Llf Lli) $L-Rsijii.II(Ill WJIITIW&. If(Fl" -!31F Lhli Wref-1Iiq RI) (Awmw
Llf llI) $l-rsIjii.II(ill WJIITIW&. If(fl" - !31f LhLI WrEf-1iIQ RI) (aWMW LtJJIflWiIJUIJ1JXI1IJ NiIV[Efl?#iUflhl GUIDE AND DIRECTORY FOR TRADING WITH GERMANY ECONOMIC COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION -SPECIAL MISSION TO GERMANY FRANKFURT, JUNE 1950 Distributed by Office of Small Business, Economic Cooperation Administration, Wasbington 25, D.C. FOREWORD This guide is published under the auspices of the Small Bus iness Program of the'Economic Cooperation Administration. It is intended to assistAmerican business firms, particularlysmaller manufacturingand exporting enterprises,who wish to trade or expandtheirpresent tradingrelationswith Western Germany. This guide containsa summary of economic information reg ardingWestern Germany,togetherwith data concerningGerman trade practicesand regulations,particularlythose relatingto the import of goods from the United States financed withECA funds. At the end of the manual are appendicesshowing names and add resses of agencies in Western Germany concerned rodh foreign trade and tables of principalGerman exports and imports. The ECA Special Mission to Germany has endeavored to present useful, accurate,and reliableinformationin this manual. Nothing contained herein, however, should be construed to supersede or modify existing legislationor regulationsgoverning ECA procurement or trade with Western Germany. Sources of information contained herein, such as lists of Western German trade organizations,are believed to be complete, but the Mission assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for the reliabilityof any agencies named. ADDENDUM The following information has been received -during the printing of this manual: 1. American businessmen interested in trading with Germany may consult the newly formed German-American Trade Promotion Company (Ge sellschaftzurFdrderungdesdeutsch-amerikanischen Handels), located at Schillerstrasse I, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
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