MEDIA KIT 2019 [email protected] +49 30 2576 0874 Iomauna Media GmbH Max-Beer-Str. 48, 10119 Berlin, Germany www.exberliner.com EXBERLINER SHORT PROFILE Exberliner is the English-language magazine for culture, reportage and politics in Berlin and Brandenburg. We’re Germany’s largest publication in English and gather an evergrowing and very strong community of short- and longterm expats from all over the world around us. Moreover, we are the most read media by the growing number of international tourists. Founded in 2002 by three journalists from the UK, Romania and France, EXB is a self-financed, independent publication. Since its first issue came out in June 2002, EXB has grown to become a reference for the international community with a monthly print magazine, a popular website, biweekly newsletters as well as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels. We also organise regular events and parties, and even have our own film award. The EXB editorial staff believes in uncompromising first-hand journalism—we publish face-to-face interviews, on-the-ground reporting, informed cultural criticism and as well-researched service dossiers for Berlin’s international community. The result? Informative pieces with a unique ring to them. Fresh angles, insightful articles and interviews you haven’t already read elsewhere a thousand times. Whenever possible we prefer to support and publish the work of the many talented photographers and illustrators who call this city their home. EXB was named “one of the best expat magazines in Europe” by the British daily newspaper The Guardian. EXBERLINER MEDIA KIT 2019 2 EXBERLINER EXBERLINER TARGET GROUPS Berlin is the fastest growing city in Eu- Just like the international EXB team, its target mation about the art and culture program in rope with an influx of about 50,000 per group has grown up in times of globalization–– advance and on site, shops and restaurants year––with the around 3.6 million inhabitants it is young, cosmopolitan, mobile, multilingual, recommended by the editors, and service of- and a catchment area of about six millions educated above average, ready to travel, cos- fers via EXB. The online community around the new Berliners come from 193 nations. mopolitan and has an increased interest in the the EXB is 25-55 years young, 54 percent Currently 650,000 foreigners live in the participation of Berlin and Brandenburg. female and interested in destinations and capital, of which over 18 percent have no wellness, art and culture, mobility and travel, German passport. Their common language The tourism figures have more than doubled health and fitness, as well as international is mostly English, their joint city magazine in the last ten years—today Berlin is the third kindergartens, schools and universities. is the Exberliner. Above all, more and more most visited tourist destination in Europe. It also shares the needs of all new Berlin- young immigrants from all over Europe are Last year, around 13.5 million guests visited ers—the most common questions we are attracted to Berlin, who often work in the the city. With 1.7 million overnight stays, most asked, are about doctors, bank details, fitness numerous start-ups as well as international international visitors came from the UK in programs, language schools. Insurance and and European corporate headquarters of the 2018, followed by guests from the US and housing. We also run our own job and hous- rapidly growing digital economy. Spain. This target group also receives infor- ing exchange for our target groups. The numbers were collected by the Amt für Statistik Berlin-Bran- denburg, Visit Berlin, as well as surveys and online statistics of the Exberliner target groups. EXBERLINER MEDIA KIT 2019 3 B irke n D e werderstr. ß ße orf Breit a B Lindenstr tr. e örnicke Breite e Str. ra S Berlin Feldheim st Chaussee traß r Str. e Dorfstr. raß r e r S traß S llee Kanalstraß A e Elbes Thaerfelde felder er traße er St rge rster S ße Bernau er Hauptst echts Heinersdorf raß nbu Li e Marwitz traße B e Buchho Hobr Bör erlin e benw ker Chausse nicker C eestra e nic per hauss er Str. ohenschöpping Ze Oranie H ee Bergfelde alder Chauss tr. ee S Buchhorst lee rfs traße Al henschöppinger Straße r uss Nibelungen Ho Hohenschöpping S Berline ha Hohen Neuendorf S chön ch Str. Chaussee ö erline r tr. aße n B ker C tr. -S flie tr e S r chönflie li üller r S n sfelder Do rnic -M ßer S d st er ltener pe Str. Parkallee B ße e r e V erliner Straß Augu Mühlenbecker orste Z Chaus e t r hh aße obrecht sees Buc H Willmersdorfer S Chaussee Willmer urt-Tucholsky-S tr Land tra sdorfer Parkall e K aße Chaussee alle ße e ark Bergfeld e S P B c ee er Ho tstr. he h Lindow nauer C - ö B n N y n k e euendorfer er Hobrechtsfelde s hauss o l r ha o Chaus Haup w l h i . ussee n r c e Berli e S Börnicke St traße r r -Tu S Stolper ne S becker C e see t r r S t Kurt r Straß Mühle ne r Str. olpe . St Schönerl traße a nbec B -Straße ß ker ernau Ch e C ße orfer Weg r Straße Straß chwa hau er uend ße Mühlenbeck S sse aussee ra Stolpe lie älmann e e -Th Hohen Ne Bergfelde Schönf tr. Ernst i n S V straße der C ch eltener S ö eltener St tr. r rliner Str. no Bernauer V Chauss e Str. B Sch wer S ha see önerlinde e uss obrechtsfelder Dorfs t ee H ra traß r Landweg r S ße r S nicke ee traße ör Mühlenbecker Chaus B Bernaue Bötzow linder Straße Schönow ße Schöner er S Schönfließ Schönerlinder Stra tr. B ernauer Chaussee ee e Schönerlinde ß ck sdorfer Chaussee a Mühlenbe g r Berliner Allee Velt t Schönerlinder Dorfstr. erni s f Henni r ener o t Zep r Chauss M D Al arwitz ck S elde tra er er Str S ße e traße chtsf Zepernick lle ue re aße Dorfa Mönchmühle ussee Hob B r Cha iner A ah aussee Schönwa nhof Dorfaue Panketal e Glienicke Berl st aß Wansdorfer Ch raße her Str Birkholze Oran Buc lder St Elisenau S Schönerlind r Berliner St ee chönflie er Chau S ien ssee traße Be e Chausseernaue raße uss Pölnitzweg bur ß ß a Sc r h r t ö ger er Str C nerlinde er Cha S haussee r rf- C raß a Wiltbergstr. Ruppiner Straße Berna r Do ntanestr. h ße aussee orfe lienick cker e str. Fo G tr. Wansd traße u S nbe e chönflie S r ger S ker Chau Wansdorf Felds hle c tra eperni ß ß Z e Mü Zeltin er Str. Wiltbergstraß ss aussee ee str. B see r Dorf erliner Wansdorfe S tr aus . ße Pölnitzwe h tra er C - . t Zill er . p e r S r . e u t htsfelder Ch tr rtale s a S erg r Str B B ße H Buch Zepernick ner aße g Am Ste Rup er Straße e g Bernau piner Str Bahnh r ofst Hobrec n Hennigsdorf ra a aß ße eltin u e chönflie Z Glienicker Str e R S uch W B S Neubauernsiedlung r u chw iltbe Alt- S ppiner anebecke Cha t r. r -St rgs ussee . ht Zillertaler Straße C Ma nec traße r hauss ximiliankorso iebk tr. Schildow S arl-L S e K chwan ee C ebecker ß h a Glienicke/Nordbahn au r Birkholzaue sse t e s chönfließer f Frohnau r S . tr e o -S raße e t S s Burgfrau ch bknech us r D S r. -Lie e ig Hauptst Ha l ild ism up Kar z undkorso tstraße l ower Cha o enstra h k r nerlinder St Buche i S ö B Karower ße traße r Ch Eich Fro Sch aussee EXBERLINER A hna enh m uer Str. ain e Birkholz ß Rote Chaussee Schwanebeck ssee tra B Falkentaler e i rkh Steig tr. ß S Chaussee e a t olzer rfs r. r ands Falkentaler Steig t L S Do Ru B r er ower Chau irkholz Chaussee er e ppi ar u ow Allee K straße ner Ch Rote Chausse Berliner St a n Bötz e uer . lis da r ausse mm E r Da der St län ee pan e orfe e Rö A e raße S ß ch uss ermsd aß aße a Chauss h H tstr illess up er Stra Blankenfelde Ha Schönwalde-Dorf f e Blankenfelder Chausse tr her C estraß . ße Bucher Str uc tra B B e erli Hermsdorf Haupts Achil E e damm lisenauer St n P ankgra str. les- sdorfer Damm Bahnhofstraß tr. er fen us Hennigsdor ahnhofs straße rt erm e B Str. H Pankgrafenstraße Ac Chaussee- Hube Neu hillesstr. rnauer Straße Birkholzer str. Be raße B lan Karow Schwanebeck tr. Lübars kenfelder Chaussee ße B S er S uchholzer S tr. tra ld mm rfs Bah lkense mm n Fe Chaussee Ruppiner n e Fa Do hofst -Karow Heiligensee Krüger-Da - Alt el tr raße straß aße traße LankerStr. efeld Chau Zab m Hoh gsstr. Se e He Französisch A rifts r iligensee- sse Oraniendamm e Umgehun ermsdorfer Da T st e lder Chausse raße r. H naue tr. S Freienwa raße ise nseer Str. l t Schloßparksiedlung Buchholz E ke Dorfst see ts al Alt- F eiligen tr.
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