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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-8-1915 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 04-08-1915 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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THIIll M ITI,I V. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 1915. niK hvkmxii iikum r M, M. M. ' tk. Wl B.

RUSSIAN ADVANCE FALABA ENTIRELY Ordered GOVERNMENT FILES CLAIM OF VICTORY Paris, April 8, 8:20 a. m. Twelve Eite'.is to Navy Yard to GUTS AUSTRIAN women and children were killed and forty-eig- ht UNARMED AVERS BRIEF IN MAIL IN GUANAJUATO others injured by seven bombs drop- Await Peace LINES IN TWO ped by Austrian aviators in the market place GREAT BRITAIN PAY CASE IS ENTEREO BY Formal Command For Intern- at Podgoritza, Montenegro, yesterday after- ment of German Vessel Is- CT IONS noon, according to a Cettinje despatch to OFFICIALLY sued By Secretaiy L vnielsof Hation's 8tde of Cases Involv- CARRANZISTS Navy Department. the Havas Agency. buildings ing right of Postmaster-Genera- l Many were to Adjust Payments Xt Strategic Advantage of Steamer in astiliigtiin. April a. T h e Wash-ingt- Great destroyed by thir missiles. SinkinK Which to Railroads Presented. Telegrams to Agency in .i Qained Over Teutonic Allies American Loses Life Could I.' man k,.,rniom ,n- - r. pin I to III Aver that Casualties Holm id liar stele ,i,.u,it , April S nvarn-BMJ- In Carpathians and East Have No Ground in Alleged niiii for mmiHiiMafbto til Waahlnatn-t- Tke Amounting to 2,000 Are In- fir i.ii. f waa Hied today in Ihe au-ir- Wing is in Danger. Belliirerency. Ii Said. -- Ink hut Ii) tlx' llinr. ITttl'- "nun hy Aaalatant Attorney flicted on Villa. TOTAL PROHIBITION FRENCH MAINTAIN of tin- - m. i an ship wot (leneral Huatnn Thompaon In th ao-- t BY lam I'. iBMaiibux (talaniy ullrtl railway m ill pay 'naee, which I MOLINK CAPTURED BTRINGENT IS I NEUTRALIZATION CHARGE It Int oltea IT", iiiiii.'uui mil uff Pill, I OF not milt .1' ' SOLDIERS OF THE CZAR LAID lor " id tn. huit'lr'! railroad. CAPITAL UNLIKELY AGAINST GERMANY I nf ih aajraii, umk-- r tlm in The mas l.yvolvaa tka rlpkt of tka NOW UNLIKELY IN ACTIVITY UNDER iniu, ,.( isjh piMtmnst'-- (nral to ham th Conditions Position Commanding Road Tor- i Unfavorable For Teutonic Submarie Fired .."",',,, reajolrvM, Iruwatrer, im-i- .i ii. "dluetlna rallwa mall pay. U Ilia, th t, .it be-i-n In'' 7 paid Proposed Into Beskid M milium pedo at Clo-- e Eiinjre While uk ttf token Pretlous to mull waa for Plan to Exempt i a lali To tli ivaiati-llsliiin- innnally db tk bal nf an allmat , By Muscovites; Bui . . City of Mexico From Pight-ing- Taken GREAT BRITAIN DIFFICULTIES Some of Boats Were Still JH nf fa'is "i" iiuii. owrii-- mail b) act tea! walakina for l dayi i tup i.i Km. . ii run mill III slili. Mf dlvMMuj Ike loinly by ninety. Says Secretary Bryan. tie Likely at Uzsok. Davits, is t Statfiinent. in litis ih stall .1. p ni in. in will Thi was ktinwn aa Ih alx-da- y divisor. After July 1. th wkole number I7, A April (II . Mi tt, p. of days wus aa a anil 'his Waahinatnn. April (leneral l'lroarad. i. Impassion Oi ws That Gov- Laadnii. April (:tln m.i Th nd dltlaor x Watjr-3oakc- aeven-ddd- I'arranxa here laid to i... ii. i. ii. p m. i Tin' mtvmam ' Bad Weather and d old. inl a WaoMMloa, April jsrtary hum known BS tke any rlalma j;jo information isauod Daatebj victory in the battle In Hunna. i ' ernment Will Content Itself today aav fomaal ordrra to dlvlair. Th effert waa to reduce the rent MM lniFniitnK i" th lull iijt lri i ni ' ida iiiylng Hrlt state, Clay Soil Hamner thai th Beatly. pommandlna I'ompi'tisntlon rall-rnn- Juato in making: publlr MaMl 111 ltar Admlial of the army OaM With Measure Prevent . Ikla ill th Aoatthin uiulii But to Stop Operations wh aMBaaor Pnlolia, sunk at In PrtBl Kit. I IhMdtlgk to the natv uhtiul k. telearam from the goooral dated Fail . li... In Th iai-- IwlaraaaM AtMalraJ pkaait t yelriluy i.a ii.'h iwn i'hi. Sale of Liqujrs. Mm h Ji hy ii .rrnHii uhmarln rard fur In tk brief Mai today the anver-l-meu- wma this army t In a MM in Western Theater. Uvea, not will ih't'-rml- tn what th -- "Mince yaterday niorninf a hall la with loan of over Iff waa ainl matntalna that th only ratri waa n. I ... ii ) ' ii a pH I p. in ship will ba dkajejaatlad in proven! in ns plan'ii iii i.ii i h poatmaater an. alarld near I'elaya betwaea Inn "It Ion (II: tl n i inil. fori- - .1 April titli mpt in t port. rumni iniliil hy Obre- 'Tin' llmaiun hive 'I'hi' rpktWM h;i iiik MM i MM I'urln. ivln Uindun. I H ant la rni hi ai:i' wr that he must t)nrnl p i Thi- - Kr-i- It la not true, the poea "on n'' th" led by Ik. aajM .,r tdkMava pa-- . ii dot IMoa "ii MM ilrinK apaMlort in. h win dMu thnt lntmii within a maximum com(enai-- ' ronallr 'llla. n SlM sum. I ii 1111 71' ATM MAMK kp mm i or com- - Tin' KumlHim iiIhii have titruwii rill in In akperted 'intil III afSMIakNi an rpi.rt ..n i.n. Ihal nine .'..... th All tKk roll linn umi iniw wlah th malls ror u hui luai in rrt'ripi a I I - - pruajPMal tin- HkjlMIIrl wln h MHy". ami th ew nt nea KMM, ss i ni k 1..- Auatilun in II"' tllM'i't ' in. ni keeota naM week. The Impi "I pasiiK's 'his IVU prl"l of mil Iks than nlnty day. I I a-- - " l Iti u u Hi.- I: 'l up. German aubmur-II- S In id MMi in OH MMrl i ol LM' l"ll III KI'iKIIIR llMM llllirlll "In in wiii. imirki in Thi Ni tt".rt w s a.. pril s Km It ihiwlK h waa nl liberty In MM nintn. !' . - ' . I. ll Knl ih is i k..w Hit iik ;nlianil thmu n I will null in HaoU Willi liruiu n In n li arllll. iy ukuK" in- hIh si in mi ihe lodat "ll"i t"i Hamilton fnrituilly tae his dlacretloh. it Brfaea alao t ! - . - Hi. AJbjm DM In i il In ' a kat--i- e " """ ...I wo f k. they I i in. i u I Ill I'll Ml K Hi'' M'l. .1 "In ...ll. at he MM ihiiiiiik mini, alsnalli her i m iiiu Tklrlek-aar- Ihe rallroada, tarried antl 'H". liavr iir- ndr that r lIlHl I I' I II Hi MIX. i,n In, fit - lura numln-- of wcitB' heiwcen III Auirlun ni mi . it ll. "( Kill' '.Ill slop ami miir "is.. aril lelli announlna HI detarmlna-- t mail under tin- nrdr ol ih poBtmaa-i- t prison ' fi"H ii mpH tin- aknonnolry miaul in Ink In Unit lioaM. H ammunlilon. - in Him-lnc- roMrahi Ida inl road 'I'Im- ponaervallve loaatora, t J. itul- - inn I., lajiaia ih Ommm mJMm aneral, auhallluiina th later iituaon I - , In- - ..Ui. . ttuuiil Iii nolkluu )s- - a nf ih enmy." i in. .null th itknl iiiiHini.iiii- luiir ami Amlmw linnai I. .ire wiih i. 'ii hui I'rlna Kul Krldrik mid laalim I. "I iiith".l of wlahliiH. i annni now r fllne i. I' la polatod. II -. -- it- IW..H M Boliilinn ami I'aeoa, it llltlt-t- l lllm.lllt I.. have Hlvi'N privately atlvll ami Imv mium iiiii .i mil inlrarle, uut, all tin him tn Hi ship al BBi h"t iiiiia-- Th i. dpartinni had kp hr "..r . ' . i tiiiiii). Iialtaaan Ika llMMa a i.' ami ill nf u it"'"l n, i t'ar-rana- a "I Hilly mile. Jili. ii aanaari ii. wMlovei nm tuny nmi ika if rit UK until natal nf thiol furm plans Th i KMK OMM BeMhftad In favor "iiflr matlon of the rormrtedrltl in- In xlx, it liner hail kMa I" Ink M Th an MM win of the An Man ijiki'ti, provided mcuaiire ilnli nlirily. whil. at thf (Of Inr BBBJIOVM BdM tiitt rnuipni nl i.r Ih Rovrnmni, Out th mails ap victory. n' lr IIbjm w. ln e 111"' I ...'in.- Imata within th tlm .,. t i.iih iIk h.isc ill i lulinm ill. t..ta n ll 1. n he n lil. ill ii. .i.k t.f.linu in ni.ik Inr allod. th N.irfulk nnvy ynril. pi ih'l DavM Weal, perannal rrpreaenta-llv- I. prmraaa. d n in in i ni i"n alnim HH' rnno inn. inn. fnrilni "Wlul "in nf th boala ttr nll Thr mn from th I'rlua MM of Freahlent Wllaon, wko pMM l.i- -i f'-- diiya d- - nil.. ii ii km i iim 'i mi' Miliv T"e i In pmklbltloa "I truffle in Thi "I ili" "ii ih. ir dot lis," ih wr lutr broucM to tk eustniim yalrday in Mexico City, today - slimni - ' . . in- . i - . i huvi- himkiil tin Ini aak) I tt i a 'is,-- raaturn in. la th imi'n . la J i la nul likely Ui a iJ i ' M area, "tka atibanartaa) inrp in In, Thy ttr Miilhins Xlrlnar. li...l inn HiiiismlttrJ any report on I v.M-t.- ' in u paaj4 (Mptk, rekoWftafl I In il i tth i In fur i n aperattttf around wMkout I'onalderuble I'pi.sitn.n (rum al In I'ahlha al Hllnrl mil' Till" nf pieaa II. Huvarla; Klrl In He waa - Ai'ull ih- tt 11! WILLARD CONTINUES reivo i (auk, twnty inl'.i fr.'in In- llulait i in ,'ated Intereati TtM MtMMa dlf Movamanti ol artlltv! aatiok mail abanlkMjIl Hiiiin tkas I'll, nf llrlln, ami liana Hoik, 1. of n i.i i lit ran. the pMritMM ni Hmolnik, a Wklck Iteal i (ki parti favurlaa vnlantar) BkMl iiini provMatUia Mm asMjaMon Ihort miisi ke ileal losa ol lif. anil As. half onburs, Bavaria. Tky raMdj th i.r an in n mi threatened Willi alia k. oen.e ih uiu.miik lis MM i..iuiih hIii-i- ''hi Immnm hkvf oajfMMMMMdl It must hut beoo iimmittil Ini-Inul- Int. 'i"in Nw Vnrk. Ile.ver walki mlnleli r infurni. Mat dparl- - II la regarded am likely ilial (ha m. iml. in head .. rarkMM . ih n Li- ,i. nil- mi ih. paovMfM with th Infilll Hi .f produ"-Iii- 1.. Vi'wpnrt N' Ws fmm llnltluior. All mni ' - Vt. Aiisnian All! In mi" I" rins- ,.H, Mini hut aianetl .i i day. malnMlnad nil oilf uilxunr' 'hat rranll three aald I bey hml told i'utnmundr TRIUMPHAL MARCH Secretary ilryan aald "Ike Imli.u 1,1 ( - ' I OH apll kn ui I willing ihi'lr hue hi 'n tlic xtuin nrani iniimltalaaa, iWiaaia dm'lug nlar .iiuii tniiir- h ' "luliii i i.r ui man mi board Thirii'hua thai they were I" Ion wi'.'f nm Im nimble" for ti - iii i. n i.i Stnnknfi. ,ir l until Ih. war dlnnrt i ntitii.- im ('alnim appi-a- to hut beaa - dl fur Ikeir 'ntintr. tt kanw tkem j ..f th prirrmeai to aaotrallM kfevtco arrl I . by ol At i . th ile-l"- y they ni irajmk, humlliMti'l Ih lack Ih. iiuhi inr ih farnatktan ihimii i.ii' mil' Iii t Thr waa n avnldiible aooard ship on ooMMIm ikut i'Ti ami ink it out of ik fMktin liirt k i'"ir-rk- In- - ii.ail" la priK-adln- Mtlarlt id ili iiiiiin iiiiiitii t iittin wa in K'tth's mil th hunts, 'i pant woulil ,ttlltil nhi'tihl lb Kind TO YORK aune. II wtia not Bar, be aald. ikal MM AMatrtUM HM "ni hy a Najkatooil .iml hull a. NEW iihi-- i ' In I'llhrr MM I'MM i'" il in Taaa. Tin Ittiwlnna MM i irn. hut daMa Irrrlovm.i. ih.l ri'tttrti in iiiliimu or Vllln tat..r.l th pmM umi I Mmi ihamMhrti W ntf trtm !' hi iitfiitina Ikatt mm ovai fotM poaa mil iiiiiiplily Th a lain. man f win's rw nf i ipllll follector Hamilton has nakd thin Plan. Put w.ia alill hopeful. n li "I i aajoMkaad aajoaoBjOiai iii uMakf lnrul HoarovH I'ukiii. i.iik"W'. Lfakok and Hmn ni'itiv iiim n ts in ik ht h it tnailaH' il 1. - tin- sal ilrpitrlment neffotMM) with i IiIh tlafmajM m'HtH lurk in umi oi win. n i m '"rpn af thlr nu n oaarafaa I ha rape Blmllar ir um."tti.n'' s th tli'ttua-- i uinhaaMiilnr th i Milt W.IM s IMIttHI IKIMI- - rlnfir - named in ulth - i: tii - tin- lll'-l- httkaSfad wlm ni"-mi'i- pom Tin- hnv rruaad craal ".HHKM',II. llld. Thf MM sh I" of llf. To a, us lb 's yuitiiK mri wh" nr pnillsa. Entire Countryside Turns Out' njs, bmmsj RMiii'iuin .i ih.- lifkld ui dttWMnaiicti ami in Mm traat Ik Ptmek. m MkM trllv war MM la MvMN trm crea of ikIIku. undr th klpplM activity was rMum'l to- parvntls kafaa a rlrar rmul In th marlajaj uwn ui ih ilarmaa watkM J ih tii'finini i '.nil i.'it Mora iiii.w'! rlrcaaaataacat oejadd aM iuoiy ka day ui this port mid nt Nnrfdtk. fttnr to Watch Passage of Train , ."I 1. f"' urn ni Hwkaary. trtrndlfla, la si kfthlel Th CMr ilnwn In Mir RMMIIM kiiiih. MM MM than flfl'in llilllsh inrihaul taala unioeded fr. m car I Carrvini! Nev Heavvweiifht frlKralor BJMKN eMlM I" I" li'"kiliH nil MMk .f hm ' pi'il." BaBad tnday. . " . hi.- last mailt and aken at roa th l -- I III - - III -- l l l bmmNi MM Ik PYawk ddaMra MmIi i nampior; monnwara. river to Malnmoraa i" i I r i M Wl IMH MM th. ii ,1'lMiti. .. IkOMdJk alow, iii i' .iil I'rMMMiamo si r ALLIES A. t'hapa of Hun At IN III ii GERMANIC M. iVlu LoMlton, I Mil i Viiiiiiu. Anrll I'" April Hl'll p. t linytnmi. Florida. April I. Joaa hold th rank nl i ..III MM i . I'ltrla. (s to ni.) Th HOLD SQUARE ' p aj Al Hi wr 'lii li.lW-- 1.IM r:vriiti GOVERNMEITO ENS 33.000 yweklht elium- - army, went to tiimorna wllh yadjatl Ki ntnM In "mm. mil of th armv nl Wlllanl. Ih new heav rnlkiWlna Mtamanl nan Hawaii niNTIHil. hi l. MILES OF RUSSIA plok, continued norlkwurd today M I ih mai hin Hr he n ' iln VaMNo. with 'h aMMoM M MM I. "ttbattoaM il.hinia in Ika moMI i 1 M i in i in ih nviutor. A Ii aupplv of I.,nl"ii. SSdil ' him MM" hi jn iimey lo How Vnrk llh throndi if i ii h ni it a Ho (iilo nit MM ni JnlTr. forkMtoa th - w t ih in. Th Hi'iKi'in local i on Mm Mi April (Mr wire Mm to if t'urliiiia ami X' lied peraona Hock- liomli fur his tie :n maimfu' nrd batWaddi KsMavrj aad GMa f .has Im hiiI. ..f HplrltoolM IMkdM In Berlin. noundar BOlvad n MkkBMlM ft ih UoMMn ARGUMENTINTHE Hit v v illt-- Th mid Ike hamh'l and .ill us alona here laat week. i . Hi LorrHort a CUpMd b hl army. tlrriiian Ilia to aik i. in i wiiii h Mat inn-- i aavoral m v. I'. ItliKkaoni, in command mlnlntr nf w.'t il.iiil ol ifki will li Auslm Hungarian armMa ur now Ike rout ta him. Vhther th t'ul n-.- i at BmMt. VIolMMa ortMr nun Mtat.-- Its w I . of ih pntrol aekl 'h'l ulltai hi. h roarttanrd umi pnntakod n possi ssi l,"l'i ennui kllom train aim hdulilri to atop or not railed herder i RaakMn aliarka, n rly. ' a. m-i- h .ni. Th wtMitn akw nf Ika f territory wun a MMtl in inak no lh her, invallautd the alluollna thi- - UiborrM vahaaTi vi trs md 'llfrrne yeoterday. i.ii botk nul iml in th iliK't 'ii "' MM Qfajt pnpulullnn ..I mill. mitt pmple (ikla alationn BtWVMd unil the roads rivr ml" llrownavllle rm araa ralafoiTad k i HARVESTER CASE wr whora ihv mi hiir. kaoo timplaMI in I ( th Is aqMI lo about 13.""" til.,, kad tut, iiutuniohlle. wndon and' h Mai M lrlrtry I I MaJorHi "f thi' Itoopi win i i YYOItll IH ni mt ky Belgian iroopa Th i!r siiuur mllal. i nrrliiK'' nf mai. wata ha'l ome Ml im. plopja i praantyal irara rapulaad iih' iv of I II I Ii in. '.i- fi'il in tllaurdi I. in u liehin Hater Austria Th Amrtun nihuaay In llarlli. mil tn i .t'i h u glluip af htm. IIKt KIVHII I'lttlM norMO0i loMM t" Ih MMI i' 'iin ajaaphln anaa tiini immunl hna to Ih Ih train aloppd. Ihe KI Paao. Tx. April 1B- - attfl klna, and AUMrkM ominunltittl iint'rnnint Whenter ".While in Umi." Statement Concluded: VOH Hi und In whh'h Wlllanl rode waa aturm-M- l mis at thf border bars eipreaaeil ba- naptiafwl a Mm Mm Outline thul l.lulnaul 'irstmlt car iroiipa kalaliu t" Placed f ler-nwi- n by to occurrod il on Army IkalBMttl CaaM struikwlu. acorra, wko tried to enter llet today thai dghtlnj kad m i mid piim of tii valM aa -- I I N JtlcKenna Indulges I I i;m-i- i t l ll Ju tite prisnm-r- s In tk hands of the kMa his hand In tieurly veiy liotween th Hla and Carranaa "r strung HiiMHiiin poMtloha. N I I a Ml III sll l. Coll.xuy Attorney l'n I h. ar nut In he BB op " tatori ontatda demanded nilea ubove tduaroftarti. Manls of Tii. .Huh Ika nam al un point htM In With irntd da-- i I Tin - Staff of Italy i tlniMnkj I'.ipmra. hui ' " Willanl tried to mi--' all j fa. would elate that in) t ti aucooaa '.ill.. Httynti April Ii'lh.w k their mithr tlm iml yi dalarmMadi r of I iin l lit in Wilson Defense. prtaonera war. Tl OMMkMI pr with th rpault thul h waa dlrm word had h ecalved from i mi! .il it' ni' wax lit af inanil. in Hi. . .kIitii ..i I. In n li Minn ..tin In i It) In I Blltknli- - bus been iisk.iiK iprlaula ka oltremely huay every lima th train (uern Villa ur ilneral Obraxon. . ...I.i Hi" in. huh w.iii. id'l ir. .in-- .M r. 'l pod to ba In per- 1. adopted MoMal Mm truininl al elop Thev uie underatood i hi il, ih lhdiaiuta.l A l ll v. III - n ashtPKtnn. ,.til nriiu- s jnsi before Ika iroln left Key WeatiBoaiil coaamui..! nf Nrmips of aliout nl aron Jad dM 'VMrda mnrnlnR amnll boat Have Special Knowledge of tin i.fli' r in armia porta th I th dMania waa wn M MM tuenta in lovertiaawnt'i th enKlneer. hi elderly man. .am tcjjii.ouu men This taken I" i ...i i ..I i n i,i ur i M el Turkish n ill' MM Ad- eh in. I. - Mountain Passes. Latest ti'ti sun mtainsi tin tatarrtatkrnal An in v Wlll iril s car and Introduced kUatsair, Inderal thai if tiuhllna had lieaun n- I'iiiinls n mil northaoM id KM- liver is Nws i. ii iii k i" prodjaaMdns. fw HurvaaMr la I l III. 1,1 io rontipaa) Ika auftrviiie nl ten hhoi MMM aaylnp; aa reported in set em prltate tele ' I l In it li.ll t. nil". nil. Ill .) dition Strategy Board. tints mi" i aouMkMat 'lulu n' hat I'' ' "iirt Jokn r WlMon f th Mt I n i nitrnt- - It kad ant , . A MM Will. arum from ihe aouth ban plu m tw, n Toil Hold 'ml IninatUii two Herman uttir hml ml mi ii lllori lotnteKa al omi tini up hn I art rianraaMr not nmtv i n your wmild Mk Irtt'K.'.l th i hiasa" kwlt rlii ml prii romiMMi ' n i 'i in danorteHan b th Krn, tun. nm proud lo ahake completed in an tnt whh h In Waal il ill. l i and Ruarlati I'" shut n't ami (la il ln-h- i ll m expand aMeal coalMfaMri llMS ap- I prl-allo- to I i . '. p m i Corottel Mnnta-nu- for uiieKi'ii plllajflna. n would haiul. hat huillrd aevcral ih ronlrndlng cmnmandera i. mil ii is aK qulot." m mt ad TkM MMl I Carls. II Ha lomptirotn i.i "i havkafl nrajatlMara mi to it- - In nm 'tnd u detlnlte ieporl. Mtltkaj nil il In l I'll. hit" bean aapolaled aaeretart M pear from th laraapoMd thai tk .le .iim this line mt make J. r. Morsaui and auntaairi) to "pro- h IrawWo - "All at"piiim I'm iiiiiim laaa Miiafonat'l '"'mt i 'mi'irna, kkrf of in. .ii. i "f th.'ir iraaiimai wu t'ikn never loot i" shake tholr 01 ur oradii" ini a I'oMkteatlon r i - (iOVKHNOH'S NAMF no kotMN ih Itajltaa aenaral stun n th Aioi'iT' an amliuaaatior in i iui icttti .:i.i ..f thi f go Mow thrl of ""I" ' a BjMI . or- - ti. HOPS 01 SAVING -- iiiu li t'.it'i I" Iniin u i BILL LAW. w iitnit n a h llali. in inn p. 1" is in illst HsslIlK Berlkl nl ih r'im-- of ih OaetaM MAKK t porntton. OF AS AM A this appi.iiiiim-n- BB) lln lUlIMn BM aulkorll is. WRECK NOW wiilk- - , i --- -- I) Wils.'i, I th nu .ii..n BOMb BeMy, Wlllnnl Bai "fT anil OPINION IN ARKANSAS mJ r 1:1 mil r i III Ii mi i. i it is decided anil Mtatrtaa. refilled Hi. V la M wntii'i daall with laMjl M .,1 up and Aoaa MM nlatrorm. MMi M'l M IHUM .1 I'oMnol MonMnarl wu Itaowa .nlmr SOUTHERN PACIHC H"n k V am to kjaa ll'H'k. All., Anlll lull Hi tiin prii t 111) W'll ll'SM IO his MMtniiak kkowMdat "i Mm atotni- - alinrmi 'or Ih nitipany. la ika i"tt'! win. r"tU." on ,Lt , Imya. ' "' W H . 111" i t paean n learttory m a TO num... of IlllVOri li 'il'U it plai .l 1111 'ii m III MMNJ it' nis mi Ike Aoalrlun Juati Kaktta 'il WIMaa hut WANTS RETAIN .here wr tn. i .i I if H ii i.i i'oaat.L, he - I,i,ttr 11 I ' I'. r,i, ii up 1. Halt- iipiin III lii'ini; nl "III I.hIM I" Ih eraatM aa th Kalian frontier PotHM eolloajuy, th formal ItafadrtMj Ik iiiusnTi ii"iiao iiiii'i flli-er- ! me S.iwi'l lili.ll neat CONTROL OF vv II - ..I in "tiling In . ' SHIPS i Mr. tint hill ln ,111 a II III M nil t ' I I ii I . Ih sill; w M not " I., In shaky vol latt. IlldlOtJ AkI"' Is as (nll"ts in lill in ttati'll win ii"J I" it i" ' ,.",-- VII. 111! W ' J I I I ( i nt, il" t nt Ilk 1111, stais fMMtor Junta II "Herman immmbio m.i Ike pnhn 'S his aaandfHlkei ". whn h wn nmpi't ii it t uitdKiona Mlatlna kid?" Sen her today WaMiMtoa. xpni Th Mtnth ' Bl ymintt-sr- . lln lt"ier returned lark. Ittlornal Im Iii AikmisiiK it 1" ih hnntad In th IMS it Iiiu lit har tteJtee1 I Will, in looked Mm the piisi. doaa s"ii"w mi I'm in rallriwd with I 111 'in Imlai fllil "Hum do. I've aol (our al 'lHt ''air 'iMHMiaintii, ih mull i iipiin. iiit.i eVatMMan id I ha aol .'tii-r- I'orro. a hoar appnim mt "i liilned iiiin Ike InlaMMttoi ti ll n puen IT th nit' tsiai. me rea omuuaaluu mild. Iannis BIMMtf in Ih .11' nit 'i .mil It win.- - as MMKu ble of Hi aaaaml "la '"Illl'iiHt. ilsol I' II I' 'I homo," h UttM imirlms r I' hi" ifslii an amendWMiil .. i i ' lo its ietl(kn aMMI hml Imtlvajiuuril of ..' rt i",in i nip, decretory oil was an nmed nllt. is kii iin Of ti ii'-- i "I ih aol waa in ii-- Thareaiftei ke Rumors Current of it rear is noti akdod hat it li alMwed in retain cokirol till W pubrhdl Ike miliiiiriBtlc win in t si ram t nl i Hi I I h tl n i h " itiKsli rs ix doap mini nl him Hlt atari HodIlea in his leMMotm iml '. ni th Moil dtuanaeklp pom I i hapi I - I'.i'iin utMMd "Ul. nil wllh nihi l loMMttkra a. Is nl th lllH I ll iN M I -l ui i m Kalmidra his sak- suli Ma liinuthl. Ika tiain Netherlands-Germa- n - ' pan) lb prohll'ilmu ugaln! At Bketiaoi n woaaaal MM deajontl iioMmbl) luai nanelNtMd, - I II I I' ini'i ii ui I'orro daotlnad in port- It ii id-sl- another iH Mill- would is mipuaai 'l i lit. i. ni nw BMadMMkMa . iirHhlp of i" hnoy on s, p. in i I. .11" I inlnbaWr ( war hecauBa uk . in arm aail an Aniertean Loadon, Apiii rii Ih "ini" iili, of imlj as I" I' I hi, ' 1 Ik MMM Bkaa mi In t i Han i - 1 -- Hun, i h' hand, Inoiated thai Jotm War nt "tt ni ". for i I'li: list nl nsiialti. th rank ami api'l' rpaurr tin di ml. uetdMa Ih" M Th wiih hy Declaration of it peaaee, m lun to lb auaaetd son s orique'roi kM Ih MM Wlllard ill of tin Brit Mil arm) laaaad Mt mini i addll .jllipalili's hat mill'- uut nl okial laaMalon u a roport lroposcs lo i recot DOMpromMld ba patnna thu h.ibi'i a NuoYa war budget, was reftiaed I 1 lurkcii i, .a iin i. lUhii 'U ai nrillii '." sll. Vl llmll. ni.ik ll ondnii' Apiii tr. II ml an, ilIBBed I" certain in kaavf - Chapel la aNia inoreaeed t aMl k) th him. eere mrraM Uon- m i ll at lad i ii. i ihal Ho llumora Iihi Attorao) ii. 'lrati'. .iii 'h. ithara fm I"" ..I Enroll all Men in an ma "u of aaoMtor arkkok '"" Ml Sin iml operate ships Inn todMy nt trl Milan tut inm would its thmumi .not '.tins ii nama i.iki aaaa or-d- POX HOLDS tl'iNllhliee NEW YORK SUBURBAN iitiiatlaa ui i Him' ini" th fiinama canul. AlilmuKh no i SMAII. Hum tl'- umi ih Hiiiin iiaiifis They h"W vr, 1 1 II' ' .. laimuita-iln- n Hull nut r. Emplri in cr Army ELECTRIC iroup Wllh a it l"'llil. ill pro wus issued tialay hy ih IN QUARANTINE - miimli'i aaanded. SYSTEM IS SHIP w II and Ita- I'ttlllnu ,, l,n. mi ,,n nail, ami a MdkrVOd that Una Hon built .'tinrnuitioa. TIED UP BY STRIKE Hint AFTER RECORD RUN pan h rum Tint llX'i wiih what hinl halaMMed In Ik iisstti releatlcM nf ."'itini nf tka - a i.'.iui. I, (1:1 i' m. III III IN III I III ( II cetveil lat ihl .iflnrmmn ti'ii Mis poajaolldal . Paetfk tt ' i Hi IkMMMm la( Ifer. A ir. ni proMutaatod ioda u f'tirMM !' I MM svrm us. X V . April I Th li.irtir Hon nii'do. t'al., pril I' u il ant uch ileveheprm-- sin Mil i I h anlil tl wus m 't Up w ni. .tun. in nt Turkar. aotkorMaa RaHln. April , iti-- s in sirik .if th Aeanrla-llo- k II. a p Min- -i , iniiilstiT nf The Nether-l- ilit atnalMfnatad ' i firal 'las from I t dWikaM H n Ih Mevornmeat DEAL HETWEEN ke mtnhrter ni war t" fall nit Hat iii. Th Herman unit hood .( MraH and RMPtrte Kallww FIRST tit k iilmtird ml tit l.iindon. when aMaaj I ih. ' .1 111 piirpi'--- t on. in. rp- l ll ipllll I" III ' 'lilillti'ls Malkf But "UI 'I'puri nu Kniinyi'S. I. .I ligillnsl III Km th lb sti nuer aajajpS9IM aald he had kjoard - iin. li- FEDS AND 0 B 01 Nnrtkrti Partflr. w in I 11 mn ni MM it ' he "i hlldieh T lii wh" hei."t"t t' a th pmiiraa nf h"siiliil win lilr I'niiiil llmiway ana nul i" .11 'I ,li 1'1'tl the new in tills sum el II n MMr1 of ih uffajanlM ra avoetflM i".l (' tub-le- Im nl any inirnr-lin- in , liable I" Mrvluei, lualve " a a. tiriuullt th antlfe In., i irtt al hen l.aliii from I'tul-- Inn! u" information oh lb 1 I i I nt . - a "i nr. n Hi 'i a ti umi Hi th uppearaiii' maifjai ahowod i"lia-- t tli-- l utiBol'Hely die- lie ( iluhiina "ii ih Mhs BJfMem nf niral ami walrn CblM ', Ann for h i.ii i aller u trio of himaell. but h ti i "is w is rard fakaa af the THfkMb oaM ami a Moaaila contlaitaal Knn I I Aa a iliy uppi! Ian ir pin (Mm li l'"i I' :i!C II i a tsi.rilat Nw Vnrk. is In "ilnt . bal an al i it: lit The tf' dt pur-for- til' ili hour. ( In uaMa ml Ha nletl thui th -. i a waa (rontlan ami malatet utioiks raauked in tallur th MMh iml ii CM was umtinK In th nul ni aiitn'l n 'i'll wna aiMuli il mat from, iiuurnntliio h Ikal t i .11-- Ol pita wits in atlter tin mn flelda, t , , I -- "Hi Th in n 1st ais. is (Ivan a tt'.ii'Hi' hi, nil th illy nf Aiil'iirti. ami th Aulnirn nmi .la. it Inn Wl'eKhmiia o( III, lomnrrow. :, li till 'lit. a tin. of Mm mid Mini thai mn l lu.nuti.iiuii m w ptiwer In snr.ill for milllmt sr a. Oaankraa m n MM ol rti"ua. Stia.iiM lint's ar Mad up. whil 'he aa i I'eilet lie redisul tu accede lo inln is ni Hi ".; flrat due puaaru-K- r luiieh teurti'irv sautn oi too s all immlKiniilH fol th lii Ki h laaaM n Mm ntir fMiM nihr siiiis r nmr at leaa nf llpltlll WHS "' im-i- l "t Mm m w or- - th demaad of Prealdekl Thumn M were allnwd tn land, a few at a a ait" af pakllkMtloi Tki- - in- - a' aaaiii wr I'.nii uit'iis aKkout abtaln farted Kaiii.nllon. Ih i 'Iii' .in.. Nal ils Ihnl be relm- - time lifter exrimlnkvtloa. AhotM k Teleprwma 'mm Holland a a fnrtnMloa wis analalnad In a ma Hi athfkteat Ml ' Th Htrlk was ml led lout nlnlil In t'lusiiig h thui ih racord Mataa the Itiner a In for the loa II doaen a ere vaclaatail. J, J. rua-- . thin fur awearal day lb t - ' - -- illaitai k raoalvad imlu Rati- a In (toni hut i In IM'HI ya- In i ii a t '''" nm a the aairn lhr l fnliiitt ni; th ii imuii nf ill I'ompan) failed "kill Ions of ,ii nt' mil nu nun flicker "f Urooklyn, Y ehalrm iti lliaua kv liti t" lar'a TelaafBBji rumpau) from a im deti'li'i'ii is. Th Ih BOBOt'latMa aa th iii navrcion aii he milled Ihal Mi i ll - loining ih Wlui li d r ai'M'tprUillim anar.l ntena the Dwtok bn wilhr I I" ii" "aiil ini. "iiin iim lions ''onuott t'onalantlnopli Ih i I m- - H t a iontinuN nail ami mails hi iii fefjewaatiMMva mMm Mats1 of in h nlltd Ihal iinlli i aplte hi re lea ae In Ih Kansas I'll. l ill lln last less, wis paaaabl.' plnyeB. MM .. .. 'ii. m. leant Ihoao allnited aahoi. W. TWO THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQITE&QPI, M., THURSDAY. APRIL 8 , 1915. Doat rn to aa The American Fruit Trade in 1914 Wright's Trading Post Vkndhlnflnn. U. I tireeee aoettit one of the City. Third AM irelan tlwde of III of" annualli. dim pin-nd- s prices m flenuine lniH an Impnrtnnt B Vmnri n- - leae than I L A Import were $'" sllnn "f olltta an-t- o I port H.;rn,?7, in our shores lareo Navajo Rugs and Curios rN trade Hh , r ..II. and the Phil- - oranaea are arad-- i IwIhI i .1 from tha domi ItIe h a total of It million imports of r.n , '. million: niiies, worth It 114. . UNION OF WW Today's War n isoni oiniitK nw "TFiiiiiTirr Summary i FORCED Br ROAD press

pushing lo I n Sudan n'jia arr I SAYS WHARTON CanjaOHan ward ratr lei the rtrd. a 'i r.sult o' i rrnen ami It reported Ai cording In oil. ia I figure, com-kw- l Ihe t'allfornln and goods peatw ttuu the road to tlsr of Sv the bureau of foreisn .nd rio Honor, now Hen .it of hat One Crft Played Off Agaititt va avr 40 to 45 in. wide to tills Information. tail i h lyil a da itos-ts- Hnwl-alf- c Another Until all Branches the have taiHtirm) I cti ne sinct l Iff. east of lpko psaa. and CrxttaHdated. AYen A. F. L. hate tin on a Ur lt.te.t-.t- l tlie Executive. wertrn and crrn wlna-i- - nf the 75c Value Atsaarlan army In the I c mainly canned.' .ceding yenr and Iboae for lilt Inn Use eastern wing In a were auOl- - i II, .Ml, but half a much a w not Mel posit hi n e tu Justify a sep-tho- for lull. Apricots ill.SXH.tuli 48 cmpl ,.eV lioth i ecu, h and ticrmatt , ire now iieliix tn lllti nnd pie..r.ed ftults (:.....-le- d .l-e- iter s itgKta statement.-- that Hiate at the I have doul.le I in t xport sale In neat IisI tie In the region between liars' worth per the decudr. Mease and rne Moselle haa the total being American m. m.rk.- ed l.i .ill a of par-rjess- Irahs into atruagir :'lts Serpentine 111. while World, and an- - ' of the nur apple, the w.eein. The ratis l .1 cm- - will h vvhl. h hnte tariaed . u that the dol- - wajr, given yssterdav thr witness aaid hy tlH allies slllh.o md in million ln- -t are sent tho organisation of all rrafte on maintaliMtl n the f I that hate fse I, cea.d. Porlo Hi.aa Ineapplo. , ,.. mid our dried up Plisse r Crepes i railway oystem wa found necee-iur- i i dewt i atlavcks In which hoi ounler mainly fresh, arc coming in i.t the rl, BM Ki war entirnwwts lo rofM. North America, and )iwim laolatad union he litiaam stiacrcd of million worth orange .mil - i rale t dollar' sinilla. Most ol tin usable to make progress the rail- Ioears. The nf ! .i yaar, a against a telle more We egpol sent to road, he aaid. playing oft on craft to i. IVi-i- h thunrl ,'s ire this tin: h.u: ttmouot in III I. While Cu.ial,.;, - dls- - 30 and 32 inch wide, in plain, solid colors against another. at eight potiiU and aeert that iiimIIit iittni'itil- .tie He neat discussed tho that all were rrinilaed. Te ller-ll- a "detective aflvnrlaa," which he said ati-nvt- u any. that the htsieet. also Printed and Figured Designs provide armed guard and etrtke of lite Krcncti were henry. pructlcallv slatiiKi.try and rapidly companies, ..m. lull, thr are the host mailt, t for dried pe.ichct krwakere to Mg IBHatrtal U la annonntttl al grnaing consumption is being end spies among tha union men and twlrr. r small Turklsl! force wiille tin I'nllew Kmitdotn, I'annd.i that chiefly b .anne.l Hawaiian and mid ..ther Mrltlah ierrii.rie lake lttti Mt evarjr way possible attempt to de- still ks In the tbinlty nf the Usee Usual yard, Special freih I'oito Hi'uB pincssatsa, ol .air xporteil p, us. Amei I an, 20c and 25c the feat object of up He -- kirml-di near 12y the ion isii. t Imported ages prune shipped prlneliall.v loi aaanllanad the J. K. Tvraar agency liar eanal with no About half of our are as, 47 million bunchea ureps and Canada considerable i eland aa one engaged in Hue nail Irs on either -- Ide. It Is a anregaimg and Isat year, were from the Centra! quantities tn the Orient. that there are no large Isidle. of I supplies about thrre-- f nirtha of take eb on three-fourth- s of our sV ayatama baaed Turks In thai iliinlty. Prater Touching; efficiency were fiem Ihe lirillsh Weal Indie ported ral.lns. while N' Zee In ml ii the payment of bonuses, tha wit-aes- a MiIkhikIi le has her army along the hot id Hi, ider chiefly from I'uua ohvs hetwees ont- million and four! cited the shop methods on the utran years rrdlHoaj pousfge annually. 1 Sale Houi rlca. In normal Tha Hosiery and h Women's Tan tier and her nary wlUiln striking t'hkag.. and Kaatern Illinois. Kr about one-fout- th of porta of canned (rult are chtsfly i" TThta ayatem," aaid Wharton, distance of the drialle, Italy h Kngkind. ' still eudettrtirlng tn culauist every our Imported walnuts, but In 114 with smaller hut important "makes ti for collective wag only 11 million pound shipment Krance. Overstocked, hence this sale u means wbi. lt may lead to a peas-e-f- her share liermmi. t'lti We are bargainlag. and the basic rate ..ut of 10 mill notinds Impoited. uda. t uba, un1 Central America. no tow a living wage de- setllemetit with Anatrla of the made that Italy. Turkey In i. i ile u:id China regarding the! crafts-me- n attention of neierw4fits. Further detail pends upon tha ability of the tecrtt"rtl imported wi-Bin- . I ( Vltb-e- II' si,- - rank neat aa sources of sources of import .md tor. Tan Cotton Hose, usual 5c grade, losing Price, pair . . (a) asm bonuses Thus those front Home In. that markets 9c swan tlrcet'c continues to be the export of frulis ami nut In the lor- - who fall below tha standard of tha should Italy befome Import- source Sf our currants .11 I a I e In the war. she will not Brest I run inr linen pacemakers are not wanted by the ll.ur ' Burson 25c ed from foreign countries, having sett In II ' Tan companies. strike for - tlasa. It la be- - juvallablr tables and I of practically 3 million I e " I Hrred In II. .mo llHM the decWve to our ports mer.-- md Navlaatlon. ..n file in the "In places we men over ng 300, oou I find that - amongT nation, now pounds laat tesr, against bureau .f foreign and domestic BSsV oil years age tnunth- tlw Wonderhose Tan 25c of are not wanted." at war will not brain before lin- pounds from the res. of the world. I merer and Its various branch office. Wharton quoted an eapert work- Astinil.- Turkey furnished American i. by 19c summer, winch wnalri allow ml sold the commercial axent In man on " lenttflc masagetnent. early poundj Italy a consliterald.- - interywl In markets with nearly 30 million thereof or ol Ihe nil erl lit. I'd . i Endurance Tan 25c 'Management,' said witness. MiUt-y- of dates, million pounds I the which l de. hie iimiii her while of document. Washington. "Which does not the roua-trle- e o '. tend to Increase The usartan iwrrciwileet nf came dim t front other Avlatt. for centa nnd 3.1 cent respectively. . ITS. i. m y of the workman, lengthen and million via English a Tsrtn newtsunper telreraidM IS HfiBPtBI tonsillar reports atas. II and Kant Tare Tan 35c . period Atut-r-lea- his of usefulness and Improve Hon rectabee r " porta. Turkey In Asia also is the Hi nlso relate to niarkets for 29c his aoctat poettioe. la not scientific ." he haa leading source for our impotled fix. I list id. i. Is a basts for rentsrt) fruit, and those booklet .nay it big shop In b. lug 13 i I Whnrton aaid that la ous VuslMa Is seeainc Import therefrom 114 be purt-h- ed for lb c?nt and It Silk Lisle an 50c ,, tim i.o. 3 3 mll- - n efficiency system. f lathe, above-mentione- 39c ft with the irlidi- - ttttrnto siwcr. million pound, a agilnst cert each from the svnsrctsd to require repairs in n. latter to ileal "lib Italy, Iton fm I irei 1 million from ohVera. years, la Intact at end of t" it ,1 r amounts from tha that Seml-fnC1- nccntuUlonw, lie aaya. Period, the mechanic la accused of taxee been heawn. a. und Hongkong, not having used it to Ha full ttar imp. .its f.lzarui es range betwen 1 BUSINESS MEETING '(Ik-- hss'ea of men during the ' million ui.. I 111 million cable feet AT WOMAN'S CLUB first six month, of thr war are annually and all of them, except "Men and machinery alike are used - expert estimated by tin- military Are from Spain. to capacity, both am "n 5.SIMI.-IMI- neaiiKi and thrown a Home o. i.- -i .. r at it. scrap produc- of Italy o similar position with The program for the Woman' the heap when theli Tlw- - war In that easf sf the mpirted lemons, hav club tomorrow i a busi- tivity falls below a set maximum." l IWl.tHMl. afternoon BaJd pr1Ml nt ing supplied between 140 million and ness meeting followed hy a s.aial Wharton "When the great Htm. philosopher Herbert rlpencer 114 million pound annually during hour. With rwggashrnenta served by of French L, K Economist bis lust visit to tha United Mules ami (innersi Pan the the last few years. Spain sends us Mrs PrStober. Mr Nicholas ..berried the intensity of labor among army, van haa rtwctied Nades imi between Ihtee million und four tnii- - mi'l Mrs. Cameron. hla wwy man letnrad anil INDIAN CLUB DRILL mnlii'v nfir i f Mmil fru-ri'tr- t und . JiaK (tHTidsNratral Us' se WVVWWWWWVVVWWWWVVlVWlSSA Hi I' If til I H Mil (If 4'llini'lH "I refNtrta that gaw allh. arc prt-siil- nkr BY UNIVERSITY GIRLS FRANK M'KEE IS lhi W'Mttuti rumpnny'i pfWiMHi 111 for ' oiiiMih-.- i land and wiulhaf a ,i.,i nil, .md n,i In i o Wharton aaid the 'tllnnl Central -. I'iii-verll- y N, vi Mealci cs an i. k at thr Harduncllt- Ah.. ut i more ulrlh of tlin waa the only road which declined to "The Girl on the Trestle" of Mhen lhl aiiat'k la made, the w ill K Iv SwIliBltloa St! .oi.l. t with representatives of the mi general aayw. the Turkish fort or-ro- BADLY meet with reference to federating the their kill with olsha loan INJURED NURSE WHO MADE must tall. tiiaht ii Hit hia-i-i In... i auditor-lum- . craftsmen of tha road. Ha ataled , seven . too, Die plaV. MURDER CHARGES that the federation already exist on Anstrlan aviators iioim-- In ..nnei with nrty-tw- miss yeatenla Sal Ittb(ia1laa. The Arrival who ii be o roads and they are la. "f Kittv. IS HELD INSANE that h Ins; presented BSSStCea ol working harmoniously with empluy- - MntejMro. tvttlnje illSt under ihe AUTO aaya vvm. ami h r hi i.i u ..f the lit that twelte 'h. RnosSVol While BJ, Y . April I. were kllletl ami forty, i hup h Tht drill I Hum. chlltlrtti ' Ki edero I. afora, the tormer nurne n eight notinihtl. BBjl BpslOBMlll other fine. the i'.. in.., n Uda Kellows home at Anyone win. rennnn nwiii frnra Le Broke a, Heftd and Ann Voiik.iH. ith" iw, moiiih Bats told PERSONALS. HANDLING OF MEAT the hiah school .iiidiiotium tomorrow ihe iiltorney iii New York en- - dlsltlil will Mtaj usa ol the SJSOSI Cut. When Cur Driven Bv ail-e- I DESCRIBED TO THE niKlil Ihnl h had d Ihe dentil hy Joyshie venlB the, save ersf Woman Runs Ovfi Hun at uoisoa asd anajssthstli of . oral as Lopes, o BBrce-comad- - and Maria COMMERCE BUREAU Bast. The Bbarmtsa ucd Instates of the home, wus r'- I out a IS rest Gold marriage license "The Arrlvul ol Kitty." ih SSTS Fifth It and Ave. I eased it, no the jail tods of County Clark A. K. everyon.- i la v.ry dehaht The Ml -- i., iv was unrorrohoissd. The Chicago. April t. Meat train ca I i ana wuh 1st iimh kV h....i nr "rani l aawh r ul t lie f i authorities dsuided they cstts hold j. I Miller, student ore ex- . ftirnl"h bsi i SB mid f'.rmrr apeilui attention and ehetrii in iittemi iii. to Nstiassl am nvct him io- longer m his lUsMstfyoeBsd at tl "ally K I III- - of Sew Mexico, later pedited In the same manner us Hie muni, the evenitiK im reslsti tth setiousl) injured nt a I... ui. Hii,n. tiep sanitary board, who sto. k, according Ui C. B. Vilas, gan-era- l "B I Ihlnss." llfleltioon hi OB aUtSBSOhlh .it Kilih I t ' . visiting In Terre Haute, nf ni-st W8j - t hi .md Id . Ill l If u Mem. superintendent the Ih "pen III eWht. n.i Wbssssm ii"k in rth Iisbj . urnrd la Albuquerque t.. Northwestern, who testified today : ii"H am it BMi nt BaBii. n nt April l, ( M B, Tim and Ailiniesl.'n onlv J- I London, cnr beep worg W. M BBal . .,i I... - II sanitary for In the rate case hearing before hend ui iiltnil i t in lei .iiarriil WUh ido l the ant. Iruiilel. interstiila .oninieicu I i" aalble tni i n il injur h e l wuh up ,n the North eaa today. It ia AUSTRIAN AEROPLANE a said, boweve it st Joseph BuaBl-h- feared lhal Ihe nine me i .ui Ihe w Iii i - ALLEGED DYNAMITERS t'ruee examl-iatlo- by Hoae Hj nder. BRINGS DOWN TRIO OF tal. I" wue mken. Ilu.i Ml Iran lei aen allher killed by the ex- Bsndltlun wit not I'rtt- - attorney for Haiti and company, of RUSSIAN MACHINES in an) dearse ploaiOS ol dr .Wiled. PLEAD "NOT GUILTY' Vila, who wsa allad M u witnesa lor it ul. Ii ih unknown wlutl'cr Ihe Harlna ss-tent- s Tlo- ... i the lori-oii- s western rnllroud ii Ii Ivesj In Mih I' wsa 'I eel rosed a mine or BUBsfasB I . 1 a Al Mat-C- uakiag 'relglu rutu rhneldwr. Mi i Ksa atafied ine. A. alihh ire a Harltn, April , Ity W.irleaa to ihtw plan. I run were criaw Kiiih mid Hold dlaBonally, acres, declared special ti Bay i A BBJtr J villa secoiMI ol on a- Willi train aa well sa m t the slrerthi t no- enemffti ... - Mri made meat fl-ci- tt i 1. 1, BSBlBl WSB i .,i, flaltl I II . grs SCENE Tfte GIRL on the THE5TLE" f, hneldei ar on, sad), M livestock trains tea or more i i oversea news afieBoy aptit ohij the - BB I ll .li i ion MrB(ee i m ii I., SB III d.oii.t iim Baby of Future ,i.t. I whirs, saya Ma Inf orajiatioB a huraing them With the niotder of con Tim .lom trcttflc Ii ol r ul. he rulniil Twlsttag llio isst w i In Ml hultl l'art of Ihe croae sBathlnanon .iniftuiv - I'.-- i t h. r hneldei would - from lliul.i it 'hat leu Haawrty, one of a ecore ol u Id Ii hruki- wh.ol tin- - itlrl to MB cerned the reuUita speed of transit rids win. tin ewUllllll IsrWB Kill Inr no .'ii oiintci i.e' .'.een one Austrian hci r turt.. and taiien is Considered men killed when the Los Angel." l liniiisTw) . Mi- s, ,o cm Basal ol no .'i carried m the ralirou lefrlg. lltHHly. tin- - oimtl into Md the ii. - hi ui io Ussp nnd tlin,. aernptaaee. Tin dodKlnu im. Ider, Times building waa blown up on the by Russian ll, I.e. era tor ' ore and that la car owned Baa from Hie she nm forwBfw ut o mi. ., folsuwlng effe t: eyewilneMsew, appeared I" "tin morning ..f October t. The on cur. The .turn in itio iloivti , md ml iin ,t io II0. the packer. iiihm-- i ) tin in-et- All Hint Wn left confiiH. .ih nhi im,, sssan ti litis I :,, I i ded i plea ware entered after Judge Frank the l.'i din- in went.- Moll Tin Aiinttta n' t.'I'lanc sue III Kst w i iii undi "Our car mileage la figured en of It -- u hi. h dodft and Mr Willis, presiding ' hub '"el rail, to somo :u m Its advetoarlea nnd In the criminal de i 'H- i- intlna ibove I Hold Io B)BVI MS of at ln-i- the wheel. The car elapsed I 4 ..ring time of llu tin. w r,. alill illu, l. man dropped i k aa ol Ml' of the Nill.eriot hi'l boaata will, h atrut IsnBtbwksa, IBM arhaal Sa well aa running time.' aaid Vila Helen iuhIihI into her .dWcc ;ind rut - , iiiii svst lum denied u. to quash Indh't- - IlllIK the h Hi. . i win. Ii ihe Riiaslar ro planes The Russian motlua the would jtttc Msaalnd from hn to shouldjsr. lit "The uclual running time lllll ollt lloltlll't'i ' HI lie. oil in- - im ImkI m.ichine pi, ma,. I i ",oo yunl einth. our refrigerator care a mileage of ivariyel iito hrhlHi' hml alao set in siaad the fsndar m no affsn m aava JssKWaSBal Schmidt waa recently m UIIHWer ttlm tin .1 tlnit (In UmsB The at MioHphe dlMturbance esused arrested alxly day as.. in- -' wind to Ilex hlBMsH furUaar bnrt, swasflsi v about mile a . - BB f ,.r i mull B Voik and 'apian aa to lioltl NiHi-iisi-r- I'll, tin- ihe ill hi aernstatia n,Het ihe found snout ninety miles sctual runntt x slatlon ll It would r .'.re iihi tun. I. timi' to ll Ml KSI wan lurried lO tile Hide. day or so later living quietly near o.c I, iiihi-- othei two Kuaal n machines, tsualna sane which .' ..iin.-- I down 1,.. lottik jf ' a BM ui BBawUlBJera tlgae for ilii- packeia' Irttlna. counfewa i Citab Ike rlvor. i t w milk and all Coil i ir hard. Wash. In in BSl h hit .lowu I,, eititli u (Igse Shea the cars ere aitually en r In nrt In ceusc Im iiiu. I I,. a)B III, .'litllh ti' Hie opatlll- - w is Kent in ui "i II, BsB I'lk. i lOHH of llllie the load-- " train luul n. The luuul slile. With ileli-- lo Ihe hosplllll Will Wood and Jui k Combs (In hit: inwurrl prajrer, oiiceralug win. h n iho key In uilihJ ii Mowly ick among the big Questioned the nsi mi the BWBruBI luuul CREAM FOR CATARRH Mueh thouaht hit been given In lata uhl h Ihe ot ol operaUpl Helen Ihoiialil ..f WwBl Would IiHimi di htel Kortt hy fisd hc wulk.ti. 0WNBEY ANSWERS SUIT years tn tin ui,Jet-- t of maternity. In AC. OPENS UP nieat refrigerator cars, hy W. Utiles the Imlll coulll It tl ...d bar ejrea ului-- to the ofjnjssjBB NOSTRILS the i ll!, i there are maternity hospitals cosy- - OF HEIRS le-- b-- MORGAN'S equipped modern melho.H. Hut Lamb, representing the I'.idahy A slmrj' 'Hive, ih.i ,i hunilritl Id, In lo iklim down she uo dlauy with i ioet ii. nn n prefor their own homes and i Tell How Tn C.ri (Julrli Relief urn or n jet yuril fmui Hut trsatli' nousl al mill full The ilBansa wbk-l- i llekea twa J . In Hi" P.wiia ami vlluujee must prefer itwrt rmrtt ! 'old-- , 1st, April i'oI. - - from Head-- li s Pas t'oi". tin- Htrn. out Hit- BUsJ. tie -- liiKtil bei fi-- Splendid: by l.i, in. And alncu this la trun wo know , to milieu tin. iiinl wl lite u bat itwiibsyi Hind for aii seeountlsi track - ninny splendid Or. T. FELIX 60URAUDS ' - I from Hit Liters Bt ' r Kusa- until for Idlu to t'loUuta. III, r of the estate of he ral nli went em written i ll the aubjeot that our "Molber'a - ilo- - a !ii l - tiled m .t he-- ale Bars bis train, hurli . mill) At Id mi, ri'Ui'hiil tin- opioalte lit., j r etsrssn, reslerday aYlenu" l a ataai In ip to sspsetaat CREAM - -- -- ORIENTAL r the ttrlne Kim when tin- lom riier mum ni-- h ule I'lill Ii ..lily to eXtlUIIUlsll In one minute umr rlosu d no t KB the lulled tile,, dislllcl cult an a,. Hi. 'is. The write ,,f ilm snisderful a ol relief, how It ' cm, I tu allow tha ' I do Inn tlowii fiotn iii. ssaajsjtatlia, the ii hi. I, - In-- i onsn, Ihe isasBSBBe ,,f answer In wbti-- he mskea claim BR MMICAl iUttTHriER is. Men- cllli iIW'h. will m voir muscles lo expand wtthmit utnlua strain ,. I h i .fii.ii asrvlosa ul of m Hilt Iralna rjaataBUfl kill BBeh tpasM HsTdas ., ,i nn ih, truck uii'i the lend will lour and voa mi blSBAHa I for aaaiisast wluit a aplandld Uiflucmui it wa on m atad com-BBM- I rnd fB, (..' - i No more hiwklliv, mutf infl, the Wootii'ii Land Pual Hi- lilt- eurii- until the 1" iil "f " ft i. ilii-- r Hbf It-- Ii freely. the nervous system. h helps aa jsaww. a saw. iileiiiil c I , I, i no! a u I e i - he. dryness. Hin. rum in. ayi.ttU tlm bruniler ! rnciiti,b idee croae i... lifford uiinli- asev Hi. t t i Hm- - blBWl.if. hsBda vii Iii'. "Mothers and ? ffjRA alelh bill ihe ubsHi atlll etl the BTre iBt fiilut "ounil of - I rail-i- d lis your t- io,,. win, ii be nm h he loaned ihe I t.owleihfo nf lliem ahotild huve a hc1Kl w. aa mseasei. Thorne, hairm hnwi-rsf- h masUiiK for breath al instil; Sis'4 n In Hiiiuuier i when the rtVBf tlie p.i i iiln whistle to lnfluen,--e bo I of thn future mitt sKJ'JHW W WS hleailih that the ut. i , old or catarrh win i ioni . corporal tirsiti lis wcni I be tiiiliia caour ulotiK nt full her ear M.deu III- - II Hllil nays that nn Infant derive Its dii. aarrd the inilB. hnl Del a Htiuiil tottie ,,t Hrr's Urestt M" lUII II cXecntols in al not sj i sense and In, lids lis character from - MSI of !, until nil luaj htul flrtl How sbe ii, i. your druaahd sow. Apply kasad Inst the iiuoIh tSMl ,, irmii cutaneous bsproaaloiia. And a tniii'iull ii A freiicht car nii-l.. . on Nldlutf Ipllaliril llus will Im- l.y film a of lhi rruvraiit llseBtl Hi, i either umsi i oustsd hsni.'.eSS W Utile ui'itlur eerialnly will transmit a mora kst I SSBtSfWl SSSdd - - - Im stock H leu till hlrll Tilt' ITSSS SB toplay putioi . nil In your m,lrl!a. It for or listed und. Ii. ilthful I' tliicnci- thnn if sh- Is ei- it le Sure it 11 ut that Bc u, iilli the then heallns renin .t r) Hp.-- rolonsl n. ous st eterly wit ehipi I. .on I'.iltit mid the trestle mi-M- tpra wluie i. ,ii on the TrritlV." psnstratea through r. uir paaaaaa wuh. .ut no. dtalansllone. tr. n from Undue isiln. Thl.i ii. I Is n of "sorni who wi o.i.dsa . I ,. Ihe it, Maine. "f owniary all the in the h"t 'i b.dlei.i Ihe lluihlii- - ;ilsairr the of the head, soothes ssslei s w of imil' n in . ,ni. the latest ssj of Kulcin "I UsSu-r'- Krlrnd " - rebel iplaloi ll Huy otic in to A said a isdr haallaa the Urate trlrl ksawiiiil ihe luaki- Tin f It Hiu swollen inu, oils und Inta am more thorouahly sa-I- n Ut I. Bever la ihf llch ii ilinatd will he nun, iilleaed Io hav. Iieen l. roll. I tin- - I. , - c, tills ill.lallllV. i llttlo lHk BJSllad ar down hid f iiln ilnn inn hIiowii Hi ii ilnlnu-a- llu- heroine of lin-lo- s Hon 'i atay UP llllll ..II l.ellillf "I Ih. "HI ler-- Prk-n- It Id In fi.all .' Al II lrilieii-i- l It's iuhi line. drua the skin viepsrsooas Willi clely yurd this aaHaa pajewi dope puny, a pcreoual Kill ' i 'b" ores. M f..r I I llradl" Id in awls Btoes i! .. want, i .:ii h i tlrnoa I au'tbinx with ii 'old or nastl Res was ill' sad lhrptsrai i UiUililea later Heliu w i Hi Vu 411 lams i Atlsuta, Os. dimea. In lin half ho thrlllhuj cornea u . I'ldci Moraui. htoraan. und Ii bids. THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, W. M., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 THREE

M DONALD ASKS FOR mat aummary are intareatlng. It tol manttonad that Iron foundrlea are DC C 3C 3C NEW SANTA EE RATE RETURN OF SOLI DEES working nrer time and at night on Today's New Mexico News government nrdera, and that ateal and WANTED FOR MURDER rolling; mlllg are aim In part working over lima. Home bram-he- of Ilia OPENS MARKET TO Sum,, Fo, N. M April . Gov mat hi n. rv trad. Ilk liuMm,.lk arnor McDonald today east to the mtmmm -- nelne ana h.ul.r .Knna atan ,ONT tell a man what governor of Chihuahua S,i " " r el;.ltlHbm.t,t for hnllAlna h'rtdaoa DATES FOR SUMMER REFORM county. SCHOOL iuat for the return to Urant and other Iron and rail- you think of Maw Mexico, Powell m.troction of and Flelda. way ran, were all vary bugy. Klefl-irlr- HOCS two army deaertera. PECOS I'nllrd fttataa manufacturera were nlao work him. until vouve "af charged with tha murder of Manager ing hard on dynamoa, motnra, and 1 1 A. fa. tleorge Mi land a naar INSTITUTES HAS NO. RIGHT Far of ranch ntnAr a tha army; and the over i fr inougnt it n. - amiinrii spring. nraeriera in rharr l ..mpanlaa were run- reporiea wnn " '" nlnx ...'no of tnelr dapartmenla to . help Consumption in Albuquerque, men alleged to have ahnt the ,h , ,.,... a i.iah.r aaad. with the of - BEING SET TO SELL LAND at Koehler and Lai Vegas ranenman and r"- nia place iim .ncy f(ir WMea waa reported. a pipeful. Will Use About RosweU All FOOD RIOTS FOLLOW Valley Can Supply. HOW THE GERMANS OF HIGH PRICES FOR Department of Education is Attorney General Clancy Ren- CARE FOR THEIR The Topeka and Hanta NECESSARIES OF LIFE Preparing Schedule and An- ders Important Opinion Re- Fe Hallway company haa riled WAR PRISONERS with the atate eoiporatli nnmla- - fAaaorlatad Preaa Correapondence I I gfgJ gaaoensv- nounce a Number of Dates garding Sale of Land for alon ratoH on huga from polnta In ( Aeeoclalod Prcaa 'orreepondenre. Madrid, Hpain. Mar. h 14. In- - Taa, a of VKLVKT. Tha - and Conductors. Buying Other Land. Pecoa valley In A!hun.ueriue. Laa llii mbing. March 14. Home Idea coat of food .uppilea In '1 tibanco, Kaatachy'a Vegaa and Koehler Junction. Theeo of how nrlaoner. ..r it. . .n.-,- i i r spam, which haa resulted In a num - rale, ii,, not differ mm h from the In the concentration cantpa of tier- her of food rlota, aa reported by ln. The tncnrghta bnaaaiod by that H Hn nin Fe, X. M., I. The .tan. Han Fo, N. M.. .- ratea now In exletenoe between Peeoa many can be gained from a report cable, la charged aolely to ap nb Aiirll U April I- Attorney - ilt gfin fwiragliig . public by a vlallor to Par- cropa " lie department of education h prepai-M- l I'.onrral Frank W i'' today de- valley and Fori Worth. Juat made xnn, nit the were letter rY' many men ex- - una and an In.tltnte ached ill. for the min- clared that the lioard of trustee, of The now rale open, up an entire chlm. where hundreda of than In pre loua yeara. with an . on ' imi MHMTi Tin- repurta uro tint In the alnte reform m hool had no new market for l' iille hoa, are fined rrn of 00.00" ion. of wheat m.r riant rlae 4 and , t). from all lh count rlea Inn . large In eoll any of the farming land, of and one that ought lo conaiime the The captured aoldl.r. al crop of 1I3. but noiwlthetandlng - valley. 7 a ouart of lea In l I number of tho daloe and the condu the echool in to uae the a otillre output from Ihr I'ecoe al are aerved with int. mho h,tc mounted .o eh ha order ra- - turn of (he aummer In.tltutc. have In the mri flaae of more land. AlbutUeriiie can uae about two or coffee, together with Ihe aame the government haa been forced to wayk. la Ihe fall, lion of bread Ihat Herman clttxene take moaaurea to avoid monopollea announced aa follow.: The opinion wan alven to Kev. A C. ier winter ' and aprlng month., of huge weighing are now allowed under the bread card and haa Intimated Ita Intention of sac chavee county, at Itoewell. May II Oilier, one of the truatcea, and wa - it 2f. Laa Vegaa In Ik canteen are a!l man- ,(,. Mi .lime I J; J. H. Of Mania, Kb aa follow . about pound. can nK maximum prloea. Warnr .ten, . conductor, W. O, Mall porhup. uae one carload a weak At nr of ..en aaie. Wheat .real, in general, potaloee. anil at Hoewcli, "I have your letter of the In.t K - Ird a At o'clock i time, au k llat tnaiiet Him id" Itrow or IHea. lni.irii.lnr. In which you you Koehler Junction there a packing beana and other producla havr been ALBUQUERQUE HAS lniulre whether plant In operation which alone ran lion, and then the men go to worn exported In groat ouantlllea to Paaadenu. Col. April I. Carl Colfax county, at lt May 11 to have an authnrtl) to -- .ii the furm-- I ' in, onetime Hll ihe hoga thai are ralaed until II, when they are anyved w"n France and Kngland. Noma, aon of Ihe late Alophua 53 MOTORCYCLES, 12. with J. II. Vaughn f n a: bind, now need liy the reform .. June tha in the I'ei oa valley. int.. onalatlng of thick enup made Ktent h agent, have bought beef and n. i.i. t millionaire brewer of M. AND 375 Ml. ,i- - use proceed, AUTOCARS lie college conductor, whuiil and the derived In of legumea. cabbage and meat, a aort vegeluhleg lunula, died hU) from auch sale to purchaae other getting hoga to the now market, at prloea above normal at tha re.ldenoe of Kdd" count., at Carl. had, Jul I J aapat atlr) la it win not of goula.h. The moala are prepared nnd Hwltaerland alone laat mouth mother here today-ol- He waa I ywira Informalon regarding the r.umber landa. The land referred to la un- .iiniueriu. un-- I 14; W. H. MfFarland uf Silver City, be neceaaary lo unload for feed, wa- by the Frem h and the Itelxlana bought for Ita army ll.ono.nno worth and had been In 111 health for ot automobile and molorovvie llcanaa. Vaughn Ml.x doubtedly the aamo lund aa men- lomlmtiir; J. II. and ter and real. Neither will It be Mb dor Herman aupervi.lon of food prod in t. from Hpaln. All aevernl montha. leaned lo Alt r. i tie am haa been tioned in section 2, chapter IS, of : liocbcl of Iteming uaal.llng omum lo no ii.. ill. led with the . The men work In th afternoon th ha. cauaed a orlale arl Hum h, w hi died In Paea.leiva Dent to Colon K. H. Hello,,, by the iiiwh of I Htm, whn h van d lne.e natural Irani county, !..,,. u" lion and Ine lawa of other until 4 30. when they are given a which haa bean feH ggyaraly In lib today, had been an Invalid for yetra. Hocretary of I eumnier to the territory of New Mexico iiiurant - New MexP o Normal college at HIHer atatoa. gwatl of gruel w ith potato., or vege- j province. Uy the will ot Adolphua There are lotorov ele In the to he j in connection with ih City: J. II. Vaughn, conductor, ami leldea once a wee. flan la aerved The high prlcea. added to the fact Ihe .hare of the eatate that would city. The nut of privately owned reform school. An examination of noon-mea- W. II. The following la the l menu or la para-lo- r have gone to him waa loMpiealhed care, I'o buawytf, ln.tni.lnr. the referred to. with tin that work In the fa it lea t" aa Indlci uy the ad week. ilyged In almoat ihe whole of Hpaln. hla brother, Auugat A Hoach. on con. 176. rx b Almoin count, al t'arrlioao, Juno act creating the reform school and DON'T FUSS WITH Rlaven have Monda Pea enup with meat and j , Im-I- . dltloii look Cart, 14 to Mi J. II Motor of Tui umrari, providing u rendering the workman life that tha laltar after for a hoard of iruxteot. olat oe on gov- - inndtninr. ami Mr. K. V, Jcwott of Mould no poaalble Public worka the CO. Indicate that the hoard haa Tue.da . knuckle, with car- - - FERNANDEZ SUING Currlxoio, inatrui tor power to MUSTARD PLASTERS! ernment int been begun MODIFICATION OF whatever sell and tfMktfar rot. untl pol aloe. n aome but nevertheleaa It ALLEGED TRESPASSERS otero county, at Alammmrdo, July liny of the estate a province, real ipurtnunt la Welti, .day. Hurley .oup with meat haa not been oaelhle to eliminate the STOCK QUARANTINE . to Aiign.t j Frank c.irrpnn, Lata thin mailt in Ion. and II would teipnre Vegu., conductor. tttaatavala NUgflaj QaMeaf and and polatoea. exlatlng laid at.le of nffalra. The SOON The Fernandex compnny ha. tn.ll-tutr- d legislative action before auch u Iruns-fe- r HSVi TO BE MADE t Thur.tla. Flah with onion IWvy reached Kg greateat d "ii lg dkatrkt court Klu Arrllta, at Kl Rlto, June SI to lie " Wltlaml the IIIIMfl treuala haa the could made iiotatoe. tenalty In Karly Ibi- - agalnat IJlnio TruJli:o and Ambroalv Jul, Ml . '. King, conductor; and the enulh Huntu Fr, N. M April H. Modif- Frldii) Mean aoup with meal and alleged ut Tleira Amanita June Jt to July IS Therr'a no aonae In mixing up n n, dianrdera broke out In ication of Ihe iiiaran:lne lo be paaturing a- - atrlnaent .hoop company Mr.. r i m ta k of muatard, flour untl Ida, where grtupa of workmen without right on with Nma aa rondui niea. Mater no- - again.! Ilveatook which haa baen - Halurday. Mutton, cabbage and In range in county, de- tor. when you can at- ea.lly relieve pain, raded the .treei. hoetlle altitude t bought to McKlalay The SStagg. - for oma weeka I. i In more 4.000 peo- fondant, are Valencia vo nt men. ee veil , al Portalee, Juno I to N0F00TAND MOUTH M.ieneaa or rliffnera with a little clean, Prtl llleaule than be Indicated by the .tatoment indny Humlai Kite aoup with beef and j.le walked demanding The company aaya they are J 24. J. H. Vaughn of the state hlle MI'HTKMi U.K. tho aireeta. by (lovertior MolMinald that the cat-H- e cattle potatoe. 'bread altd work In Cadlx. latragoxn. running buck, on Ita land. A college, conductor. pur. nil xanltary board wax preparing a I. made of The i.ltor aamplrd all the food, l.ucciiu. Iladajox. I.ogrono He temporary reetrnlnlrrg order, pending Sui MiHiiel to hold In.tltnte with of helpful n and new riuarantlne proclatnallon embt dy- muatard and other red Mrgg la the and announced hearing In court, 1 1, ago dam- il. i Morgan! university at Vina.--, pri.onrr. K,vla almllar dlaturhance. took place, ing Ita Ideaa. the and CASES WEST Of enta, combined in the form of a pleas- it wa fully aa age, irulovul. to la taat. and apMrenil Alhaoete the crowd, proleated t" governor Yea today are naked. 'n.tltuto ie ttut.rd. ant while ointment It Hike the Kood gg The lea for thai nerved the Herman civil government govern ad-dr.- S him Fe, at Mama Fe, May 11 to pla-- pla..-i- . the nnd Ihe Raton, tomorrow will of the out of date mualartl trgaga prlaonor.. ap- - where he Juim tS, Mia Nina llrumha, K, MS The ho aald. ar ordered them to be fired upon, the Colfax otlnlv teacher.' Ml will not Itli.tor' poured healthy and well tu.urlehcd a. peraon waa SALAZAR ESCAPE TO hi' lor. prompt tine killed and aeverai He will return to the cap-It- u MISSISSIPPI Mt'lTatRObl xlve. relief a re.ult of tin .Imple but u bob .nine Hounded aa a reaull. BE PROBED TOMORROW Hhrra laatltute to be w.itved. from M'tre Thimt. Broarhltla, Ton.l-lltla- , i rtaiurdwy morning, whin. It la Mu a BtTM Ut Mm May , fare. ac-H- S. ol io. 31 In June Oreup, tlfl Xek, Aaihma, Neu-lalgla- deratood, he extiecta to lake aome BY U. GRAND JURY 15 l(. W. Twining, i oiulin lor, and HoHila he. Conge. lion, Plgur-l.- mi the iUranthir matter. Ho Mm. Heo. IHXon, Instructor. Ilhoiim iti.m, I.umltaao. 'aln and BETHLEHEM STEEL fluted po.ltlvel thai nothl.ig would Hanla f, W. M April I. The Bureau of Animal Industry A lie. of the llat k or Jolnta, Miu.iin- - GYRATES WILDLY QUIT MEAT WHEN bo done until tat time. eaoape of llentral Ji Ynex Knl.xar Slate of llhlo. City of Toledo, Hoi. M oaclea, Bralaai, chilblain.. and Ihe attendant fa a will be pre- - I. Governor in aB Coun'y a. Wiies McDonald Fr. Mgdj Feel, Colli, of the Che.( It ON MARKET TODAY RAFAEL ROMERO TO eented to the federal Jury here oftt n prevent. P.ieiitnonl-t)- . tomorrow f..r Ihe Irat time, II waa J OlMMMJI That There Are Now Only Frank makes oalh thai At your drungl.t'., In 50 New Vork. April I The oxtraor-- 1 DEVOTE HIMSELF TO learned today on reliable authorll;. he In aenlor partner of Hie Arm ol F. ihv and KIDNEYS BOTHER Few Cases Anywhere. jura, and .. o ln large huapltal alx- - no i v Kwiition of Itethlehetn Hteel There are many wltmowe. here now J i Ac doing In BUSINESS IN MORA heno i'o., tiualneae the for furnl.hed the .onaatlonal feature of, .lippoaoil lo have been .umttloKod in (Ml! "I Toledo, Count and Si ale F . with It la He ur,- ou ge: the xenulno todu) .lock market. Ita courae N. M., 4. connieilor thl. matter and aforeaald, ami that aald ttim will pay ' Hanta Fe. April llafael Santa Fe N M . April tlovern-o- r Itefuae imllali.ini. get ttrongl) eugge.tlng a 'corner The Take a ila.. ,,f Malta If faga Hie I. tinderatood that other. have hgga Hi" aunt ol i INK I Itomero, aalatanl aacreiary of atate, HtNIH.Kli ml. Mtliotiabl today recoiled Iho nak .toi k og.nad .ii un tilv.ii v. t tkM Hurt in-- Trouble-- . ub it, icd for tomorrow and ihe I. A every of from what miii for. The Mualerole IlladnVr You. lo.lny preaenled hla Its for each and cuae de- - I re.lanallon lion BttfaaMI of animiii induairy of the Company, Clavaland, prevlnu. da antl by noon It had at- - day after. t Hi i ohio. thai office, Intending hnn- 'uiarrh u lax cured by thu - I to devote anno' partment of agriculture Ho- following talnod a new high record at US H No man or woman who eala maal It waa elated paeltlvely by "an m um s i RRH il to hla bualneaa intereata In Mora UM, ',T t'I'KK. teletilam In repono to hla ltuUlr In the early It croaaetl regularly can make a by a po.lllon to know, today, lhal Ihe i afternoon mlatke count) entirely In future. FUAVK J llKNKY. to - nung Hit hi gar In- aa the 'i.i.i of iho loot and par ami around in.' until tne nuentng the kldiioy. net aalotuiHy, aafg .1 , matter had not been ton. Bwortl before me i .le. Se re i. Mute ABIonlo l.u or.., and .ub. mouth dlao.iae: MM) half hour, when It rgW by leap, a authorll). M utt form, ert, I al i Jl a. yet. in my araaaatia, tfAta day ! - ho waa III at hla home, aald over nth and bound, to fell back to I Of,, uric clog, pore The ggnnd jury took no action ember. A. D. "Control mil eradication of foot IK. acid which the kidney the telephone that no .Uoeexggff for till. l up again lo I la. and cloacd at I it I. gg the, aluggiahlv filler or only which waa to tho court to- HaMl) A w mi mouth MNn progreaaing .train Mr. Itomero hud been t on.nlered and retried TftUftfTtf. Al price aMH k pari nolaoiu, day. public. No oaaoa wont of MtaaSaV It. maximum the of the wuate and from that he had no Idea MThu would gg Mippi only ahowod ., gain of polnta. It Iho blood, then you get al k. Xeurly Cure In- river, and mull Mnlat appoluloil to fill the vacancy. all's Catarrh i. taken nei gain IfdJ iioltitx!! 'all itlxm, hex, Kl Paao epnrtlng ongel ternally t upon known Infected herda in eiiHlorn w. rheum headu. liver trou. and at dire tit the - MotVavaT, ut Waii .. opinion thai Ma, gaMva4Jg4aagg, goagaJMi cheer ue up They .iml mm .ma OnUaaaMMal prea-o- iroei ihe Jack think, condition olood .nrfat r of the a bml n no... t'oomb. hi. ing heavy xoberrlpt .eliull gygtenv Semi legtlaaoniala. qtaaranllni reatrictmua deemed stubborn .hurt intere.t .looiile.xnoaa. Iditildei diMirder" i. conaldrruhly better than lor free. no. cmary THIN MEN HIGHLY .tueoxod from aluxglah kidneya. .lock in thl. city F. J. .V n. lor prevention poani)do i.oiiie He naked Itoblnaon to CIIKXKY in Toledo, The moment you fee) ha. oM Hr.iggi.t.. of dlKcaae to areaa MM fie- dull ache Mlt Ii him in the opening gnuu aj add PRIZED IN ARMIES In the kidney m your ba.-- or I'ord Fat'tory In Take Haifa Family Pill, consti- FURTHER IMPROVEMENT hurl., fVturaa. for If the urine la cloudy, off. naive, fuil Hee the tilm of the Ford motor fac- pation. - For dyapcpala. our national ail- REPORTED BY GERMANS or aodlmeni, Irregular of puxaaga or TRY A HERALD WANT AD tory at the Hee tonight. m. uae i ...oi in t id Pre.. Co l e.pondont c i Theatre lliirdofk Hlood Hltlera. u' tended l a avoiding, r. man aenaatlon ol I'hono .1. Itetl Itnrn. Weal Cop-le- l:.-- ominendeil lor rirengthrninu fulggni March :l The thin IN THE LA BOA MARKET Ill dr Zoii-tun- g got about four OUUOgg of .lad Hall. for firat claaa livery. W. L. k'oKiion, puril.Miig the blood. At all lg MlogUetl ov Ihe Koelnlnche onl a food t um- fiotn ant reliable pbarmat ami take Trlaabla A Co. drug atorea. II an ,, bottlo tittl a. .aver a. (AgagiiMgl Prea. . .xpondeiite pired wiib the .tout man. but aa a Ci a tuldeapoonfuMn a gktaa of water be- - more active and uaeful member Herlln. Map h ;'t. The lale.' n- - line broakfaat for a few day a and Big Saddle and Harness Sale at i turnout .umiuaiy nf condition. In the your kidney, wlli then at I line. Thl. .oi'lety. - "The paper, labor market ahow thai further Im- famoua aulta la made from Ihe acid thin man." ..i thl. . n iu o e in, in va logi.terctl In ..i .m. eo "ha. need of much lex. food to aua-lai- Juiih.hv. inin" luPe, tn blued of 1.140,000 or- - with en- - life than Hit- .tout man Kverj In a total workmen lithi.i ind haa been uaed fm .top we lake, moveinont uatilxed In II branch uaaiM'latloiia the oration, to Muah clogged klttnoy. and make. - Hauser's Saddlery hits number of peraon. employ- ailinulule them to at'tlvlly, al to :i tit lion tl on uourlHhmont t uu I In without Bgggl mcnt wa. only par cent, aa mm- - teutrallxe the acid, in urine an it no proportion to the .piantlty ot lul ember, longer 112 West Copper up Hie movement pared with I.I pel cent in Dei cauee. Irritation, thua ending in percentage of unemployed oladdor ill. Wliocvct. thoroforo, haa'- The for order.. New, varle. but little Irom pre- - Jail Halla ii inexiten.lve and H Something weight b ton per cent, for rmin hi. vi year, ! rag ar aa injure; make, a offer, e.- - example, al the Name lime 'ii. and dad iulte delightful wtkataotory mld-lmr- r com llthla-wat- .r rex- - tin aaasttt) ol lagd) that he aaadjl lor the tlrlnk which all i r b per elll month. meat cater, .boiild lake no. Ion were .em lb by to aeop tbo "Very thin men etijov a phyalcul Hlmllar rcpntia 'be and 'bin kldtio,. .b in puhllc employment Imrraua. Near the and ihe hlood pure. a ,gOf and t nergy that g roallv ggjtl ibei..i' for this i ml of Adgitet Iheae I "'0.4.'.' xorloua kidney conn I HOT POINT Week ordinary. Hanoa in tbaaa tiny., when la.t had bat lua.. mole applli tula lor work than tbey - wo .ire i on.lritlnod to oconomii" til Itlilllll bin on I.I Iho ' gesggg, it bgaaasag at ggggg .ali.l. Fetiru.rv out the r, 7 v 3 7 year, May 3rd 8th. - number wa. only , On tho to ii am io, tluly toward the fatber- lime her bagd, there were n 'I;, latter MORTUARY. ' , 11,111 ot a i - du:e apitlicatlona loyet a ". tiili 11 111 lo, that COhM not be niled, gl L lit." again. I onl 4,11!) in Augu.t. Rome of the del ilia of Hie govern I ooii it ol Mi. I.i no. rcpl. El Grilstovo BUDAPEST SOLVES Tin funeral of Mr. Hildrgunl Crun.leltl win he hold tomorrow WAR TIME FOOD glOf uthg from Temple Albert at 1ft PROBLEM FOR A TIME I'lok. Nr. Mokga MngxaMM wflj HELPLESS AS BABY canducl Hie .or be. Tho pallbeur-- , era will be: lloiiorar Noa llfeld. J. I flgain IgUfl Pre t ..I le.pondoiico.) A. Wt Itini ih F. II Kent. Ir. Ptar , Hiiilui-- at, March 14 The food I. ReMnanleh, M. Mnndoll, David ex- A' iiio.iioh hii. al a.i been lo .nine Down ia Mind Unable to Work, ami Mr. liar.' h. live tent koIvciI m thl. 'it The author I.til. Ilfeut Aim. Iluulng. M I.. It lea have a ..n.idelable .uppl "I Htorn. Iae liownMubl, H. o. Jaffa flour ami grain on hand, and aoinu and What Helped Her. and N. Q, McCrotlrn. afaclal Mate in. avat that the .tuck will iu.1 until Ihe next harve.t. al- Manuel . This appliance being demon- IWMgl though i l. not gonrtullv believed. W. Vg. Hedlllo. 14 year. old. died Summit Point, Ml. Anna 7:1ft The dkMrlbUtlog ol Hour la going Oh Hclle V.mty, ol this place, says: at o'clock laat night al hi. home "I hi the gaatai rather rigid te.tru tiou. lor wiih an In highland, of pneumonia. He strated n vean awlul pain waa I gaaj at our show rooms now. The gralg waa oblullicd ju.t in num my right side, caused Irom womanly ha of Antonio BadUIn, who I in Qallun. gQlkSel to .crioua trouble with he (rouble, and doctored lots tor It. but w ith- i. The father wile b) ., . populat e Inch had hgtlggag oi y out sucreta. I (uttered ao very much, flegrai'li The bod lakou to Fred roogag We are taking orders to be ugl over the proapeci. of taeniae. that I became down in mind, nnd at help-les- s Crolloit'. undertaking l j ending preparation, are being made a a baby. I wai In the woral kind bebl Ihe arrival of the l.u in iking Iho next h.ineal gg ample ol thape. was unable to do any work. father. delivered Hot Point week. Don't a. niiaalhle. All agrlcultuiul laborer! I began taking Cardul, Ihe womar'i loui-lea- or man tiovA with the arm are to have tonic, and got relirl from the very first lUuohcr aagg plant- Hei nag Franx Hluehoi, Infant haxv. hbf the .pring dote. By the time I had taken I . bot-ll- e, rob fail to see this wonderful time ing, and arc required to .peud thl. my health wgg completely restored. Ml 'ut Mr. I la. a r lllueher, died lime in Iho .nine loculit) where they I am now 48 years yeara old, but leel as i in helt reaident e. III Korth Four-teenl- h wotkoil lual year. The government good as I did when only 16. ireet. at I o'clock thl. morn I ing. Tbo luni hold pilv.itely labor haa al. i announce,) that group, ot r ..i . . i ...... ,a i i i ml wa. and saver. V-- ."Idler, from the reeervca, twciil) . , ""'"i hi., afterm Intermcni wax in I - - "'"" Ragg li group, be "rented' j '" o- inotery. in ma) n lis lavor. I wisn i naa some (tower tor agrk ullural work on ..ppln uimii over suifcm..: women, and could from appro od iiiul owner.. make theni know the good it would do INDICTMENT GROWS Plob.,1.1 mi ultempt will be Iliad ii,,., lo employ prl.onora of war tor thl. If you suiter from any of Ihe ailments Work In Hungary, a. the i.uiipH peculiar to women, it will certainly be RECANTEDL"BY WOMAN where Uae grlganerg are uiierned are worm your wnnc t. uivg aruui a trial. Albuquerque Gas, Electric hnlhaog and of otilagioii. di.oa.e. It has been hripm,; weak women lor Xew Vork. April I. The flr.t This hide covered tree Stock Saddle, weight 35 lbs i it- i - .proud (hem nil the .ii. would more than 'jQ years, and will help you, gptwing out uf charge, over the country. the too. made by Mia. Itae Taoxer again. I for $36.50 Light & Power Company Try Cardul. Your druggist sells it. .l.u.. cm W ii.bon.e. ., int Inter retant-e- d I a Hegulei. i o. alia of t.llM-- r InxiuI at loan uto oiiiinemleil b) her. waa relumed Uy the fed- m!w mi - IIVb Chan. ! MagMin . i - by mam who av Ihe operalu ea.- i 0a LxSieC u ..nil. iu all. olloo. saddle anil llartHiw Mm. lo.- Adrooir Dwt . Chi 4X Ti,n tor v,, - eral grand juri hen today when . Krlpltig ami i tari.xw. without ami without bad on g paxxheok. i l " tui i,'! Write or mil fur ' tu tS4 M.m. bin barging Frank fafford with offc.i- - ut all drug atorea. licaimeja... Ivi .,. lalier laxaieiaeuti. Hi, III pet ur wua handed up.


while mnhlni better than seven pcrl'- - 1 The Evening Herald. cacti net. aw of naht div tdestd oh WALLS they in for ffWfc.ngMen in Latin America PART PLAY that haat. and that iMes AN Fill ru:tmH by earning orven par cent or mora t IN ARTISTIC Out This Blank rttn r.vmviKo lawMn, inc. nut charging unduly Men frt HOME INTERIOR Uu:;r. 8 VAbUAKT. Manager or even without making rnt mall or hrlrut to the l:KMt; IllllXl.n urfll'K at t rste. iiiaOd hornet r..r working . Interest the rate of par cent, II. I IIKNINtl Krtltnr money. i.. K. ti.tlli ... n...... Aire' li to the instruction M.- - Important point In Nomination Blank Good Votes We reading the-- tes- - nairt tear, according' ara for 5000 tiaiM Powell In -- Item in the Itntletm of thai the huiiee for lonstderathn Second jjtironny aaauma I tmiliv at that tt. and wr Iran t'nlon, Waoh.nrtnii. rtiatetlal i also W an nrtlstl' Interior, Alb M I. I Hint, a treat many other equally Ignorant t soch an snnoonceroient ; r duty. There rule that mny ai" perron did glr.r that time ra h ' w OUlli ways be applied, nrst. oaslder th Kntered s rostter of room. race nt post. llqlieluuc that hi drat Interet location the IHiee it ntatrp-- t to the learn! iwinmnv th tho south? the It face the mil, ea N. M m.dei Act March . - the of which wr assumed waa vary damag- ipfaMped biilhiing of homes for working men I It shaded by tall trees, shrubs or M a camlltlalc In tlx- 1 1 1'. II ,i'H firrai Aiilnmobip. f.nitt--t. ing to the content bin "f the rllrood. t It he k. Is not so very new m l.nin American building? In the latter two hum realty era vary fgvcrohe la them; t mi nt r lea. In 1010 the t'uban con- um parser of a warm, creamy ro'.or, ' '" in .1111, r buff, some Mt (hat second day testimony, gress passed t In authorising the or other with ihe sunshine week ' ami hla department tn construct in it. v .ud bin.- gray or green - executive tint. ifn yi.,1- i,, la which he took back all he had ( af crprua I u Mi bar. the ;.(ioti rmnll fottaatet, each tn oe If the room to ne made over la one Athlrca fa eattrano previous day, we emnindMPM la hy native-bor- n in which delicate said the and which I" otlui rf. of theaa lot to or nat- furnishing would s a Tlii blank tmtltlt-- the Mratm so to thim-nm- l hava ideaacd the rall- the atate t l.oulalana and naiahbor-- uralise. I ruban heads of families, of be out of place, aa in a family tting iHnlniion nominated live thaoahl mint (.i.lHMi) Mfjgsj B- - gulf at once re room, he nut lu f proa-rl- II lie. out noil brought l roada a great deal. In fart proved ln tin of the cat gooi conduct, having no peramal huild tnken or sent to the auaaaaat' and th- - sele' t papers nf the ch.irnct, r tnth-p- . Hi became va to the attaallon is other than the results of their nale II fnrthpr unihraUsHl Hint ..nli iM mlriatlnn blank cttllt-Ho- rtaamces ufne damaging t,, their case and made the fo partlvular. and name are properly ....tit tiulrad labor, whoa Use iKimlotv to ft.OWl vosea will atsttstcsl by tlm font eat t d.,r Ktlitortal !toum HI railroad lawyer mad. hTe fo ind that the Arcantlne K regletrreil. The hnueN were to l. lill not ,. above i l mi. nt nme or bring It to ad evolved a achaine for hullt of brick ami ill, at least 11 the effect of n room ti ikssa mat" hed und cml tltc t'ontcst mem living condl-l- a living rug, rnrni-tur- . t llWMt.HT uf the feet high, and to contain a iicni curtains ami llcssartmt-n- or Herald, n a mmd for I inly ., Hmlual .t lt; laboring tlaaaea In the Fnr a large room, a large but inim. .Ssll.l HIM. nusnhor of la- -- of the country by plai lag not pronnuncpd figured wall covering nnilnaiioiM mil ms tiial, m, end in your early. effect, of Nl: of the incidental be nt by i feet. Workmen may be selected. In the mall ro ni. R MIXa that least 1st .h.Urooe the present war has been I" placed in Miaaeaiin nf these houses If a figured paper I preferred, the de. supply la to In mater remain put Into operation the "onv- - Pay Within the first 10 days of lgn should in small and vague. When A raw la no a arga New Toik c m Is applied aeveral small room open with wide nrtvnla swaa la thara Itng daylight" achame throughout ench month, which amount one important reason for adopt Ing a pan) for the erection of In. 000 two-stor- y to the interest and umoittantiuii, pa) nr. he or doorway tmo ea h other, Orrmany by the alaiple nperatlon of houaaa ta aa out King district ot tn. n of water service, and expense a feeling of expanse ami slse may he fim the cracks ahead una hour the Argentine capital. Each houee I of administration. When the puree gained by using the same paper on Ave TEN n leaa mora, a the walls nf rontn. VOTES April I to I. Thua an havr not than nr has repaid the amount of th ac sll the flom tbtoher . pa- bathroom, aeaer conner-laa- For the low celled room, plalti yvlicn ill-ir- Imperial decree ha done for one of kitchen, a lual cost nf construction and the other Tills iHISifi. ni'slly cul out. nitm anil ndilreiei unit etc., front on a street or obligation gives n deed lter without a border are host, or with t I - must the stale him '' nil. In and hronglit or "s nt I i lln- t "iiic-- t the great n what theorists aad public peaaagr, and must he within lo the property. The houses are ex it narrow border at plain dark paper aome coadttmn of preaaai fran- - of Ihe ii. i ih brffsrr ilalc of cxplrntion. "ill onnt its ten MU. te eaperlmentrr baoo beea tiylnc to do lour square of a street cur Una or n empt I rum the payment of buiMIng need aa a finish tn represent a mould for many years The plan ha baan railaay station fees, official charge, and of all taxee ing in the absence nt the latter. The hlgh-'elle- I fran-cha- are be prefer- room Impioied uv ;i Ownera of a public jtHlty eieriiaerd more or leaa In thta nun- - These house lo anld. during the ten year In which the THE HERALD'S PRIZE CONTEST ably to Argentine cltlaena in the em- agree to pay prop wide border which erves tn foreshor- which haa bat a abort time In - purchaser for the try. on In alt other, and It la Inter- ploy of the government, oa an Install- erty. I'nder the provisions of this ten the height of the walls. run about the n.mlnuanew of t!r-man- y aad eatlnc to note Ha adoption by ment plan whereby the purchaaer law up to January I. ItM, 50 houeea In the south room a cool green, I'or which uncertainty estate are like- par blue paper will not aad speculate upon the t himself to pay 121. tt had icc-- i constructed in rlabana. SB brown or look well &X papers In pink. blue, or ly to expend any mora money fur Im- - month until the mortgage loan of la Plnar del Itln and In varloua Italntv white,-.- , this action may have amona nth-.- good provement la If, ha been repaid with Interest places In the proxlnr of Hanta flat". chlnts are choice for leiig aad extension than Ion capec tally among the l0 g h a nat at rate of per cent per annum. I here In mum The Krein paper known nawotntely aaeaaaary to comply with the Plana similar to hate been No nt llermaay. who ajgnj b Mouses not taken up by employee of operation lor some year In t'hlle. Ihi Mowered chlntx variety, with t lllsl Vol good nfKq piil l.'t. or Mow-- r the term the fram hlne. nbllaed t. meet nam condition be- - the government are to he wild to other Rraall. and Polombla. and are being delicate patlrrn ariangmnt af applicant, similar projects arc un- an projet ted In Sahador, the l iinlr,-tca- i and birds, when rightly used vcrv It. olng it I of way Mania Ke pm. Lattin beautiful and uf late ha become MM has time to dry tho. Ntii li d der In and other Hepuhllr. Pern, and other of It water . I .Iderahl. The theory of advancing the clock Inies of Argentln.i. the h mm ir American countries. In most cases quite popular. Hl'ade uf purpL oUJhly. If the ioI.t npid ed In on Leslnnlng Monday. Airll l?lh. or- - pty notably in the ni'l are good co or to arstrtti la eh summer months I based upon rasea inn smaller and lea exienlte. the gsBssjssj being ere ted are Itnlshed and red no' applli atloa, the cleare! lint will be Mies of 'he A ibllquerque Ills, K e tr thi- - III HImI ! sit with da. after day. and with Ihe A la aecllona lasnptc thu reducing amnunt of the I'llle. ' J pre, entile extent obtained. rather stiff brush will I i the theory that aleep too Ions lavender, la Light an Power umpany wi.l he - and enuliling anrkmcn In As case exception of pale which prove 1 nf the present fran- aummer hiinlwnod. in the of the toot satisfactory tor the ork or In daylight hoara la the with .iicnmes f less than tlOO per Htienos Aires project, much or the sometimes found In the papers for uieii lo Ihe pulill Irum the hmir awrh cHy can only , rhlse are that th Wm,B dy( ,,, uua, month tn be. nme purchasers. lumber needed may be purcttnacd In bedroom, these colors are he'tef i Ik m. lo ; S m. instead of iron, I A household rder estenalnn of a vary liiinn I avoided. There Is a gnat opioituti-I'- remedy In Atnc: lea for tkfM a. p. nt. n grt gstkt are many preclnua of iia light The (en urr which makes the plan the Hlates, unit thu the S in. lo 6.30 ut hour ratted i year In Thmua- - K u, i is the fa t the govern- may mean tor the exerctvc of originality and le. ul character and then a inter condition la the morning when the world feasible that of the, tilan For cuts. I to Issue n aro Individuality on the walla ot the home sprain. burn, aids, no reaarfrted that an order of the ment aeries of what much tn the fnrcixn trade of the bruises. Brad the Evening Hern Id's ahoiild he up and dnlug instead "I known as bunds, hearing ount ry as there is In Ita furnishings. 5c and IN. At all drug may be dteregarded or In internal' stores. oouacll lying abed. At first glance it would In these dnv of thy vacuum I Want Ads. They get results. sAo.eawiaaw e- - sONes v I urnniiei) nenyeu. laaeni 'o be neceaaary to put In lonaer wawvuvwioow cleaner, textiles may sometime,, he a wall eovring. one small Mhcr conatdavavtleaa aside. Work aa a . onaeuBewce af utilised 'or he'iunl room not In constant ue w is in Water Supply company will be likely I case, thta chaage. i.ut such not the effectively llttlahed with blue de-u- to contribute nwh more extensively tor tbnee who go to work an hour Sidelights on the War turned wrong ldc out on the wall- - i - ffCLI to the development of Albuqueniue earlier in the morning naturally iiult The strip of cloth should be '.nets- P THIS I -- together put- - during the next four year with the evening, urcd an t:t hed before an hour earlier la there ting Ihem In place. The darker tfjdjg twenty --one year o authorised oc- hy longer dayltaht from Paris Correspondents haying hour of right ' aaTaT" adl of Ihe material. Ihe aide was S!.J5s I lilllMIIIIH lilsx II cupancy before it than will be the for relaxation at the end of the day upiiernmsi In the floor enu ring. Two rugs! eaae If It right to the uae of the II la claimed by the propaganda! of light MJg ami while woven m proved a pit 'inch for It mama is to terminate this plan thin man is merely a craa- - Pre i orresp ndence.) ! pit Ihosr requialllniied by Ihe army t.ociaied young j f in or opea qaeetlon Paria. March II. Kne person re will soon make tlu-t- appearance In An enterprising womat Who 11 remain aa ;ture ot nilbtt and that he should ac j under rret here, charged with par- Paris with wive, or mobilised men hid plnnne.l her house ahead mad- until that time custom himerlf to the changing aea-o- n rooms. A MM ot Bv Twis ticipation In a conspiracy to upply as i onductors. border fur eeveral Presented If we are to continue It that he may gain the fulleat soldier at Ihe front with th mentis paper smh as was used for the wall. Ev Herald April 8. i cut ot the water supply In private ownership it (opportunities for enjoyment of dn-- a of tm kins the .irini surgeon, ml was the width mtLdod A schoolteacher nf the department a home u ii" border nd stenciled with tsaj eh ABRAHAM bAli I ISCOMP Uji.f good kgasniss for all concerned getting themlye sent i LINCDlN "No linvAlo i"'ii,ht at a time when outdoor life is f lioiiu redlted with ths painful .li.-gi- longer fit for military service lonallre.l Mower design. The l nflfMLMM TWO CEMAIN BOOKS THf BIBLE AI get the water supply on a glnrv of having the large! number of 1AM at Ma best. eeveral daya ago the postal author- wa also used as the unit or de W PfVltf i MAirrLV A QUOTATION UOfO IN LlTCftAT H ,1 hlldri n among thi dead on the Held p How, THAT TA baal as nulrhty w We are all more or less slaves ot ities opened aii envelop .,ddred I" rui the couch cover li'NOt pawns f bailie hi ev'en sons In the draperies table cover of Irag rst lay everybody losea By tt we regulate our a soldlrr and found four ts of if on aid the clock. sheet armv five have heen killed and After measuring the paper the, a grayish powder, wrapped in a of ha wounded. lives to the minutest detail. We get follow- the other been border into square. Which In tblg Entitles lo (5.00 VI -- l I I - nf nntepaper which bore ihe bearer this Illustrated Bible UK lttot P were In In U nlhs-- r , . liil up at a certain hour, go to our em- ing message lu-.i- husband I have parii ular case about he STMsated St ths nt n.esi-t- las witit ih miast last the EXPI 1,l ttisd a w hi- Ii genealogist. Monsieur on a side, the artist marked 'h d CtCtsrs nrlriufr ss ..f tsat dislelautiiMi iruludta ployment at fixed time, work a at last discovered imiln An ertullie clsttl hits, cost BasdjIiMSi SSMslSB, ftsast In Ohio they tjar-t-r pot. visions with a thin line of gull went 'J tip SB t. sta tske Will give you such pulpilutlona of the Oossett. wounded on the Held of bai- d-- . . , , . l. certain period as marked upon the In ii ,e , ...... BACK with the bark on. The heart thut the surgeon will aend you lie, has occupied his coui .ile.-en- e in The pattern ws then stenciled dial, and at a more or lea arljl- - t nosltlon In each square. MAGNIFICENT reegt nt - front rw to 'lav there lu no shlbl- - retire home.' the temporary hospital nt Tulle In mr Very i itrary hmir. If every clock In th ti The police Immediately arrested historical rQSQIThaa lots ihe family delicate dedans lor ten ILLUSTRATED tlon mutual backs'Tatchlng as wit-- 1 run n note, lu i He It wit may lie made for ;tim ere icrnea pirwaru an hour th writer of ihe and of Oiiierai Joffre t.iund at olor ( t, nans thta recent dispatch from a ni m n and. If Ihe furniture is nnlheii tdltlsa resulted In Ihe arrest of of noble origin and the i wmjia o a wsaa until uu itld gnod les-llt- $B ol Mo vvitn hundred super', picture sjruplticull) illu mi I alleged general-in-chle- f de Whl'C. been lumbus: gang of five, whom II had from which the K be to the hang, even ran lamed In. iriiiisiering the M I la order to place the taxlag anustomed been driving a lucrative trade in tho Mgogdjg sa Igrated from Ktn lattcrn DID a sold- Hpuln. at dOOOMtlon for the furniture. Hey. if they ever noticed that there was ale uf th "traitor nagftsg to In return later ultd Itle ictf-p- ri ,.t on.d-h- e J autlioriiril ciliti in, is aoosWissJ, with c tpkmi machinery Ohio la the hand Ihe pow- HouiHillon. ever, the de orator ahould i hanxe. They would get a tilth iers at the front Whether 111(1 i marginal It nn - ; sympathy care nut ! merdo the steti t u Inapt and helftt nrinti at thin flTTTT , of officials who are in really t not take I of ders were efficacious In the archives of the abbeys "f bible panel Bat rjaajnillf. t I 8 xim"" . i nearer the sunrise at the opening the dOSlg-- l ouffjil hot t i appeur t at alt tae?i; hniiititul 1 f with the atate admlniatrallon, tin ..e Tulle and I'sen he found traces aide tvp Si day. but they would just wn stare one in th fate. The aten it Consecutive Free Cerlificatra and the ltc. ' B. di- the hae a us early as and ihe Oot Frank WiUla tonight of tlioffre '.'". pattern should a way be flint I r that much longer to play during the lulniiuii epithet containing allu on i the tax commission work the nnhllttv of Limousin outline, not of Tk $3 esacil the sfime as Also rected stale Ion m " and tlilorale paftt he U in an Edition for Catholics f long twilight of in Uermanv. the Ootnaan lent ion n noble family ihit nguiei 1 1 Ins, sssest as- late afternoon and Hhoulu the aOUSOwitS bo una i c t,. ti a ti to dismiss 10J dtstrpt tax win have been tariffed by Ihe name, .,f i si summer evenings. It ha been ths under the lowtfre, Jnfr draw her own unit, she can often sessors. (I of whom are Demo- eighth ..rreci mnal court of Pari. tieotTre huhrigna tin dotrlM ot BIBLE decree turn d tra r a portion of a figured uxtn d that the kaiser's The w id "boche." applied I" a family. gaeordjOd by XV. crat and ounoun-e- that he thta Louis wall paper wn, I, wl',1 be rVi'",2'i. ol the '!r-ma- from I ' or a' HaCacai Frs u ing forward the hards Freiichmiin. cost o fine of wa "Kverythlng rir Ihe Fatherland gomei;m'e very u Cerofuat .ml tb. OlC would at once name their trjfgas Telling a delinqiicnl Ihnt factory. art tt JJf'N5t clocks . not altogether altru- "h The family name nf Jotlre is slill signs found ' on magiixl n "he might in gn to lierliu ' Is punish- have been istic. It undoubtedly will conserve qulle general Ihl'llgholll the region overs Patterns mm always OS p u the Ties i It will i . t t. T WiMi ,,,,,), .,.,! able hy u minimum of a day's impris- "r! has a' of lirlve and there is a town It. the I. they la k Ihe fresh- mu KxMf Oermnny's srsnt supply of petroleum onment Tn a a man "lias an Ins although the axe aa antkiuated and Inefficient that vicinity that ha si diHen nt odd ness Uu . ol the original Hi. In.'. MXT H A 7 llght-rnakln- a ami see and other material. ugly mug Unit would go well with gone hy th- - names of Joffre, lieofrrn llillt'l lifir tllBtstl. (.!) aU 'Olll at use a mowing machine. pointed helmet cost u hundred SteinM. The n"W rule will apply equally to or lieooffr. This spot wa the place How the s en l may ie apl'.l- d by J, farms car-tai- n - all the Herman people, Ini hiding Ihe uf origin of a etTOOS young people ury out in Idea iivri: hi mum. I. hencc-f.,tt- h ranches of which were enohled - cx.implfil by a buy in men In the trenches, who will agstlnual uphenvnl of H Interested The entih tinner the naiiu - .,r lieouftii di An buianv II" took ihe leivc of the up doing at an hmir war of iu heg In bringing miuiv alway. nowadnv ther. he and the m rtgMnSi (seouffre m Isodsrndolkt, trees with wbh-- he ua'fami;ir a.- -. - A Krein It is a hearing under way upon when their enemies Will "' icnicd hidden Ili in to lisht Two member of Ogttsrng These b uriingel Ihe N" u real a package ot Ii ( In sleep Thua military Becclt in reservist this raal f .null even Mhasd the fashion leave- - blown uiirosd rates and column I. a - Clean-U- p nud wiarih liulnlr.d thousand of ureee during lit igh- o he I'alut-i- Up I throne n. autumn ttreese. now I" .: hunt Means are telegraphed over the Kurnpeiin life and conduct 1 pr Paint mailer franc Ml whn h be inpt'j MssjMj oa the arotaot ktsat tin- oheerv-in- g cental ii the plain grt en i' ini of his r system hi il i to country lo Ire erved up to people Inaugurate h new of mli ot his ofilcer. r.imlly Mprung fmm one of the an- m re I, in- their iiuiumii .olurlnuH of SHERMAN & WILLIAMS PAINT ALABASTINE . . h Kuglish and who kno nothing w li mac me which, onset fastened Kren lleimim cient smpeeors ih- irlent orunse. with now and 'hen a be to the value of IHi" were um irthed C. CO.. 3. it all is about, to editors who Upon ihe n leafs, may not nrowh or green one, the i ffi c wa lit J. BALDRID0E LUMBER 423 1st St.. Phone 402 In iriinli war In' laace by an cm,, gay, gjhoW scan-el- ) more, nnd often le dia anli d. Another found a Th-- - youthful Prtncrss Mam lone artistic und unuiu Knglish soldier e bus-le- d e llelglum lieofg shosen honorary Attractive Utile sunhont tots With all the i sat and wide aiscuaat n gold carved necklace f the of has rOprodtl president of u cosgMattee which will at varloua tasks ators of freight rate whn h h renturv in airi In a border to go ul the rallmad t inonuuienl In Pari "to 'If in. v I . I9II-K- . leu walnecoting in lln plujr LI'Mf K.urriil during ihe pnt lew year. Jamison Declares m w i baac nutlt to re I lielglon ihlldren of t The ill hot and Th- - sun IJALLUI' LOMP It la utterly untaxing to consider le w brothers sister. W. H, HAHN GO. i und gitwtia were tinted i; QAUJOT WQ few nun there are who icnllj haye Himself Misquoted most 'right pink, blue, green, ted. and n ANTHIt At'lTK ALL BUM outer skin that matters 111 In any knowledge of rstes; how ender mi a liui-kg- mind of ha.ivi ri Item Fact of ail KINDUNtl A Nil MILL WOOD accurals There is kOsffttkM reason why wod ' i .in w rapping pafier. Himla. ilRICK AM f i'LASTKUIS'il LI M K they ara made, what influences lend on Sanitaria Here WHY WOOL IS WARM anybody warm ulnne will not Keep The Hlllg shnllld he djOhg M ANT A KB BRK h to lloiki tti'tl nil the fif, ultie Btn PHONE Sg rhsaa and i liar to the fori "f the fully with louri cut edge. K'ich fl. whn h the encounter. April rale makers 11! wind at sea vA'olcn iloilniig XOOng pattern in ti in Bum ill d from run The aim i unstanl rate hearings, KdiP Km nltig Hetald ' you ihe hear In the body (or. a " tell-mony- . April (. tola, ( Manchester riunrdlan.i .ml ii,.,i reultnt ny of in your lass of keep quo m aa having stated belore UK working of wieden inonly put n Pan accurately, much of which gets Into new- - op- nriwttl the mi ll ihel I wa naolutely lot llritiah soldiers ' Iht Id the cold uuii chiefly hy holding papers, tends t., conluse the average HO W '1 to heulthsei Her coining llete la a useful thing to layer or still air irotind Ihi skin. H "TIF HELPS tan n tin point either of n I must have been mlaun-.- no till t II, in saving i, sold do. but tiler is agt Uu . linn Ii a III nlr " hi i I made nn l sool Uon or apeedy abandonment of even such that wool alone hold that .n - a n liisuliilor lo I any was thai after Whui did warm oa de. oa Tlx- - warmUi of an a casual reading uf the rate hearing nought pmpeitv with the keep In the heal nad of u snow that ekfer down quilt, for Instance is due SORE, TIRED FEET reports dge of an exiatlng ordinanee - lllotlietet mot that It holds a parttcu- Last fHgsj any aanitanumg to th 'act week for inslsaee. the rate further lurlv n en laiei air Mnl tn. in , heing looaksd In any place nesref la expert of the Nebraska railroad e i f IhO in net slill If i In ktbid aspasVafg wire fta i, barning feel, swol- fn.AX H limit than me mile Ihe i g len feet, smelling one Powell, who i aald " ,ulil an I oetrate tin fe.l sweat) ,.,t lir.-- SI should not ne hab'ied hi lb. Jlnance an uu ih at get Uu i nir miv-i- list be u aure-enoug- h tesilfied m iin" lo be n nnd ail untamed eiert. so as lo larrtntt aaaltat a lug. clothing cease perform I. bye loin, i allonge bullions ami V vicinity r th inn le a the petition of the fore one western i aled Ihe Immedlsis of rool rsw iuls. "-- " ta rm n und ttr Stream Ml Ihcv had isnuglii , roads for an meres in rate, that prierty l the skin off thi itiur.- sir,,,. I iirlift-lie- staled that I believed tile campaign ilr carries 19 Iff ggg f Iv ev.ipoi-- no gtor of these roads, the log six. trera i the iii. promote and Uieir oniing - , , for liwllheeker tW i rap'dlv, eg- linipinn w mug better seven per rent thing fol sly from dr. .fi from 'he ska ver Temptation Removed eat than here wa aa excellent pain or .' i n deck n have ' loth il m .1 ones ponidge by t.(o net He stopped there th aver- luiquerque. up your Li, sad losing ii tiier tho wide plain ui gdso-latel- y It. II. MM IRON. age newspaper tesder knew the of the wind I" "TlfU 111) lllg l cllci'a It'lllotOs lln I u in f SIN'lltlitlg slii'.sth rilggicnl.". nothing at ah about what be lln.,. irenlor ihsn on isntl. ssjeept acts i iirctcosl) a s Is olHii ihe hIkii imi mrry ituislilcr-itbl- c r-- n I I rlajnl off. I'm oemploicd In intlaiid i i A light bret "112" - aa to alx roads ,n the m op ' von. It alssi rt'tiHivtss Uu- ilnn-gc- r Meant; what thee ( a ssnr Correpoi .1 gsgv. draw out the Mini of mono tviili rated lross ii liana means half a rule ul T" ill n per cent net l 14.- - or Ii) or Iti.'fl In, hli-n- l I t kcildug Itinrii') III vera earnins oiidott. Marefe Kefirns i ilnrsrg who Inive to fm oliaaoii rxnds loss lire upon but the tig ii res of earning lie nlshed by trade unions show that he bilasiirds ul ib AHlgft Ik Mil the loiliic III, I 'in. 1" wlnd-pro- ore lbs sBsotad were so enormous that th nent. overalls I "TIZ" Slid for I Viltlonul Haul, was cslabll-hi- sl a. fore III, no, i part clothing The was these T mnortsut of their sssBjgrnl Igtitireaslon left thai i g.t foot misery. Ah! flow are-u- n th mote ImportUI thsn sTOOl These four u, dills of lallr.alils In luiipii epic nittl a tiles iluie had taking large goba ' t a your feet far), (let s 2A rent III railroad been per et vear b v prseutruthlf forthle n u i sfn ariul ii.i proof ovei ii ore ' aafi'l) for nmnc, ml llnlltss pm In open Ik - bug nf 18!" now st any druggist or )our Of masrey awai irom western snip n centl- - msde wind-proo- f With roblier. Ani- I. pat I Hu nt store. Ikin't suffer Usui a pi ining Any i .mil . cetlallilv were. per wtth liook. ill' feet, ln fist feet thai never rnor v in. I v tutor gil gtegt day Powell, The suit of iu not n n A The very I'rtend olli I swell, never hurt, nsrer get tired. I .hi it wind-proo- and anal saw a) I I I I I s a ass as s V Ha" Br aanT Tsssssymi ' ' J , entnfc.rl ruargnleed 0 ggaume the same H V year' loot or stttlna f.Oe at MtOa i ikIii it ud the ne. and lsi:(sVia:yilaM.taLM:iaiVgiuiayjwg.TO - money refunded. news chair, tee'.in.i - the, .crisis lo prcM iii (in)' leakage there. Si

l THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M . THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 aawMMaaaaMaeam i PROFESSIONAL CARDS, TOO STUOEBJtKEH TOURING I The Markets SPORTS HERALD WANT ADS Physicians. W. M SHERIDAN M. D. MIS FIRST PRIZES rraottoa Limited to Now York r Times Three Dimes JBB ITIM 'HI W AMT OajftaAaaVS x. A jnfSh New York, April maximum And gain n linnet thirty unjfata in a 1 DIBBASKR (Mr VBDB ajtra. if Th mi di el, with atrlklni udtam ea Trouble Impends One Be in other apeclnliirp were the uutatnnd-i- n Automobile to Awarded to Candidate Highest Berna- or Irregular mur-et- t. Butak Imiuree today' lillo County The Other to in Outside Ter- JOHN M. MIMIRK Kitnbliakn! I Iks J'WfM V. M'MIHK. Cltlaana BulMlac. Machine Leader Ii i' lew I'reanl. 'it Inrorporateil IWi.i Vte Praa. A Ma. iniurr in Xwl.1 OtBSBI Over Johnsons ritory. And Many Other Valuable Articles to Be Oiven A. Ck RIlOltTLIb. ML a. Amalgamated Copper, I4t. Away on 3aturday, May 29th. Ann in mii Sugar Refining, 10ki. IJmtre. ah himni. inn. New Passport M. UtBc Houre. It le II a fa, (.'kino par, John Moore Realty Co. Ptaeaee YI. Coy sit. Two Mludehnkcr flvf paaaotim-- aldr of llernalltln ronnly N M Nortkara I'lxifi'. 114 H Want Central. u9. ionium cam will bf thr drat ilrund irutrkl I'rtx- -. Offlce. at W. CNkVt 10 Rending. Statement Made by Former circula- At.. Phon Albofluarone Rasltariuai Vhnna fm Award In Thr llerald'a Ida It la prearnt Iniii.iion to. Southern Purine. II. Nn Ihr RtoCM, Champion Pugilist tion rainpnlan wbbh la Jnat i Our "A SQDARB DSAL" I'nlun I'ai if l May far m iioarlle, off' .I'lpllrale prlx The Morphey Sanaloriam- - HIV Marling. offrr-a- . I d Mleet, 511 Vj for thr two dhrtrlctx Ami e EAi. ESTATE Tuk.rruloeie of tie Tnruat ana Lit nan 'Mu Miulea Form Basis if Charge. Says automo- Cnif 1 of thee high rao Hat of real a lata for al la complete si ,i.- - si., ifd.. T. One ln will be on a IB "at urron aale. BUBIMBM PKOPERTY. City Iftlne, llttt tifeet Utaual Atk Federal Attorney. bile will I"' lo iln- i null Mo thoar who ha, Maw wan him BBSIDEN0E8. VACANT LOTA laria tracta of lajd In dlAtreni aoettoaa Ofilc Hourii to II a. m.; I to 4 p. at. dau- - iehling In Hernalllhj county. tte of th Bute, for In. .m.. Iliiaril of I u. I. from dny In day. for Ihr mop' uriuln,. ancaltutl and caioaiiatloa rnrpa Mow U III Raaainrinm Phone 4tl. New Masted t Dim r lei No. I), f tk tint to buy any kind f real aatat la Maw Mazlro a-- 1 - w" tilllril Mr ,,iln' rmflil thr luatefj aad at tk lamatt W. T. Murphay. M. n.. April . Peace tnlk i nirugn, April k et i'hlrao. Ja lohnaon receive thr hlahrat iiumlrr of voNa loar nbriOt of a Urty adraorlni tna-k- In tk near future. Buy now Milled unlay In lowering Iho value itf may nrnught trouble upon plan. ah.. old now no me while there Medical lit rector. hi" irrnrr diirlna i hi pntlrf rarp; thf nhrr offlrr wilih noml-..- n are bartala .A careful investment at prraent price U ure to show wheat. Aft.-- r opening S i in hlmarlf liy uhiiitnln nn AmerP-ii- rrai hliia thla ihrir will bo awnrdfd lo thr If oUr do not aftlT In profit witkin a year DRS. TUT.L & BAKES down.' in market ateadl ni a paaaporl In Havana y tat inlay, no- - maihliia natlona. r lie rraldinx oulaida ol llfriiallllo ihen n d In tbi ' 'me riRE TNBTJK ANOB wiw, iiiiw. I t... Ear. Nmte, well mill) r level online ii. fhiirlta I' flvnr I rain 'nt tilht' lulled nty, Nrw Mi xi' ii 1 Hat No. I). I oft We are Ageati for a lln of tk Tory boat i of it ll whom Oonaaalo aad ittend te MUle National llanV llldx. .'hurl in, rullird urn. T dlatrbt attorney, who today i M ii'rlilm wh.. ri" Hvpa IMa luahfai nnin aer own ,ni ii mo th buita with prompts and despatch. If yon dartre lnaaraaoa of T in' i lnw waa led at a ahade dleruaaed repnrte Ihul wlahrii I.' of thr una! J"hn..n hud Mitre durlnK thn iimpulRti Tho lu- valiin'da any kind, a telepione or other metiaca to office will a competent I Ik . dial lie ... . n mi- - lllolilli or aomi ther tt hrlai In n't in awnrii had ttetcr nar lo drift mined on itetiirtUy, man to take your order W aslicit your baataaaa. niUt MM MO AXtri ( opening, win h fri.m In r Tided of n felony In lust '. art kite. LtlUI tarlfd Hr th In May whrii I hi i loaea. I'ra. tire Limited to Kyi, If, followed hy .in u .t urn .Btatea, Ihnt nn i barge waa pendnm J, ript Moak. LOANS that aalacl-r- d if and Throat aub-jec- wera aulMM-rlpllo- hooka W loan money for client on overcame all ihr u aaalnal him and thai hi' waa not i Thrar Studf baker ran font cat rerrlpt ant mortaa. real aatat eaearity only. Wat prlaee in Ihr I Tor tk I aat twenty eeven year w bay SI1H Thr ill. p waa firm ni a elxternih t" lo If he returned to Anirr-I- f for thr leudliia arr now rrndy for ilmirlbutlon. Ttirae don an erkaaalT buMaaaa ta nrrl i i Una H under luat nllht. a. net I'onleat, aftri aerlouaii nnalui lii. oka hair been f if the: tbli and no on kaa etrar loat a dollar on principal or internet on moioxion itrrtTov of eay'ellent In ae- - money loaned for them. 1 our aim to look l. bit wen taav in i auaa of ilmel "If thr lepovtj from BBTena nre ma ihr merit aevrfal ron etilenre of the cnBdldn a It after tk Ustarasts of both hyalHan Morscio. H ' nropsrl buyer ami and abutter. confirmed." aald flyne, "thr atnlc ma km ,,l nillomoxllf thr rurtafl aubnrlpllona. keepii t eellar. borrower and lender. Raaldence. South Walter NBjRBj ol lln-ul- d lit Hire of tin manual mini Thr of rralilta, tea, etr. nnd tHI A 1J40-W- . I'rntiaion baldened bnauae of ui department will h..vp ..may lor m will rrrord BQUABB DEAL TO EVERYBODY Phone u lo .,rfer lo the peoplf who ha fourul to inmh valuubte i ilvaRF in ih. hint market, lion aaalnat .tohtiaon for nhtalnlim ol innliiln OfWre. Rarnatt Ride.. Phone Itf. i 'I oar. paMtrt fraudulently ." rntrr thla bla nmprtltlmi, nrtli'lfa liiforiinitlon unil aiiiiarallona ,a to the Iha brat nuadlty, and with Bate l go ii.iii Iha, llfTM WKnt- - Ma. II M; July. SI i way lo plan nnd and aaa bn-ii- and May. July, 7514c 1. 1. inn ktaaaa Illak. in mind thin wrll known ii m of titkliij toiharrlpi una. rtf 71i'; in,- b.i- - t May, r. 7V,. ; July, 54V-Por- A lent molii!' Two-Ye- I WANTED. lota lloatnn, April - fl. Derby - ''" I. - TI,.. llM'll IH i May, 117.1; July. 117 2. Stndrbuker tur FOR RENT 1122 ItA 171. Ikt, fit, defeated J A I. Illakr. al, ...... ,. o. b. Snliarrlpllnna will lie .entrd for X. May. S7. M jWANTKO owner of balMlMa: nar I. i .... tlbllltneripie, M. II. II; July, in of loan.,, i thr mat of the ""'- - . ..ntlUpated iirrloda ranalnc front thir. motiiha m in, ill in no 1 lb May, 1 and II la pnal-ll- v Brie farbon roof pnlnt. oat Jul. 11. 12. T yenra. are ..loom i.i'.i.'.,, a """"nai '"ii Ihul two of thrar lirailnma will link to two Thear llmiia lraka. luaia fiir veara I'b DaVtU irnnia i 'hiimpionahip tn-r- lodii) Th nnd no ahorter ir Inaaar larraa iiHuhfii I (Ml i s all i.i, liv e prlara nnd brum - reudy pnlnt. one yallona euvera DR. W. W. DILL 1il ago MtitiHk. 4- , 4. be la- 3tt ".ni..,. irarm" no arorr wila .t anaapalltlok kafow niuat k written. Vole will feel F. Kel- - f, M forth Bomr lit - laquare twu ooata. Thoa. ; Cktrago. April Receipt, id-- il patS in advnnrr auhactlp- VI franw nn w. ihflr ownrrahip a flnully d.- - d "" aui oil i hrr ink ..M. ..,..1... sin TIJeraa .. I'lanir J yralcrda)' ,,lt Itirllta ix.une, active. May tt. tiona whrihr-- new. "Id J. H. PEAK. i ii.' heavy. a . i mm Unix. 1141115: 'on iirrrnra. In anordan 'lh ... BSflw iniioii: nits I. ra wrrr pur. kaaaf i ' or tnre fur- - riioiie w . rnatiaj. Ii. ,iiti 1.1 ,. Bat, I .:. .mi Tln ar lotirlim larhednl whbh la Minimi on hi' two modern ,ii Puta I Im AlkaQUjartia Jtarto ""d .lain i room-- , i loan iii b hi fiteana. i ii- !( a. i no, Na- fraw ika i'o altby hi iii firm. I rover of Iheae rerrlpt book. Tlioao Mr. ami Mra. .If. V. Haitrnilnrf. aaaa win br pim rd aa tkaateQ at iheir ill . Itox , tive lull Mill. M.SI.Sfl wetern i upri'tina to rntrr the ronli-a- l almuld Salr Miscellaneous. : I m a .... l.l Maaaa, LINING 'EM OUT aawarouma on N'.rih Third airrri. ailb- - Sk.tS9T.Mi rnlve. I . it provide thrniai lvra tilth - I'rlai-a- unii I l , IN tier aliiabh- InMika cull I'K " " " ' ' wlab to mi flrat'i lima - mumum e the arrii'tlon and mhrr l'0 SALE eW.ii. b p.nla, in IKtrh- Dentists. Hhrep Iterelpt", in. nun. alronK. II la Impiajalblr lo nei'eaaary f"r thr wnrk. iiiilomobilr rrpuir man who would like, IS pa. muterliil to oaajaj kaia for I l.t. tlerald S 7 . n ll"t of prlara in thla Ilk" and aal ahop with Bat Mt, low K.MI. Inml". a .niirr r.iniu IJ-- rpalr Ill, Ml I XnlMium eil Hmmi. , r. OR-- KRAFT, p. .a. llrrnbl. tie eomr ol Ihr Haa IN ill o' natfa nte. Addreaw O. It. ., rare raid. J, MMatt f MA I 111 I or nroapnilve Foil LK Second-han- d aale In .lukr I i,: llbi ll li.o. I.i i n Irivln kM open thoar i.tlaldrrlim ri.lrrllltt Ta iniiiira y Ihr nn- now roreived In ooi The K Her- Room and I, Bnraett Rld(. treat i a k llruuklya. Ihr miiy rnl ihhiiihI Ihul .lnir. belaa WAVTET) Female Kelp londltlon. tmina Hana lit aaaajaat aakte irrnted in line - Hue awarta in- 'i- nambera ihnt it la atanply ald. 0'Rlallya Dru Btora. H a rniirr "r atft Mh Knnana I'lty, April I. Itf lb" id i luaaift lint v (Appointment mad by malt.) I. n laal to the limb almidurd diapluvnl in ..f pioprrly sti.II W'oiniin for lural v I, blKbrr Itlllk. I 7 f If Joe, who "i bud Miiaon I" ,. FOIt SALE Blrajfk Pttoaay lil. of two Inidlim '" auiii". before thr firat inn. llarwork. A Bfal) II. r- - cftBldat llnrley I Bm r, In . v. .7 s US; PIUM. i vriii. rot Ufa to I. nn ii mlm arli. lion ihr u' - hi. i.i.-- '.in I - a ill fct only a few dnv Ikit idaon inolori yi le. Appl- ller-ut- .l ii bnal Uval) IMH ' n ii aaaMtl It nbl Ihr Hub for lllia an liutry job drplirtlllenl. Engineers. ', . I - tertUuy) of the now until thr najtjaa apfiaal I'honr lXJ. I'allle Raeaipta, ataady. m i iiiK a world a Herb ru b off rtl- Thr ' l,0; i i aHvetad lain iw.. 4aajMata lor the nil with your uommutlona. that t'i'i llrrly In Ita mldat. IM' Found. MALI-- I . I'tlmr fad atrrm. S.1SS.SS; of aauatMJkM th aaatl- - ii:i', hnva all of tin nilv iiilal" to I'o ii nl ornai WILLIAM U KTAUCV i i I'll puipoar in ralvra. ;. dill" where rriitinv eeti n 1H aad i oiiHiiiioig Kngln I. n follow ii iiv nn ''.il BtaiL Thr Takl kry. BJM reat i I nn. In thr Null.. mil ihr Ulanta ami tlon. t - Fol'NIl Owmi t. mi ii I th'- lint , . ml. Ilamimiiul Mllt Morreylna; Won Ing a I l kteraaUlla i Hi" piibliiiilion nl Ural a. l I. .. . or. trel -- aaao-M- ilatrb No. All of Ion l.l nlllntf ..I ..lit. . Urayaa ata auid by thr aark) - Bfeaaa lln ltd l.iinn hmbrr 111 LA Nil I n M. Will Ii" ainieil art II Ollta in u.i.uo- pnylna nd. ATTflRNBT. III 111, yriirllnaa, of aaalval tint Ui ba thr Iftlra lunty, for I'o It MALL About inn ItelKlan i.iuiib. ii Iv'i MHll All ""1 ,.t pin.iiriiiion Wnnh !" n Wbillng iUckl. Inddrra MM Ikt KJirilon. trrritoiv hurra, old and young, ut 714 aldlOSte fall yxriie-J-kXn- ri l l.,i lion. i in-ti- ak. "only ii ailraate," oberve Frunk f Architects. Drarror I.i 1ST BUBjOR ktoaka, "win pro'iin r i i iiu of kria. Liberal April . KtMNrfpfa, Poultry Eggs ieiier, t'attle wll be piild of-n-- and n. Meaty, awata, atrriiBili in thr other liuka." tor return to Kuartx NURiua i.i"" ibrf M.lta of Frunk A. MukkaU, l North ...'". row and hrlfrra, I5.uuwt.4n; Ykat'i a ami atata ol uffmra for k tol NU'M Mlruln Rlimle fomb Whilo other rluba, briiiuae HtnlllUKa Third alroet. In Practical and Op ta Ita i h, I Vim llrorar VOTES lihorna. Ileal the weal. KflSa nil;.. lore up tin agalpa kaM ' 20,000 It".. in I. fjyrlf Thrttlcr Moan Racalata, cum. alaady. Top, iiiiiuilr LORT Hull up. I old, for batck Ing, day old ekteka, riiatom utter ileum II onrr. month but. l.s:.; bulk, l.t:.4l t.75, Ill ii lt fills it lt oil. ir With no nn mi'. Itewnrd for hint. It. J. ltndry, phona GI4. Itnelpl. nolle Mu Bl lo i)l K.iat tkaal III .... I . our uiirly mill rtatdve trtiirii uvenue. 'endy. In .ni i vbil,in, hi (unir with Willi Personals. Attorneys. v lln Vurk pouaded Jai'k fmiinlia jii.immi KtTKA i l s on Hlahianda, kT.i,i b ,ii o r I lout Now thr lot ui laytoiin. ami "haln. wnti'h hau monnarnm. JOHN r. t.yi. nrk Maaai 1. an coupon aa Hilt fAltl'l.T cleuntna. furniture I h mldiiion mi ihr ilnr buUotr. oniv one ol win II V H. nit ,, r v. i. Mer i, p Itrwurd If rrturned to 14 and atuve n luiir urn. W. A. Uoff, Y..rk. AaH "III lirun Ii hua tka! intiMt be S 17-I- I lb In Rirkr) tanoutvead i. rpti d for nut n. anAld '". And thr a.iba. rl.i mn for Kdlth. phonu Itarnrtl tlbiiiurrna par, '4 Mr aaal. i" W.ilab. a Ht LoUi Illla itU. yoiiliyatrr. K KNINt! Hill Hlltrr, lttc-M- i won n Byawaa, not Bat than ORM yt i i.. Tin lli:it.M.Ii. plu n ihr i Foil B xl .in .I.. Hum. .Ii itiriTiti to miiv or ano.l Job of painting cull thr Typewriters. rnll- - is t uns i m Union Fainter, I'hoiuaj and loirrniurnt, Maatyi poor unit t; Thr kid: rlllbaif t'orr Vol ia ".J. il .nl boliila, lie hereby Hiven that thn ALL K I N DM, both new and aacond-han- d, i;u J t par Iambi deacrlbiil belnw, embrui lonna. linn. duya. imht nnd talarataty lua 'In bought, eold. rented aad re- u taaeekiai rat ' w ii Inn ihr Munaunii Nall.uiul eil; data. 3i aal rent: kuaaajrotM ilnima. ..lira aye full on AaMtttt FOR RENT Rooms. paired. Albaquerque Typewriter atontka, .1 tier aat, Foreal, New Mexico, will be auhiert Phon 17t. L thin akakaueaM by Qaataai Rraaraa. HI VT- - Nice Ill 8a. Ind money, Ktrndv : Vj per io aattlaataajt, aad entry under ih Foil large loom with full blah. iirietlmr . b.i mpioii. on thr condition Candidate 4ilj low. .' per J pm iaiuna of ihr luwa of bourd. Weat Muriuette. wni. .rut; ruling ratr, of Jin-- Jobnaon a frw dnya be fori la--r ' the I'niled State and IRa aal of Juno rnl. thr rmht Ilia aiuaakB or. kjajNeatMMl r) ITKANORRJJ Nlie. auniiy. A. I. in II. I not ()4Siat. Hit, a', the I'nllnl ban lo ii point Mini. I hey will reale! nnv warm room i luae to reaa- - C. T. Ml u tea bind oflb at Munt.i I ". New drpot, FRENCH spin foltoii. to I, I, FTTXBRAL b..w tin ...It Ilia BM thr attak ... on May IS, Any ..nable. Vlrt'inlu hotel. IKIIHTtlH Nat Vork, April v BaH eaMAn, ,,f iit nuin'a In world ll.V aettlrr atroimrat Ihr it bo una a'tuallt and In n,, ,il fullh KMHALMKR. quirt . imMUHIa upland. tH.MI. No ami t., raatM even F. Ml ItLNT Ural fninllird n.ome Lady aktt tka trrrlfi" kkkajaaa any of Mild Aaatetaal. .1 lea. pa tt RaR played m lumu for In oity. fall und are. Virginia ratio ol ilurd." Paldnl Laniiln at thr Itnl Tb" Cincinnati Root purpuaea prior m I, Fifth and tvi tral. January Hotel. Pnone Day la dubioiia nl, i, ii Vaaa) flraRR. II" sbr.trpoit the other dny. and rluht .uui Ii ia ii, ; ui" iii. loiiad aume. aad Nkjn, ooM-In- a "ii. ml niin, mn nm Hn i anya thr formrr flevi l.nnl under thr ir baa u lui'ii-i- ii " rmht to make u Fi HI 1 L N'T Kuirlahrd front mom .ia ih" advert laamanl of a kaft ati ,i.t for .n tuul- for b oka k I nn ni ta auod, but Rt inn. tbr binda Voiinx mini rmplotrd. No alck tt.iti man. He adtfaftttad loeki , ". IBead Bald Hated t,. pjaad lf binda were fall Itt North Kdlth alrret. or phone ii.iii hope Mvuntly tor it in ii rooata and ufet bo Ha of all Upon application Ihe prraona i ii - ihr of Expert Hair yam toy him klml- . I Work. nn nn. .n. a low, who huvo a prefer- - ' Combing aiibjert made Into aw If ken, lire imhl to the prior rlaht FOR RENT tranformttona, puRa, curia, of uny a nib aettler, provided au h eto.; dyed. HE.VT Two-- awltchae aattltr or appReaal la iiuullllnd to Fort i '.m huiiac, n" "ly MRS. M. i w "'ii i, PKDBN n inuke homeatrud entry and the pref-"- ii furnlahed' Imt piir.h. J!l Weat Martneilo Himp. State National t i . k lit ri'laed prior to May Iranlte avenue. Phona 111. lit 6. Ilk at IS, ISI.'i, "ii which dale ihr land wl the I fOB Press trier be aubjri to artllrment mid antyy by IIKNT modern any peraon. furniaheil; aleeplng porch. ipinlifled The IuiuIh are . I J. K. ana the nnp ua follow a Tbr N W, N i I, N B . Eldei .'n'i Weal Chicago Mill tt C lb. -- I.i, v NKV. the U Hold. IiBhar Bank MW Mn . T. 10 . NK'i, N ft, K.. F"i:l!FVT m...lerrilirl k. Oeneral open N. M. IV M :m h rea. appllntttnn of "loae In; two porrhea erreeaed; Planing Mill N.iillr., Tip r ia Nrw Men- - fonrib w ml. J. i: Elder, .'II W. loo; l.iai tt. The K'k MKW MK'n. Hold. 8rd and Marquette Phoat 8 Bad. Hi Ihr MW MWt4. Mer. 24; the " tV',. thr NH aW'ai SW, T I N It. K., ISt in rea. nut n aui Iepunnnint n, tio. .ipplb .ill. in ol Kird f. Apodniii. .iiii mi of ratcrlor. United DTTKE CITTf CLEANERS Wrat froniW'dl Avenue, Alliiiiiiirniiir, Mtatee Ard firtlce it Ma ii I ii Fe, New New Mono. I., at : una. Thr MW kfenlro, March litj. Wo bant, na'g I l. dean NV, thr BR BWt4 NWHi Notl.e hereby tit van that llnmon WIK lollllog, Mn 3,--i. ortexu. of AlkaajOerque, V. who. thr W'j. SW'4, T. in N., II M. tlrapnrire, etc. .'- Mr ;.dd. 1"' in ri a, .ipplb ullon of on Manh Ind. 1H., made Home PlHltl 4it. DeTuxe, lrrrra, Ti)erua, Nrw Mr, atead Application Nn. vll7ki, tor Conveniently HF-- Located Ring Books bo; Lll il UH4 Thr eiKt MKt Wt t and Ktt RW',, aecilon IS, ' Promptness Oar Mottc NW R . T, II N . It. ( K., It townahip N. ranxe 4E. N. M. V. The Book bataa-nn- Absolute Security With the Oval Rings arrea, npplioatlnn or famllo Hlbeta, meridian, baa tiled notice of i Tljerua. il onword march of prorcat Nrw Mexico; l.iat The to make lit. y. ir proof, tu tt al ,, K I., V. ' THE abetter ring book -- a of ', l, ', Ml thr MW lalm lo the Vr.J above FM 77.WK 7 fV K Ui 1f. u'r't'f s , MVS' Efficient mfini'ini'iit, CDiivriiii noc and durability NW hi Ihe NW'j NKH 14. i.rfnrii flrorar u. fralx. Service I , f hi Wt, SVV, XK', SWi,. II'. 8. i iiinuilaiiloiirr). at Alhuipter-BJBa- ont? wlniM! turrit ymi will nun ly apprvciali-i- . thr K MW-,- V you it Ynu I VWVi thr Wit NKfcj M . on May 3, I ttaj nml make comparkKMia. N I tit. Si HWVi, Ihe KVk NF. NWVj fjRtlmanl uumea ua Pedrp gg khuuiil know tlio Of Luxe Kmc hoaN. It will wllneaaea. uivf vou batter lervloa. It cnala no more than Vf. Her. S, T. 10 V H. I F... 4t II. Tartaalm, Muniiel Rrdlllo, Jai uuo aat uppiloatlon "I Ml, s thi' tilil si t lcrinn Inaik without ihuau nplt-ipli- Manuel flare Apodii n, Alfredo Apudaca, ull of tin rffei'l in, it Frl Tlh TlJ" Nrw Mi . llli.l teiiturt'i: Xli o. Jul J.JJ.-.1- N. M. VI i M .1 h I S. . J4. v. M. Ilrurr, A.alat-i- FHANCIBCU MBteTIAtKl, No. Dally. Ar. .mm laaloller lp. Oval Wire Rings of Ihu lirneral Itea later. 1 Cullfurniu Kxprea. 1.30p v ..ip or flat wire rliiata. I i if II. . "Evealns ILrnld," A Inuipirr.iue. I California Lianlked. 1 Ita hnnpii v ,' Arrh Dlnnti I N. M. Fuel Fxpreaa I ISA cap. Ity . 4ii. i i m t'lM'it Hitii i than rircular tihiU-(- mik'- - notii on rt n mow. III '.tp j uea m li i" irtmatM oi the imenui, i r Nf f I'M I. I .ill rt III It X I ION. i Iki Luxe (Thura.i I I ata l una Live Wire Spring ind CMBua at Muma K, Nrw Soullr i irujiil M xi. o. Mar. I, J. URIted Minlen !nd unV. Mania Fo, 11 M. El IMan Rxpreaa... lu Notice li kerc'.iy Klvrr. Joaeplt Mix March , IVU. It We Would Welcome Your that Matte Ml I'aao Kxprea. . r,U N ilaaresy, of Alfctaauerqua, N. m a hereto "ii that f lurk til Automatic Ring Opener m. I n- -i Daily. nc3 yuu will tlmm1 whtu tu havi- mpiml tt It h ttln. "ii Munh 'Jill. I'JIIX, made lloinr. Cat ly ul Kernullllo, of New III. 1 Atlantic ICapreM... Sr Banking aii i.i i.i rv No. titlT-im- tl for aiate Maxlcn.ha nils Business ,' I 2 I ' Una Eaairrn Exprr p i il"n 34, Townahip l N ed in olflre hla applicnllon In ante' 4p i Callfiirni t : nup Sheets on Weston's Defiance Itanae :i K M. M I'. Meridian, haa under prnvlalona of Bl4lBa i!30t-- Limited 4p x E. w fin, ,g.. Kv I: 7 hied notli'i if Intention In make Bv of the Heviaed hilu' Utrr of Ihe I'niled f lip op Bond Vi' "r it .'ill Sli De i Wed iv year prooi to to Mlnte the nnrthweat uiiarter of Ihe Luxe i... I.uep t.ltB innu r Ihitn otht r riittf bouk fcb nnthvr aatc- - eataldiHh claim the I land above deacrlhad, before (JaorR outhoant guurter of Baoltea eliht. i "in south K. at i: l ulu, r m. "nmajitealuu!. ai Al To tu Ii ji ninn n.itb. Itaiife three II f. fk lease.. TitSR PUilll . Pockets Into Binder liuipieripie, rw Mexico, on Ihe ITth eat. 'rw MaRfao aieyldtaB. Ml E. f. liittlp the fliiil.iin standard ileanor for lot la nnd CnvtP mul"" will ,,,.1 ii duy or April, mil. Any ami all peraoua rlulmlnx f wkith are nmdu .. .ui il. lv and dm .1 to h cuvrr. Lii iiuuit nn un a aa wllnraeea: Mra. ihe land d.a. rlbed. or dealrins Roewell leave ua No. Itt, connect at r ckar-ante- Helen with leatmg The auad lor uui i 'umpivtc Caultaf. tt'anae. Hoar ii. II. ml. Albuiiueniuu, Nrw to obteft i.riauee of the mltioral r irala N. II, Helen Bank of Personal Service 1 : p. Mexleoi Annie Nelalar, of Albmpirr- - of the land tir for any other at 9i oi. THE H ERALD JOB DEPARTMENT. No. 7 one roecr. only; ua Ev'ENINO j ii . Nrw Mexico; oUia iliaarUiin. Bf reaaon, lo It dlapoaal to appllrunt carrle ale per. Phone 924 Albu.uriiin., Nrw Mixlio. Kdward hould file urtldavit of proteet on or Join Nuaie, ( Albuuueraue, New bofor.. April II, 111. No. HI will have Rtandard ateepejf Mi FHANflMCf) DBlIADO, from Hoawell from No. 3 1 at FHANCIHV.'O IiKLH Alio, Helen. Hectater. BaMiB Herald, Albuiiuuriiu,llltr.N. at- - i'. J. J0UN8VN. 4giU. SIX THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. THURSDAY. APRIT 8. 1915.

ASK "YOUR GROCER FOR Milk. SPRINGER THE ARRIVAL OF KITTY Green Chili Carnation L. B. P. a r) way IW la Ua BE PRODUCED THE BEST THAT CAN TRANSFER Charming Farce Comedy in Three Acts Oann CtilU poekad, I Are As Cheap I inhT ii- -l. is. ..I the hehdlnti letv ! ilw t'ongritta-Ihma- l Our Prices tlitiri-- As Our Service Is Good HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ANNA PAVLOWA 10 FRIDAY. APRIL 9 ADMISSION 25c Crescent Hardware Co. IE SEEN HERE STOVES AND RANGES EXPOSITION PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS MAY FOURTH AGENTS FOR SPECIAL? CRYSTAL Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pumps. THEATRE 318 West Central Avenne. Phone 315. Famous Russian Dancer and Company of Eighty to Break Stop Journey to Coast With If you fail I let your evening Last Time Today Eal MATTHEWS VrfiW in Albuquerque. ROADSMEN PLAN A POSTAL BLBURAPB I saw COHPA! I'll' INK t(. ! "Jack, never Anna I'avlnwa. admittedly the ICE CREAM you look better" areateat 'of all Ituaalan dancer, and Phone 420 probably premier ballerina .if tne I SOCIABILITY at In bt eeen In Never mind what he amid. world this llife. h w!nur'r:d.M:.5 TIIK W i:TIIKH. SALAMBO' t h. kind enouzh know that he L zznfitT Ft i UK 'AHT and O i lea PfaaM Tha rl food It's to Arrangement Ihe preaentntlon O Toulahl AUTO for O Sl 1. Ms fair: sot much O RUN dell v. riil to hi, part of the Pity, bought hi clothes here and here of Ihe IHiv Iowa atltartion ?te ldl item night chance In tamjierat lire, local inn i ike. anv i oli ir or deUn that they jn.mpleted iat in ea.t portion. to he a finding aa " fro SIX in no our older. llw attained A PART MASTERPIECE .. darner la mid ! Mmc. I'avlowu, a mi I. iitn bcoTWi a ianlar thinner a AUttrQi mnon ftm th isn.a Want to Arouse in acrved from II '0 a. m. to p. m.. x from the novel FlauLvi t. Interest i ' a BM M houra coded at a'clnch Ol by Gustave 15 Th Bttce of aureeag la very high. i cenia. a ihin mo niiiK a Work of Local Association Stylplu7 aume pay itli hard work; other GRIMSHAWS with health. Hul nil muet pay with As spectacular as "Cabiria." by Trip Over New Road to fomenting. I paid with a mother' "Vimi'H Ileal ll at l.ilin-lii- u More and the loving care and BBynB' Isleta to Show Progress. h only .mn in a u i o'clock a lion lin mother give O MATINEES AT UNO I a Southwell wlad 2 3:30 A Young come here for them 'U happy home. Added to hut price sarlakWM) run to taiaas, wnhm rrn were jrear r hard work and ' "O few Sais. at Saa MSasj plan at the price is low, but -- not because the atant effort whuh continue een I" AOMIS ION 10 CENTS CHILDREN 5 CENTS i ill annatsra fat Hrrina up enlhu. EPSOM SALTS beciue the styling Is so distinc- thl day. For me, there never ''o, in Ihe alllioHl ilollna il Mood , I euci-eaa- road lo'iil. The Idea ol Ihe run. tive and fine. any ryal to hut. WaW-V-larla.1 i ' i though the Journey haa be-- one of NIGHTS AT 7:30 AND 9 win wi ii, ba maaV until ihe sat are also full of style. roaaSSStog a Fabrics j many trlula and hurdehrpa. It haa ABOUT PEOPLE arade ha. beea "H the 8 Two lb. Sacks for 00 Wear is guaranteed. I lieen one with much happlm- and ADMISSION, AOULTS 15 CTS. CHILDREN 10 C. to the India a town, i m sjat ssaaas I' you 'many Jo. which roan with I He mi. reied in the road nam. taiion STYLEPLUS demands that knowledge of achievement. YOV KNOW thnoiah ali'ialna wliai sari of Mag Best Thing for Bath pay a low price and that you When I wa a child of Utile more work tieln done in ihe i oiini)'. dress as a gentleman should. than eight year. I waa llvlna with The road liooalei ludlexe ihe my moih.r u iv ..... r wid'-- in hirne ii.oi i iiKiiiiau to do rta ,, . Bit snaVcfJon I'eteraburg. a, we railed Huaaia' The eaon i How n '"i I'. Ii IK lilnhw ay d elupinent alurted WILLIAMS DRUG CO. i i ni'ital then Although w warn total old foot laor. i n ihil ihey 10 mlv and waul ; , o . i Tit ; I Henry haul I'hon S JUDGE GRAtE Will HOME FOR POOR IS .li"W the laaarai puhli,- what tan aa i'udnh:., the pa ker. waa a n oiiiilh"d ... ini..llent era John Ion Ihe Simon ' pnaai the c:;thoiial da hS with it'itliortle" Stern na'T in . . . .'lated fully many .f the at-l.- d TliM.a h i,.,..ri iinil I.i ai.n art. i train laat ntaht. He waa ill and She wanted me in ni"w up well cdu-eule- d VOICE I BY the i i.a.lionan I.i ,.e.k BENNETT & McQUKRRY Incorporated ly a nurae. WELCOME ESTABLISHED . und cultured, and ih" deprived in. i, atas not miiIi ii ,1 ii In l:N.i l1mlM'r anil aldn.'t Maker-- Mm II H '..niter a I 2JL i.i in.' n . ii. ,i i.i.i Mr und I thi. mall, in ni t Iroa ,ni. Two' Btyartaaai la tka nf herelf i aaatia I .'i.. i, .ii.i.ii .ii are in the eltj lor i, I'lrnitiir thai mtgnt hnvu whut he lel ed all .Junk Ihe North Fourth Mrce! rrm-kar- vtSK. Mr. r. port the We alio park furnit'ir aaa tnr ki I. lie my natural due. h..ri I'oultar ii. I 'tolll Ihe .11 v IttuitH I., Ala- la. i... saas roaa 'n a I hape TO CIRCLE CIVIC LEAGUE at nn Hkort natire. eurk r.iiriiteil 'At the lmHriul ..era h"Ue "Taw man liaVH K tood tend, to d"nat No. BUaaSaBS IWtlllty,' a wonderful laillet j Word from lie. ker. N. M.. ail id "f iree for plauilug nn Ar- - Phone 1886 lor children, whu being preaented I that the mlast ol farmer there are I, or da) I. Ill Ihe Kia"l r I a CM My niol he i ihlnkliiK In k'l" me a rejoicing over fine prnapwta '"r were ana I.. I . give him naauritnce Ktetit trat. took me one iiIiiti n (.ruin and wheal cropa F!:tn Fn Stiiu Convention ot IadiTents to At Housed and thai Ho in." Mould I"- plant. il prop- ufter-noo- u to are Hie per foi man.. That la Wo, 1. Uadk Es-ta)l- erly or Would he eared for arte, tin John a! Uoaaa 'ii Woman's Auxiliaiy to W. 0. Cared I ji at Institution i waa the of ., new life of ilo ii. A II., hine h,ir.d i:ieli were I nil, il I me. my - ; List '1 An effort - baMbj made In k. I for for Hun and there dam V iik day (rom In Brat ..nd third W. Riindlv Bsiptlg h: at Third Street raa4ae T i In wars agm i ns areer wan decided at lenat v 'lueadaya of e. h mouth to ihe of 01 anu DalevjAtcs. intereated in road I Whohaale and ReaaU 1 VISITING MEMBERS ray own mind. Hut : little km w I I h filers and Mountain Road. to adiled aavalop-oeii- u ant and third Friday ea mnnl". eoinc 1 0a. TO whin WWa snari rue tin- hiirdahip of lo a ydSnwa g, Albuquerque Lumbar t OF ODD FELLOWi i tili-- heart-.ieli- . W.tll ne .l.n f Mi ia - SS Norih Plrat Htraa and the work and tip Jl I'l l for i hoi. i ftu nalai ni pet ENTERTAIN LODGE ill.- it.'lf-d- . main and rlynra. Ml ,i .1 . LRAHAM BROTHERS I Had known It nil 'hen. I pro'.nil!. the K. of I'. hall. Viaitlng ; ct-t- rosnsaa, nni I OU.' K tain would have hoituted. even SELL BUSINESS WILL . t . a The Pythian natloa'a I immlttei home Irif ilrcaiU in a iri. ENGAGE IN OTHER LINES Commen dub ,Thi'd i r- and Moawtaai load lul will me:t at ihe t" ' i rem In. In anna t ionlder'le '. la i a'1- - ithutikfiil thit I'rovldr link, ili. laMtttutl 'i what tin Kornnl noil e alien 'he W i.iKue ,! It i r in d- mother and me to the .1. one lartbtlng cofayaaa al Ihe ajvanMcJ J - that n ' Hera d loday of the sal nf Hie lim-- re- "h dl afften n haya by I Ha .,rdr At the arogani tlrm tfcar sn IMM ham Hrot hers' saloaa on Ceatral ana W. Joiik - . I - C hollo. Heh n. ha- ..'it I mnll hooaea the lour l"i im ludeil MrTII I m "n aaa to i. Bsaana itn par or' hard in Aa.. caltyna j . j In the Baali of tin- a SSR way. I X' la pf propein i h i r ihe propertl ha nig taken 'Ha a Drat an.'' (Ha tlie herehj gi.en lhat tha i n ' ,f Ii the ri' in ci awn la , ha It II pli nn. d la . I Wrack llelow,' have d.apoaed ol our three Mama ha i go .... Tuaaaay, Ai r lib. War the y will not fall . III HtatHwtloaj ai orchard anlarfl aractlaa Ike ii iii n ti l in wii" 1 1 ' H In fiinham Brother.' auloon I" cell and aata Onli "' f ihoruugh oltrratln ami ' """"eti. SrsSi lin baa Xanona a Co. Wa wlllcollacl ii umo'iiai baaa in the tiiuaaya Brotaars 1.1 At llie preaent I fme Ihert i'. lived rh "HI act aa I ' tmar aid na ai artTiaats of Orabaat ,i, :,.,i it hu. mainbar ami 1'attora "ill Brother, aanona a Co. will haw. i i mn ii ih reinf colony, Uirea pay iflean i a. ii mailing the evening n charge of above named saatnaaa from DR. HOUSE LECTURES an e la a men and men. ii stannaa ha inu bean a 111111011 ki'-- ' n t h i Ai . il th. ON SPIRITUAL VS Nhlle Mi. Iduh main aaft 'erlniai ii Fail wa are oi dl il1 l - IKK II UllAHAM raW ' in i n i.. Ibi a. ntid to hny all polni la i Ml l Thi i have WARRRN UIIAilAM. MENTAL HEALING pn III. III I Will ' tor i chairman f the MS lllll In la k ol in .barge. SPORT COATS i npp'v illi - ' iad ,d will uml in to Albuquerque i niaht loan! Dr. Tie v ., Iim ':i I - ..uxli- avato lie vvllh. yavay an on a al Mplnliial kg. Men tat ihe w. ' ki ite M- M laSaa itrvg phi u Hi:. l" ,. n, .1 - almg. .m a Im Id ' I' ' i . I Ol I I M I I nld n mm nil alTiiii 1 ' i dull) I uper The new to be worn lal lli and nitoai are now all lie ihe league The tno Aibu i. ipia thine I,. r , w q Mil i i ;i: made of the tw ' m r ci Ml- and i'iipood to In da a atanquai rani wsu'i are glad to Savoy Albunnarnue with white tijussrs. Tli. . im no.uaii skeletou ' lie in I I In- it ih, ..mi vhtii hMara o. ln. lodgaa a) paliilahtng Menial III mergell I i.mati hou an bcllar 01 more atti-a-tlv- n it 'Ii hi ehaa aad .llll i.i lined, soft colorings, verv nwell he iikitnl l il I: isg a to nt hi not 111 noiK-a- of SarvleM and1 meeting free ..'itir onaclotia I and. mi Htioageel are I... I' iaa broad. uk' and tda than ne ike. or th s .... raae work A hcipad h ol . ha rue N.,ii.,i .,( arttertainmenta, 510.00 th coat. Office Coats. saaaaateaa Suaat n all: and lajtfanee, who a dl and we. aaoa hai you im aay , a sih .Hpirii ' , ay o raatam m ih lertuie, ra Itala, Ua-r- teaa, at. ., matoiial. $6.00. Ask to aal in ii ill. Tin an in on ih land " n ut ihe home h glvi mora gntlafarlloa lo Hie saii.e mind. ubi-i- ., by H whe h are for he purpnae ol iln siniii I'll ii i in- There la .1 leaei xpuca ol '" eniet Vi maaa aympilaali di I i(o a in- - in- n i i makinit money,, II i" ile aown. iri in aalui so iei thai in h iililvatad The COX RECOVERS AND ll loua .1 id old and ynlMlg aJ K, en ag, ... fej Mm charged for at adiertling E. L. WASHBURN CO marleai ta i Ihe sjroand an to in ireil, and 'lp jov 11. it v.iii pa. yon in a yaay . with, Wi mn'--' Im SAYS RE FUD NOT ratoa. Whre an a.linlliin l ' harged alt ami allele na of the property ip in bread md panto mt ni ol yaaS . o o t I i I . men- I idjnt oi. iii Is sirs, i IgSd 11 .111-11- A He IIM I ot i oiU'Ction luken, wl'etner I l!ll Oi II K u irdl a made ai and attyaril Tin WANT TO SHUFFLE lug v.. am Live . ay l I i (III that tlol i i di - ,1 I 11 tion ot ihe fan I maaa in the notice We wiah to aapresa our itnerel'1 ei. ti.i aai ami hon .ml Ihe p.oprrtv of Ra in. realr not a faatttt . aaath i r In ihe paper or aot the to oar man I'll. if. for ill. n ra Al mad. e asgoi 'ai Ion. W luhiihed 'ink i a gall I VI garalhiwad s at )H ray not a and gaBat ln-.- i I Wo a III. yaiTn ' hame ihe noinea. .it d' aaa lyaiara u during our and 111 pa of raa, ihe are ae I'm low iva ail homelaaa inari pan iai night hi i.r phoiil ig no in. nilng to the Kinii.keii fuel, i... e I, inn tan ol till' ,til aid meat He- pro land I II batrovetnaal nlo - w!l la .out lo home Im rrl) led It 11 PIONEER BAKERY i . Of av ih sot i l H I. at in nni Saiii nil Iran leva ihe ' Ihetii. dge ii 17" Herman .di. ,ii' at in I'nnad aim do. nms ' wil d g 11. ih no .1 , K reby ' . l facta oi in. tialg. flrt-lo- I H W ih. thai .ner at i i a. iiudmen THK M'lKMIKtl J'" i;n.i.. Woodmen r tag 't 'a nil tg pai nv ph nn g in hul l here aaa ' sBaUi a ta fini e I : 207 fkiiiOi Fust Street IlllKAI.I) V.i. lag ra ii i a Ifcnm lo a . 11 g Till' proud 1. nn. 1011 v it Ii 01 11I i:KINil "lull ,r or d pond' ni tit attempt ai MUM III NltV I. '.Kite' rengti' at - ' meia-h- a unions ihe Indlgenl ihe Paa ..rk- in haki-r- and had ai itaaii nt are ' .1 llele lOll . d SMB r. in 'm.-e- nl I 111 m .1 of more . usioti, a "I ROSE BUSHES 2 year-ol- I'wil.v e mi i.e ma aaaa I Bhara he nil lo buy pin Am iik the giand iifttoeia and f'-- ' ih thing, raill. ular need I tail pai a. weii a a saw aal of WATKII TAX IH' AVIi I'AV. j i. ... hi pr. - ni w M be ganea. ii.n plants. $2.50 per dozen. ri ni off gariaeat ami im ai in .n IHiwdel I, tin lie pn' Hrand guardian, Carol! it' Metri hod Greenhouses. in ii im in me need aaw for a ihe party gear ii in In- pm kei in mi" Albuquerque il .1 it- In labia, inaBr agMI, ' It l a ot.dl, I"',. n and like lor Ho medielaa, he in'1 nn.- finally In leal aa III' Il I ' "fl 'he nit rearklns h aava an laak . a ilrvgooilN bri ami ., lagurt iii. nnt alill i ii ai; off I Hi. dark uaday the 1 h i ' h . CLEAN UPTIME IS HERE rand itiki U'y Kill. ' 111 II gOnSt gas a little 11 III.-- Aa men .,li' e !.. I Mb hil'l noti thai Ihe lo mil aaa " I i "ih ' aai MM laMHSy ma, ii. hna foi a chali ...on in reallged ln yalaUyaa he ii ym 11 I I I Ni I . ili. y am II you .nv ol I hi HiiIIKh mat4 Im lolp The "gnleld note live . ;i md'. itn mi BHaaliaia I. have .nihil I., l gp ufUdti as .v wag a pi foolish. man, Aliom n tinned .ii ihe iui e"i f I. 11 W. .11 oi th.- ' harll) rasas. Heat il lliag . Annul i !' Ill din lui ih pa nn ni al he , il I hall and he A llol pli'l 'l WALL PAPER We . 1 have received the 1 in 11. lIM-l- a ill arad loi hem, Hi phom hum ni in im lavas liriiml In ne i K. i'. TuT' - hi ami I III office are . in Mm ihe Foi 'i in r fat 1 ntuioLt und Bykyaaaya Bpsa i . boon "i mi. Fl :. I a in I to p loi ii Haw Tin uastaat. yassjaaM Ileli IIP - I" lo II mid in ihe stre lie- III a day "i two Vli Wen Mill g" lo the S h We l, llii 1. 1. Al .'ii e liM. Sn i ii ig to i niiieapi.i 11 bualneag a "i i v glbiuiavarQua, roanacted 1,villi hp. vva'i 1' gg neeletlity of C. A. Hudson i, in vi .nn. AJbnajusiane field I'lnygroiind anannlallaO. I I Id i a. ion , inMIMaraaa he .ii.iiii It tUTRATOafj Mill Uml yryf' r j hul during hla iitaeanee lite olllee will N.-l- . Von . i ahad. la f aj4dddddda 9 9 W w w v g i nil-na- uantai Ihe din Hon al Bat I' t S(.M... m .lull.. I . bi a . k. avtiiu t n jn1 1 nag Lucky Penny I. ,, rtei li- Hope ncii'vf J M I i il. n el. Boawi 1 11 11. H it l . " i in Kappt hi nltun when iir.M Mi nit. talei. I pci iali-- i Villi III heed ol a II W pie. e o ale I 1 limbic Mannoen, Biyalt art for von home Lavulbia. Iriii all tMbi-i'- Warn MSBl : Ta BSS SIS mi llri store on Koat Central uv utiu 1. Ba t .1 V, it 1. jiii in toh iln- imvaa. It is a unique and ( 0UNTRY CLUB BEGINS Wnka.,ay attractive SEhfF.S OF FUNCTIONS NOTICE . SJgJ llinr. I'idiil-k- v. Ho- aaM known BSSByM leaiii r and dver, id souvenir of Albuquerque. Then it Ihe oun- VltgSna, Taaaa. I" mm vvllli tin' It will be on sale Saturday, Schlitz BOCK Bottled Beer a given 10 lhat Star Cleaning and Dyeing Works April lQih. The price is maara ol Hi. . inn ure Invited. We havt received a large Hhipnient and can till all ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRING oicleis. Family orders iriven pi umpt attrition. within the reach of I'le an IMM. III Uivi Silver Im I. HHsar i.l I LIST. list IT TO BILL'S SHOP soli, i IcoiM-- and pieM'd Sf.N0 ayyagagndi gssaaaal suit uml Sl.tHi up y Grocery Co. .1 7.1p Montezuma pn .. . - ...... The Best Garment Cleaners l'i.-lu- PHONE 1029 aa.' iiiieplive dri. eliaiiMal COPPER v THIRD. l auc Hatters I'iiiii and iie.l Im ami II nn b0 SIS Ho. Se.olld SI.