Congressional Record-Senate. Decemb~R 8

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Congressional Record-Senate. Decemb~R 8 196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMB~R 8, gress hold no session for legislative purposes on Sunday-to the Com­ Mr. II.A.LE presented a petition of the Master Builders' Exchange mittee on the Judiciary. of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for a more careful investigation by the By Mr. O'NEILL, of Pennsylvania: Resolutions of the Tobacco Census Office of the electrical industries; which was referred :to the Trade Association of Philadelphia, requesting Congress to provide by Committee on the Census. legislation for the payment of a rebate of 2 cents per pound on the Ile also presenteda resolution adopted by the ChamberofCommerce stock of tax-paid tobacco and snuff on hand on the 1st of January, of New Haven, Conn., favoring the petition of the National Electric 1891-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Light Association, praying for a more careful investigation by the Cen­ By Mr. PETERS: Petition of Wichita wholesale grocers and numer­ sus Office of the electrical industries; which wus referred to the Com­ ous citizens of Kansa8, for rebate amendment to tariff bill-to the mittee on the Census. Committee on Ways and Means. l\Ir. GORMAN. I present a great number of memorials signed by By Mr. THOMAS: Petition ofW. Grams,W. J. Keller.and 9others, very many residents of the United States, remonstrating against the of La Crosse, ·wis., and B. T. Ilacon and 7 others, of the State of Minne­ passage of the Federal election bill now pending, or any other bill of sota, praying for the passage of an act or rebate amendment to the like purport, wb~ch the memoriali5ts think would tend to destroy the tariff law approved October 1, 1890, allowing certain drawbacks or re­ purity of elections, and would unnecessarily impose heavy burdens bates upon unbroken packages of smoking and manufactured tobacco on the taxpayers, and be revolutionizing the constitutional practices and snuffs-to the Committee on Ways and Means. of a century, imperiling our institutions. By Mr. VAN SCHAICK: Petitions of Crombie, Smith & Co., B. These memorials come to me having been solicited, as it appears, by Leidendorf, and others1of Milwaukee, Wis., for tobacco rebates-to the one of the great metropolitan journals, the New York Star, signed by Committee on Ways and Means. citizens of the United States, principally of the State of New York, By Mr. WHEELER, of Alabama.: Petition of Jane Barton, of Cal­ and I move, as the bill has been reported, that the memorials lie upon vert County, Alabama, praying that the Committee on War Claims the table. · · refer her claim, together with all papers and proofs relating thereto, l'tlr. PASCO. Can the Senator from Maryla.nd state how many of which were submitted to the Houthern Claims Co.mmission, to the Court those memorials there are? There seems to be a large number of them. of Claims under act of March 3, 1883-to the Committee on War Mr. GORMAN. There is quite a large number of them; I do not Claims. know how many, but I think they contain considerably over a thou- Also, petition of Pleasant B. Barton, of the place, for the same sand names. · relief-to the Committee on War Claims. The VICE PRESIDENT. The memorials will lie on the table. Also, petition of heir at law of William Whittle, deceased, late Mr. EVARTS presented a petition of Grange No. 572, Patrons of of Lauderdale County, Alabama., for reference of his case to the Court Husbandry, of Paine's Hollow, N. Y., praying for the passage of the of Claims under the provisions of the Bowman act-to the Committee so-called Conger lard bill; which was referred to the Committee on on War Claims.. Agriculture and Forestry. By Mr. WHITING: Petition of Jobn Hickey, for compensation for He also presented a petition of 11 citizens of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., extra duty performed as ship-keeper at the Washin{Zton navy yard-to praying for the passage of a rebate a.rµendment to the tariff act of the Committee on Claims. October 1, 18DO, relating to tobacco and snuff; which was referred to Aiso, petition of L. C. Uerrit.t and 11 others, of Vassar, l\:lich;, ask­ the Committee 01;1 Finance. ing for the rebate amendment on tohacco-to the Committee on ·ways Mr. GIBSON. I present the memorial of the Cotton Exchange of and Means. New 9rleans in favor of the improvement of the Mississippi Hiver, and Also, petition of John Walsh and 21 others, of St. Clair County, I ask that it may be printed as a public document. Michigan,. for the same relief-to the Committee on Ways and Means. The VICE PH.ESIDENT. That order will be made, if there be no o~jection. • Mr. HALE. I present the petition of l\frs. l\Iima A. Read, praying for the passage of a pension bill in her favor, and move that it be re­ SEN.A.TE. ferred to the Committee on Pensions, which has already a bill covering l\foNDAY, December 8, 1890. the objects of the petition. The motion was agreed to. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Mr. HISCOCK presented the petition of 29 citizens and business The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and ap­ firms of Buffalo, N. Y., praying for the passage of a "rebate amend­ proved. ment" to the internal-revenue law relating to tobacco; which was re­ INTERSTATE CO::\DIERCE. ferred 1.o the Committee on Finance. The VICE PRESIDENT laid bE\fore the Senate a letter from the He also presented a petition of 11 citizens of Clifton Springs, .N. H., chairman of.the Interstate CommerceCommissiou, transmitting, in ac­ praying for the passage of a "rebate amendment" to the internal­ cordance with the provisions of the act of Congress to regulate com­ revenue law relating to tobacco; which was referred to the Committee merce, the fourth annual report of the Interstate Oommerce Commis­ on Finance. sion; which was referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce, l\fr. DOLPH presented a petition of citizens of Oregon and Wash­ and ordered to be printed. ington, praying for an amendment to the tariff Jaw providing for a re­ bate on unbroken and factory packages of smoking and manufactured PETITIONS .A.ND MEMORIALS. tobacco and snuff; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. l\Ir. VANCE presented a petition of citizens·of Lenoir County, North REPORTS OF CO:\IMITTEES. Carolina, praying for the passage of a tobacco-rebate bill; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. DOLPH, from the Committee on. Public Lands, to whom was l\ir. ALLISON presented the petition of C. A. Starks and 30 other referred the bill (S. 458) enJarging the rights of homesteaders on the citizens of the State of Iowa, the petition of S. B. Gilmore and 20 other public lands, reported it with an amendment. citizens of the State of Iowa, the petition of Turkenkoph Brothers and Mr. WILSON, of Maryland. I am directed by the Committee on other citizens of Connersville, Ind., and the petition of J. E. McLoud Post-Offices and Post-Roads to report adverseJy certain resolutions re­ and 13 other citizens of Penn Yan, N. Y., praying for the passage of a ferred to .them during the last session of this Congtess, offered by sundry rebate amendment to the tariff and tax law approved October 1, 18fJO, Senators, relating to certain claims of third, fourth, and fifth class post· relating to tobacco and snuff; which were referred to the Commiitee masters for increased compensation, and to req nest that such resolutions on Finance. be indefinitely postponed. • Ile also presented the petition of James B. 1\iulford, of Wilton Junc­ The VICE PRESIDENT. It will be so ordered. tion, Iowa, prayiug for the correction of his muste;r roll·; which was re­ Mr. HIGGINS, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, to ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. whom was referred the bill (S. 3770) to incorporate the Wa.,shington and He also presented a petition of seventy-four citizens of Davenport, Arlington Railway Company of the District of Columbia, reported it Iowa, and a petition of the Business Men's Association of Davenport, with amendments and submitted_a report thereon. Iowa, pmying for the improvement of the Mississippi River from Cairo DILLS INTRODUCED. to the Gulf; which were referred to the Committee on Commerce. l\Ir. SHER~I.A.N introduced a bill (S. 4552) for the relief of Battelle Mr. GIBSON presented a petition of the l\Iemphis (Tenn.) Cotton Ex­ & Evans; which was read twice by its title, nml, with the accompn.ny­ change, praying for the improvement of the Mississippi River; which ing papers, referred to the Committee on Claims. was referred to the Committee on Commerce. He also introduced a bill (S. 4553) to provide for the erection of an Mr. PAYNE presented a memorial of the Akron (Ohio) Iloar<l of extension to .the customhouse, courthouse, etc., building at Toledo, Trade, remonstrating against the passage of the Conger lard bill, and Ohio; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee indorsing the Paddock pure-food bill; which w:i.s referred to the Com­ on Public Buildings and Grounds. mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. Ile also introduced a bill (S. 4554) for the relief of Jacob R. Davis; l\fr. WASHBURN presented a resolution of the Board of Trade of which was read t\vice hy its title, and referred to the Committee on Minneapolis, Minn., favoring a reduction of postage on drop letters to Claims.
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