European Journal of Histochemistry 2011; volume 55:e18 Luminescence and fluorescence families as Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Lauraceae, Pinaceae and others.9,10 They are usually pro- Correspondence: Federico Boschi, Department of of essential oils. Fluorescence duced by steam distillation, although extrac- Morphological-Biomedical Sciences, Section of imaging in vivo of wild tion methods such as mechanical expression, Anatomy and Histology, University of Verona, chamomile oil solvent extraction or supercritical fluid extrac- strada Le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona, Italy. tion are also used.11,12 Essential oils are usual- Tel. +39.045.8027155 - Fax: +39.045.8027163. E-mail:
[email protected] F. Boschi, M. Fontanella, L. Calderan, ly lipophilic and not soluble in water, but according to the composition and the produc- A. Sbarbati Key words: optical imaging, essential oil, trans- tion method they can be dissolved in alcohols; dermal administration, fluorescence, phospho- Department of Morphological-Biomedical 13 moreover they are often volatile compounds. rescence, luminescence, in vivo. Sciences, Section of Anatomy and Terpenoids, the main components of the oils, Histology, University of Verona, Italy are synthesized from isoprene units and follow Acknowledgements: the authors wish to thank Dr. the chemical formula (C5H9-11)n. Mono- Maria Paola Cecchini for the helpful discussions (n=2) and sesquiterpene s (n=3)14 are the and the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena for most common compounds, followed by diter- the financial support. Abstract