
The original documents are located in Box 10, folder “Ford, Betty and Susan” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford .

Copyright Notice The copyright law of the (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials.

Digitized from Box 10 of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library :) . { • j ~­,, _)' HOLD FOR RELEASE 6 :t>.M. STJ1IDAY, AUGUST 1,0



SUNDAY, AUG. lO, l975





All copyright and right to copyright in this transcript and in the broadcast are owned by CBS. Newspapers and periodicals are permitted to reprint up to 250 words of this transcript for the purpose of reference, discussion, or review. For permission -to reprint more than this, contact Director, CBS News Information Services, 524 West 57th Street, NYC., N.Y. 10019, 2l2 765-432l. MRS. FORD'S VISIT TO WAITING AREA ON ELLIPSE FOR WHITE HOUSE c.. ISITORS - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 at 11:00 a.m.

tJ N Addabbo - Mrs. Hohman - web 31{ (,I

~ Steed - Jim Logan -- will call back 1 (I .:..; rJ NRoybal - Connie (Nancy} -- will call back ', 2 :$ _f) Sikes - Jean (Alma} =-will call back J! -3 (;.

~oland - Joe Donahue (Jean Campbell} -- will call back ~(;£,./

-1 TL I T N Fitftr -- Ann Maxwell -- will call back ~ t:;: / Jl Patten -- Karen -- will call back ( 30 f ~~ t'i Long, Clarence -- Sue Crau -- will call back 1 2 . _ ~ ~ ~~Clarence -- Linda -- will call back I~ ~ --

N McEwen - Donna (Linda} -- will call back U b f I

_N fVAr!?"strong -- no answer at 6:00 4/9/76 L/1.{2 L-- 11

Mrs. Ford would like to have the Congressmen join her in visiting the new Waiting Area on the Ellipse for White House Visitors. There will be parking arranged on the East side of the Ellipse behind the bleachers. Please enter the Ellipse via the 16th and Constitution Avenue entrance.

The event will take 10-15 minutes

t)YJ 34 ~ac ! /'1 ~t

~ ~731 • ~, ~""' ~·~,~..,~ ' 1 /k ~.. ~., 1 ~<..o.l ~-.~~~ :I,A &, ~-~ a,./Y ;}-~ 4;;~

. . ' /.,) ~ ltMJ l,k~-., ~e

u ~.~~4 ~~.e. ..~ ~~ ...... , ~JF /M~ le-e···~~ ....,_



May 21, 1976



SUBJECT: Mrs. Ford's Ohio trip May 27 and 28

Bob, we have been informed that Congressmen Brown and Kindness and Mrs. Bill Stanton are interested in participating with Mrs. Ford· during her visit to Ohio next week. 5/20

additional info re Ohio trip --

Mrs. Ford will go to Akron late evening and stay overnight -­ Thursday, May 27.

Friday morning, 28th, she will go to Dayton - attend a reception in the morning, at noon a public event and lunch (still in Dayton), then go to Finley, Ohio, about 3:00. s(;o ~ tu/A!J/H --- )r /);?~f;tul­ /h!Uii~ _ '();de

-- --~--~=~ (j;;t~t1' - (/dAft- ., /) ;/fl/l?i ('fi!J&--

\ t\ I I I 5/20 additional info re Ohio trip --

Mrs. Ford will go to Akron late evening and stay overnight -­ Thursday, May 27.

Friday morning, 28th, she will got to Dayton - attend a reception in the morning, at noon a public event and lunch (still in Dayton}, then go to Finley, Ohio, about 3:00. 5/20 additional info re Ohio trip --

Mrs. Ford will go to Akron late evening and stay overnight -­ Thursday, May 27.

Friday morning, 28th, she will got to Dayton - attend a reception in the morning, at noon a public event and lunch (still in Dayton), then go to Finley, Ohio, about 3:00. THE 'N H ITE i-iOUSE


z.Iay 26, 1 976


Susan Ford has accepted the following out-of-to~m invitation:

EVENT: 35th Annual Milk Day Celebration, Harvard,

DATE: Saturday, June 5, 1976 '·~ '3~ ~~ bi~.

TIME: To Be Determined Reception of Dignitaries begins at 11:00 a.m.

PLACE: Harvard, Illinois

~ ·.• ...; CONTACT: Mr. Jud Davis 0: (815) 943-6421 or 943-5441 H: (815) 943-4758

COMMENTS: "Milk Day" has been sponsored for 35 years by the city of Harvard, Illinois (the Milk Center of the ~Torld) to honor their dairy farmers for their outstanding contribution to our rural heritage. will attend this year as their honored guest. Although the celebration extends through the weekend, Susan will only participate in Saturday's festivities. ~tr. Da vis h as sent a copy of the Milk Day progra~ and has starred (*} L~z activities that they · would most like her to attend. They begin \•7ith the Dignitaries Reception at 11:00 a.m. at the ~~sonic Temple and conclude with the Milk Drinking Contest. On a personal note, Susan's great grandfather was Mayor of Harvard in 1895 and 1896 and I understand this is a big day for the community. Lucy Johnson attended one year during the Johnson Administration. -2-

Susan will be visiting a friend of hers, Kim Nardi {312) 584-2690 or 548-6780, in viayne, Illinois and will therefore drive from Wayne to Harvard. Kim will accompany Susan though not participate as a principal.

Susan has asked that Mike Scanlon, who did her Azalea Festival advance, advance her for this particular day and Hike is available to do tnis. His phone numbers are 0: 755-0416, H: 546-9810. The file is attached.

Thank you.


c: Mrs. Ford BF Staff ~lliam Nicholson \'Max Friedersdorf Steve NcConahey Jerry Jones Warren Hendriks Staircase :MRS. FORD Trip

Thursday, June 17, and Friday, June 18.

leave Andrews at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, arrive Laguardia at 2:20. return from Laguardia at ll:OO a.m. on Friday, arrive Andrews at noon.

(Mrs. Ford will go to a fundraiser at the Rockefeller apartment tomorrow afternoon -- Congressmen are NOT invited. She will go to a state Republican fundraising dinner at the Waldorf at 7:QO p.m. The Congressmen will be invited by the state GOP . WE ARE NOT TO MAKE INVITATIONS TO THE CONGRESSMEN FOR ANY PORTION OF THIS TRIP EXCEPT TRANSPORTATION.)

~0 Norman Lent...... - {2??~

~~~-- John Wydler ..,..,.... C6/6

~ //(d Peter Peyser fib% flt} Hamilton Fish4d¢

/}!4 Ben Gilman

/1/o Robert McEwen

Donald Mitchell

/l/0 William Walsh...... -

AO Frank Horton/


Jack Kemp :MRS. FORD Trip

Thursday, Ju..11e 17, and Friday, June 18.

leave Andrews at 1:30 p.m. oh Thursday~ arrive Laguardia at 2:20. return from Laguardia at ll:OO a.m. on Friday, arrive Andrews at noon.

(Mrs. Ford will go to a fundraiser at the Rockefeller apartment tomorrow afternoon -- Congressmen are NOT invited. She will go to a state Republican fundraising dinner at the Waldorf at 7:00p.m. The Congressmen will be invited by the state GOP committee. WE ARE NOT TO MAKE INVITATIONS TO THE CONGRESSMEN FOR ANY PORTION OF THIS TRIP EXCEPT TRANSPORTATION.)

Norman Lent

John Wydler

Peter Peyser

Hamilton Fish

"":::~::,--~B=--en-=G~il-:-m-a-n--r~~"...t.-7' --...g=7 -7<~~- ( ~- ~u)) 1

It! ft b /, // ,..-.--/ if. f LAJ Ro ert McEwen "~ ~t n~.i' (Bh'~

Donald Mitchell i';'~ Jqv.c:L.... ~~ William Walsh J \ / ------Frank Horton

Barber Conable

Jack Kemp 1v1RS. FORD Trip

Thursday, June 17, and Friday, June 18. leave Andrews at 1:30 p.m. oh Thursday, arrive Laguardia at 2:20. return from Laguardia at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, arrive Andrews at noon.

(Mrs. Ford will go to a fundraiser at the Rockefeller apartment tomorrow afternoon -- Congressmen are NOT invited. She will go to a state Republican fundraising dinner at the Waldorf at 7:QO p.m. The Congressmen will be invited by the state GOP committee. WE ARE NOT TO MAKE INVITATIONS TO THE CONGRESSMEN FOR ANY PORTION OF THIS TRIP EXCEPT TRANSPORTATION.}

Norman Lent

John Wydler

Peter Peyser

Hamilton Fish

Ben Gilman

Robert McEwen

Donald Mitchell

William Walsh r

MRS. FORD's trip - Tuesday, June 29.

Congresswomen should be at the VIP lounge at Andrews AFB by 10:30 a.m. (departure at 10:50); arrive at South Weymouth Naval Air Station at 11:55. Depart for Andrews at 3:55 p.m.; arrive at 5:05 p.m.

fl ..--1\.bzug 5635 K ri s K ononan -41-J~ ,....--- vy..;_., ,__...... Hechler 4335 Noreen O'Hagen../'

(?'0 t. ,. --...... -Boggs 6636 Beth Sommers v- ' ..., ( /l!o ..---Burke 7084 Beverly King ~...... -

/JtO VCollins 5006 Dottie ..---

/!( ...... - Fenwick 7300 Katherine Barrett ....--

/Jo --Holt 8090 Leslie Adlema11- , < _.,_.r

_,4({/ ~oltzman 6616 Millie Sherwood ~

0 - Jordan 3816 Edna Doggett ..,....-

-- 6601 Robbie Nichols ~" J -Keys

I o ...-Lloyd 3271 Kathy Becker

....- • () ;"'"'"'hleyner 5801 Shir1 ey Kali ch

.,--; .,.,.Mink 4906 Helen Lewis

/11. .._.p-ettis 5861 Ingrid

/' c v-Schroeder 4431 Kitty Hardy

~ /J, .-5mith 6435 Linda Lambrecht ~o-T4enman 4131 Ruth Davis A<.O t,..o8ullivan 2671 Marie Silver

(6/24 at 3:15 from BobWolthuis) :MRS. FORD's trip - Tuesday, June 29.

Congresswomen should be at the VIP lounge at Andrews AFB by 10:30 a.m. (departure at 10:50); arrive at South Weymouth Naval Air Station at 11:55. Depart for Andrews at 3:55p.m.; arrive at 5:05 p.m.

Abzug 5635 Kris Kononan

Hechler 4335 Noreen O'Hagen

Boggs 6636 Beth Sommers

Burke 7084 Beverly King

Collins 5006 Dottie

Fenwick 7300 Katherine Barrett

Holt 8090 Leslie Adleman

Holtzman 6616 Millie Sherwood

Jordan 3816 Edna Doggett

• ------.-..111~ 7to Keys 6601 Robbie Nichols fVG Lloyd 3271 Kathy Becker 1/AJ Meyner 5801 Shirley Kalich '--(£A Mink 4906 Helen Lewis ( y.~) /Lo Pettis 5861 Ingrid ~~ K/) !Lo Schroeder 4431 Kitty Hardy

/?A; Smith 6435 Linda Lambrecht ~ ) Spellman 4131 Ruth Davis ~ fp~..,- '-1 1Lbr-' ~ 7w Sullivan 2671 Marie Silver b 1,) AJ(J~) £ ~ - . , &j

(6/24 at 3:15 from Bob Wolthuis) •: ,.



June 18, 1976



SUBJECT: Action Memo

Hrs . Ford has accepted the following out-of-town invitation:

EVENT : Opening of Special Bicentennial Exhibition "Remember the Ladies:. Women in America 1750-1815 11

GROUP: The Pilgrim Society The Plymouth Antiquarian Society The Plymouth County Development Council The Plymouth Bicentennial Commission

DATE: Tuesday, June 29, 1976

TIME : To be determined 12:30 Luncheon (Yacht Club) 2:30 Official Opening (Pilgrim Hall Museum)

PLACE : Plymouth, Massachusetts I CONTACT: Mabel H. Brandon H: (202) 232-6551 : ( 212) 361-0400 After Slli~day, June 20th: (617) 746-6420

COMMENTS: Mrs. Ford, the National Honorary Patroness of the Exhibition, will participate in the opening of the Bicentennial Exhibition entitled "Remember the Ladies : Women in A.'llerica 1750-1815" based on the famous admonis~'llent of Abi1ail Adams to her husband. As the background material reflects, the basic theme of the Exhibition is to show the profound change which took place in the Revolutionary period in the lives of American women. 20 national women 's groups are involved and the leading scholar of women ' s colonial history, Professor Linda Grant De Pauw of University, has done much of the scholarly work. Mrs. Brandon is very much hoping Mrs. Ford will attend the luncheon at the Yacht Club beside the Mayflower and then participate in the ribbon-cutting of the Exhibition at Plymouth Hall. It is my strong inclination that although -2-

att e~ding t~e l uncheon would b e a nice thing, i n orde r to pa:r- e ~I rs. :C ord's time commitme nt, it would b e best to atte~d only t he official opening at 2:30. This would enable Mrs.· :Cord to leave the White House later and I expect the p~ess and photos would be best from this section of t h e program. She may also wish to see the Mayflower a nd Plymouth Rock while she is there. This Exhibition has had widespread publicity and is probably the finest exhibition r e lating to women to come out of the Bicentennial . Many outstanding women have been interested in it and I believe Mrs . Onassis has done some of the editorial work at Viking Press in association with the Exhibition.

Following the opening, Mrs. Ford will travel to Mike and Gayle Ford's home in Essex, Massachusetts, for a private visit >vith them and will return to \1Tashington the morning of July lst .

The file is attached. Thank you.

c: BF Staff William Nicholson J e rry Jones Terry O'Donnell Warren Hendriks Max Friedersdorf Jeanne Holm Sara Massengale Milt Milter Steve McConahey Rex Scouten Staircase Mrs. Ford - trip

return to Washington from Vail on Sunday, . Will stop in for a Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival. Leave festival - 3:00 p.m. Leave Midway- 3:30 p.m. Arrive D. C. - 6:00 p.m.

Political trip, so Congressmen will be billed equivalent of commercial air fare.

1!0 Hyde 4561 ~~~ Derwinski 3961 t1M1 ~ (I~ ?) /}tO Crane 3711 A~ a /luJ Erlenborn 3515 Qwtr

qf- P-Nhl q(o -add & k Lb~?l4-lc! THE WHITE HOUSE


September 17, 1976



SUBJECT: Action Memo

Mrs. Ford has accepted the following out-of-invitation:

EVENT: Dedication of the new facilities at the University of System Cancer Center

DATE: Saturday, October 2, 1976

TIME: 11:30 a.m.: Brunch (shamrock HoteJ) 2:00p.m.: Dedication Ceremony (Hospital Site)

PLACE: M. D. Anderson Hospital Texas Medical Center , Texas

CONTACTS: Miss Frances Goff (working contact) Head of Special Projects 0: 713-792-2222 H: 713-668-3800

~tr. Steve Stycks (press contact) Information Coordinator 713-792-3030

Dr. R. Lee Clark President University of Texas System Cancer Center 713-792-3000

Dr. Robert Moreton I- Chairman of the De dication I 713-792-3211 - 2 -

COMMENTS: Mrs. Ford will participate in the dedication of the expanded facilities of the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, which is the key unit of the University of Texas System Cancer Center. The expanded facilities will consist of a 330-bed hospital pavilion, new outpatient clinics capable of handling 1,200 outpatients a day, an expanded radiotherapy center, two additional floors of research space (100,000 square feet), and a chapel--the first chapel the institution has ever had. The construction will have doubled M. D. Anderson's size, making it the largest building in the world devoted solely to cancer research and treatment. An excellent background sheet from HEW is included in the attached file. The PFC is delighted Mrs. Ford will have an opportunity to participate in the dedication of this excellent project. The file is attached.

Thank you.

c: BF Staff Red Cavaney William Nicholson Jerry Jones >erry O'Donnell VMax Friedersdorf Steve McConahey James Connor James Cavanaugh Sarah Massengale Jim Field Jim Baker Stu Spencer Elly Peterson William Greener III Jud Summer Rex Scouten Staircase .tv'..EMORANDUM HE : Susan F<}td's Week-end Campaign Plans to 1) Ty~, Texas, and 2) Sixth District, Minnesota - ~ · Fr'day- Sund ay , Oct ober 15-17, 1976


Susan Ford has accepted the following out-of-town invitations:

EVENT : 1) Tyler Hose Festival Parade

GROUP : Sponsored by the Chamber of Co~~e rce, Tyler, Texas I DATE: Satu rday, October 16, 1976 I TIME: 10: 00 a . m.

PLACE: Tyler , Texas The parade forms on %'est Front Street in Tyler and I moves into the Tyler Hose Stadium I I CONTACTS: Dan Herod I Tyler Chamber of Corrmerce I ( 214) 592-1661 I

Joe Barta (Susan 's Advanceman) H: (214) 233-2044 0: (214 ) 363-7441 i

COMMENTS : Susan will participate as honorary marshall of this i parade. The parade forms in Tyler, winds through the l' fairgrounds , enters the Tyler Hose Stadium , where Susan will leave her car , and watch the rest of the parade I from a VIP area. While the stadium seats 1 4 ,000, it is expected that with people lining the parade route, the I· attendance will be 100,000.

! i

I'. ! - 2 -

Friday,· October 15, 1976. Susan will depart Washington National Airport via American Airlines #369 at 2:10p.m., and arrive in at 4:40 p.m. She will spend personal time in Dallas and drive to Tyler (1 hour - 1 1/2 hour) later in the evening. She will remain overnight at the Tyler Sheraton.

Saturday, October 16, 1976. The parade formation time is 9:15 a.m. The parade begins at 10:00 a.m., and concludes at 12:00 noon. Susan's activities after the parade are yet to be determined. One option is a private luncheon, should time allow. She will depart from Dallas via Braniff #38 at 3:30p.m., en route to Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota.

Susan's participation in the Tyler Rose Festival comes with the strong recommendation of the PFC and is considered significant in efforts to carry east Texas.

(Second Stop: See next page) - 3 -

EVENT: 2) Campaigning with Jim Anderson, Republican candidate for Congress in Minnesota's Sixth I District I

DATE: Saturday and Sunday, October 16 & 17, 1976 I I PLACE: Willmar and St. Cloud, Minnesota

I CONTACTS: Dwayne Gratz . I Jim Anderson's Campaign Manager I ' (612) 253-0660 (headquarters) (612) 251-4540 (hotel in St. Cloud) I (612) 521-7486 (home in Twin Cities)

Phil Montova (Susan's Advanceman) I H: 618-537-6776 0: 618-397-9517

COMMENTS: Susan will participate in several events with Jim Anderson, in what is considered to be a key race and one which Anderson has a good chance of winning.

Susan will arrive from Dallas on Saturday, October 16th, on Braniff #38 in Minneapolis/St. Paul, at 6:20p.m. She will depart immediately by private plane for Willmar, Minnesota (30 minute flight), where she will attend a fund-raising reception for Jim Anderson. She will overnight in Willmar, Minnesota, hotel yet to be determined.

On Sunday morning, October 17th, at a time to be determined, Susan will fly by private plane to St. Cloud, Minnesota, for a brunch and a brief appearance at a rally on the campus of St. Cloud College with Jim Anderson. The details of these two events are not determined at this time.

Susan will probably fly, by private plane, to Minneapolis/ St. Paul, where she will depart via United Airlines #656 departing 4:30p.m., and arriving at Washington National Airport at 7:38 p.m.

Thank you. - 4 -

c: BF Staff Red Cavaney William Nicholson Jerry Jones ~erry O'Donnell Max Friedersdorf Steve McConahey Jim Connor Dorothy Downton Jim Field Jim Baker Stu Spencer Peter McPherson Elly Peterson William Greener III Jud Surruner Kathy McCort Rex Scouten Staircase RED TAG

October 16, 1976 ....


THROUGH: MAX FRIEDERSDORF FROM: TOM LOEFFLE~.~ SUBJECT: Request from Congressman Edward Derwinski (R-Ill.)

In a telephone conversation with Ed yesterday, he personally requested that his wife be allowed to accompany the First Lady when ~rrs. Ford attends the Cook County rally in Chicago, Illinois, on October 18.

Ed represents the 4th Congressional District which lies within the Chicago metropolitan area. RED TAG

October 16, 1976 .... MEMORANDUM FOR: SUSAN PORTER

THROUGH: MAX FRIEDERSDORF FROM: TOM LOEFFLE~.t.,_.. SUBJECT: Request from Congressman Edward Derwinski (R-Ill.)

In a telephone conversation with Ed yesterday, he personally requested that his wife be allowed to accompany the First Lady when Mrs. Ford attends the Cook County rally in Chicago, Illinois, on October 18.

Ed represents the 4th Congressional District which lies within the Chicago metropolitan area. MEMBER OF DATE FIRST FAMILY PLACE CONGRESSIONAL MEMBER

OCTOBER l Mrs. Ford Pittsburgh , Pa. 9~o 1/

Jack and Susan Springfield, Ill. rkc ti,' ;J.~ ,6ct..W~2 25-527l

Steve Butte, Montana Bozeman, Montana Billings, Montana

OCTOB ER 2 Mrs. Ford Houston, Texas


Steve Sheraton, Wyo. Casper , Wyo.

OCTOBER 3 Susan Forsythe, Mo. J?d3o 11>/.s- Gene Taylorh ~ 225- 6536 (from 10/3 thru 10/10)

Steve Cheyenne , Wyo.

OCTOBER 4 Steve Texas j/.dO Jim collins I(~ lfl7~1m-420l (from 10/4 thru 10/5) JJ :.q.o Alan Steelmanork.c.. ~if 225- 2231 ;;,~-s- Bill ArcherLl1d /J.~~ 225-2571 ;;:~s- ~ft/~~2 25-5951 MEMBER OF' DA'TE FIRST FAM I LY PLACE CONGRESSIONAL MEMBER :1 cLL 1- r..:r:H.-. q_ OCTOBER 6 Mrs. Ford Oakland, Mich. %o 11~45 Bill Broomfiel~ t<.J.e!~v 225- 6135 (either County or uriiv.)

Steve Illinois ~ ~~- 71'.$-0 'o."'~c® 225-3961 ( 10/G/and 10/8 thru 10/9) 1~ f-e71~, %o /~.co 225-4561 ~.fl~~ 9,.6"' A!/.'O.S 225-3711 ~~ C)za ~ '-J7f.()ht.. ~<.(_~- -Bob McClory ~0 ;ti:Db- 225-5221 (}'-'\~~~--John Erlenborn f!/~ i~;oS' 225 -3 515 ~ - (\[. 1--D~- John Anderson 1/ 3o /..;?.to 225-5676 /kt, t- , ~~u.lt~ --George O'Brien~ol~·/0 225 - 3635 ~ l/0<-~ Bob Michel ~ 0 ;:;, ;;o 225-6201 ~ t

OCTOBER 7 Mrs. Ford , Calif . ..~ p~John Rousselot 9'.4o ~.aSL25-42D6 C;-tol~j \.fu-l.(La~- ·- Al Bell f/Jjo h ..... ;;.~ /:;?~2-6451 (see STEVE 10/19) ~ ~ -, Jr .~o 2"25- 4 461 o}~~ ~~ Carlos Moorhead 225-4176 ~o /5/.oo Jack Jacksonville, Fla.

Mike Boston, Mass.

Steve St. Louis, Mo.


OCTOBER 9 Mrs. Ford Oklahoma ti)~ ~ John Jarman %o ~~~.3'5 225-2132 Steve New York City ·~, E~~ Peter Peyser %e> ;:{:4s 225-5536 (leave Illinois for NY, will be in NY 10/9 thru 10/11)

OCTOBER 10 Mrs. Ford Buffalo, N.Y.

tl Q_0

(;.Lc <1 a-< X- OCTOBER 12 Steve Colorado Springs, Colo. ~u..J()/1" - Bill Armstrong ~ /24~ 225-4422 Pueblo, Colorado (please check as spelled Rashon)cf)Raton, /&.f~~ {1 'rjt~ Manuel Lujan~ ~~ /O.'Bt 25-63l6

OCTOBER 13 Steve Albuquerque, New Mexico ~anuel Lujan ~{) ;.;.·.56 2 25-6316 M

OCTOBER 14 Steve Winslow, Arizona John Conlan 225 -3361 (please check as printed Winslow, New Mexico) (C? . J o:.c,o ~ <_( JJ~CL-'rA.. LJ .

OCTOBER 15 Steve Kingman, Arizona ~*&t}(a·f Sam Steiger 9;{;, 0 ;a :SD 225-4576

OCTOBER 16 Steve Las Vegas, (from 10/16 thru 10/17) MEMBER OF FIRST FAMILY DATE PLACE CONGRESSIONAL ME------MBER ------OCTOBER 17 Steve Barstow, Calif. ~~.12-JtM'J(~'a._ Shirley Pet·t is 9/e;o ta: 55 225- 586l Riverside, Calif. •r

OCTOBER 18 Steve , Calif. U ~'v'ta.Jv -Bob Wilson %c f'.--c;c 225-3 201 /J'w • Pa+ ~h· Clair Burgener 7Mo ;;05225-3906

OCTOBER 19 Steve Los Ang eles, Cali.f . ~ PQa.-&e~<.. John Rousselot %o ;,a :4'.f22 5-4206 (see Mrs. Ford 10/7) i1 ez: ··'"'a.!- H w T~.a..~ STEVE . N. Y . C . ------... · ------~ ----- · -·.. - -. --·-- ·------· --&t:-.-··bOU:l.-6------··- ·· ----- 10 II COLUMBUS DAY 12 13 . fiJ.. 15 MHS. FORD '• Buffalo SUSAN S'l'EVE Forsythe, Mo . Col. Springs D. C . S'l'EVE l?U<.:.:Llo, tJ. S'I'EVJ.:: S'I'EVI:: S' l'l::V l~ :)'J'INE S'l'EVE N.Y.C. Ra.shon , N.M. Albuquerque Hinslow, N. r-1 . _li-, -,. l~lLC.l:..______------·-----· ----·----·------·-···-- -·--· ...... J£1- 7' I )J 17 18 w.., f~·~(J. 20 21 22 . II\ fJ STEVE STEVE S'l'EVE ~ STEVE Lns Vegas_!:!C San Diego L.A. v Newport Beach Barstow, Ca. } Newport Beach 1/ Rive r s ide - ''i t "-( .....,I I • u /)_J..i .. J ------1----v~----4-----1 t v · j24 25 26 27 29 JO L______3! THt:: '.:/HiT:=:: HO'JSE

PETE?.. S O RU~l l ·,. Ff<.ON : sJSA.c\l PORTER I ; . - SUoJECT: Action i"!emo

1·lrs . Ford •.-.-ill participate in the follmving out-of-tmvn event:

EVENT: Pulaski Day Parade

DATE: Sunday, October 1 0 , 1976

THIE: 2:00 p .m.

PL.l\CE: Buffalo , Ne\v York

CONTACTS: Mr. Arthur Kilichmvski General Chairnan, Parade Co~~ittee 716-846-8351

Nr. Thomas N. HacKinnon Chairman Erie County Republican Corr&ittee 0: 716-856-8700 H: 716-877-4150

COfi!HENTS : The annual Pulaski Day Pa!:"ade in Buffalo is one of the biggest events in the Polish co~~unity and attracts about 100,000 marchers and vie>vers. Most participants walk in the parade to the revie;.;ing stand. Hrs . Ford's actual participation, perhaps '.valking for a short distance and riding the remainder of the way to the r e viewing stand , is yet to be determined.

Nrs. Ford's attendance at the parade comes \-lith the strong recorr.mendation of r·Iyron Kuropas , · Ed Terrell at the PFC , and Dick Rosenba1.1J(;, New York State GOP Chairman. This eve~~ wiil ~~ t~e fif~h day of travel for Mr s. ?or~ . She ~·.. ~ill ?art.ici:;;at2 ir:. ~~2 People for Ford Rally in Sacra.r:tento, Califo~nia o~ CstobeY 8th. her sched~le =o~ October 9th has vet to b~ dete~mined ..

I·lrs. Ford '"ill arri~.-e i~ 3uffalo the e·..rening of the 9tn, remain Jt o7ernig~t and par~ic~pate.i:-t the parade on the lOth, and return [ to Washlngton~Tne ~lle lS attached.

TiHnk you.

c: BF Staff Red Cavaney Myron Kuropas William Nicholson Jerry Jones Terry O'Donnell ;Jim Connor / Max Friedersdorf Steve McConahey Russell Rourke Jim Field Jim Baker Stu Spencer Elly Peterson William Greener III Jud Surr.mer Ed Terrell Rex Scouten Staircase I' I FIRST FAMILY 'I'RAVEL Octohcr 14, 1976, 3:30p.m. I [_---~;··~· -;~~~ -~;:·---~J-~-- -~:;i ~-~-;i ~~~: - - --~--~-----=r·:l·:: ·~;·:~~~:~~- - -·--! -·-~.-; ,~/~~;-:·;~ ·;;~s d ·;:~·-r _ ·~-- ~~:;~- ~~~~;~~~~ ·-r·----0:;:;~~: ~ .. :·· - I '··""

·~ 1 -·- -- -· •. - : ! MRS . FORD MRS . l,ORD ~i5t~burg~ , dPa. Ho~ston , Texas Hgu~t~n ' n · ~AcK ACK & SUSAN Sprngfld pringfield , I ll.Columbia , Mo . STEVE :sTEVE SUSAN l3utte, Bozeman Sheridan,Sprngfld : ~illings Wyo. Forsythe, -·-··--··· ··-·---·---·· ·· ·- ···- ··-·--l ···-·-····---··---+--··-·-··------·---· ··--'· -···-·--·. ·-·- Casper L'-10 . ' ., i ., ·- I G I, _ , i ., :J I ' "t YON, i~iP P:JR ! '"f j ") . / : g · : JACK iMRS . FORD ! MRS . FORD MRS . FORD IvlRS. FORD jSUSAN I susAN ! ·rampa iL.A. iLos Angeles Seatt re;--wash. Denver, Colorado 1 I h I Orlando :JACK 1JACK RACK _JACK Forsvthe, Ho. 1 Forsyt e , Mo . , ,_ ! STEVE 1 SUSAN !Orlando \Jacksonville ~leigh, N . C. Chicago lsTE~ 1 J Watkins Glen , NY · icheyenne Forsythe , Mo . isusAN I STEVE · : Denver ! STEVE ,E orsythe ' Mo. I St. LOuis =N STEVE SUSl\N S'l'EVE : San Antonio , Tx. i Texas :STEVE l MIKE ythe, r_rr:--- L.A. m-- 1-----·------l.----·--··-· ------!·- ·-· ______,___ :.______: ~e.-~~ -~ - - -··------· i ~?-~tc:~------·- - - --l-~0 ·---·-··- H . Y. C .

lt""' i II DAY t.. I ....,, ' _, l ·' ! ~ lr 1\) !,· JACKCOLUM3US J.fc:K 1j ! FORD 1 MRS . FORD I r+ s': ~ ; Buffalo ,N.Y .C. ! Victoria , Tx. 1 Il.

· JACK ·,D .C. : Corpus Christi Jl i Watkins Glen, NYI STEVE 1 STEVE !suSAN N. Y.C. r Col. Springs lSTEVE ! Newport Beach, CAJ De nver \ Pueblo !Albuquerque ! STEVE i ._N..Y .C, ; !7 / I susAN st. Cloud , I TEVE : La~ Vegas 1 Ba rst:ow-,-e I River side 1 MJKE •' ·' •"' ) /" ' · ',,/ ~/i . , . '). MHS . FORD ,)' / / { OFFICIAL CALENDAR As o f October 14 1976 1:40 n.m. c ~;;_n ~"-~~=-G~~or; ~ " ;~_=:r-: _T_u~c sd ;;~-:[v,~~rl;~~~~ d:yT -~-r~ h~~~;" ~:J-=~F ~- i~~~l~'-- T .\ ·.. ' ' .~: : ·_' . ; *=private and/o r : : ' 1 · Congress 1 no press ' 1 Adjournrr.ent Sine Die i ·; , ! . I : · I I . : , I . I '~Plttsburgh , Pa. ;-Houston , Texas Indpls., I nd. 1-:-D . C. , I I I - I RON , Houston j_ . 1 L------·------i------.L ·------·------·-1------~------·------"·-· ·------·------· i , · i l · r is r.cond De bate · 7 I f'' · ;;. · 1,- YO .\\ KIPPt.:R ' :.1 sa'n Franc isco ' ' ~)

1- 6 : 00 p . m., ~Seattle/Olympia ,- -Denvcr , Col orado j-RON, L.A . 1 RNC Fundraiser ,l Washington ' i I L.A. (&GF) I I I I ; I i l I ;------___T ______------·.. - ______.... , ...... •· ·---·-----·-----L ------·------·j------t-wedtli-rrg------· ·wH ·Garden s-·Open ;· : I{\ !lr COcUMBVS o,;y I ;-y ! ~~ I ! L~ ! A!n~iversary ' ' · 10-2 l ..; i : l ,._., ·~ ..... J .; ' .. -.:.:;- • ·'- ' I '- 8 : 30 Whistlestor- -2 : 00 Accept I , -Polish Parade, · Clinica :-Joliet, I ll . Trip , ~Jolie t­ j Bu ffalo i Grillasca Award i (&GF) Alton, I ll. i I j-3 : 00 Greet -7:30 Dinner '- RON (&GF) I 1 Missi ssippi (&GF) -Dole/Mondale . j - D.C. I ! I Debate ;- D.C. I i l---- ______j_ ~-~~~~~ke r s ----+--- 1 -·""'IVH,--..,.G-a-r--=-dens Ope!1,1 jThi:rd:'-uetxrte--·----'------·- --·------17 2-5 18 1 J.'9 · ]0 1 21 1 22 . ·~.: : . i i i- L.A ., Ci ty of ! -Da v enport , !- Williamsburg 1 Hope I I

! I I i . I 1 I I- RON L . A. I- RON L . A. Area - RON Cincin nati !- D. C. i-~ ,;------~-;~;;------~ 2s--~- ~ --· r} 7------is ------T29~---~-- - ~- -,·., :;


OCTOBER 17 Susan St. Cloud, Minn.

OCTOBER 21 Mrs. Ford Davenport, Iowa (Cincinnati from 10/21 Cincinnati, Ohio 1~/s .;.·,;.)- Willis Gradison '1/a)r...;_ 1 -.1~ ~ 225-3164 through 10/22) ·o ·-<> 4; J.') Don Clancy ~ ~ ~~ 225-2216 Jack San Diego, lo/;.s 4-~ob Wilson ~ ~ 225-3201 'o/;s- ~ Clair Burgener ~tc~ ~Jv.p-v 225-3906 1 .;/r-> v

':;j c ~-~0 OCTOBER 23 Jack Oklahoma City, Oklahoma John Jarman CJu..t[,j7<- f.lct4 225-2132

Mike Connecticut !ojs- •f;;5stewart McKinney i''-P-1'-- c/:d.-'14Ni ..._ 225-5541 (Connecticut from 10/23 /c~~- _, ;~s- Ronald Sarasin _· (1 ~1 . 'tt 225-3822 through 10/24) f t ., 't· ( K-C...<-( .j "'- J

4• :J.5' 1 OCTOBER 24 Jack Denver, Colorado rc/ ~" "' William Armstrong ~:...... ~? 225-4422 +oU {R_n. - ()__ Gc /Oh ~ - (i v d (SEE BELOW)

OCTOBER 25 Jack 225-4676

OCTOBER 30 Mike upstate New York 'l-'.3('-Hamilton Fish - fi,_}- hJJJ~--'1-'~ 2 2 5-5441 and 31 •.ot 0 - Ben Gilman - m:;j,~ 2 25-3776 1 o/,- -~ ~. , a , 1 _- .:. " Bob McEwen - · -G' ~ 11 · 225-4611 I .., ::J -,. , c-t-:: l. ----- 1 :.3S Don Mitchell-,Kttllln- c •'Cj 2 25-3665 •f'.~S Bill vlalsh - e. (J-I.,ol e~d.'ttr:K. ·t 225-33 3 3 r..f'o e;- Frank Horton - (( ,Lc,~'t.c(l.__. ~ 25-4916 4-;Q5 _ Barber Conabl~ - _,.d:i-<-.V-'~-<- ful.~..c 225-3615 ~:4o Jack Kemp - C.A"'-<--.~ ;.C