[email protected] +49 30 2576 0874

Iomauna Media GmbH Max-Beer-Str. 48, 10119 , Germany EXBERLINER SHORT PROFILE

Exberliner is the English-language magazine for culture, reportage and politics in Berlin and Brandenburg. We’re Germany’s largest publication in English and gather an evergrowing and very strong community of short- and longterm expats from all over the world around us. Moreover, we are the most read media by the growing number of international tourists.

Founded in 2002 by three journalists from the UK, Romania and France, EXB is a self-financed, independent publication. Since its first issue came out in June 2002, EXB has grown to become a reference for the international community with a monthly print magazine, a popular website, biweekly newsletters as well as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels. We also organise regular events and parties, and even have our own film award.

The EXB editorial staff believes in uncompromising first-hand journalism—we publish face-to-face interviews, on-the-ground reporting, informed cultural criticism and as well-researched service dossiers for Berlin’s international community. The result? Informative pieces with a unique ring to them. Fresh angles, insightful articles and interviews you haven’t already read elsewhere a thousand times. Whenever possible we prefer to support and publish the work of the many talented photographers and illustrators who call this city their home.

EXB was named “ of the best expat magazines in Europe” by the British daily newspaper The Guardian.


Berlin is the fastest growing city in Eu- Just like the international EXB team, its target mation about the art and culture program in rope with an influx of about50,000 per group has grown up in times of globalization–– advance and on site, shops and restaurants year––with the around 3.6 million inhabitants it is young, cosmopolitan, mobile, multilingual, recommended by the editors, and service of- and a catchment area of about six millions educated above average, ready to travel, cos- fers via EXB. The online community around the new Berliners come from 193 nations. mopolitan and has an increased interest in the the EXB is 25-55 years young, 54 percent Currently 650,000 foreigners live in the participation of Berlin and Brandenburg. female and interested in destinations and capital, of which over 18 percent have no wellness, art and culture, mobility and travel, German passport. Their common language The tourism figures have more than doubled health and fitness, as well as international is mostly English, their joint city magazine in the last ten years—today­ Berlin is the third kindergartens, schools and universities. is the Exberliner. Above all, more and more most visited tourist destination in Europe. It also shares the needs of all new Berlin- young immigrants from all over Europe are Last year, around 13.5 million guests visited ers—the most common questions we are attracted to Berlin, who often work in the the city. With 1.7 million overnight stays, most asked, are about doctors, bank details, fitness numerous start-ups as well as international international visitors came from the UK in programs, language schools. Insurance and and European corporate headquarters of the 2018, followed by guests from the US and housing. We also run our own job and hous- rapidly growing digital economy. Spain. This target group also receives infor- ing exchange for our target groups.

The numbers were collected by the Amt für Statistik Berlin-Bran- denburg, Visit Berlin, as well as surveys and online statistics of the Exberliner target groups.

EXBERLINER MEDIA KIT 2019 3 B irke n D e werderstr. ß ße orf Breit a B Lindenstr tr. e örnicke Breite e Str. ra S Berlin Feldheim st Chaussee traß r Str. e Dorfstr. raß r r S traß e S llee Kanalstraß A e Elbes Thaerfelde felder er traße er St rge rster S ße Bernau er Hauptst echts Heinersdorf raß nbu Li e Marwitz traße B e Buchho Hobr Bör erlin e benw ker Chausse nicker C eestra e nic per hauss er Str. ohenschöpping Ze Oranie H ee Bergfelde alder

Chauss tr. ee

S Buchhorst lee rfs

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str. Be raße B lan Karow Schwanebeck tr. Lübars kenfelder Chaussee ße B S er S uchholzer S tr. tra ld mm rfs Bah lkense mm n Fe Chaussee Ruppiner n e Fa Do hofst -Karow Heiligensee Krüger-Da - Alt el tr raße straß aße traße LankerStr. efeld Chau Zab m Hoh gsstr. Se e He Französisch A

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raße ise

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D Schulzendorf nken seestr enthaler Gut Blumberg F o aße ehrbellin e Ros ee

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Fa msdorfer m Str Alt-H rger St r r ur Wit Hauptstraße arl-Marx-Straße Damm . è e K Str. He Waid s- Bla Blan arl- aß nkenfelder K tr. alde tr rx-S Karl-M w S St Ma ra r S r. arx-S n p H e Blumberg eiligensee ße ld B aße andaue -Str traße Eich erl arx straße arl-M Freie nsterwa iner K Schönwalde- horst Fi

Berli traße ner Allee Sa r Land er W Str. Lindenberg n Heilig Märkisches Straße dhauser ensees r tr H e aße fer S eg traße erm Neu-Lindenberg Siedlung us S straß a m Heiligensee Damm D gend S s ssee er Ju do nh u msdor Sc i Straße d traße uster Viertel Rosenthal e str sl am aße rf hö t hö . e er nn nh z arl-Marx-Straße

Berli g Her Str r D K a Sc er Cha Alle ner D user e Berliner

n ld e am Waidma F Wilhelmsruher Damm rie Str s rowe Falkenseer Berli aße t K r ner m mm dr Allee Schönwald aro ter Da ich- a Bah Ka er Allee Sa us ß hrensfe lin nnsl E e nho A ndhaus ens a idm damm nge Marienstraße Blankenburg tr Wa fstraß a ls-S Karower ße Eichborn raße Damm Rehhahnsiedlung e st tra r St e Ziekowstra pt ße llee Alt-Blankenburg Ahrensfelder rfer Allee Wittenau r. au iena chönhauser Str. Roedernall tan S Schönw H Kas WittenAlt- illerstr. Ba rfheidestraße ger Ora e 2 Sch r. ur hn Gorkistraße au Kastanienallee t e hofst ße Sa Frie kenb stra ße cho lzer S r. ald nienbu E Weg hnhof W ße nge Blan Ba S drich- Grumbko nd Buchho eg er Allee Gorkistr. tra e ls-Str. Schillerstraße e gstr. Bundesstraß Niederneuendo h Lessin auser Straße D

i shöher Straße Trifts rger e


Friedrich-Engels-Str. z

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er d Blankenburger Str. P kel r traß ich-E a

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. H r

str. S erg

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ha a orfer Allee Wit b Malchow e testraße openhagener Str b Holz e raße Wartenberger Weg l e t e l K

a allee Straße vor Schö ß Mehrower n Trappenfelde

a aße r e

r r

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S Bernauer S st e e es traße r. straße Ern Do

o H heroder w r st-Barlach-Straße Lind R Bleic e Ahrensfelde auer g Dorfst Alle Klemkestraße nholz r A tr. e ermann- u BernauerS h H b Damero r

e n Wartenberg E n

D e gon-E ee straße s sf orf ann- k ftsweg tr. Aalemannufer eld Herm n e-Str. - Mehrower Chaussee ien Sti tr. ße Reinickendorf Hess la er Chauss Seidelst r Falk Heinrich- bbeall merows B win-Kisch-Straße Da ade enh Reginhardst Mann-Str. nton str. Rothenbac Gra Tegelort en agene Eichborndamm Falkenhagen A ldt Granitzstr. nitstr. r Str Schö bo aße Ort r Str ee auerstra hönwalder Straße aß Hum e Ortnitst aße ee hstr r. c Dorf- nwalde Residenzstra Breit der Chaussee nh aße Dorf- S All e raße el str. str. Falkenberg Se Teichstr. see Ahrensf Mehrow i Olle traße aße tzer Dorfstraß orfer dels R Ro r str olland-St e ibni tr. r Chaus r Allee traß main- R S Havemannstraße A haussee enberge alk Hön e Mühlenstraße anitz Malchower S chow C F e Hoheneiche ro tr. Pankow renzlauer Prom tr al Falke Gr aße M S Zingster S ernauer Straße P r. ser A Emmentaler S wer nh erneuend B owe agene Scharnw ße Str. r R enstraße eginh Vince Nied eberstraße Gotthardstr. Kissing Malcho r Fal llee Darße Neu- Dessau Straße

ken Prenz r S

hage Provinzstraße traße nt-va er ße Pi traß rastr. bnitzer Str. Str. ner stra ardstr. lo Ri Str. ard Florastraße F es n-Gogh-Str. e Romain-Rolland- e e

otth l porter Straße G a Hohenschönhausen uer Promen Str. kstraß B Nüßlerstraße

e Pablo-Picasso-Str r Allee an W Holländerstra ankowe rline kische Alle P Fel Da arten ße Spandauer dtmannstr. Wuhlet ra Woll M rß Mär S N fst char üh Straße er Str. ße r Eiche eumanns be

St alstra Straße len nho n - D web Resi rge Meh Kapweg Markstraße s orf- r r Straße ße rger Straße tr. Bah Saatwinkel erstr. Holländerstraße Holländerstr. straße aße ade r Str. . denzstr. Treskowstraße erliner Allee Wuhl Falkenhöh e mbe rowe ß B etals e wierzina- R Ra 1 2 3 Pr e 13 14 15 traß K ad e uchs ra P traß e elandstr traß m t ablo- Hakenfelde e enzlau hönhause r St r-Dam D Sch c Afri Pica e aße r e ß aße o Lie tr. Wasserstadt- Schumache hards aße Rennbahnstraße ber e ra - n m straß n ann Ma S r kanische Kurt- t ße h lckestraß sso-S eitstraß br. Tino- e er Promen Hohens Regi lchower i r Stra ssire m Vinetastr. . Vinetastr. Roe Spandauer Straße Str e tra Str Ballhaus Naunynstraße Ankerklause Berliner Ensemble usstraße Kremanski Kumpelnest 3000 Matrix Ei


dtrandstr o-Ca


ße lfene c g

Seeburger ta t

Barf h S r 9 Gustav-Adolf-Str . Mehro S Hu St ch n Wo W r. w Am Pistori wer A e S Re-established in 2008 as a Ankerklause is a in- Rich in tradition, the Berliner En- a Tasty breakfast, high-quality coffee, The legendary bar that made the Located right under the War- r edenstraße eg e de l C eeg allee 10 usstr. lee Ra K Steinberg Mehrower Allee n h efelder Straße delandst o

l e a o traße er Str. traße

n Osloer Str. “post-migrant theatre”, the Ballhaus stitution. Eat and drink indoors semble is among the most renowned lunch, homemadeStraße cakes and ice Berlin nightlife scene what it is schauer Straße U-Bahn station, u

i Hönow Nord r. s Thulestr. rg zollernrg. e ohen Bornh Falkenberger sas s H s olm

er s r Straß

arfusstr. t Pistoriusstr

r B Prinz Han Bi e

um . Str. nbe tterfel mm e

a tav- allee s der S rge Naunynstraße quickly developed or outdoors at super prices: wine theatres in Germany. Named after Ber- Bornholmer Straße Langh cream, special beers, drinks, good mu- today. This brothel-turned-bar was Matrix Club Berlin will always

D Exerzierstr. Gu lf-Str. Weißensee Dorfs Pionierstra R tra -Da aße ße Potsdamer Str. bu Neuend Ado raße Schönwa Rhenani einick ansstraße t Warte er Buschallee ee into a theatre hot spot right in the starts at €2.20 a glass! Break- tolt Brecht’s world-famous company, h sic and cultural events. Friendly staff Bono’s hangout during his visits to offer you a varied programme with Straße der Einhe ße g er Einheit S c Wisbyer Stra rks t Falkenhagener Kisseln raße ße Straße d astraße ß straße m en e Pa or Pist see ierrin heart of Kreuzberg. Its multicultur- fast, soups, burgers and salads, Berliner Ensemble has written theatre ori will make you feel welcome, inspired West Berlin 25 years ago. Kumpel- special events, the best DJs and fer Str. d Gesundbrunnen Alt- hren chuma it lde orfer Straße usst S Ge Feld skan Af Mül B Behm- Schivelbe raße Suermon A r Straße ads Behm- iner S al, thought-provoking productionstr. all with a beautiful view of the history and places a strong focus onurt- ri le str. traße and relaxed. The perfect hangout nest hasn’t lost any of its authen- live acts. It’s open seven nights S kani br. d Falkenseer Chaus Dau K rstraße Osts Roelckestra tstr. tr. Behmstraße Hohenschönhausen Raoul-Wall erger Dam sch eestraße elder Wedding Stahlheimer Str. Eiche Süd have not only been invited to the Landwehrkanal. Join us for the contemporary texts and topics. Several traße Berliner Allee right at Kottbusser Tor, all day long. ticity or wild side over the years. a week from 22:00, 365 nights a mb ms Schulstraße Wich lu Dorfs ich see Ask e Straß tra rtenf Haup ts enber B ertstr traße ße Ga Panks ste most important theatre festivals all first-Thursday-of-the-month-ball Saatwinklertimes Damm a month the BE presents select- In Don’t forget to try their healthy Chia Hipsters beware! Mingle with the year! Check it out to experience anierr g-Straße aße dira-G e rstraße t r Kie Sch e e . dorfer Dau tr. Eiswerder- tr. Landsberge m sener Str. over Germany but also to New York, with DJs and a guaranteed crowd ed performances with English surtitles Müslias or Eggs Benedict for brunch! verygne best of Berlin from the ‘80s, a cracking good night in great aß ön S H s ing str Transvaalstraße A br. m- as S traße Hans R euen r Alle Gär walder St ta andh ße Falk . Zo r C N elhorster rgarder St ns De tnerstraße hinstraße Str haussee P Seegefelde Volkspark Marzahner ra en r otsdam h Istanbul and Belo Horizonte, Brazil. of movers, shakers and oddballs. as well as guided tours in English. aße Adalbertstr. 96, Kreuzberg, Mon- ‘90s and today! Lützowstr. 23, company. Warschauer Platz 18, agen Amrumer S Str. r St zlaue i-S Hönow llee r Weg er r. Saatwinkler Da P chstr raße seman dorfe

S l traße

a ltlandsberger Chaussee tr. Humboldthain llee ren Damm tr. Naunynstr. 27, Kreuzberg, Kottbusser Damm 104, Kreuzberg, Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1, Mitte, o o Thu 8.30-23.30, Fri 8.30-2, Sat 10-2, Mon-Fri 19-6, Sat-Sun from 19-8, Friedrichshain, Mon-Sun from 22, Landsb s S erge Zossener Str. Dorfs A urge Str. H u Falkense Bru P H r Allee

er h m e A Zeppelinstraße Mi ller

teic rger user A Gr n chelan e St eeb orfer n Zossener Stendaler S B traße e erliner Straße

appela ellst F - Tel 030 7545 3725, Mon from 16, Tue-Sun from 10, Tel Tel 030 2840 8155, Sun 10-23, H t S n

r tr. n

Kies S r raße P er enstraße Mauerpark gelostraße . Seestraße xembu nha raße

S e wi

er uend t Lu .

lder Str. d hner l t e Allee r P Le inand-Schultze r

Dam traße h A Ne mm a arza nade aulstern Marzahn St www.ballhausnaunynstrasse.detenfe 030 6935 649, S M is- Be Haselhorst ß ome rliner Gar Sylter S Schö e Pr S g tr. m Lou n e F Wolf- ärkisc Neue ried Wer tra

M m- H .

eck . chw rich Seege r ße stra nhagener Chausse Prenzlauer Berg r ße erda tr neuche Lo t r Straße t r Stra s Konrad- au m . Rohr m -Olbr Stor S uis- E Ho felder ise D estr. nacher Str r dlinburge

ß icht-Damm Se kower S aße e ner Str. Que Lew

Nordu a Stra e Föhre -S ppe erbus . Heckerdamm uener g A Siemensstadt fer Si h Juliustur da aße m Pla t ße r Straße mon-B traße tr. in-Str. Friedric Fennstraße traße S o gar er R mm r- Cha G Janusz- lenstr. m Am Julius r Gart e dt Str. olivar- tr. Klost h- Rh turm K ussee- Bernaue odestr Korczak-S Ga tä Fri use-Ufe . rause- lerstraße Nonnendam edrich-Kra Ufe tener Straße ache s r tr. enstr instr m m mallee der zbr Sel S eegefelder Alts m Knipr Am Juliusturm n Allee der Kosmonaute A utlit eifswalder Str. n- Da

B B er aß P aße . eussel Danz t-Schu runne ssee Gr ld aße Str str ur Kollwitzplatz e Hellersdorf Gale K BernauerStr. iger Straße au tr. Ri aße nwa Str. Hönower s pstein-S esaer teler Damm t n-E üt r. Elle W Marzahn- S e n

Spandau aße iebe tr. Ch traße


Brunsb straße eiß L Motardstraße ße c Lichtblick Kino er Str tra ü s S r en P sdorfer S Am au berger Allee oelchaustraße Bru iem b Lands Siedlung urger nsb a-Samuel-S nh seer Elisabethstraße eller ütte en z Hei H ler sd Ern t . i ße S hö Hellersdorf am Mahlsdorfer Str mm Damm m l Le Zepp ler Da t ra t Str eeb Brunsbütte destraße Chaussees orkower Stra - u W e hrter Straße in S ohensc P Conra H eg

B Wall Memorial odest Weg e elinp Br Riesaer Straße straß pr s-Lew straß e i Str. i Päwesiner r unnenstr. n u Staaken u Invaliden K s d-B str. Lo Wasserturm auten ste ark s traß nstr. Sickingenstraße Perleberger Straße ch e alide ssener tr. 4 5 6 Inv lenkle ß 16 17 18 Magistr Klo F l bru

s 16 Pä reiheit Max-Dohrn-Straße e e er No

t L d

r ders ise-M wesiner Weg a Ruhleb T O er e ß -Straß eg Moabit

ße Rathe ß O mm lber e aße Torstraß lsw s a

straß str a Neue el e a Gaußstra r Heers e en e t Grottkau traße Nennhauser ene i Rose tsweg t drichshain

C e

er Weg

s harlotte D

n valid e Ce er Str. er-S m Frie r

Damm ß A I n r Fürs Hutt n In ci Piche ten Fennpfuhl e der Kosmon Straße nburger Ch enstra raße e lien

a Wiesendamm br ower rst Str. ntha a unner Weg ße r g Grottkaue


ße t To Dah tr. l Cabslam Weltrestaurant Chez Michel The German Spy Museum F Museum für Naturkunde Other Nature Quite Quiet r st r aussee s le ra u tr. ri e Alle Str. r S e ße ger Stra m b den V Lu Turmstraße 20 Hamburger Bahnhof n- S Volkspark lwi Leh

F ton Seebur T traße rau straß Herzbergstraße e elt tro Str. str. rter riedri tzer Straße Hee Osnabrücker Str. 18 -B e ß er ower S e traße e S The very best California break- Chez Michel is an authentic bistro Immerse yourself in the fascinating Find nature’s great adventures in Woman-owned,a sex-positive, A local jewelry label that blends ß Blum rstraße selstr. Luisenstra

tr lle r eg St sky Otto Eb ß n-A A a t n r. . Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee Kaiseri ugus Moll e S smarw Friedrichshain r der Kosmonaute e Allee Co ta s a -A denstraße t Oranienbur r chstr ertys d lle straß s Ce t . Beus ali berger Schmid e s f

r e f e ciliens fast slam in Neukölln. Their offering French cuisine with Berlin cloak-and-dagger world of Berlin’s Germany’s largest natural history vegan sex shop in Kreuzberg. All traditional craftsmanship and S raß i

t Inv r altenring Alt-Moab Pe Fürstenbrunner We oabit r ß

s e r st Gotzkow Land f M o t-K lt- it ger Str traße B

e g A burger g tersbur traße d sdorfer nobels Teg aß ße St e

h n orkow e

n i m See Weg a Alexanderstr. i er


r a ß fresh location at Landwehr- prices (€5-16) and a Kreuzberg high-tech museum: crack secretW codes, ße ße museum. See world-famous fossils genders welcome! Everything from digital design processes to achieve eler e ll e A lhelm l S

dorf Alt- a

e urger eg Moabit straße er S l a R 11 e Platz der Vereinten r r -Str. Hauptbahnhof b Wi Weißenb Reic traße ö Josef-Orlopp-Straße t o ht-Str H Reinhardtstr. r d Str. 7 Nationen s traße i min hs- Kirchstr. pl. ger Straß M str. ec n S kanal has fused with Weltres- attitude. All dishes are cooked from complete the laser obstacle course and like Giraffatitan brancai, the tallest butt plugs ’n ball gags to books ’n i sophisticated and highlyee refined Mahlsdorf Nord n hae R

H L s aße k h

Chaussee eerstra evetzo T s er


r te Sömm

t Oberfeldstra Reichs- Spand Fried R au e ß r A G e S oltzstr. Marzahne

g auer Damm


taurant Markthalle Kreuzberg! scratch in the open kitchen, including gasp at what the NSA and Facebook wstraß lexander mounted dinosaur skeleton, or tea. Plus quality dildos and vibes, forms, pushing the Chboundaries of r H str. Helmh Karl-Marx-Allee traße ll S

ur Adamstraße enstraße E e Karl-Lieb ldenaer Straße avelchaus pand S f ee el A e Hönow r e nn Sch

o effel

g str. Hö eeb a r Straße Win fstr. d A mix of American and German delicious quiches, merguez sausage, know about you. Here the history of Tu TRISTAN - Europe’s first original T. organic lube, handmade kinky traditional fine jewelry. All pieces

f S uer F Eldenae Birkenstein lee s erger nstraße Paulstraße Al r l no e o t Str. e e aße sb e exa Damm s Biesdorf-Nord R tr d t r

h Lichtenberg w andauer Museum Island ß r Sp s Friedrichsfelde


rs n idb

c cuisine that rocks: burgers, steak frites, duck confit and daily espionage is charted in an interac- t rex. Discover life on earth and how we crafts... awesome home parties and are made of certified Fairtrade Gold ankli Wern er i e and Otto-S ein S nd erstra traß e ra

see L n l ße

E alzuf W P Fr - l - inste acher S S ß Weg ilhelm- ers A lo ö r S Bolivaral uh str. chlo str. er ltona ch Gru Innstr. 47,Ro r-Alle Scheidemannstr. S . burritos and more! specials. For dessert the French tartes tive exhibition with a floor space of inufer can preserve it in theM permanent and workshops too! Not your average or recycled silver and 100% manu- pl r t chest e Alexanderplatz raß A Unter den m e . Ost K er Str. l Sa l inter önigin-Elisabeth str ee ßstraße Linden Str. den aris Cauer lzu t

e P ne Neukölln, Mon 10-22, Tue-Wed or cremeReic brulee are very seductive… 3000sqm. Unique exhibits such as the tock eg Unter den Lin Karl-Marx-Allee frequent special exhibitions.. Rus sex shop. Bring your mum. factured in Germany. ra r B Gatowe traße fer e s entschene he S ew B mu Rüdigerstr. ße pisc E rei rger de r We pre alauer Str. m g Olym hsstr instei aß Klop Str Proskauer Straße r Zander- S Gl orffstr traße Giesestraße ße te Str. r. str. closed, Thu-Sat 10-22, Sun 10-17, Adalbertstr. 83, Kreuzberg, Tel 030 Ko Invalidenstr. 43, Mitte, Tue-Fri Mehringdamm 79, Tel 030 2062 Auguststr.e 74, Mitte, Tel 030 2392 famous Enigma machine are waiting to Charlottenburg Straße des 17. Juni Ne e Marchstr. nstraße ink H aß nu hstr Straße olzmarktstr. Singer- Rüd er S Dallgowe ehre Stra fer S c B nst Str. uer e alz Französische htenbe str. ersd öllend ast e

K ufe Ebert Marzahne c Friedrichshain M Heerstra Chausse ülzow ber- Tel 030 6869 624, www.cabslam. 2084 5507, Mon-Fri 11-23, Sat-Sun Leipziger Platz 9, Mitte, Ba 9.30-18, Sat-Sun 10-18, r. 0538, Mon, Wed-Fri 11-20, Tue 11- 7102, Mon-Sat 11–19, -S Platanenallee e r Hön ee be explored. ai Frie Li orfe 22 Frankfurter A G ll st estr. raße lmstraß ß Mitte Gies Menzelstr. tr. ße ser-Friedrich-Straße h- llee Gensinger S podi a Straße des 17. Juni tr. red Seddi drichs r Str. ich-Grü ower Weg r str. Hofjägerallee Hanna f z ner s Box t Str. ndreasstraße Altentreptower Straße nr Holz e ehner A S ndt- Al com 17-23, Tel 030 3982 00451, Mon-Sun 10-20 s t 18, Sat 11-19, r Chaussee h Str

. r agener Str. . B ch Are A At a Wilhe Straße des 17. Juni kind- ß Hei usdo z rfstraße nobelsdorffstr a enstr. K str. auden Trak i G

r a loß- I

ße rtr n r. ünberger St Wodanstraße n tr. sel marktst Wedest Scharnweber- r t traße ück enallee Ge str ettistr. ib - s str. H Doniz . Br raße str. n Westend ö Wilhelmstadt Bismarckstraße néstr. i Le Len Ostbahnhof n raß sel Frankfu h St ariser raße Wilhelm o Heerstraße reuß er Straße rter rfelds sm wer R r. aße Leipzig e B ühlen P r Kopernikus- Alle Kaiserdamm er P oxh e Planitz Flatowallee d Strala mune Weich Alt-Friedrichsfelde weg Gatower Straße Jesse-Owens-Allee nenstr. iergartenst traße . m str. T ger S age Alt- Obe Lindenallee Ha straße Leipzi tr Str. Alt- Biesdorf ße Alte Dorfstraße Kaiserdamm rten Wilhelmstr ch- E Friedrichsfelde F -S i uer Pl. raße Ko in Friedrichsfelde Tierga Str. ner Gürtelst Irenenstr. be ra Alte ried nr Wühli rde asa K St uer Straße straße ger Anne cke Engelsfelder Chaus ee F lingelhö Potsdamer Dorfstr. 6 in schstraße St raße Hei nbergstraße ha ltei- r Straße Heerst tr. richs uss S Heine- Alt- pr K tr. Bie ha nstr. öp Berghain Ho s sdorf er c straße -S M enic rsc rg asur tr. a Kaulsdorf g see ferstr Axel . k Mahlsdorf e Havel en er Straße W Weißenh öher Str. sbe Seeburg Heerstraße all m uarez - R der eic chke-Str. H r W

e S . hpie m Rudi-Duts önowe e Neue Kant- Neue Kantstr. Savignyplatz Str. Von- -Str. a Kochstr. S we

Engelsfelde tschuf aße Kant Berlin Zoo r. raße r tr. str. straß Heydt Land

e Oranienstraße Mü t t elder Chaussee ed Budapester er C

Engelsf erger S m s ert-

S raße chöneb r Ja S g-St Lützowufer tresemannstraße ße am hl Ufer r

E Budapes Schö a d enst

Rob St 15 ffé

ter Str. Bethanien e

Uhri Alt-Kaulsdorf k e e Alt-Ma r hlsdor Mess Holtzen neb Anhalter raß Mar f stra Le . Lützow ß Ufe er Str. e str ic

a kt- r ger Ostkreuz n

wi straß Weitling

Str . sse Ta Neuer Höno st r. e ße e raße towe uentziens r dorf sha East Side Gallery p . er Str. au Lindenstr ö ler H K 23 Orani Ga f- u hnst K

a m rfürstens 14 en- ha str Rummelsburg Am Niederfe e len straße tr. H . ld alle so Friedrichsfelde ß eibnizstr Gedächtniskirche r ertstraße Hau tra Schöneberg ptstraße a L de a ße sch str. urger Straße r Postfenn s traße ner Lüc lsb t e An rani Nöld m mm U es Ufer kstraße Elsenstraße S e dalb 1 e chimst W

A r 7 Potsdamer St T Li A Oranien Rumme str. Moder da Westkreuz a K 12 er S leiststr empe Schle Stral e i Köpenicker S erliner Str. o B A l ndenstr J 5 traße h htalle m P m m J aße str. a e uer lic Dahlwitz ostfenn tendam Uf a aße Potsdamer Ch 7 8 esse 9 19 20 21 berg ndamm lh r urfürs Str. l 13 sisch him- Allee K r Straße ger m ads er tr J M burge ofe Sch g rich-Str. M af Lietzen enbur l i see ürn str. Skalitzer Straße kr féstr. Lietz r Oberbaumbrücke rafe Hauptstraße ße a e Straß

Joac ied P B e H . er Straß r N all rinzenstraße Skalitz Be tra r aus u esches Ufe asts r S F Wiener S rkg Am rline t Vol n Bülo P i T er Skalitzer

H d empelhof n tr. wstraße yn e Gitschiner Straße Str. - Ma a Bran Sew s Ufer e velch . L tr. K T len a r


l e anstraße i l Ha e nstr erp


ß se e

h . de r Str. a F

e estra r Dolores Greens Café Kakadu The Future Breakfast The Poutine Kitchen Bastard r t ark

ner Str. r iedrichshagener Chauss Gatower r.

s Halensee - nburg Spicher Alt-S Rahnsdorfer St or S

n ich-Str Mönchsheim

r r ers t ch tra sb e Biesdorf-Süd ß d r Blü l e ße tralau a e ß Kreuzberg Elsenb

k traße ße

a A true pioneer of street food in the In this cosy café, in a charming An internationally-minded kitchenPau c 2 Once a mobile breakfast truck, these Poutine, born in Québec in the 1950s, From Bastard with love: whether is

aussee W r Park at

t Hauptstraße B a Kottbusse estf N chods G ö 21 c tr. raße

Konstanze S str. u tr. S s M

Ha äli he S U P ra r sche n enstaufen allasstra Baerwald-

t Hoh ße hl ße

r e vel German capital, Dolores has been former butcher’s shop, you’ll find where you’d least expect it. Kakadu d Hohenstaufenstraße guys have opened up a joint on Böh- has become a favourite across Canada Sewanstit’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, this itzer S a S G Joachim-Frie e oebenstr Alt-Treptow a Gleisdreieck m ß chaussee tra tr U Alt-S Treskowa penicker Str.

s rbanst

n aße a ö mn e

e ße all . Yorckstr. d r K Heesestra d aße tr

r Damm ala lee str. serving delicious California-style delicious all-day breakfast and other bringsl a refreshing sense of humour to s mischer Platz, serving awesome vege- and the world and has finally found a Kreuzberg dining destination is not m e ße t Yo nstr. u Friedhofstraße

Potsdamer Ch e Che o rckstraße str. He e

S ld e P ckstraße Else Tunn erstraße burritos, tacos and quesadillas for goodies, from vegetarian and meat the Berlin-Wedding food scene:eesene tasty lerndam Yor Gneisenaustraße Blücherstr. Glogauer Str. Puschkinalle tarian and vegan Aussie brunch dishes. home in Berlin. The Poutine Kitchen just for those who are born out of Weekly e Köpen llee nzol Güntzelstr el ß st Koenigsa he r. aße a Baerwa

Ho r over a decade. Inspired by San Fran- platters to poachedEichkampstraß eggs, cereals and breakfasts, quesadillas with ar Straße variety of t e The rotating menu includes classics were the first to bring authentic pou- wedlock. Choose from the changing ssener Str. S ße icker Chauss o

- ße ngdamm r Z er- ni e e r.

ße h an st cisco’s Mission district, Dolores was fresh bread or pastries, all made in- homemade fillings, yummy hummus, t aldstraß Am like Eggs Benedict and Vegan French tine with crispy fries, cheese curds and seasonal menu created with love for a P

unew r ussee u Gr

t 17 e raße Mehri

L Elsenstra

s Tr

Hubertusallee e - K




n eptower i


a voted #1 value for money by Exber- house. Enjoy a perfect flat white or a cakes and barulsborner food. Stra They also put on t Hasenheide aße Toast, served with a Future Breakfast hot gravy to Germany. Their squeaky fresh ingredients and fine food. Our

Alt-Gato . r

e ee r a lee Rudolst s St l

Pa Wilmersdorf llee a


e rliner ß

e Hauptst z d

B a . M t

r A n t U liner readers. Two locations in Mitte home-made lemonade and chill out special events, such as interactive a P twist. The food lt-Treptowis organic, seasonal and cheese curds are proudly produced in tip: try their toast made with home- lmenstr.

urger Cha u s cker A r Landstr velchaussee ä B K ark i -

e n dt rliner Straße B w d enbruchstr Zim

Ha e n . mermannstr. er r

a s t Ba ild schiner Damm Dahlwitze Rosa-Luxem- l densche Karl-Marx-Straße In Arminius Mark- Reichen- Ulm and City West! on the quiet, sunny street terrace. cooking shows and music. If you are up s Straß served with top-notch specialty coffee. Brandenburg. made stone-oven bread! Seeb e öpen h K e Treskowa lt Straße i W öp

U r Ha Ch K W enstr Mahlsdorf Süd Fr enick Gatow e F Kolonnenstr. Dudenstraße rzer St aus Linden- Hu burg-Str. 7, Mon-Sat 11.30-22, Sun Weserstr. 44, Neukölln, Mon-Fri for somethinganz personal, this is where Böhmische Str. 46, Neukölln, Mon- thalle, Arminiusstr. 2-4, Moabit, Mon berger Str. 122, Kreuzberg,aldow Tel 030 s er str. aße ee gsalle e Columbia 8 bus- damm ra ens lle ße Waldsiedlung oeni Ka

13-22; Bayreuther Str. 36, Mon-Sun 9-17, Sat-Sun 10-18,K closed Wed, Tel you go. Soldiner Str. 13, Wedding, a Fri 8:30-18, Sat-Sun 9:30-18, closed 17-21, Tue-Wed 12-21, Thu-Sat 12-22, 5482 1866, Thu-Sata 9-23, Mon-Sun e m- lle b l Karlshorst Grunewald Str. 4 es ader Str. ader ß Columbiadamm e aße

a ilhe traße


Rudols r t

13-22; 017 7719 4696, Mon-Fri 15-23,amm Sat-Sun 10-23 t Do W B Wildenbruchstr. S Wed, Ehrlichstraße 9-17, ndstr.

- S s r Ma r Bund m ge e e Bulgarische Str. r S tädt h Schöneberg inicusstra La


t t e ee H r. nfr u tower s k


agen er r. S

L t p


Seebur - Erkstr. on Ru c


S e

ed- n H

Chauss B i t traße n n erm stra e r enallee Tr

ße mmel ohenzollernd e

a sdorfer Straße H D vo aß p M

ße tr et B ann Kohlisstraße Heidemühle

mold ö aul

S u n- D K EXBERLINER WEBSITE K nd str. Dahlwitzer

Str. B Waldesruh llee he er sb Berk R PlänterwaldNeue Krugallee Hav e o

gsa plitzer S spl isc D i Neukölln etmolder e Straße ur owallee Akazien Wexstr. Te c H e k l

Schmargendorf h r eni age allee xstraße c Marx- aer S . We mpelhofe T ger Landstraße elch nstraße t Karl Ko k Potsdamee nburg ho bellinstr. est Wer res Chausse - Str. T traße f V

aussee r en- Kiefh e eckle B Weg r rl

M aße ängerte u Str Hunde n Sachs olzstra K

d kehl e Köpenicker La Wa

e aße au estr. ß ldowa ße

orso s a e Rhe r al nd llee lsd

t stk ße l

S e tstra a . Breite inb m Tempelhof or ndstraße r dwe e m Verläng Str abenallee Str e Ka erte fer Straße r La h Sü Haup Waldowa er aße Tempelhofer Feld c 19 llee rl-M ndstraße ze


b Herm Dammweg wit

u a skowallee

a rx-

W L Dahl iesbadener Stra Tre

Ritte T ann ssee ße mm Straß e Warnemünd Friedenau e

Rum m Koenigsallee e Da traß Ruben str mmweg


sdamer Chau l r rfeldda p Pot l Da m er S e S e aß elsburger a rge

chmiljan- Str. Rud l

y be Vorarl Sc h Rühl- e olf- a str. o sdorf l l Dillen hön A f r

10 11 12 sstraße 22 23 lle e C


m e e


h r ebe a zallee Mah c e m m .

aße n


r Hüttenweg D a S bu t l Karl-Marx-Str. N teuf

b euk


a tr. Sa rg a rge u Gren An der W s traße a er Straß m ö Dam ar fe

L Lahns r r e str. llnische All

lstr S m d onne u

n Rheinstr . hlheid Hüttenweg iallee u e e

ell B nallee

Edisons Kladowe Kugelbahn Lucky Syrup KOKA36 Grazer Damm ee Zerostress Pizza BerlinischeTreptow-Köpenick Galerie TO PLACE YOUR Geh Kaulsdorfer S Groß Glienicke Pod H Pac Alt-Tempelhof Silbersteinstraße

e r. e Germ erma An der Wuhlheide sener Straße ß ß aniastraße Bergiusstraße st biel Hertastr. a orlemerallee Sch a r Hüt Sc r en

t AD HERE CONTACT t n te t s hildhorns Germ r One of Berlin’s last iconic frontier From the heart of Berlin comes Lucky Looking for concert or theatre s Take some Italian, delicious hand- Berlinische Galerie, one of the n zallee S nwe k en a Rudolf-Rü - str. n ße

iallee i e Feuerbachstr. T ania andstra Gr ensstr. ße m g horw o str. - Oberl Siem o ndstraße traße b bars, with two vintage German Syrup, a small brand that connects tickets without the insane pro- Mariendorfer Weg straß made pizza to-go or enjoy with the city’s newest museums, collects [email protected] T e aumschul Al

- Bu traße aldsens La Ritterfel l B Wilh e Tempelhof tr. s elmi

k Haber er ch nenhofstraße hl- B raße bowling alleys and live music inn the artists from all over the world. “Cool cessing fees? Be it rock or pop, relaxed, fun crew. They have been art from Berlin from 1870 to rit kr Schn Allee O Oberschöneweide iuss J tr St gleralle ße ddam oac aße r a z ugalle Kiefholz hi e Hü m-Tib En eps Baumschulenweg el basement, an overgrown patio to hang t-shirts for wonderful people” is our electro or cabaret, doom metal or l-Str r D feeding Berliners at festivals, parties today. Besides the permanent m L e lerstr An d orfe chöneicher Landstraße Dahlwitz tte ur Wilhelminenhofs d S tius-Brück a e straße e n mm r W hls On König Pacelliallee Teilestraße -Dunk aße out on in summer, and a fireplaceTo to motto. We we mean excellent quality hip hop, local institution KOKA36 and markets, and recently opened collection, the museum presents Kladow Grune uhlheid m-Str.kel in-L omturstraße str. ieb Ma Manteuffelstraße aussee uise-Straße w Süd e g Teile - ald Prellerweg K ottl e e ostallee tr. ch straße G Rixdorfer Str. e warm yourself in winter. A place for t-shirts and sweatshirts made of or- has got you covered. Order your Steglitz gstr. ß their own restaurant in Friedrichs- temporary exhibitions on modern Ber a e


Good Eats t Going Out Language School K - llee avel önigin-Luis ße straß Südosta chöneicher Straß n tra s i ulen- S e-S .

. . r h Weiskopff- H o r k intimate parties, with regular and ganic cotton and prints that will blow tickets online or hit up the shop t eister hain. One of the best pizzas in town, and contemporary art. Every 1st t

e b s m c l s traße str. A r msc n d str. A T str. ends er le Düppel- a Ost Wuh ßstr a em d Ordens au Bri B lheide Fürstenwal lo n m der Damm tr. busy DJ nights. This extraordinary your mind. Very limited collections on Oranienstraße to buy them in h a p made with a love for food. Vege- Monday ofSüdostallee the month: Happy l

On s Hütt i Friedrich- elho Karl-S tz Sc F Arnulfstraße tr. K An d Bi tr. er Niederschöneweide er eide Thielal S önigshe Wuhlh k enweg fer Se bergs elenbinderstraße l EXBERLINER NEWSLETTER e Shopping Arts & Culture Sightseeing Damm M place will be pulled down soon to of subtle humor and Berlin-themed person from friendly employees. amm tarians and vegans are welcome! Monday – Guided Tours in English Ala e l Dahlem Weg ichael- - z nkel-

t Köpenick Tom Sc rich ä straße ideweg hnell terd h tr. Lin

c erst make room for... flats. Grüntaler Str. pranks – there’s Lucky Syrup for you! Oranienstr. 29, Kreuzberg, Tel 030 Röblingstraß päths Colbestr. 3, Friedrichshain, Mon-Sat Alte Jakobstraße 124-128,amm tr. S Brüc raße aße str. denstra -Straß ßs Neue S nd uns Fenn-str. Fürstenwalder Damm

Späth . chlo Albrec Gottlieb-Du r Havelch S M Ster kner-S r. 51, Wedding, daily from 19, Tel 015 Reinhardtstr. 3, Mitte, Mon-Sat 12- 6110 1313 Mon-Fri 9-19 Sat 10-16, Ullsteinstr. 12-23, Sun 17-23, Tel 015 2168 95354 Wed-Mon 10-18, closed Tue, t F Fürstenwald t Späthstr. riedrichshage s ße n- Gradestr. Bla Fürstenwalder Damm dstra steinstr htstr. sch llee e n e hlei Grades Gradestraße koa Schnellerstr. ße Damm Lö str. nhofs Str. ner er h traß Buschkrugallee päthstr. tra S c ower La e e ah 1521 59403, www.kugelbahn-wed- 19, closed Sun B F s ße riedri l Sakr a Alten e chshagener ussee e mmer- aß Groß-Berliner Da Str. ö Saargemün tr. B der Str. Brü s H Steglitzer Da str alle abel y tr. m Garystr. B s m Attila schwe irkb Stegl damm Mügg Müggelseedamm Allee Cla A itzer Britz uschstr lbr Damm K S önigsheid ern Oberspreestraße el Friedrichshagen ngsor teglitz seeda EXBERLINER MAGAZINE er S sche echtst / Dam St rdter Allee Kli Weekly Weekend m p

ew i m Fulh Chaussee n aße r. e m m Mügg mm andstraße G chen d elseeda gentini Rathausst ary Halskestraße Gersdo amer A g l H Britzer Damm m r L Ar str en Ei e indenburgdamm Ring- r Onkel-Tom-Stra a Müggelseed Havelchaussee Fi ße allee r d Straße lle thaler s amm str. e f sc e rowe Unte e ß herhüt rfstra l ße nnis d Parch a ak Thiel imer Allee e r


S stra Johannisthal St r enschloßstr. tenstr raße ße ixdorfer S Joha - Attila R - Wend r e aße m r d Ringstr a n traße ß toma M e rs dam e chke-Str. aß Ot ü l ggel l so e es ße ing e tern G A

S Kl S heimer Stra -

r u

mensstraß o n ie

S d d Leonorenstra a



ße l a ee m

a u Spindler r ner All er ri Groß- S Mariendorf Moh aße Pablo-Neruda-Str. eme Fi St eg Siemensstr. aße sche W Berliner feldstr ra orf Dahl Drakestraße kstr. Britzer S S fliegerdam sfelde rhüttenstraße ße traße ter Dörp ße Alt-Mariend gel Tom-Str.Onkel- eißec R aussee nda e S Adlergestell h Dam r Str. ienicker Str straße Gutsch mm ner Straße den r C Gl rli Frie m Be Ringstraße m mid ale tst R Adlershof e Straße raß udower isth Lichterfelde e e aß enweg ß r

B n ndam Lankwitzer t traße ann u stra S

sin -S c P Straße r Zehlendorf a k uch lm ul- Joh e Mari o nzes Steglitz- S nra u Sundgauer Straß w chneider-Str. F a

e ritz-E n M

e r ü amm Ostpreuße r-Wilhe mm ü ggelheimer Dam

Stube r r nd rler Kronpri D Potsdamer Str. e enzer Da Spanische Allee aße am -A G m rgd K a Spanis Kaise orfer D lle Ei Zehlendorf m Hermann-Dorner-Allee eg am e

c eltow senhutweg W he Allee m T D

e Drake- er Finckenstein renstr e allee str. m Sacrow a Sp Hindenbu mm nick anische e Lankwitz Her W

n- ler All ler ende mann-Dor Glie

a Mühle Os ssee

Kr str. Großbee Allee h raße Gallwitza t ühlenst ee A

onprin M Königsberger Straße see

tpreuß n us Chau m S See Carstenns Frit er ns zall tudio

str. chloßstraße

ze hof- z-E e ow nde ner-Allee ud ssin Eisenhutweg Li rler-A R

aß e LankwitzerStr. pschit n llee Li ne Kanalst .

d lle tr nweg am traß Johannisthaler Cha e

Loren er S

fer Str fer traße See m aße tubenrauchstraße raße Clauertstraße r chs hofstraße e str S

o Weg B enick see z e Quarzweg s r lßstraße Ernst-R Berleps straße uska öp au e Morgenstern -Ufer K e M Nikolassee Goerzallee ß alt rnallee Fritz-Erler-Allee

lem esensd

Seehofstra i damer Ch e e

eg G Taue serstra Preysingstr. nw Pots - Dah r Weg Gropiusstadt Köl aß . Rufache Neuköl Daimler ner Damm Rega sinne Lloyd-G. Lu Wells-Str Fr dwigs ß rnstr oehl A e st lner chnower Stra ße Oberhofer Weg raß ugust- R eg udow ttastraße ronprinzes a Ta er felde Giesensdorf ich- K ew e St Str M kow Ost u aße uc raße St egedo r Ma tenburger -B Buc Mü Teltower Wi r. Stra Alt W ggelheimer smar amm Straße r Damm riannen e Adl er S end ko D Wannsee ße Qua er a K k mm tr wer erge önig Karl-Marx . tpreuß ckau ic r. s Os rzw en t S tr. St sdorfer Straße p ste Dam stra Zwi r eg Da Kö . allee Grünaue ll


m r S

einer ße Wegedornstr tr.

m Goerz mm decker Weg m u H Buckow Ne Am Falk Marienfelder Allee e

O Da nber

- g

e sdorfer Straße r der e Ger straß mm Säntisstraße l ße Hildb Zittauer S fe e man König a Marienfelder Chaussee enstraß ra d urg ub aß öne sse ha Drus au tell Schütte-L user str. Sch en en e Ch e es Str. Straß mm traße eest hei Rudow lerg Karl-Marx- e ka ss ner reuß me ard-Ta A Ad Wes r We m Falkenberg hau ß-Ziethe C Ostp an Hil Gro haussee Rich dburghau g Straße C Wassersportallee z-St er Ernst-Thälmann-Straße ling Germanenstraße Königstr Ger Siedlung Grüneck CHANNELS. IN NUMBERS ser S m Goerzallee traße aben raße Karl-Ma A Grünau tr. Wupp Thermometersiedlung ussee itscheid-S ner eegr lf-Bre Marienfelde S Rudo Buckower Cha erstr. Gartenstadt Ring Groß-ZietheChaussee Altglienicke erfelder r Licht x -Straß Postsiedlung Schönow Na Großziethen hmi see B

m tze untze Damm am Lichterfelder Allee r D e

Ko r kowd amm W Klein Glienicke Hohe Kiefer Bees altersdorfer C Ortolfstraße rfe aben

hlhasenbr Sch

gr l Motzener Straße B s oh ndo t Seehof ee r leusenweg nsdo S a Weg hle llee m ß e aussee A e efelder Chaus rfer raße Karl-Marx Z Weg -Str. ücke ldst Sta hausse lder A hön a h Kleinmachnow ner c Ew nsdorfe S T nfe orfer Ch Pa r h F omas-Müntzer- r Allee Wa S ö rs e radiesstr ter-Funke-Allee Karl t Töpchi r r D Damm

Marie l a

r Ze t

e - p

ß amm fe pelinu M

ie Rudowe r e fe sdorfer

Neubabelsberg a r L e K r Lichterfelder ld-

x Allee

i c - wa r. oh S aße dorfer a tr . h E st H t Waßmannsd ße

r t

K . Str e Siri

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WHAT’S ON — Stage WHAT’S ON — Art WHAT’S ON — Music SUBSCRIBE WHAT’S ON — Art Videoart Highlight Preview pets and the Zentrum Paul Klee October last year, the Bauhaus homage to the late artist Maryanne Am- Through Aug 21 Through Aug 22 at Midnight acher who also dabbled in psychoacoustic in Bern, showcases recreations Dessau Foundation controver- TO BERLIN William Kentridge: No It Is! act. In July, Kentridge himself will be in town for Erwin Wurm: Bei Mutti of the Swiss artist’s gender-fluid sially cancelled the appearance Festival CTM 2019 phenomena. For all tech geeks, Actress and the Foreign Affairs festival (see page 42), featur- puppets in a playful kasperlesque of the indefatigably antifascist Young Paint contribute to CTM’s foray into AI Martin-Gropius-Bau, Kreuzberg ing a focus on the artist: in addition to special Berlinische Galerie, Kreuzberg Viva la persistence appearances at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele, performance. Constructed for punk band Feine Sahne Fischfi- Dec 12-16 technology with a performance that brings IN ENGLISH! HHHHI HHHII his son from waste items such as let amid fears the far-right would back memories of Holly Herndon’s virtual AI don’t miss the live cine-concert “Paper Music” Berlin’s go-to fest for brainy ex- in the Martin-Gropius-Bau atrium (Jul 5-6), or Neuer Berliner Kunstverein South Africa’s William Kentridge has been Some of us cringe at the thought of an interac- beef bones, bristle brushes and stage protests at the UNESCO baby of 2018. a performance in which soprano Joanna Dudley perimental music marks its 20th Anti- one of the world’s most celebrated artists for tive exhibition, let alone one that’s kid-friendly. animal fur, Klee’s bizarrely comic site. This, from the radical de- On top, breakcore icon Venetian Snares semitism takes you on a guided tour through the exhibi- Kippa scandal decades, and finally a large-scale retrospec- Austrian artist Erwin Wurm is putting us scep- anniversary with an emphatic who returns to CTM after a decade-long gone haywire tion (Jul 11, 13, 14, and 16). — ART figures oscillate between toys sign school that was persecuted tive of the 61-year-old’s works comes to tics in that situation knowing how we feel about and artworks. Also on the bill by the Nazis! Whoever claims motto and an eclectic lineup. absence, Perera Elsewhere takes her futuris- Berlin’s Martin-Gropius-Bau. The exhibition is E it, and in doing so, confronts our aversion. STAGSTAGE

FFILMILM C are some notable examples of Bauhaus wasn’t political doesn’t tic R&B to the stage, and Colin Self presents MUSMUSICI a dizzying array of meditations on the cyclical Wurm’s “One Minute Sculptures”, for which ART IS T ZE ITGE GE ORORTATAGE nature of the everyday, and grand homages REP he’s best known, invite visitors to step onto This edition of CTM – founded as “club his new album Siblings, finding the strength S post-Bauhaus theatre, exploring understand Bauhaus. And 100 LITIC PO to things out of our control. A recurring cast the influence and impact its phi- years on, the question we should transmediale” 20 years ago – kicks off on to persist in his self-chosen next of kin. And pedestals and pose, with a handbag over their of identifiable yet surreal characters and head, or to lie on top of a dozen tennis balls, or January 25 with a club night at Berghain and, should you require a little break from all the losophy has had on stage. Robert be asking is: where was Bauhaus objects includes Kentridge himself, mostly in put on a sweater with a friend. These simple, Wilson’s internationally ac- when we needed it most? Its A late discovery es and graphic works she produced between lopes addressed to her husband. Heavy with on the following day, opening concerts un- synth-y bleeps and glitches at some point, videos made with a Muybridge-like obsession absurd tasks dissolve art’s pretentiousness and claimed adaptation of Beckett’s legacy has been mostly confined 1970 and 2018. Albeit limited to the mod- meaning, it reads: “the bloom that beguiles der the festival’s 2019 theme: “persistence”. noise rockers Lightning Bolt will cater to your with the moving body. They’re animated in blur the artist-viewer dichotomy. While the one-act monodrama Krapp’s Last to its iconically reduced aesthet- Finally, Berlin sees its first solo est showroom and one adjoining wall, the you explodes, obliterates”. n.b.k. provides Linn da Quebrada shines a light on structural needs, and audiovisual duo Jerusalem in My stop-motion on history books, and the pages drawings and minimal polyester sculptures are become landscapes, heavy with the weight of 1 PAGE Tape celebrates its German pre- ics; its revolutionary utilitarian- exhibition of iconic Romanian artist exhibition manages to convey the breadth little additional text, but a 30 minute film violence towards the LGBTQ community in Heart make use of the Middle Eastern instru- actually well worth some thought, it’s “Narrow the written word. House” that naturally garners the most atten- Issu miere during the festival. Heavily ism and antifascist tendencies Geta Brătescu. of themes Brătescu's avant-garde work about Brătescu's creative process, shot in her Brasil by performing her funk album Pajubá ment buzuk. e 130 • €2.90 • September 2014 MICHAEL OBERT: slash “I saw Louis at his worm-eaten table i Known for leaving interpretation to viewers, tion. Wurm’s parents’ dated, typical 1970s home light of his lante feat. myles kennedy and the conspirators rn listening to thi n the Rembran DIGITAL s music, and I dt ISM:”Now we work a little bit 9-5, or sometimesgot goosebumps.” 5-9.” polo & pan engages with, including gender, cultural and studio earlier this year, functions as a window infused with carioca, a gangsta rap genre Of course, CTM offers plenty of clubbing ALEXANDER (p.36) indebted to the school’s aesthet- largely neglected. Bauhaus’ DUVE: “Workin Kentridge does have a knack for powerfully – these days it mostly d g wit (p.44) has been replicated in full, but squished to just h an artist is like being i + bishop gunn oesn’t work out.” n a relation (p.48) ship ic vision and Oskar Schlemmer theatre experiments were highly 15.03.19 · Astra Kulturhaus One of the most important conceptual artists personal memory and the artistic explora- into her work space and life. It leaves you infamous for its use of misogynist opportunities too. There’s Bassiani from THE WAR ON ambiguous references to the lasting effects 1.1 metres across. Walking through its long halls, WHISTLEBLOWERS 04.03.19 · Verti Music Hall An MI5 spy and a workplace of apartheid, globally informed race politics, in Eastern Europe and beyond, Geta Brătescu tion of identity. In Woman and Bird (2007), with the illusion of Brătescu’s presence: “My and violent lyrics. Georgia, and CTM regular Rabih Beaini joins hero tell the truth – unable to pass other onlookers, you can physi- in particular, an often overlooked ambitious but sadly never fully and get €1889 punished for it 72 and death. But somehow he manages to 403905 cally feel his distortion of social conventions. 148 influence, Wilson’s production realised. While it’s encourag- worked under communism in Romania for a series of drawings she produced with her gestures are the drawing,” she says. Brătescu UK-based Gazelle Twin equally has a forces with Pouja Poramin as part of a series 4 196

IN NSA’S B ER LLAPDOG? maintain a certain lightness, and it’s undoubt- IN But is the show good? Ask the dozens of kids, ADE YCLED PAPER .18 19:44 100How% M Germany does 22.05 PRINTED ON REC

most of her career, until the regime's col- eyes closed, the bird motif can be read as a passed away at age 92 in September – only a bone to pick with her own country. Her of cooperations with the like-minded Iranian M America’s dirty work is a stripped-back performance ing to see Schlemmer’s chore- .90 JUNE 2018NER.CO €3 XB ERLI WWW.E edly enjoyable to be in the presence of his teenagers and art-going adults who’re smiling in anderson 172 that harnesses intensity through ographies on stage again and crystal lapse in 1989. For her, the big international symbol for self-liberation – both as an artist few days before the opening of this relatively third album Pastoral is a dystopian puzzle SET festival, and the Berlin-based collec- work. Most memorable here is “The Refusal of awe, snapping selfies and laughing hysterically indd 3 er 172. U1 Cov COVER UP! limitation, using simplistic recognise the impact Bauhaus breakthrough came late in life; only in 2017 escaping censorship and convention, and as small but significant show. — EE of mangled reactionary tropes that, put to- tive Through My Speakers presents a variety Seven encryption Time”, made up of multi-screen projections, as they become works of art. If contemporary .paak tools you should lighting, sound and movement, has had on practitioners such as and the free nationals fighters she got to represent Romania at the Venice a female subject. Her collage “The Travel- gether, has Brexit criticism written all over it. of African rap and club acts. Also billed: be using old fashioned metal megaphones, and a giant art is defined today as a means of visual com- 1/228.03.19 · Astra Kulturhaus wooden object in the centre of the room. In munication, Wurm’s made his point, and we’re alongside an architectural stage Wilson, it would be better still 22.03.19 · Columbiahalle Biennale. The current solo show at n.b.k. is ler”, consists of drawings, cut outs from old Geta Brătescu Through Jan 25 Lotic, on the other hand, takes the motto to Riobamba, DJ Haram, Miss Djax, DJ Marcelle, steady motion, this “set of human lungs” ap- eating it up. — ART design and functional props. to see something truly ambitious her first in Berlin, displaying drawings, collag- issues of National Geographic and enve- Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Mitte an autobiographical level with his audiovisual quest?onmarc and Juba. 1/3 PAGE pears as a cross between a printing press and CC-230x152.qxp_CC-230x152 claim 05.09.17 17:06 Seite 1 Berlin’s In a jubilee year, it’s easy to in a jubilee year: experimental performance Endless Power, a collaboration Apart from panels and discussions, an ex- the inner workings of a clock. Looping “silent” Above: Weighing... INSIDE COVER PAGE JACOB and Wanting (1988) digital films, flashes of metronomes and space and get swept away with excitement performances that resonate walk off with artist Emmanuel Biard. hibition at Kunstraum Bethanien as well as an APPELBAUM Our interview with king crimson the exiled hacktivist the sound of incessant ticking form a chaotic and easier still to forget the with their spaces in a harmoni- celebrating 50 years Stefan Fraunberger is taking a rather time- installation including Raster artists Byetone Whistleblowers,rebellion cypherpunks and new Berliner VERTICALand hackers: The post- meditation on the elusive, cosmic scale of time. the earth Snowden resistance is right underlying principles of move- ous Gesamtkunstwerk that does based approach, presenting his long-term and Mieko Suzuki, Dasha Rush, Robert Lip- WHO’S 29.06.19 · Zitadelle on our doorstep. Are you WATCHING Another giant, multi-screen procession, 29.06.19 · Columbiahalle ready to join the fight? YOU? ments and institutions, engaging justice to its radically innovative VERTICAL project Quellgeister, producing haunting pok and others at nGbK, both free of charge, The government agencies (and “More Sweetly Play the Dance”, is shown Berlin start-ups) w stealing your €1952 pieces using weathered Transylvanian church round off the festival’s programme. . rather in an endless game of philosophy – a Bauhaus that’s — MH data lin r amidst countless other works: marvellous e d le in B de €734 recyc. r What’s on? • Art • Fashion • Film • Food • Music • Nightlife • Stage ma on e ed 00% t pap bronze sculptures that change form depend- organs. Thomas Ankersmit, who created 1 rin cultural heritage circle jerk. In bite is as big as its bark. T monster magnet P U1 cove white lies r 130.indd 2 + puppy €998 young gut-wrenching sounds with his piece Infra in CTM Festival 2019 Jan 25-Feb 3 ing on the angle, flip-book and charcoal 03.03.19 · Huxleys 24/08/14 21:42 animated films, drawings, works by Dürer from 17.01.19 · Huxleys 2017, premieres “Perceptual Geography”, an various venues Das Totale Tanz Theater Jan 17-24 | Krapp’s Last Tape Jan 17, spontaneous Kentridge’s own collection, invented instru- 19:00, 22:00 | Das Triadische Ballett Jan 21, 19:00, Jan 22, 19:00, alison moyet the lemonheads ments. It’s an unfettered glimpse of Kentridge’s 21.01.19 · Huxleys 03.03.19 · SO36 universe – one where the darkness of history Right: Narrow House 22:00| Bauhaustänze Stäbe, Reifen Jan 24, 20:00 | About Klee everywhere is not hidden, but where the magic of the ev- and Confessional (One

Jan 20, 14:00, 17:00 all at Akademie der Künste, Tiergarten bad suns eryday is felt, and creation is humanity’s purest Minute Sculpture) Akhtar Amin + dygl hyukoh BACK PAGE 22.01.19 · Musik & Frieden 06.03.19 · Kesselhaus j.s. ondara ry x sit at the front for a year 22.01.19 · Kantine am Berghain 07.03.19 · Verti Music Hall opera and ballets for 10 EURO €2099 concerts for 8 EURO 1/2 PAGE Tips Martin-Gropius-Bau Berliner Festspiele coma alliance jack savoretti + in strict confidence all advantages for 15 EURO per year 25.01.19 · Huxleys 12.05.19 · Huxleys HORIZONTAL steven wilson ska-p > 030-20 35 45 55 05.02.19 · Tempodrom 31.05.19 · Zitadelle Deutsche Oper Berlin €998 1/3 PAGE good charlotte stone temple pilots + boston manor Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin 13.02.19 · Columbiahalle 17.06.19 · Astra Kulturhaus Komische Oper Berlin maggie rogers HORIZONTAL + mallrat loreena mckennitt Konzerthaus Berlin 16.07.19 · Zitadelle 28.02.19 · Kesselhaus RIAS Kammerchor jack & jack katie melua Rundfunkchor Berlin €734 28.02.19 · Huxleys 29.07.19 · Theater am Potsdamer Platz Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin Wed-Mon 10am - 7pm Staatsballett Berlin Interactive Media Foundation mike shinoda dee dee bridgewater Twin Gazelle Admission free up to the age of 16 02.03.19 · Columbiahalle 13.10.19 · UdK Konzertsaal Staatsoper Unter den Linden > forallunder30s JANUARY 2019 31 DECEMBER 2018 33 JANUARY 2019 27 Tokamak Asdex Upgrade Interior 2, Max Planck IPP (Detail), Garching, Garching, (Detail), IPP Planck Max 2, Interior Upgrade Asdex Tokamak Struth Thomas Essen © Museum Folkwang, Courtesy: print, 2009 Chromogenic

32-35MGB16_STRUTH_Anz_Exberliner_230x100mm+5_RZ.indd Art 151.indd 35 1 23/06/1615.06.16 20:0117:07 230 X 305 mm 115 X 305 mm 230 X 152,5 mm 76 X 305 mm 230 X 100 mm + 5 mm Bleed + 5 mm Bleed + 5 mm Bleed + 5 mm Bleed + 5 mm Bleed

WHAT’S ON — Music FILM WHAT’S ON — Art WHAT’S ON — Stage Feb 23 through April 9

lany displayed photos from her travels portray that he fi nally admitted to having them, but Reviews The chubby Englishman, raised Catholic, he delved into German culture, he read the Hitchcock incorporated this quality in Psycho MY PLAYLIST 17.02.19 · Huxleys subjects abroad similarly to those in her new still, he refused to return them. found himself ill at ease with the tall German Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales and classics like (1960), where the Bates house, an old haunt- home, not glamorised or exoticised, but with Gropius knew well the value of Moholy’s minutes! The majestic opening riff, constant director, a wiry homosexual, with little interest The Nutcracker by E.T.A. Hoffmann and Puss ed castle, was like a “kingdom of death”. kaleem taylor a raw sense of beauty. images: during World War II and the Cold by Gemma Ray alarm bells chiming, murky bass synth in explaining his techniques. But for the young in Boots by Ludwig Tieck. According to Spoto, According to the film studios in Babels- 18.02.19 · musik & Frieden During that time she wrote 100 Years of War, Dessau was inaccessible to the West, 1 - Van Morrison “Sweet Thing” The drums push and glamorous cimbalom melody – my Hitchcock there was one essential takeaway: the monstrous fairgrounds of Hoffmann’s berg, Hitchcock would have said: “Everything Photography, the fi rst book to dig into the and from 1950-1980 it was illegal to photo- through with so much love and gentle urgency, dream production! a master in the art of manipulating perspec- tales – places where nightmares become real I had to know about filmmaking, I learned in octavian medium’s impact on culture, which has just graph the Bauhaus. Later, after the Iron Cur- the whole band are responding so freely, seem- 4 - David Shire The Conversation Soundtrack tive, Murnau taught him how to achieve the and madness erupts – particularly inspired Babelsberg.” Will Schmenner is not fooled: 19.02.19 · Berghain been published in German for the fi rst time tain fell, the buildings were altered. Moholy’s ingly without any inhibitions. It makes my heart The phrasing and beauty has a transcendent “Hitchcock made these kind of claims more Die Fleisch maximum effect with very little resources. Hitchcock’s films. Traces can be found in his alongside the show. The images printed in photos were the only ones that had captured swell up to bursting point. luxury that makes its way into my dreams – And his newfound skills were put into practice famous Mr. and Mrs. Smith (1941): the main often than you might suspect. Although he Four Rituals via Ayamé, josin the fi rst edition are up, as well as those that the school in its pure form. XL BOXOpera by Ko¯saku Yamada (1931) 2 - Dr. John Locked Down Countless hooks, killer timeless and perfect! 20.02.19 · musik & Frieden in one of the scenes of The Blackguard, taking characters, on a funfair ride, are prone to diz- was a master of silent film, he learned new didn’t make the cut, further contextualising Despite years of legal disputes brought by grooves and backing vocals. Great memories of 5 - Diana Ross “My World Is Empty Without place in front of the Milan Cathedral. Rather ziness as they ascend into the sky. Eventually, things about sound later in his life. Of course, the breadth of her knowledge of photogra- Moholy, Gropius continued to reproduce the being on the road, too. You Babe” The taut sinewy emotion of Diana rival sons than rebuilding the whole thing, Hitchcock they find themselves stuck on the carousel, he learned a lot about filmmaking in Babels- phy’s history. A year after the book’s publica- images without her credit and it wasn’t until €310 3 - John Barry “The Persuaders Theme” Ross’ voice and how she delivers the simple but 22.02.19 · Huxleys decided to reconstruct a very small part of it trapped with each other in the rain. In later berg. But one can’t be disappointed that it tion in 1939, just as she was reestablishing 1957 that she received a mere 50 of them So much intrigue, mystery and suspense in two relatable and affecting lyrics got under my skin. and borrow a couple of pigeons from the zoo. years, Hoffmann’s tales, in German and Eng- wasn’t everything.” Still, even if everyone her career as a single woman in a new coun- in a settlement. She worked for the rest Árstíðir The illusion is seamless. lish, featured prominently on the shelves of remembers Bernard Herrmann’s music in the try, Moholy’s London home was bombed in of her life to collect more of her negatives 24.02.19 · Frannz Hitchcock’s London library. shower scene in Psycho, most of Hitchcock’s a Nazi air strike, and she lost most of her from various private hands, and ultimately Preview Hitchcock learns the ropes By January 1926, Hitchcock had made his films, even today, can be watched without belongings again. donated 230 of them to the Bauhaus-Archiv. the joy “What influenced Hitchcock the most in first films as a director with Emelka Studios sound, and still be perfectly understood. The formidable Meanwhile, Bauhaus’ recognition was She passed away in 1989, and according to Babelsberg is the level of preparation that in Munich. They are also the two last films influence of his German masters is clearly Julian Röder 26.02.19 · musik & Frieden growing internationally. Gropius had also her records 330 negatives are still missing. the major studio was capable of, and due to he shot in Germany: The Pleasure Garden and present in his ability to tell stories through fl ed, and ended up moving to the US. He col- Visit The English Years to celebrate Lucia de staat this approach, the kind of camera movement The Mountain Eagle. The latter is now lost images, and not through “photographs of laborated with New York’s MoMA in 1938 to Moholy’s singular accomplishments. While Telling truth to power: Brecht as “von und nach” Brecht. But by refunctioning 27.02.19 · Lido and composite shots that became possible,” and on the top of the British Film Institute’s people talking”. T mount a major exhibition – the catalogue for the story of her stolen legacy is not at the double-premiere at the BE Brecht’s historical drama as a post-dramatic slog, says Will Schmenner, curator of the exhibi- “Most wanted list” – even if Hitchcock him- which didn’t end up in Moholy’s hands till forefront of the show, it’s there for the fi nd- Two new productions demonstrate Castorf’s production disappears up a metatex- white lies tion “Casting a Shadow. Creating the Alfred self reportedly considered it “awful”. Back eight years later. She contacted Moholy-Nagy ing in the newly corrected history books. ■ tual cul-de-sac. Why bother adapting Brecht’s Tip wildly different takes on the utility 03.03.19 · Huxleys Hitchcock Film”, that ran in 2009 in Berlin. in London in May 1926, Hitchcock began to ask where her negatives were, and he said play if you’ve nothing to add except diffusion 1/4 And indeed, his 1944 Lifeboat, an “enclosed” directing his first British movie, The Lodger, they were with Gropius. But when she wrote of Brecht’s plays today. and frustration? Ever wondered what Hitchcock sounds the lemonheads survival drama shot in a huge studio tank, is inspired by the story of Jack the Ripper. Al- to Gropius asking for them back, he claimed The English Years Through Feb 27 Enter: Veit Schubert’s Antigone des Sophokles, a Hopeless. like speaking German? Take a trip to 03.03.19 · sO36 a prime example. Before shooting, Hitchcock ready, the Berlin influence is visible: to solve he didn’t have them. It wasn’t till 17 years Bauhaus-Archiv, Tiergarten What’s to be done when the powerful deny the production that provides a much more traditional, Potsdam’s excellent Filmmuseum, just a Above: Lucia Moholy, Hands with pocket mirror PAGE meticulously planned all of the scenes using some lighting problems in cramped rooms, after he brought them with him to the US (1936) Bauhuas-Archiv Berlin © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn truth? What virtue is there in rebelling? Premiering and yet more effective take on Brecht’s work. Open Spaces #1 alex francis a miniature boat. The camera itself is in the he employs techniques he saw used by the 45-minute S-Bahn ride from Alexander- at the Berliner Ensemble last month, two new Performed in the BE’s newer Kleines Haus, it seeks Choreography by 03.03.19 · musik & Frieden boat, giving the audience the impression of Germans to get their cameras up and down platz, to hear the then-67-year-old Master productions of Brecht’s plays address these to interrogate the virtue of youthful rebellion and BIG BOX VERTI- being trapped. In Rope (1948), another huis- the stairs, hanging them on travelling rails or of Suspense reminisce on his early days questions in markedly different ways. Under the the excesses of total power. Aysima Ergün and Sergiu Matis a - playing at UFA studios, as a guest of German TV hi-fi serious clos, the characters are waiting for a guest an overhanging scaffolding if necessary. direction of former Volksbühne intendant and Oscar Hoppe provide standout performances as whose corpse is actually under the buffet. programme Frankfurter Stammtisch. The Through Nov 18 ageing enfant terrible Frank Castorf, Brecht’s Leben a fiery Antigone and neurotic Creon respectively, €218 05.03.19 · Frannz CAL All camera movements had been carefully The graduate of Babelsberg Hessischer Rundfunk talk show from 1966 des Galilei has been reworked as a metatextual while the remaining cast deliver Brecht’s verse ry x thought out and numbered. The numbers The master of suspense brought more is on video/audio display as part of the Sophie Calle: investigates the intimacy and endurance epic entitled Galileo Galilei: Das with eloquent gusto. At a time in which Europe’s museum’s permanent exhibition. Fri, 08.02.2019 07.03.19 · Verti music Hall were then placed on the ground, and the than technique alone back from Germany. View of My Life voyeurism embedded within Theater und die Pest, while a young cast from youth are being shafted by austerity and right- cameraman only had to follow them. At the Hitchcock admired films like Destiny (“Der photography and writing in the Ernst Busch Drama School breathes new wing demagogues, the questions posed by the Sat, 09.02.2019 €571 equal measure. Big fans or fun lovin criminals Arndt Art Agency, life into Antigone des Sophokles. text are given a sharpened relevancy by the age of time, the maximum recording time was 10 Müde Tod”, 1921), a masterpiece by Fritz latecomers alike won’t want 14.03.19 · Heimathafen neukölln Charlottenburg Sun, 10.02.2019 minutes, but Hitchcock arranged the transi- Lang about a woman desperate to reunite to miss #24 of Calle’s iconic First written in 1938 and then rewritten in the cast. A few odd dramaturgical choices aside,

Hagen Wolf tions so that the action appeared to flow with her dead lover before eventually dying HHHII series “The Hotel” (1981) where 1945, Brecht’s Galilei focusses on the ethical such as making the chorus soldiers instead of bass drum of death continuously, in real time. herself. The whole film is about her struggle she got a job as a hotel maid responsibilities of scientists. Ensemble veteran citizens, the production largely succeeds, albeit presents its repertoire; and Voktett Hannover stages 14.03.19 · Privatclub Outside the studio, Hitchcock enjoyed life and bargain with death. “Each shot in the Sophie Calle’s work, a small so she could peruse through Jürgen Holtz plays the lead, ably supported by in a functional and straightforward way. Silence and hope spiritual pieces. Like every year, numerous workshops in Berlin. He frequented the theatre, even best German postwar cinema has a menacing, selection of which makes up and photograph the belongings a cast of Castorf regulars. Sadly, Holtz’s Galileo Since taking over the BE, Oliver Reese has scott bradlee‘s this petite retrospective at of unsuspecting guests. Even and lectures round off the vocal programme. If over- when his German was shaky. At the time, anxious, waiting quality, a quality of disequi- is a diminished figure. On premiere night, Holtz pledged to focus on contemporary issues. In The ninth iteration of Chor@Berlin postmodern jukebox Arndt Art Agency, is for the though View of My Life is way tone or throat singing are on your 2019 bucket list, 17.03.19 · Huxleys quality was at the forefront in the expres- librium. And it is precisely this quality that curious, the sensitive and the too small to illuminate Calle’s had to be reminded of his lines so often that the this regard, Antigone is the more successful returns with a range of vocal then Chor@Berlin has got you covered (Feb 23, 9:30). sionist creations of the Deutsches Theater, informs the best moments of Hitchcock’s playful. The renowned French entire oeuvre, each piece is a 1/4 PAGE octogenarian actor’s frustration with his failing production. Castorf’s attempt to develop Brecht’s performances and workshops. Presenting one of its latest performances, Vox populi?! two feet the Schauspielhaus and the Volksbühne. As later black-and-white work,” Spoto says. conceptual artist, writer and perfect reminder that poetry memory was visible. Castorf has developed text into an Artaudian experience, a grotesque Der Klang der Demokratie, vocal ensemble Auditiv 17.03.19 · Festsaal Kreuzberg photographer has famously is in the everyday, and intrigue Brecht’s text into a Theatre of Cruelty work- laboratory for exposing ugly truths, is an admirable spent her career making a can be captured by anyone 30% increase for the Held at Radialsystem, the four-day festival focussed Vokal Dresden analyses the effects of contemporary BOX shop bent at determining unpleasant truths. and sometimes exhilarating one. Ultimately, it on all things vocal opens on a silent note this year. music on democratic developments. Choirs can learn rebekka bakken game of life itself, writing rules who is paying attention. — ART All the director’s trademarks are there, from doesn’t work, not least because of Castorf’s own 22.03.19 · Heimathafen neukölln for interactions and Under the banner of The Sound of Silence, Chorwerk how to navigate social media channels (Feb 24, 11:30), Sunday, February 10th, 2019 · 8 pm projected video streams to screaming actors theatrical hang-ups and the age of his lead actor. XL BOX then documenting Ruhr and the Marc Schmolling Ensemble showcase or how singing together can encourage integration KONZERTHAUS BERLIN · Great Hall the results, as with €545 and the excessive runtime. This approach raises Among Brecht’s many maxims, “the proof is in pieces spanning from early baroque to contemporary processes (Feb 24, 13:30). Of course, there’s the an- sophie hunger “Birthday Ceremony” a question: just because Castorf can bring his the pudding” probably best applies here. Cas- 22.03.19 · tempodrom Foto: Uwe Arens music and improv jazz (Feb 21, 20:00). As part of the nual participatory concert with the Ich-kann-nicht- 1/4 (1986), “The Blind” full arsenal of post-dramatic tricks to bear on torf’s production is a turgid mess, a blancmange €310 July-August double issue ongoing concert series Prinzip Hoffnung, composer singen-Chor (“I-can’t-sing choir”). Under the banner dave matthews (1986) and even “Is Brecht’s classic, does that mean he should? collapsing under its own weight, while Antigone Frank Schwemmer set Inger Christensen’s Alfabet to of Ohne Grenzen (Without borders), the Berlin-based band THE KNIGHTS It Better” (2012) The answer is no, at least not if you were hop- is light and bright: something like a meringue. 23.03.19 · tempodrom PAGE addressing Berlin’s music, a 1981 poem pondering the consequences Begegnungschor urges you to sing along to songs in ing for an effective and coherent production — Paul Sharratt demolished Palast JEN BLACK. Künstlerisches Handeln in Ausnahmezuständen © Mona Hatoum Berlin | Paris def image, Courtesy Galerie Max Hetzler, 2012 (Detail), Foto: of the hydrogen bomb’s invention (Feb 22, 20:00). various languages from German to Farsi – whether you nick waterhouse AVI AVITAL mandolin der Republik, where of Leben des Galilei. Following the debacle Another eclectic concert evening is dedicated to a hit the right note or not (Feb 24, 11:00). — MH Artistic Strategies in States of Emergency of his Baal at the Münchner Residenztheater, Die Antigone des Sophokles PREMIUM ART PRINTS 27.03.19 · columbia theater strangers’ thoughts cappella: soul and funk ensemble Slixs performs its HORIZONTAL and actions be- Castorf’s relationship with the Brecht estate Mar 11, 20:00, Mar 12-13, 11:00 | Galileo CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES new programme Playgrounds, including a cover of Chor@Berlin Feb 21-24 Bach, Beethoven, Adès and music from the Middle East, come the content might be described as strained at best, so it’s Galilei Feb 10, 16, 18:00, Feb 17, crystal fighters of her work. Calle 15.10. 2016 – 15.1. 2017 WWW.JENBLACK.WORK All prices excluding David Bowie’s “Heroes”; Berlin-based choir JazzVocals no surprise that his reworking of Galilei is billed Radialsystem V, Friedrichshain 28.03.19 · Astra Kulturhaus the Balkans and from Klezmer tradition iki, Mona Hatoum, Kapan 16:00 Berliner Ensemble, Mitte €571 Gefördert durch die FEBRUARY 2019 27 FEBRUARY 2019 19 NOVEMBER 2016 Funded by Akademie der Künste FEBRUARY 2019 @JENBLACKWORK Tickets 030 · 20 30 9 2101, Hanseatenweg 10 10557 Berlin, Germany 19% VAT DU_ExB_Feb_KH_230x76.indd 1 10.01.19 17:36 43-47 Art 154.indd 45 21/10/16 22:22 57,5 X 305mm 230 X 76 mm 115 X 152,5 mm BB 70 X 55 mm + 5 mm Bleed + 5 mm Bleed + 5 mm Bleed XL 70 X 115 mm


EXBERLINER MAGAZINE PRINT The Berlin Guide – perfect to present your local business to our community


Looking for something uniquely Berlin and need inspira- tion? The Berlin Guide is your key to discovering new local SMALL tips around the city’s vast array of RESTAURANTS, CAFÉS & CAFÉ IM LITERATURHAUS – Cafe Enjoy a coff ee in BARS SHOPS & SERVICES one of Berlin’s fi nest cafés, known for its courte- , . Updated monthly! All locations ous staff and pleasant atmosphere in the elegant PLACEMENT English-language friendly! and much-loved Literaturhaus villa. The perfect stop during a shopping trip on nearby Ku’damm. Fasanenstr. 23, Charlottenburg, Tel 030 8825 414 [email protected]

LA BUVETTE – Restaurant For a good glass of wine, a romantic or business SALON BORDEL! – Service A real insider’s tip among stylish Berliners! – dinner, a wine tasting or a birthday This homegrown Berlin brand was founded in Schöneberg back in 2007 party... come to La Buvette Weinbar. and just recently opened its second location in Mitte. Expect to fi nd A cosy French bistro where all wines SMALL PLACEMENT an international team of stylists, high quality standards and a great come directly from France and the food atmosphere. The salons use their own line of organic care products, BARETTINO – Cafe Barettino means “small HOPS & BARLEY – Bar Serving home-brewed CHEZ MICHEL – Restaurant Chez Michel is an is like mama’s cooking. Try the famous BASTARD – Restaurant From Bastard with love: bar” and in our case is a unique combination of pilsner and dark beer, this is the place to go to authentic bistro off ering French cuisine at ‘steak-frites’ with a glass of Bordeaux, whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, this res- produced free of silicones, parabens, mineral oils or microparticles. TEXT: 350 characters with spaces / 7 points everything which makes you happy between dawn get that proper brew-pub vibe in Friedrichshain. prices from €5 to €14. All dishes are cooked in or come on Sundays for ‘moules-frites’! taurant is not just for those who were born out Book an appointment online at and dusk. A huge breakfast choice & fi ne coff ee, Cider and wheat beers are also on tap. Part brewery, the open kitchen, including delicious quiches, Gleimstr. 41, Prenzlauer Berg, Tel 030 of wedlock. Choose from the changing seasonal lunch & dinner made fresh and with love, plenty of part bar, the interior is beautifully decorated with steak frites, duck confit and daily rotating menu created with love for fresh ingredients and Hohenstaufenst. 67, Schöneberg, Tel 030 2191 2480, closed Mon-Tue 8806 2870 delicacies, toasted paninis and homemade cakes, antique tiles. Wühlischstr. 22-23, Friedrichshain, specials. For dessert the French tarts or crème fi ne food. Our tip: try the homemade stone-oven Luisenstr. 40, Mitte, Tel 030 2809 1918, closed Mon-Tue PHOTO: Italian aperitivo and holy spirits. Join the Barettino Tel 030 2936 7534 brÛlée are very seductive… Adalbertstr. 83, bread! Reichenberger Str. 122, Kreuzberg, Tel 46,25 x 25 mm family! Reuterstr. 59, Neukölln, Tel 030 2556 3034 Kreuzberg, Tel 030 2084 5507 030 5482 1866, closed Tue-Wed €120 per issue for 3 issues CARAVAGGI NATURWEIN BISTRO – Cafe A welcoming, cosy ambience where you can enjoy a top-quality selection of Italian Natural wines, in €95 per issue for 6 issues the heart of Helmholtzkiez. Taste our delicatessen: cheese and salumi from independent producers, and typical pasta, KAFFEE INGWER – Cafe Kaff ee Ingwer is a 100% KREMANSKI – Cafe Kremanski offers tasty THE POUTINE KITCHEN – Restaurant Poutine, born NO HABLO ESPAÑOL – Restaurant The best BOUTIQUE CHÂTEAU CALISSANNE BERLIN meat and vegetable recipes. Come enjoy vegan and organic coff ee shop in Friedrichshain. breakfast, high-quality coff ee, lunch (Mon to in Québec in the 1950s, has become a favourite California-style Mexican street food joint in – Shop Discover our wines and olive oils di- Alongside locally roasted coff ee, you’ll fi nd home- our weekly live jazz nights, drinking Fri), homemade cakes and ice-cream, special across the world and now fi nally found a home Friedrichshain. Delicious freshly made burritos rectly from the wineries Château Calissanne made granola, porridge, hearty soups, croissants, Italian Natural wines and eating Italian beers, drinks, good music and cultural events. in Berlin. We’re off ering authentic, traditional and quesadillas served by a collection of fun-loving AOP Coteaux D’Alix en Provence and Clef – brownies and classic Berliner Stulle. There’s also a cuisine! Lettestr. 3, Prenzlauer Berg, The friendly and talented staff will make you poutine – with crispy fries, cheese curds and hot international people. Once a week, challenge the de St. Thomas AC Châteauneuf du Pape in gravy – and our squeaky cheese curds are proudly selection of freshly made cold pressed juices and Tel 030 2870 4411, closed Mon feel welcome, inspired and relaxed. The perfect NHE team to a game of rock-paper-scissors and Wilmersdorf. Fasanenstr. 33a, Wilmersdorf, smoothies. Off ers take-away and the packaging is hangout right at Kotti, all day long! Adalbertstr. produced in Brandenburg. Arminius Markthalle, win a half-price meal! Kopernikusstr. 22, Mon- closed Sun, Tel. 030 8870 8878 MEDIUM PLACEMENT 100% recyclable. Wühlischstr. 12, Friedrichshain 96, Kreuzberg, Arminiusstr. 2-4, Moabit, Sun from 12,

QUINOTO – Restaurant Just off Savigny- THE GERMAN SPY MUSEUM – Museum TEXT: 450 characters with spaces / 8 points platz, Quinoto off ers breakfast and lunch Get a unique insight into the gloom of with many vegan options.You will fi nd espionage! Visitors are welcome to try fresh juices and shakes, protein packed the newest multimedia-based technol- PHOTO: 46,25 x 54 mm bowls, eggs, pancakes, NY bagels, lunch ogy: Decipher a range of secret codes, menus and of course locally roasted negotiate the laser maze, see how secure organic coff ee. Proof that passion for your favourite password is and hack into organic based food, style, taste, regional your favourite websites! Travel through €165 per issue for 3 issues awareness and value can coexist. Take a time, starting with the Biblical Scouts, break or takeaway in a biodegradable box. journeying through the Cold War, to the Niebuhrstr 1, S3 Savignyplatz, Tue-Sat present and future. Leipziger Platz 9, €125 per issue for 6 issues 8-19, Sun 9-19 Mitte, Tel 030 39 8200 451 MEDIUM LARGE PLACEMENT MONSTER RONSON’S ICHIBAN GOURA PAKORA – Restaurant GOURA PLACEMENT KARAOKE – Nightlife The original - the PAKORA is a satvic-VEGAN and ayurvedic EVERYONE CAN DRIVE A CAR! – best! The world’s craziest karaoke club, inspired restaurant. Satvic-food means – Driving School You own a driver’s with 14 private karaoke cabins and a big food of virtue. It promotes clarity and license, but you are scared, hesitant or stage! MultiSEXual BOXhopping Mondays: peace of mind. We off er diff erent Dosas, don’t understand the German driving LARGE PLACEMENT Queer + Friends, Mix + Mingle! Every Stir-Fry Currys, Thali plates, Wraps, law. This training, specifi cally designed Tuesday: The House of Presents’ Drag fresh Pakora & Kofta, Smoothies, Salads, for drivers like you, will help! A highly SCHWARZES CAFÉ – Restaurant Since the 1970s, experienced driving instructor will help HUMBOLDT-INSTITUT – Language Total beginner Show! Doors at 9, pre-show at 10, main Schwarzes Café on Savignyplatz has been a cult Juices and Sweets. Almost all of our food or advanced learner: the Humboldt-Institut has TEXT: you approach driving without stress. 650 characters with spaces / 9 points show at 11! Wednesdays & Sundays: BOX favourite among artists, anarchists, foreigners and is gluten-free. We hope that we inspire the right German course for everyone. Small HAPPY HOUR! All cabins half-priced from Charlottenburgers. They’re open 24/7, have English you to get into the higher taste of Goura Unsure if this is for you? Book a trail classes with intensive tuition ensure swift and 7pm - midnight! Warschauer Str. 34 menus and serve organic meat. Try our favourite: Pakora. Krossener Str. 16, Friedrichshain session for only €25. www.jederkan- eff ective learning. Or simply choose a part-time PHOTO: Friedrichshain, the black tortellini with salmon fi lling and lobster Tel 030 98364440, Contact: Quiny Christa course during the evening or on Saturdays. 97,5 x 55,5 mm sauce, only €11.80! Kantstr. 148, Charlottenburg, Markwart, Tel 0151 7051 9530 Individual lessons also available. Invalidenstr. Tel 030 3138 038 19, Mitte, Tel 030 5551 3221 €300 per issue for 3 issues 38 EXBERLINER 179 FEBRUARY 2018 39 €250 per issue for 6 issues

EXBERLINER MEDIA KIT 2019 6 EXBERLINER EXBERLINER MAGAZINE PRINT Gig Listings – perfect for presenting your events to our international comunity

GIG LISTINGS Your guide to concerts & events this month and beyond.

Tu 05/02 // 8 pm Sa 16/03 // 8 pm MOTHER’S FINEST THE INSPECTOR CLUZO Berlin farewell concert Rockfarmers from France

Thu 21/03 // 8 pm Fr 15/03 // 8 pm LES HURLEMENTS D’LÉO THE BEAR. TRUE STORIES Chanson, Ska and Folk the Art of Storytelling

theAngelcy 02.02.19 Funkhaus Luluc Willy Nachdenklich 10.02.19 Privatclub 14.02.19 BKA Theater

Tom Allan & The Strangest 15.02.19 Monarch Max Frost 23.02.19 Privatclub Jan Van Weyde XL BOX 17.03.19 Frannz Club Lonnie Holley 24.04.19 Privatclub The Grand East & Coppersky €310 18.04.19 Maze

Built To Spill 15.05.19 Columbia Theater

70 (W) x 115 (H) mm Farid 15.05.19 Huxleys Neue Welt (no bleed) Herbert Pixner Projekt 04.06.19 Philharmonie Lucy Spraggan 26.04.19 Privatclub

Lambchop Benjamin F. Leftwich 26.04.19 Funkhaus 07.05.19 Privatclub


BIG BOX €218

70 (W) x 55 (H) mm * (no bleed) If you need help with your english- version of your ad, we’re happy to help you for a small fee.

2019_JAN_LSK_Anzeige_ExBerliner.indd 1 10.01.19 12:44





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Mobile: 300 x 100 px *Per calendar week Sponsored Content – Per request (Monday–Sunday), excluding 19% VAT



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Premium Listing with Images €35

Short teaser text with up to three images

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Newsletter Sponsorship Max. 100 words, image 300 x 450 px €375

Newsletter Banner 600 x 200 px €150

2 x 2 Ticket Giveaway Includes premium calendar listing €115 * Excluding 19 percent VAT


With our range of advertorials and customised ad formats, SUMMER IN BERLIN SUMMER IN BERLIN

SPONSORED Berlin would be perfect for that. We have museums from Pritz- developed with the help of our editorial and design ker-winning architects Jean Nouvel, Tange Associates, Philip Absolutely Johnson, Alan Ritchie Architects and Christian de Portzamparc. In Berlin you’re friends with Olafur Eliasson and are teams, we are committed to delivering high quality and just back from a meeting with Christian Boros. Have you prefabulous seen his famous collection? For sure, they invited me to visit their collection. I am fascinated by Christian and Karen Boros’ minds and their philosophy in life and art. It’s incred- credible content on all Exberliner channels. Berlin had the Plattenbau, the ible to think they live on top of a Nazi-era bunker, one of the GDR prefab concrete boxes. Now most controversial homes in Europe. billionaire entrepreneur Robbie Matilda by Studio Fuksas What else made an impression on you here? The Jewish Antonio is offering to bring 21st- Museum by Daniel Libeskind impresses me. The museum not only features fascinating design and style but also interprets tion workers. With Revolution, you can choose luxury homes century prefab to the city. Meet the the history of Germans and Jews. Like the Boros’ collec- designed by top architects that can be delivered anywhere in man who wants to revolutionise tion, it exhibits the social, political and cultural history of the world and built within 60 to 90 days. It’s a faster, efficient By trusting us with your content, you’re not only guaranteed Germany and Europe. Berlin is a design and architectural and a more EXB’Saffordable QUICKIE approach. It is a better way of building. real estate with posh, affordable wonderland. I love it. buildingsThe house by starchitects. also boasts a room by Marina Vanity Fair ran a story about your collec- Any downsides? No, because it is with the same structure You say your company is about revolution and disrup- and integrity as a brick and mortar home. The good thing high-standard English-language journalism, but the street by RenAbramovicé Blitzer – can you tell us more about it? tion of self-referential artwork, asking if It’s called chamber of stillness, which is supposed you were antion, egomaniac how so? We address – what real estatedo you pain pointssay by sup- is that it is modular so you can always extend and move it. plying collectible and transportable designer prefabricated UponROBBIE delivery, you canANTONIO move in after a week. erlinto pacifymust feel peoplequite provincial who – suffer a lethargic from and sparsely restlessness or to that? Peoplehomes, think pavilions, it is museums being and egomaniac other structures at a reason- able price. We simplify the process of owning a home. Prefabri- credibility that EXB has built over its 17 years of existence on populatedimpatience. city – to aIf man you like know Manila-born a little Robbie bit Anto about- me, you to have a “museum of me” but I just want to INSo SEVEN do you see prefab QUESTIONS as the future of housing? B nio, a jet-setting real-estate exec used to travelling fast cated structures are gaining more and more popularity and in- and thinkingmight global. expect When he that spends I morehave than never a day someused- it much. focus on myselfPrefab in usually order refers to improve to buildings because that are cheap and terest. Since our inception in December 2015, we have clinched where, he knows exactly who to meet: mostly celeb architects, I’m always ingeneric pursuit looking, of perfection but your market and is luxury,there unique First thingover $7.6 you billion do in projects in the around morning? the world and 35,000 units artists, and collectors, whom he refers to by their first names homes. How do you reconcile this apparent paradox? of homes, hotels and villas in 19 countries, including United the Berlin market. A competent editorial team will come to – like the YouBerliners have “Olafur” been (Eliasson) praised or “Christian” as one (Boros), of Asia’s is no room forWe mediocrity.want to democratise the luxury market. I believe thatCheck Arabmy Emirates, Blackberry Myanmar, aroundJapan, Ecuador, 4 am.Puerto Rico, Trini- with whom he shares a passion for collecting contemporary art. I have designer homes are not only for elite people. We unite over 80 dad, Guyana, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Indonesia and Bahrain. Stanford-educated,finest the contemporary son of the Philippines’ richestart also world-renowned architects, designers and artists who took the And we keep receiving a lot of inquiries from different places claims entrepreneurialbeen a passionate successes of hisart own collector with Revolution for years.Pre- I have Your father,challenge Century of building Properties and designing homes that are accessibleWhat qualitiessuch as South America,do you North value/loathe America, Africa and Europe. My you, assess your needs, pitch and deliver the formats, content crafted, theseen country’s lots first of artworksunicorn start-up and that I capturedtry to thecollect deep the best founder Joseto the E.B. mid-market. Antonio, is one of most ingoal other is to reach people? 25 countries Loyalty.this year; 85 countries I despise by 2020. pockets of venture capitalists with an ambitious pitch: a brave new worldmodern where the middleand contemporary classes will be housed art. in affordable Art has inspired your country’sWhen yourichest say “democratise”, men. How what doesdo you mean exactly?sloth andWhat mediocrity. about Europe, is it a difficult market to crack? We and layouts tailor-made for your target groups. designer homes,me. I andthink the museums it started prefabricated long ago by starchitects. with an Andy it feel to beWhat’s the sonthe price of rangesuch for a a residentialsuccess design?- We have have already closed deals in Cyprus and Spain and are working So far, Asia and Dubai have been his prime markets, but Antonio the Basics Residential Collection that features various cus- on projects in Portugal, Finland and Germany. Europe does wants to expandWarhol in Europe. camouflage During a stop-over print. in I June,always we caught go to art fairs, ful businessman?tomisable units, It is which both range a fromchance $10,000 and to $94,000. Your Our dietnot have of landchoice? as vast as Chicken.Asia and the Middle Toro East – most of the him in hisauctions, Ritz-Carlton artsuite galleries.between a unicorn I learn gathering very at quickly. the Now I a challenge. cheapestI have design always is the been residential an cribinde and- the most extravasashimi- cities and are Wagyubuilt up already beef. so I haveNo to carbs, go to the outskirts.just Europa-Center and a business dinner at Grill Royal... gant ones are, for example, Matilda by Studio Fuksas (above), am trying to learn more about the old masters. pendent personor the and$367,000 my Eden dad by Marcelhas always Wanders. pure protein.What kind of guidelines do you give those 80 architects What is a man like you doing in Germany’s capital? The been very supportive. I am grateful to have that work with you? Our architects are revolutionaries, people main reason I went to Berlin is to attend the NOAH Internet Why should someone opt for a prefab if they can afford who have worked for multi-billion dollar projects. With Revolu- Thanks to its seamless integration to EXB’s editorial Conference.Can I took you advantage name of the a chance few toof meet your businessmen favourite grown up in onean madeenvironment of solid bricks where and mortar? I am Building traditionalWhat dotion, youthey are bring free to design to whatevera desert comes island? to their mind. My and developerspieces? to expand There Revolution’s are quite reach around a few the including world, exposed to thehomes real can takeestate years, withindustry, weather contributing which to time Mycon- Blackberry,only rule is that power the structure bank should beand between wi-fi. 25 and 500sqm and see works of renowned architects, artists and designers. straints. Building in hard-to-reach locations also adds to higher and can be offered in an affordable manner. This challenges them, Damien Hirst’s Hymn, Francis Bacon’s is how my lovedelivery for costs the and sector accommodation flourished. expenses for I the construcSo- thatmaking I can designer get homes updates for a fraction from of cost my as they team. are used to content, our unique access to the international Any plansTriptychs to bring Pre-crafted and I also Revolution’s love Jeff know-how Koons’ Lobster . also took it as an inspiration to innovate, designing sky-high priced structures. One of my favourite creator to this city? We are keen on building micro-apartments and is Zaha Hadid, the first woman to receive the Pritzker. At $10,000 the 23-sqm student housingRecently units Ito boughtaddress the an need Anselm for small resiKiefer.- to be a pioneer and start my own company. Describe your worst nightmare. Being Residential Crib, is dential properties, but I also want to do hotels and low-rise Today I feel like a self-made entrepreneur stuck inWhy the involve middle celebrities of such the as Lennyocean Kravitz? or We collabo- community through our print and digital platforms as residential towers in Berlin. Revolution Precrafted’s rate with celebrities not only because they are famous, but also What would your dream purchase be? A disrupting the old industries. most affordable design.inside ainfluential. burning They havehouse. an eye for art and design. Lenny Kravitz is Why universityRubens homes? or El We Greco. see the need for student and uni- not just an actor and musician – he is also a brilliant designer. Over versity homes in Berlin, which are the hottest trend in the Ger- What’sthe worse years, I’ve –also dying worked with by big fireinterior designor brandswater? such well as our multimedia channels, your content will “Berlin is a design man real estate market right now. We are eyeing a project that You designed Manila’s Trump Tower as Versace, Missoni Home and Philippe Starck, or, more recently, will featureYou high-design collect and high-qualityportraits student of yourselfhouses and are by world- – and are close with one of the Presi- Fire. It’sArmani more Casa. painful – and your body talking to one of the biggest developers in Berlin for a collabora- can’t be recognised, leaving no mark on and architectural tion. I alsoclass want to artists erect our prefab such museums as Julian in the city. Schnabel and dent’s sons, Eric, as well as Paris Hilton Why did you ask Dutch celebrity architect Rem Kool- be promoted across the multi-layered English-speaking David Salle. What’s the idea behind this – whose Manila Beach Club you built. planet haasEarth. to design your $15 million Manila home? I met Rem wonderland. I love it.” Prefab museums in Berlin – can you elaborate? I would in New York seven or eight years ago. He is one of the most intel- love to build– selfies more museums of thefrom our21st century? product portfolio andYes, it was Who would you like to meet or work lectual architects I have met in my life. an idea that I took to an extreme. I love the with next? I have been in Brad Pitt’s house Write your epitaph This man revolution- community that calls this city home, as well as long 22 EXBERLINER 173 JULY / AUGUST 2018 23 portraits created by Damien Hirst, Takashi and we talked about design and architecture. ised people’s lives by giving all the Murakami and Zhang Yan. I would love to work with him. opportunity to own a home of their dreams. and short term visitors from abroad.

Founded in 2015, Antonio’s start-up in as little as six months to one year Revolution Precrafted specialises in and cost under $1 million. Fifty miles For advertorials, editorial ad formats as well as other modular prefabricated buildings devel- outside of Manila, the company is oped in collaboration with internation- currently building an entire town with ally renowned architects and design- 600 homes to be finished by 2020. All forms of bespoke communication, just talk to us ers. In a departure from traditional in all, they claim to be in the process prefab homes – cheap, mass-produced, of delivering 35,000 prefab homes and and you will receive an individual offer tailored to your often generic-looking housing – they hotels worldwide. In October 2017 the

The business offer high-end dwellings (starting at venture reached an estimated value of $10,000) that can be “delivered to your over one billion US dollars, making it needs by the EXB marketing team.

Revolution Precrafted: Precrafted: Revolution doorstep” in a matter of months. Also the Philippines’ first unicorn start-up. currently on the catalogue are four pre- To date, Revolution Precrafted has designed art museums that can be built made deals worth over $7.6 billion.

Revolution Museum of Visual Arts by Jean Nouvel



Format Size in mm* Price†∞

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Inside cover 230 x 305 €1952

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page vertical 76 x 305 €734

page horizontal 230 x 100 €734

¼ page vertical 57.5 x 305 €571 X 30 percent increase for the July-August double ¼ page horizontal 230 x 76 €571 issue on all formats, ex- cluding The Berlin Guide ¼ page box 115 x 152.5 €545 * + 5 mm bleed on all XL Box 70 x 115 (no bleed) €310 sides, minimum 300dpi †All prices excluding 19 Big Box 70 x 55 (no bleed) €218 percent VAT


Format Size Price*

Exberliner City Map Directory Image + 45-50 words €250

Exberliner City Map Small Graphic 95 x 90 mm (no bleed) €450

Exberliner City Map Large Graphic 95 x 183.5 mm (no bleed) €750

Exberliner City Map Back Page 95 x 183.5 mm (no bleed) €1200

Newsletter Sponsorship — €375

Newsletter Banner 600 x 200 px €150

Ticket Giveaway — €115

Online Calendar Listing — €35

Calendar Upgrade: Event of the Day — €65

Social Media Service — Starting at €65 MPU 300 x 250 px €180 / week Large Skyscraper 300 x 600 px €250 / week Leaderboard Nav. 970 x 90 / 728 x 90 / 300 x 100 €250 / week

* Sponsored Content – Per request All prices excluding 19 percent VAT


Issue Booking deadline Publication date

Issue 178 January 2019 14.12.18 29.12.18

Issue 179 February 2019 15.01.19 27.01.19

Issue 180 March 2019 15.02.19 27.02.19

Issue 181 April 2019 15.03.19 28.03.19

Issue 182 May 2019 15.04.19 29.04.19

Issue 183 June 2019 15.05.19 29.05.19

Issue 184 July-August 2019 14.06.19 27.06.19

Issue 185 September 2019 16.08.19 29.08.19

Issue 186 October 2019 13.09.19 29.09.19

Issue 187 November 2019 11.10.19 29.10.19

Issue 188 December 2019 08.11.19 29.11.19

Issue 189 January 2020 13.12.19 22.12.19



PRINT ADS ONLINE/NEWSLETTER BANNERS Accepted file format for print ads: File formats for online banners: .pdf, .tiff, .jpg .jpg, .gif, .png, .swf

Colour mode: Online banner sizes (w x h): CMYK (colour profile PSO Uncoated V3 Fogra 52) MPU 300 x 250 px Large Skyscraper 300 x 600 px Resolution: Leaderboard 970 x 90 px (desktop), 300 ppi 728 x 90 px (tablet), 300 x 100 px (mobile) Newsletter 600 x 200 px Exberliner Magazine page size: 230 mm x 305 mm + 5 mm bleed Maximum file size: 1MB Exberliner is printed in Berlin on uncoated, 100% premium recycled paper. NEWSLETTER SPONSOR File formats for image: TEXT ADS .jpg, .gif, .png File formats for text ads (The Berlin Guide, Exberliner City Map): Image format: .doc, .docx, .txt portrait: 300px (w) x 450px (h)

Maximum length: File formats for text: The Berlin Guide: see page 4 .doc, .docx .txt Exberliner City Map: see page 11 Maximum text length: 100 words



Iomauna Media GmbH Max-Beer-Str. 48, 10119 Berlin, Germany

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