-- . v-i- 'I Uf! oar Xa3-w-3s,aisj- r' epaca Messartd hi HEMWAIIA3 GAZETTE HonsarMI sype. I w tm llas; JTKJSHTD ET tUnta-UlBtB.- t s 1M KNIHsMU men-- 1 a a ev svs IS Unea 1 S4 w 'in ssw HACDOWELL, Uaea 2 laches 100 4 lie 7S MM Ml T. CRAWFORD 3S Line 3 inches ISO see T KM 14 t0 KM S Lines I Inches (00 MOO 14 e W Ewwy Storalnjj. Quarter of Column 4esea 1000 14 00 is e joe Jt W4eay GAZETTE, os Third or column soo 00 100 3 M HAWAIIAN it CO ste JOT THE 00 44 00 ANNUM Half of Column. 13 00 34 38 LI 1CLLIKS FElt 00 T3 WOO flTE d Column uoe 06 MOO 88 00 fJT XBTXSCE. One Column 1SW 0sl 400 woe" 108 06 MH KniU k. D..I.U. rra hM us isfsr for sms vear. tare .OOtaSlO.OO. A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PEOGEESS. allowed a diseoont from these rates, which sre fcr Usesisnt advertisements, when paid or charjed qurtlj. PAftMknfAU K. B. All fcralgn advertlsemsats mast ha ociomaaalea with ths pay when ordsred In, or no aoUea will ba taken ot them. The rales ofehargesare given la the above scale, a4 - Building remittances Tor Bsstsra Amtricsn adttrtlsesaeass, ot Mrs- PtOSice jeet-ag- VOL. XV. No. 34. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1879. I WHOLE No. 762. may he mads by bank WHs, coin ortea es e SReet,IIBla1n,TL L stamps-- - Tkc Old Xan in xfae X'alace Cur. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. Jb'OttElGN NOTICES. MISCELLAlSiEOUS. ' C. S. BA.RTOW, Anctloncer. I.AIE A CO.. wm, joiihsoiv. Dnston Board of Uiiderwritcrs. WILLIAMS, ULAHCHAED & CO.. "lal.ni iMiil alevroom on Qoeen Street, one door from Eaahomsnn t A liiainii 750 Street. y COMMISSION MERCHANTS !VEoiolXt33.-- GENTS for the Hawaiian Islands, Shipping PIPES! 7B-I- and Commission Merckanls WATER And Isaporters of end Dealers In'IIay, Grain, and General 742 Kaabumann St., opposite Mr. Tailor.O. Rhodes' Store, ly Jl. J C. BKEWEHACO. bIIIc44tttC4K.. M- - aah emblMS rast. K. AIA3IS, Produce, Honolnln. II. I. 742 ly 733 J1S California Street, San Francisco. ly WATEE PIPES ! I. o. siscLXxy. o. xaouso. Philadelphia yvsua I Jc & lusme oat Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Board of Underwriters. II 17 G. & CO., A aKTXStaS TVABD. LXWTS A. UriLV. IJT TVANT OF SAtVAIsTfMrB Queen Ilonoinlo, II. 1. TS7-- A. IV. SIT. SEUELKES GENTS for the Hawaiian Islands, PARTIES on the new aalna,wia oe weit Street. CiL 7S2-l- y aBUEWERACO. AV'ARD Ac lay from GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. TIHSHITHS AHD PITJMBEES, UPHAS, to give the nnderstgned a call. We have '. Issl titf as we bow rlas IE. XV. 71. .. FamllyGrocery and Feed Store, So. 3 Xuonuu Street, Export Commission Merchants. vh&r X ty yocr nARKi:., CALIFORNIA traced ub aPlryisieiivrx zvxxtX 7(5 lyl 50 Fort Street, Hor olnlu. Keep constantly on hand a fall assortment of Tin, Sheet Orders for AmerlcanManufacturea a Specialty. Foreign 60,000 Feet of Galvanize. PSfwr Sursoort Iron, and Copperware, INSUEAKCE COMPANY. Ooods purchased on Commission. TS OFFICE WAILTJKU, MACL IT .11. i sTilii'Ta.,asgTtslie.70Bfcaow. UATinSUN. In t J. Galv'd Iron and Lead Floe. India Bnbber Hose, &e 133 South Thlnl Street, Philadelphia. On bud. Just KecetYodcx.&l9tr"&Bd"GIciriAx, asjaysjs s im hii tstniagn vlich weLsd &. CO., o7i2 Sa TJSDER.SIGXED, AGENTS OP TIIE 7SS And cm dflfer It at II. IIACKFELD Office oser Mr. Wliltney'a Boot Store, formerly occupied THE Company, hare been authorized to insure risks OEKEEAL COZJIIESION AGENTS, by Judge Austin. Uonolnln, II. I. 755 3m on Cargo, Freight and Treasure, from Honolulu W-- H. CEOSSMAN & BEO., jucarlerwewerrwed; Oaeen Street.Uonolnln.il. I. 17ljl A. to all rartt or the world, and Tlce Trsa. THE LOWEST POSSIBLE nSURES! imp. jr. KRAFT & SONS, 739 ly II. IIACKFELD CO. niiwMiaiB,r-hiiriiniA- i ui. vniT?.rv, hi. .s. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, bncij. ysarctieui like avii-lia.-- ii i., ,"! o. Dental Booms on Fort Street,i. By the ' Morro Castle," Just At hand, we have received smrii.Xia-cc- , F. A. SCIIAEFEK. IIS Clinnibcr Street, New Toast. Office in Brewer's Block, corner or Hotel and Fort Streets. a mil Line of TmibiEi isp &s se aide. Attornoy .t OPTICIANS ofBrtmcn Hoard of Underwriters, Castla ij,g iawK.iJ.pli ? Ornca Kaalinmana fetreet, llonolala, ti. Ltuext door 736 9V Entrance, llotel street. 1 AGENT Dresden Board Underwriters, Reference A Cooke, and J. T. Waterhonse. 1C lew eeacti IB wtJcl we ucd to Cecil Brown, Esq. Yip j of of 7JJ ly f SanMM to ly Apent of TIenna Board of Underwriters. HOUSE PLTJMBING KATIRIALS E G. IIIXCHCTOCK. OF ! K. O. IIAU. &. SIV, MANUFACTURERS JEWELRY Claims ajralnst Insurance Companies within the jurisdiction H. W. SEVERANCE, SUCH AS ATTOBNEY AT LAW, HIL0, HAWAII. of the above Boards of Uuderwrlters, willhare to be certi- aeflirvonU cooAeaceDd IKPOBTXSS AND DEALEBS IN HAHDWAEE AND DEALERS IN CONSUL, o7J Bills Promptly Collected. ly fied to by tbe abore agent to make them ralid. 739 ly HAWAIIAN ilO California St., Earth Closets, Cast Iron Sinks, UetniMilo(lonilIbttDl! Dry Goods, Paints, Oils and General liertliindlie. San Fraodsco. Enameled Cast Iron Waahstande, A se sets yeang cheats aglow 718.1 y CornerFortend KlnpSts. .TOIirV II. AND WATCH KWaMdM saint PATV, WATCHES MATERIALS. lEAiumiRGii-itUE-ti- i:: Purchasing and Commission Agent Marble tops and Basins forWashotandwy - TI-- t W1.I IfftsBj N0TABY PUBLIC and C0UHISSI0NEB of DEEDS, UK. V. I.KJSLrE ailKEIE, (WWe business for Corks nd Chains for sasae, ygl. For tbe State of California. OOce at Bank Bishop & mate the ofj2ptllans a Specialty. PI2B INSURANCE COMPANY. j10 with food and clothes tbe of HotI Street, next door to BdTliuiza Saloon tlonolala. and sandwich island and products. eirMbd; 3hMct SURCEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. Co.. Kaabnioann Street, Uonolnln. 0733 ly yew t other it Hoso Bibb Cocks, 221 Broome street, Yorlt. 747 gta UNDERSIGNED having nesin app- Traps, Urinals, "! Omce at Dr. UoiTmanD's Drag Store, Merchant Street, Agents of the Company, are prepared Sewer and Sink & ointed abore COEBITT & MACLEAY, fesaAssf a drrorc; 718 17 uullil-Ings.and- nonololo. ;i:cib. itisoviv. to Insure risks aealnst fire, on Stone and on Kitchen Slop Sinks, Sink Plugs, places high; PARISIAN RESTAURANT, Brick lMkltM . .11. .. ATTOBNEY AND C0DNSELL0B AT LAW. Merchandise stored therein, ol the most Shipping and Commission Merchants, Light Cast iron Soil Pipe, 2, 3 & 4 irafe. MMCeMHS asteamsT ettea sttwi&s a&d stasias ser S. CUai.MIAGN. N0TAIIY PUBLIC. 40 HOTEL STREET. favorable terms. For particulars apply at tbe office of BUEGE0N AND HOMEOPATHIC PHY8ICIAH. 7M Ij F..A. SCItAEFER i. CO. AndAgentfor taking Acknowledgmeuts of Instruments for XitJOIff DEJBAW, : : 3Proprietor, 13 and IS Front'SU 10 and 12 First St., Portland, 0. All In Above Line OOce Corner Fort and Bereuniabu, llonolnlo. 7?5 the Island of Oabu. (Late of San Francisco.) TRANS-AT- I. Work the ANTIC SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE. Mi SACRAMENTO STREET SCSQ. SaLsAX tie eglVa Q735 No. 8 Kaahnmanu Street, Ilonolnln, H. I. ly ItESTAUItAXT WILI, BE SnpplIfHl Will beattended to with dispatch. Also, Jest , r. A. SCIIAEFKK &. CO.. THIS tbe best Meats. Poultry, Fish. Fruit, Sc , 4a, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, sirixTo at hand, anew lot of M ' stevfrta shore to shore. &. Commission which can be obtained. Families aod parties Hill Deserved OF HAMBURG. Bank of British Columbia Portland. Oregon Importers Merchants 3VI t ST XX 1 23. at their residenccswlth French and otherdtsbes, prepared First National Oold Bank SanTrancisco i w ta&n are thr.agh; l7l llonolnlo, Uewallan Ielands ly S. INNVRGB ON BUItDINGS. UNCLE SAM RANGES. wt&se. ZMPORTKR AND JOBBER OF In the most recArrcAe style. Private rooms for families. RISKS and Furnltnre, on liberal terms, br Messrs. II. Hackfeld A Co Ilouolnls gh SsB Messrs. Bishop A Co., rnsSMss I a wee Xw yuug tJLt cla. X. AVAXEIEIIOUSE. STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS, CLOTHING, 711 ly Bankers ..nonolnlu Also, JOIU 37t0 ly H. IIACKFELD & CO., Agents. Messrs. Green, Mscrarlane A Co.... Honolulu Three different Style, of four aires each.. e sto asd towns IHF0EIEE AND DEALES IN GENERAL BOOTS, SHOES, c bm HEECHANDIEE. At Great Eastern Store, c! Fort Street, Honolulu. CHRISTIAN CERTZ, HAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- G OcT" Conslcjinienta or Island Produce solicited, on which 742 ly CASH Opera, May, Quartette and Ting Hoi 719 Qoeen Street, llonolnlo, II. I. ly JJMEA-FC-FsJ- ADVANCES WILL BE MADK. o7M ly J JW SJiitrsaasjSI ; oy ta&a ere. OAKUXTBT FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, txsswaetsraNsy. M4 in tile turns eo good &. PAgTTTTTIOlV nr.es ATsyovxcE oii,i.i;vgiia: co.. HOTEXi, PUBLIC tor Honolulu, that he hastopurchasedthe OF HAMBURG. PACIFIC IEON WOEKS, s stf wttere ILe log 4e stood. HIP0ETEB8 AND DEALEES IN HAHDWABE jajiks noni). pitopitinroR, stoclc and business or WII.'UAM FISCH- Ranges! the CORNER OF FORT AND JIiatCIIANniSE, FCRNI-TUH- C SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Tot-eth- with the Cutlery, Dry GooJi, Fainta and Oils, General Mer- - HOTa STREETS, HONOLULU. ER, Hotel Street, next door to Strehi's Drue Machinery against on i eweetn ywct&fel west and and Insured Fire the rmlHii iif jeire chandlie, o. 95, King Street, Honolulu. 74S BSTTbe best of Ales, Wines and Liquors constanty on 6tore, and that In future the business will be carried on by most favorable terms. Established In 1SJ3. ly band. In Plant, Sunny South, Llrerr Stables stUched tn the Hotel. 720 ly him the same premises. Cotton - C. G. solicits a fair share or tbe public patronage, and A. JAECER, Acrntfor the Hawaiian Islands. " vwveee awes', 'tHUitt bright Xnr Eng- ic CO.. 7C0 fc IlULlXii promises his patrons civility, attention and good quality ly TJANKIN, BKAT'IOIt CO., Magna Charta, Osoeola, Ship Chandlers and Commission Herehants.
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