Case 1:17-Cv-02958-GBD Document 5 Filed 04/25/17 Page 1 of 34
Case 1:17-cv-02958-GBD Document 5 Filed 04/25/17 Page 1 of 34 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------------------------------------------------)( ANDREA TANTAROS, Plaintiff, -- against- Docket No. ------ FO)( NEWS NETWORK, LLC, ROGER AILES, WILLIAM SHINE, IRENA BRIGANTI, PETER COMPLAINT A. SNYDER, DISRUPTOR, INC., and JOHN DOES 1-50. JURY DEMAND Defendants. ---------------------------------------------------------------)( Plaintiff ANDREA T ANTAROS ("Plaintiff or "Ms. Tantaros"), by her attorneys, Judd Burstein, P.C., complaining of the Defendants herein, alleges as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. The criminal conduct described in this Complaint is both highly complex and extremely high-tech - utilizing digital tools and computer/telephony 'hacking', allied media, social media and surreptitious surveillance as replacements for and enhancements to traditional work-place retaliation, extortion, physical threats, and professional/career assassination. Interestingly, this type of professional digital character-assassination (well-known in the political and movie/entertainment industries) is portrayed in a recent episode of the highly popular Showtime Network series, "Homeland." In this episode - entitled "Sock-Puppets" - the techniques described in this Complaint were used to destroy the reputation and public support of a new President-elect. 1 See http://www 17 /03/19/homeland-introduces-right- wing-fake-news-accounts Case 1:17-cv-02958-GBD Document 5 Filed 04/25/17 Page 2 of 34 2. For the uninitiated, such criminal activity will seem both bizarre and shocking. But, as shown by the many exhibits annexed to this Complaint, these activities have been long underway at Defendant Fox News, LLC ("Fox News"), and have continued unabated since the departure of Defendant Roger Ailes ("Ailes") from the network.
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