Power ofJESUS

10 Days of Life- Transforming Stories and Prayer Guide Power of JESUS

Dear Friend, film, the gospel story from the Book of Luke including visiting (touring) our Jesus Film portrayed on film is perhaps the most widely Master Studio (Orlando, Florida), and going on My first exposure to used tool in world evangelism today. In the short-term mission trips that can put you in the Jesus Film Project® hands of more than 1,500 partnering missions front lines, directly helping reach people for was a book of stories agencies, denominations and local churches, Christ. describing how God is using JESUS to lead millions to Christ God was using this every year. Why is it so effective? It is because Friend, I pray that reading “Power of JESUS” unique tool to lead it is being viewed and heard in people’s heart will be just your first step with us, that you will people into personal languages, the ones they most understand. Pray, Subscribe and Get Informed, consider encounters with the Jesus speaks 1,500 languages and counting! Giving and help Go to the nations. You may not Savior. That was more be called to Central Asia like Elizabeth and me, than 20 years ago, and As you read each day’s story and country (or but because of the time you invest in this book, I was a pastor in New area) profile, I believe God will touch your may God prompt a bold response in you, and England at the time. Reading how God’s spirit heart, lift your vision for the world and build may you act on it in faith! was powerfully moving in the world—even in your faith. And may you be prompted to act: some of the toughest places—stirred me. God First, by praying for the requests for the day, Until Everyone Sees Jesus, touched my heart and that of my wife Elizabeth asking God to give you a greater burden for the in a radical way. He led us to pack up our house lost in various corners of the globe, next, by and move with four children to one of those signing up to receive additional stories, video tough places in Central Asia, to plant churches. reports and updates by email at jesusfilm.org. Erick Schenkel, Ph.D. In Central Asia we saw firsthand how God was Executive Director using the film JESUS to reach men, women and Please visit our website to learn more. New Jesus Film Project® children to transform lives! prayer requests and stories are posted every month. You can watch JESUS and other Today, I am privileged to give leadership to evangelistic films online or download them, Jesus Film Project and its work in evangelism or you can order copies on DVD. The website and global church-planting efforts. The JESUS provides you additional opportunities to act, Power of JESUS

Day 1 Central Asia

Region: Central Asia entral Asia includes the large strategic, Pray for: Location: Asia geographic region of five former Soviet • Safety, growth and spiritual maturity for those Literacy Rate: 98.6% Cstates that are predominantly Muslim: in underground house churches. 91 million Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Population: • A miraculous explosion of religious freedom. JESUS Language Translations: 13 and Uzbekistan. • For believers to be bold in evangelism. Central Asians in general are the least-reached • Well-trained, godly leaders despite the lack of people on earth. In that region, Christians Bible schools and seminaries. face acute pressures on every side—from governments, Islamist groups, and traditional • For effective use of the film JESUS and church hierarchies, to family members and derivative films for women and children across society. “Salt and light” in their communities, Central Asia. local believers constantly face violence and turmoil.

Believers need the support of trained church leaders, but training programs are lacking, and due to the threat any evangelism must be carried out with See, I am sending an angel ahead sensitivity and wisdom. of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place Extremists’ hatred and excessive violence now contributes to Central I have prepared. Asians’ disillusionment and a greater Exodus 23:20 openness to the gospel, although it is still under the radar and on a limited level in many areas. Power of JESUS A Door Radicals Had Closed, Opens

esus Film™ team members were racked by The members loaded the JESUS film and equipment Inside, he asked, “And why have you come to guilt for events that happened a year earlier. into the back of their Jeep, along with three boxes of Chanddon?” “We’ve come to show a film about JThey had arranged for a film showing outside Bibles, and headed for the village, several hours away. the Great Prophet Isa (Jesus).” Having experienced the village of Chanddon. their kindness, the officer asked, “What do you On the road, they came to a police checkpoint—a need?” This was the same village where radicals Upon arrival near the community, an area they potentially dangerous stop in the road considering chased them out a year earlier, nearly killing them recognized would be dangerous because of religious the load of Bibles. The officer asked where they with machetes. radicals, they sensed something was not right. With were going. Trying to be noncommittal, they said, no moon, all the team members could see were “We are headed south.” To their surprise, he said “We need permission,” they answered. faint silhouettes of buildings and trees. They felt an “Well so am I. Can you give me a ride?” There was no unsettling and eerie foreboding but began playing way they could refuse the officer’s request. “Oh, that’s no problem. My brother is the mayor! music through the speakers to attract people from Where do you want to show this film?” They asked, the nearby community to the film showing. Nobody Insisting on climbing in the back of the Jeep, the “Could we use the town square?” (Where they had came, which almost never happens. officer sat on a box full of Bibles. They feared if the tried unsuccessfully before.) To which the policeman officer looked into the box, they could be arrested replied: “Sure, but you know we have some radical Suddenly, they heard the sound of rustling bushes or possibly killed. So they prayed and drove on. elements here. So I’m going to have my police force and the cracking of branches breaking under the guard you as you show the film.” feet of 12 radicals rushing toward them. Waving Soon, the team approached another police machetes, they screamed “We are going to kill checkpoint. Popping his head out from the back The team prayed and set up their equipment. Once you and every infidel with you.” The three team of the Jeep, the first police officer told the other again, as they did a year earlier, they played music as members fled for their lives, running as fast as they officers, “I’m with them. You don’t need to search darkness fell to draw the people. This time a crowd could to their Jeep. With hearts pounding and the vehicle.” The police waved them through. This gathered, sat down and watched JESUS, hearing the fumbling to get the Jeep started, they sped away. happened at three more police check points, and all Word of God in their heart language. For the first three times he got them through! time in their lives they learned who Jesus really was. A year later, through prayer, they recognized that those people still needed to hear the gospel, so they The officer asked the film team, “Tell me, what’s The Holy Spirit ministered to their hearts. Jesus was asked the Lord what they should do. In agreement your destination?” “The village of Chanddon.” “Why, not just a great prophet, but, the Son of God who they felt God urging them to go back, although the that’s my village! he replied, “I’ll go with you!” At demonstrated power and authority over sickness risk was great. his request, they drove him to his home where he and death was raised from the dead, and offered all invited them in for tea. who believed eternal life. That night 167 people came to Christ! Power of JESUS

Day 2 China

Nation: People’s Republic of China Location: East Asia Literacy Rate: 96.4% Population: 1.367 Billion Official Languages: Mandarin Chinese Spoken Languages: 895 JESUS Language Translations: 48

lthough China is on course to be the freedoms which include opportunities to use the • Christ’s teachings to take deep root in the “world’s most Christian nation” within JESUS film. culture, exposing false religions. Athe next 15 years, of the 1.3 billion people only 7 percent are Christian. Hundreds of the 516 • A renewed value of human life in the East For the past few decades, the people’s attention people groups in China remain unevangelized. Asian culture. has turned to economic development and the They need more workers and more scriptural promise of building a better life. Unfortunately, • The effective evangelistic use of short films resources in their own languages. the pursuit of profit has resulted in widespread through the Jesus Film app to reach people in corruption, environmental degradation and the urban areas. Unsupervised churches are illegal, and police realization that having money does not equal regularly raid house churches, beating, harassing • Lifting up the work on script translation and having a meaningful life. and dragging believers off to jail. Most recording/dubbing of JESUS for smaller language underground churches only have one Bible, groups in remote, rural regions of the country. because during the Cultural Revolution (1966- 1976) Bibles were hauled away and burned. Pray for: • Continued church growth and pure Biblical The supervised church has gained some new teaching amid ongoing difficulties. Power of JESUS Scavenger Finds Bread of Life

do* was a loyal party member. He had After a few days with the believers, it was As you might imagine, communication in and a terrible problem that affected his time for him to return home, with the bags of out of this closed country is very difficult. So we Oentire family. Like so many others, they food they had given him. Before leaving, the don’t yet have any follow-up reports about Odo. were starving. Christians asked Odo if he would like to watch a But we are confident that the same Lord who DVD. It was Magdalena and in his own language. protected him across the lake was able to see He had heard there was plentiful food in a him safely home. Pray , even as you read, that neighboring nation. But crossing the border So there sat Odo, no longer hungry, watching and Odo is actively showing JESUS and Magdalena would be extremely dangerous. listening, touched by love, generously supplied to family after family, telling them of the love with food to take back to his family. Though he he experienced and winning scores­—if not Because he was familiar with the roads and was a committed atheist and party member to hundreds—of people to Christ. terrain—and under the cover of darkness—Odo the core, the story of the gospel and the Word of crossed a body of water on the border into the God entered His heart. Odo watched as Jesus was neighboring nation. cruelly sacrificed for his sins and then was raised to life. And something deep within him (the Holy Safely on the other side, he began walking until Spirit) said, “This is true.” he found a small group of people. They seemed to be expecting individuals like him and said they Odo believed, and with the help of his hosts, In my distress, I called upon the could help. It turns out they were Christians prayed to receive Jesus. Before he crossed back LORD, and cried out to my God. who provided Odo food for his body and for over, they spent time talking about the Lord. He heard my from His his soul. He had never experienced people like In addition to the food, they gave him a set of these. They showed him love and kindness. small, portable film-showing equipment and a temple, and my cry came before supply of JESUS and Magdalena DVDs—tools Him, even to His ears. you have helped provide for use in restricted Psalm 18:6 countries. Odo promised he would be back two or three times each year—not necessarily for food but to be discipled.

* Name changed for security purposes. Power of JESUS

Day 3 India

Nation: Republic of India he advancement of God’s kingdom in Pray for Location: Asia India faces many hardships. • The cultural barriers of the caste system and Literacy Rate: 71.2 % T• Believers there often live in situations Hinduism to be overcome by the gospel. 1.25 Billion Population: of potential persecution and need • The good news of Jesus Christ to reach Hindi, English Official Languages: creative ways of sharing the good news people in every village, town and city. Spoken Languages: 456 among unreached, resistant people. More • Justice and hope in a nation plagued by JESUS Language Translations: 164 than 1 billion Indians remain unreached oppression, poverty and disease. with the good news of Jesus Christ. • The collaborative work of planting churches • Poverty in India affects hundreds of in India by the ministries of the American millions, predominantly in rural areas, Bible Society, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Faith but also in cities like Delhi where half the Comes by Hearing, Campus Crusade for Christ population lives in slums. and Jesus Film Project. • No country has more • The evangelistic use of the film JESUS in children in crisis than India: more than 160 languages by churches and 35 million orphans, 20 partner ministries throughout India. million child laborers and 1.2 million children involved in prostitution. • Discipling new believers can be a challenge, when illiterate, isolated Christians must walk miles to reach the nearest fellowship group or church. Power of JESUS JESUS in a Garment Factory Walk in obedience to all that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess. Deuteronomy 5:33

esus Film staff and a partner organization start the showing until 8 p.m. Sitting by their team is using the compact projector equipment to banded together to take the gospel to sewing machines, the Mishnaol people heard the share JESUS with other unreached groups of the Jthe Mishnaol* people for the first time. Word of God and experienced His love, death city. It’s hard for them to contain their excitement To reach them, a film team was equipped with and resurrection on their behalf. When JESUS for this new tool, as several other churches have a small projector set. The compact size of concluded at about 10:30 p.m., the team invited been planted. these sets enables a film team to move about anyone who wished to pray to become followers and show JESUS in hostile locations without of Jesus. And the film team made this request: “Please pray attracting attention. continuously that we might be able to share the There were 43 people who experienced JESUS gospel and the Word of God with every unreached First, the film team contacted Milton* the head in the garment factory. All 43 people prayed…and person [in our nation]. The JESUS film brings of the well-known family. He owned a garment became followers of Christ. All of them! people together from families, neighbors, friends business and oversaw a number of employees who and co-workers.” manned banks of sewing machines, working long There is now a church among hours and days. the Mishnaol—the first, we pray, of many to come. They meet The dedicated film team met with Milton and weekly in the factory, their “church privately shared the gospel. The more he heard building.” Milton’s life has totally about Jesus, the more he wanted to know. changed, and he encourages the When the team said they had a film about the team to show JESUS to others. He life of Jesus, and it was in a language he could told the film team that before the understand, Milton became excited. showing his business was down. But since their new church was He asked the team to set up the showing not in his born, God is blessing him and the home, but inside his garment factory. He invited his employees: “We are getting new entire family, relatives and employees to attend. garment contracts every day.” Because it was a work day, they weren’t able to That was just one showing for one *Name changed for security purposes unreached people group. The film Power of JESUS

Day 4 Iraq

Nation: The Republic of Iraq raqi’s Christian population was one of the Although decades of war and hardship have Location: Asia oldest in the world, but is now vanishing in the humbled the Iraqi people, forming a new Literacy Rate: 79.7% Iface of extremism and organized corruption. government is still difficult due to political clashes Population: 37 million Christians are under siege from the genocide among three political groups: the Shi’a, the Official Languages: Arabic, Kurdish and religious cleansing of Islamic State radicals majority, the formerly dominant Sunni minority, Spoken Languages: 26 (ISIS). Thousands of Christian women and girls and the Kurds of northern Iraq. Yet, there is JESUS Language Translations: 8 have disappeared from the streets. Persecution some renewed openness to the gospel, especially and harassment have caused up to 80 percent among those people who have been displaced. of Christians to flee the country or relocate to northern Iraq. While the previous regime Pray for: tolerated Christians, the new government is • Evil and terror to be overcome by the power Islamic oriented. Many churches in Iraq’s capital of and love of Christ and His people. Baghdad are closed. • The gospel message to break through hearts hardened by longstanding divisions and You are my hiding place; you intense rivalries. will protect me from trouble • Courage for believers to stand firm in their and suround me with songs of faith despite persecution and terror. deliverance. • Believers to reach out to people who have Psalm 32:7 been displaced by ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and share God’s love in both word [the gospel on film] and deed [humanitarian aid.] • Effective use of evangelistic “JESUS” film and audio tools with refugees and other displaced peoples. Power of JESUS Taxi Takes a Wrong Turn

raqi Christians are reaching out to people in Even though repulsed, he waited to see “false check points” on the road, where they a restricted area with humanitarian aid and the dentist. In Islam, people are taught that demand to see a person’s ID. They are looking IDVDs of JESUS. At a distribution center in one Christians are filthy infidels…people to be for people not of their religious sect. Many have part of Iraq, there is a medical/dental clinic. One shunned. After the procedure, he angrily walked been killed in this way.) day, a Muslim taxi driver walked in with his wife. out the door. He needed dental work. The driver didn’t know He continued: “When I discovered I had no way the center was run by Christians. When he saw One of the disciples followed him to his taxi, out, I thought I was a dead man. I knew that the Bibles and Christian materials he became offering a copy of JESUS. He told the driver, when they saw my ID, that I was Shia, they would quite upset. “Here, you may need this.” Still upset, the taxi shoot me on the spot. As I pulled up and the driver accepted, saying, “Okay, okay, give it to guard was about to ask for my papers, he saw me.” He grabbed the DVD from the worker, the DVD of JESUS lying on my dashboard. He hurled it on his dashboard and drove away. waved me on, calling to the other guards, ‘Let him go, he’s just a dirty Christian. Let him go.’” An hour later he was back—pale, shaking and terrified. He told the workers: “This film saved Now back at the clinic, and still shaking, he told my life! I wanted you to know what it did for me. the workers that he for sure would watch the Thank you!” film that night at home. The next morning he returned, totally changed and joyful, raving Mystified, they asked, “When did you have time about all he had seen and experienced. He then to watch it so quickly and become saved?” asked: “Can you give me 50 more DVDS of JESUS, please?! I have 50 taxi drivers I work with. “I didn’t watch it!” he exclaimed. “When I left They all have to see this film!” your clinic I was stopped at a false check point.” (Armed radicals will sometimes set up traps or Power of JESUS

Day 5

Nation: Republic of Peru he third largest South American country, Trends: Street children Location: South America Peru abounds in natural resources, yet Trafficking Population: 30,445,000 T there is also much poverty. Although Exploitation of land and workers Literacy Rate: 94.5% poverty and unemployment has fallen Christian renaissance with Quechan Languages: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara dramatically over the last decade, especially along and Amerindian peoples Spoken Languages: 92 the coast and in the cities, many poor populations JESUS Translations: 24 live in the Amazon and mountain regions. A third Pray for: of Peruvian children, aged 6-14, work long hours • A return to peace and stability after decades in mining or construction. of corruption, dictatorships and terror. • Humble pastors, trained in biblical theology, Peru has dropped to second largest producer who reflect Jesus to a watching culture. of cocaine (behind Columbia), due to greater economic prospects. Foreign demand for the • Christians to boldly oppose sin and illicit drug lures farmers to grow injustice while also ministering to the poor the crop. and oppressed. • The work of translating and dubbing/ Peru’s strong history of Catholicism recording of the film JESUS for smaller people continues, but Catholics as groups in eastern Peru and throughout the six- well as mountain Quechua and country Amazon River Basin. Aymara people remain bound by syncretism of Christianity with • The equipping of indigenous churches and Andean paganism. Peru needs missions organizations with compact solar- pastors and teachers rich in solid powered digital projector packs to show biblical theology to mentor the JESUS in rural towns and remote villages next generation and more teams to from the coastal South Pacific Ocean to the translate the Bible into the smaller Mountains. languages of tribal people groups. Power of JESUS JESUS Comes to the Behold, I am doing a new thing! Can you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19

ou are knee-deep in a tributary of the Coordinating with Jesus Film Project, Ron prepared New, advanced portable equipment helped refined Amazon River, pushing hard through the a recording studio in his home. They planned to the recordings and matched the voices. After much Yshallows. Your small boat just ran into a sand bring about 10 language speakers to record their work, the team began showing JESUS in the villages. bar. Your only choice is to get out, lift and push. voices for JESUS, based on Ron’s translation of the It’s wretchedly hot and humid. As muddy water Book of Luke. But the “actors” would have to travel David said the results were equally unprecedented. laps around your legs, in every direction are the down the shallow tributary, then over the actual People could finally see, hear and understand the eyes of alligators, with snouts poised just above Amazon River, and to the city . . . at this time of year, story of the gospel. In a village showing with 130 the waterline. a very difficult journey. people, all the people became enamored with the story, understood in their own mother tongue. And the mosquitoes—malaria-bearing The waters of the tributary were very low, and had Afterward, the men of the village gathered saying, mosquitoes—with thousands of black flies! Then been dropping for weeks. The villagers couldn’t “We must consider this.” One called out to David, there are the hidden dangers below. Concealed make it through the treacherous waters, nor walk “We’ve been waiting our whole lives to by liquid murkiness are hundreds of stingrays and through the jungle. Believing that God wanted the hear this!” electric eels. This is not a place you want to be! Urarina to understand JESUS, and knowing the rains But, at times, this has been the remote world of were still many weeks in the future, the team began In a matter of days, 20 new believers were baptized. David Palusky. to fast and pray, seeking God’s intervention. The church began to grow, and fast! Next, other remote Urarina villages needed to hear and David, an engineer/missionary, had been working Then it happened! Though it was June, the driest understand the gospel through JESUS. But how to with Wycliffe missionaries Ron and Phyllis Manus. month of the year, the waters began to rise as reach them? Ron and Phyllis were Bible translators laboring for 50 though it was the heavy rainy season 20 feet higher years to give the Word of God to the Urarina people, (the height of a two-story building). They even Transporting the traditional 16 mm equipment film speakers of an extremely difficult to translate researched the phenomenon and found that a sets wasn’t practical in this environment. David, an language. Ron was just completing their New rise of this magnitude during the dry season was engineer by training and trade, began to consult Testament, but many Urarina people could not read, unprecedented. The only explanation was that God with engineers of the Jesus Film Project to develop because theirs was an oral society, learning through had acted. a more portable tool to show people JESUS. stories, listening, sights and sounds. David and Ron Using a solar-powered video player/projector and decided they needed to experience the JESUS film. With their prayers answered, they hired a speedboat, a new, innovative screen with compact speakers, But the film wasn’t yet available in Urarina. went up the tributary and picked up the voice they engineered the ‘Acclaimer Package’—all the actors, bringing them to the temporary studio. Days equipment needed to show JESUS to remote later, JESUS was recorded in the Urarina language. people. And it all fits in a backpack! Power of JESUS

Day 6 Siberia

Nation: Siberian Federal District, Russian Federation Location: Eurasia Literacy Rate: 99.7 % Population: 40 million Official Languages: Russian Spoken Languages: 135 (Russia) JESUS Language Translations: 30 (Russia)

oppression. Evangelism is more difficult in areas • The millions who consider themselves where Islam is the second largest religion. Russian Orthodox Christians to embrace or 70 years under Communism, the spiritual change that leads to biblical faith. Russian Federation (Soviet Union) used Less than 30 years ago, Christians were every opportunity to eliminate religion • A hope found not in drugs, alcohol, crime or F persecuted and denied the freedoms we take and replace it with atheism. The government corruption, but in Jesus alone. for granted. But, today there is an ever-growing imprisoned thousands of priests and pastors, movement of disciples and churches leading • The training and equipping of public school decimating seminaries and churches, and people to Christ, as the Holy Spirit transforms teachers across the former Soviet Union to outlawed religious instruction to children. lives and believers become true disciples. teach a curriculum of “morality and ethics” Schools promoted atheism and, as a result, many which includes the use of the “JESUS” film. Russians remain atheists today. Pray for • The effective use of DVDs of “JESUS” and • True religious freedom to reign as Russians from ethnic minority groups sometimes other digital evangelistic tools to share the discrimination and prejudices against view Christianity as part of the Russian gospel and follow up new believers. evangelicals are rooted out. Power of JESUS Finding Peace on Television

n the Siberian Federation of Russia, “For Easter, the local TV channel showed the film to find the answers. At the end of the showing, staff members actively give out DVDs of Magdalena: Released From Shame. “I watched the there was an invitation to visit a church service IMagdalena (the adaptation of JESUS for movie and wanted to learn more about the One and the address of a local church. I decided to go. women). They also conduct group showings who was crucified. I had questions, and I needed “When I came, I was invited to a Bible study where they distribute DVDs and then form group. At one of the group meetings I received follow-up groups and Bible studies. Staff Jesus into my heart.” workers have also arranged for showings in Siberia on broadcast television stations, “Now almost all of my neighbors, relatives and (something that would have been impossible friends have watched this film that helped me under communist rule!). find peace in Jesus Christ.”

A woman named Galina was watching her TV at home. She remembers what happened: “All my life I considered myself a good person…but I always felt something lacking in my soul. I tried going to [a church], but peace didn’t come. Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Luke 7:50

Galina holds DVDs she loves to give others, so they can find peace too. Power of JESUS

Day 7 Sri Lanka

Nation: Democrat Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka ri Lanka, “The Pearl of the Indian Ocean,” crushed in 2009, at a cost of 40,000 lives. A Location: Asia is a densely populated but beautiful legacy of human rights abuse accusations lingers Literacy Rate: 92.6 % Sisland nation across the southern strait to this day. Population: 22 million from India. Although the economy is on an Official Languages: Sinhala, Tamil, English upswing, most of the people live poor, in rural A significant increase in alcoholism, suicide and Spoken Languages: 7 areas, depending on agricultural ventures, like violence reveals a crisis in their belief systems. JESUS Language Translations: 1 tea plantations. Pray for: Several ethnic groups co-exist, not always • Physical and relational healing after a peacefully. The largest group, the Sinhalese generation of civil war. (74.9%) Buddhists, the Hindu Tamils (15.3%) • Freedom of religious expression without and the Sunni Muslims proposed anti-conversion laws. (8.5%) worship many, diverse gods. Christians • Growth and maturity for the indigenous (8.3%) draw from all Church. ethnic groups, but many • The work of mission organizations are from a Portuguese like Jesus Film Harvest Partners who are Catholic heritage. effectively using the film JESUS to reach the lost and plant new churches. Long plagued by ethnic divisions and issues of • The ongoing use of JESUS and other films to self-governance, the reach men, women and c hildren through the Sri Lankan government channels of television and the internet. became embroiled in a 26 year civil war with the Tamils. The secessionist fighters were finally Power of JESUS Nature Reveals the One True God The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. Deuteronomy 28:12

hirty-five missionaries with Nazarene Some of the missionary team scattered was only after the showing that the team came Missions International were in India themselves among the people, sitting on the to fully understand what had just happened. Tand Sri Lanka on a prayer journey. rocky steps of homes. More flashes of lighting… They decided to show the JESUS film at a more thunder. The speakers carried the Word That particular area was in the midst of a tea plantation. of God contained in JESUS to all around, heard drought. It hadn’t rained in three months. Their with an unusual authority. A few missionaries tea plants were turning brown and starting to The rolling hillsides were covered with green pointed to the hillsides. They could see people die—and with them, the people’s livelihoods. “blankets” of tea plants, crisscrossed by turning on their lights, stepping onto their The people were desperate. The priests and meandering trails for harvesting. Near the porches to watch the screen from a distance, all the followers of the local religion had center of the plantation was a village with a town and listening—drawn by the sound of JESUS in been praying for weeks, seeking rain, offering square—right next to a temple. It was the only their mother tongue. sacrifices, WAILING ALOUD TO THEIR MANY location available where they could show JESUS GODS. Several women had been at the temple There, the team hung the screen between a light About halfway into the film the rain began, lightly that very day, pleading for rain. The answer from pole and a bamboo rod, all the while keeping a at first, then more, and more. The team shielded their gods? Nothing…just silence. watch on the weather and threatening clouds. the projector from the weather and prayed, “Oh Lord, please stop the rain. These people have no But then later, as they were all watching JESUS, It was getting dark. White and orange lightning umbrellas; they are getting wet and won’t stay to the Holy Spirit witnessed powerfully to their flashes illuminated the hillsides. Thunder hear the gospel.” spirits. As they watched the Lord suffer at the rolled down into the square. They started the hands of the soldiers’ cruelty, as the nails were projector. The missionaries prayed, “Lord, hold But the rain continued. The people witnessed driven into His hands and feet, as His cross back the rain so these people can see JESUS.” His love and miracles, His power over nature. was raised, the people were transfixed. At that Then, when Jesus was being nailed to the cross, moment the deluge began—and it became the heavens broke loose and a deluge of rain clear to them: this Jesus is indeed the God of poured down over all. Yet the crowd remained! all, the Lord of nature. He alone had answered It was a mystery to the team, as the people their prayers! stayed through the invitation. Soaked and deeply moved, many indicated decisions for Christ. It Power of JESUS

Day 8 Syria

Nation: Syrian Arab Republic ith a Mediterranean coast location, the elderly, the handicapped, families with small Location: Asia ideal for agriculture and tourism, Syria children and those who couldn’t make the trek to Literacy Rate: 86.4 Wboasted a population of 22 million safety. Population: 17 million people as recently as 2010. Ninety percent are Official Languages: Arabic, Kurdish Arab Muslims, although the government is secular. Trends: Persecution Spoken Languages: 22 Jihadist movements JESUS Translations: 4 Coups and political instability have been the Humanitarian crisis norm for decades, but five years ago during Refugee crisis the “Arab Spring,” Syria began More Muslims coming to faith in Jesus unraveling. Governmental corruption led to pro-democracy protests and Pray for: demands, followed by violence on all • A swift end to the horrific civil war, with sides, demands for President Assad’s people of peace rising to leadership. resignation, international sanctions, and • Jesus to reveal Himself to the millions of possibly worst of all—invasion by ISIS Syrian individuals and families displaced by (the terrorist group, “Islamic State”). the war. ISIS capitalized on Syria’s instability and started a war within a war, primarily in • The Church in Syria to stay strong under the regions bordering Iraq and Turkey. immense pressure and to remain faithful and loving witnesses. Today 13.5 million people are in need • The safety of Syrians—especially families— of humanitarian assistance, 6.5 million escaping the civil war and traveling by land are displaced internally, and 4.8 million and sea. displaced as refugees, making the Syrian situation the largest humanitarian crisis • The efforts to bring the gospel to in the world. Everyone who could have displaced Syrians in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq left has left, leaving the most vulnerable: and across Europe. Power of JESUS Caught in a Storm at Sea In fear and amazement they asked one an- other, ‘Who is this? He even commands the winds and the water, and they obey Him.’” Luke 8:25

hey didn’t know how they could ever came alive. The film was in their heart language— earlier! Tears of joy poured down his face, soaking survive. Ehsan’s 6-year-old daughter cried the JESUS film, based on the Word of God, his shirt. Now he knew His name…Jesus. Tout in fear as her mother held her tightly. accurate to the Scriptures. It was night. The wind was fierce. Icy waves of the A few days later, Ehsan and his family were back in Aegean Sea crashed over the fragile bow of their the same church, now packed with refugees like inflatable boat, soaking the passengers. themselves who also experienced JESUS. But this time they were ALL THERE TO BE BAPTIZED AS They were a refugee family, among thousands from NEW FOLLOWERS OF JESUS! the Middle East fleeing war, radicalism and poverty, looking for a better life in Europe. Ehsan, the head Before the crowd of new believers, nearly all of of their family, had already renounced his faith. whom were from the Middle East, Ehsan stood Driven away by ISIS, he was done with all he had and told his story, how he had journeyed over believed…a common story among people from the the ocean for a better life, but as he put it…“God Middle East. He knew there was a creator, but didn’t moved me from complete darkness into the light know His name. of Christ.” Now his prayer was that everyone in his country would have the opportunity to Now, with their lives threatened and helpless watch JESUS. against the sea, Ehsan cried out to the unnamed God…“Save us!” Suddenly, inexplicably and How wonderful that this church, their pastor and miraculously, their corner of the sea became lay volunteers routinely use those DVDs of JESUS calm and still. Amazed, they continued their journey Sitting there now, in a church, watching JESUS, to explain the gospel to immigrants. After receiving and by dawn safely made it to a Greek island. Ehsan experienced the scene where the disciples humanitarian aid, often through churches, and were threatened by the wind and waves on the then seeing the JESUS film, refugees begin to Weeks later, Ehsan and his family (pictured on page Sea of Galilee. When Jesus stood and commanded understand the love they have been shown. Many 16) were in a church in Germany. After receiving the waves to be still and the sea became calm, refugees and immigrants then ask for their own humanitarian aid, and at the invitation of their light flooded into Ehsan’s soul. Instantly, he knew DVD of JESUS or Magdalena (the adaptation of the hosts, they decided to stay and watch a film. A that Jesus was the Creator-God who had saved film for women). worker placed a DVD in their player. The screen them during their stormy ordeal on the seas weeks Power of JESUS

Day 9 West Africa

Region: West Africa est Africa includes 18 countries: Benin, The physical and spiritual needs of local churches Location: to 10° East longitude, Burkina Faso, the island of Cape Verde, are also many, as they seek to rebuild. Some of Literacy Rate: varies WGambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, today’s most vibrant and growing churches are Population: 18 countries Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, located in Africa, but undermining both major Languages: Arabic, French, English, Portuguese, the island of Saint Helena, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sao religions is a value system steeped in the old ways— native African languages Tome and Principe and Togo. fetishism, ancestor worship, and idolatry. Leadership Spoken Languages: 2,100 throughout Africa is a great need as trained spiritual leaders are few. JESUS Language Translations: 279 The north-south “fault line” between Christianity Churches need spiritually mature leaders who will and other hostile religions are Nigeria and the preach the Bible with integrity. Sahel, a semiarid region stretching across the north. For years, there have been sporadic Pray for: outbreaks along this line, with violence • True stability, sustained peace, integrity, and becoming more frequent, and honesty in government. persecution against Christians more • An emphasis on discipleship and balanced intense. Hundreds of churches were Bible teaching. burned and many Christians killed. • Restoration and wholeness for those who have But today, many of the areas that used suffered the atrocities of war and disease. to be under their control are freed, • Supernatural love and forgiveness by praise God. persecuted Christians.

West Africans continue to heal • The Church to be both burdened and equipped personally and nationally from for evangelism. the terrible pain inflicted by civil • The translation and dubbing/recording of scores wars, violence and the Ebola virus of languages of JESUS, and their subsequent use crisis. Many remain traumatized across the region. and destitute, with poverty and joblessness rife. Power of JESUS Demanding Herdsman Hears the Truth

here is a large nomadic group of to be playing at that moment. When the film was herdsmen who wanders through much over he told them his story, how he had heard Tof West Africa. Centuries ago, caravans the words from afar. They were stunned to learn of traders “converted” millions of these people he had just made them record JESUS over one to their religion. Today, the most devout among of the tapes of his holy book! them have taken on a burdensome duty: to memorize their holy book, all of it, even if it takes Then he made another demand: “Bring this film a lifetime. to my village!” It turned out he was the village chief of a large community, where the next day One of these devout followers had a small he commanded all to come and watch JESUS. cassette tape recorder to aid his memorization. As a result, a church was planted and he now As he herded his livestock, he listened to the follows Jesus. recorder, reciting the texts over and over. He literally lived and breathed that book.

One day he “just happened” to come across The word of God is alive a JESUS film showing. From a distance he and active. Sharper than perceived words he had never heard before, any double-edged sword, it spoken in his language. They were different they record the words he was hearing onto his words, strangely alive, with a power that reached tape recorder! “No, that’s not how it works,” the penetrates even to dividing soul deep into his heart. team replied, “We’re showing these people the film and spirit, joints and marrow; right now. We can’t stop in the middle of a reel.” it judges the thoughts and He walked to the showing site, watched and He demanded, “No, I want this now, this moment!” listened more. Even as the film continued to play, Perceiving that he was a man with authority who attitudes of the heart. he boldly approached the team. He insisted was not about to relent, they agreed. Hebrews 4:12 They took his recorder and pressed “record,” taping the words from where the film happened Power of JESUS

Day 10 Zambia

Nation: Republic of Zambia lthough declared a Christian nation in Pray for Location: Africa 1991, many Zambians have never heard • The ongoing commitment by Zambians to Literacy Rate: 63.4% A a clear presentation of the gospel. Rural see their nation flourish as a Christian one that Population: 15 million farmers continue to combine Christianity with honors the Lord. Official Languages: English, Bemba, Nyanja traditional African beliefs, including witchcraft • The development of training programs Spoken Languages: 72 and sorcery. to raise up educationally and spiritually JESUS Language Translations: 20 equipped leaders. With half the population under 18, including 900,000 orphans, many are not achieving the • Wisdom in tackling extreme poverty and the minimum goal of schooling—fourth grade in our devastating HIV/AIDS crisis. country—due to poverty and its many causes. • The planting of new churches across Zambia The young, needy and uneducated are vulnerable by film and partner teams using JESUS and to cults, mushrooming everywhere. other evangelistic films and digital tools.

Another major religion, from the north, is • The use of “Walking With Jesus,” a culturally pushing hard to expand in Southern Africa, their relevant follow-up and discipleship film which last frontier. Representatives of this religion was produced to reach people in Zambia and appeal to poor villagers, giving them food and across the continent of Africa. placing children in sponsored, religious schools, where they are indoctrinated.

While many international agencies work to meet Zambia’s basic human needs, church leadership and Bible training are equally needed to lift up the nation, spiritually. Power of JESUS Powers of Witchcraft Defeated Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. Ephesians 6:13

ne of the Wesleyan Jesus Film teams in authority here.” She angrily turned western Zambia was working in an area away, and left. Oknown for witchcraft. Witchcraft and the power of the demonic are very real, locking The sun set, the people continued millions in chains of fear. to gather, now about 1,000 in all. JESUS began to play, captivating the The team sought out the village “headman,” people, proclaiming the very Word to secure his permission to show JESUS. But of God. Team leader and eyewitness, they failed to secure permission from his sister, Alex, told what happened next: “I Berena, the area’s powerful witch. was sitting just behind the table, monitoring the equipment. About 30 The team chose an open field and began setting minutes into JESUS something strange up their equipment: a table, DVD player, video overwhelmed us. It was like a cold, projector, screen, speakers and lights. A curious eerie wind descended on the showing Before Alex and his film team left the showing crowd began to build. That’s when Berena came site I can’t really describe it. We all felt it. The site, they knelt to pray: “Lord, the earth and its storming in. “What do you people think you are whole crowd fell silent. Evil was in our midst. fullness belong to You. This ground is Yours, and doing?” They tactfully explained that they had we cover it in the blood of Jesus. We declare in obtained permission from the headman, her “I saw it with my own eyes. The table on which the name of Jesus Christ that this ground shall brother. She fired back: “I don’t care who gave we had placed the DVD player, projector and witness the salvation and deliverance of many.” you permission. There will be no showing of sound system lifted off the ground, about a foot, your JESUS film in this village. So just pack your flipped over and crashed to earth. The screen The next morning the team inspected their things and go somewhere else!” went black. The crowd knew it was witchcraft. equipment. Instead of finding damage, they were Most panicked and scattered in all directions. surprised to discover it was all in perfect working But the team felt they couldn’t stop now. The All we could do was try and calm the remaining order. As before, the team went to the headman, people had helped erect the screen and were people. We announced we would hopefully be excited to see a film in their language. So the back the next day to show them JESUS.” team told Berena they would continue. She (Continued on next page) snapped back, “Okay, we shall see who is in Power of JESUS Powers of Witchcraft Defeated, continued...

to ask his permission. As they spoke, here came The workers were overwhelmed by the Berena! She smugly announced, “I suppose you response and began following up with their new know who is powerful in this village…your God “babes in Christ.” Then a few days later, while was made into a public spectacle, and He did they were showing JESUS in another village, nothing about it.” Undaunted, the team went to Berena showed up again. No longer hostile, she the site and set up their equipment. described watching JESUS that second night, but from afar. She confessed that she had since been As night fell, the team was ready. They had struggling with deep conviction, for she had placed the equipment on the same spot. The witnessed for herself that Jesus (and His cross) people gathered, but now the crowd was double was greater than the demons she commanded. in size from the night before, about 2,000 Berena also told of a recurring dream [a vision people, wondering if they would witness a of hell] and how a voice kept saying His cross supernatural confrontation. could save her. Now, she was ready.

The team pressed play on the DVD player. The Her heart soft, the team opened the Four digital projector beamed the images clearly Spiritual Laws booklet and explained the gospel. on the screen. The people heard Jesus speak Sitting on the ground, holding the hand of a team the word of God in their own language. At 30 member, she bowed her head in prayer, giving her minutes, nothing happened…at 60 minutes, life to the Lord. How wonderful that there is now nothing…90 minutes, nothing…. a thriving church in that village. Berena is now one of its most committed members, a leader of Then at the end of the film something indeed the church who speaks boldly for the Lord. When supernatural happened. When the team gave we interviewed the team member, he happily the invitation for salvation, all but a handful of reported that 35 new believers had just been the crowd indicated decisions for Christ—nearly baptized at the new church! 2,000 people! 100 Lake Hart Drive Orlando, FL 32832 (407) 826-2300 email: [email protected] web: www.jesusfilm.org store: www.jesusfilmstore.org (800) 432-1997

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