
The Saxon Era - The Wen

The Saxon Era - The Wen Poland Lesson plan (Polish) Lesson plan (English) The Saxon Era - The Wen Poland

Bale of Poltava Source: Pierre-Denis Marn, Bitwa pod Połtawą, 1726, olej na płótnie, Catherine Palace, domena publiczna.

Link to the lesson

You will learn

to describe the most important political events of the Saxon era, especially during the rule of Augustus II the Strong; to list the advantages and disadvantages of the Polish‐Saxon union; to characterize the reasons and symptoms of the crisis of the Polish state during the Saxon era.

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Nagranie abstraktu

The death of John III Sobieski in 1696 left Poland in a period of interregnum, during which, as it would turn out later, the nobility would elect the king without the assistance of foreign militaries for the last time in history. A double election took place. In the end, the struggle for the throne was won by the Saxon elector Frederick, who assumed the name of Augustus II. The Polish‐Saxon union ostensibly created a robust regional power. The King pursued an active foreign policy. He reclaimed the Podole region, previously lost to Turkey, and he joined the war against on Russia's side. The war ended with Sweden taking Poland over and deposing Augustus II. The invaders handed the throne to Stanisław Leszczyński. This led to a civil war. After having defeated Augustus II, the King of Sweden decided to attack Russia directly. He sent his armed forces towards Moscow. The decisive clash took place in the in 1709. The Swedish army was defeated, and the Swedish King escaped to Turkey. This, in turn, permitted Augustus II to reclaim the throne. After his death, the throne was taken over by his son, Augustus III (1733). His rule saw peace in the country, though it also brought the weakening of Poland on the international stage. The ruler was rarely present in the country, and he did not take great care of its military power either, devoting himself too much to the development of arts and culture. It was during his reign that the famous phrase During the era of the Saxon king let yourself go with eating and drinking! has been coined.

Task 1

Based on the map, show the possible obstacles to the efficient funconing of the Polish-Saxon union.

The Northern War Source: Krysan Chariza i zespół, Wojna północna, licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0. Task 2

Listen to the recording on the King-philosopher Stanisław Leszczyński. List his cultural achievements.

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Nagranie lektorskie

Though Stanisław Leszczyński had been “elected” King twice, he did not have an easy me ruling the country. He spent the most of his life abroad as a meritorious ruler of Lorraine. Leszczyński died on 23 February 1766 due to the complicaons that followed an unfortunate accident. He had suffered extensive burns aer his bathrobe caught fire from the fireplace in his palace in Lunéville. He could not be saved by the physicians and died before the age of 90. It can be safely said that The crowning of King Stanisław in 1705 none of the Polish kings had ever lived this Source: Koronacja króla Stanisława w 1705 roku, Biblioteka Narodowa Francji, licencja: CC 0. long.

His diligent educaon and manners, as well as personal values and mental predisposions rendered him, ever since his youth, a capvang man who found friends with great ease. He was a man of great courtesy, noble manners and broad (if, as per the standards of Enlightenment, superficial) knowledge of many topics. He was a true European.

When, aer the , the army of Charles XII of Sweden invaded the Polish territory in 1704, Leszczyński, heading the confederated Polish nobility, entered an alliance with him, and he was promised the Polish crown. This was the way the monarchs were decided in that era. Yet, as soon as 1709, aer the ’ defeat at the hands of the Russians in the Bale of Poltava, Stanisław’s fortune turned – Augustus II returned to rule Poland. Leszczyński had to flee; he wandered through Turkey, Sweden, the German Reich, and finally found himself in Alsaa. There, all of sudden, he was informed of the arrival of French envoys asking for the hand of his daughter, Maria, for none other than the King of France, Louis XV. It was 1725. The Polish refugee reportedly lost consciousness from the shock – not long before, aer all, he was polically bankrupt. Since then, he dwelled in luxury – his son-in-law wouldn’t let him live in poverty. The kingdomless king moved to Castle Chambord on Loire. In 1733, having received the news of the Wen’s death, Stanisław’s monarchic ambions came back to life. He hatched a plan: he went back to Poland on horseback, masquerading as a merchant, and at the same me his doppelganger sailed to Gdańsk. Having arrived in Poland, Leszczyński became the nobility’s favourite. His second elecon, however, did not do Poland any good. For the next two years, the War of Polish Succession raged on, with the parcipaon of the powers of the me, such as France, Russia, Prussia or . The states that would later paron Poland sought to install another Saxon, Augustus III, on the throne. They succeeded

Portrait of Stanisław Leszczyński only in 1736; this me, it was the Russian army Source: Jeana-Bapste van Loo, Portret Stanisława supporng the “elecon”. Having lost, Leszczyńskiego, Pałac w Wersalu, licencja: CC 0. Stanisław fled.

He was lucky – once again he experienced the good will of a Bourbon on the French throne. He became the lifelong ruler of the Duchy of Lorraine. In the next three decades of his life, he did his best to appeal to his subjects. He erected grand residences and gardens, and funded libraries. He founded the famous Knights Academy. He was not only an esteemed builder – he was also a great administrator and social benefactor; he built hospitals and orphanages. He was surrounded by famous people – he invited arsts and thinkers such as Voltaire and Montesquieu to his court. Even today, the name of Stanisław Leszczyński remains admired in their country. The place that undeniably owes him the most is Nancy, with its exquisite architecture (hosng, among other things, the monument and square of Leszczyński).

Based on: arcle tled „Stanisław Leszczyński - król bez królestwa, znany i lubiany... we Francji” which can be found on Natemat.pl web portal.

Task 3

Jusfy the statement that the saying “od Sasa do Lasa” (T/N: “from Saxon to Leszczyński”, a saying used to describe situaons where one deals with numerous contradictory views or phenomena) is an accurate descripon of Poland’s situaon in the years 1704-1709. Exercise 1

Read the sentences below. Which are true and which false?

True False

In 1698 , □ □ and Sweden formed an alliance and spulated an aack on Russia.

The Voivod of Poznań, □ □ Stanisław Leszczyński, assumed the Polish throne thanks to the support of King Charles XII of Sweden.

The Swedish army was □ □ defeated in the Bale of Poltava in 1709, and the wounded Charles XII fled to Turkey.

The Silent of 1717 □ □ ushered in the “Prussian ” era. Exercise 2

Set the events in the correct order:

The Pacification Sejm of 1736 legalizes the state of affairs in Poland. The Saxon and Russian militaries leave the country. Augustus II loses the Polish throne. Stanisław Leszczyński becomes King The defeat of Swedes in the Battle of Poltava Augustus II regains the throne The “Silent Sejm”. An agreement between the King and the nobility under the protection of Russia. The alliance of Augustus II (in the name of Saxony) with Russia and Denmark against Sweden Augustus II dies. The double election of Augustus III and Stanisław Leszczyński. Augustus III crowned King of Poland End of the Northern War. Augustus II is left with no gains.


Confederation, Treaty of the Three Black Eagles, Silent Sejm



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Nagranie słówka:

Konfederacja - związek zawierany na pewien okres przez szlachtę (lub miasta) dla osiągnięcia określonych celów politycznych; jej członkowie dążyli do wymuszenia na władzy określonych postulatów, lub działali w jej zastępstwie.

Treaty of the Three Black Eagles

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie słówka: Treaty of the Three Black Eagles Traktat trzech czarnych orłów – inaczej Loewenwolda - przymierze zawarte w grudniu 1732 roku przez Rosję, Prusy i Austrię zakładające wspólną politykę mocarstw wobec Rzeczpospolitej służące jej osłabieniu.

Silent Sejm

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Nagranie słówka: Silent Sejm

Sejm niemy – jednodniowy sejm obradujący w lutym 1717 r. w Warszawie. Został nazwany „niemym” z powodu niedopuszczenia posłów do głosu z obawie przed zerwaniem obrad. Lesson plan (Polish)

Temat: Czasy saskie - Rzeczpospolita Wettynów


Uczniowie klasy VI szkoły podstawowej

Podstawa programowa

XIII. Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów w I połowie XVIII wieku. Uczeń:

1. omawia przyczyny i charakteryzuje przejawy kryzysu państwa w epoce saskiej.

Ogólny cel kształcenia

Uczniowie zapoznają się z przyczynami i przejawami kryzysu państwa polskiego w czasach saskich

Kompetencje kluczowe

porozumiewanie się w językach obcych; kompetencje informatyczne; umiejętność uczenia się.

Kryteria sukcesu Uczeń nauczy się:

opisywać najważniejsze wydarzenia polityczne epoki saskiej, szczególnie za rządów Augusta II Mocnego; wymieniać atuty i wady unii polsko‐saskiej; charakteryzować przyczyny i przejawy kryzysu państwa polskiego w czasach saskich.

Metody/techniki kształcenia

podające pogadanka. aktywizujące dyskusja. programowane z użyciem komputera; z użyciem e‐podręcznika. praktyczne ćwiczeń przedmiotowych. Formy pracy

praca indywidualna; praca w parach; praca w grupach; praca całego zespołu klasowego.

Środki dydaktyczne

e‐podręcznik; zeszyt i kredki lub pisaki; tablica interaktywna, tablety/komputery.

Przebieg lekcji

Przed lekcją

1. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o wysłuchanie wykładu Znaczenie unii personalnej między Polską a Saksonią zamieszczonego w e‐podręczniku. Uczeń odpowiada na pytanie: Kto zyskał na unii polsko‐saskiej? Co oba kraje sobie dawały?.

Faza wstępna

1. Prowadzący lekcję podaje temat lekcji, określa cel zajęć i wspólnie z uczniami ustala kryteria sukcesu. 2. Nauczyciel przybliża uczniom okoliczności wyboru Augusta II Mocnego na króla Polski. Następnie uczniowie wykonują Polecenie 1. Analizują mapę i próbują wskazać, jakie mogły istnieć przeszkody w skutecznym funkcjonowaniu unii polsko‐saskiej. Odwołują się do informacji uzyskanych w toku pracy domowej.

Faza realizacyjna

1. Nauczyciel przedstawia uczniom polityczne zamierzenia Augusta II Mocnego oraz okoliczności wybuchu wojny północnej i wciągnięcia w nią Rzeczypospolitej. Następnie omawia konsekwencje polityki Augusta II Mocnego w postaci kontrwyboru Stanisława Leszczyńskiego na polski tron. Opowiada o reakcji rosyjskiej na działania Szwecji i konsekwencjach klęski Karola XII pod Połtawą. Uczniowie wykonują **Polecenie 2. **Nauczyciel upewnia się, że polecenie zostało poprawnie wykonane przez uczniów, a następnie udziela słownej informacji zwrotnej. 2. Uczniowie pracują w parach – z pomocą materiałów zawartych w Internecie – i porządkują informacje o (1) szwedzkiej i (2) rosyjskiej ingerencji w sprawy Rzeczypospolitej, począwszy od elekcji Leszczyńskiego poprzez Sejm Niemy z 1717 roku. Następnie pary „szwedzkie” i „rosyjskie” wymieniają się informacjami i porównują swoje wnioski na temat metod ingerencji danego mocarstwa i ich skuteczności. Uczniowie przygotowują arkusz papieru i nanoszą na niego wnioski z pracy zgodnie z modelem metaplanu (jak było? jak powinno być? dlaczego nie było tak, jak powinno być? co należało zrobić, aby było tak, jak być powinno?). 3. Podczas pracy nad ćwiczeniami i poleceniami nauczyciel wykorzystuje metodniki lub zestaw kart w trzech kolorach: zielonym, żółtym i czerwonym. Uczniowie dzięki kartom sygnalizują nauczycielowi, czy mają trudności z wykonywaniem poleceń (kolor zielony – radzę sobie świetnie, kolor żółty – mam wątpliwości, kolor czerwony – proszę o pomoc) . 4. Nauczyciel przechodzi do omówienia szczegółów porozumienia nazywanego traktatem trzech czarnych orłów i jego znaczenia. Uczniowie wykonują Polecenie 3.

Faza podsumowująca

1. Uczniowie wykonują Ćwiczenie 1. Wskazują zdania prawdziwe i fałszywe. Nauczyciel upewnia się, że ćwiczenie zostało wykonane prawidłowo, a następnie udziela uczniom informacji zwrotnej. 2. Uczniowie porządkują fakty w kolejności chronologicznej – wykonują Ćwiczenie 2. Następnie prosi uczniów by wymienili najważniejsze przejawy kryzysu Rzeczypospolitej epoki saskiej. Nauczyciel upewnia się, że zadanie zostało poprawnie wykonane, i udziela informacji zwrotnej. 3. Nauczyciel zadaje uczniom pytania: Co na zajęciach wydało wam się ważne i ciekawe? Co było łatwe, a co trudne? Jak możecie wykorzystać wiadomości i umiejętności, które dziś zdobyliście?

Chętni lub wybrani uczniowie podsumowują zajęcia 4. Nauczyciel ocenia pracę uczniów na lekcji, biorąc pod uwagę ich wkład i zaangażowanie. Może w tym celu przygotować ankietę ewaluacyjną do samooceny oraz oceny pracy prowadzącego i innych uczniów.

Praca domowa

1. Nauczyciel zadaje zadanie domowe (nie jest obligatoryjną częścią scenariusza), którym jest przygotowanie prezentacji o polskich zwolennikach Karola XII albo Piotra I. Uczniowie szukają informacji w Internecie, wyjaśniają motywy decyzji o szukaniu ich pomocy.

W tej lekcji zostaną użyte m.in. następujące pojęcia oraz nagrania



Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: Confederation

Konfederacja - związek zawierany na pewien okres przez szlachtę (lub miasta) dla osiągnięcia określonych celów politycznych; jej członkowie dążyli do wymuszenia na władzy określonych postulatów, lub działali w jej zastępstwie.

Treaty of the Three Black Eagles

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie słówka: Treaty of the Three Black Eagles

Traktat trzech czarnych orłów – inaczej Loewenwolda - przymierze zawarte w grudniu 1732 roku przez Rosję, Prusy i Austrię zakładające wspólną politykę mocarstw wobec Rzeczpospolitej służące jej osłabieniu.

Silent Sejm

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie słówka: Silent Sejm

Sejm niemy – jednodniowy sejm obradujący w lutym 1717 r. w Warszawie. Został nazwany „niemym” z powodu niedopuszczenia posłów do głosu z obawie przed zerwaniem obrad.

Teksty i nagrania

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Nagranie abstraktu

The Saxon Era - The Wettin Poland

The death of John III Sobieski in 1696 left Poland in a period of interregnum, during which, as it would turn out later, the nobility would elect the king without the assistance of foreign militaries for the last time in history. A double election took place. In the end, the struggle for the throne was won by the Saxon elector Frederick, who assumed the name of Augustus II. The Polish‐Saxon union ostensibly created a robust regional power. The King pursued an active foreign policy. He reclaimed the Podole region, previously lost to Turkey, and he joined the war against Sweden on Russia's side. The war ended with Sweden taking Poland over and deposing Augustus II. The invaders handed the throne to Stanisław Leszczyński. This led to a civil war. After having defeated Augustus II, the King of Sweden decided to attack Russia directly. He sent his armed forces towards Moscow. The decisive clash took place in the Battle of Poltava in 1709. The Swedish army was defeated, and the Swedish King escaped to Turkey. This, in turn, permitted Augustus II to reclaim the throne. After his death, the throne was taken over by his son, Augustus III (1733). His rule saw peace in the country, though it also brought the weakening of Poland on the international stage. The ruler was rarely present in the country, and he did not take great care of its military power either, devoting himself too much to the development of arts and culture. It was during his reign that the famous phrase During the era of the Saxon king let yourself go with eating and drinking! has been coined. Lesson plan (English)

Topic: The Saxon Era - The Wettin Poland

Target group

6th‐grade students of elementary school

Core curriculum

XIII. The Polish‐Lithuanian Commonwealth in the first half of the 18th century. Pupil:

1. discusses the causes and characterizes the manifestations of the state crisis in the Saxon era.

General aim of education

Students get acquainted with the causes and manifestations of the crisis of the Polish state in the Saxon era

Key competences

communication in foreign languages; digital competence; learning to learn.

Criteria for success The student will learn:

to describe the most important political events of the Saxon era, especially during the rule of Augustus II the Strong; to list the advantages and disadvantages of the Polish‐Saxon union; to characterize the reasons and symptoms of the crisis of the Polish state during the Saxon era.


expository talk. activating discussion. programmed with computer; with e‐textbook. practical exercices concerned.

Forms of work

individual activity; activity in pairs; activity in groups; collective activity.

Teaching aids

e‐textbook; notebook and crayons/felt‐tip pens; interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers.

Lesson plan overview

Before classes

1. The teacher asks students to listen to the lecture in the textbook „Znaczenie unii personalnej między Polską a Saksonią”. The student answers the question: Who gained in the result of the Polish‐Saxon union? What did the countries give each other?.


1. The teacher states the subject of the lesson, explains the aim of the lesson and together with students determines the success criteria to be achieved. 2. The teacher introduces students to the circumstances of the election of Augustus II the Strong to the King of Poland. Then the students do Task 1. They analyze the map and try to indicate what obstacles could have existed in the effective functioning of the Polish‐Saxon union. They refer to information obtained in the course of homework.


1. The teacher presents the students the political intentions of Augustus II the Strong and the circumstances of the outbreak of the Northern War and drawing the Commonwealth into it. Then he discusses the consequences of August II Mocne's policy in the form of Stanisław Leszczyński's counter‐election to the Polish throne. He talks about the Russian reaction to the actions of Sweden and the consequences of the defeat of Karol XII at Poltava. Students do Task 2. The teacher makes sure that the command has been correctly performed by the students and then gives verbal feedback. 2. Students work in pairs - with the help of materials found on the Internet - and order information about (1) Swedish and (2) Russian interference in the affairs of the Commonwealth, starting with the election of Leszczynski through the Dumb Seym of 1717. Then „Swedish” and „Russian” couples exchange information and compare their conclusions on the methods of interference of a given power and their effectiveness. Students prepare a sheet of paper and write down conclusions based on the metaplan model (how it was - how it should be - why it was not as it should be - what should have been done to be as it should be?). 3. While working on exercises and instructions, the teacher uses a method or a set of cards in three colors: green, yellow and red. Thanks to the cards, the students signal to the teacher if they have difficulties with carrying out orders (green - I'm doing great, yellow - I have doubts, red - please help). 4. The teacher goes on to discuss the details of the agreement called the treaty of three black eagles and its meaning. Students carry out Task 3.


1. Students do Exercise 1. They indicate true and false sentences. The teacher makes sure that the exercise has been done correctly and then provides feedback to the students. 2. Students order the facts in chronological order - they do Exercise 2. Then the teacher asks students to name the most important manifestations of the crisis in the Republic of the Saxon era. The teacher makes sure that the task has been correctly completed and gives feedback. 3. The teacher asks the students questions: What did you find important and interesting in class? What was easy and what was difficult? How can you use the knowledge and skills you have gained today?

Willing/selected students summarize the lesson 4. The teacher assesses the students' work during the lesson, taking into account their input and commitment. For this purpose, he may prepare an evaluation questionnaire for self‐assessment and evaluation of the teacher's work and other students.


1. The teacher sets homework (it is not an obligatory part of the script), which is the preparation of a presentation about Polish supporters of Karol XII or Piotr I. Students look for information on the Internet, explain the motives of the decision to seek their help.

The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson



Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: Confederation

Konfederacja - związek zawierany na pewien okres przez szlachtę (lub miasta) dla osiągnięcia określonych celów politycznych; jej członkowie dążyli do wymuszenia na władzy określonych postulatów, lub działali w jej zastępstwie.

Treaty of the Three Black Eagles

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie słówka: Treaty of the Three Black Eagles

Traktat trzech czarnych orłów – inaczej Loewenwolda - przymierze zawarte w grudniu 1732 roku przez Rosję, Prusy i Austrię zakładające wspólną politykę mocarstw wobec Rzeczpospolitej służące jej osłabieniu.

Silent Sejm

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie słówka: Silent Sejm

Sejm niemy – jednodniowy sejm obradujący w lutym 1717 r. w Warszawie. Został nazwany „niemym” z powodu niedopuszczenia posłów do głosu z obawie przed zerwaniem obrad.

Texts and recordings

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Nagranie abstraktu

The Saxon Era - The Wettin Poland

The death of John III Sobieski in 1696 left Poland in a period of interregnum, during which, as it would turn out later, the nobility would elect the king without the assistance of foreign militaries for the last time in history. A double election took place. In the end, the struggle for the throne was won by the Saxon elector Frederick, who assumed the name of Augustus II. The Polish‐Saxon union ostensibly created a robust regional power. The King pursued an active foreign policy. He reclaimed the Podole region, previously lost to Turkey, and he joined the war against Sweden on Russia's side. The war ended with Sweden taking Poland over and deposing Augustus II. The invaders handed the throne to Stanisław Leszczyński. This led to a civil war. After having defeated Augustus II, the King of Sweden decided to attack Russia directly. He sent his armed forces towards Moscow. The decisive clash took place in the Battle of Poltava in 1709. The Swedish army was defeated, and the Swedish King escaped to Turkey. This, in turn, permitted Augustus II to reclaim the throne. After his death, the throne was taken over by his son, Augustus III (1733). His rule saw peace in the country, though it also brought the weakening of Poland on the international stage. The ruler was rarely present in the country, and he did not take great care of its military power either, devoting himself too much to the development of arts and culture. It was during his reign that the famous phrase During the era of the Saxon king let yourself go with eating and drinking! has been coined.