
BirdCheck List This list was prepared by Sue Smith and Rita Campbell, and is dedicated to Freeman Hall.

Waterfowl Roadrunner ___ Canada Goose ___ Greater Roadrunner ___ Gadwall ___ Mallard Owls ___ Cinnamon Teal ___ Great Horned Owl ___ Northern Shoveler Swifts/Hummingbirds ___ Green-winged Teal ___ Vaux’s Quail ___ White-throated Swift ___ Quail B ___ Anna’s Hummingbird B ___ Costa’s Hummingbird Cormorants ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird B ___ Double-crested Cormorant ___ ___ Allen’s Hummingbird B Herons/ Egrets/Ibises ___ Rufous/Allen’s Hummingbird ___ Great Blue Heron ___ Great Egret /Flickers ___ Snowy Egret ___ Downy ___ Green Heron ___ Nuttall’s Woodpecker B ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron ___ Acorn Woodpecker ___ White-faced Ibis ___

Vultures/Hawks/Falcons Flycatchers ___ Turkey Vulture ___ Western Wood-Pewee ___ Osprey ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher ___ White-tailed Kite ___ Pacific-slope FlycatcherB ___ Northern Harrier ___ Gray Flycatcher R ___ Cooper’s Hawk ___ Say’s Phoebe ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk ___ Black Phoebe B ___ Red-shouldered Hawk B ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher ___ Red-tailed Hawk ___ Cassin’s Kingbird B ___ American Kestrel ___ Western Kingbird ___ Merlin ___ Vireos ___ Hutton’s Vireo Coots/Plover ___ Warbling Vireo ___ American Coot ___ Killdeer Jay/Crow/Raven ___ Western Scrub-Jay B Shorebirds ___ American Crow B ___ Yellowlegs sp. ___ Common Raven B

Gulls Larks ___ Ring-billed Gull ___ Horned Lark ___ Western Gull ___ California Gull Swallows ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow Pigeons/Doves ___ ___ Rock Pigeon ___ Barn Swallow ___ Eurasian Collared-Dove ___ Cliff Swallow ___ Mourning Dove B ___ White-winged Dove R Bushtit/Wrens ___ Bushtit B ___ Summer R ___ Bewick’s Wren B ___ Western Tanager ___ House Wren B Grosbeaks & Buntings ___ Pacific Wren R ___ Black-headed Grosbeak Gnatcatchers/Kinglets ___ ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Blackbirds/Meadowlark/ ___ -crowned Kinglet Cowbirds Thrushes ___ Red-winged Blackbird ___ Western B ___ Brewer’s Blackbird ___ ___ Brown-headed Cowbird B ___ Swainson’s Thrush ___ Western Meadowlark

Wrentit Orioles/Finches ___ Wrentit B ___ Hooded Oriole B ___ Bullock’s Oriole Mockingbird & Thrasher ___ Orchard Oriole R ___ North. Mockingbird B ___ House Finch B ___ California Thrasher B ___ Lesser GoldfinchB ___ American Goldfinch Starling ___ European Starling B House Sparrow ___ House Sparrow B Pipits/Waxwings/Phainopepla

___ American Pipit B-Confirmed as Breeding in the Garden ___ Cedar Waxwing R-Rare ___ Phainopepla

Wood-Warblers featured here have been spotted around the San Diego Botanic Garden ___ Orange-crowned Warbler B from 2000-2010. Of the SDBG birds, about 25% are resident and known to breed ___ Nashville Warbler in the garden, others use the garden only as a winter home, and some use the garden as a resting place during their seasonal migrations. The garden provides ___ Yellow Warbler sanctuary for birds, offering them needed protection, an accessible source of ___ Magnolia Warbler R water, and a rich food supply provided by the great variety of plantings here. ___ Yellow-rumped ___ Audubon’s Warbler Helpful Hints… ___ Myrtle’s Warbler ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler • Birding is best during the early morning or late afternoon. • Come prepared with binoculars and field guide for identification. ___ Townsend’s Warbler • Walk quietly, listen for bird song or watch for movement. ___ Hermit Warbler • Observe first, and then look at your guide. Birds may move quickly out of ___ Blackpoll Warbler R sight. ___ Prothonotary Warbler (Rare) • Pay attention to details: size, shape, , wing and head markings and bill ___ MacGillivray’s Warbler shape. ___ Common Yellowthroat For more information on the different bird ___ Wilson’s Warbler in the Garden, visit our birding page at http://www.sdbgarden.org/birds.htm Towhees &Sparrows ___ Spotted Towhee B California Towhee B ___ Date(s) ___ Chipping Sparrow ___ Clay-colored Sparrow R # Species Seen ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow Time(s) ___ Song Sparrow B ___ White-crowned Sparrow Weather ___ Golden-crowned Sparrow Observers