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Brown2009chap67.Pdf Swifts, treeswifts, and hummingbirds (Apodiformes) Joseph W. Browna,* and David P. Mindella,b Hirundinidae, Order Passeriformes), and between the aDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & University nectivorous hummingbirds and sunbirds (Family Nec- of Michigan Museum of Zoology, 1109 Geddes Road, University tariniidae, Order Passeriformes), the monophyletic sta- b of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079, USA; Current address: tus of Apodiformes has been well supported in all of the California Academy of Sciences, 55 Concourse Drive Golden Gate major avian classiA cations since before Fürbringer (3). Park, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA *To whom correspondence should be addressed (josephwb@ A comprehensive historical review of taxonomic treat- ments is available (4). Recent morphological (5, 6), genetic (4, 7–12), and combined (13, 14) studies have supported the apodiform clade. Although a classiA cation based on Abstract large DNA–DNA hybridization distances (4) promoted hummingbirds and swiJ s to the rank of closely related Swifts, treeswifts, and hummingbirds constitute the Order orders (“Trochiliformes” and “Apodiformes,” respect- Apodiformes (~451 species) in the avian Superorder ively), the proposed revision does not inP uence evolu- Neoaves. The monophyletic status of this traditional avian tionary interpretations. order has been unequivocally established from genetic, One of the most robustly supported novel A ndings morphological, and combined analyses. The apodiform in recent systematic ornithology is a close relation- timetree shows that living apodiforms originated in the late ship between the nocturnal owlet-nightjars (Family Cretaceous, ~72 million years ago (Ma) with the divergence Aegothelidae, Order Caprimulgiformes) and the trad- of hummingbird and swift lineages, followed much later by itional Apodiformes. Originally proposed on the basis the divergence (34 Ma) of swifts and treeswifts. of osteological characters (15), this relationship has since been supported in analyses of individual ( 12, 14) 7 e neoavian Order Apodiformes is classiA ed into three reciprocally monophyletic families (1): Apodidae (swiJ s, ~100 species; cosmopolitan), Hemiprocnidae (treeswiJ s, four species; Asia and Australasia), and the speciose Trochilidae (hummingbirds, ~347 species; North and South America). 7 e order is characterized by small birds with strong P ight muscles which are used in energetic P ight, and have, as the name suggests, diminutive feet with limited function (Fig. 1). Although all apodiforms are insectivorous, hummingbirds are predominantly nectivorous (supplementing their diets with insect prey), and consequently constitute a major pollination vector for many neotropical plants (2). Here, the relationships and divergence times of the families of Apodiformes are reviewed. In the Superorder Neoaves, where the monophy- letic status of most traditional multifamily orders has been questioned, Apodiformes has been a refreshing bastion of taxonomic stability. Despite striking super- Fig. 1 A Black-crested Coquette (Lophornis helenae), Family A cial morphological, ecological, and behavioral similar- Trochilidae, from Arenal Observatory Lodge, Costa Rica. Credit: ities between the acrobatic swiJ s and swallows (Family S. Hinshaw. J. W. Brown and D. P. Mindell. SwiJ s, treeswiJ s, and hummingbirds (Apodiformes). Pp. 454–456 in e Timetree of Life, S. B. Hedges and S. Kumar, Eds. (Oxford University Press, 2009). HHedges.indbedges.indb 445454 11/28/2009/28/2009 11:29:39:29:39 PPMM Eukaryota; Metazoa; Vertebrata; Aves; Apodiformes 455 Hemiprocnidae 2 Apodidae 1 Trochilidae K Paleogene Neogene MZ CENOZOIC 50 25 0 Million years ago Fig. 2 A timetree of swifts, treeswifts, and hummingbirds (Apodiformes). Divergence times are shown in Table 1. Abbreviations: MZ (Mesozoic) and K (Cretaceous). and combined (7, 8, 13) nuclear genes, phylogenetic- 7 ose relatively young dates were aB ected by the A xed- ally informative indels (12, 14), additional morpho- age constraint placed on the origin of Trochilidae. A logical traits (13) (but see 5), and analyses of combined reanalysis (20) of these data, using the same topology but morphological and molecular data (13, 14). So com- a Bayesian model of autocorrelated rate evolution and pelling is this evidence that a name has been proposed an improved set of fossil calibrations, yielded consid- for the node uniting these taxa, identiA ed as the clade erably older divergence time estimates, consistent with “Daedalornithes” (16). It is as yet unknown whether a those from previous molecular studies (Fig. 2). 7 ese grouping of all traditional caprimulgiform and apodi- results refute the explosive model, and instead support form taxa constitutes a monophyletic clade. apodiform diversiA cation in the late Cretaceous, with DNA evidence tends to support a late Cretaceous ori- the divergence of swiJ s and hummingbirds at around gin of apodiform taxa. Several molecular studies have 70 Ma, and swiJ s and treeswiJ s at 42 Ma. explicitly estimated divergence times for Apodiformes A challenge that has beset the ornithological commu- (Table 1), but most have sampled only from Apodidae nity for the past decade is the markedly diB erent macro- and Trochilidae (Fig. 2). Analyses of mitochondrial (mt) evolutionary scenarios that are separately but strongly DNA (17) and published DNA–DNA hybridization data supported by the fossil record and molecular genetic (4) yielded estimates of ~68 and 84 Ma for this split, data (21). Apodiform taxa seem to pose a particular respectively, with a mean estimate of about 76 Ma (17). problem, because their characteristic diminutive stature An extensive consideration of alternative dating meth- likely reduces fossilization potential. Fossil gap analysis odologies and tree topologies on a matrix of 5 kb of (22) has nevertheless been used to attempt to construct mtDNA and 135 avian taxa yielded diB erent divergence conA dence intervals on the origin of this order, and sup- time estimates for this node: ancestor-descendant rate ports the classical Cenozoic view. However, this method smoothing, 77–75 Ma; closest-relative rate smoothing, assumes that fossils are uniformly recovered through 70–54 Ma; Bayesian autocorrelated model of rate evo- time since the origin of the taxon. 7 e use of alternative lution, 77–63 Ma; overdispersed clock, 56 Ma; Bayesian fossil recovery curves has been shown to lead to diB erent non-autocorrelated model of rate evolution with unA xed scenarios, including ones consistent with most molecu- topology, 81 Ma (18) (Table 1). lar genetic timelines (23). Only two studies have yet estimated divergence times In summary, we presently have an incomplete under- for all families belonging to “Daedalornithes” (Table 1), standing of the evolutionary history of Apodiformes. and both analyzed the same A ve nuclear genes for a broad However, the history of this taxon is likely to prove com- sampling of neoavian taxa. 7 e A rst study (8) employed plex, as fossils of a modern-type hummingbird, today a A xed-age calibration for the hummingbird–swiJ split restricted to the New World, have recently been found at 47.5 Ma while primarily using a closest-relative rate in Europe (24). smoothing method. 7 e results, and those produced from an ancestor-descendant rate smoothing method, are the youngest yet reported date estimates for these nodes from Acknowledgments genetic data, but are consistent with a macroevolution- J.W.B. thanks T. Moore and K. Gordon for assistance. ary model, derived from the fossil record, of an explosive Support was provided by the University of Michigan to diversiA cation of birds following the K-T boundary (19). J.W.B. and U.S. National Science Foundation to D.P.M. HHedges.indbedges.indb 445555 11/28/2009/28/2009 11:29:41:29:41 PPMM 456 THE TIMETREE OF LIFE Table 1. Divergence times (Ma) and their confi dence/credibility intervals (CI) among swifts, treeswifts, and hummingbirds (Apodiformes). Timetree Estimates Node Time Ref. (8) Ref. (17) Ref. (18) Ref. (20) Time Time CI Time CI Time CI 171.5– 75.791–6069.184–5569.889–55 2 34.0 25.7 – – – – 42.2 57–31 Note: Node times in the timetree represent the mean of time estimates. When multiple time estimates were available from the same study, then the mean of reported times and CIs is used as the representative estimate. The estimate from ref. (17) represents an average derived from a molecular clock analysis of several mtDNA genes, and genome-wide DNA–DNA hybridization data (4) assuming a rate of 3.92 ∆°C per Ma. The estimate presented from ref. (8) is derived from an analysis of fi ve nuclear genes using two different rate-smoothing dating methods: closest-relative smoothing and ancestor-descendant smoothing (the divergence for Node 1 was fi xed at 47.5 Ma). Ref. (20) reports a reanalysis of the data from ref. (8) using the same tree topology, but improved fossil calibrations and a dating method that employs a Bayesian autocorrelated model of rate evolution. Ref. (18) constitutes an average estimate from analyses of ~5 kb of mtDNA under eight combinations of different dating methods (n = 5: ancestor-descendent rate smoothing, closest-relative rate smoothing, Bayesian autocorrelated model of rate evolution, overdispersed clock, and Bayesian non-autocorrelated model of rate evolution) and tree topologies (n = 3). References 12. G. F. Barrowclough, J. G. Groth, L. A. Mertz, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 41, 238 (2006). 1. A. Wetmore, Smithson. Misc. Coll. 139, 1 (1960). 13. G. Mayr, A. Manegold, U. S. Johansson, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. 2. K. L. Schuchmann, in Handbook of the Birds of the Res. 41, 233 (2003). World, Vol. 5, Barn-Owls to Hummingbirds, J. del Hoyo, 14. J. CracraJ et al., in Assembling the Tree of Life, J. CracraJ , A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, Eds. (Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, M. J. Donoghue, Eds. (Oxford University Press, New 1999), pp. 468–535. York, 2004), Vol. 1, pp. 468–489. 3. M. Fürbringer, Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und 15. G. Mayr, J. Ornithol. 143, 82 (2002). Systematik der Vögel (von Holkema, Amsterdam, 1888). 16.
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    FAMILY PTEROCLIDIDAE 217 Notes.--Also known as Common Puffin and, in Old World literature, as the Puffin. Fra- tercula arctica and F. corniculata constitutea superspecies(Mayr and Short 1970). Fratercula corniculata (Naumann). Horned Puffin. Mormon corniculata Naumann, 1821, Isis von Oken, col. 782. (Kamchatka.) Habitat.--Mostly pelagic;nests on rocky islandsin cliff crevicesand amongboulders, rarely in groundburrows. Distribution.--Breedson islandsand alongcoasts of the Chukchiand Bering seasfrom the DiomedeIslands and Cape Lisburnesouth to the AleutianIslands, and alongthe Pacific coast of western North America from the Alaska Peninsula and south-coastal Alaska south to British Columbia (QueenCharlotte Islands, and probablyelsewhere along the coast);and in Asia from northeasternSiberia (Kolyuchin Bay) southto the CommanderIslands, Kam- chatka,Sakhalin, and the northernKuril Islands.Nonbreeding birds occurin late springand summer south along the Pacific coast of North America to southernCalifornia, and north in Siberia to Wrangel and Herald islands. Winters from the Bering Sea and Aleutians south, at least casually,to the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (from Kure east to Laysan), and off North America (rarely) to southern California;and in Asia from northeasternSiberia southto Japan. Accidentalin Mackenzie (Basil Bay); a sight report for Baja California. Notes.--See comments under F. arctica. Fratercula cirrhata (Pallas). Tufted Puffin. Alca cirrhata Pallas, 1769, Spic. Zool. 1(5): 7, pl. i; pl. v, figs. 1-3. (in Mari inter Kamtschatcamet
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