Environmental Radi in Denmark in 1981
Ut 5^ OOOOto L-469 \ \ i 1Bl Environmental Rad• Ii \%Y. in Denmark in 1981 A. Aarkrog, L. Bøtter-Jensen, H. Dahlgaard, Heinz Hansen, J. Lippert, SP. Nielsen, and Karen Nilsson Risø National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark June 1982 Risø-R-469 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY IN DENMARK IN 1981 A. Aarkrog, L. Bøtter-Jensen, H. Dahlgaard, Heinz Hansen, J. Lippert, S.P. Nielsen and Karen Nilsson Abstract. Strontium-90 was determined in samples from all over the country of precipitation, ground water, lake and stream wa ter, sea water, dried milk, grain, bread, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, total diet, and human bone. Furthermore, ^°Sr was deter mined in local samples of air, rain water, soil, grass, sea plants, fish and meat. Cesium-137 was determined in air, pre cipitation, sea water, sediments, milk, grain product:*, pota toes, vegetables, fruit, total diet, sea plants, fish, and meat. Estimates of the mean contents of radiostrontium and radiocesium in the human diet in Denmark during 1981 are given. Tritium was determined in precipitation, fresh water and sea water. Pluto nium and Americium were measured in sea water, sediments, sea plants and mussels. The y-background was measured regularly by TLD, ionization chamber and on site y-spectroscopy at locations around Risø, at ten of the State experimental farms along the coasts of the Great Belt and around Gylling Næs. The marine en vironments at Barsebåck and Ringhals were monitored for ^Tcs and corrosion products (58Co, 60Co, 65Zn, 54Mn). Finally the report includes routine surveys of environmental samples from the Risø area. UDC 614.73(489) June 1982 Risø National Laboratory ISBN 87-550-0855-0 ISSN 0106-2840 ISSN 0106-407X Risø Repro 1982 - 3 - CONTENTS Page ABBREVIATIONS AND UNITS 6 1.
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