Caprimulgiformes Apodiformes Coraciiformes

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Caprimulgiformes Apodiformes Coraciiformes Locations: 1 2 3 Western Grebe Lesser Yellowlegs Snowy Owl Dates: SULIFORMES Upland Sandpiper Northern Hawk Owl FAMILY/ Group SPECIES/ ORDER SULIDAE: Gannets Northern Gannet Whimbrel Barred Owl ANSERIFORMES and cormorants Double-crested Cormorant Hudsonian Godwit Great Gray Owl Greater White-fronted Goose Marbled Godwit Long-eared Owl ANATIDAE: Geese, PELECANIFORMES Ruddy Turnstone Short-eared Owl swans, and ducks Snow Goose PELECANIDAE: Pelicans American White Pelican Ross’s Goose ARDEIDAE: Bitterns, American Bittern Red Knot Boreal Owl Brant egrets, and herons Least Bittern Sanderling Northern Saw-whet Owl Cackling Goose Great Blue Heron Semipalmated Sandpiper CAPRIMULGIFORMES Canada Goose Great Egret Western Sandpiper CAPRIMULGIDAE: Common Nighthawk Mute Swan Snowy Egret Least Sandpiper Goatsuckers, night- Chuck-will’s-widow Trumpeter Swan Little Blue Heron White-rumped Sandpiper hawks and poor-wills Eastern Whip-poor-will Tundra Swan Tricolored Heron Baird’s Sandpiper APODIFORMES Wood Duck Cattle Egret Pectoral Sandpiper APODIDAE: Swifts Chimney Swift Gadwall Green Heron Purple Sandpiper TROCHILIDAE: Ruby-throated Hummingbird Eurasian Wigeon Black-crowned Night-Heron Dunlin Hummingbirds Rufous Hummingbird American Wigeon Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Stilt Sandpiper CORACIIFORMES American Black Duck THRESKIORNITHIDAE: White Ibis Bu#-breasted Sandpiper ALCEDINIDAE: King!shers Belted King!sher Ru# Mallard Ibises Glossy Ibis PICIFORMES Short-billed Dowitcher Blue-winged Teal White-faced Ibis Red-headed Woodpecker Long-billed Dowitcher PICIDAE: Woodpeckers Cinnamon Teal ACCIPITRIFORMES Red-bellied Woodpecker Common Snipe Northern Shoveler CATHARTIDAE: Black Vulture Yellow-bellied Sapsucker American Woodcock Northern Pintail Vultures Turkey Vulture Downy Woodpecker Wilson’s Phalarope Green-winged Teal PANDIONIDAE: Osprey Osprey Hairy Woodpecker Red-necked Phalarope Canvasback ACCIPITRIDAE: Kites, Swallow-tailed Kite American Three-toed Woodpecker Red Phalarope Redhead harriers, eagles, Mississippi Kite Black-backed Woodpecker Black-legged Kittiwake Ring-necked Duck and hawks Bald Eagle Northern Flicker LARIDAE: Gulls Sabine’s Gull Greater Scaup Northern Harrier Pileated Woodpecker Lesser Scaup and terns Bonaparte’s Gull Sharp-shinned Hawk FALCONIFORMES Surf Scoter Little Gull Cooper’s Hawk FALCONIDAE: Falcons American Kestrel White-winged Scoter Laughing Gull Northern Goshawk Merlin Black Scoter Franklin’s Gull Broad-winged Hawk Gyrfalcon Long-tailed Duck Ring-billed Gull Swainson’s Hawk Peregrine Falcon Bu"ehead Red-tailed Hawk Herring Gull Common Goldeneye Thayer’s Gull PASSERIFORMES Rough-legged Hawk TYRANNIDAE: Olive-sided Flycatcher Barrow’s Goldeneye Golden Eagle Iceland Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Flycatchers Eastern Wood-Pewee Hooded Merganser GRUIFORMES Glaucous Gull Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Common Merganser Yellow Rail RALLIDAE: Rails Great Black-backed Gull Acadian Flycatcher Red-breasted Merganser King Rail Ruddy Duck Caspian Tern Alder Flycatcher Virginia Rail Willow Flycatcher GALLIFORMES Black Tern Sora Least Flycatcher Northern Bobwhite Common Tern ODONTOPHORIDAE: Common Gallinule Eastern Phoebe Wild Turkey Forster’s Tern Quails American Coot Say’s Phoebe Ru#ed Grouse STERCORARIIDAE: Pomarine Jaeger GRUIDAE: Cranes Sandhill Crane Great Crested Flycatcher PHASIANIDAE: Spruce Grouse Jaegers Parasitic Jaeger Pheasants, grouse, CHARADRIIFORMES Long-tailed Jaeger Western Kingbird Sharp-tailed Grouse Black-bellied Plover and turkeys CHARADRIIDAE: COLUMBIFORMES Eastern Kingbird Ring-necked Pheasant American Golden-Plover Plovers COLUMDIDAE: Rock Pigeon Scissor-tailed Flycatcher GAVIIFORMES Semipalmated Plover Pigeons and doves Mourning Dove LANIIDAE: Shrikes Loggerhead Shrike GAVIIDAE: Loons Red-throated Loon Piping Plover Northern Shrike CUCULIFORMES Paci!c Loon Killdeer VIREONIDAE: Vireos White-eyed Vireo Yellow-billed Cuckoo Common Loon RECURVIROSTRIDAE: Black-necked Stilt CUCULIDAE: Cuckoos Yellow-throated Vireo Black-billed Cuckoo PODICIPEDIFORMES Stilts and avocets American Avocet Blue-headed Vireo PODICIPEDIDAE: Pied-billed Grebe SCOLOPACIDAE: Spotted Sandpiper STRIGIFORMES Warbling Vireo Grebes Horned Grebe Sandpipers Solitary Sandpiper TYTONIDAE: Barn owls, Barn Owl Philadelphia Vireo Red-necked Grebe Greater Yellowlegs monkey-faced owls Eastern Screech-Owl Red-eyed Vireo Eared Grebe Willet STRIGIDAE: Typical owls Great Horned Owl CORVIDAE: Jays Blue Jay Kentucky Warbler Common Grackle and crows American Crow Common Yellowthroat Brown-headed Cowbird Common Raven Hooded Warbler Orchard Oriole ALAUDIDAE: Larks Horned Lark American Redstart Baltimore Oriole HIRUNDINIDAE: Purple Martin Kirtland’s Warbler FRINGILLIDAE: Finches Pine Grosbeak Swallows Tree Swallow Cape May Warbler Purple Finch Northern Rough-winged Swallow Cerulean Warbler House Finch Bank Swallow Northern Parula Red Crossbill Cli# Swallow Magnolia Warbler White-winged Crossbill Barn Swallow Bay-breasted Warbler Common Redpoll PARIDAE: Chickadees Black-capped Chickadee Blackburnian Warbler Hoary Redpoll and titmice Boreal Chickadee Yellow Warbler Pine Siskin Tufted Titmouse Chestnut-sided Warbler American Gold!nch SITTIDAE: Nuthatches Red-breasted Nuthatch Blackpoll Warbler Evening Grosbeak White-breasted Nuthatch Black-throated Blue Warbler PASSERIDAE: Weaver House Sparrow CERTHIIDAE: Creepers Brown Creeper Palm Warbler !nches TROGLODYTIDAE: House Wren Pine Warbler ACCIDENTALS Wrens Winter Wren Yellow-rumped Warbler Sedge Wren Yellow-throated Warbler Marsh Wren Prairie Warbler Detroit Audubon Carolina Wren Black-throated Green Warbler POLIOPTILIDAE: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Canada Warbler Field Checklist of Birds Gnatcatchers Wilson’s Warbler REGULIDAE: Kinglets Golden-crowned Kinglet Yellow-breasted Chat of Michigan and SW Ontario Ruby-crowned Kinglet EMBERIZIDAE: Eastern Towhee TURDIDAE: Thrushes Eastern Bluebird Towhees, sparrows, American Tree Sparrow Townsend’s Solitaire and juncos Chipping Sparrow Updated 2014. Veery Clay-colored Sparrow Names follow latest AOU Checklist of North American Birds Gray-cheeked Thrush Field Sparrow 1. Date: _________ Location: _______________________ Swainson’s Thrush Vesper Sparrow NOTES: Hermit Thrush Lark Sparrow Wood Thrush Savannah Sparrow Weather Conditions: _______________________________ American Robin Grasshopper Sparrow Varied Thrush Henslow’s Sparrow Observers: _______________________________________ MIMIDAE: Mocking- Gray Catbird Le Conte’s Sparrow birds and thrashers Northern Mockingbird Fox Sparrow Brown Thrasher Song Sparrow STURNIDAE: Starlings European Starling Lincoln’s Sparrow MOTACILLIDAE: Pipits American Pipit Swamp Sparrow 2. Date: _________ Location: _______________________ BOMBYCILLIDAE: Bohemian Waxwing White-throated Sparrow Waxwings Cedar Waxwing Harris’s Sparrow Weather Conditions: _______________________________ CALCARIIDAE: Long- Lapland Longspur White-crowned Sparrow spurs/snow buntings Snow Bunting Dark-eyed Junco PARULIDAE: Wood Ovenbird CARDINALIDAE: Summer Tanager Observers: _______________________________________ Warblers Worm-eating Warbler Tanagers, cardinals, Scarlet Tanager Louisiana Waterthrush grosbeaks, and Northern Cardinal Northern Waterthrush buntings Rose-breasted Grosbeak Golden-winged Warbler Indigo Bunting Blue-winged Warbler Dickcissel 3. Date: _________ Location: _______________________ Black-and-white Warbler ICTERIDAE: Bobolink Prothonotary Warbler Blackbirds, meadow- Red-winged Blackbird Weather Conditions: _______________________________ Tennessee Warbler larks, and orioles Eastern Meadowlark Orange-crowned Warbler Western Meadowlark Nashville Warbler Yellow-headed Blackbird Observers: _______________________________________ Connecticut Warbler Rusty Blackbird Mourning Warbler Brewer’s Blackbird printed on recycled paper.
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