In the Name of Freedom: The Poetic Ludism of Milan Jesih U ime slobode: pesnički ludizam Milana Jesiha ❦ Darja Pavlič ▶
[email protected] SLAVICA TERGESTINA European Slavic Studies Journal ISSN 1592-0291 (print) & 2283-5482 (online) VOLUME 24 (2020/I), pp. 160–182 DOI 10.13137/2283-5482/30675 SLAVICA TERGESTINA 24 (2020/I) ▶ May ’68 in Yugoslavia This paper examines how the demand U radu se analizira pitanje kako for freedom was fulfilled in Milan je ostvaren imperativ za slobodom Jesih’s poetry from different pe- u različitim periodima pesničkog riods, paying particular attention stvaralaštva Milana Jesiha, s poseb- to the origin of the label ludism. In the nim naglaskom na genezu termina broader perception, language play ludizam. U širem smislu reči, jezička was central to Slovenian ludism, igra je ključna za slovenački ludizam, but it flourished without a clear link međutim, takvo polazište se razvilo to Derrida’s concept of the play of sig- bez jasnog oslanjanja na Deridin pojam nification or Heidegger’s idea of being igre označavanja ili Hajdegerovu as play. A comparison of Jesih’s poetry ideju o biću kao igri. Upoređivanjem collections Uran v urinu, gospodar! Jesihovih zbirki Uran v urinu, gospodar! (Uranus in the Urin, Master!), Soneti (Uran u urinu, gospodare!), Soneti (Sonnets) and Maršal (Marshal) shows i Maršal, postaje evidentno da sve tri that all three books open up space for knjige otvaraju prostor za karneva- carnivalisation, as they connect the lizaciju, s obzirom na to da povezuju high with the low, and the comical with visoko s niskim, smešno s ozbiljnim, the serious.