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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-19-1896 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-19-1896 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-19-1896." (1896).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. itmn VOLUME 7. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY DECEMBER 19, 1890. NUMBER 4 Uh nf a city. The way to proceed now la i mi? fie trail tietween KlUabethtown and the EARTHQUAKE SHOCK to It through newspaper advertlilng, maki appllratloti for the permit to the Montezuma camp, ou lied rher.heen are Die one wlio will do the hulk nf the holl-'ii- y county clerk, who will Issue the eame up Countered a huge wildcat. HI only EIIAL HANGINGS ! business. While we are on thl soli LOSS OF VOICE on the presentation of a receipt from the weapon waa a revolver, ;tvcalilr with j et or county treasurer for the amount of the advertising It may l said that Aftor England Stirred Up by g but one load lu It. With hardly a thought Acuto Bronchitis Violent ll)ior llceune.-Op- tle. lurClTlKN visits regularly almost ev. Contention Demands Amendment of the Interesting time a wounded wild He Appears Before Committee CUflED BT USI50 cry home lu Albuquerque and Legal Execntion cat a vicinity and Two Lynch Eartbqadke. XV might have with old kid, Wt. Illilil, to the Constitution, on .inn I read regularly by a great inujorllv 1 young ( arrlugtou took deliberate aim. unban Affairs. he following Associated Pre, illipatch of the people of New Mexico ami Arizona. iogs in the Sonth. Jt Lyff fired, and ucceetel In killing the iiiim- - I O Pectoral win ou iai iiigin: Vcrehant of Albuquerque who hale WahltlBtntl. Dec. 15. J. W Hehnl1..M Miner. President-Ele- ct McKlnley gisl adapted to Visits the I the holiday trade cannot of Albuquerque, N. M ha Urn appoint Warlike Attitude of the Senate Masked Robbers Hold up a Train In A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. City of ed hy III' KllH. Hint better mean of calling the Kansas Woman Chicago. the comptroller of the currency re Causes Decline Id Stocks, tlflil Tennessee. attention Shoots Her Husband I 01 i nf of cener me uiuu ."National bank at the people the two territories to the In "Three in t.ths ig 1 tin.k a vin. 110111 Aniiosl Metln r llif the Back. IT, I Old. l'in(rfllinm fact than through the lent rnhl w ., ', , I C adiertMng ro iii an attack I liiurli, Mil ' ., I Cuban Leaders confirm the newt TuiL'itikfv us i m r of in ute I.'. -- I Enllitlrtf Men it Dallas, Ouray by a The animal meeting of the Congrega- inn hi mis pn'r. rates are very .' llll If Miners Killed the ol North German LluyJ Sleamvblp t Save the puhllc a few iIiijm igo, ami which Company Ii'"b t Ho , d Texas, for eteii-luga- reilsonal'le i. '. ai a' tint Inturtreot Arm;. tional church was held ttediicilay t hauehtcr of the Governor low ,...... i wa vigorously ilenlel. Thl paper knew Ca(c. will riot AMnJon of j lllopci t I which Galveston. Ii M ,l i. ' i r. resirt were read from MJ-n- It wa on the right track, ami also knew all with ColoraJo 1 ' ' I departments of It work. The church Sf llnnlliiK Allr) 'iii I' '. . .1 ,,.t t ai h. mm me antiotiuceiuent won hi be olll . i ' ha shown a Iheiiew howling alley mi north o i ' 1 . i CAUfOimM CAHDIDATX FOR CABIRIT. daily mnile hefore the eml of thin week healthy growth ami actum First ii. " .y (.lurry KANSAS MAR AtKESTXD TOR KCRDZB HIT AS GOING TO CHICAGO, -- 1 Charle Newlmll, clerk for all along the Hue. It showed a balance irect, which Mug constructed by Ja- .Vr.SehoMeld ou the right side DtAtH or rur.icii wniie llie latter wa receiver of the Alhu lu current expenses, cob KorlsT i n,, the work being under twin wniux. qerque and ha more than cut Its Interest hear Undnn, Dee. IT. Vet earthquake, the .National hank, staled thin morn the srtnial sti.erilon nf Fnsl. Her- liig that he expect Cincinnati, Dec. IS. The neclal order lug debt iu two till last Il.f.rc Washington, Dm. (Uney further iiewn from -, man, will he I most violent ever experienced In tdlt Mr. of the American Kiilcratloti of Labor wa mail) week the church hop.- to celebrate was hefnre the eliate iMIIItllltlis' on ready nr the Isiwler nil Pl'r Marllsroin.'h. hi n.-.- e is ' Scholleld today or ami for country, ha the followllig li by Ashe, of llo Its deliverance from this debt. elgu relation-- , Christum- - ele, when Is- - , lames IhiIil-.-- I shaken cr shore from that he thought Mr. Schollehl would as-su- today it considerable tltrkels will .s,th, cnoi... wa. toll llie following otllcer Were elected to llllie. All - thl- - morning, lie wa- - IMirtinm to Siirrc and from London to j charge of hit new duties at Denier the excelil ..n,itnr given as prizes. The alley will he the brought late iat delegate of the ensuing year nr.-e- I. I or "Unit we. the the Anierl serie lira ami Daniel weie iit. -- lllk'hl ruin illiuior... where he tool ii tln Welsh coast Tln dl- inhlc a week. Mr. .Newhall would the regulation i.e, sixty eight fu-- t lung subterranean Clerk. F. A. Ilurliugauie; tfca-ute- r. and "iiili.e-- l -- not Htute ly Can Ft deration of Lalmr, In colllelilloll meeting was held fo the less tmrtNi-.- inc.. in. arn-- l. Hefore hi- - de fi..mi whether he would K. e.. three turhance was noticed iilHiut Mr. C. HiNlgin, auilltor. Hiram llad-lei- ; of ili-i-sii- fwt six inches wide, and ll ilrt Join Mr Sclioileld In Denier or not, hut aielllbled, ilelliaud such amendment to colitlliollig the nf tl,.. im.1i utllt, partute Imm Hiltimnre he was nunicr-e- d I deacons. K. - l Hapii-- thin morning, and lasted i nun four to It I almost lite constitution of the lilted State ami Hopping, for three ei oil tin- lil'.lll Oil. .111111 to he tecum iii all details, arrlii-- l hi a t mini-le- i. certain that he will eoou K. A. lit-- , constitutions of the soicral states there .snider, for two lliellilnl hi e V Margaret (rowii. II U thirty second, At many olut two dis- take Up there. jear: lear. llie cnlllllllttee. f ret.ll frnin the east ItiM'eption rinns for 'ti'lltlLf Wlllllllll lilt Mrs. C. m. I I I ( of, a will deprhe the court of the pow Miller, iru'tes, u Mliey till- - present fur .mi'. I H". Willi her until Heal M...I tinct ahocka were experienced. nu iti.i.n congratulate Mr. Scho the iliri,. of Idles me being lltttsl up III gissl order, iiiu.r The most I'lllsburi mnl A. M. Wo.nI., n,,,.,. - - Held upon hi good fortune In securing er to et alile the law duly euactiil by fr og aduce ami placing helnre tin- Isitoiigh, wa- .oiitid dead iii her risnii Jnli wvcre aliocka were tit I.itl-bur- year; superintendent of eh'- -l, and Mr. Umber state that the hiisiin.,s Her felt I'lii'lti'ii. iiiioiuer nil jon. uie legally ciiiwen representatives ol in Sundai millet liifoiiii.tlioii n, I,.. I,,,, throat wa- - cut and there were ILK. Fuji; . will be ilr-- ; I hellion-eriiii- tnl Dean Forest. The earthshak-lu- g sople, aa we believe their prolaT ftllic assistant nsei lliti'liili'lit. II. llie meeting was trli tli nrtlati-- ll - carritst on in l class stit,. eildel another e sn. Ini M. LltllgOW. po-ioi- i - wa. accompanied hy a loud rushing i IIM u lions to to expound ami ailmlniMer Uiiderlisst that the adile K. Motfel lias hetUl selected as maliagel wa- directed toward a -- r n.iv ihk III. I.iuIIin' Aid ln- -t ttie law, hut not to make It. 'llie Nicleti at their Was lig.llli-- plei'llHtllle acll'iui. Ho- - laut nf th.. family, wholm.'. I n .lin- SOUttd. Ilullilillg -- l .Hid he Will lltl the rules an, I r. . Were Ihllclllly link. II, regular Illi-s-- t I tl Lr elected ttie follow ..I -- n-., it r - Die dNcti'v.lon was participatisl lu b it.. eiilllllllltee. HL-- d to tep HI the ho itiiproM-- iiilimii-e- inwards the Illf liluMlilr nf III I'll.. lFiarllu-li- t nt; illation- - o furniture shifted, ihsir thrown open iiiii-- l oi I lie 1 u I r m llcer: Mrs. F. II. Allen, iin-lde- Mr.. irolern the place in a few gill Cililcs-t- sl and Mt-r- uie iieieguie. alllernll Iltlv'lllllllt It Nllllh the muriler. hut t Mini I In I nailers, re.i!to!t. nml lays. mill I lllelit of hllgelie . Deb laUir t'arei, nee president; Mrs. Miller, s.c.e. InllllWs denied the picture other ornament upet. lie I and other utter crime, alleging that nn lie tna-un'- r; . regular monthly meeting of the ami c iiiiniitt-.- ito-silw-- M-t- leader, lirosecuteil ou accnlllit of strike lari executlie d - proper relalimi had is Inhabitant were paiiic-trick"i- i l by the seimte and hnilsi- of PUASANI I'hTiMiYlbltlANS. between tie in and scleral company of the Albuquerque Income Mi- -. uld, Mr. Mrs. I ami the tax decision were refernsl Mmie ami finer. repn-clitatl- li". I mid he Mill. (he girl hecail-- e she per (rum their 'I ill the nitisl M.iti-- nf hnu.c. iiic ofiarimiu were ueni UIKMl. ami to hilt. rl). lie fidloilliig nlllcer hale i el i 1 si-t- Iii breaking otf - Vllierii'll, III n I . I toil tin. their relation- by ufMiii'M ol litHl -- t s o Succojs of Theshia'k were followed a trenmr uie uanniciloll routine Mime or the iwakeri coiiilemuisl he wrve the next six molilli. Hi t'o. Ill nranJ the himr an' Supper nf the republic of C(ha he -- uen" uie new oiiicera were -t Knile.iinr A. eieieC i ( of the earth. Tln greatest pre- ioiiomiiik Courts selerely, but llio- ol them held hflstlaii smieli. F. Mat -- Last in tiv ii i iiiiii. n. ' alarm llel the llllie Is hereby ackliowlelgi-- hvcnlng. ! I ! eleeleil to for the t'lmil nu ear the, Ml- - C. It. hi 1' 'n wrie that the constitution of the states weie president. Iljde, mv (he I I hou-- is, vailed every where, chimney Ui- tilled ul America. he oH'ra e was lllh-- ,m - wercoicr N'ott Moore -i collllMilll. So. I II clas- - president; Miss Main l night tl i .ii.. r tw i against the lalsirlng more than Twin, secretari, ".sect lull I I UallKlller n( Die I. MX Moil lit lulu, . tlit:- thrown nml S. - hat the llll. it .states y thtise M,.t, t window, etc. smashed. At Knight, foreman, W. .. Macheth. Ilrxt were, alil-hiiii- r Drury, who met to bin and laticy lit- - t a nt mm hiss -- uie courts laioieil hunt. assistant ecretat holild e It- - Irielnlly nlhce-- . Illf M -- II 1,1 ller I In, I. .. I., -- with (he, T-- ? eom points on the county roads aHi.nini loreiuiin; h. Miinix, Mr F . Malthes, correstHiuiliug irticle-- , whether made m re .!! ' 1 i iernu fcoml all state conitltiitloii a It wa dilhcnit ret. g nf .xpalli Clo-- e be- here m .latuiii, Des lollie- -, Dec, I r. .'.!!. 'lell lit tn the War Iowa, Miss Mar) j loreUi.ui, . K. F. -- r ..-- ' ware iii4iiani .lamet MacDuiiald, to amend the so c Mitlthes. treasurer. eat a - it Ir- f thrown down mid u number of peo- Instrument a iinpli Ur, tween I t" line Upper and tn see the .lapa- Lord Drake, IAn'Ti ; . palli and uha." daughter nf ihe giiiertior nf ' cieiar l A. lliiiNou, treaurer( " I ple with the changes of time. lle-- e rr fi - I'.i i i , thrown out of their bed. Hereford IIiimc No. I,. I III N llie Ciilliiulttee clllltlgisl the Wedding. illld (nsirge Miirdeiatit. id (enter iw coiuiuu It. Strati. A resolution extending llll IIM It Mi res.ititon , ; aid mnl i ille. were -- Ii. I" Mi-- a in. i t, cathedral wax lujureil. I 11 foreman; In make It more I llie wedding s ecretly marriisl at Denier on here win Mull t'harlet llutler, llrt to Colorado was "as emphatic. he link place at nVlock, .1 atlou the miner adonted the of (ictols'i !..Mti. : - I't : i foreman ; aMHNtant 1.1 All llll l title was changed to read. MoUit lteoti-Init- l Jsth dot Drake, who ''.irg, V.i. ninthllng U'lie.itli the earth's surface. Charlin yiiler, Mcind I lie committee ou re-- n tit tin lialllslilt lll. ii. Ilr and us many of the audience a I 'i. nimrtisl . npHi-i- s (lie match, wa- - N ImiihI I.. .ii.-at- VeklliiAlislgtug the Didepelideln I kept m lgti.. Whlrh wk.1 t loreimin; n.r. Moiiliort.HecrelarY: H. II the resolution of Mr. elsmall. of Ihr were followed hy two tou crashes . siller sealisl lu the leilcntiy. While the he Kurlck-on- trea-ure- r. Kit. Karr waa I'lD S 'uha." the wont- - "n public oi" being mice until went in Denier ten .,n. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral llut llrisikmi, without recommendation ex 'IIII desires HL'alli to call t e re- ami u terrihle lifting mid rucking. hopii -t the Tho-- e taking ago tn n- -l alnl U-- ll his daughter, ler ment tor tlrnt foreniHii cept to state that when the .ilti'lilloli of the m'uim lit llilji) Ml1 t GOLD preliotl three lltT'l tn hi- Mi-- MEDAt, AT TltK WOULD S FAIR. The panic nt Hereford wa mi Harry I'. .lohinxiu wax defeated hy the llrmleu Instead of declariliL' that (he I nlted pi't III the wisldllig held the bring her and - niece. (rent filler iititionai of the moiniuieul matter It will attention I -- conventions federation I I for ecotiil C states Use s friendly ollice-- . arH.nter. home with ti III. he at that one woman died from fright, triple assistant forellian. while hat. Voted for free lller, It was nu econoinli' he remembered that, early iu Nolelllln r. ill Uie spectators from the heglnuiug tn AYERS LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILUs". Joe the wa- - minte tai'hilll'llt helWls'll Ihs InllllL- - I'nlllil.. I. rtwhed wildly Into WhlthiK and Ortega were defeattil hy inestloii and since it had become a nolll. ii bein llt play was given to start a futnl to read that the Hie end. .Now the streets. Chimneys I -- and then a tipple of laugh said tn hale -- Montfort for eecretary leal question the committee for this worthy purHe.o. Alsiut 7nwa lilted Mates "will" it., o. existed luce I'hlldllis.t. (ell crashing luto the thoroughfare. All that (Mliey. ,,, ter p,ls-,- s the lllldlelice, a- - II comiiaiiT No. 3 Cha. Schelke, resolution be rcalled for the fund and tin amount, to It Is clainiisl hi members of oler the ah the tabled without dehat t tirn-tratl-on i nn mi:n i, lOltdHt, 1'ASMN. the pinnacle of Si. Nicholas church top. ioreuiau;.ionu l.eluutoti, Urnt aiUtiut or ait) motions. gether wltu ii priiate subscription of fV cominiitee who faioris'l the action, did of the ,lapalie-- e before iii f'ireiuaii;ii-orir- e not any new pint over, mnl a part of the plnuucle of Kraler. Herond hah1mhi the Welsunm resolution nrovldeil for is now on hand. haie information, uiuei each other lery riilicuhuis pi . mir - 'loremanji. u itotfer-- wcreUry, I,. I) Plan haie Is-e- drawn and iilniiltiii uruisl that no action he taken al prc-eii- i. tn lr.,..ri..l,.r. Illll,k-- anil The kjnta U- Hallway Unearths a the cathedral fell. 1 uierecommeuiiaiiouoi the for western ideas. lt.irtlt.ff .....lupul n.. II assis-tatloi- i and piiliit-- out .. ... t trululirnrii. "'...Mi n KiiiriBI M""lJ HIIIP free silver adopted at the nrccedluif tin to the ladle of the I'urk of a that there is no real lllr slo.t I.) a Hull. Scheme lu Kot wan pre-- , It was how Itll-ell- ai wrerpooi uie eaninuaiie h .d umt refreehineiita were panned ami la-c- nf tn recngnlr.e. remarkable well the differ- lllle, Dec. . nai tlomil idestal granite a heaiiillul K., s. half mite A . couieiitiou. forgery hi itit-au- di"l by 1,,,-- ., greeiueiit tn report ent Characters -- -- of which heaiy thumler and a fearful around. Delegate Mahone nioie-- not to concur design to ciHt nisnii ti;,o i,ii,. the Cameron iliade up." ll eetued ii outh of here, halloing to u cislar tree, reat-his- l I hall-torn- Hook ( wa . ftee Iran. i. In Loudon the earthiiuiike Keruuou ami Ladder company lu the ami made a speech, cm seen at tills ollice. immisllately after long time hefore the bride gronm. are the of Dink mnl rch I'ris-tnr- isolation ha. cured our ' reirt bitter ami s I Olliel left, Without llll expn--s- a we-te- ln ouly '"reman; I'. J. Murphy, even Delegate hi luilier now lirotsiM to ntieii tl. Isintl or Ml , Ill Uie futility lull Is the dead It of number uf Ihe rail waa nlMitlv felt. At tl... i,ri,iVH Z K,,.,"',.r' attacking .louir. who was Kellogg and Dr Uger. aps-arisl- . Is. n IK) inference iii I'ris-tnr- nri axsiHiuui loreuiilli; n I . )lu, aec irisliliug. iVIegate mined to 'olumus for the lauietltof thisgissl can- -' opinion, fhe only diifer Will a half brother tn Dink. ll.Sullivan i certain patties, a. yi. unknown, ha norm, near hlirewnlmry. orevloii-- t to the on.i r.,r..n.u. viml.,, lice was us tn the re'snllillon hut that - according the Japanese ciis-tnii- i. noi.imii ri,ri, concur In the reiNirt and lionet tin lid publishes tsdow the tiresetit stains nt time the l J ii chick thl uioriiimr a moh l.i.i- - -- .1. tint he . ( been In the ..f tlie disturbance, the utreetM uddeiil) Ht ennil aid, "cretari; II. lialiitley. treasurer, controversy would not again disturb the the fund ami will from dar to day, pule diollld rcpnrti-l- alllernll lllolis! Iii for th" bride mnl groom's parents tens) iliiwu the front disir "f the jail ami ohcia. coiite-itei- tt-- li Monday santa Fe The name n.'-- to bt'on lire and there vmii a iioleni ri.e "''f'1 l with lieutry for Kiliieiillou. Delegates Welsiuauof llrnok the liaiiie of the contributors. feirt next. suggested " Ullectloli with the lllterill.Hllnin, forced the Jailer to gli.i up the keistn l in the forgery -- ,1. the foremauxhlp. and on the tlrnt hal r Let It ! that the hoiild not be put in the cell. was of V. accompanied d a or the lyn and Kemiehau of Denier had a is-- not IihI sight of that, on thai reHn until eon liiei iill the liir.ur. It Ihe oldest li.ii.ttlll iwiiir that Naugle. general man- almkliiK earlh. t I I t anil was not till lot the vote; on the eecoml tiallot memorable night nier uie ununiiys. lie aineroli motion curse.1 the in. iii, was an 1 ager th,- - soual controversy ou the llmir over the ict. Id. John lira en - -- simi ,,.(id lu his nf People abroail in that Urlnltv the by tie- third cette that the bride ami groom soiiora railway, a branch of ni iieiury Mailed under the wire with Hying tissl at in the uiiiUt of a lien (ireiailed ,t lurge majnrlty. cell. Ihe other tw. i were taken nut ami stiver question. hlist -- the Minta Fe. t- a vlhrii-tlona- . aw and all reqii.-- for pai-- were unable to walk, owiiik to the COKIM. A 'uruitce, ami bv the sacrlllce of his own each other at all, ami then only a Intllgisl. motion to tah e the Welmau si ler -- I Will si I'miiii l.4lPSllll Were made ter tils -- tgtiature. resolution reNirtalld action thereon Was life siieil the city from what tiiu- -l haie ' glain-- hi the garden they passed i'liris' weekt ago rcli I'ris'tor, agtsl . Dec. Is- .- in till-- IMllAN hCIIOOI.. wa defeated; yeas, '.CI I; I,.ti7. "II terrible result. The UloilllUienl de iallet.ii, lex., hat the! Willi in. stalihed armi ami Doc Craftnii to It appear thai certain parlies sccnrisl l I mils. -- their attendant, hut tli made the M'KI.NLkl IIK l.l North iiertliaii Lloyd Ii'iim-hlp A tiled iiihii) will further Imnroie ami coii,.ain teath at ilairtlll" week IlL'll III.. a supply of I larueii, oi i oiorauo. tiieii otlered a suli ! .iiota railway biter hen li. iml ahaiidoii ii. . r t ha- - i tlln of thai glance, estieclalli the bride. I'ns-lur- llrxiliillini-- , I'a-.r- .l ii'itlfy the public park, and ever llll this h.el alt fur killniL- - liv CunniirrrUI t'luliul tltute resolution re atllrnilinr the .ictinn simet exaiiiluati.iu mnl then prui hd iu free trans- - Tba rmldtnit-Klrr- l III V 'I'lltelitli n a Xai'Ui D llrm ilii ..trml .Vllniill. I I Hllll. of the national of ls',i:i. lv.n nnilkol creillt to the Pontile of h'l peiipli. eler gale last. llliL'erlllir lisik after the Craftnii. and uk and Hill were reiiet , liur, lire. i, I'ouieutlnii iie-ier- n l)u In id-- e w i ttlli-- gr.-c- - irtatioti Iroiii mads wheiieit-- lilt; Ion ii U l...r...ib il 1... .1... I I...I.... mid IS'.i.'i. endorsing the frn- - and u nil in lUeiotie In thus .hoivlliB their aim icla lin uie ieHiri oi ui uiniraWal n ii- - he pas-.- 'i mil nf sight. Itcq'lllliil Ihell dial fnr MIIiiil' i,s- Chlcaxo, Dec. 17 Hon .lnhii roin N.w 'ik. Ih's wa- - c.iiihim.-.-t i wa- - -- for they -- o desire , i, -- Major McM:.le .ir of loii'itiiemul All Iteil coinage of siller at the ratio of if. of Hradeu's noble act. tter a gr-- ai i.f raii'ti et tnilit. Ill" moh i..r the ignatiiie uf Mr. the eioiinf tie- - deal tea drinking and 1. ! Id llioriillig hi lolliiw cahle ti niioitierisl ah .nt I Naugle wan 111 to iiitrihtitlotis can tm at thl ollice - hundred and dt lie ir From two ot Uie reque.t., n nv nini iu v,iut7a(o wilrt inuriiiUK alio .iew nnini, inai uie Koteriliueui 'In- deep I'OUMIIItt-- e. III nil word- of spoken nf - or Hunk water prale thehrlde, quietly IIHI I l John Mcllrlde ami Dele- at the of Commerce. IWtnr ha- - n III po f hrt-y- , met "orih of the city tilled to I i i.. tn i,i Mai.,uer at the deuit. "I will remain until I'lirl-ttm- "Ilr lilt ll, Is . wa- - con-umi- u es.inn gate Mahone, I. lout and I to led in the Iht is the glad is tlile. l et ite. lo... o ri llllie tie mania.' itnl. Hied ihne tune. f..t murder I! it utmoHt capucil) mnl that more than ice iitlit-stnl- l -- Hi- Nan-gle'- rut of I ll Is luiind Hi, l i. ,,i r the tin week, liptaiu," culd the two debate for the substitute. our hearts warm wi'h that hroad char alllligs next hen cam the reception and the march, rg.ii hnii'lriii applicwtiit have lieen re -- t Imll-da- y 1 l wa- - -- when pre--i- to Hpml the vSelsiuall be- winch t lirlst sa d Whs the "greatest I d hy Mi ll.llilrlt-.- llll. I, mil. Igiiallile l.rv klll.nlly ,,ne, majo', fiiMil admUiou ciuce ugutof the.iire opNed the resolution I lliiltlt.-- , llogan, as she alone could ll.r - '1 rln , ha-- . I hcTe. "I In- Chrlnt-m- a of Its expression fur sn,.r. ntnl lliese. Lawr Iiec. Is. I..,.! iiu.1,1 tl te.j . .,r II. Martin, want ti hoiimfor entjeariind recognirlng the fact that .nie n. -- Ill Winch the -- nf 'll''"' e.. Nashlllle, iee. .irilllllL'h llll pe leal. lure the ynlll.g! I f j O'lK'iinell UlO.I ti tit I. t.n r Ml...... -- h) education nloiie can our great ami other iH'cause they want Who - lain! Hi to geiit-ra- l dinner with mother." Indian TO DIXEAK THH RECORD. lai to the lutiin r lb., w.'- -' iii lies Um Ian- - the l.itlle--l l.e is! no more s,iy. liaiii wtt'i tr a. a hack gn uml the I,..,' . ;.i i,t, t I kill-.- population lie converted political Issue referred to in - ife an In. After daylight (he It id cheer- luto ilitelllgeill 'Mind mi Uo- .Niii'.h ru w... milt )arlllla-le- r ul tti" oiin lalniuy at Sn train -t brettl-winiier- railwai was vi. i men -- la clUr.en ami hone- llie federation. l T inosi ellecill". Ill" i,i,. trit.l lu cum nil IllCl.te and slupjs-i- .1 i.'ii.H-- .a- -t iilk'ht in r'ayelt.-iinty- , gait- -, ed at every elation. In the hIiixU Ileh'gate Lelilion offensl li Tbe Santa Fe Hallway Will Soon a -- er - Vri.., a. ihe ith.r - lot M.n. train mo- -t llhtituti fry Ur -- fler cere- - 'iineiing wound mi tier h it viiierea. He tieartily and eui 1..' . mi i. - f I .Mil iniiii' inii. .r.i.tralhuis the '.i. hei..hi'twn lil'.i-- Mr-- . -- d -- a -- ni..- - c at Chicago the ninjor re phaticaly einlorM' the action of tin nreii"U cln-ei- l. t Il'eriuin i ll" did not ii, .inlin'iur. timed the the nreeiit niaiiaue tbe Fastest Hun. .lu-ki- -l II d niilwt, lie II. wlio ..-e- llie Ii ..III nu 11 lllnlll elelithllig liallug taken I li- -r of la- convention nil silver and deiiiing thai lie liii hand and had tin I egrets for III' III.- - ' of huudreiU mid he ment the iiiHtltullun, and llruily - If iintliing happen iiridge -- i 'lll'"lerv o a panl dollie the federation endorse nr to Interfere with llie expie afe was broken place wltlmul a break and all haling what she had done. Wlsl'll iieieiuai wiiu uie coruini nupport ami si I got through a letter to Mr. Frey con- through the Htatlon entrance hun- einlon-- e the plans of lieneral Suncrintemlftil lllto. he rnhlrs leri little. -t written rerul encouragement of all concerned Suerlu-teudell- t will any t"ditical party. rerfnrilied their nirls lliif- excellently Itrlu-r.- l. the Issuance uf -- there-qiiestt- sl dred cheering and aliottling people mill- M. Varnell Mtiilge, Fe -- I'fli.lou cerning nine of S. Mcl'owali will make It fec- arreoted Lenuou's sulMtitute the Santa railway will on rut Iii lilt- - I'm, mum characters, attendants and other-- . llt-- h'Ul-- e ii. Isdl.-vi.- l ed und to none lu h as an amemlmeut. Is. Ihe by It is after him. the entire country In one day In the near future make a trial olUUlhus. II., Die. Is ei who Ihe following U a list of thine who lisik ami After many Hpeeclie, the Darnell sit iy I i" in .'i iteimjr Ktiiisl uie mil ur the rt the iuilueiice for gil, therefore, (nr the record of the world's fullnl lor ii hall ii million dollar- - real part that scheme has hceu wotktsl lor sev- tie it ver siiostltuto a amended hy fastest rail with the part taken. lief of Mr. Flora A. Darling, nf Lmn-- ('lirilliU'i Cftmllilatr, l.euuou wa- - Mnt-iici- 1 i eral trans-sirtatlo- u road run. say Tote-k- a Die in the ti t In r i month., ami that much free Keeolvcd, That we congratulate In- was carrbsl; yea. I'.a'i; mils. ;rj. the Journal. Hill u Tilts Hride, Miss Kellogg; ana. It then tisik up other private pen St. IUle, Dec. 17. A Hpeclal to the the lor IS liiiiliin- - III -- ha- - I - lor IsitrnWIUg tnnliel a loll claim Is't ii in to dian luHneHH-IIk- e aduiliit-tratlo- u he Ashe resolution was defeated: .ake Shore road, which at present hold- grisiin, Dr. Alger, Ml-- . hill. iiitsi (Uobe-Deiiiocr- olllceou it Will Whli'll In ls I )r t bride's parents, from Washington hi requet-ts- . hh). of euiphall-call- y yea nays II. the Isigus Indian atlalr. and .; he world's record of the fastest run. may mortgage when It wa- - tint. A stay Ma ' Mr. I, heard; groom's par- Horace DavU In the candidate of the It policy of enlarg- iioiniicr wa uuauimotiy re e eected Ilrwl. Mr. Frey has i,.n,M a ludor' quickly tow take notice that ti new granted .Imiumy . Mrs. 11 circular letter to of comis'lltoi until ents. F .Sutton, Mr. Keiuinerer; Allgil-t- republican cougre-loua- l delega- ing the prtent hchool facllltlea eo aa to president the federation of laUir. Pari. Dec Is. Paul e Arelie 1 all concerned gii mg full information of or it laurels iu the Held. intcruicdlarleM. Mlsa Mr. I tion for a place In McKinleyV accommodate all Indian youth of proper ilt ll llln lli.rr Ktell. Duffy; French lilerateitr, dead, agist M. cabinet. Arir.ird (,.r MiinUr, Is by the discovery of the scheme. age. This plan no means new with .N liam .1 titide's attendant, Mine Hay; Thi declHlon a nf Llucnln, Dec. attendants, wa reachinl at caueux we, aa repre- Indepeiiilence, Has.. Dec. is. Shart i. viii in iiKsr.; lliolied, That a Uxly leneral Superintendent Mudge. For llryau will leave here lu a day ur twu fur M- Slile Doltsnii. Ml Mesa I tine, Mas-le- r the delegation. DavN Ii the prenideiit of lingers ami a relative of the same name l- llaai.llll Kiel Hull, senting the entire city of Albuquerque past, New l Chicago, reaching there Monday. nine time since the utk Kirk llryan, Master John McAntlre. titlt-iiii- i biiiI I trs-a- I the uuheielty of California. Ill friend and the surrounding interested have been arrested for the murder of tncnntiiUa At the meeting uf leiuple lodge No. Ii, Lake Shore con- II. ViMicuui, at I. T last week. and road have been ( tiinlit Mlssca llogmi, McCowan. lllrt Maria ll.ilori.ii last evening, the fulhiwiug nllltvr- - deelre to have htm hectetary of the In- urge upon the Indian lilt ( (train Matkrl, were few Voctiiu ls- - the of Hotiivro, ig otlice the manifest desirability of largely dais wfore the murder testing right to the world's record ol Chicago, Dec. IS. Ti'.' rtirner. Ittsith. Maxwell. I.eland, Hay. Ihe funeral Miss Murla electtsl to serie the year- terior. s Wheat. Dec, ,c; gaii on A. K. wur-lnpf- ul ina-te- Increasing the appropriation for their loreciostire a inort fast runs, Mr. Mudge has been quietly Jan. 7ii'C. Corn. Dec. .'JHc;.Ian. ,..' Mills, Annie Meiiaul, llucklei, which is'curreii mis morning, was one ol Walker, r. worthy Albuquerque tiiMlllutiou gage on some slock he had sold to linger the largest and most liuprefsileeler seen L. II. I hamhertui. -- warden. KlilUllliK llrrrillta I nUwrul for the thinking of a piece of track, extending (at. Dei'.. Id', ci Jan., I7'c; Mai. Thanks are due to tines, who eiiior INcal year ls'.ei. to the end that It capac- linger had sworn that Yocum would assisted III Albuquerque, ihe procession Was list C. F. Meyer, junior warden, Dalian, Tenia, Dec. 17. Hearing from La Junta, Colo., to Dodge Kan., "'"('' by that ity may he. doubled and its sphere of use- never get the stock. city, - . in this undertaking, and especially to Mi. the old town baud. Followluir were A J. Miiloy, tiea-ure- r. the local Cuban organization contem- fulness not restrained; and wondering it a train cntild be -- em Sliver ml Walsh, who planned um) the buy of M, Mary schisil uml next to C. W . Mislter. secretary. and Miners Klllril. latl. managed all, plated the Hon. Ii. New York, Dec. ii.V Uielll llie ynllllg ladles of St. lucent s Installation Will be 'held u Dec. US, e)ulplug men for Cuba, Marehal lletaihed. That T. Catron, Hying acriM thla distance at a greater is. Silver, Lea and who was so ably a-l--ted by Mrs. Ieiiver. Dec. IS. A sis-cla- l to the academy, ami then followed when the our delegate to congress, be requested to la-e-n r'J.7:.. apH.iutlie oihc- t- will ls lltttsl. Informed the oDIcith of the club i rate of than ha a yet ac- llryau. Ire call frequent!) at the Indian office in our Times from itiray, Colo., say: (iabriel Utiles of the Nslillty encleti, who that mch was u violation of I ( complished by any of O.ilin; Ii l.t'iirulM. -- action law behalf; that he use the utmost diligence kiish, .iniiii Antra, lias. Mwatison. lias the eastern road. Ihe Wedding Will again gilell to. were (insinuate nf the decttasnl The New MfXitan say- - K W. Dob- - ThcieuMin Anderson ami bmls Jackson were in (if hi Judge N. C. I oilier, who was at santa l' After theae of the otllcera l.msl an open in prtqierly presenting the need of the late wondering ha deielopeil iiluht, ami a last night, the audience Came the Carriage tin soil, Whu - li'-t'- ll. 'Ill lhliUeriUe lisik- - Institution to the commission- stautly kllhsl iu the V'irgliitii shaft to- Fe in uttelidail ill the -- pedal otllctatliig cleigymau, llev. Fathwr Man letter declaring that their purpose wan honorable luto the impression that it would be n will lie seated in the balcony, far lug liiii-irtii- ut hn-in- e day. They were repairing timbers when if the territorial supreme court, returued a dalarl, lolloneii hy the after legal More er, who la known to be friendly, and that -- to give moral aid to the Cubaim through llile, and he is now awaiting a (amiable may be -- he labor faithfully and clounently with the cage fell, carrying them to the I, too to the city this morning, and alter heat risim. winch th pad ami honorary pali the iiprettie cuiiit. - in receipt of a tele- cougreea to make The and under no circuniHtaucert the Individual meniU'rx of the house reel level, llie issues win lie brought ppiirtuiilty the lug senral caiw lu chauilsrs and ora house bioked Its li st la- -t tsaimsi wiui uncoiereil lleailfi as gram from I lilted Mates Atturiiei W. II. ehotilri g out inroiign the iieveutie m I Dodge will leaie to morrow night tn a guard of I any inovemeiit looking to recruit-lu- committee on Indian affairs In order that tunnel. the distance fn. ji Junta to night ami the' . were inn- -t taste- huliui. he pall were Chllder stating In- - -- hl- that will reach Santa I l'lld the Christmas holhlals with - F. II. Strung, K. S. Homer , W be the scheme we endorse may s City narcia. a "ompany tolerated. receive Ckiim-- m VVnII Htrrvt 'Jin mile, and It was over this fully ilecorateil and admired by all, while Fe tn night (rum proper recognition and aid; liurry. (ienrgla relatlies ami friends. Samoa, ILArtuijoaml P.'jiilullieii.ainllhe Dec. piece of track that President Itlpley's so- I ( ladles, ilrisised III .'lll) New York. 18.Wahlngton ills sirs. N. . oilier and children, am or Japanese ctHtuuie of lining lauii-- s wno m i as mil Hrrlmu Al lit, Itesolved, That a copy of these resolu- it. honorary The Las egas say- - - - patchiH ilellnlug the action of for made ilo mile hour la- -t Ml la--t Hulk-ley- , nptic It cur- .Saturday morning Andrew Cencll, one tions la) furnlheil the Indian office, Dele- the cial the an run iter. Cullln. left fur (ienrgla bright colors, lent a brilliancy to the bearers were Anita Aruiljo, Kmiiia elgu relation committee on Cuban af Saturday iilirht. the Judge meeting them at I. derlle Maxwell, I.UZIe reiitli riiuionsl that Miss llattie Karnes. of the proprietor of Kxchange, gate Catron, the press and Stierintend-eu- t afternoon. The grade of the aim Mr. Montfort. Mrs. Conrad mid Laura l.ulr. the Hank created an on stock I if -- McCowan. W. 1'. Mkti.'alk, fair, excitement the road lied is easy, but few junction on his return from Santa Fe in Mrs. Walsh and l.lzr.le Powers he carriages this clti, will isiu the wife resi- I'rlces with sharp Fariisworth. at the doll and baby attempted to kindle the lire lit hi Secretary. exchanges. receded very sharply, thl city. is'ariiig uie sunken lauilly were fol and helpmeet "f a well-l- do gentleman turns and the track Is In evcellent cnudl Issith, Mrs. Mrs. Mr-- . dence with kerineue and win leNurel) - uaiiwav siocks ami sugar were the ureal mid daughter, who will al- -- llryau, uriiey and lowi-- l by h long line of veUhie in which of Albuquerque wt The declines on tha tlou, to Will. DoImuii, pouting the oil from the can Into the Hint fttim Yellow Trtt, sufferer. active return liisirgla. tllNin the advice at the Japanese bisith, Mrs. Ma1 were the sorrow llur ami si month! rim llel raugist from 'J to 4 per cent. of pliy-lcla- ii, f l of .lame Kdward Dean died In Quata-mal- a. "I have Intended for some time to all altemling leave fur the sui, Mr. tlc and lend the deceased ami the berealetl Htovi when Ignited -- Mr. Ilahu. at tl it and the can In hi outh Ha HI Pa-- 1. Ml- - smith ;s still fittlilly. Suffered Eighteen Central America, on Kumlay, Nov. hii make a trial for the world's record ou fancy work Usdh. Mr Frint, Mrs Years. hand exploded. Itriiililli ilru. quite III. hilt as he seem to Is' llllprol John Ihe service at the church of the liu I, of yellow fever, aged '.il years. The republican of precinct 13 will this stretch of track," said Mr. Mudge in llutler, Mr. Alba llutler, Mis Kellogg ( I'alna soil Slri-- ( ante. II little four jear old hoii Hurry wa lllg tltey exs'Ct to get away ou Mlllday maciilale oiiceptlnii, which were con- caucus I near The deceased some years ago waa In hold a at the court house on Sat of hi plan yesterday, "and morning. ami Mis Hay, at the candy Issith; Mrs. ducted by Father Malidalarl, were or the the etoie and wa badly burned Dec. 11', Mrs A Uf II, i I IiiiMuii, Tenn., the urday evening, at o clock, for am now simply waiting for a favurabie Cuiitl and Mis llawiey, luiHing and Impre tve character cus- Julls cattle bulnes In Colfax county and tit-- at the Ilshlng wbiat- .t I . ..r fl.s-trl- almut the face, IhhIv and limb, hi face the ot nominating candidates for Nllttlllll I.SW. I leu tint il.e purNse Mi-ll- ogan tomary with the alhollc church, mid the I wa well and favorably known ou the e oplsirtunlty. The world's record of 7J I P'lid, ami and Mis McAntlre, llltlil i.i ii. h ti a one blUter, and hi condition I ueilce oi tne ami consume. All The silver ity Knlerprls" Is infiirimsl church was tilled to overll'iwlug with I'ImiI si treat tulles Is lUITerti i l . . , urn range in New Mexico. republican of the precinct urged an hour for mile at present ( surrounded with Mowers, were ll.r ,y precarlotiH. Mr. Cencll wa bad- the are to that ltepreseittatlie t ri.tniaii. of runt all keiit those wiio Miiight to pay a la-- t tribute of HI to be present. held by the Shore road. I ry busy during are t" .1 d II'. .1 f a- - r.'.lows: ly parents reside at Williamsburg, Itke think ss-cla- l the evening satisfying respeel to the dead. Ihe music hy the b'iriied about one hand and oho foot county, will make a effort inse- r . I . ft it, i - ). ,f, rviimitsta New York, urn! (hat we can easily make the of I choir formed an Important part of the ' j -- i and will be up three years ago he went DMrlrt Cnurb better time than cure the eiiiiclini-ii- t of a law dc lining wauls their customers, and will e ami i.i. r. ttty rts'-- I laid for two or three ami -- , tit . 7'J enlce and wa of a character Otl.ll.i l.'li 'l ' f t (r I. V'U t to (luatamala and established an electric Judge Collier, who ha been In atten miles an hour, but as the run will be ready to all I Weeks. Haton lieporter. punishing hrlls-r- lu elections, limiting rie the occasion. he members of the choir Cle. 'I IT' i i a., j. rs iwn, light plant proved very eucceea-fu- l dance iiiou the supreme court at Santa but mile, the train will hale to be I he supper Mrs. llllie ts l ' ' t al plltrol-- i which a 'Jl the may -- cuiumlltee, summers, sang not uiily fur a fi Hnw I"-- , ' he, came down to the metropolis last amount which candidates e ml mortal gone CUli. ll .' I, they Huprvtii Court, much faster lu proportion, Mn. Kddings Mrs. - out venture. night ami was found at the house ami requiring an itemized statement and Keiuunrer wen- into the unknown, Imt fur mi" who The New Mexican appeal of court had hlciih-- pay: The thl morning by a representative of Till: "The only dilllculty we will be lu dan- under oath of such exsudlture. kept more than busy lu the grand rush l her mice with theirs sab Klfty-sl- x carloads of hogs, about 100 to bath .sabbath of The Cerrllltn Coal Itallroad company, ClTI.KN. ger of experiencing will he the diet. for "Upier. ami Mr, It Mrs. Hum after tu the worship Miirt tlomlft In ttner. -- car, shipped (Herniate I I'niiil the church. Ihe olo by Mrs. shiuick. plaintiff lu error, v. Joeephlue Dtwrant, the hao lsen from he supreme court haa not yet adjourn Along the Hue of the Ijtke Shore road thorite, Mrs. Mrs. lima county, lu issl, ls-i- .s ii.'tu.isai Mctiiirken, strong, Mr Angels Kier Hrighl ami Fair." which con-tlnur- alone during the past year. ed but the case remaining to be heard defendant lu error, a They nearly (here la practically uo at all, while Whiting, Mr was by were appeals rrotu Jinigs Collier a lu dut Arlrona Narrow liauge Itallroad com liermii, Mr. McChtsiiey, sling request, Was full of fettling to occupy of all went to Ixm Angeles. court and fortius! a the attention the New which, aa a matter of course, he Is the line from lx Junta to IMge City pany Isiml, mid Mr. Mr. Mansard, Mrs. O- lilting tribute to the mem dl. although the road was (try of the Mexico eupreme court. Judge Waldo wa I departed iteport that a rich etrlke haa been ltiallfled. so lie cornea here to finish nn run through a dry and dusty country. bllllt, It seem the Inilids heell ilier and Mr Hayes had not a moment e lieler hale At the Close uf (he III til" (living for ttu plaintiff company when some items of court buslne leav If blow It Is to cause to low, a serili'e made In the Idtle mine. Citizen of the dust liable hut sold, and it I HOW expected more than a hundred ami fifty church the was re form-- d cloVed. ing for his holiday vacation In lieorgla. that these procession ami thla report have boxes, and lu this way delay the Hsipe sitt down to supper all was of M Ihnn.-- that section raised about to Ill tne re train. New V'lk imrlles, who are siippn-us- l to l with thellt, that mortal trla wa. morning court ordered the Isiriie to It - It we can strike a day Immediately s, while the young lllial resting plac- III santa Clly l.lrni.r.. build a school house. lease from the county Jail of t'eter If el- - Just tuiiocent purcha-er- will ts- - iiroiecttsl. ladies who asssti were : llarbara cemetery. fer, who was formerly adjudged a after a shower ha fallen iu that part of s obliged lu be In lll'in-IlleUt- I'uder a decllon of the territorial The average pay of women teacher In luna W. II. Itarm-- tli. nt the ex leri swift their Miss Hniuero wa an exceptionally tic, ami who lias been Kept Here because the country, I w ill lis- -l court, county collector I not I think will have no ecutive ollice a to a they Were, to Walt II Hill bright ami young woman, the the Arizona achools UM per month, of the oiercrnwded condition of asy- hale these attractive the tint-- , -- i trouble lu springing a surprise ou the le-e- who parto". of the repast, by all with whom was i 'illtled to 4 per cent for the collection of ai compared with :tH.-- lu a month In lum at La Yegaa. Isiinls, which haie declared void by Slany he roads iu way Due clateil, and her early death bring --or liquor corporate It was to of eastern the of a record of I turkeys, with other vlamts, haie llcn within the lim P'tiusylvaiila. shown the satisfaction the the siipreim lift th" lilted states. row, not mill to court that the prisoner had mi far recov bieaklng mil, Ist-- preiartd for ami a th" immedla'e fainilt fuudisl and paid a r agreement. The at last and relatlies, but to a large circle uf ered from hi lunacy as to render we -- further "I Mleiu haie engines capable of I night, siipp-- r will be en ul at : ,'in. (he unnecessary the release acciittliaulis by the Usual friend. Mention and nicking time, I know express tliem-elv- e the and we have a amount of legal icrldiige, It - Indies lery lllllili Mas J( I U A llioiws wa accordluirlr ordered. but not' Nothing h n D-- m -- pleastsl at the result, since the further is heard at I LEVI The court devoted thla afternoon, and iiumber of engineers who would be glad likely to meet pris'etsls Infnrmist ine tlal bid dnfjaSttlJ, with uiui'li fai'ir with the r STRAUSS & CO. last night were over Jii. Ing from the bandit and there and Hist Ho n a a. I.ul" b ilie fur 11111. I will also devote to the hear- of the opportunity of taking the train -- I'Ihi- iIx n Idi .l - I AH -- loan commission. inizette, seems to ls mnlitiilit but the) te llie 'I.. FACTORY 5 FRANCISCO CAt. ing of motion and the transaction of through. hale ma 'r -- Ihe Presc.itt mining exchange notes a their way nut "f th country Dr. Miles' Hestorailve Nervine, such other hmduewi aa may be brought ,V .MMIIH,,,. tJr- Mr. Mudge haa no definite time In marked I II I., I De- increase iu the number of vis- I h ni-- s WIS lilt llll.l In sleep until forward which can be dlHmed of lu Ihe hnliilH.i are nearly approaching Ihe deiiian for tu relit and for i I COPPER I ell oi, l. ,f. i ' sii ihirlnK ail RIVETED view for making the run, hut It r- prob - lu- - . I cember. - it Inquiring for Annua mining - pre-e- ut fills III ,e I I ' i n on In my j alio eierusiiiy wno expeci- m niake a furnished risiitis at th" time '' i able will be l - .1. l I" e if The Judge exscta to leave to inorrow that the trial made earli in Ill-t- ...i. f, imk'il, but present or (iresents ha comiii-uci- d to listes UtlireCtselilei III the or uf SUler slier l ifcllij ne I, .If i i f I he Arn itu night. the spring. City. I l.-O it It a I ,.1.1...- i.ui ,i ... j i...n i...- ii... (t, J. W.Dwier ami wife I'uiil't aell rtrer xeiA or I iiii-- njinn is- me have guns .V.- - MARK. I air. Sludge i"ii iitt .iini iiui lid Tin ". i' ..iiir r. i.idlr thai Ul Intention to have a . Mi-o- s I I Klllril !, iiswstuiJTr seiiHiu Is particularly Hpe for enterprl to hiikiilb-- iirl. for a short stay Stiine Li- - Chicks pirli.-- ft'entli came ,'Ste e SI r ma ruiw inv of u.ei. uiih tiim ui a, I. it I . i I .ti- - . mry tUy Judge Carriugton's boy Ii a i an ace of lie run is uiaue. ing iiiercuauis wuouaieauyiningtouiier r"" irui'iiuig m nanni. witin con iinuntitig twen- ' I't I." i .ti. genuine epeclmen of the western "Young Ji-n- ty tli'iii- ul I the holiday trade to a.tertl-- e their gils. W l iiig -- iitfere.! a stroke of llie -i dollar moil ig tl ititnw.v. Modoeto old town detnocrntic . ... v Id American." Ills daring aud skill a . Ortlx. the - - ana ij i ... i tr nn i laxltlra u iiii nmiiri ii ant iiiiihm htm iiitvn nurii aid in i(..inii aan.i u1 .i.. There a'e alresih three 'i r l to la aalil. rece hi a Hler ye. ' " ' " ,rr"'"" OVERALLS AND BOTTOM PANTS. marksman were put the teet but week -. ChrUtmaH and New Year's will g" n'lly III "' ' g i SPRING ...i- tw-ntsi- um... the n i.. i.i.t. .1. ..-t.- A . I .. u.....j uini . mawoy swvu uio . "" tiiii,siiuii EVERY GARMENT OUAIf ANTCBO. iruiu in(nded to orgaulxe botU boua4 made ami the merchants who have The teriltorlal lejldature meeta In he ,, Um w.wii ..I iiirtawii lotiiu.i rtln iiviue of first uMtloa. WhJU (Mli orw (lU toftitotur (Umoeratlc (oodt and Ul tbe people know Phoenix on Jaauary lb, 1W7. EMPLOY OVCR 950 Olltt.S. m9bU j II holiday eUitlua. j Dr. Miles' Nervine kV.! hmkntii-U- ' ahvam . make a m t hot Hint n very clean lire. MURbfcRfcD MA ft EXItUMbb. train tienr ('hapellrau.l received blow tub new rulihg. harnen-e- d M- - -- 4rtVehln (Citizen Science ha Hie great The Imporli-- d owl In hII to I of the which riuwt rnneimlou of tho hrln. MRU agara KalU al lnt mill mindued pr. &lmi iii.allty, fully .iual to the b.- -t Suppoied lo litre heen Victim of the He u brought to tin hutpltal In tl.U Jndfe Collier Herokei the Order Acalnit tmije-tl- c potency. Many thousand dollars tlou of that wateiUll' AturlcAii or llilll-- li cnalx, while It can Vle.nle Stlva Ginf. city and the Optic In advtiH-- l thin after- - Garnlihment PifKeii. -- Get Hy connecting wire am! turning on the he old pr..) at h irlr. much . I er JJL'I-RQU- ,'iiliig,.ltiiiti Hlai.who Mil noun tlmt the Injured man cannot pur In' following order wan lnunl ye-i- worth of valuable articles ALU DEC. 19, 1896. - -- wat-- r Hit- tnliilatd rat." a power citial to the p.iwer of the employ of II. (I. Couth, brooul.t word nihil recover. It U niiiummmI that th In. dm I.t .In lire Collar, to un Into .11 .1 suitable for Christmas - traii-tnltt- el -- - Your I ! hut to - -- Ml when a railway train Ik UM'" hre- a.oi i iti. it t to town that he had ecu the t.a.t of a nun juti-- l man ktarti-- l to walk lurk to tin- Jahmiiy l.i Hi.- ..ine N u- - , to -l fit.m a cel.- -- - gifts for the IIIOl . Mi iii it it tvx lati-- tln com' lluiraln le from W -there pfu'ru.ling from a hallow graie.nuton caUttwe from the front part nf Hie train lory, ami It- of lulere-- l to nhiic of young and tral.ll-tritiutln- g w thl- - ! xlnl. llh thai-It..- ' tred-ur- y tin-- 1 Ihl- - hy uncxn-i-le(- l - pal in h .,f,.M,,.t nuilh.-o-- l u. about three n.llen eat of ami an motion In tin All iiiufi.ip-'- Christmas old, arc to be given to ma- - ' "'"I "IfM'tx will In lighted, t - y-the ega-ttpH- .'. whin It. II ge t h'.g- - ,,.,rtiu,-ii- will i.iunlalll.i Hit- fill, l.a train. IihI hit balance ami Ml to the ll datum been made to ni-'i- tr In the t l smokers of rhlm-r- rnn, ftti-r- cat pfop.-iiVi- ami all ,.,,, ,.. I II II. Vcgw. ..f t e Unit per BlnckwclPs w II In i with tin-o- r ivtw, ,i,iiii, g, Judge h. vt.m.t.r, ground. La Optic. naii..ieiioii curt .litem ii ...... -- Gifts iniiig-wuic- me limine .wei win .t,,,,,,,.,,, n,,. h,.t week -- I'. lii.-- i.. . I', iginnie. , . ,l.,.- u- ....'..ei ,.,, Genuine Durham To ,iii, letllug . . - .utrr...... i ...... I .. .1.. '. ' l'l-l- Cilll'i-l- i l u . f tin' r ht'h't'i oti- i. ....linger-wenim- ii ...... i, ... tl..-im- ' un i.. .,.,,,, , .. H ... n,.p-a-t, to lMpr,iaU.i.t T," , ... ,,, '"".'"" l'i nl ,,., n.ii M,, v... hn.- - bacco. You will find "wr. - , T now ll lni ! a fructlnii liiitlji..l.- tin- - iiiitti-r- am! foiiml tin' tin. HiwU ami Mill Mini In. iiittiii'tliiL-- tin- - -- mil il,r to ilUn- - ' Free an I -- I'U riil ..'ntli time uiihu. h iuIhIh klih.i.i. hy u - In- - - Iniii-Kurt- ! otlri. on more iit .,.. to In iiUnit loo fn-- t tin' true in Khctric lll'lter. 'I lilt anl tin- pnc.- - ol one coupon inside each ' i - . kili, ,rlna? imtn kiuu- mi aiioia, .mi tin- ilUi'iin-- 4 - tliiiii-uh- il h.ii'i' tNiwcr - a r u. ill! lint limit in ill ni l (ti.illt( iitur (tut meillclu.i it.N-- not ntluiulati-aui- l coutaliiH tak ti umlin- ailiaiilau.. of aM orilcr of iniitt-rlull- ) olh.-- r ami I. chum, of or.l.-- r two k tlmt nhliil t)... . . ,. . .. i . . . . . ,. no whlnky nor Intoxicant, hut acln alil ianl ounce bag, and two ',n imifiitcllt. ti i.t ii. I'liiiieili .. ... u u f.-- .l ...... V '"' thai hack t,lllUf . il.wi-,mph.)- M i M R HMll Hltcratli.-- HaacN ol U.h In Huh nr.-- .urc- - t ,1 tl,. i i ma. -in mlhl i.iuon met imuilc awful ami ! I lu-- coupons inside each four . . L., ha. to ..ut in .lanu.iri hi.. "I a in m ikull n..Un hciwiIiik y i, the Htomach ami UiweK a.l.liim cam lail ami to pay their t ...... wm.-r-- . - ii ...Mil.. precipitancy or v..oua-- u tm- tin- - tli-- I - il.-l'- t Blaekwill's iiitf to im.l the t the l.l i mml the auu to han- .treiiKth ami rIvIuk tone to the orKiui". ami HaliliilicH. while reason ounce bag of IHackwell's whole oluineol water were utllir- -l the ,, , Ih-- u al.lliiK nature In thi iHTfur hII ulilt to tlo n. tlit nMiri Mux n ,,. . vi present ii Imiiii.I without to haie Hit!' n l. flirt III nr I hi f lulltf -, t I in HiLriiJlLlM IniIi'Ii.1 lllM 11 i t . I ltrf KliTtrlc liiltr rtill) uaUmsi in tin pti'tuiw- of it own Durham. Huy a bag of " fliiti.llliir urtliNai... -- i . llill ..i. l.i. nn- r rr i i HiHnt uic 11 tw it in nmn r inr nil", nun iiir ...... n... .. i. . .1 ... ..,.,1...., j - hh inn ir i. Win. tin- - l e..iij!fe next year, wonhl t couiput.ilioii. tno-iir- y Hi- Ilt-- t. , .1. I,,,,,,, lt ti. rathenh...... n..-- ov pUi.-- l in - k'ia.- the heail t.,i,. niil People llml It Juit exactly or.lei.. n.lju.lgi-- ninl .lecr.i-- that the this celebrated tobacco I.t.-.- l 1'iH at IticaUK pro! of It to illMulit TiU I 1 ' nilf will coliiclie ii,,.,.1.i,.,.ui... it,.. 1 ,.,t ..I l ...ii .in.) lunik Imn.' .,1. Inn i.f IhU. what thev lieeil. Price ceiilt an, 1 Mini ol .el lllinle ami r.'.l on l al. -. . .1 l I ...... d and read 1,1 l.'itll in-- Wulllil Ih theoretli-all- . .o- e .. n r the coujkju "I. the t It p.r..l.e, ii- - Mii ol In ronml l..i'.l-.w- m l the mm f..,e.l up umler iM'r "anon h .uiik "lore. ...a,. i. muni pii cuirem-i- """ r , - f)l"K Nil.l or.l.-- of Muy IP,, uia.le . ,1(11 at lei-t- K""-- l lo run m which val- - DURHAM of l.oily with innliilii.ii 11 gives a list of the ilK'un-- ha- - on h.iiul n.t. .".i Hi'iiiink lh,, ,,.,, ))f on of it . silver Tlty noruisl ami enteral herein the li'.th .lay I - ai'io-- or Iroiii New i I, l o cel.-...- train- the coiilim'iit. Ciiri.-ii.-- i hu-i- in . wa- - lin.Uk'hl hut little Ih'.M, of ..lallahie tm .Iniii '.il.iti hale ottraulzi-- a literary ami tie- - July. he and each ml.l ur.leri are uable presents and how Is. l fj or to MrtK'i'llrtii . ry Mexlro ninl nil the MtalK - Iliy-ie- U rr ii IIKOI ll.iowil oil III.' llllllier IihIIIilT liriri.j ninmi nu.i itnir :5 11 1 i.r . . .. n or.h-retl- . il- to rim. iiii.iii ' .iuiL.iMirn .... -- .... ll P. further u.liinliri- -l ami l- get them. In llii'rii'a. M I Xiillllll.tiliill. .xuiilllK mil uie Keieioil, III. I IN Nl U In- - cri-llto-ra llllll. lexn-- . ha- - III- - John T. tirahaiu Iih purchae.1 the hy the court that when of linelit.'.! a tlMI--- -- I -- - liK-a- I. ali.l kill he keletoll In no li. Jili lillllil'i'l iiNml In- l -- ituatioii a- - i.'i'.'tul...r remain. tere-- of S. any of the einil..y. of Kahl hale .. . - ...... 1 t J. I'aliuerlee In the Sllier ' 01 o.. ( tlii.l n( 11 Ulilll ol llll'ler -- ir.e. liair ...... In i ui,.l r.ln,-.-l liilll;iII..M ol tin wh.'.it - t uiiu-u- al int.'i.'-- t s. w V.rk K""' the r.ulMiit ll, ,.,.l.., I. III l " llltel.- -l to the lllllilMK Willi. Ill" M . In any of . . IllitlC." Hi'- - limit .l..i lM..l..eul..,..-l,,,- tujuilKuienta curt c r In their i'ic i,ilik'.,li"U'i', Heal Hie "I , 11 ..... I ..... 1 ...... VlU, Htlr nr Niil let. t.r Mala. 111- l... u.l...... 11. iii r.nlrr PurriiiMitrr ii'i.t.-- cUiiu- - hi- - um.-iit- I.. I, urn- - .run in iiir ... .. j.iii-iii.'t.i- nu.i in. imi.ll in .1 tin'-f r -- In ulil U- - Ihhiu in Mheal, Imluc.-- I it- - In llilllli.' .'II lnr learn nii.r. rn Mill Iii the il I'oiitt. Kli- -l Jiiill.Ul Dltirltl. -- , any hii. li JmlKiuent pui.'li 011 ciciitillc priiiclpl.-- I tflct court, a ilecree of .lliorce wa Kraut hi , ,.,,.'K , ..I Ne Men n, County - I , hi- - ef uiii'.i "1,U ui.u if Uiniori duy Ho- 1' option hey linw 11 " u'k,"l'l "iKKml-hiuel- .t Hltach.-.- l AuV ,' ,V 1.1 e-- Hl,,'," Ko.'.'', will lii'licate alul will 11. it l Minnie Teachworth from William .ihl rr l.u-h- e, .Hl.ll llllll till loll.. - ,.,,,..,,1'''",1,,, 1...... 1.1 .,1 ... .1,11 I contract- - fur I. ..n whu-- winir recelier, he. the niIiI net 1..1" i..i 1, mm ,1, J. S Tin. iiuiwni'll -- ,J '- -'. tiling III lie of .... .,,.., . lead. worm. r- -. Mint " ''".''1 ' ' " Vo"' 1 1. i - ut -. alii ele, reiviier. " aifeiiN. wrimiu . . -- f Hi.".-1- a larReproIlt al pn-M-- price- . Uli-.l- .. 411. I "! .M jii.I Co, a li..t'1-l.'l- .. -- ...... lel.ier. un.ik SitifllliiK ft ll i....t - ie ...... ; kililU.Ui. 'l the true ut k'.il.l. Mlice v I - ll nn.u .11 yii. m. ,,, 1...... 1 1. l.n-he- -- In.,, ,,i .u err in coa i. ner Ion Iter eiu n. ..'uaio itimi n s j, .....I - 1 tin-Il- - -e l- ivi... W'lii'it ilu- Ii. l ol l tlx- U- only I.mii.ii" ol are ul.t to "'ui-lun.'- aii-w- j. in. ion the llr.i .i.tlirlil -- ami .r Mt-tl- t' li"llllllK lull a Coiulillil.tliill of iilely no. 11. '( while It retail-- , make to the ,','''.. !:." '; t ol Hie ol Ne ', lor the is ..ism. fitv. for In l.or.h.. ')'' ,'' - .- 1- - awitlalili' l..r ileliiery ihi- - m.iulli, . . . . . 1 . . 1 til Iii ...I.I ..r .ul.l wn 11, le ami . . h faine ruuri inn ex. "" ". ...unl) ol .S41.U he lu. ..'.. dried an a.lirl.tlcil ,ut ,.io- - i.t-- 1...... 1...... I I 1m.11 l M ii-- - al-i- natural .'l.'lll.'llt- I'.illliillllllH the i .' ' hurt:. It on to ...... I I hum h i.i u Die tr a- t Inn-- hard the nrlce of coal lll'lll l.ll ...l.f lllirtl lallllllllll...... tit .e. ti.ii.u. iilei.iriilf.1 iletire In rntltlni l. '.l. - "f thl .mi.. t.l liiiie en ...... n.... f,. HIII... "I .Ma. lair 1 .iijr. Ii ' in . tun t) -- I l U.. ll .' I...... ti iniim'. jii.I uukl.itf llie ill., ol .Hi .ittrai'lloii-- . nil Ii" chellili-a- .r aril v ' mo,. 1.1 earn ..." - U.....Ii. ...II ...... V .. 1... w.lJI... ileiUliiui ft,. -. cnaue at UeiniiiK. tai'lie.l lm- 1...... Mio .1 ik-h- nl Mla.y kMli- -l lol ....w tlnil only i'..", w Ut- ... ,1 . . I ,1 itittiiiluii'i . ami ho at the llullle-- ."..tiili h aim- - I', halt' il.'lli ti.-i- mean- - nr. appli.-l- Mr. Lacy July, l he. I. 1. ,,r,l..i. ...III...... I .1... oltlif tlv ol I'e ..mi Mill., ..u.l ul v ihi-lii- : : .. filK'liMn .ei.'Her. trilltlralt'. Ihi-Iii- 'I- I reimun lor .e- ii i I le. nil er, A. 1, S.nne ueKr.NH hruke Into Frank Ihui ; .'. i... i.nt. .m.i .1...,- - K 01.I 411,1 In- - term III III'' col - .In ' r'.'Vi,t !'""", ,... Ihi. ie, al. ailary In. it i-t- he ha- the lit "f theiif,'. ,11 p..,-- .., . i,,..,-- c ;(r),;,,1 Vr," V;:a .:! l.y Kntfeo, altn Witll-tle- et i.,e ..t w- nan... iv at ie.uinK ami ntoie uiili I'liii v.v. -- .lined ..lit' .lleuieler trillll. hull toll... h.Ue. Hnll'J.V. h- iS i.;;:. 1?; . 10 r Kinirri) e&nt'tly that im.lii .. .r.-- r .He. unl Alt'tainlt-- lille ii.... in 11.1 .1...... me ,,f I -- S! . LMrnt-h- "' note . t Milieu, Mnrl, a nIx xhiHiter. .- - "." '"' mi Iniii' Win- - it r ilellier.Hl. dlainnmln ami nl .1- r.uiir.Hlie in. c of r ." .uv..iy ol ptn.t'iti .nor In il.e aiipouit. . t l.iiu . -- Mik-in-- l '"'.""n nr 1 1 Ih titrm-- iii.iii.i-ttiii.- .ti iviii wiic -- n.'U - eii.liiiLr li.l ot ol ul ue.1 l ut unci mil W' I. 4111I l.v l lit mil a I'oiiuti mil territori - - III.' III llttll'-lltlieli- I .it Mii'iitol tine. allot ed liirmrr hiis ill.- Imrlar- - were captlir.-- Jin- Ill proveeilinni u,m K .ni l .1.. -i K u . . . .mil t iilitain the r.'iii.iiiuiiK ;i.i''l.ii-l- ew tin- - ili'Cea-i'- .l l hut the .u 'lolo. eiilriril III Una alul ' enlliiVM-1 t i I. Ill- -, -- -- -, h -- Mexico. Came wh-r- e hei t..i-..i- .i. .1 e.. . kt'i.t't' lie.. f.ntr. tall lie Hi Until .Hie- it of lllll lent -- I except the l.lliilitilt lor attachment .nl .n. ii.ivji. a) . 1 1. on a -- 111 in. .ml- - at .llie uiu ol .0 i.ri'ial maatri Irr, hull- l hiiy Cii-- Ii Iii- - il.'.tth way ami un- aie till itrc.'. -- the half -- t. inn timet - - In ni'i W II II. ' ncr nuiiilier up a cn-i- 'l rattle urn. u,h, the ,,ouni- ,..'cl....l either , . ..ll,'ei l'.i.t', itietlal'l .aid of th. lUure till- - Kilt - VlVi t"it . e, jk 11 .s ii.. Hi lnii-- ii iiii'l "i t r wi-t- ern cm.--, known to JUtl. ll the upltllnll I here - a tool Hi- ( ' llil ll-Ill lii'i. .mil (lie .ii.r1)r ut llie miU tie in ilflit-Mtl- UloleuieUt How oil Moll ol "iLJor jllei ..I i,..i. Oil I III 11 S ue.-- t- money In pal It- - -I of Ihl- - lh t tin came to t; .i.imun Lie ni.i'.uiii ..ul It'll. I..11I ttii.ii'.uy. t oini.uinr ol mrllrr aiitl iimin in i?"Wrti III jury llr- -t - I -- III. t'-- I. .it lee- - ..1 . .1 wd.'r.-ie- r it can I...'l. 111 ..tiler t ui.ike 111111. the 111. ii of the flail- of the llll.l lit of tint .r leu .'i .1. tl.e .o.-vii- m nl V I -- tll.'ll-aliil-..- ( -- . yoiiiiif Kal Lai pliii.tetM te. h Ma-h- n. Mr It- - prilit.'l- - here eleral oiilt' il.ilelit lueali-- ll . im.l ale of New v,1','1';"!"''. ..sUkImk. - ae.'tioii no... i.iwa I ".o ':',"'''". ll.iiiie.a. alio Il.r inllira .i.i.ltm-t- a teiulliiK towanl- - the oririiiilzatloii of ""v '."rr . .til -- tl.eir ,1 - II. .1. W.i-- H, is-- l. ol .ml 1 oiiitMtiy . iil'ixi ftl.uT. any latxir wu h .liar- owiiii; Hi" iittliv, if we alul III lul.lllloll thereto the .1 . I...11. . l t... o. eo ...ul iiunuity 1 1 . r.l-- li wln-it- t - 1 ,1 Ju-'.li- - 11 iliiiic llie ..nil ii,.kIuii tin. ler tlir nntt'ta til i' pr. UllUlli ami n -e ol lie- Peace, iiillltnry coiup.itii, which they hupe to cr- - ii; te .Vi.n" - w - ('..llllll to 1- 1- We M,llliir to attachment if.'. . (lit mill. -- lid U'lllK di'M lol my hail half liat llillli't lllfil at ii' ..lei crent- e p...-ll.l- e. I 11- 1- -- l J P. .Mi-.- N. 11 cr.-l- lt - 1', Cornel - - al to he the t.i the city. pria-e- llni;- - etli.tll make i.lll lailt that tin- . . 'V,1' ''".!," .Heeu l o.. t.rrin i'o. Niinil! I wo, II. . r alul . . . ''..!,.'.y' I'll .i' In. l late all hale lliuliei I K. ll I , tilil.ilif NilitiU't o, Saula N na, 11 -- u-- e t. Cirni-lllliel- prncc. tie irtii ,.,u ,1.1. uliuie lirt tittle that W.ill treet h ha- - hi. lln- - tramp. .Inlin Solntuon, wtio wih le Uir.Clel u,,dv ,iml Ueti .ml nor Nina NuiuU't and J. .till 'Iliiinin left to hill a Hew .Ire for . W ,lns I.--. tin--il- I cr.-lll- I.1.11 I ... l To a- - l.l trick-i- n emMiK. the to he, the calil iiu..'ie i' .011 I'.nt in. nl. 011 al "p III p ll h l.a-- t ('nic- -- -- w. w. taken in tilllcer .l..liiil.ui at h- -e of I1I1 copy jjjj;".;;;,'; ;',;"J in. ii ,.',,',','.';'...', toe' ..1.11 irii.ini .lie Now. tle'ii'lore, the iiliileulKliril. tirirlnfore 111 papel alul liiiie otile mall chalice f"l will the amount claim, a I ,1.1 I If.. in li,l .1..". 10 lot l e- - II P. Illl.. ws. for III -. - -- ,tli'. la- -t , .Md'ollil.-.- ul nutter loi llir (.inpirtr ol i I1.11 1- e- huihliiii; a u a car. wii- ot which uii'iitloiii'il alll'luill to ,,,,1. ,,',.,, I ... 1 1 1 w ... N 'In Can lor 1- I. ill ie. rut ief I.)' anl ..! to IUe other iNt. lit inn I M'llll.a wld .lo't'lty. tirltleol tleVIrr llii..Mt-lln'- le trie.i in .I11.1 1,',. mi,, ninl Imuihi i,.,.f in h.. luinl-h.- tl the or hi- - i.roier no...", n. in. ui .i .1 .i'.,i an, inm and u. ami lnr llie I lln- - 1, 11 Hi" ' ill) - -. ut it.-ii- i he'.yalll p.iiile nl we.teril tWeell ll"W all'l the "' ...... H ..r hIhoi' l nl- nl '...I .11 m-- e -- up wa- - ui- -l - -- .. Mllli'i'i ..r ..I IIoih oii'l.i'iil iut. ol luyoiu ott wld urn of c lelalih- 'i' Hie I III -- ol ll. l!i...n ul J -- r.tli Jilty tne illl f.en. Vi i - iiU'tllnie ...i.liuil... .Ion i.ii.iti 71. m. .Idiot'.) lo a upon aaltl I VeW l.tli'l i.f utisliliie caiiii"t rein. .111 .to new year 11 m ol III H..IU Itll.lCII- 01 I .. tl.H.i.l it iien lie f to- - lay a- - null llie lir.Ci'N Mle. M..I .'ill 0.1 ..1 lliii.' v. mtII -- .iIh.iiI town to who the liiuMi'lt-- l . I'lol'i'il ill piupt'ity In llie lUKlir.t I I..i...Im-- .lnll.ii- - i .tn.t ,...l 4I1.I llie .i llri'iLM Iliel l.ille lie hiii'l of W. . I ieiiil.-..- i, who - I" ei. tl lo.'t lor t .1.I1. .it the In, ill 1I001 nl tlir court prLtl l.'ll 111. th-r- e -- to l.e -- ll-.- II. 11 ul K in e.'iu- no .pi. timi hut r 1. In. e .11 Ihe 1 ii u a..i.. Kr. ii.iu.iy ol Santa re-l- ilt iO Will i, Santa 111 t l i' utin. ortienn iwju'iitwi i ;i..i ...iriV.i -- ,V:,:i the of Hie .'let ll'ili III the lay ton J ill rliuik-i.- with i...".!. me t. .l New llie 'Jnlli ll llrt- - iI'Mnl k'I ll.' W.t- - llUir I.Ti' III It Ilille iH't'll. hut IT. e l to Hit-onl- er he. nil. it Meiito, 01. day lui- - ll.le for New th" Court that take ,u,i i ,,,m ..I t .eten .imn I -- I 111 written .in article the tin- - inur-l.-- r ..I (if., ml, M the lit.ur nf lUu'cluti -- .Hill. an. Hietr are of Jell hi- - U'.'ii ap-t'l- I ' . t...... i.'l.-.- l ...... lt 11 th- - In- - Ivli, ell CI .11 Ill full force from ami lifter nei-- ilJUe .oi.l a ... Mid d..v. "t pniii, ami H- i- coiumoii "pinion that I -- ol - U- - -- Mexican on lnul.-- larill LIU. which I Hie I "IH .t ol 1 111; 1 - .1 tin- -- I l I.. 1 r I ,1. I'll,. illll ol 'l .Oil t f'.r uiitkiiii- Im.'. n e 1. .m an nr. for of ' nf irtiiUHry, an ., lie'ller cull 'l.U of ..lie 10 tun water ., Hie - tin" ofii-eut- ly the the I... iv.i. ami ll , ,,. Vu.t at rate ot I wit- ilclliu Mlt.i ami ,.. ,(ll IW1. ltM I'lu-- el .S - - - f C'lialn...- I'Oltlplele lallil- a pie. patchwork, ami If I - -- Mike. atliellrr II. I ll l- - I. 1 II "I. I .4111 'c nil.- - fur llalici' of K'rill-h- ui.'iu.'-nje- . ii'..i.'..i; . ..ut-.lit-- tlie uiu nl lie-r- - Mill. I al'l'll ".'II ti mtit uf lout ttilli .ill lllllHK. .ml llie., Ill.'li.dlliu IkiIIi'I, nr.- ilmni h. until", who niur.ler.'il an. plun I Ii.iii.lii-- - I -- l.l. w.iiil'l tint lie l.eli.'lli'lal lo the III" '.'I ire her. In rev.ike.1. .mil one mi. etinlv ti-- And -- lie of the which ..i.i'. the llilllli - t II. "' t'tiwiiie l.limri, k I'teaket calra. alo .11 I llrI -- ly 111 ihl- - -- llll.l I . le- - 111111111K Ull'l.'r lele . I . Mr. - 'l.'i.'.l 0 feutli country oine II Mi Let .,i,. re.l. a.lju1.'il ami " , ,., , .,,,, llie .il.ite lumi'il tlatiuti anil llie unl -. II. i.iw..f-- Wallace a pruiui ,..,. w.- ft- - turn".) - - III-i'- uiliiea ale ilii.tlt-- ui the futility ol llt'iuallllo. . K to t ot thl- - 1.111U 1 - . r - a.-- lln of Ihi'Mlier llev. c.ii'il iii. out thai Ik ,iiul ..ii.ii mi to ihe n .m.i oiiiliiniiia t fur Kiii.-rmi- of New Mex-U-'iear- iiiaiiuei 'lit iy: truilnry nl .New Men. .1. Iih.iUi.1. ol - ean Ililnle r -- .1 ll..- Iiotlira itl.-- ha- - (lillalli'eil 1.'. cent. II . C flirill-- h ll.-- ol .ml; ue ..1 ol ..1 e lln'ti ni atxillt I'.'l -- A K. I" - y.--t hi- - re- - lilt lo IllWItll the .lil r.'C ,oi'. tm Ii me on tile 01 ordt r'a olllci' ol mi.I thl- - 1,'allk! Ily. "till it.'.l I., I, -- ihe let !l IllM.Ilt I hi- - I'r.-lil- ent eh'i-- t nine followed, eieli ... 1.1. 1.1 11 i.l , itu.l I'UI .1,011 ... .11.' I liiiie in .111 Ii t.lllltf till- . all. ri'llltliili". With 1.. .i.i ..1,1 ..i,i...i ti.i ...iiutyatut ten Un. y tin. ler llir uaiiira abote it recell- .- iule.llate pI..teCtlot. - ml coi-rl- no I '( .,- - In fnun at. .il.ack of tM... , n-l- i - I., -- hi- - - hi.r.eil exactly feier. .1,1,1 rec.-lie- - he.-- hi im ::::;:!:1iX:,!:;','s!:.i,,'M":1 apt proie -- -- McKinl.'i ale uch that chance- are ,,n - (, A lull ami dt"- - uf lam-- will lint 'Mliallellll lop It t I . riuni.lete t'top until w th.-- i - winch h:.H n ill ei.-r- int-m- 1 -- !. .u-.- ril' i'.i-- e -- a f..r the inner lieu were miir- ire ..:l(i, In ucli nniniier a- - to i..' ..'i.l up in n i!ie imt. i. n.mi r eiiy will Le t.iiiutliid l.y tutlivun ' a.H.intilieUl. ani'l-ahl- aiiliiK iii from In Ph. cent. th-r- Mr- -. -. H.r-..- n- r-l -t of IhT of hi Wal.llll eXC"ptll. Ill.le, III hill, all ?.'."!! m"..'. o.!"!ui .1.1. lulled 1.11...111 Hint uhati-- I hi the !.. Vule 'll k ui'Xee' W I. I -- .. Dt ilk. Hattrr - a-- hnW . -t I r III - . ..,111 I . Sit'rul here ollie to lilill'li .. 1 - 11. I he lUI- two llliillth- - p.. ye I'l llie Iter till- ,,.,, ,,l ll,r e .I.hi, ol ,he .out I i. s I'm Wiiii proinl I. (In. in. ll,,.. , Cilllm ...... e II I! t I, ...... ,,..,1 ...... - I i.l., . .111I1I1 .il AUiii.iiH-liillH- pr.'l.'lll - " ' l.."'..i'l-i'.l-.,i.'..'il....- I..', .nl. ..f I...... ii. : : ...... .' wool i.f tin- we- -t - e prolectinii far tin- - of Kllk'.-ll- . ,. l I1.1rl.1t iipl- llltlllellt a collltllltt.-- ltlwellitUiScllMil v ' ...... Nr Mil .11 w,i. .ell .0 llie liiilit".l Uiililei Tri.tlre'a Hli. ... I ire ...... 11.1.1 r. It . ,, , , ., , 1. lo- -t Wil-u- n Jlliltr, iictmilly l.y the imn!. Iiiil leul-httl- W'lieit'.., llolilni and llnl.l... senator- - to for un- - ci.t-.- - Ne-it.r- ... - nie i..iie irecim aruu rut. anil 01 nnier u. willed -l souit- yearn tlie-- nl .i l.n.t'.o Km uue.. e t.l An Ill- - lie, 111 ami I.) a ilerdnl HUM. dated r . . that thi a free w lietllt-- .leCllli." liar.) -. 111 lit-- the tt,t to the - y, -- t. r. liner ,o.i Ii... imii d.iy I . IM'.I, alul 01 .e - .'unucaii inlet national inunetary cm- til not tin luht.-t true-ha-eie- r ami it- - nlf.ilr- - h.iie h en wiiuml up it.., ir... Ine ht'bn.a.i ret ti.tlril ire 11 tw cent -- tamp - or - a". vi t... line.'. T l Ii. llie tin ill. v ul lie. time- to the trill. It I I lu-a- r th.-iu- . A.N WKI.I..'I.HKI. ?"!; lllli celtain fereiice f uiu. a cot. In. fro.-- heeii .-n .r of Iloth are -- up. hi a wiw wihl l.y IM. IlKMMlt. Tl'Z m 11, . I. lln. New 11111...1' i.ike 11.1, t.invrye.l to -- - receiier, Kc.viier 1 tl ... I I . 1. . I. .. I ... I I .1 I I .hi tnte- that he --- law '-l I. ... ue lhat alter Hie McKlliley t.-- r XmX iiiinei lilie miee. lie u.ium' ti,.. 1 leu...-..- ' . ti,,i incomiiiK ti... f the sin., t ti... ho...... r.i-'- d I ... II. e un 01 ,.itoi.,iei curt mi 1,: eM. He .in. ale t ty ol lln i. W.-- letter" will. Ill) the prll'e of il wit- - fully ilolllile d...l ' Hie I. .How .. nl't 'I I1.1 11.1. t lln, New Me rcpiiniiiMii iiiiiiiiui-iraii'i- ii i n -- kt'ieto foiiml to nay o ci.a-- punuc auc t ut. ii..: lull. t',,..o.t ol I no. It. it Ij.h tli.-m- . -- niiiiii' xmk. at iiiotherH for their chllttreii while3teething l I e H i; . I . 11 - 01 .0. i ol ie,.l ..le. ,lii..le. i.'i all I'd tt Wimp... vt hat it recently wn uiu lite mi i.l'. eleten ilii Ittelte eil on to promote the plan with ilKor ami hap-th- at of one of the iuurili-r.i- l men, W llh HUCCerW. southed chlhl, mi! I" .null ot III .11 llie alMi v oil tlie mum tide of r.u'li ol r Petty -- IHI 1 - nl - ll the inn. If.'i "HI iii'it-- catch mi. thleilm; niiiiii.- 11- nl .Ne Met'. ..Ion ..u.l ' In,-I- mnl all ol UliK'k If it of prinperity, cuplel -- -- .1., - Hlliiva all .eil'iori , tfii i.i ten 'HII. lettrr n,nnv I ti B"1"- luren ., ' l..i-lr- h it of wh.'iii were mall lu talurc. Harry - la- -t lc H''",,H Pin. ,,,. WlM llie lo llie li.wn (lum .Mi..- lieilii.'' the "II addition -- fruc.s, ,. tl with it tli will u- - win.l cullc. ami la the fur ,,, , ..u ..m.i w m. 1. , nal.-i- l hiile Frank return t. larill. kih Jn-- e I I I - 111 lilt) ,,,uu. the im.i. .iri.. ii.yi ol All .iiiiei.iit-- a. ilt'aiu nil llie a. Ilillei lllll.'. Win. How Hi,,, -- ri-- I ,M Some llt'llk or 1. , - I tlllef eliteritl a ilhtrrliuta. U nleiLumt to the timte. Sold lot ..inei in r.t .,nc inll ma., in k..iii a.tio....ii nt.ile lo J Mavk.t.. .re clrcuhii-..- I ti.t.'k former Wool prit'e-- tin- u( in. prohli'iii of what to .1.. with the .n.' i.iu. - - tm-.1- iii.-uce n K .unl il ... me 1. Uiu- ill tin- and couiiiy jaii in uii.ier in -1 f,.r -- In ei.-r- by innriM-t- in every or worm. llli llu-iun- . torliiK nrllchs imi day purl the " u..m;V T.i i"..ii.i ii"'. -- I. n( 1. 111 -t- at.--ami terntorn-11- l te-- hor-- e - ;; ex ollli 10 if. or.lei of .May ill, ll. iu ut. the 1 Ml)f .tole. hi Twenty-lit- e Iii ' .eUi.i'tl..l 11.1111; e, -- -- a Ita value oiitn" in nay 01 .military, win one n-- ami t..le a lot of clothing. ceiita 1.1, .o.tlli I.mtl. in. u li'iiin-r- ol l'i k.ii,I tlrt'il ol l leuiit made It. curt' . . - uiumer -- in ..I nf the hi will lie llicrea-.'.- ; from ( Pari-- . Hint city now ha- - -- hor- - liienleniilile. lie unit for MrM In. r.'.i. on l.v the Km ol .1 piiunua. nry note r.'.'.'iier .i,i.,o ''i - tm- -- lire Ji.e r. the ..i.o.dr the latiiieu, teii,illi of the leader- oi gang, i( . rl - r mini H.hlle ami article-- ilr- - ii.h-i- I .. IMi-lt- 1 .. other inn mil. alter I'.' pr.'-.'llt- to til f'jl 1,1 11,1 l.tilehei-- . ami la- -t year ;t . Wi.Hlow'- - Soothing Syrup, ami take no liii'irin t. inure than In- - tin- - en. I tlale. tt i,li at rale nl t pel cell. when e.s Hearing ami thai K . niii'iett the telle ll.-- r the-- .- y UilUT lllll. I'.il.lo Ith of March lltalUe-of e etiit.-- In hot-- eaten, the iiiiinl-- 't in - Jnxe Clime, ('Inner., who wa- - ..line tut'i i.'iitfti.l .0 nitieile I.e. amiiuii; tl"' Ihe replt w.'ie ls'l J m -- hi- - - lo--t, Jr-i- all uf aiiug iiwii neck he lit' lililtlo lie l- U..IIIOV.I I.)' "Iffil d Ueil W'lieie.t-- . tlie-.i- .l i part due ami tln.llv TJ nK . can, l.y iiuitiiiK. the 1110- -t l.itt 11c -- l.'.'JT, uiul lu only foiiml guilty of mur.ler lu the llr- -i .I-t- R S'.it ..I. I .Ill.l II. III.' I.I. lull' iini'jiil. .en .11 llie legii'nl nl tl.e coiiK'r. will coii-ei- it to.livulge many a dark my- - VIMIIRI .lift nnilirc .int.. inie. I t leik . ol . ml ill.. mi ill t 011 J .nut l.y ul - Wi-- 'O. "llh f llrru.i tine In.lile. ul wnl U..U'. vutiie llie Viiiericau to tin- kiml uf tl '.' m b -.. ample protection exi-t- -. In ce ;w,w Mw"x . . Ill 1km. k I. It ol ill't'd". oil I'.lUi li nn- - 1 omlii on. nl wnl dri ll ol hum, I itn ten'- that no of .ml .11 .. . i.elieral Kelly tH ,H 11.1 1 U .III' II .1 ..' OKI t . '. .1 l I't I I .11 lii ieliy until e ... llie purpoM-o- t pay which we Kf.'W. ll wniilil therefore Mism oter at Klaml .li.l not lote at , ml'K,",1 "'.'tKr" counJ Lltlzcn Bindery and ..ll'll'l ., x,-.,..- , u'te , Hit - gang - doing-- ami among them that JTm? at llie Unit ,,N t,,,,,,,. tl, i. nil.' wnl noli-- lliereoli, .Old I -- l ' -- ui.e.e. einla el .'..Ill-Ill- te to lit -- - - I'M- - i . ., .l... l..ll plcae their In ee thelll gel the teCellt election, ami hi- I'i.rt II.Th. Ink- Ih the .'fond time he h.n heeu fh.v i.rn.le Uovt ..lie ol the of pt'li-- r. ol tlir H I'll- - In.-- I.lflil.lllltt Irual uf Ihe III. ill who--e were exllllllletl Nt'-.ol- fie. hints UlV 10- - I .1.1.1 'll Ill-'- .l ... it . .1 11 i liu-le- e liu. rce- - - - - eilih-lic- -- I' lllll. ti ..t in .0 lue .mil ..let llliir.'ll to the toK-elh- hnik tin- ili- tin- clicutn-lalic- e a- - he leiici--I?'to uffer jll-- ami thai the . .. I into to day. l Ihe Itel, Mr. H.'irW.NMl hll t llllll a l.u. u. Km inn .".m il i Intuit :.. .il... auoriieti. i.e.. .11 pint ueil uy win ureiio. lilei-llli- e -- . i, I Un- -t i- I'lllia, -- new w,i- - Int-at- Tue-tla- y I' I inu illill lii.ll t ,.t.n ...lit i Piiii oi l '.I l tiii-- oil Monday. Ihe day ot Ue luerltH uf the uhjecl U'fure the tarilT not a cltl.i'ii triml to him out 011 Dec. lo, k- foe, , I , ,..,.. '" I till evening, the t old in ll r. I.m. . It iiikI Leon: .1. 1 r, nfli-k- 111., I..-lii- l ol iiu:ili 'n: eiu.a iM'tl, .it the liotu ol ten a Ii i;i the p hi- I o.nettling I ,..111...... mi hill come-u- at Ihe extra loll ueil of - cliiiiu He lot lo prove he wa l. K'lld.litw of I'.tlilua or ilt..r I'll..- ulll l.l,.....r. ui... ..,.. Illlll-e- lf Well l.l lle.n llilio. .1. tillllutlot N.'tt ot wl.l .lay, ,.t llie l.oiit door nl the po.lutlnr 1 ... -- . - I f -- - .101.- -. 01 or V Men. li.l I. mi; ll. oil ll .m.i one lull in t.ty ol II. aiu holt ilura- -- Hi Jatne- ine urug linn joiie y ti win .Mliiuiiieriiiif. prlng Ii'irn lietr.iit. their nuniier-ar- l.y glv- - plea-e- d work, hnth ct v.o.i- - wide. or .m.i on --..11 liereu.l-rfii- rr . I MlM'ltklllLT III IIT. teiitli with the with the .ml irm.i.rv. the e.l.ite Ottlll'll. III.. Ill now pi.tillf .iiictlol). liltf and m H t It- uiu.. noun in i.l'ltl. t.r iiiiiiii-- in ili'M'llU'd. at to llie hct 11 - hii-i- li'iti-.- s do not iieetl la- -t ("K hamiu.-- to the KnlglitM to - ami .piality II. uaaLu. .,,.. . 1 mi Klng'N Sew cist lie aiwi 1,1,1,, ,,n nv '.unl- - ol K.i Ih'-- I11.I. W " mi. win. tll tu .muli I le. lo. ,.l.. In Pay win lllilcl'l.'illlt'M ill-1- .lt '' . I -- Ijiril-hlirt- 1 iiiit-u'- e..-- Illtteeof - ItiC.-.- t ll'llerll-lll- g Hot With la urll.lie. friHn llemlliL' Hint r. nt uliieli liroiu.lil In 11 r..u' oilier- - In lu. iIimI. -- 111011 on tl.e l tlit' .u.l sj.i.Iu ami toil- - and ei..'ii-e- i. 11 11 111,111 to he colli that ollly ler nine . I , . . . lain--ll- nl on I'V llie .(.ili'l. M .11,1. AN, I open - to I'" i..,, ...... 1. ...j- ,l,.i i.i.V.i.- ...... III....' lite tte.t I.... MM At h ...I I. Kit lo I,k- ' -- ' '" pal- - hut - . ellllill. Ihe lll.Mt UCCe y: " I".".- a council 01 me wriciu win ia in ne retmiinu ami Hiuue to uxeii out. ji. i.n uieiiiioue. n.t .i. m rit-- 'd i'.ir. el i.f .N'oti-ui.- r Js. IM'.I Tru-te- e of .National Irrigation con f - ... re. t campaign l'""ing the ciau- - al I'owileu ami I'aua could .I.i iintli- fill llrm- - nr.- - llios- - that ndierti-i- - in. e--t Clt. W. hot I. I, Ml thought ICtlrVmno-r'- I''"-'"- 1' K"puhlicnii. It I .pilirto 'X'Vm!, i.l- a- - "H" U'" llg for her lu .lelelup into :. Tr.i.lre'. KhI. - n kept m. tin-St- . ii. well-kmiw- llr.--t - largely alul h.i-- t. Dr. King- - D n ,11.111 . almut the of ier- weVl.m.'e''.!! . -. I hi-li- could he well -- pent hy the city Ilaiim; Mennett, a yung I'' !;j',lC'!,dJ;i!.,n,;i,ed1,!.' Win-- r.t- Jii't'i (.' e. v Amnio mid Mar.a ..,r, vert .tollar -- -. i.i -, it t,i - lu tore, nml eelling loin Li- - Mex- - "hin hrought to New Mexico, ll ... m ..n.i i.....k I. 11 ..1 d. e.1- - .0 ti.n. Oe 1'n.iti- In. tt lit, in l.v ti'iiai.i - rleil that three new innga- ulnuil egiit. left for the City of eer , t- -- III.-tot- ami fiery rifldelll lu a general cleaning ae lll l .l o I Hi d l,lll.i,y M"I, till H w... pent '..'i':-- .v.y;:.v tin. Jl. If I .. i...hrv-acc..,.t- i .... u,e hack name ot the ucv. :!?: I., iru-- t dt'ett iiolt, in rill-m- ix - Mile- - to he.tart.-ii- New ..rkw,th wi..w the .:,;:.VY::,::,.:,,..,,,l,,,l.1. oided in tolinut' it'i pat;r Ihl- - up. already a clean city, l.ut are in.. ,hhiu., tie' I'ampalk'li of year n. IM.ui. i. ollli e ol lie p.oU.ilr cle.l anil el ,. n ffmiuir--j'i'lV.S . - K. (its.rge Mcl.ul-.i- there - itlwiii- - room for impruietiieiit, the l.fgluillllg the year;-- .1 t .U, mnl half .ll!U Urt. U''' "lHw "f U'xh' iViitrnl rail- ;V,1,.VV.SV.1,.,V;!J.'.,S olll. in reionlei i.l llrlii.iMlo t oiiiity. Nr. .K i .V g h.-- r I.- - Mr. i.,.t t'oi.i-i- i Metlio, ii.iiteyi'il lo Mr tutilf rail lied. J thl-1-- a.liertl-ln- u.u-- cured well. Dr. King'n roml. Ill- - hrotli A.lulph - cm- Mcholsm. nays Mr. Ilurwin!, wim .,! m.trio.i'iii .hied - a - either literature or ths 'r now i, . iIi-- - when to that t it- "I nf I'll-I- -j ami time it nefeari Hem a. i. n.iei'. i. iiillnw uur rinetl rr.i nil cla Kpl-cop- al till-r.K- nl Mcthill-- V tii.'.t" ti!, 'i'e .11 . v put Hie heel f.,war,l. It will I'" up. ploy -l on lu one uf the freight u"' tiM t preacher Kmhuei .la.e'tK'mt; oi w'd e..j.r. .i.n.'le ivoit' ami U'liig U.e ..nil a- f,.t I, N.-to- U - l'.ii.'.-i.iiii.r- ail.) .New nil togeliier much Kc ami kiu.t., a. w.,1 i.. of llt'iiiahlli. te. rltoiy nl Mr ill n. re aent to New Mexico, reaching Santa . tear-U'fu- aiiuth of -- uch utal I freight of the South- - Kn-- e W. oillcs. I.t.i de 111I11 mill will r.t.ilo litltierrn ..' of Hie in. work. It. trial iHittl.s at .10 lie, f riili In . . 1.., ., Ill ISull. llil IllUlle the UCIIUIlll.taUC.' (if liatmu Olrd luloie lie Mi.1t1.fil the wl.l An All p.iri'e. ..I l.'inl - ltu; tlut..,e In tl.e to n ua will place W allmi'i. tlrtig -- vurc. r. r.i.,. i A .mil . iiilte.l pull MliUiUer.tle take ern I'.iclllc ami the Southern t'ullforiila ine minimi uroiiiiii. eay; r. al. Km liner until id ltiniineiiiii... lefiltiev - wt I . I 1 ll A ... . il-il- ' -. i hl"llUl'' Klllmin. ut tlmt time the terrlto- ,,,,.,, .,, MxU Xl.w Ml., ,,, , t'iiil, ill ..til N.i taul ul within her ami a- - the ,:tT."i car load-- of Hower- iiccoiiipiiiiIimI l.y W. II Itcynol.U h, ,.iy I ntilnui'l lhat -- A l iiid U'liur '.rtt-l- l CV7 (ert in .ii top "I the heap alul . he - llihle "I I).. .111I..1. ip'ropie, ivteiilt ..1 ...... - 1... .1.1 Ii.ttl) llroKlm;...... rial nwretarv. to whom irate- the liu 1.....l- I i.i .. . . 111. a v. tt Him on m noiiii in miiuIi anil our ' t.'-- - rTWiini- l.l Villi ei.l IIOll. .... I I wiim aim eon, iii arrive morning 7 ki.i.ii ,Moi.i:..Kee ' the t Will ill It e llll. ini.ri; OIUHI. film, I. A.iiiiru y .1. , 111 (.out . ll. nr .1111111 nil i.i.iin,..w . 11. .ii, ... .11, Ih,v" Iml",', Secretary Hitch, lliullug lit Max H...-- t. Hi- - Aii.,r.i-- .....1 Aue.n eil mil 'III il.'.iii Irrl ti'iiu.i. upllllull nf whole -- .j over Suntii Ke White Oukn N. Hit-in- . et.Mr . - , lluelice their the .1.1...... , . I, ...... the fr.un ' . lloiilnleil on Ill l.v l.tnil nl ward, ami we mean f... , 111 ii,-'- u. . . . ... 1111 tte.i . menu-- iie.i.i , , , ,, .... ago, r.111 .1 iiidlo a ...... 11 ri.'in me uook eoiiie yeiirn wiiiic air I. and celi..m pail.lloii tall, nil nr Ii. 00-.-Uv. 1... T.ll.T i,r...u...,-- n ,,l lu. ... piv Timler 1'ullure I'l" .ulti'tll-llli- !. nil 1,1...... niiii-ia- i ., .... aa.f iiiiu n'"j ihi i on li. in,, me .1,.. 1.. turn Men l.y propertv of Vivlani, renuri in , . ii- 11 Anuelo lnr In ,,,,,i,im, .n. . .. ,. . . hti Mini wkm Mflil li iiitf. tltMirtMl it h rclliv I'll. 1II1 a""''.'good ulie in ..i. n. . u y . . Notlieriir hIoiii. In p'o.- - lty ol the ile. e.iaed Mate. . M..t.-tr.-i,- win , " uc ..mi e.i.l ArlMna ,,n.t New ,,, ,,,, rilltriMI(1 Olll. N' M , ( i i! i Knterprl-- e plea-antl- y lit.--t Hlrlke KM, liw u t( a f .ll S.l'it.l and on the l.v tlie public toad. ai.l ilr.d July ;, i'ii t rl i A N. . ol liu.t I.elliK lii.ide lo ilir lo C llrlirt . e iiii-i- me - ' ' ',. ine: i.. i.iiNMi.M am...... s i.uiug an orguiil.atlon which at col - . V I. ot the en.t Krw pris- Hitch ilonate.l it to the Alhuiiier.ue herrliy n 11 en Unit Wall n- H..u tlie I'.ii'ln.'.ll ol i. .Mill p i.tillnt.i. n.r frinhlail. Nlllul. -- l -. . 1 I'ui-u- ii -. i nl-'- il Mini ol liiiiidu-i- -- r. ,i. rneiw, Jiiun- aner nun .mini i'ii-- i yem in "i lia- - el.rolh-- inellltier- The 11 In Weill .'. .1. .t 11.1. nit-- noui r l.ieiem iii lnr ine tine in. .rim.' with cold and ll.. l inn leire l.lirnrv U'liere will mm . ineni'ii'. - ( 11.1..1 pto- -i - u.e tloll.n- - p..v,il.le to lln- untl A C llrlll.Von.' con-tlliit- i-l coun-- ei N. (iriiymin. who hiicIi a wide1 ; malt Prior.- - - lulhui all array nf m fre-iH-n- of iiieniher-hl- p - fill.J cut r i .ue .'or in ... Ke an- coiered with j, ,.,)UI., the iriitnihle jurity of the umile up uf reiulmler of iitlu-- ihnn. l'i..i....f i h .k ..i 1iem.1i ...imtt . ..t lu.oi vr..r urn i. .mil mi imeu'-- t utile mi' ' v, -- -- tlalr appear.-- I .state- - -- nwatll an a HllllCruft iHHik Hgellt II. . .. , All.ii..iiriuue, N M . 011 Hie uiu ol il iloliiut due in n inniilli. iioiii vt which l hefore the iilteil nf ihl- - uf to make employe-o- Ke railway, ...... them i',.. imr weather n,(; emigre! f the Santa ...... , n .... a. nn ) on imil-r- 111111 ol iii i u o. nu.i wiiii uiit'imt tlieieun altrr -- cm- - i. ill iMluil... mi... ,. "Upr.-iu- recently itgaiu-- -s-- l.iu - Vegas, tome yearn ..go, Hiilwe.iieiitly M-;i- ma it. He al nf per i per annum r i and Hie old.- -t court to argue t it certain that un extra will he II. It. Joins - president uf the organ!- uf I ".Vi, which Mr. ll.trw.NNl alius "ppiifaoon .v.. n.r iiu- ?' ..f and the lale l'i fill i.. in. date Nl-.t- tottu-iii- p ii.ud. I ...... i ., ... , ... . ., . , . K of nl m'.'I.ou No o. ill No. until I... - ..I ll... ,.il..- Oi.t... (r.n.i ll,... i. harking lu the naloou IuihIiksh mi llriilge l noli-Wil- lim-rf- t i' I ii uiellilH't wiii-l- i there "i'l- "' " .'..." iiecc-tnar- eariy ill 7. tuuil, r raiiK n uiuiiKer illl iucuil Hccre very highly. It hear-- a .-l mark; "1'hnn. U Itort'i, k'r ISn a e.-- l Ami ttlietraa miert-.- or - ' Mtreet, In nee dally proineliadlug the n.011. ... Mietilnll U .Mull. theli'iiu ...ill. the lll ilav of Anutl.t, iMl'i), 1. judgineiituf the iiH'ai-fo- r tin- Harry cirre-pomll- 1'oco-tallg- lie tillie el III the III. llllll of curt .lu-- ki ex .iteeii of Hawaii ha.-- ur tary ami t'liapiuau llarw.NNl, I'haphiin 'iotl. Win. oh l.ilvtanl I. ole e'A n, - II tin- - itml unpaid, and .'- hk ntrm-l- l Unit t'lu.le- 11. - of Denver, na lordly .unl r.01 II aald ilet'tl of eighth circuit faior of the IrainMI-- N me.-tliiu- lu.Kir all ol .S U Wlie.ra., I. plotntetl in t'U't ....,....; ...i...,, .,..,1 ti,., u necretnrv. are hehl ami tin S. .Inn. IS. IMtt." i,ii,ileriile, -r t.,i - l, Jami.- - II Wai.kkh th.-- l Ill i ,i- ul l.nliiie to pay the Intrrrit or an)' -- the cor . . taut it- ever, ami with a hraiid new wife Il'l'l l.iliful tale uf oiirl Freight maoclatluii ami , , ...... rll,1(ir.. it U Mi.t 'lu.s collecl.-- l. a-- tl." organlr itlou - Mr. Ilarwixhl nayn tl. ill junt after Slier part tli.'ieol i.t I. .aiil.llt. .it'll the whole .lull -', (In-- -- - nine nli.t p.iv.thlr I , il. a nf riil.l'.'i iratluii- - coinpiHiug it in "M nrlu- .I piece thai -- he famr- - iiiiiiexutliiii. maintained lu the grcalent necrecy. It inah'n had crofsM an arm of Hit .S'iiw. tlieit'iii.e. at lh- - reitieit of the Irn'l - ' note- -, and liy ..UN.) a reckle w. iiuitii h r night hi the lult.-- l State- to compel will prolmhly contlnueto he iiiiiintalin-- rim .Silver llty huterprl-- nayn: Mm. hay llcauford, hol lri ol puiiiu.Hiii)' viiuir As will he held III each pre-- l wist from Fort after the uf the term- - ami t'oiitlltiutit ol llir aaul ilet'tl of ' Ko.lg.-rH- , a iii.fpiu. It will the of the a ..elation ami for In thl- - manlier for noun- - time iw the of l.otio Mountain, march to the nca had heen inadt" ami tl.e CATARRH Iru- -t iUid Ine pnvter t ruled in ine aa aald t.ti. cluct uf the county for the election of .Hide, I - foiii-ni.'- iit ! ter tl.e Mine. dn lierruy mvrlioo.r " piet" know that a m.- an Injunction t" pretcnt the railway employe-wh- o heloug to the or. received the nad newn of the death of her ..oinii.aiid. mi to lllchmond. via South lliallur the piupine ..I payiliK the pril.cll at Jo-ti- of the peace Mumlay, Jan. II, -- cuinhl- - - DISEASE liileii'-- ol puiuuwo.V nntta, auioiuit p.1-- 1 "i inline could I... .1.11. pan its from entering In.llar der ntill feel that it would he ttetriu.eut- nl.ter. Mm. McMurray, nee ilaehel Hnw,allli v,,rU, Uh-i- i LOCAL and l .ml iv..:. I'arollnn. lunl iilvcu.a t)t citlCl loir (HI Ine d.i in aalr iicrt'lli.titer inrllllunrd - t and Ii mutt el ir4 a pii.e oliuhl..'i liihiug. nalion- lu llm future al to their iHsitlun-t- o tie known aril, at Denver. Mru. McMurray renlded mrt of were r.H'.e lutfdtn thaajlt. tu lotl,yr., ami ..I' .mi. l are JiCi emu ict- - Iii the ihe army attacked at dim.tic rir .11 - iu ui Arliniiu I cut.iiK th" uiilii.hnir rra.oiu..le a.."' .1. .1 l.u Mil. tin. llm llfl ellnrl of the ".item- hern of the order. l'oe'ka Journal. ' Him cminly win. ner tuntiwr nine S. won It f tn rnml 17 .lint in'". let ...' a greater numla-- r tallgo, t'., and ufter the light oier rrtnrdr ulurh I. applied UU lr.' and oinl eiiwlioii to the r n- tH.rit.,ri..!pr.s.n. than iif'hi- tu enforce the prow-Io- of ihe yearn ago. hut nlnce her marriage tuw re-- 1 Into id iiiwirila. He. - wrvice- - aa prot itlvl l.v Mill deed nl triot. ..I,..a... ie w,.. lo wmt l(, mVl. heen a rttilf I Monday, 'JMl. Ik--t riiil- - ' In the hiHtory of the iiiHtitu .. 1.1 H-r- r. aiiwirbrdlt tt.ll, un ihe day ul ainti-trii-- t com- - ei.r urn. .lie -- hli-t 11ml flvit ...... li(riniltklr jltt - law aga.iHt railroad Iii Denier. Her huitinriil .1 i,i..,i,. hi..i.,iitiit' hour ul I'J ..'tl.- - k. in Mill, of tu.ild.iv, . Muii.h and th- - lepuhli- i,,i nllti Hour.. Hun A- - p,,-- , a. (he a e. n i ttv i'l , Harks,, l un the work ,,,. ,,.,,...... , Horn do. of the , - P""le-- iiii'l thi argiiuieut no .Imiht will tll- iull,im ihelr- , .. ... - ,,, i tin- 1.11 'iriLnil- pu.'i.rr.Z SZ Allitu.iit'ii.t.e miiI anil leirilnry.teutlir alert t ii iii.iii nil.. Balm ii.imiv - Mild of the Atlantic I'.iclllc, im-- with Elv's Cream - riU-d- , '"How.-- with the great.--t alteutl.ui Hint I'levelaml will leave train ' I ith leal e.lale herein. flon- ile. al ml"" I, deni cralic uf u' I ahout knee deep on Ihe llmr." He never . anil, pa)' In a Imrrthle at u.iilulgt.t, am tu.ll, to tlir limhtM hlddrr lor to gu"-tl- ol iiilice a millionaire, ami that death 1 ne 1 nayn: in- - of ' I'l'tt .. i.ere come int.. "(11. ,,k,,r law nice neumcrM An i,HW w,ipi, HrmVi or Cunfeileru'e. Nutlfaunb. I'olJ In llc4 ttid llr Id uulelitriln.'.. an the riprliaea alien. 11 1 i',m -, alM.nt 11 half went of Hoi-- ttd Mitl of N.wer uf im-t.- the reasiulhe dellclt diasn't Iroulde him. mile ami rwi,jHIC 0( rrinrJiw. It .r.. tlran ln llir net titii.ii ul ttu... the growth the ellWn hUt iH.m ul lhe (,M tmt I 1 jlp"".pro-- 1. Ihe Mller I'll! Kilter -- mvu lt WM likely tl.e mi .7i n l.,it.mmatl.n.brl. the lorn, J. l IlKSHY. TrillttT I'm-hlt- hr.Nik, truck hy the liter, whlcb 117. IHUU your eye on lite i milling ...ue-.- , 1 (ma iha mrruiTWi, th Alhiiilli'(i.ile. N .M.Nov .i.'l..-li-i pro 11 .. Kill' tuioi.Kii 1.0 imrieoo-- an I.ikI l.artliy hail .' roiil.- -l ihi, 1.1 ii.iiii-.T-- s .... ac- iin.j ". federate tl.e torumr mrll. IMr 5nr. t DruMl.Uot 'li-lr- left here at tup. The terrihle nf laata - from now on. msn. After lighting a cigar he threw i'Xnk-IIii- r U.T ErtOTllKlUi. M tolls. -- Mm county . two year- Meih'll-i- u In merica - HJiear-oh- l - tim. ami tl.e town would he. WavaUwU.W Nut li e nr nil. wa- nut lhe ! . cident until train the iitatcl. In the wootl Inix, containing In Court, ol llrrnal.ll it"d 11. .ty next H -- tu the ol religion - I't your ami atlverlinlug ,r.H H t,e UnikH with It, and know llir liir ut Coniilv lour en. Imrt life domain reach. -- I Hulhr.N.k, when tl.e engineer In Temtorv ol Net .Mt'ilro, ' -. paper mid V r'otewarne.1 H growth. Ac lull- kindling, which Ignite.!. lUrry g ,mt .,(W( stackhou-e- Hlntoryof'.l hm m. had n wonderful hi- - of S I. Datlt, Kirciilof. i . oiling engine nhretln wan out In the yard and heard the roar ' KlKll curding to the --itHlt-lic Ian- - thure were thp mi, Wlire rure voliini.s, printetl lu v. " clinging to Immeiine 1 ' I.aura llarrlt el al ) "A IVI.N-t.- human thsh the of the tinmen ami rushed 11 and found Adi'lanlr - uf Metlull-- m III the and now out of print, he took riie.tignt.oi. hi con- llflicu hraiichts ami the pilot of engine. A The .mil ilffi nil.oita. Uura Ailelaltlc Ha'.". drliern the kitchen ahlaze, With of .Mm- - It Hjh'. I - -t 11 the all the aid reatl K.m ,m w unil Delia Ji.hll .Jnuk, Slevrn I ui.ule I.i in.- -. nlted Stale- la- year, with total imn muc, litrc, - Mot the 1 i.r n iui. ) i,i.r...ii.Mi....i.i j party ntarted out lu.inellately to gather Mary h Miilkey. Kiith Artei.u- Davit. it. huo.i.ii plenty of water the lire wan extinguished , In K v iiieinlier-hl- p of l,Ts'...f."'., ''-i- ' ,rmiK,t them home. There no name iitti Arlemii. Il.tvi., Ilrr.lia )avn, are lirrri u - it - nut nearly - '1' , plt-ci- s ta.k which .'..".u'. up the reiiuiiii-- itml hit- - and nf with to tho houne. ,,, ni.llllf.1 that a mchamery hat hrrii al-.i- hut little damage MMlk wa- - - mil I -- g .t of to UkicAU who the own- 1 iii'Iii-iii- ii all- coinpri-iii- the A- - there are nmue cmitroierny an to o.,,.. Wl,r f.m.,d .,'utlere.l mer a dintauce r...... T...... M..I. ntMilnrH anil all I'll. ineiiieil atlaiii" llirin III the dlttr.ct rourl I' ' Ilu-hul- 1 ue nayn; .Mr. nayn, ne llie loiuit)' ul lleriuhlln. In loryof JSrwilM -t INipulatmn. of th.- -e lielnng to Miriinoi.rg i.toerai iue uoiea cr or, uarwotNi wo.iiu giau.y fntt'iiinrttni..t.i.ii.f moochtc il'.ir. Mich il- llllll w, mrrle.1 rallfornla at tl.e gci.erar f and a half nith- -. Ihe nl.r.-- U were ftt. l.u, hy mil I'liuiplaiuatil, S, I. I la vi t. tlie. 1. 1" jiiilKtueutn of the Urnt Na- - It, an It wan a lumk ot lilt, hill of rni" -- lirallCll.-- nf the Clllircll Pim.I ln.-k- and defunct have relttruc.1 rare plainaul prayinil in ami hv iimin calulal- ill. the two gh at the o,lnnal electl .Seller Kllight L.M,,.rml In a el and taken In llnl , t ' ...... Si ...... I...H. plaint Hint III Hut l atlM-- llut lol l.llllll-- 'l .M. iui-ii- -i - ... -- ...... i, t t ' ..a the coiiihine.t Meth.ii-- Him ine wr,,. Un- following letter to neveral t,r,N.k V " " - ..,.- ,tlM .1 a r lth drwrlp--J le.'l. in llie Nil holt ft ll.ntilrn ailtlitlou I'u.t i and huriel. Ihe mi.u'n I.IinhI wan r.i,i. - - V which In lenn In n- - uf 1 nlli-- Jum. v t ' .t ... ui . .1) ul Alt.uili'rijiit- lx- ti.lil hy a drcrrr uf f ..f .1 ... church. N.uth the former m. th -- ui.i..ei: ...11..1 ..... thati the court coU units the name kind lu the 1 ijvt.r.u "P. ' l u.ii ,.,,.i,ti. I.ur Ira I..-- 1. I U'ti. itiiirt, and llie pii i i d aritliiK limn Hit; J .l. r. nlltt. ! - - M-- e-, rt Vt I ' tailrij t.tle U' apphitl ... Ihe payment of the .I'm" ' a uaiiug ;...... - uu'.u.'.'i- nu.i u.e ui.te. N. , 7 ( i A faMfMHT. 'rtil., i.ior.. Itiaii match A.hunuer.,.,.', lh. had i t. thTtun "Il.te it Drum-Allie- d tie. eased, ana for Vn I Jcrnt t l tame in li V. ii. ai.4 Imciga cuudiiki Hat It. nrlirttl iiu-ii- : W III Mm.. me "im the Huk WM ,0 A,'8chulU' " wl... un 1. ''.1. In uieinlt Melhiltin y.ui tl.e tm...... tent Atl'ltcM, relli'l. ami unlrm you anil rail, of yoiii't"" hate ZttoXniZ 2... m Inc. or - """1 aaltl v.,,,1 rank- - to lln- Koiiuiu Catholic your opinion ZZ Aiu.i: maie. lour iipp.' in tl.e aullun ,,i, -t ntarl.-- camp irisiit r ttav for prori'M ann . tl m given here jii- an it appeara lu my had l mil loiiin Ihent'il relurn tin- - . , J what Waller C. Hadley oflerd for It ner- - I'rof. Sotlrliig, of thin city, In the form C.A.SNOW&GO. due ami uvular put.llfapi.n ii.'ta. . 11 1 chinch coi.nlri, tin .icing ; la-t- lhe oflhlt it it ..1.1. 1,.. in latter Hm..,,i, ptad iK-urd- A that Mc night. It - iipN.-e- d that ne fin uaii laiui dem-ne- t Imli ..ii.l u turn day mil W tt r tint '"KlV, . lu-t- eral yearn ago. If tl.e bauk'n afTalrn had of relic which tLPwClfii'-t!ttU!- J ...... cr.-lit- .-l with a following uf Kiniey I'allfnrnla; ll oUthat ...... i...n uale of Jaiiiian IM", the tame U'ltiH Ihr loum it... i.i..i,t"i. carrlts the Irack and wan - ... y,.,.. McK.n.ey..,.,.:tcarryi;a..tunI I u 1. .1 ill d..v ol January, lht'7, a .letrt'i- pru ct.nif.' o,., ...... ai?t.u:xuu!iK I will fr t ult'ii'il litrt'in Muauiti yuu, a ipreclttte.1 yuu w II an O.. -."vh: K. E.- - t-. i.'.'I-Vi- sail-- , fullnwer- - .1; ..Iv...... i7 tit HUHLIrlC&ME'a' I) S MAHKO. with lhe I - in.. nuuiu llll'iut nir tiejn miru I.M....I.. - ol long rider he ii - man, ami uumarrletl. l" iikHiaii ""a- It f.i.nM.n ' ChanciO'- lei .p 'k.'ll nwer t iiMiue-tlu- at ymir earllent is.u- I'leik and Km tfr tu (.-- ,lliY artN, tetter but the receiver would wan Ita Infancy. am CHEMICAL of W. -l- ey IllU- -t Clltelll III the retrm lu Ittnacopyuf the lQQlV nCCIPC W I). I.rh, .1. Idly lieliler J. S. K.Ml.ll f. - wt(.t, no job. I I'lnter County (N. Y.) (iatette, date.! Jan. HOOK I UlllUL la LABORATORY I. ik I -- not have hail sood a uni, tiitr peCt. . Complaliia'it leal lie lll.d III- - Wife, Thl- - morning lie receded the follow ; I, IWKI, and niont of the H(iace lailavoled r.ui.n.ii. J in ..i..r.t., wa. Hanu.i.-- tr n.u i Silultort for Ihr m ...... - Ill Ml.Uhr. - 1. a...... f.r l.ttt. rmiaru... ndriiiinn...... u. .itipi.. II1 frirllr' -limn I'l Al.a rarriui .atiriiiiuu ill heullh. "till r.-l- 'li- III Mill. I HUM ing reply from tl.e Tor- mi Ml iiiwaira.l.l . m lllll iiiihiib, iiir,i....i.! i.e.,. i.e. .i,r. (in ...... Cur M.rl...u Nnlli (...SI Ilu- - day. publlnhcd ' & BUlIlM V -, Tin: CiTii;.s. nther ytmr to be away from held over the Immortal (leorge Wanhliig. lold Silffir "mVT, uf 'i.-'-i ha- - thrown down the gauntlet riN.iu- lhe Urgent ami moil re ,,,yitcln A .t'.i'i.d of the .IKklmlilrr. tjj It... Itn. there. iliiiiu u .1 Ulu. ' '' uireliini - tr clipping from a Henver exchange, dated fimuei Htich waa the experience of J. V. ton. The paper In lu heavy mourning 1 St.. Cik. Veleru llnii.i'.te..d and Irriiral.iin t'oiiil'- .. . wa- - - I. coal - uf thin country. In Franci-c- o. - uiiuu ml limit Crw i.nlt-- r t'"-,'!'- ,' i.t. the tiuit- to the ig miner- Hahle San from lrlnldail, to the ellect that the San- Scheiick, eilltor of Caddo, I ltd. Ter-- throughout and aboumln in i'ltNiience of Willi. Iirl.l al the p.uuipal uf the 1 y N I' m Ao." , 11-a- r re-- imtlnn'-falle- pa in the AruiUo liiulillnil, 11. 1 1111.1 oilier mi American oar, receuuy uniuKiit 10 rrauci"cu, i a. in re ...... lei piaui K ine 1 of - n Chief. I .. 1.1 ran " mil ... iw,. . . nir . . rauB...... utt,.er, when hln little girl, two years tl.e , . tll Wkn thine Miierniif, New Mr xlco. on the uth .lay ul nr-or ..... 11 ...i. .rtnvnn an nnrv i,r -- annwer i m 10 .Until .!', iii- - knowledge unit the Pacillc cui-- a mixed ample cargo t u.e .in ui uaiui ami in iiiuvai ine wiopn iro lain.. inui; ge, waa tlireateneil with a eevere MUck The putillnherH of ttiln iialiil ejavimen lUCCt mint trial'!. IM..., at a uVI.hIi In llir nlleio.m. l ...... !. .. .1 ii A. Ii I u I . . a j a a a . . 4. U . ndlllCUHII tu.a f ' ..It ....- .l.. unkli .. ill liilli... lllll nil ...... ! m-i- n a ...... r.,.ul wn un. Mint im.i- imii iinn, ...... (.i...... m Frotwrt Idra. i I rllK tuituirwaaltk. lnr llir pnrp volitiir .rop.;l ..tlir..! nj ..i.i 01 CroUIt. lie a!-- Hi Wile llininie.1 Jiiuiuai.-U- l inui. . T'.ur tti-'- ' "r uti company wan ru" urir ... .rrri. it. . .. - M.t.l.'Ulhr...... U . I.I ...... hi rrea.e ol tlir capital k of aald ion. f l.U"! mi Hie risuil ol Hie election tn ol llie Niuia e newn i,Ht for doctor, but aa our fain- - and the prli re wan ccuw wr co y. uf 1I"' i. In.- - I andrmade iii the wiLh luutljtSifSSS Iroin t'.o.i.oiMt nl fi.uuu tharra the Mneiiea ciealed mi loii.ulii ,,,,, hUlta. Welmiepalil the McKlliley to ItHtun imiIi. wImi liiiiutNlUtlx niitf Ur nlitHlclau trnt of town I Dtirchrw- - Home of the htrlke tl.e &rZ$wXKOSiilui ui btutau iaTtu,i.. wmm. nt tlutieail. tnei.oou.uiKlul IU,lK)u .e. io - inn.-.-..- e, Km . ..I i n in iianu- - in net- u iiu.- -i in picu iue i ai ca-- me an iineni.gaiiuii, a iciegraiii wan n lU-in-- an y hiimnrnun the par tuhlfiil rath. end in all eimreiy u.nregar.iiug iueuc"i ei! a Uittle of Chamberlain lough latter day reier iieciueiii - Ily ol llryiiu won one In all nent to Paul Morton, third vice preildmt In ' nr.lrr of tlir djrrrinr. i ownei-ar- e now iuiN.rt- prlcen greatli th.e which I'eni.. fact that elector. edy, which relieve.! her tmmeillatelr. I and there generally an tluue flavor Trtr.r.. I'UI KM Ml CllKaNKV . we no company, anklug re-- l iiutillnhei) Jos-f-a V. Cantlllo to 1'e.lro 1'erra, war MA II .. .. i u ...... i . - of our lake connl.leratlon of lhe about the i.i .,nt without It In the future as ahnut all the II. LUC " ...... -I-.- ... ..,- ...... 'il.-- in ii.' ioi linn "i .mini iiii'l iLfili.ia In r..i.ari1 I.i fliu itintul Hint Im untuiirai. mm. SHUT lurk . ... i...... f...... t.. u i if . riintv til lot ? lilitek llernulllli.t Bl. IlKSHI 1) IIahhovmh .'.. ' II, I'o-e- ' oi. l. Piu-- la. ii and character are now bringing. KxNrtn y I I J. I'MITl llKTT. i.i lIMU,ti(l ,,ul ,y mi would nay that an follnwn; "Have never talke.1 to any we.i Drug Co. Tl.e wife of l. Kohlmtoti, a prominent Krwlerlco !lca and wife to Luciano h. CtHI'aSVKa. 1 1 JtHM .. . .. Im-- I- it 1 fua1 I 11 ...... fl .. I I w A I lia. I if ulllllrtd " V V t'af 1...1 uii. tltt hut lifi liu '1'iitllllllll ml I.I t .u v .llnl iif f attiaa. ultaillt till rutllill'al Tll lid I...I...h.... a( ILilmlab mwuti tilnb tl tl Urlfa UfMrfUlltlr tl IiIm. OtioUr H. iMua. Diittit". ln-l- . K, falle.1 ult that many tiermai.n practically Inexhaii-tlhl- e. lhe uiaiiufac' Vmirn. II. Coihiktt. It aptarn. that Trlnlda.1 haa to rob K. W. IKibeon, ttorney for Bnk He- - with rl.euiuatlnm for live inonth. In Und In old Alhu.iieriue. JUl...... i i . t n.u M...rii...... in, ,.-- ,.r n.a Union of her railroad population by hnv- - .iv- -r .inwn tumth miurneii Hun. . nf It. Ur. Itob nnon eavn: Luciano iMiran and wife to Abel Huran The Hlnew ITetech widlleleht"on .. ... ,,,M-- , io .urate u.te. .a - mm .e ...i.i i.f t;.t,r .iaklntr n.. - "? K the reiuow-ltoth- at town. mWmT(W H'liniWrlaln'H In only and wife, warranty to piece ot lunl In riti.e..-Ueral,- nhpi lUlni the Oernian -- .through lack can marketn. It In mule hy tl.e Chines' (lilcag.t alno receive, tnm inAmn l'ln (llR). will be ready to open their to do ,f . suU left lwt nlsht (or 8inU Ve, whers thins tlimt gwvi brr nr rMt from pin. old Alliuuiieniuc, - - In "A , eouth Second trcl hiues- coolie Imn ex- native from coal dunt. The d.tnt etatee that wlnn. a ratal .iwii.Uni. court U holdlDff a Vpeell I Kor the relief of pain It cwinot ! lt.Mi Llule UcMInn nd liunlnd to Henry ...... n--. ... 1 I the . iuoreB...... i ... I. ,,r .- M llA MM . .. r. Tburedajr. .I...... - I...I...... l.l .1.... . w.It ll.a.ul.u.d ... ILmlnif-.uti I very have i Rrockmeler, unit cUIra to Iota 21, i!2, '.'3 the Medler building, on n- . p .1 little llie i uiuene mixeii Willi a puciiy auimiauce aim com- iue earn uvciniuu onuu.u hiihi iii.i.i "..v tefwion. Lawyers U. B. HOUfT mua UM, Uanv bad cum o! rheumatism i..r..r.r, 17. They WlM. ij . 1 (n of I V$ For sale 60 eeaU and U, felotit new Mesles are deeenljif . i he name aa The lullammable good lu the caw of Kentucky, where llry-- aboard slock tialn, charge itock W, Johrurton wetrt to BuU eured t Townte pr ..unlit will tl.e prueaed luto lutn. pJneri bw to reeelTi a Ukenia alda combustion, and Um boai an aecured one elMtor out of thlrUea. I on roato eut Wednesday, fell from tkw I er voHM ml W. u auwu vng v. u, i. '. ecU nf'l- - ..eetrnt lt II i! 1 BUM .! luftmiU Jill formed, re flnnJ, earneet In her work WIIH THEIR OWN EYES. wjr reecU and tender their coiiBratula. C11ILU-SIUD- and plain to Jennie that she had doim wrong, public Institution may nny etrlke' command! raped. The War Cry, Hons ami the closest er could not one THE SL'I'ltl .nh tdlHI. the oOTclal Five 1st), and one girl would hate ex- - another a blow. mpr of the army, wan aohl at President Ripley Showing Some Santa f detect the slightest dlflereiice In Alboqueraue the Children's Views of plained u-- e cent a co- the proper of paint. Four From th- - pupil- - of the higher ... lite cup), and a little later a Stocaboldcrt liter tbe Road. glten to th well drcs-e- d grades Adhurncd hct'uur .M'ieg lis prides. girl thought wa- - followed, the iinther right Hi there wasawry marked ml- - ROfc llation but the nickel lilt the Yestenlay afternoon Crreldent K. P. Hloiial mail and the plain and com tout I THROUGH BIS 60DV. citizen Of all recent eflort- - re- plllll-hllie- lit whH at etliiralioiial the (Ither ali-w- er Imix my Mi) I The I Albu-qiicnii- glten abb' selltlinelit tor Jll-tl- III the puill-h- - I j. army In Itldey of the Santa He, (leiirrnl MamiKer Clothing Isire the stain of hue-- labor. fill he New Mexico '11 t m, s'rh,tH in. iiioti'iiieiit ha------a . a . giowu n hi iiiu ns i 111 i n it in.- m mutii ..r a,...- naai..- .....a I - ...... tn stay, and when the .eciiliar luagi-tral- in " "..iri ..M- aaaaai- ...i uii.l uu ftl j. ll rill-- -- e.-l l (letieral Superintendent Mmlge, t'. To the chief e they a- nail, niail'HII l in. A Ncxleai Railroad Laborer Meets Wllb Kr, were all riipllt - "Child study." scarcelt mi It s ll, ,'hair I..I a method i i glten lime, hate Consideration her feeling-- . - f togue aiming Its of M. Illggliisoti K. , them-s.'lte- Thepil- o'cl.s'k. with l.i.-- a Sad Accident. and Directors Aldace American citizen-- final aitioii. s can be I.. Journal found that ,l,r,,rt",M ' ,"" frtllf"" "' pil generally regardeil that .leiinle ,,",M"W ,' K"W' hi - al-- n. inter-t.ll- - ilis-- - whs anlmg .m 11.1. A .N I f.,.rt,,,il!,C ."l,,.,,,r,, t,iVrT,,f,l lMvh' ami eiiial- Iu the not of tin- - -- be-lu- g ls-- 1 Arl.t Meiin. cii.tmin V ?M'T' treat object, and it the pttl.t; put het to 1 f, Wwk. of .. Iih'i a- -t of.g,H. N Iiiliisviit lutein al WfUig. tact to l.augliliii ler and Kdward left thl city In bi'tweeii of dl-i'- u, Himiiiiliiir Its roadbed this aide ol ITIflou ,b. the airital ii at i' lu.'.ittoiiiil iiiei'ttin.'-eter- y I he following are ,,t,..,i. extracts from the be coli-ldel- the adiullil-tla- tl f I the organization has acistiupll-ht- il a special train for a trip oter the lilies a cotiter-atlo- ii raiigt-- a he i'.i t .1,1,,, it.,,, n i nter to make It more secure l .iter great tnrlMy where. Ihill-tli- dt - "III the High s,' .... papet- - diirlnit air" th.. puitl-l.tuet- it. are -- throughout the world . fully comprt- - far a Hiitoti, N. M ay Tot-ek- a Jour- - Ibre ou.e strong ts. Ihe M",..,t,ut. Iv , t. reason, the of subject, tllillllly on incl lellt- - of Wide - f - the lh" l,ordsliirg Lite the tlhereter attak- tmi'liel- - ate m ,., til. Ilk tin- .III Hot e- lld right-minde- rlilld the for ar.'l.t- - mid I kh hetideil, no person Mill say mil of IrVc, II. re. tealle - teacher, to I at , alld .Mill,.,. .V.. In title it ciiinpi.lgii. iinv tth. n ot rji and they are to gr..-- p -- g, . rrnl doing work rouitlderalde trtiug the ubji ct harm he ior wa- - n- -t 11 t puul-hnten- t. theiu nay. So religion IhhIv has a corner Ostensibly the mirty wa- - j,t b. Kt. l .itiin-iie..- . . . mce-ear- y, startid nterth" I'luugnl the imijor read a long r it i-.- -- tji - t.r. Ma"ttit ha Ui'ii to do which from C'.niui"ii t in .lot. mid to enough to put deceit III the Word- - -- , on Hint Me he ttteel. Intent ,,.! Ultllitel.tlolnil COU..IJ.W.I.CIUI.'.,..-- , saltation, Mill take that Mint line on mi ordinary of Inspection l. int-e- lf n- - ... tour article aloii with - i,.-,.- -- m-li , -d ..uie experienced miners were set at the the Hpply the Ill Mny ,. I,, f Up HI lier III .titer." wrong of la-s- lc doing. 1.1.1 to for medicine from u In Idtie Hi will out In ha much more hi- - bate legard the Ihei.l I,,, , . A Mexican who reality the trip only and although teal ptactlcal has worked a long wal table. ' "'' " ' ...... liiKly e '" '"' ler the ."Hit. Hi l - , , , an from any other tirce. The algnlHeahce. 1. 1 '"I W.,, ,o t. ll lately b"i put to the -- time In the nilnea had drilled a hole "telet It may be true th it the r. eogiil.i-- lead- Id When he gat. her the pall.t-- lint to rng ,,tel,.- - brigade hat mi Interest in the I he l -- a- - . Judieml district , trip taken solely for the Lctii'tlt train, Ills wa teiily er- clilld-tu- dy I : A- tolce o( Hi Mate-ar- e h - -- -- itxiiit twenty feet deep, and was putting the lilted o tl... furniture. he did imt he - -- Mcs-r- , Parent- and teacher ,..,.), n . ,. Lsly at well Hi the colli, -- Sail MitrrUI of a. (iihl-y- -- hoUd on,M ,' Hutch, Fowler alld ami a if he had not made a peech for a golllg-olllewh- at In xime dynamite. He had one stick In tear. toll Atft'llii' III the l bate loi.l Jennie how attoiigit better .. lice. lit for n'tiiwltijr Ab uii.l. child plaintilN in err- -r , , the pnrHMe them in mt noon the major. Mr. Ilahu and my- te-t- -, ind tamped down, an iron tamp-- eVCeidlnglt detalb-- t mid not puui-h.- -l her. Ihe m-x- t - f m th,. mtnd detelopinent. to (embii.t u, .r (,.- t eastern dltectora and reprei!htatltee of self went Into the pmlot. where sat , lis rod ramie twenty feet long and three-- 1 llurltln' .troli-a- rial?, Mr. experiment-- etc , but l. uie Jennie had a chalice to do a kind M- e. the end that the iu..-- t elleetite mean Htockholdcrs thut the lni'ieuied earning McKtlllet. Helell Ml'Kllllet Mild -- mi irler of all Ihrli hi illutii,.tr. Hi l.u.l The lletit Salte III the world for cute l- trellil-- l ale talu.ild" Iu blinking the iici. tie YT.i.ii.i i (li ,, ,.,oiu,y rr (rllf A 1. ,,M,lw'H' H,r,,H 'he road the new management an. .Ho r !. - Mr- - ,flu (M1(.Ht 'liti.iii for a 1. Mint ulcers, salt rheum. fetcr ' under the charmiiig great Issly of worker-u- p ail pilllt-hllielll- ." to autlhlllg like ,. ,.,. ,, t)) (.Mi, ...V ''''-- r. cham-- M ea-- o I - ; 1.1T.S, II..T-- I hands, cl. hIi.s, accompll-h- d n- -- pre-b- le wUli Ihe of the mt- -- i .r:!..r not heeu at I- to will ism In the b' -- I -- 1 HeT' It White a taiid.iid. there - a wide he on ( a furniture man -- "I ' at. up to a purer and truer life, Joseph It'iUlla-li- ; ! - of road. II iii-- following apt iTJ1. " ' Prnue,,t- the the sympathetic sketch space -- liter-ag- e alien It "lipped from hie hand and fell .r "TVWIP" " between the Clelitl.t and the would hate got ...uie turpentine if , j, When of Mr. ,,,H,IS J I' Delgndat wa- - In t'renideut ltipl) took charge ht .Iilah lli.rtzell, will be wi lcniin-- chlbl-tli- -- the hole. Un striking tin dynamite guaranteed to glte ertect eallHfactlou l teai her III dt . but the pui'e had lits'll Jennie's in dher alld Jell- - llitde Kdgar Wii-- m it or money refunded, I'rlce &'i per the Santa Ke cynteiu a year ago he Imme- ht the reader i f III! tioLU MINES, bui tlir concussion wa mi strong rente Clll.IN will be (he the I of - IIULShUKO that It a. atelae teacher nie scrub wis. wmk the chair tin- s Ixix. Kor sale hy Walton, City Drug .Store, diately a of economy holl-- e .1-e- ttft'S th-- u ! it- Inaugurated ytem "III ls?l till was the home of n- iiudi'i-taiiilii- ig rallied au exploeloii, throwing the rod Altiuiiieriue. con- up lint t ii'.il of til all the paint wa. I lien would s a- - to lllofl.liig which rapidly reduced the eiM'ii-- of a pall of Inter- - - Is- found -- 4 View Chrlit-ue- w lilof..U out of the hole. hen the roil went call of the Object, alld applies ll- - ptlllflpli hate -l- f.'t the liphnl-ter- er and had Wurklnk' S'oPJi with tu it ll VII t I I.imoiiI. the road without Injuring in lciot III page- - of K'lli or 1. I fu- - joint the man had evidently leaned Allr the the Hot. heir to tin- 'li'-d. enters put mi the chair-- , nui oter atciae pating for lrenti. At eliHt- - f "Illack Jack" ami lih compaiitoux, any of the drpartmeulH. UN manage- ture wa- - the protiil-- e the tbi hole, and when It rame up It caught at radiant with of It - now recogiiii"l bt ptogre t, - It out ot .1 ie'- - monthly allowance." " '' " ) '' ''', I ant acciiuutM, were down In of ment t)inliicv like from the Joy. Iloth were hmid-oiu- e, I he t.lltpilt of the Hlll-l..r- o gold Cilirt, the w biin Just below ehoulder. the Ntate !lart, etery healthy, licator- - a kliowb-h- e of -- ubject-, "Ulhough 1.. I,..r llltlle the Klghteeti that the left trvll, . iie-dl- -- - -. - . all. held it brii-- f Soiiora, Hiid the Mexican army and hy cutting off all exiH-ne- Isdh of American ab-tr- a. .in- ',a- van- it) iii (rrt of thin rol went through win after idoiieer lock, with of t and en of notli-ol- . Jennie, iii her i"i iis, the man' ft intiocciici'. thought she ' . - - - Hi-l.- iy dellt C. fpiisv- iii thviu. lieputy Murlinl I.ihiiiiih war tin- and placing the knuI on a thoroughly imirkid record- for longetlty. -- It. Ul and then it htuck. The other work- - nilli'li'lit l"l the teachi l Who w.t- - making the parlor bsik more beauti- Sett is getting rich ore from the Ul -- ho Hccotiipll-lie,- !. tart llarth'ttnt - iiMi-tai.f- e. u,,l"" wUl' "I hot gnu economical luiili, after soldier history gave him a title to -- o-'- th' dm runhe.1 to hlx The r,- -l oer to the great t ,.f ,),. ful, mid In- did not Hunk -- he wa- - lining Miermaii mid will get Inn big ',,H nhort In wm'-.-m- iI by e. -- After the rea l,, Im "'"'"'''"f. 'hat they did not nllp time olllce, that whlilihentart few of Iloth N llefaile I Mm! not pulled luick. and it took the '' "' teli. ping manhi-- and tti.iuaiili.... and an t thing wrong.'' lllllllletlt 'lit l.t mm I lu- -. -l out to do, an lucrea-- e the earning!) were Well Well JoiirniiiPtit wo. t U.mI elT.irlM of , I colllliry. ollll.lWI in etc ugi. to klu.w it p. I llir Inm.n, " training to ac I' Clti;.'li-hl- he "I Would Hot punish her. llii e she did Ihe lt..iimi.a mill ha- - I n eil.ciliig imm of the nyMteiu. that real - -- i t - ,t,iu ..r nioie umii any odiliit..u without Isiuiid- -- bt -- et The umiiV face leai'lur. actual contact, and li"l know he wu- - remarkably Cbt--e to-Il- tltiirough. -- tudt. that lug me. sating on Mi.ike Hint prelli l "ther odlcer. and Ui of a -- klr- With the bowing of earni- ali'l that sehisil I la-- fotill '""''' theeient liicrcal time choui t while liiu-- lilider-tai- nl I'lllll-lillii'l- or Nolwiiluiii,lliiL.ti...i..rni,iu l the taw the it W.aild olilt help to ItlClitlioii.) ote-- late. -- make her lill-- li - ng- Ke K.t-- ti la-- t. will do Hit of their to- the lock of the Santa iu life wbo-- e -- If - bjurlcM the man U ntlll and the Child, lllllld linllld bi i'iillie op-'l- l h. r the hair fin. ,lhe, all faith in neither, and rather than ,e gi.-- p deal will eln-e- d ward-li'ii- i. A I icr be llt-lorr- i nay uiidouliti-ill- friend warned lnni-o- f comuieiictd to adtauca ill tnlue, and the "Ihe major drill hud n gray gland-hititi- g he will reenter. to the teai'hi'r, lnr ii the child hate her child - cmil her -- hakeii, thl- - the r leiic in utoiitli and a large am.. out of mount tin- - the otlo-- mill urg.-- on the New Vork xtock While 'thel- - bl- - nge tti-r- l l him to let market of lb- - - be -- mi fob'i' tile lli"l'.l- to Ilia te the mother Iii. be willing to rl-- k Ill nil col.i'ilH'lic will be l.t , AKIZUMA ITEMS. other oIllciT take In- - pbice, bhiui-l-- i found their margiiH on Santa Fe following eliopholi and I ae-a- r. tg-e- l distributed til llll'l itlttlUlellt he tin How nl It'll ell lt - Idtell ate mid till- etert mttcle ill furniture iii hoii-e- ." e, dliiilul-ihiu- A the refiix-- to lib. union the cha-- remark- plan hy which the taltie up ninl down the Virginia- - III- - u I l ceii-uri- -l puni-hi'- l, 1 1 jitil and whrn Mpaiv will ti. dt-c- ii t lan-e- ti liltltl tuttl - permit lug each i.allagher .V lir.itight Jl' e lilture millet- are hellig s In ing, mint retiieintx-- r that I of the Ntock could be dcpre-4- d wae then, option and iu Wele hate the hate i. rant and the CUM be t ie -- flallllli' mat tacit grade epalatelt. heln'e next will ha ( Oak a high fei.'miol (or J i.i u i, t it -- to ilu liect-H-it- hiiiI barter mill t" degrea of I . ni prii'p.H'tUH the .mi.' kimlly for them iii, a they hailed the He had ti lireek but lu- p'l.t-lc.- tl lie that dli'ti'iiiary, di'tict. for tttiii h theehil I - tin l ii.'t gliell and proti-- lln-l- r lia.a-- It - being CUCllUteit Kllgll'-l- i -b- .r.l-burg Idea ol the - ll kli.i-.u- I hate l tiuichiiiurt ... ulllolig thet hiittf lor me." Liberal. claiming that earning- were id a w.ll worn -k all. a g.s III tbe lea-- .r l s'fha- - Ihe .. . Kln-tolri- . - ot i u --. and c "iiceiitr.itiiig Hpparatii- - a - i accomplished at a to the to gen- IllU-kt- 't. Ill- - Colb W.i- - lino iii mi, i.mi with tert The program- b lot road ge I, -- tl Alt', t t LSI V teacher lll.l.te i. .tu l, i.f the llidit l lual ticce lul tr lut run Ml ' pupil-au-wer.- I'liiH-ut- clalim-- 1 III - Wi-- I Here al -l. meeting of the M Ide ,V MnrlropM rallwny U eral. Iln't that the rolling rei'ltutl.'ll- made under l'." lit. hl . out of whteli'.,, ,, luiliil.-- heoi'e I he , -- Miake MeXn'o ..m tin nllil) ln.irlli.ii,ii,l IIiiji 1.1 r )turiU utock uml r oh. -1 were being neglected, liiokt of III- - iiuiuber IJ4 fatornl whliplng, hate been tVer.- receiting a shipment ol '.',. tie cauopt btttle. Hut law It wu- - utiabb' b. lliten- -t and sixty I ( gilliddol lll- -t III-- of hi. II) - -- -- much encouraged recently with the high W.S'k ' III vin Santa Monica Diet were rut at that force- were reduced to uch au ex- ploiim wa-- boli'ir to blin-e- lf and him. eight and Mtt h girls. Ihtrtt I y ri- -t I he u.'inbl houiidist Iu Armory hall -- woiiid tf"',,",f clicoilliti Mi With the the public III Mi UiloCllio tent in ir t vtoik could not be hi- - Wife. Ibith ... lo-- lite l'llet.'. m folding, thlrti lite "'' cli.. hit rteek. colilil). la--t ii'Ullg Wee li llllllliu- -' expfi iti'iillig at n,;ti for the Inii.thi'iu'li - ' a ' done, mid -- . I take aw a. r I''!"1,"",1 '"""- ft.. in the Si. -- '. llll'l K t'mu-u-- t In hurt, eudeatored to prote l.ttiiiit,-- het were Hot ili li, It- paints. Hunt thought the I.iuuar) and I" are the d.ito-- ol the uiotithl) drill and of flit true in - when '. l'fe-iilc-'l"ti. "t c.itilpaltt. (or I e -- ul Oier nlin-r.-- - each day ii. el lor ltliley wit-- piai'ticitllt lli"Uih t wealth e Mild tak- - met--ui- e ti. did right, irdi d her (iiiii- at. i i mil ehootlug of the gnu the bate h colitrit-l- - the trial- - ..r touruuuieiit If the .cleil teach- "Well- - A Wiley M WH- - s.l.'i, but owing to young ti- -' -- ..Ii- re- - hate Caipb'ti--I their 'M'O i -- I'Iuh-ihx- , wrecking the loud for the hii o, hi Msj.i.' etere, tWi'lltt - w.aiild IM jt of the territory Ml lu-le- loftt McKiin y er With tho-ei- 't .lol.'.i ol Marx (or lesy tint '"'Hdilig Itec-ptlol- l lotting to Willi their - at the ITatllia lllllie. the mirth t.ii I,, allowing big euriilugi fur the new Would Invii r ii-- -- J. Ulle .leiinl.. to I'b'iui the p.iuit ..If. two Jiiiiuary I uml , t an- - eliil-t- o la-- hati' from the tart I'lb" 1.11 t"Mlli-lit- . in pretioii'-l- luke a t look in the will awful but lhc f -- herinaii. and will n,.w education at Hit- agcuielit. liold mid boll - Would -- I hate her pat damage. Hurt. ..lie """" ' a -- -. Iir.-rta-- ,iiceit. gl.i to he" if her lmt him on Mtraight, hate liflii'lli"! wu of the .tut- iiatiif.- and on., km I of r ol A- t itli.-lelit - the for were ill - the earning- - of road Hleaillly w.i- - tt to t'n- l"'n''"H '" '"act neb ore which Diet lute reaching the Ullioiy, the in that; he fortilliate III lit. -r exilallt wr.u.v I W ll-- itrtt. a ililtliv wniibl fur IioInh at tlciix billted ll hiHiki - -. nil. Iml the thf l. ai tliu- delaying th di III a lew inlnitti- crea-e- d lhe-- e - I lirt-tui- a- - .'I chairs, M piopertt each mouth, claim- coin "Mi, -t I, a lulu L'ifl (ort lei, ui, t,, with iilckeii-- t anil uiii.le a gm haul I he II i'hid inarm-- ..r fifty hilm' ls.j for captalll lUllied little Ull'liT -- I ba- ' h - at incured to hati ome (urce with tbe W.i- - born all chrl-tem- -l Katie. Hller M' puttliig to -l for a few bonis. Niake hufi mm down loan t' I i'H-- y. eat mid trill- - wu all of a Uakxglt lug. hey line lmt let the culprit down It dillerent .. posi- -- threw the oter -- ."ant feet, - ern director- - ami tockhobler-, who knew MeKnib'.f- - mother. tlnn-n- i .'toll bellet.-- l III ciiiilluilig .lelilile lo th" eteii making tt the ilee t til li'lllllg (t'lll'e HUM eupiel, on the ground that he knew lut tion and each "lie had to hate a -- T i.t JKIiKisI the fowl to their tli'ler -. -- intmeit ea.iiin how wu- - hlm-el- f. little or nothing about the uimugi'iueiit Ueilith- - t. Is; I. tin- - ' (Wo or three d.ty- Would lock the Calllp Following ll are the Optsir- - ...... it alter, plil (aiuili kind ol a siltli'e etell II. ....H(...uu They're In jail now. A - l.- lltelt drill followed roll call, nuc of the large I hi- - att-o( le I her III II eln-e- t. thra W Hllillt. Iv.t -t. the IttchliiHlid. railway eir rei eitr) aio'tli-- r a Ilium, mi 'to-- r III Cllll l t a, f,., "l oil Pi feet., U. (Hirt i.l ll,.- S.,i ci'i'di-- tiiiM-ctlo-u . tl,r ilrHi-- to liNlk ration hut rhalletigH a l by the of the company si.y i I tin- Kit.-- . -- h for ulUlf- - Wu- - bloilgllt to the notice ol girl Who got iii' o( hU, I,. and ttat.-- a or .... mi twenty Highly IJh f.M. and the Wick., s'latn.ii. l.t M- i , by l.t I 'ill. .loliu lt.irraiUlle, who found altei till" tin-- .- illtti'lelil tu l- ciuiter-- t I'n-iile- . - lug in the Mi4 Free iit I I r - punish (eet. and tin- Hoiiaiijt "lent Indian fit rt and he Immediately wu iii"ili'-i- i iiiHf.' au- -- lo.t at all. few i'" tuiiiiel gains eterythtug In neat and con ltilt, Iiitoriug I ler each clilbl a- - n ten - lllllt. and .i glte w.-r- t.-i- A. II. Justice, a erde cattle- -- - a- - ptiui-huiei- it. lepth I.-- 't. ' rlter dltliin, the coinlltlon of I mi prop. el that the entire boaid ot 'liter tie- III itli'T - of l uiieertaili to the mi the at als.iit .'.i. '"'!";, .'S"'!.,', iirui. hat lug I'li'i'l I'.llllu' CUp'l-- enrelul ntt. litt.ui t.. all thtltir- - beating tlatt.-t- 'i, -, a- - -- haa accepted the challenge and the imprnti-- In eteral oter that tor- uii.l h- - Hlocktiohtf lie- -. Would few (milled nr.- I .peui-er I mailt de.irti', bate been full to olerlt'iwlng bl- - glt.'U. olltrilCtors A Ittl- - ll.lte Colli I'apel i I'hm-lit- ot il"Ui phi .teal, liieiital and in.Ual d lr- -t will come oil III a month ago. line-ail- fi'-i- about hhoilbt make a tour ol the lli of d he eli.l Iri-- lie- - ma t'ie piper- - uf Imii. tatigltig from : pb'ti-- l their eoiitrin-- t for -- Inking l.'si h- I' lahi' The MMtor ire-,-- nt declareil tllem-'lr- - teloplio'lit feet " The l -- tlli'lll-elt- e- uiad. purrte will to the ee for pllt-iC- .tl con- et - lt-.- t" ol age il much plevH-- with the the ternal in bei ltra- lt iu Vieri- - - !' addil on the Miake llialll shaft "".", l t'st- hate l',. iiiiide in ch' a , a ""'III- - in r, . I a nt of It- - dition of the road. sllllle-- alld - ih'i'.i-I- . '. "I w.iiild hate her wii-- 'i and dry the heir I Wa- - to I dull thecoiiipaut. member uu I. - e au bid ninety -- g..M- ll sUlprisllit! to llll'l the lau-- liuiub.'t i'ha.- aaf springer, aii . : ( - .if young men, I hi- - m-p-i pte-l- . Mr- -. . Itie Iteputillcan wi)-- ol. II, . I.iiw- all intelligent, actlte, proMHition win ami It McKllllet t,i.i-- three uilha. "S,,i ,.( lay- -' time, wa- - tltii-hi- sl l.aa- - ll.ll llllendt the I chlbtli'li who l. .f and the ttoik tu I.UIias. of hate not In. final -- I'lim-ulx- . a'l'l proud their organization, mid in Wit- - l)r- -t t " dat- - - I "l.egl-lal- n military liiHpeclor, win in decided to make the tour I'ltt'Tii.'-- - n( ilnal parting (nun lot.-- at with the mnly a Week "lute ninety it wlueh pietty gil n.l apei i. i. . l'o'-- e (act- - rea-o- lli ltit t I'r"-- -r te-- ts lipiur the for the olertatioii mid re culatllig cui-- l,t- -t - tor lu- -t October. At -. the to ,i "I l lering that the llfty alld Irlt Whipple llarrackH night. company - irogre-- a. that time, howeter, mailt of olle- Wltlilll a few tear- - a gralldlalliHr thl- - paints unite." Would te il tact and will the d'l't i hard ground. th- ' teacher l tert ol i l.iiwtoii l.i by I director- - could not bu-- l- I graudiiioth-- -- t.-- be pl.-ii- i.f .lentil"." t .i leuieiiilierid all the he drill ended, the gentlemen of the the bate their all. r to whom he wa- - to ill-e- ' , Willi children IlitellU'elltlt and Di ming, n on. b for he eliterUltiliielll Committee of the liliard-- llltere-l- a, and wa- - attai'lo-- b d Is not ll p'lltlshm.-ii- t In Is'.' J V I,, tiinere, took an actlte pitrt iu lie the trip derlt l and her own Udotnl moth 1 Is " g.d i. o. twitter, wl uu Dull piiiifipa! ..I ti e I J hi'ad.ii'lie- - of I. lent. llnt-'- n. proxllllltt -- t " thr.-- -- i tin- - hnmlierllii. Ola olf of i il he her-e- lf retail drug ton- In New ..rk Hi, i, M.. IihIIlii cumpaigii iu tenlbiry. until the time the annual meeting er p awat in ileal!. et'-'t- " e..i,. 'I'd hut up tl. mid llit iui Itei-- I. '.r - I'ntMtif Watwiii. Meiller ami with the Work. Illatli'lltloli, " hating learin-- l of tin- gra-a- t - I tul-b- itltlng, a f.. ling b' I ' W- I ialu- of b'llt of the el s taken for a the j I Wal-o- of the Istard ot director- - Iu tin- - -T lit u! tell her lllii ta drite around ti iim city. "Ill tlgn-- t. I, tliH b- lath II ,1 I -, 'n ate chairiuau, took charge babj. Ida. died lapld winking, etc . Ili.i.t - the dli.-e- t ll - .High Kelileilt for Cold- le " ' -- Albii.ii"iiii". Mayor Monition. of tiriK'eeillllg- - Again, a uiimler of the director- - - Netei let her lay ul.iii.- again." the and mam the tolllr found III .Inn.- Katie, wu-la- id lilt-o- , , Cliillp and WhiHi.lng I'niigh. IsT'. the f defei-t- U hlle tt'UCl.i'l-III- .' ordered a - -- -. -- II II IIS'SlS aS I "Idlera, their tntlted gueete and lady it e "It had been I (or hi- - ui.-- t -- ie lllllM-b- to leate hll'llle matters -- Hit little girl. ttpply It with :UglU llftotll, ellt to the in the grate along the gra mound H. , ( 1 -- friend-- , tn .rt t it . i I'apel lb- were gliding oter the perfect thet llllll'll tutor --i- ll f in-.- ' ',a'gsl,ll...i. - long euoiigli to take Hit trip, but it would bate tn. her th it pilot- - Wa- - that he itlll't it uiii ut I'hoeuix a fewdiy- ago, -- of her baby Ihe-.- - l..i lmt Diii'Ctor- - . ih ll t to the tr.illii of the Kir- -t regiment cruel Iliat lie aide (,. diM'oicr these deferi and i to and Disir.. . I I art order more, and .luring th" 1 lii-a- thiHe an- made to I!... tr Ii chair-- . orche-tr- a, K. that who did attend the p.nit lieu -- r lb- - from the Ihewo-- i ll. I'IiIIIIh directing the rmiiiiig tu .iieh ipnek should to t winter old oi.-- tw.a gr.H. of reiii.-l- t. siipi'llliteiidelit ol i, resiit ttii'tn the parents who w the -. ea-- -- kl - at I I l-l ,. grmnl march and calling the dance- nual meeting should take m t a hurt -- pro-- Mr- -. mid hate 1. her and fotgata- her." It I . l' . a coiitlfiii'.sl morphine tleml and U ion. t rated MeKltiley. that au ret-- r lln n tlo-opt- II" s.iy. gi,., (,h .tl. faction of .i ir chiidii to iaii Ih'hri-- . Mum, VI. Fourteen uutiib-r- - were on pro- "JellUle Hot I puill-hi- -l any e.Hlgli h- - ol and the trip ami report to the other interivi-- - h-- r lif-- - . hould hate Ii cure ha etiT handled Viiowu to the olice. She wiii will l lot mailt un. nth- own hung tor prop. r trcutim-m- r t Ihe teacher can r -- It'l. aif Mlia-- Ity gram, ami all went merrily until a few e.i-- t.-t- -- Hi" at J i ll per by partus III the t. -ii I ll.-- eterady, did Hot know that It ..irsiiti bnttle ifte peiiiteiitlary from Willlaiiw a few by a ler a ni adjil-- Ho- V I -- Ill M minute- - pa-- t twelte. when the gay and thii t llcht til Ih" and III'' W Maxwell Drug i o I'ap "I tit studt.' Tin-I-t- he rt'ii-o- u Mes-r- s. Fow- h. m wioiig to tin- - -. ugo -l Hotch. wa- - alllK- -l I ( . i. patut piib.r I'hmr- of the for umii'daughter. She Ion pleasant party bade each other gi- wrecked. he iii -t tug pupils with t..'..i-ti,- .ijjiit, and aiiier'.ll, p'lldo' ler dibb- - now I.'t' In-- i - i 11) 'U'-r.- . -ii I t tli-- 4 twiiiglil night. mid me on h trip oter the "i Miiriy ini'i Ith HUH I Al (iNi l:. 'ii. - her fatorite haunt- - uml euillielit hate (sll- -l to Id.H'klMi.ird - ti-r- t I H.u.t w.ilk male . he - to - a- - a- - N, M. I - - leell't. ail III" elltertaiumetit committee line far Raton, het are to the of Illelel-le- thei know I. wrong Iu e.i.e- of foi..- al. rtcipturitl. It- - -- helltll. i pi. III. and M- dll I'tillb'l-- I'ongratuhitiil on ucci' In carrying -' -- or I wrong, -- l- howii the dllTerelit ilepaltltleiit- - the illo-a-e- , of tlielitliilie the wrollg doer hollld It : dellln d III or lion-- Ihlt .he Wjj th: It. tan Are -- County ('. out all the detail- - which made occa--to- tin It the D.'fiCl- - til 1. Short rfl,neu chasd at Mm. pi-- lllllli'tlll the lllllt likewise I eoinli-Hon- - be I road and are to note puiil-- e .rely In iii my Il n ' ot Imm-o- -- licit caredillt the of l i. c Hcniutcd tu ItlnlJjJ. latin-- the Kdti i'- -i t'HiiU, loruier grude u the liiln a one for the forty irrltllbllltt '.I'lli.hli. or it'.-- I and i .eat-e- l trullbltil -- V mid report to the en-te- rn - i I.iI In the I'le' d ri-- - p llil-- ll rrt-id- eiit i - r i couple- - partlcipaliiiir. partle- on rut Ii HI . Win-I- - Itipb-- i,, of tin- f.v 1 lobe Northern riiilnutd, mid the elieh lilting dream of Hear lie- tit.lit where Ihe toucher'- - I -l r -- - tin ir return. heir report w ill uiidouhi p light, t." - Kn-y- . t i.sim, i s nix life. Ill the companion-hi- of her tl- - III In ii liric..i- with taeiieral Manager bit here mouth no for l.i ilttder It - THE SANTA IE COMPANY. edly be a.-- s..r. "Un- i - t , ...... L tai ol Weli.iiiii. k;i. grallttlug, tint Smita Fe halib , Wa- - -- punishment tu tits tn ut liiuli- I, ll lless returned to the t alley on Thurr-- - bt the harp, that l.t p. I it .if il.. i ' ,.i rbudli'li -- t .. . ill lb- - telll Hue- - Were ill wa- - uiheieiii. iiiti.H-.-ti- lli'lla-ril- l I pri..i'iiil niiiii' lieter better Colidltloli cllp-- e -- In- h..i-.l'la-- a. was d Mlp'tlllti'll'lellt II I he only one - pitck ill ib'atli, and f. II. tlta- healing llH'lli-o- l Ih.H, , -. llllU.ll of the party remain- Tbc , of . .l.ldl- .- ol Ihe nrc hoarJ Dtrectar Was than thet are at preM-ut- am III.'.. II llttelill.ili. M. nfteii Siip.-lllil- i lid.-llto- - it - true, but Into strong and luting lt Hill- - ailb-ete- I Miichlltert .lohll I'btter a J. Miihrh now Harry atone Mon- hate i.fteu eell Elected, Ihe party will return to Chicago (. il.l-- li UU i -- -- I , I Without eplauatl-U- alld othel - of the ptiblie ch'.'l-.-l Mr. arm-- wheie, cradled by patience ami ..( . la etel.ll executlie olllfer- of the conductor on the road here. ., ,., .,..., (lf , ,..,. day. and lipld. when ' ....,' f .k leap gissine--- . IU..I - ii'b'iiri'i ton .s.uit.i Fe atrit.-- Itatoii on a -- latee Ala-k- a etorle were ... betolnt the reach ol WotiU that tlollbo- Wit- - with It in :ir that the ,.,.,.... , ,,. ..,.. ,.,,, tleiri'irs should Mth-.iiw- SllI1... Kl. i- -i " - a t r in run or sisitht-- by b- - -- Ihe ehlld thought the fin hi- Hutu from the e.i- -t ttt.HM i rUkre" he adtl-- e , , ,,. ..' , ., iiotn. rtii: i'iu.. t the healing hand of time, al-- o iioti-- l. -- u ,.,uiy this morning Lit. and that would no . . - ... ais ui.iim, that I'ln-.- .ill iiiiii-i..- ,'iitiii- inmiu hi Mr.' biMiitifullt decorali-- and -- " I lltll-- O of IIII.S...LI i. hill l;ell to the biting of - l that he and rennitm-- l here admit (nur hours and tl, ll . ..' circle biealhtng thiaiugh tin- n is known to ' ,.,.,,,. ., i er don.- - -- High ' M I e. the N'houl ti'ii the great republleaii Iho-- e I (M. iiiiielhing worthy of nai-- a half, Isianb-- i. ,,. she held ui"-- An Hi after which thet I their ' t dear. Bill' ..r i ...... i tet her to physical ltnd tueiital tigor. a.t lha- - .Notlllill tl... hi iim iimi'I rip tlctory of NoteuiU'r lid la- -t the the in dher -- hould .how.-- her H.r. llir inmi'' ii'M'irrirti writer sweet - I - hate her train with .ugh order- - (or atllla-ta-li- J - and gracious manner it bar. to Illelllort.CollCelltratloll ol attention, tl tt To'ka, I'll loll of l pal Wakefield iu Tucson from Mr Water-o- n .V ('( llll-ta- -- -- , The nt of Prince. f found himself iu Canton Ohio, which he hould be tiuuUhi-- Itcconl- - -- bellete that her had been - -s l sats lb,. iter of .tudt" lilt ll- - ll.lll.Vt- - i'a - toiing heart tal llcklli- mid the l.'iicber- - canyon and remrte to the fit- .s,.w rk Chicago, wo.- - reehiMi-- a- - like'' and t had for set era! mouths been the continu- cru-ln- -l lug tolcr age. While here the ollii'lal- - "W ruing" I'n.i .1. . Ml. bt sorrow. Her way of referring aa-il- y ileteriiiiite made a general the - caii whether or not -- Uniting of the remains of a man- the Independent auditor-- . ous scene of great but Kxti.ict- - paper- - of girl- - IhMiI.iI.I i.f .i,..U tl. . orderly excite- to her id - ti-r- t On- - from the rang- of their exteli-lt- e plant and expie Iteof un- tiolatiug tin- - luip-utaii- t I Jim AndradaV W children law I'lof. II. ill. III. l.t tbe mar ranch. Some Aldace F. ment. Marching mu- ing age (rum - I., ill-e- n -- l p.l In Chairiuau alker submltteil in triads, martial line she entertain- - (or him. Hi- - in to plan- - fur the enlargement,. Mr-- e tieter of nature. dnd. Isim-- Were eXI-M- 'il iu a larue . I,U mihiiihI r-- H.loiil,l. renorl. wMeh li sic, ttatlng banners ami gat regalia till- Would Icr jti- -t I W Mr. McKlulet, the Maior, nor I. extra-lit- re-t- I "I let .lelilile de.'lil.i del hate -' glten for a uw 'Drawing" lei. Kx- - the Ihe b or irrtt.ibl III t rr hole bti-- y, ll. . ami attracted attention. hiw I been made nutillc lKfore. ed the days with joyous life, while piiiil-huii'ii- t." Imp ju-- ea- -t tran-fe- drawing. . but - I In- - m .wit "1 Id wheel t of the r .a alwat "un ulike of a pupil mat caiisi-- bt uertou-- , would her tli.ns were in urih-- r . begun ami resulted uu u to make it to - al- -- bursting bom!, Human cau.lles, parti- liitaliit-.- , -- s you alway- - -- track- -. a new hm. ex- ''l!''"''"'""-.- . lllie.t be lieter to her del- or -i- llte plli-,- i '.'olidlttiill bi'tolid the can remember a coldiug" faint and mi iug a number of Iniiies and teeth, baui-h-e- !, the hoard of directors a sisclal uieetlnu' colored lire ami brilliant rocket d "-- " -- f n- i in-b- i.t ;,lV'i'!; health but her to her . "I Would II d let Iter go her (rlelid- - " - r..m .se. win ... , , ..." 'iu icate refeieuce control of the will iw.-r- If th- - teacher t" z: without doubt, Munged to one of Ire-Lo- mM lt.,t to change the of the night. Hun. t lre-lleli- ' -- - the darkness n- t wi-e- ly lltitll wa-- a "Jen- probably take the of "Heading I'ead bai- are and tolichlug. Is stuilying child -- lie will there Hew parlor et." silli- anew build in llu'hei in.. of giant nsters which un-- 1 -- l.'let At a meeting of the director last year Mtches. many of which will -- -- I.. Mire, of become In -t of plca-a- nt - nie should it ii ami look Ink with turn table ami tall- (or twenty rah the piihln II the ml. a coiitei-u- neither i'o Id him nor kn-- lino in at ri- in mruer at the t Uly Inhabited this country in the by-la- pre- - cla.-i-ic- 11 Well ii miii'iiiliiieut to the was of political oratory, were del Iter-e- d hi--- he III. tioll tile pri-l'b- -ill eliH'l I ce ft uliiti-- l for au hour and a half." "r thirty siked nut of to further protoke the colidltloli-- . "iiiHigrapht" I It Hug irnuetiy. oared that the term of four hy the popular Idol, Major Ih nrotiillnir McKlulet, -- h-- r, "I Would Illlike .lelilile beg par. Work Will Ca.llllliellCtil oil the new the window and exclaim. I. "II. i. but lii a tert calm tone of tulc lit I.. tut loll." of the pilblte - .1 t Itepubllcan says: .1. Harry llrowu, members of should expire each all of which - I In- - - pii-ln- the are replete with lofty patriot- iiMlhi-r,- " I -- -- iiuiil-hmei- it building- at once and Ml come and h to the d ir -- Hithe his rtiill l -- pint-, mid hliu that would be farthest to ciimide I. tila McDonald. .! bicycle rider, who year. Thl was arrangi-- to profound statesman-hi- p -. a- - a- - 'of Milk- -. Kutar i'hoeuix change i and Ameri Iu w.i- - d.-a- r - fi'iiti Ihe motherly ip- wa- - "'"i rapidly White a minute he hack with the lor a d ul l.- inrtloii of ir.-- h itered KMHH tulle on hi wheel at thl year's meeting, run thought and not one of which con- -- ' Is. a- - "Miitheiuatlci' illuiio oter oeratlte old lady leaning on hi- - arm We ( i the line uggesti-d hi a girl of eight who ''I' mat the nlllclal- -' air. of tin- p l . . -t i- May In a tour over the western the directors at a special uieeling tain- a sentiment which is not iu the -- an-w- er to the -- re- - hear of the world'- - itraiid old Man. but Not olilt the phtsliMl but the llli'llt.ll atd "I think n gisn iiini.iui'ni fur her Trinidad fake hop la he. Is now Kl I'a-- o, changed the so it will not take itrirU'-- harmony with gisM tit-t-e vutral etate. at rule that t ami - wa- - for -- uiotal. -- here wa- a liralid Old Womitti, wh wa- I'olldllloli- - are htuuled, leaclnT- - -- her mother to end her to work Iu lioiild till ItV.iS coming this way, ami expects to effect until the annual meeting Ih'.'T. courteous manners. ("I .... . L ll tr ii only thirty four year. aftei the l coiiie (atuiliar with the children'- - plat-- , siiui"l.y." Mill.,, ll.ll - ilei'ini-- advl-ab- le becau-- e HO. 11.10. ' . limine next Tueeilay. A large until- This was l of The llrst thing which attracted one's I I I....., e l, .. . of d of lear-- , habit-- , s "If had that ladt would not ,, pal Hie pllb s. lglltllg the duration ludepeud reading, callM-- (bat lead to II... rem I... - ..I I I.l- - (ii..u.r u Iu. .l...... , Frhoeiilx whi-'lin- en to the a large amount of legal was uiilter-a- ; exert mett fact that attention the l of elli-e- - iibia-uce- , let the ,'hlld go any , ,, "'' eletetl tear- before the battle ol laiillite- - and and their -- pedal hate place to play - 4fl, ..',, t bast ,7,Zm here e- proceeding- - are still pending, ami no pictures of I tweeii and Flereiiee and the from the SeW OrleitU-- Ii -. fur a week, becaii-.- - hating di-- -- ha- - ; lite te ir 'fore the brttll" liitere-t- Mailt a way want liy ha- - i think that dreadtul that eieiicc Kugll-- h I t o kin 1 In It of 1,1 Iu. Harry Krowu the holder change the priseul management lolty tower the city hall to the win- Walt-rbsi- , Hi for l"1'1'' in all Its stage, and l M,,,,,-,,- of .Ne.irly tweiity-tw- pte-- i reat'ln-- bt the teachi'i -- liotAing b. stay the hoii.e a week a tery bad 'tlle that s,,w ' ,. - l kindlt a , 1. nil Arizona championships ami desirable to the Santa Fe company. dow of the private reldeiic-'- of thw ' nana ii ..ill. s .,,, e limy Ml term- - pt-u- -d III ',u k, llll'l - ' bate away since interest something eiijoted o.lll.'llt. -- Itrnhahly ride a,t rich ami cottage of .ir. nn .a. Ill" III. II. '..I . .1 11 the clcyle races the cot the working Vm-rlc- ad ilr-- -- tin- - "I tlllllk Ji'lllile's umther should i,.,ii,i I he uumeioii cures of rhi'iimati-- m by thl grand old matron l .tw ll mat be stamp coll lute fraternity I at.iiih ii ca.nsiiiutli.u. -- iinniry i ami ii, ",n.Hraiice and II t w. u-- piside they were eter) where the e of the obi standard blood purl the light, her own --on will till pictiir.--, or iiiu-l- c, - gently t"ld her how wioiig it was to hate al treat HiKg(..,f and the ttoii.or or whaleter ,.ut.' 'lourual-Mliie- r A - while the ami of . Hall'-- 1 un- - - in- - t, says: colored tier, show coiiclu- belottil stars stripes ll.l-- ineiit. Ater's Sareaparllla, twenty third, ami iu all probability the of sM'i',i lllti reat tu lillll If rei'oglil-- done and then ililllclt--l ii gentle alarrh taken -- 'that is if terually, acting directly the I. hs- - hisim. Ifitiugthe name of J. Sear Itelt it au t'llectite reined), old lilory lliittereil in pride of plnee high . -- - puiii-hiii.'i- ti.iu ' lmi twenty-fourth- Mat set- op-'l- l for when iii. hi children are -i he lite to the bt the teacher, lltat the wilt to III. - -- urfaei-s "llraiii-- . I - iuuee.1 me sih-ciii- uu uio- and iiiiicou- of the sistem, l.ectiiie tt Tree- uoi ior all, Market -- t who claim to hall from oter Aerot north street a I r -- -- plllll-h- tl th.-- feel painful ami of maladd. tsith. it'll t . Mich llldt hould get teachers I'terelt llior.i lltcllb thereby ileslrotllig the foiilnlatloli iif the editor of the y c.rrested near Kagdail, Callfor lieaiitiful triumphal arch hail been elect- -I . nlter-it- . i t hat has curi-- t others will alfto cure you. A the president elect -- at at mil of n.t'chmiical and roulluv to repeat the thing (or which thet ami glting the patient strength '"'U tl.i.. thris-iimrter- s rgel ed, which of a mil- building up a- - n-i- i . with murder. llelsdescrlU'd under her, he said. of and mnl bring hate l..eii punished il Is my opinion the constitution ami un lkalf-cat- Mainly l'.-iii- r . n , e (or r.. o notiig i , l ie I'ap.-- - negro, ami said he had lion of Hople had marcheil en route to -- II. a ca-- e a- - this lit., child should not be "Koh .i.e "I wo tem- - "Isn't it wonderful, judge, li iw fhe them into ympathi'tie touch with the -- l. What Is considered the most ariMIc , .. uteioi a. iiiucil III ll- - " I IKorked general utility man that simple two story house which has ' l"o naie lailll i. n a a eighty-si- x of pllpll-- , HU,.- - soon bo carries her years? life their alld enable them, bt curat.te ,,.wer. that the, offer One ".ru.leiVb'ul t ., I'rcs- - railroad folder In the world will been more In evidence any In different public Iioiih In than prltate I thl-clo- se ht I i K ii- - y rt ..--. - hy Atchison, Tic what age his father wa- - when ami kindly interest to I ii ii ii w a t er uiljil-- t iuni-- a.... .un. i. mu- 10 rulero. - recelted patrons of the hou.-- e a.- -, plroiia. He traveling in com- in America ha eter before. hi - . ' 'as leu he died, ami he said elghtt three. "Well." bud pupil- - Into a r life. iin-ti- l If Hie little girl did not know it ras'r- Science s'ka Santa F railway. It revolution- trio r .1. t ' ith tramp, Amhoy, Just a-- 1 arrltcd Iu front of the hoii-- e inures-- ui'liet to. loiealii. it. ,.i,.i s,..,,,. another near said I, are gis .1 for For the piirsHi- - of gelling some idea wa- - wroiig and thought -- In- wa- - pba-in- g r..,i izes similar publications, Is published at "ou !." ,j Druggist., t;,i I t ' nia, and hlsci'inpanlon wa- - found the president-elec- t appeared ami change," I'mf. I' with I McKiii-ley- , tlt-W- s puill-hllli'l- ii- r r ilfty-si- x During our chat said. "Mrs. of the pllpll- -' of - iimii..-- siie siioui.i nate forgit -- o ed, hence Sear- - Chicago monthly, ami contains cordiality which win nia, ami ,1. 11. iin-- i. 1 his arrest. While tbt amiable the -- a- - 1'ilei.t-shou- ld l t,i:ritiuLu. pagee of lluest tsaik Iu To per you ought to hate oiu liiilueuce well to hate au opportunity lor ex- ell llrst set the prns-- Lui.urtus. ((f tll Nw M,.,l V," lun--l lie - the paer. hy to going to San Itertmr- hearts of all who meet him. called me lege at Mt-l- llit Clirk cent of the railroad folders one cannot with thl aliiiiiiistiatlou." amining iiid comparing written wink, eimiiple their children and then ! wa. name greet me a l Of .- . diiublisl on his tracks and aim naiemi to witn I -- -- Ke.'lt C.lllllllltle- the of "Oh, don't know about that," said he etc, the following little tory wa- - tt itch that Diet do f.uii bad habit-- i Pug fast when captured. tell time the arrltal and departure n(,Hrtv Ml" Mint e- - ti-- it ""d MU llt Im- - ....a llarkti- expecltil to I a gisid one day -1 Week pies-ttoll a - iii,- I so iiiickly, "hut hate deal of inter- with the ...e..- I. i.iiiar- at. ,i nil tin of train. lie new rotiter is arrange.! A i ereilh.-- (rieinl- - diiring the holiday-- . '. the iilestloti often "I he tr.-.'l- - -- llii'llm-l,- "ttoni M.ui.sln I est iu this Is.y. brought In III up a Well to Is' aliswert-- l. Direction- - were the bent o Is the twig " t'ur. that It at once simple ami complete, I f lh- - - o- -t metro-lif- e distant, Is he cold'" glte our tlrnt sa- Mr- -. hand-oiit- e' Ihcolllcer pronouureil feature of a I l.llll'llllg ( c.C Price receiteil a containing everything a passenger tie could." sent to each to bate the p.l'(s From the a girl ot II years lute literally Said I, "Didn't we get hor-- e I'haeton thl- - wts--k a obaervetl In Albuijueriiie is "Yes," said I, "and the whole nation written the saute hour of the --.illieibtt, following - and as gift to know. An index of every train the taken I're-ldel- lt J W "'at Ion slrs there In great I,Ike a genuine from In r l. Army. Four lone women shas" t tanks you for it." mi that the answers would be -- Hintalie-on- "I - running oter the system is supplemented do not think that Jenny'- mother glL-- the scene I lee western man, he slapas me heartily ot: street when the After lunch, coiiter-atio- ii was mid original. The work wa- - done iu If -- And imw we learn that a counter claim by a of station- - so arranged that the did right. he had walttil .o pililh Ice I'reil lent it I il llt the shoulder and laughingly said, -- -- "e In sight. Two of them wore again. '' I grade grade- - -- her-e- ha- - 't Up tiy one west-Isiuu- d The front lawn a standing the third and all aUne, he lt had gotten nine who Would old form of one table for and I Jellllt until .iter Halaiti. eal "Didn't we ugh?" And there slust -- olatlon army uniform, including U Joke. A careful to no. -- It" like III gobble the "Hub Car ley" strike. time is rellmui-he- d for two sepa- elimination failei nuit. her auger, would hate done tery df lls-s4f- I In the presence of the ruler of our mighty -. little poke, with the one blade of gra-- had .1 Ihi of I paint--hou- ld K. C. rate making the time much ami a more "J.'llllle beailllllll lleW ler.'iitly do not think that the I'uterbaugh has united Well O'l - table, republic, the only one who had ever risen til. ornamentation of gold siac- than half a million of people hate walked paint-- , ami in tb atti rm-ii- t, while In r J.-t- i to town They The thirty-nin- e hate been taken away iroiu from D..on. I lea-nr- er t.t U The handler for reference. from the humble but honorable rank of a Mis. two wore ordinary -- Mr- -. Ila-m- hiiu-ii- ou other oter it, it will readily he btdietcd that It mother Wa guile, he palllte.1 all the but that Iter mother should bate a e,,'s the south -- Id". branches of the Atchison, Topeka lofty in, lill'iuel in. li-r- devoid private soldier to that eminence. v li- -n of special attraction is as hard as a road. Mrs, chair-I- II the parlor. her mother - how If I Fe, with a ll- -t of the equipment showt- her to u" them right. he new slolle liUlldlllg erei'ti il lit H' Kxrciitltn Collllllltt.-- e - Santa I had known him as a private citizen, a hew recruits, Judging from at- McKlulet, -- came Imllie, lelilile to lllti-- l thl-ha- I of every tadween each station, Jr., remarked that ome tall her alld d done. am ure that Jenny i,,ih,h, at the ..( Ilallr.wd of train r a--s enter atenue ii.illup. W.ll. meinls-- of congress, governor of Ohio, -- The atris--t aerricea were cut thoughtful people had kindly said 'Oh, mamma, come mid ' how rep-ti- nt sent an Would lieter hate the .strea'l, , W . W md, of ... 1...1 stamp tin. folder a the most complete ...,w M lirprtllel,t H,i he is Untav H, jrj mi orillllllellt to the Albliiei i,e of -- m- I In-- r -- abundance gra to produce a new pietty hate made the parmr.' Hut ii" would imt" mi l a I n, ami that ditier- town. he railroad - v Svt he always la-e- alu ciiiiipaiiia Arniljo what ha that highest - -- roinfortable room Iu the lawn, and a front yards mamma took her paint- away and ent ent opinion of her mother. From all al holiday rates, and tl.. llllllialllty, - .l- cottiuie for the Christina-- room was tjH of civilized a plain. HUM- Ih-- I. Mm h liarraeks. Tim had suffered a much as theirs, she would her to If you bad her tii.'tlu r I draw thl- - m oral, r punl-- h .sociiiro are iiiakiug "ti bii this ant night -a .li- '' M ...... American hall leading topic of i and llghtiM. and every seat '. or'amp. 'I'llct gentleumn. see that they were supplied with what would you haft' done or said to angry " lo royally eiitellai '' all une while you are i I , Urn.' mh-is- oi'i,iti.-i- of H fiat a roniraKi waa uere pre-- eu hm In errilbi and Madrid the K'lucatioiial a "ccuple.1. The usual program J will b mailed the suuiime enough seed. Hut -- t I kC - . ..,nroui the major's lawn, as Jennie''" III It III Up It .i...h ill ll'iticnl that the , -- I eevere circle-- lltat the ball will be a urce a pulHr Caurrh uod Hay rvr aeuteil this simplicity and combi-liatto- n I "I iopuUr hyinii. then having well as thoae of the ( iple all around, Many of the pupil- - priscrllsi a older the pupil- - the I" do Major C . I'lctoii - mi with. iiit -- Hi.- -.' in- ma' V pomp aying. i.i'a'iilitg the haugiity aim circumstance, int. Is-- puiii-hiiii'ii- Hotel, . tlfy to the Intltience of the .""'"V. "J' ". will have to well plottwl and harrowed of but a general they rectitllllielid the u-- e of Hie whip III .stale al I' tbu great no lit. of the n u.idy, I ! r irate lackeys which . tJI hould in mind (het irata-lin- - being, by guard ami the eurround - Un- - ...... -, .1 at. ... inut men " followed another before any sowing can done summing up glte- following pilUI-Ullie- ELT llltnrilKIIS, there. Ill mi- me aientge nie in ( t((( i . the scions of royalty to keep their hum- h. )1(f tel- - III lliat til carried out. Itefore the end CO Ht , York City. Four o'clock un. it m repr.-atilat- ioii v Warren Sw admonished me that my no. ihsiu the liutniiliial. Is a typical Ch imba-rlali- i i oil.'. ll lei ble subjects from "between the wind and s I glias-- -- fMltig. which lasted about two .Tnlin Held. Jr. . of On t I'alU. Mont . train time waa at hand, so bidding gissl-hye- , oin atsiut sixtt pas-r- Hi i.f ll." I.f.. i.f tbe rni'ii ii. It li.i-.i- -s tl.liiOifb hat s.ift. rich, t .been, il lini.'h rhUM Item, d t Maj r I t'ri-atl- nobility." i -- ""eiirheti us con ...... l Halitl III I their I es in nr. can i hy -l It an i n m. for the of the i, .ni.nilril't ll" left the houte, having spent four only three adlicuta-- l the use of tarioti-phas- of'iit Iherel "'";'' ia ecine the mxll H 'rout - mphiuilie bis tat m "It ! a jss,i. hou-- e we o( tgor Ml the a- -i. tears, and t.,k" , were well Oiled. The aud- can ft. Filtering the llrst came to of the pleasantest hours of my life, my the whip, and but wo would scold (he lc, of barbarl-i-i u .1 gradually thrown tersair u,,cethtt nature to make the i c..i..,b-- r a ... nr.i-,- 1. for caianli if - that it 'U Mrl. ...,t - tun the office, which waa also the room where only regret being every man, woman child, Six boys ami nix - iu. tlt u. 1'ijI. I'aator UUUal rroa. that girls thought aside a the race adtaiuv- toward the hair strong, Is'autllul ami abundant - dianhu-- ami dt-- nt t . . the ungratnwatleal tbe major aa hit friemU yet rail him) re- Iu clrriuu-etauce- . - stipplit-- , utteraucea Ctiurdi. Uulesa, MonL and child the union could not aj the the mother tn severe under the hlglie-- t condition of riiltuie ami retlue- l by Hit excellent preparation. oiiiiiiu. It, ami ha e 'i , 'of the Heatmtra create! imllea of ceive hU tlBioat lunumrrable Tliltora, prealdeut-elecl'- e right boy it to my gu-rt- - . Ilalm U lb aknovW4i venerable mother, hli and girl ami one meiit. In .Switzerland, "the place where , Bra Onaa I Loi. l. hoi t h t . hiring say (oar hour slay pfobcbly (oar wife t would wmply ntla et.rr cae it ettaming and hlmaelf. lake the tlaU away. frimamJ KhuoU wtra born," rapl tal ., t tba local (r?Ujb depot for ihtl,." 1 dlt unuualHUl ii LtLuL For site l.j at,bmK, wu wU la-- Mi4w gwUnawi uiitA to gay 1kk A. L. VAMBrw Ttlffm riflf Mi lf Wlf TMiU If V

ANNUAL rUILROAD REPORT. all 'cinnabar, I (V f t itf and departure. While there are SCHLATTBR'l fRBSS AOBRT HBHE. on tVi and other (100 to OCftONMO AND TO BAftB. Rfnntl'iUuBliter of the late Alfred Duo l clo to I.UM Mople In the camp he Jaw IkitiN (XI ou. In cold wm the roiiiii, of Mount Vrninn. who left an . Thli U wait Salvages It Viz Not to I Mt, VMIIIIJ HI2 I'll IntcMtite Railroad Commlnlon freienti Mute that there are rotiiaratli'ly few "The ntTlne Healer Coma Heal, ,ghMt,tj 30 i.m. next, then I totiow.i Condition ol the Apiche Indlaai on (be ln.e,,t nillllon. 8h IH yearn Interesting llfftirci. nt The tulii look well far rui rreacu," ne iayi. Wh. Itlihop of the Metho. yrl. a a jckell M and n.oet of Hrt Sill Reterralloa. f, ,r i ' Tvic), T,,,, Ihe world ha to he curl..... "'I uui I ptitopai (.natch in Alrlct, ALBUQUERQUE, DEC. 19, 1896. roiiiuisrrf rnuittiMnu ileelotl lillt he h the ill t'st shaft ceaed th ore .Unit $U.; Mineral Paint, from The aecretar, of war. In hi annual re- - t).SA ... l"rtl al-n- i it "wllffiSlttS wtllei l s. fi l l Ihe whereabout! of Mraiiga, , !() ha a irilltiilunry rexirt mi the oulv ulsiiit Titre lire dearly the fH i;ali CrexMii. from to $15(1; port of ay of old ChUf (leronlmo nililclaii. Hy the will of her grand-weir- d ltt. " N'tw Yona, No. t, 189$. From Friday' Pally. Iih'oiui' and rxtN'mlilnrr of tin- - railway U.'i liK'attniM uln-iil- maile.- - I'reoi'ott Colorado healer, who linked tike (Jraml Mogul, from tKl to Sidney, ami hi hand of Apache. fM,,";r "''civ recelveil a legacy of .. knoxr SALVA-rr- to tie an l I r "I ei. Hie "Ite.l St Men for the ji-a- I'lidliiK Journal. the picture of Christ. ay the Kai.aa ; l(, l t- -i " Ul Klilcr. one of the teacher of fr()n Kmerald. from The Indian now lu coiiliutnient ''Tf.i i rtMfnt teoifdy. I htve proved Iti June . IMCi. It) Illy Star. He ts about to ami theThlnl want uMlc schml. will Mt tirewnil $2;,j Hidden Treasure, froiti d to litUi. number 3IU, all member of the Apache yrar. He I a haiid.m.e, VuiitiS hsallng Tiiluti, both for brutiet and CifiK!t'll'oiil i.rli. may tl.ltl Kl Tami the hnlliU! The From the Interest ami ltns.rtah(v that create a much excitement by hi Large nay to feet wide, go tribe, who were captured lu In HI father I Dr. (J. flnh woiindi, and alto to kill Ida rrlemlKtliirliK Thl N the of new llle. ll) Arltoiia "u. J. Iliilllster, of - title the monthly by vltui moiqulioei and cbfjolt," lady will probably lea e for the south are attachel to railway statistics, the re- evangelic eliHiuonce a he createl hi (mm f5 to 10. The aaeayi were tniule the year IW7-H- S. Wlillt In captivity "f1" .J'1!""1 ttum' leading t.hy. puhllcallnll dctotcd to the home ami for- " Monday iuoniIiik jNirt say conurr should mi lunger fall llentcureof the of humanity. by Mr. luirllugame, of l)etier.-- eg- - there have 117 "rmli1 l,!fAiil,lAh 0 eign of dla.v U bwu birth and 'M ind ui!L E, A r.LincrroN, Major and Intp'i mean missionary operation tlio A young man fro,,, Uenre ...... Ma- - ffi W. Moore Clayton, of ailiijuate of eecurlliK M Kxam.ner. 1 lrnlil In the death. SKriff.llh iTn KfrVhVi to h ienerai, tv, a. a., wriiet churches I'tilttst gill, . Kan- - ta-d- ay - - Kradstrpct' agrhry. and lan tirtiuslt'ld, I'd. nipt return from carrier, which are aiinounre-- lu llty They are now etahllhe.l at the mill hii otlliy in the MlnnTce building In that " WAiiiiNiiroN, D. C I hyper-famom- 11 State. ARIZONA ITEMS. ( of the whnltwal? dry kihhU johhlliK now delayisl Ixyoml the Ifal limit. thai Fraud Schlatter, the i h Kurt 8111. cl,.' , Apr. il, 1I95. flu It ha heeii started In answer to a Ur; rwr(lliu Oklahoma. f The healer." would won return " I htve for eorr. of lirunltlil HriM., wet i.-w- iiK'-r- from latellif lit llluultlil iKe'iit the "dhlne lot and are living lu comfortable dwelling, , J"""" uinl cia strong feeling lu the Cutigregatloiml g ""iV.'lS'r,: theumtllc vain In the muKlti the went last lilKhl. chief items of mi Income account hy ten lM.erfr.,m.Mlm The irrigation congre at Phnlx ha built by their own l.U.r. The climate lu SlwfX'rS:., nuior that the lutHslouary intelligence of o( my arm, which It dlnbled from a tWij tdy, "He will come heal, crowded city I Ite. Oeorite I', i right. Haptist mission territorial Krotis fur roads represent- not to hut to that with lltor. thl region arid and not we., adapted day. Ml Voice hud many milter, but run ihot wound Involving the elbow the delluiultiatlon ha hot hitherto heeii ' New ing an opvratisl m.ieat(e of preach," ald Mr. Maglll. whine card Heeinwl to In; with llollls- - joint, relief waa quick " ary for Colorado and Mrilro. who l.i'.i miles ihe Catholic fair at Tiickiii reallred to farming, hut thee Indian lat vear ...... andcomplttt thoroughly 11einin throughout Its -- i ... M.lll Mil i of line, or ahout '."' per cent of the total tated that he wa the "author and I,3im n ...... ter niiiiiiiniUllllll.l nil iniiri juuiiu luril wan here last week ami then rvlurinil for the three ulgh'.' entertain l.- VI.- rank ami tile, line luimlri-- t and twenty-th- e ,.,nTr.1,,.,,mi'-,Mi- oimiiii in re lltf.1 ullli -r '...., - O. NVMtil mileage operatisl in the I lilted of the 'l.lf ami Works of Fraud T. Iiaacki, Pay Offlct, Navy mirth, thmiiKli Allitntii'riUe States. ment. coru, 4.tw0 ton of hay, 3w ton of com Naomi Huncomh,.,, a line old man- - Ih .iii"and cople of the llrsl islitiuu " etoiie 1 iu, wntei 1 inoriilhi; for Kilily. I he grons eitrulug iiniii lhl mtluageitre Schlatter.' fmlder, 'J.&O0 biiehel of potatoe to.- - h'ii on Third avenue, Mount Vernon, will he The fee of the recorder' office of and " HiooKLVN, I.IW.iilt..v,i.if which :iJ.I,tiis.T.H was clrculattst, and lu view of the "It will urprl you to know he aiictloi,el th- - N. Y., Aug, j, Hi), I'acltlc riupUiyi will that lavapai Munty for November were U melon. They have a herd of cattle match of her ward, the Atlantic from -- " been from from iMissenger i)""."7l,-.17- iihscriptioiis already rnvitfl the Schlatter Is nut n Ignorant, simple Vu """W't ' tWHlli were a little lUvIni a tuflerer Wmliie-olay- , the service and 117,40. including m) eulf IncreAM during the recehe tlieir nt) check mi churche, the watchword of the llRMyi ,, re),,lwll.j tllflll wnfi , trnublfiome Pllei. and not onlr cb. wus from the freight semce. An the pa'r man. a mere iupirei uoemaxer, mil a Ulord linmente relief, but, 1 Dec 'Si, which will ul all all opportu- U Soldier from Fort Whipple are hunt- the youngster thought they were old eta were "Into every family" my siin realitisl. mm, of great learning, who pcak many 'ef' tfely cured, I cheerfully recom. nity to pay their account ami to purchase operating exeues "i4,Vl.iMu, It "The special appropriation made by enough to knew tholr own affair. itf, oiigregatloual vor': Is nttractlvely ing deer lu the Mogollou and have been a Ihote that the income from operation language the Idea that he vta an Ig- oongreaH for - lo tuflerltif holiila) prtteut licfure Christina. ap'ar fairly their beiielH aggregate the llkewlie, and kop Il will aflord ;i'iti7,'i,tkl". ahly islitvl and furnished to shueinaker w a to hi ucceful, then was the llgllfes giteli In norant owing urn of 3J.M), of which nearly MISCCLLANLOUS ITEMS. the thai II me, Arranged, tut are Ulna perli'i'tiM for churche at the cost of ten cent er year. Stitetcrlptlon amounting to nearly time rtllif bai till" prelliutiiary Ntitteiiifiit. according t silence while engaged In hit won or 1 ' waa expended tor cattle-l- Hint 111', 1, I f P. 1 for a (ihII at - house uii nr. i.i .out "' Ii. iroii 3. lufTrrtd with Pllee K'aud iinilil opeia at Ifrt-- n let ftil healing " !.(.. have been received for the Mercy ft. the remrt. indicate l turning Ilf ttlll IU dHm )(f)11(, a paatornl People ii. Ii .1111.1 i .., mare thin a yetr and tried mint Atill,t-d-a I'eC. Ill ol llrt. r.'f Im.ii tit ei'lillitC, .. liulinr . I A iiospitai at M re before I prosp.-rily- K rrescoti. mtdiei wtt recommendtd he earnings of the I'leriv, grand master workman of and for building iii."i ini o I. . . .ln,, in. i ' hy .nfcXICO NOIfcS. $t,i0 material, tool, SALVA-caa.- " Minn Indoles ilrlii. to he pltrli lii'l ILW , to try p.ts-ellg- er the iirillld l.oltte of Solktnell for the i i I l service are shown lo lie 41. The Paullut Mission ha cetabllihed a need, etc. Their ration, clothing, medi- j ii lull il. ii 'Hi, ll O. .'Ml Il'l well klinwn pali'lil. Hun. uli Mr. M jurixlicliuii of New Mexico, I olorado and of line. Is'ing of 1 1 Sunday echoo. lu Kingman with a schol- 'I Willi i rv ! urn' i mil pi'i mile aii iucren.sf U U-e- cine and Incidental mippllcd by the a Handsome -I- Aiiona. who has lying III at th The gold output of Nrw Mexlxo for the ' Salva-ci- does jtut what it Otero liiitiil,un will I tweuty-tlve- . I Ii .11 III I SS . 1.1 M III Jfil.1 iis t'niiipnrisl with the previous year, the ry It Week, ha heell arship to ttart off with of am. lltl .' - dreg house for Jiillosl 'luarterma'ter, ubltetice medical is ! and tin lUin'e will triii In- current year Is estimated at J.i" "'A' ii"l- - llii Ii "Mu r or ,i tl atlvcrMicd to do. earnings of the freight re n ice nls.i lniw hy Ills wife ami sun, It II. Pierce, ami I The (Ilia Valley, Ulohe A Northern Hall- department since their arrival at Fort Mure In! Mint I . S t I Tw 1 n4 Hllil flitls'titlf IttUlt. iiuw coiiwilfsfing un ler cnn-tu- l Mk-I- ii liallegos has ImjIi aiNillited li. i. H, M" ii i,..' S s, ilm, f i crsli Wi, an iiu'ii'H-- o titer lait year of III'.' per utirlug. way company for bid on Sill, have the At of tuil,fr advertise cot additional etitii of in-- 1 ' . I imuiiit, kf a Mr. Pierce, the younger, this eteli-lli- depuly sherltT of I mmi coiiuiy under i it . on u.i i tig llu in ii .1 i Date lludolph. lurilU'r well known of The per lee the i ),(. M 4 mile line. gros earniugi of com dell tired oil the .( i. They have now made pro- i . fur Ills home In llellVet. lllliflHlit tiuuds such ..i ,i.i e ii yrnr, "win Iher llu In .1 Aji haw halt pin ft 'I thi" eily. now h,ili,l of were i'..;.y for Hie new administration. 4yi JVrH.s. .rs" Illlle line v.)alld husiness fiirtiiddiug a longer ty lu car. gress toward a bal of utenauce that 'I ll Mil - t I JC tin- llllS' I'Miltfe timber nil eXs-ls-- t I It Del Plill'lllX. The new n,elter at Hed Itlver City BiAstairn C , Cutl St., N T (' iHriltlllg". lining tt hit..i Kui.i ...iiiur uf iiio Vow Vnrw no further sts'clal utitirourlatloii bv con. I I., tola, warn liv tlie ,i L.-- .. Tu in runt, workihK uii tlii! division, ili'liliUi) per mile oi of .',IH.', willed flic i taken from the Plui'iilx wasst,,rt,slupon the and every thing I ii,i- I, iiicouie hue tie Trl wlll hu tuM) now Ht gre needed." h "it" ii( eomiii'Ois iin Mu ii hi- - ! by liow I trlehds In' lik' Up lift s of A . Mms.thly as cunhl Mo jil'lu-lli- l in excess that for the IWcnl yt'KM liar die. commllte from the local ,.,.,,., will iiietid the winter lu - villi nun uf llu I, .!' I -- SANTA FB, PRKSCOH A PUOBRII II tit llllllvll i. Il'llil ls'.i.", I . W NEW KIND oil-- , ,. ( I Ilf lf'lt in mnl iv.( mid ci'tupitrew fatorahly Ii. holge cullisl itt till. CiriI.N wished. ,..:,."city. HCASt. "f ttie nti otllri ul b ii, riiu i fuflli. and tlmt Mel III ley's Vi..r was ftelt.-lt- l tlluli-i- l m 1 TIMK No. 10, stall election with the llieome per of for oillce U"t night and "tut. si that Mr. i . .. The ., thl lift mile line John Kirk, formerly employed itt the . . ... JMir. Mulr s,, t i ...I ipw Blr M.. speaker-,hi- i In rlTn-- Nov t), lave, Mimtittln tlmt lut" iiKiif won. ift in this M'l'Uuii hy put -.U lie "iiiihiiis reixiri provisions tud I I he net eitri.lligs of the Pierce, and nisstiy hi wife, would Is-I-II government corral, at Santa Fe, Is now Ml 'Jiisllll... ItmUtil utrd to work. with Supai i lint nifii scarce the Itidiau. Their new Letts I i f ,., liiilii'tihiile tmiiipu i urt f mllej. of Hue pn'-eiit'- M III a few days, mid urili ii l,ii. ii i,h, I'll ii. I.JCi'J n ill this AlliU'teriUe that at work lu the same capacity at Fort sm KoarM t nllect'ir inloval Iiiih IhI'Ii-Ih-- .I h rrojH were away by IWU i i,, p,, f (,,. .r-- i with n mi He lo the uf ,i i th if lliiMllie re port Weie T.'". In his tumor a musical and literary en- Logan, out from r. whisl luil w.m ufl;.n, ", .e'.' against Peine Luti-l- , f . Nn a No 1 olhce ni Hit cnlli'i'tioii of Cataract citliyou. It " n i,f a i n-- - I ' vt. en "ii Henry Hajti. , f i itri,,.. No. hunch taxes .lll.-'.s.,- w. I M "l' for Uir i,"rresp.iidlllg hinds tertainment, with supper, .ul. held l IN. I'm - ItepreselitallVeelfCl l.itrkiu ti. Head n II IVim k.i iii. f i fur iJ ainl !' city of Mhu'-uer-iii- wa con l.ur ill '.ni Illill llli iir.'n . precinct I"'.'.'!. I I'K'al lodge on Mmi-dit- Architect Helulelu awardeil - .. . 1 I III his Is therein increased hy at heaiiiiarters next Win. M. Iierger r.. ... y ,i.n,.. t Miiiit'i" i ii 'i, ihe in .i tu t Mi 7.004 Ur.AikKuik At B,30p r- and are couteeliug fur ii" k'llul il.ti ii, Mi,. init. In up-liii- in Hie V I. AtuiijH Imilil . tracts for the building of tlm h'wpltal at fu M Kis k llultr from inve-imeu- i" - from which evening, lleceml'er Jl. . W.llnt-dell- j, i. t.enrl. t 4llp income the api!litlliftil of receiver of public pretiv i.iMe efiii'iir. , ni ihnth ll I H:LOa t)--l Km . Biltp Hie ii'i'upicl by ulley I'fi-f- uti. in. uil, ' l'i ins, in r.xiiu I A. M. I ihe nuiiiiiiig win owl in the , N I UMlp U:ilJ tlxi"l ehitigi-- Hli 'lui'li'ii't. inwl tie p.nd Wiss all. F. I. NeWtoll WMe Mll si till nine i.iiMi,f ', uii, i,, Hi .rfleil nt H I i Jrtumr Jc i'iP motley at the litn Fe laud utiles s.t,'. u.,ii It) .'10 . IVrert, , ilJ.I. Ill l'feM.'it JilUp Arinijo. .lif' deputy cnllfctnr, Ul'IghtNirlllNsI Ilf I."I,!"!". V, i t lu- - II . ,,, . I'ffore a surplus is dfcUied. the Committee, and they also statist that 1'iiutiuit.ply tm., dial p' ' u ii , ,,, 10 r.&oiio ttiA I'rrd-iitt...- aisap 11 t I huudrisl men are employed by 1 1 1 I 1 t&Ou1 mil! Iif luki". tlii" In ol In-- Me the A; com-pin- y Ilf II I III II if lll- ,, l , .. 1,111, .3Jt . Hum in It . lurri-it"- ' iii l fairly "all meuilier of the urder. with t r The Maricopa I'Iiin'IiIx Hailrond - t,.,' ,u, Hie iif fitriiiiig is 1U IMS J:3.'., Skull Vtllry laiaup 11 41 F.ddy Iteet Mllgltr Co., at at, average Wa- - ,. I , iiMiitiiiik' t.txpuifi- - in i'.ill ittnt p.t) thuir . rate 'I'll- - .p. en ttf i ire I!u ,,f ,,f I lu I 1 . well dlslnl'iitisl throng limit the I lilted fiiinilli-s- are ri'iiu-"ti"- l to Ih present. A will at once begin the erection of idirit tt: f il'l, r !ilii. ,.i uui i'j :,... KltklinJ lump tltXfn itllr lot Uir ll'Ul iif for twelve hour work ' I , 'J a lop Date Crrrk 11,1 Ihe I Hut. Me Ml,)' W ttlt'll I r ll lul Mute i. i hii', n, .1 Mt u.iai !.. I he from the mutation Is extendi"! to vinitiug stock yards at Mea uty. Hits eonie lie f !,, I'ungfrM 10117. "titles. UIlls n'rntlii,s -- a.rtii work though nut lieavy or physi- i I ' . ', I . every iln ,,,u ,n ait i If t liin'li-lt- i'. uti,. . well klliiWIi set ell. thing stuck men am. have n IlM III w.i. hr, i .OIU Silfiy Wlckrllbun U1SM4 of year eliding .llllie :t", was lueihruii and their fnmlll.s." the farmers n 1 11 . thf sl, ot r . r :. (Hie I, t ,. lo f. u I'rortt Hllll :ia itiii 'iitf the riiiK ol 'In- - cally reijulres steady attention, are lienei-- ! nf lit. ul. ,,f ;i, ',i,l (j, i I'll'' tiit ell;, 'Hie llt-a- l yeur 1 .." clu-i- s needed badly for Mime time. ' I n:'iUi r'im, .UlrniUle 'II i.' .i zebra in t m. v WiMll-- t ! ' ,, . nuau Allitraliri . 7I4IU luitiiiK l"ii,'lil 11 I'.illlf hi tin' t.ui A irHtUUS ACCtOhM. lir J. II. Sloan iiiid.l. W. ker. of San- i. uual Ml "'' with a delu'lt of .tl."".'.,'i.l '. In th i'hm' An Indian boy at Kingman wa having 'ofili tttiv oil" r mutt-il- l .,ti II,, until,,, , f v.,. i, , a ouiiiAi I'liocnit.Lv 7 mo. hitll, Jih'Iiiiii-i- . uf ta Fe. mid W K liiiuie, of ( err, Him, nt tt id KriiiiiitK iiiel liiiltiiiinrf. W I s - ! l llu- - of ftfry group in l.''i. except group v a little fun with the car, edheedny. r ("itM-r- nf 1'tirniiti- uf In. fi ti ih,.. ,, , . Nii. 1 tint 'i connect it Jerome JnnmJ Kriiiui-c- ii In a - on II, unit Icll Well ni Ills Arm last account were at Santa ItiNitlla lu "- ' - , with U V A Ky. (uf in fan Ivr I r lay ' frnm a- l t t. nisi, in miti ri,l,iii. i . , trains ol ttie I. Jrt.natl exits mid Louisiana, which hml itstualli mnl let hi hand long on the mi 'i nt,i 4... t,, L'dllllrctllUf with atajre I -- Mei-c- a at I'rracutt Inn tl nJ of of li i Mm kiiiH'kil the 1'iiirlh rouiiil. Iif the hlhuahua, repuldlc i vi.-'- In i "lit hi tale till. A mo- lib the ti. n latter pnn of n all principal camp; Congir-Jt- sl In Unit year, there was a truck and had It cut lu ' inlnlna al 'Illicit either train ' nifii fought ul I - iiiiiiil- - each. It" llil.nwu Madrll, of (inllsteo, Wus Mexico, alNitit ;ni milex south of Kl l'a-- u, I M.i. Ii I Kl it tilllt I. ' i if th. Itirv. A. H. tlun with Coimiru UuM I'onipany K.ilnJ t.i smuller siirplu a greater delicti than tion I not a good thing to frolic with. I (in : tCiiuiiivM and llnra Hanim ' i in- - .unr Ibl i put up ii k'1") K'ht tirouglit to M Sunday -- I.iirl. .f ..i .i ii n wriier in t, .1 , , hftte until iifitr thf III I I lucent hiillal 'Ihe Miner ays. The suiind of the ham- I.'fnioti v Ullun ami Vatnrlli al I'liuvnlt with Matinfl "'.. he dividends declared ly the The Pliueulx (inr.elte say. Ilia I ln-i.- At I'liix-nl- i Jeu i,., I , Hallway fur polntann i . ti In Vr th. lilile Mint til) l. ,,f f,,. ,,, ItieSuutliel fill of the fourth riiuuil. whfii he at p. in siilTerlug from an accident mer and saw is in laud. If uil. ,, K, V loads tit (tilt Irani the Stialil-.l- i . I'acillc, a to with S U.K. 1 rotcrisl this ulice tnlellielil the tsiv who did tul know hi n.. a luee fill I ! . - Hie khiK'k "111 I'Ihh oil Hie tri'in winch few persons Niirvive. says the Hi' lent Itieii ih. n Mini ri ..(., 1. ism- co mrctlout mule al All) roil helllg present indications cunt for anything, ,,. I , , i. Vv Were I'.l.'.'s.l.T.'i. almost the allle ,,,,, ttM u1, niluainaii ol.l t mul' uili in iiMh will, r. nil in. t,,-- ,. SaiiU Koutr lai traltia lo all pulhUrd New - ,,,', in mnl ,t. .,,, lratp I I Will he oil of the HveM- ... f.r.-tieu.l- . I l , . anil writ. Italtll tut CaUlofnlt 11 Ilf lilliiillii'll wlio Wi Tf a the amount of deelarisl Ul7Mhti.Wh .,. cam. n I nee. clnu, . in-- , ,1, three nfiliTfl dltldeluls ly hud his uuetuoiiml. . ll is its in,, t,. t ,,h emk at t):Mi and a:45 p, m., arflvnn in IM t ( on Ihursiliiy last, at a. III., he fell -- lll. i' Mitten I' I towns In New Mexico . i uf-I- . '1 in-i- t a at 1 :!I0 ilttHirttxl niliil "iiiiuiwiiH'r the Ci'f fil"illilllig roads the pret lulls northern next until Monday, In the meantime the " in. thouirli Mlmlli'i Mill' in, "' ll'li'l. II, .1 l,u I. "f , Atiarlri Irtnoon and San inM HI If ii ii I Mat at luu&, Ixirktiurl lor iiiilnwlully in the Hit" a null forty eight feet deep at t i t f, cih miinil ttii.f Italiilieul year spring. 1 nili il ii. imiiip.'r "i ii mu fnvi'i fin lu i. .in p.,, II13& I eareletM Isiv rontlmsl lu the cutilitr mil. ir. j.ii. rail leavra Aill Mitt al a. in .Mutt-- mill who liaik nil Hpeitl to - M nltil I'axi, hreakiug his left arm and fractur- t.. I.,. I'e i Hi, ,i vv ! t . , lino, M. MA UK ST. I he mnouut nut friends of Deputy Sheriff John ih 'N ,.l, .i .il i tu Jii'lK'' olllfi. will lme it heitrlUK define ftulisl diss tuclude all Ihe of lncorMiratloii of the Terre . tie nt.'i Wen. Kit. I'aaa, Atfrnt, I'trsctat Arttl his leg such a Article ,,u L. Illli-I- ! . , I - ing lu horrible manner a l" In. ill, ni in i Infill it..- ii,i hi- tioimr to uinrrow uniriiiiiK. Iiif Miui-nllaii- of the dlt idi'lid paid, since a conslder-.tld- e Phillip, of Iteming, are urging him for ileal' "i ti r. ai .MUMetiv l to Haute Mining company were tiled. The tan, .ii it il blows thill nppli- - i - .'. I'm. A (Jrn. Mgr.. I'rractrtt citiiiiul Hpettk it wiinl iif necessitate its relliotltl. unti'il (sisiti- tlie nut- le tl ( h,t I.. ft 1 Kiill"h. Niftliii uf thf dlvt'lflids paid dlirttlg reappointment under SherltT McAfee. 1 U.K. iriliclial place of btislueea I'hunulx. or i ill " p , . one of clitluin hit" His stury falling Into the foe flit tun ii, i. .1 t- - Aaat. Atufl itlllii'Uli tliflll thai tie s s is. that after ei fl.'.ir lint. Mtr., Crrtciitt the yeal uii railway dfclarisl Mr. Phillip" has made a efllcleut ,. , uiot Jay Cutuinlng, M. It vt.,. . ihe el in-.- tl-- . ., i ,. iieeii in Hi " country fur at tlflfeii well one uf his cuiiip tlilulis had a top Tlie lncoriratorii are .uii.s' Hut m'1' 1. nt,- - f .. d .ImlKe HfitciK'k the from rental from ease roads oillcer. and will undoubtedly be contin- If. Hyde. I. Ityau, l iii t.iiiial.h'. ! t Mief'lT ., wl ..r,. t,, tfitr". ffpffwlitr kIh iiI himself, it 11 I Was lowensl Frank Joue. Thoina iil"l'.'' PC" it n il: fol l lie - now .Tallin he. lull from compitutis. fateis ued In otllce. . ' v I till sliow Ii Ii i V,, ATLANTIC liinaiueii, in the that oierale tlitin. tt li utturu-liiti- uiliI .Uuu.s k'ln nil nf ol.fe I'i.I ttie eei nt .,n I Ihe with rope - irr lulu well another alula ' i lint-,.- - will urnte to umrrii' iimrniiiK hy lilt"! l' lie rcllinill, Iii.iv. i tun- llu- m I,',-- ; I uch ii rental" I'flllg rellirilisl the Jim i'Ihivi'Z y Chavez, the condemned San Francisco. Ihe capital Block 1 ei frnm fnf Isiitrd. to which lu jurist wa I i IntrltM li mill . II. MutUk'iiu. the mini to ' siiriii.' ttinti niiy "''-- i ti i. ii plli- is-- ;,. . li.Kurs its iixisl charge.". The reMirt under ecuteiice of death, I 'ir r, le llli ti i.i, & PACIFIC Iml-ti- sl murderer at a I'J.lWU.tHHI. - who were pri"N'ctiiik' in I'nio cutiyon, splicisl. Until men wore then hy npili: i t '! 'nl.'liileil lij i I'lin- tk'f n M?n n driiMi climes with a hrlef argUlliellt lo the filed rgttj-- , has secured a new hearing before wiirrniii reli ..ii"l lo the city late h hurse, mid the trip, with the tujurisl Hubert W illlams, coluretl, convicted of I'l'llct , i I'iIi , I He l fill: ,.' l I Hi congress the net to From of Hie that linild " aineiol the supreme nun , - vv . i leriiiNiu. the chitracter man in a waguii. was uudertakrii. He court in toe lemiorv. lutii,.n .,.., t! ,eultelltlary lltl- l'u. hi. ,i i a'liiullilii'i,: .In A liirful ItsiiriMi.t lir.1, RAILROAD they III en- ) - eulliplen of roi'k liliiilk'lil III" regulate commerce as to secure the his ense will not likely be reviewed t Itiiiii.-,- l!u- I t reached Sa Jilt Fe alive at the time ahote (i,t nlisiir of imu-- yir Htul nltiu in.nittie) ir iri r ilin etii.,1. .1 .' (rnM will t'luw uii n i .i ti it Isil if ijlllte etlilflil tlmt lliey hitte rmllietlilliK' I actment uf l I I ., i.Vt-- i w its protsus. that lsly till next July. 1(,.,fli par- - lie et'i Jllll., .il Ihe lies ore n.vireil Willi u, mnl s...., In the way ul pro-p-i't- -i in I'mo Indicated. (ron Mlt) lt Maturday Condensed Time Table (01 unit i . i: i ii U tweuty-tlv- e win ii. Tins fiiti I. 'l ,i t t canyon. Mil' I mI Kiiii. Yesterday at .'I p. in. hi leg vta aiupii-tate- line year ago there were doiied by the governor on recomineuda-vacan- t mill frlen elirns Imvi I" i'ii li Mil' r.'liriiii'lint i.irk tlnlli-- ,n ee, .IiiIiii Miit.ui, of inl of four cars, house lu Kdily. To-da- am of In' lui l.i Kilntivi- Nov aii. the Atlantic ractlli' Ihe train carrying near ihe hip jiiint lit Hr. Croou, there Uoii nf the Uierlnleiidf nt the prison, li I i "xf .i to n il, ml eiiiii-l- ami I'.IVf the Hi itiiutit on, - I I, , .111 , ' "' .in ntrniic- machine kIh". met with uccilfiil the pnrty of F otlicials and dtrif-tors- hy I Mn mil over live, am! within a week there would ex- - VV KSTHOl'SII. KAsriioiril Niuta asstMtisI lirs. 7.. Harroiiu and llrady, li term, disluctiug crmllt. n t I . I,.- 1 I yi"tfnlay ttlteriiixiii. Ihecatiof an I'lii o'a.'lr rtwiills. In t fe lion uf ' ... i in I,', in,. , ai.. STATIONS I of ('resident Itlplcy, ('. M. will be none. A plain statement of fact; few and pardon .i.,i-- - :i It'll upon htiu, itml In nni"iH'iii'f roiuxis aide itsistniice Mug also rendered tiy pire in a days, the wiu lv it, tt ben- tben raits laid t In "iiirh a L'ti'i'o .nnl Nu Nu.l No 4 Nti den-cm- ! - T t Iligglnxiii. Manager Frey, cause lo you may .. h. hml ti, .! ,r i v Iif will lie lalil up lor hfteral week". Ill" iieiieral Sisters Mary lie .""itle, Mary lucent and allrlliule the whatever Imply to restore ciilzeushlp, f' nti nti 'hu i ii iiuti s that il,,- i i is ii. uu p ii) jr. pi (.'lili.iKo 10 00 . 1 Hide aliit lilp are lnully lifiilwl, wtille Mudge. ami luteclors desire, says the Kdity Argus. in. Illlletl tli f ,.- .1 Inltl I, . i t ti, n ,; , , I,,. ,., ii tu ,i KallM. City 7 0 ' .i Mi Itita. III-- i.'' .tit.' r HtlVV out tIM.II I'l'MII, - nu p Ih i IViiK-- ii. uja h . . i !. u", a In the heail. W Hi r r. Ml n. tr.ii-- . 1 k'lli alker, Hutch. Fowler and litldis, uiitdr Ir. CriHs.ui states tlit illuming that Kxteiisite ireiaratliiu are made' It.- ft. mi ml i.i i l.i it ' t,.'. p ti li.'i .i Juiii.i 0.' w t ' . A iinli-t- y i f. i, Mu- I, r I'ju;. I. If, 4 Altniiiirti4Ur ti.4ti l' Kciitlemmi, whoee extreme of on m m ran he it .i, a iiumU'r fast run while the trip the mini has a chance for rcconry. miike the New Year's eve hull, to lie l.otili I'lil.trr, t.rrmsn, Wtirail Sim. '. lt" 7 a 1, I lo I N N ill 4.40 if preeiilM ll i. I'uizKN friiin ini'lilliililliK ,'S Ii ,Iiii,um. ll Well lis Vtot Ihi' i . t ; tt from till- - city lo Hatoii, Sew Mexico, and o he will an Mu- .if tltrrl .mtlilriit I'rlriuli. i'.v,.," !.' lo t lift 4.10 U Should he do Maud in the ttlveii In the La Lira ami Literary tr 1 1 hi name or telliiiK lit" w, wii" tcmlc rel the trni'k will hnrdiv Mini I, I ii - , h OA p 10 a llullsisik IU.3U, II M my the Topekn liul Phlster, a (iermmi, arrivtsl lu p :ir 11. SO . tiirthilay ly tit" eHilmulile return, Journal. nals of surgical Injuries a another evi- Aid siMTletie. of Vega, one of Cm-I- i' iii I'j i Wln.luw tui a xiipper wife tual Iaa iIim i .ili-- v 1 eitv tiri.siiiiu.lilt fr.iiu I'hleitLrn. hImiiiI A UNIQUE VILLAGE. ill all Ihe iiolli ttii-- 1 js p :i :i:, j, h l.uf.tlt! ll. 30 Ul last nlKlit. I here were well I'rotmldy the fastest run wa made dence of the 7.11 wonderful endurance under the most pleasant nllalr of the season. ,,rH. Im,ntl, ugo." but hi apiiearance nre tint an oiKiuhllt a tlu'i'li-- i ti . la 10 4' h.:io p Wilhami 8. Of. a known mul party thi 1.10 a tl.MI p A ll. 41 a the -. Kotk Ul uciitlftiieii pneiit, while on the return trl on the western most pernoti-l,l,K'k- lil-- s I I ih unfatoialde surroundings. The ball will lie given In the etsler did not Indicate a distinguished It U Almit In .Msnr 7i Twn iih mul wires which bate li li enjoy ol a eplftiilnl time up till aliniMt - yiitT" 'lit Hun. from bt Junta, Colo., to Hodge age, or a man poHMendihg an over abuii- llriitirul lluuletsriU. lutteil tu diKlli'tire i lie park . .. t il 7 00 a 7 Ki p "Auk 0.00 a! Ul hour. I ,i I'rrM-ot- t the lulilulKht AT Mt MtklTY . lo :io a III.IIA p 4 t.U III ills-taur- llll. dance of intelligence, still the eiiicl I il I . ll illy. Kan., Mtturday aftc riusin. Ihe ( Mullf thf stiei pike, Jll"l here Is n tins. i,t f 11.00 p 7 UO a p lirunnfeM Tiik fir-- I Hie U ruce fis.t ball team and the I I'litftili 7.30 ;il roetuiaetor ilalree show that he Indeed ipi.te a emart Me n-- s was t'ovensl III :i hours audit, liilli-utee.- , tlie village nf th.iy ami t euiir.f, thai the I'rtis litwe, 11 tin .in ui announce that letter ami pern Htiu tt. .. Hit Ail.ltri.ri the Fort .III team criH-ts- l leg at the gar-- 1 I 40 a tl.MI p Ash Kutk ii. ur, racal. ni:i-- , , i Hull's fiuiii lliiiitiiit'tuii si.iti.ui, tun k'. mny prove a hu ,lt to Ih. l'l-.- will ho ileliensl, as iiHiial. on I'liriKlmaw or an itctual ruuiiiug time of ."'. mul I'lllirui. Phltcr suddenly left the city t O.'l 4 0 JH I, li Stulliui I. II.' 4 3lM ris..n Saturdav attvimsin to an ai.iulrlng lat tin- .Iiihti tin- r t - r. a 4 ami New In to accoiiimiNlalv W- on Newton ruilii'.'iil. I'll' iurti, i. it on nf Im,. ,.ei, ul ir li. nop iMtitfinan J.O" lit! tear'. unler mile an hour. Knglni' :W, which uinilc I'miiiplly at lo.l.'i o'clock this iiiornlng, -'' 's a, p w v liln-,- n. 7. Ml a l .oa 1 lir nu lo il the puhllc, ami that the Wn-tlo- throng. The garrison team won with n I'lulaili f.illtuleil it im lit, il, I. ni this i" limillt rul ,1.1.- if ti reKMratlon the fast Nelly Illy run on the ill-- j Hon. ii. A. Hlcliardsiin, of HihwcII, who AiSi'T; ti ir. a a lllakr lu.o (, m I hy noth- ' ;i I M.tH, , IIM will open on thoee day from lo was In l ilt. to make hands down the score of (eu to train last nleht, and there are half a doz littli- h. till uiriit kevetiil years ittfn for tlie I'tnss is kept will iii, .tii, III II. 10 10 a ItaK'tad ago, advertlsisl a ft III I, i t k- - tislou year pullisl j'' y . 40 D.uurlt In nor ii ii ural thefa''. Sw of to'll the ing, men working H- en gentlemen here who are mourn-lu- itrtilsirginiii. or tiu uils rs the way line with in, tti .1 M at, address, nivartsl before Ihe faculty the Frt llllss the ties t'i'lit "I ,r J lop ill n llaritow 6. VI' I M In charge of Kngliuf r Holiiusou I I iisnb-tii- . i The eMewalk In of and of New Mexico r hi departure, am. U'walliug their hiiri-- of (be New Ji t lie s'ti-- itli a i'- -' . II plank the rear the ' and students the nlvi ying wedge to the iltscomlHiire of the vis- luxuriant ur" id it Kuiiirf A wholwMitle grocery store of lllack Fireman .loue. ('omiuctor ltorkur mid few citizen preelll. but It fate for having too much coulldeiice tu it liiri;e of liiinl, buill a n lliivelly at CI, 1., ' ,1 .1 (in, slly. wre itors. l.'iik'lil tract !' least I, M. I'll p. I tlo p tM I Anitrlrt lu.lfi i well .V Co., on Inilil avenue, tielliK Ilrakemeii 1 tint mid llaldeii were lu is a source o' regret that a larger num- humanity. till.' hoiiM' and silt tuiitiib'il il with Tunes lo to p u.w:, i, AII llU'lftl 7 I 111 W r. l up thiK will tie nf gen- II. F. Sylvester, who a hen In the city he - llo u, San kranilsriv 4 i torn afternoon ami clmrgc of the train, ber did not hear the address the nourished like I'hlster arrive. iiieiii'i s Th.- count ry . nut orally pti t pur-si"- e K. S. on with it rattlliiK Hhlewalk. tleman, who said he disclaimed the bay a gro- tisik a riHim at Cuuimlngs' north l - Nu :, mnl 4 iM,ni.t K'"t green tree when clerk lu the ty , ntlnu-ti-i- others uf hu- fa,'li. lm Selvy.stx'cial Tt.otis air liitiitrd (imnlslile Ihe party returned to this early n He street, ami for two week after the Cade officer on the Atlau llllll si'tlll Nil II L si'IIOD Kl. ha the contract toiluthe of delivering lecture. wa W First lib-i- t I l.i- - cery of Sam. ell, lu La Vega, eome vu'wiil vxilh favor the of tic .V I'acillc, returned lo the city from ilMrl.iy anil Sstii'ilavi, lliwi work. Sunday morning, mid with the exception simply making a social call on an insti- Territorial fair omVlalcd aa cook at - pawl year ago, ha been the employ of com coiiiuiuiiity Tin y lots liallup last night, lie give Tiik Citi.k.s u ni- uu sin I Muti' ays 41m nL'W which of Peco in Owen Utiiftdalc restaurant. He had 1 (iisirgf l' llwiu, of I'nlcHKO, accoiupa-;ilis- l of iieiieral Manager Frey mid iieiieral tution lu the citizens the . Aiiui'li'. s slid 'I ni'.iU TiB lie- prnM-riv- on Saturday . - money, paid hi bill a they came due, from 'iriguml wliiliwns the Information that last I wil Anui-lr- tiy his mother ami the latter Chi- vtlley had a deep Interest, ami a tlieir mission houses in the Colorado metrniio- Nu l.i'" superintendent Mudge, continued to . r- - night four dcllveiy horse belonging to 'I Alliiiiiii-riU- W representative he extended a cordial naturally gained the contldence of nearly a ; mile hi til. nfl put IiiiimI.iv, ,.iiiiii lfW Mr. Andrew itroh, of this city, left on lis for a number of year, unly afcwud eli ( I 4011 IIIK 41 4UII cago. liun-- an-Ho- the Crecent oal company were stolen ail. .It'll lIIU rii'SI lo-il- From ot hi thoee with whom he wa aasiKMated. up Ki,'lil or nun (.uii '.' -- the titer for t'allforula. I hey will greeting. the experience days ago. he out lu . . for i ami iliituuv " lii'lli-- 1 cats liMVl' in r v branched hu.ln A f,,w C()Ilwhw, lUf ,,,,a aud that the thieve hud not been appre- NeelltH it "Indent life he nreevuted muii pertinent l)ayt aK0 ilii liuleil ill Ihe settli tli. I.I and etoii at for few day, after . I lu-- r ( nil. hended when he left (iallun Two men. Hi ht'u.self. j nf purchasing reetauraut comlucteil - Which they will continue to Im and practical truth hearing Umiii the limn- me to join ii. unly nuaiiitii: a A Allele. Conductor Mcllugh, of the Santa Ft theeecond- - who put up at the Fleehlve raiirli, three Don SvittT. opHrtuultle ami dutio of college The Peciw cotnpanv ha let a contract luU Clement, adJoliiliiR fnv unity ! Im Id .. . I'lckrell, a relative of Hon. Y . It. limbic opirt miles f (iallup, for the week, K, i had a close day. wa II. store uf Mr. Ciimnilug. and a.n hu eat pat Alltuiiiirrunr. call the other lit From the Ilf of Alexander mipply baud Che pliii'f bus no uotiii- 'In r tl'.iii Chllder. who reelded In Alhmueritie a for eight artesian well, to the hlu, M , Hrouni, are uectfd of stealing the horses, a j HtHiidiug on e of .V Stephen he related an Incident that could )e ' tew years mo, now !u the etnplot of the th track the Atlantic for Hut lu t r ", v Inch it titlii-- fii'iti it" they suddenly lett (or part unknown not fall to leave a ig ImpreMiou for Hondo or northern canal with water for over coulldeuce people. Niilli. ni Hall. Atlantic i'acillc at H lllfmus, A. I ., I'acillc junction, when he chaucislto look ! l Inil old tow ii It I, uv Saturday night. gissl and aflord a stimulus to swlilvf ex- Irrigation. Work has commenced on the, Uul KM a switchman, wa willing priiMiinly last In west wml t II, came from the lat ulht Up. Just It, time to see the back end of to some work I'urchaee the to take aina ever. ilistiiii-- frnm M'. i Col. II. W. Mcl'lure and wife, father Distiiil ul ul Nf ertion do noble one at the head or .uIht hollow, a restaurant, 1, m Ml III I I II I will remain for a few llrst - vv IIIIIII lit. ...m. II. I llll HI. day. the Atlantic .V Pacific w'trh engine's Mr. Hichanlsoii was in the legislature , out In board, aa wcuted I'.ti ry it h,li ils l,ui di is and mother ot Mis Mabel McClure, who ehort of ljike ...... la-e- (i. K, distance north anwltch. M, ,,. bniid-simel- y . Hopkins, the rallnvl and canal down Mr. Mc- that gave n our present sclnsd systein, .'..,, ,, tin u it l. ni'-- ' mnl tltiieh-il- ha here the past few mouth for iii uu, ti'ttituty. tender hearing mi him. Im- - vi im I Krinl-Ins- j contractor mi hutlder, has eeut his t I I edu- All the well will sunk at convenient to him. the gave e her health, arrived thi morning from AtidtrasSi'liaiili ami he a true ami tried friend of Monday bargain, aud mul out. 'I'heri' nre inipruvi-uient- 44WH llugh nut think It wax over two feet I vi Nu to Klucoii, where he will go to ih" niue-mii- e H" pay leni- Clinton, Ky. Col. McClure a wealthy uutllt cation. HI visit to the l uiverelty wa (iisiance Miuin or tne mime. l'liller tliei oaiauce to to lu Ill s new anil vvell-rerula- il I t Anna Stimuli ) away. He had pn-eu- ce to utep work on the .Seidell dam. Mr. Hopkins of luiud am. fac- -' ent thi morning, but Plilster am. the rarmer ami lutnner merchant or ...v f..r greatly appreciated by students The ltoewel. says; County veil of which a mimic ipnlity uinion will leae for Itincoii on Monday inurn-- I back Just a the tender grazed him. A nil v. and at hi departure the young men f lo cannot now be found aud Hwltchmau and own a hieamUiat on the Ohio river, C THIntsoii 1 down hi would ls proud. Hu I A UK. I sti'iiliil tin iro lie would have bisin run volunteered the New Mexico L'ulverelty Judge from Kbel la therefore out $00. a particular friend of Co.. A. Iu....i ...... l ....In. 1... ll, llir a tiuii'-i'- s Issiu-tlfu- l 1 l I Monday from T'lie are built nloinr two Trimble, am. It likely that he will ar .t Htute., ill-- excellent authority. Her-th- cheer. home on the P?uacn. The judge an On at Phlster obtained Kl three-fourth- s Nt-- Ux t,.r and cut all to piece. Pan. C. ... IsiuleviiriU, on.' of vv hu h is range for hi wife daughter to re ol Mr lieu, hv Andrrai tHli.iuti. there are ditllgerolls hole ill . . (iov. Stover, a member of the Isiard of applicant for the swltlon of register of Dietrich, a conaumptlre here from and ' Alleiitown, Peun., who ha a room of n uiile loti mnl the other main itere during tne winter. I the llarela lirldge. am! the county regent and president of the faculty and ad- and ilivunr I10111 the 4iil 4, M the land otllce, under the Incoming I. -- Han a damage mi haiuls, Hie holes i followed Mr. Hichardaou am. a so at Mr. Cutuminga', $25 ln,cah t unit u hat shorter. The ilrivevvnys, of At the Commercial club suit its instructor, ladle' nlsht - u tl" - 'I lie Tim- Vfwr llieik. We are tsiund to hare a res- I i ali.imli'iinirtit. Hut iinlrM should Is- retired. made a very appropriate addree. telling ministration. him 'Phliterl to purchase the linn! rruiheil lone, are llnoki en.-l- dance one of the Mi sees Hisui, who la JS'.iT I The No. 3 east, Ihe I'enver Time Almanac for his heareistliat Mr. Hlchardson helped to republican when Heglster Young' time taurant, agreeing to take out the amount sole ly n of vv llh '",m.- - sh.ule here from Chicago, met with hii accident llyer, from the was half strip - a knee-ca- n I). I HUT, tlit- iliV cou- - valuable couiieudlum of luforiuatlou. I'stHbllsh the lulterelty here whet, he I am. la lu meal, aud ot cou me Mr. Dietrich it that of dislocating the rluht ainr the llf.l an hour late tiedny. Col. Hlchley, (he out. Judge Tllloteon a splendid trees planleil lit revulur Intervals Out . ., , a..-- .. I I or I..M,., 111. 1, . Il i II. lie Idea a ilistliu lly western almanac iltlchanlsoii) was it of terri- among the mourner. - The young lady wa one of riirc !... I.I. .11. member the man for a republican. side of tllis.e reen Isiriler'- - II, the le- the principal ,.., . .. torial council. Veeterday Phlster met another gentle- lu the Presbyterian Japanese wedding, ,.,,...... HBn.,,', walks. The Inrycr of the Nnili-vim- l tloll of llltereet to Western Iople W III be Prof. Hiidley, lce president lu charge Hansford chapter of the Kastern Star, man who had shown some conlldtuce iti w hich took tdace at the otera house Inst live luieuirers biui bnlf a iloreit miittih'i! i. ts ,,. ' , lotlUil III llll iMMiK hUulllil make It ol of the I 'Diversity, followed (iov. Stover La ega. held a meeting at which there him, ami also obtained from hlmfi'ion loins night, but owing to the accident she oiilhwe-ter- n or Sander. Renera great value to every of state, of said restau- anil Ihe other is hlul m t il'l .i Nutlro anil. citizen the in a logical, strong talk to thoee present the strength purchasing niurse could not take part. Ihe part assigned ! I agen for the K.piltahle Life Assurance . wa an election of officer, which remitted . ll,u llulil. Y'liilr-- aif thai k.i.inil J lH ,u,e Almanac gives the rant ami laying same back In meal. pniportkninti iiiiinls-r- The etTect Is mi noon, however, wa admiraiiiy a who was calhsl to ( hicago and flltt, , a follow: Mr. Cha. 1,1, Sporleder, t(lU ,l( ,. htnt(. ,lllrK Word ha reached Trinidad that C. II. jte yesterday afternoon he called at novel mid iilnisitif,' and remiiiils the Htimeii ny Ksieii. ill 4.1 . New ork on busiiieea, retunie.1 this - Hev. lllal .lt.1 I. U. fur preeldeiittal elector and gov- A: worthy matron; lleo. Selby, worthy the Houthweetern brewery and told n well-kep- t ,sll... lt Nichols, of the wind llriu of Krllle visitor of park. . II. Ulley, formerly well known inoruiiig. - John a inr ni t.uu irrnuiry eruur, by mid give Inter- .I.S.Clark, lone ot the employe a fat, Jolly fel - t couutle. ali Ntchol,whohabeeii lu Colorado Spring iintroii: Mr. associate matron: A 'in svstetii iif niiiliTirroiiml republican politician or tne Meellla val Milttill Mt-fl- A. A. draiit. proprietor of lirnnt's opera estlng eliH'tlou llgure from C.e terrlto- - h'Vf-t- hat he wanted to attend a danee lu No 4LM3 Mattle Murry, condiictre, .1. l lie- Villap' mnl eh i ley am. of Dona Ana county, v, ami the lieiuocrat. hoetdes other olorado' for some day, met with an accident Mr. Mr. sewit's rui thf mi NtUun J llyitc houe rial da t mineral production, s t F. MCiulre.a-isrl- ate Mlm. , 'V.,'n,fL.Kit d.W.n.?.,,t.ri,I,.S? tiie-l'h- t plant fiiriilslii-- illiiinuin' .uii now of Denver, came lu from ttie south Aiutntiil hi Atlftrlitm corporations in the city. to ar farming imluitry. live elia'k, agrlcul- - while woo. Ca.hati, on Frl condiictre.; -- isexH't its unloading at dis- last uleht ami continued on north to Co. Tli :iiit J lit If " rive from his mhi Francisco home thl" etc., are well represented Itlmiche Kuthgeh, secretary, ami Mrs. A. waa for all Ihe liibnbitnnts. Water is .a. :i ;i. ..' ;..t rln1 ii.,t lure ami the day evening of hint week. A bale of wini chain. The bint taken, and Phlster Mr. Hiley p tributed under jrnoil press, from n lorado. ha several ..1 ...... iftftt evening. fact furuinhed are freh and up to date. F. lleiiedict. treaaurer. obtained the watch and chain of the re shlil - leg train load of to Colorado and Kali- 1 11 ' - I - fell on him, breaking hi right JiHt lieini.' ilone by rattle uir tuiii j uu 1 iBiiii Sherilf ThiM. Htihliell and ".".! Lew li, addition to much matter that of We have seen sample nf sugar brewery employe. Phliter with the liiice lank, tlie piimpliig point from New Mexico iv below the knee. He is being cared for at the .1.1. l,.l., lu .1... !. sk southern the were pMw'i,ger for the norlh lasl night, cullar interest to Cnlnraihi the almanac Ml", 1 uniii, .11 ,,'iu.i. p..tillill n windmill. Mmiy oilier conve,uemis past (ew prislnced by the hddy factory that are j,,,-)- ,, month. l I (or rv na genera, uuoruinwou on iiaiiouai aim the hospital lu Colorado Spring. Mr. i Inile to the isunfort lilt IIIIIII III llllllNII-- Il'l Binnifi ' tlie oruier .lanta and the latter I uiitri itimmon A. twn I well-know- n tie Mr. J. IJtnib and children, of for I .a ega. iiiteruatloiial ailalr. Ill (act, there Nichols i to the wool men of .W pure. Thl will run through the The racal also iecured a fr.eml at the PhiWnb-lplil- a ....a .a I ..a ... at. iU Otlsco, N. Y , arrived on the (Iyer from ...... Ignored a h person A. 11. ..iui ....1 mr M. Heiuiis, of city nothing of ImiNirtatice and a thl city. re.lnery again aiidlhelxone-thoiiam.t- !aa saloon In the genial of tNlllllitMl-i,-ilMi- i...... i.i anu i.Mm; 7 J. formerly thl the east ami Proprietor of . 1 ; reference tsuk the T ime Almanac I far Meyer, who wa. taken In to the tune of 1111 niirrrii itmi in an ii then of liraut. and now a big saw miller part of laipurltlea The nam. Th Chrerrul lillnl. llsh market, I corresisuidingly hatiiiy. ahead of those I us tied by the eastern The New Mexican ay: Chief Hepuly about $.n, wh He he owe Mr. Cummlng the and lumber merchant of William. Is In U, I .. ". wonder why fitt are so uni- pie. a It far than a great deal si;ile The tvarenta of Mr. Utnb, Col, r paper. I ,xRini,, lister hllll aall a if Ilia Iltal M nU3V III H7 the city. I tilted State Marshal IniiuIs home fr versally i'imsI tmtun-il"- iUernsl Judson and wife, am. Kate Crail of the sugar eeut out by the trust fac . i'hliter worked hi acheuie like a pro-t-or the Mr. Mr. J. Downs and three children are at Tlir sii.rriiii ( ourt. from Socorro where he attended a short speeulnllte Irfinriler dock, also arrived. They have gone to urtiarv. a ii. inui. luiiinirni I We Joyce, Prult fewloual. After obtaining the above dlf-- rr re- e. underitanil that iMaini yuu mu av1""' Sturgee' Kuropenii from Wluslow. The Die New Mexico supreme court of the t'nlted State court. Five "Por the iioueKeeiltig at viu houiii liroaiiway. iv irnurrrii - elou Co. have ordere.. a carhuid of thl augar frent uma on the wtaurant purchaae, nil niirut'ii lu you as uaniiirt- laily came in to purchase her holiday sumed it work this iiiumlng with Chief Indictment were returned by the grand o d roan Cletne nta to Tacate. Thin idiot. "Ihal II vviiulil tnke n fat The Hamnle of beet suuar mauufac gissl. to shipped aa aoou aa the company u fan which I. V AiitVMM. AtinriifV for rUllltitT' .In.lieu t.iitltli!lnif Mini Ass.mIu1m jury. The only Jnry trial wa that of the I, WM () ,Mt MoIld,yi niJ on yeaterday much loiiuer ,et mini rUar tured at Kddy, wa left at the ready to aeud tt out.-lloa- wel. Hecord. he went to work Ilk a Trojan commercial chid dy iiou li- - A lllchard J-- Collier. Haiuiltim. Uugh, ml l lilted v Kugelie Levy, "mayor" Tueada;) thnvugli." lndlniiniliH .luiirnal J.tKyK State at the place, moving partition! and thing son, attract considerable attention, and I - present. ay the New Mexican. am. sev- . Kan Clf . where he will the hoi- Jlatilr of Sabltial postmaster there for around generally, while an Itluerant A ItCIMANTIC AfPAIIL it now rumored, lnce the article lu vwiiiii viitiii nun nv - Mex- - (told, from Imptirltleti Idaya. Ihe cnae of the Territory of New enteen year, who wa charged with when rellnet"''. all , tMalntT waa nutting a coat of rial nt on thl patter regarding the enterprise, that dsr th McKinlpy admlnWtrUon...... I I .. I 1. f U am. I demmil- - half a dozen farmer in the valley will K It. S. Hix.ey and K, I.. Medler. who were co . Ceclllo HodrlgiifZ wa coutliiil opening letter. He wa aciiiltted. all..) of Inferior metal. the frout of the building. . i.. the r.t..M.. ill ifoin roiiia rt wi uikiii "',,." hl-?- - Alblll.t,u nure from legal matter wore mc pure. Thl mean gold of twenty Meair. l, Dletrlcli and oltier.5ee- !,. uereaiter raise augar neeta, nl at HturBw' Kuropeau rUJ ainaniareon until the next aeas.oii. nated Itt.a t I ItavafarA atlif . at TCi court, Hev. C. L. . l . I . al...... K itl -r it ,.r. "My biinlnct rushing," said Win liiilne mailt' a ulraaant rail eupreii'e relumed thl morning of Hntard, of thl city, superin- il n- - uin.r. ...rir.- a1 Ti v.- - Ynri, nf Hsliin nv. 'Hie case Jame T. Johnson et al, lour caran, ami tins is toe inaiiua..i fa imik- -l fnrwsnl fnr Jnrn ( I UII r.t.x W . .;.,. haplln, the road avenue Isml and initrv tins uiuiuiim. nr Senator K. Martin, of Sicorro coun- tendent of tlie Metluslist Mlsilou of the tv . liallegiw, sherilT, cogiils,sl by the mint niaater and dealer Hecemlier PJ, contain a lengthy article auui,--CnlvHrsl- ty, came in from the south last night appellee, Macarlo ?H mMn neveral month contract. MH, ,it,Hfri morning, "while tho re a waaiiitiRton iiirtmuy territory, write a follows concerning A a (act, However, ror wnue t eiopemeut or worn na on Monitar. Ki'b. am) continued on north to Santa Fe. appeal from Mora county, wa continued. in gold. matter ot easii advance!, iir. umming. anout ine i narie noiiisier pairing increaaen mail ... . : . - 1, iivmu - I Hev. .IiiIiii F. Kelly, who ha just been I - the wond hand dealer, from whom Phla- Ml T. K. Dye. not Tom. Hye. juiiKt' win irmvB lur 1110 Capt. Win. French, cattle raiser, here TnecaMoof M. W. Fhuirnoy et al, there no gold o pure. Cold of twenty- and Naomi Voice, of Vomit Vernon, aall "" pastor of the (Irst M. K. chureh of - Uiaplln during the holiday ruh. moriiing. yesterday from liraut county, left tit- -t v. HuHock, (taker Co., (i. W , two carats I aU.iit a pure a It can be N'V..a..d the following will be Intereat- Kast La. ega: "Hev. Kellog' record I prS night for the east. Chmiiiioii, luterveiior, wa being argued got. It ha two part of allveroroue !"'that he hail llnallv eecured a irood custo- - IdK from It local application: of .lame Meuaul and Hev Iteiiuctt, exceptionally flue. Three the bishop con-colo- r He, when thl" report clo-e- L McMll-le- u part of ropper. The copper darken the iner. Select aoclety of Mount Vernon waa " Who Mesr. . were at Ijt ega. relumed to the know am. recommend him, III former of gold, lighten it Hi AH the "castlr In the air" are now ylderably alartle.. yeeterday when It waa and Ihilfxin reprt"H'iit the while sliver i tm B.ti m . . a a aiiieant. Mi m tm mm mm mm . ma mm m m tiaat city thl morning elder, now speaks I extiloilixl, and PlilMer. with hi learned that Saoml VnlcaandCha. rai presiding in Miourl, ct.hir. I wenty- - threA carat gold a in-c- f&J, 1 aiivfi.4viii,f.iw- '- Attorney Field and Clancy, and Mr. Bl"1 K' W' ,,,:i,,,'' Bl'lN',,rM f"r u"' B0 , u aM twm JUtllw M Hl),urt. two o( th- - moat promliieiit m milliiuLi mih highly of him. Dr. Stewart, professor in Una Df ft ItVOlCMM tIKh elonally aeen. which mean a half carat ,KWKii,r. young people of city, had w-- iim rm mm . Clancy are expectw. fioiu saiitit Fe to i'llee. that been ytnui or aimwt it llvat t.Mai a" (iarret Klbllcal Institute, commends him copper. eight A am. description of nearly week ago. morrow morning. of silver and of Ordinarily full accurate the cretlv married three 1 ,u 11hiH i, Uate. !.. VftrV- "- iui..i.,...rl. 1 I I I at- - Ill. highly. think he the very man, aarat ivitlil Id tilt tut tit crfllil f II f coiim.iel In the hand ot Marehal It waa well known that there waa an 11 amv T, (I, - A. - Vv 1 1 m m wii u & sj Pillwa iowi or nr maa Mulhern. the Santa Fe train- Hubert Fertrtieoii. al. old time resl- itt V,xmt .ttf ami li A tnitalnl Mflva I l t r It al ilII t aivbajta,wuii-iiiiiioirnw-- n,''r'"--,iLTi- l, to elllil IIP ittmr 1 i (ah lltl liafaN tlti IXMU iuia I I deed not say to La ega give him a U- - hail. rillll)tl nivutl in vLlliuruft wiwitu iMrnii uui uii aiivuui , ul I ' V master, lu the city from as ega. ,lf Klairstalf . came in on this morn- - mnrnlnir It wm al tin horrora mNmr. rln .inl royal welcome for 1a vga a. way doee nil (tirwtionn this In th nt their tf nttf r yttr not thouubt crone ana Arrcn tirlan (1. Smith, of Flagstaff, I In the ug; from Cal. or liilercfpuriff tne ruffiUTfbf rore iner wouia m ror noma anwi wm orasno, train direct IUii.tburg. iiuiiAr tnt nurriM I Th.rvriBBaaauffFrailrmiMMlMmwmar not Imrtora tl lrrauM rtnetT fssf Mat I city, eUipplng at Slurgen' Kuroean. thlug royally." nu i ..aauii iril br U Th following are aaaaya matte from th territory. time to tome, not ronjerturea proved 14.11 CUfltlKHkllUxonlT kBow rrwH wliboul an u He nay that camp quite lively In the oojf i a at. a f V4. 1 - yi II. iaeaf orjoo Judge W. C. Ileacock Uia lha "J " I Ulster cams miaieaaing, ror me courunip enaea in a i on " dumber of men there, but aalde from l Cha. Bchock, a weibknown Bauta Fe ore taken from ruluw In wonuenui .... .lm1.1. t,.i.i, 1. rtvther romaatie elopeeaeat. Fe last nlf ht 'l:l"ur:,, 41...... ,. . . 40 .... v.. .niu .nii..,i..i"--v u duU- - therB u n railway flrrmau, and lira. M. 8, Dudley Hopewell vug vi ..i ir"7 U of W. HirrrK, Munaon.of Lincoln. NeO-- la " " uiatucti riwiwii, t,' now that health wu not what he wu Uti Volee kt ktr W. twtnty-d- r C&9t 1 Al-w- w, tieBf N. IL, W-t- M IM lllfbiaxid botiM. j avtrtg dJly of about arr.r wen married la Lu Vegu latt cveBlsg, S70, one ol nombw frees to KJXX After. lleCUIka, oi tui ritlTftt os'f Drier Mtrti