Interests of the Sick & Suffering, Rochester City
Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection D1V0TID fO III INTERESTS OF THE SICK & SUFFERING, AT THE ROCHESTER CITY HOSPITAL. "I WAS SICK AND YE VISITED ME." VOL. XIII. ROCHESTER, N. Y., AUGUST 15, 1876. No. 1. THE HOSPITAL REVIEW, Oh, but to know that when I come to stand, IS PUBLISHED EVERY MONTH, BY As soon I must, on death's cold, stormy brink, THE PUBLI8HI3G COMMITTEE: Th«t I may feel his leading, guiding hand, And need n^t startle back, nor fear, nor shrink, Mrs. MALTBT STRONG, Mrs. WM. H. PEBKINd, " K. T. BOCHESTER, " Dr. MATHEW8. But with His presence, closely by my side, TERMS—Gity, in Advance inclnding Portage, 62 cts. Calmly await the angry, swelling tide. By Mail, " 60 " Oh, faithless heart I how can'st thou doubt Him Letters or CommunicatioDB for publication, to be so? addressed to Mrs. S. H. Terry, Editress, 81 Pow- When 'twas for thee, and for thy sake, He died. ers' Building. Subscriptions for The Review, and all letters Yes I even thine, and all, who seek His love, containing money, to be sent to Mrs. Robert Shall not his presence ever be denied. Mathews, Treasurer, No. 28 Spring Street. Not one soul, yearning for His precious face, Letters of inquiry, ana all business letters, are But shall find mercy, and His loving grace. requested to be sent to Mrs. Dr. MATHEWS, Cor- responding Secretary, 28 Spring Street. Oh, faithless heart! well may'st thou feel and Wm. S. Falls, Book & Job Printer, know! 9 Elwood Block, corner State and Buflalo Streets.
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