J.L. Herrera-Giraldo, C.E. Figuerola-Hernández, N.D. Holmes, K. Swinnerton, E.N. Bermúdez-Carambot, J.F. González-Maya and D.A. Gómez-Hoyos Herrera-Giraldo, J.L.; C.E. Figuerola-Hernández, N.D. Holmes, K. Swinnerton, E.N. Bermúdez-Carambot, J.F. González-Maya and D.A. Gómez-Hoyos. Survival analysis of two endemic lizard species before, during and after a rat eradication attempt on Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico Survival analysis of two endemic lizard species before, during and after a rat eradication attempt on Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico J.L. Herrera-Giraldo1, C.E. Figuerola-Hernández1, N.D. Holmes1, K. Swinnerton1,2, E.N. Bermúdez-Carambot3, J.F. González-Maya4 and D.A. Gómez-Hoyos4 1Island Conservation, 2100 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA. <
[email protected]>. 2Current affi liation: The Island Endemics Foundation, P.O. Box 1908, Boquerón, Puerto Rico 00622. 3US Fish and Wildlife Service -Vieques National Wildlife Refuge, Vieques, Puerto Rico. 4ProCAT International/The Sierra to Sea Institute, Las Alturas, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Abstract Rodent eradications are a key island restoration activity to counteract extinction and endangerment to native species. Despite the widespread use of brodifacoum as a rodenticide for island restoration, there has been little examination of its potential negative eff ects on native reptiles. Here we examined the survival of two endemic insular lizard populations before, during and after a brodifacoum-based rodent eradication using a mark-recapture study. We found no evidence of an eff ect from baiting in Anolis desechensis and evidence of a change in recapture rates after baiting for Ameiva desechensis.