Tinamous Broad-Winged Hawk Plain-Capped Starthroat Thicket
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Checklist Rancho Primavera, El Tuito, Jalisco, Mexico (265) ! = endemic www.jesperbayjacobsen.com Tinamous Broad-winged Hawk Plain-capped Starthroat Thicket Tinamou Short-tailed Hawk Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird Ducks, Geese and Waterfowl Swainson's Hawk Lucifer Hummingbird Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Zone-tailed Hawk Ruby-throated Hummingbird Fulvous Whistling-Duck Red-tailed Hawk Black-chinned Hummingbird Wood Duck Rails, Gallinules and Allies Broad-tailed Hummingbird Blue-winged Teal Virginia Rail Rufous Hummingbird Cinnamon Teal Sora Allen's Hummingbird Northern Shoveler Purple Gallinule Calliope Hummingbird Green-winged Teal Common Gallinule !Golden-crowned Emerald Ring-necked Duck American Coot Broad-billed Hummingbird Ruddy Duck Limpkin !Mexican Woodnymph Chachalacas, Guans and Curassows Limpkin Berylline Hummingbird !Rufous-bellied Chachalaca Stilts and Avocets Cinnamon Hummingbird !West Mexican Chachalaca Black-necked Stilt Violet-crowned Hummingbird Crested Guan Plovers and Lapwings White-eared Hummingbird Grebes Killdeer Trogons Least Grebe Jacanas !Citreoline Trogon Pied-billed Grebe Northern Jacana Elegant Trogon Storks Sandpipers and Allies Motmots Wood Stork Least Sandpiper Russet-crowned Motmot Frigatebirds Long-billed Dowitcher Kingfishers Magnificent Frigatebird Wilson's Snipe Ringed Kingfisher Cormorants and Shags Red-necked Phalarope Belted Kingfisher Neotropic Cormorant Spotted Sandpiper Green Kingfisher Anhingas Solitary Sandpiper Woodpeckers Anhinga Greater Yellowlegs Acorn Woodpecker Pelicans Gulls, Terns and Skimmers !Golden-cheeked Woodpecker American White Pelican Black Tern Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Herons, Egrets and Bitterns Pigeons and Doves Ladder-backed Woodpecker American Bittern Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) !Gray-crowned Woodpecker Least Bittern Red-billed Pigeon Lineated Woodpecker Bare-throated Tiger-Heron Eurasian Collared-Dove Pale-billed Woodpecker Great Blue Heron Inca Dove Falcons and Caracaras Great Egret Common Ground-Dove Collared Forest-Falcon Snowy Egret Ruddy Ground-Dove Crested Caracara Little Blue Heron White-tipped Dove Laughing Falcon Tricolored Heron White-winged Dove American Kestrel Cattle Egret Mourning Dove Bat Falcon Green Heron Cuckoos Peregrine Falcon Black-crowned Night-Heron Groove-billed Ani New World and African Parrots Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Lesser Ground-Cuckoo !Lilac-crowned Parrot Ibises and Spoonbills Squirrel Cuckoo Orange-fronted Parakeet White Ibis Barn-Owls Military Macaw White-faced Ibis Barn Owl Ovenbirds and Woodcreepers Roseate Spoonbill Owls Ivory-billed Woodcreeper New World Vultures Vermiculated Screech-Owl Tyrant Flycatchers Black Vulture !Colima Pygmy-Owl Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Turkey Vulture Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Greenish Elaenia Osprey Mottled Owl Tufted Flycatcher Osprey Nightjars and Allies Greater Pewee Hawks, Eagles and Kites Lesser Nighthawk Willow Flycatcher White-tailed Kite Common Pauraque White-throated Flycatcher Hook-billed Kite Buff-collared Nightjar Least Flycatcher Sharp-shinned Hawk Potoos Pacific-slope Flycatcher Cooper's Hawk Northern Potoo Cordilleran Flycatcher Crane Hawk Swifts Black Phoebe Common Black Hawk White-collared Swift Eastern Phoebe Great Black Hawk Vaux's Swift Vermilion Flycatcher Roadside Hawk Hummingbirds Bright-rumped Attila Gray Hawk !Mexican Hermit Dusky-capped Flycatcher ebird/Clements(2017) 1 of 2 Checklist Rancho Primavera, El Tuito, Jalisco, Mexico (265) ! = endemic www.jesperbayjacobsen.com Ash-throated Flycatcher Silky-flycatchers Yellow-breasted Chat Nutting's Flycatcher Gray Silky-flycatcher Troupials and Allies Brown-crested Flycatcher Rosy Thrush-Tanager Yellow-winged Cacique !Flammulated Flycatcher Rosy Thrush-Tanager Black-vented Oriole Great Kiskadee New World Warblers Orchard Oriole Boat-billed Flycatcher Ovenbird Hooded Oriole Social Flycatcher Worm-eating Warbler Streak-backed Oriole Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Louisiana Waterthrush Bullock's Oriole Tropical Kingbird Northern Waterthrush Baltimore Oriole Cassin's Kingbird Golden-winged Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Thick-billed Kingbird Black-and-white Warbler Bronzed Cowbird Western Kingbird Tennessee Warbler Brown-headed Cowbird Tityras and Allies Orange-crowned Warbler Great-tailed Grackle Masked Tityra Nashville Warbler Finches, Euphonias and Allies Gray-collared Becard Virginia's Warbler Scrub Euphonia Rose-throated Becard Gray-crowned Yellowthroat Lesser Goldfinch Vireos, Shrike-Babblers and Erpornis MacGillivray's Warbler Old World Sparrows !Golden Vireo Common Yellowthroat House Sparrow Black-capped Vireo Hooded Warbler Bell's Vireo American Redstart Plumbeous Vireo Tropical Parula Warbling Vireo Magnolia Warbler Yellow-green Vireo Yellow Warbler Crows, Jays and Magpies Chestnut-sided Warbler !Black-throated Magpie-Jay Yellow-rumped Warbler !San Blas Jay Grace's Warbler Common Raven Black-throated Gray Warbler Swallows Fan-tailed Warbler Northern Rough-winged Swallow Rufous-capped Warbler Sinaloa Martin Golden-crowned Warbler Gray-breasted Martin Wilson's Warbler Tree Swallow Painted Redstart Mangrove Swallow Tanagers and Allies Violet-green Swallow Blue-black Grassquit Bank Swallow Ruddy-breasted Seedeater Barn Swallow White-collared Seedeater Cliff Swallow Grayish Saltator Wrens New World Buntings and Sparrows House Wren Stripe-headed Sparrow Marsh Wren Olive Sparrow !Happy Wren Lark Sparrow !Sinaloa Wren Lincoln's Sparrow Gnatcatchers !Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Rusty Sparrow !Black-capped Gnatcatcher Cardinals and Allies Kinglets Hepatic Tanager Ruby-crowned Kinglet Summer Tanager Thrushes and Allies Western Tanager Brown-backed Solitaire Flame-colored Tanager Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Red-crowned Ant-Tanager Swainson's Thrush Yellow Grosbeak Hermit Thrush Black-headed Grosbeak White-throated Thrush !Red-breasted Chat !Rufous-backed Robin Blue Bunting Mockingbirds and Thrashers Blue Grosbeak !Blue Mockingbird Lazuli Bunting Northern Mockingbird Indigo Bunting Wagtails and Pipits !Orange-breasted Bunting American Pipit Varied Bunting Waxwings Painted Bunting Cedar Waxwing Yellow-breasted Chat ebird/Clements(2017) 2 of 2.