
Maryland 883

The greater part of these arms were issued to Volunteer companies outside of ,usingthewarehouseofwoolford&Pattersoninthatcityasadistributionpoint.On 19 April 1861 this warehouse was broken into by a pro-Southern Baltimore mob and everything there taken-some 370 and a small number of arms and accouterments.TheseweaponswereusedtodispersetheWashingtonBrigadeofPhiladelphia when that unamed and hapless command tried to march through Baltimore. Some of the weapons in the hands of the Baltimore Volunteer companies found their way into Virginia, and most of the remainder were seized on the govemor's orders in June. This forestalled any large shipments of small amis to Marylanders in the Confederate army and providedasmallstockforthenewregimentsbeingraised.Thereafterthestateappearstohave played no part in procuring arms for its volunteer and commands save through U.S. Amy sources. It ended the war with little or no stock of serviceable shoulder arms. During the reorganization of 1867 the state was obliged to purchase ams for its new MarylandNationalGuardinadditiontothefieldartillerymaterialitobtainedfromthegeneral government. The small arms and related accouterments secured were:

7,943 U.S. muskets (Model 1863?) 7,354 sets infantry belts and boxes 3,000 cavalry sabers (Model 1860?) 3 ,OcO cavalry belts 500 light sabers 500 light artillery waist belts

All these items were U.S. regulation patterns, including the plates. All were won until after 1872, when our period ends.

2+ 'usA mqulc~d zS <¢.A i;I`^r_tl!to_/ .


I st Light Division (Baltimore) `. lstRegtcav / C)a/cJ Comps distinctively dressed. Had a mounted band. 1~ lst Regt Art)r (consol 1860 with City Guard Bn) 2C) No information on equipage.

i. 5th Regt inf (broken up) 'o 1861

3° ;:SOR:: X:;:ifdG[;:cRoeng;:t::'asq.av.c)onsoi of 5th and 53rd Rests hi, and Guard BD 1867 On

(Included Lew Grays, Jackson Guards, German Guards, National Grays, United Guards) ro J86J.. comps disthctively unifomed. /867-/87/.. state Ml 867 dismounted clothing, cadet gray color, piped with ; black and gold Lcops on cuffs.Ml863riflemusket;USregaccoutements./87/on..graytallcoalthmmedwithblackandgold.3rowsofbuttons comecndwithblacklace;grayorwhitepants;blackbearskinhat;whitecrossbelts;whiteandblackepauletsforEM,gilt for officers ( modeled af(er 7th Regt of New except for ). 884

ORDER OF BATTLE /confi."ned/

\. 53rd Rcgt Imf ouken up) A/a 0Vominal]y included Maryland Guard Bn, a.v.) (also lst Maryland lnf Regt, CSA a.v,) (Included Baltimore City Guards, Independent Grays, hafayette Guards, National Blues, State Guards, Montgomery Guards). Camps distinctively uniformed. I • lstRECRcgt to 1861 (?) € a Comps probably distinctively uniformed.

V. Baltimore city Gund Bn 1858-1865 efn (also loth Vol lnf Regt) Fed serv: 6 mos, 1863-1864 ro/86/..dckbluetallcoat,triln)nedwithljghtblueandgold,lightblueandwhiteepaulets;lightbluepants,doublewhi(e sthpc; black bearskin hat with gold tassels; black bel(s. Oficcrs: same with gilt epaulets and wi(h pompon or egret plume. Junior members wore sane as rank and file but with black fur busby.

^ • Maryland Guard Bn (broken up) 1859-1861 ?fi (also lst Maryland Imf Regt, CS^, q.v.) F«// dress,. dark blue zouave and light blue zouave vest, both trimmed with yellow; full dark blue pants with yellow sthpe; red ; light blue cap trimmed with yellow; drab linen ; Ml 855 rifle ; white waist belt with yellow lnetal plate; rigid knapsack printed with ``53" on rear, white straps; dark blue blanket rolled on knapsack so as to show red "MG." Ur.drcfs.. dark blue jacket over same zouave vest; black pants with nanow yellow stripe; same cap. These

won in 4 "c)asses" or combinations, using dark blue overeoa( and black waist bel(.

` (A» other com]nands were of comp size, and all lceated outside Baltimore.)

rosT-clvlL WAR NATIONAL GUARD Cavalry eo

(AIl commands wore stan M1867 clothing of mounted pattern; M1860 saber; US reg accouterTnents.) • lst Bn, lst-Brig ®alinorc) 1867-1870 • ls( Bn, 2nd Brig (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • 2nd Bn (Baltilnore co) 1868-1870 • 3rd Rest (Anne Arundel co) 1867(?L1870 • 5th Bn (St. Mary's Co) 1868-1870 • 8th Bn quarfnd co) 1868-1870

Ar,i'lery qo

• lst Bn OaltimoTe; Tecoustitution of old lst Regt Arty?) 1867 on (?) StateM1867clothing.mountedpattem,trimmedwithred;EMworedresscapwithredcordandpomponandbrasscapdevice with battery lcttcr. Light arty saber and accouterments. Officers wore US res clothing with dress hat and feather.

Irifantry rco

(AIl cominands wore state M1867 clothing of dismounted pattern; M1863 rifle musket; US reg accoutements.) • lst Regt ®altiJnerc) 1867-1870 • 2nd Rcgt ®altiirore) 1867-1870 • 3rd Rest oalinorc) 1867-1870 • 4th Regt (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • 5th Regt: see VOLut`ITEER MILITIA, above 885

ORDER OF BATTLE /confz.need/ • 6th Regt ®alfrore) 1867 on • 7th Regt (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • 8th Rcgt oaltimore) 1867-1870 • 9th Rest (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • loth Regt (Baltimore co) 1867(?L1870 • llth Regt (Anne Arundel co) 1867(?+1870 • 12th Regt a=rederick co) 1868-1870 • 13th Rcgt cralbot co) 1868-1870 • 14th Regr (Cecil co) 1868-1870 • 15th Regt (Allegany co) 1867(?+1870 • 16th Rcgt (St. Mary's Co) 1868-1870 • 17th Rest (Prince George's Co) 1868-1870 VOLUNTEER LEGION • Puncll Legion iio 1861-1864 Cav Bn (dismounted and merged into 8th Imf Rest, 1864) US res cav clothing. /862: Colt army , M1840 saber. /86j: Merrill . Arty Bn (rcorgan as Btrys A and 8, lndependen( Light Arty, 1862) Imf Regt (disb 1864) /862.. Rifled M1842 musket, springfield rifled muskets. J863-/864.. Enfield rifle, Springfield rifled muskels.

(Unless otherwise no(ed, all commands below issued US reg clothing and accouterments.) VOLUNTEER CAVALRY - 120 • lstcav Reg( (lst mgcons) 1861-1865 /862-/86j.. Sharps carbine; Colt army revolver; M 1840 saber.

• lst Bn. Potolnac Home Brig cav 1861-1864 l§t Rcgt. Potomac Holne Brig Cav (2nd Cav Rest; Cole.s Cav) 1864-1865

• 2ndcavRegt 6 mos. 1863-1864 J863.. Shalips and Sfnith ; Colt army revolver; M 1840 saber.

• 3rd Cav Regt ( mgoons) 1863-1864 3rd c8v 8. 1864-1865 Dismounted July 1864.

• Smith's lndcpcndent Cav Comp /30 1862-1865 vOLUNmeER ARTILLERy • lst Heavy Arty Rcgt: failed to complete organ • Independent btrys light arty: Btry A (RIgby.s Btry, forlneTly Btry A, Pumell I.egion); 1861-1865 / /C7 Btry 8 (Snow.s Btry, formerly Btry 8, Pumell Legion); Btry A, J`inior Light Arty (Brucc's Btry); BtTy 8. Junior Light Arty (Eagle Btry); Bruce's Btry; Ballimore or Alexander's Btry.

VOLUNTEER INFANTRY • lst Rcgt (lst hdcpendcnt vols) 1861-1865 /.fo /862-/86j.. Enfield rifle. /864: M1863 rifle musket.

• lst Regt, Potolnac Home Brig 1861-1865 /4013th Regl 1865 /86j-/864.. Enfield rifle. 886

ORDER OF BATTLE /confl.#wed/

• lst Regt Eastern Shore (lst Regt, Eastern Shore Home Guard) 1861-1865 /ro /862.. M1842 smcothbore musket. /86j-/864: Enficld rifle. • 2nd Regt (2nd Independent Vols) 1861-1865 / 80 /862-J86j.. Enfield rifle, Springfield rifled muskets. /864.. M1863 rifle musket.

• 2nd Regt, Potomac Home Brig 1861-1864 •40 2nd Bn, Potomac Home Brig 1864-1865

• 2nd Regt Eastern Shore (2nd Regt, Eastern Shore Home Guard) 1861-1865 2o® /862-/864.. Enfield rifle.

• 3rdRegt 1861-1864 ®o 3rd Bn 1864-1865 j862-/864.. Enfield rifle, Springfield rifled muskets.

• 3rd Regt, Potomac Home Brig Jlfo 1861-1865 ® 4thRegt 1862-1865 j3® /862-/86¢.' Enfield rifle • 4th Regt, Potomac Home Brig: failed to complete organ 2to • 5th Regt (Public Gua['d) ?SO 1861-1865 /862.. Enfield rifle. /863.. M1842 smcothbore musket. /664.. M1863 rifle musket. ® 6thRe8' 1862-1865 2Ci* /862:Enfield rifle; Austrian rifle musket, cat. 577 with blcok and leaf sights. /863-/864.. Enfield rifle. 1862-1865 a.co7th,R8e6g_,864..springf.eidrifledmuskets. • 8thRe8' 1862-1865 2to /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 9thReg,#O 6 mos, 1863-1864 • loth Regt: see Baltimore City Guard Bn, VOLUNTEER MILITIA • llthRegt3co 1864-1865 • 12thRegt 3Jo loo days, i864 • 13th Regt: see lst Regt, Potomac Home Brig Imf jj2C} • Baltimore Light Imf (Dix Light Imf; consol with 3rd lnf Regt) jL3o 1861-1862 • Pafapsco Guards (MCGowan's Independent Comp) j3t(? 186'-1865 • Oakland Railroad Home Guard (White's Independent Comp) j[Eo ?

U.S. COLORED TROOPS RAISED IN MARYLAND • 4th Regt lnf, U.S.C.T. 1863-1866 3Go /863.. Enfield ; some springfield rifled muskets l864. • 7th Regt lnf. U.S.C.T. 1863-1866 370 /86j-/864.. Enfield rifles; so]ne Springrield rifled muskets 1864. • 9th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1863-1866 %0 /863-/864.. Enfield rifles; some Springfield rifled muskets 1864. • 19th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1863-1867 3co /864.. Enfield rifles and springfield rifled muskets. • 30th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1865 400 /864.. Enfield rifles; Springfield rifled muskets. • 39th Regt lnf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1865 4/o /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 889

ORDER oF BATTLE: VOLUNIEER CAVALRT (c.s.A.) • lst Regt (Maryland Line; fomerly lst Cav Bn) 1864-1865 4Zo Cs clothing and accouterlnents. 1862-1864 • lst Bn (Maryland Line; increased to lst Cav Regt) 4/j5Z) J862.. Comp 8 wore gray , jacket and pants; arlned with sabers and . • 2nd Bn (Gilmor's) 1863-1865 4f4/a Carried ANv battle flag.


(Comprised 3 btrys designated as lst, 2nd [Baltimore Light Arty]. 4th [Chesapeake], 1861-1865. Au wore CS light arty clothing.) 4(JP


1861-1862 • lst Regt (Elzey's; disb). 7£o /86J.. officers generally wore blue forage with gold trim, single-breasted gray frok orjackets with rank indica(ed by US reg shoulder straps, and gray pants with sthpe. .„:stF8n6{Tc¥dBL;hoe,:reoroar;Tac¥e:n:;:fbTueegrLmT+

• 2nd Regl (Maryland Line; formed from lst Imf Bn) 46C>C* • Wes.on.s Bn (also called Wes(ern's Bn Maryland Line; broken up) „C>t • Zavona Zouaves (comp; also called Maryland Zouaves; reorgan and assigned to 47th Virginia lnf Regl) Sc)Fo


Adjutant General, Maryland, Rapom, 1857, 1859, 1867, 1869. AdjutantGeneral,Maryland,RepowfowhcGc#era/Asscmb/y,Spccl.a/Sessi.on,J86J.nealsexclusivelywiththe purchase and distribution of arms, 1860--1861. AdjutantGeneral,U.S.,OJFcl.ajArnyRcgi.sJgro//heVo/w"tcerForce...,Washington,D.C..1865,parlm. G.W.F. Vemon, `.Militry Affairs in Maryland, 186li5." in 7lrfec U"I.on Any ..., Madison, Wis. . 1908. n, 249-285. Ialnes H. FLnge[ald Browe., History Of the 175th lrfantry (Fiif eh Maryland),_.Bah_try[?,_Md.,19S5. Ftck 8. Ou;e\, Historical Sketch Of the Militia Of Maryland ..., A"z\pdi\s, Md.,19PP: Adjutant General, Maryland. "Battle Flags in Flag Room of State House." in Jicport, 1907. George A. Meekins, FI#* Rcgl.mc"/ J#/anfry, Mary/art IV4tl.oma/ Gurrd, rev. ed., Baltimore, Md., 1899. W . vi . GofdshoTough,-The rdaryland Line in the Conifederate Arnry, 1861-1865 , Bahimore, Md. , 1900.

WearegreatlyindebtedtothestaffoftheMali/landHistoricalSocietyforhelpgiveninpreparingthischapter, especiallytothelateJamesW.Foster,thelateHaroldR.Manakee,JohnD.KilboumeandJohnD.Zimmerlnan. Massachusetts 901

1,960 Model 1841 's waist belts and plates purchased from Emerson Gaylord. 1,213 and saber belts and plates from the Ames Manufacturing Company, Emerson Gaylord, and others. 285 Savage navy percussion revolvers purchased from the Savage Revolving Fire Ams Company and Smith Bros. & Co. , with 51,OcO cartridges. 889 sabers and , including light artillery sabers, and NCO and musician's swords, purchased from Ames. 900 "saber " from Ames.

Numerous smaller purchases are detailed in the Am"wa/ Rcpo" for 1861, including band instruments secured from seven sources, regimental colors and other flags, and six models of field or fortress carmon. It is interesting to note that l ,OcO Windsor rifles with complete accoutements and accessories were sold in August 1861 to the state of Maine, 960 more in October to New Hampshire, and 5,000 complete sets of infantry accoutements in the same month to Ohio. Among the arms given Massachusetts troops departing for the front were bowie . These were not state issues but the gifts of friends in a company's home town; and while this cecurred in all states, it seems to have been an especially common practice in Massachusetts. There these belt knives were often presented by town governments, one to each soldier. The practice did not last long, however, and the Massachusetts infantryman soon found the markedhimasagreensoldierandhegaveitupwillingly.Thetypespresentedaredescribedin Peterson, Amer!.can K»!.ves, pp. 25-70. Although M. Crowinshield, Massachusetts' agent in , had been unusually success- ful, and sufficient arms had been secured for the 1861 , the state could not count thereafter on the general government for all her ordnance needs. In 1863 and 1864 she contracted with S. Norris and W. T. Clement, of Springfield, for 3,000 Model 1863 rifle muskets. These arms were of standard pattern (see p. 120) but were marked on the plate withaneaglebetween"U.'and.`S"andalso"S.N.&W.T.C./FORIMASSACHUSETrs"and the year. After the Civil War the state followed the lead of the general government in seeking a suitable . About 1867 or 1868 she purchased a substantial number of Peabody single-shot rifles in .433, made by the Providence Tool Company of Providence, R.I. (see p. 122). These were issued for trial and were retained in use for about eight years. In 1875,19 of the 60 infantry companies active in that year were amed with the Peabody rifle, the other 41 still had Springfield muzzleloading rifle muskets, caliber .58. In 1876 the Peabodys were withdrawn and all the infantry began to get the Springfield breech- loader, caliber .45; by the end of the following year Massachusetts infantry was "fully equipped" with the .45-70. Mention has already been made of the infantry accouterments ordered by the state from James Boyd & Sons, of . The Model 1855 cartridge boxes for caliber .58 whichwereincludedinthesesetswerestampedontheinnerflapinadoubleoval:"J.BOYD& SONS/MANUFACTURERS/OF ARMY/ACCOUTREMENTS/BOSTON." They corres- ponded closely in size and design to the U.S. regulation box. Survivingexamplespermitustoidentifysomeoftheotherpattemsofaccoutermentsissued 902

Massachusetts regiments. The knapsack carried by Private John 8. Frothingham of the 5th Infantry is one such item. It was a rigid wooden box type,15 in. wide, 3.5 in. deep, and 12.5 in. high, covered with unpainted canvas. The straps, two of which encircled the knapsack, were made of russet leather. On the rear was painted in black: "J. 8 . Frothingham/ loth Co./5th RegvM.V.M." Frothingham also carried a tin canteen covered with brownish gray cloth, a patent mess kit, and a white linen visored havelock stamped "Soldiers Relief Society/Bunker Hill". The Short Patent Knapsack (see page 208) was carried by a number of the later Mas- sachusetts regiments, including the 53rd and 61st. It was manufactured in Salem. Finally, an unpainted cotton canvas haversack with a removable inside bag (see page 212) can readily be traced to the state since it was stamped inside the flap "STATE OF MASS/ INSPECTED/ACCEPTED".

Colors and Flags

The flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the 1850's and 1860's was made of white silk with the state arms applied to both sides . When used as a color the motto on the reverse was replaced by a regimental or other designation. Blue regimental colors were also used, but as the practice of carrying a national color increased, the blue color was given up. After 1860 the Stars and Stripes and the white state flag were the colors most commonly carried. The principal collection of Civil War military flags rests in the State House, in Boston. A superficial examination indicates that at least half are of U.S. regulation patterns, while the remainder consists of colors issued by the state, and others presented by local groups and organizations.3cusn Without nAss----- doubt, many flags in the collection are of unique---- design.

ORDER OF BATTLE: VOLUNTEER MILITIA Cavalry \® • lst Bn Light Dragcous (Boston) 1852-1865 cO/a lst Bn cavallir 1865 on (also nucleus of lst Vol Cav Regt., q.v.) Coap A /Iva/I.one/ Zdncers/.. /a /869.. red . trimmed with blue and gold lace. red and light blue epaulets; sky blue ` pants, red sthpes; cap of red and gold, white plume. /860.. high black . M1842 pis(ol; M1840 saber. Coxp 8 /Bar/on £[.gAf /.. /a /869.. blue frcok . orange lace, brass Scales; sky blue paiits, orange srripes; blue cloth dress cap, orange band and pompon, M1842 ; M1840 saber. (Red and blue uniform approved 1860, never won.) /s/ J}n. /869.. red coa(ee, trimmed with orange and gold lace; sky blue pants, orange sthpes; lancer cap of red, blue and orange. white plume.

AC) (There were at least 6 independent cav comps outside the lst Brig of Boston. All were distinctively uniformed. Most took an active part in the formation of the l§t Vol Cav Regt, but no militia comps were transferred directly into it. The Roxbury Horse 1111_Guards----I---- was attached to the _ lst Bn_ Light _ Dragoons _ during_ _,._.,_I_I_the Civil War.) _I_J---._`!'l 903

ORDER OF BATHE /.naed/ Li8hl Artillery Lo

• Boston Light Arty 1853-1862 Fed serv(as Cook's Btry): 3 mos. 1861 Fed serv: 1861-1864 ist Btry voi Light Arty 1862-1871 ist Btry Light Arty, MVM 1871 on lst Bn tight Arty (formed by adding 2nd, 3rd and 4th Light Btrys) Fed scrv: 1864-1865 also I ith Btry voi Light Arty roJ859..(roinform&tion)./8j9..double-brcestedgrayfrockcoat,fedcollarandcuffs,brassscales.graypantswithfed welts:dresscapofdackbluefcltandlcather.brassplatewith"A"on fed,fedpompon.Lightanysabcr.Coltrevolvcr. Probably red forage cap. /86/.. blue jacket lrimned with red. (As lst and I lth Btrys): US res ligh( Arty dress. J869..(lstBtry):blucjacket,ndcollarandcuffs,redwoTstedshoulderknots.redpants.skybluestripes;blacklcather gaiters; dress cap dinuned with red, bnss plate, rd cords, red and white plu]ne. (Other btrys distinctively dressed.)

Cadets 'o 1865 • Cofps of Cadets. Ist Div (Boston) Fed serv: 30 days. 1862 4/a also 45th Vol hf Regr (Cadet Rcgt) Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 1865 on First Company of Cadets ro/8f4..Whi(ctailcoatwithsearlctfacingsandgoldlacc;whitepantswithscarlctandgoldtrimming.orblackfatigue trouserswithredstripe;chapeauandwhiteplume.darkclothforngecap;single-heastedgrayovercoatwithscarletedging andlining./854-/8j8..grayfrcekcoatwithsearletedgingandlining,scarletepaulets;blackpantswithredstripe;gmy clothdrcss¢ap.orchapeauwithredplume.J8j8-/868..cadetgraytailcoat,scarletepaulets.scarlettrimmingandgold lace;cadetg[nypantswithscarle(stripe.salnecapandchapeau;darkgmyovcrcoatlinedwithscarlet./860..newepautets. scarletwithbuscresccnts;Ml855riflemusket./862..fatigueuniformofdarkbluefrokcoaI,skybluepants.darkblue fatiguecap;skyblueinfovcTcoat./868on,.whitedouble-breastedfrockcoatwithlightbluetrimmings;skybluetrouscrs withwhitecordonscam;blackrigidcapwithblueandwhitepompoii;sameovercoat.(As45whyoJ/#/Rcgl/..USreginf clothing with forage cap; M186l rifle musket. Band.. musician.s coat; dun major: bearskin hat with plume. to 1865 • Company of Cadets. 2nd Div (Salem) 1865 on JO Second Company Of Crdcts Fed seTv: 5 mos, 1862

ro /862.. scarlet, double-breasted tail coat with white epaulets and facings, black collar and cuffs, and gold lace; black pants with white snipes piped with red; black clcth dress cap; breast plate showing seated knight. /8j2.. added dress with white plume. J860.. M1855 rifle musket. /862-/869.. blue , sky blue pants, blue forage cap. /869on..scarletdouble-brea8tedtailcoat,blackcollarandcuffs.whiteskinfacings,blackandwhiteepaulets;darkblue pants, white stripes piped with red; black cloth and paten( leather dress cap with French eagle plate, white cords and P0mpon. Iofarty and Riflcmen

• lst Rcgt Light Imf (Boston afca; Tiger First) 'o 1855 60 lst Rcgt Imf (reduced and fedesig) 1855-1859 1859-1864 2nd Bn lnf also 43rd Vol lnf R¢gt (Tiger Rcg() Fed serv: 9 fnos. 1862-1863 (also Comp 8 (New Guards) formed 4th Bn Imf. a.v.) 7th Regt lnf 1865-1870 1870 on ls' Bn lnf ro/8JJ..qffcers..bluefrcekcoat.skyblueorwhitepants,blue"oldpattrm"foragecap;EM..graytailcoatandpants,blue forage cap. ([his Tcgilnental uniform mrcly won; most comps remained disthchvely dressed,) /8jJ.. blue frcek coat, whitecollarandcuffs;blackpants,white§hipes;M185lcap,blueband,whitepompon.Officersworeplainbluefrcek coat,salneblackpants./8j4..whiteworstedcpauletsdimmcdwithblue./8jj..skyblueoveTcoat./8j9/as2nd/fyB^/.. bluetailcoat,yeuowlaceloops,3fowsofbuttous;blucpantswithycllowsthpcs;blueclothcapwithyeuowlacethm, brass eagle and painted . yellow cords and tassels, yenow pompon. Officers her gold instead of yellow lace. 904

ORDER 0F BATTLE /con/I.need)

(A$ 4Jrd Vo/ /n/ Rcgi//862.. Springfield rifled muskets. (As 7wh Rcgl and /sl Bn/.. blue tail coat trimmed with white. blue and white epaulets; blue pants, white cords, black fel( dress cap, gilt plate. white plume; white belts.

• lst Bn Imf (Western Massachusetts; disb) 1853-1862 ~ 2nd Rcgt lnf (reconstituted) 1868 on al ro /862.. comps distinctively dessed. /868.. chasscur uniform. blue coat trimmed with red, red cpqLeb: full blue paiits himncdwithred;bl&ckfcltdrcsscap.rdhaidandpompon,giltplatewith"2`';blackpatentlcathabeef.withbuckles,

• lst Bn Riflemen Ooorc.s; Northeastan Massachusetts) 1852-1861 80 (nucleus of l9th Vol lof Regt. a.v.) "Darit green uniform dimmed with light gfeen," probably frock coat; dark green forage cap. M 1841 (Windsor) rifle with

saber .

• 5th Rcgt Arty (Boston area; consol with 3rd Bn Ligh( Imf) to 1855 oo 2nd Reg. Inf (redesig) 1855-1861 lst Regt Imf (also called 2nd Regl Imf) 1861-1862 ` also lst Vol lnf Regt Fed serv: 1861-1864 also 42nd Vol Imf Regt Fed serv: 9 nros, 1862-1863 (also Comp A [Boston ] formed 4th Bn RIflemei), a.v.) 42nd Regt Imf (also called 2nd Regt Imf) 1862-1866 Fed Serv: 3 mos, 1864 ls( Regt Imf Qiriefly desig loth Regt lDf, 1866) 1866 on Compsdistinctivelydrcssedbutregimcntalunifomadopted/8j2..bluctailcoat,skybluepants.blackbearskinhat,black waist belt and white cross belts. /8j5.. blue freak coat, white collar and cuffs; black pants, white stripes; M 1851 cap. blue band, white pompon; white worsted epaulets thmmed with blue; gray . /8j7.. gray tail coat and pants thmmcd with black; black dress cap, brass plate with "2" in center, white oblong pompon; white and black epaulets; whi(e belts. Fan.g«cdras..EW..gTayjackelandpants.thmmedwithblack;blueforagecap.Ogivccrs..bluefrcekcoat,blackpants,blue fomg¢ cap. Staff officers wore gray overcoat with frogging. M1855 rifle muske(. (As JS/ yo/ /n/Jicg/): gray fatigue dress. above; black belts; some comps g]ny forage cap thmmed with red, 6 J«/y /86/ .. deck blue pants issued. 29/q/y.. blue issued. /862.. US veg inf clothing. /662-/86j.' Springfield rifle muskets. (As 42ndVo!/n/Rcgi):USreginfclothing./862..M1842musket.(As42ndJicg//nA..chasseuruniform:bluejacketthmmed with white. white shoulder knots; sky blue full pants; black dress cap. white cords and tassels, yellow trimming and pompon,largeeagleplate;russe(leathergaltcrs;lighttilueandredcanteen.(A£/slJicgl/nJ)/869..saneasl857graydess uniform with smaller dress cap. white pompon with blue , gilt plate with comp letter. /870.. black bearskin hat. gold tassel, white plume.

• 2nd Bn Riflcmen (Eastern Massachusetts) to 1862 (?) /00 i /8j6.. blue tail coat and pants, thmmed with green.

• 3rd Regt Light Imf (Southeas(em Massachusetts; redesig) to 1855 //a 3rd Rest Imf (disb and recoustimed in 1866) 1855 on V Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 /8j2..regimcntaldress:bluefrockcoatandpants;"Kossuthhat''withred|]lume(mos(compsdistinctivelydressed.)J86/.. gray overcoat; accouterments; M 1855 rifle musket. /«ne /66/ .. state gray fatigue clothing. /862.. Ausqian rifled muskets col .54 or .55; US leg imf clothing with black fcl( field service hat with figure "3" on front. /869.. gray tail coat and pants thmmed with blue; light blue cloth dress cap, white braid and pompon, gil( plate with figure "3". Cfficers wore blue frock coat and pants; dark blue cloth dress cap, gold braid, white and blue pl`rme, "3" inside gil(

. 905

ORDER OF BATTLE /con/I.naed/ • 8th Regt Light Imf (Central Massachusetts; redesig) 'o 1855 1855-1859 •jo loth Regt Inf (reorgan) A 3rd Bn Riflcmen (Deven's Bn) 1855i.1864 Fed scrv: 3 mos. 1861 also 5lst Vol lnf Regt (Worcester County Rest) Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 Compsdisthctivelydressed./859..gleentailcoatthmmedwithbuffandgold;blackpantswithbuffstripes.M1841rifle. (As 5/S/ Vo/ /n/Rcgf/.. M184l and M1845 rifles.

• 2nd Regt Light lnf (Southeastcm Massachusetts) to 1855 •30 4th Rcgt Imf (disb) 185S-1866 Fed scrv: 3 rues, 1861 Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 ro/66J..Compsdistinctivelydressed,builrostworebluefrockcoat,blackpants.boththmnndwithwhite;bluecloth dresscap;chieflyconvcrsions./8cO..Bed..bluefrockcoatwith3rowsofbuttonsandwhiterimmings;redpants;black dress cap, white (riJnTnings. Apn./ /86/.. gmy ovcfcoa(; M 1855 rifle musket. /«ne /86/.' gray flannel , pants and foragecap./wJy/86/..exchangedriflemusketsforconversious./862..Austrianrifledmusketscal.54or.55;USrcginf clothing.

• 4th Bn lnf (fomed from Guards; Dos(on) 1861-1862 /VC)also 24th Vol inf Regt (New England Guards Reg() o\ Fed scrv: 1861-1866 44th Vol Imf Reg((2nd New England Guards Rest) Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 /86/..bluetailcoatandpantstrirnmcdwithyellow;blucclothdfesscapthmmedwithyellow.yellowpompon,giltcngle (as 2nd Bn lnf). Aprl./ /86/.. issued state overcoat, gfny shir(s, forage cap. M1855 rifle musket. (As 24 VoJ /n/Regt).. Springfield rifled muskets; US reg imf clothing. (As 441* Vo/ /n/Rcgl): dress: blue coat oifnmed with yellow, yellow shoulder knots; sky blue full pants; white forage cap. yellow piping; russet leather gaiters. Enfield rifle. US res imf fatigue clothing.

• 4th Bn Riflemen(formed from Boston phalam; Boston; expanded to form l3th) 1860-1862 lf°also l3th vol Imf Regt \° Fed senr: 186l-1864 /860..graychasseur-modclsackcoattrimmedwithred,redshoulderknots;graypants,fedstripe;grayforagecap,redlace and poTnpon. Officers wore red plume. Red blanket. M184l rifle (Windsor) with saber bayonet. (As /JIA Vo/ fro/Rcgi/ June /86/ .. issued blue fatigue jacket. sky blue pants, US reg forage cap and overcoat; havelcek. Enfield rifle. Fa// /86/.. US reg imf clothing.

• 5th Regt Imf (Middlesex County; fomed from ls( Arty Regt and 4th Ligh( Imf Rcgt) 1855 ofl Fed serv: 3 flros, 1861 Fed scrv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 Fed serv: 3 mos, 1864 ro/86/..compsdistinctivelydresrd.Apn.//86/..issuedstategrayovercoat;latcrgnypants,shinandfongccap;M1855 riflemusket.Mqu/w/y/86/..issuedhavelcok,accoutermentsincludingunpaintedcanvasknapsack(seeanlc);USrcginf clothing. /862-/86j.. Springfield rifled muskets. /869.. chasseur unifom: blue coat trimmed with light blue and white bnid,3rowsofbuttons,whiteandtilueshoulderlmots;lightbluefulJpant§oimmedwithwhitehaid;blackfeltdresscap with gilt plate bearing figure "5", blue and white pompon; whi(e enalnelled leather waist belt.

• 6th Rcgt lnf Ovofthcastem Massechusctts; fined from 5th Ligh( Inf Reg() 1855 on ?a \V Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 Fed serv: 3 mos, 1864 ro/86J..compsdistinctivclydressed.Aprl.//86/..issuedsutcgrayovcTcoat;M1855riflemusket./I./y/86/..stategray f&tiguccfothingwithfclthatandfcz,probablyconvenedPrussianinfmuskets./862-/86j..Einfieldrifle,sabcrbayonet; USreginfclothing./869..bluttailcoa(trinndwithbuff,blucandbuffcpaulets;lightbluepants,plain;hghtbluecloth dfess cap with buff lace. gil( plate bearing figue "6'', blue and white pompon. 906

ORDER OF BATTLE /coutinaed/

• 7th Rcgt lnf (Essex county; formed from clcments of 2nd Regt Arty and 6th Light Imf Regt; 1855-1862 /P t]roken up and in effect consol with 8th Rcgt Imf) Fed serv: 9 mos. 1862-1863. also 50th Vol Imf Regt (Esse] County Rcgt) Comps disthctive]y dressed. M 1842 musket; M1855 rifle musket. (A$ 50iA Vo/ /n/Rcg./.. US res inf clothing. M1842 musket.

• 8th Regt lnf (ESscx County; foTmcd from clcmcnts of 2nd Regt Arty and 6th and 7th Light lnf Regrs) 1855 on |qo Fed serv: 3 mos,186l `* Fed seFrvi9se=; I:::,-: :6: ro/86/..compsdistinctivclydTcssed.Aprl.//86/..issuedstategrayovercoat,someaccoutcTmentsandgmypants;M1855 rifle musket. A/ay /86/ .. US veg fatigue blouse. dark blue pants and forage caps issued on orders of President Lincoin; havelcek.(CompA,SalemZouavcs,wor\czo`iavcdTess:bluejacket,vcstandfullpants,triminedwithred;redforagecap pipedwithblue;redsash;whitegalters.Officersworeredfez.)/g/y/86/..stategrayfatigueclothing./862-/86j..USrcg imf clo(hing; Austrian rifled muskets car .54 or .55. /869.. blue dress coat. 3 rows of buttons, trimmed with buff and nd, blueandwhiteepaulets;bluepants.buffandredstripe;blackdresscapwithbufflace,giltplatewith"8",blucandwhite pompon. black leather wais( belt.

2: # ::# Eghdrmkfetni;rm ac" + L85'i:# To /860.. reginental uniform established as blue frock coat and pants; bearskin hat. blue and white plume; most camps remained distinctively dressed.

• 9th vol lnf Regt (rcconstifution of columbian Arty, disb l855; Boston; Faugh a Ballagh Regt; Fed serv: 186l-1864 210 lsthishRcg(;alsocalled l3thRegtlnf) `v 9th Rest lnf 1866 on Initially issued state gny fatigue clothing with light gray felt hat; gray overcoat, and accoutemcnts. M 1842 musket and conversions.Solnecomp§woredistiDctiveclothing.CaTriedmtiomlcolorandspecialgreencotor.Far//86/..issuedUS rcginfctothing.Musicianscontinuedtoweargrayjackcts,fullpants,andcaps.Lestknapsacksin/«/y/862andthereafter wore blanket rolls. /86J.. Springfield rifled muskets. • /869.. double-breasted chasseur unifom: blue coat dimmed with orange brfud, blue epaulets with gil( crescents and white fringe;lightpants.orangewel(;blackdr€sscapwithgiltplatebearingnunbcr.9"andgreenpl`ime;whitewebbingwaist bell. • llth Reg( Light Imf (North central Massachusetts) `^ 'o 1855 J" I lth Rcgt hi (fnerged into loth Rcgt Imf) 1855-1859 (oo information) • 12th Rcgt Imf (Central Massachuseus; reongan and fedcsig) 1855-1859 •JP lou Rcgi Imf 18594.1862 loth Vol lnf Rcgt Fed serv: 1861-1864 loth Regt lnf (reconstituted) 1866 on /8jj-/86J.. comps disdrctively uniformed. /86/.. issued state gray fatigue clothing with felt hat; full ac¢outefment§; Enfield rifle. A«g /86/.. issued blue fatigue blouse. /862-J863.. Enficld rifle.


• lst Rcgt (3rd Bn roorgan as lndepcndcDt cav Bn) 1861-1865 c=t/a Us rcg cav clothing. /662.. Colt afmy revolver; 10 Sharps cabincs per camp; M 1840 sober; Sfnith choice. /863.. B`rmsidc

b`reio:v¥Bcan¥¥oS=C::`th¥:erej#:.#L`::6¥4:8Lishutc.'.`86"hapschoine;ColtandRemingtoormy 905

ORDER OF BATTIE /com.naed/ • 8th Regt Light hf (Central Massachusetts; redesig) 'o 1855 1855-1859 /?a loth Regt lnf (rcorgan) ^ 3rd Bo Riflemen (Deven's Bn) 1855i.1864 Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861

also 5lst Vol Imf Regt (Worcc§ter County Regt) Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 Compsdistinetivelydrcssed./8j9..greentailcoatthmmedwithbuffandgold;blackpantswithbuffstripes.M1841rifle. (A$ 5/si Vo/ /rf Rcgt).. M184l and M1845 rifles.

• 2nd Regt Light Imf (Southcastem Massachusetts) to 1855 130 4th Regt lnf (disb) 1855-1866 Fed serv: 3 mrs, 1861 Fed serv: 9 Ices, 1862-1863 7o/86/..Compsdistinctivelydressed,butlnostworebluefrockcoat.blackpants,boththmmedwithwhite;bluecloth daesscap;chieflyconveTsious./8cO..Band..bluefrockcoatwith3rowsofbuttousandwhiteoinmings;Tedpants;black dress cap, white trilnmings. Aprl./ /86/.. gray overcoat; M 1855 rifle musket. /gee /86/.. gray flannel blouse, pants and foragecap./u/y/86/..exchangedriflemusketsforconversions./862..Aushianrifledmuskctscal.54or.55;USreginf clothing.

• 4th Bn lnf (fomed from New England Guards; Boston) 1861-1862 //Oalso 24th Vol Imf Regt (New England Guards Regt) 0\ Fed scrv: 1861-1866 44th Vol Imf Regt(2nd New England Guards Rest) Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 /86/..bluetailcoa(andpantstrimndwithyellow;blueclothdresscaptrimmedwithyellow.yellowpompon,gilteagle (as 2nd Bn lnf). Aprl./ /86/.. issued state overcoat, gray , forage cap. M1855 rifle musket. (As 24 yo/ /n/Rcgf/.. Springfield rifled muskets; US reg inf clothing. (As «iA Vo/ /n/Rcgl): chasseur dress: blue coat trinnd with yellow, yellow shoulder knots; sky blue full pants; white forage cap, yellow piping; russet leather gaiters. Enficld rifle. US reg inf fatigue clothing.

• 4th Bn Riflemen(formed from Boston phalanx; Boston; expanded to form l3th) 1860-1862 lf°also l3th vol lnf Regt `° Fed serv: 186l-1864 /860..graychasseur-modelsackcoattrimmedwithred,redshoulderknots;graypants.redstripe;grayforagecap.redlacc and pompon. Officers wore red plume. Red blanket, M184l rifle (Windsor) with saber bayonet. (As /J/A Vo/ /n/Rcg./ /gee /86J .. issued blue fatigue jacket, sky blue pants. US leg forage cap and overcoat; havclcek. Enfield rifle. Fa// /86/.. US leg imf clothing.

• 5th Regt Imf (Middlesex County; formed from lst Arty Rest and 4th Light lnf Rest) 1855 on Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 Fed selv: 3 mos, 1864 ro/86/..compsdistinctivclydressed.Apn.//86/..issuedsfategrayoverooat;latergraypants,shirtandforagccap;M1855 rifl€musket.Mqyi/w/y/86/..issuedhavelcek,accoutcrmentsincludingunpaimedcanvasknapsack(seeanfe);USreginf clothing. /862-/86J.. Springfield rifled muskets. /869.. chasseur unifom: blue coat thmmed with light blue and white brid,3rowsofbuttons,whiteandblueshoulderknots;lightbluefullpantsthmmedwithwhitebraid;blackfel(drcsscap with gill plate bearing figue .`5'', blue and white pompon; white enamelled leather waist belt.

• 6th Reg( Imf avorthcastem Massachusetts; formed from 5th Light Imf Reg() 1855 on '10 \V Fed serv: 3 ms. 1861 Fed serv: 9 mos, 1862-1863 Fed serv: 3 mos. 1864 ro J86/.. comps distinctively dressed. Aprl'/ /86/.. issued state gray ovctcoat; M1855 rifle musket. /q/y /86/.. state gray fatigueclbthingwithfelthatandfcz,probablyconvertedPrussianinfmuclets./862-/863..Enficldrifle,sabcrbayonct; USrcginfclothing./869..bluttallcoat(ri[nedwithbuff.blueandbuffepaulets;lighiblucpants,plain;lightblueclcth dress cap with buff lace. gilt plate bearing figure "6". blue and white pompon. 907

ORDER OF BATTLE /confl.naed/

• 2nd Regt (5 comps organ in california called california Bn) 6fy 1862-1865 2`fo Comp A initially wore g[een coat and pants edged with gold lace; glean velvet cap with distinctive insignia; carried guidon with bear device throughout service. Other comps wore US reg cav clothing, /863.. Shalps carbine; Colt army revolver; M1840 and M 1860 sabers. /864.. rifle and Shalps carbine; Colt and Remington army revolvers; M1860 saber. • 3rd Regt (fomerly 4lst hf Regt) qq 1863-1865 rJ'Jgo Us reg cav clothing. J86j.. Bumside and sharps cafoines; Colt any revolver; M1840 and M1860 sabers. /864.. M1863

..+4th i:;%§ie£S:e£ :hdeenperengef,`Scma°vu:`:di:8o6i.:rreeTe°:::etsd). 1 864_ 1 865

;?ith:#j:i:::::V£;oth±c8=:: 3Srdpe:::rL:tfl:'avshR=grs, Cm=gmeed' ::;'4::a:VR°c]:e)r' =,)ae seder ::#::% 2`?a /86j.. Shafps carbine; Colt any revolver; M1840 and M1860 sabers. Mounted RIfle.Rangers, Gulf squa-dron (menged into 3rd cav Rest) 1861-1863 .?cOlnitiallyissuedmediunblueroundfeltcapwithneckflap,leathervisorand"rmR"inbrassletters;darkblueovercoat. Later US leg cav clothing with "MRE" in brass letters on forage cap. •\ 6th Rcgt: see 3lst Imf Regt .3/C5 • lst Bn, Frontier Cav: see 26th Cav Regt €'.ar, VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY

(All commands wore US reg heavy arty clothing.) • lst Regr queavy; formed as 14th Imf Regt; Essex County Regt) 1862-1865 330 /662_/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 2nd Regt aleavy; Fort Warren Bn) 1863-1865 3'° /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets; Enfield rifle. 1864-1865 `;5To3rd,R8e£..(#e,:?3)riflemu§ket. • 4th Rcgt (Heavy) 1864-1865 &0 /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • lst Bn (Heavy) 1862-1865 ¥i*a /86j-J864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • (LI.gA/ Arty.. designated lst through 16th Independent Btrys. For lst and I lth Btrys see Boston Light Arty, 1861-1865 56C' VOLUNTEER MILITIA. Other btrys wore us peg light arty clothing with some exceptions. 4th Btry initially issued round felt cap with neck flap. medium blue color, black leather ; brass "4" on front over .`Mass BATTERY" stencilled in black.2ndBtryinitiallyworeforashorttimedarkbluezouavedresstrimmedwitbred,bluecaptrirnnedwithred,russet tcather gaiters, gray .)


qunless otherwise noted, all commands wore US res inf clothing.) • lst Rest: see 2nd Rcgt Imf, VOLUNTEER MILITIA (for lst Bns see end of this list)

® 2ndRe8t 1861-1865 #° Initially issued us reg imf clothing, including dress coat and hal; full accoutelments. /86/-/864.. Enficld rifle musket. • 3rd Rcgt: see 3rd Regt lnf, VOLUNTEER NILmA • 4th Rest: see 4th Regt Inf, VOLUNTEER hELITIA • 5th Regt: see 5th Regt lnf, VOLUNTEER MILITIA • 6th Regt: see 6th Regt lnf, VOLUNTEER hELITIA • 7th Regt (Bristol County Rcgt) 1861-1864 4Joo lniiny issued state gray fatigue clothing with gray felt hat; full accouterments; Enfield rifle musket. Fa/I /86J.. issued us leg fatigue blouse, later US reg imf clothing. /862.. Enfield rifle with saber bayonet. /863.. Enfield rifle musket. 908

ORDER OF BATTLE /confl.„wed/

• 8th Regt: see 8th Regt Imf, VOLUNTEER MILITIA • 9th Regt: see 9th Vol Imf Regt, la(er VOLUNTEER MILITIA • loth Regt: see 12th, later loth, Regt lnf, VOLUNTEER NILITIA • llth Regt (Boston vols) 1861-1865 4`° Initially issued state gray fatigue clothing, thmmed with red; full accoutements; M1842 musket. Fa// /86/.. Us reg imf

clothing. /862-/863.. M1842 musket. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 12 Rest (Webs(er Regt) 1861-1864 4'ZC' Initially issued us res infclothing, including dress coat and hat; Enfield rifle musket. /862-/863.. Enfield rifle musket. • 13th Regt: see 4th Bn Riflemen, VOLUNTEER MILmA • 14th Regt (converted into lsl Heavy Arty Regt, a.v.) 1861-1864 4J° hitially issued blue fatiguejacket, "light bro`Arn pants," blue forage cap, sky blue overcoat. M1842 musket, /862.. Us reg imf clothing; Springfield rifled muskets. • 15th Regt (Worcester county Regt) 186J-1864 4/to Initially issued blue fatigue jacket, gray pants, brown felt hat; full accoutements. /862.. Us leg inf clothng. /862-/86j.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 16th Regt (Middlesex county Regt) 1861-1864 4`? Initially issued US any fatigue clothing; full accoutemen(s; Enfield rifle. /862-/863.. Enfield rifle.

® 17thRegt 1861-1865 hitially issued blue fatigue jacket, gray pants, blue forage cap; M 1842 musket. /862.. US reg imf clothing; Austrian rifled muske( cal .577 with blcek and leaf sights. /663-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 18th Regt 1861-1864 47® Initially issued blue fatiguejacket, gray pants, blue forage cap; M1842 muske(; issued French chasseur uniform, winter 1861-1862. /862.. US reg imf clothing; /862-/863.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 19th Regt (folmed from nucleus of poore's lst Bn Riflemen) 1861-1865 4/cO Initially issued state blue fatigue; 3 original comps wore "dark green uniforms trimmed wi(h ligh( green"; Camp K vior~c_ zounvFife5s? blucTjacket, light blue full pants, blue , russet leather gai(ers. Enfield rifle. /862.. US regirf clothing. J862--/86¢..` Enfield rifle. ® 20thRegt 1861-]865 ¢sO /862-/864.. Enfield rifle.

(AIL regts hereafter, unless otherwise noted, were issued US reg imf clothing.) • 2lsl Regt (merged into 36th lnf Rest) 1861-1864 5® J862.. some M184l and M1845 rifles. /862-J86j.. Enfield rifle; Springfield rifled muskets.

• 22nd Regt (Senator wilson.s Regt) 1861-1864 5'0 /862-/863.. Springfield rifled muskets,

• 23rdRegt 1861-1865 S20 /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 24th Rcgt: see 4th Bn Imf, VOLUNTEER MILITIA

• 25th Regt (Worcesler County Regt) 1861-1865 S3o |862-i864.. Enf]ield riae. ® 26thRcg' 186]-1865 5fo /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 27thRcgt 1861-1865 523D Dnim cofps-wo-ie semi-inuavc uniform ofblu-e trimlnd with red; drum major wore blue frcek coat and pants, bearskin ha(, and tall plume. -/862-/864.. Enfie]d rifle. • 28th Regt (Faugh a Ballagh Regt; 2nd Irish Regt) 1861-1865 960 /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 29th Regt (organ as lst Bn Vols from comps originally assigned to 3rd and 4th Imf Regts) 1861-1865 €?a /862-J86¢.. Springfield rifled muskets; Enfie]d rifle.

• 30th Regt (Eastern Bay State Regt) 1861-1866 f8a /662-/863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. 909

ORDER OF BATTLE /con/I.nued)

• 3lst Regt (Westcm Bay State Regt; also called 6th Cav Res(; Mounted lnf) 1861-1865 Cfpo Mounted in 1863; issued M1863 rifle musket. • 32nd Regt (fdrTned from ls( Imf Bn) 1862-1865 6CP /862-/863.. Enfield rifle. J864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 33rdRegt 1862-1865 0'° /862-/863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle muskel. • 34th Regt (Worcester county Rest) 1862-1865 •ZO /862_/864.. SpringfLeld rifled muskets. 35thReg' 1862-1865 t:9° J862-/86j.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 36th Regt (Worcester County Rest) 1862-1865 e.VCP /862-/863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle muske(. • 37thRegt 1862-1865 ego /862-/863.. Springfield rifled muskets. /864.. armed largely with Spenccr rifles. • 38thRe8' 1862-1865 t*7® J862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 39th Regt (Davis. Regulars) 1862-1865 G?@ /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 40th Regt (Mounted lnf) 1862-1865 t>S'P /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 4lst Rcgt (converted in(o 3rd Cav Regt) 1862-1863 G9d /862.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 42nd Regt: see 2nd Rest Imf. VOLUNThER hELITIA • 43rd Regt: see lst Regt, later 2nd Bn, Imf. VOLUNTEER hrfurlTA • 44th Regt: see 4th Bn Imf , VOLUNTEER MILITIA • 45th Rest: see Corps of Cadets. Ist Div, VOLUNTEER MILrllA ® 46thRe8t 9 iros. 1862-1863 -7cap /862.. Springfield rifled muskets.

• 47th Rest (Merchants. Guard Rest) 9 mos. 1862-1863 1Jo /862.. Austhan rifled muskets cal .54 or .55 ® 48thRegt 9 mos, 1862-1863 ?20 /862.. Enfield rifle. • _ 49(h Regt (B¢ricshire County Rcgt) 9 mos, 1862~1863 730 /862.. Enfield rifle. • 50th Rest: see 7th Regt Imf, VOLUNTEER hdrmA • 5lst Reg(: scc 3rd Bn Riflemen. VOLUNTEER MILI'ITA • 52ndRegt 9 rrros, 1862-1863 7/0 /862.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 53rdRegt 9 mos, 1862-1863 750 us res inf clothing. • 54th Regt (colored; Shaw's BIack Res() 1863-1865 P`° US leg imf clo(hing with specially laced jackets for musicians. Enfield rifle musket. • 55th Rcgr (coiond) 1863-1865 •/`?0 US reg inf clothing. Enfield rifle musket. • 56th Regt (ls. Regt Veteran Imf) 1863-1865 7£``3 /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 57th Regt (2nd Regt Veteran Imf) 1864-1865 -,7¢,'`| /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 58th Rcgt (3rd Regt Veteran lnf) 1864-1865 goo /864.. M1863 rifle musket. 910

ORDER OF BAITIE /codri.need/

• 59th Rcgt (4th Rcgt vctcmn lnf) 18611865 8/Cl /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 60th Rest see loo days.1864 • 6lst Rcgt 1864-1865 830 /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 62nd Regt: faded to complete organ €to • lst Bn vols: see 29th lnfRegt • lst lnf Bn (formed to garrison Fort warm, Boston Harbor; expanded to fom 32nd Imf Rcgt) €S6 1861-1862 • lst camp sharpshooters (Andrew shafpghcotcrs) 1861-1863/863..Shapsrifle;7.`telescopicrifles."8cO

• 2nd comp sharpshooters 1861-1864J863..shapsribs.gfo(/ndcpcndenlI.rfcoaps..Soine27umssigtiednulnbcredcoupswcrcorganized1864-1865;18weresubsequentlyassignedto

rcgts, while others remained `inassigncd at their muster ou(; a number wcfe existing militia comps.)I-.-.-+-+-+-+-.-+-+-t(-+- +


Adjutant General, Massachusetts, Ami.a/ Jicpom, 1851-1872, Boston, Mass. Published as separates through- out the period and often containing reports of subordinate officers including the Quartemaster-General. -,-J.ecord Of the Massachusens VoL..nteers,1861-1865, 2 vote., Borstoo Mass..1868-1&]0. Chales Wins\ow Hall. edi:tot-inShie£, Regiments and Armories Of Massachusetts.. An Historical Narration Of lhe 4/assacAusem Vo/unlcer M../fro.a ..., 2 vols., Boston, Mass, ,1899. An invaluable study of the peacctime force. CLeorge W . Nason, History and Complete Roster Of the Massachusetts Regimerus.. Minute Merl Of '61 ..., Boston, Mass., 1910. Fiederick M. Cutler, 7lhe a" Fi.Ifr ..., Boston, Mass.,1917. JaTnes L. Bowen, MassacAusc#§ in ihe War, /86/-/86j, Springfield, Mass. ,1889. Wiuiam Schouler, A J7i.Slory a/AfcosacAusc#S I.n lhe CI.vl./ War, 2 vols., Boston, Mass.,1868-1871. Slate Of Massachaseas, Militia ha\\r Of Massachusetts,1864, Boston, Mass.,1864. Adams, Sampson & Co., 7lfe «assocAuse"s Regi.S/cr, /862 ..., Boston, Mass., [1863). Thorns W. "gdnson, Massachusetts in the Arngr and Navy During the War Of 186lnd5, 2 vols., Baston, Mass., 1895-1896. AIfu\aut Cienenl, U .S . , Official Amty Register Of the ..., Was:hinglon, D.C . , 186S , pan 1.

We are indebted to the Adjutant General of Massachusetts and to nenbers of his staff for the very considerable assistancegivenus;MajorEdmundB.Jobe,MilitaryArchivistwasespeciallyhelpful.Ourthanksalsogotothelate Banet( Williams, former Secretary, The Bostonian Society; Mrs. Case Pevear; the staff of the Boston Atheneum; the staff of the Massachusetts Historical Seeiety; Miss Huldah M. Smith, former Director of the Essex Institute. Sa]em; the officers of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company; and many others. Tom Miekina

From: Kevin J Air [[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 09. 2003 10:07 AM 2,81-i mass •- To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: 28 Ma. Uniform Stuff

''1 paint civil war miniatures and am currently working on the 28th Mass at Fredericksburg. The kit I'm using was made in Italy and it shows an infantryman in a blue overcoat with light blue piping. I know the 28th Mass wore the during the Fredericksburg campaign, but I'm not sure about the piping, I try to make the figures as accurate as possible, recognizing that sometimes that's just not possible. Do you know if the overcoats had blue piping? If you don't know, do you have any suggestions as to where I might find out. Thanks for any help you can give me.


Mark Herzog forwarded your email to me. It may be that the box artist was thinking of the Federal enlisted infantry "dress" coat. This was a frock coat, i.e., tight fitting with nine buttons down the front, a standing collar and ''" that went from the waist to just above the knee. This coat was dark blue, and had branch-of-service piping along the collar and pointed cuffs. For the infantry, this would have been light blue piping. While some regiments wore this coat in battle, most Federal infantrymen wore the simpler four-button "sack" coat. This looks much like a modern men's , and was the "fatigue jacket" of it's day.

In cold weather, the Federal infantry wore an overcoat. The issue enlisted infantry overcoat did not have piping. It was made of wool, dyed light blue (they used the term "sky blue") . Dye lots varied somewhat, so the coats would not be an exact match of shade, but would ~` all be the same cut. The coats were single breasted (mounted men and officers wore a double breasted version), with a that came down almost to the elbow (cuff length on the mounted version) . The could be buttoned, but were awkward to fight in that way. More often, the cape was left unbuttoned except for the very bottom button. The bottom corners of the cape, held by the button, were then passed over the head. This pulled the edges of the cape back out of the way. There was cuff that could be pulled down to warm the hands, and the collar stood straight the coat was closed (stand and fall full collar on the mounted version), but most likely left it unhooked partially open. The buttons were all brass, the large size for but the cape, which had small buttons. I hope this is of some help to you. Here is a web site that lists the uniform regulations : http: //members. tripod. com/howardlanham/newindex. html Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information on this kind of thing. I've worked in miniatures before, and I hope to get back to it some day. Good Luck! Kevin Air 28th Mass. Co. 8 Kair@ loc . gov Michiga_= 919

-.3 a.5.f±` nn,`c~_I:..€..kn

ORDER 0F BATTLE: STATE TROOPS • lst Battalion, Frontier Guards (; broken up) ., ~'' (o l86l cro /o (Included netroit City Guard, Scott Guard, Detroit Jackson Guards, gs,tJZo.I.ve'en€is) Comps distinctively dressed; o\ M1842 musket, later M1855 rifle muskel.

• Detroit Light Guard [comp) to 1859 1859-1860 ?c> detroit Light Guard Bn 1860 on ogivtroi( Light Guard [comp) Fed serv (in lst Imf Regt):3 mos,1861 Dark blue double-brcasted tail coat trimmed with gold, white epaulets and skin lining; sky blue pants with whi(e stripes; bearskin hat with gold tassels. Farl.gas dress.. gray , blue pants, blue forage cap. O#ccr's/afl.gas.. probably blue frcek coat, blue cap; officer's overcoat medium blue. /As a bn).. M1855 rifle musket.

(Oner commands existed nomally as independent comps; higher commands authorized failed to complete organization.)

• ls( Imf Regt (reorgan) 1861 1861-1865 3c> lst Vol Inf Regt ''ot J862-/864..I.n^i9.ally^is.Su:d Springfield :rat: :a.tis:e.q=:::__¥1855rifled muskets. rifle musket. full accouterments; havelcek. /86j.. US res imf clothing. • 2nd vol lnf Regt 1861-1865 `°o`:hal;'ei|yk{SS,u8e6d3.St`::a:'8,::cToe;Sj'ngM',885652=,fl8e„?USS:::£:dri:yedm:Su`s:::.PS.S0mec0mpscanedM1842musket.

• 3rdvollnf Regt 1861-1866 5°o4 :£`!.¥;y;:S.u5e5: state fatigue dress; chiefly M I 842 musket, full accouterments; havelock. /862.. Austrian rifled muskets. J863-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets.

dr (Independent comps only from 1866 to 1874.)


60 (All cav commands were issued US reg cav clothing.) • ls,Rest 1861-1866 /862-/86J..SharpsandBunsidecarbines;Coltamyandnavyrevolvers;M1840andM1860sabers./864..Spencerand ShaJps carbines; Colt and Remington army revolvers; M 1860 saber. 2ndRe8t 1861-1865 /862-/86j.. Colt revolving rifle; Allen & Wheelcok and Coll any revolvers; no saber. /864.. Spencer rifle and carbine; Colt army revolver; M1840 saber. • 3rdRegt 1861-1866 J862-/863.. Colt revolving rifle, Sharps and Burnside carbines; Colt amy and navy, and Pettengill revolvers; M1840. later M1860, sabers. /864.. Starr cartiine; Colt any revolver; M1840 and M1860 sabers. 4thRe8t 1862-1865 /862-/86j.. Col. revolving rifle; Colt any and navy revolver; M1840 saber. • 5th Regt (lst Regt Mounted Rifles) 1862-1865 /862.. Colt ar[ny revolver; M1840 saber. /86j.. Spencer rifle; Colt army revolver. /664.. M1840 and M1860 sabers. ® 6thRe8t 1862-1865 /862...`lightFrenchrifle,cat.577";Coltamyrevolver;M1840saber./863..Spencerrifle,BLimsidecarbine;Col(any revolver; M1840 and M1860 sabers. /864.. Spencer carbine. 0 7thRegt 1862-1865 /863.. Spencer rifle, Bumside carbine; Colt and Reming(on army and navy revolvers; M 1840 and M1860 sabers. /864; same, but Spencer carbine instead of rifle. 920

ORDER OF BATTLE /confinwed/

® 8thReg' 1863-1865 /863.. Spencer rifle; Colt army revolver; no saber. ® 9thRe8' 1863-1865 /863.' Spencer rifle; Col( army revolver; M1840 saber. /864.. Bumside and Spencer carbines. • 10thReg' 1863-1865 /86j.. Colt ariny revolver; Ml 840 and Ml 860 sabers. /864.. Spencer rifle; Bumside, Gallaglier, Smith and Starr carbines; Colt army revolver; M1840 saber. • llth Regt 1863-1865 /&64.. Enfield rifle; Spencer and Starr carbines; Colt and Remington any revolvers; M1840 and M1860 sabers. • lst Regt US (Rankin's lancers; disb) 1861-1862 No record of arms issued, if any. • Chandler Horse Guard Squadron (Hughe's) 1861 • Merrill's HOTse: see 2nd Vol Cav Regt


• lst Regt Heavy A]ty: see 6th Imf Rest • lst Regt Light Arty 1861-1865 -7° (comprised 13 light btrys) US reg light arty dress. ams and accou(eTTnents.

• lst Regt Engifieers and Mechanics (Irmes') 1861-1865 80 State fatigue `iniform; M 1842 rifled musket. /86j-/864.. Enfield rifle. Men usually wore black felt bearing a castle in front. /86j.. US reg Engineer Corps dress. • Edwin P. Howland's Independent Comp First GTade Mounted Engineers (Battle Creek Engineers) 1861-1862 ¢0 VOLut`ITEER INFANTRY

• lst-3rd Regts: see STATE TROOPS • lst Regt shalpshooters (De Lmd's) 1863-1865 /CD Us reg inf clothing; Springfield rifled muskets.

• lst Rest colored Imf 1864 I 864-1865 ###sRrecgor£::f;I:£:..TAusthanrifledmuske"a"Matermu863riflemusket.

® 4thRe8t 1861-1866 io Initially issued state fatigue dress; some comps wore blue canadian cap with blue tassel, full pants, russet leather gaiters; M1842 musket. /86/.. some Enfield rifles issued. /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muske(s; US leg imf clothing. •^ 5th Regt 1861-1865 'ce State fatigue dress. /862-/863.. Austhan rifle muskets, cat .54 or .55. /864.. some Sharps rifles issued for skimishers. • 6th Regt (converted) 1861-1863

}o 6th Regt Heavy Arty (also called lst Regt Heavy Arty) 1863-1865 Blue sack coa( with standing collar, shoulder straps and 5 buttons, light blue , forage cap as initial unifom. /862.. Springfield rifled muskets; Enfield rifle. Austrian rifled muskets, cat .58, with blcok and leaf sights. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets; Enfield rifle. • 7th Regt 1861-1865 `4P State fatigue dress; issued "worthless Belgian muskets." /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. /862.. US reg imf clothing. • 8th Rcgt (Wandering Rcgt) 1861-1865 `6P State fatigue clothing. J862.. Enrield rifle, /863-/864.. Springrield rifled muskets.

® 9thReg' 1861-1865 ILO State fatigue clothing. /862-/66j.. Austrian rifled muskets cat.54 or.55. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. 921

ORDER OF BATTLE /confi.#wcd/ `

(Regimentshereafterwereissuedinitiallystatefatigueclothingwithskybluepantsafterearly1862.IssuesofUSregclothing began in 1862 and were increasingly more usual from 1863 on.)

• 10thRegt 1862-1865 J 7D /862.. rifled conversions. /863-j864.. Enfield rifle, Springfield rifled muskets. • llthReg' 1861-1865 180 /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 12thRe8t 1862-1866 /fc> J862.. Austrian rifled muskets, cat .54 or .55; /86j-/864.. Enfield rifle, some M1863 rifle muskets. • 13th Regt ( Rifles) 1862-1865 2C# /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 14thRegt 1862-1865 1/a /862.. Austrian rifled muskets cal.54 or.55. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. Rest mounted sept l863-May l864 and issued Spencer rifle. 1862-1865 :ZO'5th%R6e2:.[Austrianrifledmuskets,cat.54or.55./863-/864..Springfieldrifledmuskets. • 16th Regt (Stockton's Independent Regt; lst Regt Vols;absorbed IlalL's Shalpshcoters) 1861-1865 29° /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. Some comps issued US musket M1863 (Lindsay) in 1864. • 17th Regt (Stonewall Reg() 1862-1865 ZAfo /862.. Aus.rian rifled musket, cal.58. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 1862-1865 Z]8th„R6e28_`„64;springfieidrifledmuskets. • 19thRe8' 1862-1865



¢g® /862.. Austrian rifled muskets, cal.54 or.55. /863.. Austrian rifled musket, cat.58; Colt revolving rifle. /864.. Enfield rifle. • 22ndRegt 1862-1865 ¢4° /862.. Austrian rifled muskets, cal .54 or .55. /863-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 23rdRegt 1862-1865 gag /862.. rifled conversions. /86j-/864.. Springrield rifled muskets; Enrield rifle. • 24th Regt (of the Iron Brigade) 1862-1865 €JO /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 25thReg' 1862-1865 €ZO /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 26th Rest 1862-1865 ass /862_/864,' Enfield rifle. • 27th Regt (Irish Regt) 1863-1865 3t® /863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. ® 28thRe8t 1864-1865 €jo /664.. M1863 rifle musket. • 29th Regt (also called 3lst Imf Regt) 1864-1865 gigo /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 30thRegt 37lz7 1865 • Hall's Independent Bn Shalpshcoters: see 16th Imf Regt 7\so • Stanton Guard (Mackinac Guard) 9 9t' 5 mos. 1862 • Provost Guard [comp] I+oo 1862-1865 • Jackson Garrison Guard (Wormer Guards) (2 comps] L|/a ?-1864 922


Adjutant General, Michigan, Annpe/ Jicpom, 1851-1870, 1872, lansing, Mich. Included in legislative dceuments until 1861 ; contain reports of the Quartemaster General. Ardiutaut General, U .S . , O!fficial Arny Register Of the Volunteer Force ..., Was:hang.on, D.C . , 186S , part V . 7%e Unl.on Amy, Madison, Wis., 1908, in, 369433. Jno. Robertson. compiler, 7lhec I/ags a/Mi.chl.gan, Lansing, Mich. ,1877. compiler, A/I.chl.gen in whe War, rev. ed., Lansing, Mich.,1882. Cthalhes\Anman,TheRedBookofMichigan,.Acivil.MilitaryandBiographicaLHistory,Dench,Mick.,18]l. MS military records in Michigan History Division, Lansing, especially "Roster of Militia, 1858-1860," "General and Special Chders, AGO," "Minutes and Conespondence of State Mili(ary Board, 1859-1870."

We are greatly indebted to the late Dr. Lewis Beeson who was Executive Secretary of the Michigan Historical Commission and Mrs. Geneva Wiskemann, former Archivist of the same institution; Solar Weeks, Director of the Dletroit Historical Dept; Office of the Adjutant General of Michigan; and Mrs. Bamard, Floyd L. Haight, Gringhuis, Charles E. Brownell, and many others for assistance given. Minnesota --,, I I 927

had to be amed at the start. Eventually both concentrated on caliber .69 rifle muskets as they were made available by the general government. In June 1861 a call went out for the return of all state arms and accouterments not in the hands of active, uniformed militia companies, and about the same time a shipment of 1,OcO converted muskets was furnished by the War Department. The reserve thus created was used by Minnesota to arm her militia companies and the emergency companies raised for Indian fighting. Such issues are detailed in the several Reports of the Adjutant General. All small ams received by Minnesota troops, after the 4th Infantry Regiment, were furnished by the War Department.

Colors and Flags

TheCivilWarcolorsandflagsofMinnesotaregimentsarestored,furledandbehindglass, in the rotunda of the Capitol at St. Paul. Very few descriptions or photographs of them have beendiscovered.AlthoughthestateAdjutantGeneraldeclaredin1880thatnostateflagswere carriedbyMinnesotatroopsinthewar,andthatnoofricialstateflaghadevenbeenadoptedby that time, the state ams do seem to have seen some use. The regimental color of the lst lnfantryRegiment,forexample,hasbeendescribedas"bearingononesidethecoatofamsof our beloved state," and the national ams on the other.

ici USA ri,.cx©

OREER OF BATTLE: VOLUNTEER MILITIA cP1° (Until 1861 consis(ed solely of independent comps, oldes( being Pioneer Guards of St. Paul, organized 1856) • l§tvol lnfRe8t Fed serv: 1861-1865 }°1st Regt, Eurolled Militia (reconstituted) Initiallyclothedbystateinblackhatandpants,lumberjackshirtofredcheck,blue,etc.Twocompsworegrayuniform °` trimmed with black. with black hat. Given havelock. Band in distinctive unifom. First issued mixture of M184l rifles,

M1842 muskets, M1855 rifle muskets, and conversions. Jwnc /86J: cat .69 M1842 rifle musket. Fa// /86/: US res inf clothing. /862-/864: Springfield rifled muskets.

• 2nd vol Imf Regt (not reconstituted until l880) Fed serv: 186l-1865 9® Initially clothed by state in blue frock coat and pants. black felt dress hat, red flannel shirt, Us res overcoat. Milnire of cat.58'and.69rifl-emusketsandconversions.Fa///86J:USreginfclothing;M1842riflemusket./862-/864:Springfield rifled muskets and Enfield rifles; 20 Colt revolving rifles in 1863.


(Issued US reg cav clothing unless otherwise noted.) • 1st Regt (Mounted Rangers) 1862-1863 40 /862: "Garibaldi rifle cat.7l," Sharps carbine; Whitney navy revolver; M1840 and M1860 sabers. • 2ndRegt 1863-1866 sO /863: ; Colt army revolver; M1840 and M1860 sabers. /864: Smith and Bumside carbines: Colt army and Whitney navy revolvers. 928

ORDER OF BAH,E /conil.~wed/

• Brackett.s independent Bn (organ 1861 as lst. 2nd and 3rd Comps. Minnesota Lighi Car; 1864-1866

6o reorgan as comps G, I and K. 5th Iowa cav Rest (Cu[tis Horse]; reorgan) /86/ : issued "gray flannel or wool overshirts," /an /862: M 1843 Hall carbine ("almost useless"); M1840 saber. /86j: Shaps carbine, Colt any revolver; M1860 saber. /864: mounted on "Canadian ponies"; Burnside and Shalps carbines; Colt Any and mvy revolvers; M1860 saber. • Hatch's lndependem Bn (Adans' Bn) 1863-1866 7o /863: Springfield rifled muskets, cat .58; Shaps carbine; Whitney army revolver; M1860 saber.


• lst Reg( Heavy Arty 1864-1865 t° Us reg heavy arty clothing, M1863 rifle musket. qo (Thee independent btrys light arty: lst [German), 2nd and 3rd. US rcg light arty clothing.)


• lst and 2nd Regts: see VOLUNTEER rmrrlA • 3rd Regt 1861-1865 /ac> hitially issued us r€g imf uniform with dark blue pants; "Belgian muskets.'' CaTricd white wool and Mackinaw blankets. /862: Enfield rifle musket; sky blue pants. /864: M1863 rifle musket. Some coxps fcmporarl./y moqnfed /864: Shalps carbine; Joslyn revolver. /® (All rests hereaficr issued US ref inf clothing.) • 4th Regt 1861-1865 /86/: M 184l with saber bayonet; conversions. J862-/863: M 184l rifle with saber bayonet. /864: M1860 rifle musket. • 5th Regt 1862-1865 /862: M184l rifle. /863-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. ® 6thRegt 1862-1865 /&62-J864: Springricld rifled muskets. • 7thRegt 1862-1865 /862-/664: Springfield rifled muskets. ® 8thRe8t 1862-1865 /862: M1842 musket, Austrian rifled musket, cat .577. /86j-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. rcmporarl./y «n/ed /86¢: Prussian muskets, cat .69-.72; Smith carbine; Colt any revolver. ® 9thRe8t 1862-1865 /862: Austrian rifled musket, cal .577; M1842 rifled musket. /863-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. ® 10thRe8t 1862-1865 /862.. M184l rifle with saber bayonet; M1842 rifled musket. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • llthRcgt 1864-1865 /864: `M1863 rifle musket.


Adjutant General, Minnesota, Anmro/ I?apom, 1861-1865. AdjutantGeneral,U.S.,Oj#ci.a/ArmyRcgi.a/era//fecVo/wHfecrForce...,Washington,D.C.,1867,partVII. "Military Affairs in Mirme§ota," in 7lAe I/ni.on Army, Madison, Wis.,1908, IV, 87-114. Minesofa, Board Of Corr\missioners, Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, 1861-1865 , 2nd ed. , 2 vols. , St. Paul, Mire.,1891-1893.

We are greatly indebted to Leland P. Smith, Blcomington, Mirm. , for help given on this chapter. `` -mTssis5fip-p-I- 937

On 10 January 1861 troops seized the Baton Rouge Arsenal. On leaning of this Governor Pettus appealed to Governor Moore of Louisiana for help and in a short time received from this source 5 ,000 muskets, 3 ,000 percussion muskets, I,000 Hall rifles, six 24-pounder with carriages, and a considerable amount of ammuni- tion.Inlittlemorethanamonth'stime,then,thestate'spositionastosmallamshadimproved some7cOpercent.Later,whenthewarhadbegunandregimentswerebeingformed,Governor Pettus did not have to appeal to the Confederate War Department for small arms. In fact, in May when Secretary of War L.P. Walker asked if the state could furnish "two regiments for twelve months, armed with heavy double-barrled ," the Governor was able to reply: "1thinkwecansendyoutworegimentswithdouble-baneledguns,andknow1couldsendyou five regiments armed with muskets and rifles in ten days." By 1862 Mississippi had become an important center for the alteration and repair of small ams, handling most of such work for the Army of . The state legislature had assisted Jones, MCElwaine & Co. , of Holly Springs to establish an arms factory in mid-1861 ; less than a year later the plant was taken over by the Confederate Ordnance Department, becoming the Holly Springs Armory. Confederate ordnance depots were located at Okolona, Tupelo, Verona, and Columbus, all in the northeastern comer of the state near the line of Mobile & Ohio Railroad. A Mississippi State Armory, with its arsenal, and laboratory, was established at Panolaearlyinthewar,probablyreplacingthearsenalatJackson.Itwasforcedbythefortunes of war to move from there to Brandon and thence to Meridian; like the armory at Holly Springs andtheBriarfieldAmoryandArsenalinColumbus,itwaschieflyconcemedwithstorageand issue, and arms repair. Some idea of the extent of its operations can be gained from these extracts from its "Reports of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores Received; Issued and Remaining on Hand," 14 October 1862-1 November 1863:

Items Issued

Harper's FelTy Rifles Mississippi Rifles Enfield Rifles Sharpe' s Rifles Double Barrel Shotguns (Single banel] Shot guns Cartridge boxes Cap boxes [Cartridge box] Shoulder straps Waist belts Canteens Knapsacks Haversacks Pack Saddles Cavalry saddles Pikes Bowie knives scabbards Explosive bullets 938

The only weapon of significance produced in the state during the Civil War was the Leech & Rigdon revolver (page 454) whose manufacture commenced in Memphis, Term. , moved to Columbus, Miss., and finally to Greensboro, Ga.

Colors and Flags

Mississippi had no state flag until one was adopted by the State Convention of 1861. It had a whitefieldandaunionofblue;inthecenteroftheflagwas"aMagnoliatree,"whileintheblue union was a white star. The entire flag was bordered with red and a red fringe was attached to the fly end. Like the state coat of arms, adopted by the same body at the same time, the flag seems to have soon been forgotten. Or perhaps it was overshadowed by Hany 8 . Macarthy's "Bomie Blue Flag" (written at Jackson, Miss. , in early 1861) and by later Confederate flags. Surviving Civil War battle flags indicate that Mississippi infantry regiments used as a rule the Any of Northern Virginia pattern. Most of these flags were covered with battle honors and some carried the regimental designation (i.e., "48 MISS") at the center of the cross.

3C> ~ H.SSISS.pp.

ORDER OF BATTLE: VOLUNTEER MILITIA (organized on an independent comp basis prior to 1860. At all times these comps were distinctively unifomed.)

• lst Regt, lst Brig (Hamer.s) 1860-1861 oo.o` (Included Salem DTngoons, Mississippi Rangers, Bur[isville Light Horse, 0'Conner rifles, Pine Hill Fire Eaters) • 2nd Rcg(, l§t Brig (Bowdre.s) 1860-1861

&o ~ (Included lofayette Southern Guards, Iafayettc Guards, I.amar Rifles. Bradford Rifles, Panola Guards, Invincibles, Inespressibles, De Solo , Conflict Pettus Light mgcons) • lst Regt, 2nd Brig (Abert's) 1860-1861 3C'n (Included Noxubee Rifles, Quitman Light Imf, Columbus Riflemen, West Point Greys, Tombigbee Rangers, Prairie Guards, Enterprise Guards, Shuboota Rifle Comp, Vicksburg Sharp Shooters, Volun(eer Southrons) • 2nd Regt, 2nd Brig (Julierme's) 1860-1861 i/a i(Included Rankin Guards, Brandon ATty, Peleha!chie Cav, Mississippi Rifles, Mississippi Capitol Thagcons. Downing Rifles, Utica RIflemen. Q`iitman Light Arty. Pettus Guards, Raymond RIflcs, Port Gibson Rifles. Claibome Rifles).

5o /

(SofarascanbediscoveTedallcommandsworethel86lstoteuniformunlesstheyhadpreviouslybelongedtothevolMilitia.) • l§t Regt Inf(4th Brig) 1861-1862 • 2nd Regt Imf (4th Brig) 1861-1862 • 3rd Rest lnf (2nd Brig) 1861-1862 • 4th Regt Imf (3rd Brig) 1861-1862 • 5th Regt Inf(lst Brig) 1861-1862 • 6th Regt Imf(3rd Brig) 1861-1862 • 7th Regt lnf (2nd Brig) 1861-1862 • 8th Rest Imf(lst Brig) 1861-1862 939


• Brandon State Military lnstifue (Brandon) Cadets armed in 1860 with percussion muskets; cartridge boxes with plates, and shoulder bel(s. • Jefferson College (near Natchez) Cadetsworegraytailcoateeandpants,whitepantsforsurnlner.Forawhilepriorto1860cadetswerefumishedamsby the state. • Mississippi Military lns(ifute (Pass Christian) Received 175 cadet muskets from the state prior to 1860

STATE TROOPS CAVALRY `ZO (It is very doubtful that these commands were uniformed, although most wore portions of CS clothing.) • lst Regt Cav State Troops (Blythe`s; also called 2nd Regt Mississippi Partisan Rangers; formed from lst Bn Cav [Blythe's] State Troops) • lst Bn Cav State Troops (Minute Men) (Blythe's also called De Solo Rangers, and 5th Bn, 3rd Brig, Mississippi State Troops; merged into lst Regt Cav State TTcops q.v.) lst Bn Cav State Troops (MCNair's) 1864 lst Bn Cav State Troops (Montgomery's) 1864 2nd Regt Cav State Troops (Lowry's transfened to CS service) 1863-1865 2nd Regt State Partisan Rangers: see lst Regt Cav State Troops 2nd Bn State Cav (Harris'; consol with 3rd Bn Vol Cav [Ashcraft's] to form Ashcraft's Vol Cav Rest) 1864 3rd Regt Cav State Troops (Easterling's; mustered into CS serv and reorgan as 3rd Vol Cav Regt) 1863~1864 3rd Bn State Cav (Cooper's; also called Peyton's Bn) 1864 3rd Bn State Cav (Ashcraft's' consol with 2nd Bn State Cav) 1864 16th Bn Cav State Troops (Ham's; reorgan as Ham's Vol Cav Reg) 1863-1864 Davenport's Bn State Cav (mustered into CS serv; merged into 6th Vol Cav Rest) 1863 Hodges Bn Cav State Troops 1864 Montgomery's Bn Cav State Troops: see lst Bn Cav State Troops Perrin's Bn State Cav (in CS serv; mustered out; reorgan as I lth Vol Cav Regt) CS serv: 90 days,1863 Peyton's Cav Bn State Troops: See 3rd Bn State Cav Stubbs' Cav Bn State Troops (also called Stubbs' Cav Bn Reserves) 1864-1865


(60-day vols; provided their own clothing, accouterments, haversacks or knapsacks, and amis, which were largely double- barrel shotguns and hunting rifles.)

• lst Regt (Patton's; fomerly called 5th lnf Regt; in Davis' Brig) 1861-1862 • lst Regt (Percy's; in Alcom's Brig) 1861-1862 • ls( Bn (Beckett's) 1861-1862 • 2nd Regt (Lowry's; formerly called 4th Imf Regt; in Davis' Brig) 1861-1862 • 2nd R.gt (Bartlett's; in Alcom's Brig) 1861-1862 • 3Td Regt (Rozell's; in Alcom's Brig) 1861-1862

(12-month vols; provided their own clothing, accoutements and ams, as above.)

• lst Regt Minu(e Men (King's) 1862-1863 • lst Bn Minute Men (Harper's) 1862-1863 • 2nd Regt Minute Men (Quinn's) 1862-1863 • 2nd Bn Minute Men (Hamer's; also called Yazco Bn) 1862-1863 940

ORDER OF BATTLE /conffroaed/

• 3rd Reg( Minute Men (Owen's) 1862-1863 • 3rd Bn Minute Men (Burgin's) 1862-1863 • 4th Rest Minute Men (Brofnley's) 1862-1863 • 4th Bn Minute Men (Posttethwaite.s) 1862-1863 • 5th Rcgt Minute Men a`obinson's) 1862-1863

(30-dry vols; provided their own clothing, accouterments, and ams, as above.)

• lst Rcgt a3trfe.s) • lst Bn quarper's) • 2nd Regt (Chandler's)


(Probably did not wear mili(any clothing.)

• lst Cav Regt Reserves (Dcnis'; formed from lst Cav Bn Reserves) 1864-1865 • lst Cav Bn Reserves (merged in(o lst Cav Regt Reserves) 1864 • 2nd Cav Bn Reserves (Moxphis.; also called 2nd Cav Rest Reserves) 1864-1865 • 3rd Cav Bn Reserves (Deason's) 1864-1865 • 4th Rcgt Cav Militia (Ficher's) 1864

(All vol commands below were CS issue clothing as a rule. Some 1861 state clothing was probably won during the fust year of ttic war, and mush use made of ]ceal clothing and accouterments at all times.)


• J.ff D.vis Legion (Cav) (Mar(in's. later waring's; formerly 2nd cav Bn; composed of Alatiama, , 1861-1865

/oo and Mississippi Cav; included the Chickasaw Rangers, Adams Troop, Southern Guard, Sumter Mounted Guards, Canebrake Legion, Georgia ) /66?-/864.. clothing received included caps, overcoats, jackets, cotton shir(s, and woolen Shirts.


• lst Regt a.indsay's) i862-i865 //a /86j.. prescmed a Polk pattern battle flag, with yellow border, whieh was carried for the remainder of the war. • lst Rcgt Pardsan Rangers: see 7th Cav Regt • lst Bn (Mfllcr's; disb) 1861-1862 /JZ? Noxuboc cav presented ffinged silk flag which had on one side "D`ilce et decorum pro patha mori"; a[Thed with carbines, , and sabers. Bolivar Troop wore , gray ovcrshirts with black tim, and blue pants; amed with Maynard cutines. • lst Chcetaw Cav Bn (Pieree's; disb) /30 1863 • 2Dd Regt (Dillon's; formed by expansion of Gordon's Cav Bn and desig 42nd Cav Regt; 1862-1865 /Vo rede§ig 4th Cav Rest; redesig 2nd Cav Regt) /862.. Camp I issued gum boo(s. canteens, haversacks. cav cartridge boxes, 7 powder hems, and double-ba]Tel shotguns. Comp K issued haversacks, cedar canteens, cav sabers, gum boots, double-banel shotguns, slings, and powder flasks. • 2Iid Regt Partisan Rangers: see Ballentine's Cav Regt • 2nd Bn: sceJeff Davis liegion 941

ORDER oF BATTLE /cowf!.„wed/

• 3rd Regt (MCGuirk's;fomerly 3rd Regt state cav) /sO 1863-186S

?to3rdBn(Ashcraft's;foimerlyStateCav;consolwith2ndBnStateCav[Harris']toform1lth(CavRegt[Ashcrafl's])1864 • 4th Regt (Wilbourn's; fomed by consol of Hughes' and stcekdale's cav Bus) 1863-1865 ' 7° IVov /86j.. Comp K issued overcoats, jackets, shirts, and pants. Capt. V.L. Terrell's Comp a may have been issued 2

Hughes breechloading guns, with carriages and equipment, in early 1864. • 4th Bn (Baskerville.s; also called Pope Walker Troopers and 2nd Cav bn; increased to regt 1861-1862 /8a and desig 8th Confederate Cav Regt) • 5th Regt (Geonge's) 1861-1865 lqci /86J-/864.. issued hats, caps, jackets, shirts, and pants. • 6th Regt (Harrison's) 1863-1865 Jfoc) /864.. clothing received included coats, cotton shirts, pants, and drawers. • 7th Regt (FauLkner's; fob. .fly lst Reg( Partisan Rangers; temporarily disb 1862, 1862-1865 j!/a and reorgan 1863; redesign 7lh Cav Regt, 1864) Jwl-Awg /86j.. issued white linsey jackets and pants. Comp I amed largely with Enfield rifles. • _8th Regt (White's; also known as Duff's Cav Regt;. fomed from l9th Cav Bn) 1864-1865 • 9lh Regt (Miller's; fomed by consol of 17th Cav Bn and 17th Tennessee Cav Bn) Jgo 1863-1865 1863-1865 J3C> • . loth Regt (Inge's; originally 12th Cav Bn; increased and known as 12th Cav Rest; redesig loth Cav Rest,1865) • llth Regt (Perrin's; formed from Perrin's S(ate Cav Bn) ?1© 1863-1865 •`. Ilth Regt (Ashcraft's): see Ashcrafl's Vol Cav Regt 2SO • 12th Regt (Arhistead's) 96o 1864-1865 • 12lh Bn: see loth Vol Cav Regt • 17th Bn (Steede's; formerly called Lovell's Rangers; merged into 9th Cav Reg() (2?a 1862-1863 • 18th Regt (Chalmers'; fomed from l8th Cav Bn).90 1865 • 18th Bn (merged into l8th Cav Regt) 1863-1865 jHO fob /864.. drew 40 haversacks, and 6,OcO cartridges for "Austrian or Miss" rifles cal .54. • 19th Bn (Duff's; merged into 8th Cav Reg() 1863-1864 ae Carried ANV pattern ba(tle flag • 23rd Bn (Terry's; formed from 3 comps of Powers' Regt Louisiana and Mississippi Cav) 3® 1864-1865 • 24th Bn (Mcoman's; fomed from Roberts' Light Arty Btry) 32o 1864-1865 • 28th Regt (Starke's) 1862-1865 330 Presentation ANV pattern t)attle flag bore "28th MISS REGT over "CAV'L'Y". • 38th Regt (Brent's; formerly 38th Mounted Imf Regt) 1862-1865 3qb /86j-/864.. clothing issued included caps, hats. and jackets. • Ashcraft's Cav Regt (also known as the llth Cav Regt; formed by consol of 2nd Bn State Cav [Harris'] 1864-1865 3SO and 3rd Cav Bn [Ashcraft's] • Bal]entine.s Cav Regt (also known as 2nd Regt Par(isan Rangers; composed of Mississippi, 1862-1865 360 Tennessee and Louisiana cav) • Chalmers' Consol Cav Regt (formed from elements of the 5th and l8th Cav Regts) 37o 1865 Collins' Cav Regt 380 ? Garland's Cav Bn (merged into 14th Confederate Cav Regt) 3 90 ? Gordon's Cav Bn: see 2nd Vol Cav Rest (Dillon's) rfoc) Harn's Cav Regt (fomerly 16th Bn State Cav; reorgan 1864 as CS cav; consol with Ashcraft's Cav Regt,1865) 1864-1865 • Haman.s Cav Regl ¢20 • Hughes' Cav Bn (Wilboum's; consol with Stockdale's Cav Bn to fom 4th Vol Cav Regt) 4L|D • Lay's Cav Regt: see 20th Confederate Cav • Mcoman's Cav Bn: see 24th Vol Cav Bn • Outlaw's Bn Par(isan Rangers qftyc> • Powers' Louisiana and Mississippi Cav Rest: see I.ouisiana Vol Cav • Slcekdale's Cav Bn (consol with Hughes. Vol Cav Bn lo fom 4th Vol Cav Regt) c/coStcekdaleRangersinNov1862received3Towerrifles,4,000buckshotcartridges,600Enfieldriflecartridges,and3lbs of rifle powder to be used in making Maynard rifle cartridges. 942

ORDER OF BATTLE /co"fi.nwed/

• Street's Cav Bn (merged into Stewart.s 15th Termessee Vol Cav Regt) Ltt.O ]863-1864 • Wirt Adanis. Cav Regt: see Wood's Vol Cav Regt • Wood's Cav Regt (formerly Wilt Adams'; also kno`rm as lst Cav Regt, and as Wood's Regt Confederate Cav; 1861-1865 4ro composed of cav comps from various states including the Tensas Rangers, Desoto Light Ruffin Dragoons, and Lowndes Rangers) • Worthington's cav Bn (raised wi(him Federal lines; broken up and camps assigned to other organs)i/ro 1863-1864 • Yerger's cav Regt 440 1865


• lst Regt (Withers. Light Arty) (included Jackson Light Arty, Canoll Light Arty, Comer Btry 1862-1865

Szp and vaiden Light Arty) Oc/ /862.. Vaiden Arty reported as being untrained and poorly equipped. Comp K received 13 canteens, knapsacks, and haversacks. Fcb-May /864.. regt received percussion muskets withou( bayonets, Austhan rifles, and accou(erinents. • llth Bn Heavy Arty (Sterling's) S/a 1863 • 14th Bn ovard's; disb) 1862-1864 Sac} /863-/864.. clothing issues included caps, hats, jackets, and shins. Camps A and C issued battle flags in Jan 1864. Armament of the bn included cat .69 muskets.

530 (In addition, there were abou( 18 independent btrys of light arty.)


• lst Regl (Simonton's) 1861-1865 5]YP Comps distinctively dressed; Comp F wore initially single-breasted coat with wide dark blue horizonul stripes dn front. • lst Bn (Blythe's; reorgan as 44th Imf Regt) 5€o 1861-1863 • lst Bn (Brandon.s; merged into 2lst Imf Regt) Sco 1861 • lst Bn sharpshooters (Raybum's; also called loth Imf Bn and 20th Bn shafpshootcrs; fomed from 3 1862-1865 Lf7o Mississippi comps of 2nd Confederate Imf Regt; consol in 1865 with lst, 22nd, 33rd Imf Regt to fom 22nd [New] Imf Rest) • lst AJabama, Termessee and Mississippi lnf Regt: See S80 • l§t Mississippi and Tennessee Bn 5to ? -1865 • 2nd Regt (Falkner's) 1861-1865 ®ct> Initially amied with conversions. • 2nd Bn (Taylor's; increased to a regt known as 46th Imf Regt; later as 48th Imf Regt) 6.a 1861-1862 • 3rd Regt (Deason's) 1861-1865 •20 /86/.. Mississippi rifles and percussion muskets.

• 3rd Bn (William's; increased (o a regt and called 33rd Imf Regt, changed to 45th Imf Reg(; redesig 1861-1865 •3o 3rd Imf Bn 1864; consol in 1865 with other organs to form 8th Imf Bn) • 3rd Consol Regt (formed from other commands including 3lst and 40th lnf Regts)b+to 1865 • 4th Rest (rme's) 1861-1865 G© ANY battle flag.

• 5th Regt (Fau('s; consol with other organs in 1865 to form 8th Imf Bn) tot- 1861-1865 • 5th Bn (Kilpatrick's; disb; comps merged in(o 27th, 4lst, and 43rd Imf Rcgts) .to 1861-1862 • 6th Regt (Thomton's; also called 7th Imf Regt) Gt.a 1861-1865 • 6th Bn (Balfour's; reorgan as 46th Imf Regt) fat?a 1862 • 6th Bn (On's; reorgan as 3lst Imf Regt) 1®S 1862 • 7th Regt (Bishops's) 1861-1865 ? /a /862-/865.. issued knapsacks. haversacks, canteens, etc. ; armed with Austrian and Enfield rifles. • 7th Bn ITerral's) ira> 1862-1865 • 8th Regt (Chandler.s; cousol in 1865 with other organs to forin 8th lnf Bn) tz30 1861-1865 • 8th Bn (fomed by consol of 3rd Imf Bn, and 5th and 8th Imf Regts) ?Z+.a 1865 943

ORDER OF BATTLE (cO#fi.#wed/

• 9th Reg( (Autry's; fomed largely from vol Militia comps and comps formerly organ into the Any 1864-1865

75o of Mississippi consol in 1865 with other commands to form 9th [New] Imf Regt) /86J.. alms included "US long range rifles," and altered percussion rifles. • 9th Bn shalpshcoters (Richardson's; fomerly chalmers' Bn; consol with other commands ?-1865 76o to fom 9th [New] InfRegt) • 9th [New] Regt (corisol of 9th,loth, 43rd and 44th lnf Regts and 9th Imf Bn) 7?a 1865 • loth Regl (Phillips'; fomed largely from vol Militia comps, and comps fomerly organ into the Army 1861-1865

78o of Mississippi; consol in 1865 with other units to fom 9th (New] Inf Regt /86/.. ams included percussion rifles and muskets. • loth Bn: see ls( Bn Sharpshooters • I lth Rest (Mcore's; formed largely from vol Militia comps, and comps formerly organ into the Army 1861-1865 74o of Mississippi). Compsdistinctivelydressedinitially,CompFworedarkshirtwiththreerowsofbuttonsdownfront.graypantswithdark stripe,felthatrumeduponeachside,whiteshoulderbelt,blackleatherwaistbeltwithbrassframebuckle.Comp8wore brass letters on cap. Regt initially armed with "US long range rifles," altered percussion rifles, percussion rifles; some

. ,2,:eRre:e:G:f:thi§;:me::e`;ho:°s':mreev:I:i[nfi:[t?:S;omps and some compe which had ben organ 1861-1865 eco into the Any of Mississippi) J86/.. arms included percussion rifles. • 13th Regt (Barksdale's) 1861-1865

8,a /86/.. Lauderdale zouaves presented flag which bore motto "God and Liberty. Victory or neath." Regt carried ANv battle flag. /862.. armed with caliber .54 rifles. • 14th Regt (Baldwin's; included some comps fomerly organ into Any of Mississippi; consol 1861-1865 620 with other regts in 1865 to form 14th Consol Imf Reg() /862.. all comps issued issued jackets, pants, caps. • 14th consol Regt (Lawrence's formed by consol of l4th, 43rd Imf Rests and part of 6th Imf Regt) eso 1865 • 15th Regt (Statham's; consol in l865 with other regts to form l5th consol lnf Regt) 8L+a 1861-1865 • 15th consol Regt (formed by consol of l5th,16th, 20th and 23rd lnf Regts) 8SO 1865 • 15th Bn sharpshooters (Hawkin's) 1862-1864 ace /86j.. issued hats, jackets, cotton shirts. and pants. • 16th Regt (Posey's; consol with other regts to form l5th consol Imf Regt) 1861-1865 eco Comps distinctively dressed initially (the Quitman Guard wore gray shins trimmed with blue, gray pants with stripe, and black felt hat, lcoped on 3 sides and fastened on one side with a la['ge white fnetal star), • 17th Regt (Featherston's) 1861-1865 890 Flag presented to panola vindicators carried as regtl battle flag at First Manassas; regt later carried ANv battle flag. /862.. arms included Enfield and Austrian rifles. • 18th Regt (Burt's) 1861-1865 8Pc) j662.. anned largely with altered muskets; some Mississippi rifles. /66j.. issued caps, jackets, cotton shirts, tin cups and plates. • 19th Regt (Mott's, later Lamar's) 4oo 1861-1865 • 19th [New] Regt (fomed by consol of other organs) 410 1865 • 20th Regt (Russell's; consol in 1865 with 15th, 16th, 23rd Imf Regts to fom 15th Consol Imf Regt) .2- 1861-1865 43C' Mounted in April and dismounted in June, 1863. • 20th Bn Sharpshooters: see lst Bn Sharpshooters • 2lst Regt (Humphrey's; formed from lst Imf Bn (Brandon's] 1861-1865 4`4' Two comps reported as armed with "Marine Enfields with bayonets in 1861." • 22nd Regt (Bonham's; consol in 1865 with other units to fom 22nd [New] Imf Regt) 4€a 1861-1865 • 22nd [New] Regt (Otis'; fomed by consol of lsl and 33rd Imf Regts and lst Bn Shalpshcoters) q4o 1865 • 23rd Regt (Davidson's; also known as 3rd Imf Regt; consol with 15th, 16th and 20th Imf Regts in 1865 1861-1865 4'7# to form 15th Consol Imf Regt) • 24th Regt (Dowd's: consol with other regts in 1865 to fom 24th [New] Imf Regt 9£r9 1861-1865 • 24th [New] Regt (fomed by consol of 24th, 27th, 29th. 30th, and 34th Imf Rests) qq® 1865 944

ORDER OF BATTLE /com.nued/

'./6%th Regt (Martin's; also called ls( Mississippi Valley Regt; redesig 2nd Confederate lnf Regt, a.vi disb) 1861-1862 • 26lh Regt a`eynold.s) 1861-1865 1° 'C? /86¢.. issued caps, hats, jackets, cotton shirts, flannel shirts, and pants.

'Opf) .- • 27th Regt (Jones.; consol in 1865 with 24th, 29th. 30(h and 34th Imf Regts to form 24th [New] Imf Regt) 1862-1865 • 28th Regt: see 36th Imf Regt • 29th Regr (`h/althall's; console with 24th, 27th, 30(h and 34th Imf Regts in 1865 to form 24th [New] Inf Regt) 1862-1865 |®3o J862-/864.. issued jacket, coat, pants. shirt, cap, and hat; amed with Enfield rifle. ';€E:£`dRRecagr(#'::;;ecr;yftw¥thBonj:°:r:kin;ini8::6:'::oth=r8=thperioBf:)m3rdconsollrfRe"• 30th Reg( (Neill's; cousol in 1865 with 24th, 27th, 29th and 34th Imf Regts (o form 24th tNew) Imf Rest) 1862-1865 1862-1865 1862-1865 • 33rd Regt (Hurst's; consol in 1865 with lst and 22nd Imf Reg(s and lst Bn Shapshocters .o form 1862-1865 /o7b 22nd grew) InfRegt) • 34th Reg( ®enton.s; intially called 37th Imf Regt; consol in 1865 with 24th, 27th, 29th and 30th Imf Regts 1862-1865 ~:8° to fom 24th (New] Inf Regt) • 35th Rest (Barry's).®qD 1862-1865 • 36th Regt ®ro`m's; originally called 28th lnf Regt) .ltso 1862-1865 • 37th Regt (MCLal.s) i``o I 862-1865 • 38th Mounted lnf Regt (Adans.; reorgan as 38th Cav Regt) `lzo 1862 • 39th Regt (Shelby's) ``3t> 1862-1865 • 40(h Regt (Colbert's; consol in 1865 with other rests to form 3rd Consol Imf Regt) 1862-1865 ` i Lio "Remembered [for having] the tallest man and the fattest boy in the aJmy, and the used a camel to carry his priva(e baggage." /862-J864..issuedjacket,pants,cap.hat,knapsack,haversack,canteen,cartridgeborwithshoulderbe)(,waistbelt,elc. • 4lst Rest qucker's; consol in l865 with other organs (o form l9th [New] Imf Rest) 1862-1865 I lsp /86/-/863.. issued jacket. shirt, pants, hat; initially armed with springfield and Belgian muskets; rea[Thed with Enfield rifles.

: -`:¥riq:Ee£#:::::i :::I with other regB in i865 to fonr] de 9th (New] hf Rcor) ` :%:I:%§ //70---IIad en Affican camel, "Old Douglas,.' `isod to calTy band in&tnimcnc, and kmpsacts; killed at Vidrburg. • 44th Rcgt ®lythe's; foTTned from lst Imf Bn (Blythe's]: consol in 1865 with other organs 1863-1865 //lfo to form 9th [New ] InfRegt) • 45th Rcgt: see 3rd Imf Bn //aD • 46(h Rcgt (Sears'; formed from 6th lnf Bn [Balfour's] - 1862-1865 • 47th Regt: see 2nd Vol Cav Regt /g® • 48th R.gt (Jayne's; fanned from 2nd Imf Bn) .2&® 1862-1865 • C.r`ithcrs' Bn Sharpshooters (merged in lst Bn Shapshocters) /230 1862 • Chllmcrs' Bn: see 9th Bn Shalpshootcrs -

Mississippi (Union)

During the seige of Vicksburg, and especially following its capture, Union authorities raised eight regiments of colored troops and one white regiment in Mississippi, all of which bore the state name. At least two other colored regiments were raised in Mississippi. 945

31-usfi riis5Issi

ORDER OF BAmE (All regts below wore US leg clothing and accoulements.)

VOLUNTEER CAVALRY (UNION) • ;S:788t Mounted Rifles 1864-1865

VOLUNTEER CORES. AFRICAN DESCENT • lst Mississippi cav, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 ;C) 3rd Regt Cav, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 • lst Mississippi Heavy Arty, a.d. (formerly 9th Louisiana Imf, a.d.; redcsig) 1863-1864 GO 4th Regt Heavy arty, U.S.C.T. (redesig) 1864 5th Regt Heavy Arty, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 /86j: Austrian rifled muskets, cat .54 or .55. /864: Springfield rifled muskets. • 2nd Mississippi Heavy Arty, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 1864 4/a 5th Regt Heavy Arty, U.S.C.T. (redesig) 6th Regt Heavy Arty, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 /863: Austrian rifled muskets, cat .54 or .55. /864: Enfield rifle; some Springfield rifled muskets. • lst Mississippi lnf. a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 sO5lst Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 /86j: Austrian rifled muskets, cal .54 or .55. /664: Springfield rifled muskets. • 2nd Mississippi lnf, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 tp 52nd Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 /86j: Enfield rifle. /864: Springfield rifled muskets. • 3rd Mississippi lnf, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 70 53rd Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 • 4th Mississippi Imf, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 1864-1866 80 66th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. /86j-/864: Springfield rifled muskets and Enfield rifles, • 5th Mississippi Imf, a.d.: failed to complete organ 4t> • 6th Mississippi Imf, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 /Ct) 58th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 /86j: Enfield rifle. /864: Springfield rifled muskets.


• 70th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. /'/C> /664: Springfield rifled muskets. • 7lsl Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. (merged into 70th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T.) ln.a


Colonel Charles E. Hooker, "Mississippi," in Co"/ederafc Mi./I.fary HI.slory, , Ga. , 1899, vol. VII. DunbarRowland,"MilitaryHistoryofMississippi,1803-1898,"in7lheOjFcl.4/andSfa/I.s/I.ca/Rcgi.stcro/the Slare a/MI.ssi.Ssi.ppl.,1908, Nashville, Term. ,1908, pp. 383-947. I.C. Riewh, Military Annals Of Mississippi ..., n.p. , n.a. AdjutantGeneral,U.S.,OJFcl.a/ArmyRegl.stcro/tfeeVo/wnrcerForce...,Washington,D.C..1865,partsrv and Vm. Edwin C. Bearss, Decl.sl.on i.n Mi.ssl.ssi.ppl., Jackson, Miss. ,1962. Adjutant General, Mississippi, An«co/ Jiaporl (for 1860), Jackson, Miss., 1861. Orders Of the Military Board Of the Slate Of Mississippi, lalckson, Miss. ,186\ .

We are greatly indebted to Edwin C. Bearss, Historian, , for his invaluable help on this chapter. 8th Mississiri Infantry Regiment 3oo73o and South still lingers. This cultunl difference between the North and Soim apawned the states' rights issues that surfaced decades before the first shot at Ft. Summter and manifests itself still today. It is important that we all redize the terrible tragedy of this war...of slavery...of racism...and condemn the residual hatreds that still exist today. What would we become? Like the Irish and the British? The Jews and the Palestinians? Such hatreds only wreak destruction. Love and forebearance to everyone should be the foundation we stand upon. ` ~ ' However...it doesn't mean that one must forget the men, the battles, the places, the dates...the emotions of the ficht...the things our ancestors must have experienced while on the battlefield. It must be understood that the thousands of ordinary soldiers like Elbert did not fight to defend "that peculiar institution" of slavery. Rather -it was because their places of birtli -their homeland, issued a call to ams. No one thought of doing otherwise -for liberty from "Northern Oppression" was the popular mood in the South.

Upon rcaching adulthood, I wrote the Mississippi State . of Archives & mstory to get more infomation...and that started an incredible journey for me where I realized that I had many ancestors who had fought in the Confederate armies...imagine that!

Elbert Graham Ennsts Although Elbert lived in the "Davis Community" of wayne County, MS., it was the tow_n._Qf_Snub_u_ta._in Clark County that was the closest enlistment point. On August 25,1861 at 15 years of age, Elbert Graham enlisted under Capt. James Gates. He was told that within the next few months, a new regiment would be fomed and his groupofenlisteeswouldbecomepartofthatregiment.TherendezIVouspointwouldbeatEnterprise,MSand the date set was the second week of october. Enterprise was a major mustering point for many regiments of central/east MS and central/west AL because it was on the main rail line (Mobile & Ohio R.R.). On October 18,1861, at rendezvous in Enterprise, the enlistees, some 800 strong were designated the 8th Mississippi Infantry Regiment. Elbert's group from Shubuta was designated as Company F, officers were selected and a nickname was chosen: "The Clark County Rangers". My great-great grandfather would remain within this regiment until the surrender of the Southern armies and parole at Greensboro, NC in April 1865. In all there were 10 Companies created. They are listed below. The links will send you to a text-file roster for that `--' particular company :


.C_Q_mple_t_e__Roster of the 8th Infantry_Regi.in_e_n_t: Sorted by name. 1400 names listed in alphabetical order. _-1._ --,-----.- `--11 ------A .--.---.---.- ` .---.------` ------1 ------1 ------.---.- 1 -.-- 1--` --.------``-`.-` ..----.--- ca1`` ----,-----,.--- `-,_``- - _CQmp_a_ny_A: "Yankee Tenors": Raleigh (Smith Co.) Co_mp_any _B: "Pinckney Guards": Pinckneyville (Newton Co.) C_o_mpa_nyc_: "True Confederates" : Raleigh (Smith Co.) Co_mpeny__a: "Moody True Blues": Enterprise (Clark Co.) Compa_ny__E: "Tallahoma Hard Shells": Holder's Church (Jasper Co.) _C.o_in.p_any_I: "Clank County Rangers": Shubuta (Clark Co.) go_rap_any__a: "Tolson Guard": Buckley's Store (Jasper Co.) CLo_mp_a_ny_H: " Southern Sentinels" : Marion (Lauderdale Co.) _C_o_mp_any_I : "Confederate Guards" : Rushing`s Store (Lauderdale Co.) _CQm_pony_K: "Ellisville lnvincibles" : Ellisville (Jones Co.) Hrfe~Qw_n_: These persons were not classified in any Company in the archives.


Organization & Consolidations: ~ Organized in 1861. Fieldconsolidated with the 32nd Infantry Reg. in July 1864. On April 9,1865, further consolidated with the 3rd Infantry Battalion and a portion of the 5th Infantry Reg. to become the 8th Mississippi

http : //www.datasync.com/ndavidg5 9/8th_miss. html I / 10/2007 9th Mississippi Infantry

3o c>15c) 9th Mississippi Infantry

UromDunbaTRowland's"MilitaryHistoryOfMis_sis_sinp±!2_P3_-1.89§:;c_omp.£.nylistiregcourtesyOfH. GrQLdy Howetl's ''For Dixie LQLnd,1'11 Take My Stand')


Company A -- Corinth RIfles (raised in Tishomingo County, MS) [also listed as Co. C]

Company 8 -- Home Guards (raised in Marshall County, MS)

Company C -- Lafayette Guards (raised in Lafayette County, MS)

Company D --Jeff Davis RIfles (raised in Marshall County, MS)

Company E -- Horn Lake Volunteers (raised in Desoto County, MS)

Company F -- Quitman Rifle Guards (raised in Marshall County, MS)

Company G -- Desoto Guards (raised in Desoto County, MS)

Company H -- Panola Guards (raised in Panola County, MS)

Company I -- Senatobia lnvincibles, aka lnvincibles (raised in Panola County, MS)

Company K -- Irrepressibles (raised in Desoto County, MS) [also listed as Co. A]


Company A -- Capt. Wallace's Company (raised in Desoto County, MS)

Company 8 --Capt. Hollohan's Company (no county of origin specified)

Company C --Capt. Mills' Company (no county of origin specified)

Company D --Capt. Calhoon's Company (no county of origin specified)

Company E ~ Vicksburg Cadets [fomerly Him City Cadets, Co. F, loth MS Infantry] (raised in Wanen County, MS)

~, Company F --Capt. Keith's Company (raised in Marshall County, MS)

http://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Units/9tLMS_INF.htm I/10/2007 loth Mississippi Infantry Page 1 of 7 3Dol80 loth Mississippi Infantry

Urom Dunbar Rowland's " Of Mississippi,1803-1898" ,. company listing courtesy Of H. Grady Howell's "For Dixie Land,1'11 Take My Stand')


Company A -- Mississippi Rifles (raised in Hinds County, MS)

Company 8 -- Ben Bullard Rifles (raised in Itawamba County, MS)

Company C -- Port Gibson Riflemen, aka Port Gibson Rifles (raised in Claibome County, MS)

Company D -- Lowndes Southrons (raised in Lowndes County, MS)

Company E -- Southern Avengers, aka Avengers (raised in Lowndes County, MS)

Company F -- Hill City Cadets (raised in Warren County, MS)

Company G -- Rankin RIfles (raised in Rankin County, MS)

Company H -- Bahala Rifles (raised in Copiah County, MS)

Company I -- Madison Rifles (raised in Madison County, MS)

Company K -- Yazoo Minute RIfles (raised in Yazoo County, MS)


Company A -- Horn Lake Volunteers [formerly Co. E, 9th MS Infantry] (raised in Desoto County, MS)

Company 8 -- Natchez Southrons [also listed as Co. C] (raised in Adams County, MS)

Company C -- Ben Bullard RIfles [also listed as Co. D] (raised in Itawamba County, MS)

Company D -- Mississippi Rifles [also listed as Co. G] (raised in Hinds County, MS)

Company E -- Lowndes Southrons (raised in Lowndes County, MS)

Company F -- Pon Gibson Rifleman [also listed as Co. H] (raised in Claibome County, MS)

Company G -- Fulton Guards [also listed as Co. 8] (raised in Itawanba County, MS)

http://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Units/loth_MS_Imf.htm 12/23/2006 loth Mississippi Infantry Page 2 of 7 Company H -- Rankin Rifles [also listed as Co. A] (raised in Rankin County, MS)

Company I -- Bahala Rifles (raised in Copiah County, MS)

Company K -- Beauregard Relief (raised in Tippah County, MS)

Company L --Capt. Finley's Company [see Co. C] (county of origin not specified)

Company M --Capt. Dobson's Company [see Co. D] (county of origin not specified)

Company N --Capt. Bell's Company [see Co. E] (county of origin not specified)

Company 0 --Capt. Inge's Company [see Co. 8] (county of origin not specified)

Company P --Capt. Betts' Company [see Co. G] (county of origin not specified)

Colonels --Seabume M. Phillips, died at Pensacola; Robert A. Smith, killed at Munfordville; James Barr, Jr., died in Georgia; James M. Walker, resigned. Lieutenant- Colonels -- Joseph R. Davis, transferred; James G. Bullard, killed at Munfordville; James Barr, Jr., promoted; James M. Walker, promoted; George a. Myers. Majors -- Edward H. Gregory, James Barr, Jr., James M. Dotson. Surgeons -- W. F. Camp, L. M. Wasson, died at Chattanooga,1863, Assistant Surgeons --W. L. Lipscomb, J. R. Bamett, 8. R. Schaeffer. Adjutants -- William G. Paxton, Thomas H. Dickson, E. Turner Sykes, promoted Captain and Adjutant, Walthall's Brigade; William H. French. Quartermasters -- Daniel Morrison, George Whit field. Commissaries -- Thomas Puckett, Daniel Morrison. Bandmaster -- P. Rivinac.

Aggregate original enrollment, 841 officers and men.

The regiment was reorganized at Corinth, March 15, 1862, and reenlisted for two years.

The companies that responded to the first call, March 1,1861, for troops to serve twelve months at Pensacola, began to assemble at Mobile in that month, marched to Pensacola April 10-12, and encamped near , opposite and Santa Rosa Island, held by Union troops. Twenty Mississippi companies having arrived, the Ninth and Tenth Regiments were organized, these numbers being assigned to follow the eight regiments in the State army. The Ninth and Tenth, however, were the first regiments organized and the first in the service of the Confederate States.

General Bragg announced by order of April 17,1861, that the Ninth and Tenth Regiments had been received (on 14th) in the service of the Confederate States. They were put under the brigade command of Colonel Chalmers. Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Davis was in command at Fort MCRee until May 20, when he was ordered to report at Montgomery and his place was taken by Major Gregory. Immediately after this Colonel Phillips died, and on May 28 the regiment elected Captain Robert A. Smith, of Jackson, Colonel. He was then twenty- five years of age. After some time on the staff of president Davis, Lieut-Col. Davis was promoted as Brigadier- General in the Army of Northern Virginia.

The companies of captains Barr, Feam, Wade, Gibbes, Lipscomb, A, D, E, H and I, were assigned to duty as the garrison of Fort MCRee, the works nearest Fort Pickens, where they were busied in fortification work, as well as supporting the gunners during the bombardments, for four months.

A detachment from the Tenth formed part of the First Battalion of Gen. R. H. Anderson's expedition from Pensacola to Santa Rosa Island, October 9, 1861, and Surgeon Lipscomb was in the medical staff. Under the http://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Units/loth_MS_Inf.htm 12/23/2006 12th Mississippi Infantry

apo800 12th Mississippi Infantry

UromDunbarRowland's"Militoryl|istqp_!Of_His_sis_sipp±!.8.P3_-1.89P'.';c_?rap.:`nylistingcourtesyofH. GrQldy Howetl's ''For Dixie Land,1'11 Toike My Stand')

Company A -- Charlie Clark RIfles [also listed as Co. H] (raised in Jefferson & Copich Counties, MS)

Company 8 -- Natchez Fencibles (raised in Adans County, MS)

Company C -- Raymond Fencibles [also listed as Co. A] (raised in Hinds County, MS)

Company D -- Pettus Relief, aka Pettus Rifles (raised in Copiah County, MS)

Company E - Sardis Blues [also listed as Co. F] (raised in Panola County, MS)

Company F -- Durant RIfles [also listed as Co. 1] (raised in Holmes County, MS)

Company G - Vicksburg Shapshooters [also listed as Co. E] (raised in Wanen County, MS)

Company H -- Claibome Curds [also listed as Co. K] (raised in Claibome County, MS)

Company I -- Satar[ia Rifles [also listed as Co. G] (raised in Yazoo County, MS)

Company K -- Lawrence RIfles [also listed as Co. C] (raised in Laurence County, MS)

Colonels --RIchard Griffith of Jackson, commissioned May 16, 1861, promoted to Brigadier-caeral; W. H. Taylor; M. 8. Haris, wounded and disabled; S. 8. Thomas, wounded and captured, Lieutenant-Colonels -- William H. Taylor of Jackson, promoted; Merry 8. Harris, promoted; S. 8. Thomas, promoted. Majors --John R. Dickers; William H. Lilly,I May,1862, killed by accident 19 February,1863; S. 8. Thomas, promoted; James R. Bell, 1864. - Adjutant - W. H. Capers of Claibome; Sengeant-Major E, H. Mccaleb of Claibome; Surgeon M. S. Craft of Hinds; Assistant Surgeon --Clank; Commissary John A. Galbraith of Jefferson; Quartermaster -- Bristce of Yazoo; Chaplain A. A. Lomax of Copiah. (Rietti.)

ThecompaniesfortheorganizationofthisregimentwereassembledatCanpClark,nearCorinth,thepost beingunderthecormandofGen.CharlesClark,AmyofMississippi..Ballotingbycompaniesforregimental officersbeganMay16,andsevenballotsweretakenbeforeallofthemwerechosen.Capt.HenryHughes,of the Claibome Gunds, was the favorite of a large part of the regiment for Colonel. Finally the selections were: Colonel, Griffith; Lieutenant-Colonel, Taylor, Major, Dickers. After the regiment was ready for service it was sent to Union City, Ten., to cooperate in General Polk's campaign against SI Louis, but the imminence of conflictinVirginiacatiseditstrausfertothatdepartment.OnJuly9,1861,telegransweresenttoGeneralPolk andGeneralClark,askingthattheregimentbesenttoLynchburgwithoutdelay.ItstartedJuly16,anddidnot -' arrive in time for the battle of Manassas. . The regiment was posted in northeastern Virginia, and during the winterof1861-62wasquarterednearCentreville,attachedtotheAlabanabrigadeunderGeneralRodes.

http://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Units/ 12th_MS_Inf.hm 1 / 10/2007 13th Mississippi Infantry rage . 0

3c>0 8 ,o 13th Mississippi Infantry

UromDunbqrRowlond's"MititoryHistqF_rof_His.sis_sdyp!_1.8.P3_-1.89P'.';c~omp.£`nylislingcourtesyofH. Grady Howell's "For Dixie Loud,1'11 Take My Stand')

Company A -- [Co. 8 first year] Winston Guards (raised in Winston County, MS)

Company 8 -- [Co. C first year] Wayne RIfles, aka Wayne Guards (raised in Wayne County, MS)

Company C -- [Co. F first year] Kemper Legion (raised in Kemper County, MS)

Company D -- [Co. E first year] Newton RIfles (raised in Newton County, MS)

Company E -- [Co. A first year] Alanuteha Infantry (raised in Laude]dale County, MS)

Company F -- [Co. G rust year] Lauderdale Zounves (raised in Lauderdale County, MS)

Company G -- [Co. I first year] Secessionists (raised in Clarke County, MS)

Company H -- [Co. K fust year] Spartan Band (raised in Chickasaw County, MS)

Company I -- [Co. D first year] Minute Men of Attala (raised in Attala County, MS)

Company K -- [Co. H fust year] Pettus Guards (raised in Lauderdale County, MS)

Colonels -- Wiman Barksdale, promoted as Brigadier-General June 27, I 862, killed at Gettysburg July 2; J. W. Carter killed at Gettysburg July 2; Kemon MCEhoy, killed at Knoxville. Lieutenant-Colonels - M. H. Whitaker, to reorganizalon; J. W. Carter promoted; Kemon MCElroy, promoted; John M. Bradley, died of wounds; A. G. O'Brien. Majors -- Isham Harrison, to reorgani2ation; Kermon MCElroy, promoted; J. M. Bradley, wounded at Gettysburg, promoted; G. L. Donald. Adjutants - E. A. Miner, E. P. Haman. Surgcous - J. T. Gilmore, promoted as Brigade Surgeon; L. M. Austin, died; John Clopton, transfened; S. Baruch. Assistant Surgeons - A. C. Anderson, A. N. Ballinger J. C. Shinks, M. MCManning, H. D. Green. Quatemaster - J. H. Tuner, promoted to brigade staff. Commissary - D. P. MCAllurn, R. C. Topp. Chaplain - - Parish, T. S. West. Ensign - A. T. Harvey.

TheabovecompanieswereorderedtoCorinthandenlistedintheConfederateserviceMay13-15,1861,for twelve months. The date of organizaton of the Thrteenth Regiment is May 14, 1861, William Barksdale being elected Colonel. Scon afterward the reginent was ordered to Union City, Tenn„ where it remained attached to the any under General Polk until ordered to Lynchburg, whither the regiment starfed July 14. Immediately on reachingLynchburgtheywereorderedtoManassas,andreachedtherailroadjunctionduringthenightofJuly 20andthemorningofthe21st,thedayofthebattle.Assoonaspossibletheywereadvancedtothefield,with -~ much marching and countermaching in the intense heat and stifling dust The orders were to lqurt to General Longstreet, but for convenience they were attached to Jubal A. Early's brigade, which was stationed in the rear

http ://www.mississippi scv.org/MS_Units/ 13th_MS_Inf.htm I / 11 /2 007 14th Mississippi Infantry Page 1 of 5

30 820 14th Mississippi Infantry

Urom Dunbar Rowland's "Military ,1803-1898" ,. company listing courtesy Of H. Grady Howell's ''For Dixie Land,1'11 Take My Stand')


Company A -- Shubuta Rifles (raised in Clarke County, MS)

Company 8 -- Enterprise Guards (raised in Clarke County, MS)

Company C -- Oktibbeha Rescuers (raised in Oktibbeha County, MS)

Company D -- Quitman Invincibles (raised in Clarke County, MS)

Company E -- Mouroe Guards (raised in Monroe County, MS)

Company F -- Beauregard RIfles (raised in Winston County, MS)

Company G -- Agency RIfles (raised in Oktibbeha County, MS)

Company H -- Meridian Invincibles (raised in Lauderdale County, MS)

Company I -- Mouroe Volunteers (raised in Mouroe County, MS)

Company K -- Columbus RIflemen, aka Columbus Rifles (raised in Lowndes County, MS)


Company A --Capt. Harper's Company

Company 8 -- Capt. Evans' Company

Company C -- Capt. Smith's Company

Company D -- Capt. Everett's Company

Company E --Capt. Trotter's Company

Company F --Capt. Neilson's Company

Company G -- Capt. Blackwell's Company

http://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Units/14th_MS_Imf.htm 12/23/2006 14th Mississippi Infantry Page 2 of 5 Company H -- Capt. Mccrary's Company

Company I -- Capt. Williams' Company

`_, Company K -- Capt. Gilbert's Company

Colonels --William E. Baldwin, promoted as Brigadier-General October 4, 1862; George W. Abert, Washington L. Doss. Lieutenant-Colonels -- Marion E. Norris, George W. Abert, Washington L. Doss, Robert J. Lawrence. Majors -- Washington L. Doss, Robert J. Lawrence. Adjutant -- E. J. Vasser. Quartermaster -- M. G. Scott. Commissary Kirkland. Surgeon --Brettany. Sergeant-Major -- Eugene 0. Sykes. Quartermaster- Sergeant -- 0. S. Holland.

Aggregate original eurollment,1,034 officers and men. Enlisted for one year, re-enlisted in 1862 for three years or the war.

These were among the fifty companies ordered by the Governor 21 May,1861, to proceed at once to Corinth and go into camp of instruction under the command of Major-General Charles Clark. At that time the State was also organizing eight regiments in the Any of Mississippi, the Ninth and Tenth had been organized at Pensacola and the Second, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth had gone to Virginia. The companies were mustered into the Confederate States service for twelve months at Corinth May 27-30, and field officers were elected June 5.

About the first of August the regiment was moved to Union City, Tenn., with the Fifteenth, also organized at Corinth about the same time. August 13 the two regiments were ordered to Russellville for duty in East Tennessee with General Zollicoffer. On the 28th Colonel Baldwin was ordered by Zollicoffer to advance to Fish `_. Springs. On reaching the Fourteenth passed under the command of Gen. S. 8. Buckner and so escaped the disaster at Fishing Creek to become the victims of misfortune at Fort Donelson. September 28 they were on the march to Greeneville, and October 1, by order of General Buckner, Colonel Baldwin was put in command of a brigade including his own regiment, Palmer's Regiment and Helm's Battalion, E. J. Vasser his Adjutant-General. General Buckner, at Bowling Green, ordered the regiment to garrison Baker's Hill, November 2. The Fourteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-sixth Mississippi and Twenty-sixth Termessee formed a brigade under Colonel Baldwin, in General Buckner's command.

The Fourteenth, under Major Doss, was sent to Fort Donelson some days before Baldwin was ordered there, from Cumberland City, with the remainder of his brigade, and they were not reunited during the battle. In his report Baldwin gave honorable mention to his Adjutant-General, Lieut. S. D. Harris and Aides-de-Camp Thomas A. Burke and T. F. Carrington (wounded), all of the Fourteenth. Of the , February 15,1862, Major Doss reported that while the regiment was moving into position Capt. J. L. Crigler, Company G, was severely wounded by a shell. The regiment was ordered to attack a battery in its front, supported by several regiments of Grant's army, which it did gallantly, fighting for an hour until ordered to retire. Capt. F. M. Rogers, Company E, was killed in this engagement. Later in the day the regiment was engaged with a Federal force that had occupied a part of the Confederate intrenchments. The casualties were 17 killed, 85 wounded and 10 missing. Upon the surrender of the fort, which followed this fight, the regiment, about 650 in number, became prisoners of war. In the assignment of exchanged prisoners October 16,1861, by General Van Dom, the Fourteenth was ordered to report to Maj.-Gen. Lovell.

Brig.-Gen. Lloyd Tilghman took command of the First Division of the First Army Corps (Lovell's) of Van Dom's Army of west Tennessee, at Holly Springs, October 17,1862, and organized three brigades, the first =-'' under the command of Colonel Baldwin, including the Fourteenth Mississippi, Col. A. E. Reynolds' consolidated command, and Col. H. 8. Lyons' (Kentucky) consolidated command; the second brigade under Colonel Heiman; the third brigade under Col. D. R. Russell, including his consolidated command and Waul's Texans.

http://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Units/14th_MS_Inf.htm 12/23/2006 Frierson Letters

EE 13iitt[i` {.I'-\]i]] si][.i[i=`.`.-`Fis[,i[t.: t`t.L`c,]` = 19 January 1862, Kei.tucky, War Between the States

[ Ike ] [ ±de ] [ Ardridge_.1492Es ] [ Aston Letters ] [ Baker Letter ] [ 8±±£!±£± ] [ CaffeiEliaE}£ ] [ lst Mic_hLRapQ± ] [ Hart Letter ] [ Deaderick Accounts ] [ Drake Letter 1 ] [ Durfee Letter ] [ Lt. Eckels Letter ] [ Etter Letter ] [ Faw Letter I [ £apt. Free Left_e± ] [ Frierson Letters ] [ Err_[ntervieny ] [ Griffin letter ] [ Haggard Let±e±: ] [ ±±ap!£}£ ] [ ±±Qn!±e!± ] [ ±±±J±4i£±± ] [ MQmp±is. Paper RepQr± ] [ M.ichigan Engrs aillf±n4gQ!± ] I 1 st Mich. Letter ] [ PQ±gE I [ Potter Letter ] I B±at±edge la±eI ] [ S±±e±ihaLRepQr£ ] [ Sinipson Letter ] [ Ia!±e}£ ]

Letters of Charles and James Frierson, Co. F, 15th Mississippi Infantry •-\`

Pvt. Charles Currin Frierson, Co. F, 15th Mississippi Infantry

The f allowing letters were written by two_cousi.ps in co. ^F: the:'Water_yallf y R_if o.es," 1 :th Missis;ippi Irfdrntry. The originals are in the_collection Of Gay Cart?r, Ch.arl.es Frierso,n*. gt-,§t:niece, and I a#ver; mu;h indebtedio Miss Carter f or permjssi_on to repr?dice th.e l?t.ters an.d Ch,a~r.Iie'? remarkable `image. Gay transcribed and anhotdted the |3tters, and wrote tpe .b.iography Of.Charles i`rierson whicwif allow;. A f ew notes on the photo .._. This image was pr^o?abl.y t?key in`tp.e s.uxpm?r ?f. 1861, shortly afiter the regiment was formed. Charles vyears a versi?n Of.th:.di:tinct:v,e Mississippi state irfantry un;f a;in, a jackoft or short c?at, with trousers,.both trimm.ed p!.ob.ably ir red (pe.r^s.tale, r;gul;lion;). Blacik slouch hats with_ stqrs were_popular a.mong.the ¥issis.s.ippians, .and Chqrles,al,:o ;;pears to'wear a Corif ederate battle 5hirl, witir c6ntr_a_:ting c.olor trim. He.has a haqps,a,cnk, a ?e,lt with C6rfederate frame bu6kle, and a tin dr_un fa_nteen. His musket appears to be an early US model, perhaps ca. 1816, with an unusual style Of sling.

http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/quarters/1864/frierson_letters.htm?20074 S1412ffNrl 17TH Miss. Inf. Page 1 of 4



Company A -- the Buena Vista Rifles (Chickasaw County, MS)

Company 8 -- the Mississippi Rangers (Marshall County, MS)

Company C -- the Quitman Grays (Pontotoc County, MS)

Company D -- the Rough & Readies, aka the Rough & Ready Volunteers (Pontotoc County, MS)

Company E -- the Bumsville Blues (Tishomingo County, MS)

Company F --the Samuel Benton Relief RIfles (Marshall County, MS)

Company G -- the Confederate Guards (Marshall County, MS)

Company H -- the Panola Vindicators (Panola County, MS)

Company I -- the Pettus RIfles (Desoto County, MS)

Company K -- the Magnolia Guards (Calhoun County, MS)

' Theofficers above were companies elected June were 4-6,1861. assembled The at Corinthregiment and was assigned mustered to intothe Seventeenth the service of Regiment, the Confederate of which States the June

7, at Corinth. June 11 they left there for Virginia and arrived at Manassas Junction June 17.

The Seventeenth and Eighteenth were first brigaded with the Fifth South Carolina, under the command of D. R. Jones, in Beauregard's army, and were under artillery fire near Blackbum's Ford, of Bull Run, when the first attack was made by the Federals July 18. For the battle which Beauregard planned for July 21 this brigade was ordered to cross Bull Run and move toward Centerville. After the Federal attack on the left flank they were ordered back across the run, in which movement they were under heavy artillery fire. Later in the day they again crossed the creek and advanced up Rocky Run toward the Federal encampment, co-operating with Longstreet and Early. In the that was made they found the ground impassable and the artillery fire so severe that a retreat was ordered. This demonstration was the movement that so demoralized the retreating Federal army with rumors of being cut of at Centerville. The Seventeenth lost 2 killed and 10 wounded.

From August 13,1861, to March 4,1862, the regiment was posted at or near Leesburg, Virginia.

On October 21 st the Seventeenth, having been advanced near the Potomac on account of threatened activity of the enemy, was called into the battle of Ball's Bluff, taking position in the battle line between the Eighth Virginia and Eighteenth Mississippi after the fall of colonel Bun. Colonel Featherston took command of the two Mississippi regiments, which alone, the Virgirinns having exhausted their anmunition, marched forward, firing, capturing two and driving the enemy behind a bluff and in the river. The surrender was made to Colonel Featherston, and about 300 officers and men were marched back as prisoners. Lieutenant-Colonel MCGuirk was left with a detachment on the field, that secured about 200 more prisoners. Upshaw's company and Fletcher's of the Thirteenth were with the Virginia regiment in its last charge, capturing another carmon. The brunt of the Federal attack fell first upon Captain Duffs command, detached on picket duty at Big Spring, having perfomed that duty at various posts on or near the Potomac since August 24. The loss of the entire regiment was 2 killed and 9 wounded.

http://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Units/17th_MS_INF.htm 12/23/2006 20th Mississippi Infantry Page 1 of 5

3Ooq30 20th Mississippi Infantry

Onrom Dunbar Rowland's "Military History Of Mississippi, 1803-1898" ; Pomp_£ny listing courtesy Of H. Graldy HowetL's ''For Dtxle Land,1'(I Take My Stand')

Company A -- Miles MCGehee RIfles (raised in Bolivar County, MS)

Company 8 -- Hanilton Guards (raised in Monroe County, MS)

Company C -- Canoll Guards (raised in Carroll County, MS)

Company D -- Noxubee RIfleinan, aka Noxubee RIfles (raised in Noxubee County, MS)

Company E -- Adans RIfles (raised in Harison County, MS)

Company F -- Forest Guards (raised in Scott County, MS)

Company G -- Barksdale Greys (raised in Winston County, MS)

Company H -- Morton Pine Knots (raised in Scott County, MS)

Company I - Jasper RIfles (raised in Jasper County, MS)

Company K -- Capt. 0ldhan's Company (raised in Attala County, MS)

Colonels --Daniel R. Russell, to January,1863; William N. Brown. Lieutemnt-Colonels -Horace H. Miller, William N. Brown, promoted; Walter A. Rorer, killed at Franklin. Majors - William N. Brown, promoted; Walter A. Rorer, promoted; William M. Chatfield, killed, February, 1864; Conrad K. Massey, killed at Pine Mountain; Thomas 8. Graliam. Chaplain -- R. H. Whitehood. Lieut.-Col. Dabney H. Maury, also named in War Departmentlistofreginents.

June 29-30 the State was called on for five regiments to be enlisted for the period of the war, the previous enlistments having been for twelve months. July I Governor Pettus reported the raising of three regiments, among them Russell's. Companies previously organized and enrolled in the State troops, as noted above, assembled at luka, and the requisite ten were in camp after the arrival of the Morfon Pine Knots, who left home July 4' 1861.

The regiment was ordend to Virginia, arrived at Lynchburg in August and on September 13 was ordered to report to General Floyd at Lewisburg. They arrived at Sewell Mountain in the Kanawha Valley September 26. Floyd had been driven back by Rosecrans and Gen. Robert E. Lee had been assigned to command in this field ~ underSeptember the command 21. The Twentiethof that great has General. the distinction Lee took of abeing position the firstat Meadow Mississippi Bluff regiment and Big toSewell serve Mountain in the field and Rosecqurs advanced to his front late in September, recomoitered and fell back. Floyd, with his little "Any of hay ://www.mississippiscv.org/MS_Unitsreoth_MS_INF.hrh I / 11 /2007 27th Mississippi Infantry I,age 0

3f) 'o2J> 27th Mississippi Infantry

UromDunbaTRowloind's"MiLitqiryHistoryOf_His_sis_sinp!,!.8.P3_-1.899'_';c_omp.aylistingcourtesyOfH. Grady Howetl's ''For Dixie Land, I'tl Take My Stand')

Company A -- Oktibbeha RIflemen (raised in Oktibbeha County, MS)

Company 8 -- Rosin Heels (raised in Jones County, MS)

Company C -- Fredonia Hands (raised in Pontotoc County, MS)

Company D -- Rayburn Rifles (raised in Lawrence County, MS)

Company E -- Leake Guards, aka Leake Rovers (raised in Leake County, MS)

Company F -- Covington Fencibles (raised in Covington County, MS)

Company G -- Kennedy Guards (raised in Perry County, MS)

Company H -- Jasper Blues (raised in Jasper & Lauderdale Counties, MS)

Company I -- Harris Rebels (raised in Lawrence County, MS)

Company K -- Enfield Rifles, cka Enfield Riflemen (raised in Monroe County, MS) [fomerly Co. 8, 5th Battalion MS Infantry]

Company L -- Twiggs RIfles (raised in Jackson County, MS)

Colonels -- Thomas M. Jones, resigned March 26, 1863; James A. Canpbell, died at Johnson's Island, 4 February, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonels -- James L. Autry, killed at Murfreesboro; A. J. Hays, transfened to staff of General Bragg; James A. Canpbell, promoted; Andrew J. Jones, killed at ResacaL Majors - George H. Lipscomb, killed at Perryville; James A. Campbell, promoted January, 1863; Andrew J. Jones, promoted May, 1863; Amos MCLemore, killed by a deserter; Julius 8. Kennedy, killed at Atlanta.

Adjutants - W. S. Crunp, G„ W. RIce. Surgeons - Isaac Shelby, K. C. Divine, promoted brigade staff December 4,1862. Assistant Surgeon -J. S. Buckner.

Quatemaster - Addison Craft, promoted to brigade staff December 4, 1862; Lieut. G. 8. Denhan, Lieutenant Catchings. Conhissaries - John Boyles, Lieuts. G. W. RIce, J. W. Grayson. Sergeant-Majors -- J. P. , Isom Watkius. `~ This refuent was organked at Pensacola, of Mississippi companies that went there in 1861. The regiment was

organialbyGeneralBragg,thencommandingtheAmyofPensacola,whoselectedthefieldofficers,Jones, http : //www. rississippiscv.org/MS_Units/2 7th_MS_INF.htm I / 11 /2007 39th Mississippi Infantry

3ol/30 39th Mississippi Infantry

UromDunbarRowland's"MuilqryH±tqr±_!Of_M.Sis_styp}!.8.P3_-1.89P'.';c.2mp.:`nylistingcourteayofH. GTady HoivelL's "For Dixie Loud,1'11 Take My Stand')

Company A -- Sinpson Greys (raised in Simpson County, MS)

Company 8 -- Rankin Rebels (raised in Rankin County, MS)

Company C -- Johnston Avengers (raised in Scott County, MS)

Company D -- Newton Homets (raised in Newton County, MS)

Company E -- Bany Guards (raised in Copiah County, MS)

Company F -- Pearl RIver Guards (raised in Simpson County, MS)

Company G - Price Rebels (raised in Rankin County, MS)

Company H -- Dixie Guards (raised in Pike County, MS)

Company I -- Burt Avengers (raised in Hinds County, MS)

Company K -- Monroe Quin Guards (raised in Pike County, MS)

Colonel -- W. 8. Shelby. Lieutenant-Colonel -- William E. Ross. Majors -- W. Momce Quin. resigned; R. J. Dun.

Thisregimentwasenlistedforthreeyearsorthewar,haditsrende2IVousatJackson,andwasorganizedMay13, 1862. W. 8. Shelby, of Brandon, being elected Colonel; Ross, of Jackson, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Quin, of PikeCounty,Major.CorinthwasthencecupiedbytheamyunderGeneralBeauregard,investedbytheamy under General Halleck, which took possession May 30, upon the withdrawal of Bcauregard to Tupelo. About thistinetheThirty-ninthwassenttoGrenada,whereitbecameapartofthebrigadeofGen.John8. Villepigue,whohadbeenassociatedwiththeMississippitroopsatPensacola,andhadjustretumedfrom gallantserviceatMemphis.June12,1862,Gen.Villapigue,atGrenada,raportedthat154sickoftheregiment were there, left when the regiment advanced, unarmed except fortyrone defective flintlock muskets. When VillapiguewasorderedwithhisbrigadetoVicksburg,June23,1862,itwasdirectedthatCol.Shelby's Regimentshouldremalnunderthecommandofcol.W.H.Jackson,toproteetthenorthemborder.

Company1,Capt.Rmdel,waspatofthecommandofGen.M.L.SmithatVicksburg,duringthebombardment ofMay20toJuly27,1862.rvanDom'slist).ThiscompanywaswiththetroopsthatBreckenridgetookto `-' Carp Moore, La., irmediately after the fiulure of the Federal attack on Vicksburg, and in the attack on Baton Rouge,August5,1862,wasattachedtotheFourthLouisiana.Casualties,killed,I;wounded,1.General http ://www.nrississippiscv.org"S_Units/3 9th_MS_Imf.hm 1 / 11 /2007 Missouri 961

Colors ond, Flags

The Missouri state flag of 1861-as indicated by one example-was dark blue with the coat of arms of the state in its center. At some later date it was changed to a white flag bearing the arms, but this probably took place after 1872. So far as is known, all Union Missouri coinmands in the Civil War carried U.S. regulation colors. TZ,3-fc CSP. 32u.±f\ in,a+.Oue|


Ist Missouri Brigade (St. Louls|*

• lst Regt 1852-1861 coio lst lnf Regt (rcconstifuted) 187l on (Included Black Plume, Union and Missouri Riflemen; Continental Rangers, St. Louis Light Guards, National Guards, Missoul lhagcons. St. Louis Lancers, Mounted Rifles, St. Louis Arty, St. Louis Gray§, Washington Guards, Emmet Guards,WashingtonBlues.MissoulGuards.CityGuards.)Compsdistinctivelydressedbutaregimentalunifomwasin •` use as early as l854 and universally won forregimental formations by l858: blue frcekcoat, skyblue pants, M1854dress cap and U.S. Army arms and accouterments; minor variations in facings and insignia. PfonccrCoxps;bluefrcekcoat,trimmedwithredandgoldlace;darkgraypantswithwideredsthpe;bcarskinhatwithred bag, cord and tassels, red, white and blue plume; high black leather boots; men wore beards and carried axes. 187l:zouavedress:bluejackettrimmedwithyellow.fullredpants,Tedforagccapwithblueandwhilepompon;uDpainted canvas gaiters. EnrLeld rifle musket. • St. Leuis Grays Bn (formerly comp in ls( Regt; reassigned to lst Regt. In 1861 entered 1853-1857 20 lst Missouri lnfRegt., C.S.A. as comp D, a.v.) 7o /858.. Light gray tail coat, black collar. cuffs, shoulder straps and facing; lace and buttons; light gray pa[its • with I.5 in. black stripe; patent leather cap with diamond-shaped silver plate with eagle, silvered fnountings and white pompon; white cross and waist bet(s; white pants in summer. Offtcer's coat double breasted; silver epaulets. Fan.g«cdrcrs..bluefbekcoat,skyblueorwhitelinenpants,bluedTesscap./8j8-/86/..dressunifomsameexceptlight bluefacingsandepaulets,smallerblackdresscapwithwhitepomponand"A"withinwreath,blueweltonpants,andgold lace. Black patent leather knapsack with "St.L.G" inside gold `^/reath on outer flap. Band.. same as pre-1858 unifom except gray forage cap with wide cro`m and black band. • 2nd Regt (Minute Men) 1861 90 Dark gray zouavejacket and full pants, trimmed with black braid; gray shin; gray forage cap with black top; black leather t:;:'e¥s'tc:ird:'ua::ei:t::TinT8¥;'Lqfl¥:Cur:;:,::=yed#§.C:::;::Cdkrce°g[;:::,CcuoT:;.r?drykc::u:,i:o::agt::,;:I:1,:

. ` Bn =fai?fine:b(:o=dtifr¥is nY:FcCou:;sano: rs:¥e`;B)ewtoac" On revere. L85gr) 86] • ``Squadron of cav (fomed from cav comps of lst Regl) So 1858-1861 • v Missouri Light Arty to i86i d o Blue frcekcoat, red collarand cuffs with gold lace, brass scales; sky blue pants, double red stripe; skyblue feltcap, patent leather top. brass flaming shell device. red horsehair plume hanging on right side, Arty sword. Qgrccrs.. same but coa( double breasted; gil( epaule(s; pistols in saddle holsters; brass mounted horse furniture. Four 6-frdr t)russ guns, •` Engineer corps (lst Rest) 1860-1861 ?c> Blue frcek coat, edged with yellow; sky blue pants, yellow cord stripe; blue dress cap; EnginceTcastle on collar, cap and cartridge box; white enameled leather cross and waist bet(s.

*Following captue of this Brigade at Camp Jackson and its subsequent demobilization. many of its elements formed, in Memphis, Term., the lst Missouri Vol Inf Regt, C.S.A., a.v. 962

ORDER OF BATTLE /confinwed/

• lsl (Provisional) Bn 187l on

Oo (Included Missouri Gunds, St. Louis Grays, GyTrmasium zouaves) Camps distinctively dressed. Zouaves wore zouave dress: blue jacket trimmed with yellow, full red pants trimmed with yellow, Ted forage cap, unpainted canvas gai(ers. Other comps wore gray chasseur coats, pants and caps with various trimiulngs. insignia and accou(erments. Enfteld rifle.

4° HOME GUARDS (U.S.,1861-1862)

(Not uniformed as a rule, bu( issued ams of older patterns and some accou(erments by Federal agencies.) • Stone county Regt Fed serv: 3 mos, ]861 • lst Gasconade County Bn (transferred to U.S.R.C.; merged into 4th Vol lnf Rest) Fed serv: 1861-1862 • 2nd Gasconade county Bn Fed serv: 3 mos,1861 • Gentry county Regt Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 • Bconville county Bn Fed serv: ? mos. ]861 • Green and Christian County Regt Fed serv: 3 mos,1861 • St. Charles county Rest Fed serv: 2 mos, 1861 • Webster county Regt Fed serv: 2 mos, 1861 • Dallas county Regt Fed serv: 3 mos,1861 • Pacific Bn (Inks' Bn) Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 • Harrison county cav Regt Fed serv: I mos. 186L • Scott county Bn Fed serv: 4 mos,1861 • Nodaway county Regt Fed serv: 2 mos, 1861 • Lawrence county Rest Fed serv: 3 mos, 186] • Osage county Bn Fed serv: I mos, 1861 • Cole county Regt Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 • Osage County Regt and Hickory County Bn Fed serv: 6 mos,1861 • Knox county Regt Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 • Benlon county Regt Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 • Cape Girardeau County Bn Fed serv: 3 mos,1861 • Marion County Bn (Hunt's Bn) Fed serv: 3 mos,1861 • Pike county Rest Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 • 15th Rest U.S. Reserve Corps (Polk County) Fed serv: 6 mos, ]861 • Fr€monl Rangers Independent Comps Fed serv: 4 mos, 1861 • Independent Sappers and Miners Fed serv: 6 mos,1861 • 14th Regt Missouri vols Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 • Franklin County Regt (Owens. Regt) Fed serv: 3 mos. 1861 • Johnson county Regt Fed serv: 3 mos,1861 (In addition, some 29 independen( Home Guards comps were in Fed serv between June and December 186] .)

/00 "SIX-MONTHS MILITIA" (U.S. ,1861-1862)

(Not `LnifoTTned as a rule, but issued small arms and accou(ermcnts from Federal stceks) • Kimball's Regt 1861-1862 • Dallmeyer`s Regt (also called 3rd Regt) 1861-1862 • Simpson's Regt (also called 4th Regt) 1861-1862 • Fagg's Regt (also called 5th Regt) 1861-1862 • Cranor's Regt (also called 6th Rest) 1861-1862

• RIchardson's Regt 1861 • Albin's Bn (also called lst Bn) 1861-1862 • Cox's Bn (also called 2nd Bn) 1861-1862 • Thompson's Bn (also called 4th Bn) 1861-1862 • Joseph.s Bn (also called 3rd Bn) 1861-1862

• Grundy county Bn (King's) 1861 963

ORDER OF BATTLE /cO"fi.#wed/

• Burris' Bn (also called 6th BD) 1861-1862 • Harrison County Bn (Caseboth's; also called 7th Bn) 1861-1862 • James' Bn 1861-1862 • Mercer county Bn (Clark's) 1861-1862 • Washington County Bn (Elmer's) 1861-1862 (In addition, the forte contained 3 independent cav comps.)


(AllelementsbelowwereissuedU.S.AmyunifomsandaccoutermentsandweTemaintainedonthesamelevelasvolunteer com]nands.) • ls'hf Rest 1862-1865 • lstcavRegt 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle. cal .54; M1847 cav musketcon (cat .69, rifled); Savage amy and navy revolvers. Stan revolver; M1840 saber. /86j.. Enfield rifle, Burnside carttine. • lst Cav Bn (Woolfou£'s; merged into lst Cav Regt) /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage army and navy revolvers; M1840 saber. • lst Cav Bn (Krekel's; also called 4th Cav Bn) 1862 • 2ndcavRegt 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle, cat .54; Savage any and navy revolvers, ; M1840 saber. /86J.. Remington ariliy revolver. /864.. Ml8cO saber. • 2nd Cav Ba (merged into 8th Cav Regt) 1861-1862 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage and Starr revolvers; M1840 saber. 2nd Cav Bn (Nugent's) 1862-1863 3rd Cav Regt (merged into 6th and 7th Cav Regts) 1862-1863 /862..Au§trianrifle;Savageamyandnavyrevolvers;M1840saber./86J..someColtrevolvingriflesandvarietyofother cndines. 3rd Cav Regt: see loth Cav Rest 3rd Cav Bn (Shanklin.s; merged in(o 3rd Cav Rest) 1862 /862.. Austrial rifle; Savage any and navy revolver; M1840 saber. 4th Cav Rcgt 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage army and navy revolvers; M1840 saber. /66j.. some Gallagher carbines. 5th Cav Rest 1862-1863 /662.. Austrian and Enfield rifles; Savage any and navy revolvers; M1840 saber. • 5th Cav Regt: see 13lh Cav Regt • 5th Cav Bn (merged into 6th Cav Regt) 1862 /862.. Ausqian rifle; Savage and StalT revolvers; M1840 satx:I. • 6th cav Rest (Catherwood's) 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage and Stan revolvers; M1840 saber. /863.. some Enfield rifles. Hall carbines and Colt revolvers. /864.. some Burnside carbines. • 7thcavRegt 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage and Stan revolvers; M1840 saber. /86¢.. some Starr carbines. • 7th Cav Bn (merged into 2nd Cav Regt) 1862 /862.. Austrian rifle, cal .54; Savage alTny and navy revolvers, Starr revolver; M1840 saber. • 8thcavRegt 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage and Stan revolvers; M1840 saber. /864.. some Remington army revolvers. • 8th Cav in (merged into 4th Cav Rest) 1862 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage any and navy revolvers; M1840 saber. • 9th Cav Regt (Guitar's Mounted Rifles) 1862-1865 J862.. M184l rifle, Enfield rifle; Lefaucheux any revolver. /86j.. some Austhan muskets and Ml 855 rifles; Remington army revolver. /864.. Springfield rifled muske(s. 964

ORDER 0F BATTLE /conil.#wcd/

• 9th Cav Bn (merged into 5th Cav Regt) /862.. Austrian and Enfie]d rifles; Savage army and navy revolvers; M1840 saber. • loth cav Regt (redesig) 1862-1863 3rd cav Regt 1863-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage and Staff revolvers; Ml 840 saber. /86J.. some Colt revolving rifles and Colt any alid navy revolvers, /864.. some Cosmopolitan carbines. • llth cav Regt (merged into 2nd cav Regt) 1862 • llth cav Bn (merged into l2th cav Regt) 1862 /862.. Austrian rifles and cart>ines; Pettingill revolver; M1840 saber. • 12lh cav Regt (Mounted Riflemen) 1862-1863 /862.. Austrian rifles alid carbines; StarT and Hall cafoines, elc.; some Pettingill revolvers, etc. , M1840 saber. • 13th cav Regt (Boonville Bn; also called 6th cav Bn; redesig) 1861-1863 5th cav Regt 1863-1865 /862.. Austrian rifle; Savage and StafT revolvers; M1840 and M1860 sabers, /863.. some Colt, Pettingill, Reming(on revolvers; also M1842 pistol. /864.. men purchased 300 Smith carbines. • 14th Cav Regt (Mountain Rangers; broken up) I 862-I 863 /862,. Austrian rifle; Savage any and navy revolvers; M1840 saber. • lst Btry Light ATty (Waschman's Btry) I 862-I 864 • (?) Cass County Home Guard Regt 1861-1862(?)


(Comprised lst through 88th Regts, plus several bns and unattached comps. Included also were the St. Louis Police Bn, Corps of detectives Comp, and other commands composed of mu`nicipal and railroad employees, etc. Most of these units were uniformed in U.S. Army fatigue clothing, and were issued small arms and accouterments from Federal stocks as available.)


(All commands below wore US reg cav clothing.) • lst Regt (Banzhof's Bn; Hunter's Body Guard; Schorield's Escort) 1861-1865 I I ° /862.. Colt sporting rifles. cal .44; Lefaucheux any revolver; M1840 saber. /863.. Colt revolving rifle; some Sharps carbines; 7 patterns of revolvers. /864.. some M1860 sabers. • l§t Regt Western Cav: see Fremont Hussars • lstBn: seeBowen's Bn • lst Bn U.S. Reserve Corps Cav: see Hollan Horse • 2nd Regt (Merrill Horse) 1861-1865 /;a /86j.. Hall and Sharps carbines: Colt any revolver; M1840 saber. /864.. Sharps and StalT carbines. • 3rd Rest 1861-1865

/3o /863.. Sharps carbines; Colt, Pcttingill, Remington and Savage revolvers; M1840 saber. /864.' chiefly Colt Navy and Pettingill revolvers; some M1860 sabers. • 4th Regt (fomed from Fremont Hussars and par( of Hollan Horse) 1862-1865 i 4/o /66j.. Gallager and Sharps carbines; Col( and Remington any and navy revolvers; M1840 and M1860 sabers. /864.. some Beats any and navy revolvers. • 5th Rest (formed from Benton Hussars and par( of Hollan Horse; merged into 4th cav Rest) /50 ]862 • 5th Bn: see Berry's Bn • 6th Regt aJnion Rangers; fomed from Hawkins', Wood's and wright's cav Bns) 1862-1865 / 6o /862.. Hall carbine; some M184l rifles; some M1842 pis(ols; M1840 and M1860 sabers. /86J.. Bumside and Sharps carbines; Colt and Remington any revolvers. • 7th Regt (fomed from Black Hawk cav; merged into lst cav Regt) 1862-1865

/ 7o /862.. Hall carbine; Colt and Savage revolvers; M1842 pistol; M1840 saber. /863.. some Shalps carbines; some Lefaucheux and Stan revolvers. /864.. some StalT carbines and M1860 sabers. 965

ORDER OF BATTLE (confi.nwcd/ ® 8thRegt 1862-1865 / 80 J86-2.. Austrian rifle; Lefaueheux any revolver; M 1840 saber. /86j.. Cosmopolitan calbine; some Remington and Starr

: ron¥:y:,¥¥g`Tfe:Btho,£f¥::acav¥2;:::s:o;:ieew;:`h:Or#O;:a;thRigr :aovoRegr, , 862_ : ::: jzco 1862:"light French rifles. cal .577''; Colt army revolver; M1840 saber; /86j.. Gibbs rifled carbine, cat .52. /864.. some snaps carbines. • llthRe8t 1863-1865 a.a /66J.. Merrill and Shalps carbines; Colt, I.efaucheux and Remington any revolvers; M1840 saber. /864.. some Starr carbines and M1860 sabers. • 12thRe8t 1863-1866 €fo /864.. Springfield rifled muskets; ; M1840 and M1860 sabers, 1864-1866 • 13th Regt (State Militia veterans) 230 /86¢.. Smith and starr carbines; M1840 saber. • 14th Regt (State Militia veterans) 1864-1865 are /864.. Sun carbine; M1840 saber. • 15th Regt (formed from 7th Provisional Regt Eurollcd Militia) =SO 1863-1865 • 16th Regt (fomed from 6th Provisional Regt Enrolled Mili(ia) a.a 1863-1865 a?a Springfield rifled muskets, cat .58; Prussian muskets, cal .69 and .72; M1842 musket; M1840 saber. • Benton Hussars (Nemitt`s Bn' reorgan as 5th Cav Regt) a80 1861-1862 • Berry's Bn (also called 5th Independent Cav Bn) iley® 1861-1862 • Black Hawk Cav Bn (Bishop.s Bn; North East Cav; expanded to fom 7th Cav Rest) et06 1861-1862 • Bowen's Bn (also called lst Cav Bn; Curlis' Body Guard; expanded to fom 9th Cav Regt); 1861-1862 3/a some colt repeating carbines. • Fremont Body Guard Bn (Zagonyi's Bn) 1861 as US leg c;v clothing with broad brimmed felt hat and heavy cav boots. M1840 saber. Colt army revolver with stock; officers carried Beats revolver. • Fremont Hussars (lst Rcgt western cav; Waring's Regt; merged into 4th Regt) 1861-1862 F=\:-+C} Us cav clothing and accouterments. Some distinc(ions noted. Carried and M 1840 sabers; Hall carbine.1861-1862 • Hawkins' Bn (consol with Wood`s and Wright's Bns to form 6th Cav Regt) `3 ./a 1861-1862 • Hollan Horse (also called lsl Bn U.S. Reserve Corps Cav; merged into 4th and 5th Cav Rests) 3LSO 1861-1862 • Phelps' Regt.?hla 1861-1862 • Sobolaski's Independent camp of lLancers 3*® 1861-1862 • Stewart's Bn E,r,..'l 1861-1862 • Van Hom'sBn 3j`L® 1861 • Wood.s Bn (Union Rangers; consol with Hawkins. and Wright's Bns to form 6th Cav Regt) 3 /`£` 1861-1862 • Wright's Bn (consol with Hawkins' and Wood's Bns to form 6th Cav Rest) t¢OC) 1861-1862


• lst Regt Ligh( Arty: see lst Imf Regt ¢'C: • 2nd Regt Light Arty: (lst Regt Arty, U.S. Reserve Corps) fac} 1861-1865 US rcg light try clothing. • Backof.s Independent Bn Light Arty (Sigel's Arty) q3C 3 mos, 1861 • Kowald's Btry: failed to complete organ V 4'`~T


• Bissell.s Engineer Regt of the West (Flad's Rest; absorbed 25th Imf Regt) ffjc> 1861-1864 • lst Regt Engineers +tg0 1864-1865 /862.. M184l rifle; Springfield rifled muskets. /86j-/864.. some Enfield rifles. • Balz's Comp Sappers and Miners ty70 1861-1862 • Smith's Telegraph corps 4&® 3 mos. 1861 • Vcerster's Comp Sappers, Miners and Pontoniers (also called Henseler's Comp) 4/9® 3 mos, 1861 966

ORDER OF BATTLE /confinwed/ 6be Mlsslsslppl MARINE BRIGADE

• lst Bn Cav (consol with lst Imf Regt, Miss. Marine Brig) 1863-1864 /863.. Sharps carbine; Colt and Remington army revolvers; M1840 saber. • lstRegtlnf I 863-1865 /862-/864.. M184l and "M1845" rifles. • Segebafth's Btry (raised in Permysylvania; reassigned to lst Regt Light Arty) 1862-1864


• lst Rcgt (German Tumcrs; reorgan) 3 mos. 1861 rto lst Rest Light Arty 1861-1865 US reg light arty clothing. • lst Rest. US Reserve Colps (Cole County Home Guards) SIO 1861-1862

• lst Noftheast Rest (Alexandria Home Guards; consol witli 2nd Northeast Regt to form 2lst Imf Regt) 1861 S30 M1842 rifled musket. • 2nd Rest (included Osterhaus's Rifle Bn) 5+® 3 mos, 1861 • 2nd Regt (Asboth Rifles) 1861-1864 fs° /862.. Enfield rifle, saber bayonet; "Belgian or Vincennes rifles" with saber bayonet,

• 2nd Rest, US Reserve Corps 1861-1862 St® Gray shin and pants. drab felt hat. Officers wore gray frock coat and forage cap.

• 2nd Northeast Regt (con§ol with lst Northeast Regt to fom 2lst Imf Regt) 1861 57c> Mi842 rifled musket.

• 3rd Regi (Sigel's) 3 mos, 1861 58 o Lcose gray frock with red collar and cuffs, gray pants, black felt hat with "Ill" on front. Rifle comps wore same but with bugle device on hat and on cartridge box which was worn on wais( belt in front. OjFccr.. same but wi(h blue frock and ostrich feather in hat. Bn comps carried conversions, rifle comps altered M184l rifles and saber bayonets. • 3rd Regt a.yon Regt) 1861-1864 5fo /862.. M1842 rifled musket. /863.."Belgian or vincermes rifles with saber bayonet." • 3rd Reg(, US Reserve Corps (reorgan as 4th Imf Regt) 1861-1862 Cco Mi842 rifled musket.

• 4th Regt (Black Jaegers; Schwarze Jaeger) cio 3 mos, 1861 • 4th Rcgt (formed by consol of 3rd Regt, US Reserve Corps and Gasconade County Bn, Home Guards) 1862-1863 6Z® /662.. M1842 rifled musket.

• 4th Rest, US Reserve Corps (Brown's) 63® 3 mos, 1861 • 4th Rest, US Reserve Corps (Herder's) 6+o 1861-1864 • 5th Regt (Solomon's) 3 mos, 1861 6sO "Unifomed in gray."

• 5th Rest, US Reserve Corps (reorgan) 1861-1862 cto 5th Regl (merged into 35th Imf Regt) 1862 /862.. Springfield rifled muskets.

® 6thReg' 1861-1865 Gpo /862.. M1842 rifled musket. /66j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets.

• 7th Rest (Irish Seventh; merged into I lth Imf Regt) 1861-1864 660 /862.. M1842 rifled musket. /86j.. Enfield rifle.

• 8thRegt(Americanzouves) .LI.' ` i:. `. ` 1861-1865 4fo Wore zouavc jacket, probably-blue. /862-/864.. Springfield rifled mudm • 9th Re-gt (Zounves): see 59th IJlinois Imf Regt 7oo

• 10thReg' 1861-1864 7/a /862.. Austhan nfled musket, cat .54. /863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. some M1863 rifle muskets. • llth Regt (lst Regt Rifles) 1861-1866 , 7{0 /862.. EnfLeld rifle, M1842 rifled musket. /86?.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. 967

ORDER oF BATTLE /co"ffrowcd/

• 12th Regt. (2nd Regt. Rifles) 1861-1864 7jo /662.. "Belgian or vincemes rifles with saber bayonets." /86J.. Enfield rifle. • 13th Regt (3rd Regt Rifles): see 22nd Ohio lnf Regt 71® • 13th Rest: see 25th lnfRegt • 14th Regt (Birge's Sharpshooters): see 66th ]llinois Imf Regt 7©

?6° (So far as is known, all the regts hereafter wore US res inf clothing and accouterments.)

• 15th Regt (Swiss Rifles) 1861-1865 /862-/863.. Enfield rifle (11 Colt revolving rifles in 1863). /864.. M1863: rifle musket. • 16th Regt: failed (o complete organ • 17th Regt (Western T`lrner Rifles) 1861-1864 /862.. Springfield rifled muskets; Enfield rifle with saber bayonet. J86j.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 18th Regt (Morgan's Rangers) 1861-1864 /86j-J864.. Springfield rifled muskets. Temporarily mounted /864.. M 1859 and "Ranger pattern" saddles. • 19th Regt: failed to complete organ • 20th Regt: failed to complete organ • 2lst Regt (fomed from ls( and 2nd Northeast Rests) 1861-1866 /862.. M 1842 rifled musket. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 22nd Regt a=oster's Bn; broken up) 1861-1862 J862.. Comp 8 armed with M184l rifle. • 23rdRegt 1861-1865 /862-/86j.. M 1842 rifled musket. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 24th Regt (Lyon Legion) 1861-1865 J862.. M184l rifle. M1842 and other Springfield rifled muskets. /86J-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 25th Regt (Peabody's Regl US Reserve Corps; 13th Imf Regt; consol with lst Rest Engineers) 1861-1864 /662.. Springfield rifled muskets. /663.. Enfield rifle. 26th Rest 1861-1865 /862-/86¢.. Springfield rifled muskets with some Enfield rifles in 1863. 27th Rest 1862-1865 /862.. Enfield rifle. /66j-J864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 27th Moun(ed Regt (Eads' or Grover's Reg( Home Guards) 1861-1862 28th Rest: see loth Cav Regl 29th Rest 1862-1864 /862-/863.. Springfield rifled muskets; Enfield rifles issued in 1863. Temporarily mounted in 1864. 30th Regt (Shamrock Regt) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. 3lst Rest (consol with 32nd Inf Regt) 1862-1864 /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. 32nd Regt (consol with 3ls( Imf Regt) 1862-1864 Consolidated Bn 3lst and 32nd lnf 1864-1865 32nd Regt 1865 J862.. rifled conversions. /86j.. Enfield rifle. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets, Enfield rifle. 33rd Regt (Merchants' Regt) 1862-1865 1862-1864: Enfield rifle. 34th Regt: failed to complete organ 35th Rest 1862-1865 J862.. M 1842 musket, /86j.. conversions. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. Enfield rifle. : 36th, 37th, 38th Regts: failed (o complete organ ® 39thRe8t 1864-1865 /864.. Temporarily mounted; Enfield rifle. 968

ORDER OF BATTLE /conri.Hwed)

40thRe8' 1864-1865 /86¢.' Springfield rifled muske(s; "Dresden" and "Suhl" rifled muskets. • 4ls'Re8t 1864-1865 /864.. Enfleld rifle • 42ndRegt 1864-1865 /864.. "DTesden" and "Suhl" rifled muskets. • 43rdRegt 1864-1865 /864.. Enfield rifle. • 44th Rest 1864-1865 /864.. Enfield rifle. • 45th Regt 1864-1865 /864.. Enfield rifle; "Dresden" and "Suhl" rifled muskets. • 46thRe8t 6 mos, 1864-1865 /864.. "Dresden" and "Suhl" rifled muskets. • 47th Rest 6 mos, 1864-1865 /864.. "Dresden" and "Suhl" rifled muske(s. ® 48th Rest 1864-1865 /864.. "besden" and "Sulil" rifled muskets. ® 49th Res, 1864-1865 /864.. "Dresden" and "Suhl" rifled muskets; Enfield rifle. ® 50th Rest 1864-1865 /864.. Enrield rifle • 5ls'Regt 1865 • Benton Cadets, US Reserve Corps (Marshall's Regt) 1861-1862 • Os(erhaus's Rifle Bn: see 2nd Imf Regt (3 mos)


• lst Rest vols, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 77® 62nd Regt lnf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 /864.. Enfield rifles. • 2nd Regt Vols, a.d. (redesig) 1863-1864 78o 65th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1867 /864.. Enfield rifles. • 3rd Regt Vols, a.d. (redesig) 1864 7co 67lh Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. (merged into 65th Regt lnf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1865 /864.. Enfield rifles. • 4th Regt Vols, a.d. (redesig) 1864 6to 68th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1866 /864.. Enfield rifles. • 18th Regt Imf, U,S.C.T. I 864-1866 8ro /864.. Enficld rifles.

C orifederate Missouri

Among the companies of the lst Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Militia, which marched to Camp Jackson in May 1861, was the Washington Blues, an Irish command under Captain `~ 971

Small Arms and Accouterments

The ams carried by Missouri soldiers in the Confederacy were a mixed lot, as can be imagined. The early State Guard companies were issued weapons seized at the U.S. arsenal at Liberty; these were probably caliber .69 converted muskets. Thereafter they must have depended upon country rifles and shot guns. The Missouri brigade organized in 1861 was initially armed with flintlock muskets and whatever else was available. In January 1862, at Bowling Green, Ky., the lst Infantry receivedcaliber.58Springfields,andthiswasprobablytruewithsomeoftheotherregiments. AboutMay1863alltheMissouriinfantryanddismountedcavalryofGeneralJohnS.Bowen's division were rearmed with Enfield rifles. All, of course, came from Confederate stocks.

33 esfl in,Sour!_

ORDER OF BAITLE: STATE GUARD (C.S.A.) jjc)c)a a • General provost Guard Bn 1861-1862

|stDivisionL# • lst cav Rest (Jones') • lst cav Bn (White.s) • lst Imf Regt (Walker's) • lst Imf Bn (Brown.s) • 2nd cav Regt (Smith's) • 2nd cav Bn (Hunter's) • 2nd Inf Regt (Pheelan.s; Tippen's) • 2nd lnfBn (Jermings') • 3rd Imf Regt (Lowe's) • 3rd InfBn (Rapley's) • 4th lnf Regt (Waugh's)

2nd Division fo • Bruce's cav Regt • Burbridge's cav Regt • Franklin's cav Regt • Green's cav Rest • Hawkin's cav Regt • Rawlings' InfBn • Robinson.s Imf Bn

3rd Division ?,`/ • lst Imf Regt (Burbridge's; ClaTk's) • 2nd InfRegt (Jackson.s) • 3rd Imf Reg (Price's) • 4th Imf Regt (MCKinney's) • 5th Imf Regt (Bevier's; reorgan as 2nd Vol Imf Bn) • 6th Imf Regt (Poindexter.s) • Major'scavBn 972

ORDER OF BATTLE (comfl.nwed/

4th Divison

lst Cav Regt (Rives') 1861 lst Imf Regt (Hughes') 1861 2nd Imf Regt (Patton's) 1861 Extra Cav Bh (') 1861 Extra Imf Bn (Housand's) 1861 Thomton's Imf Bn (1861 ?) Clark,s 1861

5Ih Division:#h(Arty lst Cav Regt (Caneal's) 1861 lst Arty Bn (I.andis'; rcorgan as I"dis' Missouri Btry,q.v.) 1861-1862 1861 lst lnf Regt (Sanders') 1861 lst Imf Bn (Boyd.s) 1861 2nd lnf Regt Ovinston's) 1861 3rd Imf Regt (Lewis') 5th Moun#fRegr(Slayback's) 1861

6lh Division

lst Cav Regt (Brown's) Dill's Imf Bn Kelly,s (fof.merly Washington Blues, S(. Louis?) 8th Division :rf#` ' Lap • lst cav Regt (Martin's; Weightman's) • lst lnf Regt (Holloway's; Rosser's) • 2nd cav Regt (McCown's) • 2nd Imf Regt (Elliott.s) • 3rd cav Regt (Peyton's) • 3rd Imf Regt (Hun('s) • 4th cav Regt (Cawthom.s; Walker's) • 4th lnf Regl (Hale.s; O'Kane.s) • 5th cav Regt (Craven's) • 5th Imf Regt (Clarkson's) • 6th Cav Regt (Coffee's) • 6th Imf Regt (Bledsoe's) • 7th cav Regt (Hunter's) • 8th cav Regt (Owens') • 9th cav Regt (Cummings') • loth cav Rest (Ervrin's) • llth cav Regi ITalbot's) • 12th cav Regt (Robertson's) • 13th cav Regt (Crawford's) • 14th cav Regt (King's)


• lst Regt (Gates'; temporarily consol with 3rd Cav Bn) 1862-1865 9'0 Dismounted by May l863; rearmed with Enfield rifle. • lst Northeast Reg( (consol with 2nd Northeas( Cav Regt) to form 7i:-. !nf Regt) ib 1862-1863 • lst Bn, lst hdian Brig (Cherokee Spikes; lst Bn, Cherokee Rangers) /00 1862-1865 • lst Bn (Elliott's; also called loth Cav Bn; expanded (o form 9th Cav Rest) /. z> 1862-186 973

ORDER OF BATTLE /cO#tinwed/ • ls( Bn (Mcculloch.s; expanded to fom 2nd Cav Regt) 12a 1862 • 2nd Regt (Mccullcoh.s; formed from lst and 4th Cav Bns) i3o 1862-1865 • 2nd Northeast Regt (Franklin's; consol with lst Northeasl Cav Rest to fom 7th Imf Rest) .uC> 1862-1863 • 3rd Regt (Greene's) 1862-1865 lsb Dismounted by May 1863; reamed with Enfield rifle. • 3rd Bn (Salnuel's; temporarily consol with lst Cav Regt; also called 5th and 6th Cav Bns) ..C> 1862-1865 • 4th Regt (Burbridge's; also called Burbridge's Bn) `7o I 862-1865 • 4th Bn (merged into 2nd Cav Regt) /8C> 1862 • 5th Regt (Le Fayetle County Regt; also called lst Cav Regt) 140 1862-1865 • 5th Bn: see 3rd Cav Bn Zco • 6th Reg( (Southwest Cav; also called I lth Cav Regt, Smith's Regt, Thompson.s Regt, etc.) Z/a 1862-1865 • 6th Bn: see 3rd Cav Bn 22C> • 7th Regl (also called loth Cav Regt and Clark's Regt of Recruits; reorgan as Kitchen's Cav Regt)a;30 1862-1863 • 8th Rest (also called Jeffers' Bn and Regt) 2ro I 862-? • 9th Regt (Elliott's; formed from lst or loth Cav Bn) 2SO 1864-1865 • loth Regt (Lawther.s; formed from llth Cav Bn) 2,GEO 1863-1865 • llth Regt: see 6th Cav Regt 270 • llth Bn (Young's; expanded to form loth Cav Rest) €&C? 1862-1863 • 12th Rest (also called Jackson County Cav Regl; . Cav Regt; and Shanks' Cav Regt) 2q9 1862-1865 • 14th Bn (Wood's; expanded to fom Wood's Cav Regt) ac*L.l 1863-1864 • 15th Regt (Reeves')£i® 1864-1865 • Burbridge.s Bn: see 4th Cav Rest 32o • Clark's Regt (Clark's Recruits): see 7th Cav Regt 53o • ClaTkson's Bn Independent Rangers (Missouri comps merged into 9th (Clark's] Imf Regt; 1862-1863 3fo comps merged in(o Buster.s Bn. Arkansas Vol Cav) • Coleman's Regt (disb) 35C7 1862 • CrandaLl's Bn: failed to complete organ 3£o • Franklin's Northeast Cav Regt: see 2nd NOTtheast Cav Regt 5?a • Fristce's Regt 56c) 1864-1865 • Hunter's Bn (converted and redesig 2nd Imf Regt)38t> 1862 • Hunter's Regt rfe 1863-1865 • Jackman's Rest (also called Nichol's Cav Regt)t+/o I 862-1865 • Jackson County Rest: see 12th Cav Regt +2.a • Jeffer's Regt: see 8th Cav Regt V30 • Kitchen's Rest (fomed from 7th Cav Regt) +¢c> 1863-1865 • Lawther's Rest Partisan Rangers I+SO 1862 • Lawther's Temporary Regt Dismounted Cav i/6C7 1863 • MacDonald`s Regt (reorgan as llth Cav Bn)I/7t> 1862 • Nichols' Regt: see Jackman's Cav Regt+€rc} • Poindexter's Regt {4qc) ? • Preslon's Bn (merged into 4th Cav Regt) 5oa 1862-1863 • Schnabel's Bn 5lo I 864-1865 • Shaw'sBn 520 1864-1865 • Snider's Bn (Northeast Missouri Cav) 53c> ? • William.s Regt 54Z) 1864-1865 • Wood's Regt (fomed from 14(h Cav Bn)55D 1864-1865

vOLun`ITEER ARTELERy (c.s.A.) t>-6O

(Comprisedorginallythreecompsoflightarty,designatedWade's,Guibor's,andLandis'Btrys.Thethreewereconsolunder Guibor in July 1863. Wade's Btry was initially equipped with sin 12-pound guns, two PafTon rifles and four . Later btrys were Clark's, King's, Bledsce's, MCDonald's, Lowe's and Dawson's.) 974



• ls( Rcgt (Bowcn's; formed at Memphis from elements of lst Missouri BIigede, Vol Militia; 1861-1865

57o Consol with 4th lnf Regt to form lst and 4th consol Regt) First amed with flintlcek musket; /an /862.. reamed with Springfield rifles; Aftry /863.. reamed with Enficld rifle. • lst Bn (Johnson's; merged into 4th Imf Regt) 58t- 1862 • 2nd Regt (Burbridge's; also called lsl Imf Regt; consol with 6th Imf Regt (o fom 2nd and 6th Consol Regt) 1862-1865 j90 May /86J.. rearmed with Enfield rifle. • 2nd (Hunter.s) Regt: see 8th (B`rms.) Iiif Regt 6o® • 2nd Bn (McCo`un's: forTned from 5th Imf Regt, 3rd DIY, State Guard, also called lst Imf Bn, 1862-1865 '®!C' lst Brig. Army of Termessee; consol with 5th Imf Regt (o fom 3rd and 5th Consol Regt) • 3rd Reg( (Rlves'; also called 2nd Imf Regt; consol with 5th Imf Regt) 1862-? 6CO Wey /66j.. rearmed with Enfield rifle. • 3rd Bn (Erwin's; also called 5th Imf Bn; consol with Hedgpeth's Bn to fofm 6th Imf Rest)63C> 1862 • 4th Regt (formed by consol lst and MacFarlane's Bns, and other elements; consol wi(h lst Imf Regt, a.v.) 6+a 1862 • 5th (fomed by consol of 2nd Imf Bn with other elements; consol with 3rd Imf Regt) 1862-1863 45o May /863.. (carmed with Enfield rifle. • 6th Regt (formed by conso] of 3rd and Hedgpeth's Bns; consol with 2nd Imf Regt) 1862-1863 6C.o May /863.. reamed with Enfield rifle. • 7th Regt (Franklin.s; fomed from ls( and 2nd Northeast Cav Regts 67o 1863-1865 • 7th (Jaclrman'§) Regt: scc 16th Imf Regt • 7th Bn (consol with Ffazier's Imf Bn to form 8th (Mitchell's] Imf Regt) 6gz) 1862-1863 • 8th Regt quunter`s; Bums'; formed from Huntcr's Cav Bn as 2nd Imf Rest; redesig I lth Imf Regt) Cfo 1862-1865 • 8th Regt (Mitchell's; fomed from 7th and Frazier's Imf Bns) Too 1862-1863 • 8th Bn (Musser'§; consol with other elements (o form 9th Imf Regt)7;a 1862-1863 • 9(h Regt (Clark's; fonned from 8th Imf Bn and elelnents of Clark's lnf Regt) 7 a a 1863-1865 • 9th Rcg( (White's) Regt: see 12th Imf Regt • 9th Bn Shafpshcoters (Pindall's Bn Sharpshooters) 7ge> 1862-1865 • loth Rest (Steen's: also called lst Imf Regt; formed from Steen's and Pickett.s lnf Bns) 7¢4D 1862-1865 • llth Regt: see 8th ®`ms') Inf Regt 7t5Z? • 12th Regt (White's; Ponder.s; also called 3rd and 9(h Imf Regts) 7ZJso 1862-1865 • 14th Regt: see 16th Imf Rcgt • 15th Regt: see 16th Imf Regt • 16th Res( (Jackman's; formed as 7th Imf Regt; also called l4th and l5th Imf Rcgts, etc.) 77o 1862-1865 • Bcone's Regt Mounted Imf (also called lst Regt Mounted lnf) 78'o • Clark's Reg( (broken up) 77o • Frazier's Bn (consol with 7th Imf Bn to form 8th [Mitchell's] Imf Regt) €c]o • Hedgpeth's Bn (cousol with 3rd Imf Bn to form 6th Imf Regt) 810 • Kitchen's Bn (reorgan as 7th [Jackman's] Imf Reg(, later 16th Imf Regt)62o • MacFarlane's Bn (merged into 4th Imf Regt) €30 • Perkius' Bn (raised as cav north of ; conver(ed to imf) 3+0 • Pickett's Bn (merged into loth Imf Regt) gso • Priest's Regt €4o • Searcy's Bn Sharpshooters (raised as cav; converted (o inf) 870 • Steen's Bn (merged into loth Imf Regt) 8&` • Winston.s Regt (merged into loth Imf Regt) €fc> Nebq"Jkp` 977

Just before our period ended in 1872 the militia of Nebraska consisted of 12 independent companies of infantry and one battery of light artillery. The lst Volunteer Infantry Regiment seems to have been clothed initially in gray, but no clear description of the uniform has been found. All other Nebraska volunteers were clothed, armed and accoutered by the U.S. War Department. The scattered militia companies rarely receivedunifomsandoftenasnotsuppliedtheirownweaponsandaccouterments.Therewere apparently no distinctive state insignia or buttons in this period and all regimental colors appear to be U.S. regulation patterns. There was one command that must have presented an unusual appearance. From the Pawnee Indians, traditional enemies of the Sioux, Nebraska was able to raise a company of Pawnee Scouts. The coinmand was enlarged to a four-company battalion and retained in the U.S. service after the Civil War, technically as civilian employees of the Quartermaster Depart- ment. Their main job was protec(ing workmen building the Union Pacific Railroad. The Pawnees were given Spencer rifles and their uniforms were regulation, but their appearance was usually bizarre. Some wore only overcoats; others wore pants and bare skin above;whilestillotherscuttheseatsoutoftheirpantssotheycouldbettersticktotheirponies.


• lst Rcgt: see lst Imf Regt oo/a • lst Bn (consol with lst cav Regt) ocl2® 1864-1865 • 2nd Regt 3o 9 fnos.1862-1863 VOLUNTEER INFANTRY • lst Rest (converted) 4C> 1861-1863 lst cav Regt (Black Horse ve(eran cav) STO 1863-1866 Initially wore gray coat and pants; probably issued US res clothing in late 1862. M 1842 musket. /86¢.. M1842 musket. Enfield rifle. MerriLl carbine; Col( and Remington navy revolvers; M 1840 saber. 60?a (ln addition, two independent Indian cav comps called Omaha Scou(s and Parmec Scouts served 1865-1866. The latter comlnand was expanded to a bn in -----ET- 1866 and served in Federal pay until 1877.) -


AdjutantGeneral,U.S.,O#cl.a/Amp)Rcgi.sJcro/whcVo/wnfccrForce...,Washington.D.C.,1867,partVIII. "Militry Afflirs in the Territories." in 7lftc U#i.ow Army, Madison, Wis. ,1908, IV, 437438. Edgar S. Dudley, "Notes on the Early Military History of Nebraska," in 7ranfac/I.ons of the Nebraska State Historical Society, 11 (1887), 166-196. W.P.A. , Federal Writers' Project, Nebraska, A Mi./I.rary #I.s/Dry a/IVcbrafha, Lincoln, Neb.,1939.

-- NWADA 978



Nevada was organized as a territory on 2 March 1861 ; her white population the year before comprisedonly6,857souls.Threeandahalfyearslatershewasadmittedasastate,largely for reasons of national politics. Her population was strongly Republican and pro-Union. The two battalions furnished by the territory were organized in 1863 at Fort Churchill, Nev. , and spent their time guarding the overland wagon roads and the frontier settlements from Indian attack, or escorting exploring expeditions, especially into the Humboldt Valley. There is no indication that Nevada troops wore anything but U.S. regulation clothing, and certainly there were no distinctive state insignia or buttons. Nothing is known of their colors \~ and flags.

35 c/SA- riefyFDa. +i-+ ORt(-+ E]

DER OF BATTLE: VOLUNTE • lstcavBn cro /a 186L1866 US reg cav clothing. /866.. Joslyn carbine; Colt and Remington army revolvers; M1860 saber. • lsllnfBn C7c>2C} 1863-1865 US meg inf clothing. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. --I D


Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendl.win a//fee War a/l*c Rcbe//I.on, new ed., New York,1959,Ill,1345. "Military Affairs in the Territories," in rAc Unl.on Army, Madison, Wis.,1908, IV, 432433.

i=E= New Hampshire 983

Fig. 309. Private, New Hampshire Volunteer In- fantry,1862. Many New Hampshire regiments wore the designation "NHV" in brass letters on the tops of their forage caps along with the regimental number and company letter. From photograph. by J . MCAfee.

with "N.H." where possible. One result seems to have been the manufacture of an oval brass plateofregulationsize(3.4X2.2inches)bearingtheletters"NHSM."Itwasmadewitheyes forattachmenttoacartridgeboxandwithstudsandasinglehcokforuseonawaistbelt.Itwas not issued to the war regiments but reserved for accouterments given the Volunteer Militia from about 1862 on.

Small Arms and Accouterments

ThesmallarmsownedbyNewHampshirein1851werefewinnumberandpoorinquality;all had been issued originally by the War Department. Small state arsenals were maintained in Portsmouth and Lancaster. At the time there were 8,323 muzzleloading muskets and 2,387 riflesinthehandoftheeurolledandVolunteerMilitia,and1,502and697,respectively,inthe arsenals. Accouterments were nowhere near so plentiful; for example, there were only 2,391 cartridge boxes issued with the more than 10,5cO long arms. Theeliminationoftheeurollednrilitialeftthousandsofsmallarmsuncaredforandaboutas manylost.TheAdjutantGeneraldidwhathecouldtocollectthissurplusanddeposittheguns withtheselectmenoftowns,asrequiredbylaw.Hefoundtheduty"exceedinglydifficultand oftentimes perplexing" and he recoinmended selling all weapons found to be unserviceable. This was authorized by the legislature and in 1854-1856 several thousand long arms were disposed of. In this period the annual quota for the state was 228 muskets. Inmid-1857therewere4,410flintandpercussionmuskets,839riflesand216pistolsinthe handsoftroopsorloanedtotheselectmenoftowns;inthestatearsenalswere1,239;654;and 984

124,respectively.WhentheCivilWararrivedNewHampshirewasabletoarmthebulkofher firsttworegimentswiththeModel1842musket;thetwoflankcompaniesofthe2ndRegiment received rifles, specially purchased. The 3rd Infantry was given the Enfield rifled musket, probably bought by the state; thereafter small ams weiie provided by the War Department directly. The state did, however, purchase 960 Windsor rifles from Massachusetts in October 1861. Following the Civil War the entire Volunteer Militia infantry force was given the U.S. Model1861or1863riflemusket.ThecavalryatfirstwasamedonlywithModel1860sabers, but later received Remington carbines and army revolvers; the two light batteries wore only sabers.

Colors and Flags

New Hampshire, from the to modem times, paid more than usual attention to its military flags. The only complete set of regimental colors dating from the Revolution hangs in Concord. In 1792 militia legislation provided for the issue to each regiment of a national and a regimental color, and this issue continued to be authorized as late as1842.Whentheoldmilitiaregimentswerebrokenupin1851,theissueofcolors,of course, terminated. When regiments were again formed by the state in 1861 the practice was reinstituted. There wasnolegallyauthorizedstateflagbutonewasdevisedbythegovemorandCouncilforuseas a regimental color. The field was white silk, the fringe yellow, and the cords and tassels blue and white. On the obverse was palnted the national arms and the designation of the regiment: on the reverse, the ams of New Nampshire. To this, later, was added a national color, usually presented by private individuals. TheMilitiaLawofl867requiredtheAdjutantGeneraltofumisheachregimentwithcolors. It is not certain what designs these were given, but they seem to have been similar to U.S. regulation patterns except that the letters "N.H." took the place of "U.S." on the ribbon.

ORDER OF BATTLE: VOLUNTEER MILITIA • Govemor's Horse Guards Bn 1860-1866 F«//Dress..bluehussarjacket,yellowlaceandbuttons;searletpelisse,bhckfur,yellow]aceandbuttons;bluepantswith cO'°`Z::i:a:So¥%:;ob;:C;i:{rcbfus:b(yd'e:#s'ento:ai:#e[]°WC°rdpipin8.Cordsandtassels.Officersworegoldlaceandcord

• Lofayette Arty a.yndeborough; Tarbell.s camp) 1858 on

?a ` Fed serve: 90 days.1864 US rcg heavy arty clothing with some changes. /86j on.. US res light arty clothing; light arty saber; 6-par gull. • lst Light Btry: See VOLUNTEER ARTn.LERY • Bn of Amoskeag veterans 1855 on 3°1:I::F:=:wTthy±etTo:]s:ec:0:'edwh¥,?#.¥cesrs':::T,tt:ndedb]¥ssh:u]¥erntiwo:tow::bi=jkgmYaal;:C;:i;]b8T5C::S:

musket; white cross belts. 985

ORDER OF BATTLE (contl.nwed) • lst Regt vol Mihitia (never embodied) 185EL186l lst Regt Vol State Militia 1866 on 4to+##:d:::#cro;#:n:'j#afi:°rangale:aup+#'L8H6e3a::eu:sics,fa#dc::jul„G:teard=:::C.:xcep,«NHSM.beitbectle.

• 2nd Regt vol state Militia 1866 on 5o (Included strafford Guards,qlLite st?ee zq}ia¥es, Ponsmouth city Guards, etc.) 4 /866.. same as lst Regt, abo`v-e~.

60 (Oner Vol Militia existed as independen( comps with distinctive uniforms. TtLre€ had Federal service, as follows.) Strafford Guards (Littlefield's Comp) 60 days, 1864 V National Guards (Chandler's Independent camp) 6o days, i864 Martin Guards (IIoughton's Independent Camp) 6o days, i864

7o hmmRy sCHooLS

• Granite State Military and Collegiate Institute O`eed's FefTy) Probably gray uniforms Of USM^ pattern; Springfield rifled muskets.


• lst Regt (fornnd from lst Bn, ]st Rhode Island cav Regl, a.v., which was withdrawn and expanded) 1864-1865 8C> (As lst Bn. issued BLrmide carbine; Colt army and navy revolvers: M1840 and M1860 sabers; /86J.. Sha[ps carbine.) /864.. Shaps carbine; Star and Colt army revolvers; M1840 and M1860 satxas. US res cav clothing. ~. 2nd Regt (also called lst Cav Regt): see 8th Imf Rest 90 vOLur`ITEER ARTELLERy

• lst Heavy Arty Regl 1864-1865 `cO us leg heavy arty clothing; Springfield rifled muskets.

• lst Comp Heavy Arty (merged into lst Heavy Arty Reg() /JO 1863-1864 • 2nd Camp Heavy Arty (merged into lst Heavy Arty Rest) JZO 1863-1864

• lst Ligiv Btry (attached to lst Heavy Arty Rcgt; reorgan in vol Militia) 1861-1865 1865 on /3o'St;;#toB„?u¥°:gs:gteh,MJtlL;;ti:]o&V::)iigh,artyseber.hitial|yanedwith"bronzerifledguns";reissuedlorpdrpantt rifles, a. Fcb /662,. reissued 12-pdr howitzers. c. Wny /862,. reissued 3-in rifled guns, c. Oat /662. 1865 on: 6-par gums.


• lstRegt 3 Inos.186l

//oGraytailcoat,pantsandforagecap,alltrirmedwithred;grayflannelsmandblueflannelblouse;grayorskyblue overcoat; M1842 musket; fun accouterments. Officers (outfltted by state): US reg, including blouse, overcoat, dress hat and forage cap; sky blue pants with red stripe and French pattern red cap won by comp officers. Most men carried privaely owned revolvers. IV«rses.. not unifomed; wore dark clothing. Band.. uniformed similar to regt, • 2nd Rc8t i86i-i865 /5TO /66/.. gay tail coat, pants and forage cap, all t[imlned with red; gray flannel shirt and blue flannel blouse; gray or sky blue overcoat.CompAtrnadiers)cariedEnfieldrifLemusket;Comp8.Shafpsrifleandsaberbayonet;othercompsM1842 musket.Offic„s;USregcLothingincludingdresshat;skybluepantswithredstripeandFfenchpattemredcapwonby comp officcTs. Z4ie /86/.. US res clothing. /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muckcts. 986

ORDER OF BATrl.E /con/I.naed/

• 3Td Rcgt (designated 3rd Mounted lnf Regt, March-April l864) 1861-1865 leo :#`vi:yin::,:: b:cdk?ani:.e#mwjrke¥#:eer#se'reb:=[dg¥8¥6¥_#;.PE°i#n#drmmu¥e¥;afu„i;6j2|

USrcginfclothing.RegtmountedWarch/864,.flankcompsissuedSpencercarbinc:cntireregtissuedSpenccrrifle.Aprf./ /864..ExchangedSpencerandEnfieldriflesforM1863riflemusket.Regtfirstcarriedcolorof1stlnfRegt;presentedwitlt new colors in fall of 1861 by ladies of Hcmpetead, N.Y. , and . National color presented by state in May 1865. • 4th Rcgt 1861-1865 Ilo Us res iDfclothing; dck blue pants. ".' hat, as described for 3rd lnf Rcgt. /86/-/862.. Belgian rifle with saber bayonet. /86?-/864.. Sprillgficld rifled muskets. • 5di Rcgt alighting Fiftli) 1861-1865 igD Us reg inf clothing. Springfield rifled muskets.

ap (All regts hereafter wore US reg imf clothing.)

® 6thRc8t 1861-1865 /862-/86J.. Austhan rifled muskets cat .54 or .55. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. th Rest 1861-1865 EH /86/-/863.. Enficld rifle. /864.. Spcnccr carbine with some M 1863 rifle muskets. • 8th Rcgt (converted) 1861-1865 /86/.. single-breasted uniform coat, untrimlned excep( for light blue piping around shoulder tabs.

2nd Cav Reg( (also called lst Cav Regt; reorgan) 1863-1865

8th veteran Bn 1865 J862-/86j.. Enfield rifle. /863.. issued Shaps carbine; StafT and Col( army revolver; M1860 saber, /864-/865.. Springfield rifled muskets. /865.. As Provost Gunrd in Natohez became noted for drill and dress uniforms. Wore dress coats with shoulder scales, cap omainents, white gloves. • 9th Regt 1862-1865 /862.. M184l (Windsor) rifle and M1855 rifle belts. /86j.. soine Enfield rifles. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • loth Rcgt oush Regt) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. Sap/ J864.. Temporarily amed with Spcncer rifle for duty as skimishers. • llth Regt 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 12th Rcgt 1862-1865 IDitially issued "French musket'.. Oc/ /862.. M 1842 rifled musket. /86j.. some conversions issued. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. ® 13thRcg' 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Springficld rifled muskets. ® 14thRc8t 1862-1865 /862.. M 1842 musket. /86J-/86¢.. Springfield rifled muskets. ® 15thRcgt 9 mos, 1862-1863 J862.. Belgian converted muske(, cal .69. J863.. Enfield rifle. • 16thReg' 9 mos, 1862-1863 /862.. Belgian converted musket, cat .69. /863.. Enfield rifle with some Springfleld rifled muskets. • 17th Rcgt: fuJed to complete organ ® 18thRegr 1864-1865 /86/.. Springfield rifled muskets. New I /9/1 1 2nd New Jersey State Militia I First Bull Run I The , Virg.. .

Second New Jersey State Militia

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" `... ``..:n! c`.Il `#il}i` h!i.tic i`c'..ii I!:Ii lili! `.il il! I hc !.iirl I.i:cil i :.i I!i„ .`iilt'. >[z..ili I ii.ul..

Extraxl rroiii n I.ll..r {lulcll 1 |uiic',1661

F`\`.I .`<1` I:.. Ni:il; _|crtt!! nllll 111( I..bl:Ilioll= a liistoi.i| ol-Ill.` si'rci[c of I IIc trooils alld |lc()I.Iu. uf Ni:w I.'r.ci,I i.I niit of lllc

uiiioii c,ilisi`. I`y ),,1*! \ t`iln`s i,>5l`.!

•Ili.. thliL`i. al.lily: a liisic.riy of lillli{ary I.fiairs hi tlie loyol stilt[s .1861nd5, r.cords o.i tlir resiin(Iits ill tl.a Umoii

urlliii, cyl.[iip.i[ia iif bu lllf s. in.`Inoirs {i.r .t)Iiiinaiiilc`i.s antl 5{i[Lli(rs, \'.()Iu!iil' `3. Nru` |Lrs.F|,1.uli..i!a, Il!iiii)is aFi{l ^1icl,i`s,in

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t`)r thi.(>.` n``)nll``. t_.n I \1.i}i. ``% I, (ln 21 lul.\..1`i(il , C`)nii`,inii`> I) .iii\l K ``.i`T.I `t.1 ii.:`m``l .1 t l}t`I{.``i!l.` ``ml

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I.,t}li.o,i`i fi..,im L.1 urc I to thit i`ity (`r \`..`5I`ii`.grun Ci`nipo r``es ,i, U, (.`, [`, a ,i i`il Ji ``|`rl` i;r.`tii)lil.(I nl ..\lc.i.inill.I.i

i:uardin8 ||iminuii:c.1 li`ii`` `\'ill` 11`ii rctlomdi` ai`d i)I.t)li.clu`.£ art.`.munilji.in .ilitl pr[``.isi``i`` 'll`i' :ltd \`i.\.`' Ill I s('y Stuti. Mi!itlci ``..t`s mu.`tc`ri'd tj:jt .i! `rri`iiti`ri, \k;iu Jiifii.}'. ttri 31 j`il},1861 'n`i` :i``I `l.`.`'ji.rsii} SIL`l|` Mililid €mtl tl`L. .-,rd \.i` `v' litr``|.}I S[n li. Milili. `\'`` ri` [``tt tii. tlic `.Ii`jlq tli.1 I ``oI``!ru.`litd F`!r[ Rim).itn J`Irir`g \(a }.1o J `11`.` 1.q.tl

v` _stbullrun.co.uk/NEV/Fourth Division/2nd-new-jersey-state-militia.html 1/2 999

-, 5. Regulation U.S. artillery colors bearing the designation of a light battery; these appeartohavebeenissuedlateinthewarandwereclearlyforceremonialuse,sincetheywere too large to be carried on horseback. Cavalry standards and guidons. and ar(illery guidons, were of U.S. regulation size and design. Some standards bore national and others, state ams. One interesting example displayed merely a giant butterfly-probably the device of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, called "The Butterflies." Infantry markers appear to have usually been made of blue silk, and had yellow or gold ffinges and designations like: "loth REGV N,J.V." Records of the Quartermaster General show that in 1865 many of the regiments still in service were presented with new flags. usually national and regimental colors. Commencing in 1866. the regiments and battalions of the Rifle Corps were issued national and regimental colors, markers and slings for color bearers.

3]: u3* © aEesfv

ORDER oF B^T": AonvE un'nA AND NATloNAI. GUARD a+rf el. 3o (UnJcss a(hervisc octed, the comps of Active Militia rests were disthctive]y uniformed.) • lst Reg., Onngc Brig (disb) to 1865 oo® (Included Chagc Blues, Liberty Rifles, O`Brien Columbian Rifles. Shields Guard, Washington Blues)

'o 1869 ` _ st Rcgt, Hudson Brig (Hobckcn and Wcchawkcn) lst Bn, N.G.N.I. I 869 on (Included Highwood G`Lards, National Guard, Hoboken Rifles) National Guard wore rectangular brass plate with inscrip(ion "NAnoNAL GUARD" in black. /86/ : presented with set of colors and markers; fcgimental color, t.lue with state ams on one side, US a]Tns on other. /866: gray fatigue unifom.

• 2nd Rcgt, Hudson Brig (Hoboken and Bayonnc; disb) 3o to l869 • 2nd Rcgt Fcot Militia (18th vols) Fed scrv: 3 mos,1861 4o (Included Washington Grays. Montgomery G`iard. Indapcndent Guard. Grocnvillc Guard. Harrison Gund) /860: prcscmed with mazarine blue rcgimcntal color, st&tc ams on one side, US arms on other. /86/: tilue frcek coat, Sky blue pants. black felt dress hat or blue forage cap, sky blue ovcfcort. Converted musket; old p&ttcm imf accoutennents including russet lcathcr belts and bayonet scabbard. • ls( Regt, Ncwarlc Brig (broken up) to l865 5:O lsi Regt Ftot Mflitia (17th vols) Fed scTv: 3 mos.186l (IncludcdMontgomeryGuards,ATncricanCon(inentaJs,WashingtonErinaGuard,WashingtonContincntals.hishVols) /859: regimental unifolm prescribed: blue frock coat, sky l]luc pants, blue forage cap; white belts. /66/: clothed and amed in gcncnl the same as 2nd Rcgr Foot Militia, above. • 2nd Regt. Nevack Brig (Rifles; Stcubcn Bn; t]roken up) to l865 (?) 60 (included colunbian Rifles. Liberty RIflcs. Union Rifles, Jcffersoo Rifles. American Rifles. Washington Rifles) /8j9: regimental unifom prcscTibed: blue frock coat, sky blue pants, blue fongc cap; black belts. • 3rd Bn. Newark Brig (broken up) 1859-1861 7a /8jg: same as 2nd Rcgl, above. • Ncwark city Bn. Ncwark Brig (broken up) to l865 (?) Ja /8j9: rcginental unifom prcscribcd: blue frock coat. sky blue pants. bbe fongc cap; white belts. • lsl Regt. Passaic Brig 1858-1865 ?a (Ineludcd city Blues Arty, Montgofnery Rifles, Washington continends, Emmct Light G`iards. Passaic Light Gunds)

-_-/ loco

ORDER OF BATTLE /conll.nwcd/

• Hudson Arty, Hudson Brig to 1869 /00 Btr}r A, Light Arty (Hexamel''s) Fed serv: 1861-1865 Btry A. Light Arty, N,G.N.i. 1869 on /86/: had brass 6-pdrs; equipped as light arty. sabers only. /866: 3-in. rifled Griffin guns; US reg ]igh( arty dress, etc. • lst Veteran Bn, Newark Brig (Veteran Zounves) 1866-1867 /.C> ls( Veteran Regt, Newark Brig 1867-1869 5th Regt. Veteran, N.G.N.I. 1869 on Zouavc unifon; M 186l rifle inialket. • Newark City Btry (Mource's; disb) 1866-1869 120 Us reg light arty dress and accouterments. • Newark cav (disb) 1865-1869 '30 Us leg cav dress and accou(ements. • Independent Veteran Bn of Paterson (disb) 1867-1869 '4® Blue fatigue uniform with sky blue pants, tilue forage cap; Comp 8 wore US Teg light arty dress. • Caldwell Union Arty Comp (disb) 1865-1869 /SO Us reg light arty dress and accouterTnents. • Monmouth Veteran Arty Comp (disb) 1867-1868 /6C' Us res ligh( arty dress and accoutel7nents; 6-pdr bronze rifled guns. • 6th Rcgt, N.G.N.J. (Camden. etc.) 1869 on /?CI M186l rifle musket. • 3rd Bn. N.G.N.J. (Trenton, etc.) 1869 on /GO Gray fatigue unifom. • Btry 8, Liglit Arty, N.G.N.J. (Camden) 186!_,, /qo 3-in rifled Griffin g`ins; Us light arty dress and accou(erments.

Zoo(Not all brigs are listed. Other Active Militia camps in s(ate were independent.)


• lst Regt Foot Militia (17th Vols): see lst Regt. Newark Brig, Active Mill(ia • 2nd Rest Foot Militia (18th Vols): see 2nd Regt. Hudson Brig, Active Militia • 3rd Rest Foot Mill(ia (19th vols) Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 Aio Blue frock coat, sky blue pants, black felt dress hat or blue forage cap, sky blue overcoat. Converted musket; old pattern imf accouterments including russe( leather belts and bayonet scabbard. • 4th Rest Foot Mili(ia (20th vols) Fed serv: 3 mos,186l gao Clothed and amed in general the same as 3rd Reg( Foo( Militia. Comp G wore zouave clothing, probably bluejacket, full red pants, red fez or red forage cap; M1855 rifle, saber bayonet. Fed serv: 30 days, 1863 ;3oMu:§y:SgH£Vi:::gnuale:I:thing;convenedmuske"al.69,withregaccou(emcn(S. • LAumaster's PTovisional Bn Fed serv: 30 days, 1863 j+a Clothed and armed sinrilar to Murphy.s Bn, above.


• lst Rcgt (Newark) 1865-1869 1869 on 2f°]S':eragry'cNLisG;NLJLniform;Mi86lriflemusket.

• 2nd Regt (Newark and Oranges) 1865-1869 I 869 on ?UD 2nd Regt, N.G.N.J. Gray fatigue uniform; M]86l rifle musket. -_.- lcol

ORDER OF BATTLE /coHfl.nwed/

• 3rd Regt (New , Burlington, Trenton, Camden, etc.) 1866-1869 1869 on ro3rd,R8eft:'btL:.cNh±.seuruhifom;Mi86iriflemusket"67:changedtograyfatigueuniform. • 4th Regt (Hudson County, Jersey City, Bergen County) 1867-1869 1869 on 284th Regt, N.G.N.I. Gray chasseur uniform; M186l rifle musket. • lst Bn (Elizabeth and Rahway; merged into 3rd Regt. N.G.N.J.) 1866-1869 iqo (Contained Elizabeth Veteran Zouaves. wearing a zoLiaye uniform) Blue chasseur uniform; M186l rifle musket. • 2nd Bn--(Carts(adt,-Leonia, Lodi, Hackensack) 1865-1869 3co2nd Bn, N.G.N.J. 1869 on Blue chasseur uniform; M186l rifle musket.


• Newark Academy entire period Probablygrayjacketandpants,pipedwithblack;redfongecap;blackleatherwalstbelt,whiteleathercartridgeboxbelt. M1855 rifle musket. /865: issued distinctive button with letters "N.A.C."


• lst Regt (16th vols; Halstead's cav) 1861-1865 US reg cav clothing and accouter]nen(s. /662-/864: Bulnside, MerrilL and Sharps carbines. Colt army revolver, M 1840 _r and M1860 sabers. • 2nd Regt (32nd vols) 1863-1865 Usregcavclothingandaccoutements;foragecaponly;yellowlaceonjacket.Wore"2",sabers,andcompletterontopof 33c, cap. /863: Spencer carbine, Colt navy revolver, M 1840 saber. /864: Spencer and Shalps carbines, Colt and Remington any revolvers, M1840 and M1860 sabers. • 3rd Regt (36th vols; lst us Hussars; Trenton Hussars; Butterflies) 1864-1865 3 fo Issued distinc(ive uniform: cav jacket with 2 extra rows of buttons connected by double rows of yellow lace, ending in loops; Austrian knots of same lace on cuffs and below collar in rear; red patch on collar; visorless blue forage cap bearing brass wreath on front containing company letter and crossed sabers and "3" on top; wide yellow stripes on sky blue pants. talma with and tassels. US reg cav accouterments; /864: Spencer carbine, Reming(on af7ny revolver, `rmithey navy revolver, M 1860 saber. Carried national and regimental standards, plus special blue standard embroidered with butterfly in full colors.


(Consistedoffiveindependentbtrysoflightarty,desigmted1st-5thorA-E,formed1861-1863andmusteredout1865.Wore US reg light arty clothing and accoutements, with cross and btry letter on top of cap.)

/ -VOLUNTEER INFANTRY /j'(r'%xceptasnotedbe]ow,allNewJerseymfreglsworeusregclothingandaccoutermentsThe3-yearregtsweeissueddress

hats and frock coats as well as fatigue clothing.) • ls,Regt 1861-1864 Initially issued US M1842 musket. /862-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. • lstveteranBn 1864-1865 Springfield rifled muskets. • 2ndRegt 1861-1864 ` Initially issued us M1842 musket,

/862-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. 1002

ORDER OF BATILE /conll.mred/

• 2nd vcterm Regt 1865 Springfield rifled muskets. ® 3rdRc8' 1861-1864 hitially issued US M 1842 musket. /862-/864: Springfield rifled muskets and Shaps rifles. • 3rdvcteran Bn 1864-1865 Springfield rifled muskets ® 4thRe8t 1861-1865 Initially issued converted rifle musket, /862-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. • 5th Regr (mcTged into 7th Imf Rest) 1861-1864 Initially issued converted rifle musket. /862-/86j: Austhan rifled musket, cat .54. • 6th Rcgt (merged into 8th Imf Rcgt) 1861-1864 Initially issued convcreed rifle musket. /862-/863: Sprillgfield rifled muskets. ® 7thRc8' 1861-1865 Initially issued converted rifle musket. /862-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. ® 8thRe8t '861-1865 Initially issued converted rifle musket. /862-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. • 9th Rcgt (Rifle Regt) 1861-1865 Initially issued "Belgian rifle" bu( scan fcplaccd with US M1855 rifle. /862-/863: SpringfLeld rifled muskets. • lo(h Rcgt (Olden I.cgion) 1861-'' - (D`Iring 1861 contained a cav comp) /862-/86j: Enfield rifle. /864: Springfield rifled muskets. • llth Regt 1862-1865 hitiully issued Austrian Title musket, cal .58. /862: M1842 musket. /863-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. • 12th Rest 1862-1865 hitially issued Ausdian rifle musket, col .58. /862: M1842 rifled musket, /86j: conveTsious. /864: Springfield rifled muskets. • 13thRc8t 1862-1865 /862-/864: Enficld rifle musket; Springfield rifled muskets. ® 14thRcgt 1862-1865 /862-J864: Springficld rifled muskets. ® 15thRcgt ]862-1865 /862: Enficld rifle musket. J86j-/864: Springfield rifled muskets. • 16th Regt: see lst Cav Rcgt • 17th Regt: see lst Rcgt. Ncwaf][ Brig, Active Militia • 18th R¢gt: see 2nd Rcgt, Hudson Brig, Active Militia • 19th Rcgt: see 3rd Rcgt, Foot Militia • 20th Regt: see 4th Rcgt. Foot Militia 2lst Rc8' 9 mos. 1862-1863 Enficld rif]c muckct. • 22ndRegt 9 Iros. 1862-1863 Enfi€ld rifle mustct. • 23rd Rcgt rvchcos) 9 mos. 1862-1863 M1842 musket. ® 24thRc8' 9 mos, 1862-1863 French short rifle, cat .69. saber bayonet. ® 25thRcg( 9 mos, 1862-1863 Ffench convcreed and rifled muskets. ca) .68-.71; Austrian rifled musket, car .58. E=- lco3

ORDER OF BATTLE /co#fl.nwed/

• 26thRegt 9 rbes. 1862-1863 M 1842 musket and conversions. ® 27thRe8t 9 mos. 1862-1863 M1842 musket ® 28thRe8t 9 mos. 1862-1863 hitially issued French converted and rifled muskets, cals .68-.71 ; later M1842 musket. ® 29thRe8' 9 mos, 1862-1863 Enfield rifle musket. • 30thRe8t 9 mos. 1862-1863 Initially issued French shorl rifle, cal .69, saber bayonet. • 3lstRe8t 9 mos, 1862-1863 Enfield rifle musket. • 32nd Regt: see 2nd Cav Regt • 33rd Regt (2nd Regt Zouaves) 186+1865 370 .`HaJkins' ZoLLave Uniform'': blue tri]rmed with red and light blue, dark and light blue sash, blue and Ted cap. russet leather leg cuffs and whi.e gaiters. Enfield rifle musket; M186l rifle musket. ® 34thRe8t 1863-1866 Enfield rifle musket with solne conversions at rust. • 35th Rest 1863-1865 j 80 "Hawkins' Zouave Unifom" as issued 33rd Imf Regt; Enrield rifle musket with some conversions at fust. /864: Springfiled rifled muskets. 16th Regt: see 3rd Cav Rest -__, 37'h Regt loo days, 1864 M 1842 musket and conversions. 38'hRe8t 1864-1865 Enfield rifle musket. ® 39thRe8t 1864-1865 Enfield rifle musket; Springfield rifled muskets. ® 40thRegt 1865 Springfield rifled muskets.


Jalnes Stewar(, Jr. , "Military Affairs in New Jersey," in 7hc I/n!.on Amy, Madison, Wis., 1908. in,18-71. Adjutant General, U.S. , O#c!.a/ Any Rcgi.stcr a/l#e Vo/wnrecr Force ..., Washington. D.C. , 1865. part n. Adjutant General, New Jersey, Rcporls, 1851-1872. The l8cO Rcporf includes that of the Quartermaster General. Gcncra/ Ordcr§,1869-1871. -,-,MS"RegistersofCommissionslssued"inWarRecordsDivision,N.J.PepartmentofDefense, Trenton, N.J. Quarter-Master General, New Jersey, Repor/s, 1856-1872.

Special thanks are due Foster Tallman, Fellow of the Company of Military Historians , who, at his own expense andwithgreatenterprise,photographedalltheNewJerseyCivilWarcolorsandflagswhichTestinthestatecapitol. We are indebted to the late Major Generals Donald W. MCGowan and James S. Cantwell, for their invaluable assistance,aswellastothelateBrigadierGenera)ChesterA.CharlesandColonelSamuelF.Brink,formerlyofthe Jersey nepar(ment of Defense. Miss Bevy H. Girard of the War Records Division of the liepartment was brfcial]y helpful. Finally, Robert M. Lunny, and Howard Wiseman, formerly of the New Jersey Historical Society, gave unstintingly of their time and knowledge. New /Ariza 1004



The Territory of New Mexico was part of the vast domain acquired from Mexico by the annexation of , the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the Gadsden Purchase. In 1851 it embraced the present area of the state of New Mexico, nearly all of what is now Arizona, and a small portion of present-day Colorado. It was further enlarged in 1854 by the purchase from Mexico of over 45,OcO square miles along its southern border. In 1861 a portion of territor the northeast was transferred to Colorado and in 1863 all of the land west of the 109th meridienL was organized as the Territory of Arizona. The population of New Mexico was given as 80,567 in 1860, exclusive of Indians. The vast majority were native Mexicans. Only 1,168 of the persons counted were natives of other parts of the , and 5,479 were foreign born. The inhabitants as a whole were apathetic toward the issues of the Civil War, but when Confederate forces invaded the Territory in 1861 , and were everywhere successful at first. they proved unexpectedly loyal to the Union. Despite the prevalence of a system of peonage for debt, under which large numbers of Indian captives were held in practical bondage, slavery as practiced in the South was generally opposed as an institution. In the campaigns of 1861 and 1862 the Southern commanders were surprised and disappointed at the failure of the native New Mexicans to rally to their side, and some of this reluctance can be laid to their traditional hatred of the Texans who composed (he invading columns. Only one Confederate command was raised in the Territory. The military protection of the Territory prior to 1861 was afforded by the Regular Any, its efforts being concentrated on restraining the Apache , Kiowa, Comanche and Navajo Indians, the first an especially savage mountain people. On I January 1861 the War Department maintained 13 stations in the eastern half of the Territory with some 39 companies, 14 of which were mounted. Many of the Regular officers in the area, especially immediately before the outbreak of the Civil War, were from the Southern states. When the war came these men resigned their commissions and entered the Confederate service, but in most instances they were unable to take the rank and file with them. Headed by General Henry H. Sibley, the Confederate officers withdrew to Texas to organize their forces. In the first week of July 1 ' the initial element of the Confederate invasion column reached the border of the Territory at EI Paso, on the Rio Grande. lco5

Due to uncertainty on the part of the territorial governors as to the temper of the native eurolled militia, it had not been thought prudent to give them weapons. The Federal garrisons had been considered adequate for the protection of the region. In 1860, however, the policy was altered and steps were taken to equip New Mexicans to defend themselves against Indian attack. In that year the War Department sent 220 Model 1841 rifles,10 Colt rifles, 20 Sharps carbines, and 20 Colt navy revolvers to the Territory and a militia foree of about 1,OcO men was partially organized. No call was made on New Mexico for troops in April 1861 but in May the Secretary of War wrote Governor Henry Connelly that a quota of two three-year regiments had been assigned to the Territory, for use against both Indians and Confederates. ``The regular troops now in service," he added, "will be mostly withdrawn. " As a result of this and subsequent calls, by the end of 1861 four volu.`teer infantry regiments had been raised for three years, plus a fifth of mounted infantry for six months. These commands did not conduct themselves well in the fighting of that winter. In May 1862 , when the Confederate forces had been driven out of New Mexico, they were broken up, the best material being selected and consolidated to fom the I st Cavalry Regiment, under the command of Colonel Christopher (Kit) Carson. It was entirely occupied in operations against Indians in New Mexico and Arizona. During the following year a new lst Infantry Regiment was formed to garrison the several forts and stations, now denuded of Regulars. In the meanwhile, Governor Connelly had experimented with calling out his militia to help stem the Confederate invasion and do something about Indian depredations . Between Novem- ber 1861 and January 1862 he organized a regiment, a battalion, and seven or eight companies, all infantry, for three-month or 60-day enlistmerits. The experiment was not repeated during the course of the war. The War Department under(ook to clothe, arm, and equip all troops raised in the Territory. FederalauthoritiesmadeeveryefforttoprotectthegovemmentdepotatAlbuquerqueandlater to remove the important stores there to Fort Union, where extensive storage facilities were built. Supplies were wagoned across the plains at great expense to support the Federal effort and General Sibley's Confederates were never able to capture Fort Union. New Mexican troops, volunteers and militia alike, wore U.S. Army uniforms, although supplemented at times with native clothing. There were no distinctive territorial insignia or buttons, and there is no evidence that the colors carried were anything but regulation pattern. In January 1861 there were reported to be 2,333 muskets and 2,248 rifles in the Fort Union Ordnance Depot. These seem to have been Model 1842 and converted muskets, caliber .69; and Models 1841 and 1855 rifles, .54 and .58; and a small supply of more up-to-date arms like Sharps carbines and Colt navy revolvers. This slim supply had to serve for both Regulars, volunteers and militia until new shipments were received. When they came they seem to have consisted chiefly of Belgian and French caliber .69 muskets and rifles.

Corfederate Arizona

On 29 May 1862 the Confederate Secretary of War authorized Colonel John R. Baylor, "Governor of Arizona," to raise "five battalions of par(isan rangers of six companies each, 1006

either mounted or on foot, as may be found most practicable ,... " The men were to furnish their own arms, equipments and horses, and, of course, their own clothes. Enlistment was to be for the war except for one battalion, composed of men not liable to conscription, which could be enlisted for twelve months. Only one battalion seems to have been raised. It contained three companies and was organized during the latter part of 1862. It served in Sibley's brigade and not in an "Arizona" brigade as is sometimes stated. It was broken up about May 1863 and the men assigned to various Texas commands.


ORDER OF BATTLE: UNION COMMAINDS (AII FcdeTaJ troops below were issued US res clothing. Where ams are not specified they are believed to be patterns described atovc.) • lst cav Rcgl (formed from clemcnts of lst, 2nd. 4th and 5th Imf Rcgts) 1862-1866

ooio /862-/864.. M184l and M1855 rifles, cat. 58; M184l rifle, cat .54; M1847 muskeicons. cat .69, rifled and smoothhore; M1840 and M1860 sabers. /866.. Shaps carbine; Colt army revolver.

}°(5Independen(CavCompsorganin1861and1862toserve3months;allmustercdou(byApril1862.CalledMink'sComp, Graydon's Spy Camps. Vigil.s Comp, Hubbell's Comp.) jc' • i' let Bn Vols (comprised 2 cav and 2 imf comps. fomcd from vctcrans of lst Cav Rcgt and new l§t Imf Rcgt)1866-1867 lst lnf Rcgt (clcments fncnged into lst cav Rcgt) 1861-1862 let Militia Inf Rcgt 3 mos,186l-1862 ls( Imf Rcgt (new organ) 1863-1866 /86j.. Initially amed with c&l .69 conversions and Belgian or Vinccnncs rifles with saber bayonets. /864.. M1842 mustct; Belgian and French rifled muskets, cat .69. ® 2nd lnf Rcgt (clemcnts mcnged imo lst Cav Rcgt) 1861-1862 3rd Mounted lf Rcgt 6 mos, 1861-1862 ® 4th lnf Rcgt (clcnents fnerged in(o lst Cav Regt) 1861-1862 ® 5th lnf Rcgl (clcmcnts mcnged into lst Cav Regt) 1861-1862 • . Pcfca.s Bn Militia 1861-1862


Gonzallcs' Comp. Oniz y Alarid's Comp, Tofolla's Comp.)


• Hefbcrt.s Bn Arizona cav (also called Hcfocr(.s Bn ^rizom Mounted vols, and lst Texas-Arizona 1862-1863 co/a Bn Mounted Rifles; bfckcn up)


^dfua"Genem\,U.S.,QfficiaLArnyRegisterOftheVolunteerForce...,Washagton,D.C..1867,par`V\H. "Military Affiirs in the Territories,1861-1865," in 7lhe Uni.on Arny, Madison, Wis. , 1908, vol. IV, 430463. New York 1033

flags? One very probably was the Poughkeepsie national color (E) which Gates had brought back with him and tuned over to the Bureau; the other we cannot identify. A few days later, on 22 February, the entire furlough battalion went by train to Albany in order-as expressed by the regimental historian-"to present to Master Geo. S. Pratt, son of the late Colonel Geo. W. Pratt, the old regimental flag carried by the regiment when Colonel Pratt was monally wounded at Bull Run." No less than the governor responded for Master Prattinacceptingthisflag.Obviouslythiscolorwaseither(8)or(D);itcouldwellhavebeen both, since both about this time came into the hands of the Pratt family. One more flag event occurred before the men on furlough returned to the regiment. On 18 March1864theyweregivenanationalcolorbyaMr.andMrs.AlbertKugler,whichthegood lady had made by hand (G). The reason she gave was that she had been partly responsible for keeping her husband from reenlisting in the Twentieth in 1861. With that the battalion marched to Rondout and embarked on the steamer 7lfeomas Come// for New York and the front. The regiment now had in hand a national (G) and a regimental color (F). A little less than two years later the Ulster Guard was again assembled in Kingston; the war was over, the men had been mustered out in Virginia and returned home as individuals. But this was no volunteer regiment and an armory awaited them. Arrangements had been made before they started north to assemble on Washington's Birthday and receive their final battle flag, a regimental color which had been obtained for them by the citizens of Kingston (H). This last flag is the only one fully described in Gates' history. It seems almost certain that it was made by Tiffany & Co. Of blue silk, it had the state ams embroidered on it, over which wasthedesignation:"ULSTERGUARD,TWENTIETHN.Y.S.M."Alsoembroideredonthe obverse were 13 battle honors commencing with "Washington, April, 1861" and ending with "Richmond, April, 1865"-all four years of the war. This color must have stayed with the regiment, but its location today is unrecorded. The regimental history concludes the account with these words:

On the evening of the same day the officers of the regiment held a meeting at Brown.s Hotel, in the village of Kingston, a( which it was unanimously resolved that the regiment should be immediately reorganizedundertheNationalGuardlawoftheState;anddesignating,onmotionofColonelHardenburgh. as their choice for commandant, Colonel T.B. Gates.

The "Old Twentieth" was back in business again. What happened to these flags? Of four we have no record (A,C,G and H). Two (E and F) weredepositedintheBureauofMilitaryStatisticsduringorshortlyaftertheCivilWarandare nowonpublicdisplayintheCapitolatAlbany.Thetworemainingwanderedfarafieldbefore they returned to New York State in September 1961. The two oldest regimental colors (8 and D), as has been mentioned, came into the hands of the late Colonel Pratt's finily in 1864 or shortly thereafter. In 1866 his son-the "Master Pratt" who had been presented with at least one of themTulied and his mother kept the flags. Her only other child, Elizabeth Tibbits Pratt, married Count Amedee Gasquet James in 1881 and lived thereafter in . From this marriage came four children and to one of them, Count George de Gasquet James, Mrs. Pratt willed the two flags. George never married and when he died he willed them to his nephew, Count Henri de Lebran of Chateau Bas, Ire Vemeique, Bouches du Rhone, France. In 1961 the Count de Libran graciously returned the colors to New York State and to the regiment which had once carried them. 1034




(Redesignated NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF hNEW YORK in 1862. Rests organ on or after I 863 normally wore Model 1863 uniform.)n.lslRegt(Cav; New York Horse Guards; New Yo

'o 1865 cro'O Camp A, Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 lst Reg( Cav (reduced to bn) 1865-1872 Regimental unifom adopted /858,. state cav unifom, blue jacket ulmmed with orange lace, sky blue pants, blue cloth dress cap with yc]low horse hair plume; also sra(e cav fa(igue clothing. Saber and pistol.

(For all pos(-Civil War bns Of cav and arty see end of this list.)

• lsl Regt Imf (Hawkins' Zouaves; New York city; disb l873) 1865 on JO Ve(eran zouave regt; wore dark blue zouave clothing similarto9th vol lnfRegt, a.v. Officers wore blue pleated frcek coat with zouave cuffs and French arm insignia. • 2nd Rcgt (State Gremdiers, Stalc Guard; New York City) to 1861 €C} 82nd Vol Imf Regt Fed serv: 1861-1864 2nd Re8' 1864-1865 2nd Rest Imf 1865 on Regimental uniform adopted /8j8.. state blue frock coat and dress hat, mazarine blue pan(s wi(h white stripes; state blue fatigue jacket and cap. Officers wore round belt plate with "SG"; "2" on breast plate. Drum Corps wore gray fatigue . (As82ndvo//nn..initialLyworcsfateM1858fatiguejacketwi(hmazarinebluepan(s.Way/86/..issuedbluefrockcoatand sky blue pants; M1842 or converted muskets. /862-/864.. US reg imf clothing. Springfield rifled muskets. /664.. state M1863 imf mili(ia dress unifom. • 3rd Rcgt (New York Hussars; New York city) to l865 4o Comp c, Fed serv: 3 mos,1861 3rd Regt cav 1865 on Orcss.. blue hussar jacket and pants with yellow worsted braid; fur busby with red bag and forTner plale of US Dragoons; whi(e and blue plume, gold cord. Fa/I.g«c.. blue jacket and visorless forage cap; dark blue double-breasted overcoat with cape. OJFccrs.. for dress: same as lnen but gold lace; blue , gold lace; for fatigue: blue frock coat and US res forage cap. W«fi.crdns.. scarlet jacket, blue velvet collar and cuffs, yellow lace, red and white plume; otherwise same as men. Horse/wmi.Jwrc.. hussar saddles, blue shabraque with yellow or gold lace. /862.. issued state M 1858 cav uniform for fatigue. Saber and pistol only. • 3rd Regt lnf (Bendix zouaves; New York city) 1865 on Sa Vctemn zouavc regt. Ojysccrs.. blue frock coat, sky blue pants, red cap with gold lacc and blue band. £n/I.sled.. unkno`irn, but probably a version of the loth Volunteer Civil War unifolm. (This regt gran(ed lineage and battle honors of loth Vol Inf Reg'.) • 4th Regt (Light Arty: New York city) to l865 60 Fed serv (as heavy arty): I mo,1863 lst Rcgt Arty (broken up) 1865-1869 State light arty uniform: blue jacket with red lace, sky blue pants, blue dress cap. Cav comp wore state cav uniform. /86j.. issued blouse, sky blue pants and overcoat, forage cap, /864.. state light arty dress.

• 4th Regt lnf (D`iryea zouaves; New YOTk city) 1865 on 7C> Veteran zouave regt. Office«.. dark blue frock coat, scarle( peg-top pants, searlel French type cap with "4" inside bugle. Di§thctive cuffs. sword bcl(, ¢tc. En/I.s/cd.. unknown, but probably of Duryea Zouaves' Civil War pattcm. 1035

ORDER oF BATTLE /co#fl.#wed/

• 5th Regt (Jefferson Guard: New York City) to 1865 eo Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861; I mo. 1863 5th Regt Imf 1865 on Regimental uniform adopted 1851 (except for Grenadier and 2 Rifle comps): state M185l ar(y dress. gray pants with scarletwelt,redworsledepaulets,brass"5"oncollar;blackleatherbelt.Gremdiercompandpioneers:bcarskinhal.red andwhiteplume.Riflecomps:darkgreenfipockcoatandpantstrimmedwithblackandred;bluecappipedwithcmerald green./859..allcompsinregimentaluhiform;Ml855riflemuske(./86/..issuedgraypants,blueforagecap./862..sfatc M186l fatigue dress, • 6th Regt (Govemor's Guard; New York City) to 1865 qo Fed serv: 3 mos,1861; I mo.1863 Fed scrv: 1861-1865 also 66th Vol Imf Regt 1865 on 6th Regt Imf /853..bulkofregtworedarkbluetallcoatwithredfacingsandpiping,blueorwhitepants,b]ueclothdresshat,whi(e belts./858..regimentaluniformadopted:stateM1858dressandfatigue,whitebe]ts;"Wardimprovedmuskets.""ce"on breast plate. A$ 66wh Vo/ /nn.. US res inf clothing; Enfield rifle. /864.. state M1863 chasseur dress. • 7th Regt (National Guard; New York City) 'o 1865 loo Fed serv: 2 mos, 1861; 3 mos, 1862; I mo, 1863 1865 all 7th Reg( Imf Dress:cadetgraytailcoatwith3rowsOfbuttonsconnectedbyblackbraidandthmmedwithblackandgold,blackand whitcepaulets,grayorwhitepants,blackfelthat,whitepomFron,whitebelts."7"oncapplate;`.NG"oncartridgehox; compnumberonEM'sbeltplate."7'.onbreastplateafler1868,withcomplettersonbeltplate.Disthctivebutton./858.. M1855 rifle musket. fall.gwe.. cadet gray jacket and cloth cap, black triminings; blue frcek coat and cap, gray pants for officers;skyblueovercoats.£nginccrcorps..M1847sappersmusketcon.rroap(tol860):cedetgraydouble-breastedtall coat,shorttails,trirmedwithblackandgold,brassshouldeTscales,grayorwhitetrouseTs;(to1854)"libertycap" shape,ofblackleatherwithwhitehorsehairplume;(1854-1860)blackfeltcapwithsameplune;blackbelts;M1840saber andpistol;buffleathergauntlets.BandandDrwmCorpe..darkbluefrockcoal.scarletplastronandtrimmings;skyblue pants, scarlet wel(; blue cloth dress cap. scarlet pompon, /86/.. fatigue unifom and black belts won exclusively. /86j..adoptedcadetgraychasscurunifofTn,grayclothdresscapwithblackplufne.grayandblackeprulets.blackbeltsfor dress;grayforagecap,noepauletsforfatigue./868..pre-1861dressandfatigueunifomsreadoptedwithnewmodelcap; blackbeltswomwithfatigue.I)and..darkbluefrockcoattrimmedwithwhite,with3row§ofbuttons;samecapasregtbut black pompon. • 8th Regt (Washington Grays; New Yok City) 'o 1865 a Fed serv: 3 mos,1861.1862; I mo,1863 8th Regt Inf (Comp I or Troop withdrawn 1867 and expanded to form Squadron of Washington Grays, a.v.) /85/..Dress..cadetgraytailcoatwith2rowsoftiuttons,thmmedwithblackandgold.blackandwhiteepaulets.grayor white pants, black felt cap, white pompon, white belts. Bust of Washington and wreath on breast plate; na[ne and camp letteronbeltplate;"8.'oncapplale.Fa/I.gas..cadetgrayjacketandclothcap,blackthmmings.Offccrs..bluefrcekcoat and cap. gray pants. rroap /haicr Van.a".s Bo)j/.. cadet gray coal and pants. gay cloth covered helmet, black ccek's feathers;graysaddleclothwithblacklace.Grayfatigueclothing,blacktim.Dm»!Cops..sameascomps.Band,/86/ /E/ml.raComcrBand/..drkbluefrcekcoat,pantsandcap(lastwith"ECB"inbrassletters),goldepaulets./86/..issued sky blue pants. /862.. issued US reg imf clothing with frock coat and cap, for field service; black belts adopted. J866.. formercadetgraydressandfatigueunifomsreadoptedwithmodifications;grayclothdresscap.rigue"8"onbreaslplate. 1036

ORDER OF BATTLE (contl.nwed)

• 9th Regt (ls( hish Regt; New York City; completely rcorgan) 1850-1859 •2,0 9th Regt (City Gual'd) 1859-1861 83rd Vol Imf Regt Fed serv: 1861-1864 9th Regt lnf 1865 on 7o /8j9.. emerald green tail coat, whi(e skirt facings, gold lace, green epaulets with white fringe; sky blue pants, whilc stripe; t)lack fell hat with whirs pompon; black bel(s; ogivccrs.. white plumes. /859.. Dress.. dark blue frock coa( and trousers. sky blue collar, red epaulets and pant stripes; dark blue cloth hat, leather bound, red pompon. Fa/I.gwc.. dark blue jacket and pants, trimmed with red; dark blue cap with gilt braid; dark blue overcoat with red cuff tab and cape lining. /862.. sky blue pants issued. Officers wore arty insignia. Springfield rifled muskets. /869.. distinctive dress uniform adopted: dark blue tail coat and pan(s. tri[nmed with red; dress cap, red pompon.

• loth Regt (New York city; iedesig) to 1859 /so 23rd Rest (disb) 1859-1861 Never adopted regimental uniform; only 1 comp in 1860.

• loth Rest (Albany) 1860-1862

#c. 177th Vol Imf Regt Fed serv: 1862-1863 loth Res( 1863-1865 loth Regt Imf 1865 on Comps A and 8 (Albany Zouave Cadets and Albany Continental Guard) distinctively unifomed. /862.. state M 1858 dress with frock coat and cap. /864.. sta(e M 1863 imf dress. /869.. dress uniform adopted: gray tail coa( and pants trimmed with black and gold, felt dress cap, ligh( blue and whi(e pompon. "10" on cap and breast plate.

• llth Regt (Washington Rifles: New York city) to l865 /€0 Fed serv: 3 mos,1862; I mo,1863 llth Regt Imf 1865 on Regimental unifom adopted 1859; state M 1858 dress, thmined with green and black; M 1855 rifle, saber bayonet lflnccr Conpr special lancer unifom. /863.. issued sta(e M186l blue fatigue dress. c, /870.. dark blue frock coat red thmmings and epaulets, sky blue trousers.

• 12th Regt (Independence Guard; New York city; briefly in l859 designated 22nd Regt) to l865 /(a Fed serv: 3 mos,1861; 6 mos,1862; I mo,1863 12th Rcgt Imf 1865 on /8¢9..skybluefatigueuniform./852..adopteddressunifolTliofwhitefrockcoa(trimmedwith§kyblueandgo]d,skyblue trousers. sky blue cap and pompon, black belts. /857.. al(ered dress to dark blue frock coat, sky blue pants, dark blue cap with white or red pompon. /86/.. adopted chasseur uniform: dark blue jacket edged with light blue, sky blue full pants, russetleatheTleggings;lightbluecapwithdarkbluebandandwhitecord;blackbelts;M1855riflemusket;sapperscaTried M1855 rifle. Officers in US veg imf clothing with light blue French cap. DTum Corps in dark and sky blue zouave suit. /862.. issued US reg imf dress with frock coat and cap. Enfield rifled musket. /863.. issued US leg blouse and forage cap. /864.. readopted chasseur unifom, as above. /869.. adopted dress uniform: dark blue tail coa(, 3 rows of bu(tons, faced with sky blue; sky blue pan(s and cap, latter trimmed with white cord; white, light and dark blue epaulets.

• 13th Rest (National Grays: Brooklyn) 'o 1865 /70 Fed serv: 3 mos,1861,1862; I mo,1863 (Nucleus of 87th Vol Imf Regt. q.v.) 13th Rest Imf I 865 on Adopted fust regimental fatigue uniform. /8j7.. cadet gray thmlncd with black, very sirnilar to 7th Regt; sky blue kersey overcoat piped with scarlet. /860.. adopted regimental dress unifom, also cadet gray trimmed with black and gold lace; 1037

ORDER OF BATTLE /confl."wed/

double brcasted coat, white belts. /66/.. issued sky blue pants; chiefly M1842 musket. /662.. issued US reg inf clothing with frcek coat, cap, etc.; "Austrian rifles, cat.55." /86j.. Enfield rifle muskets. /864.. state M 1863 inf dress. c. /867.. resumed gray dress and fatigue unifoms with addition of I.ed piping. • 14th Rest (14th Brooklyn; Brooklyn ; Brooklyn) 'o 1861 / 80 84th Vol Imf Rest Fed serv: 1861-1864 1865 on 14th Rcgt Imf Adopted fas: I regimental unifom, /859.. dark blue frock coat and pants, light yellow thmmings, blue hat, white belts. /86/.. semi-chasseur uniform furnished by City of BTooklyn: blue jacket, red vest, pants and cap; sky blue pants for fndgue;wonthroughoutFedserv.Enfieldrifle;Springfieldrifledmuskets./869..newdressunifom;darktiluetailcoat and pants. trimmed with red and gold, felt dress ha(, red pompon.

• 15th Regt (Queens county; furnished 2 comps to 74th vol Imf Regt, and I comp [Flushing Btry] to l865 /qo to 2nd vol Heavy Arty Regt; with l6th,17(h and l8th Regts, formed provisional rest for I mo Fed serv in New Yck Hrfu. i864) 1865-1868 15th Regt Imf (disb) J859.. sta(e M1858 dress.

• 16th Rcgt (Suffolk county) to 1865 2cO |6th Rest lnf (see 15th Rest; disb) 1865-1868 /859.. state M1858 dress.

• 17th Rest (Weslchester and Rockland Counties) 3 lo to 1865 • 17th Rcgt lnf (see 15th Rest; disb) 1865-1868 JJo Inegularly `inifomed to 1864: then state M186l fatigue.

• 18th Regt (Westches(er and putman counties) to 1865 33t> Fed serv: I mo, 1863 18th Regt Imf (see 15th Regt; disb) 1865-1868 Inegularly uniformed (o 1863; then state M186l fatigue.

• 19th Rcgt (Orange county) to 1865 a-40 Fed serv: 3 mos, 1862; 9 mos, 1863 also 168th Vol Imf Regt Fed serv: 1863 l9th Regt lnf 1865 on Adoptedfustregimentalunifom/859..srateM1858dress,picrureofWashington.sHeadquarters,Newburghoncartridge box plate. /862.. US reg imf clothing with frock coat, cap, etc. (As 168th Vol lrf) 1863: salve. • 20th Rest (Ulster Guard; Ulster County) to 1861 2$ Fed serv: 3 mos, 1861 Both Rest Fed serv: 1861-1864 2oth Rcgt inf 1865 on Adopted reginental uniform /8j8.. blue frock coat, gray pants, felt dress hat, white pomFron, black belts. /86/.. for field service wore same uniform with "dull white felt hat" with regt's mme pencilled on ; also called "Kossuth hats"

/As 80fA Ecg// /86/-/662.' US reg imf clothing; Enfield rifle. /863.. Austrian rifled musket, cat .54. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. /86j.. state M1863 dress. 1038

ORDER OF BATTLE (confl.naed/

• 2lst Regt (Arty; Dutchess and Columbia Counties) 'o 1865 2cO Fed serv: I mo, 1863 2ls( Regt Imf (Dutchess County) 1865 on /86/.. state M186l gray fatigue. /86j.. issued dark blue freek coat. plus sta(c M186l fatigue. • 22nd Regt (Union Grays; New YOTk City) 1861-1865 ?10 Fed serv: 3 mos, 1862; I mo, 1863 22nd Regt Imf 1865 on /86/..grayfrockcoat,pantsandcap.allulmmcdwithred;blackbclts;musiciansworeredfroggingonchest;Enfieldshort rifle. /862.. US meg inf clothing with blouse. cap. ctc. ; continued use of gray pants and cap in the field, 1862. 1863. /863.. chasseur unifom adopted: daric blue jacket -piped with light blue, sky blue pants, whi(e gaiters. white epaulets with light blue crescents, felt cap with white plume. /869.. dress uniform adopted: dari[ blue tail coat, sky blue pants, both dimmed with white, dress cap with light blue and white plume. '`22" on cap and breast plates. • 23rd Rest (1859-1861): see loth Regt (New York City) 380

• 23rd Regt (City Guard Reserve; Brooklyn) 1862-1865 ?,a Fed serv: I mo, 1863 23rd Rest lnf 1865 on /862.. gray fatigue unifom, very similar to 7th Rest; black belts. At first carried conversions; in 1863 issued Springfield rifledmuskets./869..adoptedasdressuniform:grayfailcoat.pantsandcap,chmmedwithblackandgold;blackandwhite epaulets; dress cap, light blue and white pompon; white belts. Offccrs.. /862.. US res imf clothing; /869.. similar to EM but blue cloth; white plulne; US reg imf clothing for undress.

• 24th Rcgt qroy) to 1865 Jto 24th Rest lnf 1865 on No regimental unifolm untl /864.. st&t¢ M1863 dress. • 25th Regt (Albany) 1851-1865 j® 25th Regt hf Fed serv: 3 mos.1861,1862 /8j9..4of6compsinst&teM1858drcss./860..rcgimentaluniformedopted:grayfrockcoattrimmedwithred;redworsted epaulets; medium blue pants, white sthpes. blue forage cap. black belts; imf sword. (Comp R, Albany Burgesses Corps, wore dark blue frock coat, sky blue pants with white stripe. blue forage cap). /862.. issued state M 1858 dress with state overcoat. /864.. state M1863 inf dress. • 26th and 27th Regts: only paftially organ; disb by 1868 JJO • 28th Regt (Brooklyn): see 72nd Reg • 29th-32nd Rcgts: only partially organ; disb by 1868 330 • 32nd Rcgt Imf (Brocklyn) 1868 on 3tJ® Probably German pattern uniform, details not lmown. Cap plate showed owl with ``32," etc. • 33rd Regt (S(. Ia`Arrence County; disb) 1854-1867 jso (Nucleus of 60(h vol lnf Rcgt, a.y.) PTobably all comps in §fale M1858 dress 1859. • 34th Rcgt (St. IA`]rrence and FranHin Counties; disb) c . 1854-1867 j6o Orucleus of g8th voi lnf Rcgt. a.v.) Probably all comps in state M1858 dress by 1859. • 35th Regt (Jefferson County) c.1859-1865 31C7 35th Rest lnf 1865 on /864.. issued state M1863 inf dTcss. /867.. adopeed zouave unifom; details `mknown. 1039

ORDER OF BATTLE /co"fl.„wcd/

• 36th Regt (Jefferson and Lewis Counties; disb) 1854-1868 j78o No record of dress. • 37th Regt (New York City) 1861-1865 3to Fed scrv: 3 mos, 1862; I fno, 1863, 1864 37th Regt Imf (consol with 7lst Regt Ino 1865-1870 /662.. issued US res imf clothing with frock coat and forage cap. /86j.. state M186l fatigue dress. /864..bluejacketth"nedwithred;skybluepants,redwelt;blueforagecap.redband;.`37"onbrcastplate;blackbelts.

• 38th Regt (Herkimer county; disb) 1857-1868 4/c>a (Nucleus of 34th vol lnf Rest, a.v.) Probably state M1858 dress. • 39th Regt (Otsego county; disb) 4/a (Nucleus of 76th vol Imf Rest, g.v.) Probably state M1858 rifle dress. • 40th43rd Reg(s: only partially organ; disb by 1868 +2® • 44th Regt Imf (Brcome County) 1867 on 4(j° /867.. issued state M1863 inf dress. • 45th Regt (Utica and Oneida County) 1855-1865 4'41o (Nucleus of 14th Vol Imf Regt, g.v.) 45th Regt Imf (Oneida County; disb) 1865-1868 /864.. issued state M1863 imf dress. • 46th Regt (Rome and Oneida County; disb) 1855-1867 4'50 All comps in a state uniform by 1862. • 47th Regt (Brooklyn Grays; Brooklyn) 1862-1865 46® Fed serv: 3 mos, 1862; I mo. 1863 47th Regt Imf 1865 on /662.. issued US reg imf clothing with frcek coat and forage cap. /863.. issued US res blouse. /869.. adopted gray dress uniforTT. very similar to 7th Regt; officers wore blue frock coat, gray pants. dress cap with white plume. • 48th Regt (Oswego county) 1854-1865 4/7048th Regt lnf 1865 on /858.. wearing state M185l dress with arty comp in arty dress. /864.. issued sta(c M]863 imf dress.

• 49th Reg( (Auburn and Cayuga County 1856-1865 /GO (Nucleus of l9th Vol Imf Regt, a.v.) 49th Regt Imf (Cayuga County) 1865 on No record of dress. • 50th Regt ITompkins, Tioga, Seneca and Schuyler Counties) 1856-1865 3qo Fed serv: 3 mos, 1864 50th Regt lnf ITompkins County) 1865 on /862.. state M1858 dress. /864.. state M1863 imf dress. • 5lsl Rest (Syracuse; Onondaga and Madison Counties) to 1865 5o4 (Nucleus of 12th Vol lnf Regt, q.v.) 5lst Regt Inf 1865 on No regimental uniform until /862.. state M1858 dress. /864.. issued state M1863 imf dress. 1040

ORDER OF BATTLE /con/I.nwcd/

• 52nd Rcgt (Brooklyn) 1862-1865 €'0 Fed serv: I mo,1863 52nd Rest Imf (disb) 1865-1868 State M186l fatigue.

• 53rd Regt: only partially organ; disb 1867 520 • 54th Regt (Rcehester) 'o 1865 530 Fed serv: 3 mos,1864 54th Regt Imf. 186S on /8j9.. adopted state M1858 dress and subsequently issued state fatigue. /864.. distinc(ive unifolTh; details unknown. • 55th Rest (Garde Lafayette; New York city) 1857-1861 5V° 55th vol Imf Regt Fed serv: 186l-1862 55th Rest 1862-1865 Fed serv: I mo.1863 55th Regt Imf 1865 on /8j7-/859.. Left Wing (6 French comps) wore French type imf uniform: gray-blue overcoat, lined and trimmed with red; full red pants; red forage cap with blue band; red epaule(s. Had pioneers with bearskin hat and whi(e leather . Right Wing (4 American comps, transferred out in 1858-1859) adopted state Ml 858 dress in 1858, /86/ .. added zouave comp: dark blvc jacket trimmed with fed; full red zouave trousers; light blue sash. red fez, yellow lea(her leg cuffs and white canvas gaiters. Enfield rifle. Heavy duck pants substiruled for red trousers; white gaiters. /86J.. issued blue fatigue blouse. c./866.. blue frcek coat, red pan(s, dress cap; details unknown. • 56th Regt (Brooklyn; disb) 1863(?)-1868 £jE, Fed serv: I mo, 1863; 3 mos. 1864 /863.. issued s(ate dark and light blue chasseur unifom.

• 57th Regt: not fully organ.54a • 58th Regl (Livingston County; disb) 1862-1868 Srfe Fed serv: 3 mos,1864 /862.. state M1858 fatigue. /863.. state M1863 imf dress.

• 59th Regt (Yates and Livingston Counties; disb) 1856-1868 €.8® Apparently no regimen(al unifom until c.1860, then state l858 dress. • 60th Regt (Steuben and Chemung Coon(ies; disb) I 855-1868 5q® /859.. probably state M1858 fa(igue. • 6lst-63rd Regts: not fully organ ¢cO

• 64th Regt (Cattaraugus and Allegany Counties) 1852-1861 4/a 64th Vol Imf Regt (Cattaraugus Regl) Fed serv: 1861-1865 64th Rcgt lnf (disb) 1865-1867 Earlier dress not kno\rm. /86/.. state M186l blue fa(igue; later blue frock coat and fatigue blouse added. /862-/86j.. Austrian rifled musket, caL .54. /8dr.. Springfield rifled muskets.

• 65th Regt (Buffalo) to 1865 4,JC> Fed scrv: I mo, 1863 also 187th Vol Imf Res( Fed serv: 1864-1865 65th Rest lnf 1865 on c./855..darkbluefrockcoat,grayorwhitepants,blackfeltdresscapwithwhiteplume;whitebeltsforinf,blackforrifles. Cav camp.. dark blue jacket, gray pants. ]eatheT helmet with white plume. white belts. Arty camp.. same as imf comps with light any saber, (As /87wh Vo/ /n/) /864.. US res imf clothing, Springfield rifled muskels. /869.. adopted stale M1863 imf dress with modifications. 1041

ORDER OF BATTIE /con#.nued/ • 66th Rest: ro( fullyorgan ®:=i? • 67th Rcgt (Erie County; disb) 1854-1867 dye Fed scrv: I Ire. 1863 No record of carly unifofms. /863.. issued state M186l blue fatigue. • 68th Regt (Chattaugua County; disb) 1855-1867 I,5-,, Fed scrv: I mo. 1863 (also scvcml comps joined Excclsior Brig in 1861) NO fccord Of dress.

• 69th Rcgt Ovational Cadets; New York City) 1851-1865 lece Fed scrv: 3 fnos,1861,1862,1864; I mo,1863 also 69th Vol lnf Regt (lst Rcgt. Irish Brig) Fed scrv: 1861-1865 also 182nd Vol Imf Rcgt Fed scrv: 1862-1865 69th Reg. Inf 1865 on fa?a /8j/ .. grccn tail coat qi"ned with pod and gold. fnodium blue pants. stole fog blue cloth dress cap. black bc]ts. Offlccrs worcg]eenandfedplumc./8j9..ndqued§tateM1858artydress,blackbclts,dackblueforagecaptrimmedwithred.Cap plan with wolf hounds and `.69." /86/.. zouave camp: dark blue jacket with red lace. blue-gray full pants. green sash, blue-gnyvcstwithredlaccamngedin2distinetivclmotsonchest;russetleath¢rgaiters./862..issuedUSreginfclothing withblouse,pantsandov¢rcoat;alsostatcartypants.Enfictdrifle./863..issuedstateM1861bluefugue./869..adoprd dress unifom with dark blue tail coat qimmcd with red; fed and groan cpaul€ts; fnedium blue pants. fed stripe; black felt dress cap with red and green plume, white belts. (As69lAVo//ty)/86/..grayuniform(?).USregdresshatwithgrecnp]unc:/862..USreginfclothing;Springfieldrifkid muskets. (AS /82nd Vo/ /no /862.. US res inf clothing. Enfi¢ld rifle.

• 70th Rcg( (Aity: Broouyn; broken up into 2nd Rcgt Cav and lst Bn Light Arty) 1854-1867 ®a.a orucleus Of 5th voi Arty Rcgr. a.v.) AppacDtly never adop(ed a regimental unifon; sotne cofnps desscd es lances and husars. This fcgt had a mound band.

• 7lst Reg. (American Guard, Alncrican Rifles, cte.; New Yak City) 1852-1865 !r.`th Fed scrv: 3 mos,1861.1862; I mo.1863 Orueleus of 124th Vol Imf Regt, g.v.) 7lst Rcgi ur 1865 on j8f2..dackbluefrcekcoatwithlightbluecolluandcuffs,giltandblackbnid,blackcpautetswithbrasscrescents;Light bbeprts,dckblueshipcedgedwithgutcord;bLackfcltdesscap.blackplumc.blackbclts;giltbugleonfcarofcollar. Qfficcrs..3gillbuglcnd2starsoncollar,goldcordonsleevcs,goldlacconpants./8j7..modifiedbyadoptionofncw des§capwithwhitcpompon,whitebclts,lightblucandwhitccpaiLLcts.singlegoldstaronrearofcollarforofficers..`71" oncapndbcl(phtes.Dckbluefatiguejackelwithligheblucsho`ilderstraps,darkbluefolngccap.blackbelts;qgrccrs.. din blue frcek coat; rm Corps (of boys) wore red jacket [etc.) /86/.. issued sky blue pants for fndguc; adaped gay cndigan blcue for fangue. J862.. issued stare M186l blue fatigue, complete. /868.. dark blue tail coat with salnc dinmings as 1852 dfcss, white belts. adopted for full dress.

• 72nd Rcgt orocklyn; fedsig) 1856-1860 ?oa 28th Rcgt Orafional Gtiard of BroolElyn) 1860-1865 Fed scrv: 3 mos. 1861, 1864; I mo, 1863 28th Rcgt hi 1865 on /856..gnymgucjacket,pantsandcap,timmedwithblack,vcrysiniluto7thRcgt;latcradoptedgraydressunifom, (rimed with black (headdess unhorm), also similar to 7th Regr; /859.. dark blue overcoat dinmed with yellow and lirdvithseqlet;Ml841or1855rifles,/es/..blackfclthAtwomwithg[nyfndgue;IaterissuedstoteM1861capaDdsky blue pants; 1842 musket. /862.. issued US rcg inf clothing with frock con and cap; Enficld rifle. j863.. isnd bi~. 1042

ORDER OF BATILE /conil.nwed/

• 72nd Rcgt (Rcnsselaer County): not fully organ 1`° • 73rd Regt: not fully organ 7jo • 74th Regi (Buffalo) 1854-1865 7'jrJ Fed serv: I mo, 1863; again 1863 (Nucleus of 2lst Vol lnf Regt, a.v.) 74th Rest hf 1865 on /8j4.. dark blue tail coat and pants, thmmed with buff; black fel( dress cap. white pompon; no fatigue dress. (/86/ .. gray fatigue ondcred by City of Buffalo t`imed over to 2lst Vol Imf Regt.) /86j.. US reg inf clothing, 1864.. issuied distinctive dress uniform. details not kno`rm. • 75th Regt (New Yck City; coustifution revoked) ?re 1854-1857 • 75th Regr (Onandaga County; disb) ?`.~,a 1863-1867 • 76th Regt (Albany; disb) 1855-1860 :'4€' /8j9.. adopted regimental unifom, details not kno`rm. • 76th Regt (Cortland County; disb) c.1865-1868 ? 7lrt Dark blue frock coat and pants, foTagc cap.

• 77th Rc8t avow ych[ city; disb) 1864-1867 ?a`S Fed serv: 3 rros. 1864 /864.. US res inf clothing with blouse.

• 78th Regt: not fully organ; disb 1867 19S

• 79th Rest (Highlanders; Cafneron Highlanders, etc.; New York City) 1859-1861 8co 79th Vol lnf Regt Fed serv: 1861-1865 79th Rcgt Imf 1865 on /8j9-/860.. dark blue Highland-cut coat with trews, GlengaJTy cap and epaulets for full dress . Non-reg kilts won agaius( AdjutantGencral's orders./66/ .. comps, added for war, in dark blue trousers rather than trews . IAter issued US reg imf clothing with blouse. Enfield rifle. c. /868.. adopted full Scottish uniform for full dress. details as above. • 80(h-82nd Rests: net fully organ; disb 1868 8/0

• 83rd Rcgt (Schencctady) 1864-1865 6'a9 83rd Rest hi 1865 on No record of dress.

• 84th Rest (New York city) 1863-1865 6'3C' Fed serv: I mo, 1863; 3 mos, 1864 84th Regt Imf 1865 on /863: issued US reg inf clothing with blouse and forage cap. /864.. issued distinctive `iniform, details not known.

• 85th Regt: not fully organ; disb 1868 84C» • 86th Regt: not fully organ; disb 1872 850 • 87th Regt Imf (Lewis county) 844 /864.. state M1863 imf dress. • 88th-90th Regts: not fully organ; disb by 1868 87Z> • 9lst Regt Imf (Onnge county) ego /665.. state M1863 inf dress. • 92nd Regt: not fully organ; disb 1868 9fo 1043

ORDER OF BATTLE /coHtl.nued/

• 93rd Regt (New York City; disb) 1863-1865 a- Fed serv: 3 mos, 1864 • 94th-95th Rests: not fully organ; disb by 1868 q'o • 96th Regt O{ew York City) 1863-1865 1865 on q2o 96th Rest lnf /86¢.. state M1863 imf dress; Enficld short rifle. • 97th Regt: not fully organ; disb 1868 q3o • 98th Regt (Erie county 1864-1865 a+c, Fed scrv: 3 mos. 1864 1865-1868 98th Regt Imf (disb) /864.. US reg inf clothing with blouse. • 99th Regt (New York City; disb) 1864-1867 Fed scrv: 3 Dos, 1864 J5c, /864.. US reg imf clothing with blouse. • 100th-lolst Regts: fully organ; disb 1868 q6C] • 102nd Regt (Lindsey Blues; disb) 1864-1865 970 /864.. US res imf clothing with blouse. • 103rd-105th Regts: not fully organ; disb by 1872 q8C> • 106th Regt Imf (Steuben county) qqc' /664.. state M1863 infdress. • 107th-109th Regts: not fully organ; disb by 1868 .ooo • llothRegtlnf (E|min) .a.a 1864<.1870 ® llothBn 1870 on /a 20 /86¢.. state M1863 imf dress. • lllth Rcgt: not fully organ; disb 1867 /o3 o


• 2nd Regl Cav (organ from 70th Regt Imf; Broonyn) 1867 on 7 oqo State M1863 cav uniform: bluejackct trimnd with omnge braid. sky blue pants, blue cap; s&bcr and pis(ol; only partially mounted. 1867 on /a.sosq¥en#:8C6a3V:a#L::sf.(b#:1:ie¥:#b::e)ptoanJ?)fongecap. • Bn of cav, 24th Brig (Symcuse) 1867-1872 /a6P State M1863 cav dress: blue jacket, sky blue pants. forage cap. • Squadron of Washington Grays (reduced to I Imp in 1870) 1867 on /070 State M1863 cav dTcss: blue jacket, sky blue pants. forage cap. • (lst Rest Arty: see 4th Reg(, NYSM, above) • lst Bn Light Arty, 5th Brig Orocklyn; broken up) 1867-1870 /a&g AIL but I comp in blue frock coat, sky blue pants, dress hewith plulnc, all thmlned with red: I compin state M1863 light arty dress with dress cap and pompon. • Bn of Arty, 3rd Div (Troy and Albany; partially organ) 1868 on /0® State M1863 light try dress: bluejacket. sky blue pants. dress cap with pompon. • Bn of Arty, 24th Brig (Syracuse) 1867 on //¢0 State M1863 light arty dress: blue jacket, sky blue pants, dess cap with pompon. • Bn of Arty, 25th Brig (Rochester Union Grays) 1867 on //.a Distinctive uniform. type unknoun. • lst Bn Heavy Arty (BIiDoklyn; mer.ged into 13th Rest Imf, NGSNY) 1864-1867 t/2o State M1863 heavy arty dress: blue frock coat. sky blue pants. dress cap with pompon; all thinnnd with fed. (In addition. several independent btrys of arty were raised 1861-1872.) 1045

ORDER OF BATTLE /couti.i«.ed/

• 13th Rcgl (Seymour Light cav) 1863-1865 /86j.. Gibes and Shafps carbines; Rcmington and Colt afmy rcvolvcrs; M1840 and M1860 satxas. /864.. Shams carbine. •. 14th Rcgr (lst Metropolitan Cav) 1862-1865 t /863.'Bunsidecarbine;Renrfugtonamyrevolver,M1840andM1860sabcrs./864..ColtandRcmingtonarmyrevolvcrs. • 15th Rcgt (Red Neck Ties) 1863-1865

/49DWaejackctwithoutlace./863..Coltarmyrcvolver;Ml8cOsabcr./864..somcBumsideandStarrcarbines;soineMl840 6thsoRre:. (S8i:if¥g;tcciv?e. Wac the "Custer tic." ,863_,865 /863-/664.. Shaps ut Buuside carbines; Colt and Rcmington army rcvolvcrs; M 1840 and M 1860 sabers. 17th Rcgt: failed to complete organ 186+1866 l8th Regt (CoTning Ligh( Cav) /863.. Bunside carbine; M1860 saber. /864.. Enficld rifle and Bunside and Mcrrill carbines; solne M1840 sabers. 19th Regt: see lst Rcg( mgcons 20th Regt Orcclellan Cav) 1863-1865 /86j.. Colt army revolver; M1840 and M1860 satx;rs. /864.. StaTT carbine. Comp L issued "ranger pattern" saddle. 2lst Rcgt (Griswold Light Car) 1863-1866 /2u'' Wore jacket without lace. /863-/864.. Bunside carbine; Rcmington army revolver; M1840 and M1860 sabers. • 22nd Regt (Rcehester cav) 1863-1866

: :::":?:S(h;¥;sCB¥)lnc. Remlnoron any revolver. Ml 8co sober :::I:::: /864.. Starr caltiine; M1840 saber. • 25th Rcgl (Sicklcs' Cav) 1864-1865 /864.. B`imside c&rtiinc: M 1840 saber. • 26th Rcgr (Frontier cav; organ for I year for sefvicc on canadian border; contained comps from New Yck, 1865 Massach`isctts and Vcllront) 131°mclst,2nd.3rdand4thprovisionalcavRcgtsofl865containcdelemcntsofthcl€gtslistedabove.Theoneidalndependent Comp Vetcrm Cav scrvcd 1861-1865. allnost entirely as the cscon comp, HQ, Any of the Potomac.)


(AII rcgts, he and btrys below wore US rcg heavy or light arty clothing. depending upon their service. with cecasioml "xffication.) • ls( Rcgt Light Arty (Mongan's Light Arty) i86l-i865 Btry 8 (Empire Btry) al fust wore M1840 musician.a sword; fnost other btrys issued M1840 light arty saber. • lst Rcgt Marine Arty (Howl.s Arty Naval Brig; disb) 1861-1863 Issued semi-naval dress including blue jacket, blue . blue flannel shin, straight gray pants with red sthpe, blue forge cap. OffLccrs wore blue freek coat and pants, blue mval cap tinned with gold lace. Cap and cuffs bore naval iusignia. Accoutcments generally naval pattcms. Officers wofc naval sword. • lst Bn hight Arty Oadcn Arty; Gcman Arty Cofps; Bricke].s Bn) 1861-1863 • 2nd Rest Heavy Arty 1861-1865 /863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. None-res black fcl( hat sanetiines won. • 2i]d Bn Light Arty (Irish Brig Btrys) 1861-1862 • 3rd Rcgt Light Arty (Scwnd Arty; formerly l9th lnf Rcgt) 1861-1865 /862.. M1842 musket. • 3rd Heavy Arty (ceTrmD Heavy Arty; Scngcs. Bn; expanded to fonn 15th Heavy Arty Rcgl) 1861-1863 • 4th R€gt Heavy Arty 1862-1865 J863-J864.. SpriDgficld rifled muskets. • 5th Rcgt Heavy Arty (2nd Rcgt Jackson Arty 1862-1865 /86J-J664.. Eofi€ld rifled musket. 1046

ORDER OF BATTLE /co"ti."ued/

• 6th Rest Heavy Arty (Anthony Wayne Guard; fonnerly 135th Imf Regt) 1862-1865 /86J.. Enfield rifled musket. /86/.. M1863 rifle muske(. • 7th Rest Heavy Arty (Albany County Regt; Scymour Gund) 1862-1865 /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 8th Regt Heavy Arty (formerly 129th Imf Regt) 1862-1865 /86j-/864.. Springfield rifle muskets. • 9th Regt Heavy Arty (2nd Auburn Rest; Cayuga and wayne county Regt; formerly l38th lnf Regt) 1862-1865 /862.. "French Vincemes rifle, sword bayonet, cat .69". /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • loth Regt Heavy Arty (Black River Arty; Jefferson County Regt) 1862-1865 /86J-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • llth Regt: not fully organ; merged into 4th Heavy Arty Regt • 12th Rcgt: failed to complete organ • 13th Rcgt Heavy Arty 1863-1865 /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 14th Regt Heavy Arty 1863-1865 /86?-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 15th Rest Heavy Arty (formerly 3rd Bn German Heavy Arty) 1863-1865 /863.. M184l rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle muskei. • 16th Regt Heavy Arty 1863-1865 /66?-/864.. Enfield rifle. • Rceket Bn (Barry's Bn; rcorgan as 23rd and 24th Independent Btrys Light Arty) 1861-1862 /9¢ (4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Bus H;avy Arty were con§ol int6 reg(s usted abo;e shorily after organ.) (lst-34th Independent Btrys Ligh( Arty were formed and disb 1861-1865. All wore US reg light arty clothing and aceoutements. The 6th Btry was equipped as horse arty. The 23rd Btry had light arty dress caps, with red plume, cords and tassels. in 1864 at least.) 19,a VOLUNTEER ENGINEERS

1861-1865 :zD]S`3;grre(gseEnennegL::Engs=::clEf::#;rsE:r]de]#fl=S;etc.) • (2nd Rest never organ).330

1861-1865 :d!5thhi¥,y(¥ses:edYgtes#T:6rs,a:e¥a¥;rse;.a;:r,8:/:.5uths':fgR±gi)ncerdessandfatigue./662_/864..Enfieldrifle;some French rifled muskets, cat .58, issued in 1864. • 50th Rcgt (Stuart's Engineers; Sappers, Miners and pontohiers; organ as 50(h Imf Regt) 1861-1865

esp hitially issued "gray `inifom thmmed with green cord." Oc/ /86/.. US reg Engineer dress and fatigue. /862-/86j.. Austian rifled musket, cat .54. /&64.. Enfield rifle with saber bayonet.


• lst Rest (National G`iand) 1861-1863

/3cp /86/.. stove M186l gny fatigue, faced with blue; gray or t]rown overcoat. c. Oc/ /86/.. state M186l blue fatigue; M1842 musket. /662.. Enfield rifle. • lst Bn shaf|ishooters 1862-1865 /tro us reg inf clothing. /863-/864.. Shaps rifle. • 2nd Rest ITiny Regt) 1861-1863 /580 /86/.. state M186l gray fatigue, gray overcoat, blue cap. c. Ocl /86/.. state M186l blue fatigue. M1842 musket; Shafps rifle. • 3rd Rest (Albany Rest) 1861-1865

/ago /86/.. state M186l blue fatigue, dark blue overcoat, sky blue trousers; green cord on officers' pants; Comp E (Syracuse Zounves) wore special zouave dress. Ml 842 musket. /862.. Enfield rifle. /86j.. US leg infclothing; men transferred from 9th Rest urawkins Zbunves) authorized to wear zouave uniform to 1864. /66?-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 1047

ORDER OF BATTLE /conJi.need/

• 4th Regl (lst Scott's Life Gunld) 1861-1863 iLJ 0° /86/.. state M186l blue fatigue; later US reg imf clothing. /862.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 5th Regt (Duryea.s Zounves) 1861-1865 A . a /86/-/865.. zouave dfess, mcdiun blue jacket and vest dimmed with scarlet lace, very full scarlet pants, scanct sack edgcdwithmediunblue.scarletfezwithwhitetuTbanandblueoryeLlowtasscl,highwhitecanvasgaitcrsreplacedabout 1862withrussctlcathergrcavesutlowwhitegaitcrs.Qfficcrs..dckbluefrockcoat,scarletcapandpantsofFfcnchstyle; dark or sky blue fprts won for fatigue. /86/.. M1842 musket. /862-J864.. Springfield rifled muskets; Shafps rifle;

. 6th sR¥grneiv#:na.TZ;Cu::;8::::; v¥:`irifl£SLSvse¥e:. ; 863. I 86 I _ I 863 i 410 /86/.. initially issued rough gray shir( and pants, smll brown felt hat. tri{olond cockade. Jiine /86/.. dark blue state Ml861artyfatiguejacket,skyt.luetrouscrs,bothdimmedwithfed;gfnycap./862..USrcginfclothing.In1861most tnen wac knives and solne her pcrsonal]y o\med fcvolvers. /86/-/863.. Springfield rifle muskets. • 7th Rest (Steuben Rest) 1861-1865 i130/86-/..stateMl861grayfatigue,grayovcrcoat:lateTstatcM186lbluefatigue./86/..M1842musket,re|ilrdinJulyby M184l rifle. cat .54. with socket bayonet. /862-/664.. Springficld rifled muskets. • 8th Rcgt (lst CieTman Rifles; Blenler'§ Rifles) 1861-1863 /+/a J86/.. iron gay rifle fleek with green collar and cuffs; gray pants and cap, thmmed with green. Offccrf.. gray frock coat with green cuffs; gray pants. double red sdipes; red Frcneh style cap. PI.one„ Coap.. India rubber . axes and other tools. Far/ J86/.. US res inf clothing. M1842 musket.

. 9th `R8e6;-dr8::.±Pz8o8fi:'vdesTL¥ul:usfe:v.es; zonzhos) i86i-i863 i 4€o Apr# /86/.. state M186l blue fatigue clothing. Way /86/.. zouavc dress: blue jacket, vest and full paiits, oimlned with crimson or mngenta lace; tufquoisc blue sash, scarlct fez with blue tassel, white canvas gaiters. O#ccrs.. zouave dress siular to inen but with scarlct French style cap; full long blue pants. M1842 musket.

. ]oth`ge2;So¥v¥ti*:::d:::e::ial Gut zbunves; Mcchesney zo`iavcs) 1861-1865 iV4oA/7rz.//86J..zouavcdress:usuanydackblueflanncljacketandfullpants,thmmedwithnd;grayshir(,scarletsash.gray foragecap,russetleathcrgaiters.Mqy/86/..issuednewdckbrmonzouvejackct,andfu»tro`isers.thmndwithnd. Aqg /86/.. stae M186l blue fatigue. Scpl /86J.. new zouave dress: dark bmrn jacket thinned with nd. sky blue full tousers with red sqipes, dy blue sash edged with red, scarlet vest, red fez, white . white canvas gaiters. Chesc unifo]usdestoyedin/unc/862andstatcclothingwomthaeafter.)affccrs..zouvcdressquitesinilartoEM,bulwith French style cap, also dark blue frcek con and sl[y blue pants. /86/.. M1842 musket. /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • llth Regt a3llsworth.s Fire zbunves; lst New Yak Fife zbunves) 1861-1862 |J70Apn.//86/..senri-zouvedres§:glnyjackct,mediunbluecollar,cuffsandbordcr.alledgedwithfedlace:f`illtro`isers withbluestripe;redcap,nrdiuntilucband;redfroman.sshirt,russc(lcathcrleggings.Ogivcrs..glayfbekcoat,light bluecuffsandcurtabs,withgoldl&celcopsandredpiping;graypants,goldlaccStripespipedwithled;Ffcnehstylerd cap.EMworebeltsandbadgesOftheirhonefirecompanies./w/y/86J..zouvedress:darkbluejackctandfulltlouscrs withrdlace;redshirtandfez,bluesash;russctleathcrlcggings.Qfficou..USreginfclothingwithFrcnchstyleredcap. M1855 rifle; most tnen issut bowic knife. White silk fcgilnental color with design of fur equipnrent, plus other flags. • 12th Regt (Onondnga Regt; Independence Gund; consol with clcDents of l2th Rcgt, Ivrsw) 1861-1864 May/86/..stateMl861glnyfatigue./rdyJ86J..stateM186lbluefafigueandUSreginfdress.ConvcTtedmuskets,ed I+80 .69. /862-/863.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 13th Rcgt a`ochester Rcgt) 1861-1863 /I/4® J86/.. state M186l gray fndgue; ha state M186l blue fndgue and US fcg inf clothing. J86J.. M184l rifle; J862..

. ]4thsggr¥::: 8:e¥dam:cckgrc)ts. i86i-i863 /Soc)J86/..dakbluejacket,pants,capandovcneoat,somcthmnedwithred;graysdiped"prisonovemouts"orPetcrsham ove]coas Of vchous shades. Later state M186l blue fndgue; M1842 musket. /why /86/.. Enficid rifled musket. • 15th Rest: see 15th Engineer Rcgt 1048

ORDER OF BAHLE /com.naed/ • 16th Rcgt (lst st Lawrence county Regt) 1861-1863 / 6 lc> /86/.. Us fcg infdess and state M186l fatigue. /862.. for shod time on peninsula wore straw hats and white pants. M1842 musket, exchanged /«fy /86/ for Enfield rifled musket. • 17th Regr (Westchester chasseurs) 1861-1865 / 520 /86/.. Us rcg infclothing and state M186l blue fatigue. /863.. as veteran vols adopted dark blue zouave unifon of9th lnf Rest. /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets; solnc Enfield rifles issued in 1863. • 18th Rcgt (New York state Rifles) 1861-1863 /53o /86/.. state M186l blue fndgue; hitially issued overcoats of "four different shades of gray." Springfield rifled muskets. • 19th Rcgt (Seward Imf; Cayuga county Regt; converted to 3rd Light Arty Regt) 1861 /54`C' /86J.. state M186l gray fatigue. /w/y /86/.. state M186l blue fatigue. Converted muskets. • 20th Rcgt qunieed Tumcr RIfl€s) 1861-1863 /5-5TZ> /86/.. state blue fatigue with red thmmings, dark blue or gray pants. /662.. issued US rcg inf clothing with dress hat. Initially issued M1842 musket. /w/y /86/.. M184l rifle, cat ,54, with saber bayonet. • 2lst Rest (lst Buffalo Regt) 1861-1863 / j£C. /86/.. gray jacket. cap and pants, thmmed with black; dark blue overcoat triinmed with red (originally ordered for 74th Rcgt NYSM); havelcek, white gloves. Replaced A«g /86/ by US reg imf clothing with dark blue pants. /862.. sky blue pants. /86/.. convened muskets. /862.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 22nd Res( (2nd Troy Rcgt; 2nd Northm New York Rcgt) 1861-1863 /S7Z9 /66/.. state blue fatigue. officers wore Fr€neh style blue cap. M1842 musket. /862.. Springrield rifled muskets. • 23rd Rcgt (Southern Tier Regt) 1861-1863 15ip State M186l blue fatigue. Converted muskets. /ofy /86/.. EnfLeld rifle musket. • 24th Rcgt (lst oswego Regt) 1861-1863 / Sfro State M186l blue fatigue. Codverfed muskets. July /86/.. Enfield rifle musket. • 25th Regt aJnion Rangers; Kcrrigan Rangers) 1861-1863 /6Ck' State M186l blue fatigue. M1842 musket with some Enfield rifled muskets. /862.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 26th Regt (2nd cheida Rcgt; Utica Regt) 1861-1863 /G/O State M186l gray fatigue. Aug /86/.. State M186l blue fatigue. Converted muskets. /862.. Austrian rifled musket. cat •54. • 27th Rcgt (Union Rcgt) 1861-1863 /62C' State M186l blue fatigue; converted muskets. /862.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 28th Rest ariagan Rifles; Scott Life Gunrd) 1861-1863 /630 State M186l blue fatigue; M184l rifle with saber bayonet. /862.. Enficld rifle. • 29th Rcgt (Astor Rifles; l§( Geman Imf) 1861-1863 /G/O State blue fatigue jacket, gray pants with blue sdipc, blue forage cap, gray overcoat. M1842 musket and conversions. /862.. SpringfLcld rifled muskets. • goth Regt 1861-1863 /6SG State M186l blue fatigue; M1842 musket. /862.. SpringfLeld rifled muskets. • 3lst Rest (Montezuma Regt; Eaxter.s Light_G_ygLD_ _ __ _ 1861-1863 /¢4C> /86/.. state blue fatigue; 3 P6ii5h 6b-in-b;-wore bl_ue fick coat, sky blue pare. and red polich caps. M 1842 musket. /862.. state blue fatigue. springfield rifled-inskets. • 32nd Rcgt (ls( California Rcgt; Empire City Rest; Cello Gordo Legion) 1861-1863 /470 /86/.. state M186l gray fatigue dimmed with red, gray overcoat; M1842 musket. /862.. state M186l blue fatigue. Spriligfield rifled muskets. • 33rd Regt (Ontario Regt) 1861-1863 /6€'0 State M186l blue fatigue; M1842 musket. /862.. Enfield rifled muckct. • 34th Regt urerkimcr Regt) 1861-1863 •/690 Stole M186l blue fatigue. M1842 musket, exchanged /q/y /86/ for Erfield rifled musket. • 35th Regl (Jefferson County Regt) 1861-1863 / 740 State M186l blue fatigue. Converted muskets. /862.. Austhan rifled musket, cal .54.

• 36th Rcgt (Washington Vols) 1861-1863 / 7/a State M186l blue fatigue. M1842 musket. /862.. Austian rifled muskct, cat .54. 1049

ORDER OF BATILE /confl.n"d/ • 37th Rcgt (Irish Rifles; 75th Militia) 1861-1863 1720 State M186l blue fatigue. M1842 musket. /862.. Ausoian rifled musket, cat .54. • 38th Regt (2nd scott's Life Guard) 1861-1863 •7jo State M186l tilue fatigue, with havelcek. M1855 rifle musket. /862.. Austrian rifled muskets, caJs .54 and .577. • 39th Regt (Garibaldi G`iard, etc.) 1861-1865 /?Vo J86/.. dark blue rifle frcek and medium full trousers piped with Ted, Italian bersag/I.cri. hat, black or white gaiters; also fatigue dress of red shin and blue cap; Officers.. saltie with gold frogging on breast and gold lace on sleeves; no gaiters. M184l rifle. saber bayonet. /862.. US Leg imf dress; French rifled musket, cat .58; Enfield rifle. /86j.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 40th Rest (Mozart Regt; Constitution Guard) 1861-1865 J.7jla lnitiauy issued dark blue jacket, pants, cap and overcoa(, all dinmed with red; 4 comps from Massac.husetts wore gray fuigueunifombeforea§sig[men«oregt;/862-/86j..Usreginfclothingwithbluejacket.M1842musket./862..Enfield rifle. /863-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 4lst Res. (neKalb Regt: 2nd Yager Regt) 1861-1865 /?ce`/86J..Prussianstyleunifom:darkgreenfuockcoattrimmedwithred,graypantswithredcord.dackgreenclothcapwith rdband.Graypilotclothovercoat,Prussianstyle.SpecialmodellmapsackandaccouterTn€nts.Officers..sane.withUS officer's insignia; French style green cap, thmmed with red and gold, with monogram device within `meath. Zbl.ai/c CoxpS..drckbluejacket,vestandfulltro`isers,alllacedwithred;red fez,bluetassel;lightbluesash.russetteathergreaves andwhitecanvasleggings.M1842musket./862..stateM1861bluefatigue,modified,withdackbluepantsandmarching bcot§. Double canridge boxes on wais( belt widely worfi. /863-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 42nd Regt oarmany Rest; Jackson Guard) 1861-1864 /77o/66/..grayfatiguejacket,pantsandcapstrimmedwithblack.M1855riflemusket./862..USreginfclothing.Springfield rifled muskets. • 43rd Rcgt (Albany and Yates' Rifles) 1861-1865 '78° US rcg inf clothing. M1842 musket. /862-/86j.. Austhan rifled musket. cat .54. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 44th Regt (Ellsworth Avengers; Pcople's Ellsworlh Regt) 1861-1864 / 7go /86/.. semi-zounve unifom of dark bluejacket, pants and cap, trimmed with red, red shirt; also state M186l blue fatigue. M1842 musket; exchanged ocf /86/ for M 186l rifle musket. J862-/86j.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 45th Rcgt (5th Geman Rifles; Howe's Regt; Honved Regt) 1861-1865 /gap Probably dark glean frcek coat, pants and cap; M184l rifle. J862.. blue she» jacket, sky blue pants. black felt hat. /663-/864.. Enf]e]d rifle, • 4th Regl a=remont Rifle Regt) 1861-1865 /8''° /862-/863.. Infield rifle. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 47th Regt (Washington Grays) 1861-1865 /82° /86/.. gray jacket, pants and cap, Irirmed with black, similar to 8th Rcg( NYSM (required to wear fed. white and blue band on left am). /86/-J86j.. US reg inf clothing. M1842 rifled musket. /864.. M1863 rifled musket. • 48th Reg( (Conthental Guard; Pcrry's saints) 1861-1865 ;8:30 US reg imf clothing. Enfield rifled musket. /862.. Band wore white epaulets on |]lain blue fiuek coat. • 49th Regt(2nd Buffalo Regt) 1861-1865 ` 8t° State M186l blue falgue. M1842 musket. /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 50th Rcgt: see 50th Engineer Rest • 5lst Reg( (Shepard Rifles; New York Rifles; Scar Rifles) 1861-1865 7950/-56-/.:`drayhavcwoninitiallydarkbluechasseurunifomtimDedwithgrecn.)M1842musket.J862..stateM1858dress \unifom, -Enficld rifle. J864.I M 1863 rifle musket. • 52nd Rest (Cierman Rangers; Sigel Rifles) 1861-1865 J860 /86/.. M1842 musket; some Enfield rifled muskets. /862.. SpringfLeld rifled muskets. I. 53rd Rcgt o.Epineuil zbunves) 1861-1862 ;© 7o /86J.. zouave dress, dck blue jacket and vest, sky blue full frousers. all thmlned with yellow braid; red fez with yellow tassel; sky blue sash, yellow leather grcaves and white canvas ; blue hooded zouave cape, Ogivcrs.. dark blue Ffenchstylefrockcoatwithcloselyapacedbrassbellbuttonsinfrontandonsleevcs,goldbraidlcopsoncuffs;lightblue peg-appantswithblackrubberizedclothbclowthelmecs;daritblueFrenchstylecap.ProbablyM1841riflewithsword bayonet. /862.. US res imf dress. 1050

ORDER OF BATHE /com.need/

• 54th Rcgl oarney.a Rifles; Black Rifles; Schwarze Yagcr) 1861-1866 sSC' /G6/.. dark green fieek coat, gray pants and , all himmed with green; death's head omainent on cap. Ml 842 muckct; some Enfield rifled muskets. J862.. state M 1858 dress: Enfield rifled musket. • 55th Rcgt: see 55th Regt. NYSM • 56th Rcgr oTcnth l*gion; Orange and sullivan Rcgt) 1861-1865

/goo/86/..(inidallycoutalnedinf,cavandarty)M1861bluefadgucormounndj.acketwithco]oredshie]donleftbTeasthaving an"X"cutout;shieldsblueforinf.orangeforcav,greenforriflemen,redforarty;skybluepants;foragecap.Enfieldrifle with s&bcr bayonet. /862.. state M 1858 dress and blouse. Springfield rifled muskets. • 'r5rth-~afg` oi8tionai Gund nines.. cLintm Rifles., us Vo`tig[drs., ZdalL's Vo\tigcus) 1861-1864 / qc'C'\~ 78-6/.: blje chasseurunifonn, yellow thmming; nisoet lcadicr gaiters; Enfield rifled musket. • 58th Rcgt Oolich Legion; Morgon Rifles; Gallath RIflcs) 1861-1865

4,c7 US Tcg imf clothing; officers wore fur hat for dress and all wore Small black felt hats for service. Ehfi€ld rifled musket. • 59th Rcgt aJnion Guards; US Vanguard; ctc.) 1861-1865 /q20 /86/.. state M1858 dress and blouse; dress hat. M1842 musket and convcrsious. /662.. some Enficld rifles. /86j-/864.. Sprfugficld rifled muskets.

/;306°ths::gr#:'6:t;I:Tnd:ati:Cc.Rfe]d rifle. sebe] bayonc,. I 86]-I 865 • 6lst Rcgt (Clinton Guard; Actor R€gt; Astor Rifles) 1861-1865 /?ap State M1858 dress, with blouse. Enficld rifled musket. • 62nd Rcgt (Anderson's Zouaves) 1861-1865 iq5° /862.. I camp in blucjeckct dinmcd with fed, full fed tTouscrs, red fez; othercomps in same with Sky blue full trousers and blue fatigue cap; M1842 musket. /862... state M186l blue fatigue, /862-/863.. Austhan rifled musket, cat .54. /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 63rd Rest (3rd Rcgt hish Brig) 1861-1865 i qco US rcg inf clothing; usually wore black felt hat. M1842 musket; some Enficld rifled muskets. J86¢.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 64th Rest: see 64th Rcgt NYSM

• 65th Rcgt: (lst US Chasse`irs; lst Grenadier Rcgt) 1861-1865 /¢7t> /86/.. bbe chasseu jacket, trimmed with light blue, gay pants, gray cap; Springfield rifled muskets. /862.. US res imf clothing. • 66th Rcgt: see 6th Rcgt NYSM

• 67th Regt (ls( Ilong Island Regt; Brooklyn Plialanx) 1861-1864 / 980 /86/.. state M186l blue fatigue with gray fla[inel §hir( for drill; later state M1858 dress. M1842 musket. /862-/86j.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 68th Rcgt(Cafneron Rifles; 2nd Gcrmao Rifle Rcgt) 1861-1865 /q?a State M1858 dress with blouse. /862-/864.. Spthgfield rifled musl[ets with sofne Enfield rifles in 1863. • 69th Rcgt: scc 69th Regt NYSM

• 70th Rest (lst Rest Excelsior (or Sickles.] Brig) 1861-1864 fcx> a State M186l blue fatigue; Springfteld rifled muskets. • 7lst Rest (2nd Regt Excclsior tor Sickles'] Brig; Jackson Light Imf) 1861-1864 £o/o State M186l blue fatigue; Springfield rifled muskets, /862.. US rcg inf dress uniform. • 72nd Rcgt (3rd Rest Excelsior (or sickles.I Brig) 1861-1864 2o2C` hitially issued gay fatigue unifom thmmed with black; later state M186l blue fatigue. Springfield rifled muskets. • 73rd Rest (4th Rest Excclsior tor sicHes.I Brig; 2nd Fie zouavcs; Fire Brig) 1861-1865 £a:toChasseurdress:darkbluejackct.skyb]uefu»trousas.bothpipedwithlightblue;redshir(withwidecollarwomoutside jacket; dark blue foTngc cap, russet leather leggivgs. Cpecers.. US res uhifom with red shirt, collar outside, and leather gaiters. Red fez widely won during service. SpriDgficld rifled muskets. • 74th Rcgt (5tli Rest Excelsior [Sickles'] Brig) 1861-1864

aQno/86/..modifiedchasseurunifom.exccptZounveComp:zouavcdress:darkbluejacketandvestwithyellowlace,fullred miscrs,lightblucsash.redfczwitltbluctasscl.ycllowleathcrgreavesandwhitecanvasgaieers.Enfieldrifledmuskets. 1051

ORDER OF BATTLE /conii.nwed)

• 75th Regt (Auburn Regt; Cayuga county Rest) 1861-1865 20SZ' State M186l blue fatigue, later frock coat and dress hat. /86/.. M1842 musket. /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 1862-1865 2.#6ths:teeg`#8°6rt,'¥,:eR;a#eTgnwf.eel.'ianriflRe:gr;uTm::n¥::e:uRsek:'t;,?alne.85°8.C/?6njty_/%e£?springf[eidrifledmuskets. • 77th Regt (Bemis Heights Regt: Sac(oga Regt) 1861-1865 2C'ZP State M1858 dress and M186l blue fatigue; Enfield rifle. Officers wore blue jacket laced with black for fatigue.

;#thii:egd(:#.eron Highlanders; lst Regr Eagle Brig) I 86|_I 8ca • 79th Regt: see 79th Regt NYSM

: :# ::£:(;:Cd 2oTweRgeogtR¥:%chawk Rangers) 1862-1865 €oqo State M186l blue fatigue. often wore black campaign hat; state M1858 dress also issued. Enfield rifled musket. • 82nd Regt: see 2nd Reg( NYSM • 83rd Regt: see 9th Rest, NYSM • 84th Regt: see 14th Rest NYSM

2iooueinfregtshereafter,unlessothervisenoted,arebelievedtohavebeenissuedstateM1861bluefatigueclothing.Mostlater received state frock coats or US res inf clothing.) ® 85thRe8' 1861-1865 /862.. Enfield rifled musket; French rifled musket, cat .69. J862-/86j.. Austrian rifled musket, cal .54. J664.. Comp A armed with M1863 rifle musket. • 86th Regt (Steuben Rangers) 1861-1865

ai ic> State M1858 dress with blouse. /862.. Enfield rifled musket; "show Austrian rifled musket, cal .69." /862-/863.. Enfield rifled musket. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 87th Regt (13th Brooklyn; consol with 40th Imf Rest) 1861-1862 French rifled musket, cat .69. • 88th Rest (5th Rest Irish Brig; Meagher's Own) 1861-1865 /86J .... Austrian rifle cal .55". /662-/86j.. M1842 musket. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 89th Regt (Dickinson Guard) 1861-1865 /86/ .. some Enfield rifled muskets. /862.. Austrian rifled musket. cal .54. /86j.. Austrian rifled musket. cal .577. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 90th Regt (formed in part from l3th Regt NYSM; Hanccek Guard; Mcclellan chasseurs) 1861-1866

2/ao /86J.. state M1858 dress with blouse; Prussian musket, cat .71; some Enfield rifled muskets. /862-/66J.. Enfield rifled musket. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 9lst Regt (Albany Regt; Columbia County Rest) 1861-1865

i`3C> /86/.. state M1858 dress with blouse. /862-/863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 92nd Regt (2nd St. Lawrence County Regt) 1861-1865 Enfield rifled musket i- r. t`3rd Regt (Morgan Rifles; etc.) 1862-1865

a`+he'f:e:dgrn;fl::rem=::tL:::s3.;:::ju:u::t:i;|°::Sj:::e:°:i:#8..5¥L%s3s:I:ethrn::k:ti.thoutsealesbutwithfatigre blouse.) • 94th Regt (Bell Jefferson Rifles) 1862-1865 /862.. Enfield rifled musket. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 95th Regt (Warren Rifles; 3rd Rcgt Eagle Brig) 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifled musket, cat .55. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 96th Regt Olattsburg Regt) 1862-1866 /862-/86j.. Enfield rifled musket. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 97th Regt (Conkling Rifles; 3rd Cheida) 1862-1865 Enfield rifled musket. Officers wore epaulets for dress; musicians had double lace across breast. • 98th Regt (Malone and Lyons Regt) 1862-1865 j862.. Austrian rifled musket, cat .55. J86j.. Austrian rifled musket, cat .58. J864.. M1863 rifle musket. 1052

ORDER OF BAITIE /corm.need)

• 99th Rest (Union Coast Guard; Bartlett.s Naval Brig) 1861-1865 6C' /86/.. initially issued blue flannel blouse, blue shirt and pants; "black hat and plume." /862-/863.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • tooth Rcgt (2nd Rcgt Englc Brig; 3rd Buffalo Rcgt) 1861-1865 /86/-/862.. Enflcld rifled musket. /86j-/86¢.. Springfield rifled muskets. • lolst Regt Ivnion Brig; 2nd Cinondaga County Rcgt) '861-1862 Enfield rifled musket. ® ro2ZfdRcgt(VanBurmLight Inn 1862-1865 ?`lp J862.. state M186l blue fndg`ic; "Liege rifles, swnd t>ayonet. cd .58, Ffcneh." /862-/864.. Springficld rifled muskets. • 103rd Rcgt (Soward lnf) 1862-1865 /862-/863.. Austrim rifled musket. cads .54 or .55. /864.' M1863 rifle musket. • 104th Rcgt (Wadswoth G`iaids; Livingston County Rcgt) 1862-1865 Enflcld rifled musket. • 105th Regt (I.cRoy Rcgt; Rcehestcr Rcgt; consol with 97th Imf Rcgt) 1862-1863 Austrian rifled musket, caJ§ .54 or .55. • 106th Rcgt (S(. IAWTcncc County Rest) 1862-1865 /862-/863.. Enficld rifled musket. /864.. M 1863 rifle musket. • 107th Rest (Campbcll GunTds) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Springfield Rifled muskets. • lo8th Rcgt o`ochestcr Regt) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. SpringfLeld rifled muskets. • 109th Rcg( (Binghrmton Rcgt) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • lloth Rcgt (Oswcgo county Rcgt) 1862-1865 /862-/€64.. Enficld rifled musket. • lllthRcgt 1862-1865 /862-/864.. SpriiigfLcld rifled muskets. • 112th Rcgt (Chatauqu8 Rcgt) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Enficld rifled musket: soinc M1863 rifle muskets in 1864. • 113th Rest: see 7th Heavy Arty Rcgt • 114thRe8' 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Springfteld rifled muckcts. • 115th Rcgt (Iron Hcarted Rcgt) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Enficld rifled musket. ® 116thRc8' 1862-1865 /862-/863.. Enficld rifled musket. /864.. M1863 rifled musket • 117th Regt (4th oncidr Rcgt) 1862-,, I, /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • I l8th Rcgt (Adirondack Rcgt) ®o2-1865 /662-/864.. Enficld rifled musket; solnc M1863 rifle muskets and Spencer rifles in 1864. • ll9thRcg' 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Enf]cld rifled muckct. • 120(h Rcgt (Ulstcr Rcgt; Washington Guards) 1862-1865 /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muckcts. • 12lst Rest (Chscgo and Hcrkimcr Rcgt) 1862-1865 /862.. Enficld rifled musket. /86J-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 122nd Rcgl (Onondagas) 1862-1865 /862-/86j.. Enficld rifled muslect. /864.. M 1863 rifle musket. • 123rd Rcgt (Washinton county Rcgt) 1862-1865 /862.. Enfield rifled musket. /86j-/864.. Springfic[d rifled muskets. 1053

ORDER OF BATTLE /co"tl.ward/

• 124th Rcgt (Chase Blossoms; American Guard) 1862-1865


• 125thRc8' 1862-1865 /862.. Enfield rifled musket. J863-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 1862-1865 126thRe8t /862-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 127th Regt (National vols; Monitors) 1862-1865 9/80 Issued special long sack coat for fatigue. J862.. Enficld rifled musket. /86J-/864.. Springrleld rifled muskets. 1862-1865 ® 128thRe8t Enfield rifled musket. • 129th Regt: see 8th Heavy Arty Regt 1862-1863 • 130th Regt (conver(ed to l9th Cav Rest) Enfield rifled musket. • 13lst Regt (lst Regt Metropolitan G`lard) 1862-1865 /862.. "French Vincermes rifle. sword bayonet, cat .69... hater M1842 musket. /863-J8&.. Enfield rifled musket with some M1863 rifle muskets in 1864. • 132nd Regt (2nd Regl Empire Brig) 1862-1865 J662-/863.. "French Vineennes rifle, sword bayonet. cat .69." J864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 133rd Regt (2nd Rest Metropolitan Guard) 1862-1865 ;/4C> Initially issued sate M186l blue fatigue clothing with blouse. /862.. `.French Vincemcs rifle, sword bayonet, ed .69"; later M 1842 musket. /863-/864.. Enfield rifle musket. • 134thReg' 1862-1865 /662.. "French Vincemes rifle, sword bayonct. car .69." /863-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 135th Regt: see 6th Heavy Arty Rest 2;0°(Theinfregtshereafter,ulessothcrwisenced,wcreinitiallyis§uedst&teM186lbluefatigueclothing,inafcwinstanccswith btoue.) • 136th Regt (lroaclnds) 1862-1865 J862-J863.. Enfield rifled musket. j864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 137thRegt 1862-1865 /862-/663.. Enfield rifled musket. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 138th Regt: see 9th Heavy Arty Regt 1862-1865 139thRe8t 9.''°,4ohithhi::gry&sooed=facteo:;85R8egrTSRsacw::s::=¥::2s)muske"es'-/8"..Sprmgfie]drifledmuskets.t862_,8as

ga3C' /862.. state M1858 dfess with blouse; Enfield rifled musket. /an J864.. issued zouave dress: blue jacket, veg( and full trousers,trimfnedwithyellowlace;redsash,ndfezwithbluetassel;yellowLeathergrcavesandwhitecanvasleggings. Wusl.czars..sanewithredcuffs.Qgrc„#nndifiedzouavedress®luejackc(andvest,ligh(bluefulltpousers,Frcnehtype cap) in addition to US rcg unifom. /863-/864.. SpringfLcld rifled muskets. • 14ls'Rcgt 1862-1865 Edfield rifle. • 142nd Rcg( (St. Levrrcnce County Rest) 1862-1865 /862.. Austrian rifled musket, cats .54 or .55. /86j-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 143rd R€gt (Sullivan county Regt) 1862-1865 J862.. Austrian rifled musket. cats .54 or .55. /863-/864.. Springfield rifled muskets. ® 144thRe8' 1862-1865 Enfield rifled musket. • 145th Rcgt (Stanton Legion; disb) 1862-1863 /862..'§tateM1858diessandblousc;..Frenchvincemcsrifle.swordbayonet,cat.69."/863..Spridgfieldrifledmuskets. 1054

ORDER 0F BATTLE /couti.nped)

• 146th Rcgt (5th chcidr; Gamrd's Tigas; Halleck Imf) 1862-1865 /862..§tateM1861bluefatiguc;Austhanrifledmusket,cat.58./86?-/864..Springfroldriflcdmuskets./une/66j..issued a}do blueandycllowzouavcdesssinilariol40thlnfRcgt(insomccascsj8cketsremode»edfromusregskybluejacketsand timmed vith .5-in yellow braid. • 147th Rcgt (Oswego Rcgt) 1862-1865 Ehfield rifled muckct. ® 148thRc8t 1862-1865 Enfi€ld rifled musket. • 149th Rcg( (4th onodrgas) 1862-1865 9?SO /862.. state M1858 dress with blouse; Enficld rifled musket. /864.. sofne M1863 rifle m`iskets. • 150th Rcgt (bitchess county Rcgt) 1862-1865 J862.. Austrian rifled musket, cat .54. /86?-/864.. Enficld rifled musket. • 15ls'Reg' 1862-1865 Enfi€ld rifled musket; Shaps rifle. • i52ndRcgt 1862-1865 /862.. ^ustian rifle musket, cat .58. /863-/864.. EnficIA rifled musket. • i53rdRcgt 1862-1865 /862.. issued some M 1858 Less frock coats. Ausdian rifle muckct. col .58. J86J-/864.. Spriligfield rifled muskets. ® 154thReg' 1862-1865 US res imf clothing; Enfield rifled muckct. • 155th Rcgt (2nd Rcgt chooran.s Brig) 1862-1865 Enficld rifled muckct. .,*56EthEhfiR:]g#erdm:cigri:JMi863riflcmudsinl864. 1862-1865

• 157th Rcgt (Madison and Cottland Rcgt) 1862-1865 Stde M1858 dress with blouse. Enficld rifled musket. • 158th Rcg( (lst Regr Empire Brig) 1862-1865 93te/862..stateM1858dresswithblousc."Frenchvinccnncsriflc.swordbayonet,col.69."/86j-/864..M1863riflemusket. • 159th Rcgt (2nd lbehess and columbia Rcgt) 1862-1865 /862.. Austian rifled musket, cal .58. /863-/864.. Enficld rifled muskcl. with some M186l rifle muskets in 1864. ® 160thRcg' 1862-1865 Ehficld ffled musket. • 16ls'Re8' 1862-1865 Enficld rifled musket. • 162nd Rcgt (Sid Rcgt Mctopolitan G`iard) 1862-1865 /862-/86j.. Austian rifled muckct, cal .54. /864.. Enfield rifled muslect. • 163rd Rcgt (3rd Rcgt Empire Brig; mcnged into 73rd Imf Rcgt) 1862-1863 a??a State M1858 dress with blouse. ..French Vinccnnes rifle, swnd bayonet, ed .69." • 164th Rcgt (Cceonn Gund; 3rd Reg( Conomn.s Brig; Buffalo dish Rcgt) 1862-1865

9)ae/862..Mixfufcoffreekcoatsandjackcts,dckandskyb]uepaDts.Fch/86?..issuedzouveunifom:darkbluejacket,vest andfiillpapts,dinmedwithdutfed,sinilarco9thlnfRcgt(IIawkins.Zouves);whitecanvasgaiters;"164"onredfez. Qfficon..dackbluejacketandpantsainmedwithgoldlace,dckblucFrcnchstylecap./862-/864..Enfi€ldriflemusket. • 165th Regt (2nd D`nyc&.s Zouavcs; Srfuth.s Zouaves) 1862-1865

?&qoZouaveunifomsimilarto5thlnfRcgt(Duryca'sZounves):darkb]uejacketandvcsttrilrmedwithred,redfulltrousers; rdfcz,bluetasscl;scanctseshedgedwithlightblue.Qfficcrs..Flenchstyledress:darkbluefrockcoat,scarletpant§and cap. Cfficcrs also authchzed dark blue dinlned with red and gold hcc; cap device a "2'. inside a '`Z." • 166th and 167th Regts: failed to complete organ • 169th Rcgt qroy Regt) 1862-1865 /862.. "French Vincemes rifle. sword bayonet, cal .69." /86?-/86¢.. Springfield rifled muskets. 1055

ORDER OF BATTLE /com.naed/

• 170th Rcgt (4th Regt corcoran.s Brig) 1862-1865 }3C° /862.. state M1858 dress with blouse. Austrian rifle, cat .54. /864.. Enfield rifled musket. • 17lst and 172nd Regts: failed to complete organ • 173rd Regt (4th National Guard; 4th Regt Metropolitan Guard) 1862-1865 Enfield rifled musket. • 174th Regt (5th National Guard; 5th Regt Metropolitan Guard) 1862-1864 Enfield rifled musket. • 175th Regt (5th Regt Corcoran's Brig) 1862-1865 Enfield rifled musket; some M1863 rifle muskets in 1864. • 176th Rest (lronsides) 1862-1866 Enfield rifled musket. • 177th Regt: see loth Regt NYSM (Inf regs hereafter issued US leg imf clothing.) • 178thRe8t 1863-1866 Springfield rifled muskets. ® 179thRe8t 1864-1865 Springfield rifled muskets. • 180th and l8lst Regts: fallcd to complete organ • 182nd Regt: see 69th Regt NYSM • 183rd Regt: failed to complete organ ® 184thRegt 1864~1865 Enfield rifled musket; Springfield rifled muskets. • 185th Regt (6th onondaga county Regt) 1864-1865 SpringfLeld rifled muskets. • 186thRegt 1864-1865 Springfield rifled muskets. • 187th Regt: see 65th Rest NYSM ® 188thRegt 1864-1865 M1863 rifle musket. ® 189thRe8' 1864-1865 M1863 rifle musket. • 190th and l9lst Regts: never fully organ • 192ndRegt 1865 • 193rdRegt 1865-1866 • 194thRegt 1865 • Independent Corps, Light lnf (Les Enfants Perdus; Lost Children; German Legion) 1862-1864 a 31 o Dark blue chasseur coat and pants, trimmed wi(h sky blue; cap thmmed with yellow„ Enfield rifle with saber bayonet.


• 20th Rcgt hf. U.S.C.T. 1864-1865 ?3ZO hitially issued blue chasseur uniform with high gaiters. liter US leg inf clothing, Enfield rifle. • 26th Regt hf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1865 935C? /864.. Enfield rifles, • 3lst Regt Imf. U.S.C.T. (absorbed 30th Conncchcut Colored Vol Imf Regt at organ) 1864-1865 jJ+O /664.. Springfield rifled muskets.

`rd 1056



quNIT! 9¢ng,_ Now Yolck, General Reg.Ilarious fbr the Military Forces Of the Stale Of New york. 1858. Albany, N.Y.,1858; also /66?, Albany. N.Y.,1864; also /870, Albany, N.Y.,1870. AdjutantGeneral,NcwYork,Amco/Jicpom,1851-1872,Albany,N.Y.Commcncingwith1857thesereports werepublishedasscpantcs;eachcontainsarosterofexistingmilitiaandVolunteerorganizatious.Armzd/J}apopg ofthelnspectorGcnendacinlegislativcdouments1851-1865with§olnebrecksandwerepublishedasseparates iD 1866 and 1867. They ae continued thcrcafter in the Adjutant General.s reports. Qua[ter-MasterGeneral.NewYork,Anmro/Rcpom,186l-1868,Albany,N.Y.Containsmuchusefulinforma- tion on the procurement and issue of clothing and other items; in legislative documents. New York State Military Board, Jicporf on Vo/pw/ccr «I./I.A.a, 9 /an. /862, Albany, N.Y., 1862, (Assembly Iho. No. 15, 1862). Contains a detailed account of the procuement of New York uniforms in 1861. CommissaryGenera](of ordnance),NewYork,Anmua/Jiapom,1859-1872,Albany,N.Y.Thesereportsform part of the state legis]ativc documents and were not issued as separates; the office eristed throughout the period 1851-1872, and longer. Ffederick Phisterer, Avow york I.n /he War a//he Rchc//I.an, 3rd ed.. 7 vols,. Albany, N.Y. ,1912. Iietailed compnation which includes militia and Volunteer regiments. C.G. Stone, ed. , [S/utc/ MI./I.fary Gazc/fc, Albany, N.Y. . 4 vols. , 1858-1861. Contains invaluable information of New York militia of the period. Cho Bcetticher (ar(ist). "New York State Militia," 1853-1855. Series of 18 hand colored lithographs showing theNewYorkCityregimentsoftheperiodwithgrcataccuncy.Bcetticheralsomadeseverallargerplatesofsome of the sane corps. Adjut&ntGeneral,U.S.,Offic..a/Ar7ng/Acgl.f/cro/lheVo/"n/ccrForce...,Washington,D.C.,1865,partll. Daniel E. Sickles, "Military Afflirs in New York,186li5," in The Unl.on A"y, Madison, Wis. ,1908, n, 17-248. uwipn pete_nse_C_onm±mee of the crty of Now Yak, Minutes, Reports, and correspondence with an Historical ' /n#¥"ocr:°£?co'#|nAV:I:c:':V:usalL¥re:ceYu°:L#::.theofficcoftheAdjutantGeneralofNewYck.Thae\`

fccords are only par(iany complete for the years 1851-1872.

WewantespeciallytothanktheformerchicfsofstafftotheGovemorofNewYork,MajorGeneralsRonaldc. Bleek and A.C. O'Hara; the former Adjutants General of (hat State, Brigadier Generals Jacob H. Herzog and CharlesG.Stevenson,andthcirstaffsformakingitpossibletousethcinva]unbleresourcesofthestate'snulitry collection. Colonel Samuel S. Verbeck, hinsclf a historian, was prrticularly helpful.

I _Jge-View - Page 1 of 1

Subj: Re: Question re American Guard Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 7:18:11 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Auspake To : TMiekina Dear Tom,

Besides being associated with the 71st Infantry Regiment,I am also a painter of military miniatures (although my last figure was painted in 1993-a group of the 9th Virginia at Gettysburg). I should say that I am a purchaser of miniature military kits!

Now to answer your question regarding what we wore in combat in 1861. That plate you mention from Military Collectors and Historians is somewhat misleading in that it doesn't show any field uniform and although they revisited the regiment with a few other plates, they never again did a Civil War plate of us. Figure wise the closest you will come would be the lmrie Risley 54MM of the 7th Regiment or the 100MM Michael Roberts figure of the same unit. You would have to remove the (black) cuff to which three buttons are attached on those figures.

From top to bottom here is the information: (the regular standard French type kepi not the forage type) There was a brass 71 on the front center. Company D, which had been an engineer company, wore the castle at that location. Nothing else was worn on the kepi which was dark blue. Shell Jacket dark blue with nine buttons down the front (probably NYS buttons but might be regimental). Three buttons on each sleeve but no cuff. This jacket has light or medium blue shoulder straps, otherwise plain. Pants light blue with black stripe down the seams, edged in gold. For dress and parade they wore white crossbelts and belts. Crossbelt plate was brass with German silver 71, belt plate was company letter. For combat they wore the regular belt equipment (black) with oval brass plate on belt and box (probably NYS). All officers wore the frock coat with normal button arrangement. Officer's were blue but with the gold lace like some of the confederates. In their 1862 and 1863 service they were much less formal!

In May 2001 our Association went down to Bull Run to place a wayside sign on the battlefield. It is located where the regiment fought the 4th Alabama on Matthews Hill near the parking lot (north of the "old Stone House" on the right of Sudley Road). This sign has four period photos of the Regiment showing the above uniforms plus our Regimental crest. There is also a book "American Military Equipage 1851-1872" Volume 11 State Forces by Frederick P. Todd (1983 Chatham Square Press). This book has an excellent photo of the field uniform.

Good luck with your project.

Clarence G. Anspake, Jr. President Veteran Association of the 71st Regt. NGSNY

http://webmail.aol.com/fmsgview.adp?folder=SU5CTlg=&uid=5047156 12/9/2002 New York Page 1 of 4 NkJA,S

fa`AI frfes A

New Yo,k Infantry Cavalry 1-Fire zouaves/IIalls lst Reg I -Jackson Horse Guard Militia/Lincoln Eng ineersINational guard Cavalry 2-1st Troyffire Zouave Militia 2- Empire Light CavalryBlack Horse 3-lst Albany/1st Cayuga Cavalry 4- 1st Scott Lifeguard 3- Van Allen 5- Duryees Zouavesmed 4- Dickels Mounted Cavalryy Devi ls/Jefferson Guard/National 5-1st Ira Harris Guard/Bliss Zouaves/The Wild Geese CavalryDeFonest 6- Wilson's Zouaves 6- 2nd Ira Harris Guard 7- Steuben RIfles/Steuben Rangers 7- Northern Black Horse 8- Washington GraysA3lenkers 8- Rochester Rifles/1 st German 9- Westfield Cavalry/Stoneman 9-1st Hawkins zouaves 1 0- Porter Guard 10- Mcchesney's Xouaves/National 11-Swains/Scott's 900 Zouaves 12-3rd Ira Harris Guard 11-1st Fire Zouavesrellsworth 13- Seyour Light Zouaves/Scotts 900 14-Pielpoinvl st Metropolitan 12- Onandaga County/Independence 15- Red Neck Ties Gund 16-Sprague 13-Rochester I 7- 0{ever Activated) 14-1st Oneida I 8- Cornish Light Cavalry 15-Brainerds (Wesley) 19-1st Dragoons Engineers/Colgates Engineers 20- Mcclellan 16-lst Northern New York 2 1 - Griswald Light 17- Westchester Chesseurs 23- Mixs Battalion 18- NY State Rifles 25- Sickles 1 9- 2nd Cayuga 26-lst Frontier 20- Ulster Guard/United Tuner 2 1 - 1 st Buffalo 22- 2nd Troy/2nd Northern NY 23- Southern Tier RIfles 24- lst Oswego County 25- Union Rrmgers 26- 2nd Oneida/Utica 27- Union Regiment 28- Niagra Rifles/Scott Lifeguard 29-Astor Rifles/ I st German Infantry 30- Astor Rifles/2nd German Infantry 31 - Montezuma Baxter Light Guards 32-lst California/Empire City 33- Bloody Couble Threes/Ontario Regiment/Taylor's Fighting D evils 34- Pioneer Union/Herkimer 35-Jefferson County 36-Washington Volunteersoritish Volunteers 37-Irish Rifles 38- 2nd Scott Lifegurds 39-Garribaldi Guard/I st Foreign Rifles 40-Mozart/ I st Constitution Guards 4 I - Dekalb Zouaves/2nd Yaeger 42- Tammany/Jackson Guard

http://www.bitsofblueandgray.com/newjrork.htm 9/1/2006 New York Page 2 of 4

I 43- AJbany and Yates Rl.fles 44- Ellsworth AvengersA'eoples Ellsworth 45- 5th Gemian Rifles 46- Fremont Rifles 47- Imperial Zouaves 48-PelTy's Saints/ I st Continental Gurds 49- 2nd Buffalo 50- Stuart's Engineers 5 I - Shepard Rifles/Yates Rifles 52-German Rangers/Sigal Rifles 53-D'Epineulis Zounves/Vosburgh Chessaurs 54- Schwarze Yaeger/Hiram Barney Riflesoamey Black Rifles 55-Garde De LafayetteAIrench Reginent/55 Militia/Red Legs 56-Tenth Legion 57-U.S. Voltigeurs/Zookz Voltigeurs/Guard Rifles/Clinton Rifles 58-Polish Legion/Galititan Rifles/Morgan RIflesru.S. Rifles or Rangers 59-U.S. Vanguardrunion Guardrvanguard 60-I st ST Lawrence/Ogdeusburg 61 - Clinton Guards/Astor Rifles 62- Anderson Zouaves 63- Independent Irish 64- 1st Cattaraugus 65-lst U.S.Chesseurs/1st Genadier 66- Leslie Guards/Gouvenors Guard/ Mechanic Rifles/Old Sixth MilitiaAlmpire Zouaves 67-lst Long Island/21st Volunteersorooklyn Phalanx 68- Cameron RIfles/2nd German Rifles 69- Meaghers Zouaves/National Cadets 70-? 71 - Seventy Onesters/American Guard/Jackson 72-? 73- 2nd Fire Zouaves 74- Excelsior Rifle Legion 75-Auburn/Cayuga County 76- Cortland County 77- Saratoga/Bemis Heights 78- Lockiel Cameron Highlanders 79- Cameron Highlanders 80- see 20th NY 81 -2nd Oswego/Mohawk Raiders 82- 2nd Militia/State Guards 83- City Guard 84- Brooklyn Phalanx/Red Legged Devilsrero oklyn Chesseurs/Ches seurs A Pied 85- Plymouth Pilgrims 86- 2nd Steuban RIfles 8 7- Brooklyn Zounves/Washington Zouavesorooklyn Rifles Orev. 13

http://www.bitsofblueandgray.com/newjrork.htm 9/1/2006 New York Page 3 of 4

Brooklyn) 88-Meaghers Our 89- Dickinson Guard 90- Mcclellan Chesseurs 91 - Albany/Columbia County 92- 2nd ST. Lawrencefixcelsior Rifle Legionffotsdam 93- Washington County/Morgan Rifles 94- Sacketts Harborreell Jefferson Rifles 95-Warren RIfles 96- Macombs Plattsburgh 97- 3rd Oneida/Boousville/Conking Rifles 98- Wayne CountyAlranklyn's Own 99- Union Coast Guard/Bartlett`s Naval/ Lincoln's Divers loo-3rd Buffalo I 01 - 2nd Onondaga 102-Van Buran Light Infantry 103-Sewald Infantry 104-Livingston County/Wadsworth Guards 105-Leroy Rochester Irish 106-St. Lawrence County 107-Campbell Guards 108-Rochester Regiment 1 09- Binghamton 110-Oswego County Ill-Wayne and Cayuga 112-Chatauqua 113-Albany County/Seymore Guards 114- ? 1 15- Iron Hearted 116-? I I 7- 4th Oneida I 1 8- Adirondack 119-? I 20- Ulster/Washington Guards 1 2 I - Otsego and Herkimer 122- 3rd Onondage 123- Washington County 124- Orange Blossoms/American Guard 125-? 126-"CA 127- National Volunteers/Monitors 128-Old Steady 129- Converted to 8th NT Va 130-Converted to 19 NY Cav 131 - 1 st Metropolitan Guard 132-Hillhouse Light Infantry 133- 2nd Metropolitan Guard 134-? 135-Anthony Wayne Guard 136- Ironclads 137-? 138- 2nd Auburn/2fld Cayuga and Wayne County 139- Persi-ons 140-Rochester Racehorses/Mouroe County

http://www.bitsofblueandgray.com/newjrork.htm 9/1/2006 New York Page 4 of 4

141-? 142-St. Lawrence County 143-Sullivan County 144-? 145-Stanton Legion 146-Halleck Infantry/5th Oneida/Gerards Tigers 147-Oswego 148-? 149-4th Onondaga 150- Dutchess County Legion 151 - Independent RIfles 152-? 153-? 154- Hardtack 155-Corcoran hish Legion/Buffalos Fighting Irishmen 156- Mountain Legiion 157- Madison and Cortland 158-? 159- 2nd Duchess and Columbia 160-? 161-? 162- 3rd Metropolitan Guards 163-? I 64- Phoenix 165- 2nd Duryee Zouaves 166-? 167-? 168-19th State Militia I 69- Troy/Corcoran Legion Zouaves I 70- 4th Corcoran Irish Legion 173-4th National Guards/4th Metropolitan Guards 174- 5th National Guards/5th Metrop olitan Gunds 1 76- Irousides 1 77- I 0th National Guard 178- 2nd Hawkins Zouavesfl3lair Rifle sfl'ratt Guard 182- Corcoran Irish Legioli/69 NY National Guard 185- 6th Onondrga and Cortland/Otsego I 89- 65th Militia 194-Enfans Perdu/Lost Childreh/German Legion

Return to Nicknames-Regiments

http://www.bitsofblueandgray.com/newjrork.htm 9/1/2006 North Carolina 1069

Carolina. A red and white forked silk guidon with gold fringe exists at Raleigh, painted in white and gold letters: "lst. Co. 1st. Batl./N.C. Artillery." There remains to mention what was probably the earliest battle honor authorized during the Civil War. The lst Regiment of Volunteers under Colonel Daniel Harvey Hill played so leading a pat in the first land battle of the war at Big Bethel, Va. , on 10 June 1861, that the Convention, still in session, directed that the word "BETHEL" be inscribed on its color. On 9 September the Quartemaster General sent the regiment, then at Yorktown, a state flag so inscribed.

HI CSA ulc,


a :, a: :tthRgg,V(0:So:::h:LRneggr|,nter"Gray or blue blouse'' authorized at, 86inlial I _ organ; , 86„ comps generally wore distinctive clothing. Gray felt hat, lcoped 6 ,m8:2'_ up on : ::;

bothsides,withfeathercormonlywom.Fa///86/..stateunifom.FirslregimentalcolorwasthatofBuncombeRiflemcn (Comp E): M186l CSA flag; later had "BE"EL" embroidered on i(. Second regimental color was presented in Sept 1861: state flag with "BE"EL" inscribed. Initially alTned with M1842 musket except I comp with f)intlocks.


• North carolina Military lnstitu(e (Charlotte) 1859-1861 Drcss«niJorm..graycoateewith3rowsofbuttons,withblacktrim;gTaypantswi(hblackstripe;dresscapwithEngineer insigiva and pompon. • Bingham School (Orange County) 1793(1864 aLs a military school) on • Hillsborough Military Academy (Onnge County) 1859-1865 • Franklin Science & Military Institute (Duplin County) 1859-1861 Received60musketswithrustybayonets,andaccouterments,whichincludedoldpattemcarthdgeboxes,fromthestatein the spring of 1859. • Oak Hi]l Military Academy (Granville County) 1860-? • Homer Militry School (Granville County; moved from Martin County in 1851) 184(?) on • Henderson Military lns(itute (Henderson) 1859-? fcb/859..GovdirectedKceperofPublicArmsatNewBemtopack50muskets"ofthelightestmcke"forshipmentlothe Instiru'e. • Roanoke Collegiate lnstirute (Martin County) (included a military department) Mar /859.. applied for use of 20 flintlock US muskets stored at the Plymouth custom house.


(Issucdstateclothing.usuallyplainpattemsofcottondyedbuttemutcolor.Generallyinferiorsmallamsandaccouterments. all of state issue.) • lst-9tl) Bns Reserves (formed into the regts below) 1864-1865 • lst Reg( (Junior) Reserves (formed from lst and 6th Bns; 70th Regt) 1864-1865 • 2nd Regt (Junior) Reserves (fomcd from 2nd and 5th Bns; 7lst Regt) 1864-1865 • 3rd Rcgt (Junior) Reserves (fomed from 4th, 7th and 8th Bns; 72nd Rest) 1865 • 4th Regt (Senior) Reserves (73rd Regt) 1864-1865 • 5th Regt (Senior) Reserves (74th Rest) 1864-1865 • 6th Rest (Senior) Reserves (76th Regt) 1864-1865 • 7th Rcgt (Senior) Reserves (77th Rest) 1864-1865 • 8th Regt (Senior) Reserves (78th Regt) 1864-1865 1070


cot+o DETAnl=D htiN

• lsl Regt (8lst Regt) • 2nd Rcgt (82nd Regt) • 3rd Rcgt (83rd Rcgt)


• Thofnas' Ifgion of Indians and Highlanders (also called 69th Imf Rcgt) 1862-1865 50 (contained lnf Regl and cav Bn) /862.. Comp K Crenncssce camp) armed with Enfield and Mississippi rifles. /86?.. Comp A (Indian comp) issued caps, jackets, cotton shirts, and pants. • Allen.s I*gion: see 64th Imf Rcgt 40 qo cANAurx

(Issued state clothing as dcscribcd above. cadcl gay thmmed with yellow at first. Usually wore caps.) • lst Rcgr (9th Rest state Troops) 1861-1865

. I Initially arTned with sabers, percussion pistols and mintue ofriflcs and cartiines. Ocl /862.. scantly clothed and equipped; rcgt I.win soon be wofthlcss." • 2nd Rest (19th Rcgt state Troops) 1861-1865 1':ycoc::teT=¥::#2in:]£uth:::#o°ic,atsed¥,Se'sn::Sb#:t°s`.;th€reafteralmostentirely~dandacooutend • 3rd Rcgt (4isi Rcgt) i862-i865 8o Comp G (Scotland Neck Mounted Riflcinen) initially unifomed in blue frock coats and trousers with green trim; received inMay1861,lceally-madegrayfatiguejackctsandtrousersthmlnedingreen./q/y/86j..CompI(WakeRangers)issued caps,jackets,shirts,dTawcrs,pants,.andshces.Wtry/864..CompF(DavisDragcous,Burkecounty)armed with a variety of rifles, muskets, and Colt any and tLavy Tevolvcrs. • 4th Regt (59th Regt) 1862-1865 • 5th Rc8t (63rd Rc8t) 1862-1865 • 5th Bn ([nerged in(o 6th Cav Regt) 1862-1863 • 6th Regt (65th Rcgt; formerly 5th and 7th Cav Bns) 1863-1865 • 7lh Rcgt: see 16th Cav Bn

• 7th Bn (Inerged into 6th Cav Rcgt) 1862-1863 • 8th Rcgt (79th; fomcrly 14th Cav Bn) 1865 • 12th Bn partisan Rangers 1863-1864 • 14th Bn (fomcrly Woodfin.s Bn; fcorgan as 8th Cav Rcgt) 1863-1865 • 15thBnovym'sBn) 1863-1865 • 16th Bn (also called 7th Cav Rcgt or 75th Rcgt) 1864-1865 • Woodfin's Cav Bn (reorgan as 14th Cav Bn) 1862-1863 00 ART-Y

(Issued state clothing as described above, cadet gray trimmed with red at fust.) • lst Rcgt qucavy and Light; loth Rcgt state Troops) 1861-1865 /oo Wore "cadet patern" forage cap with brass cross cannon. /86/ .. iss`icd overcoats, arty caps, unifomi coats, shir(s, pants. mapsacks,haversacks.andaccoutements.InitiallyamedwithM1842musketsandahixtureofoldermuske(sandrifles. Comp K (Washington Grays) was pT¢scntcd with a silk M 1861 national flag in May 1861 : issued 2 drug during 1862. CompI(WilmingtonHorscAftillcry)issued13Coltnavyrevolvcrsand10cavs&bcrsinJuly1863;receivedgrayjackets ut pants in July 1864. 1071

ORDER OF BATTLE /confi.nwcd/

• lstHeavy ArtyBn 1863-1865 • 2nd Regt (36th Regt) 1862-1865 • 3rd (40th Regt) 1863-1865 /.a Fed /662.. Comp A (haoir Braves) received overcoats, hats, and shirts. Comp F issued loo caps, jackets, shirls, pants. drawers,sceks,andshcesinNov1863,and110ofthesamearticlesinMareh1864.CompGissued72Austrianrifleswith bayonets and scabbards in June 1864. Comp I issued caps, jackets, and pants in June 1863. • 3rd Light Arty Bn 1862-1865 • loth Heavy Arty Bn 1862-1865 /7C> Comp A issued caps, jackets. shirts, and pants in Oct 1863 and in Jam 1864. Camp D received caps, jackets, and pants in Dec 1863 and in JUTLe 1864. • 13th Light Arty Bn (Starr's Bn) 1863-1865 I 30 J862.. Comp D received arty caps, jackets, shirts, and a bugle. €rfu+rr€ recaps 4i02ol-. cra®ae#D#, INFANTRy eEGrr voLs-4103o` -I i


:Pl:::dR:hal::3tew+fcoAprv battle flag. e`C.) Bh` ~ 4'° 5°' ,86,_,865 InitiallyamedwithM1842muskels./862..Issued"improvedmuskets,"Comp8withEnfieldriflesandsaberbayonets. Compe C. F,I, and G received new gray jackets and pants, and Comp D sack coats of very dark gray jeans, and brown jeans pants. • lst Bn (reorgan as 32nd Imf Regt) 1861-1862 • lst Bn shapshooters 1862-1865 • lst Regt Vols: see VOLUNTEER MILITIA • 2nd Regt state Troops 1861-1865 Initially armed with M1842 muske(. 2nd Bn (Originally part of the Wise [Virginia] Legion 1861-1865 Initially amed. half with conversions and half with shotguns; shotgun men carried 2-foot knife instead of bayonet. 2nd Regt Vols: see 12th Imf Regt 3rd Regt State Troops 1861-1865 lntially armed with M1842 musket. 3rd Regt Vols: see 13th Imf Regt 4th Rest State Troops 1861-1865 ~ Gray felt hat lcoped up on right or left and fastened by a gilt star; officers wore inf horn on front with "4'. inside circle. Ini(ially amed with M1842 musket. • 4th Bn Partisan Rangers (merged into 66th Imf Res() 1862-1863 • 4th Regt Vols: see 14th Imf Regt • 5th Regt state Troops 1861-1865 Initially amed with M1842 musket. • 5th Rest Vols: See 15th Imf Rcgt • 6th Regt State Troops 1861-1865 Carried blue silk color, embroidered with state arms, on parade, in addi(ion to battle flag, throughout the war. Intially armed with M1842 musket (4 comps) and M1822 muske( (6 comps). • 6th Bn: see 60th Imf Regt • 6th Regt Vols: see 16th lnf Regt • 7th Regt state Troops 1861-1865 8 comps initially amed with M1842 musket, 2 comps with rifles. • 7th Regt Vols: see 17th Imf Regt • 8th Rest state Troops 1861-1865 lntially armed with M1842 musket. • 8th Bn Par(isan Rangers (Nethercutt's Rangers; merged into 66(h Imf Regt) 1862-1863 1072

ORDER OF BATTLE (contl.nwed/

• 8th Reg( Vols: see l8th Imf Reg( • 9th Regt Sfa(e Troops: see lst Cav Regt • 9th Regt Vols: see 27th Imf Regt • loth Regt State Troops: see lst Arty Regt • loth Rest Vols: see 20th Imf Rcgt • llth Regl: see lst Regt Vols, VOLUNTEER MILITIA • llth Regt vols: see 2lst lnfRegt • 12th Regt (formerly 2nd Rcgt Vols) 1861-1865 Intially amied with M1842 musket, except I comp with flintlceks and I with rifles. • 12th Regl vols: see 22th lnfRegt

• 13th Regl (forlnerly 3rd Regt Vols) 1861-1865 Initially armed with M1842 musket, except I comp with M184l rifle. • 13th Regt Vols: see 23rd lnf Regt

• 14th Regt (formerly 4th Regt Vols) 1861-1865 Comp C first wore who(e linen pants. red flannel shirt, and darlc gray cap. Initially armed with Ml 842 musket, except I comp with rifles. • 14th Regl Vols: see 24th lnf Regt

• 15th Reg( (formerly 5th Regt vols) 1861-1865 2 comps first armed with M1842 musket, 8 with M1822 muske(. • 16th Regl (formerly 6th Regt Vols) 1861-1865 hitially armed: 2 comps, M1842 musket; 6 with M1822 musket; 2 with rifles. • 17th Rest (formerly 7th Regt vols) 1861-1865 Initially a[7ned with M1822 and M1842 muskets. • 18th Regt (formerly 8th Regt vols) 1861-1865 ]ni(ially armed with M1842 muskets, except 2 comps with 1822 muskets. Dcc /86/.. issued gray pan(s, uniform coats, shirts, overcoats, and "Confederate caps." Sap/ /862.. amed with Enfie]d rifles. /864.. wore gray jackets and pants. • 19th Regt: see 2nd Cav Regt • 20th Regt (formerly loth Regl vols) 1861-1865 Initially alTned with M1842 miisket (7 comps), M1822 musket (2 comps), rifles (I comp). • 2lsl Regt (fomerly llth Regt vols) 1861-1865 Ini(ially armed with M1822 musket, except I comp with M1842 musket. • 22nd Regt (fomerly l2th Regt vols) 1861-1865 InitiallyamedwithM1822musket,exccpl2compswithM1842mu§ket.Way/662..3compsarmedwithEnfieldrifles,2 comps with Mississippi rifles. • 23rd Rest (formerly l3th Regt vols) 1861-1865 Comp G rfutially wore black pants and red flannel shills. Initially issued M1822 musket, except 2 comps with M1842 musket. /862.. reamed with capnired rifles. • 24th Regt (formerly l4th Regt vols) 1861-1865 Some camps initially wore blue frock coat. hitially armed: 6 comps with M1822 musket, 4 with M1842 musket. /862.. CompDissuedcaps.shirts,pants.sacksandshces./863-/664..Complreceivedissuesofhats.jackets,shirts,pants,and §hces. • 25th Regt 1861-1865 • 26th Regt 1861-1865 Ini(iallyamedwithM1822muskets.A/arch/862.'regtreportedasbeingindestitutecondition.IVov-Dcc/&62..supplyof clothing from Chatham County to Comps E and G included yam pants, yarn and cotton Shins, gloves, coats, and hats; CompsFandI(LenoirCounty)receivedsacks,,pants,blankets,andgloves.RegtcaTTiedANVbattJeflagandState flag at Shalp§burg. Band in 1861 wore frock coats and pan(s made of cadet gray jeans manufactured at SaJem; gray caps purchased in New Ben. Most of the instruments were lost in April 1865. 1073

ORDER OF BATILE (coutl."red/

• 27th Rcgr (first desig 9th Rest vols) 1861-1865 ~ ,,,, Ocl /862.. armed with musket, rifle musket. Hafpers FefTy ride, Mississippi rifle. and Enfield rifle. Comp G (Orange Guards)woregraycoats.graypants,andblackhatsin1861;/862..issued"verythin"sumnerpantsatRaleigh;Dec/862.. wcu supplied with overcoats, but much in need of new pants. Comp K received hats. jackets, shirts, pants, and shces in Mar and Jen 1863. /664.. regt band deserit)ed as being the best in Heth.s Diy. ® 28thRc8' 1861-1865 InitiaJ]y amed with conversions; later rearmed with captured Titles. ® 29thRcg' 1861-1865 All except Comp A initially amed with conversions; Camp A hnd M184l rifle without bayonet. ® 30thRe8t 1861-1865 • 3lstRegt 1861-1865 /862-/863..issuedhapsacks,haversacks.canteens,caps.jackets,shifts,andpants;someofficcrsdrcwjacketsfortheir Orm use. 32nd Rcgt (formerly lst Imf Bn) 1862-1865 First rcg( lo bc issued (June 1863. at Carlislc. Pa.) M1863 CS flag "with a long white tail on it." 33rd Rcgt State Troops 1861-1865 Mar /862.. Comp D (WiLkes Regulars) issued knapsacks and havcrsacts. Dcc /86J.. Camp G (CumbeTland Rangers) issued caps, jackets, shifts, and pants. • 34th Regl 1861-1865 • 35th Regt 1861-1865 ' FchAprl./ /862.. issued caps, jackets, shirts, pants, shoes, and overcoats. OclLIVov /862.. much in need of shoes; some worccowhidemoccasins.Severalcompsknowntohavebecnissuednewshcesduringfirstpartof1863./864..Comps8 (Marion Men) and I (Wayne County Vols) issued hats, jacke(s, shirts. pants, and shces. • 36th Regt: see 2nd Arty Regt • 37thRcg' 1861-1865 ® 38thReg, 1862-1865 • 39th Rcgt (formerly Coleman's Bn) 1862-1865 • 40th Rcgt: see 3rd Arty Rest • 4lst Regt: see 3rd Cav Rest • 42ndRcgt 1862-1865 • 43rdRegt 1862-1865 ® 44thRc8t 1862-1865 ® 45thRcgt 1862-1865 ® 46thRc8t 1862-1865 ® 47thRc8' 1862-1865 48thRc8t 1862-1865 49thRegt 1862-1865 50thRegt 1862-1865 /86j-/86j.. issued caps, jackets, shirts, pants. socks, and shoes. Fcb /8".. issued 10 dnLms with sticks, and 10 fifcs. • 5lst Regt 1862-1865 /an /864.. Comp 8 issued caps, jackets, shifts, pants, sceks, and shoes. • 52nd Rcgt 1862-1865 Apn./-May/862..CompA(CabarrusRiflcmen)issuedcaps,uniformcoats,Shirts,uhiformpants,knapsacks,haversacks, and cantccns. Comp E (Richmond Regulators) issued caps, jackets, shirts. pants, and knapsacks. • 53rdRcgt 1862-1865 ® 54thRegt 1862-1865 ® 55thRe8t 1862-1865 ® 56thReg' 1862-1865 • 57thRcg' 1862-1865 58thRe8t 1862-1865 1074

ORDER OF BATTLE /conil.mod/

• 59th Regt: see 4th Cav Regt • 60th Reg( (formerly 6th Imf Bn) 1862-1865 • 6lst Rcgt 1862-1865 Comp 8 (Beau for( Plow Boys, Beaufort County) carried M 1861 national flag while serving as arL independent comp in March 1862. /86j.. issues to comps included knapsacks, caps. jackets, shirts, and pants. 62nd Regl 1862-1865 63rd Regt: see 5th Cav Regt 64th Regt (fomerly AILen's Legion) 1862-1865 65th Regt: see 6th Cav Regt 66th Rcgt (formerly 8th and 4th Imf Bns) 1863-1865 67th Rest (fomerly Whi(ford.s Bn N.C. Partisan Rangers; also called lst Bn N.C. Lceal Defense Troops) 1864-1865 Mar /864.. issued caps, jackets, sliirts, pants, drawers, socks, and shces. 68th Rest I 863-I 865 69th Regt: see Imf Rcgt, Thomas' Legion 70(h-78th Regts: see RESERVES 79th Rcg(: see 8th Cav Regt 80th Regt: see Walker.s Imf Bn 8lsI-83rd Regt§: see DETAILED MEN 4,oGO' Amory Guards Bn (Fayetteville Amory] 1861-1865 Avery's Bn 1864-1865 Camp Stokes Light Duty Bn (?) Coleman's Bn (reorgan as 39th Imf Regt) 1861-1862 Davidson's Imf Bn (merged into 7th Imf Regt) 1861-1862 (?) ` MacRae.s Bn 1863-1864 Mallett's Light D`ity Bn (also called Hahr.s Bn, Camp Holmes Bn, and l9th Bn) c.1862-1865 /863.. issued knapsacks, caps, jackets, shirts, drawers, and pants. • Salisbury Prison Guard Bn (also called Freeman's Bn) 1862-1865 • Walker's Bn (organ from Thomas. I,egion; 5 infcomps, 3 cav comps, I arty btry. 2 Indian compe; 1862-1864 reorgan as 80th inf Regt)

Union North Carolina

Union sentiment was strong in Nor(h Carolina before the war and she was the next to the last state to join the Confederacy. Yet when she did join she furnished some 125,000 soldiers and sustained one-fourth of the Confederate losses. Nonetheless, not all of her citizens were won over to the Southern cause and when opporfunity came some took up arms on the Union side. The opportunity arrived as a result of Burnside's expedition which, early in 1862, estab- lished a foothold on the North Carolina coast and was never dislodged. During the course of the occupation the Union command raised two white infantry regiments. Later in the war two mounted regiments and a company of scouts and guides were raised from the western portions of the state and organized in Termessee. Four Negro regiments were formed, all in the coastal region of the state. 1075


(AII Union regts were issued US reg inf clothing. Regimental colors were usually inscribed "N.C.U.T.I


1862-1865 • lst hf Regt ounion vols) oc>/a /862.. Comps 8 and F amied with M184l rifle. 1863-186S • 2nd lnf Regt (Union Vols)2o 1863-1865 • 2nd Mounted Imf Regtso 1864-1865 • 3rd Mounted Imf Rcgt 4®


1864-1865 • lst North Carolina Heavy Arty Regt, a.d. (redesig) 1865 50 14th Regi Heavy Arty, U.S.C.T. J864.. Enfield rifle. 186+1864 • lst Noth Carotha lnf Regt, a,d. (redcsig) 1864-1866 6o 35th Regt lnf, U.S.C.T. /86j.. Enfield rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. 1863-1864 • 2nd North Carolina lnf Regt, a,d. (redesig) 1864-1866 ?a 36th Rest lnf. U.S.C.T. J864.. Enfield rifle. 1864 • 3rd North Carolina Imf Regt, a.d. (redesig) 1864-1867 8o 37th Regl lnf. U.S.C.T. /86J.. EnfLeld rifle. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. 1865 • 135th Rcgt lnf, U.S.C.T. qo


Watrel aalk, ed., Histories Of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in lhe Great War J86J-'65 ..., 5 vols., Raleigh, N.C.,1901. RichardE.Yates,ZlftcCon/cderaeyandZ€bVancc(ConfederateCentennialStudiesNo.8),Tuscaloosa,Ala.. 1958. Adjutant General, North Carolina, BI.cnnl.aJ Rcporfs, 1850-1853.1858-1859,1862-1864; in "North Carolina Executive•5;;:e; I.--inITi:A and Legislative History Documents." Of North Carolina in the War Between the States.. Bethel to Sharpsburg, 2 vds. .

Raleigh.-I-i:s-a:-bit;:dr±,BriofsketchesoftheNorthcarolinaslaleTroopsinlhewarBetweenlhestotes,F`altiich, N.C.,1926.

N.C.,1894. Flred. A. 0lds, "North Carolina Troops: How They Were Amed during the War Between the States." ifl +SowJkernHi.sJor!.caJSoci.etyPapcrs,XXIX(lso1),144-151.Condensedextractsfromthegovemor.scone§pond- ence about ordnance matters. 1076

^diy"almGeneml,Nothc:ardimal,Regulatiousfortheunif;ormDressandEquipmentsofthevolun.` Troops Of North Carolina.1861, Ralctgh. N.C. .1861. D. L. Cotoitt, Pictures Of the Civil War Period in North Carolina, Rate.\gh, N.C.,19S8. I . Bryan Gtines, The History Of the Great Seal Of the State Of Norlh Carolina , 6th ed. , F\alctgh, N .C. . 19S] . W. R. Edmonds. 7lrfec IVowh Caro/I.m] Sfa/a Fhag, 4th printing, Raleigh, N.C. ,1960. Harry H. Hall, A Johnny Reb Band from Salem.. The Pride Of Tarheelia, Raleigh, N.C., \963. MS Letterbook, Nor(h Carolina Quartermas(er's Depaltment, May 186l-April 1862. in N.C. Depar(fnent of Archives & History, Raleigh, N.C.

We are indebted to the Office of the Adjutant General of North Carolina; (o the late Christopher Crittenden; Samuel P. Townsend and others of the Division of Archives & mstory; to Miss Wilhelmina Lemen , formerly of the Duke University Library, and Fred M. Mallison for the close personal assistance they have given this en(erprise. Mnton F. Perry, formerly of the Hany S. Truman Library, and the late Colonel S.G. Brady, of Asheville, N.C. , offered many helpful suggestions. Bethel Reginent

4 'OC) '0

Bethel Regiment lst NC volunteers

The I st North Carolina Volunteers was formed from ten counties of volunteer state . Companies and volunteer units are as follows: A. •. `NEW RECRUITS Edgecombe Guards, 8. Homets Nest Rifles, C. Charlotte Greys, D. Orange •.., UNIT IJISTORY Light Infantry, E. Buncombe Riflemen, F. Lafayette Light Infantry G.

• „OFFICERS AND NCOS Burke Rifles, H. Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry,I. Enfield Blues and K. Southern Stars. „..LADIES AUXILIARY

•.„UNIFORM GIT.DF,LINES On May 11, I 861, the I st NC Volunteers were formally organized. Now •.„EVENT ScllEDULE the I st would go to Virginia and see its first action at Big Bethel on June I 0,1861. They would be led by Colonel D.H. Hill, brother-in-law of „E`'ENT PICTURES . In the engagement at Bethel, Private Henry Lawson •.„UNIT FORUMS Wyatt would be the first and only death. Private Wyatt was the first „ oNLlr`'E CALF,NDAR Confederate dead of the war. The 1 st would now return to North Carolina

_.LINKS where it would be re-formed into the 1 1 th North Carolina Troops and asigned to the Department of North Carolina. For the next two years the 1 1 th would serve in eastern North Carolina. The newly formed 11 th NC would be made up of ten companies: three from Mecklenburg County, two from Burke County and one from Bertie, Chowan, Orange, Lincoln and Buncombe. The I lth would now see action in eastern North Carolina. They would do provo duty around the city of wilmington, N.C., and also see some action in White Hall and the Seige of Washington, N.C.

In the spring of 1863 the I lth would be called up to the front in Virginia. Now the men of the 11 th NC would go into the service of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. The men from the Bethel Regiment would now fight at Gettysbury July 1 -3,1863; Bristoe Station October 14, 1863; The Wildemess May 5, 1864; Spotsylvania May 7, 1864; and Cold Harbor June 3, 1864. The battles that took place from June 1864 to April 1865 at the seige of Petersburg are as follows: Jemsalem Plank, Globe Tavern, Reams Station, Jones Farm, Burgess Mill and Hatcher Run. The I lth NC suITendered at Appomattox Court House, Va., on April 9, I 865. The llth NC Troops never lost or surrendered its colors. The 11 th NC served in A.P. Hill's division from 1863 to 1865.

Source: Conifederate Military History, Volume 3, Chapter VII1.

r HQme + Im_aggs t History } CQ_n_t_act Us_ + U_a_i_form + E_Yen_t__S_c_hed_u±e I.^ST UPDATED: 20FE82004

http://www.thellthnc.com/bigbethel.htm 1 12:2,12f wri 18th Reginent North Carolina Infantry 4'o308 Page 2 of 3 From July 1862 to May 1863, General IIill's Division, with Branch's, later hane's Brigade, was assigned to General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson's 2nd Corps, Army of N. V.

After Chancellorsville, General I.ane's Brigade was assigned to Pender's Division of A. P. Hiu's 3rd Corps.

After Gettysburg the remains of the division were merged into General Heth's Division.


Hanover Court House - May 27, 1862 Seven Days' Battles - June 23 - July 2, 1862 Gaines Nls Cedar Mountain - August 9, 1862 Second Ma©as. Fredericksburg Chancellorsville. Gettysburg - Jut 1 - 3, 1863 Cold Harbor - May 31 -June 12, 1864 Petersburg Appomattox - Aprfu 9, 1885


Company A (The "German Volunteers") New Hanover, Bladen, and Catawba Counties Company 8 (The "Bladen Light Infantry") Bladen County Company C (ITLe "Columbus Guards No. 3") Columbus County Company D (The "Robeson Rifle Guard") Robeson County Company E (The "Moore's Creek Rifle Guards") New Hanover County Company F (The "Scotch Boys") RIchmond County Company G (Ilre "Wilmington Light Infantry") New Hanover County Company H (The "Columbus Guards No. 1") Columbus County Company I {The "Wilmington Rifle Guards") New Hanover County Company K (The "Bladen Guards") Bladen County



REF: Crute ~ Units of tile Coiifederate States Army Mcore - Roster Of North Carolina Troaps in the War Between the States

Researching this unit? Here's what's available.

2 vols. Hardback CD-ROM Hill, Daniel H. 863 pgs. $15.00 http://researchonline.nethccw/ult93.htm 7 r2412;NIri 22nd NC Infantry Reginent Page 1 of 4 22nd NC Infantry Regiment 4 , 05,2,


Organkation: Organized with 12 companies as the 12th Infantry Regiment Volunteers at Raleigh, Wake County, on July 11 1861. Companies C and D became Companies A, 28th, and A,26th Infantry Regiments before the regiment was mustered in. Musteoed into Confederate service for 12 months at Raleigh, Wake County, during the summer of 1861. Reorganized on June 13,1862. Sumendeled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia,on April 9,1865.

First : J, Johnston Pettigrew (Colonel)

Field Onc®rs:

Christopher Columbus Cole (Major, Lieutenant Colonel)

James Conner (Colonel)

Thomas S. Galloway, Jr. (Major, Colonel)

George A. Graves (Lieutenant Colonel) (declined)

`~' Robert Harper Gray (Lieutenant Colonel)

Charies E. Lightfoot (Colonel)

John 0. Long (Lieutenant Colonel)

William L. Mitchell (Lieutenant Colonel)

Laban Odell (Major)

W, Lee Russell (Major)


Company A: Caidwell Rough & Ready Boys (Capt. T.D. Jones' company)

Company 8: MCDowell Rifles

Company C: Suny Regulars

Company D: Mountain Rifles

`~ Company E: Guilford Men

hay://www.gdg.org/Research/00B/Confederate/Julyl-3/22ndnc.html 7 12A12f Nrl 22nd NC Infantry Regiment Page 2 of 4

` Company F: AIlegheny True Blues

Company G: Caswell Rifles

Company H: Stokes Boys

Company I: Randolph Rifles or Davis Guards

Company K: MCDowell Boys (Capt. A. BUDgin's company) Company L: Uwharrie Grays or Uwharrie Rifles (Capt. Robert H. Gray's company) Company M: Randolph Homets (Capt. John M. Odell's company)


District of the Aquia, Dept. of Fredericksburg (August -September 1861 )

Vvalkers Brigade, District of the Aquia, Dept. of F.edericksburg (August -September 1861 )

Walker's-French's-Pettigrew's Brigade, Aquia District, Department of Northern Virginia (October 1861 -April 1862)

Pettigrews Bn.gade, Whiting's Division, Department of Nor(hem VIrginia (Apn.I-June, 1862)

Pender's Brigade, A.P. Hill's Division,1st Corps. Army of Northern Virginia (June 1862)

Pender's Brigade, A.P. Hill's Division,1 S` Corps, Amy of Northern Virginia (Juneluly 1862)

Pender's Brigade, A.P. Hill's Division, 2nd Corps, Any of Northern Vlnginia (July 1862 -May 1863)

Scales' Brigade, Pender's-Wilcox.s Division, 3d Corps, Army of Nortlliem Virginia (May 1863-April 1865)


Evansport (lie 9,1861)

Yorktown Siege (April-May 1862)

Seven Pines (May 31-June 1 1862)

Seven Days Battles (June 25-July 1,1862)

Beaver Dam Coeek (June 26, 1862)

Gaines'Mill (June 27,1862)

Fraysers Fain (June 30, 1862)

Cedar Mountain (Aug 9, 1862)

`2nd Bull Run (Aug 28-30,1862)

`-_, Harpers Feny (Sept 12-15,1862)

http://www.gdg.org/Research/OOB/Confederate/Julyl-3/22ndnc.html 1 12AMf yf yH