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Social Studies, 8th grade, 1st & 2nd hour Name : Garrett White

REminder to email me at [email protected] if you have not already.

Homework/Notes have been temporarily been given full credit so as to be turned in today for full credit.

Reminder taking a screenshot of Mr. White's notes is not acceptable for submission for points on notes. YOU have to take your own notes, manually type/write the notes out. then this is eligible for full points.

Homework due today Workbook pgs-127,128,129 Assigned homework today is Workbook pgs 130-134

Essentail Question was the USA really destined to expand westward in the 1800's? -Vocabulary- Napolean Bonaparte- A brilliant tactician who used politics to elevate himself to emporership of France. He controlled all of the European continent except Britian. Daniel Boone- most famous long hunter who explored west of the Appalachian mountains; ultimately he met his death at the Alamo Louisiana Purchase- Effictively Doubled the size of the USA & was bargain from Napolean. Meriwether Lewis- William Clark- Lewis & Clark Expedition- Sacagawea- Zebulon Pike- John C. Freemont Jocabk Jacob Astor- Mountain men- Oregon Trail Santa Fe Trail- Mormons- Brigham Young- New Orleans was the most important port for the Louisiana Territory! to this day Thousands of tons of cargo flow down from Chicago on the Mississippi river to the New Orleans port. Homework workbook Covid 19- Uk strain E4...k is more dangerous and more transimisible. Myanmar military coup kicked out and arrested democratically elected leaders in place for a dictator. Local news- Navajo Times State news- AZ repubilic etc. US news-CNN, NBC, CBS, NPR etc. World News- NHK or BBC

Extra credit- notes on the Senate Conviction trial starting Feb. 9th, 2021