
Shu News Published by the Head Office of Nichiren Shu & NOPPA

No. 196 June 1, 2013 1 Buddhist Reverend in Vegas Weathers the Gamble of his Life are about to endure is so challenging that it could kill you.” He remembers the man who didn’t make it. “We could all see that he was not well,” Kanai recalled. “Finally, they took him away to a hospital.” The recruits learned of his demise when teachers “read a special prayer for the dead and they included his name” on the night he died. It made Kanai look for signs that his own strength and sanity were ebbing. “I told myself that I would rather come back and fight another day, that I was of no help to anyone if I was dead,” Priests and members in front of new storefront temple Newly dedicated altar inside Kannonji Temple he recalled. Temple leaders tested Kanai, the By John M. Glionna, Kanai, born in Salt Lake City and no,” Shokai Kanai recalled telling him. only American, to see whether they Los Angeles Times the son of a Buddhist bishop, emerged “Just like in the military, you must say: could anger him enough that he would Douglas Kanai takes on the brutal as the first American-born recruit to ‘Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.’” lash out — a lack of discipline they ‘100 days’ Nichiren of pain and complete the ruthless Nichiren ritual, The worst part of the ordeal, Douglas believe is present in most Americans. deprivation in to test his inner which dates back 700 years in Japan. Kanai says, were the long hours spent They hit and insulted him, but Kanai strength. On Sunday, during the opening of kneeling, his frame arched back to did not retaliate. LAS VEGAS — On a warm Sunday his new urban prayer space — known rest on his feet. Weak from lack of Over the days, Kanai came to accept afternoon, the Rev. Douglas Kanai as the Nichiren Buddhist Kannon sleep and sustenance, he chanted the the brutal rhythm of the regimen. But wore a serene expression as of Nevada — Kanai re-cre- Lotus and wondered whether sometimes he weakened. He saw others followers surrounded him outside his ated the water purification ceremony he would faint from the pain. As he steal away for catnaps, sneak nibbles new storefront temple, sandwiched for several dozen followers, sharing tried to position himself to relieve the of extra food as they cleaned in the between a used-car dealer and a tax his hard-earned spiritual energy and agony, his minders criticized him for temple kitchen. At first, he detested preparer’s office. demonstrating his difficult path. not chanting loudly enough. their weakness. Later, he found himself But his stories were far from peace- “Only he knows the torture he endured, “You had to find a way to ignore the following their lead. ful, and the scene he described was but it seems worse than any military pain,” Kanai recalls. “That was the “I asked myself, ‘Am I going to Dump- not desert Nevada but faraway boot camp,” said Kathie Quinn, who challenge.” ster-dive like the others? What does in the dead of winter. The gambling drove from Los Angeles for the cer- Rumors circulated about those who that say about me?’” mecca’s roaring city traffic muffled emony. “From what I understand, you couldn’t make it, who either asked He realized he had failures just like his soft-spoken tales of physical en- need that kind of trauma to see what their superiors for or slipped anyone else, he said. durance and a profound search for he saw — the good and the bad of away when no one was looking. Often, Kanai, who returned to Las Vegas inner willpower that would eventually his soul.” recruits would find their ranks dimin- last week, says he can’t wait to shave sustain him. Kanai’s Japanese-born father, Shokai ished with the new day. off his beard. On Sunday, he stood To prove he possessed the forti- Kanai, now 71, survived the same Then came word of the death. before his temple with the satisfied tude to lead his own Nichiren temple, 100-day test three times decades ago. “You have to take a physical before look of a man who has been on a long, Kanai had to endure a test known in He administers a temple across town. you go in,” Kanai says. “There are arduous ordeal, glad to have returned Japan as the “100 days.” From No- Although the younger Kanai was problems from stress. You know there in one piece. vember to February, the former Las ordained as a Buddhist reverend after is a possibility of death, that what you (LA Times, March 25, 2013) Vegas casino worker and other recruits college, he decided to pursue another endured 21-hour days eating only rice career. He worked in the import-ex- gruel, kneeling and chanting for hours. port trade, and years ago followed his Eventually, Kanai’s toes went numb parents to Las Vegas, where he took a and intolerable currents of pain shot job in the casino back offices. Eventu- up his legs. ally he earned an MBA at the Univer- “Each day started at 2:30 a.m. and sity of Nevada-Las Vegas. ended at 11:45 p.m. — there were But with his father then in his late 60s, literally two days packed into each Kanai realized the elder man’s loyal one,” he said. followers expected a transition to come At age 40, his hair is long, his face from within the Kanai family. To take bearded. He wears an off-white hemp over his own temple, the young holy woven robe and awkward wooden man knew he must face the 100 days. sandals. He paused, as if reliving the Before the son’s departure, the father moment, then added, “But before lights shared some advice: “You cannot say Ministers performing "suigyo" in the parking lot of Kannonji Temple out, you had to rebandage your feet and pray you had the will to go on.” Seven times a day, scores of re- cruits braved a water purification ritual. Standing naked in the freezing wind and snow, they poured cold water over their heads — officially to cleanse their souls, but realistically to weed out the weak. One man died during the training, Kanai said, and 10 others “escaped” the temple turned prison, which was set among the bucolic bonsai and cherry trees of suburban Tokyo. The Kanai Family: L-R. Edde and Amber Kanai, Bishop Shokai, Douglas, Members watching "suigyo" Randy and Mrs. Kumiko Kanai 2 No.196, June 1, 2013 Nichiren Shu News The and Nichiren Shonin in Kabuki (1)

By Rev. Kanji Tamura Until the Waka-shu Kabuki, the abated, allowing Edo Kabuki to enjoy or earlier. The other is Sewa-mono, a Associate Professor focus was placed on kabuki dances. a resurgence of popularity. work that describes the social condi- Faculty of After the Waka-shu Kabuki, however, The thirty years of the Bakumatsu tions of the dwellers of Edo. Rissho University while the element of dancing was Era before the fall of the Shogunate In addition, kabuki has a classifi- maintained, the stage script gained Government saw the development of cation called Sekai or “the world”. importance over the dancing. The many small theater houses. This is This refers to a very large category Introduction primary emphasis shifted to kyogen called the “Saruwaka-cho Period”. that subsumes a of varying Kabuki is one of the representative with subject matter from sources of From the Saruwaka-cho Period to the indices such as era, place, background, art forms of Japan. When we observe history and story-telling. This would Late Bakumatsu or Early Period, characters, folk stories and legends, a kabuki performance, we find ele- serve as the origin for our modern- Kawatake Mokuami (1816-1893) pro- or historical circumstances famil- ments of Buddhism scattered about, day Kabuki Kyogen. In addition, the duced more than 350 plays, leading iar to most everyone. Works such as such that it is possible to see forms of evolution of a uniquely kabuki stage the kabuki world. While kabuki did the “Soga-mono”, “Yoshitsune-mono” Buddhist culture naturally immersed construction would begin at this time, see a time of ebb and flow during the or “Hogan-mono”, “Taiheiki-mono”; in the everyday lives of commoners of departing from stage structures such Meiji Period, it was able to make ad- “Chushingura-mono” would be catego- the Edo Period. In the scripts of kabuki as the runway (hana-michi), elevatable justments to modernize. rized under the heading of Sekai, each plays, we find instances of specialized stage (seri), surrounding stage (mawari- The variations of kabuki kyogen can bearing their own unique parameters. terms and exchange of verses that are butai), and other features common to be categorized basically as follows: The audience would enjoy the plays in usually too difficult and demanding the Noh stage. Jun Kabuki or pure kabuki, meaning terms of how the scenes were uniquely for modern-day theater goers to grasp The Genroku Era (1688-1704) of the programs that were designed to be rendered given the standardized plot easily. It is also possible to discern the Edo Period would see the appearance kabuki kyogen from the beginning; sequence within each world. high level of Buddhist understanding of great performers such as Tojuro of Gidayu Kyogen, meaning programs In our modern day ( Period), by the playwrights as well as the com- Western Japan and Danjuro of Eastern that blossomed from ningyo jyoruri; while the stewards of kabuki have moners of the time. Japan. This represented the nascent Shin Kabuki, post-Meiji, programs in stubbornly maintained the tradition When I attend a stage performance beginnings of Edo Kabuki. First-gen- which theater was considered to be pro- of their craft, they have thrilled their and hear a script rich in Buddhist terms, eration Sakata Tojuro (1647-1709) of duced by independent writers, and Buyo audiences by venturing into untrod- I often think to myself, “Among those introduced the Wagoto Style Geki . However, this categorization is den genres and developing new works. in the audience (the actors included), characterized by its emphasis on fine- not conclusive. For example, there are Today, the total number of theater pro- could it be that only those who do re- ly-detailed nuances of feeling. On the elements of Noh and Kyogen within ductions is said to be about 400. search in Buddhism fully appreciate other hand, Edo’s first-generation Ichi- Buyo or dancing (Matsubame-mono), (to be continued) the deep meanings being conveyed?” kawa Danjuro (1660-1704) developed where one program may be comprised Perhaps kabuki is the preeminent form the Aragoto Tradition characterized of several competing art forms. of entertainment that researchers in by expressions of bravery. The dif- The content of eclectic performanc- Buddhism today should be watching. ference between the artistic concept es has two stems. One is Jidai-mono, By the way, it is without saying that of “Aragoto of Edo and Wagoto of a work that is either set in the Edo the Lotus Sutra remains the most read Kamigata (the upper side referring to Period or earlier, having actual his- and most respected by measure of where the emperor lives)”, still current torical references or one in which an faith among all the in today, was formed during this era. incident involving court nobles, war- Japan. Therefore, it is not surprising From the Genroku Era, dance forms riors, or priests of the Edo Period are that many scenes borrowed from the of women would become increasingly retold in a plot set in the middle ages Kyogen version of Shuron (a polemic) Lotus Sutra are interwoven into kabuki. popular. By the Kyoho and Horeki Eras It is also possible to see many scenes (1716-1764), partly with the develop- within kabuki works which are related ment of a chorus (nagauta) comprised to Nichiren Shonin. of several members singing and playing This paper represents my first attempt the shamisen to be used increasingly to extract elements of both the Lotus as an accompaniment, the advent of Sutra and Nichiren Shonin from works women’s movements would be ex- of kabuki, and then to discuss them. panded. It is said that the basic form of women’s movements had reached its The History and Program of Kabuki completion with such performance as The origin of kabuki is thought to first-generation Nakamura Tomijiro’s be the dance created by Izumo no “Kyoganoko Musume Dojoji”. O-kuni that gained popularity when During this time, the center of kabuki performed at Kitano Tenman-gu of was based mainly in Kyoto and Osaka. Kyoto in 1603. There are theories After the Genroku Era, Chikamatsu 18 classical pieces of Kabuki that claim that O-kuni was either a Monzaemon (1653-1725), a puppet shrine maiden (miko) or lowly laborer theater playwright associated with the Rev. Kanno Preaches (24) (kawara-mono) of Izumo Shrine, but Takemoto-za troupe in Osaka, wrote nothing is conclusive. O-kuni, created over 100 jyoruri: narrative plays that the dance movements to fit musical accompany puppet plays (bunraku), “I keep the Wonderful . that were popular during the attesting to the great popularity of the It is rare in the world. time. These were groundbreaking in jyoruri genre. A trend developed in If you practice hard, that they incorporated movements of which jyoruri scripts would be tran- I will expound it to you.” the kabuki-mono: one who dressed lav- scribed into kabuki and then performed, (Lotus Sutra: Chapter XII, ) ishly, and committed acts that deviate This marked the birth of gidayu kyogen. from common social norms. It was The Bunka Bunsei Period (1804-1829) Hard Practice also remarkable that these were per- would see an era of prosperity for Edo Sakyamuni Buddha, seeking the Great Dharma, met with a seer called formed by a woman dressed as a man. Kabuki with the numerous creations of , and was told that the seer would expound the dharma to - The kabuki of the time was performed kyogen by fourth generation Tsuruya muni Buddha on condition of hard practice. on a Noh stage. Namboku (1755-1829). Becoming the servant of Asita, the Buddha practiced hard. He col- After this, others appeared who With Adjutant General Tadakuni lected water, gathered firewood, prepared meals for him and so forth, copied O-kuni. There were perfor- Mizuno’s campaign to clean up the doing practices hardly imaginable for a king of a country. Going through mances such as the Yujo Kabuki played red-light district of Edo (Tempo no the extremity of life, denying sleep and rest, the Buddha accumulated by prostitutes and the Waka-shu Kabuki Kaikaku) in 1841 (Tempo 12), the virtues and attained . played by young actors who had not theater houses within the inner city, Are we, ordinary folks, requested to do the same hard practices? The shaved off their facial hair. However, Nakamura-za, Ichimura-za, and Ka- answer is “No.” Then what are we requested to do? these forms of kabuki were thought to warazaki-za were forced to comply and Nichiren Shonin teaches us, “Requested for us is total faith in the Lotus corrupt the morals of ordinary people move to the suburban area of Asakusa Sutra and the Odaimoku.” “We are requested to have a fully reliant faith.” and were banned in 1629 and 1652 re- the following year. The theatrical dis- This can be done, I suppose. If we wish to be protected by the Buddha, spectively. These forms were replaced trict was labeled Saruwaka-cho, literally, we should become fully reliant on the Lotus Sutra and the Odaimoku, by Yaroo Kabuki or kabuki performed the “town of young monkeys”. However, as shown in the above phrases of the sutra. by men. This style has been maintained with the overthrow of Mizuno, his (Rev. Nisso Kanno, head priest of Kaichoji Temple, Shizuoka Prefecture) to this day. crusade to effect changes was slowly Nichiren Shu News No.196, June 1, 2013 3 Is True Word Buddhism an Evil Teaching?

By Rev. Ryuei McCormick mikkyo). Esoteric ted to the Japanese monk Kukai (774- internal awakening. Buddhism presents 835; aka Kobo Daishi) who founded Nichiren objected to the suborn- Nichiren claimed that, ‘True Word itself as a quicker the school in Japan. They ing of the Lotus Sutra to Shingon. (Japanese Shingon) Buddhism is an and more effi- were also brought to Japan by Saicho He believed that the Lotus Sutra and evil teaching leading to the destruc- cient path to Bud- (767-822; aka Dengyo Daishi), the esoteric teachings were not equal in tion of our nation.” Nichiren saw True dhahood than the founder of the school. Saicho, principle, because only the former Word or as the most presumably slower however, considered the esoteric teach- taught the One Vehicle guarantee- insidious threat against the teaching path of cultivating ings less important than the Lotus Sutra. ing Buddhahood for all beings. Also, and practice of the Lotus Sutra. In a Rev.Ryuei the six perfections However Kukai and even more recent the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha of letter to Lords Toki and Soya he wrote, McCormick of a . Tendai patriarchs believed that while Chapter 16 is not merely the universal ‘The false teachings of Buddhism refer Originally, the ritual the Lotus Sutra and esoteric reality-body like Mahavairochana but to the false opinions regarding the texts of Esoteric Buddhism were called were equal in principle, the latter were also embodies the transformation and comparative superiority between the sutras, but in time they came to be superior in terms of the efficacy of the enjoyment bodies of Buddhahood. In Shingon and Lotus Schools. The reason called . By the 8th century, Es- esoteric practices they revealed. other words the Buddha of Chapter 16 for my criticism of the and Pure oteric Buddhism in was called Essentially, Shingon Buddhism pro- of the Lotus Sutra embodies the his- Land Schools is for the purpose of , the Vehicle. “Vajra” poses that Mahavairochana Buddha, a torical, ideal, and universal aspects of clarifying this point.” (p.195, Writings is a term for “diamond” or personification of the Dharma-kaya or of Nichiren Shonin Doctrine 3) Those “thunderbolt” or even “adamantine.” reality-body Buddha, communicates Buddhahood and so is a more complete of us living outside Japan are probably Japanese Shingon and Tibetan Va- awakening to all beings so they can representation of Buddhahood than not familiar with Shingon Buddhism. jrayana share the same in India quickly attain Buddhahood. This is Mahavairochana. Nichiren taught that So in this essay I would like to provide but developed along different lines. accomplished by identifying with the Lotus Sutra was more profound a short explanation. Esoteric Buddhism began to develop the Three Mysteries of the physical, by far than Shingon or Esoteric Bud- Shingon or “True Word” is a trans- as early as the second century CE. Ac- verbal, and mental activity of Ma- dhism and that all people could directly lation of the Sanskrit word “.” cording to legend, (150-250) havairochana Buddha by using , practice it without undergoing esoteric It is the practice of the Mantrayana or unlocked an iron tower and received , and . Mudras are or taking up complex and “mantra path” that uses special incanta- the transmission of tantric texts such “seals” or hand signs that correspond expensive . All it takes to attain tions as a form of meditative practice as the Mahavairochana Sutra and the to Mahavairochana Buddha’s actions. Buddhahood in one’s very body is to put whereby one can attain Buddhahood Diamond Peak Sutra. Scholar-monks Mantras correspond to Mahavairo- one’s hands in gassho, gaze upon the and even worldly goals. This kind of from India introduced these and other chana Buddha’s words. Mandalas are Omandala , and invoke the Buddhism is also known as the “eso- esoteric teachings to in the 8th diagrammatic images that correspond Odaimoku: Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. teric” or “secret teaching” (Japanese century. These teachings were transmit- to Mahavairochana Buddha’s mind or (to be continued)

craftsmanship from over a thousand that kept our spirits up. We hope that years ago. We owe gratitude to the gen- they can learn many things at their Study Tour erations of Cambodians who helped refurbished school. During the break study tour that made members aware preserve the temples despite man-made time we played games with the chil- of the waste problems there. and natural disasters. As we assisted dren: soccer, , and origami. On February 24 the group set out the archeological work during our We were moved by their lively spirit. from Narita Airport full of hope. After study tour, we could not help but feel The school children in Cambodia a transfer and layover at Incheon Inter- we are also helping in the great effort might not have the material wealth national Airport, we arrived in Siem to pass the legacy of to future of Japanese children but their bright Reap seven hours later. The tempera- generations. eyes reminded us that material wealth Group members inspecting Angkor ture was a blistering 30ºC, far different More that half of the study tour sched- is not everything. than Japan. Everybody felt extremely ule was devoted to repairing Kurata We sincerely hope the accomplish- By Rev. Zenjo Nibe hot from the sudden change. We took Elementary School which is located in ments of this study tour, a clean and Dept., Shumuin a bus from the airport to the hotel in a rural area of . The school repaired school building, help them the city. The population of Siem Reap was built with funds provided by Mr. achieve their greatest potential. Nichiren Shu held the 9th “Nichiren is 170,000 and the city continues to Kurata decades ago, and is currently (Tr. K.Bassett) Shu Study Tour” in Siem Reap Cam- see economic growth from Angkor managed by funds provided by the bodia from February 14 to 23 of 2013. Wat tourism. The city center is de- Spitler School Foundation NGO. The Ground support was provided by the veloped and very different from the first order of business for our group was TMRC Non Profit Organization Japan image of Cambodia many Japanese repairing the facility. First we sand- staff (Represented by Rev. Bunko Ono, have. Outside of the city however, papered the walls to remove dirt, then Myo Ho Kessha, Gumma Prefecture) rice paddies stretch in all directions. we applied three coats of paint with led by Rev. Kairyu Shimizu (Toei-ji Therein lays . paint rollers attached to three meter Temple, Chiba), co-led by Junchi Fujii The first order of business was learn- long bamboo poles. At the same time (Honryu-ji Temple, Kyoto) along with ing the history of Angkor Wat and the group built a ‘recycle wall’ using a thirteen member volunteer group Cambodia. We received a lecture from filled PET bottles, the finished walls ranging in age from 18 to 34. The study Professor Satoru Miwa, group leader measured 190 cm tall by 450 cm wide tour is an ongoing effort of Nichiren of the Angkor In- and 150 cm by 270 cm, and utilized Shu to promote international volunteer ternational Mission. We learned about 1200 PET bottles. efforts and help raise the next genera- the archaeology and preservation of Ten days may seem like a long time tion of missionary talent. These tours Angkor Wat and the delicate balance but it passed quickly. Every day was were previously held in , India, between preservation and the growing packed with activities. We accom- Painting the school walls and Sri . tourism pressures from Siem Reap. plished everything that we intended to The focus of this year’s study tour We also learned about the efforts to do. Despite the unfamiliar heat nobody was repairing the Kurada Elementary educate Cambodians to carry on this got sick and we kept at our work. We School in Siem Reap. Cambodia has preservation work through future gen- all made it back home safe and sound. an extremely humid tropical climate erations. Many talented Cambodians This was due to the help of many and has heavy rain during the monsoon were lost during the people. This year we again received season from May to November. The regime. It has taken collective archeo- support from Spitler School Founda- average year round temperature is logical talent from many countries to tion NGO staff member Chea Sarin, over 30ºC (86ºF). The school walls help replace what was lost. who helped us last year. Mr. Sarin is The local children were heavily damaged by the elements In a very short time we toured the also a partner with TMRC. In addi- and needed repair. In addition to the temples of Angkor Wat, , tion, we received support from guides, repair, another tour objective was to , and surrounding areas. drivers, hotel staff, and the teachers of build a ‘recycle wall’ from recycled The members of our group were sur- Kurata Elementary School. We deeply PET plastic bottles to improve the rest- prised by the highly detailed work- thank them for all of their assistance. room facilites. The goal of the recycle manship. It was miraculous for us In the midst of a busy schedule, it was wall came from last year’s Cambodia to experience in the present day the the smiles of the local school children The recycle wall made from PET bottles 4 No.196, June 1, 2013 Nichiren Shu News

members took part in the Kito contacts to continue to grow The third annual seminar blessing service on the evening a in Tampa, Florida. for NONA Sangha Board Temple Events of March 30. Since the main members was held at the NBIC hall of Ichinenji Temple could Toronto Nichiren in Hayward on March 1-3, not accommodate everyone, Buddhist Temple 2013. It was conducted by Rev. Aragyo Priests Visit Southeast Temples chairs were set up outside. Eve- Shogen Kumakura, Neil Faul- By Rev. Kangyo Noda ryone had a great experience By Mr. Hiroshi Yamamoto coner, and Rev. Myokei Caine- during the evening Kito service. Message from a Member Barrett. This was the second All the members of South- seminar focused on diversity east Asian temples felt deep Cold and snowy weather and is required for all board gratitude towards Rev. Woo and had continued throughout the members to conform to NONA all the ministers who visited beginning of April, but the nondiscrimination requirements. their temples. Everyone felt the long-awaited spring is finally Racism and prejudice are compassionate blessing from approaching! Spring brings a often viewed as unmanageable the protective of the refreshing feeling both inside issues which everyone chooses to Dharma. This great and pure and outside me. It is also the ignore. They are difficult topics experience will surely help all time of the year when flowers to address because few really the members’ faith and prac- bloom and convey a sense of understand exactly what these Rev. Noda with ministers who completed the Aragyo and tice and the propagation of the terms mean in the 21st century members of the Malaysian temples youthfulness. As it gets warmer Lotus Sutra in . outside, it also allows us to take and how they might apply to From March 27 until April Singaporean members were a walk in the park or be under one’s worldview or way of life. 1 of this year, a delegation of also pleased that Rev. Woo the sun that gives us energy. Buddhist communities in Aragyo Priests toured temples had come and brought so many Within our lives, there are the West are predominantly in Southeast Asia. The group of his fellow Aragyo priests certain things that we cannot Asian in origin or white. This included Rev. Hokken Woo and to the Singapore temple. prevent from occurring, such as is not entirely the case within Rev. Myokei Min from Korea. On March 29, the group natural disasters. In Buddhism, NONA since the Lotus Sutra It also included Rev. Eijun headed to Klang, Malaysia. The it is said that there are four specifically addresses the Hayashi, Rev. Shinjin Kodama, Klang Temple had unveiled their Group Picture at inevitable things in human life: equality of all beings. We have Rev. Esho , Rev. Gyokei new temple signboard just one the Jakarta Temple birth, sickness, aging and death. a broader diversity of ethnic Umada, Rev. Renkei Suzuki, week earlier when the local gov- Life does not always work out groups. Yet, hearts and minds and Rev. Tsuuoh Nakai from ernment approved the temple as Florida Sangha the way we want it to. We tend to are often difficult to change Japan. They had all completed a religious organization. Forty By Rev. Shinkyo Warner worry about life after death and and no one is exempt from the their Dai Aragyo 100-day train- members attended the service. I still do not know if or social conditioning inherent in ing this February. After their All the members were happy exists. However, I believe it all cultures and societies. To Kizanshiki ceremonies at their that many Aragyo priests had is best to worry about my after- create welcoming congrega- home temples to celebrate their come to their temple to celebrate life once I reach the other world. tions, NONA has developed a return, they traveled to South- this occasion of the authoriza- Nichiren Shonin explained diversity program to raise the east Asia. Although they had not tion of the temple by the gov- that both hell and heaven are consciousness, fully recovered their strength ernment and the display of the within us. Either in this world and capability of its from the serious training, they new signboard. It was a new Rev. Shinkyo Warner making or another, wherever there is throughout the United States. were determined to help propa- step forward for spreading the a presentation suffering, that place becomes As NONA transitions from a gate the Dharma and encourage Dharma in the region of Klang. On Saturday, March 23, Rev. hell to those who suffer and sangha with a narrow ethnicity the members of Nichiren Shu to The next morning, members Shinkyo Warner participated in wherever there is pleasure, that to one that embraces converts develop their faith and practice. of the Kuala Lumpur temple Tampa, Florida’s semi-annual place becomes heaven to those of all ethnicities, tensions and Their first stop was Jakarta, came to Klang to escort the “Change Your Mind Day”. This who enjoy their life. Depending conflict are not unusual. This Indonesia on March 27. Jakarta visiting priests to their temple. spring over 35 people from on the way we think or feel, we seminar provides members Rengeji Temple recently It is a 45-minute drive to this various branches of Buddhism can create hell or heaven in the with the tools and the under- moved to a new site in West capital city of Malaysia. The gathered on a cool morning to world we live in. It is difficult to standing to manage diversity Jakarta. This was the first temple in Kuala Lumpur opened learn more about each other’s change the world on our own, and constructively address any time for the Jakarta temple in September of 2012. Forty traditions and discuss how to but with support from others, conflicts which may arise. The to welcome so many Aragyo members gathered to enjoy work together to bring the Bud- we are capable of making the training and process work priests for a special service. the special blessing ceremony. dha’s teachings to this large met- world we live in a better place. is firmly grounded in the Twenty members joined the Members warmly welcomed ropolitan area. As Rev. Warner Nichiren Shonin has taught Lotus Sutra and the teach- service and received a special them singing Buddhist songs. led the group in Shodaigyo us the teachings of the Buddha ings of Nichiren Shonin. We blessing. These members After lunch at Kuala Lumpur , the sounds of the and that we can cleanse the hope that in the future, such came not only from Jakarta, temple, the group went quickly Odaimoku could be heard world and endure suffering seminars can be brought to but also from Central Java. to the airport, and took a flight throughout the park in which by chanting “ Namu Myo Ho each temple and made avail- The following day, they flew to Penang, Malaysia. For Rev. they met. Even the hawks and Ren Ge Kyo.” We shall prac- able for all sangha members. to Singapore. Sixty Singaporean Woo and Rev. Min, it was their gulls flying overhead seemed tice and abide by this precept members attended the special second visit to the Penang to join in the group efforts to and apply it in our daily lives. blessing service. Some of the temple. In 2012, the Penang lead all beings to enlightenment. members there were delighted temple had invited them for Rev. Warner received several Third Annual Seminar to meet Rev. Woo and Rev. its 10th year celebration. The invitations from other groups for NONA Board Min again since they had all wonderful hospitality they to lead meditation sessions attended the 10th anniversary had received then convinced for them and speak about the Members of the Penang, Malaysia Temple them to return to this island Wonderful Dharma of the Lotus By Rev. Myokei Caine-Barrett NONA Board members held in February of 2012. The once more. More than 150 Sutra. He intends to use these meeting at NBIC, Hayward

Calendar for June - July 2013 June 1: Minobusan Founder’s Hall, change of the Founder’s robes June 25: Memorial for Nitcho Shonin June 12-14: The 10th World Missionary Conference July 13-15: Obon June 15-17: Minobusan Kaibyaku-e, commemorating the day when Nichiren Shonin entered Minobusan (May 15,1274) By Rev. Kaikei Ochiai Nichiren Shu News

c/o Nichiren Shu Shumuin 1-32-15, Ikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo 146-8544, Japan Editorial Board: Tel. 03-3751-7181~3 Editor: Sandra Seki Board of Trustees: Shobin Watanabe, Chief Administrator, Nichiren Shu; Supervisor: Kyotsu Hori Bungyo Yoshida, President, Kaigai Fukyo Koenkai; Chief Advisor: Keiryu Shima Kenitsu Saito, Executive Director, Missionary Department; Staff: Kanshu Naito, Gyokai Sekido, Kanji Tamura, Chishin Hirai, Shinkyo Warner Moumi Shiozaki, Executive Director, General Affairs Department; Advisor: Hoyu Maruyama Honshu Nakai, Director, Missionary Department, Nichiren Shu