 73S lv AFONQ. 0. HAWAIIAN ZZ Merchant Street, a doors from Dr. SUngenwsld's 755 Sm C 720-l- y Agents for tbe Hawallsn Islands. Is tbe only specific In Cholera and Bxal Aaf keex iafMtrtsiied to freqneatl; for 723 Ilonolnln, Hawallsn Islands. ly Drsentery. effectually cnu short all ViiaK tiiii of the other .11. M. GEEIISAIJJTI vV CO.. Westphallan Lloyd CIILORODYJJE atucks of la iit xaferatio& & HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS! Rhenish Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Furniture Manufactory Sa&dlerd wiib the cogent aod I2HP0ETEBS AND WHOLESALE DEALEBS BISHOP CO., ripasms. alo: INSURANCE COMPANY, CUEOHtiDY.NE Is the only pallUUve In NturalgU, Sew needn't pnl on ao la Fashionable Clothing, Hats, Caps, Coots, Shoes and J&. 1ST J3L jiMI: jo mrrry rariety of Gentlemen's superior Furnishing Goods. 33 OF M. GLAOBACH. Itlteulsh Prusaln. Rheumatism, Coot, Cancer, Tooth- ERS, ache, Meningitis, a. Wty. I owe c&onch In thii Store in Mstee'i Block, Qneen Street, Honolulu. U. I. IIOSOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, & IilUa3l Ac GREY CO., Wss'i" "TflSlP From W. Vesallus Pettlerew, 51. D., formerly Lecturer awapBHiira3l east eU Iw&jica." . DRAWtilt OS Co., . excha:oe JUanuf&cturers and Dealers lu Aachen and Leipzig Insurance at St. George's Hospital, London: "I hare no hesitation J. H. BRUNS, JR.. rmCahehaT. caMthejndgt, there THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, : : : : SAN FRANCISCO Limited, in statins; that I have never met with any medicine so effi- "ii C. BREWEE & CO., cacious as an A ntlpasmodlc and Sedative. I have nsed ASD IDCR AOtKrS ii I&ANTJFACTCRES Cfoc wieli a aaj Wfere tentenee If paued 1. T. CAKTIK, 1 ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, OF AACHEN. It In Consumption, Asthma, Diarrhoea, and other diseases, !H. V Ktw Yorlt, perfectly satisfied "Tax. towardj C JOSZ8, JR.- - Leleo, King Street, Honolulu. and am with tbe results." dT" yreoscr Ucacd wutfalljr Boston, AVEK-AU- J. V. SKIVER. ) Beer, AIntton and Ooat Tallow wanted. Orders left at IX CLAIMS FOR PAUTICOI.AU B Earl Ilussell communicated to the College of Physic .aat naoarfcad tV.at, h wonli like to lay Paris, Belles Co. 'i, Quern 8treet, will meet with prompt atten- sustained by Ooods arrlrlnc here, and Insured tans that be had received a dispatch from Her Majesty's DF SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Auckland, t A be cog- uonsnt at me enect nas neen rag- jm MinTDll, wBBla be to tion 733 ly In tne above Companies, hare to made with the aianua id uai cnoiera SIM af it arreeahle the THE ORIENTAI BANK CORPORATION, certified to In order to ing rearruily, and that the only remedy oraoy service was 737 y : : : LONDON nizance of and by the nnderslsned. Ha Dmv wmida't let him. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. be valid. (7 ly) J. C. OLAUE. Agent. CiiLoaoDYSE "Bee Lancet, 1st December, ISM. AMD TBIia BSA&CUES IS SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, CAUTION. BlWiBI or PlBACY 4SD IMITATIONS AND Ohb atgcoavii aalfi & Dstehman aome goodf wu Ilont; IXoiif;, The public are further cautioned ; a forgery of the gov. xiiko. ii. Arms, Sydney, and sump nanng ox Stes Hmk a&emoon at the reaidesce of Lit Jastoa, Gatxx Co. Tanned Goat and Sheep ernment come to tne Knowledge ine lliWi'i1 i t Melbourne, Skins WILDER & CO., Board uf Inland Itevenne. bc csehaian fare him the foilow-- XHPOBTEB AND COMMISSION MEBCHANT, AndtransactaOenrral BanVIuK Bosinesii. 7S6 ly Pace Wood slated that AT THE LOWEST PRICES! ON HAND AND FOB SALE, Agents for tbe Hawaiian Inlands, was undoubtedly Twc geea behind the chnrch ; ass aosxt ros from the well known Dr. J. Colli Bsowaz the Inventor of ahaot THE Chlobodtoe: that the story of the defendant was delib- Sara wnue ttu sees Lloyd's and the Llrerpool Underwriters, Walraon Tanuery. J. P. Prop'r. erately untrue, which, he regretted to say, had been BTvcttmEaemwiuecTirxit joa British Foreign Company, and C. C. COLEMAN, Parker. In tie- - Tli and llarine Insurance Hllo iiauuery, P. S. Lyman. I'poprletor. sworn to. See 2Vaus, July 10, 1854. flimiim nf 1 in Ji r1 Dot's me." Northern Assurance Company. 0729 ly BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST, 7M ir A. 8. CLEOUORN A CO.. Agents. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Bold In Bottles at Is. IJ4J., it. OJ., 4s. M. and lis. each. J?1 HJ U r Is witbont words COLLIS iri.El feaaajjfattii tecabmas, who gets sShb box HOILSE-SIIOUIX- None gsnnlna the "Dr. J. Jbi.liTIT &. BROWNE" on Government Stamp. Overwhelming doer; told HOLLINTCK CO., OF SEW YORK, tbe ALWAYS ON HAHB, ANB mat miiiii'ii'eacnage I joo I lired at Ifo. 09 Xuunnu street, t t : : Honolulu, METROPOLITAN MARKET. medical testimony accompanies each bottla. t laK. at the bottom, blnader-- Sole Manufacturer J. T. DAVENPORT, joa xaroaraBs axo czatzas ut iy KIKO STREET, NEAR FORT. 730 Most 33. Ores! Bussell EU. Bloomsbury, London. st C. WALLER, Proprietor. Largest, Safest and FILLED NOTICE ITSim. jocr honor. wbUt, I'll Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. F jPK. Agents In New Tork, W: II. Scaiivxirx A Co , sua i. C ORDERS AT SHORTEST Wuxs. 711 em r ojacelbe dose; aad the baatell thisk jon're &Z Agenttfer 0e Hawaiian Itlandtfor J. IT. 1VICKE. Kins Street, (7J ly Honolulu. CO. avEja-asiaa- ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. Xf zhc tM as the Odd Gentleman F. Lorillard & Co.'i, and Vanity Fair Tobaccos. n, the ruBsmras is Alnken Street, FAMILY MARKET, DTTHEWOBLD! AH O&cXAcle "toy 3iWTw7Ti 1 n try bmj Manufacturers of Mineral Waters. &c One door below Hotel 8treet. nugmaiax&tC the Isceat latclj been felled in Junction of notel and Union Streets. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE 7ii it Furnltnre ofall descriptions msde and repaired at rea O. WALLER, - - - PROPRIETOR. Assets (187C)...$80, 000,000 - AND OF THE , asi 3be ETtaitr portion taken to San sonabla rates. Best workmanship guaranteed. 0745 ly Cliolceat yieats Iroui tne Finest Jtwxikncwn bj the epithet of" Old JUO. S. WiLVEK, z. a. spaldixo. Xfll. O. 1EWIN. nerds. Fish, Poultry, Vegetables, etc. fur INSURANCE CO. FeneiBhi infer wuh aeeorac' its lines, g . &. c. e. wixi,iA.:n. nished to order. Extras Tuesdays and Thnra- - Now a Good Time to Insure co.. days. Veal : Fridays. : Sundays, Lamb, unles-othe- r. is BEST SEASONED STUFF, fvn. mnim IKPOETEB. HAHTITACTWBEB, OTHOLTEBEB, Fish Assets, $26,740,105, 70 Sannvai iian beex i years aid. It capacity is Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, wise ordared. The Proprietor havlnc leaaed the neat None bat First-Cla- Risks Taken, AHD DEAIEB IK and AND" sasafiixa laam aw sreat that 303 persons conld commodious Vegetable, Fruit and Poultry Market, :54n. ESTABLISHED ATI AOE.fCT IN Wc h adjoining the Family MeatTfartet, will tie prepared to HONOLULU, for the Hawaiian Islands, and the hojtoluld,. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, -- agexts ro promptly and satisfactorily fill orders for everything re- THE undersigned are prepared to write risks against Furnltnre s No. 64 quisite to furnish the tables with all the Substantial and No will be Spared je.2j3ai bagisper as bis trareis opened bis Kaalehu Plantation, HawaiLi West Maul Plantation, Maul Fort Street. Work shop at Delicacies Pains Iloouapo Plautatlon, . M Makee Plantation, tbe old stand on Hotel Street, the country affords, asr Shipping supplied Life Co. FIRE 05 BUILDINGS, MERCHANISE AHD iiWlBiT down to "o M on short cotlce. Meats, delivered to parts or New England Mutual Insurance TO GIVE wonfrms. and cat dinner. ntlea Plantation, Walbee Plantation, ' 759 Orders from the other lilspdl 4c, all the promptly attended to. flT city withn t ei tra chanre. 7S0 ly rl&iad bcwaa srace tihan three wolres came SurSXltla Make Sugar Po., Kauai. OF BOSTON, MASS DWELLINGS S. U. Vida (Colon Mills) " Kcalia Plantation, SATISFACTION TO HIS CUSTOMIU. be Ibrrw bread, to another HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. INCORPORATED, 1835. On favorable terms. Dwelling; Risks a Special- 7n Creb; Blcknell'a (Faanlng'a Island) Cocoannt OIL Detached dwellings and contents insared for a period aBfCtaClsat vas all IToce: atleacthhe ity. 3s-d-c fwmoer Colon Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of New Zeahxnd. PIA3STOS! Oldest Mutual Insurance Co.in of threw yean, for two premiums In adrance. Iossaest Cphstef erlBf Boae to Swiss Lloyd Insurance Co. ot STEAM ENGINES. SUGAR MILLS PIANOS! Ihe Purely Life Itvt'BpSxt ams-- j and beas to play, at which Uarloe WInterthnr. Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead promptly atljtuted and payable here. North Western Life Insurance Co. or MHwaokee. Castinra. -- EX- the United Stales. 13&4ar BISHOP A Co. asssatway. T aea talc ise," saia the lis ly Machinery of Every Description, Coffins Always n Hand. -- -- 6 SgE.-fe-k, - vftqms. an I tafi Veae'd yon la'ed mnsie 3-- Made to Order. &. Policies lined on tie most favorable Terms. 7381 "CAtL AHD lj- ifstomLC XX ac H vewro oobuct. CABTLI. 1. B. ATBEBT0H. J. P. C00EE. MARTHAJAVIS, S.. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacks mithing orWon-Forfeltn- re &. A few more of those Example Plan, SALAMANDER FELTIHG "JS3K9SH tSbc aalanrosaa cf whom X bonr;bt this CASTLE COOKE. JE3 JOB WORK executed on the shortest notice. o7I2 ly INSURED AGE, 33 LIFE FLAX SHTPPIHG AHD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, asked purchaser at one 1 years 3 days aT? a IMPORTERS AND Annual premium continues Policy 2 KNOWJLES' STEAM -- SUPERIOR PIANOS 2 Annual premium continues Policy 4 years 12 days --Bed am the saleslady who "Ko Hawaii Pae From the WOODWARD AHD atari. I Dealers in General Merchandise, Aina," firm of 4 BROWN 3 Annual premium continues Policy 6 years 27 days aerrac?? malam, iwponocd the redneed of Boston, 4 Annual premium continues Policy 8 years M days Coverii Bsilcrs, Stwm Pifes , jws. 1,0. SO BUncS treet, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JPixxxx-pm- ringed NEW HAWAIIAN JOURNAL, nnder Annual premlumcontlnneaPollcylOyearsSS days "VacTATxija "fcairlanxTatch chain, and TnE management ol the nnderslsned, whd for the i ETC STC. past twelre years has had the charge of tb JUST RECEIVED. Sas-erv- i reailed ISht Bosnter. 'Well," said .... Air.vrs "Kuokna," : $ia,BOO,OOQ I TtVeXK tTNUWsWKBXBO MATK ft. Tbe Pianos of thia mate already iajsusots, : Fuel-PEIC- E has a sol la thl market per Cent, psw J8T H "-- Unloo Xosoranee Company San Francisco. CsUVEB Tamer, tnm. Bsmna.a I wHL taka adores more, and as The of TheKsw have given pood satUfactfoa, and we are prepared to sire Saves 25 of 1. Assy Ml &easauats. I alatnai urs insurance company, Boston. rare bargains to parcbaaera. We TtoDOlalo Agency, of taeae estteraxsl rwsssjs. wMa are EesUnd Weekly CircuIatloH 3,750 Copies, cannot be undersold by lAsae Paid tbronfrb sastsr wathxs'XVt thxsto zryvasbeolxdj atoneelwill The Oreeon Packet Uoe. The Kohsla Plantation, ef anyone In Honolulu. and bettetvikaw ay ataer tri I atseastoa PjaaUc-sdari-y & Bon's Celebrated Plantation, And Is steadily Increasing. As $40,000 EED UCED TO $7.50 BBL. pas,taasors4. We oaC tfce of esaalew tbem to tty caraate amend the Dr. Jayne Thanaikn an advertising medium. It w Mess Ut seas sNSKeslMie ltaBC Medicines. Walalua PlanUtlon, has no equal on ths Hawaiian Islands. Pianos oh Exhibition. to taw Vaetwa Pass, tcai cannot get to the door CASTLE c COOKE, AGENTS THEO. H. DAVIES, sadmoseseiTsssaMs - jaineu TThtwlsr t Wilson's Sewing Himakua Plantation joseph u. KAWAnmr, ' Agsat, smsstil jeaB anw.'la She cast ? the suctuaes, (o.u iy; CIS Proprietor and Editor. hub Oastle 8e Cooke. IIS FOR THE HAWAITAK ISLASDS. T lliim. .YJUyp! t1(t - f t-

BI JUrrilORITY. LETTER FB0K HEW Y0BK. For the Hawaiian Oatatta GAZETTE Taxes und IruproTcmcnts. SHIPPING. The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest Furniture Stored tb HAWAIIAN fecial Cvrrepondmcc o tit Gaxttte. this Is S3 JTkw York, July 15, 1679. At season tbe calling npon FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Kingdom. EDITED A1) PUBU8HED BY New York in midinmtaer is a place to be abhor- people to make a return of their property. This is all a right, and is to hoped sneh returns THE FINE AMERICAN TERN T. 0EAWF0ED MACDOYTELL. red, to be fled from, and the memory of it comigntd it be will be made -- to tbe deepen oblivion. No one but a poor man or as shall enable tbe Government to support its officers - T 7 --sCjrr .era. XJU and make the necessary improvements, Jnst now in, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 20. 1879. a lunatic stays in New York during midmismer. MOXSEX, Master, Ilanl Palace. such as tbe following wonld seem to be improvements FUMITUEE WAMOOMS, SrrJrlrtefcU.Tlnt;oo this Tr are lnrlted. Plana His Majesty returned from Kauai, on board Heat, dnst, and discomfort reign inpreme, Tbe BOM reqsired in Honolulu : Will have quick dispatch for above port. cukWD, and an particular, aneer- - the Lehua, in good health, on Saturday morn- stage boriei move cloirly along in a ttate of stag- 1859, -wal- ESTABLISHED a ef Hz. SrlrHnc. corner of Kftahumanu gering imbecility. The drivers (it supinely on their 1st. Oct streets and need special atten- Tor freight or passage, having superior accommodations ing last, tion. There is not a decent sidewalk the Apply to 7I W. O. 1UWIN A CO., Agents. Staled bnden, muted "Trsden for bezes patiently Halting to be Tbe eon in city, os. nnless made by private property holders. No atten- "" reeetred at the Interior Office till fol- Oh Tuesday evening the ISth inst., the glares down epon the streets and smiles sarcastically tion, at all, seems to ie paid to this subject on the FOR SAN FKANCISCQ. . Jrsxm. at II 1L, when the tenders C. E. WJXMAMS, PM03ET ' lowing distinguished strangers ou board at the efforts of,the pedestrian to find his old shadow. part of the Government. ler to Kmtater or the In the left Interior. 2d. Our city is very insnfScIe&ily lighted. Lamp-pes-ts The Bnrk fkom fkahcisco per kaivkatj.., a mi Is- Everything wilts, and everybody anathematizes the American iiATixu jrsr rf.ceivbd ban bark a AreLUect and Bapeitmvcndent of the work the steamer Likclike, for a tour around the are at "magnificent distanees9iiart." On a weather and bleties the inventor of lager beer. The SA1TL a. WILDER. lands, accompanied by His Excellency the dark night, when the moon withholds its "pale light" BLelenTV. A C theaters sre closed and the actors are away washing there is rest danger in walking Almv FULL ASSORTMENT OF UPHOLSTERING MATERIALS. sflnister of the Interior. Minister of the about. Interior, viz: off last season's paint in the surf. Business is at a 3d. "A merciful man is merciful to his beast." FREEMAN. Sliuter. or McCoppin, G wynn Kow, when the Government is puttiog down piping, have Quick Dispatch above j SUk Plushes, halrorOovrniinrul Land. Low, stand still, the clerks in the stores having nothing to Will for Fort Ssafas&sS sfV Comprising Silk Coteline, eM? TCIMtUT. fceptmber Ittfc, J7, at II o'cloct Spreckels, of at a very little additional expense, "drinking places" For Freight or Passage apply to and daughter, and Mr. J. D. do but fan themselves, with hardly strength enough might be fitted ap, where oar poor horses Kaw Silks, Uashmeres, aerges, JJamasKs ""a. at Public auction at the front entrance might be 781 CASTLK& Hon, Money is on, and no- COOKE. Agents. )g aW.i'in' Bale, a plrae if Government land, situated In California, and the Mr. and wife, to do even that. There nothing going refreshed. In the days of Kamehameha V. and and Striped Eeps in all colors, ,ii state of the under Dr. Hutchison's administration, sucb places ssavsssBSBSBaPsavN ssssssfcllavavassavaal TiwiKri,fm, Hawaii, and contalnlac; 7 acres. of Mississippi. body talks about anything but the actual were fitted ap, but tbe want PLANTERS' LINE. ssssHTTTTlI Also, anortoMjtvt glj I jii Ilb H per acre. for of a little attention, I All of which are of the Ter; Latest Style. a fall of TOSlSCiSH thermometer to.day, or its possible state on tbe part of the Superintendent b&lTL Paper Currency, of Publis Works, G. WILDES, It is somewhat amnslng to note tbe anxiety of the even these have been allowed to become 5C utterly use- Frames for Sets, Minister of the Interior. As there appears to be a studied effort on press of the United States to claim Hanlan as an less. FOE SAff FRANCISCO Parlor Sneh improvements as are now Lounges, Library Chain, Spanish Chairs, Window Chairs, ! r Zjind. this community to American now that be bas been suecessfol in his suggested, might Gtifrsnat the part of certain people in be made at a small outlav. With the amount of ThnA t Ttrltlah'Tlirtr Turkish Extension Roelters, Parlor Extension Rockets, Foot ET TaUSasaT. JBT, IS o'clock frtratT Jh, at misrepresent our views upon the propriety, as rowing contests in England. The fact that he was taxes to be collected, these and many other improve- Rests, Ac. ,1c. Do not fall to call and see out Latest Sljle of is ih-w- fee seat at palate Auction at the front entrance born in Canada of Irish parents would seem to mili- ments might be made. Surely the reatoa why these isQt"fi1s' "LADY LAMPSGN," sswiliaS Bale, law tract of lJ.ua situated In Kaslahlku, well as necessity, for a new departure by this 4iw PATENT BED LOUNGES AND SOFA tate against the idea that he can be anything but a suggestions may not be carried out, is not because MARSTOX, MASTER. Wm&BP' BEDS, aoa.MaJ. an o&nuJalajtl o acres. Upset price Government on the question of a paper cur- there sre no funds in the Government Treasury. Britisher; but then is not Canada on the continent Which are tho most popular on the Facile Coast. ftftvraem TEEXSCAEU. fi. O. WILDEE, rency, we recur to the subject again. Our Taxes will be cheerfully paid if the Government Is Will have quick dispatch for above port. Amerioa, and was not Hanlan victorious? Of efficient 311nlster of the Interior. of to make improvements for thepublio benefit. For Freight or Passage, apply to Having secured the services of the well known Upholsterer and Draper, Mr. J. Marlnburk (formerlj with .xtifDcu, jsn. ;C object upon this question, as upon all others conrse. of course, then he must be an American : let Tbe Minister of tbe Interior is doing much, but could ns, and late from San Francisco), who hiring had long experience in the Finest Kind ef Upholstering, we --il do 760 C. BREWER A CO.. Agents. touching the welfare of the Kingdom and the the eagle scream, we have whipped the Britishers be not a little more, and at a moderate expense, it aro now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line in the Best and Latest Style. Br siswwst to all wbors It mar concern, that official would essentially contribute to tbo public benefit. EEQULAE usssre this daybcrn Depart-m- s people, has been, and shall continue to be, once more. DISPATCH LINE m tar; commnnlcated to this A Tax-Pati- LAMBEIKJJSTS, stray hMMr facto Z)elus,Contu and Commissioner simply to throw out suggestions for the care- On the 25th of this month, if nothing occurs to pre- SAN I CTJKTAINS, DKAPEEIES AND eaTHwinm. ExceBcaey FOR FRANCISCO IN TUE STYLE. that Bis the President of the vent, two human beings, a woman and her paramour, A. Cure fop Cancer. ALSO. LOOSE COVERS CDr ASD MADE LITEST ful consideration of those sensible men among s- - THE HAWAIIAN BARK i lias commissioned il onsleur Joles ILaurd We have also a Cheap Class of Lounge, eoserad with the Litest Stjle of Goods. Straw. Eureka, Pttla, will be strangled to death in Jersey City. Tbey have The following alleged dis- minimi s aloaafesr Charles Pernet, as Chancelier dn us, who desire to think and act for the good cure for tbe dreadful Hair and Feather Pillows On Hand and Made to Order. aaCjBamiuut&toe France, for the UsTsllan been convicted of the crime of killing tbe husband of ease called cancer has been handed ns for publication .sua, ra. xa. 'mnn of the people. With drivellers and triflers wo the woman, and tbe chief point of interest in tho x. avia.u TmSare the said Jules ltatard Is hereby by a valued and intelligent friend. Any remedy JENIiS,i.JInster, . Ztsc. have nothing to do. matter is that so many people think tbe verdict it All Work Guaranteed. Prices to Suit the Times' as Cbaaotfier aforesaid, and all his official that a fund bas been raised for tbe purpose of that will stay the ravages of cancer is truly a bless- Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort. liaieoraered to foil Wo have, in former articles, endeavored to ALSO ON recdTe faith and credit by obtaining a new trial. I alludo to Mrs. Jennie ing to humanity and should be prized as sucb. We For Freight or Passage, apply to HAVE SANS r shs Government. and 7S9 V. O. IRWIN CO., Agents. TWIHIII. show that there is a ueccssit3' now existing Smith Corert Bennett who are under sentence of therefore call tbe particular attention of our 4 its wr.rt and the Seal Hawaiian readers of ini of the for action on the part of this Government on dtatb fur tbe tnurJer of policeman Smith. Tbey A EULL LINE OE NEW EURNITURE! l sale lata day of Aucmt, 1 E7S. may be guilty, and if so tbey deserve their ponish-me- nt to tbe following recipe : PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY 3SO.il. EAPEXX. the money question, and that that necessity is ; but that two human beings can be deprived of Dr. F. Goodwin, of Oakland, sends ns the follow- COMPRISING their lives on such meagre evidence as was ing recipe, which will be STlnlster of foreign Affairs. so pressing, that to postpone action much adduced, he claims found beneficial For Black Walnut Bedroom Sets, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Writing Desks; Painted and Stained Bed- Xiepasaesaaf in Ibis case is a fact startling enough to make the in epithelial cancer and morbid growths : Acetic San Francisco. Ferelcn ACalrs, Ane. IS. 1ST". 7K St longer will bo a blunder, which is equivalent room Sets, Sideboards, .to., Ac. Black Walnut, Oak and Maple Case Seat Chain and Kocktrs, Common most unthinking person pause and ponder. I know tincture of rumex acetosa, two drams . acetic acid, TUE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP Wood Seat Chairs and Rockers, China Chairs and Matting. a Sorts purchase of OoTernment Ixts on to a brittle. It is contended by those who have tbat amongst intelligent people the opinion seems two and a half drams ; pure water, two drams. Mix general tbat whether tbis man and woman are guilty anJ inject by means of a very sharp gold SvUtOaotahaa Plates wHI be recelTed at the Interior of pointed a very superficial knowledge of the history or innocent the crime has not been proved against hypodermic syriuge, from ten to thirty drops around G1jlguSlToil JS3P2?i23.s so IK rSE-IVI-IX LAST A LIFETIME.' Beds, them. Circumstantial evidence has been tbe base of the cancer BEST Jamea eUxljlnt porcbaae mnst the number paper money in othercountries, and especially often or morbid growth, every three TUE t sute of found at fault, even when tbe chain seemedcomplete, days, the amount injected to be xbe sotee they offer is- regulated according full assortment ot Window Shades, Curtain Loops and Bands in alt colors, Pictures Kails, a,sl for the same. Applicants in the United States, that all paper money tbat perhaps it would be well tbat no sentence of to the size of the cancer or morbid growth. ALSO a vasstxgaselbatxliey desire to purchase For tbe Cord, Tassles and Picture Wire. with the sues should be baBcd upon coin, dollar for death should be passed wben a cunviction is obtained constitutional treatment, take Fowlers's solution of CITY of NEW YORK she asms ; the Government decline In is t to dog- Ibis way. It better tbat all tbe guilty ones arsenic, three drams; tincture of sangunaria cana- Conn. Coniroiciilcr. est as fcofcs dollar, and that any departure from this Always on Hand. jwtm tteatrioc to for an d ranee. should escape tbe extreme penalty than that one densis, one ounce; fluid extract ofconium, three WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO Pianos for Sale or Hire. Violins, Concertinas, &c, StaMM at yriee offered be saiistactory, will in disaster. This position we person should suffer it unjustly. drams simple syrup, the lots be ma will result ; one and a half ounces ; pure ITavinc made arrangements with the largest and best Factories, we are prepared to SELL CHEAPER , Tbe yellow fever car has not fortunately amount- water, ounce. Mix Ou at aaotlos, after a reasonable adrertlsment of the utterly discard as not only fallacious, but as one and tale a teaspoonful at or about Monday, Sept lot. THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE IN THE KINGDOM. All rJoods are selected at the Factor; bj Mr. C. ed to anything so far, but the occurrence ol cren a each meal and one at bedtime. The rnmex acetosa E. contrary to the facts. Williams. New Qoods received monthly. SSBKS 5AiErtoe fourth cash. One fourth In few sporadic cases should be a warning to which tbe is a little succulent plant growing in central Now r municipal authorities throughout the country would York, Pennsylvania New POE SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND ! oawyear. One fourth In three When the war of the rebellion broke out in and Jersey. It may be 0lrtbatojin. do well to heed. It should teach them tho danger of collected at any time from June to Septcmbor. EJ acaxaxine ya2a alaL sine jer cent, interest per annum, payable banking It Call and. our Stock! the United States, in 1801, the entire trusting too implicitly to tbe theory tbat the winter should be tinctured as soon as collected, TITE SPLENDID aad a upon as drying STEAMSHIP txiortcafe the land. system of that country was nndcr the control cold killed all tbe germs of the disease, and they destroys its medical virtues. The acetio tincture THA2TRSF0R PAST FAVORS. 760 3UarseaMasUcanbaeen at the Interior Office should bo elite to tbe fact tbat an epidemic once should be propared as follows: ltumex acetosa leaves, i Circe of the State banks,which derived theirauthority started may extend in nnexpecled directions. Here one ounce ; acetio acid, four ounces. Put into bottle AUSTEALIA BXITLG. WILDER. in New York might be more careful we and cork CARUIITL. COMMANDEIt. 3Huls:er of to issue paper from their respective) State Leg- ne thin ate. tight. Tbe principle constituents of the the Interior Many of our streets are in a filthy condition and tbe rumex acetosa are blnoxalate THEO. H. DAV9ES HOME MANUFACTURES islatures, by special charters granted them of potassium and tar- On Xax AaaeMor Xotlcc. sanitary regulations aro not enforced as strictly as taric acid. or about Monday, Sept. 8th. sXer araettans from the minister of Finance for that purpose. These State banks were tbey should be. If a disease such as yellow lever For Fre'ght and Passage, apply to OFFERS FOB SALE I once gained a footboli among 3Mwvsr r sat 3ax layers In the Uistrtet of Honolulu tlio tbe reeking over- 755 3m II. IIACKFELD A CO., Agents. then doing all the business of country, crowded, and filthy tenement houses, it would be edalsasiinade lor deduction of debt, GAUTS0N PUBLIC aauaui that a amounting to upwards of two thousand mil- difficult to stay its progress. But with proper pre- T0THE Goodt for Shipment per Stenmer enn now at stents, be Storetl, ol C!inrg;e. Fire-pro- ot f and to whom dne, most be filed cautions there is not much tn fear, and the health of Free Iu the Tbe Cargo Jnst Lauded fc bsaeaasl snasepart of sworn lions of dollars per annum, with but a fraction To avoid Imposition, purchasers of Walthsai Watches Warehouse ticnr Ihe htenmcr ltlinrf. the returns. the city at present is excellent. will observe that every genome watch, whether gold or t Is stoluR List not returned to me on or be. above four hundred millions of specie, all told, Those people who made sucb an outcry in the silver, bears our trade mark oa both case &ud movement. Regular Packet & FROU TOE r its, IKs, sLatt proceed to make assess- - newspapers tbe lime of the loss of Gold cases are stamped "A. V. Co. and guarantee forjilo Kaupakuea. BOOTS AND SHOES I in the country. When the war broke out the at the German accompany sjiiamaoasffdsai steamer Pumerahia about the cowardice of tbe crew certificates them. Silver case are stamped tsslaw. C.U.JUDD. "Am. Watch WalUiam, Mass , Sterling Oliver," and r Government needed large sums of money to ia saving lives fa. The Clipper Schooner FINE IRON CLIPPER 2sstea,9c It, JK. JM Jt their own in preference to those of are (.ccomi-anle- br guarantee certificates, signed It. K. SHIP GLENIFFER recruit and equip large armies for immediate the passengers, may now find an opportunity to pub- Kobblns, Treasurer. The name '"Waltham" U plainly laale r Cos eminent Laum lish the second edition, of their indignation, only this eugraved upon all movements, Irrespective of either dls ITVAXT THE PUBLIC TO 1CJ.OW THAT.! . beptesAer 1st, at 1 o'cloct noon, will service in the field, with a Treasury so deple- time tbey will have to dedicate it, not to tho Germans, tlngulahlng marts. HALEAKALA! FKOM lo miuiuficture to onler Uooti d1 Shoe lfr, This citutiou Is necessary by LIVEEP00L, for men's wear, of all llzes qualities desired ; and tHafi Asglloa. at the front entrance of but to our British cousins. The steamer Statu of rendered reason of the fact For Freight or Passage, apply to ul laslallsi ted that it was impossible to do so without that oor cases are frequently separated frum our more-me- n 755 3m AtXKN & KOBINSON, Agents. 1 have mads arranffentents wlib tne mol celstratsd fstln imtracts of land In llonokaa, ttams. Virginia of the Allan line went ashore on Sable Is- ts and put Into worthless movements mann factarera In tne Kast, and wQI keep eonatantlj oa moneyed aid from some source. In this di- of other makers, A S3a.Sawaa land and though all tbe crew were saved four women and vice wria, thus affecting Injuriously the performance 1?.gLTRT nTFli FULL ASSORTMENT band tbe finest lines of Ladles', Bojs and ilUses cat-rl- e of the watches aud vitiating our guarantee, Js i Lot Ss. L Bounded mats! by Uuaaa's lemma, Mr. Chase, the theu Secretary of the and fire children were drowned. Sixty head of which TlUflCES were sartd also, and perhaps our iudignant letter to cover only our complete watches wholly made or tae jsakal road, tsauka by the Kalbumofctl Trcasuryf issued circulars to the State by us. It 1 necessary, also, because It Is so notorious as OF EXULISU all writer may see in that fact another instance of cow public .eastsc the Grant, and west by Kalwl's to be a scandal, that there Is great fiaud In tbe Gaiters. Boots and Shoes, KesKIfu banks calling upon them to furnish the Gov- ardly selfishness on the part of tbe sailors who thus metal quality of both gold and silver cases as now gene- Sana. Area tlt-- s acres, rpsetpricef Per acre. allowed tbeir passengers to perish while they looked rally sold. We hive demonstrated by frequent assays ernment the necessary funds ; strange to PLAIN AND To suit all tastes, and n Valmti Lot Xo. Bounded makal by Kalha- - but after the safety of their beef. It is true that the cat- that many gold and silver casea offered In the market are FANCY GOODS aartheGoTernmenti road and tle were thrown overboard to lighten the ship and debased from from 10 to to per cent, from the quality KEYMJLDN, : x t I HASl'KU Kala's say, the responso after a delay of some three they assume to be. This Is a fraud npon the purchaser, and . east ej Goremmeat land In Knlllial, and saved themselves by saimmlng, while tho womeo west months, did not amount to a sum above 8275,-00- 0. accounts for the low price at which such cased wttches TO SATISFY MY CUSTOMERS, ar Jtahsl-nesa- a Braat, Area, 3S acres. Upset price wepe lost in the surf in an attempt to get tberu on have been sold. Tuesday Aug 26, & p m ...... Circuit of nawal Cottons, It then became evident that something shore, but tbese are trifles, and before long no doubt We take this occasion to announce that we have re- Tuesday Sep 2, 6 p m...... lio 3Wjeraerea Terms Cash at time of sale. Tuesday Sep 0, 5 p iu ...... CJrcule of llawall we shall hare the indignants hard at work, regard- cently entirely remodelled the very popular grades of full All or which will be 3sfetseatiTisaybeseeaatthis office and at the must be done to replenish the then exhausted plate movements, known by the marks Wm. Ellerr Tuesday Sep lb, S p m...... llilo Woolens, s less of either facts or common sense. . HonO-s- Tloat uSee. EaiTL G. WILDEft, "Apple-ton- Tracy k Co ." Wait ham Watch Co., P. d. Tuetday Sep 23, 5 p m .... Circult of Hawaii Treasury of the United States, and in bis ex- Most peplo no doubthaveeitber heard or read how Bartlett," Tuesday fc?p 30,5 p m -.- ..-. ,. . Iltlo lllnliter of the and Broadway," giving to them not ouly a Interior. the red and white striped pole of the barber origin- highly Improved appearance, great additional -- Sold Tlorairfn. get Joty. lgt. 753 tremity, Mr. Chase got up the National Bank- but value. 03-- 3fo Credit Tor Mouey. sa at tho Lowest Cash Prices. ated in tbe times when it was the custom for barbers e embody tn them such of the best results of our expe- Passne Linens. rience study twenty year as can be We positively refuse to open accounts lor rassaeefl, T Gsrerainent ing law, which is now in existence, by which to act also in tbe capacity of blood-letter- tbe red aud fr useful In this Landi. popular form of v, atch. We give these new model watches and we particularly coll the attention of the traveling & X have In my employ ? feeptemberltt. blood-staine- Blood Wolfe Cos Ale and Porter s Kaadaf, lETI.at II o'cloct noon, will all the State, banks were compelled to relin- aud white representing a bandage. special recommendation to all who look for good per- public to the necessity ot having Itagcage and Freight aaie at rMic AacOon. at the front entrance of But I doubt if many are aware tbat tbe two occupa- formance and solid excellence at moderate cost. The plainly marked ; the Steamer will not be responsible for quish State charters and accept the new any unmarked baggage or for any Freight or i'arcels un- Ale, ttw Leases of the following tracts of land, situ their tions are still sometimes combined, even in large altera too have been made with the view of pleasing Tennent's THE VERY BEST WORKMEN, AND practical watch as well ns less Keceipteit for. sj44a TTonoraa, Hamakna, llawall: situation, by becoming National banks, re cities. I certainly did not expect to find an instance maker, watch wearers. of Ihe survival tbis ancient We avail ourselves, too, of this occasion to warn the Wines TUE-BES- T The lease for ten years of Lot So. 1, known as of custom in tho heart of public against cheap watches. The superiority Freight Honey Duo on Demand. and Spirits, KEEP OF STOCK, Tl A'n. ceiving their entire paper circulation directly 1 of Iiow York, yet the other day saw an old fashioned goods, In ac-- all cases of Freight parties not responsible or un. jsasBOec data! by the sea, tnanka by MahlTs land, east by Waltham all grades. Is now so generally k In for ab- looking, dingy barber's shop having in front the usual now lodged that our competitors, SwUs American, known, the Freight Money will be required in advance. , aod west by the Kaohalulel from the Treasury Department, and thus and Iron of all Kinds, Grant. red ribboned pole, and in the window in- seem to have no resource but to present the attraction of And we decline all responsibility as regards the lauding of So that I can fill any order at shortest notice. Ibellereta Tpaet per a placard price : acre per annum. sorbing the whole bauking capital of the forming the public tbat it could bare its balr cut or low rrice. Their goods being Inferior to ours, they have livestock. We will use all care, but will not guarantee lo sell them for what they can get. Times are the lives of Horses, Cattle and Mutes. Roofing. T t afpaysaeet, quarterly In ail ranee at this office. be shaved ; hard, and Bails, States, and making it an auxiliary of (he Gov bare its corns removed, or be cupped or people geuerally not knowing a good watch from a bad QUICK SALES AND SMALL lease for lea years of Lot No. 2, situated In leeched, prices. busi- oTLIClUOKS nut! MINUS MCH1' PROFITS ernment instead of a hindrance. Now, the all at the lowest Tbe routine of one, very often allow a small price to decide them, Wil. VXVUMiKS . Bounded msaal by the Kneha Grant, ness in this sbop must differ in a marked degree from Ham Morris, the eminent English Lecturer on Art and Bis JIsA.INI,Y MAltKED Portland Cement, And will leave nothing wanting to please my r sue Kalabsle Grant and Inalna Award, east by paper issue of the United States Government tbat in tbe establishment of an ordinary nineteenth Labor Topics, in a recent lecture dellrered before the For the party whom they are for, or plainly stated In t e patroua Trades Guild," sas: All want U a fair trial In trade, do e Osleh. and west by the various lots lu Kullhal century barber, and if I ever see an advertisement receipt to whom they are consigned. Liverpool Salt, I and If I not satisfy which amounted to more than thousand " I know tbat the public In general are set upon having All demands for or Loss, must bemadewlta those swan t-- for a young surgeon who can cut hair and shave, or Danube who call, tbe fault will be (heirs, not mine. ITnlmTii Area IK acres. Upset price (2 per acre things cheap, being so ljnortnt tbat they do not know n one month times larger than the entire sum in specie in barber who also understands tbe use of tbe when they get also so Clarifiers, etc., i. lwaaaso. Terms of paymsnt, quarterly In advance at furs them nasty, Ignorant that they In uo way liable for Loss or Accident to Livestock. etc. j. H. ii-nci- the country, had to be based upon something lancet I shall know tbat It is not a joke but a lona neither know nor care whether they give a man his due. BSir llack Drivers, Buys, and such like, will not be al ISS King St, opposite Waterhouse's Store. advertisement. I know that the manufacturers, 'so called,' are so set on lowed onboard the Steamer upon arrival, until after tne above may seen fiit carrying out competition to Us competition be at this office and at the else than specie, and to meet this contingency Traveling in n street-ca- r is not produc- utmost, of passengers have been landed. JU. ordinarily cheapness, not of excellence, that they meet tbe bargain THEO. BAVJES. SooekaaroeteaSee. Siit'L O. WILDER. tive of much pleasure, in fact it is a thing to be 753 WILDEK A CO. Minister or the Government received its own bonds, in lieu rather hunters half way,und cheerfully furnish them with nasty ! the Interior. suflered than enjoyed ; but v, price CONFECTIONERS 3joiasB.3tp Joer. 1CT. jss specie, thero are certain friends ares at the cheap they are asked for, by meatus of of upon which it paid to the National in human form who out of pure unprovoked cussed-nes- s what can be called by no prettier name than fraud." - VIA YORK as. 'W. T. Axxes- is appointed Acting Governor of the cent, do their utmost to make the horse car almost Wb are much mistaken if this Is what tbe public wantr FOR EUROPE HEW banks six per per annum in gold, giving or expects, of ui, at least. Good watches cannot be made IE3. :iVEo:DffJa-JJrLTiT- 3r Unas? effjabs dartae my absence. unendurable. One is tbe friend who FOR SALE in return, ninety cent, of when neither workmun uor employer has pride la bis oc- jonir o. dominis. per paperissue to the discourses at the lop of his voice to bis friend about cupation ; KTs. -- j9 Interest and pleasure la the work are both Uo. 71 Merit. banks, the Government merely guaranteeing his private affairs and takes tbe whole car load of wanting, and both are essential In good watch making. Fort St, afcove Hotel St., s at Bawahan denomlna- - passengers Into bis confidence. I bare heard a man Low price, especially In watches, means lota quality, with WAILUKU SUGAR CO. the Government, of the the ultimate redemption of tho loto paper iBsuo, and converse in a voice which could be heard from ptrfoTTM.net and high repairt. KEEPS ALWAYS aT M. f 98. tLODO, and f 5,000, can be had one Our mission was, and our business Is, to good ON HAND 3. thus is seen that the enormous end of the car to the other on tbe subject make CUJSTARD spear ajipiacallaH at the Ilawallan Treasury. it paper issue of a recent watches, whatever the cost J holding firmly to this single LINE! addition to bis family, the 1 Galloway Boiler, new. An assortment of the best French snd SIMON of the United States, coodition of the mother, purpose, we have seen Improvement In quality and reduc- California manbe tared K. KAAI, during tho war and tion In cost, by Established 1840. I SaoSm Minister of Finance. and other interesting details. Then tbere is tbe pea- means of discoveries and Improvements In Sugar Hill, 25x18. since, xcas based upon bonds, and not upon spe nut fiend, who sents himself plaoidly beside you machinery and by natural causes, go steadily on together, 1 Engine suitablo to drivo the abovo Mill, pulls out a bag of bis favorito fodder and until we can truly say, Waltham Watches in their re- Two Sailings Every "Week, Xlact ol Ucetues Expiring In Ansmt. cie. This wise measure carried the Govern- coolly spective grades, are the best watches made; and as to the 10 Kailroad Cars. XfeTO. begins to devour it. The of the festive peanut lower grades, they are within tue reach of everybody FOR LirCKPOOLt miles wooden Tramway. Which he offers for sale to the Trade, or at Betall, ment through tho gigantic rebellion, and the is a stench, and the person who can in- who wages. Our 26 enjoy it and earns prices are as low as tney ought to From New York every Wednesday, 10 Qood Oz Carta. SCnrscxss heresy dven that all Licenses must be people had a circulating medium in paper, flict it npon his fellow creatures must be possesfed be, and as low as they will be. Watches cannot be made AT REDUCED far Cttreec to the Interior Office, and all parties are both of a depraved appetite for vile smelling things, tor tiothlog, even by machinery. We say to the public, From Boston every Saturday, For particulars aj.plr lo PRICES! 'Swirriaaed absoa tattnc to renew expiring Licenses, and with which they wero satisfied, buy a good watch while you are about It, and pay a proper UA1LEV & KURTZ, Wanuku, or because it was and a total disregard for the comfort of anyone bat price you ALSO JtaTiffs aad Stenoty bbertffs have Instructions to prose-ess- e for It. The more lay an honest dealer the bet 710 lm C, UttKWER t CO.. Honolulu. wsehoatdncreaea. any and all parties doing business guaranteed by tho Government, and the Na himself. Who has not met tbe whittling fiend? You ter satisfied you will be In the end ; don't be deceived by RATES OF PASSAGE: svsahostthe proper License. are sitting calmly thinking perhaps upon the abstract cheapness quality descends faster than price. TUE. BEST BRANDS OF CHOICE CIGARS SAM'L O. WILDER, tion had tho control of all the paperissue, with relationship of the unconditioned to the inconceiva- For American Match Cax of , alt ham, filasa. Cabin... . 880, and 8100 Uold THE UNDERSIGNED To be had In the market. Mluliter of the Interior. a uniform paper currency throughout ble (If you are from Boston), or you may be evolving According to Accommodation. ZctedorOSee, April SO. IET. all the ROBBINS & APPLETON, Hare been appointed from your inner consciousness an unheard of and THE BEST ICECREAM, SODA WATER COMULS States. We do not deny that, for a number of ICO ly General Agents, New York, U. & A. RETURN ON FAVORABLE TEIUX8. wonderful mouse trap or clothes-pe- g (if you are a TICKETS t OannllETAIL. OS-A-ll the above line Waltham Watchps sale .All Soon, XTalkane. New Yrrk man which is to make your of for at -. AM) TRY TUEX.-- 1 oolaopoka years, the brokers and capitalists took advan fortune, when Ageut King- Steerage- 828 Currency Ah Low. Kamoaaa. Honolulo. your speculations are interrupted meutoreot M.LCiAKUNYtSole for this 711 ly r tage of the fact that the Government had by the doleful dom. Good accommodations can always be seen red on appli- Z AhfoA;CD.NnnaoU Street. notes of "In the Sweet By and Bye," or "My Grand- Also, Agent for the GORIIAM .STERLING .. Z VoocVoAOo, SILVER cation to nace. Mannakea rather unwisely agreed to pay six per cent, in fathers' Clock " whistlod dreadfully out of tune by WARE. The Trade supplied at the LOWEST PBICE3. WILLIAMS, BLANCIIAKD A Co., JUST RECEIVED FROM tr fi ' your next neighbor on SCO Sau Oass Loac. Merchant ' gold ou the bonds of the United States, as the seat. You cast upon the Francisco. T lartkea. osann u well callow youth (tbey nearly always aro callow youths) JAS. ALEXANDER, s Qaonclloos: Tone. Ncnann Street, to the a glance of scorn 99 Stale St., Boston, ' banks and all other purchasers, and at and reproach, he sees it not, his C. O. FltANCKLTN, A. A attntatwi, cor King and Fort Stt, vacaut staro is fixed upon the roof of the car. and he NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3: Lai Sla. Waima. KamoHMl, the same time gold was exacted by the Gov. i Bowling Clrecn, New York. IE ABU, Maaoakea otreet, pipes up tho dreadful sounds in blissful ignorance of ernment for all custom duties, or sBBavMMssVSssBSssavssssBSBSBSsaPf 3t tTJvFoAer. fort " " a fact, which tue isct mat tne majority bis fellow passengers Nottca to Passengers from Australia, New Zealand and 13 Dog are itching to To Let, s 3 Xaxsa. " necessitated the purchase of gold in open mar pack him out of the car and hang him NEATLTAM) COSILY FURXISIIED Honolulu. The Cunard Line affords more tbsn usual fa 3C on trans-Pacif- AtrmrreiCo,QcnStreet, tbe nearest lamp post. Booms at No. 1 Garden tane. 757 cllltlea to through passengers from ports, the t AStrtslLFort " ket, both by the Government J.J.I. frequency of Its sailing possibility tb2tastCc,Xort and the impor precluding all of delay SOLE AGENTS FOR THE BAIN WAGON S ters, and thus kept S. B. DOLE, In New York. Han all. up a difference between The Suez Consul-Gener- Good accommodations always reserved. For this Kingdom, prepared to X AU, Stan. Cih.il. Tbe United States al and are furnish anj sue, I'ssasBC ItETCIlXi;!) FR03I THE UNITED the carrvlnff canadtr varvloe from 1.200 to 7.500 1 3 aTaloplLl. Jtorth aTohtla. gold and paper, out of which the brokers at Cairo, Egypt, in a letter to tbo Depart- States, resumes tbe practice of law nls onlce, on C. O. FRANCKLYN, mandL CAlaa. at 7 We nave Imported quite a number of tUesa Wagoos for jtSna,asla, . ment of State of tbe United States, says that the en- the corner or Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu. ly s IlowllngOreen. New York. made millions upon millions, by depreciating -- m I'jsniauon use uunns; tne past year, aaa tbey prove to be 37 II larear, Xaaleha, Ean. tire cost of the Suez Canal was $92,273,907. The Xm Just the wagon to suit the requirements of oor plsnters. the paper. But if the Government had stock consists of 400,000 shares at 500 francs each. We have now Id stock some of tbese wagons, CAaleo. BBo. made UlJIIoFsAN with CORTLAND WAGM MANUFACTURIN6 M. Y. These shares, had sold as low as 100 francs each. At NOTICE. DISPATCH FRANCISCO I IK Inch Iroo Axles, will carry from 4,000 to CO., St W JJt,Bonofii. ITsTniini the paper a legal tender for all purposes, and 4.000 pounds. Prices Low ana, Waimea. South Kohils the opening of tbe canal they had advanced to only DUniNU MY AIUil'.SCE PKOM TnlS A.5 invoice ar 313 paid a less percentage in 300 francs. Tbey are now quoted 717 A. Magnln is fulljr aoUiorized 07 Power C. Brewor A. Co. Agents. 3& 751 m DILUXGIIAX A CO. AKAbca.Uoookxia.SonthEona. interest on its at francs, and or Attorney to my name. JiJI Beied A Elamn, alio. are probably worth more. The British Government trnsactartonsiness in 3iSc Merchandise received Storagr Free SiS 38 oaaUra liooopoeo, bonds to the banks the case would have been & 8.1IA0NIK. an-- liberal cash advances mad on iblpmentt by this line. Buggies, Wagons, Carriages! .Oa, North Kobala. paid about 568 francs in 1875 for 178,602 shares. August e; jio im BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES 30 3 Witts, TTors's. widely different, and the millions n;. C. BREW ER Jt CO. Hunt. made by the Tbis great purchase, aside from its political and com- Miss Woodward, Principal, Harritbnrg', Pa., 1 Mrs mercial advantages, thus jields a clear profit ! DILLINQHAM A Co., I XAfaWalmkn. Boaolulu, Hana. brokers and sharpers, would have been saved of FOE SALE OE LEASE BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKET LINEI! 1 Sole francs at present prices. Tbe FOR TEARH, ASD PAT-ronls- Agents for Hawaiian Islands. aajuial. revenues of from all young to the Government and the people. How is the canal have increased from 5,000,000 OUT 300 ACRES OP LAND IN TIOKU-KAN- O, iruarters where ladles caa EaticEcMctoaa. francs in Hawaii, Dwelling Hoose C. Brewer fc Agents. obtain tbe advantages of tbe best education In English, 9 WHOLESALE. 1870 to over 30,000,000 francs 1877. North Kons, with JSg Co. t tho case now ? Tho national bank paper is at in The expen- and Ofilces, all In good order, lately occnp'ed by Dr. c3kT Farorable arrangements can always ba VtTtt French and German. Music and drawing, as well as a home "W Co, ses, including interest, every SI A Ptce Queen Street, Honolulo. par with gold, not sinking fund and land, bare Tronsseau. Apply to msde for storage and shipment of Oil, Bors, Wool, Rides well provUed with convenience. NOTICE i EETAIL because there is gold enough been a little over 17,000,000 francs per year. H. OREEKWELL, and other 3Iercbsndiss to New Bedford. Boston, New At tbe above School tbe French and German languages BPlP.tT. The I. - York are taught by TOMYPATitOHSANDTHEPUtUC! in tho country to equal the paper, saving of distance to tbe British ships going to 754 lm Or to Messrs. IT. IIACKFELD & CO. and ither Eastern Ports. 4aT- Cssh Advance msda. native French and Herman Teachers, aud 3 S Ttirra. Oasimerclal Hotel. " for that India miKVj-Ei-i tbe Art department Is under tne a lady is nearly 5000 miles. s c. 4 co. eontrl of graduate Henry SraSey, corner King and Fort Sta, of all tbe vessels nU at the Cooper Institute of New York. 11 axle S never was the case, and never can be, but be- passing through it taught by JOBBING SPIRIT. the canal carry the English flag. WANTED! of lady of many years experience, who Is a flnt class In- X Kaefarlane k Co, Eaahnmasu Street, cause the paper based upon tho faith of the A STnOJCCl. JIEABTY WHITE BOY. OF TO structor. Lung, The French people hare determined to 11 age, ARRIVE PER DISCOVERY tWTrsms moderate. Send for Circulars. Hi 6m : Clue Merchant fctreet, Government for its ultimate redemption, is a raise the XH from to 16 years or is wanted to learn toe vicrCALixa. necessary funds, by a grand national lottery, to pay trade of a Blacksmith. To such a lad a good place will be safe, sound and convenient factor in the busi tbe expenses of completing and furnishing to the offered, and Instructions given by a first-cla- ss workman. A FIXE FOE SALE. X aToarr A Oo.Nirainn Street, Inqure of the Editor of tbe Hawaiian Gazette, or of T arursi, WaPclai, Maul. United States tbe colossal Statue of Liberty, by the RETKRALBUILDISG LOTS WITH IS ness of tho country; the people prefer to the 760 3m JAS. IfAKLON, Llhoe, Kauai. If AM.utssssssa XI Ationa. Waunskralatreet. it artist Auguste Bartholdi, which is to be erected in five vnfnrttau oral all Ida Trxw Arr1a aHJkla .- - ilEsitnated. I'now 3A HTfTT. New A Lot of Also, tbe premises where Z "rJ. more cumbersome metalic agent, and uso it as York harbor, and is almost comnletnl. n. California Males THAT I KATE SECURED 33 A Irons . BSa, Hawaii. tional lottery will afford side, containing an area or about 10 acres, with a com. St Idea Cejeaa, Hotel street, sucb, and hence the ability on the part of the tbe,. entire population of modious dwelling bouse, nearly new, aad also I. .na an .nn.nlnnit. wtr. .. ! ...... AUCTION SALE BROKEN TO HAESESS, AND acottageon riEST-CLAS- S BUrCHEK. u" " v.,.v,.fc....j 'ai.M.ipaio iu ma gut irom thecurnerof Klogand Sooth Streets. Tbe A HORSE SH0Z1, United States to say to the world, that she can One Republic to her sister Republic, between whose . grounds are plsnted with a great variety of fruit and or- X C rc Jones, sValohmn, Kan. Hawan. At Maui, namental trees, and offer tbe picture tropical veg. Te ijt peoples there has existed tbe warmest feelings of fra- Wafipkii. co-7S7-a- finest of torsbse this cttt. asb a Jl.Cawswbm,TanrarioehoetIinot pay spe cio for all demands against her. But ivrnoij. etatloo on the Islands. Tbe laod extends from King to SEcexn carry on this branch or sty business Kin-J- . ternity for so many years. This act of generosity In a manner satisfactory to 3Z sTatrnMoo. Kctoa, this is really a fiction. The ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1879, INQUIRE OP Bingham Street along Sooth strett, and Is eligibly situated my patrons. X VStiaw. Labalna, MasL United States may and brotherly lore on the part of France is invested for bunding lots. Owners Of Horses Will save money hv rivinir mm & ml - a delicacy of 781 at my Brick Bnlldlnr. next Custom a SrzuiDa,TaIhee, be able to pay specie interest upon herbonded with sentiment and a grandeur of lofty 'Win be offered. If not previously disposed of at private K. HACKFELD &. CO. Terms, half cash, and a credit of five years at 9 per ths Boos. AUCTION, patriotism that could only will be given if required. indebtedness to foreign emanate from a nation sale, the valuable property of T. J. alossmao, vhlch J. T. OHAYTER. a HVUsmela, MaoL her creditors ; but if whose people are deeply Imbued with a genuine love ALSO, FOR BALK OR LEASE, """ sue were called upon to will iTuiSsVt redeem tho national of liberty; tbe act itself tend in no small degree UrteoelTreca., THE VALLEY HOME, on Muuano Road, lately rOomxaaakated.1 banc paper now issued and in circulation, she to cement the cordial friendship which ia inherent in VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, EX FOREST QUEEN, by O. C. Bennett; and tbe THAT CHEER Sugar Mill, &o, For Sale. Honolulu-Enqui- En i. Ttrj rjexiinr; and isperior entertainment could not do it. Of this she need fear nothin?. the breasts of Frenchmen and Americans towards MOUSE, on tbe KwaBoad, one mile tram re each other. Such exhibitions of fraternity are credit- X.ABGE 8TOBE AND NEW DWELLING or W.C.JOXE3. f 1 ITT jireB ml tie Foreijn Ctorch of place on because the people are content with the na Is In bo sin ess A Honolulu, July 23, U79. 75S reLlWIXG MACHINERY. JHW IX ttu till able alike to the peoples of both hemispheres, III)L'NE.allcf which situated the central CONSIGNMENT OF GROCERIES, tf use Koloa I , paper, as well part of Wallukn. on tbe same day, a large and JL at the Plantation, KauaJ, offerett tor Kondaj-- tin 4th instant, by tie ladies of the Kohala tional bank and therefore the danger as the age we live in. In this connection Also, salt, to be dellrered by August 1st : cannot come. it is bat seen as Sil Soeietr, and rervlted in a Tand mcceii both proper to note that the British Government, having Great Variety of Merchandise, WO CHONG & CO. 1 Sugar MIS, SUM. With these lights before us, we assert with ordered tbe Arctic exploring ship Besolute broken 1 Engine an trcssaat maiical treat. The np, CONDENSED EY BEA5D. Vertical H. P. out fear of successful contradiction, has as a token of remembrance of the generosity Consisting In part as follows : ssrnsal para were exeeediagtT srell wo that this of Shoe Manufacturers. I Water Wheel. Tendered and the Untied States Government, Camden Corn, Superior Stearic Add Candles, v Government can with entire safety issue a which hod the Beso- CIotLing, Prints, Boots and Shoes, Saddles, ASD .a . 1 Cane Carrier. lepe ITr.TiiU 100a favored. proved lute repaired and presented to Adamantlns Candles, Soap, In OEXTS BOOTS nsj ajaln be It tbe British Admiralty Blankets, Tobacco, Hats, Shawls, Amber bis of M ban; bXABIRpr made la the latest style and esssssMH I Trash Carrier. Halt tows is obliged after she was rescued by American whalers in tbe Extra Olive Soap, In boxes of 12 bars ; Ibal ccr sot to Ulie a back (eat with her ability be that large or small, that Stationery, Patent Medicines, 1 Juice Pump., ca io Hssaluls. a regards zsutical talent, vocal Arctic regions, are having ornaments and articles of Germanla Starch, Pooler's Yeast Powder, Jfo.38 Xanana gt- would be as satisfactory and as secure as that T2m - Ilooolnln. 1 spare 7 loch wronght Iron Connect-shaA- . aft iuti 1 neTittl res the programmes and tickets furniture made to be presented to President Hayes. Superior Columbia Rlrer Salmon, Iu bbls and cases. of the United btates. All that is required is This ia as should bo, and evinces tbe Crockery and Glassware, S eyare new Pinks Wheels tor WO. wee jrittiJ ttre and tindij donated by Mr. Dyer, it that British ;tl For Sale by JT. IIACHFEI.I fc CO. FOR RENT. xhm priscpsl ef the Satire School, to we were en- for a proper system to be adopted, regulated by Government is not insensible to generosity and ecu HEAVY SH.VEK-PL1TE- B WARE, 1 spare new Beret Pinion tor Eoatse Ska. tirely inicpesdeat in every respect, and too much law, and relief, such as is needed, would be of comity on tbe part of a sister nation. These inter- NOTICE. A VALUABLE WATER 1 spare new BsTel Pinion for Waterwheel SteM. Groceries, Hardware, Paints, - POWER tie to S!r. Ilenry Johnson changes of international amenities are commendable Water-proo- ISTKNTIOJj- 1 spare near Box for Jole Pessp. jsaaac cattn. circa and secured to the Kingdom, and a tide of pros- f Flannels, Merinos and Coboargi, IS XT TO BE ABSEST TOR-SHO- WATS BEus,V!re sxat laiiat cf the locietj for in the highest degree, and carry with them tbe tame from Honolulu daring the month of August, and dar- WIKftATSJKEKJ,eK tad cestlesea farniihinj perity would 6et in, which in a few years And a general assortment of Dry Goads and other and Dlnlon In aoanion. TIM akoveUaa la good wotkte order. with soch influences between the peoples of two nations the ing that time Mr. 7. D. WlckewlQ hve charts or ray lately. used by Chulan Co. for Tswastatoa. Ihaatrsi a pleatast eveaing. that Merchandise too varied to psrticulariia. t cleaning and soMafelns safc of for 7 to Stone of !' day. would prove the wisdom of the measure we same business. FRANK BROWN, rice, three-stor- triaJhit Kohala. interchanges do between individuals, and cannot For farther particulars apply to wim a Hffl Bonding, Storehowe, Seafcles. Banieaian ceaad Mice, assXy to the propone. fail to produce the happiest Of Brown & Co., Wlnellercbants. Coos: Bouse, crf by far JZitaia, Acrurt II, 1579. remits. 7H lm T. J. ilOSejIAN, Honolulu. Honolulu, July 39. 1J79. IW 1st SOLOA PLAJfTATsO CO.. K J. IL KOO. 1 OeX.BACKPatUdcCU.,1

toll i .JIsyjiiiA. v B"v y

C03Z:2.CX.&Xu SOTES OP XIIK WECIi.. ErtaBsmxTic. There Is a chap In out town, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. JEM3W2XZX. 4UCCST 20, 1CB. ISy The sale of real estate, stock, &c, of Mots-ma- n's Who has ft wondrons gmb ; Wailnkn Cach day this chap goes circling round store, advertised for Attar. 27th, tas Uerelr to lie and blab. $2.50 By C. S. B,.KTpW. By K. P. ABAXf). been postponed to Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Bis face Is Uca a piece of brass ; TICKETS $2.50 tmic iag Tb VMObtr hu been Ills tongns doth never tire; THE GRAND GF" Mr. Bartow will cell household furnltnre on Eome paople calt this thingan ass. JUST HECETYED FROM THE Monday, 25th Inst, at the restdenca ot Mr. Tbos. And some tbe cAaatpiois ltdr. TlilsDay. T33II 3. Hughes, Xanana avenue, above first.orldge. ART UNION DRAWING f AmmtxL TwtsTD. Tle crop of Jnst 3T The large credit sale at the store of Messrs. (HP & , CONTHnTATIOK Ims rat to th Cuut, y OF 3IHS. I... WEAVER'S Eastern States and Europe, Fibe Kau. We learn that tbe dwelling bonse H. Hackfeld & Co., will be continued at 10 AUCTION SALE mt4 at o'clock a. m., by Mr. E. P. Adams. rmCMkMikia4VTDirt of Hon. W. T.Martin, atWaloblnn, Kan district, ELEGANT OIL PAINTINGS AT TOE STORES OF 41 be autifear fifttcMd. Hawaii, was totally destroyed by Arc recently. Tbe" Sektesce Commuted. Ills Majesty In Privy COME OFF IX THIS CITY ON CREDIT SAIiEi Wbi. origin of tbe tire is not known. WIU. Evening, July Mlh, provided a sufficient NEW FURNITURE! A, Council has cyiifart ikw TtiTnwCh lis cot amiss a commuted tbetentence of John Brown, AT THE STORE OF HUttFELB number of tickets are sold by tbat time to Justify her. As At Id A. ax., H. 4 CI. teBoruriiltarc Tbe WcaTitrB. Daring tbe past week we bare the seaman wbo was sentenced on tbe 21st of list she la compelled to leave bv the next atpamr r.ir Run WATERHOUSE nt Salesroom. far ChptteJ ttfMt4 fbilew. July to be hanged for tbe murder Pranclsco, sbe baa determined to reduce) fbe price J. T. Mi bad a series of refreshing of his ihipraate, of WEDNESDAY,: : : ATJOTJST 30, Mfcn f m a. ta Ptttj-- a ttfflitwLI showers, and we learn Tickets from ($3 to 8 30 each, bo as to bring them ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20th, HMMlNla1 MMBPV UfcIucsxUlU that tbe same blessing baa been vouchsafed to tbe on board tbe American bark Morro Castle. Brown's wiuun tne reacn or all. 76: TwwrrMaVr caBtlov. Is Ex Stmr City of Sydney. SOLD Prints, Flannels, Jfuslins, Foutemit. -- people on Islands of life spared, he must endure Imprisonment WILL BE m Honk Ip.H tbe other Ibe group. but lfn tbr for a period of twenty years. We earnestly hope NOTICE. AltEIVEn. On Sunday last, tbe American schoon- that a like Royal clemency will be extended to the AN INVOICE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE rrtMr M. TJ 4 WAI-- -- " I.I. PAKTIES IM)Eirn:D TO TIIE J TOW I.Wtl im4 4r. eaKl er Caroline Medan, en route for Ibe Islands of tbe nnfortnnate native woman Kelllbaaalwi, now under l.tJKU Mobsman, are PLAIN ASD 7ASC7 AND sentence sruIlE of T. J. requested to Ordered from San Francisco of IT. & E. EMANUEL, and GROCERIES SALMON. wfc prwfeC a.w of death for participation In the murder of make Immediate payment to J Ii. Hare, aa thene ac- lv tbrtnCaxlfr Sinlb Pacific, viz., Faunlne's, KInjrimill. Caroline sold on account of default of payment. The Inrolca con- JT., lttHflUrvfcf f the Chinaman at Wailuku last spring. We are not counts are oveidue, and asa certain disposition was made sists of AT 13 O'CLOCK jTlrf wi M tfcr tower tb lrtiwiw wpect isiauas. etc., arrived in port, Irom Sin aware that any efforts have been on July :)d, of tbe block and Bills receivable said ENGLISH SADDLERY 123 tnvde the part of of btore, wltb bogs in fine condition, cunslened to our citizens in her case yet. and as tba eaid bislnesa la being wound np, all Bills un- f w dtrtin; if not, we hope there Ularble Top Tables, Square and Oral, lTig. rwh refwrt ibe Messrs. Lxlne & Co. We understand tbe bogs are paid m lit have to be collected by process of law. Prompt AN ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS, Tdcjuors oxi.3.C3istrtm MlWfc . m ws ey lrw (JUi will be soon, and that this poor womsn may be ill iiiii i!H all of famous breeds. spared an settlement wUI save expense. llarkle Top Carred Tables. Walnut Chiffoniers, E. P. ABAHS, Anet'r. rureunc ignominious death by hanging. We trust August IS, 187 Stwtl some 7E2 tf Turned and Scroll Whatnots, Sideboards wltb Glass, Mr t PKittc: that humane person VIII take np her case and Tables, ' i m Iwmm ST Attention is called to tbe advertisement of have Black and Colored Merinos, Bureaus, Washstands, Ti. Iummi'i IiW It properly presented to His Majesty and Privy Cedar Bureaus with Glass. Hanging Hat Racks, -- Ancricut Mr. Bsrtow, auctioneer, in another, column of a Council at an early day for EXECUTOE'S NOTICE. Mortgagee's Notice of Sale. ForMt hash consideration. Pony Bedsteads, Gotu: Bedstead, Oun. large invoice new furniture, IS llaCKEBT GIVEX THAT TIIE While Striped Lawns, Lace Lawns, Round Corner Bedsteads, Bedroom Set complete. DIRECTION OF A. 3. CARTWR1BHT. iiWI fctt anr f IUafl MgHtfr: Ilrfcikh ol wbleb will be sold DDderslffDed bave been appoluteu Mortgage named In a certain Indenture m.11iM day Is The Stbeeis. We think all wiil agree that some- Lxecutorof the Painted Set, lo. BY of i acbootier Crt- - this at bis salesroom. Tbit a rare chance wUluf Alexander Hutchinson, late of Kualehti, II aw til, ic, Mortgage dated J uly I s. 1 J7T. made by Kabalawal and pa lUw1 ta for purchasers to obtain elegant new furniture be- thing should be doue to make the streets and side- deceased, and all persons are hertby notified to present weuwea. her husband, to sold Alex. J. Canwrlgbt, I aia I Swat 1 il Grassmere Satin Checked Muslins, I 1 lu sut- eomjJt4 br low cost. See advertisement. walks of Honolulu more passable. After a rain the their claims duly authea tldated, whether secured by mort- ONE REP SET directed to sell at public auctlou i--l frMidfeoa, to L gage or otherwise. wltLIn from tJi months the date hereof Easy Chairs, 4 Chairs and 8ofa. IHT AIBT. condition of Ibe streets Is such as to make it any- or they will be forever barred, and all persons Indebted On Saturday, the 6th day of Sept., 1879, t ft. crr4Ku3&t tfc tture IS" Stratemeyer tbe artist bas distinguished Long Cloth, C. S. BARTOW. Auctioneer. f MM fr4t lAtft thing but comfortable to get along without plung- to said estate are notlfled to mate Immediate payment. I , Mfc, wrr4oc the tltor. himself again in bis recent effort at sign painting. J0UN8. WALKi.lt, At 12 M., at my Salesroom ta Honolulu, all thattertala nd a Urr ing ont of one mud paddle another, Twill Printed Cretonnes, Piece or Parcel of Land situate at Uanoultult, Kwa, Oafin, hf Mrl4. We refer to tbe female figure on tbe bllod window into and as for J. O. cauteh. MMMtaHM iirtanMtM vMMpwrJ Executors of the will of Alex, nutcbinsou, deceased. containing t aaeand 494 chains, and more fulry described of store of Meters. Grant & the sidewalks, Ibey are a libel on the name. There Tucked Nainsook Frocktng, Royal Knlean nera 8S&. tbe Robertson, as an Honolulu, August 19, 1379. ?G2 Im In Patent N& 333, For farther attraction to tbe publi;, that the firm have ecured is really no excuse for this state of things. Here, particulars Inquire of E. P. A DA US, Auct'r, or ROOMSALE CECIL BROWN, Attorney Mortgagee. services for oiL2 or SOKOEUItr. tbe ofa first class dressmaker. This effort where the material is abundant and convenient, ofSlratemeyer'sis highly artistic, and shows what SHAWLS, ON FRIDAY, : : AUGUST 22nd, jLCiai u. be can do when be tries. at a comparatively Btnall expense, aud a little ott Sale,, Shepherd's Cbeck, Mictlitiid First-Cla- ss In and Sntlnet. judicious management, the streets of Honolulu I Blake Irrigating Pump, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. it.. WILL BE bOLD, Mortgagee's Notice of Sate. Eald A. to B., the clbrr dar. Whito Cotton Brocades, DIRECTION OF A. J. CARTWR1UHT. Da yon knuw might be kept In tbe best of order. Why ai e prop- ahat I've ben tu!l t STEAM PUMP AN ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS BY Mortgagee named la a certain Indenture of II. It--, a aopla aav, erty holders uot compelled to pave tbe s fi fVXI2 CYUXDElt, TTATEK That J. 12 inch diameter with 6 Inch 5 Printed marine Stripes, Mortgage dated January 12. 1S78, mode by Eealalama and Ilaa fiaod a tulua gold. in and along respective JLVr suction and Inch of irunt their lots? II this dtichArge pipe, with and Hue of 300 feet AND others to said A, J. Cartwrtght, I am directed to sell at gi is . Eald It. to A. lout here, aj friend. were done it would not only add to tbe value or llpe, with ail necesaarfllltugs, v, Ives, in good White Idri Stripes, Silk Velvet, public auction on r ! i trap aa c order, IT fi i. gmwiu.il. As ire lnat di, the property but beautify the city, and make look and capable of delivering 10,000 gallons of ri II. U. bia ttJJ that yarn. it water Per hour, 6th. 1879, If J. as it some one cared for welfare. at an elevation of 50 to GO ferr. Also, White Cotton Honeycomb Quilts, General Merchandise. Saturday, tho day of September, e lure It ia a lie. its The neglect t il of these matters Is a sheer dereliction of duty ou the One Schnttler Wagon. Iron Axle, Tire 2 Inch, for 1225. AT 12 O'CLOCK SOOX, At 12 M., at my Salesroom la nonoluro. all thosa two SSJar fill Gbinr. part of those who are paid to look after them. In One La Belle Wagon, far jtoO. certain Pieces or Parcels or Land situate at Waw, HetU, America vs. Esolasd. As a test of the sailing for further particular Inquire of. BLaCK SILKS, BIBBONS, TIES Koolaopoko, being mm TCmt.a two. this connection we mention egaiu the great neces- Saca.caJ.0 Oahu. and the same as described ta qualities ol HAILKY 4 KUItTZ, Wailuku. One Royal Patents 339 and 31M, containing respectively tbe 6hlps of the resiicctlvc nslions it sity for a new system of sewerage to drain off TOJ Sorso. the Im Or U. BBEWUlt a S. BARTOW; Auctioneer. 0 filth, tCO., Ilonotulu. And Large Assortment of C aud of an acre. may not be out of place to mention, that tbe Ame- and the abatement of the noisesotne privy particulars Inquire vaults which are tbe source . oft rican clipper 6b!p Governor Goodwlu of Boston, of annovance, aud the DPTJTJINrXJX 3D.X3a-3LT- K. P. ADAMS, Aut'r, or feUb.tmliHL effective breeders of typhoid fever so prevalent AND CECIL Mortgagee. now iu PLAIN FANCY GOODS BROWN. Attorney for In our harbor, left Glasgow four weeks after Ibis city at the present time. One week's preva- CONCHEE & CO. 7l Im . FURNITURE SALE tbe British chip Itavenscraig from Liverpool, and lence ot southerly winds, with the preseut want WLcks of three after Ibe British bark Stormy Petrel sanitary regulations, would In all probability induce i "efef ITavixu purchased cflSaV from Liverpool, both vessels consigned to a epidemic, lASsf above Hairy from A. J. Carlwrlght.the USF THE RESIDENCE OF MR. UUGIIES, tbe fiarlul for which tbe Board of Health J.tmiUm RECIPROCITY TREATY! PACIFIC IRON WORKS, . Sana Tacatac'i TUod bouse of Messrs. G. W. Maclariaue & Co. Up to would be in a great measure liq.. Administrator cf the Estate of tjnm NUUANU AVENUE. tm KrWrrnifc. responsible. Any- the late Akoug, are now prepared to cus- the present date, neither of the vessels have as yet where else than Honolulu or furnish their in such a state things tomers end the pnMIc generally, with I'UItE 3IILU (The Cottage owned by Mr. J. II. Wood,) will be sold BAN FRANCISCO. put in an appearauce, bile the Governor Goodwin would not be tolerated. We cull attention to a Bt the Lonent ltulex. bas made the passage in 103 days. We think that communication iu another column, slgneJ " A Tax Orders lift at the Snore ofConchee 4 Ahung will meet oat tbe foregoing facts" establish prompt the reputation of tbe P.iyer," which will be read with profit by our citi- with attention. 762 6m $10,OOODOLLARS$10,000 MANUFACTURERS OF SUGAR MILLS sOrSfcW, wr T.tmttL American thlp for rare fast tailing qualities. zens oi Honolulu. MONDAY. : : : AUGUST 26th, tutii,tm Fruciseo. A Quick Passaoe. The American CONCHEE & IO JlV, iil clipper ship IVcvvs AHUNG WORTH OF AT O'CLOCK A. Engines, Boilers, Governor Goodwin, and Other Items. lster, master, arrived in port Nunanu St, makai of Beretaaia St, Household Furniture of said Residence on Saturday evening last, 108 days from Glasgow. According to an official return, 77 Vacuum. Pans, persons died of ci-ood- s This is a remarkably quick passage 9bd speaks well starvation in London last year. in m:ew COMPRISING for tbe sailing qualities of the noble vettvl, as well A submarine cable is to be Dealers ChinaCoods Evaporators, mt Hi Si fcrWimtlA laid across the Caspian PARLOR, BEDR000N AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, as tbe tfllciency ot her commander. The Governor Eea from Cape Gourgian to Krasnovodsk, a distance Clarifiers mmmtwuIxU. priucl-pal- lv Clothing, Fancy Goods, Marble-to- and f Goodwlu basau shotted cargo, consisting of 150 miles. It will cost 710,000 rubles, and is to he Centre Table, Lounge, Cane Chairs, of the following sugar machinery, viz: lluelo laid in September. Rockets. Whatnot, Koa Bedsteads. Chandelier, MtlbM.lfnb. for Mr. Watson's sugar JEWELRY AND GENERAL TltEOLOAN bprlngMaitras,, Mattresses, Pine Bedsteads, EVERY OF IRON WORK plant mill, on Maul ; Akaua M. MERCHANDISE WHY DESCRIPTION & Brewer's plant, for Makawao; Schacfer & Par- A. Couvreaax, one of the principal engineers DOES all hla Goods Direct Crib, Washitand, Tables, Toilet Set. in the construction of the Sues Canal, is to di- Offer sale, ex from If ew York, London and rarls, Dining Table and Chairs, Lot of Crockery, Mi mi B lrtUD4. forces. ker's plant for Kukuihaele, ilamakua, Hawaii; have for late arrivals, tbe following: selecting Sasror Wri ,T rection of tho work of excavating the all the Newest fctylts. the Meat .safe, Cook Stove, Cooking Utensils, Iu Connection with Plants. Wilder .t Co's machinery to make up initsiug pieces Isthmus route. Choicest Patterns and the Cupboard, Gardea Tools, Ac., &c of He estimates the cost at 1,200,000,000 IVORY, TORTOISE SHELL & SANDALWOOD finest lost plant by the EsMunk; two large mills fur sale. francs, and GOODS, aiaves r Prices and Terms, Apply to All of Mirrless, Talt & Watson's manufacture. The the time eight years, and, like M. De Lessups, be- C. S. BARTOW, Auctioneer. For cargo Is consigned to lieves in an open cat without locks Camphor Trunks, Leather Trunks, Matting. THE BEST IS ALWAYS TIIE 23T1JII). the bucluess house of Messrs. or tunnels. SHU Handkerchiefs, Silt Oram G. W. Macfsrlaue & or Shawls. Cloth, F. ASASCS, Co., this city. The editor of the Truth is sorry to learn that King Silk for Dresses, Hats and Shoes, Jewelry, CHEAPEST. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF SALE. a. Lulu Uusrr LIt GrMOodc Humbert has a m . imiiB foot in the grave. His spine is LARQE 743 ly Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. vssnsMB awf 1 TVav Sjr lt al l'twcn; Wboso Aoaix. Tbe Advertiser in Its last Is6ue and he AND A 8TOCK OF DIKECTIO.V t 1 IF S Jfc.1 r: w. Mari or bt spits blood. The physicians attending OF A. X ABTfRiailT. SJHiraSapBi Mndtal ; makes a grave mistake. In an article headed bim prescribe tbe softer BY Mortgagee named In a certain Indenture of tf Mi J& Sltj fncseil "Exit air of Madeira, the probable 1879, made by D Naoho SB SJi Aaaoe35M mhhh 4 Bf Z S io tbe Merchandise of every Description. Mortfa;e. dated March Sth, A.D. wnSH Giles," it says among other things : regent in his absence will be the Prince of Carignan, wife, said I . cjii.im ten 1CI MUST AN (k) and Maleka (w), his to A.J. Carlwrtfht. S, unlM 4: bis cousin. Victor Emmanuel's fast 62 Cm CONCHEE AIIUNCJ. ALL MEN pleasure on seeing public ON SATURDAY, CALIFORNIA JMi. San 1M41 W. a.pvalie) r "Mr. Giles Is said to have spent the day at IValklkl friend, Amaieo, urn directed to sell at auction, er4 amouc his friends, and alien the Matvina quilted pvrt is unpopular in Italy. He is a bigoted Ultramon-tani- i a Large Assortment of Elegant the 30'h day of Angust, 1S79, at IS M. at my Salesroom, In the Goods, l'errectly cui.iUfMmlUtrfUX. ItralJlOJ and stood up tbe reef tuward Diaciund Head, the gallant and hates Garibaldi. New, and War Honolulu, all those threo several pieces and parcels of cood-by- e to be the Oahu, more MWta as m. AojTirt Klb. GHea cbeenlr abubk hands and hade to those about 108 DAYS FROM GLASGOW ranted Finest Product of 'and situated lu Walanae, Island of IL I., and Furniture I bun, get In acaneeaud ens fuddled off to tba ship that was Roman loungers were treated to a raie spectacle lueLoom. fully described In Royal Patent No. 30VS, Kcleona No. waitiug to convey btin, "Aujwbere, anvwhtre" tint of recently on tbe Via ; a bicycle raco between 7X14, containing In all four acres and 77T chains. And also TTTaSTS. IUaaii, and the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, which If two ladies who both belong to tbe best society and all that certain piece and parc'l of land situated at Wala- Its mandate was executed would huld Giles In durance vile arecelebrated fur their nae aforesaid, and more fully described la Boyal Patent Haoufacturing beauty. They appeared on 1 acres, to- until be had la.Id tbe sum of f $.000 damages, that amount a their iron No. 478, Kuleona No. 3001, containing o. ac t mini Jlslu. Aociut 171 Jury of the conntrv having awarded against steeds, arrayed In the most coquettish of NOTICE TO PLANTERS. ELI. KNOW THAT A gether with the appurtenances to tbe above described ataaaaajlai hiul." BUYERS iVPrfi-o- tDabsurfc, IbbU Ucr, Spanish bats, vests, and tights. The fair winner t sirpnffJnfF lands belonging. C. S. II AUTO W, Auct'r. lm m 17SUrta- - Inasmuch as the suit against Giles, in which the not ooly ensures Moulded Company, xjtr.. was Mme. Le Ghait, the pretty wife of the First Sec- Garments It. F. BICltKBTON, Attorney for Mortgagee. "l UMWtwAv..!' 3teU rbt, leSKti Jury gave $5,000 damages, was on the civil and not retary of tbe Belgian TIIE FINE AMERICAN EXTREME to the Form, but lm cue use economy Legation. In material. W SM criminal side of SAN FRANCISCO, tatta, Jlsf taai tbe the Supreme Court, and there Two notable murder trials began in London on MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF SALE. . tiibra.ibu the ANOTHEU PROFIT SAVED. Mkr being no law in this kingdom allowing lmptlson-men- t 2d of July, those of Catherine Webster, CLIPPEE GOV. Dllil , awn 1196 Iron charged SHIP GOODWIN DUOWX, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS iMta Ut. for debt, Giles could not have been put with killing Mrs. Thomas, whose DIRECrriO? OF TIIOS. TIIE faai kraa, l: Itlt BdM, 33S remains ivero found Mortgagee named ia ft certain Indenture of Mort- . arc trnHa, "in durance vile" for non-p- a ment ol $5,000 In a box floating in law lu. a aw the the Thames, and of Hannah gage, dated April 28th, 1877. made by Keo Kalapuna to . SMJUO fire UieK awarded agalusl him. Giles might have 6tajed on Dobbs, charged with tho murdeJ of Matilda Haker, lias just made the extraordinary run of 103 days from said Tbos. Drown, I am directed to aell at public auction thl Island was Glasgow, and bilngs to band F.XI'EKl'-ENC-E till be as old 06 Methuselah without whose body was discovered in a cellar. Both cases OF OX BATUItDAY, tho 30th day ot August, 1379, at 12 M. at ATsXj paying a cent of the $5,000, and could not have been 09 a Buyer, Cutter and my balesroom In Honolulu, all tbat certain piece and par- desohiptious IXPSETS. began as "mysterious," known respectively as imprisoned for a civil debt. Our reliable neighbor the Killer, hundreds of the Inhabitants cel of laud situated In tlooolulu. near Puunul, aud more mysterious murder at Ricbmood and tbe Euatoa-equar- e of these Islands, In every grade is off in -- of fully described la Royal Patent No. 093, Kulcana No, &3 m Xaf, M tons tmlt. a little this matter, but that's nothing new. mystery. A. society are willing to testify. So far as Giles Is concerned, we have no rtgrets Cargo F L, containing 9M0O of aii acre, together with Ibe at Full thereunto belonginc ia.rat . Aot 1 WTO bis departure. If he bad been almost anjwheru Prince Victor, son of the head of the Bonapartes, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE f taff is described OP C. B. BARTOW, Auct'r. elee than in Honolulu and behaved himselfas be did, as "17 years of age, tall, handsome and B, F. BICKEUTON, Attorney for Mortgagee. jet there would have been a job for the undertaker In straight as a dart, with dark hair and large dark Giles' case. Instead ofa cauoe and a vessel to eyes, full lips, and the Kopoleonic nose. fea- ONE OF TIIE JiMXHGEES. hear His CLOTHING most considerable Items of n bim away from the scenes of his rascality and tures are regular, and his hair trained over his fore- SUGAK MA.CHINEEY man's expenditure 11 bebooves uliu EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. PAETIES IN HONOLULU lie bas brought upon two Inno- head and cropped, but somewhat too short to be to study economy, combined with cent families aud should be scouted wherever be quite in the prevailing boyish style. He is very high durability and style. In tbe puachase OItUf.lt OF F. S. PRATT. ESQ., Or other parts of tho Islands, !, jar Lil Acfut ITtb TlWi goes. spirited and rash to From tbe Celebrated Manufacturers, intreor. satisfaction guaranteed oa of tba last will and testament of E. T. buaa. C !,Wari, JIS1U Hwo. C a point that gives his friends O'llalloran, deceased, am to sell ON SATUR- r much anxiety on tbose tbree points. I directed W....II a H aaL Sra'l Fsrkw, Ulbp Tsc Doo 'uisa!ce. AHfisiou has often been his account." DAY, the 30th day day of August, 1870, at 12 M., at my Mi-- DESIRING FURNITURE liaia- . KmSut. W OSas.J Waxdi. Ca. Spekot Justice. The St. Louis Salesroom In the city of Honolulu, all that certain piece or ma D made to the dug nuisance iu this city, but there MESSRS. MIRRLEES, TAIT & WATSON parcel of land Wallcikl, Oahu, and adjoining -- . FXm.X Frrrth. teems not to be favorably impressed with in situate at CAN HAVE TIIEIB . imam Hi. St KJac Sirs TeKcimiM, Jlr.F appears to be no effort put forth on the part tho way Park, containing about 43 acres. There la a New wife and of the which justice is administered in that city. says : tat ai m.htVUw. to It FAJIIMES and Substantial Dwelling House ou tba premises. Also, a authorities abate it. It is safe to assert that no- The New York Courts made short work of Chostlne SHOULD HEADS Or Kitchen and Outhouses. Title perfect. For farther par. Orders Filled Lowest where outside of Stambunl is there CONSISTING! OF an opportunity of put at Hates imaiaaaa lav Farad Ovn. iitll-C- E Smith. such a number Cox. Within three weeks of his capture be was ting their lit j a Into a well made suit ticulara enquire of C. S. BARTOW, Auct'r. .ic-Viaaa- i nasty, maugy, diegustlug frlMrfB.J KdSr. 3 fir im. J K of dogs, in proportion to tried, convicted and sentenced to be hanged ho of Genu joo cotcb Tweed, so durable CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Execntor. 761 D. E En- - tbe population, aa in Honolulu. ear If By application to Itr.E P. ADAilS, Qneeo Street, wbo .U.Mm.J XaaK.LI. Last) about had killed old Mrs. Hull in St. Louis, he would have Sugar Mills, that even boys cannot wear them Descriptive Catalogue with S &cna thistimra sporadic effort was put forth by the out, has our Prices. franiL.' HI aW . MirtHVIM- - had bia caso continued about twenty times, lain in trw. r AnflS to abate the dog uulsauce, but tbe fit was ol Mortgagee's Notice of Sale. a. 3SI JSaarr, XII Jaka rolice jail three years and finally escaped upon the plea of A FULL HAS JUST ItaOajaam.Sn a Loar. W K duration and tbe nuisance soon became Boilers, Engines, LINE DIRECTION OF M. DIcINERNY, R llaaar Cutlr. J emotional insanity. BY C. a, Board taaa. Kb H AnaSI aa4 ScUtarrn. ln as great as itcterwas. The streets swarm with of Bartow, Chairman of the of dogs A Micnrr Anur By an official ARRIVED. Trustees of the Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, of Free and Ac ON HAND AT THE STORE OF L. W. HQPP aaa Ku. Baatt. Va F Lorr. SlrDKt.lt of the most loathsome appearance. They statement of the cepted Masons, K MaakM. F M United Stales War Centrifugals, tho mortgagee named in a certain Mort Hurt Vm a O'Cmn. f are permitted to roam about unmolested both day Department the whole number of gage Deed, slay 13th, ISJf, made by Louis Richards to K Maiaaa.. Hal Haztaa. H Behrana, Federal who KING STIIEET. and night, to fbe utter disgust of pedestrisns and troops volunteered to fight the battles of sold C M. Bartow, Chairman, and by bim ass'gned to said i laanca lnstrj'Ullt. strangers. If the could the KepuDlic during M. am on 4HaJkaaaaSK."'IliaiIlllWl ic fiaVcr. AWx Vaatic. Miu authorities only bear the the rebellion was two million Clarifiers Mcluerny, I directed to sell at Public Auction fati I. strangers POSSIBLE, A SATURDAY, 30th day or August, 1S79, 12 Blaok Walirat Bedroom Sets, BBBBM aaaal H comments of on the dog nuisance, and six hundred and seventy eight thousand nine hun- PURCHASE 3IAKE ihe at II., at lamaL 8ar, IMatau. Oil IF Goods as tbe Genuine Scotch my In Honolulu, all lhrt-h.m- they bad any shame lelt, they would blush to listen dred and sixty seven Salesroom that tract of land situate f an rivfAduu, (2,678,967). Tho great bulk serge, made especially for tho trop on Black Walnut Sideboardi, M.A JjaJIUOra. to the anathemas sent forth about It, and for very of this colossal force and Coolers the Island of Molokal, and known as the "Ahupuaa of KMaa, AfC , was in actiro service. These ical climate cool, all wool, Kamlloloa," SO am -- HcuMm-- strong, containing upwards of 00 acres. Walnut Dining K(aaTMM.Anc HJ euaiuc wuuju pui a stop io it. uas otten oecn a troops were drawn from thirty-tw- o by Black Chain, it States and eight details which will on and unaffected dust; or tbe real For further particulars Inquire of matter of surprise to us citi- Plans and of be furnished Planters, W that tbe better class of Territorie. New York furnished the largest number, undersigned. est or ungiand buperflne Cloth a 8. BARTOW, Auct'r, or Oak Cane Seat Dining; Chain, zens in this city, have not long ago application to the nothing can goods. or testified, iu 467,017; Pennsylvania the next highest, 366,107 ; beat these CECIL BROWN, Assignee Mortgagee. Cedar liedioom Sets, SEES. some public and emphatic manner, their detestation Ohio next, with W. L. OREEN, 319,659; Illinois next, with 259,147, MACrARLAKE & CO., CALL AND SEE THEM. of the dog nuisance, so as to compel the police and Massachusetts next, O. W. L P.iDlBS, AGENT FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLAKOS akaiTt . McrCirijesr do in with 152,018. California 762 Agents for Jtlrrleea, Talt it Watson. f ai authorities to their duty this matter. Iu any furnished 15,725 ; Oregon, 1,820, Truth is Mighty and will Prevail. 735 3m a mniMr at lYasanc: SI.and Sana other city on the globe there would be a demon- and Nevada, 1,080. aVaaa-JtaarSa- i)- asfS aaam. arouse The police have receired the topax aaaaasjaaat, ato catan&cd aS; fer-- stration that would the sleepy officials to necklace and aat. duty, but Honolulu seems to possess more diamonds stolen from Mrs. Hull. They were given THE VNDEKSIQNED IS NOT TIIE 31. .A. DE 5e aaHaa.VniWlSia. people of AX.L TIIE Sole Agent or the Wallhom or any other American IV "a meek and quiet spirit" than any town of Its size by Cox to Bella Johnson, a colored inmate of a house NICHOLS' AT New .Good, such as Bedford I OO. m Celebrated n uo.. qui is sen an es aaaL Jiani4. aa Sab. of tu Cords. Scotch Tweeds. Herges. Diag watcn prepared to watcnes, Have received ex recent arrivals, a aalftj-a)aa- outside ol Loudon. It would be much more grate- pawn. The girl was arrested in bed Specially or waaalaM aaaaa onals, Boys' Suitings, Trowserlntrs, these American manufacture, on the k.ata-rt- a ful to our feelings if the nuisance of which com- with the necklace around her possible To provn aSaacaflaacl lalraSswer neck. T vesungs, uoaimgs. lowest terms. this, he only asks the plaint is made did not offi- ltroaacioths.isc. public to price his Stock purchasing Choice lot of California Hay and Grai lafai. tn laCMaam. exist, to commend the A mass of rock, estimated to weigh 1500 tons, fell will be disposed of fully Thirty per before elsewhere. . cials for a faithful discharge of duty, than to be taa ITtb cf Anixst, the other day at the railroad suspension bridge be- --THE- cent cheaper than ever before ALSO kT JoVn A and i compelled to comment upon existing evils as we low Niagara Falls, shaking Honolulu. find them. Ho man should bold a public position the bridge violently and Waltliaxix W n.t.clies, tearing away two of its wire guides, though It ia New Zealand and Oregon Oats. who will not do bis duty, aud of this fact we holK not Challenge A SPECIALTY. police thought that the bridge was seriously injured. Standard ON law faltwari&g sketch of the of this city will take to notice. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cleaned and repaired, and WE HAVE ALWAYS BANS ie Mr. William Huston, of Damariscotta, Mc., As the bear of II came SUITS MADE TO warranted. Charges reasonable. Fresh Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat. Smalt Hominy, "The Latest rnon Gek. Gkaat. From time to very near paying a life forfeit for his curiosity on TEST Tweed, Oats, around Barley, Mixed Feed, .Satmi aruic ctatto's were often cast TREGLOAN'S hcotch war. Wntcti Crystal Inserted S3 Cents. around aitiajti time since the has been In Asia, we Thursday last, June 26th, by an attempt to fire a ranted All Wool, (30 00. lor Cracked Corn, Middlings, Egyptian Corn, Oats, feajSW'WK an. aeare was sept to tbt flrst-clo- tit bave bad reports as to bis movements. tallow candle through a board. The gun Having secured the services or a Jeweler, I Barley, Bran, Wheat, etc., which we offer aajaaw. laVCal littat Mjjotv, bewerer. as it was First, we exploded, now to u were assured on 'good authority ' he was a flying splinter striking bim in the am prepared manufacture all kinds of : arasM jorform tbe that neck and laying TRECLOAN, thai Mta task going to pay us a visit at the Islands; tbeu be bare the jugular vein, maaca- - that Qold Jewelry, Setts. Chains, At Lowest Cash Rates Ttt crowd fathered closely wasn't; then again he was, via the Tailor and Outfitter, lockets. the aat were showered that Australian Henry Thornton, an avowed colored Mormon, of As we Buy for Cash we Intend to sell for tbe sams, and Colonies. Here is the latest statement, which we Uracdttt, Bingi, Cuff and VMar .Buttons, beg by cosh stde-Tb- Macon county, Ga., Fort St., Honolulu. 735 3m our customers to understand that paying &r ! frea cveiy e to any Ame-- e has just died, leaving a brace find in tbe San Francisco Post, of August 'M :" wives drain, etc., wa will sell cheaper than any other house la Banaaj aajajaCEi. alei! xaaaeactv Tsrand of their cham- - of to mourn his loss, and it is said that polyg-f.m- y Aloha and Seal Jiiugi, Etc., Etc., propose ' Captain Williams, or Williams, Bhmcbard Co., to day town. We bold, and to hold, the largest stock: atenas)' ariie child and a few of is openly and generally practiced by the negroes of Hay and Grain la this Kingdom; and having a Mill, faaVn ii asd received advices front tbe agent of the Pacific Mail Steam-ebi- p NOTICE. Kuiui Hat Jewelry in any De tired Stylo. rJ which Company Yokohama, of that county, some of whom bare as many as five are prepared to furnish around Feed to order, to lot to fcnii I'll Iimiai am JBtacnl at lis test, at that Geueral Orant has ULan UNDERSIGNED IIEU TO INFOItH In Gold passage In steamer Tolciu, And wives under tbe same roof. Shells mounted or Silver to suit Customers. suit ; also, to grind Oraln to order. aiai.aarrfaaHjL of gowcTi. The dasioc momenU the CitJ of will sail for this THE Ladles of Honolulu and vicinity that they hare Diamond Setting a port on the 25th or 2Ctt ot Ibis month. Us will arrive here ot specialty. We would call especial attention to oor Egyptian Cora, asllaaapaaajt iimiiimiaiid. Xbclast two tsilea were The boldness of tho Nihilists passes belief. Tbe secured the services All orders wilt receive prompt attention. Highest mar aa being the very best food poultry that caa 11 21 aomeebere between the 12th and Uth cf September." for oasaife llaaaasaca 3eeas4 and tainotet other day the Ciar on retiring to sleep found a bateb riltST-fJI.AS- S ket price for old Gold or Silver. be found. Also for salt, ex Ella, We " A IRI?SS:tIAH.ER, aaaosBaW. At Scast fue4 bu test far tbe final clip the foregoing Irom the last Issue of the of that sweet revolutionary journal, hernia Ltolod.i, Office 17 Merchant Str fwSfSa9ainaajaaajfi Itiiiaiii axd American Cacs, which Adcertlier as an item of news relialle news, we under bis bed clothes, and while the search was of years of experience In San Francisco and other Eastern TEXT CALIFORNIA MULES still cities. Orders promptly executed, and warranted to please. 721 ly FINE LiWiiiii ; mt) jmnanj w tbeia amid deaf- - hot against the offender they D. W. CLARK. . ntj. nno; suppose regarding tbe movements of discovered a proclama- 760 tf QUANT A ROBERTSON. Suitable for Plantation use. & abc can as lessts. Tbe band first tion posted up inside the Emperor's I Grant, which appears to give our neighbor no little cabinet It Is 75 2m LAISE & CO. coded with "Bale apparent from the audacity of these uneasiness. From tone of acts tbat the fmuixi tbe Hi mB at ID boars. the the above extract, it Nihilists have an agent living inside tbe palace, is evident that some folks breathe easier, now that and PIANOS! PIANOS! NEW GOODS i aanS M aajeaoda Aflenrard be marched suspicion has attached itself to a very it is fixed that Gen. Grant will not these Is- prominent FROM L. NEUFELD, BERLIN, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS Notice to Sugar Planters. t mac k m. tab beoe. John Ast- - visit member of the Ciar's ir way Ho- suite. CNDERSIGNES, AS A MEMBER F Ha31 aU day - lands on bis borne. Some busybodies in taa Acncslstcrai eseoDr- nolulu bave been conjecturing A young American woman, aged 19 years. TIIE Staff of the Hawaiian Government Surveying e tbe reason of the Miss Received in Order, Party, having carefully examined personally moat parts aanBs;9jM aiiiiainsaf saad to tae Ibu eveniog. anxiety, aud it was answered In Had Leila A. Noble, of Rome, Ga., has distinguished Just Splendid JUST RECEIVED FROM CHINA DIRECT Fxaita waa that be wecU Bake 5i0 this wise: of the several Islands of this Kingdom, now respectfully Gen. Grant stopped here, on bis way East, he might herself by descending to the lowest depths of the offers his services to 8uxor Planters and others who may IfijJiiiii'fiB Xi caaoA - be tas tbcrefare won." bave obtained information about the war record of Dolcoath tin mine In Cornwall, England, AND FOR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING GOODS I require Eollways, Tramways and other modes of trans- artoate aXairwall exeeed S3.000 : the reached B9BtrpaaTatt set certain parties that would bave been very awkward a depth of 2310 feet, and in ascending the had to port, as a Purchasing Agent, or Advising Engineer. esc a tsc aascust wbseb Sew Yorkers He proceeds direct by this Steamer to Boston, U. 8. aas7 iaA ir aud difficult to explain, and which would have given climb np perpendicular ladders of 1200 rounds, H Hackfeld & Co. A.. iniaiii ax atTIUweil. A Large Lot of Manila Cigars, and having every facility for so doing, will furnish oa ap- i if sactaat Wtstoc bas two tbe brave soldier a most contemptible opiniou ofa reaching nearly twice as high as the top ni'TionasTssUs would of St. plication. Plans, Specifications and Estimates of Coat for ftlJtm, iaauaM bts states. It skulking coward who deserted bis country's flag in Paul's. The trip up and down Best Matting, Lacquer Ware In great variety, Bridges, Houses, KaUways Bridges i- occupied four hours Iron Iron with and jiiain- ISaa ttar tajafiag anffcnnssn in England the hour of danger, aud sought refuge iu an onl-- of Large Camphor Sandalwood descrlptloas. Machinery -- and a half, and the fair adventuress brought up a lot of Trunks, Ware, Boiling Slocfc of all Also. ol jinn is semetbing of fiction. tbe-w- ay place, NOTICE hi. Eaan? ajxets not "away duwn South in Dixie," large lump of tin ore, dug with her own bands, as Tortoise-shel- l and Feather Fans In great variety. even description fur the sianufacture of Sugar and clean- - sssns far Jiaar 1 eric at as early but lu tbe midst of tbe Pacific Ocean where a nEREBT GIVEN TO SY FBIENDS AND ing and preparing Bice for ltarkat. Address ta Boston, there trophy. Crape Shawls, Silk and Gross-clot- Handkerchiefs, wTTaxrtar already Is s few was no shooting going on. just the wbole tSold customers, that I will attend to LISCOLN CABOT, Civil Engineer, nu "That's Orass Cloth, White Pongee, . 131 Kear Tars, a Ibe neb bosasia that is asw milk in the cocoanut." Tbe London bankers are now using an electrical Fine Best Boom No. Devonshire 8L machine for tbe detection of bad or light gold coios. Hone Shoeing and acting as Horse Farrier Best Striped Gauze, P. tb Inquiries addressed to C. T. Quack, hi Honolulu, ami x i In Brbw'a pedestrian entbasi WINDMILLS! wUl receive prompt attention. 4 actattr in- A stream of coins is gently to rfee eiaj iitactit slu oay ana clearly Illicit Sale or Liqcoua. Wc are credibly shaken down a brass slide All manner of Blacksmith Work dons order and at Hoooluli. I., May 13, 117. 71 aa OZSXY SKT.F-BEGU- Shop Kauai. II. SacaU sxf tks&ra 3B ree oat to formed that the Illicit sale of liquors on the and one by one they fell upon a testing bar so deli- L TIXG start notice. at Llhue, A Large Assortment of Jewelry. other TIIE Iu the world, and when material used. Power, 760 ly JAMES HANLON. avcaaEtlraj- - Pascbet retsros immedi cately adjusted that a slight deficiency will set an ap- Islands Is carried on to an extent that Is appalling in Workmanship and Durability are considered, It U ac- raaata.iiiiiiiyjaii Aaf jitxm aa tbat be can ester tbe paratus motion which jerks the bad coins out at a knowledged io be the Breakfast Teas, Manila Hopes to contemplate. This unlawful and demoralizing escape-hol- For Sale or Lease. AND saiiawTBiiir Ste Set. Birrir. arte retard la a side while tbe good one pass Into an- CONTEACTORS BUILDEES am afaeket. sUo csttrt for tbe Strug traffic bas been prosecuted for so long that those other receptacle. The invention saves a good deal of CO ACHES IN ItTII.EI. BACK OF Prison, And various other Fancy Articles and Novelties DNDER8IQXEB, HAiIJIUTHM BAT engaged in it seem to bave fancied themselves safe time and is correct to the minutest Wind-Mi- ll Use ! containing a FUh Pond, Taro Patch, Salt Pans, formed a copartnership aa Coo tractors and BulMars, fKiaU'wIiaianr Carries-- Mr. WesUs break point. Cheapest in KulaiJULand and Fishery. Also, several acres of land In Jran from prosecution ; and, indeed, the immunity from 755 2m AFONG. give notice that they ara prepared to take contracts for at inaanttSir Jabs IMUj as Meaiay, aad stakes a MisjEiPoua. Among tbe rising cities of the Feleula consisting of Taro Patches, Kula Lands and c kind. of Mason Work.Brlck-laTlo- Ac, which - pnnlshment which they bave Acallof aaaact a. pcrfensasee of eDJored bas made Northwest there is none, perhaps, hat shown We are the ONLY Manufacturers In the World or Fishery. Apply to tbey guarantee to do to a workman; manner and at ')niaal k: eo:pliatarj- them so bold in tbe business that traffic is car- that a aaat3Baatewk aSsasrcai cs Tocaday ssder tbe patron- - the more surprising growth than Minneapolis, Minn. IU Im I. n. CONEY.onoluln n shortest notice. Fire Work and Ornamental Cemetery ried on In ODcn day, and aa we are informed, almost THOMAS rat aUaatT From a population of less than 6,000 1860, DOUBLE-HEADE- D WINDMILL, FOR SALS. Work mads a Specialty. WALKKB. under tbe very noses of the authorities, who seem in it now THE BAMDXL HABBISOK. is to tbe eseet. contains 48,000, and its industries daring that time UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOB aJb aanrei indifferent on tbe subject, and so the traffic goes on For power purposes, such as running Custom Settle! MTIIE premises situated oa llaonokea 8L Honolnla.Jcnega, 1878. TM ly vauaxaaar-isiiiii- efs as tbe Suiea win be above bave been equally expensive. It is one of Ihe most .For ttAaJ lar unmolested. The consequences ot this condition Qrlst Mills and Feed Mills. on the Lot ara TM wbeat crop ta acres re u of things can be easily lmsgiDcd Demoralization, important milling centres in the country, being in 100 HEAD FINE STEERS NOTICE 6F CePAlTNEESHIP. BBHBSS ttaaFer XsaS year (baa is IS7&. all over the drunkenness aud debauchery increases daily among tbe heart of tbe finest wheat growing sections in the Always FIVE BWELLI50 HOUSES AHD 00X20111)1508, free ASfiTapc sbe xews u that there will tbe native and foreign population to a fearful ex- country, the annual shipments of flour having at- Victorious at Fairs APPLY TO JT. D.PABI8, JR., on. TUTE CNDEKSIGNEB HATE 1KB BAT : tained to a million barrels of floor. Water laid JL enured Into copartnership for the parses of carry- aa us costisest, which will tent. This state of things should be put a stop to, Its next most ! Eaawaloa, South Kona, Hawaii. Planting X3i& thus prodBee bealtby speedily, we may important industry is the lumber interest, And Practical Tests Title perfecL For particulars apply to ing oa Sugar Can at Knkslhaele. Baawkaa. mmMsmlaKf pacta. a and that or look for results that which has ? style name O. TrosaKsw fe grown eolossal proportions. Jnlr 18, 187. 7M lm 735 Im WILLIAM BRASH, on tba premise. Hawaii, under the and of iBaaa"ttaaTrrilcTia is ibe States. In Enrlasd, will startle tbe community ere long. Liquors of to In the last decide its ABOVE IN Hooamaa, Mr. a. Trousseau alone has the rmannrnUI joZ-mim- THE MILLS, VARIOUS SIZES. yrraans taf die ftalet of tbe Colon, great tbe vilest sort are shipped by almost every vessel in wholesale trade has grown from one or two small signature. and tba satire minigemept of the tinnlnssu m - quantities establishments, assumes all UabUlUe lain mi lias tan Aaaes atecaanoaed by oanssal tcrna- large to tbe other islands to the dealers grocery selling over $100,000 anna-all- For Irrigation and Pumping Water for Stock Farm or For Sale. TO THE PUBLIC. also to dat. tdasn wiicb materially affect In this Illicit trade, which find a ready market to forte or fifty firms, engaged in all branches Family Use, Challenge TITOSE DESIRABLE PBEMISE3 O.TBOCS3KAU. wMigm taxalt. tB unrivaled and Oompetltlon. or Hawaii, present oc- - I ITAVE ENGAGED TIIE SER- CHABLES V. among a class or people who are being In Ililo. Is'aod at aJH first-clas-s HOUSJiAX. aKtraSaCaSfwoaBU, bay mxa otter crops, oat in the ruined in of trade, telling over $10,000,000 annually. These Is . VICES ofa UPIIOLCTEREB. . . Z -. raided bv L. Severance. Eso. The house .L- .1 :i, w bodv and cilod by the use of suck villainous com do not A from San Francisco, and am i rucana m9 mxe a& uctv am t include manufactures, who job their own FIRST CUSS NO. 3 HILL IS NOW IN OPERATION y (IS rooms), with bath house and servants therefore. : will muiions of pounds as are vended by persons who care for wares, or tbt product of either tbe flour, lumber, oil, liberal. Apply to prepared io ao oar-wor- E la tnat une TIKFERRISa T8 THE ABATE liat nabze buarters, stable, etc. Terms with dispatch and ta the best manner. Having determined Xm Mr. Arthur V. Housmaa wSl act tor bm naslar I nothing but making money. We hope the law woollen or cotton mills, which would swell the On tbe premises of Henry Macfarlane, Esq., Beretanla J. II. CONEY, Honolulu, of Street, within a to grve satisfaction to my customers. I shall spar neither Power of Attorney. CHABLES V. HO CSMAJT. Icteraatiocal Congress officers the Government, whose duty ir is to pre- amount to over $20,000,000. has a banking capi- few minutes walk from the City o 7 Jm OrU.RICaAUSON,HUo. palna or eapense to do so, on cheapest Kukuihaele, July 28,11711 , In ahaSm aiitisg of tbe vent such practices, will give It as can be seen working beautifully. and all the terms. 70 la sBsac ox tbe matter attention tal of 2,000,000, and a variety of important Industries 7S3 tf J. II. BRUMS, Ja. Sstt laMnv ss She cwnsxraeuosi tae projectaa before tbe demoralization becomes so For further particulars, address tradse advan-O- x widespread besides those already NOTICE. aHauaiua. asap tVTr, sat t prerest ax to ruin the laboring classes who are exposed to mentioned. The basinets men JAS. s. X.EXOJT, Agent. rkiesEtxXexbypars!Ua fsrsisbenof capita, it of Minneapolis, as a body, have a well earned repa- UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO ASSESSOE'S NOTICE. the temptation of indulging in tbe inordinate use 7S3 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. selling, leasing or COALS, COALS, COALS. bsataaMc JUwraUe to call for tbe first ration for enterprise and integrity , and they are offer- lr conduct negotiations for buying, ASSESSOR Offleo eaaisaiereS of liquors thst are only fit to kill. i(tbe illicit sale renting Real Estate, and for loaning or borrowing money WILI, BE IN IIH aST five ing their e neighbors of THE Hale, from S o'clock A. M. till I t swtt assaa Irxxcs ia shares of of liquors on tbe other islands Is not pat a stop to, St. Paul a sharp NOTICE. on real estate securities. WILLIAM a Bill Til o'clock ! aKXOEgb tbe decision bad rivalry in the race for supremacy in the trade of the P. X. on TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS bT the officers cbarsed with lb execution of the ABSENCE Attorney at Law. and FRIDAYS, during the month of August. SOWLASDBIG bad received Northwest. Ia the language of tbe annual report of SIX FROHTiTE Honolulu, H. 18 1878. im EX SHIP Glif.IWTL1 L,aixsttn 4xrrsaaTS.se jest laws of tbe Kingdom, tbe Government will be com- DURING WILLIAM O. SMITE will aft for m un- L.Jane All persons liable to tsvatlon are requested to make SeaKSbasioasi is Tmnt -- -" teat tbe wbole sun pelled to institute a searching investigation which its Bpard of Trade " it requires no prophet's ken to der Power of Attorney. F. H. WILT. their retorns to the Assessor pcbaErtbod advenise-viiii- "f foresee greater improvements in 1878. TOO .' fm altbocgb not a aisgle may brinir some of the former to speedy grleL "A Minneapolis during Honolulu. August 4. 3t FOR SALE. On or before the Day of Septesrter bas yiiMiibad. would sow be possible word to tbe wise is sufficient ;" and we therefore 1879 than in any former year in its history, nnlcis SUPERIOR MAHOGANY CYLINDER First BEST WALLSEND STEAM COAL It A Line Ship and ob- - Sass. u, afeajs tssscccJccs and corzEseB as hope Ibis timely warning will not be lost ou those some great calamity befalls "the oity and country dat- Full of Store Groceries, Writing Desft. Abo, on large sized Hnslc Box, According to law. Any person requiring Blanks sA 1 A JUDB-7- FotsaJslaqaaaaKeslosaltparskines. for whom it Is intended. ing tbe ysar." FRUITS, MEATS. SOUPS, and one Cuckoo Clock. For particulars eoqiire at tain the same from C. IT. PRESERVED BOLLES CO, 759 lm JOHN SOTT k CO'S, ganhnmsnq St. 4t Assessor of Hon slats. IN 3a AIXXV at BOBOtSJOat,

. ijjwjftffftX. the Western bar, the half of which had been in been exerted at a vast depth below the oxternal HAWAIIAN GAZETTE conjunction with Mr. Lincoln for whom he cast point of egress ; next, that caverns of enormous Bob the electoral rote of their native State. Forty extent matt have been left by the masses which Cautious G. BREWER G&, S9 IMTnTCHEiS years a ft WATCHE statesman, ever pleading of were FIRST tbe cause expelled ; and, finally, that as the EDITED AND PUBLISHED BT balk of HAYS justice and equal rigbu, in his green yet ripe old lava, bowlders and other ejects flowed a long T. GRAND CRAWFORD MACDOWELL. manhood, he grows eloquent over pomology, po- distance toward tbe soath, and represented many INVENTORY & CLEARANCE SALE tatoes and corn, the latter of which, without cubic miles of solid matter wben cool, a change AT THE H3ECJBITMI WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1879. rain or irrigation, be raises on the mountain top, must have been wrought io tbe position toward JlTST seventy-fiv- e bushels to an acre. the previous OUR CALIFORNIA LETTER. centre of gravity ot a considerable -- BY THI Returning to our " g " new portion or the mass or the earth. Whether Special this P. BAZAR! Correspondence of the Gazette.' wonders of beauty, fertility and grand possibili- movement was of sufficient relative CO. ) for importanco coHUENcnta sattjeday, July 19th. AMerlcai Buy Toe Summit, Santa Croz Co., ties the future farmer who invests in Suntu to produce anything more than a local influence Bart Maiik Ca!., August 1, 1879. J Cruz mountain-lan- d met us at every tep, but we must leave to scientists to determine. In can Many an interottiog book has failed to secure hoc I tell even tho half which madothat any case the subject presents an interesting field GREAT REDUCTION FROM BOSTCN, oUapodrtda to be a reading by reason or poatesaiog an uninviting unforgolten. We reached or inquiry. rmiE FOLLOW ISO INVOICE borne by the soft, silver light of a moon almost ET ALL DEPARTMENTS! X chandls. purchased at lower prices than at any title. Of that fact all publishers are aware. time dortog the past twenty years, and will be fall, our garments, hue of WcbMer. PRE-paratl- oare tbe cafe de la and our THIS SALE WE IIAVK XABE on oc sue as correspoaaiogiy tow prices : Having a brief story to write, I hare spent fif- backs aching with the weariness or that long sil- looflrr to tbe public some special Items of a op areas-sore- " Can asecdotr tub god ltkb daniel Goods which bav been redocedso low, tbat d i Qi teen preciouj minutes in search of .a ting. thee tell how many miles we trav- at public !m$9 If the study their own Interest they most at- h-J- ra T Steam Coat, ll eled to day It must have been thirty " said Bunker Hill. tract considerable attention. l at once suggestive and appropriate, and the lt We aik attention lo the Wilhelmina to Raphael as sitting on foUowhur. is. empty As a boy clinging to Cumberland Ceal. riSl crackvr boxes, she and 1 drank creamless tea my father's arm, J stood on Banker Hill, where stood HEED THE PRICES! MANILA CORDACJE selected aes't from IV to 4 w la. To What Beckuoard Bkocout Us. and cold at tbe tame time '. a ale cracked wheat mush. " Almost six or Bolt Hope, from 21,' to 4 Inches, Nrvl Boslu, all told, moat Massachusetts in feet most or tbe Fifty all wool White Blankets at 10 each, formerly Wilmington Pitch, Wilmington 3l "Us, who ? Raphael, a young Boston banker; they Buy at " Reed's " where I stopped $ ii Tar, American nation, ifrecEoned sold for 50. Unseed OH In tins. for a little supper, when I by quality and Fine Black Cashmere 00, Wilhelmiaa, a lovely Quakeress, from Indiana ; returned Sarah Jane," listened to Daniel (French) at II formerly sold Half hols Mineral paint, tjplrlts Turpentine, he replied complacently. Webster when the top-sto- fort 50. or Fine Black French Cashmere at 1 1 S5, formerly sold little Tong Sing How, bur Chinese protege, and 1 tbe monument was laid. That for ' Reed's 1" supper a lodge in this wild- experience was SOO. vast in the power or u single all of myself that should have belonged to such erness ! we'll seek it we exclaimed sentence which probably Fine Black French Cashmere at S3 cts., formerly sold does not appear in Mr. &tt a of simultaneously ; and here we with Webster's published forflZi. party. With others our households, we are the rest works. Mohair Alpaca at 40 cts., formerly sold at 65 cts. of our Tne uration had not yet begun, and the BUCK I had days previous left the heat, sin party, almost a stone's throw from our Fine Alpaca at 45 cts., formerly sold for 73 cts. WALNUT. TO 3 MCH. dust, and vast crowd, pressing to get nearer Colored Drenadlnes 25 old camping ground, enjoying at a regular board-iu- g to tbo orator, at cts. sorrow of the city behind us, and boarding a finally, in their impetuosity, A vary fine Assortment or Colored Satins and Llnlns Silks house all tho comforts and luxuries of our BBLS. MESS POEK. M. South Pacific Coast railroad car, headed towards cily homes, amid tbe most exciting solitudes PCS1IKO BACK TI1E UNES OF UILITABr Croat Slaughter in Prices! Coast-RaDg- e, and grandest and McIJfEBJfT the hoping to find somewhere arboreal treasures of rare old Cali- as, in my vicinity, tbe guards held their 7 yds of good White Mque ror JI 00. worth 3 cts. per yd. BBLS. MESS HAS JUST HECEIYED AN IMMENSE INVOICE OP fornia, yet Fine Striped Lawns rorSScts. per yard, 17,S HIT, soul-res- t, scarcely an hour's ride from San muskets horizontally pressed worth cts. among iu lofty heights and deep recesses, against the breasts Plain, and Striped XaJnsooE per Jose. Npujb ErsiKB. or the people, they were IJaid for a cts. yard, novelty and bodily vigor. swept away by tbe north 40 cts. La Croix Green Corn, finest Gold and Silver Watches brought to Honolulu! crowd, who White 8wlsa for 30 cts. per yard, 50 He ever knocked up their muskels. hitting worth cts. Tomatoes, lb All the fashionable world of California had Good W hlte Lawn for SO cts. per yard, worth 40 I tins; Lewis' Tomato Ketchnp. Dls sad am: breech and bayonet, right Fresh 1 Notable Eruptlona. and left, and pouring White Lawn for J7S cts. per yard, worth 53 cts. Lobsters, aod I lt to.s; Green Pea. Consisting of " Chrono- become Arabs and were living in tents some- lorward in such masses as threatened to trample Amoskeag Ginghams for It cts. per pard. worth 23 cts. Oheratns, 1 gall and 2 gall Jars, Sattsaga Heat, Cora graph," where, why ehould we not follow suit? We Some or tlie Terrific Volcanic l'lienemena those in front to death. In vain the master of Flsurvd Ilqnes for I cts. per yard, worth S3 cts. Starch, fJ "r.SJlartlett," I'juit- - ". did, lu tlie ceremonies entreated them to rail back, for there Hotels "Win. Ellery," "Ap-fleto- n, pilchiug them beneath the spreading boughs and Boarding Houses, fay Atten- was au oceanic swell behind tbat fairly flung XOU3H JMDTS, of Odkinont park, a dozen or more re- The duration and extent of volcanic phenome- tion to the following, 1 Tracy & Co.," acres so those in advance toward the stand. At last be na ere absolutely incalculable. All that expe- BamaskTablecIothsfor"5ctsworU(t IZJf. "Sterling," "Home," mote from railroads and post-offic- that not begged Mr. Webster himeelr to come forward rience teaches is that when a volcano has been Fine White Tablecloths fur ft 00, worth ft 50. EASTERN and plead with Floe Red Tablecloths 50. CUBE SUGAR, E. Howard & Co." more than twice a week would we have oppor- dormant for long the tumultuous crowd. He arose for it 00. worth 1 - X HSZkiZbZiZZMilw 4W$SSm a time, its eruption, when it and Fine Ked Tablecloths for f I K)i, worth t tSS, advanced a step or two toward us, and 3Q and the "Broadway," tunity for woid or letter from the" dear ones left comes at last, is likely to be a fierce said, Mica Linen 'apklns for 73 cts., worth 1 SO. l'eiTNB BSXES. one. But " 1 Gentleman, you must fall back ' " Mr. Web- The beat White Marble Oilcloth In this city for 75 cts. (all 'Waltham move SMPlFf behind us. it muy be abort as well as fierce, like the memo- ster, rable outbreak of Vesuvius that changed the Black Silk Velvet and Velveteen. ments), as well as all Having got ready for and fairly " IT IS IMPOSSIBLE ; " Towels and Toweling at Wholesale rrlcra. Barrels Salt, 10 lb. Bags. face of the Campagna and swallowed up Stubias, 40 dos. Lace Tidies to be sold from V cents up. the Newest and settled to enjoy ourselves, were we in Paradise ? "it is impossible, Mr. Webster.!" said a thousand Finest Herculaneum and Pompeii ; or It may be pro Heats Trunks. Pick Mattocks. as voice, at once. Then,tbe Jupiter Tonans burst Ox Bows, Styles from the best Air puro as light itself, and fragrant with the traded like the eruption of Jurullo, in Mexi-ca- n Centennial nocking Chahs, the forth. Raising his urm bis Gents' Furnishing Goods "of of and voice, as bis manufacturers. breath pines, filled our lungs ; while millions province Valladolid, or Mecbuacan, that burning eye flashed lasted from over the excited multitude, HAT3 AND CATS. CASES of musqultoes, flies and tiny gnats, tatooed our June, 1750. until February, 17C0. he exclaimed, ' "ELECTRIC" Gentlemen, nothing is impossible Don't fall to boy our White at I SO, SO. A GRAPI1IO Shirt worth Ss STEM WINDING GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES bodies with an energy and skill unequalled in DESCRIPTION. to Americana on Bunker Hill 1 A great sbout Don't fall to bny onr Colored Shirts "at l 00, worth ! 00. SO REFINED Humboldt describes this famous thundered through Fine Gents' Underwear at cla., worth 73 cts. KEROSENE OIL ! To suit all tastes and ages, and that barbaric art. Wo slept beneath the soft eruption on those thronging thousands, Fine Genu' Underwear at so cts., f.ys Jurullo ns having been and tbey Barged back like worth cts. ehiinnior of continuous between the waves from tbe shore. Fine Gents' Underwear at 75 cts., worth ft 00. Test guaranteed ABOVS SEES, .FOE stars set in a hack ground of opal-Hu- e Fine 00, the standard, samples uavnur. MI. LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND BOYS. dates uaiued. But Its progress was attended by That was eloquence ; or, rather, to use Web- Gents' Underwear atf I worth SI 30. tested by Marshal Parke. beauty, upon hags filled with fresh some Gents' Half Hose at cents per pair. and ebullitions of extraordinary fury. On the ster's own immortal laoguago, it wa3 'something Fine Balbrhrgan Silk i:iClocked. He las also on hand an Extensive and Elegant scented hay, nights of higher and nobler Axe yet were enabled to discern the the28tb29ih of September, 1750. a than ull eloqueuce ; action The Latest Stylrs Handles, Pick Haulles, god-lik- e of Fine Felt Hats. bone scene was presented which for terrific magnifi- noble. Bublime, action.'" Dr. Hall in most delicate in our anatomies without the Good Felt Hats at SO, l 7 L1XE "VERY cence has perhaps not been Zion's Herald. II worth J. Babbitt Motel. OF THE hurpassed in S BEST JEWELKY, touch of a finger, the same tbe Good Felt IWa at jl 50, worth f 00. Seli. at time furnishing to history or the world. was Godd Felt I at J 00, 00. Iron Chests Matgw Biags, Ear Rings, Breastpins, Studs, Amulets, and all classes Goods in It witnessed from tbe worth fJ for Plantations and Schooners. of industrious ants and speculative spiders, a broad neighboring Good Felt lists at 13 73, worth (3 00. Leather Belting, s Inches, 4 Inches and S Seaea, r UasrL Tb Diamond SMlinr'H .irr thr mirpcf nnrl luwf in 1a mi4&f ..? tl.n mountain of Aguazanco, and Hum- CITIZi:S ASD OF surface for research. We trod on Bofteat boldt got his account from those who were on Friend and Stranger! teneraUy are Fine Stiff Felt Hats, the Latest Styles. saparb ever offered here. roos cordially Invited to attend Public the spot. He says that tho flames Worship atIXItT8T Silk Caps at l 23, worth 1250. and leaves, broidered with ferns and wild flowers, epouted up CllUllClt, where Services are held every Sabbath II Boys, MOLINEPLOWS.asstd styles ALSO, A FULL LISTE OF over un area nearly a clock A.M., -- at Colored Caps at (1 00 worth (I 73. a league square. The wuters and )i P.M. Seats are provided ror all Boy,reltIIatsat75ceuts,worthtl 00. our nether limbs meanwhile, wrapped up se- wno may be pleased to attend. There la a Wednesday OAH3, OX YOKES, PABIS t ol'two rivers, the San Pedro and the Cuitimba, n hlte Linen Caps at 75 cents, worth II 50. PLOWS, EJleg-an- eventaE Prayer Jleetlug at 7X o'clock, In tbn Lector Calico Caps. Xlie IBessr and. curely in folds and folds of newspapers, to avoid plunged into gaping rents that were Boom , to which al inost Silverware torn thruugh are elcome. 7: ly Kuchines from 10 cents np. Charcoal Irons. Corn Shelters. Rubber Hose, V Inch. being pricked into by tbe earth aud uctuully disappeared. Genu' An Invoke of Cut Jfalle and Spikes. Oakum, agonies the short Spanish Thousands White Pure Uaea lints at 2 00, worth 1 00. Centrifugal of small volcanos burst forth over Brushes, Composition Nails, needles which we encountered at every Btep. a wide tract of NOTICE. Our Hosiery be country and vomited Bmoke and sulphurous will almost Given Away. We walked a half mile six or eight times daily, flimes. Six large cones aldo sprang up, rivalling I.IARU, the well known breeder or the liest Cattle Ladles' White Lawn Jackats at 11 00. worth i so. for and Hones, the Best Formnla Tor Children's White andColoredSnli a bucket of the coolest, clearest, purest water tbe original crater, and yielded torrents of fire, known Fcctl Tor at very low prices. 0:O.T WHEELS Cows, we are prepared to lava and Jlllcll rurmsh the Feed to that ever blest the throat of man, but trod wa- basalt. those who reqnlre It, In qnanthlet to suit at 13 50 ber 100 Be sure and get some of our Openworketl Nain- PAIBTED BUCKETS, Whirlwinds packed with ponndj. As this Feed Is made from nly, for the of the serpent" large colored ashes flew we tho best grain sook at 18 cts. 35 ones, procurable, warrjnt It to be nil that Is required to en- a yard, worth cts. SLATES, 18x10, over hundreds of square miles. The earth rocked able the owner or cow procure three feet long and more, and sometimes with tbe lo an abundance of Embroideries at astonishingly low prices. 2U pieces to be and the air was filled with overwhelming thun- rich mllk.and to Insure a healthy food for the cow. Par-U- sold below wishing at and cost. Franklin Stove Coal, in casks rattling appendages was seen across our path. ders. The simple Indians, their own grain ground and prepared, ran for Family use, who, not unnaturally, have It done at short notice, either for cow thought end horse or feed, Ladies' and Lace We ate Graham gems and sardines, canned oys- the of tbe world was at baud, fled " " MINK A CO. Silk Ties, AN ASSORTMENT in mad terror and confusion. From SO cents up. ef ters and Hygienic iruit-cak- because vegetables It was long before the survivors back do not grow upon cedar trues, and smoke always ventured into the region once Good White and Colored Ilandkerchlefs at UK cts. filled with smiling and prolific GEO. LUCAS, We keep BAE AND FLAT precedeB an fire. The quiet was but the Favorite Kill ULOVK3, which must be sold. IEOK now a black and Ladles' Driving Gloves per SO. indescribable, the repose perfect, the freedom desolate waste. Those who at 73cts. pair, worth l Burlap Bag,, Cedar Shingles. X returned looked for IRON PIPK, X loch to J Inches, CELEBRATED GOIUIAM from city trammels so exbiliraliog, and the once familiar rivers that CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, LACES or all Descrlptlous at GO ccuts on MANUFACTURING CO U. S A. the had watered and enriched country, to U3, so full of unexplored tho surrounding plain; the Dollar. they had vanished and were seen no more, nut THE UNDERSIGNED BEING mysteries, that Raphael proposed, with true Ladies, Misses Children's PORTLAND CEMENT! Yankee wandering natives profess to ibis duy to hear the anil Hats, enterprise, hid better circumambu- YELLOW METAL, late aished streams creeping, like Hyssus, in Trimmed and Untrlmmed. IS to 33 oa., Sole Agent on "lingering labyrinths" CAUSTIC NODA. these Islands "With the help of a horse" said Wilhelmina far below tbe flurface or Fine Lace Capes, Kew Flowers, Daisies. Leaves, Popples, the engulfing earth. For the above Goods, and as ho imports direct from the and J. Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Latest Styles. 3 " KIMBALL'S " PHAETOJTS, manufacturers on his own account for Cash, ho is prepared "If it can be had without the sacrifice of my THE ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS, A. D. '73. 23 doz. White Linen Cambric Sunbonnets at SO cents, to sell kingdom, I'll The craters of Vesuvius B. 73 had worth 75 cents. get it," he replied, and he did. 0. slept 8 doz. Colored Sunbonnets at SO cts., worth 83 cents. Downer's Oil. for time immemorial. Esplauadc, Honolulu, II. I, Kerosene At precisely seven o'clock of yesterday, a The wtm fluil Ladles' Misses and Children's MF.ItlNO UNDEUWEAIl. WATCHES, JEWELRY AIM) gallant from the Romau prxtor and bid in SILVERWARE steed, yclept Sarah June, fastened by nu- tbe fissures of Manufactures all kinds of Ladles' &IUSLIN UNDERWEAR, In fact everything In. C. merous ropes and straps to u Buckboard was me volcano, bad no Tear of nature, whatever they cluJed In onr line of Goods will be Bold up to August lit BREWER & CO. AT A MUCH LOWER PRICE than they Mouldings, at GBHAT REDUCTION, at tha 7 can bo obtained reined to our tent door. The board was six might have of man. When tbey burst frum Brackets, HI - uuwiae me feet umtea states. The Trade supplied on long. On a low seat in it, their lair to release their leader, Spartacus, and Window Frames, rer:"""-good terms, and a Liberal Discount front of wide enough 3rP- - gPJgr allowed for Cash. to accommodate three, eat our elegaat Jehu, lo overthrow for a space the cruel Roman power, Blinds, Sashes, Doors O. a or O. 737 M. MclNERNY. in blue cotton overalls and an old grey the outburst tbe lava whose track they fol- And all kinds of Woodwork Finish. EXTRA duster, bis knees and Grecian lowed bad become a mere tradition. Even nose almost touch- on Turning, ing, and scarcely visible behind Sarah Jane's that memorable day, before tbe kulenda'of Sep- Scroll and Band Sawing! NOTICE WILDER broad, fat back. A signet ring glittered upon tember, when tbe two Plinys, the elder who per- TOJUNTERS. CO. ished ALI, KIXDS OF bis gloveless hands, and the suspicion of a dia- and tbe younger who recorded, first saw OF THE the cloud over Planing and Sawing, SUGAR MACHINERY EXPECTED, NOTJCE! Importers mond pin lurked in the folds of bis blue flannel Vesuvius they deemed it a curi- and Dealers in shirt-fron- t. osity only. Probably when tho worthy admiral Morticing and Tenanting. AND Call and examine the German Bark " "The inconsistency of men," whispered Wil- got the letter, farther on in the day, praying for Louise' help, from ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED helmina, as, like a pure calla lily wrapped in Recline, the wife of Cxsius Bassius, TO FOR SALE TO ARRIVE ! New Estey Organs and Consisting of a Large Assortment orjTew clean linen, and with a face placid as tho evening whose house was nt tho foot of Vesuvius, be Anil Work Unnrnntccil.l lunch-bask- thought HE-CEI- JLTJJVTBER star, sho deposited our and her womanish fears uncalled lor. Uow Orders from the other Islands solicited. TJXDEKSItlNKI) EXPECT TO the the following Machinery from ME&jllS. hear them sing their July Monthlies upon were people to believe in a catastrophe of Honolulu, May 1879. , tho long vacancy in our nature 2, 747 Jm MirtBLEE.'-- TAIT t WATSON, of Glasgow, which they STAPLE almond-eye- d Sing-- that bad scarcely even & FANCY GOODS rear, with r as its guard and been heard of? But the offer for sale to arrive, on favorable terms : own praises ; or, it you the footman. sad tragedy of Stabia; followed, wben Pliny in nobly to save NEW GOODS, BUILDING MATERIALS ! Fitoir. Wo turned from consecrated Oakmont. The striving others lost himself. 3Pi Xiallala Zloolsli, would like a good Pi- whole world seemed before us, TUB ICELA.ND BY tATE ARRIVALS. VIZ J Sailed January 10$, 1879. intersected by a VOLCA.NOES. REOmVRD Kalukana. Discovery and Australia. wagon-roa- with which Sarah Jane alone was Eruptions like that of Vesuvius, coming ta 40 Wrought Iron Coolers. 8 ft x 5 ft 8 In. x 20 In. deep. ano for a small amount or AU KIXDS. ENGLAND, GERMANY AND Golden Gate, Eitra ratnliy. Bakers' Extra and Screw Cutting Lathe, soluble nsc. FRANCE familiar. There were mountains to right of us, such intervals that tbo broadened is Eldorado Flour, I fur Plantation space Cracked Wheat. Corn Meal 1 Janker, for hauling heavy logs, or 2 wheeled Pole mountains to left or us, mountains belore ns and scarcely bridged by authentic history, aro natur- Oat Meal. Wheat Oats, Ground Barley, Bran. Hay, Carrfei for heavy weights. of money, 7SI And for sale by try the SUCH AS mountains to roar of us. Our destination was ally the most appalling. A volcano like Hecla, B0LLE3tC0. 13 pairs India ItubberBIngs tor Weston's Centrifugals. to find their summit. Through a corn on the other hand, which, & JUST RECEIVED patch and between lOOi and KEROSENE OIL, OF Mansfeldt Notni, beyond farm 17C6 PBIDE TUE WEST Bk. it. a gate, wo entered a lane, where, nnbnrthened itself twenty-thre- e times.does Per Dovenby, sailed Feb.28t 1879 G-OOID- HIGHEST XX 3D3R.5T beneath a madrone ttee, a cow and ber calf were not at any rate take the world by surprise. rWUlV FIRE TEST lu Ii. nine. Tho as perGuTCrnmcnt Certificate, 130'. and pare tDrlnc btx SOO Imperial Gallon darhlera. only $350! No low reposing. The scene was pastoral : terrors of Hecla, indeed, sink into insignificance water White, A small lot of this superior oil Jnst re- - by Prints, Domestics, Tailor's & Dress Goods, "Off, off," said the stranger. when compared with those of its awful neighbor, celred Ol liULLEM&CO. priced Piano has ever Silks, off and Per Ship Gov. Goodwin, LATE ARRIVALS! Velvets, ilerinos, away," sang Raphael, in the tbe Skapta Jokul. Iceland has been very mi- LIME, Mixed Linens, of his disentbralment. The too sen- nutely and accurately surveyed and To sail in April next, Cottons, mapped by HUNDRED BARRELS, FRES1T ASD given such universal sitive calf heard, and a the Danish .' SEVERAL with frantic effort to obey, Government, but the region about in perfect order. For bale by One Sugar Mill, Engine and Gear and Cane and Uegass thrust its body midway picket-fenc- t.be Skepta Jokul BOLLEd A CO. Carrier for a Plant say, JIM Rollers 30 Inches di- through a rude e constitutes an exception. , satisfaction. Eery Pi- and there is ameter by Sft s In. loot-- with double Spur Gearing ; En- stuck, unable to advance or re There a tract of four hundred square miles not gine 3) In. Cylinder, 4 ft UBSEMD WELL-SELECT- CLOTHING! "OILED AND KAW PAINT OIL, stroke. CARGOES treat. delineated in the government ordinance maps, ano T4R, 1VILHINUTOW ALSO GUARANTEED to Shawls, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, 'Surely her mother will give her a and in this terrific region is said STOCKHOLM TAR. Hosiery, boost it. no foot of Tar Oil, Black Varnish, for sale by Umbrellas, Towels, &c, &c. through," suggested our classical Bostonian, but man has ever intruded. Lord Dufferin went very 751 B0IXE3 4 CO. Sugar Mill, Engine, Gear Cane Carrier. stand any climate. If she did not. He had near tbe forbidden to release her by dint of territory, as his "Letters YEAST Megass Elevator, Four Improved aarlfltrs, all his muscular power, and again we Btarted, from High Latitudes" bo graphically show. POWDER, and two sets of Compound Boilers for an a or n Plant, Tbe AXD Mill Hollers by 54 In., one pair of you would like the Iffl-lsflUI- I, Blankets, Quilts, soon comiDg out upon a narrow road in space about tbo great volcano XIlESTOX MERRILL'S. 2ln. Weston's Patent Rugs which is for tbe most 751 For Sale by B0LLE3 4 CO. Centrifugal Machines and knglne, the dust, as fine as powder and light as down, part, however, as void of man and his works Table as AHD best piano in the world Covers, iay iu tuu uepiu oi one loot. tbe poles themselves. It is an area heaped to MANILA CIGARS, OTHER VALUABLE MACH1HEEY On a hill to our left, tbe clonds with stood a handsome, largo, masses of ice and everlasting SOO. "OO ALSO take white mansion, BOXES OF n inn Einrr the Weber, DE9EnElJF,TJ2iiEE3SL"S', with bay windows and snows. The Genuine Article.. For rale copola, P br FIRE FIRE rising up in GREATEST l B0LLE34OO. BRICKS. CLAY, STEAM COAL -- 2X THE USUAL this wilderness of nature, like a ME ERUPTION 0.V RECORD. Grand, Square or SIOCK SIZES marble temple in a desert. The most tremendous or Q., c. c. U- Stationery, -- eruption which there HAMS, ic. I have beard is BACON AND LARD, that it called Wright's," Baid is trustworthy record occurred in 1783. In May N. B. The nnderalgned are to $600 to Raphael, "and or FIVE AND TEN POUND PAILS, FOB prepared famish ESTI- prightprice, among the wood cutlers of the that year there was seen throughout that part Sale by 751 BOLLE3 A CO. MATES F0P.8UGAR I'LANTS and other Machinery, de- Snf.TXXJHG, IMITATION SYDNEY lorest is a synonym of elegant or Iceland, a mysterious light, bluish fog. livered In Honolulu, from the celebrated works of Messrs. SADDLES refinement and Early Mlrrlees, Tait & Watson, Glasgow. $1,200. It hasno equal. domestic comfort ; but I loathe to see civilizn-tio- n In June there were slight, and, as it seemed, ap- POLAR OIL, TTlTrTEB, PXA5E, 30ABDS, here, so gee W. L GBEEN. Calfskins, Leather Belting, up, Sarah Jane." prehensive tremblings of the earth. On tbe 8lh QUANTITIES TO SUIT. FOR SALE BY O. W. MACFARLASE A CO., The tone is so pure G She went, tbe clouds or immense IN"51 BOLLES CO. 753 lm Agents lor Mlrrlees. dc IXi-CIK- of dust rolling over our June pillars of sable smoke gathered I Talt Watson. AHD PICKETS headB, filling Bags and Bagging, our nostrils until to speak was al- over the lofty country of the north, and bearing and of such depth, most to invite COTTON DUCK, I HAVE bECDKED A you suffocation. But tbe forest gran-en- r ominously down against the wind, wrapped tbe sex, peats or FULL LINE OV NO. 4. NO. 1. SO. 10, FIEST-GLAS- ' Tbe upon whole district in S HOBSE-SHOE- R .at. A7yir peaks ot cedar covered Sida pitchy darkness. On A 8 oz. cotton Ravens, 10 or. Cotton Ravens. ! will he charmed be oir tt bills! The deep purplish the 10th of a '51 dark canons from June whirlwind of ashes sweot BOLLES CO. A Complete whose Bides rose over 2ost Stock of hundreds, thousands, of native the entire country. Innumerable uts, yond Hoop Iron, Fence "Wire, redwoods measure. The (sequaias) towering in motionless ma- like so many demon beacons, now flashed DOWNER'S KEROSENE OIL, Galv d Hoofing, 0, 7, 8 and 9 ft lengths, jesty and perpetual greenness, two and three and leaped through the frozen hollows of tbe AMERICAN GIRL. FOR SALE LOW, great " Buckets, PER 751 Strauss" sayi, DRY Tubs, Charcoal Irons, hundred feet from their base, a circumference mountains, The river Skapta. one ot tbe largest B0LLK9 CO. REDWOOD! Cutlery, Galvanized orten of Pipes, Tinplates. fifty and sixty feet. Tbe terrace upon in Iceland, having first poured down to the plain The Weber Yellow Metal, terrace of ENGLISH MOTTLED SOAP, " Piano SccaSxg; Phak,ssrliced and H,H,HS. W, forest wealth and mountain magnifi- a volume of foetid waters mixed with sand, like rongh, Sheet Powder cence I Iron, and Shot, The cloudless eky seen through in- the Mexican rivers, suddeulv disappeared. Forty-eigh- JJABU GLENIFFER. FOR SALE BY igrfftged the t EX7M BOLLES ct CO. astonishes me." Sairii, tad rosgh ; Battens, terstices or those gigantic pillars, from which hours afterward a prodigious mass of lava, came at times rays or 2eieU,Eitic, Lattice, Cbpboardg, almost scorching heat and issuing from the sources to which no one has FLOUR, &C, person who is Printing Paper, Cordage, blinding brilliancy I Tbe aroma of been able to Ant those won- penetrate, came sliding down tbe D. C. MURRAY: derful pines I The boundless bed dried-u- Golilen Onto Extra and restless - of the p river. Family. Golden Gate Baker's Extra, Eldorado and about to buy a Piano, JUAO, IX STOCK. Vienna Furniture, tude, broken only by the thum of the woodman's The channel, according to Lord Dofferin to Graham Flour. Corn Meal, Oat Meal and Cracked Wheat axe and received this day, and For Sale by the sharp hammer pf the woodpecker! whom we are indebted for the most or these de- 7W Organ, Ah ! who shall tell BOLLES & CO. And m prepared to carry on tbls Branch Guitar, Banjo, ASSOBTHT OF WALL PAPEP PIANOS, FROM E. KEUFELD, of these things to have them tails was of great depth and breadth ; but the I m BERLIN. understood T ot my Bnslaeaa In a manner satis- We rounded a narrow curve to fearful deluge brimmed up to its bankB, over PRESERVED FRUITS, Accordeon, Concerti the right and before across flowed -- factory to ray Patrons. XAXXST STTUES. CRATES CROCKERY, u, a gorge a thou- - them, and tben drovo in molten masses giROMTHESAN JOSE Packing; Company. cu .cot ucep kou wiae, siooa Wngbl s I" We over the face of tbe whole country. Two oceans na, Harmonica, Violin, almost doubled Cs Peaches, Plnms. Pears, Qnlnees, Apricots. I0CS5. 3-I- R. another, and lo! gleaming of lava were the product of this eruption. The Oreen OWNERS OP PINE STOCK XHS, Gages, and casses Assorted. Alao. Jama anrf jm- - O O IR, ! through the green vista, again was one tbat flowed down was nF "Wright's." the Skapta fifty miles American Girl. 75 BOLLES A Will do well to give me a Call. 2UTTS. HKGES. E I E S Was the house CO. Tambourine, Set of "a peripatetic " ss long and fifteen wide. Tbe other, which rolled BOLTS. SCEEWS. Etc, Candles, Caustic Soda, Paints. suggested by Wilhelmina, were we " swinging down the Hverfisfliot, was forty miles by seven. CASES EAGLE MILK, Horses sent to my King St, Shop Bones, or Harmonica around a circle " or climbing a spiral I Where is imprisoned by immensely S The latter it the high CALIFORNIA CREAH Xjlq.-ULOT'- was ond CASES Shrimps, CHEESE. Will befaitlifuUy attended to. Faint and White wash Brushes correct, by noon we were twenty-fiv-e banks of tbe Skapta, the lava is five or Eastern Codfish. Corned Beef, Pickles six per American QlrL For Sale by 75 BOLLES Flute, MusicBoxJFife irgrTrT.rm, hundred feet above the level or the sea lookine hundred feet thick; but on tbe plain, after it 4 CO. Cognac, de Laage fila and down over millions of tree tops, to where emerged, tbe thickness of the mass never C.WEST. TTXHTE ZJ3fC, Boutelleatn, 1, 2, the exceeds FLOUR AND SALMON, Konoloin, April 17, 1878. 75S and Drum, Flute, or . 3 and 4, diamond blue ocean rolled out before us one hundred lm ; illimitable ond feet. Tbe eruption continued ontil AT HAND.- - PAIXTelLl Champagne, Heidsick infinite. A distance of seven miles, PER EUREKA. D. C. StUB. and Thoreau; in a direct August, "wben the Plutonic drama concluded JEST and AMERICAN OIRL. Also Corn Meal, Oat anything in the music Claret, Pornoys, Gorse, line .divided us from Santa Cruz. Soquel, the bav with an earthquake." Meal. Wheat Heal, Cracked Wheat. Golden Gate Flonr. A. Juliet First-Clar- AND nf MnntnravflT..) .t-- ? Fifty Barrels a FQRSALE1 1ET1LUC OHER PAfflTSI Beer, St. Paul's ...-.w- v . Mnn.. :.luseu,I. ma Colamtta River Salmon, ex Bavarian, Mailer's, &c , uuutcicjr ancient capi THE EFFECTS Eoresa, For Bale by 75J BOLLES CO. line, Sheet Music, In- tal of this once Spanish kingdom, - quarts and pints : were clearle- Of this amazing phenomenon extended over a t Gin, denned notwithstoudin? enow whim ;i r 1 MOHITOE HORSE POWER, NET, m Class, Etc., Etc. the whole year and over an immenio distance. Dur- HAY! HAT I fog which hung over Improved struction Books, Song them like a luminous cloud ing all this time clouds surcharged Tostln'a patent, with Bttaft and WA Salt, and we were happy. with cinders CALIFORNIA OAT AND WIIEAT HAY. Hfe-T'- S Barrels, hangover Iceland. The orertrbelmed to a and far Sale by Books, l?ireunnrl A little to our left 753 BOLLES CO. For One, Two or Tour Horses ! or MusicBook Boats, stood a cottage, around it a great depth, teas of thousands of acres of fertile miniature forest of blooming geraniums, behind JT3T THE THIN O a fine bads. The Faroe Islands, the Orkneys and tbe OATS, of any kind, will iiMt SASH Coals, it orchard, and before it a corn field in SbeUands BAELET, BRAN, 000RS BLINDS which the stalks were covered with volcanic dost. This stood thirteen feet in height. snbstance even the AND GROUND BARLEY. For Pumping or Sawing. Bricks, a tethered, Sarah extended to atmosphere of Alao, Com Meal for Feed, for Sale by the best of everything AU SIZES. Jane ton horse chestnut Eogland and of Hollaed. A. number variously soLLEs ALSO tree, and called upon ;j ca Tiles tbe owner of the house estimated, thou- - Eastern snefCalifornla FOR Judge Miller or but doubtlesa including many Fresh fftliferaia May at the Music Store. Sf Make. SALEBY Springfield, Illinois. A bronzed, sands human WORCESTERSHLBE ai Grate, bearded of beings and 150,000 cattle, per- SAUCE, . old men in butternut cow-ski- n By Keeent Arris-sis- jacket and ished in Iceland. Apart from each ALF-PI.tT- sum nr pistities boots, came from cakmitie?, PINTS JtSB H For dale by to suit the potato beds to wel- this eruption mast have effected some ?M BOLLBBA.CO- - f come us. What genuine gigantic F Lime, - XSDJlX H.HACKFELD&CO. old fashioned courtesy physical changes, concerning which we have 200bbls Fresh cheap GEO.F.WELU3, he displayed and what WHITE LEAD, 7tSJa LAIXE & -- &e other Islands promptly ex- a fount f learning and seen no speculations. ce. ecrated.erom experience we soon found we PAINT, BLACK PAINT. COPPEK xe"w 3xu:oxa sad satLsfactionc naranteed. had accidently tap- It would appear first that the propelling force ZINC an assortmeo tof Fancy Colors. Robber Fajet NEWZEALASD POTATOES, ped. The judge tad practised the best paint used, a Full Assortment of Colon. forty years at Hithin the crater of the Skapta JokoJ mart have LAST STEAJKEK FSOsT A o. 7SI For sal, br BOLLES A CO. PER WrTJSALZA.

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