
ция о личности коммуникатора. Мы можем узнать о его темпераменте, эмоциональном состоянии в момент коммуникации, выяснить его лич- ностные свойства и качества, коммуникативную компетентность, соци- альный статус, получить представление о его лице и самооценке. Умение читать и применять самому знаки невербальной системы общения поможет преуспеть не только в деловой сфере, но и в повсед- невной жизни [4]. Библиографический список 1. Аминов И.И. Психология делового общения. М.: Омега-Л, 2006. 2. Биркенбил В. Язык интонации, мимики, жестов. СПб.: Питер, 1997. 3. Кнапп М.Л. Невербальные коммуникации. М.: Наука, 1978. 4. Лукичева К.К. Невербальная коммуникация. URL: http://globalteka.ru/ books/doc_details/1186.html (дата обращения: 25.10.2017). 5. Холл Э. Как понять иностранца без слов. М.: Наука, 1995.

D.D. Sklyarova 2nd, Institute of Roman and German , Informational and Humanitarian Tеchnologies PhD in Philology, associated professor T.A. Shiryaeva e-mail: [email protected]

The History Of Development Corpus linguistics is a method of carrying out linguistic analyses. As it can be used for the investigation of many kinds of linguistic questions and as it has been shown to have the potential to yield highly interesting, funda- mental, and often surprising new insights about , it has become one of the most wide-spread methods of linguistic investigation in recent years. We can say that the fi rst corpus and corpus methods appeared long be- fore corpus linguistics was established as a branch of science. In fact any lin- guistic study based on comparison and analysis of contexts, is a corpus study. The fi rst corpus was created in the 1960s, dictionary card fi les (a col- lection of text fragments) being its prototype. They were cards, containing words used in different sentences. As a rule they were systemized in the al- phabetical order. In 1963 in Brown University (USA) a big corpus for formation of a frequency dictionary was created. This corpus consists of one million words. The frequency of many words is determined by the themes of the texts. For example, we can come across the collocation “disposal variable” only in texts in the sphere of mathematics. To ensure the data regarding correctness of the use frequency of words, the researchers developed a strict procedure 79 for selecting texts: 500 fragments of prose texts belonging to the 15 most popular genres. The emergence of corpus methods is associated with the development of computer technology in the 20th century. The ability to scan and recognize texts has made it possible to collect, store and process huge arrays of text data. The popularization of the Internet has also played an important role in the development of corpus linguistics because corpuses have become avail- able to a wide range of users. In Russia the development and research of the corpuses are carried out by specialists of the Center for Linguistic Documentation at the Moscow Lin- guistic University and by other research organizations. The creation of the National Corpus of the Russian language was an important milestone in the development of national corpus linguistics in Russia in the 21st century. Many scientists from different parts of this country take part in this research [1: 26]. The development of corpus linguistics and the creation of corpuses are very topical problems of modern linguistics. Presently the usage of corpuses plays a leading role in most linguistic studies. In the fi rst half of the 20th century it was possible to create corpuses only by hand and it was very time- consuming. That’s why corpuses were only turned to when a lot of people were interested in it. But thanks to the development of corpus linguistics the structuring and synchronizing of material has become much easier. The importance of the development of corpus linguistics is beyond doubt. It combines many of the positive achievements of the humanities and engineering sciences. But having emerged relatively recently, its status as an independent science has not yet been established. So many scientists consider corpus linguistics to be a part of traditional linguistics. In the middle of the XIX century a rational approach dominated in sci- ence. This approach set the stage for corpus linguistics. Many of the technol- ogies that are now used in the creation of corpuses were invented long before the advent of computers and electronic resources. Some of them were used in the 18th and 19th centuries, when linguistics was considered an independent scientifi c discipline. Russian scientist V.P. Zakharov distinguishes three main areas of lin- guistic research, which are the basis of corpus linguistics. The fi rst one is comparative-historical linguistics. Scientists working in this area have always turned to a huge number of different texts. The second area is the compilation of grammars and dictionaries and language teaching materials. Indeed, any grammatical rule needs to be illustrated [10]. The last area is sociolinguistics. Back in the19th century, scientists began to develop dialect maps and compile collections of dialect relations. All these

80 factors set the stage for corpus linguistics [4: 45]. is considered to be the fi rst linguistic corpus. It was developed in 1963 by scholars of Brown University, W. Francis and G. Kučera. The fi rst corpus contained 1 million word usages. There are several reasons for the creation of the Brown Corpus: 1) a systematic study of English texts belonging to different genres; 2) provision of suffi cient material for comparing these data; 3) attracting the interest of many scientists to the emergence of a new scientifi c discipline. The developing of Brown Corpus was a breakthrough in applied linguis- tics, which caused a lot of controversy and discussion [6: 335]. Later, in the 1970s European scientists began to create another corpus. It was named The Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus of British English. The most popular at the moment is the British National Corpus. It was created in 1991-1994 by researchers from Oxford University and the Univer- sity of Lancaster. It consisted of 100 million word usages and it was much larger than its predecessors. It contains newspaper articles, scientifi c papers, examples of business correspondence, religious texts, etc. It is worth noting that the British Corpus was the fi rst to receive the status of “national.” [9]. British National Corpus consists of following elements: • Written Corpus (90%) • Spoken Corpus (10%) Written Corpus is presented in: 1) Regional and national newspapers 2) Research journals 3) Published and unpublished periodicals 4) Fiction books Spoken Corpus is presented in: 1) Demographic (Transcriptions of spontaneous conservations) 2) Context-governed samples (Transcriptions of recording events) [8]. Russian scientists have also made progress in this sphere. For 7 years, from 2003 to 2010 they worked on the creation of a unifi ed text database. The National Corpus of the Russian language Association in cooperation with “Yandex” set up a website with a current version of the National Corps of the Russian language [2: 35]. On the offi cial website of the National Corpus of the Russian language there is a reference article on the meaning of the term “corpus”. Also, the structure of the National Corpus is described there. At the moment it consists of the following sections: 1) the Main corpus (prosaic texts 18th-19th century);

81 2) the Syntax corpus (in which for each sentence a complete morphological and syntactic structure is presented); 3) the Newspaper corpus (articles from the media of the 1990-2000s); 4) the Parallel corpus (in which you can fi nd all for a specifi c word or phrase into Russian or from Russian); 5) the Corpus of dialect texts; 6) the Corpus of poetic texts; 7) the Teaching corpus of the Russian language; 8) the Corpus of Oral ; 9) the Multimedia Corpus (includes video and audio clips of movies from 1930-2000s); 10) the Corpus of the history of Russian word stress. As it can be seen from the structure, the National Corps covers almost all aspects of the language [7: 15]. Let’s go a few decades back, to the moment when there were zealous disputes about independence of corpus linguistics. In the 1960s-80s of the 20th century, when fi rst corpuses were created, a rational approach dominated the science. Noam Chomsky and his follower shared the opinion that the correct and incorrect language constructions could be generated only on the basis of the intuition of native speakers. When creating the National Corpus, scientists asked the questions: for whom would the corpus be useful? In what spheres of life can it be applied? Scientist V.A. Plungyan tried to answer these questions. On the one hand, this corpus can be useful for linguists. He believes that linguists have to deal with the facts of the language, therefore they have to gather and systemize them. On the other hand it can be useful for programmers. And of course the linguistic corpus is useful for people, who have connected their lives with a “word” – writers, editors, etc. And, fi nally, the corpus will become an ex- cellent tool for teachers, both at school and at the university. In the leading universities of the world it becomes daily practice to use corpus data as a material for lectures, student projects, etc. [5: 8]. At the moment, teaching with the help of corpuses, or data-driven learning has become very popular. The essence of this approach is that students use authentic language data directly from the corpus. It can be more effective, because student have the opportunity to make their own conclusions concerning meanings of the words, phrases, grammar rules, based on the language material [3: 58]. Thus, the linguistic corpus is a means for solving not only scientifi c, but also educational-methodical tasks. The benefi ts of its application in various fi elds are evident, although the theoretical basis has not been fully worked out yet. 82 Reference List 1. Венцов А.В., Касевич В.Б., Ягунова Е.В. Корпус русского языка и восприя- тие речи // Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 2. № 6. С. 25-27. 2. Венцов А.В., Грудева Е.В., Касевич В.Б., Ягунова Е.В. Национальный кор- пус русского литературного языка: некоторые результаты, приложения и за- дачи // Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 2. № 6. С. 35-36. 3. Грудева Е.В. Корпусная лингвистика: учеб. пособие. 2-е изд., стер. М.: ФЛИНТА, 2012. 4. Захаров В.П. Корпусная лингвистика: учеб.-метод. пособие. СПб.: Лениз- дат, 2005. 5. Плунгян В.А. Зачем нужен Национальный корпус русского языка? Нефор- мальное введение // Национальный корпус русского языка: М.: Индрик, 2003-2005. С. 6-20. 6. Фрэнсис У.Н. Проблемы формирования и машинного представления боль- шого корпуса текстов / Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Выпуск. Пробле- мы и методы лексикографии. М.: Прогресс. 1983. С. 334-335. 7. Шаров С.А. Представительный корпус русского языка в контексте мирово- го опыта // Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 2. № 6. С. 1216. 8. British National Corpus, BNC. URL: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk (дата обра- щения: 13.12.2017). 9. Brown Corpus. URL: http://clu.uni.no/icame/brown/bcm.html#bc3 (дата обра- щения: 13.12.2017). 10. The Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus of British English, LOB. URL: http://clu. uni.no/icame/manuals/LOB/INDEX.HTM (дата обращения: 13.12.2017).

В.С. Стригунова 4 курс, Институт романо-германских языков, информационных и гуманитарных технологий науч. рук. доц. И.Н. Потеряхина e-mail: [email protected]

Языковые особенности комментария в социальных сетях В связи с развитием технологий у человека появились новые воз- можности передачи информации, а также новые способы и каналы ком- муникации. Помимо персональных сообщений, писем в социальных сетях или на почте, огромной популярностью является публичное об- суждение в блогах на различные темы. Кроме того, нельзя не упомянуть комментарии ко всевозможным постам, фотографиям, видео, фильмам, новостям, статьям и т.д. Но стоит заметить, что язык, используемый для такого рода коммуникации, имеет несколько отличительных черт и осо- бенностей. Под комментарием мы, вслед за Е.В. Холодовской, понимаем «вы- сказывание, нацеленное на объяснение и оценивание значимого, с точки зрения коммуникантов, события» [1]. 83