
Polypropylene vs PVC 1300 996 066

Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most neutral containing only two elements: carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). PVC (polyvinyl ) , commonly referred to as vinyl, is one of the most hazardous consumer products ever created.

PRODUCTION RECYCLE Importantly, the manufacturing of materials PP is 100% recyclable. During , often causes the greatest environmental burden. PP retains its strength and need not be ‘down PP sheet is manufactured from propylene cycled’ into only low impact strength items such , a relatively safe gas which is a as flower pots. Not only are PVC products very waste by-product of the petroleum industry. difficult to recycle, they are far more toxic in It used to be burned off into the atmosphere, production, use and disposal than PP and for contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. that reason, many communities and businesses Therefore, using more PP in products may help are phasing out their use. When disposed of to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. PP is in landfill, PVC poses significant long-term made up from carbon and hydrogen and is environmental threats as chemical additives manufactured without any dangerous emissions. can leach into groundwater. PVC cannot be PVC is manufactured with the addition of a effectively recycled due to many different toxic plethora of toxic additives, which can make the additives used to soften or stabilise PVC, which PVC product itself harmful to consumers. These can contaminate the recycling batch. In fact, chemicals can evaporate or leach out of PVC, just one PVC can contaminate a recycling posing environmental and irreversible life-long load of 100,000 PET ! health risks to consumers. BY-PRODUCTS LIFE CYCLE During a fire situation, Promeg polypropylene PVC’s entire life cycle, from production through burns to relatively harmless end products. use and disposal, has a negative impact on It gives carbon dioxide and as the main human health and our environment. Not only is products, together with carbon monoxide and PVC inherently dangerous in its basic form, but carbon (soot).When burned PVC plastic releases it also needs a large amount of dioxins, a group of the most potent synthetic such as to stabilise it. Lead is highly toxic chemicals ever tested, which can cause cancer both during the life cycle of a product and after and harm the immune and reproductive systems. its disposal. There is no lead nor other heavy metals used in the manufacture of Promeg SAFER ALTERNATIVE PP sheet. A further problem with flexible It is important that a material uses a minimal PVC is that flexibility and softness must be amount of natural resources, that it does not induced by the addition of a large amount of emit polluting substances, that it fulfills a long plasticiser, usually , at concentrations working life and optimises aspects of reuse and of 30‑50%. These phthalates may have recycling. PP fits this criteria. The good news is carcinogenic properties in humans. They do this that a safer, non-toxic, cost-effective alternative by mimicking the female hormone oestrogen, to PVC is readily available for virtually every use... causing biological imbalances in humans and Promeg. other species. These plasticisers are mobile by nature and hence migratory. © 2016 MEGARA #01 © 2016