Master Thesis August 22, 2012 Tagging Methods for Linked Media Data David Oggier of Vevey VD, Switzerland Student-ID: 05-219-209
[email protected] Advisor: Thomas Scharrenbach, PhD Prof. Abraham Bernstein, PhD Department of Informatics University of Zurich Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor Abraham Bernstein for the opportunity to write my Master’s Thesis with the DDIS group of the University of Zurich. I am also very thankful to my advisor Thomas Scharrenbach for his great support and advice and to Jörg-Uwe Kietz for filling in during his absence. Many thanks to the whole IT-OSE team at Hessischer Rundfunk for their help and in particular to Patric Kabus and Haiko Emmel for making this thesis possible. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting me. Special thanks to my proofreaders Amir and Christoph. ii Abstract In this thesis, a method is presented to tag the media metadata of a broadcasting company with Linked Data concepts. Specifically, a controlled vocabulary in the form of a thesaurus is used as an intermediary between broadcast metadata and Linked Data vocabularies. A method to link this metadata with appropriate thesaurus entries, as well as an algorithm to align the latter with Linked Data concepts are presented and evaluated. Furthermore, it is investigated whether a benefit is gained for user queries by applying faceted search on the resulting semantically enhanced data. iii Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wird ein Vorgehen um Medien-Metadaten einer Rundfunkanstalt mit Linked Data- Konzepten zu verlinken vorgestellt.