In this Appendix there will be an attempt to examine the architectural projects of selected high officials who were Mahmud 's contem• poraries. These will be Zaganos Pasha, , , Gedik Ahmed Pasha, Hass Murad Pasha and Karamani Meh• med Pasha. All ofthese men became Grand Vezirs with the exception of Hass Murad Pasha, who died at a young age as Beylerbeyi of Rumeli. Four of them, Zaganos Pasha, Rum Mehmed Pasha, Gedik Ahmed Pasha and Hass Murad Pasha, were converts, while ishak Pasha and Karamani Mehmed Pasha were not.

Zaganos Pasha I Zaganos Pasha's main architectural project was in Bahkesir, in Anato• lia, where he spent time after his two exiles, upon Murad II's return to the throne in 1446 and upon his fall from grace in the reign of Mehmed II, probably in 1456.2 If we combine this information with the fact that Zaganos Pasha appears to have died in Bahkesir in AH 865 (1460-1461), where he was also buried, we may reach the conclu• sion that he must have had his hass in that town. In Bahkesir Zaganos Pasha built a complex, which included a mosque, a soup kitchen and public baths.' as well as the founder's tomb, which bears the date AH 865 (1460-1461).4 The posthumous endowment deed for this complex is dated AH 866 (1461-1462). 5 He also constructed several buildings in Rumeli. An important contribution of Zaganos Pasha to Ottoman military architecture was his building of a part of Rumeli

I For information on Zaganos Pasha see Chapter I. 2 Berki, "islamda Vakif", 27-28. Babinger, , 116. 3 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 57-60. Ayverdi, Fatih Devri Mimarisi, 73. Asikpasazade, Die altosmanische Chronik, 197. 4 Berki, "islamda Vakif", 28 n.lO. Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 60. Ayverdi, Fatih Devri Mimarisi, 73. 5 Berki, "islamda VakIf', 25-27.

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Hisar, namely one of its three great towers , the Gulkule, in AH 856 (1452).6 Also, according to his endowment deed, he built a mosque in Plovdiv? and public baths in Sofia." There is finally mention of a Zaganos Pasha (SubG.Jl) Mosque in Edirne, but we do not know whether it was built by Mehmed II's Grand Vezir or by someone else. Ayverdi says that it was built by a nam esake of his, who was SUbGJl of Edirne, as it is not mentioned in the posthumous endowment deed of AH 866. 9 ishak Pasha There is mention of two separate officials bearing this name during this period: ishak Pasha bin Ibrahim (Amasyah ishak Pasha) and Ishak Pasha bin Abdullah.!" It seems, however, that the building project of the former was very important, while there is no particular mention of any buildings constructed by the latter. The main building project of ishak Pasha bin ibrahim was created in the town of Inegol, near Bursa. The complex at Inegol contained a mosque, a school, a soup kitchen, an inn , stables, as well as ishak Pasha's tomb. The mosque was similar to the Mahmud Pasha mosque in , with a five• dome porch and a two-dome prayer-hall. According to the endowment of AH 891 (1487), it mu st have been built before AH 87 3 (1 468• 1469). 11 The school was built, according to its inscription, in AH 887

6 Berki, "islamda VaIaP', 28. Goodwin, Ottoman Architecture, 103-106. 7 Berki, "Islarnda VaIaP', 27. Ayverdi, Osmanlz Mimarisinde Fatih Deon, 273. 8 Berki, "islamda VakIP', 26-27. Ayverdi, OsmanlzMimarisinde Fatih Dam, 857. 9 Ayverdi , OsmanlzMimarisinde Fatih Devri, 223. Ayverd i, Fatih Detm Mimarisi, 68. Berki, "Islamda VaIaP', 25-27. It should be remembered that around the early 1460's there is mention of another Zaganos Pasha in the sources. See C hapter 3. Maybe the brid ge built by a certain Zaganos Pasha in Trebizond (Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Dam, 866. Ayverdi , Fatih DevriMimarisi, 83. Berki, "islamda VaIaP', 27) should be credited to this person and not to the Grand Vez ir, who died at around the time of the Ottoman conquest of that city (1461),in 1460 or 1461 (Berki, "islamda VaIaP', 27). 10 For information on ishak Pasha or, more precisely, the Ishak of the period see Chapter I. For the idea that there existed two different ishak Pashas see Inalcik, Fatih Detm, 83-84 n.67. II Ayverdi , Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deori, 294-298. Vehbi T am er, "Fatih Devri Ricalinden ishak Pasa'nm Vakfiyeleri ve Valaflan", Vaktjlar Dergisi 4 (1958): 115. Kafescioglu, "T he Ottom an Ca pital", 196-197. Goodwin , Ottoman Architecture, 116• 117, gives AH 88 7 (1482).a s the year of th.e building of the mosque. Kuran, The Mosque, 130-131. Ali Saim Ulgen, "Inegol'de Ishak Pasa Mimari Manzumesi", Vakiflar Dergisi 4 (1958): 192a-192c, gives AH 88 1 (1476) as the date of the building. Asikpasa• zade, Die altosmanische Chronik, 197.

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(1482).12 In the tomb by the mosque are buried ishak Pasha, who, according to the inscription , died in AH 892 (1487), and his wife Tacu'n-Nisa H atun.P i shak Pasha also constructed othe r buildings in . In Ankara he built the T ahta Kale baths, which, according to the inscription, are dat ed to AH 866 (1462).14 These funded, in part, a dervish lodge (zavrye) in Kutah ya.l > In Bursa he created the Gelincik or H allac1ar Bazaar. 16Ishak Pasha also constru ct• ed a few buildings in Istanbul: a small single-domed mosque, a Koran school and two public baths, one next to the mosqu e and another in Rumeli Hisar.l? He also built public baths and a fountain (seJme) in Edirne. l" baths in Canakkale.!? and the bridge Kadm Most over the Stru ma in Kyustendil (in present day Bulgari a).20 ishak Pasha bin ibrahim ended his days in 1487 , while he was serving as Vali of Thessa1oniki. During his sojourn in that city, he built a mosqu e and an imaret (Alaca Imaret), the endowment ofwhi ch dates from AH 892 (1487), the yea r of ishak Pasha's death.v' This complex was partially suppo rted from the incom e of public baths and an inn in the town of Siderokapsa in the peninsula of Chalkidiki.s?

RumMehmed Pasha Rum Mehmed Pasha, Mahmud Pasha's rival in the cour t, built his great complex in Uskudar, a subur b of the capital on the shores of

12 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deuri, 298-302 . Goodwin , Ottoman Architec• ture, 117. Ulgen, "inegol", 192c-192d. 13 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deuri, 303-304. Ulgen, "lnegol", 192c. 14 Ayverdi, Osmanlt Mimarisinde Fatih Deuri, 48-49 . Ayverdi, Fatih Deuri Mimarisi, 72. Tamer , "Ishak Pasa", 112-113, 117. 15 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deuri, 8 13. T amer, "ishak Pasa", 112-113. 16 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deuri, 130. T amer, "ishak Pasa", 116. 17 Asikpasa zade, Die altosmanische Chronik, 197. Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deuri, 425-426, 601. Ayverdi, Fatih Deori Mimarisi, 34. Tamer, "ishak Pa§a", 113. Kafescioglu, "T he Ottoman Capital", 197. The 1546 docum ent inform s us that the income of those baths in that year was 1,800 akce annually. Barkan and Ayverd i, istanbul Vakiflan, 5. 18 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deori, 233. T amer, "ishak Pasa", III , 113. 19 Ayverdi, Fatih Deuri Mimarisi, 74. According to Ayverdi, Osmanli MimarisindeFatih Deuri, 171, it is not known whether this hamam was built by ishak bin ib rahim or ishak bin Abdullah. In any case, it is not mentioned in ishak bin ibrahim 's oaksf. 20 Ayverdi, Osmanlt Mimarisinde Fatih Deuri, 806-807. 2\ Tamer , "ishak Pasa", 119. M. Kiel, "Notes on the History of some T urkish Monuments in T hessaloniki and their Founde rs", Balkan Studies II (1970): 135-140. Asikpasazade, Die altosmanische Chronik, 197. 22 Tamer , "ishak Pasa", 119. Kiel, "T urkish Monuments in ", 139.

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Asia. This complex included a mosque, a schoo l, pu blic ba ths, a soup kitchen, an inn , as well as the founder's mausoleum. According to its inscription, the mosque was built in AH 876 (1471- 1472),23 and presented many Byzan tinizing elements.t! T he mausoleum was an octagonal building situated behind the mosqu e.P The entire complex received water through the Rum Me hmed Pasha Aqu educt in Dogan• cllar. 26 Also in Uskuda r, Rum Mehmed Pasha built a bazaar, which consisted of fifty shops.f? He also built public baths in the Unkapam area in Istanbul.i" although his palace was not in the proximity of his main foundat ion , but within the walls of the capital.s? Rum Me hmed Pasha's mosque in -oskiida r was in part suppo rted by the public baths that he had built in Edirne.t" as well as by houses and shops in Istanbul and the income from a village in the area of Dime• toka.f T hree more buildings by Rum Mehmed Pasha are also known in Anatolia. There is a mosque in the town of Tire in western Anatolia, the date of which is the same as the date of the mosque in -0skudar, AH 876. 32There is also another mosque in the large village ofBade• miye,33and a bedestan in Manisa.t!

Cedik Ahmed Pasha Gedik Ahmed Pasha's main architectural complex was built in Afyon Karahisar. This complex consisted of a mosque, a school, a Koran school for small boys (mekteb) and pu blic baths. Like the mosque of

23 Asikpasazade , Die altosmanische Chronik, 198. Ayverdi, Osmanli M imarisinde Fatih Deuri, 482-489. Ayverdi, Fatih DeoriMimarisi, 28. Kuran, TheMosque, 96-97. Goodwin, Ottoman Architecture, 114-115. Kafescioglu, "T he Ottoman Capital", 184- 189. Kafes• cioglu (184) says that the date on the inscription was AH 875. This complex is also mentioned in the 1546 document and its income is partially described: the public baths , a piece of land, some houses and seven shops yielded the annu al amo unt of 6,710 akce, See Barkan and Ayverdi, istanbul Vakiflan; 180. 24 Kafescioglu, "The O ttoman Capital", 185-188. 25 Ayverdi, OsmanliMimarisinde Fatih Detm, 489-490. Ayverdi, Fatih DevriMimarisi, 45. Goodwin, OttomanArchitecture, 115. Kafescioglu, "T he O ttoman Capital", 188• 189. 26 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 6 16. 27 Ibid., 554-555. 28 Ibid., 606. 29 Kafescioglu, "T he Ottoman Capital", 189. 30 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Deori, 234. 3 1 Baltaci, Osmanli Medreseleri, 342. 32 Ayverdi, Osmanlt Mimarisinde Fatih Deori, 858-860 . 33 Ibid., 56. 34 Ibid., 819-820.

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Mahmud Pasha in Istanbul, this mosque has a five-dome porch and two large domes over the main prayer-hall. It lacks a founding inscrip• tion , but it mu st have been built around AH 877 (1472), when Gedik Ahmed Pasha was Beylerbeyi of Anatolia.P The school and the mekteb were situated next to the mosque.t" The public baths, which had sections for both men and women, were also situated near the mos• que.V In Istanbul there was an oth er hamam built by Gedik Ahmed Pasha and it probably provided the income for the mosque complex of Myon Karahisar. According to a dating in the Miinseat of Tacizade, it mu st have been built in AH 879 (1474- 1475).38 An imp ortant work by Gedik Ahmed Pasha was the building of the tomb of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi in Konya, which must have been constructed imm e• diately after the Ottom an conquest of Karaman in 1468.39 Gedik Ahm ed Pasha was also credited with constructing a bedestan in Kutahya. This bedestan was rather small and was more like a marketplace; it included twenty shops.i'' Finally, there is mention of public baths built by Ge dik Ahmed Pasha in the village of Seyhli, near Afyon Kara• hisar.t!

HassMurad Pasha H ass Murad Pasha created his endowme nt in the middle of Sevval AH 877 (middle of March 1473), a few months before his death in battle in Anatolia. This vakifconce rned a building complex in the area of Aksaray in Istanbul, which consisted of a mosque, a school, a soup kitchen, and public baths. The mosque, like those of Mahmud Pasha, Rum Mehmed Pasha and Gedik Ahmed Pasha, had a five• dome porch and its main prayer-hall had two domes. According to its inscription, it was buil t in AH 876 (1471-1472).42 The inscription

35 Ibid., 1-16. Goodwin, Ottoman Architecture, 138-1 39. Ku ran, The Mosque, 144• 146. Asrkpasazad e, Die altosmanischeChronik, 198. Reindl , Manner um Bayezid, 128. 36 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 16-18. Especially on the medrese, see Baltaci, Osmanli Medreseleri, 209-2 10. 37 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 20-22. Ayverdi, Fatih DevriMimarisi, 33. Goodwin, Ottoman Architecture, 138. 38 T acizade, Miinseat, 59. Ayverdi, Osmanlt MimarisindeFatihDevri, 599-60 I. Ayverdi, Fatih DevriMimarisi, 386ff. Kafescioglu, "The Ottom an Capital", 200 . 39 Ayverdi, Osmanlt Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 804. Reindl , Mannerum Bayezid, 128. 40 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 813-815. 41 Ibid., 858 . Ayverdi, Fatih Devri Mimarisi, 82. 42 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde FatihDevri, 466-472.Kafescioglu, "T he O ttoman Ca pital", 190- 196. Goodwin, Ottoman Architecture, 114 gives AH 870/1466 as the date

Theoharis Stavrides - 9789004492332 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 09:44:29AM via free access 416 APPENDIX III ofthe school dates its completion to AH 882 (1477-1478) and indicates that it was completed by Hass Murad Pasha's brother Mesih Pasha.f The public baths were also built in the vicinity of the mosque and had sections for both men and women, but were demolished in the twentieth century.t! There was also mention of an inn that was built by Hass Murad Pasha in Istanbul, but it does not exist anymore.f The 1546 document described the income and expenses ofthe Pasha's endowment. The income came from the public baths, 54 shops, 13 rooms, two bozahanes, one serhane, an inn, a piece of land (zemin) , as well as four villages, including the village ofMaroniye, in the district of Gumulcine, by far the greatest single source of revenue, bringing 49,633 akce annually. The total annual income of the endowment amounted to 183,403 akce. The expenses went to the school, the mosque, the soup kitchen, and the salaries ofvarious officials, amount• ing to a total of 156,710 akce per year. The net profit of the endow• ment was 26,693 akce annually, that is, seven times less than the net profit of the pious foundation of Mahmud Pasha.f

Karamani Mehmed Pasha Karamani Mehmed Pasha built his mosque complex in the area of Kumkapi in Istanbul. This complex included a large and a small mosque, large public baths accommodating both men and women, as well as its founder's tomb. The mosque was constructed in AH 880 (1475-1476) and, according to Asikpasazade, it was built with the money of his second wife Sitti Sah, daughter of the ex-Bey of Alaiyye Kihc Arslan."? The public baths were situated opposite the mosque.t'' Karamani Mehmed Pasha's palace was situated to the north ofthe mosque's building. Kuran, TheMosque, 94-95, gives AH 874/1469 as the date of building. 43 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 474. Kafescioglu, "T he Ottoman Capital", 191. Mesih Pasha was also buried in his brother's mosque, in 1501 (Reindl, Manner um Bcyezid, 291). 44 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 474. Kafescioglu, "The Ottoman Capital", 196. 45 Ayverdi , Fatih Devri Mimarisi, 36. Kafescioglu, "The Ottoman Capital", 191. 46 Barkan and Ayverdi, istanbul Vakiflan, 307-308 . 47 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 476-477. Asikpasazade, Diealtosmanische Chronik, 199. de Groot, "Mehmed Pasha, Karamani", E/2 6,996. Kafescioglu, "T he Ottoman Capital", 198. 48 Ayverdi, Osmanli Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 476-478. Ayverdi, Fatih Devri Mimarisi, 34. Kafescioglu , "T he Ottoman Capital", 199.

Theoharis Stavrides - 9789004492332 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 09:44:29AM via free access THE AR CHITECTURAL PROJECTS OF THE GRANDEES 417 of the old palace of Mehmed II, and had its own mescidr " The 1546 document gives the income of various buildings contributing to the maintenance of the Grand Vezir's mosques. By far the most important item amo ng them were the public baths, with a yearly income of 40,000 akce, while various shops, rooms and houses raised the total annual income to 60,530 ak<;e .50 Karam ani Mehmed Pasha's tomb gives us the date of his death: Friday 5th of Rebiu 'l-Evvel AH 886 (148 1) - a day after the death of Mehmed II.51 Karamani Mehmed Pasha also arranged for the provision of water for his building com• plex.52

49 Kafescioglu, "T he Ottoman Capital", 199. 50 Barkan and Ayverdi, istanbul Vakiflan, 137. 51 Ayverdi, Osmanlz Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 478-480. F. ismail Ayanoglu, "Fatih Devri Mczar Ta~lan ve Kitabeleri", VakiflarDergisi 4 (1958): 194-195. 52 Ayverdi, Osmanlz Mimarisinde Fatih Devri, 616.

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