Global Content Management Guide

1st edition CONTENTS

Automated Localization Workfl ow: A Reference Model ...... 3 How CMS and GMS collaborate in producing multilingual enterprise content Pierre Cadieux, President, i18N Incorporated

Detailed Product Information: Global content management features ...... 11 Stibo Catalog - STEP ...... 13 SDL International - SDL WorkFlow 2003...... 17 Documentum ...... 21 Idiom Technologies, Inc. - WorldServer™ ...... 23 GlobalSight - System4 ...... 27

Hartman Communicatie Listing of CMS Tools ...... 31

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association AUTOMATED LOCALIZATION WORKFLOW: A REFERENCE MODEL

How CMS and GMS collaborate in producing multilingual enterprise content Pierre Cadieux, President, i18N Incorporated

     , from license agreements to marketing brochures, from soft ware Fto Web sites, enterprise content: • belongs to various domains: medicine, law, engineering, marketing, etc. • is represented in various formats: Word, HTML, PDF, XML, etc. • is stored in various repositories: fi les, databases, Content Management Systems (CMS), etc. • is owned by various corporate entities: business units, departments, service centers, etc. • can be located anywhere in the world, from desktops to enterprise servers

And all this content may, at any given time, need to be translated into any number of languages. It is no mystery that many companies fi nd it diffi cult to control the translation/localization process, or even just to enforce common terminology across the enterprise. In fact, in many cases, it is diffi cult just to know where translation is happening and what the total cost is!

Content Management Systems (CMS) are systems designed to help author, store and deploy enterprise content. Globalization Management Systems (GMS) are systems designed to help manage and automate the localization process. Together, CMS and GMS provide a solution for the creation of multilingual enterprise content. Th is is il- lustrated by the high-level diagram in Figure 1:

CMS GMS (authoring) (localization)


Files I N

Database T E Automated R Localization TARGET(S) F Cycle A C Files E


Figure 1. High-level view of enterprise content localization

Th e CMS is involved primarily in the authoring of source content while the GMS is concerned mainly with man- aging the translation and localization of the content into any number of target languages. Th e resulting translated content is delivered back to the enterprise where it will possibly be managed by a CMS.

In some cases, the target and source content can all be stored in the same CMS at the same physical location. But remember that there are hundreds of commercial CMS and thousands of home-grown CMS solutions. In many

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cases the source and target content will be stored in several diff erent CMS, possibly in several countries (for ex- ample when each country manages the local Web site, combining global templates and translated content from the head offi ce with other content developed locally).

Because enterprise content evolves continually, it is important that the localization process managed by the GMS be as automated as possible. GMS use workfl ow technology to automatically detect new or modifi ed source con- tent, to automatically route the content to the localization vendors, to support the translation process with central- ized linguistic assets and to automatically deliver the translated content back to the enterprise.

Both CMS and GMS are complex systems and therefore the way they collaborate, their interface, is non-trivial. Not only must they exchange content but they must also collaborate on the basis of business rules and events. Th is will be explained further.

It is interesting to note that most GMS off er an architecture which allows several diff erent sources of content to in- teract with a single localization management system. So while there may be several diff erent CMS involved, there is usually only one GMS. By centralizing all localization within a single system, the GMS off ers the chance to put a bit of order in the growing body of content, to reverse content entropy as it were. A GMS can provide the enterprise with:

• centralized terminology management (useful for consistent global branding) • a single management interface for the localization process • visibility of the localization process and its costs

A Reference Model For Automated Localization Workfl ow Th e reference model is presented in Figure 2; from the high-level view just presented, it drills down into a more detailed analysis focusing on the steps and components of the GMS and their interface to the CMS. Although the order of steps presented here is logical, diff erent GMS may use a diff erent order, may group two or more steps into a single step or may not implement certain steps at all. Th e model is also independent of who actually performs the work. For example, if the customer is using a localization services fi rm, many steps will be performed by the vendor and others by the customer. When working with a small translation house, there will be a diff erent sharing of responsibilities. Th e value of the model is that it covers the major issues involved in this process and provides a vocabulary to discuss these issues.

SOURCE C O Extraction & N Segmentation T Job Leveraging E Creation Multi- Text N (re-use) media Files T Files W O Change Workflow Job Costing & R Detection Management Management Approval Database K F Content L Management O Workflow System W Work Workflow Templates. Distribution Jobs, Metrics

Internationalization Linguistic Assets Translation Job Translation memories, Archival TARGET(S) C glossaries, MT… O N T Review Text E Multi- N Billing & Linguistic (Edit & Proof) Files media T Collecting Asset Files W Maintenance O R Delivery & Functional Database K Notification Testing F Content Work Management L Completion System O W

Figure 2. Th e Automated Localization Workfl ow Reference Model

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SOURCE. As already mentioned, the source content comes in a variety of formats and can reside in many reposi- tories. Here we show text fi les (HTML, XML, RTF, etc.) and multimedia fi les (Flash, Photoshop, etc.) and we could also mention templates (CSS, XSL, etc.) as interesting cases. Th e model also shows diff erent repositories: fi les, data- bases and possibly a content management system. An important issue here is the invasiveness of the GMS: will the content have to move to another platform or database? Must tags be inserted in the fi les? Do the fi les have to be converted to a template based approach? Must the database schema be changed?

TARGET(S). Th e fi nal objective is to deliver correct translated content in any number of languages to any number of repositories in any number of countries. Th e interesting question here is how source and target interact. In most orga- nizations, for any given functional area, there will be one or more primary content producers. For example, in company X, most customer service information may be produced natively in German, while most legal documents may be pro- duced in English. Th e content is then translated for use in other offi ces in other countries: the consumers of translated content. Th e question is how easily the consumers can create their own content to complement the translated content they receive. Furthermore, beyond a simple merge of local and translated content, there are more sophisticated and productive modes of collaboration possible: the consumers and producers can share terminology, document tem- plates and even navigation structure (an approach pioneered by TRIDION). Note fi nally that, in the global enterprise, the consumers for one kind of content may be primary producers for another kind of content.

Internationalization. Finally, the model reminds us that before the localization cycle can be truly functional, all content that needs to be localized should be properly prepared i.e. it should be internationalized. Th e CMS involved must support data in a variety of languages and they may also off er localized user interfaces. Code, be it soft ware programs or scripts in HTML pages, must be properly generalized and separated from the strings that need to be translated. Help fi les and documents should be rationalized and verifi ed: there is no point in translating into many languages content that is wrong, redundant or simply a digression. Finally, for images containing text, providing just the fi nal GIF or JPEG won’t do; the original layered image fi les (Photoshop, for example) must be located and provided as the source content, otherwise the localization vendors will have to redevelop artwork just to change a few words (multiplying costs quite signifi cantly).

Central Data Structures All the localization steps shown in the model revolve around two major data structures: Workfl ow and Linguistic Assets. Workfl ow has to do with process automation, while Linguistic Assets help minimize translation work and ensure consistency. Th ese data structures are usually stored in databases and sometimes in fi les. Th ey can be lo- cated at the customer site, at the localization vendor’s site, or even hosted by the GMS vendor (or any combination thereof). Th ey store the basic objects of the system: workfl ow templates, jobs, translation memories, glossaries, etc. All these objects require management and maintenance with the appropriate tool.

Workfl ow. In theory, the workfl ow engine is a general purpose tool that allows arbitrarily complex processes to be defi ned: any number of steps, any number of people involved anywhere in the world, any task be it manual or au- tomated. In practice, there is a trade-off between complexity and ease-of-use: some systems have a fi xed sequence of steps and the only confi guration possible is to skip a step; other systems support general workfl ow templates with conditionals and have their own scripting language. It is important to remember that localization is the objec- tive here, and that workfl ow is only a means to an end. Most GMS allow deadlines to be defi ned, some also allow a budget; LTC, in particular, monitors budgeted vs. actuals and displays gross margin (for the localization vendor). Finally, escalation is an important feature i.e. if a task gets stuck, will it be re-routed to someone in charge, will an alert be sent to the localization manager? If not, then the system must be monitored very regularly to make sure everything is on track.

Workfl ow Management. Th is refers to the process of defi ning and maintaining the workfl ow templates that specify the steps that jobs in the system will execute. Some systems have wizards with only a few questions to an- swer, others require several pages of options to be set, others still have graphical interfaces that allow a process to be defi ned as a fl owchart (and some also have a scripting language). STAR have a unique approach: they provide a basic set of fairly atomic process modules that can be combined into a workfl ow template.

Job Management. As the system starts processing jobs, it must provide a management console to allow tracking and control over the jobs. It should be easy to see all jobs in the system and their status, in particular if they are stuck or behind schedule or if there are issues with the job. Th e control features should make it easy to get jobs unstuck, either by rerouting them or by canceling them. In general, customers do not want to manage localization;

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what they do want is better visibility into the process managed by the vendor. It’s a good idea for GMS to provide two distinct interfaces for job management; one for the customer, with less detail and less control, and one for the vendor with all details (including those, if any, he would prefer not releasing to the customer).

Linguistic Assets. Th ese include one or more translation memories, glossaries and possibly a machine translation server. One could also include dictionaries, spell checkers and grammar checkers in this category (although these tools are generally presumed to be on the translator’s desktop). Linguistic assets reduce the cost, increase the qual- ity and increase the consistency of translation work. In the most general sense, linguistic assets store translation knowledge; if the system knows how to do something once, it may be able to do it again automatically (or at least make pertinent suggestions to the human translator). Some systems have one large centralized translation memory in a big relational database, others will simply collect several project-based translation memories onto a fi le server. Some systems make it possible to download the pertinent subset (i.e. only those segments that match the text to be translated) of the translation memory in order to work offl ine eff ectively.

Linguistic Asset Maintenance. An oft en neglected point is that linguistic assets must also be maintained. Th e more work that is routed through the system, the more translation knowledge is accumulated, promoting more re- use. But as more and more data is accumulated, the system will also accumulate diff erent translations for the same text segments. As translation knowledge grows, it becomes less precise and contains more “noise”. Linguistic Asset Maintenance is required to avoid chaotic growth of translation knowledge and ensure that the captured data can be leveraged in a meaningful way.

Linguistic Asset Maintenance. An oft en neglected point is that Linguistic Assets must also be maintained. Th e more work that is routed through the system, the more translation knowledge is accumulated, the more re-use we can hope for. But as translation knowledge grows, it becomes less precise and contains more “noise” (e.g. diff erent translations for the same sentence) which can eventually hinder re-use. To avoid chaotic growth of translation knowledge, Linguistic Assets must be tagged with a certain amount of metadata to defi ne the context of a transla- tion: content type, style, domain, customer, project, etc. (the best way to do this is still a research topic). Overall, Linguistic Asset Maintenance helps ensure that the captured data can be leveraged in a meaningful way.

Content & Workfl ow Interfaces Th ese are the logical components of the interface between CMS and GMS. In fact, most GMS will have a content- only interface for fi le systems and another content+workfl ow interface for CMS and other such systems comprising workfl ow.

Content Interface. At a minimum the GMS must be able to retrieve and deliver content, be it stored in a fi le system, database or CMS. Some systems can connect directly to databases, others exchange only fi les, requiring therefore that database content be exported (and translated results be imported). Most GMS use the content inter- face as a means to copy the content to their own repository; IDIOM is a the exception: they have a sophisticated content interface which actually leaves the content wherever it is in the enterprise. Th is means that the fi ltering and segmentation of content is performed on the fl y anytime the content is accessed by the leveraging engine, the translator, the reviewer, etc. Th is can promote a tighter collaboration between content authors and translators.

Workfl ow Interface. When a CMS and GMS work together, we basically have two workfl ow systems collabo- rating. Th e CMS will ensure that new source is authored, revised and possibly tested, and then this new content may be sent over to the GMS for translation. When the GMS sends the translated result back, the CMS may be in charge of the fi nal deployment of the content. At a minimum, the Workfl ow Interface communicates events such as “source content needs translation” or “translation work done”. Higher levels of integration are also possible; the CMS and GMS may also share a unifi ed Job Management interface meaning the manager will be able to monitor translation projects in the GMS from within the CMS user interface. A truly seamless interface will make the GMS appear as an extension of the CMS.

Automated Localization Cycle Th e localization cycle is the sequence of steps any piece of content goes through in order to be localized.

Change Detection. Th e Change Detection module monitors the source content and is responsible for detecting changes and initiating action. Change monitoring may operate continuously or at regular intervals. File changes

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can be detected by fi le modifi cation date, checksums, etc. Database changes are handled by adding to the tables special status fi elds or update triggers (i.e. special database procedures that are automatically executed when a fi eld is updated). Some systems off er a database connection wizard (IDIOM, for example), others consider database con- nectivity to be part of the system installation/customization phase.

Job Creation. Th e Job Creation module receives the changed (or new) content that needs to be translated along with its attributes: source and target languages, priority, deadline, preferred translators, etc. Th e content is grouped into meaningful jobs (also called projects or orders) for the workfl ow system; jobs should neither be too small (translators really are not interested in $5 jobs) nor too large. Th e jobs may be created on the basis of number of fi les, fi le types, target languages, priority, or time interval.

Extraction. As mentioned earlier, enterprise content comes in a variety of formats: Word, HTML, PDF, etc. Each format requires its own fi lter. Th e fi lters are responsible for extracting (fi ltering out) the actual text from its contain- ing format, separating the source content into two parts: the text and the skeleton. Th e text part may contain basic text attributes such as bold and underline; if these attributes are stored in a normalized manner, a bold header in Word will match the same bold header in an HTML or PDF fi le. Th e list of formats supported, the quality of sup- port and the context (offl ine or online) in which the formats are supported varies from one GMS to another.

Segmentation. Once the text is extracted, it must be segmented into units of the appropriate size in order to be compared against the translated segments stored in the translation memories. Th e segmentation unit is oft en the sentence, but the exact set of rules for delimiting a segment varies from vendor to vendor. Sometimes information from the skeleton will be used to help defi ne segments and segmentation will happen during extraction. Many tools use translation memories in some form or other: TRADOS, Catalyst, SDL, STAR, Déjà Vu, GlobalSight, IDIOM, etc. and diff erences in segmentation algorithms mean that, when moving from one tool to another, a signifi cant chunk of the translation memory can be, for all intents and purposes, lost (10% -50% loss, depending on the particular combination of tools).

Leveraging. Th e Leveraging module tries to translate all source text segments using the Linguistic Assets. It may fi nd exact and fuzzy matches in one or more translation memories or glossaries, it may also use machine trans- lation. Th e end result is for each text segment, a list of matches and a classifi cation of these matches into exact matches, fuzzy matches of various precision (90%, 80%, etc.), glossary matches, automatic translation “matches”, etc. Th e match results will be provided to the translator either by storing them in a job-specifi c translation memory or glossary or by pre-translating the text segments. Pre-translation usually means that it is the machine, not the translator, that determines the best match (exact or fuzzy) to use.

Costing & Approval. All text segments classifi ed by the leveraging step are word-counted. For each text segment, the system now has the word-count, the match class as well as source and target languages, priority, deadline, etc. All these factors can be combined to produce a cost for each item in the job. Note that most systems automate only word-based costing; costing based on page counts or costing for other tasks than pure translation has to be handled separately. Eventually, a quote is produced for the current job and routed to the customer for approval. Approval may be manual or automatic, i.e. the job gets automatically approved unless its size exceeds a certain threshold.

Work Distribution. Once a job has been approved, the work must be distributed to one or more translators in one or more countries. Most systems provide some form of vendor management tool comprising a database of transla- tors and agencies along with the language pairs they can handle. Some systems will also store the various tasks that a vendor can perform (translation, review, DTP preprocessing, bidi engineering, etc.). Most important to achieving a quality result is being able to store and manage a quality rating for each vendor as well as the domains (soft ware, legal, medicine, etc.) that they can handle. If enterprise content is tagged with metadata identifying its domain, then the appropriate subset of competent translators may be automatically selected.

Translation. In this step, the translator actually translates the work received using the tools provided by the sys- tem or his own tools if the system can interface with them. Th is is likely the most important step as the main cost of localization is translation and the cost of translation is largely determined by how effi cient an environment is provided to the translator. Th e translator may work online with a browser-based tool, or offl ine on his desktop PC. Browser-based tools are excellent for dealing with small changes, but for more substantial work, translators are usually more productive working on their desktops. In particular, browser-based translation workbenches are not always feasible for remote translators working in countries where the Internet is slow or expensive. Note also that the GMS desktop tools and their browser-based equivalents usually have diff erent feature sets; in particular:

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diff erent formats supported or diff erent levels of support, fuzzy matches, glossaries, previewing, spell-checking, concordance searches, etc.

Review. Th e translation work is then routed for review (editing and proofi ng). Th e work is checked for transla- tion accuracy and for overall document correctness. Most systems have no special review tools: the reviewer uses the same tool as the translator. Measuring language quality is notoriously diffi cult but is the only way process improvement can be achieved. Language quality metrics (SAE J2450 is one example) can be computed on statisti- cally signifi cant samples of the work before and aft er review. Th e system should allow for user-defi ned data such as language quality metrics to be stored in the database.

Functional Testing. Any form of content that is somehow rendered dynamically with programmable logic (scripts in HTML, content stored in a database, etc.) should be tested before being published. Since customers oft en lack testers that speak the target languages, it is oft en most effi cient for the localization vendor to provide the testing service. Th is usually requires a good collaboration between customer and vendor, to give the vendor access to the customer’s staging site, for example, or to provide test plans, guidelines, even automated test scripts (that may them- selves need to be localized). Some systems have features to track bugs and generate bugfi x tasks in the workfl ow.

Work Completion. Th is step is actually quite simple: a reviewer or tester uploads a tested fi le or simply hits a “Done” button. Th e importance of this step is that it represents a milestone at which the translation work per- formed is deemed correct. It is at this time that the Linguistic Assets (translation memories, glossaries) are updated and that Linguistic Asset Maintenance is best performed.

Delivery & Notifi cation. Th e fi nal work must be delivered to the client enterprise through some form of content connector (CMS interface, database interface, etc.). Delivery should not interfere with local content development or site operation. Security is of paramount importance at this time, as this step not only adds new content, but may override existing enterprise content.

Billing & Collecting. Enterprise content grows and changes regularly and can generate a large number of transla- tion jobs in the system. Th e billing and collecting for this translation work is either handled by some form of global agreement (time-based, volume-based or otherwise), or each job is billed separately. In the latter case, automation is essential as the system can process many jobs per day. Some systems will allow fi nancial data to be dumped into XML fi les, possibly imported later into an Excel spreadsheet, while others have direct interfaces to systems such as Oracle Financials.

Job Archival. One of the advantages of a workfl ow system is that it makes it possible to easily accumulate statistics (time spent, number of issues, % leverage, per content, per language, etc.) which can ultimately help improve the localization process. It should be possible to save and manipulate job data to this end.

A Detailed Evaluation Matrix By drilling down one step further, the model has been used to generate an evaluation matrix of nearly 1,000 ques- tions which analyze each step of the process as well as other aspects of the various vendors: viability, R&D process, Quality Assurance, Customer Support, etc. Th is evaluation matrix has been used to perform comprehensive evalu- ations of several vendors including GlobalSight, LTC, SDL, STAR, Trados (formerly Uniscape) and Tridion (as well as the former Convey and the late WorldPoint).

Creating and fi lling this matrix with data from the various vendors has been instrumental in allowing the model to evolve.

Th e evaluation matrix digs deep enough to get the real answers. Consider a simple question: “Does your GMS sup- port fuzzy matching?” A “yes” answer sometimes means it is only supported in the browser-based environment. Since most translation work is performed using a desktop tool, it is useful to ask: “Does your GMS support fuzzy matching in the desktop tool?” But this still might mean that the text to translate is pre-translated with exact and fuzzy matches that the system (not the translator) has decided are the best ones. So the real question is: “Can the translator, operating offl ine with a desktop tool, select, for any given text segment, the best fuzzy match from a displayed list of fuzzy matches?”

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Conclusion Th e reference model illustrates the major issues involved in automating localization workfl ow. It is useful in evalu- ating processes and tools like GMS by providing a vendor-neutral terminology and conceptual reference. Manag- ers facing the multilingual challenge can use the model and matrix to better understand, challenge and evaluate the solutions proposed by the various vendors in order to select the appropriate process and technology for their organization.

Automating localization workfl ow is complex and it may be that no system meets all your needs but, then, what other choice do you have?

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 10 LISA Global Content Managent Guide About i18N Incorporated

Pierre Cadieux is president of i18N, technology editor for the Globalization Insider (LISA Newsletter) and he will soon be teaching internationalization at the University of Montreal at the Faculty of Continuing Education. He has been VP Technology at ALIS Technologies and director of technology at Bowne Global Solutions.

Pierre has over twenty years experience in the industry; his globalization experience covers embedded sys- tems, shrink-wrap software and Web sites.

At ALIS, Pierre pioneered the transparent handling of Arabic and Hebrew languages and created the core bi- directional technology licensed by Microsoft.

As Director of Localization Technology at Bowne Global Solutions, he carried out research and analysis on multilingual Web sites and published the fi rst generic model of Globalization Management Systems.


Th e following pages contain detailed information on the globalization support in content management and/or globalization managment systems. Each product included is profi led in terms of six general application areas and the developers were asked to answer the following questions:

1. Content creation. How can the tool be used for content creation, or how does it interface with other tools to aid in content creation? How can it be used to utilize legacy content?

2. Content storage and manipulation. How is content stored and accessed? What functions can be per- formed on content? Can third-party tools be used with your tool?

3. Translation and localization management. What functions support translation and localization? How integral are these functions to tool functionality? At what level are they supported?

4. Workfl ow. Describe the tool’s workfl ow management functions.

5. Re-use of content. How does the tool promote re-use of content in heterogeneous environments and contexts?

6. Publishing. What publishing formats does the tool support? How does it interface with other formats/ tools?

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association


1. Content creation How can the tool be used for content creation, or how does it interface with other tools to aid in content creation? How can it be used to utilize legacy content?

Within STEP, content comprises of product information with attribute associations (e.g. descriptions, prices and technical specifi cations), images and documents. Each object is referenced to the others where appropriate.

Content can be manually entered into STEP via the STEPworkbench—a web-enabled user-interface, which allows data input via the Internet. A ‘thin client’ user-interface is also available for content creation, which runs within a Web browser. From here, products can be navigated in a ‘tree browser’ enabling granular information on products to be easily maintained.

A workfl ow can be defi ned to support the content creation process and tasks can be automatically routed, for ex- ample, from content creator to approver and then to distributor.

Content can be uploaded using the STEP Import Manager. An Import Wizard guides the user through confi guring the import (e.g. setting transformations, mapping, matching, and destination) and popular formats such as ‘csv’, and XML are supported. Imported content can be staged so that only approved content is accepted in the ‘live’ database. Th e database will enforce data quality checks and content that fails validation is rejected.

Images and legacy documents can also be uploaded to the STEP database and stored as Media Assets. Metadata can then be defi ned to aid the search and navigation of Media Assets.

2. Content storage and manipulation How is content stored and accessed? What functions can be performed on content? Can third-party tools be used with your tool?

Th e STEP content database is implemented on top of an Oracle RDBMS. An abstract data model is implemented in the Oracle database layer with the business logic implemented in the application layer (which the user-interfaces connect to), using objects such as ’products’, ’classifi cations’, ’attributes’, ’documents’ and ’images’. Th is content is

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 14 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

accessed and maintained via the STEPworkbench or a customised ’thin client’. STEP is organised in a 3-tier archi- tecture shown below. Each tier can be addressed via specifi c APIs.

Client Layer Import STEP Export Manager Workbench Manager Plug-in API

Application Java Layer Java API Values References

Classification Attributes Product s Assets XML API

Database Layer C++, SQLNet SQL API Child

Node Edge



A Java API is available to develop customised applications to access and manipulate content. Operations such as searching, navigating, inserting, updating and deleting are available via the supplied user-interfaces or Java API.

Content can also be directly accessed on the Oracle database level via the SQL API. Th is read-only API unfolds the abstract data model as a set of database views, representing the objects of the application layer. Th ird-party tools can be used for content export via the SQL-API and can integrate with the STEP database by using the Java API for customised development.

Revision control is available to track the history of database objects, supporting ’undo’ and making it possible to re- vert back to an older version and Microsoft Excel is supported for export and import of a product-attribute matrix and can be used ’offl ine’ for data manipulation.

3. Translation and localization management What functions support translation and localization? How integral are these functions to tool functionality? At what level are they supported?

Th e unique strengths of the STEP Enterprise Content Management Suite are in the way it handles translation and localisation.

In a global environment product data must be maintained in diff erent ways, the most obvious being language varia- tions. Some attributes may also hold values which are only valid within a specifi c business area, for example, a price is valid for a specifi c market segment or a warranty statement is only valid for a specifi c country.

STEP uses the concept of ‘contexts’ to handle local variants so that product data can be context-specifi c. Contexts can also be multi-dimensional, for example, the ‘language’ dimension of a ‘context’ could be ‘British English’ or ‘Danish’, and the ‘market’ dimension could be UK or Scandinavia.

Local variations of information are easily maintained within the user-interface. Th e ‘split-screen’ feature is specifi c to language-handling and supports the translation process. Th e translator only has permission to write to the ‘tar- get’ language and the ‘source’ language is protected. Th is process can be fully controlled by the integrated workfl ow management features. Th ere is also an option to integrate with the powerful translation memory tool from Trados for computer-aided translation.

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4. Workfl ow Describe the tool’s workfl ow management functions.

STEP Workfl ow Management supports the automation of business processes according to a set of intelligent busi- ness rules. It is based on the Staff ware workfl ow engine, which is embedded into the soft ware.

Workfl ow management support is directly available from the STEP user-interface, so workfl ow features, such as a ‘task list’ with direct navigation to the specifi c product, media asset or module, are built into the standard interface.

Users interact with STEP Workfl ow Management mainly through the task list. When a new task has been assigned to a user, it will appear in their task list. Th e user then selects a task for execution, for example, translation which positions STEPworkbench on the object to be translated. Th ey complete the task and ‘inform’ the soft ware by click- ing ‘Done’ that the task has been completed.

Th ose not directly involved in the workfl ow can be notifi ed about specifi c events, for example, if an approval is requested or a critical task overdue.

STEP Workfl ow Management Administrator functionality provides online monitoring of reports and statistics to provide the best possible overview of an active production environment.

Th e client for workfl ow defi nitions is based on a drawing tool, which makes it easy to provide an overview. Th e example here shows a simple data export workfl ow.

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5. Re-use of content How does the tool promote re-use of content in heterogeneous environments and contexts?

STEP aggregates, stores, manages, augments and delivers content from a single content repository in a number of styles and formats. Th is is only possible if the content is stored in a media-neutral way to allow any piece of content to be used within a number of a contexts and environments.

Th e STEP database has therefore been designed to distinguish between three types of information:

1. Content. Descriptive product information. 2. Structure. Th e organisation of product information into hierarchies, tables, etc. 3. Presentation. Selection, formatting and layout for a specifi c presentation.

Because diff erent types of information are independent of one another, a specifi c piece of information can be struc- tured independently of its content, and content is independent of the presentation context. Content is therefore never tied to a specifi c presentation or structure.

XML is widely recognised as the standard format for data exchange in heterogeneous environments and the STEP XML API implements an XML abstraction of STEP objects such as products, attributes, and values. Th e API fa- cilitates the exchange of data within the STEP system and is based on the STEP XML specifi cation (available as a Document Type Defi nition or DTD). Th is specifi cation refl ects the structure, granularity and quality of the content stored on the STEP Database.

6. Publishing What publishing formats does the tool support? How does it interface with other formats/tools?

Print publishing functionality is built into the STEP database using ‘dynamic documents’ to ensure data does not need to be taken off -line for publishing. Changes to information stored within STEP are automatically updated in the output environment by embedding database references in the documents. Th ese references are also used for the automatic generation of language variations by re-using the existing layout and pagination.

Th e two solutions for print publishing are:

• STEPautopage is an automatic page makeup tool, designed to handle large, rule-based catalogues. Mod- ules are transformed into dynamic documents with the format and layout of individual modules defi ned within the database. Documents are arranged on pages for printing, and automatically synchronized with the database content. • STEPxpress integrates STEP with QuarkXpress™. If the design of a publication requires more manual intervention, additional layout can be added to the modules within QuarkXpress and data is synchronized automatically. eCatalogues can be produced using STEP Export Manager for ’csv’ fi les, Microsoft Excel Files and XML fi les (in- cluding industry standards, such as BMEcat, xCBL and cXML). Th e XML capabilities within STEP make it easy to introduce support for any future publishing formats.

Product presentations for Web catalogues can be delivered using STEP ePublisher, which also enables incremental Web publishing and link management.

For more information on Stibo Catalogs’s product off erings and capabilities, please contact:

Mark Th orpe VP UK Sales Tel: +44 (0) 7764 264795 [email protected]

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association SDL INTERNATIONAL  SDLWORKFLOW 2003

1. Content creation How can the tool be used for content creation, or how does it interface with other tools to aid in content creation? How can it be used to utilize legacy content?

SDL International’s SDLWorkFlow 2003 is an enterprise-class, Web-based Globalization Management System (GMS) designed to help organizations easily automate and manage the globalization process. Th e System combines the entire range of GMS functionality in a unifi ed Web-based server architecture.

Readily integrating with either clients’ existing application systems or with the world’s leading Content Manage- ment Systems (such as Microsoft CMS 2002, Interwoven Teamsite, Tridion Dialog Server etc.), SDL’s Content Transfer API provides for XML-based transactions between SDLWorkFlow and the authoring system.

Tight integration with the workfl ow processes of these environments means that Globalization management of new and existing, localized content can be leveraged to form the basis of translation memory databases. Th ese maximise the benefi ts of re-use of previous translation eff ort—reducing cost and time.

SDLWorkFlow’s integrations allow content authors, editors and reviewers to manage multi-lingual content in both an automated or a manual fashion. Changes to content in a specifi ed source language can be replicated into multiple target languages by either a manually driven procedure or automatically, based on a defi nable set of Business Rules.

In addition to integration with Enterprise Content Management Systems, SDL off ers a range of applications de- signed to enable both rapid deployment and ad hoc translation requests by content owners. SDLCourier is a web- based portal for sending ad-hoc translations to SDLWorkFlow 2003. It is accessed from a users desktop via a web browser. Users are able to make simple translation requests and track job progress without having to understand the details of the localization process.

SDLNexus is a cross platform application capable of detecting changes in content repositories such as network fi le servers. Changes can be automatically sent for translation and returned to a pre-defi ned location allowing for the seamless synchronization of multi-lingual content.

2. Content storage and manipulation How is content stored and accessed? What functions can be performed on content? Can third-party tools be used with your tool?

Content that has been submitted for translation is stored centrally on the SDLWorkFlow 2003 server. Users are alerted by email when there are tasks for them to complete within the localisation process and are invited to login to SDLWorkFlow 2003 in order to perform their designated function. Access to SDLWorkFlow 2003 is provided through a web user interface off ering full functionality for Project Managers and Translation team members.

Users required to work directly with translatable content have a choice of working on-line through the web interface or downloading translation packages for SDL’s desktop translation suite, SDLX. SDLWorkFlow 2003 support for the TTX format off ers translators the opportunity top work with a Trados Tag Editor environment, should they choose.

Th e System also supports the defi nitive Translation Memory exchange format (“TMX”), which ‘future-proofs’ the system for onward compatibility.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 18 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

SDLWorkFlow 2003 provides users with the ability to personalize the appearance of their information. Customiza- tion of the User Interfaces allows for a corporate look and feel and users can chose which information is presented using simple to manage templates and tables. Information can be added or removed from the interfaces to suit individual user’s needs and requirements.

3. Translation and localization management What functions support translation and localization? How integral are these functions to tool functionality? At what level are they supported?

SDLWorkFlow 2003 is a Globalization Management System designed specifi cally for managing the localization process. Core functionality includes Status Tracking, Translation Memory, Automated Costing, Customizable Re- porting, Translation Memory Sequencing, and Integrated Real-time Translation.

Examples of advanced functionality include:

• Translation Memory Sequencing, where SDLWorkFlow 2003 users have the fl exibility to apply a series of Reference Translation Memories (in addition to the main Translation Memory) and are able to specify the order in which they are applied. In this way translators are provided with the best possible match from all the available Translation Memories in the chosen sequence. • Dictionary Sequencing—when using Real-time Translation from SDL’s Enterprise Translation Server— allows the user to specify the order in which available dictionaries are applied to translations as part of the processing and review of content. • Workfl ow stages can be defi ned to use custom mail notifi cation templates, with predefi ned workfl ow steps. In addition, SDLWorkFlow Broker is a Windows service, which provides users with the capability to execute customized scripts at stages within a workfl ow. SDLWorkFlow Broker periodically interrogates SDLWorkFlow 2003 to fi nd tasks at a ‘custom’ workfl ow stage. When the Broker fi nds a task at a custom stage it executes the required script and communicates back to SDLWorkFlow 2003 that the it has been successfully executed.

Multilingual Human SDLWorkFlow Content Server Resources

Secure XML Secure XML Offline Users M-ae messaging XML-based Content Translation Repository Request Memory Request Translator

Reviewer M-ae messaging XML-based Response Engineer

Content Workflow Management Engine Browser System Access Online Users e Interface Web

XML-based messaging Project Manager

Translator Response Reviewer Multilingual Database Engineer

4. Workfl ow Describe the tool’s workfl ow management functions.

SDLWorkFlow 2003 provides customisable workfl ows that can include human, machine and scriptable steps within the same seamless process. Human stages can include Authorization, Translation, Review and Engineering

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functions. Pre-defi ned machine stages automate the extraction of translatable content from formatted documents, the application and automated management of translation memories, calculation of the localization costs, email notifi cations and other maintenance functions.

SDLWorkFlow 2003 now allows administrators to defi ne custom workfl ow stages and scriptable steps to automate tasks oft en performed by a localization team in the handling of client specifi c requirements.

Users are able to generate their own custom reports, within a framework of predefi ned report data. SDLWorkFlow 2003 provides a set of Standard Reports as well as the ability to produce customized reports based on a selection of views. Th e views contain all possible information relating to a particular subject area. Users can then generate reports according to their own requirements, selecting the information they want to see and specifying their own grouping or ordering.

Th e web based User and Administration Interface allows translators to work on content from anywhere in the world. Th is interface also supports on line TM lookups, individual segment version history and full fi le version his- tory. Confi guration and administration of SDLWorkFlow 2003 is managed entirely through a web interface.

5. Re-use of content How does the tool promote re-use of content in heterogeneous environments and contexts?

At the heart of SDLWorkFlow 2003 is SDL’s enterprise Translation Memory engine, SDLX, which is able to separate translatable content from formatting information. Translatable content is then broken down into small linguistic units called segments, typically a sentence or phrase. Th e translation memory engine will then search previous translations for a match with each segment. Should an exact or close match be found it is used to form the basis of the translated document ready for further translation and review by the translation team. Th e use of translation memory within the localization process can save up to 50% of the time and cost usually associated with managing multi-lingual content.

SDLWorkFlow 2003 incorporates Translation Memory Sequencing, where users have the fl exibility to apply a series of Reference Translation Memories in addition to the main Translation Memory and are able to specify the order in which they are applied. In this way translators are provided with the best possible match from all the available Translation Memories in the chosen sequence.

As a System which supports both the leading translation memory exchange standard (“TMX”) and the most com- mon format currently used by Translators (“Trados TTX”), SDLWorkFlow 2003 is the most open and interchange- able system available.

6. Publishing What publishing formats does the tool support? How does it interface with other formats/tools?

SDLWorkFlow 2003 off ers native support for the localization of the following content formats: html, xml, rtf, mif, and text. Th is native support enables SDLWorkFlow 2003 to manage the extraction of translatable material from formatted documents. Other content types not natively supported can still be sent to the system for translation. For these content types, SDLWorkFlow 2003 utilizes scriptable workfl ow stages to transform the content into a format that may be natively handled. For binary fi le types that cannot be transformed, for example Gif’s or Jpegs, SDLWorkFlow 2003 is able to manage the workfl ow requirements of the localization process, passing the content from stage to stage in the workfl ow to allow localization engineers to perform the necessary tasks.

SDLWorkFlow 2003 provides support for 148 languages and regional variations including double-byte and right to left support. All content being translated is stored in Unicode or UTF-8 and converted to the appropriate character set prior to delivery.

Regardless of the content type, SDLWorkFlow 2003 provides reporting and status information to the Project Man- agement team essential to ensure the timely and effi cient completion of the localization process.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 20 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

For more information on SDL’s product off erings and capabilities, please contact:

Fiona Camden Product Marketing Executive Tel: +44 1628 410 120 e-mail: [email protected]

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association DOCUMENTUM

1. Content creation How can the tool be used for content creation, or how does it interface with other tools to aid in content creation? How can it be used to utilize legacy content?

Documentum provides both content creation and integration with many diff erent content authoring tools. Our content authoring/creation tool is Web Publisher for creating Web content. Web Publisher comes with the ability to create templates for non-technical business users can create content in a fi ll-in-the-blanks way, and their content can be created and managed separate from the lay out of the web site. We integrate with many other authoring tools including the full Microsoft suite, Web content tools such as Dreamweaver and HomeSite as well as XML authoring tools such as Arbortext & Corel.

2. Content storage and manipulation How is content stored and accessed? What functions can be performed on content? Can third-party tools be used with your tool?

Documentum provides many diff erent ways to store, access, manage, retire, and archive content. Content is stored in whatever fi le system you choose as a set of infi nite objects, and metadata is stored in a relational database of your choice. Th is ensures vast fl exibility in how your content is managed as well as high performance.

Documentum Enterprise Content Globalization: • manage any type of content globalization • within a single Documentum repository.

Assemble Content Chunking Lifecycle Translation Check-in Source Mgmt Publish

Lifecycles, Globalization Documentum XML Documentum Workflows Features

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 22 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

3. Translation and localization management What functions support translation and localization? How integral are these functions to tool functionality? At what level are they supported?

Documentum customers realize cost savings and economies of scale by utilizing their existing content manage- ment system to facilitate content globalization. Changes in content requiring translation can be automatically detected, initiating workfl ows that move the original language content through the activities and lifecycle states necessary to transform it into approved translated content. Content can either be translated within the customer’s internal organization, or automatically sent over the fi rewall to any external translation service providers. Once translated content is approved, it can be automatically placed in the appropriate repository locations and published to desired formats. Documentum’s powerful object-oriented architecture accommodates language metadata, and enables storage of translated content as objects related to the original content. Th is supports not only globalization workfl ows, but also easy searching and delivery of globalized content.

4. Workfl ow Describe the tool’s workfl ow management functions.

Documentum provides workfl ow capability right out of the box. It comes with a user-friendly graphical user inter- face for building your workfl ows. Th ese workfl ows can be as easy or complex as your business requires.

5. Re-use of content How does the tool promote re-use of content in heterogeneous environments and contexts?

Content re-use is a high priority for Documentum, and this is accomplished primarily through the extensive use of XML. Templated content can be stored, managed & delivered in XML thereby allowing you to re-use across multiple channels. We also integrate with a number of XML authoring environments. We provide an extensive set of XML services within the core platform.

6. Publishing What publishing formats does the tool support? How does it interface with other formats/tools?

Documentum handles publishing a wide variety of content formats, including XML, HTML and PDF.

For more information on Documentum’s product off erings and capabilities, please contact:

Jessica Roland Group Product Manager International Product Operations Tel: +1 925 600 6687 [email protected]

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association IDIOM TECHNOLOGIES, INC.  WORLDSERVER™

1. Content creation How can the tool be used for content creation, or how does it interface with other tools to aid in content creation? How can it be used to utilize legacy content?

Idiom Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of Global Content Management Solutions (GCMS) and has helped many global organizations implement Idiom’s WorldServer™ GCMS to create, update and synchronize content within their organizations. Idiom’s fl agship product, WorldServer™, has a proven level of sophistication and scal- ability that meets and exceeds the requirements of customers with global online and offl ine, structured and non- structured content requirements. Idiom helps its customers advance their global content process to new levels of effi ciency and cost savings, shorten turnaround times, reduce administration tasks, and increase their global content capacity.

Organizations like eBay, Oracle, Adobe,, and Baxter Healthcare use WorldServer™ to accelerate their process to support the life cycle of global content. Th ese organizations use WorldServer™ as a central platform to facilitate the creation, translation, review and approval of global content across a myr- iad of content repositories, fi le systems and/ or traditional content management systems. WorldServer™ provides several technology features to facilitate the content creation pro- cess within the above organizations:

Content Entry Forms (right) in WorldServ- er™ provide an easy to use interface for busi- ness users to enter structured content.

For Power Users or Entry Form Developers the Idiom Launcher facilitates the use and integration with external editing tools like MS FrontPage, HomeSite, or XMLSpy.

A key component to organizing and searching for content is the use of MetaData / Attributes. WorldServer™ allows the creation of custom attribute objects for all content types, as well as source and target segments stored in Trans- lation Memory. WorldServer™ also provides facilities for Content Versioning and Business Rules to assist with the Publishing and Deployment of content to staging and production systems. All of the features described above can be applied against legacy content systems and data. How WorldServer™ achieves this will be explained below in the Content Storage and Manipulation section.

2. Content storage and manipulation How is content stored and accessed? What functions can be performed on content? Can third-party tools be used with your tool?

WorldServer™ provides an Asset Integration System (AIS) designed with two precepts in mind: fi rst, to integrate with existing Web architectures, and second, to “play the data where it lies”— accessing content directly at the source and eliminating the need to duplicate any content.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 24 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

Th e AIS, which underlies the entire WorldServer™ system, is a set of open APIs that enable integration with a complete range of content. Th e AIS presents disparate content assets as a hierarchical resource tree, with each as- set represented as a virtual path in the tree. WorldServer™ is able to read and write content in any format in any storage repository through the AIS. Th e AIS enables WorldServer™ to access any content in any location and read and write to fi les, databases, content management systems (CMS), enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), customer relationship management systems (CRM), offl ine content (including catalogs, Word documents, etc.), and proprietary structures.

Th rough existing connectors, WorldServer™ plugs into commercial systems such as Oracle and Microsoft data- bases, Interwoven TeamSite, Vignette Content Suite, Documentum eBusiness Platform, BroadVision One-to-One Enterprise, SilkRoad Participant Server, Fatwire Content Server, Rational ClearCase, CVS, MS Visual SourceSafe, and others. Customers can connect to proprietary fi le formats and repositories through WorldServer™’s APIs. Th ere is no need to copy the content into a proprietary environment, which could add signifi cant overhead and risk introduction of errors or content loss through when migrating to a GCMS or during an import/export function.

3. Translation and localization management What functions support translation and localization? How integral are these functions to tool functionality? At what level are they supported?

Effi cient and cost-eff ective globalization requires companies to cut out-of-pocket translation and project manage- ment costs while improving the overall translation process. WorldServer™ ’s Translation Technology helps users translate and adapt content quickly, accurately, and effi ciently.

WorldServer™’s suite of Translation Technology includes centralized, server-based Translation Memory and Ter- minology Databases (Glossaries), Translation Workbenches for use with a browser or as MS Windows application, Filters (HTML, XML/XSL, ASP, JSP, MIF, MS Offi ce, RTF, etc.), In-Context Exact (ICE) matches, Fuzzy matches, Automatic Split/Merge technology, Adaptation, and Import/Export to offl ine translation workbenches like TRA- DOS or SDLX.

WorldServer™’s Translation Memory and Terminology Database each aggregate all individual translation memo- ries and terminology databases and store previously translated text, thereby reducing translation costs (as users build Translation Memory and Terminology Databases, reuse of translated text increases and translation costs

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association LISA Global Content Managent Guide 25

decrease). WorldServer™ allows users to own the Translation Memory and Terminology Database, thus eliminating the customer’s dependency on 3rd party translation vendors.

Th e WorldServer™ Translation Workbench runs either in the Web browser or as a standalone Windows application. Th ese alternative modes allow users to choose between working offl ine in the Windows application (and saving possible dial-up charges) or working online through the browser interface (below).

In offl ine mode, translators may work on their own computers with all the power of the Translation Workbench— separating markup from text, Translation Memory, editing of tag attributes, etc. Th e Translation Workbench in- cludes a broad array of localization tools, including unique preview in context (invaluable for dynamic content), content adaptation tools, and complete import/export facilities.

4. Workfl ow Describe the tool’s workfl ow management functions.

WorldServer™ workfl ow allows site managers to easily map any step within their global content management pro- cess and execute tasks based on the submission of new/updated content or business rules. Th ese processes involve a wide variety of people, steps, and policies and are typically hard to map. However, the graphical Workfl ow Edi- tor (see below) signifi cantly eases this process, allowing end users and project managers to immediately see what they need to do and where they fi t in the globalization process. Th ese processes can involve automatic tasks, such as directly copying content or executing programs to transform the content, or manual tasks, such as translation, localization, and content review/approval.

WorldServer™ off ers an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical editor for any user to design workfl ow without any coding or programming. Users simply use drag and drop icons to build any type of workfl ow. WorldServer™’s globalization workfl ow allows users to:

• Establish and build workfl ows visually by dragging and dropping images of workfl ow steps onto a pal- ette • Add human and automatic steps • Execute parallel workfl ow steps • Establish sub-workfl ows • Assign steps to roles, individual users, or both • Integrate with other workfl ow systems • Execute automatic steps (e.g., link checker, spell checker)

5. Re-use of content How does the tool promote re-use of content in heterogeneous environments and contexts?

WorldServer™ promotes two types of content reuse. First, it promotes reuse of the same translations through its translation memory. Because Idiom’s translation memory is highly scalable and centralized, translations tend to be reused across a greater number of documents, independent of document type.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 26 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

Th e second type of content re-use is through WorldServer™’s single source publishing model with XML. By storing content in a structured format like XML, WorldServer™ can then publish multiple document types through the use of XMLFo.

6. Publishing What publishing formats does the tool support? How does it interface with other formats/tools?

A key component of any GCMS is the ability to pre and post (publish) process almost any fi le type without the need for proprietary tags and script to identify the separation of text from markup. WorldServer™ provides the publishing of documents through its Filter technology. WorldServer™ Filters automatically extract text from diff er- ent document formats and present the text to Editors, Translators and Reviewers. WorldServer™ has a robust fi lter infrastructure and a rich collection of fi lters for fi le types including HTML, XML/XSL, MS Offi ce, MIF, ASP, JSP, RTF, Resource Bundles, and several more.

Using fi lters eliminates the tedious and error-prone manual steps of text extraction. Translators and reviews are able to work only with text, not mark-up or code. WorldServer™ fi lters work the same way with a wide variety of documents. Key features of the WorldServer™ fi lter set include:

100% In-Context-Exact (ICE) vs. 100% Matching WorldServer™ ’s TM distinguishes between 100% and 100% in-context matches (ICE). Oft en times the same sentence may be translated diff erently based on its context. By determining whether or not a match has been translated before in the same context, WorldServer™ helps to keep translation quality and consistency high and translation vendor costs low.

Segment Locking WorldServer™ can be confi gured to lock segments that are either 100% ICE or regular 100% to prevent translators from editing 100% matches. Th is helps reduce translation cost and keep translation quality and consistency high.

Rich Filtering Options WorldServer™ provides a dropdown list where user can select to view particular type of segments. Options include: ‘all segments’, ‘all except ICE’, ‘all except ICE and 100%’, ‘all non-translated’, ‘all unlocked’, and ‘all locked’.

For more information on Idiom Technology’s product off erings and capabilities, please contact:

Christian A. Johnson Global Sales Representative Tel: +1 781 464 6232 [email protected]

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association GLOBALSIGHT  SYSTEM4

1. Content creation How can the tool be used for content creation, or how does it interface with other tools to aid in content creation? How can it be used to utilize legacy content?

Th rough its unique adapter-based integration framework, GlobalSight System4 can interface with Content Man- agement Systems, database content repositories, Source Code Management systems and stand-alone authoring applications, providing customers with end-to-end multilingual content creation solutions. System4 leverages previously localized legacy content using its robust, centralized Translation Memory engine for greater consistency, accuracy and effi ciency throughout the multilingual content production process.

Spanish workflow

P. A lmodovar Luis Bunuel Julio Cortezar Translate To Edit To Proof Deliver Translation Edit Proof

Japanese workflow TM Kazuo Ishiguro A. Kuwasawa YukioMishima Translate To Edit To Proof Deliver committed Translation Edit Proof at job completion Russian workflow

LeoTolstoy A. Pushkin Nikolay Gogol Translate To Edit To Proof Deliver Translation Edit Proof

TM updated as each task completes

Figure 1 Detail of TM creation and leverage for two versions of a given content item

2. Content storage and manipulation How is content stored and accessed? What functions can be performed on content? Can third-party tools be used with your tool?

System4 acquires content either automatically – through pre-confi gured change-detection rules – or via manual import by a user. Once content enters the system, it is normalized to an XML-based, Unicode-encoded format for protection and streamlined presentation during internal processing. Th e System4 Content Exchange Engine (CXE) handles both this initial up-conversion to XML as well as the down-conversion from XML back to the native format once content is localized, insuring content output in the correct target encoding while preserving format integrity. When entering the system, content is compared to the central Translation Memory, and any correspond- ing target content is leveraged.

While in System4, content can be localized and previewed by designated contributors in pre-confi gured workfl ows. For certain fi le formats, content designated as locale-specifi c can be added or deleted as part of the localization process. Content localization contributors can choose to work in System4’s online editing environment or offl ine in the third-party tool of their choice.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 28 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

Figure 2. Illustration of GlobalSight System4’s content normalization cycle.

3. Translation and localization management What functions support translation and localization? How integral are these functions to tool functionality? At what level are they supported?

System4 provides both the organizational framework and operational infrastructure necessary to meet enterprise translation and localization requirements. System4 allows localization managers to create business rules defi ne localization processes, build workfl ows, assign users to specifi c activities and identify content for localization. Man- agers get up-to-the-minute statistics on project status, project fi nancials and user performance through System4’s advanced reporting and job cost modules.

Average Percent Completion by Target Loc

Workflow Status in Progress Localized

The activities for each of the job's workflows are:

User Activity Duration Date Compl Responsible Assigned Role Select a Format

Figure 3 Sample System4 on-screen reports and optional offl ine report formats

System4 automatically notifi es users of available work, and provides an intuitive, browser-based interface for them to access content for localization and assignment details. Users can perform translation, edit, review and other localization functions either online in System4’s browser-based editing environment, or offl ine in the desktop lo- calization tool of their choice. System4 supports nearly 100 locales, including double-byte, complex single-byte and bi-directional locales. At the core of System4’s localization functionality are the centralized, server-based Transla- tion Memory and termbase repositories. Sophisticated Translation Memory confi guration settings give localization managers the ability to set leverage matching parameters, including markup substitution as well as penalties for various text and non-text formatting characteristics. Managers can opt to to lock exact matches, to prevent editing of previously localized and approved content. Extensive, multilingual termbases can be compiled and made avail-

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able to users online and offl ine. Rich management functionality, workfl ow automation, content re-use and language support are all integral to System4.

4. Workfl ow Describe the tool’s workfl ow management functions.

System4 is the only GMS to feature a WfMC-compliant workfl ow engine. Workfl ow objects are one of the funda- mental building blocks of business rules in System4. Workfl ows in System4 are composed of a series of activities, or tasks, each with either a specifi c user assignment or a general broadcast assignment, as well as a given time for assignees to accept and complete each task. System4 features a graphical, drag-and-drop workfl ow interface for cre- ation and modifi cation of highly complex workfl ows. Localization managers can create workfl ows with conditional splits and loops, and can call external applications or scripts as workfl ow actions.

Figure 4 System4 graphical workfl ow editor showing a complex workfl ow

Workfl ow objects can be templatized for re-use. Localization managers can change any aspect of a specifi c workfl ow on the fl y, allowing rapid response to unforeseen circumstances without aff ecting in-process activities, open tasks, or other workfl ows. System4 operates unattended, notifying localization managers when content au- tomatically comes into the system, when content has changed outside the system and requires localization, when workfl ow tasks are in danger of becoming overdue, when tasks have been fi nished, etc. Managers can remain fully informed of project status without being logged into the system.

5. Re-use of content How does the tool promote re-use of content in heterogeneous environments and contexts?

System4’s industry-leading Translation Memory technology enables re-use of content across formats, repositories and applications. Th e System4 Translation Memory is multilingual and supports optional indexing of both source and target locales in a given workfl ow, laying the foundation for multi-directional leveraging. GlobalSight supports the TMX standard, following TMX structural guidelines to store TM data internally and providing both TMX 1.4 Level1 and Level2 export and import capabilities. System4 provides both paragraph level and sub-paragraph (seg- ment) level leveraging. Th e System4 TM also provides document-level leveraging for full-context re-use.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 30 LISA Global Content Managent Guide

Figure 5 High-level view of the System4 translation and localization management platform

As System4 normalizes all content types uniformly to a common internal processing format and applies similar text extraction guidelines across format types, greater cross-format leverage is achieved. As a platform for content globalization, System4 provides worldwide content contributors in multinational corporations and organizations with a uniform, Web-based interface and infrastructure for collaborative multilingual content creation and man- agement.

6. Publishing What publishing formats does the tool support? How does it interface with other formats/tools?

System4 interfaces with enterprise applications, desktop applications and databases through an integrated ap- plication adapter framework. System4 integrates seamlessly at the API level or repository level with applications, providing users with automated push or pull models for content acquisition and publication. Enterprise applica- tion adapter interfaces are embedded in the target application and can be tied directly into the target application’s workfl ow. Desktop application adapters rely on content acquisition events (typically manual import or automated import based on change detection) to invoke API clients that use the target application to perform specifi c pre- and post-processing functions.

Web publishing and application formats: HTML, JHTML, CFML, JSP, ASP, CSS, XML, XSL, JavaScript, Java Properties. Document, presentation and spreadsheet formats: QuarkXPress, Adobe FrameMaker, , Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF Database formats: Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Informix, Sybase Enterprise applications: Interwoven Teamsite, Vignette Content Suite, Documentum, Rational ClearCase, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

For more information on GlobalSights’s product off erings and capabilities, please contact:

Martha Geller VP, Worldwide Sales and Marketing Tel: +1 408 392 3654 [email protected]

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association HARTMAN COMMUNICATIE LISTING OF CMS TOOLS

Th e following pages contain high-level information on 178 diff erent CMS systems in tabular form. It is provided courtesy of Hartman Communicatie BV and is reprinted here with permission. Th e tables address the following ap- plication areas. For each category the tables identify whether a feature is present, absent, or partially implemented. For links to and more information on the listed products, please visit:

Feature Explanation CMS Product is a content management system web client Th e product may be used/controlled through a web browser editing Content may be edited fi rectly within the CMS (rather than requiring an external editor site mgt. Site structure may be managed via the CMS workfl ow mgmt. Workfl ows may be created and managed within the CMS to some degree database Th e CMS is able to connect to external database connectivity applications localization Th e CMS supports content localization personalization Th e CMS supports content personalization multi-channel Th e CMS support publication to multiple media types publishing (e.g., web, , , paper) global brand mgt. Th e CMS supports publication of content within multiple layouts on diff erent web sites to support diff erent ‘brands’ application Th e CMS may be developed/expanded through a System Developers development Kit (SDK) or other means without consulting the supplier XML support Th e CMS supports XML (Xpath, Xquery, XSLT, XSD) or has native XML processing and storage investment Licence fee in thousands of Euros (euro x 1,000)

All products are listed by product name followed by the name of the developer, as in the following example:

CMS web editing site mgt. workfl ow database client mgmt. connectivity Product Name … +- + - + - Developer

Neither LISA not Hartman Communicatie BV make any guarantee to the suitability of the information presented in the following tables for any particular business purpose. All claims should be verifi ed with the developer-vendor of any product before making any decision about the fi tness of the product for a specifi c purpose.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 32 LISA Global Content Managent Guide Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) or 8 < 5 ,000) > 25 > 25 > 25 open 2/year source (euro x 1 1 > 20 or 0,21/year investment +/- +/- > 3,5 XML support -- + application development obal mgt. brand gl +- + - ++ + +2 ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + annel +/- - + - > 5 multi- ch publishing +/- +/- - + - < 2 person- alization ++ - + +/- ++/- + + + + + + + + < 75 + > 30 zation locali- planned - + + + + database connectivity ++ mgmt. ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + - - + - - - + ++ + + + + - ++ + + +++ + + + + + +++ + + + + - ++ + + + + + + +++ 25 + + + +/-+ ++ + + +++ + + + +++ + + + + + + ++ + + + - +++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + +++ + - - - + +/-+/-- + + CMS web Campaign International esco 2FIT Homepage Builder 2FIT Homepage 2FIT ATG ATG AssetNow AssetNow Add-it Y Acclaim CMS Maestro Advantage CMS CrownPeak Aegir CMS Aegir AIOCP T Allaire Spectra Digital Valley AO AO Appserver Componence Aptrix Aptrix Apus IT Masters Motiv Arconisc Arconics ASPerience Web Asperience

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association LISA Global Content Managent Guide 33 Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) 200 or 7 ASP ASP ASP ASP ,000) > 70 open source (euro x > 10 or > 10 1 > 25 or > 20 or > 2,5 or > 0,49 or open srce 2,52/year investment XML support application development ++ +> obal mgt. brand gl planned + ++ + + annel multi- ch planned + - + > 0,3/year publishing person- alization ++ ++ +/- planned + + + + zation locali- database connectivity -+ ++ +- +/- + +/- - - + + +/- mgmt. plannedplanned + + + +/- planned +/- - + + + +/- + + > 1,8/year + +/- + + + + + + + + > 100 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +/- + + + planned planned + + + < 5 editing site mgt. ow workfl client + ++ + + - - +++ + + + +/-- ++ ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ ++ + + + + + +++ + - + + -++ + + + + + ++ +-++++++ ++ + + + + + + + - + + CMS web Awake Deymo CMS Back-End OpenConcept B3P Mesa b3partners B-In-Zite BizzView Blogger Blogger CASTA Hippo Webworks CCI Updater CCI CCI Updater Corporate CCI CESys Solutions Design Changer Changer Blue Martini Blue Martini Bitfl ux CMS ux Bitfl ux Bitfl Boardwalk CMS media ICATT BroadVision BroadVision CCI Updater Pro CCI

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 34 LISA Global Content Managent Guide Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) 0.3 ASP ASP ASP ,000) > 6,9 > 125 (euro x 1 > 15 or > 15 > 50 or > 25 or investment XML support ++ ++ application development obal mgt. brand gl ++ + + ++ + + annel multi- ch publishing person- alization zation locali- database connectivity +/- ++/- +/- + - +/- + + + +/- - 9.5 + mgmt. planned + + +/- - - - + 10 +/- + + + +/- ++/- + +/- + + +/- +/- > 26/year + + + + + May-20 ++ + editing site mgt. ow workfl client + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + +- + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + +++ + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + +++ + + - + + +/-+ +++ + 14 + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + + + + CMS web tObjects idion CoreMedia CoreMedia Datenkueche Datenkueche DialogServer Tr CMS-Logic Class Logic CPP Backstream CM Server Microsoft Content Genie Intapps CMS Enterprise Snakeware Collage Ne Comanche ICT Sensys Contentpapst Sandoba ClubBiS ClubBis Content Server Divine Cleopatra CoCoCom Contens Contens

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association LISA Global Content Managent Guide 35 Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) > 2 ,000) > 50 1/year open source (euro x 1 investment XML support -+< -+< application development obal +/- + - < 1 mgt. brand gl ++ + + + ++ + + annel +/- + + + multi- ch publishing /- +/- - +/-/- + +/- May-25 +/- + + 16 person- alization +/- +/- - + + 1-Mar zation locali- database connectivity ++ +/- + - planned +/- - + - < 5 or ASP mgmt. planned + - - - +/- +/- - > 0.5 ++ ++ ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + ++ + + - + + + - - + + ++ ++ ++ + + ++ + - + ++ + - + + +/-+ ++ + + +++ + + + +/-+ +++-+++----+ + + +++ + + 10 ++ + + + + + < + + +/-+ ++ + + + + + - CMS web ped Discovery Server Green Valley Documentum Documentum e107 e107 Dojo CMS Aesiq DPS Waterproof Dynabase eBT EasyPublisher Tor EasySite InleadMedia eContent JCorporate eMPower On-Site DynaSite JWEB eContent Siebel E-content CMSolutions emagiC CMS Emagine Directweb Clickfactor

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 36 LISA Global Content Managent Guide Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) ASP ASP > 28 ,000) > 25 > 20 open open open source source source (euro x 1 60/year 60/year > 0,15 or > 0,15 investment +/- < 3 XML support ++ ++ + application development obal mgt. brand gl ++ + + ++ + + annel multi- ch publishing /- +/- + + +/- person- planned + + + planned < 2 alization + zation locali- planned - - planned planned - - database connectivity ++ + +/- + + + + - + + 2-Dec mgmt. planned + + + + + + + ++ ++ +- ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + +++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + +++ + + 35 ++ + + ++ + - + + + ++ ++ + + +++ + + + + ++ + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + 15 + + > CMS web eb Marque sale tBiz WebPublisher arbase eestyler ebLogic ullXML isual Shapers ullXML Enformia Star E-publish W Escenic Escenic Estrada Onstage Estrada eZ publish eZ systems Expressroom St ezContents V Fr Datalink Internet F F GT GT W HardCore HardCore Internet HCMS Ne i-CMS BPi Central Idios Aspacts iCMS Interlucent

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association LISA Global Content Managent Guide 37 Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) ear y > 5 ASP ,000) open 25 or > 8 or source 4/year (euro x 1 > 15 or > 15 < 75 or 1,2/ 0,3/year investment XML support application development obal mgt. brand gl +- + + annel multi- ch planned + + + publishing /- + + +/- + person- alization +- zation locali- planned planned - + + 9 a year database connectivity ++ +- +/-+/- + + + + + + + + - + - - +/- + > 5 +/- + +/- + + + + < 30 +/- + + + + + - + mgmt. planned + + + - - - > 3 planned + + + planned + + + planned + + + + + + + > 2 +/- + + +/- +/- + - +/- + > 25/year ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + +++ + + - ++ + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + 15 + + > ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + +++ + + + + + 10 + + > ++ + + ++ ++ +- + + + + - - + - 10 - + > ++ ++ CMS web plete ebsiteonderhoud iFocus Contentmanager iFocus I-Publisher ContentS InsightBuilder Polar Design Imperia Imperia Intermax CMS Intermax IPROX InfoProjects ItemPublisher Mnemonx / Fier ItemWare Ebiss Jahia CMS Jahia Klaever WebManager W Librios Librios Kom InterAKT Lexiss 2-consult KnowledgeView KnowledgeView Kitsite Kitsite

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 38 LISA Global Content Managent Guide Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) < 5 0.4 ,000) > 20 open open open < 5 or source source source (euro x 1 also ASP 0,6/year investment XML support ++ application development obal +/- + +/- < 25 mgt. brand gl -- - - +- + + +- + + ++ annel +/- + +/- multi- ch publishing person- alization -+ ++ +/- + - + + +/- > 0,5/year zation locali- +-++ + + ++/-++ database connectivity -+ ++ +/- + +/- + + + - < 12 end 2001 mgmt. +/- +/- + +/- +/- + + + + + > 50 ++ ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + + + - +/- ++ + + + - - + + + + + ++ + - - - - - ++ + + ++ ++ + + - + + + ++ + ++ + ++ ++ + + + + +/ + ++ + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +/- - - - + +/- - - - - + - > 50 CMS web tconsorts tivity ARI Liones IMS Liones LiveLink Open Text liveSTORYBOARD liveSTORYBOARD LIME Q42 MacroVista MacroVista MLI D mCubes mLore MMBase MMBase MediaMine MediaMine MediaSuface Mediasurface Midgard CM Framework ProjectMidgard Netpacks Ne Net Toolbox Builders Basket MySource Squiz Netivity Backstage Ne

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association LISA Global Content Managent Guide 39 Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) < 1 ASP ,000) < 25 open open open open open 5 or ASP source source source source source (euro x > 14 or > 14 1 20 - 25 investment +/- XML support ++ ++> ++> application development obal +/- +/- - < 50 mgt. brand gl -- - - +- + + +- + annel multi- ch publishing person- alization +/- + planned + - + > 5 zation locali- planned + + + + + database connectivity ++ ++ +/- + + +/- + + + + > 12,5 mgmt. ++ ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + + +/-+ +++ ++ + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + -+++ + + - + ++ + + + + + + + +- +++ + + + + + +/-+ ++ + - - + - + CMS web ttics ebpower eb3 umotion ileNet PageProcessor Server Pagelink Panagon F Pansite Acoba Participant Server Eprise PHPNuke PHPNuke Passage ProjectsPassage Phoundry W PHProjekt PHProjekt phpSlash phpWebSite phpWebSite PHS W PMachine PMachine Nucontroller CMS N OpenIMS CMS OpenSesame ICT Nettics Ne

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 40 LISA Global Content Managent Guide Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) < 1 ,000) > 50 < 50 > 25 open < 12,5 2-May source (euro x 1 investment +/- 13.5 XML support + ++ ++ application development obal mgt. brand gl ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ annel multi- ch publishing person- alization -+ zation locali- database connectivity ++ +/- + + + +/- + +/- mgmt. planned + +planned + + planned + + planned + - - + > 2,5/year planned +/- > 3 ++ ++ ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + +++ + + + + + + + 24 + + + < ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + - ++ + ++ ++ + + +++ + + + + + +/- ++ + + + ++ + + +++ + + ++ + + 10 ++ + + + + + > + + + + - CMS web ximus edDot emotion edDot emotion Portal Oracle Publish NUA Postnuke Postnuke Progenyx Business-Driver Publish HQ theFactor.e PVCS Merant Roxen Roxen Saurus CMS Saurus SharePoint Microsoft R R R R Sevensteps Designer Sevensteps SiteDirector Ne Rhythmyx Percussion Selbstdenker AG Selbstdenker

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association LISA Global Content Managent Guide 41 Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) 75 140 ASP ,000) > 60 (euro x < 10 or < 10 1 Mar-30 investment + XML support ++> ++> +/- + < 5 application development --+> obal +/- + + < 15 mgt. brand gl planned + + > 20 + ++ + + annel +/- + + 0.1 multi- ch publishing person- alization ++ zation locali- ++++++ database connectivity ++ +/- - - - +/- - + - +/- + + + - - +/- + > 20 Q4 of 2003 mgmt. ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + +++ + + + + + - + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ + + + + +++ + + + + + +/-+ ++ + + ++ + + +/- ++ + + ++ + + + + 10 +++ + + + + - + < +/-- +-+++--- + + + ++ + + + + + - + + CMS web e srl t-e minalFour llus CMS nstream CMS amSite r ellent ignette ellus enstream Te T Te T Tex Text Site Manager ROES Site Manager Te Site Supra ImpulsIT SixCMS 4.0 Six SiteFeeling Evendi Smartsite Smartsite Smixer Smixer StoryServer V Te Interwoven SparkPlug 1 SpeedSite eBusiness Applications Stellent St

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 42 LISA Global Content Managent Guide Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) or ASP ASP ASP ASP ,000) < 75 (euro x > 10 or > 10 1 > 12 or > 12 > 50 or investment +/- XML support ++10 ++10 application development obal +/- + + < 25 mgt. brand gl -+ - - annel +/- +/- + + +/- +/- +/- +/- < 1 multi- ch planned + + planned > 10 publishing person- alization -+ zation locali- /- planned - + + - +/- database connectivity ++ ++ +/- + + +/- +/-+/- +/- + + - + - 5 - 30 - - - +/- > 7 +/- + +/- planned planned - +/- planned < 2,5 mgmt. +/- + + +/- + + +/- + + > 50 ++ ++ ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client ++ + + +++ + - - + ++-+++++++++ + +/-+ + ++ + + ++ + + +++ + + + + 10 + + > ++ + ++ ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + - ++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + +- + + - - - - - +- + + - - - - CMS web actory enz CMS er & de Boer 500 Gen XTRAPP b@Once b4Biz eb500 ebgenz AXTRAPP ibal asont atWire -Site T Tr VIP’ Family Gauss Interprise WEB4all Centric WA W We Pink Roccade V Progressive IT Update Engine F WEB4all R2 Centric We Pro/Future Web W Webbs Syntraks Web West Web F Jamkit Web Brein Webg W

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association LISA Global Content Managent Guide 43 Hartman Communicatie listing of CMS Tools (+ = yes, +/- = partial, - = no, blank = unknown) < 1 > 14 > 12 ,000) > 1,2 open open source source (euro x 1 < 5 or /year ASP /year < 0,2 - 0,8 investment 1/year ASP 1/year XML support ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ application development obal mgt. brand gl -- + + annel +/- + + + 5 - 25 multi- ch publishing person- alization zation locali- database connectivity +/- + + + - - - - mgmt. planned + + + + + + + > 2,5 ++ editing site mgt. ow workfl client planned + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + - + + +/- + + ++ + + +++ + + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + 15 + +++ - + + + + - - - > + + + + + + - 15 + + ++ + + - - + - - - ++ + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + ++ + + - - - + CMS web d CMS GUI Site Director Site Director PRO bGenerator SelfSite bGenerator ProSite b Genie b manager bSite Director Express ebscape ttitude We Flash Factory We Flash Factory We A Web Procolix We Web Advanced Cyberteams Web OS Dutchbrite Web Cyberteams We Cyberteams XPower2 Ingeniux Zope Zope WebWor PC Club solutions WebX W

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association 44 LISA Global Content Managent Guide About Hartman Communicatie BV organisation Since 1993, Hartman Communicatie is a specialist in the fi eld of communication in automa- tion. We provide a bridge between users and ICT. Our broad ICT experience is the ideal basis to communicate ICT to the specifi c target groups. services Hartman Communicatie provides customers with the full services of consulting, developing, assisting, analysing and optimising communications in ICT. • Strategy communications consultancy at ICT change projects e.g. knowledge management, con- tent management, e-business, CRM and IT service management • Design optimisation and development of both on-line and off-line communication means • Research investigation of internal communication processes and the investigation of communica- tion means on effectivity, usability and accessibility. consultants All Hartman Communicatie consultants have an academic degree in (corporate) communica- tions science. references The customer base of Hartman Communicatie spans the 500 largest fi rms and governmen- tal entities in the Benelux, e.g. ABN AMRO, Advies, Agis, CBS, CNV, Digitale Duurzaamheid, Fortis, Gemeente Leiden, Getronics, Honeywell, IBM, ICTU, ING, Intergraph, KLM, KPN, Centric, Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap (B), Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Nationaal Archief, Nationale Nederlanden, NOS, Operator Groep Delft, OSOSS, Ohra, Petro-Canada, PON (Audi en VW) Senter, Schiphol, Shell, Siemens, UPC and Zorg en Zekerheid. memberships Hartman Communicatie BV is member of the Association for Information and Image Manage- ment (AIIM), Beroepsvereniging voor Communicatie (BvC), vereniging Tekstnet, studiekring voor technische informatie en communicatie (STIC) and the IT Service Managment Forum of the Netherlands (ITSMF Nederland). portals Hartman Communicatie has published several web portals about communications in ICT, content management and usability/accessiblity.

© 2003 The Localization Industry Standards Association

The Localization Industry Standards Association 7Route du Monastère • CH-1173 Féchy • Switzerland Tel: +41 (21) 832 32 10 • Fax: +41 (21) 821 32 19 • [email protected]