New Seeds 2021 Click to Download
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Special Plants Seeds New for 2021 Special Plants Seeds £2/packet, add £1.50 postage per order (£5 Europe, £10 USA, £6 elsewhere) Choose a free packet for every 10 packets ordered! Minimum order 3 packets. Special Plants Greenways Lane, Cold Ashton, Chippenham, Wilts UK SN14 8LA e-mail:[email protected] phone: +44 (0)1225 891686 All these seeds and more are available at Please order online if possible. Abbreviations HA - hardy annual (flowers, sets seed and dies in one year) TA - tender annual (protect from frost) HP - hardy herbaceous perennial (lives for years) TP - tender perennial (lives for years if no frost) BHP - borderline hardy perennial (may survive winter outdoors in sheltered position or mild winter) SLP - short-lived hardy perennial (flowers outdoors for more than one year, usually 2, 3 or 4 years) HB - hardy biennial (takes 2 years to flower, then sets seed and dies) BH - borderline hardy M - monocarpic (takes 3 or more years to flower, then sets seed and dies), may be hardy or tender Shr - shrub Tr - tree Bu - bulb Cl - climber AGM - Award of Garden Merit, given by the RHS to plants of outstanding merit # - needs cold to germinate, usually best sown fresh in autumn x - a cross between two species ex - from a named hybrid, won’t come true, but may be interesting Acis autumnalis Aconitum hemsleyanum Amaranthus hypochon- Amelanchier canadensis Little white dangling bells Clusters of deep blue- driacus 'Green Thumb' Small tree. Bronze young from very thin brown stems purple flowers in late Upright spikes of apple growth. White flowers May. in autumn. Slender dark summer. A twining climber green flowers. Good cut Edible black berries loved leaves. Bulbs. Like sun and with maple-like leaves. flower. Worth growing for by birds. Autumn colour. drainage 6” H Bu Poisonous 10ft # HCl its name! 16” HA Sun/ light shade 20ft H Tr Anisodontea julii Bauhinia purpurea Beschorneria yuccoides Centaurea americana Big pink hibiscus flowers. Large, exotic, orchid-like Fat pink 4ft stems with 'Aloha Blanca' Fast-growing, hardier with purple flowers. Fast- dangling pink and green Creamy white finely fringed age. Velvety evergreen growing small evergreen flowers above 3ft of blue- flowers up to 6” across. leaves. Needs sun & good tree. Prune to restrict size. grey yucca-like leaves. Sun Attractive buds. Grey- drainage 4-5ft BH Shr Likes sun 20ft T Tr & drainage (10 seeds) HP green leaves 4-5ft HA Centaurea americana Chorizema diversifolium Cimicifuga racemosa Cistus ladanifer ssp. Hardenbergia violacea Hedysarum boreale Helenium 'Helena Gold' Ipomopsis rubra 'Aloha Rosa' Hot pink & orange flowers Dark Leaf ladanifer Aromatic sticky Wisteria-like racemes of Clusters of pink or purple Golden yellow flowers on Brilliant red flowers on Pale lavender-pink fringed all winter. Evergreen Purple foliage with white or evergreen leaves. Big pure small blue-purple pea flowers, attractive leaves. sturdy branching plants. strong stems clothed in flowers up to 6” across. arching, twining shrub. pale pink wands of fragrant white flowers with deep flowers in late winter and Drooping chains of Very florifeous, likes sun needle-fine foliage. Very Attractive buds. Grey- Likes sun or light shade, flowers. Good soil, not too purple blotch. Wild spring. Evergreen climber. seedpods. Sun & drainage 40” HP showy. Loved by green leaves 4-5ft HA keep frost-free 3ft TP dry, sun 5ft HP collected 4ft H Shr Likes sun 6ft T Cl 6” - 18” HP hummingbirds HB 3-5ft Cistus populifolius Clitoria ternatea Consolida ajacis Consolida ajacis Mix Lagurus ovatus Lathyrus odoratus ‘ Lathyrus odoratus ‘Nimbus’ Leonotis leonurus Aromatic ripple-edged Vivid deep blue flower with 'Blue Cloud' Airy spikes of deep blue, Soft white fluffy seedheads Dorothy Eckford’ Fragrant hardy annual Bright orange tubular evergreen leaves. Clusters white or pale yellow throat. Airy spikes of deep blue pale blue, pink or white invite stroking. Good cut Very fragrant hardy annual climber. Elegant grey flowers in tight whorls up of pure white flowers from Tender climber, can be flowers above feathery flowers above feathery flower and dried flower. climber with large white flowers slightly suffused the stem. Fragrant green red-flushed buds. Wild grown as an annual. foliage 30” HA foliage 30” HA Good seedheads. Likes flowers 6ft HA Cl with and edged with deep leaves. Sun & drainage collected 3-4ft H Shr 8ft T Cl sun & drainage 12” HA purple 6ft HA Cl 3ft - 6ft T SLP Corydalis sempervirens Crateagus laciniata Datura wrightii Digitalis lanata Lespedeza bicolor Limonium latifolium Mimosa pudica Moraea polystachya Pink and yellow flowers. Small grey green cut Huge fragrant up-facing Fat golden brown flowers Sprays of rosy pea flowers Sea Lavender. ‘Pink Sparkles’ Large blue-purple iris-like Sun or shade. Self sows leaves. White flowers. white trumpets often with large white lip. Stems, in Aug & Sept. Deciduous Cloud of lavender blue Amazing leaves fold up flowers. Usually blooms for Hardy biennial or short- Large coral-red haws. flushed purple at the edge. leaves, bracts and outside shrub, Sun & drainage. flowers above broad basal when touched. Fluffy pink several weeks late autumn. lived perennial 12” HB Small tree, attractive Hallucinogenic but of flower slightly hairy Prune hard in spring 5ft leaves. Smells of the sea. seedheads. Prostrate Best if dry after flowering flaking bark 15ft H Tr poisonous 3-4ft TA 24” SLP (10ft if not pruned) H Shr Sun & drainage 18” HP prickly stems 12” T SLP Sun & drainage 24” BHP Digitalis obscura Disporum ex ‘Night Heron’ Eschscholzia californica Geranium robertianum Nigella bucharica Opopanax chironium Parahebe perfoliata Penstemon barbatus Tall spires of densely Elegant arching stems and 'Peach Sorbet' 'Celtic White' ‘Blue Stars’ Big bold umbel. Myriad Arching stems of leathery ‘Pina Colada Violet’ packed honey-coloured leaves purple when young, Pale peach double flowers. Dwarf white-flowered Herb Blue stars on airy plant. small yellow flowers on blue-grey evergreen leaves Densely branching heads flowers with brown veins creamy bells. Black berries. Fine grey-green leaves. Robert. Self sows a little in Un-Nigella-like flowers. branching stems. Likes tipped with blue flowers in of deep purple flowers all and hairy lower lip. Self Evergreen, likes shade Self sows. Sun & drainage sun or shade, even dry Spicy seeds can be eaten. sun and drainage summer. Sun & good summer. Compact plants. sows 20” SLP 36” HP 10” HA / SLP shade 15” SLP Likes sun 18” HA 6ft # HP drainage 18” x 30” HP Sun & drainage 12” HP Phillyrea angustifolia Primula veris Psylliostachys suworowii Ruscus aculeatus Evergreen shrub. Fragrant ‘Sunset Shades’ Long thin branching stems Big bright red shiny berries flowers. Blue-black berries. Coloured cowslips - pale completely coated in tiny From January to October! Can clip as topiary / hedge. yellow, dark red or orange. bright pink flowers. Annual, Shiny evergreen leaves. Sun. Slow-growing, but 10ft Self sows in sun or light good for cutting and for Prickly slow-growing shrub if not clipped H Tr shade if not too dry 8” HP drying. Likes sun 18” HA for dry shade 36” H Shr Salvia africana-lutea Spartium junceum Tropaeolum peregrinum Ugni molinae Whorls of large yellow Bright yellow honey- Masses of lemon yellow Edible red berries. Small flowers age to rusty-brown scented flowers on thin fringed flowers all summer. evergreen shrub with shiny and last for months. Narrow upright almost leafless Pale blue-green leaves. fragrant leaves. Can clip. grey fragrant leaves. Sun & stems. Fast-growing shrub Easy and vigorous 6ft TP Hardy with some shelter. drainage 30” TP 6-10ft H Shr Sun / part shade 36” H Shr Verbascum lychnitis Veronica longifolia Yucca rostrata Zantedeschia jucunda Creamy white flowers on Deep purple-blue flowers in Big sphere of narrow blue Big bright yellow furled upright spikes. Grey-green narrow spires, like a small grey evergreen leaves on a trumpets above white- leaves & stems. British Veronicastrum. Likes good stout trunk. Eventually a spotted green leaves. native. Sun & drainage, self soil and sun 30” HP fountain of white flowers. Hardy if not too wet in sows 3-4ft HB 3ft leaves, 5-8ft flowers HP winter 18” BHP Our 50 Most Popular Seeds in 2020: Dahlia merckii Tulipa sprengeri Cosmos ‘Cupcakes White’ Thalictrum delavayi ‘Album’ Tagetes ‘Cinnabar’ Dixter Echium ‘Red Feathers’ Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Glow’ Antirrhinum ‘Black Prince’ Verbena officinalis ‘Bampton’ Panicum ‘Frosted Explosion’ Helenium ‘Helena Red ‘ Thalictrum delavayi Aquilegia ‘Tequila Sunrise’ Tithonia ‘Red Torch’ Sanguisorba officinalis Viola corsica Cosmos ‘Apricot Lemonade’ Achillea millefolium ‘Cassis’ Nicotiana mutabilis Lunaria ‘Variegata’ purple Lunaria annua ‘Corfu Blue’ Digitalis ferruginea Zinnia ‘Queen Red Lime’ Cephalaria transylvanica Cosmos ‘Cupcakes Blush’ Salvia recognita Lathyrus odoratus ‘Matucana’ Clematis integ ‘Blue Ribbons’ Geum triflorum Cosmos ‘Rubenza’ Agastache ‘Apricot Sprite’ Amsonia hubrichtii Lunaria ‘Alba Variegata’ Ophiopogon plan.Nigrescens Digitalis parviflora Meconopsis ‘Frances Perry’ Muhlenbergia capillaris Verbascum roripifolium Dahlia australis Dianthus carthusianorum Veronicastrum virgin. ‘Album’ Dahlia coccinea Cosmos ‘Dbl Click Cranberry’ Matthiola perennis ‘Alba’ Papaver ‘Laurens Grape’ Orlaya grandiflora Persicaria orientalis Trollius ‘New Moon’ Ammi majus Echinacea ‘Magnus Superior’ Erigeron karvinskianus Stipa ichu.