
Adult Curriculum for One Green Stripe (Eighth Kyu)

Stances Blocks and Punches Leadership and Philosophy Natural stance (rectangular stance) Attention stance Lower block Three-O’s Principle Rectangular stance Inner middle block Open mind Kicking stance Rising block Open heart Forward stance Open arms Cat stance Self-Defense Five Firsts for Friendship Diagonal stance Thumb escape Communicate Scoop (sukui nage) Smile Hand Techniques Care Lunge Dropping Techniques Share Reverse punch Low side drop Forgive Double punch (from flat on mat and squatting) High/low double punch Five Steps to Health Vertical punch Think Inner chop Stamina Eat Downward Exercise Lunges: 100 w/ chop or punch Roundhouse elbow strike Rest Punches: 100 Jab Perform Pushups: 20 palm Cross Hook Five S’s for Warmups Uppercut Safety Slowness Techniques Self-awareness

Lower block Stretching

Inner middle block Strengthening

Rising block Five A’s for Self Defense Double inner middle block Awareness

Alertness Leg Techniques Avoidance Upward Anticipation Roundhouse knee kick Action Front snap kick Front thrust kick Five W’s for Self Defense Low back stamping kick Wrong time Wrong place Wrong people Wrong attitude Directional Movements: Wrong techniques 90 180 270

Five R’s for Self Defense and Applications Right perspective Kata 1: (First Cause) Right time 2, 3, and 4 Right place Applications Right techniques Run

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for Two Green Stripes (Seventh Kyu)

Stances Blocks and Punches Leadership and Philosophy Side stance (rectangular stance) Back stance Add: Five P’s of Achievers Knifehand block Perspective Hand Techniques Outer block Patience Perseverance Vertical backfist strike Horizontal backfist strike Self-Defense Pride in accomplishment Vertical spearhand thrust Stamping kick Practice ‘til perfect

Horizontal spearhand thrust Floating drop (uki otoshi) Five D’s of a Winner Outer horizontal chop Direction

Dropping Techniques Discipline Blocking Techniques Forward roll Determination Knifehand block Backward roll Dedication Outer block Do ‘til death Reinforced block Stamina Lower x-block Lunges: 150 Five Think Rights (open / closed hands) (w/outer horizontal chop) (No Brain, No Gain) Upper x-block Pushups: 10 fingertip Think simpler (open / closed hands) 20 palm Think faster Think better Leg Techniques Think deeper Stamping Think wiser Side thrust kick Back thrust kick Five Res’s for Interrelating Responsibility (self-respect) Respect others Footwork Responsiveness Resolution Shuffle (in side stance) Resilience Crossover:

(in side stance, in front Five F’s for Learning and Teaching and behind) Fun Hopping Friendship

Focus Kata and Applications Fly your spirit Kata 5: Combination kata Finish your goal 1 (Peaceful Mind) Five Re’s of Meditation Applications Relaxation

Respiration Renewal / rejuvenation

Reflection Realization

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for Green Belt (Sixth Kyu)

Stances Blocks and Punches Seven Martial Arts of Influence Inward stance (inward stance w/counter attacks) Add: Hand Techniques Elbow block Middle low block Outer diagonal chop Palm heel strikes Chuan Elbow strikes Self-Defense Upward Elbow strike Backward Big outer reap (osoto gari) Five Controls for Self Defense Forward Control area (awareness) Side Dropping Techniques Control yourself (fear, anger) Back roundhouse Forward roll into side drop Control attackers (strategy) Control the situation Blocking Techniques Weapons Control consequences

Middle low block Tambo (left and right hand) Five All’s for Self Defense (3-D) Side elbow block Natural grip (yang) (duong): All angles Palm heel block Six blocks All levels Double forearm block Figure-8’s All techniques Sliding block: (three levels) 14 basic strikes All situations

All people Leg Techniques Side snap kick Free sparring in class Five Wins of a Winner Crescent kick Over yourself Knee block Stamina Opponent’s respect Deflecting knee block Third party’s respect Lunges: 150 (w/outer diagonal Shin block Over the situation chop and low chop block) Deflecting Shin blocks: People’s hearts Pushups: 15 fingertip To the side Upward 20 palm Ten Don’ts for Sparring

Rear leg knee charge Angry Written Exam Fearful Footwork Given one week before test and Tense Sliding attached to test form Hurried Waste energy Leadership and Philosophy Overconfident Kata and Applications Distracted Pinan 2 Five Sources of Power Pre-conceived ideas Pinan 3 Mind Discouraged if you lose Applications Afraid of losing Body

Spirit Soul Code of Ethics Ki

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for One Brown Stripe (Fifth Kyu)

Stances Blocks and Punches Leadership and Philosophy X stance (inward stance w/counter attacks) Add: Five Steps in Cuong Nhu Philosophy Hand Techniques Soft lower block Living Giving Roundhouse punch Soft inner middle block Soft rising block Caring Soft outer block (monkey) Sharing Blocking Techniques Loving Inner shovel block Self-Defense Outer shovel block Five Selves Bent wrist (kote gaeshi) Backhand block Self-acceptance / self-tolerance Knife self-defense - elbow set Wedge block Self-confidence Small outer reap (kosoto gari) Arrow block Self-esteem

Soft lower block Self-control Soft inner middle block Dropping Techniques Selflessness Soft rising block Front drop Soft outer block (monkey) Front tumble Eight Sources of Learning Sensei and sempai Leg Techniques Weapons Classmates Mirrors Heel kick Tambo (left and right hand) Books, media Jump front kick * Reverse grip (yin) (am): Tournaments Flying front kick * Six blocks Training equipment Jump roundhouse kick * Figure-8’s Yourself Flying roundhouse kick * 14 basic strikes Seminars Foot sweeps: (arch, instep, heel) Sparring Five Re’s for Healing * optional for age 40+ Free sparring in class Reduce Relax Kata and Applications Stamina Reach Reevaluate Pinan 4 Boxing sequence: (30 each side: jab, cross, hook, upper cut) Remember Applications Pushups: 20 fingertip The Foundation for Peak Performance: 20 palm Simple as ABCDE

Public Speaking Awareness (well prepared and planned) (right perspective, Three minutes in class - include a right attitude) Cuong Nhu philosophy and how it Belief (in self and others) relates to your life and/or training Commitment (to excellence) Dedication (labor of love) Enlightenment

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for Two Brown Stripes (Fourth Kyu)

Stances Blocks and Punches Leadership and Philosophy Dinh stance (inward stance w/counter attacks) Turtle stance Add: Five F’s for Training Serpent stance Soft knifehand block (crane) Fortify your body Downward forearm block Find your own way Hand Techniques Sweeping block Fly your spirit Side punch Feed your soul U punch Self-Defense Flow your ki

Hammer strike: Pressing arm (ude osae) Five S’s for Safe Training / Running (w/top fist) Knife self-defense - bent wrist Sane – Sight (w/bottom fist) Valley drop (tani otoshi) Stretching Inner ridgehand strike Stamina Outer ridgehand strike Dropping Techniques Strength

Back Drop Speed Blocking Techniques Sweeping blocks: Weapons Ten C’s for Successful Training / (high, middle, low) Running Tambo 1 with Applications Downward forearm block Commitment Tambo – middle grip: figure 8’s Bottom hammer fist block Coaching Disarms: tambo vs tambo Soft knifehand block (crane) Consistency

Soft elbow block Courage Soft middle low block Sparring Conditioning Grasping block Free sparring in class Camaraderie Concentration Leg Techniques Stamina Communication Wheel kick Pushups: 10/10 one arm Competition with yourself Dropping kick 20 fingertip Control of your body Flying double front kick * 20 palm Flying side kick * Training / Running Relation to Jump side kick: * Public Speaking Other Sports Focus (timing) (stationary/advancing/retreating) Three minutes in class - include a Power Foot sweeps: Cuong Nhu philosophy and how it Endurance Front spinning relates to your life and/or training Flexibility (conditioning) Back spinning sweep Double low spinning sweeps Perspective

* optional for age 40+

Kata and Applications Up to Pinan 4 Applications

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for Brown Belt (Third Kyu)

Stances Weapons Leadership and Philosophy Parallel stance Bo: Forward parallel stance Bo 1 with Applications Ten “Nesses” of Leadership Figure-8’s: forward and reverse Fitness – Health Hand Techniques Wellness – Health Tiger mouth strike Sparring Assertiveness – PR Free sparring: Openness – PR Blocking Techniques Three two-minute rounds Fairness - PR Directness – PR Circular chop block Oneness – Improvement Pressing block Board Breaking Togetherness – Improvement One Set by weight Forgiveness – Improvement

Leg Techniques Creativeness – Improvement Reverse crescent kick Stamina Inside roundhouse kick Pushups: (maximum) 5 Ups of Learning and Teaching Flying double kicks: * 15/15 one arm Shut Up Front / side 20 fingertip Put Up Beat Up Front / roundhouse 20 knuckle Keep Up 20 palm Front / crescent Live Up

Axe kick (inside / outside) Public Speaking Five Troubles To Avoid * optional for age 40+ Three minutes in class – include a way Alcohol abuse in which Cuong Nhu has influenced Bigoted bull Kata and Applications your life outside the dojo Cardiovascular carelessness Jutte (Ten Hands) Drug dependency Applications Written Exam Excessive ego Given one week before test and Blocks and Punches attached to test form Pyramid Formulas for Happiness, Harmony and Healthy Training (inward stance w/counter attacks)

Add: Written Paper Soft middle low block Two pages typed - Include name, date, Pressing block age, rank, dojo. Include a way in which Cuong Nhu has influenced your life Self-Defense outside the dojo Disarms: empty hand vs tambo Knife self-defense – pressing arm Hip throw (ogoshi)

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for One Black Stripe (Second Kyu)

Hand Technique Blocks and Punches Leadership and Philosophy Bent wrist strikes: (inward stance w/counter attacks) horizontal Add: Assistant teaching experience: upward Palm push 15 hours downward diagonal upward Self-Defense Ten Stages of Growth Nobody diagonal downward Knife self-defense - from behind neck Learner Looping punch Corner reversal (sumi gaeshi) Worker Looping ridgehand Palm corner strike Fighter Weapons Achiever Blocking Techniques Bo: Winner Bo 2 and Applications Teacher Bent wrist blocks: (three levels) Leader Palm corner block Sparring Thinker Palm push to elbow Free sparring: Philosopher

Three two-minute rounds Nobody Leg Techniques Spinning reverse crescent kick Board Breaking Five Loves of a Sensei Teaching Reverse dropping kick One Set by weight Sharing Flying back kick * Flying wheel kick * Students Stamina Martial arts Pushups: (maximum) * optional for age 40+ Growth 15/15 one arm Kata and Applications 20 fingertip Five Negatives in Teaching 20 knuckle Don’t ridicule any student Empi (Flying Swallow) 20 palm Don’t make discriminatory remarks Applications Don’t push students excessively

Written Paper (to avoid burning them out) Two pages typed - Include name, date, Don’t show favoritism age, rank, dojo. Include a way in which Don’t lose your composure Cuong Nhu has influenced your life outside the dojo

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for Two Black Stripes (First Kyu)

Hand Techniques Blocks and Punches Leadership and Philosophy Bearhand strike: All blocks and counter attacks Horizontal / vertical in inward stance Assistant teaching experience: Bearhand knuckle strike: 15 hours Horizontal / vertical Self-Defense Twelve “Tions” for Teaching Thumb strike Crossed arms throw (juji nage) Communication Thumb knuckle strike Hip wheel (koshi guruma) Simplification Forefinger knuckle strike 4 directions throw (shiho nage) Explanation Middle knuckle strike Knife self-defense - 4 directions Demonstration One-finger strike Two-finger strike Repetition Weapons Correction Blocking Techniques Bo 3 and Applications Creation Tambo 1 and Applications Interrelation Funnel block (performed at a higher level) Reflection

Motivation Leg Techniques Evaluation Jump spinning reverse crescent kick * Sparring Free sparring: Dedication Serpent kick: standing / ground Three two-minute rounds Five Trues for Love of Life

* optional for age 40+ True friendship Board Breaking True love Kata and Applications Two Sets by weight True happiness

Chinte (Beautiful Hands) True peace Applications Stamina True freedom Pushups: (maximum) 15/15 one arm 20 fingertip 20 knuckle

20 palm

Public Speaking

Three minutes in class – include a way

in which Cuong Nhu has influenced your life outside the dojo

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)

Adult Curriculum for Black Belt

Hand Techniques Sparring Leadership and Philosophy Scissors punch Free sparring: Inner forearm strike Three two-minute rounds Assistant teaching experience: Outer forearm strike 15 hours Board Breaking Attend two regional seminars Blocking Techniques Four Sets by weight (within 1 year of test) Punching blocks:

Inside / outside (three levels) Stamina (maximum) 5 Fears of Achievement

Pushups: 15/15 one arm Hard work Katas and Applications 20 fingertip Failure Taikyoku to Chinte 20 knuckle Intimidation or pressure Applications 20 palm Associating with people Death Blocks and Punches Public Speaking All blocks and counter attacks Three minutes in class – include a way Five “Tions” of Leadership in which Cuong Nhu has influenced Communication Throwing Techniques your life outside the dojo Education Application / action Over neck throw (yin / yang) Delegation (kokyunage, iriminage) Written Exam Production Two Judo throws from each category Code of Ethics

(Hip, Hands, Leg, Sacrifice) History of Cuong Nhu Five Togethers at Students can demonstrate the 8 Philosophy of Cuong Nhu Annual Training throws already learned, or Martial Arts History Physically we train together substitute other Judo throws as Socially we eat and live together long as they can still demonstrate 2 Written Paper Intellectually we think together throws from each category Two pages typed - Include name, date, Spiritually we learn, share and Two pins: Judo or Aikido age, rank, dojo. Include a way in which grow together

Cuong Nhu has influenced your life Enjoy togetherness and harmony Technique Demonstration outside the dojo 20-30 techniques: (equal distribution of empty hand, bo, tambo, knife) Submit Black Belt Test

Weapons Forms

Tambo 1 Instructions can be found at Bo 1, 2, 3 www.cuongnhu.com in the My Site Applications area and/or at manual.cuongnhu.com

Copyright 2019 - Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association (see manual.cuongnhu.com for latest updates)