Ecological, Behavioral, and Distributional Notes on Some
SHORT COMMUNICATIONS ECOLOGICAL, BEHAVIORAL, AND Other localities mentioned are as follows: DISTRIBUTIONAL NOTES ON SOME Chiva Chiva Road (9”0356”N,’ 79”3413”W),’ an CENTRAL PANAMA BIRDS area on the drier Pacific slope of the Canal Zone, is composed of second growth woodland mixed with JAMES R. KARR ’ grassy clearings. This site was about 7.5 km from Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute the origin of C21, about 3.5 km NW of the main P. 0. Box 2072 entrance to Fort Clayton, Canal Zone. Balboa, Canal Zone Cerro Azul, Province of Panama (9”13N,’ 79”23W),’ is the westernmost of the montane areas east of the While studying avian populations in the Canal Zone Canal Zone, reached by highway east of Panama City. and the central part of the Republic of Panama from Under this name I include the elevated areas referred 1 July 1968 to 31 July 1969, I observed the ecology to as Cerro Azul, Cerro Jefe, and other peaks on the and behavior of several little-known birds and estab- same ridge (maximum elevation about 1000 m). lished new distributional records. Wetmore ( 1965, Mature, humid forest is still present in some areas 1968) summarizes the ranges of the non-passerine although much of the area consists of cut-over forest species, so this note will emphasize only new data. and forest-edge. Additional information on recorded status is based on Cerro Campana, Province of Panama (8”41N,’ Eisenmann and Loftin (1968). 79”56W)’ is a mountain rising about 1000 m at the eastern terminus of the chain running through southern STUDY AREAS Central America.
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