
Garlic Varieties for 2016 Limited availability beginning September 15th. Call the annuals department for current variety selection.

*New for us this year

ASIAN TEMPEST- Asiatic Hardneck-Organic

From South , via Oregon. This strain produces an outstanding crop. Sweet when baked, with a good garlic flavor. Breathtaking raw.

BOGATYR-Purple Stripe Hardneck

If you like hot garlic, you’ll love this one. Bogatyr is one of the spiciest varieties around. Ideally suited to colder climates and stores 7-8 months. Averages 5-7 per .

*CARPATHIAN-Rocambole Hardneck

The Carpathian flavor is distinctly different from the rest of the Rocambole. It can be described as hot and spicy with earthier flavor as well as full and rich. It comes from the Carpathian Mountains in Southwest Poland. Averages 8-9 cloves per bulb.

CHESNOK RED-Purple Stripe-Hardneck-Organic

Top cooking standard purple stripe garlic that holds its shape and retains flavor after it’s cooked. Large average 9-10 easy to peel cloves. Excellent baking garlic.

CHET’S ITALIAN-Artichoke Softneck-Organic

A good raw garlic for folks that want garlic flavor without being overpowered. However, an extremely cold winter will make this garlic hotter and stronger. There are 10-20 cloves in 4 layers per bulb.

*CORSICAN-Artichoke Softneck

A beautiful softneck with reds and purples. Grows well in cold and warm climates. When eaten raw it has a slight bite but not overbearing.

EARLY CALIFORNIA- Artichoke Softneck

Large, sometimes slightly flat-round bulbs. Mostly 4 clove layers with 10 to 21 cloves, but 13 or 14 are common. Clove color is tan or off white, often with pink blush. Very vigorous and productive.

EARLY ITALIAN PURPLE-Artichoke Softneck-Organic

Early Italian purple garlic is a vigorous softneck wrapped in white skins festooned with purple stripes. It produces large heads packed with small cloves, holding up to 10 months.

EARLY RED ITALIAN-Artichoke Softneck-Organic

7711 S Parker Rd 303.690.4722

Centennial, CO 80016 TagawaGardens.com

This mild variety originates in southern Italy and produces large heads of sumptuous garlic. A delicious choice for sauces, ’s, or raw. Matures early season, stores 6-7 months, and 10-15 cloves per bulb.

*FRENCH RED-Artichoke Softneck

This softneck has a milder flavor for those who love garlic but don’t want it to hot. It is not picky and can tolerate both wet and dry conditions. It’s great to cook with and stores very well, 8+ months. Bulbs have 6-8 cloves. Does well in Colorado soil and okay at higher altitudes.

*GERMINATOR-Hardneck Creole

Originally from Southern France, Creole strain has a mild raw flavor with little . Averages 16-17 cloves per bulb. May not get very big in Northern climates.

GEORGIAN CRYSTAL- Porcelain Hardneck-Organic

Large bulbs with 4-7 cloves. Clean white appearance. Very mild and flavorful raw. Long storing.

GEORGIAN FIRE-Porcelain Hardneck-Organic

The raw is strong with a nice hotness that is not unpleasant. A good garlic or salad warmer.

GERMAN BROWN-Rocambole Hardneck

Similar to German Red, but a distinctly different flavor. Large bulbs, brown hue.

GERMAN RED-Rocambole Hardneck

Large, bright purple bulb contains 8-12 easy to peel, round, light brown cloves with some purple at the base. Flavor is strong, hot, and spicy. Keeps moderately well when properly cured and stored.

INCHELIUM RED-Artichoke Softneck-Organic

Large-bulbed, vigorous strain. Our best seller and a national taste test winner in the softneck division. Mild, but lingering flavor with a tingle. Discovered on a Colville Indian reservation; 4-5 clove layers with 8-20 cloves. Bulbs over 3 inches.

ITALIAN LATE-Artichoke Softneck

Italian Late has more purple in the bulb wrappers than one usually sees in an artichoke, and semi-thick wrappers peel away easily, revealing large cloves with elongated tips, and a hint of purple.

*KHABAR- Marbled Purple Stripe Hardneck

It gets nice and creamy when cooked and won’t be overpowering. Good in Mashed potatoes. A nice flavor raw with the heat easing into a burst of flavor. It is one of the more mild garlics. Collected from Khabarovsk, Siberia. Averages 4-7 cloves per bulb.

7711 S Parker Rd 303.690.4722

Centennial, CO 80016 TagawaGardens.com

KILARNEY RED-Rocambole Hardneck-Organic

This is an outstanding Rocambole from Idaho. Best producing Rocambole variety with a full-bodied flavor, large bulbs with loose skins that peel away easily. This variety is also tolerant of wet growing conditions.

KOREAN MOUNTAIN- Asiatic Hardneck-Organic

A beautiful bulb with very large cloves. Full flavor, with extra hot initial burst. Good storage.

LATE CALIFORNIA -Artichoke Softneck

Quite heat tolerant. Great garlic for beginners. Stronger flavor than Early White. One of the best keepers, storing for as long as 8 months.

*LAUTREC PINK-Creole Hardneck

Originally from the Lautrec region of Southwest France. A strong flavor with a slight sweetness. Dislikes wet conditions. Averages 10-12 cloves per bulb.

*LORZ ITALIAN- Artichoke Softneck

A Large bulb with 12 to 19 cloves. A Northwest heirloom brought from Italy before 1900. One of the more flavorful of the Artichoke strains.

MUSIC-Porcelain Hardneck-Organic

Very cold hardy, slightly spicy, incredibly flavorful garlic. One of the most popular types. Easy to grow, great classic garlic flavor. Produces 4-6 large and easy to peel cloves per bulb with shiny white sheaths and pink tinges.

NOOTKA ROSE-Silverskin Softneck

This Northwest heirloom garlic from the San Juan Island in Washington State has medium to large bulbs, 15-24 cloves per bulb, which are streaked red on mahogany.

*PERSIAN STAR- Standard purple Stripe Softneck

Vivid clove wrapper colors. Outer bulb wrapper sometimes smooth white, but inner wrappers are purple streaked. Very pleasant flavor, mildly spicy but not sharp.

*POLISH- Porcelain Hardneck-Organic

Large, beautiful and well-formed porcelain garlic. Rich flavor which is deep and musky with a searing punginess that sticks around for a time. Averages 4-6 Cloves per bulb.

*POLISH WHITE- Artichoke Softneck

Consistently good yields. Some purplish blush on the clove skins. A good all-around general use garlic and a very good baker.

PURPLE GLAZER-Purple Stripe Hardneck

7711 S Parker Rd 303.690.4722

Centennial, CO 80016 TagawaGardens.com

Originally hailing from the Republic of Georgia, this spicy variety requires cold winters to thrive. This is one of the best baking garlics around. You can look forward to eating this garlic for up to 5 months. Rich, burgundy stripes on smooth, white skin. 10-14 cloves per head.

*RED TOCH-Artichoke Softneck

Collected in Republic of Georgia in 1988 near the town of Tochliavri. Bulb wrappers streaked with red, pink and yellow.

ROMANIAN RED-Porcelain Hardneck-Organic

Brought to British Columbia from Romania. Hot and pungent flavor with a healthy, long-lasting bite. Very good storage life. Averages 4-6 cloves per bulb.

*RUSSIAN INFERNO-Asian Turban Hardneck

Hot and spicy when raw, with a heat that just keeps building. Mellow and full-flavored when roasted. The large cloves are a gorgeous deep mahogany. Averages 5 cloves per bulb.

S&H SILVER-Silverskin Softneck-Organic

Large-clove bulb with 15-20 cloves per bulb. Clove colors are off-white to tan with pinkish tips. A mild, sweet taste that builds with heat and lingers. Silverskins have a long storage life.

SIBERIAN RED-Marble Purple Stripe Hardneck

Originally came from Europe. This garlic is mild and creamy when cooked but hot when raw. Contains one of the highest concentrations of , a biologically active component which is antimicrobial.


Heads grow very large in fertile soil. It has mild to moderate flavor, and stores for 6-8 months. Excellent for braiding, cloves are creamy white.

SICILIAN SILVER-Silverskin Softneck-Organic

Sicilian Silver is great baked with a full and complex flavor. When eaten raw, the flavor begins mild, and then explodes. Great yield and long storage life. A good variety for braiding, averages 15 cloves per bulb.

*SILVER ROSE-Silverskin Softneck-Organic

Rose-colored cloves in very smooth bright-white bulbs. Beautiful to braid. 12-15 cloves per head.

SILVER WHITE-Silverskin Softneck-Organic

This variety is originally from Harmony Farm Supply in California; this large-bulb garlic has proven productive in cold winter and hot summer climates. Most productive of all the silverskins.

SPANISH ROJA-Rocambole Hardneck

Best-selling gourmet garlic, classic rich flavor, easy to peel. Large brown-red cloves, 8-12 cloves per bulb. Outer wrapper cream to deep purple stripes.

7711 S Parker Rd 303.690.4722

Centennial, CO 80016 TagawaGardens.com

SUSANVILLE-Artichoke Softneck

Midseason, white-skinned with occasional pink. One of the best for , mild, but true garlic flavor. Good for braiding, and stores 6-9 months.

*TURKISH RED-Purple Stripe Hardneck

Turkish Red has great flavor raw, and holds up when cooked. A strong rich flavor and is great for roasting. It makes great garlic .

*UKRAINIAN-Rocambole Hardneck

It has a bit of heat up front that dissipates into the classic deep garlic flavor Rocamboles are known for. It is good both raw and cooked in a wide variety of dishes.

YUGOSLAVIAN-Porcelain Hardneck

Yugoslavian is a melting pot of Porcelain characteristics-great flavor, good storage, and midseason harvest.


Elephant has a mild garlic-like flavor. Very easy-peeling cloves. The bulbs commonly weigh up to a half pound. Does not store as long as softneck and Hardneck types.

7711 S Parker Rd 303.690.4722

Centennial, CO 80016 TagawaGardens.com