
4 , The Case Of The Detective Who Did Not Die Holmes: But how do you explain the curious incident of our readers’ behavior in the 1970’s, Watson? Watson: But they’ve continued reading about us, Holmes. They’ve done nothing out of the ordinary. Holmes: That, Watson, islhe curious incident. 2 May U. 1W7 Comment

Better off than you think

Yes. oia- physical facilities are leas than adequate, but we do have approval to renovate Kmmert space to provide both teaching and research laboratories for Biology and Psychology Some would argue that these new fadhtiea are going (or us. Yet I believe we have accomplished much with long overdue and that by the time they are available our the resource* we have. programs will have expanded, and ooce again we will need Each department started the fiscal year with a specific additional fadhtiea. Isn't the Important point that our budget allocation. Aa the year prograaaed. Inpartwita fadhty needs are beta* planned and that buwfceds of thousands of dollars are b*Ag committed to Improve our tor part-time taatnictora, (acuity travel, o (odhties? (unde to aupport (acuity research, additioi We could have been told to make do with what we have. expendable equipment and minor Acuity re Others have been told Just that. Our space needs are being met, slowty but stendUy. As three needs were identified the Dean's Office was requested to provide (unding if nt all possible I believe tha( student credit hours well above established standards. We the (acta will show that more times than not we have been have projected ow needs for new faculty up to 1M7. able to generate the (unde necessary to meet these special When expressing our needs for new (acuity to the IUPUI needs and requests administration, we find that they agree with our projected Our school is inadequately (tmded. But I do believe we needs, yet University ftmda are not sirffideot to airport our have been able to maintain our fiscal integrity and yet have needs I believe we have accomplished much when there la ‘ e ability to reap no need to Justify our faculty needs to our local administra­ tion. They aiqiport our needs. As Dr. Ocksne has stated, we We have developed a very positive relationship with the must explore ways to get our message and needs Vice President’s Office, the Executive Vice Chancellor's recognised by others. Office, and the Budget Office. These offices are continually To conclude, I thank all for the opportunity to serve the advised of our financial coocerns and I am convinced that School of Science and IUPUI. I have learned much and they share our concents. So. we all agree that our funding is genuinely enjoyed the experience. inadequate, yet we are able to generate limited additional Richard E Slocum, - “ ...... ' ------Mis

■ " BACKPACKING 4 a.m.

Cover Art — Copyright 1171; Bramhill Howe The Complete Dept., has been swarded 8,400 incorrecUy reported In last Adveatares sad Memoirs of by the Biomedical Research Sup­ week's issue that Laurence port Grant Committee for his Lamport, Philosophy, was study of "Regulatory and Bio­ awarded the outstanding faculty chemical Properties of member in liberal Arts by the The Mth Street Library will be Peroxidases;" and Prof. Erwin student! In (act, the award was opened Sunday afternoons from 1 Boschmann, Chemistry Dept., bestowed an Lampert by Ma col­ to S pm during Summer I and was awarded t>00 from the Over- leagues, the faculty. We regret Summer II. Special closings w ill' be posted. to Sao Paulo, Braxil, to partici­ inconvenience or confusion it pate in the XVm International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, July U-8 . Goes SEE US FIRST! Comment...... pages 2 44 retiring dean in the School of IUPUI New*...... P*ge3 Ray Head, laatructisaal Media, Physical Education, IUPUI, sub­ Our View...... P»g«4 stopped by our office to respond mitted a list of names to be con­ Hum us...... to last week’s (May 11) comment sidered for the committee to be about a student center Par the formed for studying the possible Kelly & Duke__ .....p a g e # record, according to Hood, merger of the School of Physical Zodiacal Zingers...... P»ge« instructional media has lost Education and I.U.- Midwest Arts space in Cavanaugh Hall rather Bloomington's Scbodl of Health, G a ie tte ...... P*8*7 Physical Educations and Rocrea Expedition Outfitters Sherlock Holmes tion. Aa far as we know, the com­ ...... mittee has not been appointed. Wilderness Specialty Shop Offers Backpacking, Grandma’s Climbing and Camping Equipment, Canoes and Head Shop...... p a g e 1# Accessories, Guided Tours. Inside Line...... p a g e 11 The next meeting af the Wo- Classifieds ...... p ag e lS can b n down a free breakfast? men'i Gay Libera don Front and Ecology Log...... p a g e 14 Apparently bo by the small Concerned atiaena for Dike (sic) 4937 W. 38th “T - 299-6655 Sports...... p a g e 14 turnout at the Dean's breakfast Love wlU be held in the first stall for graduating Liberal Arts stu­ of the women's restroom In the dents, last Friday. We wiahed we basement of Cavanaugh Hall. No Mon-Fri 10-8 Sat 10-6 had it so good! May It, \ t n S IUPUI new/

Summer registration meant long II. es for many

end fee payment for ■_____ . the hour* between Sands pm were the this year's Summer 8 too I are run- w ont because that waa the time teacher* and factory employee* would come to pay fees," said Paul G. tons It tank to nctoter this year com­ of the a pared to last. performed by the registrar’* office for Th* difference is attributed to the recommendation by Registrar Neil putting (tudeot data card*, coding of Loots to the IUPUI Academic Proc* i)on and residency chsd u, the dure* Committee to do away i ...... It was wasteful to do of work and have approximately one-third of these

the registrar's office par cent of those students who advance ngtotered for Summer I dd not pay less and approximately 21-» not able to |e t into certain daases Ind. Student Assn, elects Board All members of the board were students' Interests at the state legis­ enrollment counts taken from the denied entrance to a '•i" H class bv Association, Inc., In elected at the April 2 meeting of lature and related agencies research summ on of 1I7S-76 and lf7»-77, students who did not pay fees but who Bloomington, member* voted for representatives from the state-wide and public*lion* relating tq higher according to Nell Lantx in his report officer positions oLthe Board of Directors of ISA. The association I* Othar students aim serving on the with campus and state issues Because of this policy change, stu- engineering and technology held the state association of college and ISA Board of Directors are IUPUI ISA members, during the April 2 dents who mushy advance registered > limited “advance registration" university student government student and former BSU vice for summer school and paid thair fees within thdr schools to get a batter association, made up of 1* universi- president Andrew Valentine, Thomas in the association's by-laws These at thair convenience wore forced to count on which of their course Kubacki, I.S.U.; Margaret Owen. changes will permit ISA. Inc. to apply register at the designated time offerings would be taught during the Elected to Chairperson was Marcia Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods; Scott (or a not-for-profit, tax-exempt tax l/rnr/ting tn lh^ »lpK*h»ttr«l listing summer, said Schnepf. Reddick, senior, I U Bloomington Sperling. Vincennes University status that trill enable the organize ISA, Inc. offers students state-wide tion to then apply for grant and of thetr last name. Tnuwieot Schnepf said feedback on no Robert Grand, Junior from Wabash bad to wait until the last day'to advance registration for summer has a travel service that provides low-cost register except for Purdue and been positive and negative He fares to major U S cities at school be used to fund research projects, i believes the matter will again be (hs- as was Cathy Noe, a Junior at I.U.- locations, and tours at spring break; a publications and servi lecture bureau; advocation of throughout the state

Announcing the Student Activity Board’s Summer Carm eTrj^ 72-hour cutathon Complete cut& style A scenic voyage down] From Sat., May 21,6 pm the Whitewater River To Tues., May 24,6 pm near Metamora for you and your friends. £uy Minimum $8 donation

All proceeds to benefit Saturday, June The Adult Bum Center Bus leaves Union Bldg, at 9 am at Only $5 per person Wishard Memorial Hospital J. Lee’s Styling Salon Applications available at 3976B Georgetown Road these Student Activity offices: Cavanaugh Hali-Rm. 322 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 Union Bldg.— Mezzanine Call 264-8265 299-3750 Krannert Bldg.— 060 for complete details Limited to 40 persona A special group of professionals dedicated to beauty and hair care 4 May U . lt n Our vleui Advance registration and priorities Last week, it looked like IUPUI had joined the ranks of the military It was one of those hurry up and wait scenes in the lobby of Cavanaugh Hall. What everyooe was hurrying up and waiting for was registration for summer school. We know those students and staff personal who worked for the Registrar's and Bursar’s office are not the ones to blame for the extremely long lines. It eras the Academic Procedures Committee. The Academic Procedures Committee approved a recommendation from Registrar Neil Lants to do away with advance registration for summer schools. The reasons include the amount of wort required of the registrar's office com­ piling packets for sdvance registered students and the one out of every three students who advance registered but who did not show up for fee payment, All things considered, registration at IUPUI is net as bed as it could be. Those persons who wort registration are to be commeoded for their patience, stamina tfM< p d w t m f h i However, we are concerned that a body which calls itself the Academic Procedures Committee should have such impact on the simple yet complicated procedure of registration The minutes of the committee meeting do not reveal whether the vote to abolish advance registration for summer was unanimous. It does not seem out of line to ask this committee about priorities Obviously, the dedsdion to do away with advance registration for summer school was an administrative ooe, although concern was expressed for those students who were not able to register for dosed classes becaurn of students who did not show up for fee payment It does not seem unreasonable to ask: Is it better to have 13 •» people work for / the convenience of 7,000 or to have 7,000 inconvenienced for 15*30? -JEM S

A Lot Not Used Attention is currently being centered on IUPUI's name, but what about IUPUI itself, and the nearby surrounding area? Running parallel to New York St. is a Comment vacant, grassy stretch of land which is not being used for any purpose that we know of. The land would be perfect for benches and picnic tables for students who need a grassy, shaded place to rest, eat outside, study in the breese - or just to take a break from what can easily become a monotonous routine of class No smoking in classrooms allowed! attendance. Among the many complaints that have repeatedly Smokers should hove the courtesy to restrain themselves The area is easily within walking distance of the Lecture Hall, Cavanaugh Hall appeared in the Student Association's “Bitch Boses," the during classes, and wait until they can gat to an tree and the Dental School, not to mention the Medical Center, which is on the far side moat frequent one seems to be that of students as wall as approved for smoking, of which there are many of Michigan St. faculty sm oki* during clan a nations. Smoking in rlsamewns, whether before or d u ri* daaa Since the land is easily within shouting distance of the Administration Building, This not only violates the State Ftre Marshall's request seMione, atop entails additional work for the houaekaepi* university officials would also have easy access to the area. And, due to the concerning smoking, prominently posted in eech class staff, since ashes and cigarette bads are simply thrown an proximity of Campue Police HeadquartersTthe area would be patrollable without room, but alto disturbs others by polluting the air to the the floors. Tbs leek of eshtrays in demreoms should foil undue output from Safety. Perhaps the area could be utilised for outside classrooms during the hot, hot summer that has been forecast this year. The matter to surely worth consideration ' -P M Humu/ How small to small? Have you ever asked yourself that, “8“ and “M” together to kinky. yet probably r nasi for ill or looked in the mirror of a morning and said, “Oh brother, acceptable by some /ogomore I look jw t small as hell!“? I have. “8" and “A" aad “L” and “M,” U put tagethm in tbs You'd think small would mean someth!* else font from orfor I deecnbe (SALM), farm a completely aew word aad i looking at it. Let's take the word apart, both alphabetically I've dedfod It means “real small and laskk out." And yet, ■hH ph— Ueajy yes, and yet, modern science, tn rm aarrh i* the specia­ The Sagamore is published by Artists —“S;’’ which is the sound a rapidly dying man makes lised genetic aree of recombinant genes, has further been students of Indiana University- Tom McCain after his confeggor asks him to spell Mississippi. \ able to transform my aaw ward Into ALMS for the pasr. Ha 1 Purdue University at Indianapolis. Joe Pfeiffer —“M; ” Dorothy's aunt; correctly prooounced as “Auntie even better, they can now taka the tog of the **L" and gives us “AIMS,'’ thus showt* us their long-range goals. Makes Views expressed are those of the Entertainment Mt AuntieM!" me proud. Why, someday, small will mean large, and I editorial staff or of the individual William LutholU, Ed. - “A;" what's happening, brother? —"L;“ seme as last letter wont fool so bad, bocauat as everyooe knows, Urge to unt- whose name appears in the byline. Rex Davenport Those views do not necessarily —"L; “ same as next to last letter. ally "GRADE A," and buddy, that's an egg I haven't yet Christine Kopitxke been shit to crack. reflect those of the student body, I hope you have all followed me in this endeavor, as I foal Office Staff Not that I want to. Nope, I like feeling smell, and as part administration or faculty of IUPUI. many questions to today’s problems could be answered if Charles Poole only people took the worth themselves apart and listened to of my physically Inept program of body-degrading, 1 often The Sagamore is a bi-weekly Photographers than Nothing political about that. Why, Jurt look st the allow my trainers to (hep heavy bags of grain on my head. (weekly during the summer) Clarence Brooks mere abbreviation, "TB.” Sounds corny. doesn't U? Whuat, whuat, I can't aar you. newsmagazine published st 923 W. Prednctlan —*T ’ is the sound the Trapp family makes as It com­ Let's turn to the past. Biblical history telb of K i* Small Michigsn, Indianapolis, Indians Chris Carter, Mgr. pletes the seventh note of the octave. It is synonymous with of Israel, who, unable to fight Big Goliath (due to a swollen 4*202 Phone M440M. Nancy Boyer s party held in Boston in 1773. ankle), sent the next th t* better-LM te David. Laurel Burns —“B" is all sh u n with congenial excitement, as it is So many th i* s are small today. If you and a friend have Editor-In-Chief Contributors Lana Cook often combined in a noUoo-unpleasant with BRD’s a mutual acquaintance, you say. “Small world, isn't It?" Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp Kevin C. Endsiey Mark Finch to from something that won't be found in my column, you And no wonder. Can you imagine h sv i* to say, “Why, my Managing Editor Harry Goodyear Chip Purcell lousy •$%•?;/! friend, you and I have a mutual acquaintance.” ? And Paul Miner Marilyn Phillips Sales But I'm afraid that when T ’ tad '*B“ are combined, another thing, people are always talking shout the small of Advertising Manager Gale Schreiber Elizabeth Teng that’s where the problems begin. You end up with s musical their back Hock, that's confusi*. at toast to me. Why, I bet Don Curtis Fred Tucker' Sparta wheezing, and itH kill you. “CB" to different, though, good you can’t even point to yours, or see it, and if you can, you Paul A. Ragan, Asst. Gary Webb J.Aikin, Ed. buddy. are in BIG trouble. Small wonder.-what's that? Seems to me it's someth!* Business Manager J.N. Williamson Bobby Rodgers Back to small, howeryuall? Hoy, listen, dont think I care Roy Yates not for the true m eant* of a word and its quite uniquely no one reaDy takes any time to worry shout, because U they precise ramifications. Far from it. Yet, take the last three did, it would be inflated ta yet another great wood*, aad we letters and that's ALL already have seven of those in the world. May 16, IfTT Sagim ere S Law grad counsels Kiritsis

by Kevta C. Endsky ney and client resulted in Owen Baker is a Cathedral High School * The case of the State of Indiana vs Mullin's withdrawal from the case and Marian College graduate and the Anthony George Kiritsis has touched several weeks ago father of three He is used to being a the lives of virtually all persons who Baker’s appointment to the Kiritsis small fish in a large pond, coming happened to be alive, well and in or case is just one of the many facets of from a family that consisted of ten around Indianapolis at the time that his job as a public defender for other siblings When surrounded by the alleged incident took place One of Criminal Court One The court competitors, one must find his niche the p*r *nni who been "touched" employs five public defenders, who and stick with it, and Baker has This more than the average observer is are designated to represent criminal could explain why, after only three Hugh G. Baker Jr., a 1973 graduate of defendants who have no funds to hire and a half years in the practice of law. IUPUI Law School Baker has been an attorney Since it has not been he can humbly and realistically appointed by Judge Michael T. determined that Kiritsis is a pauper, assess the success he has had. making Dugan, sitting as a special Judge of Baker's role as his advisor is, in all his name not only as a public Criminal Court One, as a “consultant probability, an interim position As an defender, but in private civil practice for any legal matters" pending attorney, however, this could be a as well r (rig*) »Um i» wUk Kmlkmmy UriUi* Kiritsts’ hiring of an attorney. As you chance for Baker to display his He was more than happy to take a couple of hours from his busy my U t a u p o k Newt). may recall, a dispute between attor­ schedule to reflect on some of his experiences and philosophies for the Sagaaiere readers, especially those who may aspire to follow him into the legal profession He admitted that being a public defender was a very demanding job He estimated that approximately half of his practice is spent performing the various duties of a public defender A public defender will usually have anywhere from 10 to S pending cases, and this translates into numerous court appearances for arraignments, pre-trial evidentiary bearings and conferences, countless interviews at the jail, and, of course, trials and the paperwork that accompanies them All of them cases involve serious felony crimes, which invariably require investigations for defease evidence and thorough interviews with witnesses in order to grasp the facts of each case. Baker, like moat of the other public defenders, is paid 11^30 a year for the above services, whereas an attorney in private practice could make 10 times that amount to handled that many serious cases. Why, then, would anyooe want such a job? Hugh Baker was appointed as a public defender by Judge John W. (Contissed m page IX)



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b y J.N .______Dunag the past cm^fe af I Im m prti <1 r «*h into wt , MUv« of Arid and Taurus wlfearuMimabtobopttfaurcaa Nm BtottoMforGemmi A tm Inpin hew always earmarked Gemini a* the m ot vareatito of aodleceJ mat intellectually mgemoua Therefore it should came as eo thet th an or* vary few Job flatoto in which G a n tt pro-video overwhelming leadership - but Gam It natives are at the tap of eo many crafts that tlua manly tootiftoo to thalr versatility inucaUon -cananous people to the a ^ to raaaoa that than ahotod be many aativaa of the a*a to Jow writing to ganoral. and before the camaraa to tatovtotor Without any > f to m m * + m MflRed la what •a Banned Carl Lillian Heilman Norman Vincent Paala. and Anoe Frank (the term to used knealy» In a. G K Chesterton. Thomas Hardy Thomas Moan la TV wa can see the r a t Gamiman gift of seif i through conveying te a s Bab Hope. Prank Blah. Pred Alton. Pat ; Chartoa Oolltogwaod. and Ralph Edwards Gemini to known aa the sign a# attorney* P Lee Bailey to bornt sign In the breeder aenee of convoying toeaa what-have-you. we begin to get a batter grasp of the Gamiman tatoat JFK Ranhold Niebuhr the Ditoa of Wtodmr Patrick Hemy Jay Gould. Htobart Humphrey Rachel Carton. Brigham Young. Jeflanon Dana Socrates Hamat Beecher Stowe. and ftftlke Todd Now that the Aquarian Ape has base under way far aevaraJ years we begin to image-projectlq i symbol t will be for 1.000 years to the | of such diverae catobrltlaa • John Waynt. Carroli Baker JPK . Marilyn I Tony Curtto Dean Martin. Joe Namath LoutoJourdan and Dana Wyntar It will probably be noted that there are. to < | to ZZ4H. fewer fabled | I tomtom to their fields Part of the raaaoa for thto baa to the way spread themselves too thin totong interest to one pursuit ) another whether the first activity has produced everything It can

t there are not more genuinely great Gemini people on the bas to the placement of the sign itootf over the post 2.000 yearn of the Puceen Age At the dead bottom of the hoop, submerged in the Fourth House More than aay other aodtocaJ sign Gemini will produce the famous, the alar splangled and the glamorous in the years ahead But the achievements will be measured in part by tatovidua) Gemini natives developing stick lo-itivenaas to a field and project** their ideas sad life-styles defiantly and mdivwhmhatical ly yet hopefully to a constructive fashion I recommend that you people try to i of ahalfownaaa and surface appeal by eMf haprewawirnt and ma af creativity lncreaato*ly will they be


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Indy’s Nebulous Players’ new disc miduje/t Art/ is ‘Kulchah Schlock’ kyM.1 You also gat such memorable Tom Reynold*, t Tha SaQwnore's Guide There * a dandy twit neglected Day's Journey Ruble, piano; Dave Morgan, | album floating around town that you Into Bad, "the adventures of a singles' To Entertainment sion; Billy Powell, steel guitar; ought to latch onto if you can And it. bar m is e r on the nuke, and "Down miscellaneous noise, Tohm Huge and Gazette Inli Naptown’s own Nebulous Players To The Son In Sacks '* Mike Farrow finally got their Kakhah Schlock! The flip side features the I could tell you to go out and buy this album out but marketing has been, "Geoffrey Of Lewis PUgrathon For disc became these are local guys shall wa say, low-key The Bubonic Plague," a vary long and trying to make good But why should I For those of you who never very ftkmy treatment of Chaucer’s do that when I can tell you to go out managed to catch their act at either Csatsrkury Talas a la Jerry Lewie. and buy U becauw it's funny! X-ceptional the Hummingbird Cafe er the Black Lotaa Liberal Arts fun h games, but Curtain Pinner Theatre and The woe to the soul who hasn’t read his 1 & 2 bedroom apartments Galley, here's your big chance to hear Chaucer The PUgrathon is inter starting at $185. Clubhouse rupted by Geoff's guest stars: The the magic af stereophonic Duke of Wayne, Shocky Greenalaeves, & pool available. Gas, heat Pardoaner Waggooer ai and water included, plus i Our Heroes : Jack chants courtesy the Fabulous I O'Hara, Pat O’Hara, sad Gayle appliances. Call Linda tta ig n a ld doing boom of (fair “ Assisting the erstwhile trio are Hits’* routines, such as “The T r y Bradky (piano and recorder on 293-5270. Preacher” and "AD Pain Radio." the Pltgranuthon); Dave Lovell,

■ civic pride nor | will spur you to spend yowr cash an it, 1 will rmart to the last prodding: GREED! There ware only The l ,080 copies of this dkc in the original pr feeing If you buy one now and theae guys make the Big Time, you’ll haves collector's item that’ll maybe buy you a steak dinner or a pound of coffee to tide you through your dachaiag years. I’ve heard people arguing about the challenge. ■ejection of the routines on the album.

tour choSongo Is to » ot Irochona, Sang or plural act and why didn’t auch*ad4uch get lour or ew can by using only « you eon make thirty or i included Big deal. That's Just more af No names, oon- mollhoohoaongo! aa excuse to pi* out a ascend album, Son Of Kakhah Schlock! In the meantime, pick up the original. You can And it around town at moat of the big record shops If all eke fails, call the Hummiigbird Cafe. •XS-07IL and they’ll tell you where to fM a fip y One Gap fitsalL

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TW latest HelaMo and W t iM •I Ike screes (Nlcel Williamses asd Robert Derail) as they appeared Is Ike nisi. 'Ike Seres Per Cost Safeties’

“ The stories are among the most permanent things in literature .. . fresh to anyone who is reading them for the hundredth time or the first." The Sherlock Holmes Phenomenon by M. William LutkoHx The public would hove oone of it and new production of the WUUam Gillette Irregulars are always wandering The big day came ta d young Throughout the world, he is one of finally, Doyle relented, and con­ play Skerisck Holmes and Nicholas around London looking for places Jerry's father drove him down to the most familiar characters of litera­ tinuing to write Holmes adventures: Meyer published hit best selling tfetfe Station to meet Dr. Cfekt ture The , the pipe The Hsaad of the Baskervtlies; The novel, TV Seven Per-Cent gsfeHss. and the magnifying glass are as easily Retara of Sherlock Holmes: The Between them two events the public Dr. Klein also rites the I 1 knew him on right. I wafted iq> to recognizable in Moscow as in Japan, Valley of Fear; Ills Lari Bew; and fascination for Doyle’s character was omnipotence as a “superman" him and said, HeOe, Dr. Cfekt. I’m in l>ondon as in San Francisco, in finally TV Case-Book of Skerisck rekindled. Book display a began quality that may have attracted Madrid as in Nairobi. The names of Holmes. To his death. Doyle regretted | in department stores sad renders. “Hereto a detective who to at Sherlock Holmes and Watssn are creating the character which had once police, Judge, end jury, whs can etched in the minds of readers from brought him his fame, always your father?' 1 said, 'la the car, but again capturing the eye — and dollar always piece himself in e position to rio t Jerry ' He was quite England, where it all began, to liter­ believing that Holme* had kept him — of the average bookbuyer. Jngfe right and wrong. He appm k to ally every continent on earth. from his greater titerary worts In the last three years, renewed Since then, entire books have been Holmes At IUPUI Williamson and his Illustrious interest in the quintessential English devoted to the criticism and analysis Interest surfaced at IUPUI lari Holmes is the dkpeneer of*.” i (seaaed for aas of the E detective has grown, inspiring of the Holmes stories Volumes have semester in the form of an Dr. Klein finds km-then-enchanting ikyfHmwi) course, Popular , ricearae) i Holmes tan revivals on stage, been filled with parodfes, pastiches, the hero-worshipfalneaa of Dr. and television. New best-selling studies and lectures on the Actional — Defective Pierian Frees Pas Ts r of novels have begg written based on the Prirri (U S ) taught by Dr. Kathy the risrirn end the reay-pak fe e Klein. characters of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. onewf the most written about charac­ cence of DoyfteY women. “But thm And even as recently as this month, ters in the world, third only to r interested in the detec the popular literature typically new advertising campaigns to sell Robinson Ousoe sad Hamlet. . . . J cars are launched baaed on Sherlock In 104, two aockties were formed Holmes devoted to the study of Holmes and How did it all begin and why the Watson. In America, the Baker Street sudden new surge of interest in Irregulars was formed by Christopher Doyle’s detective? Moriey and a group of his feftm many prohkaas dealing with it in real trying to faring Boterie to fife, tha art Birth Of A Detective Hotmesian enthusiasts. The English life. Second, my interest in women's of the ‘aowAdka novel.’ I find * very formed the Sherlock Holmes Society studies - I was interested In women frustrating I prefer my Action as P int of ftD it should be pointed out that summer Both societies are still in detective Action as writers, as vie- that, had a certain British doctor been * Actka and my fee as fife.” active and publish J o m a k of k m . " blessed with a larger clientele, tional scope (as does a similar Danish , a new one on the IUPUI Our Own SherlocUan Whet, from a Hartscklen's i Sherlock Holmes might never have Hafemrisn snrirty) for the ih rf e lm , schedule, managed to draw tf Not aO the Hoimmton intcreris a t . point, k the ^appeal to^fl been created. Indeed. * t was strictly to study and criticmm of Hoboes interested students, with SI IUPUI are b en d to afeee with Dr. augment his meager income and fill The real spread of Sherlock Kioto's analysis of the Irregulars The his spare time that young Conan Holmes’ fame rests largely with the “We started with Poe for obvious own Jerry N. Doyle turned to writing. stage and film versions of his reasons since he originated the He wrote his first Sherlock Holmes exploits; far more people have sees modern detective riery. Then we story - A fltedy In Scarlet - in life Holmes then have actually read the focurnd on Conan Deyk to toft about and it was puhhshed in the magazine storiee. Over two dosen stage plays bow he ariMMkd the (chapter) of the Irregulars in 1M7 at Beeiaa's Christmas Aaaaal the fol­ based on Doyle's character have been on what P m bad created. the ripe age of 14 yean. lowing year. U gathered only modest “Doyle eriablkhes the bask for all “I had been writing to ether written and performed and ever SM u. J - 8 . * i . _ e i- A i — 9W9_ - * U attention and Doyle himself movies have been Aimed: English, future aetectm action, rat w o n m apparently gave it little me American, French, German, Italian, what aO detective Actios k measured taaUy i Illustrious “And, prevkuriy — that k befere than the 8 pounds it earned him. He Spanish, Hungarian, Danish and against - and anally found lacking,” i of We held ear tbs k ri few y e a r s - * * of t*s followed it, however, in 1M0 with Czechoslovakian On celluloid, says Dr. Klein. | to September of 1M7 at another Holmes story. The Hguaf the although most of the films bsdly She k not what could be conridered the Marrett Hotel." Williamson Foot, published in LlpptoceU’s butchered Doyle's original stories, a dyed-in-the-wool Sheriockton (“I Holmes truly becomes an inter- have never eeen a Basil t o h i d a out tbore and an audience far Over the years there followed The ’ with a worid-wide movie” ) and k therefore It Adveatares of Skerisck IIshare, a better able to take an objective kok at 1 waa aa young series of short stories based on his But we held * anyway. They'd never A doctor's means sf paytog Ids fa detective, serialized in The Brand The Seventies Revival seen me to person befere, ao K waa A metises idri. A * magazine. Holmes had caught on with If you a * a true Hohnerian about of a km to explain Holmes,” riw says. qprito a shack ter a n a of than. papular culture. A i his public and the readers were the recent revival of interest in “It s been euggwtod that his onpsr- “We decided to defialA rri-ctom m demanding more stories. Doyle, Holmes, you Ye apt to get a abililies are what attract we invited Dr. Jay Ftotoy Chriri ham however, felt that his detective stories stare and a question: “Revival? When readers, hie inevitably accurate the Utoverrity of Cfeenge to be fee were minor works, deterring him (fid It go away?" It's an Item “more important works.” He resolved to ‘hill off” Holmes at the end af the second aeries of storks, The M em shesfl » M m y I t . l t n

A Up ahHt * Whales* rtU rrU a n k M i the »Or ml Hmkmrmtmm parepfcmalta from Tnki ( b x

Holmesian Whalen takes his detective seriously

Michael Whaka^a • deAratod fa* ai Shrrkxi atanea Deyte'a worts manage la ea u | l the We and tunes and atmosphere at Victorian and amly would by tke tone yon naat Mb a Kdwarthan England ■ dan k a M m . Morally to SharMe* IW n o and D r Watson a the perfert Hal ha Itatwira Mat the Boohas i H Wetm b . two of the M a t a t r t | c h v a rtc n in the N « d B rare portrayed but the Mindy *bons at thr world O im h ,«M v « acd i with las Wehty pwtot m has pocket f o tW u * „ it a usually Watson who takes oa slant a collection aI We re there with them jam m yg a bet. n m in a k through the tag Via it ao well l l a always 1 » ' M mi the straageot ftctumaJ says that M yrn r kid new el Schorl tier Cerperatlea I think most h the re m a rt by ChrMtaph it Mar try that l m a a d wrtttaa by aa many lar ao few And tnat he aaya that an equal that M vary true M ^ ■ the (hversaty at peapir

9h Arthur Csaaa Dayftt wrote oaky « atanea - tt The people are really the boat part at d aft T W y are B n a and ta r anvahtlaa - there have bsea bterally aoaae ml tbe moat laureate* ■ the world a retned imder a* M beads wrtttaa absM H i rmaartahie detective taker, a g a a l ig l . a cmmty |adpe a psyrhoHgM I, a teAen a n producer they ewane tram ovary w a h at We Intact peapir who have written shorn Day tea detective* the aWy real common hah bet wean them a that thry are all r ml Dante Dorothy L vary and renders "

h r h d r raadars will always bve. M mmtj betwaaa the pagm M thmr boats 19 May 19,1977 Women still face stereotype image: Grandma*/ Head /hop Bloomington lecturer

M i f< - M l i fiF-J

bjrPMlflhrtw Getting Unstuck (A 4-part series on problem-solving)

One of the most pervasive problems (and one at the basis of most contacts with counselors or other “helping persons") is that of making difficult decisions. Whether it is what courses to take, what major to enroll in, what vocational goal to work toward or more serious problems such as whether or not to get married, take drugs, cheat to pass a course or kill oneself, most ‘‘problems” are “impasses" (or being stuck) at some choice- point and being unable to make the required decision. men In child care relate to Decision-making has received considerable study (there are even entire professional journals devoted exclusively to it), and there are many effective processes of facilitating decision­ making now known to human behavior specialists. We will dis­ cuss four of these rather briefly in this and the next three articles in this series, titled: “Decision-making,” “Conflict- w Resolutions," “Problem Solving and Values-Clarification,” respectively. By referral to this material, you may be able to get yourself through some tough decisions successfully. If you decide in the process to see a counselor or attend a decision­ AltTheRltz making workshop (legitimate possibilities), you will still be ahead of most people for having had this exposure. One thing few people realise is the number of “decisions” Hair Design everyone makes everyday. Getting up, eating (or not eating) and what to eat, and how much, and when; walking or riding a bike, by Marilyn going to class or not, standing up or sitting down—everyone makes thousands of “decisions" a day. Every one of your 6144 Hillside <3 thoughts, feelings or actions exist because you decided they would. People often have trouble admitting that they are 257-3750 Wed.-Sat choosing what they do and, in large measure, what happens to them and what kind of life they have. To make such an admission is referred to by counselors as “owning" your thoughts, feelings Who it Whiter Egan? For a few Beks, call 1-800-323-0654. and behaviors. To own all of your decisions is to accept yourself and be able to live comfortably with yourself and it also leads to greater self-awareness and personal responsibility. We will talk specifically about decisions that involve conflict or “problems" in other articles. Here, however, we will look at a few of the Basics of “How to Decide: ” 1. Refusal to decide is a decision—humans cannot avoid choice—it is the human condition. 1 Decisions are acts of commitment that tend to dictate future actkm s-part of their value is their aid to efficiency of behavior, growth, and movement. 3. The more heterogenous, pluralistic, and permissive the culture, the more difficult and frequent individual decisions must be. 4. Deciding, itself, is often anxiety-producing, since it always involves some risk—it is important to practice relaxing in regard to the idea of deciding itself and to approach decision points of life steadily but gradually. 5. Most decisions involve moral choices or questions of personal values, but there exist good ways of clarifying your values to yourself, (see future article, this feature) 6. Cultural stereotypes about the quality of decisions or role- appropriateness of decision-making may create needless doubt—especially for women in our culture—that prevents tW iginrt-m jiking 7. Never deny your dreams (ideals, goals, ambitions') m making far-reaching decisions. 9. Knowing yourself well is important: whatever your derision, it should, above all, be right for you 9. All decision-making begins with choosing goals you want to

19. Try asking yourself these kinds of questions: A. 1. Who am I? 2. Who do I want to be? B . 1. What do I want to do? 1 What do I have to know to do it? Avalable at Karma J What do I have to do to know it? 5347 N. Keystone • 926 Broadripple Avenue Or you could fallow Davey Crockett’s motto: “Be sure you're At the comer of Washington & Post right—then go ahead.” May li, ltn li The In/fde Line

byM.WB Id a i t intricately planned Another note tells bow they all Ho-Hum Music at the concert hall So you think Naptowne'a la toot planned to wear Identical fatofaces Well Bunky, now you've gotta think of between the 190-Metrics and son* Just s couple of the publishers' and so no one could be some other excuse because now the hapless foe; June IS at Garfield Oontternttal Killer* I* big atuff? Then rabes tail how one of the men was It all worked fine until symphony is giving it away FREE Park. M60 S Shelby, with Peter Nero. you haven’t beard about Noel Beta'* assigned to stake-out the Brink’s i they were on the inside they dis­ June II at Holhday Park, again wik new book Big SUck-Up At Brink’* offices He posted watch all day, covered they couldn't tell one another coocert series of free Peter Nero. June II at Irvington every day, for several years, All you have to do to Circle. SMS Audubon Rd , June21 at Five of the *ix surviving thieve* of watching every movement in and out r up And they’ve got a good line the American Legion Mall, M l N the famous Brink', robbery (now the of the building. The date far the broak- 19, too: June I at Eagle Creek Park Meridian, with the Indianapolis Ballet •ecood or third largest robbery in his- ln was sot It alao just happened to be So you still haven't gone to a syn theatre, June M at Southern Plam tory, depending on who you listen to) the day that Brink's moved to It* new phony coocert because you couldn • 7 at two S Road II; and June M at have told their story of how one of the see laying out that kind of money fc Thatcher Park. SMI W Vermoot St No intelligible meaning found in ‘3 Women’ have I left a movie so totally every male Id the film to either atupid, lneeneitive or opportunistic emotional gratification. To elaborate: Part of the film There are traces of the styles of being broken in. she to continually focuses on poor pregnant Willie of a geriatric rehabilitation spa where Bergman. Fellini, and Bertolucci ia given significant stares by a pair of (Janice Rule) who occtgdee most of young girls, among them Shelly this film, but this style-stealing consb identical twins, who aka walk at tha her time by painting reptilian figure* Duvall, help rapidly decomposing old tutea a large part of Three Wemeo'a spo. folk to limp in and out of swimming deficiencies Altman apparently could But the fUm to atoo loaded with sym­ not rely on his own approach since be seems to view Willie's preoccupation Pinky (S bolic element* usually associated to eagerly, perhaps desperately, with a bewildered but patient inquisi­ hired as with dotth — iw y p tiif 1 ly by the dabbled in everyone rise's Throwing There are a lot of P*r*eaa Intimations tiveness Which was exactly my bits of Freud into this cinematic pot­ response through about the first 45 pourri was what finally spoiled it minutes of the film. But the patient striking contrast* between the curiosity simmers until it become Probably the moat lamentable of all frustration which then boils into of Altman's vulgarities was tbe ADULT STUDENT HOUSING, INC. infirm geriatric patient* casting of Siaay Spacek She to a Serving IUPUI student!, faculty, spouses and chidren thereof The script Jumps from one dream remarkably talented young actress exkieivety. scene to another without any helpful who valiantly tried here to weave sub- Eligibility: Under Grads 9 credit hours or more. Grad, students 5 hints indicating whether there to an interreUtionhip between them It to i can turn out to be a credit hours or more. never dear whether director Robert supremely developed artistic achieve­ be a shame if this pretense of sur­ Offers: Apts, and family townhouses. Altman to trying to make: (1) a state­ ment with a completely satisfying realistic artistry, which to more like a STUDENT RATES FROM *137** UTVJTES INCLUDED ment about repreaoed sexual desires, resolution Rebecca was Just such a collage of outtakea, would adversely (1 ) a dnr tarnation about meretricious film. But Altman only strings together affect Spncek’s career Judging from females (Duvall's domestic incline- a aeries of baffling Incidents and idio­ the comments I hoard among other PARK LAFAYETTE HOMES, LTD. syncratic personalities none of which patrons both during and after the Offers excelent rental 3 4 4 bedroom homes, from $226 of Goad Heoaekoephsg); ever manifest any intelligible movie, my opinion to not a solitary monthly. Each rental home includes fu« amenities. Garages or Car­ indictment of males in general since meaning. Three Women has no ports. Clubhouse, Pool, Play Areas, Private Patios 4 Lawn Care. -®O©®0®-@O©@0©-SO©@®@-| ASH, MC. A PARK LAFAYETTE LTD. 2300 N. TIBBS 635-7923 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 46222 CIRCLE CHEVROLET’S - MAY CAVINGS & )W E HAVE WHAT W i ADVERTISE — NO HIDDEN CHARGES © 7 7 IMPALA 7 7 CAPRICE 7 7 Monte Carlo 7 7 P.U. TRUCKS f | There 1I S a differencei — m u PREPARE FOR:

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(Continued from pageS) years ago. charged with two counts of be must represent them in. Public Baker foes on to say, “You have to “Some cases you can get fired up Tranberg of Criminal Court One after armed robbery He pleaded guilty to defenders do not choose the persons stay as objective, precise and as con­ about," said Baker, in reference to his only a year and a hall of experience in one count of theft and was sent to the they represent, nor vice-versa. fident as possible. You can’t let your representation of William Toombs. the practice of law, and this is often Indiana Youth Center for emotions interfere with your practice Toombs was charged with first degree the case For a young lawyer, being a confinement While there, he and k I asked Baker if there are some of the law. I don’t look upon trials as a murder and so vehemently denied the public defender gives immediate and fellow inmate planned a crime spree instances where he would rather not game of winning or losing, it is one of charges in court once that Judge constant experience in a variety of which resulted in the* recent admit represent a particular person. He the most serious processes in society Andrew Jacobs, Sr. had him bound areas that law schools cannot provide. tance to up to 40 armed robberies, replied. “It is always more difficult to — and I must do the best job possible. and gagged in the courtroom. Toombs It keeps them busy and help6 them nine kidnappings, four cases of extor­ represent some people more than “You’ve got to have s strong belief spent over a year In jail waiting trial, make important contacts. As much tion and at least ooe murder. others, that is always going to be the in the Constitution,” said Baker, “and and went through two lawyers before work for as little pay as the job is. the Ritter told the jurors in Alabama, case as long as you are dealing with an expert’s knowledge of your client's be finally acquired Baker. Baker got posts are highly sought after and ‘i f you give me life imprisonment, I’ll human beings, my whole approach rights. If I do the best that I can, and the charges dropped a week ago. “I virtually impossible to get. be out in 10 or 15 years I know where to practicing criminal law has been yet, lose a case where I think my really believed in him," said Baker. As a public defender, Baker has had you live, and I wouldn't appreciate that 1 do the very best I can to prepare client should've gotten a better break, “He had a long criminal record, but his share of notable cases. One which spending that much time in prison. I’d a case, and as king as I fully advise a I can still go home and put on my there was just not the kind of evidence recently returned to the news was the have to come after you." person, make my decisions and help , and get Into my music (he's a that warranted a first degree murder case of Wayne Ritter, who was sen­ Baker remembers Ritter, but has them to make theirs, and if they are Chuck Mangkme fan) and my family. indictment. He shouldn’t have had to tenced to die in the electric chair in no recollections as to a very violent found guilty, I want to fed no worse Sure, you look back, and think of wait In jail for over a year. I think the Mobile, Alabama on April 27 after a nature In him. The relationship he has than if they are found not guilty. I things you could've dooe differently, prosecutor railroaded that indkctMHt murder conviction. Ritter was one of with his clients is strictly professional want to be able to say I did the best job but the only reason I feel bad is when I through the grand jury because of Baker's pauper clients almost two and usually deals only with the case for them that I could." think I haven't dooe the best I can." what thpy thought he was.’’ Baker has enough experience now to address himself to some of the problems of the public defender system. “I think U should be set up A long time ago ina galaxy jac jaratyay.. much like the prosecutor's office, with an Investigative staff, having the same resources available to defend a person as there are to prosecute them. Our system only pays Up service to rights of a person to defend himself against serious charges." As far as his relationship with Kiri tail, Baker could only say that be Is a friendly and interesting person who is a product of the systemic frustration that has intensified since Watergate. Many people are sympathizing with Kiritaia, Baker feels, because they have come to a basic distrust of institutions and feai stymied as to any possible solution. Baker loves Ms work and wouldn’t trado U for anything else. In addition to Ms work as a public defender, Baker has a booming civil practice with the firm of Timmons, Endsloy, Chavis, DuMond and Bakar. Also interested in politics, he has rtisctaaod to the Sagamore his intention of running for ono of the 43rd District legislative seats in the Indiana House of Representatives as rbemocrat In the i n election. As with anything else this 90-year-old attempts, be wants to do the best job pooMble.

Counseling center needs recruits tor

m n n e iH cENTurar fc* A LUCASF1LM LTD PRODUCTION biofeedback research STAA'MARS / siting MARK HAMIIl HAARBON FORD CARRIE FISHER Tbs IUPUl Counseling Center, located in the basement of the Blake PETERCU5HING Street Library, la conducting research In biofeedback. The center A1£C GUINNESS needs 900 male underclaanwn, pre­ Itnn arO Dwtwd by GEORGE LUCAS Product by GARY’ KLTTZ Hux. by JOHN WIILIAM5 ferably freshmen and sophomores, AWM5CM- PNNTJBYDtUJJC" fortbestudbr. The total time actually required is shoot eight hours in three ooe-hour and 10 half-hour blocks over a six- week period. Star Wars opens May 25th in these cities: Volunteers may receive free per­ sonality testing and evaluation, free NEW YORK-Asior Plaza PHOENIX-CmeCapii WASHINGTON-Uptown Mofeedmck treatment if desired and NEW Y O R K-O rphean SAN DIEGO-Valley Circle TORONTO-Uptown I HICKSVILLE - Twin MINNEAPOLIS-Si Louis Park 'CHICAGO-River Oaks I PARAMUS-RK0 PHILADELPHIA-Eric’s Place •CHICAGO-Edens 2 MENLO PARK-Cnema PENNSAUKEN-Encl •CHICAGO-Yorktown 3 BOSTON-Charles LAWRENCEVILLE - Eric II •CHICAGO-Esquire CINCINNATI-Showcase Cm I CLAYMONT-Ericl •DALLAS-NorthPark 2 DAYTON-Dayton Mall I FAIRLESS HILLS-Eric II •HOUSTON-Galleria 2 DENVER-Cooper PITTSBURGH-Showcase •DES MOINES -Riverhill ROCK ISLAND iM ilai) - Cinema 3 PORTLAND-Westaate I •INDIANAPOLIS-Eastwood DETROIT-Americana i SALT LAKE C IT Y -C entre , •O M A H A -C in. Center LOUISVILLE-Cnema I SAN FRANCISCO-Coronet •MONTREAL-W estmont Sq. KANSAS CITY-Glenwood I SACRAMENTO-Century 25 •VANCOUVER - Stanley LOS ANGELES-Avco I SAN JOSE-Century 22A •ST. LO UIS-CreveCoeur GR ORANGE-City Centre I SEATTLE-U A 150 •Opens May 27th May it . im Sagsm ere 13

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| • a one-year. 36-credrt course at mayor New Ycx* cottages which | ■ leads to a M S degree in methcal botogy or bacteriology and f Tracking Pennant’s Cat: an ecology log

• preparation tor admission beyond the first year to an Ralan I To speak truly, few adults can see nature. Ralph Waldo Emerson INSTITUTE OF NTERNAT10NAL MEDCAL EDUCATION by Harry Gesdyear I saw nature today. On my tbive in Iran the east side, Chartered by the Rsgants of the Unaersiy ol ths SUt of New Vbrtt just west ot the Mohawk Road overpast on Interstate 70 3E 54 St New tort 1002? • (212)83220® there was a sparrow-hawk fluttering its wings like a slug­ Moat people bate bugs. They spray them with aereaol gish hummingbird Its body still, not moving In linear !-.»». gf pgtsQQ Yet (meets offer toim.na tittle harm. They \\L 1 FOR CENTURIES THEY WERE HUNTED motion. Its wings held it in mid-air — about a scmi-stood-oo- just crawl and fly and reproduce, and get killed and the end high — while its sharp eyes searched for a mouse, toad . I FOR BOUNTY, FUN ANOFOOO... Sounds a lot like humans to me, except humane are or frog In the gram along the highway. To get the maximum probably more harmful lift, the bird faced the wind, a slight northerly one at I SO Emerson Is right. Very few humans saw that sparrow- hawk this morning. And this afternoon at 5 pm the hawk Early this morning, juM as the sun tried to peek out from was just a half mile east of the Stm lle marker. Heading behind the grey thin fog-like cloud which hung in the east, a into the brssxe then called forthe hawk's facing the sun to cardinal sat In a maple tree In front of the house and sang the southwest. But Its wtngs’were fluttering, fanning the the sun awake. I would have blamed It for spotting my car air, iU body didn't move but its sharp eyes searched for but the spots are always in front, the cardinal was behind another bit of food below. Tew adults saw It tbon too. the suto and on the lower branch of Ute maple. They were too h a y with "1M ; where's Srookey; Big The tree out there has never had as many mapienuts aa Daddy, over; say again; and Blue Bird, out." this year. Winter’s cold weather must have set off a hormone producer in the tree " if caused an excess of , - Where hove all the bluebirds gone? When I was a child winged seeds. When It's windy they spin, Qutter, and fill the ig) In this country, there wore bluebirds and wi’1 everywhere In the spring and summer. Now the air like a hexagenia (large mayfly) hatch on a trout illation seems to ecnefct of itariii«i - thorn black Jabbering Mta of fonthors. to year to the next Some of the b op are Human jabber a lot, too. SodaHxiiw, building t m so small mat may can't be seen tan feet distant In strong images of their abilities and personalities But that's an S m m m r n light. Yet the trout eat them and grow. It must take a lot of nature. Insects to feed a stream full of trout I saw nature today, and thought about It - a lot

^ OPENING MAY 25th ot o theatre or drive-in near you j * • ' /port/ look lor this od in youi local ntw ip o p n lor theatre and time Local styNng salon holds Wlshard Bum Unit benefit The J. Lee s Styling Salon of Profes­ a minimum $8 donation, for both mer pledges at 388-3750, 388-3751 and 388- sional Hair Cara announce* a 73-hour ______. Thirteen stylists with a continuous ".Cut-In" with all total of 73 years of professional Volunteering their professional donations going to the Wlshard experience will be waiting to serve the skills for the Wlshard benefit will be Memorial Hospital Adult Burn invited public. Patricia Leslie (co-spokesperson), Jerry Ferrell, Diana Fmguson, Rene Owner Jim Owens said, “ Our Goifdarb, Mickey Jones and Kristy stylists at J. Lee's Salon are happy to The benefit will be held at J. Loo's Smith. Also participating In the Styling Salon, 387* B Georgetown marathon Cut-In will be Brenda Barge. Lynn Ham, Barbara WUson, Theatre), from 8 pm. May 31 to 8 pm. Kim Doi^y,r, TBrace “ Mahan * and ** Lynn May 34. "Our projected goal for the first 11 be live The three-day event features a annual Cutathon is 88,000," said by several “quick service" hair cut and style for Owens. "Wo wiD also accept phone-in Indian* polls 300 driver.

Third place Indians head back up

by B^bby fU ig tn Indianapolis was leading the Currently, th* tribe is in third place T V Indiana polu U “ Eastern division imtil the end of April. — two games behind Omaha and It seemed that the fight power the Evansville respectively - In the tribe was off to a superb Indians pomeaaed at the b a n ning of triple A league. By the time the tribe Having led the A return* home, maybe with the tough tion East since the When May arrived, the tribe had pitching of Tom Hume (3-3), the hard won only two of its 10 games. Also, on hitting of centerflelder Stave May 10, the latest defeat was at the It s 3 vehicles in one! Eco no m y car. station wagon, May 5 to take to the road for 13 games. hands of Wichita in which the tribe Heoderson (.8® ) and the endless motorhome It s the most versatile vehicle you'll ever On May If, the Indiana wtU return lost a double header, 3-1, M . The loro efforts of the other players, the tribe own. And since it's mounted on a Toyota chassis the ...... ■urrent first-place was the result of entflrro mistakes can regain the first place standings operating costs will be a fraction of what you made by the tribe in both games. and go on to win the triple A . •might expect! Low, low Women’s softbal team lakes shaft In Bloomington payments. CHINOOK Five year bank byJ.A U a financing avatabie Bloomington - Friday, May 8, Only Coach Nick Ketlum and IUPUI's •playedFriday before 26 Highway. 18CKy, Average: 21 mpg reded to cover the playing field. Exclusively a t After an overnight stay In What a way to cod a career at Bloomington, Coach KeDum and the IUPUI for seven seniors - Anna team displayed a “touch of daaa" by Hopkins, Cindy Strauss. Glenda Butler Welch Toyota preparing the playing field for the 4500 N. Keystone Ave • 545^651 other teams. They were then Bolton, Peggy O’Connor, Elaine meat teams had lost to IUPUI during rewarded for their effort! by tourna- Elliot, Linda Sutton and AsMatant the regular season). . “pack It up.” Coach Suxy Patterson. Ever notice how it’s easier , to ace the courses you like?

It finally comes down to commitment. When you don’t like a course, it’s hard to excel. The class gets tedious. The texts get boring. The lectures get dreadful. Your work - suffers. And so do your grades. Compare that with the courses you really believe in. You care more. You try more And without even noticing, you just naturally do better. Its true in school. Its true outside of school. For example, we believe theres just one way to brew Busch beer. The natural way. With natural ingredients. Natural carbonation. Natural ageing. We believe that’s the best way to brew a beer. And when you believe in what you’re doing, you just naturally do it better. Taste a Busch and we think you’ll agree. BUSCH W hen you believe in what you’re doing, you just naturally do it better.