
Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms

AC – Assist control: Respirator setting-controls breaths per minute the patient receives. a.c. – ante cebum, before meals

ADL’s – Activities of Daily Living

ALT – Alanine Aminotransferase levels; liver studies

AROM- Active Range of Motion

BAL – Bronchial alveolar lavage

Babinski + – neurological sign of brain injury. Great points up and others fan out b.i.d. - Twice per day

BS – bowel sounds

BBS – bilateral breath sounds

CHT/ CHI – closed head trauma, closed head injury

Crepitus – Popping or clicking sound at joint or under skin

C & S – culture and sensitivity

CTA – clear to auscultation (Lungs /breath sounds)

CV – cardiovascular

CVC – Central Venous Catheter

CVA - Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)

CVF – central visual fields

CWON - Certified Wound and Ostomy Nurse

Dx – diagnosis

DIB – Difficulty in Breathing

DTR – Deep reflexes

Eosinophilia – elevation of a specific type of white blood cell ETOH – Alcohol or Ethyl Alcohol

Elevation of / or increase of some measure

Decrease of / or depression of some measure

FSBS - stick blood sugar

F/u - Follow up

Fr. – French Measurement of catheters (i.e. Foley urinary catheter)

GI – Gastrointestinal/Gastroenterologist. /intestines. MD who treats stomach/intestines.

GETA- general endotracheal anesthesia

Gram + cocci – A bacteria or organism that causes grave infections

Guaiac – test for blood in stools

Hematuria – Blood in urine

Hbg – hemoglobin, oxygen carrying capacity of blood

Hct – hematocrit, red blood cell count

Hyperkalemia – elevated potassium level

HBP/HTN – High Blood Pressure, hypertension

H & P: history and physical

ICP – Intra-cranial Pressure

IDDM - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – requiring insulin to treat diabetes

ID – Infectious Disease: Physician who specializes in the treatment of infectious diseases

IJ - Internal Jugular

IMV – Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation: respirator setting: patient breathes with the respirator.

IVF - Intravenous fluids

Intubated – Plastic tube placed via trachea to lungs to open airway and support breathing

K+ - potassium, electrolyte Lt. - Left

LFT - Liver Function test -LDH, SGOT, SGPT – laboratory study of liver enzymes

Leukopenia – Low White Blood Cell count

Macrocytosis – Enlarged red blood cell (erythrocyte)

MVA/MVC – motor vehicle accident/crash

MRSA- Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus –bacterial infection

Na+ - sodium, electrolyte

NCS - Conduction Studies

NIDDM – Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus- not requiring insulin therapy to treat diabetes

NSR – normal sinus rhythm. Heart rhythm

NTND – non-tender, non-distended

N/V- nausea and vomiting

NWB – non weight bearing

OOB – Out of bed

OT - Occupational Therapy

PAC’s – Premature Atrial contractions-irregular heart beat p.c. – post cebum, after meals

PEG Tube – Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube (feeding tube)

PERLA - Pupil Equal and Reactive to Light and Accommodation p - After

PEEP – Positive End Expiratory Pressure: A method of hyper inflating the alveolar sacs in the lungs

Pressor Drugs –IV drugs utilized to elevate and maintain blood pressure. Dopamine/Levophed

Platelets – clotting cells in blood

PROM- Passive range of motion Pulse ox – Pulse oximetry: blood oxygen content measured by laser on patient’s index finger.

PRBC – Packed Red Blood Cells: transfusion of red blood cells to raise hemoglobin and hematocrit p.r.n.- as needed or whenever necessary

PT - Physical Therapy

Pt. - patient q.– Every q.d. – every day or daily q.h.s. – every night q.i.d. – four times per day q.o.d. – every other day

R/O- Rule out - to eliminate as a diagnosis

RAP - resident assessment protocol

Sepsis –massive bacterial infection which affects major organ systems

SBO – Small Bowel Obstruction

SLP- Speech and Language Pathologist

SOB – Shortness of Breath

S/P – status post

Stenosis-narrowing or stricture of opening

STM – short-term memory

STSG – Split thickness skin graft

TEE – Trans-esophageal Echocardiogram t.i.d. – three times per day

TED – Thromboembolic hose-Special elastic stockings to prevent clot formation in legs. DVT

Thrombocytopenia – Decreased Platelet count or “clotting cells” TLC – triple lumen catheter - IV catheter w/ three ports for drug administration & cardiac monitoring

T & P - Turn and Position

TPN – Total Parenteral Nutrition: High Calorie feedings via intravenous method

Tracheostomy –external opening in the trachea -airway for ventilation of the lungs

TX - treatment

UBG – Urobilinogen – lab value- liver function

UTI - Urinary Tract Infection

VAP – Ventilator acquired pneumonia

WOC- Wound and Ostomy care

WBC – White blood cell count, indication of infection