20 May 2015 Business proposals in view of a 2015 international climate change agreement at COP 21 in Paris * By May 20th 2015, Chairmen / Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of 59 international companies and 7 organizations already support the “Business proposals for COP 21”. In order to ensure worldwide awareness of the Business community before COP 21, they call on their counterparts to join them in the coming weeks before the September Climate Week in New York (contact:
[email protected] jointly managed by French Business Associations: MEDEF, Afep and Cercle de l’Industrie). 7 supporting organizations: UN GLOBAL President of Business Europe Afep Cercle de l’Industrie MEDEF SYNTEC INGENIERIE COMPACT WBCSD Emma Pierre PRINGUET Philippe VARIN Pierre GATTAZ Nicolas JACHIET Peter BAKKER MARCEGAGLIA President President President President President 59 supporting Chairmen / CEOs from international companies: AIRBUS GROUPE AIR LIQUIDE ALSTOM AREVA ARKEMA AVIVA France AXA Denis RANQUE Benoît POTIER Patrick KRON Philippe VARIN Thierry le HENAFF Nicolas SCHIMEL Henri de CASTRIES Chairman Chairman & CEO Chairman & CEO Chairman Chairman & CEO CEO Chairman & CEO BASF BNP PARIBAS BOUYGUES BPCE COMPAGNIE DE SAINT CREDIT AGRICOLE SA DCNS Kurt BOCK Jean LEMIERRE Martin BOUYGUES François PEROL GOBAIN Jean-Marie SANDER Hervé GUILLOU Chairman & CEO Chairman Chairman & CEO Chairman Pierre-André de Chairman & CEO Chairman CHALENDAR Chairman & CEO DSM EDF EGIS ENGIE ERAMET FFP FONCIERE DES Feike SIJBESMA Jean-Bernard LEVY Nicolas JACHIET Gérard MESTRALLET Patrick