Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic States, State Of
Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic States State of the Art Report Background for Coastal Planning and Management in the Baltic Sea Region, as part of the second HELCOM-HABITAT meeting Edited by Dr. Alan Pickaver EUCC – The Coastal Union December 2001August, 2002 1 HELCOM State-of-the-Art Report Acknowledgements Acknowledgements The following contributors to the text of the report are all gratefully thanked: Guy Monod de Froideville, Ramon van Barneveld, Nina Sprink, Josefien Wormgoor, Francisca Duyvestein, Marian Eeltink, Natalia Terekhina and Linda Bridge. HELCOM Habitat participants who had the responsibility for peer reviewing the final document are also appreciatively recognised. These were Ole Norden Andersen, Malene Wiinblad (DK), Kadri Möller (EE), Penina Blankett, Lauri Nordberg (FI), Dieter Boedeker, Heidrun Schütze, Beate Jansson (DE), Mr Vitalijus Auglys (LT), Ilona Jepsena & Inga Belasova (LV), Monika Stankiewicz, Ewa Wlodarczyk (PL), Alexander B. Tzetlin, Vadim Mokievsky, Anton Schoukine (RU) and Anna Helena Lindahl (SW) and their staff. Comments are also acknowledged from the VASAB representative Magdalena Jezierska. The PROCOAST co-ordinator, Matthias Hamman is also acknowledged for putting the results of his project at our disposal. Coastal information on these, and other countries, can be found on and Finally, the Helsinki Commission is thanked for providing the necessary funding for the completion of the work. © EUCC – The Coastal Union 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY_______________________________________________________________ 9 INTRODUCTION _________________________________________________________ 10 DENMARK ______________________________________________________________ 11 1. The coastal zone_____________________________________________________ 11 1.1 Description of the coastal zone ________________________________________ 11 1.2 Definition of the coastal zone _________________________________________ 11 1.3 Setback lines policy_________________________________________________ 12 2.
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