The Trolley Coach Development and State Of
s.·c.R.T.D. LIBRARY THE TROLLEY COACH DEVELOPMENT a STATE OF THE ART TASK I REPORT FOR THE ELECTRIC TROLLEY BUS FEASIBILITY STUDY DOT-UT- 80037 UMTA-IT-06-0193-79-1 OCTOBER 1979 I ;· I ,_,..i:_· __;,:··, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Urban Mass Transportation Administration Office of Policy, Budget and Program Development Washington D.C. 1·, D I S C L A I M E R The work described in this report has been sponsored by the U. S. Department of Transportation, Office of Policy, Budget and Program Development. The contents of the report, however, reflect the views of Chase, Rosen & Wallace, Inc. They are fully responsible for the facts, the accuracy of the data, and the conclusions expressed herein. The contents should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official views or policy of the Department of Transportation of the United States Government. Technical ~eport Oocumentotion Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Acc~ss i on No. 3 . Rec, p ient"s Coto l<> g No. UMTA-IT-06-0193-79-1 -4 . Title and Subtitle 5 . Report Date October 1979 The Trolley Coach Development and 6. Perform ing Organi zat,on Code State of the Art '""------------------1 1--------------------------------------! 8 . Performing Organ,zation Report No. 7 . Author1 s ) John D. Wilkins, Arthur Schwartz, Tom E. Parkinson 9. Performing Orgon i zo•,on Nome and Address 10 . Work Un it No. (TRAIS) Chase, Rosen & Wallace, Inc. IT-06-0193 901 North Washington Street 11. Contract or Grant No . Alexandria, Virginia 22314 DOT-UT-80037 13.
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