University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-19-1896 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-19-1896 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-19-1896." (1896). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. itmn VOLUME 7. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY DECEMBER 19, 1890. NUMBER 4 Uh nf a city. The way to proceed now la i mi? fie trail tietween KlUabethtown and the EARTHQUAKE SHOCK to It through newspaper advertlilng, maki appllratloti for the permit to the Montezuma camp, ou lied rher.heen are Die one wlio will do the hulk nf the holl-'ii- y county clerk, who will Issue the eame up Countered a huge wildcat. HI only EIIAL HANGINGS ! business. While we are on thl soli LOSS OF VOICE on the presentation of a receipt from the weapon waa a revolver, ;tvcalilr with j et or county treasurer for the amount of the advertising It may l said that Aftor England Stirred Up by g but one load lu It. With hardly a thought Acuto Bronchitis Violent ll)ior llceune.-Op- tle. lurClTlKN visits regularly almost ev. Contention Demands Amendment of the Interesting time a wounded wild He Appears Before Committee CUflED BT USI50 cry home lu Albuquerque and Legal Execntion cat a vicinity and Two Lynch Eartbqadke. XV might have with old kid, Wt. Illilil, to the Constitution, on .inn I read regularly by a great inujorllv 1 young ( arrlugtou took deliberate aim. unban Affairs. he following Associated Pre, illipatch of the people of New Mexico ami Arizona. iogs in the Sonth. Jt Lyff fired, and ucceetel In killing the iiiim- - I O Pectoral win ou iai iiigin: Vcrehant of Albuquerque who hale WahltlBtntl. Dec. 15. J. W Hehnl1..M Miner. President-Ele- ct McKlnley gisl adapted to Visits the I the holiday trade cannot of Albuquerque, N. M ha Urn appoint Warlike Attitude of the Senate Masked Robbers Hold up a Train In A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. City of ed hy III' KllH. Hint better mean of calling the Kansas Woman Chicago. the comptroller of the currency re Causes Decline Id Stocks, tlflil Tennessee. attention Shoots Her Husband I 01 i nf of cener me uiuu ."National bank at the people the two territories to the In "Three in t.ths ig 1 tin.k a vin. 110111 Aniiosl Metln r llif the Back. IT, I Old. l'in(rfllinm fact than through the lent rnhl w ., ', , I C adiertMng ro iii an attack I liiurli, Mil ' ., I Cuban Leaders confirm the newt TuiL'itikfv us i m r of in ute I.'. -- I Enllitlrtf Men it Dallas, Ouray by a The animal meeting of the Congrega- inn hi mis pn'r. rates are very .' llll If Miners Killed the ol North German LluyJ Sleamvblp t Save the puhllc a few iIiijm igo, ami which Company Ii'"b t Ho , d Texas, for eteii-luga- reilsonal'le i. '. ai a' tint Inturtreot Arm;. tional church was held ttediicilay t hauehtcr of the Governor low ,. ... .i wa vigorously ilenlel. Thl paper knew Ca(c. will riot AMnJon of j lllopci t I which Galveston. Ii M ,l i. ' i r. resirt were read from MJ-n- It wa on the right track, ami also knew all with ColoraJo 1 ' ' I departments of It work. The church Sf llnnlliiK Allr) 'iii I' '. .1 ,,.t t ai h. mm me antiotiuceiuent won hi be olll . i ' ha shown a Iheiiew howling alley mi north o i ' 1 . i CAUfOimM CAHDIDATX FOR CABIRIT. daily mnile hefore the eml of thin week healthy growth ami actum First ii. " .y (.lurry KANSAS MAR AtKESTXD TOR KCRDZB HIT AS GOING TO CHICAGO, -- 1 Charle Newlmll, clerk for all along the Hue. It showed a balance irect, which Mug constructed by Ja- .Vr.SehoMeld ou the right side DtAtH or rur.icii wniie llie latter wa receiver of the Alhu lu current expenses, cob KorlsT i n,, the work being under twin wniux. qerque and ha more than cut Its Interest hear Undnn, Dee. IT. Vet earthquake, the .National hank, staled thin morn the srtnial sti.erilon nf Fnsl. Her- liig that he expect Cincinnati, Dec. IS. The neclal order lug debt iu two till last Il.f.rc Washington, Dm. (Uney further iiewn from -, man, will he I most violent ever experienced In tdlt Mr. of the American Kiilcratloti of Labor wa mail) week the church hop.- to celebrate was hefnre the eliate iMIIItllltlis' on ready nr the Isiwler nil Pl'r Marllsroin.'h. hi n.-.- e is ' Scholleld today or ami for country, ha the followllig li by Ashe, of llo Its deliverance from this debt. elgu relation-- , Christum- - ele, when Is- - , lames IhiIil-.-- I shaken cr shore from that he thought Mr. Schollehl would as-su- today it considerable tltrkels will .s,th, cnoi... wa. toll llie following otllcer Were elected to llllie. All - thl- - morning, lie wa- - IMirtinm to Siirrc and from London to j charge of hit new duties at Denier the excelil ..n,itnr given as prizes. The alley will he the brought late iat delegate of the ensuing year nr.-e- I. I or "Unit we. the the Anierl serie lira ami Daniel weie iit. -- lllk'hl ruin illiuior... where he tool ii tln Welsh coast Tln dl- inhlc a week. Mr. .Newhall would the regulation i.e, sixty eight fu-- t lung subterranean Clerk. F. A. Ilurliugauie; tfca-ute- r. and "iiili.e-- l -- not Htute ly Can Ft deration of Lalmr, In colllelilloll meeting was held fo the less tmrtNi-.- inc.. in. arn-- l. Hefore hi- - de fi..mi whether he would K. e.. three turhance was noticed iilHiut Mr. C. HiNlgin, auilltor. Hiram llad-lei- ; of ili-i-sii- fwt six inches wide, and ll ilrt Join Mr Sclioileld In Denier or not, hut aielllbled, ilelliaud such amendment to colitlliollig the nf tl,.. im.1i utllt, partute Imm Hiltimnre he was nunicr-e- d I deacons. K. - l Hapii-- thin morning, and lasted i nun four to It I almost lite constitution of the lilted State ami Hopping, for three ei oil tin- lil'.lll Oil. .111111 to he tecum iii all details, arrlii-- l hi a t mini-le- i. certain that he will eoou K. A. lit-- , constitutions of the soicral states there .snider, for two lliellilnl hi e V Margaret (rowii. II U thirty second, At many olut two dis- take Up there. jear: lear. llie cnlllllllttee. f ret.ll frnin the east ItiM'eption rinns for 'ti'lltlLf Wlllllllll lilt Mrs. C. m. I I I ( of, a will deprhe the court of the pow Miller, iru'tes, u Mliey till- - present fur .mi'. I H". Willi her until Heal M...I tinct ahocka were experienced. nu iti.i.n congratulate Mr. Scho the iliri,. of Idles me being lltttsl up III gissl order, iiiu.r The most I'lllsburi mnl A. M. Wo.nI., n,,,.,. - - Held upon hi good fortune In securing er to et alile the law duly euactiil by fr og aduce ami placing helnre tin- Isitoiigh, wa- .oiitid dead iii her risnii Jnli wvcre aliocka were tit I.itl-bur- year; superintendent of eh'- -l, and Mr. Umber state that the hiisiin.,s Her felt I'lii'lti'ii. iiiioiuer nil jon. uie legally ciiiwen representatives ol in Sundai millet liifoiiii.tlioii n, I,.. I,,,, throat wa- - cut and there were ILK. Fuji; . will be ilr-- ; I hellion-eriiii- tnl Dean Forest. The earthshak-lu- g sople, aa we believe their prolaT ftllic assistant nsei lliti'liili'lit. II. llie meeting was trli tli nrtlati-- ll - carritst on in l class stit,. eildel another e sn. Ini M. LltllgOW. po-ioi- i - wa. accompanied hy a loud rushing i IIM u lions to to expound ami ailmlniMer Uiiderlisst that the adile K. Motfel lias hetUl selected as maliagel wa- directed toward a -- r n.iv ihk III. I.iuIIin' Aid ln- -t ttie law, hut not to make It. 'llie Nicleti at their Was lig.llli-- plei'llHtllle acll'iui. Ho- - laut nf th.. family, wholm.'. I n .lin- SOUttd. Ilullilillg -- l .Hid he Will lltl the rules an, I r. Were Ihllclllly link. II, regular Illi-s-- t I tl Lr elected ttie follow ..I -- n-., it r - Die dNcti'v.lon was participatisl lu b it.. eiilllllllltee. HL-- d to tep HI the ho itiiproM-- iiilimii-e- inwards the Illf liluMlilr nf III I'll.. lFiarllu-li- t nt; illation- - o furniture shifted, ihsir thrown open iiiii-- l oi I lie 1 u I r m llcer: Mrs. F. II. Allen, iin-lde- Mr.. irolern the place in a few gill Cililcs-t- sl and Mt-r- uie iieieguie. alllernll Iltlv'lllllllt It Nllllh the muriler. hut t Mini I In I nailers, re.i!to!t. nml lays. mill I lllelit of hllgelie . Deb laUir t'arei, nee president; Mrs. Miller, s.c.e. InllllWs denied the picture other ornament upet. lie I and other utter crime, alleging that nn lie tna-un'- r; . regular monthly meeting of the ami c iiiiniitt-.- ito-silw-- M-t- leader, lirosecuteil ou accnlllit of strike lari executlie d - proper relalimi had is Inhabitant were paiiic-trick"i- i l by the seimte and hnilsi- of PUASANI I'hTiMiYlbltlANS.
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