
Deer Resistant

Plants in this list should be chosen where deer damage to ornamentals is severe. These plants are less likely to be damaged than other plants. Few, if any, plants are totally resistant. If deer populations are high, if deer become overly tame or if food is scarce, deer are likely to feed on any ornamental plants. Deer prefer fertilized plants to unfertilized ones. During dry weather, deer are more likely to eat plants which have been irrigated.

The following list includes plants that deer normally don't like. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are particularly resistant. Some of these plants are poisonous to people or livestock. The degree of resistance may vary with the season or age of the .


Botanical Name Common Name Botanical Name Common Name All Palms Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Holly Abies spp. Fir Illicium anisatum Anise Acer rubrum Red Maple Juniperus spp.* Juniper Aesculus parviflora Bottle Brush Buckeye Kerria japonica* Kerria Ajuga spp. Bugle Weed Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Albizia spp. Mimosa Gordonia lasianthus Gordonia Aspidistra elatior Aspidistra Leucothoe spp. Leucothoe Berberis spp. Barberry Ligustrum lucidum Ligustrum Betula nigra River Birch Maclura pomifera Osage Buddleia davidii* Butterfly Bush spp. Magnolia Buxus spp* Boxwood Mahonia spp.* Mahonia Calocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar Michelia fuscata Banana Cedrus spp. Cedar Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle Cephalotaxus spp. Plum-Yew Nandina domestica* Nandina Cercis canadensis Redbud Nerium oleander* Oleander Cotinus coggygris* Smoke Parkinsonia aculeata Jerusalem Thorn Dogwood tomentosa Empress Tree Cotoneaster spp. Cotoneaster Picea spp. Spruce Crataegu spp. Hawthorn Pinus spp. Cupressus spp. Cypress Pittosporum spp. Pittosporum Cupressocyparis leylandi Leyland Cypress Podocarpus macrophylus Podocarpus Cycas spp. Cycad Prunus caroliniana* Cherry Laurel Cyrtomiun falcatum Holly Fern Pyracantha spp. Pyracantha Cytisus scoparius* Scotch broom Rhododendron spp.* (except Rhododendron Daphne spp. Daphne leavedazalea varieties) Diospyros virginiana Persimmon Rhododendron Indicum Formosa Azelea Eleagnus pungens Eleagnus Robinia'Formosa' pseudoacacia Black locust spp. Eucalptus, Gum Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Ficus spp.* Fig Lilac Forythia x intermedia Forsythia Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Gardenia spp.' Gardenia Thuja spp. Arborvitae Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair tree Trachycarpus fortunei Windmill palm Ilex spp. (except thornless) Holly Viburnum spp. Viburnum Ilex cornuta `Rotunda' Rotunda Holly spp. Yucca Ilex opaca American Holly Deer Resistant Plants

Plants in this list should be chosen where deer damage to ornamentals is severe. These plants are less likely to be damaged than other plants. Few, if any, plants are totally resistant. If deer populations are high, if deer become overly tame or if food is scarce, deer are likely to feed on any ornamental plants. Deer prefer fertilized plants to unfertilized ones. During dry weather, deer are more likely to eat plants which have been irrigated.

The following list includes plants that deer normally don't like. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are particularly resistant. Some of these plants are poisonous to people or livestock. The degree of resistance may vary with the season or age of the plant.


Botanical Name Common Name Botanical Name Common Name Agaganthus africanus Blue lily Hedera spp. Some Ivies Agave spp. Century plant Helianthus spp. Sunflower Aloe spp. Aloe Helleborus spp.* Lenten Althaea rosea Hollyhock spp. Iris Aquilegia spp. Columbine Jasminum spp.* Jasmine Cactaceae spp. Cactus Lantana montevidensis Lantana Calendula offincinalis* Pot marigold Lavandula spp. Lavender Centaurea spp. Cornflower laxiflora Lobelia Chrysanthemum spp.* Mum Lupinus spp.* Lupine Clematis spp. Clematis Myosotis spp. Forget-me-not Delphinium spp. Larkspur Narcissus spp.* Narcissus, Daffodil, Jonquil Dicentra pectabilis Bleeding Tradescantia spp. Spiderwort Digitalis spp. Foxglove Tulipa Tulip californica Vinca spp. Periwinkle Gerbera spp.* Transvaal daisy